The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 23, 1872, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. Itrcctiliiir SvtIiic I'ork is low In prlcojiist now. Tlirro h no doubt of tho fact, anil ninny far mer nromkliiR tlio question, will It pay to focil pigs under tho circum stances? To which wo nnswer, It de pends upon tho prlco of corn. Pound for pound, pork is ns high now ns beer, or even mutton, runt It certainly costs less to produco porK from good pigs tlinn beef from good cuttle. Hut It docs not pny to breed or to feed poor liogs. The hog is i voracious nnimnl, mid tin iest bis voracity can bo turned to pro fitable account it is bcttter to liavo nothing to do with him. Tho great ma jority of farmers who breed pigs do so without dcflnlto aim towards produc ing a proiltablo animal. Most of them bavo got a nondescript sort of stock, of no particular breed, and rcmnrkablo only for conbinlng as many of tho bad qualities and as few of tho-good points asltls possible a bog can have, llav- lug come to him as it wero as a legacy they look upon it as being a bounden duty to perpetuate tho race. Yet bad as these hogs aro they liavo two redeem lug points. In tho ftret placo thoy aro hardy, and bavo good constitutions and in tho second placo thoy aro capa bio of being rapidly improved at small cost, by crossing them with tho modern Improved breeds of puro-blooded sorts, Uso what breed you will to begin tho improvement, if it is only persevered Inby thoso who understand thebusiness it must result proMably. -.lmerfean Mural Home. How Should Manure Do Applied. Observation and experience Bhould determine tho mind of tho farmer In regard to tho best plan of applying ma nure, whether to plow it under deep, or leavo it on tho surface. Tho advocates of surfaeo manuring speak against ma nuro being turned under too deep whilo tho advocates of deep manuring charge surfaeo manuring with fertll iztug tho atmosphere. Put there is a medium courso and each theory i3 supported by plausible arguments. However, there aro truo philosopical principles against burying manuro too deeply in tho earth. Tho loss of tho salino matter of tho manuro by solution and inUttratiou will bo great in porous soil, and tlio evaporation, to which so much loss is attributed by tho30 hold ing opinions ndversoto surfaeo manur lug, would bo only a small drop in tho bucket compared with tho loss by solu tion. In porous soils it is well known tha manuro will penetrate toagrcatdepth and much animal matter may descend beyond tlio reach of surfaeo growing plants. Humus is formed by tho decay nnd decomposition of vegetablo matter which in tho philosophy of nature is manipulated on tho surface, benco tho rulo in thcappllcation of manuro should bo taken from tho indication of nature and science. Tlio decay and eousump tion of one crop for tho nourishment of another, and tlio droppings of animals and defoliation of trees nnd plants aro all left on tho surface. This seems to contradict tho idea of any loss by evaporation. It will, therefore, bo best to adopt tho plan of deep cultivation but to keep tho manuro and vegetablo matter as near tlio surfaeo as possiblo. Tliero is always sorao loss by evapora tion, but mucli less than by infiltration Put it should bo a leading idea with farmers to bo close observers of such natural operations in tho growth of spontaneous and cultivated vegetation, and accommodate their practico so as to imitate nature as near n3 possible. Farm Journal. Spoiling1 Horses' Feet. It is almost imposslblo to get horses shod without having tho frogs cut away, AH veterinary surgeons.all horsemon,all leading blacksmiths, agree that tho frog should not bo'pared ouo particle not even trimmed. No matter how parable and soft tho frog is, cut it away smooth on all sides, and In two days it will bo dry and hard as a chip. You might as well cut off all tho leaves of tree3, and expect them to flourish, us to paro away tho frog and bavo a healthy loot. Tlio rough, spongy part of tho frog is to the foot what leaves aro to tho treo lungs, Never liavo a rcil hot shoe put upon tho foot to burn it level. If you can find a blacksmith that is mechanic enough to lovel tho foot without red hot Iron, employ him. Tho burning process dead ons the hoof and tends to contract it. If yon do not think so, try tho red hot poker on your finger nail, and see if it will not affect tho growth of that. There aro many Important points in shoeing horses, but these two aro of moro importance thau all thorest, lovel to tho apprehension of men not skilled in horses, and the two most disregarded. Mirror and Farmer. Care of Implements. There is probably no text on which moro preaching Is dono by tlio agricul tural press than that which heads this article And yet farmers aro either for. getful of the lesson, or aro too careless of their own interests to act upon it. Wo wero especially reminded of this by seolne;, in tho courso of a rldoof ninety tunes tiirougli"au average agricultural district, tho following tools lying out exposed to tlio weather, viz: Forty four plows, twenty.threo harrows, seven mowers, a reaper with boater and plat, form as last used, wagons too numerous to count, and, in ono Instance a sot of bar- new hanging on a fence. The plows wero mostly sucking in tho furrow whoro they had been last used. Now, It is natural to supposo that tho owners ot all theso tools and implements nover seonn agrl. cultural paper, or they could not resist tho ro-Hcratcd advico to tako better euro of thoir property of such a perishable naturo." It is safe to say that theso tools, kept under cover when not In use, will last moro than twlcoaslotigas they will whon exposed to rain and sun. Tho loss is thus a serious one, and wo regret when wo think that wo can not reach sucii farmers by a word of ad vice. A merlcan A grlc.ulluralist. ! It is n very good plan every washing duy, beforo the hot suds aro thrown out to gather up tho tin ware that Js In dally uso nnd wash it well with a wool on cloth In the tub or boiler. Tho bright ness thus given to it Is nicer than from scouring ; besides, tho ware is not worn out, and tlio scums about tlio handles and spouts can bo made very clean. With careful usngo, tin and brlttaunla waro need not wear out or fall Into disuEO, hardly In one's life timo. All such waro bhould bo mado dry about ho kitchen stovo beforo It Is put nwfly. YoUiig Folks. A True Story with n 1'nlry in It. 11Y IUiIO BTANLEY. "O (Irnuny, If 1 had but ono littlo picco of all this treasure, what a glad girl I should bo I" Little lloso Dlbblo stood at tlio comer of two streets, holding fast to her grand mother's hand, whilo sho gazed With wldo open oyes into a window rich with gold and silver ware, which seemed to her an lncxhnusllblo initio of wealth. It was a dreary night In Pcccmbcr, and tlio chilly wind, carrying tho snow flakes hither and thither, blow her hair in golden tangles all about her lit tle wlilto face. "You will nover liavo that, Itoslc," through mo." Whon her grandmother said that, Rosio hastened hor stopa, holding lior breath as sho passed by tho beautiful windows; for tho breath that camoovor her palo littlo Hps was tlio breath of de sire, so bard for a child to control. Sho di d not seem to feel tho cold that night, perhaps becauso tho wind of ad versity had been blowing cold upon her young llfo over sinco alio could remem ber. And Just then, too, her heart was so warin with tho flro of sweet fan cies 1 Put tlio heart in Itoslo's body was n tender one, and at tho shiver which ran through her grand mother's framo, sho tlghtoncd her hold on her wlthorod hand, hurrying moro swiftly along tho snowy foot path. They wero soon out of tho city, tho snow like cloud about them, thobrlgh t lights fading iiko a dream in tho dis tance, and their homo, poor and cheer less through it wai, a friendly sight. Thoy reached tho door and went in. It was but n poor shelter against tho bit ter storm, tho two littlo rooms in tho midst of tho wide desoltite common ; hut Rosio barred tho door, lighted a I tiro of sticks, and put a now candlo in tho iron candlestick ; then sho crept closo to her grandmother's feet boforo tho fire. Her grandmother wi3 the only friend llosio had in tho world, nnd Koslo Was tho ouo troasuro her grandmother had left, so that tlio lovo thoy gavo each other was undivided. "Aren't you going to get to bed, Rosio," her grandmother asked, at length, "whilo tho room is warm V May bo you'll have happy dreams beforo the dawn." "No," slid Rosle, shaking lior head till tho curls tumbled about her face ugain ; "you must tell me a story first. Let it bo of tho summer-limo you used to know when you wero littlo liko mo." "Littlo liko you! Ah, Rosio, child, that was such a long, long timongo that it makes me dizzy to look back to it ! Put I Uream sometimes of a brighter summer-time, when I shall leavo this worn out house, drop off theso wrinkles and gray hairs, and bo at homo in pleas and gardens with tho river of life flow ing through." Rosie looked up In amazement as tho dear voice dropped intosilonce; but there was a srallo on tho wrinklod face, and a glow, like that of tho morning, over tho gray pallor of the sunken cheeks. "Ah," thought Rosie, to herself, "If I might only get thero too, wlioro it is al ways summer!" And sho shivered, for tho sticks had burned out, and the coals wero burning to ashes. Put thero was a tiny glow in ono cor ner of tho hearthstone, and, almost as if her thought had answered itself, a low voico like music roso from the midst of tho ashes. Rosio looked again, rubbing her eyes to be sure she was awake, and there, bo foro her, in plain sight, was the pret tiest littlo croaturo your bright fancy can paint. Shobluehadcyes.and a golden halo about her head j so that Rosie could not tell where the gold of her hair faded into tho gold of tho atmosphere which surrounded her. "How camo you hero?" asked Rosie, softly. "All her llfetimo I have lived In your good grandmother's heart," 'said tho dear littlo fairy, in her musical voico. 'Now the spark of her life is gono out, and lam waiting to know if you will let mo stay with you." "Put who aro you?" cried Rosio, in amazement. "You wished but a minutoago," con tinued tho fairy, "that you could go where your grandmother is gono. I am the Fairy of Kind Word3 and doricr- ous Deeds and if you lake mo into your hcar.t, I can show you tho way, and iclpyou to get thore." "I will," cried Rosio, with a suddon sweet resolution. Aud then, somehow, boforo sho knew it, in somo mysterious way tho door of her heart swung open, nnd tho beauti ful fairy slipped in. Rosio felt her heart grow warm and satisfied, and hiding her sleepy oyo3 on her graudraother's cold knees, sho fell asleep, whilo tho candle, too, burned down to a littlo spark and went out. In tho morning, a rich lady was rid ing by in her sleigh, all covered with soft fur robe, and discovered little Roso through tho half-open door which tlio wind had torn from its fastenings. Cloven with pity, sho took her to her own luxurious-home, which was bright with everything but children's faces. adopting her for her own littlo daughter. Thero tho fairy stayed with littlo Roso Dlbblo, until sho, too, grow old. Sho heeded all tho wiso fairy's monitions. dealing out bountifully tho comforts which had so Btrangely como to her, to tho poor and uni'ortunato for miles around so that ovory voico liftod as sho went by called licr blessed: and every step sho took was a step towards that beautiful summerland, wliero her dear old grandmother had gono. The Lion and the Hare. A lion onco honored a liaro with ids friendship. "is It really a fact," demanded tho hnro, "that tho crowing of amlserabio cock is sulllcient to compel you lions to tako to flight V" "Such Is undoubtedly tlio enso," re plied tho Hon ; "and It is a general remark that wo largo animals nro usually possessed by somo trivial weak. ness. You must liavo heard, for exam ple, that tho grunt of pig causes 'aston ishment and fright in thoeiophnrjt." "Indeed I" interrupted ' tho. hare. Hal now I can understand why wo hnres nro bo terribly nfrnld of tho dogs." Fatout Medicines. N APPEAL To Debilitated Persons, To Dyspeptics, To BuiTerers from Ltvor Complaint, To thoso hnvlntf no Appetite, To thoso witli Prokon Down Consti tutions, To Nervous people, To Children Wasting Away, To any with Debilitated Dlgestlvo Organs, Or suffering with ana of thcfollowinn Symptoms, which Indicate Disordered JAver or Momat1, such ns Con. sttpatloti. Inward Piles, Fulness or llloml to the Head, Acid ity of tlio Stomach, Nnusen, Heartburn, Disgust for Fond, Hour Erusc'tatlons.slnklngor Flut tcrlngat tho Pit oftho Stomaeh.HwIin. mlngoi tlio Head, Hurried nnd Difficult llreatliliu, Fluttering nt tho Ilojrt, Choking or SuH'ocallng Sensations whon In n Lying Fos turo, Dimness of Vlslou, Dots or Webs boforo tho Slght,Fovor and dull pain In Iho lisad, Deficiency of Persplrntton, Yellowness of tho Skin nnd Eyes, Pain in tho Hldo, Hack. Chost, l.lraos, o., Huddeu Flushes or lloat, Hunting In the Flcsli, Constant Imaginings of Evil, nud great Depression of Spirits, HOOFLAND'S U HUMAN BITTERS. A Hitter without Alcohol or Spirits of nay kind, Is different from nil others. It is composed of uiu line juices, or , ifiu i-nncqnc oj aoois.jieros. nud Jlarks, (or n.s Medicinally termed Extracts,) tho worthlessor Inert nortlons of tho Ingredients not betllir used. Therefore In nun Hnttfn nf this Hitters tncro is contained ns much medlelnnl vlrtuo ns will bo found In several gallons of or- uinary mixtures, 'ino itoots, ac, used m mis Hitters nro grown In Germany, their vital prln elplcs extracteil in Hint country by n scientific Chemist, nnd forwarded to tho manufactory In this cltv, whero tnoy are compounded nnd bot tied, containing no spirituous Ingredients, this llltterfl Is free from tho objections urged ngalust nil others: no dcslro for stimulant can be In duced from their uso, thev cannot mako drunk ards, nnd ennnotuudcrnny circumstances, have any but a beneficial effect. HOOFLAND'S OERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not Inclined to extreme bitters, nnd Is Intended for uso In cases when somo nlcoholio stimulant Is required in connection with thoTonlo propcrtlosol tlio lilt ters. Knch bottlo of thoTonlo contains ono bot tle or tho Hitters, combined with pure SANl'A CRUZ HUM, unit tlavorcd in such n manner Hint tho extreme bitterness of the bitters Is overcome, forming i preparation highly ngremblo nnd tho palate, nnd contntnlug tho medi cinal virtues ol the iltlttrs. Tho prlco or the Tonlo Is 81.50 per Hottlo which many persons think too high. They mnsl take lntoconsldera tlon that tho stimulant used Is guaranteed to b ofn puro quality. A poor article could bo fur nished ntnebea ner nrlce. but is It lint better In nav n littlo more nnd have n cood article 7 A medi cinal preparation should contain none but tho best Ingredients; nud they who expect to obtain n cheap compound, nnd bo benellllc.1 by It will most certainly be cheated. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN MTfEIfJ, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, WITH HOOFLAND'S FODOrHYLLIN PILL, WILT. CURE YOU. They nro tho Greatest 11 I. 0 O 1) 1' U li I F I E R S Known to tho Mcdlcnl world, nnd will eradl c.itedlsoases arising Horn Impure blood, Debility of tlio Digestive Organs, or diseased l.lver, in a slioi tor time than any other known remedies. Tho whole SUPREME COURT of Pennsylvania SPEAK FOll THUMB REMEDIES. Who would ask for moro Dignified and Stronger Testimony ? Hon. UKonriE W. WooDWAitn, former Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, a present Member of Congress from rcnnsylcanla writes: PiiiLAnELrniA, March ldth, 1S07. I find "Hoofland's German Hitters" Is ngood tonic, useful in diseases of tho digestive organs, and of great benefit Incomes of debility nnd want ol nctlon in tho system. Yours truly Geokge W. WooiiwAitu. Hon. JamehTiiomson, Chief Justice ej theSuprcme Court of 1'cnnsylcania. Philadelphia, April is, 1SC7. I cousldor "Hoouand's Germnn Hitters" a vnl liable medicine In oaso of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe- rience of it. iotirs, with respect, Jamks Thomson, Hon. Sn.UtswoOD, Justice of the Sireme vouri 0 i-cnnsywama. Philadelphia, Juno 1, ISC3. I have lound bv exocrlenca thatirnnfinnii'n German Ultters" Is a very good tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. GEoitau HUArswooi). Hon. Wm. F. Rogers, Mayor of the Cityof Jluffalo. X 3". Mayor's Office, Buffalo, Juno 2, 1809. I have used "Hoollands Gorman Hitters nnd Tonlo" In my family during tho past year, nnd can rccommond them ns nn excellent tonic, Im parting tone nnd vigor to tlio syhtem. Their uso Iihs beeu productive of decidedly beneficial effects. Wm. F. Houees. Hon. James M. Woo.1, Kx-Mayor of WMiamspcrt I tako groat pleasuro In rccommendlnj " Hoof land's German Tonlo " to nuy ono who may bo nUlictcd with Dyspepsia, I hrul tho Dyspepsia so badly 11 was impossible to keep my food In my stomach, nnd I beenmo so weak ns not to bo nblo to walk half a mile. Two bottles of Tonioetlected a perfect cure. Jamki M. Wood. nUMKMBUlt that HOOFL.YND'H GEIIMAN lHTTEr.S, AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Will Curo every caso of M A Ji A S M U S, Or Wasting nway of tho Hody. REMEMBER that HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Aro tho medicines you requlro to purify tho Blood, exclto tho torpid Liver to healthy action, nud to enable you to pass.salely ihn Ml nny hardships or exposure. DU. HOOFLAND'S O I) O P II Y L L I N HUJ13TITUTE FOR JlEUC'UP.V PlI.US. TWO riLLX A DOSE. 'J he most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Calhartlo known. I t is not necessary to tnko n liaudfnllof Uioso Pills to produce the desired oilect! two or thorn net quickly nnd powerlully, cleauslugthoLlvur. Htomacli und liowoTs of ull impurities, Tho principle Ingredient Is Podophylllu, or the AIco hollo Extract of Mandrake, which la by many times moro powerful, noting nnd soarohlng than tho Mnudrnke iUiolf. Its peculiar nctlon Is upou the Liver, cleaning it speedily from nil obstruc. lions, with all tho. power ol Mercury, yet tree from the Injurious results nttached to the uso of tliHtmluorul, For all diseases In which tlio uso of n cnthnrllo Is Indicated, Ihono pills will give entire BatUfuu tlon in every case. Thoy NEVER FAIL. In cases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and extreme costlvencss, Dr. Hooflaud's German Hitlers or Tonlo should bo used Ir. connection with tho Pills. Thu tonlo effect of the Hitlers or 1 onto builds up the system. The Hitters or Tonlo purines Hie Blood, urengthens tho Nerves, imu 1 id vigor'0 lAvur' uua K,vea Hrenctli, energy Kccpyo'ur Bowels active with tho Pills, nud ouo up tho syhtem with Hitters or Tonic and yon fan retulu the hold, oroveuussall Recollect that It Is DR. HOOFLAND'S OER r.T " that nre bo uulvertully m.od and i. ,co.mminUluS u"u a "How tho ,7,rni t1i'.u,cll.":0 yu lo tulte nuythlng that he larger iront on It? 800ll bl'cau" he make" u These Remedies will be tent by expross to PAL OFFICE, at the OlSUMAN MEDICINE STORE, 031 Arch St., Philadelphia. "ru"1"'' CII.IS. 01. EVAXN, I'ropi'lotor. These Itomcdles are for sale by Uraggl its rjitlc tcptrs, and Medicine Doalcrs very w Miscellaneous. J W. NIL133, music w a nji n o o m s A general assortment nf MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AI.WAYH ON HAND. VIOLINS, (.ONCEIITINAH, KLAOOLETJ, FIFES, DRUMS, HARMONICAS, Ac. VIOLIN STRINas OF THE BEST QUALITY THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC. PIANO AND OIIQAN STOOLS ALL STYLES ANDFRICm. A I1ISTTKII ASSOUT.IIKNT OP ORGANS THAN CAN UK FOUND ICI.SKWHIJUi:. iuti TEMI'LK ANGELIC ORUAN WHICH HAS THE SWEETIMT TONE THAT CAN BE FOUND IN A UEED ORUAN. S-Call nndoxamlno beforo nurchnsln elpo ;! .!.. m1" nueu,, oeiow Ainrnol ppposl to Corel I's furniture warerooms, lllooms burg, Pa. uuK.iBVMy wnerq. wnroroom Main Street, below Mnritnt. HEAD QUARTERS FOR SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT E. M. KNORR'S CHEAPEST AD D 3 i V The County Affords A T CASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Before Purchasing Elsewhere. E. M. KNORR, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Septembers 1871-tf. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE CUSTOM DXdlIDE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE It V. S T W O I! li .11 12 JV. For pond fits nnd promptness In lltlluss unit Ihcie Is tho placo to go. Ills OOOds nre holeetoil with rorn nml hlu Pna. torn Work will eomnnro favorablv with the bp.t etlorls of tho faxhlouablo city Dealer, HE 1CEEPS A LARQE STOCK OF HOYS' AM) CIIIU)IJi:N'S t'l.OTinXU AND WESTS' VIIUXISIIE.VK GOODS, At Astonlslilnglv Low Prices, llloomkburi;, Sept, 29, IS71-II JOHN a. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFEOTIONERYI UERWICK, PENN'A, Tho lindcislened would resneetrnllv Inform the CltlzeiiH of Iicrwlck, aud vicinity, that he has opened a Confectionery aud llaltery lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick. Pa., whern hn Is nrAnnrm! fn riiriilkh nil kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac., Ac, Ac, Ac, UY W1101.K3AI.IC AND RETAIL. Among the assortment will bo found Crenm ixuin, r.uKiisu wnmuu, I'eauuts, Almonds, Fll s, I'.jiBllsh Wnluuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Fil ".' , lP Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Jellies of Jltler kinds, Mustard. Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate, ned Fruit of ull kinds, Com Starch, Es Ills' Krwln (Vnnlfurii n,tii,.. n 1 jVi. out kl Canned cult, Boua crackers, Oykter Crackers, Cheese, Kftntl Wf-ftttiv fin,u.r A ... . . ... ' .... velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And produco of all kinds. Fresh Dread an Cukes every day. Jco Cream lu Season. Your patronage fs solicited. ..,... JOHNO, JACOBY. Berwick, Jan 171 tv A3EUT3 VTl-.tll f'.t TwelFe Year; is among a tho WuIniHaf. Rains. The remarkable adventures nf tha famous WHITE CUIEFnnd UIU WARRIOR anoiiu the Red Skins. Thrilling accounts of Ureut Hunts, Hairbreadth Escapes und Torrlbla Contests with the big Kuine aud hostile tribes. Spirited descrip tions of the habits and supeistltlons or thnl ftrauge people, Their Hrl. Legends. Tradi tions. How they Woo and Wed, Scalp. Doctor: Worship, 4c. New. Fresh and Popular, Price Low. It Is kelllug by the tliousauds Willi won. Uerful rapidity. Agents nro muklug from ISO to tlWJ per week. Choice Meld yet vacant. Beudnt once for.'samplo chapters. Illustrations nnd par ticulars to A. If. IIUUI1ARD, Publisher, Jani! uu Chestnut Ht Phlia. MiBcollnnoous, jyjlLLER'H STORE. 8. If. MILLER & HON, hnvo removed their Storo to tho room formerly occupied liyMcndcnhnll.tiii Mnln street, lllooms burg, nearly opposite tho Episcopal Church whoro they nro determined to sell on ns modcrnlo lerms ns can bo procured else where. Thlt r slock comprises LADIES' 1JRE33 U00D3 ot tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Uoods and ()rn cerles, consisting nf tho following articles Carpets, Oil Cloths, oths, Casslmercs, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods Linens, Hoop Skirls, Muslins, ltollowwnre Ccdnrwaro Queenswaro, Hnrdwarj Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glasssa, Tobacco, CoCco, Sttgjrs, Tens, l'.lco, Allspice, Glngor, Cinnamon, Nutmcf,: AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, in nnori, everything usually kept in country tores, to which they invite the attention of the publlo gonerally, Thehlghcnt prlco will be paid ror conntry produco lu eschange for goods. B. II. MILLEHAHON, octl3'71-:f DloomsburgPu, N EV STOCK Ol'1 CLOTHING. Kresli nrrlvnl of FALL AND WINTER GOODS DAVID LOWENBERO Invites attention to his stock or CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his storo ou Mnln Street, InShlvo's block, ono door West C. C. Marr's store, Bloomsburg, Pn., where no lias Just received from Now York nud Philadelphia n full nssorttnent of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lucludlni; the moat fashionable, dntnblo, and iiauusomo dress nnnnH. consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of nil sorts, sizes nnd colors. He has also repen i-sueu uis lui cuuy largo Biocil oj FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS. STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESrS SHIRTS, CILVVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES. no nas constantly ou uiinu a lurijo and Well-Be ecled nESorlmcnt of CLOTHS AND VEST1NGS, which he Is prepared to mnito to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In the best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo niunufactnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEW'SLRY. ol every description, fluo nnd cheap. Ills caso ol fcwelry Is Hotsurpasccd In tlilsSploco, Call und oxnmlno hla general assortment or CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, 4.C. octl3'71 DAVID LOWENBERO. IID1LS Tin: jxgiu:l' n:T3 that CO.MPOSi; IKJrfADAMS aro MLli!icil ou fvci v pachajjc, there luro it io not. i ecucl preparation, consequently rnYsicm'3 rr.KScaiBi: it It is a certain ono for Scrofula, 'VpIiiIm in all it funn'f, lilicunia-, iikm iJHrmi'-ij livcr Coin '(iljint a nil uU disease j of tho JfluoJ. v.'il! ilo more puod than ten boltle of tlio Syrups of Karaaparilla. THC U:lD:R'!iaNE:D PHY01CIAN3 liavo u'-ed IU iailalis in thcirprnctira ior llio pisl threo years and fuely er.ilotsij it ,s a rt li.iblo ARcralUa and l;!ood 1'tirilicr. Dlt.T. C. PCnt.of ll.dllmoio. I)il. T. J. I..JVKI.V, " 1'I. I!. V.' C l:i:t o. r . i lly, " : t J. ! . -.'.hills, ol Nicholas! 111c, nr.. V L. McCAIlTlIA, Columbia, !'. I . . ..lii.LI , Ldscccmb, N. C. i. li. vr.i..sviii.oxs,raiinirtr, Mi-s. V . SVITI', Jscl.-nn, Mirli. . 1' Will 1.1 ll.I.u.ia, Ulilo. t I1 VI I., tlllKl. It - 1.N i; I c)..i!i.u!nii5vllle, Va. AJl'I.. ('. .Mil'ADDEN, Murlrces. ton, Tcun. Our ' pace ' iilnr-t allmv of anv pv. tr i led U'.l. uUs la ji'latlon to tlio .lilt sol lio adaln. TutJio Mcdic.J i'iuW slici v. ot;unantco a Fluid E tra'tfiiipt'llorto any they liao cer u,t'd in tlio trrariiient ot diseased IMondi and tti thef.llllrted mc say try Itosa'InliH, I Juu ,ill lo lestorcd tu health. Itosa.lalh I, sl,l ly all DrtirclstJ. prao &i.jJ per utile. Addrtsj S3. CEMENTS ft 01 ' Manufacturing ChmUtt, Baltiuoui:, Hd. ALTIMORE PIANOS. Wo reSDectfnllv null th nttnnllnn nt lirM desiring to purchase our mako or Pianos. Wo aio Hstlrtttoa that we eon glvo satisfaction In every caso. Our workmen skillful nud experien ced und nro under tho perhouul superintendence of tho members or our firm. Wo uso only tho best seasoned timber, nnd the material In gene ral Is Ilrst class. Our Pianos without exception have the patent ngrafles arrangement throngh- wi.i,, iu nie opiuuiu oi ino most compe tent Judges Is pronounced valuable. By this im- ' provemcnt n Plnno Is made more duiablo nud , aeeps ino vo-ie longer, we claim for our Instru ments that they uro second tu none, and they combine nil tho essential elements thnt consti tute superior, workmanship. Wo will give n written gunrautoo for live yeais. Mr. Cunhau Fkkiman, luembar of our Arm, will visit Bloomsburg lour tlmosnyenr to re pair nud ntteud lo tuning of nil Pianos. In the ubsoucoot Mr. Fiikiman, Mr. I. K, Milleu will ntteud to our buslueks In llloomsburg and Is authorized to receive und solicit orders. Wo can glvo the very best lefereuees. OAEHLE & CO. . , Baltimore, M. D. I. it,, Dealer in Pianos, Organs nnd Melodeous live octave and live stop urgaus ot the bust make, sold attllU. Terms easy, Juno Zi A OKNTS WANTED FOR Xi A VERY SUPERIOR ROOK, "BOW IN THE CLOUD." Edited by Rt. Rev. WM. HACON STEVENS, D. D., L. L. I). It is full of Iho richest nnd rarest thoughts, tin ioldlug thoploWouj Convenant Promises of our Hod. Superbly IllustratcdaudboundluiicuUo signs of ,ire elegance. It Is a Una among books. Xicm's Herald. It Is one of tho most eletnnt books ever Issued from the American press- H'afcAnian mid Relec tor. This Is a book of surpassing beauty. N, 1". 06 crttr. A J.OVEI.V UOOK 10 It A HOLIDAY OIST. Enriched with ai exquisite gems of poetry. Irst-class Agents nro mnkliig JlOto t'Alper dny, l rlcelow. Terms extra. For Circulors nddress, HU11UAR1) I1UOS., Publishers, dec's 71-tf . 7SI Bausom St., Phlia. m 0 ? I Bears' rAI'UABLB I'llOPISHTY FOll , SALE. Tlio undersigned wishing to rctlro from busi ness nowotrers nt prlvnte sain his entire proper ty situated lu Orangevllle, consisting ot u one bull interest lu the well known FOUNDRY AND ApiUCULTUItAL WORKS, I paether with the Engine, Lathe And other Ma chinery belonging to Iho same, also the entire stock now on baud, together with u valuable pair of horses, nnd the wagons, sleds, Harness, .Vc. ulso his town lots ou which Is erected n good frame dwelling, also, twenty-live acres, known as the Dr. Lott properly abuut ten or which are cleared, the balunce timbered. Priced reasonable. Possession given at any time to suit purchasers. Apply to or address. ...... WILLIAM BCHUYLER. oct, 6,'71-tf, oraugjvillo, Columbia Co Drugs nud Chomicala. f HE CAUSE AND OURE OF X CONSUMPllON. iho primary cnuso of Consumption Is derange menturihodlgestlvooignns. mis derangement produces ilellcicnt nutriilou nnd asslmllatlo u ly assimilation 1 mean that piocess by which the nutriment ol tho food Is converted Into blood, nud thonco Into tho solids of the body. Persons wllh digestion thus Impaired, having tho slightest predisposition lo pulmonary dis ease, or II thoy tako cold, will bo very llablo lo hnu Consumption of tho Lungs In somo or Us lorms; nud lliold Hint It will bo lmpoislbloto cure nuy cnRo of Consumption without first ro sloillig a good digestion and healthy assimila tion, tho very III st thing lo botlonols loclenuso the stomncuuud bowels Uomnlldlseasod mucus nud slime, wulch Is clogging theso organs to Hint theyenuuot perform their lunctluiis, und then lou-o up nnd restore tho liver lo it heiillhy nctlon, For this purpose tlio surest nun best lemedy Is Bcbouck's Mnnurnlcu Pills, Theso Pills elenu the stomach nnd bowels of nil tho dead nud moibld slltno that Is causing dlsenso und decay lu tlio wnoio system, Tney will clear uut tho liver ol nil diseased bile that has accum ulated there, nud rouso it up to n new and heiiltny nctlon, by which natural nnd licallliy bllo Is secreted, The slumuch, bowels, nnd liver nro thusclcnns cd by the uso of Schonca's Mnudraito Pills j but there lcmulus In tho stoniucti nu excess ot ucid, tho organ Is torpid nud Iho uppotito poor. In tho bowels thelacleals uro weak, and luipurlug stienglli and support, ltls iu n condition liko thlsluatschenek's seaweed Tonlo proves to bo tho most valuable remedy uver illeoveied. It lsnlknliuo, nnd Its uso will neutralize all excess of acid, making lliustomuch sweet nud lresh; It will glvo peiniancul lono to tills Important or gan, und create u good, hiarly appetite, und pre pale the system fur tlio Hut process ol it goou ill Kcstlon, and ulllmitcly multo good, nealiby, living blood. Alter this prepaintory treatment, whul remains tu curo most cases of Consump tion Is tho ireouud porseverlnguso of sctieuck's l'uimonlcsyiup. Thol'iiltuonicsyrup uouruties the system, pmiiles tho blood, nud Ureadlly ub soibedluto Hie cUculnttou, nud Ihelice Ulslrlb uled in the illaeused lungs. There It ripens nil morbid mutters, wuelher lu tho lonn ol abscess es or tubercles, und then assists N'ulilro lu expel ull tho diseased matter, lu tho form of Irco ex pectoration, when oucu It ripens. It Is then, by iho great healing and purllylng properties of Scllelick'H rulmonlu svitin. hull ml nlnei anil cavliles uro healed up houiut, and my patient la Tho essential thing to bo done In curing con sumption is lo get up a gooduppetllo nud a good digestion, so that tnu body will grow lu nosh und get strong. If n person has diseased Jungs, a cavity or abscess thete, tho cavity cannot henl,lho mutter cannot ripcu,so long as tho sys tem is below par. What Is necessary lo curo is n new order nl tilings, a good appetite, u good nutrition, tho body to grow lu ilcsli ana get lat: then IVnture Is helped, the cavities will heal, the matter will llpen and bo thrown oiriu ige quantities, nnd tho person regain strength. '1 Ills Is tho tine and only plan to etito Consump tion, nnd If a person Is veiy bad, If tlio lungs nro not entirely destroyed, or even It ono lung is en tirely gone, II thero Is enough vitality lelt lu the other to ileal up, therois hope. 1 hno btcn many persons cm cd with only ono sound lung, live and enjoy lite to a g'loii old Biro. This is what schenck's .Medicines will do lo curo Cousumptlnu. They will clean out tho stom ten, sweeten and strengthen It, get up ti good diges tion, aud glvo Nature tho assistance sho uteusto clear tho system or nil tho disease that Is In the lu ngs, whatever tho lonn may be. It Is Important that whilo using Schenck's Medicines, caio Hhould bo exercised not to tako coldj keep ln-doors iu cold and damp weal her; avoid night ulr, nnd tnko out-door exercise only In n genial nud warm sunshine. I wish It distinctly understood tint when I rec ommend a patient to bo carelul In legardlo tnk lngcold, while using my Medicines, t do so font special reason. A man who has but paitiallv re covered Irom Iho edicts or a bad cold Is larmore llablo lo a relapso than ono who litis beeu entire ly cured; nnd it Is preclsuly tho samo iu rcard to Consumption, So long us tho lungs uro not perfectly healed, Just so long Is thcio imminent danger of n lull leturn of tho disease. Hence It Is that I so strenuously caution pulmouary pa llents ngalust exposing themselves to an iilmos phcro that Is not gental and pleasant. Continu ed Consumptives' lungs nro n mass of sores, which tlio least change ol almospbero will In flame. Tlio grand secret of my success with my Medicines coiisMh In my ability tusubluelu llammallou Instead of piovokiug it, ns many of the taeultv do. An iullamed linn; eaiinnt. with safetv to tho patient, bo exposed to tho biting blasts of Winter or tho chilling winds ol Sprint er Autumn. It should bo carefully shielded irom nil Irritating lulluenees, Tho utmost caution should bo observed in this particular, us wltuout It ii euro under almost uny circumstances Is nu Impossibility. i uv person snotuu no Kept on a wiiolesoinoanil nutritious diet, nnd all Iho Medicines continued until thu body has lestorodto it tin, li.uninl quantity ol ilesh und strength. I was misolt cured by tills treatment of tho worst kind of Consumption, und Iiau lived to got lat and hearty these many years, with onu lung mostly gone. I liavo cured thoustitnlsKliieo and very many have been cured by thlstieatr luent whom I bavo never seen. juout tnu First ol October I expect to tako POsSCSslOll Of lllV HOW blllllllntr. ntllin Vnrllir.!,., Comer or Sixth and Arch Streets, wheio I shal bo pleased to glvo advico to all who may requlro Full directions ncconinanv all oiv Ttnmr.,llp so that iv person In any part of the world cm bo readily curt it by n sirlct obsorvsucool'tbosaine, J. 11. HUlIl.Ulv, m. 1). Philadelphia. Johnson. Holl.iwnv .fr. (!mvilnn Ml ' Arnlt u, Philadelphia, wholesalo agents. novl7'7I-iy. Dr. WALIirr.'- VINEG-AL - ! Hear testimony lo ih"lr "Won.: lulCuiatio LUccta. tf S ti IV HAT ARE r. v o TIIEY AKE NOT A VILE D R I PJ 1C iMtloc? P4JrsJftini,'U'hisUcy, Proof Splrito und lleftibu Licuuru doctored, eplccd and erect tned to plcasotho taste, callcd"ToalcQl""Arpctl2 era," " Ilcstorcrs," dc, that lead tto tippler ca to crnnlienncES and rnli.,butaroatnio Slcdicine. inado from tho Natlvo Roots and Ilcrbt) of California, freo from nil Alcoliulio Stlniulants. Tncyaro Uia JltEAT ULOOD l'UIllFlEIl nnd A LIFE ;IVIM! PllIN'CIPLE a perfect Renovator and Iavlgcrator of tlio BjEtcm, carrying otr all polsonoua matter and rcttorins tlio tlood to a ncaltliy cocflltloa. .o person cantaso tacto Elttcr accorclhia toihrcj- tion and remain Iocs unwell. 0 bluO wlilto civenforaa lararaUocasc.iiui'."l tlio bones aro not destroyed by mineral Poison or otner lacanB, and tno vital orsaca' v?nd tno joint of repair. l'nrlnfliimmmory nnd Chronic Khcnmn. I! tin nud tlout, DysDcpsIn, or ladlceutloii, Xilluue, Remittent nud Intermittent Fovea i!lrem.tu of the lSIood, Liver, Kidnejs, mid LInddcr, tncco llittcrn levo been Licit succccc- lu!. liucli DIscchco aro cccccd ly Vltlr.te.l Elocd. v, lilcli ia ccLCrslly iroduccdby icracttnont mo uiceetlvo Oicnuii. DYUl'KPMIA Oil INniUESTIt!?:. llcl aoLf, ivin in 1I13 tucUCcrj, CouECc.Tit'litccucf tlio CUct, Dijiaicsa, coar 1'iuct.tlono of tlio Etomaca, t jEte i.. tlu .nmn, Iitlmua AttacU, Palp.tatlca cr tlio Heart, iLCuiacLaacf tlio Lungs, 1'alnlnlno llona cf ilia Kifncya, nnd 0 l-ocSrcd otlier rualnl oniton.8,rro t:.o cbprlccaof Uytpcpala. 'ilnyinvUcra'.j II13 Etcinatli and Etima.ato t..a tor- 1 .Jl.vci aLd 'jcvil3,vUc!i render tlicni of nncnnallcl i.Jcacyla clctacaj luo Mood of all Impurities, oad 11 j artin; new ntd vigor to tlio wl.olo frstca. I'OU isKi:; :::aAliCS, Ernptlenj, Tetter, Calt I Ui : ., l:u ulus, inii:, rmnlcs.EollB. Car. Luat'. ,!..a-.,u.n:s, CcUMlcnd, Eoro L'yco.Errelp. Ua:;cU, tcui'.'j, Llscolcratlor.3 of IlioEliln.nuinoro d Ijijl ascs cl tlio Llila, of vhatc cr namo or nature. crj lltircllr dnj cp and carried out of tlio CTEtcni la a ii.ort t.iao by tlio uso of tlicco Bitters, Oaa bottlo la luch ci.re3 n-111 con laco U.o meet iacrctalons of tacir eoraiivo cucct. Clcacao t'ao Vitiated Blood wncnevcr you find Its JxpnrltlcsbcrctlngtUronch tao Elrtn larimplos, Ernp tiens cr Ceres 1 tlcanso It vucn you find It obstructed an! tlc3l5li la tho veins 1 clcaaso it wlica It Is foul, and yonr feelings will tell yon wticn. Keep tlio blood pnro and tlio licalta of tlio tyBtcni will follow. PIN, TAFEcndouicrWOIt.Ufj, lnrklnBlntno cyGtcm cf so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full dlrccUons, read carefully tl.o circular around each bottlo, printed la four Ian-eaajcs-EnsllEa.Gcrman, French end Bpanlsn, , J.WALCES, rrofrictor. R.n.ycEOSALD & CO., Dmjjuts and Ocn,, Ean Francisco, Cal and &J and Zl Coiuuicrco Street. Now York. &-BOLD lit ALL WiUllGISTS AND DEALEIia. !3'70-tt ass S r?s va" I V Sill ill w nun w MMvW Sss t4'J.i" C'.-'S u 75 , ttiey Ann not a vile 1 5 a 3 FANCY D R I PJ 1C . $M'i (TP A To nny person producing any Mi llclno show Ing half us many living, permanent cures as Du. FriLtn'i) Vkoutauli: Rhkumatio Kkmkuv, Used imeanlly only, A pleasant Medicine, free Irom Injurious drugs. Warranted, under oath, tohnVH permanently cured l)3ln every 1C0 patients treated In tlio past teu years, (eo testimony.) It Is the selentillo prescription of Professor Jos. P. Fitler, M. D , u graduate of tho University ol Pennsylvania A. D. ls.1.1, now ono or Philadel phia's oldest regular physicians, nud Professor ol Chemistry mm Toxicology, who luus made Neuralgia, Chrnnla und lullammutory llheuma tlsm tlio speciality of his entire prolesslonal life a fact vouched for by tho signatures accom panying each bottlo,ot!unuy prominent renown ed pnysicluus, clergy men, uutl other testimonials. To protect suilerers Irum poisonous itt;ick nos trums nud useless expeudlturo of money, n legal signed guuruulce.stutlngcxuct uumberof bottles warranted to cine, will be forwarded gratis to any sulleier sending by letter a full description of auilctlou, Iu ensoot failure to curo, amount paid positively relunded, Medlclno sent any where by express, collect on delivery, Atlllcled invited to write forailvlce; all Information and medical udvlce sent by letter gratis. Principal office. W South Fourth street, Phlladolpltla, Pa. The Remedy is sold or obtained by Druggists, iuarSl'7l-lv Miscellaneous. CONTINENTAL. Lifo Insurances Oompauy. OF NEW YORK. 1. of Policies issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUESnll tho now form of Policies innd ptesenls ns lavornble terms as nuy com pany lu tho United Htules, Tho company will mako temporary loans ou its policies. Thirty days' graco allowod on each paymont, nod tlio policy held good during thnt tlmo. All uur policies mo Incontestable for the usual causes, Policies issued by this company nre nou-for-Iclturo, No exti ft charges mado for travelling permits. Pol Icy holders sharo lu tho annual prolltsol the company, and have n voice In the elections nnd management of tho company. No policy or medical leo charged. .IIIHTUH LAWRKNCE, Pres't. , . . W. II. WYNKOOP, Vlcol'rcs't. .1. P. Ronnr.s, Kecretnry, H, C. CiiANOLUi:, Jr Actuary, Central Olce of lilli-Eastcrii Mu'a. "Columbian" Building- BLOOMSBURG, PA, LUDWKt & BROCKWAY, General Agents. Jan. 5,lS72-tf. PATENT AEION PIANO. The onlv nerfect Instrument in the World. Is unequnllat lu Rlcliness, Power, llrilllaney nnd .'v.i,.iiiiL,y, r,,L'eu.i leiius 10 le.icuers, aniriteii lavors to Clergymen. Send lor Illus' ruled Arion i-niupuiet. ('. W. FOSTER, Clenernl Agent, mar 10'71-lf. .M.tucii Ciiumc. 1'A (flAKRIAaE MANUFACTORY, Rloomsbnrg, Pa. U. C. SLOAN BROTHER Hnvo on hand nnd for snlo nt tho most reason bio rates n splendid stock of CARRIAGES, HUGOIES, and evoiy description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mado of tho best nnd most dar able materials, nnd by tlio most experienced workmen. AH work sent out irom the estab lishment will bo lound to beof the highest class nnd suro to glvo perleet satisfaction. They have also n nno assortment 01 SLEIGHS ofnlltbo newest nnd most l.ishlnnablo styleu won nnucareiuuy inane mm 01 ino nest mater mis. An lnsnectlon of thoir work Is nsked ns It believed that none superior can bo found In the country. juiii.i Hail Roads. T AOICAWAXNA AND BLOOMS JLJ lSURcl RAILROAD On nud aft jr Nov. i.7, 1S71.P run as follows : asseugor Trains wil Going North, Arrive Arrive Going South j-,eave i.eavt n. m. ti. m. ji.m. a. 111 Scran tou !U'J 1.11 1.1". 2.11 10.0 Fltlslou s.l.-i 11.52 ii.; Kingston 1 "t. oj C'rs 8.3.) 12.11 31 11.00 d W.l.ario Plymouth 8. Shickshlnny.... 7.3J llerwlck 7.1H Illoom 8.05 12.1,1 2.10 12.00 ::.cs 11.38 B.51 11.11 11.57 KI.W 1.27 Danvlliu Connection mado atMcrnnton bv the lll.IOn.m tral'i lor Great Rend, lllugliamtou, Albany nud nu points r.ortn, jvisi nun west. D. T. HOUND, Sup't. MOKTIIERN CENTRAL RATI. V WAY. Ou and after Nov, 12th 1871, Trains will leave SUNnuity ns follows : NORTHWARD. 12.30 p.m. I) lily toWllllamsport, Elrntra, Cannn- naiguii, jtoeuestor, tiuuaio, mtspeustonuriuge, nuu runs. 12. IJ I'. M. RufUilo, N. Falls, .to. COO i". M., Dallv, (except Sundays) ror William- sport aud Erlo, 1.33 i'. m.. Dallv. (oxeontSunilavs) for Elmlra, lluir.iloanil Niagara FalU, via. Erie railroad irum r.iuur 1. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 1.17 A.M. Dally for llaltlmore, Wnslilngton and j.'!lliauoipuiu, 10.O, A. M. Dally (oxeopt Sundays) for Baltlmori Washington ami Pal'atlolpula. 1.41 1'. M. Dally (oxeopt Sundays) lor lUltlnioro, Phlladelphl.i, .tc. KD. S. YOUNG. General P&sscuger Agent, AJ.FKED R. FlaK. Gen'L 8up't. gHOUTEST ROUTE EASTWARD Danville, Hazletou & Wilkestiarre RE. WINTER ARJlAXamrENTS. EASTWARD. 1.EAVS. WEIl'WARD. A. M.' I.UAVB. Suubury 23 1 "W York. Il.lllVlllO., c.unwlssa .... 7.ia! Fasten. 7.2S ... 0 US 1'. M, ax l'lllhl HelhleU'm, Huzletou Ilolhlehem, l'hlladelplila Munletou. 'U 12.10 Hazlcton. t'atawissa. Danvlliu. -J 2.1S it 4 A 12.11.1 New York, Suu bury. The nflernonii train eonneetsnt Simburv with Iho P. E, 4.35 p. 111, train going West; arrives at WtlllamsportiVlO; Lock Haven ;,!"", p.m., und with the Northern Ctlilrul 4 U) p, 111.. moving South, reaching Hurrlsburg 7.00 p. iu,, and llaltlmore 1u.11 ti, m., nuu uiso wuu 1110 nuuoury auu iew lstnwu Itallroail. Coinforinble nud handsome Coaches ou this new route. j, HEitVEY kauw, Hupenuicnuoui. CHOICE FAIRY GROCERIES DOWN IN PHIOE ar. n. ih a 1 z n ' s, Corner Jlaln and Ccntro sts., DLOOMSDURU, A new stock of Fresh Goods Just opened at MAIZE'S. Teas. .'ilIYos. SucrsirM. SYRUIW nud MOLAHHF.S. CHtElE, MEATS. SALT. FIHH. etc. VEGETABLES, HERMETICALLY Scaled fl noils. JELLIES and PRESERVES, PICKLES, f uituiurs auu uuaig.oj.ju riiuitw. An Elegant Assortment OF QUBBNSWARE Constautly on hand. Also WOOD. WILLOW and (J1.ARSWAIIE nf overy variety. All my goods are of the first nualltvnml nt r. tremely low prices, t Patont Modiciuoa, JJJONRY T. llELJIHOLD'. . COMPOUND 1'IiU I 1) HXTKAOT OATAWI1A 0 li A P K I I L L S. Oiwjjonenl Itrts-I1ut,t Extract Rhularb a..,t f'lutit trad Uttawba Urttpt MINERALS Oil DELHTUItlOUS DItL'GtJ, Those Pilla nro tho most delightfully plca'.an purgative, suporsodlug castor oil, salts, ma,., nesl.i, etc. Thero Is nothing moro acceptable 0 the stomach, They Rlvo tone, nud cause nelt 1 1 tiatiscn nor griping iiaius, They nro compo u otllio finest ingredients, After 11 few days' u j them, such nuiiivigorntiouofthoonilro sy.,t i takes placo ns tonppcnr mtrnculous to tno w and enervated, whetber arising from im " dcuco or disease. II. T. Hclmbold's CoinpJu. l'luidExIractCtlnwbnGrnno Plllsnro not t coated, from tho fact that sugar-coated Ph. (, not dlsolve, but pass through the stomach wltiiou dissolt Ing, consequently do not produco iho de. sired cirect. THE CATAW11A GRAPE PI,r,.j being pleasant In tasto suit odor, do not uccc 1. late their being sugir-co.ilol. PlttCE 1 1 n CENTS PER IIOX. numir t. UELiinoijytu HlOllbV COJtCKNTH.VTED COMl'OUHIl FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will rftillcnllv oxttrmlnato from the syi 1 Scrofula, Syphilis, Fever Soros, Ulcers, Moral Sore Legs, Soro Mouth, Head, Ilroueli Skin Dlsenses, Suit Rlieui.v, nukers, Rmiii from tho Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, I cerotiH Allcclious, Nodes, Rlckels.Glnndar lugs, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors ot a Kinds, Cliroulo Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, ami u disease thnt has beeu established lu tho m for years. lielng prepared EXPRESSLY for Ihonbove coin plaints, Its ULOOD.PURIFYING proprletn 1 r greater tints nuy oilier preparation ol Sar . ,u. rillu. It gives tho COMPLEXION n clear iu healthy color nnd restores tho patient tu a m -ol HEALTH nud PURITY. For Purifying tne lllood, removing all Chronic Constitution! 1 1 j. eases arising from nu Impure slnto or the biur.u And tho only reliable nnd ellectmil known r u . dy for tho euro ol Pains and Swellings ol 1 Roues, Ulcerations of tho Throat and I, Ulotches, Pimples on tno Fnco, Erysipelas i.,i all scaly Eruptions ul tlio Skin, and Rcr.uhl, 11 the Complexion, Price, Si 00 per Rot lie. II 13X11 Y T. IIELJIROLD'fi C'OXCKKlltATnD FL UID EXTHA OT 11 UCU I , THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured overy caso of Diabetes lu which 11 n been given, In ltatlon of Iho neck of tholllauii mid Inilnniinntlon oftho Kidneys, Clccratlob 1 tho Kidneys nml llladder. Retention of Urme Dlt cases or tho Prostate Gland. Stono iu the 111. der, Cnlculs, Gravel, Rrlckdusl Deposit, , Mucous or Milky Discharges, nnd for Enfei" and Delicato Constitutions or both Rexes, tme 1 ded with tho following symptoms: Iudi'.pi Hon to Exertion, loss 01 Powtr, loss of Mciuon Difficulty of llreathing, Weak Nerves, Trjiu bllug, Horror of Dlsenso, Waketulness, Dlnim . of Vision, Pniu lu tho Hack, Hot Hands, l'iti,u. Ing or tho llody. Dryness ol the Skin, Eruption on tho Fnco, 1'ullid Countcuauce, Uuiver a Lasslludo ortho Muscular System, etc. Usod by pcisotis Irom tno uges orelglitc 'u , twenty-live, nud from thlrly-llvo to fllly-ihe 01 lu tlio ileclluo or chnugo of life; nrter coniluc incut or labor pnln3; bed-wettlug In children. Ilclmbold'a Extract Ducliu l.s Dluielie nr.. niood-l'urllying, nnd cures all diseases ar. in, from Habits of Dissipation, nnd Excesses nut. Imprudences In Llle, Impurities of tlio lllood etc., superseding Copabia In uirectlons tor which It Is used, nud Syphilitic, Affections n dlsenses used lu counectlon Willi HELMni'lo'S ROSE WASH. LADIES. In many aOcctlons peculiar to ladles, too I.j. tract lluelm Is unequalled by any other ivun dy as is Chlorosis or Retentlou, Irregularis Pain fulness or Suppression of Customaiy Liuriia. lions, Ulcerated or Schlrrus Stato of Iho I itru, Lcucorrhcea or Whltes.Sterlllty.tiudforali mm. plaints Incident to tho sox, whether ausing hum Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. lie nn scribed extensively by tho most eminent pu. . lans nnd Jlldivlves for Enleeblcd nud Duini. Constitutions, of both sexes and all ajjcs an .. ded with nuy of tho nbovo diseases o r sj 111 .i ,n.s II. T. HELMIIOLD'S EXTRACT ill'L III CURES DISEASES ARISING FROS1 IMI'U' DENCE, HA11IT3 0F DISSIPATION. LP .. In all thoir stages, nt littlo expenso llt'le or chaugo In diet, uo Inconveulcuco, and no s posure. It causes a Ireauent desire, aud ,-ves strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obs""1 Hons, Preventing nnd Curing strlcluie.s 01 iu Urotba, Allaying Palu und Inllaniniaium bo frequent in this class of diseases, nud cxpeuai; nil Poisonous matter. I Thousands who liavo been tho victim- if in- competent persons, and who have paid ucuy fees lo be cured In 11 short time, have found tiuy hnvo been deceived, and that tho "Poison bus by tho uso of "powerful astringents," been dried up lu tho syidcui, to break out in n more uggrj vatetl form, and perhaps niter Man lage, Uso HELMCOLD'S EXTRACT HUCHt' for all All'ectlous nnd Diseases oftho Urlnnry Organs, whether existing In Malo or Female, Irom ever cause orlglnntlng, nnd 110 matter of uom long htaiidlng. PRICE ONE DOLL Ml AND FIFTY CENTS Villi DOTTLE. HENRY T. IIELMROLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo surpassed as a FACE WASH, sniff 1 bo found tlio only speclllo remedy in every species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee- Illy eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCOR1H I U DRYNESS, INDURATIONSofthoCUTANEOl S MEMI1RANE, etc., dispels REDNESS and N CIPIENT INFLAMATION. HIVES, U.VH MOTH PATCHES, DRYNESS OF SCALP Ol. SlilN, FROSTHITES, nnd all purposes lor winch SALVES or OINTMENTS nre used ; restore- tu skin to a stato of purity nuil softness, and In sures continued healthy nctlon to tho tissue o Its vessois, on which depeud the ngreoablo cle.o ness and vivacity ol complexion so muoh soucu' aud ndmlrcd, Dut howover valuable ns emody tr existing defects of the skin, II Helmbold's Roso Wash lias long sustained u principle claim lo unbounded patronage, possessing iiualltlcs which render it a TO1I.1.I' APPENDAGE of tho most Supcrlattvo ano Congenial character, coiublulug In an cleiii lormula those promlneutrequlslts, SAFETY a"' FFIOACY tho Invariable nccompanimom 01 its use as a Pieservntlve nnd Relre-sheroi uo Complexion, Ills an excellent Lotion lor ii'v asesofnSyphllltloNnturo.nndas nu mjoitno lor diseases of tho Urluary Organs, nrlsing fr habits of dissipation, used lu counectlon ' the EXTRACTS HUOHU.BAUSAPARILLA, " ' ' CATAWUA'GRAPE PILLS, lu btich diseases 11 recommcnJcd, ennuot bo surpassjd, I' t ONE DOLLAR PER UOfTLE. Full nud explicit directions accompany ' medicines. Evidence 01 tno most respousime ana reii.u" character furulshod ou application, with liun dresls of tliousanas of living witnesses, nud W ward of 30,000 unsolicited certificates nud reconi' meudatory letters, many of which are from u" highest sources, lucludlug eminent Physlclun Cleigymeu, Statesmen, etc. The pioprletor h ueverrcsorletl to their publication In tho new papersi he does not do this rrom tho fact tun ills articles rnnk as Standard Preparations, auu do not need to bo propped up by certificates. Ilcnry T. IIclmboIil'M Genuine I'rcnuratloiiN, Delivered: to any address. Be cure from obsei atlon, Established upwards of twenty years. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Address letters for in formation, In coulidence to HENRY T, HELM HOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only Depots! II. T. HELMIIOLD'S Drug ft'w Chemical Warehouse, No, 601 HroaUway, Now York, or to II. T, HELMIIOLD'S Medical Depot 101 South Tenth Sti eot, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR LI Ell COMPLAINTS, JAUNDKT liti 10U.4 AI'FECTIONH. HICK OU HURVo HEADACHE.COsJTIVENEiSH, Lrc. PI III VEOETAIILE, CONTAINING NO i '. 1 1 ueco-n-it j, U, MAIZE. UEWAUB OF COUNTERFEITERS.