The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 23, 1872, Image 3
The Columbian. Bloomsburg, Friday, Fob. 23, 1872, FRANK COOLEY, ASSISTANT L'lHTOlt. Itallroad Timo Tablo. LACKAWANNA & llLOOMHHUltO 11. It. Nntlll. South., Jlnll 1U:H A.M. BiMI'.M. Ami httiuiliilloh 4:11 A. l. li':J !' 1 iim lilsr.M.ftWA.M t ATA WIS HA 11. It. HtCM HUPl-IIT STATION, (iolhu Nntlli. OolnBHoiiUi. 4:1.1 !, M. 11:11 A.M. LOCAL. Tin: Coniniltteo on tho M'Cluro Oniy uiiiUMid flection cf-o, hns at length liron ilmwn. It consists of four Democrats utid tlirco Republican. Mr. Duckakw U Cliatnnmi. LAi-T week tlio llov. Jlr. Hewitt 10 eclvtel utl-f.tctlon for his horse from Jlr. McKlnney In tho sum of ipIuO. JIwncv township has a colore .1 man for Justlei of tho I'o.ioa ami 0113 for Constable. JfiKti: Elwuli. bus been absent Ibis week In Lowlsburg, holding court for Judge Ducliur. Tin: iin ssuro upon our advertising columns this week has oiowded out much thai, wo Intended to publish. Jlr. Wesley Wirt hrs purchr'cd tho hoibo and lot, opposite Itisowick's sta ble, now occupied by 15. Stobner. Wi: cull attention to tiiu adver tisement .fih's-'Io of tho lenld'Mieo of C. II. D01 1 ler, t i be found in another column. The U. S. Si'iiulu was not in session on S.iturdi'-. In tho Homo, nothing was dono except the reading or tiling of n few speiil, , for publication in tlio Congressional (J lobe. Tin: very Iati st ito'iis of tho rashiomi bio world v liich wo havo seen, are, tint kid gloves am now worn with 11s many as eighteen ' t i-ms and that gold hr.icj- lets t ,vo a ' Just now ". reo inches wide aro . 11 Some eynu", nuv having tlio wrath of woman propsrly in vluw, says that "girls know tio inuc'i at fifteen and not enough at llfty." To avoid feminine objurgation wo would stitu tint wo aro not acquainted with tho author and that 110 information as to his wherea bouts can bo obtained at this ollleo. The singular discasu now prevail lug in Harriobuig bus not yet abated, ben utor Knight is still very ill in conse quence of it, and about twenty mem bers of tho llouso uro so unwell us to bo compelled to remain at home. All those who remain nro 111010 or less af flicted. In re.ponso to an inquiry as to whether it t unlawful to p.i-s ijold coins of tho denomination of 0111 -half of a dollar, tho United States Treasurer says that the law Urns not provide for the coinage of coins of those denominations by tlio United States, nor contain any provision as to tho lawful! 'ss or other wise of passing them. Tin; prognostic ttor of ovil and tho constitutionally timid p j.s i.h who live 011 tho banks of tho .Sii'qu ih.itin.i, are disquieting themselves over tho pr eligi bilities of a flood. This prophesying wo bclievo is of regular .smi-aunual occur rence, being in order ii tlio Spring und Fall of each year, knowing which 'wo possess our souls in peac 1 and await thu futuro wltli all ealmuesj. Wi: deem it our duty to apprise our r.wlnr.s of tlu appjirau.-) of .ill frauds which may toad to doploto their purs m, lieneo wo deslro to iiiiiioiiuuj that a very well oxecuted counterfeit &! binlc bill, dilUeult to detent, is in circulation. Counterfeits of $'J notoi do not att'jot a largo num'jor of persons, but Si imita tions may como into tiiu pJjiOSsioil of very m in" wooccaslonclly !i tvo billi of that siz.' ouiscives. Tin: 1'iisimasU has issueda circular notice to all pn-tnmsteis, asking the public to superscribe tlio county, as well as tho pont ' flleu und State, upon all letters, tiieelars, newypapeiSi and other matter tolio forwaidul by mall. This is impoitant in view oLtliu gieut increase of new post olliee.s, nfftl will, if complied with by the public, facilitate the separation nnd tin, ilMiibution of the mails, ai.d avoid various delays. X-xt Tu. taking st ipl- i Having I'ltM. U10 crigln ! cos v. Ill bo tlio l;i.-:t day for ' ie "Ilenton Jlutuul '. l-o 111 Anciation" at ?!0l) persh.uv. After that time tlio p eriiium will bu charged milking nearly double. I'eitons in town taking slock en 11 if they desire icavo their subsciiptions at tlio ofllce of h. II. Llttloono of the Ulrectois, on or beforo next Jlouday, and monthly thereafter on tho Jlonday preceding tiio Tuesday In each month. Henry J. Tuttle, a brakemnu on the L. A 15. It. It. met with a frightful death 011 Thursday of b'st week, a short (lis taneo below Catawissa. Whilst engag ed lu his duties on top of the ear ho did not notice tho near approach of tho train to Amincrman'i bridge. Ho was struck by tho bridge and hurled to tho ground horribly mangled. Both arms wcro cut oil', his legs broken nnd ills body crushed and torn. Ho lived, wo aro informed, at Plymouth. Tin; Commissioners havo nwardfd contract for erecting a bridge at Mill ville and 0110 at Centrevillu to tho King Bridge G).,ufOhlo. Tho bridges aro to bo of wrought iron, the 0110 at JIII1 vlilo to lio of till feet span and 12 feet In widtli Centrovlllo bridge to havo .15 feet span nnd to bo l." wide. Tho con tract price Is $1000 lor tho two; the com mlssionersto furnish tho necessary stono abutments. These aro tho first Iron bridges over erected in this county by the commissioners, nltliough tho e.inat company have long had tliciu in use, and tlioy wilt bo closely watched In or dertoiietermlno their serviceability and durability. They aro warranted to bear astral. 1 of two tons to tho lineal foot. Tho uecjslty Tor a bridge at Centrovlllo wasurgoutuud tho commissioners de cided to build both bridges of Iron on tho grounds of cheapness and moro speedy erection. Tho Centrovlllo bridge Is to bo finished by tho 10th or April next uud tho Jllllvlllo bridge- by tho 1st of September, or sooner If tho abutments are ready to reeelvo tho superstructure liti: Ijooiinburi in.iiH rro frciiiiunl- iy iiivcrti1 1 from their courso mill sunt to tlio town of Ulosiburjf, iiml tliuio of Dhmburi? broil jbt horo. Tills tr.unp.) sltlon bui occurred mo often mid h,n proved such a source- of iiutioy.uico tlmt It Is full tlmo i stop was put to It! If tlio mntl itjfonts having charco'if tlio matter c.mnot read, tho Pust-olllco Do patlment should furnish llictu with in slsiants who can. It Is nslonltlilni,', in vluw of tlio liliinlinr nf ilfiit lis mi,...,! coal oil In building tires, that women should persist in so dangerous a prac' tlce. Yet tlio newspapers chionlelo r-s many es over, and It Is ovident. that not oven tho risk of a most painful death weighs against tho saving of a few mo menta of time. It might bo well to have nn enactment or tho legislature making It u misdemeanor, punishable with tine nnd Imprisonment, to risk life by so foolhardy a practice. Such a law would doubtlr-s save somo women and much properly. On Saturday morning last at an early hour tho Normal School bell sounded a tiro alarm and In a short limo a goodly number of our clllnmi woro on tlio ground. It was found that the tiro ori ginal I from a lluo, which in too closo proximity to tlio wood work. It was nece sary to cut 11 Itolo through tho tloor to reach the flames. Tho d.mi.ige was slight. It Is fortuuato that It was discovered in tlmo as nothing could iiavo saved tho building had tlio Uro once obtained full headway. Blooms- burg has no water supply for extin guishing conflagrations, Tiir.nnnro many sidewalks in town which ylvo evidence of proving nearly impa-sablo in tlio Spring if not attended to. Conspicuously bad ?s tho sldowa'k on Iron street from Jlaln to Hock streets. Wo would at thnsamo time beg of tho To. vii Council t) seriously consider tho question of so racing tlio Main Ircet cms-dues at Market street us to do away witli the mud hole which it Is now ni'cfssiry to wade through, in go ing to and from tlio Post Otllce. Tlio mud is a cuiso of injury to clothes and boots nnd Is provocative of an amount of profiti.o and emphatic denunciation which it is painful to hear nnd inning ible to itcokI. Itemed; this annoyance oh I Town Kalheis and your petitioners will ever pray, &c, otliei who they will not. As a general thing, wo read too much, and think about what wo read too lit tle; tho consequence- is, that most of tho puupiu wo meet Know someililllg 111 a superficial way about almost every- iimi-.iiiiii very iiiuo urn inoroilRli way about anything. Not a tenth part of what is read is remembered for a month :mer 1110 ooou, magazine, or newspaper is laid aside. Daniel Webster, whir iiad a rich store of information on al most every subject of general interest, on being askul how he could lemember so accurately, replied that It had been bis habit for years to rellcct n short timo on what ho read, and so fix all tho facts and ideas worth remembering in his mind. Wi: have received, under tho frank of Benj. F. Butler, a pamphlet of somo thirty pages containing a memorial of :il;:abetli Cady Stanton and otluv womin rlghl-ers'' together with their irgunients beforo tlio Judiciary Com. miltcu of tho U. S. Senate, with the re quest that we publish tho same. Tin- wu emphatically decline to do. Were wo in favor of woman suffrage, which we uro not, the pioinlse of Susan B. Vnthony, in the pamphlet, that women if allowed to vote would exert their influence in behalf of tho Republican party, would in itself bo tmirlclcnl to justify us in refusing to publish tlio doc unient. Politics aro 111 a bad enough condition now, and Stanton, Anthony, et. al., would further muddle them Tin; question cf compulsory cduca tion is engaging tho attention of the public, both in an educational and a moral point of view. In tlio country as well as in tlio cities there are many children who ore growing up in ignor ance and withuit restraint, making peits of nociely and subjects for our pri-ons. How this ovil is to bo reme died lias not been determined. Itee.-nt' Iy, as 0110 step l'orwaid, the names of the good L iys and goi.l girh whose school record shows the greatest attend unco have been publisln-d 11s an example for outliers. This is all very well, but cliildien who havo rich parents, good toads mid but a short di-tatico to travel to thu school house do not encounter many dillieii ties in showing a ree ird of uUeudutice. Lei the picture boruvomed puhilsh tlio names of tho piruuts or u tidi 11 s who-e children lor six months show tho ponivst ntti'iiilaneu, and tho ilujifi- of public reproach might iish a dilt'orent school record. Dju't publish thu names of tho scholars, lu eau-o in very many Instances it is not their fault. Publish tho numos of tho parents, and let us see who they are nnd what excuse they havo for neglect ing their duties toward those placed 1111 dor their charge. Exkiicisk Givo children an abun- dance of outil..orexeiclse, funand frolic ; mako them regular In their habits, ucd feed thorn only 11)1011 plain, uourishin; food, uud they will seldom, If ever, complain of a lack or appetite. But keep them over-tasked in school, con fined closely to the house Iho rest of tho lime, frowning down every attempt at play; letd them upon rich or high- seasoned food, candles, nuts, ect., nllow them to eat between meals and late In tho ovenlug.iind you need not expect them to have good appetite'. On tlio contrary, you may expect they will bo imle. weak, and sickly. Don t cram them with food when Ihey don't want, or have no appetite for It suth a course Is slow muider. If they have no appe tites encourrge, and, if need be, com mand them totako exirclso in the open air. Don't ullow them to study too much, nnd especially l.cep them from reading tho exciting light literaturo which bo much abounds In our book stoics and circulating libraries. In ad dition to securing cxeielsofur tlio chil dren us above, chango their diet some- what; (.specially if they havo been eating flno flour, chango to coarsu or Graham Hour. Sickness Is tho most expensivo nulsnnceon tho faeo of tho globe. There may bo Instances where It makes pcoplo or children better, but generally It makes them selfDh, sad, misanthropic. nervous, mean ami miserable. The best way to muko children happy and sood Is to keep them well. JSosloii Journal af themtelry. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Jin. Louis Hkuniiauii li ccrtnlnlv n very fortimato num. Ho was robbed of a wholo boxf'"l of watches not very long ago, and afterwards had them all returned with tlio exception oflhr.. Thh was abovo tho luck of an ordinary mortal, but Jicro was mora to come. On Tuesday 1 st ho found In front of bin houso ono of tho Unco watches neatly wrap' d In paper and In good condition. After this wo should not bo surl"lcd to heir that ll.u mltslnsr two watclusweior tored with a nolo of apology fi 0111 tho temporary pois sor and perhaps an offer to pay any expen- which may havo accrued from tlio larceny. Stami'3 on Lkasks. As tho tlmo for icncwnl of lenses, and of tho execution of new pgieonicnts between landlord mid tenant Is near at band, the d uslou of tho Comitilsiloucr of Internal Itev. enuo, -3 to whether tho luovhlon of law imposing n stamp duly on lenses should boeiifotc-d Iniogaidtoslatnplng duplle to copies, usually furnished the ksr3, Is not only Interline but im portant It nil. Ho dicid s that when an instrument Is executed nnd n dupli cate, Iripllcte, ole, rslntho wsoofa lr -,o of two or more parti, eacii part li; s tho oamo legal ciVect r.s tlio otjier, and each should In stamped ns an original. hen parties mark executed duplicates or counterparts "copies, "It does not mako them mere copies, or relievo ihcm from dulynsoriglnals. No blister draws sharper than the interest does. Of all Iiiduslrln, none is comparable to thnt of interest. It woiks all day and niglit, in fair weatherand foul. It bus 110 sound tu its footsteps, but tiavels fi'st. It gnaws ataman's suotauco with invisible teeth. It binds industry with lis Him, es a fly is bound in u spider's web. Deb siollumaii over and over, binding hand and foot, and letting him bang upon tlu fatal mtsli until the long-legged Interest devours him. Tlieio Is but 0110 thing 011 a farm like it, and that is tho Canada thU'.K which swarms now plants every time you break its root, whoso blossoms are prolific, and every llower tlio father of a million seeds. Every leaf Js an awl, every branch a spear, and every plant lii;o a platoon of bayonet, and a Held of themlil'.o an armed host. Tlio wholo plant is a torment and vegetable cuise. And yet 11 farmer had better mako his bed of Canada thistlc.3 than be nt ea?o upon interest. Puomis.sohy Notes. Wo cams across tlio following in an exchange, which might bo regarded with profit by our hits ness men. ' A man drew n note i,rnmi.sin?tn mv rmn hundred dollars. Mr,, ,HP.i a nrlniml form, but did not ,,insn tho blank devoted to dollars. mid after it passed from bis bands anil becatno a ueirollablo naner. somebodv inserted "and llfty" after the 0:10 bun dred and before the printed word 'dol lars,' making tho noto read ono "hun dred and lllty dollars". The note thus altered got into the hands of an inno cent paity, who presented it. to tlio drawer, but payment was refused. Suit was brought, and tho Supremo Court decided that the maker of the note v,s liable for its face, because through neg ligence ho had not drawn a lino between tlio written word 'hundred' uud the printed word 'dollars.' Any testimony that the drawer ml" lit offer to establish tho fact that lie gave a note fur only one hundred dollars must go for noth ing, as "there was nothing on the faeo of tho nolo showing that it had be:n altered." Evidence of an alteration of the face of the note would have changed the ease. Let this decision bo a lesson to all drawers of promi-sory notes. No one can bo too careful in such nutters. At tho last tei in, the Court intimated a matter of enininal practice which it would bo well for ollleers to notice. Where a special warrant Is issued Tor tho upprehonsion or offenders, they must bo brought before the justico who issued the warrant. When tho warrant Is general tho constable can take his prisoners before any convenient justice whom tho constable, not tho prisoner, may select, und the prisoner is entitltd to a hearing by tlioju-ticebilbrowhom tlio warrant is returned, If he desires it, or may bp bound to appear at court. Heretofore the jtrhoncr lias been ac customed to select tho justico before whom ho would appear, on a geneial warrant; but that Is not legally hie, uud It would seem theiefoio that thoconstablu mure specifically performs his duty i returning the prisoner with tho warrant to tha justice who is-uul tho writ. And for the r n-ii, also, thai there tho pruseeutor is expected to l,u with bis w!tt:c.-cs, lendy to ti.stify on the hearing. If, however, the defend ant w.i i vi)., u heat lug, uud chuosis to bo bound 1 1 appear ut ctirt, then the tuar est Justice would null to bo tuo-l con venient. Tho question being only as to tlio amount of bail, Cu'" Court Proceeding-.. rKitr.UAitv 17, 1.S72. Tho court met pursuant to udjour ment, his Honor Judge Elwollontho bench In tlio matter of tho esta e or George Hupp, tho rep irt of auditor was refer led hack for correction ami amotidmuut, Petition for sale of real estate or Henry Mather, dee'd. Sale ordered Petition of JIurtha Elizabeth Arthur for guardian. John K Grotii appoint cd. Petition for sale of real estate of Geo. JI. Beagle, deceased, salo ordered. Petition of minor children of tico JI. Beagle, decea-cd, for guardian, Jla- tbias Whltenigbt appointed. .1. J. Iticlmrdson & Co.. vs. Eekert Jacobs with notice to Henry Hoson stock, garnisliee. Bulo to show eau-o. Petition of tlio Deposit and Savings Dank of Catuwls.i, to chango tiiu name to CalawisEit Deposit Bank. Publica tion ordered. On motion of C. B. Brockway up polnlmcnt of viewers of bridge over Boariugcriok continued Bevlow of road in Jladbon townshli orderul. Petition of Phoebe E. Thomas for ill vorce, subpoena otdcrcd Win. T. Shuniun vs. D. H. & W. K U. Co. Beport set aside with Icavo to havo vleweis appointed upon the orig iiiul petition on notico to 1110 it. it. co The report or viewers of Fourth street, Bloomsburg, refened back with Instructions to reconsider tho claim or Jcsso Coleman for damages and ir they bcocaiuoto add to his damages they aro at liberty to bo change their report otherwise to report that they see no entiHo to change tho some, Ecen.NTiuo legislation is notscirco In days but tlio proposition of tho temperance convention In Boston, late ly, Is porhap4 moro than usually out of the lino. This body proposes a legisla tive unnctmonl, which would virtually nbollsh trial by Jury. It Is, that nolthor those who sail nor thoso who drink li quor oven In moderation shall bo eligi ble to servo on Juries. 01 cotmo tho busy man, or tho lazy, would exempt himself from tbodutlesof a Jury by tho absorption of a certain amount of stim ulating lluld and rs Juries decreased so would gin much moro abound, An amendment to this resolution, forbid ding all Jtidg- s from holding court, who had ever t'iken a drink, would rcduco legal business to a strictly moral mini mum and delight both temperance re formers nnd retail liquor dealers. In the casa of "Clin vs Jury" the odds might safely bo offered on tlio plalntiir. lt?Milutlims Adopted by tho members of tho U. S. School of Orangovllle, February 13, 18712. Viii:hi:ah, It has pleased Almighty Clcd, In bis ull-wlse providence, to re move from our midst our beloved friend and mate, David I. Wcrtman, thercforfrho It llcsokcd, That while wo meekly sub mit nnd humbly bow witli resignation to Ills will wo mint acknowledge that that Ills goodness and mercy is past llndltig out. Jiesotacd, That although our brother is no moro with us to teach by his ex cinplnry life, yet wo rejolco to know that "our loss is his gain" and we havo reason to bcllovo that ho is safo In tho bosom of his Father. Jiesotvcil, That while we deeply sym pathize with his mourning friends and acquaintances, wo look to God as tlio giver of all good for strength and sup port in tliis our soro atllicttou. Hcsolval, That we accept Ids God as our God that when wo shall come to cross the Jordan of Death wo may say 1 s did our brother: ".!e-us lover nf my soul. Ia'I mo to thy liosoiu lly." Ilcsolved, That a copyol the'o resolu tions tio furnished tlio family of tlio do ce.ieed and published in tlio county pa- pers. J. JI. II.VUMAN, E. L. tNYDint, C. J. JlE(i.vttGi:i.r,, Com. -to-- MT.CI.U, NOTICDi. Wantld. A good, stout boy to learn tho o f carpenter. SAMUKI.SlIAI I'EIl, Jit. Dyi: Stuffs of all colors and of tho beat kinds ut Klelm's new drug stoic. STOi-andsee. What? The best oral in town ut J. J. Bobbins' Columbia Iron Works. Tho latest and best books Issued can be round at tho Circulating Library. Young people and old can suit them selves. All styles of literature from metaphysics toprimers to bo had us soon as published. Hr.MEMUur. that Glycerine Lotion will cure chapped hands, face or lips in twenty-four liouro, only 2o cents at Hendeisliott's, You can buv a splendid platform sprinir wagon of Low & Bobbins of Orangoville for $110. Senii $1.00 to JI. P. Lulz.Bloomsburg and get a pair of Alexander km gloves I. W. Hav.tman. has commenced getting in his early spriui: stock. If Coucress had employed as much scientific skill In the arrangement of its " Reconstruction 1'oliev' ut tlio closi as tho War Department did in the beginning of tho war, in arranging for tho m inufactuio of what was called hieridan's Cavulry Condition I'oicders for tho use 01 the uavairy horses, no ilouiit tlio Union would havo noun resti red long ago. Kxvhunyc. Spaims patent atmospheric barrel ilin.s lor sale n.v J. w. iiarimau : nothing better to be Wo understand that tho whooping. co 1112 h is ouito prevalent in tlio towns mound us: but that no cases havo proved lata). Home lamiiies u-o noinuig nut lohnson's Anodnne JAnimcnt. Our Doctor, however, says a littlo ipecac, to ro luce vomiting, wouiu beau ail van tage. Bi'CKE'M, tubs, churns, baskets, Ac: ill back to old pricis at I, W. Hail man's There are moro than one thousand UllVreiit kinds or pills in tho United States. Some of them aro worthless and hilarious, others are gi.od .ami l.eni iici.ti. urn or, rurson invented the best nnti bilious piil wo over saw orlieaidot. ilieynio now sold u.iue Iho i.titiio of Parson's Purgative Pill--. I- -b:is on hoes; band W a lot of cl.t iq II- It is now cjueiully admllted by honC'dt i)liifinii-j. Hint wlion unco Hit' Coiiitiiiiiition U fairly fastuncil upon tlio limns, no liuiiiiin powur can nivi tin' imtie'itt Irom eleatli. Tlioy also my tlii'.l about fifty per cent, of those) who ilio from tbU ili.scii).o can traev tho causo to ti nelce'leil couli or olil, which nilKht huvo bfen ciiicil by i Milan uomt'oi liUiuiu ii nouuiuoc, or what Is tlio biinio tliliijr, Jotiiion'n Alio dyne .iniuicii'. cut tins iioucp nut nun iirint,' it wim you. vo aro autuorlzcii to ruiuiui iih e'.ili to any person or persons who shall buy and uso Parson's J'urguUvc lis mill fall or roller uuu batisiiivtiuii. lSuowx & Joneh. AVho aro they Tlioy mo an eiiitcrprisiiii; youiio; linn lately cstnbiisiicd in t'litawbs-aiinu ireni Iho UbtoniMliiiiL' ainouiit of Dr.V Goods they roil n evident tlmt tuo people mo aitiactiil by tlieirlow price's. They aro in constant receipt ol iresn koous from Kew York. Iliev te II on l.v lor ci's-li, L'iviiifr the buyer every potsiblo in vuntiiL'o i erlvcil irom nils limn. i visit to their storo will convince tho rtadcr of these facts, n Mr. Wo noticed In ono of our exchanges th s week tho 6 atemeiit of Ilea. John lloilLl;ins.cifSouth.leflerrnu,Jli1vhoo sou was curcu oi incipient consiimpiion hy too use) ol Johnson's Anoiiyne, jam ment. Wo refer lo this at this tlmo us tenilini' to corroburato tin- stiitomont wo nuido last wc At in relation to this Liniment in applitel to consumption. xs:itvir.s.i:ss. i:ciy nerops Younir Man in the Union, will 11 li n e-, iue, u i.i't-ipt! inai m hi proMi a uivitsui through Ule, I y i.dditKlni;, in eoetldi-m-e, JOHN II. OUI'KN. Hon :,m V. O, ii t'edar Ht., N. Y. III.ll l'liEJim IHAlli: UVI.NUOL'll. Now facts ai o lillllui,' tlieiu. The Idea Hint Inwillds wuiUi nid by disease ciin be inlieed bv proslrallim llieni evilh destructHoiliuuH, Uno longer eulirlalmd e xe-rpl by uioiiouiaiilies I'vi-r sIik'ii iho Inn,, - dlll'tll)!) Of 1)11. Y. I.K'S VlNlOAI. Hut. 1!M 11 ht.s bten obvlojs tliut llulr it -11111111111; ami in. vluorutlUK properlles inn albsullU-lfiit for tlio eii'e oi iiiioiiie imuKe-.iiiu, 1 iit-liluallslu, eon stilnUUiii. dlaril.0 .1. uereiius 1. lie-cl loim. 11ml m 1. larlnus liiVets. utid Ihev ale now Hut ktniulnr.l remedy lor lheiu e-oiupiuinU lu every lee-tlun oi It.V -.'I1IUII, WANTED AGENTS, $60 lu $401) pre- month, by kclllliK Groat FORTUNES ! And How Tnr.v weiie Made: on the hTHi-o (ILtS AM)Tllll'5IHll OK OUIt r'rl.l'-.MAIin.Ml'N, bvJ. 11. Mri alie. Jr. liy fortv eminent e-uiimile-i. le teaches how to succeed In Ule. and at Ihe- -.aiuu llniu bcuetlt liiaultlud, I'or patllcuUiii, notices 01 inu press uuu t-ua ii-rms, uourrsn. nS-lw OKO, MACI.KAN, I'ublliUcr, l'hlladel'a BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Tiik following public tales, bills of which havo been pi luted ut this o.llto, nro to '11U0 place at tho dabs specified. VintSONAI. I'UOI'KtiTV. William Jllller, Fianklln township, February 27th. Stephen Pettlt, Jllillln township, February ll'Jtb. N. H. Crltes, Jlnln township, Fubiu ary S'Jtli, Peter Andes, Jr., Himloek township, February li'Jth. John Scott, Calawlstu township, Jiiirch 2.1. John D. Efick, White Hall, Jlarch, Gth. John Turner, Catawl??a township, Jlarch 7th. David Waiter, Scott township, Jlarch 7th. A. S. Knlllle, Lccust twp., Jlarch 11. Charles Gearhart, Jlilllln township, Jlarch 12th. Eitato of Jacob Harris, Buck Horn, March 11th. W. T.Shuma.i, Jlaln twp., Jlorch 11. Thomrs Hower, Franklin township, Jlarch 20th. ItUAI. tSTATIJ, Estato of John Yeager, Jr. Locust township, Jlarch Oth. Estato of Peter Illtner, Locust twp., Jlarch 1 Kb. I'Vatoof W. II. Ent, Bloom, Jlarch 10th. Estato of C. II. Dtebler, Dlcom, Jlarch 10th. Est do of John Kile, Jr. Sugarloaf township, Jlarch 30th. MARRIAGES. bMITH-(it)OU-At Wlllies llnne, on tho IStli lust., uy Iho uev. e. Hon-je, .nr. w. w. sinini lo Mivs Olivia 11. Ouod, lioihof sitocktun, Hoy. ue'i couuiy, i-.i. iiAiiii:-imt!MTi:rji.t:i:-oii tim i..iii ins1., hy I no llev. II. Wilson, Ml-. Joliu lj. llslpe, lo MhsSKilliuJ. Iltumsledler, both or Mlllvule, IM. 8TA11I. COPE On Iho snmo day, by Iho same, .Mr, jonninaii siiiiiii, lo .miss .Mary l.inn cope, both of Mooicsbuii!, la. HMrril-UAItTMAN-Oii tho l.ith, at lliobrldii's residence, by Hev, .1. l)ciioii Akeis, A. .M., l'Hncipal ol Catawissa s-e-uilimiy, Mr. J. M. Siniih, lo Miss Jennie, dutuhlur of Iho l.Uo Moses Ilartmnu, Esij. All of Catawissa. LOHEMAN-OSMUX-Ou tho samo day rby tho aine, Mr. Daniel I.oieiiitiu to Miss Ajuiy r;. Osmiin, both of Krankllu township, Columbia county. WIEU-TIIOMAS-Ou Tuesday Mill Inst., by tho llev . 1). .1. Waller, Mr. II. M. wier, ol Cum Undue', in., to Mls Josephine T., d milliter of C. J. '1 homuH ol this plat-e. MtltE.NIir MOOllIOu Ihoeihiusl., by tho itcv. it. 1-. iviin;, .Mr, j. ii. .Mciieurv, in iim Mnila Mooro, bolh of C.imhr.e I.iu.,Co. DEATHS. DUKllI.l'.U In inouiiisljiu.oii 'ltiitt.ti.iv uveii- lug, loth lnstM Lhailt'H 11, Dnebler, Jrj,, ageu 73 yt'ius, 3 mouths nud 1'J d.iys, Mr. IJoehler was ljorn lutlioctly of Fhiladel nli hi on t tit 0t li of UctoiHT. lTU-t. lio came to lllaomvtmrn in tho Y(irlSiS nml. osccnt a com niuMvuy short lesltletico lu W 111 tpurt, has ulwiiys bwu, ami vecoguizeU nst uno ofilio mnht active nnil cnerttetla cittzeni of tuir tomity; Known ami rcsnectPt-l liy ail, IIo wi imiietluti tho ISth with thGhnleinuaiiil beau. i vices ot tho Kti.scopal Llnuvh. MARKET REPORTS. Illooiubbur Market Wheat rer hutihel Uro 81.10 in Corn " t Oat 8. 11 flour per oarrel , ClovceeU K lu 0 'J 1 f I D Hfixseeu IhUter , 11 J ID l'otatoes t4 SO 11 17 II 10 S3 0) Dneo Apples , Hams Sides nml Hhouldera , jam rtr pouua liny per ton New Advertisements. I?XKCUT01l'S NOTICE, li ESTATH OK CIIAHI.KS 11 DOtnLEII, PFC'lJ. L-etierNiehiameuiarv on n o esiaio oi Linu. 11 U,)obIer. lalo ol Ulooiuhburir. Columbia counlv. uec ii., Jine oeen Kiiiiueii uy mo iit'Kisieroi ham rnuuiv to Muiy ixteuier, oi iwoomsiur nun Juo. II. II. Talk, The-'. .S. Doebier and t). II, llin'zs. of W illlaiuspoU. l'a. All persons lin vim: clituuximaluht tlio estato aro Udiiu.sted lo pre- bent tlieiu to tho luiutorn. Thu&o tuduhteit to tho esttito either on notu, lodgment, moilf;aoor hook aecount wilt mako payment to tho Ki. tai lors without delay. MAIIY UOKIII.KU, litoomsburg, Pa. JiU. II. II. PA UK, -) T1IOS.S. DUKULLK.UVins'port Pa., 14. 11, u:uurs, fib2r"--iv Kxecutors, OF NEW YORK, A WDUK liKSCnilTIVIIof Iho PITYOI' NUW YllltK In all Its VAItlOUS l'HAKS. Its splendors and vretehedutss; Its high and loivlllu; lis Kiaruio paiae-ei una uauc uii ; us iittniclliiiisandd.iiiKe-i-i; UsltlNlHoc I'UAL'D.S , tu iiiuiini; men ami politicians; us auveiuuiuj lt charities: Us lioslerlts and e-rinie-s. Iltiislr.iti-il with e.irlv " I i-'lllu Kturavlnas. AUi:.Nl WANl'Kl). feud lor cilculius and hce ntir terms ami a lull tlescrlptiou of the worn, aiionai e'uuiisitiu co,, i-nu.i. , i-.i. IIISTOHY OP Tho Great Eircs 111 (-IIICAC10 nud Iho WINTbv Itev 11. J. Oiol) si-Kt i), 1). 1)., of (JhltMKo. Only eomplt-ui history. TililM-j. n.i.'iw - 7.e Kiiui ii vittoi. ril 1 1 II n ti i ml v kiilil. l'nco .',6n. 'juuunui-iiti ii nile In'uiilflvs. l'mllls u-o to suileriis. AliK.'l W A.MISI), 11. a, eiO'JU.-sl'KKl) i CO., .17 l'.lllcltnw, New YniU C E L T I C W EEKL Y Tho Rrentist illu.Ir.ileit Original Story Taper In Aiiu'iU'.!. l.luht New Oilninnlhturle-H In hrst iitimber. Xo llierary tr.-atiiiual lo it. AKenls ami oauvassLTS WMiitu 1 in uvi-iy town ami city ol iho I'nloii. flu a week easily realised by tho sale ol tins exiraordln.n-v lrlnli and wVuierle-au .louiuai. Hiie-enneu copies iree. roi-Miio ny an ni-M-MleiileiN, l'rlto ,di'.; -.f'l iier.e lar. Adiliess M. J. u'Isaiiv A Co., 1'. O. llfix l).i ."I, Now York WHAT TO REAJ3 AND IIOW TO HKA1), llelinr rlnsslllisl Lists ot e'hlliro Kl-.ulni'. with appropriate Hints and ItemaiUs, adupna to Ihe lieiierill lll'.l-Jei, HI -Slliisfi lut-ir., mm iu j.tii.u-t inti'tullti" totoini eu lee-lions 01 iiouas, 1 vol, I'.'mo, li. pau-es. l'llce. . J cents. M-nt Irie by mall on leielpt of Ihe tirlee. I), AI'I'I.I.ION CO.. Publish, rs, New JOIU. i:.rit.oai)iNAHv i.mpiiovf.mi:xts in CABINET ORGANS The M AhoN A irAMi.iN Okoan Co. respcetiullv nnuo'uie-t the introduction of Improvements of niueii moie mnu onuunry iniere&i. inutouio ltlU:i AND I'iPKCAHIN'nrOIUi.VN', tiiiisr I tio nnlj Micceslul coinbinutluu of UEAIj IrKS wlili leed- over niivioj d.vvs Ki;vnonu, 7iiithcftu bo Instantly moved to Ihu right or le n, flinimtnu thH nltclt, or trunfipnt.lnc thu Ucy, r tu 111 a wiims uuu uthuinniuu, heu uireu nr, ni:v and t:lt:oant tym:h ok tounu: n:i:t cahinet okgans, nt jfiu, 13J nnd 81- "i each. Considering Camcltv, j-;iet;iiure, inoroujiu i'xeeiieiiro ui n nrn innuthtp. these nro cheaper than any be lore olf L-led. Tl.t Mapon A Hamms Ortjans nro neknowl edged HKST, nnd liom ttztraordlnary ficltltleH loi m imiiiu'iuro huh i ouipitny cjui nuiiru, aim nowuudcilaUo to bell nt jirlces which lender thrm UNQri:TIONALV CHKAVK3T. Font oetnvo orpnns 5-'0 eurh ; five octavo organK $h i. fl'.'iaml upwnnU, Willi thieo fets reed- 51 M nud upwarot. Tortv Bls'les, unto SI Mn) fiirh. Svw il. unrated 1'r.taUuue, nud Testimonial fiinilar, with ouinlouK ot MOUi: THAN O.NK 'lUOl'SAND .MIpSUMANS, sent Iree. MAHONA HAMLIN OltGAN tt., il Tremont ht,, Itohtmi, 690 IlroaUway, N. Y. (Incorporated imiiu COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. Ul'l-'lCUllS AMI iUHLX'tUlW. f. P. Pi rwii.i'n.Pres't. II. Wii.MnN.Vle-e.Pres't. llpitn'r TiioMAS.Treaii. .1. I'. Kni'i.Al i't',t'e'c'y. .1. II. IIAI'IIMAK, ItOllT.CllANE. Wm. Patios. .Iah. HcnuoKiiri:, .I.H. TKINK M. M. hTlilrKI.KU. IILO. IIIHII I', It. T. UVOS. For Insurance or AEenciei. AddreKH J V. FltUHAUl'K, M-e'y, Columbiu, Pa. VANTi:i. THIS KPIUNU, 1 0,000 KAEMEKS, To Impruvo l.Ti i,i nicies of tlio best raruilnt; l.anilii lu Iowa, neo Hum luortuayu oi-olherlli. cuinbraiiee, Tbehi) landM compiUu Iho (loeiu ment ratlio.ul Krautu udjaeeut lo the great Ihor Auihfare.s belMeeii t'hliago, Omaha uud Sioux i lly and lie chiefly In tho MIDDLE UEOION OF WIXTfcHN IOWA, IU iDOht krtilo and healthful portion (fever und hbuo lieluit uuliiioun), and traveueil by mil loads lu u w ry dlieellon. Now Is tho tliuu to HLCUllU A IIO.Mi: AT8I ANDS5 ner acre, unon lunif tlli.e. with hlx nor epnt In. li'rekl,ln Iho luxuriant valley ut eliher the 1 lov er, iho Maine, the eoldler or Ihe I.lttlnHliiiix. AKeutH ut fclalloiiH am provided with llama to Miow iHUUM nee in piiii'miner, nenu lurnlJlllue', Uistve-H pi Uis, teri'm, lUKrlntUnin, ubeiu ex plorluu lickt'U uro mid. und now Id reach Ihu Hindu. f'l.untv lllHim alio klit fri..'kd JOHN II. CALHOUN, Ijiud L'ommlkhlouerlovm ii. it. i.unu lie, eetiiir iitipuiH, itiwu, BP.CUPE THE AGENCY AT ONCE nr.vr vAMir.v HKWiNo ma'-hini:. ?! UTOR, l'. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT I'or 0110 or two nion of cither box, In every town In tlio tlnueu Btnle, liy which they may icnllre rrnm I Moll., iperyenr, with but llltto Interference Willi oullimry occupalloii, If Iho wholo lliiHi 1 il"M)leil 11 niiicli larucr Bum will ho renllzeil. Uoj nnd glrld (nn innko uenrlyri muelii itrown iienple, homo mnkliiK Iroin 17 I-) 115 per wiek. For xirtlrnlnra. nildiess J, J. KA lim'.I.I. & (.1) , "07 toiwlwny, M. Y. i A OUST." Wantkd. A Rent x nmltoinnioinoiiey nt. wotk Inr u tlinu nt fin thlnif else. lniNl- lien IP-lit und prrnm Lent, llirllrtilarn free. (J. HTiNho.N A Co., fine Alt JuKuictj, l'ottland, i-llillie. UQ l'lnnte;o,N,Y! Inle-lassSi!)!. NoAuenli. ;0 Names of patront In U St eles In Circular. OPIUM BAT BUS! SWfiffi It our Anllilote will not rule. No pain or In convenience. Hent on receipt of H. O. AUMSiTltONO. M. I)., IIcnllliH Institution, licjr rlen HprliiEi, .Mich To Ail crllser, All ersons who enntcm nl.ito innklii'i coulractH w til uewspapets for Iho insertionof AdveitlsemenlH should scud to for a Circular, or InctoHO 2eAiilsfor their ONI3 IICNDllEI) l'AUi: 1'AMl'III.KT, contalnluit I.lstH nfa.l INowspapern and estimates, showing tho cost of advertising, also many uselut hints to advertisers, nud some account of the experiences of men who nro known ns Hucc isful Advertis ers. This firm nro nreprltto of tho American Newspaper Advertising Agency, and nro possessed ofunequnlcd facilities for so curing tho Insertion of advertisements la all Newspapers nnd l'crlodlcalsat lowest rates. 1672. 18711. BH.ENDIIJ INDUCEMENIM WEEKLY PATRIOT. UUHATLY KNIiAUQEl) AND IMPKOVED Thn old favoillo l)cmo"ratic Weekly, THE .vieeiui , win nppear ua 1110 1'IltST Ol' JANL'AUV, 1H7L', Orcallv Enlniaed and cbnuitcit fiom nresent quario 13 a iHiiiiiioin rono. je win i-ouiain luoio lteadlii" Mallei- than any other W ekly imti such lil eniisvivalita. It will i vo en accn.alo rtnort of the Markets of New Yo. k, I'l- 'edelpui:i,IUll' note, 1'iUsburg nneuinv s' hi l e.r v iienaiimeni wi'i eoniain Tales. M'h, l)o iy Ac, by tho belt American and wi icis. t w '1 Jiiiani such full lenorls of ni'..c.Mohni una le.i sini'Vu niocceiiinus ns w II nlloid lis u-ade.H a clcr undeiH lutllugol Iho dolors of their mih'io seivnuls. Ouiliiiftbo session of he Lelslatine It w-ltl be of special lUlCICSl 11 llll VII I IIO II) .V J t'lMIS.VlVIOMaU, Ouo Cony, mio jenr $2.C ) iinu i.opy. ma muniii" i.i j l'our Ctii.Ips. ouo h ).?." Ten Lotncs.Oiie J car. eacu j,j Filly topics, and upwards, ouojear, each I.OJ iweuiv lo iieN.tHic yei". i." am t am copy, ice, juiiiimiuii io iuo At;eui cmUiiK m cUilui .orniOH. A cony ut iho Unity i'alnot will ho bent, ucc, to tio Aent tending in cJuhsoljf or menu, All p.ipeis will bo senaiately addtcs- i but mut jio to ono post on ice. Uianmeuor uemopiauo tomity cominitteci, and oiueis iui tipd in tho causo of nooil eov- eimneri, a o ii"y ifiiiesled to act ns Agents lor 1 1 . ion o'L'ubslorthc WteUly 1 illUOl. THE DA J li x 1'ATJUOT, I'uhliihcil llvt-iV ilo n.njr. Huuda.vs cxenlcd. is atlihLcIaisutw n. iv. .cnnlai.nuu lull telemiinh- ic lepoiis, Miixim eiuiuj; ju uip; "iici.iuo mofci coninieio iuu f cuiaionnuuei- renoris. lun acounts oi pioceediugs of Lougiths uuu Lejtsla- iuic, bjucy euiijrj.iiH, ert, Ouo Copy, one year, by mail, $7: Flo Copies, do.. 'lt!ii L'ooies. dotG0. leims. in aunuce. ncnu rest uiuco 3Ioney Order, Uanfc Uiult or lteglsleied Letter, jiiiis bcui oy iiiiui win ob nt iuo risit oi inuhcu der- ISEND FOi; I'JIOl'KCTUS AM) Hi'KUXMlSN COl'V. Addrebi "lUli I'AAIUUI, ' nurrlsburt;, l'a. feb. 371-31. Legal Notices. AUDITOII'S NOTICE. ESTATE Ol1 ANDitnw LAiti.sir, i)eci;asi:i). Tho nnilnrsJtrnnil. AnJlfnr nnnolntoil hv tho iirpnniis court oi uouiniuiii comiiy m uisiri Iho luuilfi Hi tho hnuils of tho extrulors of An drew Lurlsh, lato of said count v, tlectused, will proceed to tho dlsrhnriiO of tho duties nf liN nppolntiiHiit on FKIDAV, tlio 15th day ot MAHt'II A. D, 172. at ten oclonl: a m., at tho oillco of tho Hherlli; in tho Court llouso in iiinomijurjr. when and wnero nil iutsouh mier- tbieu may uiieiiu 11 iney xninic proper. v wiiti. ..uuuor, I'eb. II, lS72-tl A DMIXISTUATOH'S NOTICE. Tl ESTATE OF 11 1 RAM ItAKP It. DFC'D. i.eiieiH oi Auiuinistratioi, on iuo esinio ni tiiram naKcr, ia'o or jncut-on lownhuip. eo lumhia county, deceased, havo been Krantt'd by the HcLMsIer of said eountv to Joshua I'riU. of i-ame place. All persons having claims against tho estate or tho decedent nro requested to pre sent them for settlement, nud those Indebted to IIih estMe to innUe payment to tho undersigned, auminisiraior, wnnuui ueiay. jumiua r jii i JauC0'72-Gw Administrator, A DMINISTRATOH'S NOTICE. FSTATK OF l'llll.ll' MlLLKIt. IlEC'l). I.etterN ot administration on the ebtnte of Philip Miller, lato of Cenlro twp., Columbia county Uee'd., baebeenurauled bv thu Ueirlhlcr of bald ltenlamlu Miller, of K-py, t'ol co.. Pa, and Abruhaui K. Khuuinn, of I.luio Itlde, Col. co,, l'a. All persons havlnu claims or demands against Iho decedent aro reriuciti-e-d lo make them knnewi. and thon imlebteel to muko payment. HMNJAMIN MILI.Kll, AUU'.M. K.SIIU.MAN, JauCC'7J-Gw Aelmlutstratois. ITmINISTRATOR'S NOTICE; KSTATK OF flKO. M. I1KAGI.F, DEC'I). Letters of admluNtratlon on the estate of Geo. M. HeiiKle, latu of Hemlock township, Columbia county, dec'tl., hae been irrauted bv the llei;ls terol said county lo II. Miller, of lllooni twp., Columbia county, l'.i. All per-oushaviui; claims aualust tho estaiooi the de-cedeul aro n-ipiesled to piesent them lor settlement, and those In debted to thu estato to make payment lo Iho uudeisl-imd, administrator, without delay. s. ll.MII.l.l-at, febS'72-Ow Admlulhtrutor. DISSOLUTION OF C J-PARTNER-hlllP. .Sollce Ik heieby Riven Hint the eo-iiartner-khln lii'ii.tnlitrn .xlstlni' between T. 1. Hvuivyo and (leorirn Kramer, under tho firm litle of swajzo ,V. Kianier, at Jones' Mill, risiuuKcreeic lll,VUSIII', H IIS IlISMIlt fU I'll u. uj ...... lual eoliseul, Tho booKs are lu Ihu hands of Mr. lira luerto whom aiieoiuiuuuicaiions siiouiu be ii'ldlessed, Aceouuts not kettltd by tho 1st of March will be collected ceordlnK to 1 iw. T. P. MVAYZI1 feWTl-lm UEO. KUAMHK, M1 t KELVV, NEAIietCO., I)EAI,i:itS IX DUY GOODS, a no CERT KS, AM) Gen cral . W'crch an disc, BLOOMSUURd, PA. JauM'TJ-tf Q.REENWOOD SEMINARY, AT MILLVILLE, COL. CO., PA. The Hnrlni? Term will rominence on Mntldav Apt II in, Jh7!i, Vacation from the middle ol June, lo the Mil of AUBUkt, when the Pull Term will (irn. lMf.vpii we, is make a ouarter. For Clicnlars. Jlnanllng, Ternm, Tuition or oiner purueu arx, ni urem feb0'7-'-?m Prlnclpul. pUBLICSALE OF VAi.rAiii.i: piuisonal phopeutv. Tho nibscrlber will oiler lor saloat Ills rosl ueuco in e.amwiMa, lowiuiup on SATURDAY, MARCH 2d, 1872, at 10 o'clock, n. m., the following persmal prop TWO FINE HORSES, one yearling colt, flvo milch cows, one two-year uiu uii'i, iiiu o neau oi youuit e-altle, three neiui kheep, lemarkiihly Hue, nine bholn, hutiowN, PIuwh, ctiltlvielDrn. fclcelx, hidendid new twohoifco emtio!!, kprlui; wagon, lop bUL-uy, barnibs double uuu Muuie, lauuiui; nun, uuu inner mrmiui; nil pie'iueuiN, SEVEN SWARMS OF HEKS, AUou lot of.furnliure. Term mado knomi on uuy otMile. JOHN hi i)ll, CuIuwIkwi towiikblp, l'eb, liT'i fiLli yALUAHLE TIM HER LAND l'OR SALE. The mule rhlKhed olleru for kalo about C) ucrok oi uuu HoiHi laim iiiwiiii Willi wuiio piui'.oak (beitluiiiAe.. lu Oranuu lowukhln mar Jauiei l'aiuium'i. taw mill, l'or purtlculard n lo tviuiM Hi'iuj in j,o, i-,i ar-n, leb-IJ.'.iil (Heenwood, Columbia county, l'a. .1. I.. VK . f . . rtliinl Hfrrrf, immjMfciii'ii ! lMiltnilrlpllln. rtorr A MONTH to Mil niir tlnlyprnl I fm; bolt) ent. ComblLftllim Tunnel. Mutton Hole ffii . nml' oilier nrtlclcn. Haco Novkltt Up., Bfco, 1I0. HAHE CHvNCE FOH AGENTS. AGENTS), we will r"y you no per week In coli, llyoumlli'DKAiiu wltli at tr o.vck. fcv- rryllilim (iirnlMieil mid expense! pftlil, drew, 1-. A. 1.1. Ifi uuuriuiie, mien. no-lw nfYCIIOI.OGf, Fnsclnnllon or fiotu ChnrmlnR. I' mi ihium l.v lUrliprt Hamilton. II. A. How to I mo this power (which nil possessjat wl I, Ulvln nllnn. Spiritualism, Horcerlcs, Deropnology, nnd n , lift..i,ml rtlirr u'omlnrs. Price ov mall 11.2). Ill cm, .11 paper eovern e;oiy irep voi7eTii mil. i,ui) mouihiy easily maoe. Auurrss i. r. IVANS), 1'uU, 11 H 8th Sitreet l'lillndelphla I'ft. Iw THOMSON'S WOULD- HENO WN E D PATEN T JLOVE-FITTOt corset if ..nt, rnf. Ilin mnt sat- li,,riorv. tipst tltllnif nnd Hie cheapest Corset for Its real value, you liavo ever worn, uuy TIIOSIBON'S OENUINK PATENT OLOYH-FITTIXG. No Corset has ever atlnln ed such a reputation, either in this or any oiuer coun try. Asnowmndclnlcngth nnu lunncss oi oust IT CANNOT HE IMHIOVED. i'l-M-v 1'nTte.l. , .l.mnMl wILh thA name THOM SON nnil the trade mark, a crowu. Kept by all ;irhi.e-iasn ucnieri. THOMSON. t.ANODON 4 CO., rioie uevnerHui i-uiuui.. 3i)l Broadway, Now Y'ork. nO-tw AG K NTS WANTED. MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK 1 "ROUGHING IT," IS ItEADY FOR CANVASSERS. It li a companion volume, to "INNOCENTS A B It O A D, of which 100,000 Copies Have ntreadv been ordered, and la still ono of I Hie neii seiiiotr oooksouu Don't waste tlmo on books no ono wantu, but take ono people will stop you In tho streets to Mibscrli'o for. "Thero Is a tlmo to laugh," and nil who rpail Ibis book will seo clearly thill tllno hascomo. Apply nt once for Territory, Circu lars, anil Terms. Aunress lillL'lU'r 11 lUUMDAn Piitiltaliei 711 Bansom btreet, Philadelphia HEAD QUARTERS KOH BARGAINS. GREAT EaOSOTG- OUT OP WINTER GOODS. 111 ortl ci- to mako room for Spring Gooth I will closo out tho bnlnnce of ray FRENCH JIERINO, EJIPRESS CLOTH, WINTER POPLINS, AND s WISJTEU SHAWLS tit great bargains. FURS AT COST. ALEXANDER KID QLOVES, nt -f 1. J. & 1'. COATS' Cotton 80 cts. per iloz. M. P. LUTZ'S, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JOR RENT. A valuable farm In Cenlro town&hin. Colum bia Count v.ndlolnluc lands of John Fester. Win. Power, Reuben Siller and others, containing 165 ucres, 3 1 acres of which aro In timber, Uood farm and oulbulldlUKs, Irutl and water. For teriun ana uiu purticulam apply to,i ltAiei), Executor of Kred'k. Shatter, deceased. i-i.M uiucu auurefeb, i jiuu iiiuuo, nt, lcbJ7i-tt EW DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KLEIM line Inst purchased tho butlucss of K. P. Lutz, ueiwcIleiBiit the old Maud, u cholco ussortiueui BRUCiS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILirrAP.TICLl'Jj, PANCVBOA1-S, llRUSIira,Ac.,4c, Ai.d ft L'enerul aerortmiiit of the choicest t-ouds usually louiiu lit nisi ciuss eBiuuiisiuiiiuiB, PllVhICIANS' PhESCHIITIONH AND 1'AUILV jlfc.e'11'ui uAiie.kt M.1 euui'DUMiKU, On Suudayv, open Irom S a. in., to 10 a. in., and Hum i p. in., mi p. in, GERMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKEN. feb972-tf DLAKK DEEDS. We now have the tlnettt ashortmeut of IIIaANR PKKjDH ou liuuU nml lor bulu thut wtre eer kept lu lllooiuhbuii;. ljiruo uim on btkt narchiutut trator'K lt-d nuaJl tlio gouU tiptr (clitap CLARK & WOLF'S COLIM LAHQESTOOK n ov FALL GOODS WHICir AllK NOW IN fcTOltE. THEY Wllili SELL THEM f. Low For Cash OH PRODUCE. CLARK & WOLF HAVE CALL AND SEE, Opposite Erown's Hold BLOOMSBURG. Wo offer a 8II.K CORDED POl'LIN that sold at 1.60 now at jl.33 per yard. A uplendld JAPANESE STRIPE at Jl.Oe) pjr yard. A full line; of BLACK ALPACA from 30 cenU toSl.Mperyard. Our M cent Alpsca can't be beat, our 7j cent Alpaca prime. And you know our 63 ct. Alpaca'ts Iho best In th Market lor the money. A Sixteen bono COllSET at70 cent. Our S1.S0 Long bone CORSET Is woith buying. Blenched and unbleached JIUSLIK, a full stock. APPLLTON A. at 1 1 ccntB by the bolt, 13 cents by tho yard. Ladies White Hose. Ladies Merino Hose, Ladies Ualmornl IIoso Ladies Balbifjane, Hose, Ladies Iron Framo Hose ladles FRINGED SUITINH CLOTH for Polo naises at S2.0U per yard, Flcerrd Hose, Misses ono-lialf IIoso IIoso In extra Siso Misses Ribbed IIoso Men Wollen one-half IIoso SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Ijadles Vcst3 Cardigan JanUets Ladies Cloth Gloves Ladles Ilerlind Gloves Ladies Ruck Gauntlets WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS. Ruck Gloves Ladles Fur top Gloves Gents Fur to Gloves Buck Gloves and Mittens Ladies Kid Gloves Gents Cloth Back Buck Palm Gloves Shawls of all Kinds. Ribbons Velveteens Empress Cloth Dress Goods Dundes Robes Black Satin Velvet Rlbons Beaver Cloth Cassimers and Planels OIL CLOTHS 4-1, C-l and E-l wide, TEA Bi;TTS of ICpHco-.Iron ttoi:o wnc at 13.75 per tett. Our Mock of TEAS, COFFE B, bPICi B, dr.. In full and at the lowekt flsurcF. Our HccU of NOTIONS Is lull and ccmplete. ROOTS and fcllOFS, a full line. CI ARK d WCLF are cloklng out their Meek of HIAWLS at leduced i ikf nury of tliuu t cost. We toirled no tlock ot HIItN over frem leet ktakoo, our prtkeiit ktrck 1m large aud all new, and we offer .utm from fitflto t2S.C0rir(tt. WATER-l'ItOOK CI.OAK1NO at 11.10, IL88, 11.10 and f 1,7$. t