tc (ipolumbiau. BLOOMSliUIiG, PA. Friday, Feb. 28, 1S72. 15, llcmocrntlc Stale Contention, l'ur jiinnt to n resolution of tlio Dem nrrntlc Stato Executlvo Cotnmlttco this ilny adopted, n Doiiiocrntlc Slnto Coil vi'iitlon In numbers equal to tho rep rrsciilntloti in Loth houses of tho leglsln tit re, Is hereby called to tucet In ItciitlliiK, Pa., on Thursday, May 00 th, 1872, nt 11 o'clock a.m., to nominate I'liiuild.iU'd for Governor, JuiIko of tho Supremo Court, nnd (should tho legN laturo uo tlutoriiilno) for Auditor Oen er.l and delegates nt lnrgo to tho Con- Rtltutlonnl Convention, nnd also to form nn electoral ticket nnd select and represontnttvo delegates to represent IhustiUo In tho Democratic Nntlonnl Convention. Uy order of tho Executives Commit tee. Wb. A. Wai.IjACK, Altt it, Chairman Wji, M'Ci.kllani), Sec'y. IIauuuiiuiio, February 15. Constitutional Keforin. Wo bcllovo this to bo tho most impor tant mcasuro beforo tho present Legis laturo, yot singularly onough it seems to nttract but Httlo attention. Tho peo nle bv an almost unanimous vntn do. raanded that a convention should bo hold yet nn unsympathetic Lcclslnturo proposes first to mako It n partisan body and secondly to delay Its meeting as long as possible. Tho llouso bill as reported" by the commltteo provided for tho election of 01) delegates ; two from each Senatorial District and t!3 at largo j no elector to voto for more than 18. This proposition was amended by spooker Elliott so rs to elect 133 members, ps Senators and momberstiro now elected. air. Willie, oi Allegheny proposes as asubstilnto for both bills, that tho convention shall consist of 09 members, 6G of whom shall bo elected from Sena torial Districts, each party to voto for ono In each single district. Tho result would bo that each party would be equally represented in each Senatorial District. Tho remaining 33 would bo elected ut largo, no person to voto for more than 18. Asa result tho success ful party In tho State would only havo threo majority ; onough for nil practical purposes Tho Elliott bill not only gives a largo Itepublican majority in tho convention, but it enables pot houso politicians and men of small calibro lo secure seats in It. It would simply bo a Joint session of men of tho saino status as tho30 who constltuto our present Legislature, hero and thero a good man, but not strong enough to control measures or stem corruption. Wo know in advance that a constitution framed by such men will bo weak and will undoubtedly be repudiated by the people, In Illinois tho Constitutional Conven tion was successful becauso tho minor ity had full ropnesontatlon, and that principle was embodied in their funda mental lajv. In New York the minor ity only had partial representation and a bungling constitution was tho rosult Singularly onough tho only portion of it ratified was that which applied tho princlplo of cumulative voting to tho Judges of tho Courts of Appeals nnd If it had not been for that principle the Republicans would not'havo had a sin glo Judge for many years. Tho Elliott bill also provides for tho election of delegates ot tho October elec tionIn tho heat of a partisan conflict, and would result iu securing politicians Instead of statesmen, besides delaying the meeting of the convention until next year. , We had hoped for a spirit of fairness in this matter, but confess wo scs no prospect of getting fair play. Tlio 3IcClure--(iray Contest. Tho death of Senator Connell of the Fourth Philadelphia District made tho Senate a tlo politically, and tho result of tho special election to fill tho vacan cy was looked forward to with much internt. As tho Kepublicans had about 7,000 majority in the District -It was ev ideut that tho choice was between a Iteform Republican and a Ring Radical. Tho Democratic press and Democratic voters therefore, took sides with Col McClure. Tho nomination of his op ponent was accomplished by fraud, force and bribery ; his alleged election was secured by tho samo means. A contest fur tho seat was inaugurated in the usual form, but at tho threshold tho contestant was met by tho declara tion of a Republican Committee, that although frauds might havo been com mitted, ballot boxes stuffed, nnd voters driven from tho polls, tho act oflS39 regulating contested elections applied only to members eleeted previous to the organization of tho Legislature, and theroforotho canteslant, whatever the merits of his case, had no right of ap peal. From this position tho demo crats dissented as being contrary to common sense, lo tho spirit and inten tion of tho net of 1800, to precedent, to tho Constitutional right of petition, and to tho inherent right of each Houso to Judgo of tho election and returns of its members. And now tho Republicans discover that tho method of drawing a commit tee is defective, and why T Because the chances, in drawing a committee to de cide tcfitch of two Republicans shall oc cupy a seat in the Senate, are in favor of the Democrats. For over thirty years tho Jaw lias been on tho statute book and no fault has been found with it by tlio opposition. It answered their pur pone In tho Bunn WItham caso, In thnt ofGroen vs. Short during tho pres ent session, and in numerous other eases. Tho Democrats doaorvo credit for re fusing to pass a general law to meet a special caso and if tlio opposition refuso to allow Col. McCluro the right to prove that ho was duly elected as Senator from tho Fourth District, on their heads bo tho responsibility. John W. Forney has resigned tlio ofllco of Collector of tho Port of I'liihi dolphin, because It Interferes with ills business, and his Independence as a Journalist. This last reason Is good Iu fact, tho best thing wo havo heard lately. Forney's Indopondence woll, well. From tho Miners Journal wo learn thut in 1871 thero wero 101 persons killed and 339 injured In tho mines of Schuyl kill county and 07 widows and 1G2 orphans made. LEGISLATURE. In tho Sennlo.oii Wodiuuday of last In week, tho speaker announced that ho Sir. would Issuo his writ for a special clr sonalcxplanatlou In reply to Mr. Heck's Hon to All tho vacancy In tho Fifth assertion In tho llouso that Mr. Drown senatorial district, to bo held on March tho day of tho spring olrctlons. tnong tho bills lutrodiiced wero tho following: Uy Mr. Utickalow, net abolishing tho Northern district of tho Supremo Court. Uy Mr. Deehcrt, act oxtoudlng tho compoloncy of persons to bo wltaowc-. in certain criminal c.iscs, as follow : Au act to extend tho competency of par sons to bo witnesses in certain crimi nal cases. Section 1. lie enacted, etc.. That In mo trial oi itny lmucment, complaint or . .'"."M Prlmr or nnVnsr;.. un v Lnnnna so churir- C(lsiiail,ainisor nerowu rc(iuest,iiiiu not otherwise, Do Ueotneil a competoiu wit- nessiliiocreUittoDOKiven iosurii usu. Uiopti,,,, n roiitutlon to print 25,000 mnntr hnitur I orr utlolif tit thn lnrv. Ilt1 I 1 " 11 lor tlin liiAtriintlnn nf thn court! Pro- vldtd, That tills act shall not extend to tno trial or any person or persons oil an Indictment charging n capital olTenco. Tho romaluder of tho session was occupied In tho discussion of tho Qray- McClure case. In tho House a motion to adjourn from tho 17th to tho 27th of Feb. on account of tho uuhealthincss of liar- risburg was not ngroed to. A number of bills wero introduced, including ono. By Mr. Gatchell, to rcgulato nnd classify borough and school taxes on renl C3tlUo 1,1 boroughs. By Mr. Itogers, of M'Koan, to regu late tho sale of proprietary medicines and remedies made from any secret recipe or formula. By Mr. Stock, relative to tho invest ment of trust funds. Tho senate bill relative to a change In tlie ,aw Kuvernlng contested olectlons caino up on third reading. Beforo tho final reading, a motion wns mado to adjourn, which was not ngroed to, tho democratic sldo voting for and the re publican sldo ugalnst tho motion. Tho bill as amended finally passed on a call of the yea3 and nays. Iu tho Senato on Thursday of last week after tho introduction of a num ber of bills, tho aray-MeClitro casa was taken up nnd discussed at length. In the House, ou motion of Mr. Meek ono thousand coplos of tho military bill wero ordered to bo printed for tho use of tho house. Senato bill No. 1, entitled a supple- ment to an act relative to changes of venue, was passed, as follows: Section 1. lie ita enacted etc., That all tlio oxneiist'S incurred in tho trial of any suits bv the couutv to which they may bo removed under the nrovisions of tho act enlitUd an net relative to tho change of venue, approver! April twenty eighth. Anno Domini ono thousand eight iiundred and seventy, shall bo paid by tho county from which such suits navo occn removeu. CIIAttTEHS OF INCORPORATION Senate bill No. '30, entitled an act to i . i. .. !..:.. .1 r ... t c , I. ,,i., r 1 uuinrau uiujuiiauiuuuu ui uiu tuuus ui common weas oi iiiecommouwuauii re lative to granting charters of Incorpora tion, was amended and passed. Houso bill No. 110, entitled nnact re lative to appeals from the Judgments of justices of tlio poaco passed as follows ; Section 1. That beforo any appeal shall hereafter be taken from thejudg ment of a justico of tho peace.tho party appellant, his agent or attorney, shall make oath or affirmation beforo tho Justico that it is not for tlio purpose of delay such appeal is entered, but be cause ho firmly believes injustico lias been done, and that tho justico shall enter said oath or affirmation upon Mb docket. Sec. 2. That upon appeal from tlio judgment of a justico of tho peaco, tho party appellant, his agent or attorney, shall pay all costs that may havo accru ed in such suit or action. Provided, That whenever the appel lant makes an affidavit that ho is una bio to pay tho costs, he shall bo allowed to appeal without paying costs: Pro vided further, That tho provisions of this act shall not apply to tho city of Philadelphia. In tho Senato on Friday last, tho bill abolishing tho Northern District of tho supremo court was reported negative ly. Ou motion of Mr. Buckalew tlio Houso was requested to roturu for fur ther action tho Senato bill extending tho titno for drawing a Committee in tho Gray-McCluro case. Tho Speaker appointed Messrs. Bucka lew (Dem.) and Wtiito and Strang (Rep.) as commltteo to confer with tho Houso Committee and adjust tho differ enco between Senato nnd Houso on tho McCIuro Gray bills. Nothing of Interest was dono in tho Houso. In tho Senato on Monday, tho follow Ing bills wero introduced. Mr. Collins, preventing tho salo of ueatlly weapons in Luzerno county; also, compelling corporations to pay wages In lawful moaoy, ami prevent ing tho keeping of corporation stores. In tho Houso tho bill, calling a Con vention to rovlso tho Constitution, was considered nnd discussed. Mr. White moved to amend so as to olect delegates on tho cumulatlvo plan, so as to givo minority reprosentatalon Ijoat. Among other amendments was ono offered by Mr. Gatchell, of Lancas ter, allowing woman to bo delegates to the Convention. Lost 31 yeas, to 38 nays. No dcflnlto action was takon. In tho Senato on Tuesday, Mr. Bucku lew reported from tho conforonco com mltteo on tho McCluro-Gray contest, tno lact that tho committees of both Houses had compromised on his (Mr. nucKaiow a) diii, sent tno committee on Friday last. Tho report was unanl mously adopted. In tho Houso, Mr. Howltt chairman of tho Commltteo on Ways and Means, reported thoGenoral Appropriation bill. which was ordered to bo Immediately printed. This is tho earliest datoat which this bill has been prepared for at least thirty years. A very largo number of privato bills wero considered. CONGRESS. In tho Senato on ' Wednesdy of last weelc, Mr. Sumner again brought for ward his French fraud resolutions. Tho Grant Senators, headed by Sherman, of Ohio, wero uaturally delicate about any investigation, and endeavored to avoid it. Mr. Tipton, of Nobraska, romiuded them that thoy had been anxious to avoid Investigation on tho Now York Custom-Houso question. In thellouse Boveral bills wero passed for tho erection of public buildings at various places. Tho THE COLUMBIAN Army Appropriation bill w&i reported, calling for $20,513,000. thoBcnatootiThUM.layoflast weok Urownlow propoiod t mako u per- low, whllo Governor of Tennessco, mado that Stnto a pandemonium, llo wri proceeding to nbuso Mr. Hock In very unparliamentary phrenology when ho was cheeked by tho Vlco-l'resldont. Tho A Homito then resumed tho debttoon tho resolution to Itiiiulro into tho sales of nrms to French uzonlB during tho Franco German war. Lengthy speeches wero tnado by Mr. itnrlau, Mr. Fro llnglniyscn, and Mr. Schurz, tho last named giving his poworful aid to Mr. Sumner. TlioSonatoiullournod without reaching ti vote. There Win mi exciting debato In tho HotHO 111 commltteo of the WholO Oil tho xnnviii .ipripniuioii niii. Tho Senate on Friday last n' or COp.OI of tllO Atllljrlcill "C.HO" submit tea ueroro mo in.irii or Artmrnuon nt Qonova, toDic up Mr. Sumner's resolu Hons on tho French frauds, and discuss cd them nil dy. In tho House.Mr. Beck, of Kentucky, obtalnel permission to defend himself against tho attack of Sonator Brownlow, and ho took ocwlon not only to black on that gentleman but to deliver a powerful lnvccttvo against tho other Governors of Southern States. Ho mill they had put forward Brownlow to nt tick him becauso Brownlow was n crip plo and nn imbecile, but that Bullock and Boe.l and Scott wero not cripples, nnd ho was ready to back what ho had said In tho llouso or olsowhor.o Not withstanding many interruptions, ho was Hstonod to with marked attention by n crowded Homo anil was warmly congratulated at tho clo3o of his speech. In tho Senato on Monday after some dobalo Ul0 roport of u10ku.K1ux Committee, tho debato was continued on Sumner's French frauds resolutions, adjourning without a voto on tho sub- jL-ct. in uio iiouso tno mil repealing mo duties on tea and eoffeo was parsed by a voto of 153 yeas to 33 nays, an amend ment putting salt and coal on tho free list failing to get tho required two-thirds vote. Tho Wnyiind Moms Commltteo Mon day decided to contlnuo tho payment of tho incomo tax f )r 1871, and its eollec tlon will bo proceeded with. Tho Houso Cjininlttoo on Civil Ser vice havo agrcod to report a bill mak i"K it a penal otfenca for any Congress- man to ask for civil appointments, anil allowing them to mako recommenda tions only when requested to do so in writing. In tho Senate on Tuesday, Senator Schurz delivered a magnificent oration beforo tho largest nudlenco nssombled iu the Senate Chamber for many a day. Hoabundautly demonstrated tho com plicity of tho Grant administration in tho salo ofarms to tho agents of Franco during tho Franco Prussian war. and -"r JgnQungJ in scathing 'orms tho uu- scrupulousness, selfishness, nnd corrup tion of which tho United States, by their agency, had been mado guilty. The speech was beyond comparison tho most able and tho imiit damaging to the adininl!ltraUou thlU hls been Jril thb session. Tlio debato in tho Houso of Repre sentatives was both interesting and amusing. Fernando Wood, eriticis- ing tho Commltteo ou tho Reorganiza tion of the Civil Service, mado a telling speech on demoralization existing in public life national, State and municip al, predicting that tho great watchword would soon bo "universal purification nnd tho elevation of thoollicial stand ard." NEWS T. A. Millnrtl was arrested at IiOuis- villo, by ilotectivos, ou Suntlay night, unil heltl for a requisition from Gover nor Geary. Hois charged with utter inc forged checks on tho Third Nation al and other banks of Philadelphia. Hon. Thomas A. Scott 1ms been elect ed President of tho Texas Pacific rail road in placo of Marshal O. Koberts, resigned. In tho Mai no Iiouso of Representa tives on baturday, n hill was toportfd given women tho right to voto at Pres idential electious. Buckhout, tlio Sleepy Hollow mur derer, was executed at Whito Plains, N. Y last Saturday. Tho Kansas Iiouso in Commltteo of tho Wholo, has agreed to thoSenuto bill providing that nobody be hanged for murder until ono year after convic tion, and not then, unless tho Governor issues tho warrant for execution. Tho blockado on tho Pacific Railroad still continues. Until tho wind mod cr ates tho efforts to clear tho -ok nro useless. Tho govornmont has u Attch- cd a food train to tho relief of tho blockaded, Tho railroad superintend ent promises to do all ho cm, lmtho lears his inability to light thr suow whllo it is aided by tho wind. Patent Right Notes. Tho following act recently passal tho llouso. It will bo found of interest to our readers: AN ACT. To rcgulato tho execution and lamr r,t notes given ror patent rights. Section 1. Me it enacted .in -nimi. whenoverany promissory nolo or nego tiablo instrument shall bo given, tho consideration for which shall coiulst in wnoiour iu pan oi mo right to make, USO Or Venii UllV mtont Invnnllnna claimed to bo patontod, tho word "giv en for a patont right" shall bo promi nontiy and legibly written or printed on tho faco of such nolo or instrument above tho signaturo thereto, nml suoh uuiu ui uiaiiuiuuiiv in mo nanus or any purchaser or holder shall bo subject to tlio same defences asin the h inula lift 111, original owner or holder. And any person who siiallnure hasuorbei-nmntiii. holder of any promissory note orother negotiable iiistrumont, knowing tho bamo to havo been givon for tho consid eration aforesaid, shall hold such unto or othor instrument subject to the h.iiiiu uuiuhcus as in tno nanus or tuo original owner or holder although tho words "given font patont right" shall not ha writtonor printud upon tho faco thereof. Section 2. if any person shall tako, purchaso. sell or transfer any promissory noto or other negotiable- liibtrument not h,v,lH? "'?.. wor(li "Hlven " Patent Tight" written or printed legibly and prominently on tlio futoof such noto or instrument above tho niguaturo thoroto, kuowing tlio consideration of such noto or instrument to consist In wholo or in part of the right to mako, use, or vond any patent iuvontion or inventions claimed to bo patented, every bueh person orporsonsshall bo deemed guilty of iimlsdomeanor and, upon conviction thoreor, shall bo lined In any sum not exceeding Uvu huudred dollars or Imprisoned in tho eountyjitll forty days or both, in the discretion of thm-miri Section ti. All acts or parts of nets Inconsistent herewith tuo hereby juiiumuu. AND DEMOCRAT, Now Aclvortisomonts, A DMINISTHATOU'S NOTICE. XV r.STAT Of .HUAIt WlllTKHla.IT, DHO'll. . Loiters or aiiiniui-irauonon me minio or Harnn WhltctilRlit.laloof Ml. I'leasant twp., Unlumliln county, deceased, liavo been Krnntod by Ilia Hog. Istor of mild aaunty to O. W. Miller, of llloom bur. AU perum having claims n-nliiil (he etulo or Hie ilei-odetit uro requcsteu to pro Kent lliotn for settlement, nml Uno Hiitabte-d In tno etnto lo maun payment to me uuucrsigtieu, administrator without delay. j. iy, .iiimir.u, fi'M17J-0v. AUinliiMlrittor. UDITOit'S NOTICE. The nndersliincil nniulnto.l 1)7 Ilia Court of Common l'leus, orOoitinibU Homily. Auditor to dltrlluto lo llio panic entitle I thereto tlio money luuount prnoeeuuriiiin iroiu lir lie ot tho property of II union A lMrroll, will meet the pirllos Intereito I for llio purpoio of hi appointment nt lit ntllco In 111 ioiiiuurii, on Friday, tho 211 il ly of M irch. A. I). Hit. nt M o'clock n. in. AUporsom linvlnit claim nUnt oiilil in ml nro required to iroenltueinor ho for ever iienarrcu iroiu coming in ijruii.irv.ur of the Rime. ti. it. feb'J7Mw Auditor, A UDITOit'S NOTICH. RSTATK OV 81.MON 110TNKH, tIEO'O. iiouiiilurilKiicd luuiolutcil by the orpliain Court of Columbia county Auditor in tno Mtnto of Million Cotuer, Uoce.nud, will moot Itioinrlie lutoretod for tho purpose of lilt up- polllliuriu, HI 111" (lllicu Ol uwm, v. riiw( lllooimouru.oii WoJuesdiiy, March 2)th, liU, at lu o'clock n. m. ornild duy. All pentou li ivlm? claliiH on ulil citato, me required to ntteud or bo forever ileburrod Irom comlne III for n luirt of hum fund. JOHN M. CI.AIlli, febil'72-lw AuJllor. ADM IN ISTlt ATO H'S NOTICE. KSTATB Or THOMAS 110 UKO'U. Letters or Admlulitr.itlou nil the estnto or TliomiH Iloncli, latonr Hoirlnj Croon twp.. Co liimbliicouiity.docwisod.liivo bt-ou ttrauted by Iho lleifliter ol mild county to l'eler Hwaulc, of I,ocuillwp. Allporuius bftvlms cl.ilim iijulust tho ettuto of tho deoeilout nro renin) ited to pre sent them Tor settlement, :vid th ta Indebted to the estito to milt a pivi'ijul to tho uuae: -uua ndmlulitmtor without llel',y,'j.TpjlHy feb.?l'"5 flw. Admltilslra'.iir. jOTICE. All porioni ltnowhu themtelvoi lndobted lo Isuliih DIctcrluK on Nolo or II ilc uccuunt will imvo coin by c.illlui; up m tho subscriber, reld int. nt. 1Lntv,rl. unv iitm iMliveen tllU due mid the lithil.iyof Mareh, an 1 tuoio neglecting this notice will hive coin 11 ldn-l alter tint date. .lOUN'U.llUl JK..I. 1'. Uupcrt. Feb. Slit, H7i. febmMm NOTICH Is hereby Riven lo nil person, thftt my wlleOliuiuali Hen) Ins Iclt mv be I mid hoird, without Hiilllcleut c:iuit 1 thereto hereby ciiullou any nml nil poi-sonn not to Unit her on my account, us I will notpiv nnv dobis or her coiitractliic! JAME3 BMIT1I. JSuuton, f'ou. 10, lSIi febil'M-lw jqj-AUVKY B. WALKEK, " WITH ME.VR, SCHROPP & CO., lSl'OItTKHS ANDJOIllir.lMOK CHINA, ULA.&3 AND flUEHNSWAttE, No. ICS NORTH HECONDfST., PHILADELPHIA. Si-Orlglnnl assorted packnges of Ojioenswnro coustuutly on liiud, lebil'72-tf. pUUL.10 SALE o r V A L U A II I, E It E A L E 8 T A T E . In pursuance of an orderof thoOrphanV Court ol Columbia county, tho undersigned Admlnls tra'or Ac, of thoesiato of Wellington II. Hot, late oi iiiuio A-ii oi uioomiuurg, in lues iiii c utili ty, deceased, wllloxpjso topabllOBdlo on the prumhes on SATURDAY, MARCH 1GTU, 1872, at 10 o'clock In tho foronoou of sali day, tho ful- luwiuy aescriuua 110U312 AND LOT OP GROUND, ulttuito In thn Tnwn of lllooimhimz. In sahl county, flouting on SrcoutI or Mulu street of Mild town, tuljohilntf Into! John K. Umtz, on tlio West, KUUo Alloy ou tho North uul Wituna'K ! AUi-yon tho &ist. S.Uil lot ho' u ub-mL lilt V ntx Ui't lu trout im Stfi'otul or Mitn Mtroat mil two hundred uud Imntuen feet six luch04 In dufitli. Whoroju Is erected a large tivu blory mUCK DWELLING HOUSE, wlUi Ilrldc Kitchen nttnoliei ; a Two Story Fratuo Dwelling llouso, u SUblo uud wagon house, uud otaer out lmllJin;s. iThU property Hlu a vry deslmbto locitlmi lorstoro and olllces.) And sold us lata tho esUto ut uaLl deceased. OoNUlTION'H OP B.LR Ten per ccut. of ono fourth of tho purchusu money wuill ho paid ut the Htrlklug dmvn of the property, tlio ono tourih, less tin leu per ceut.oiitiirj couflrtiutluu ot HH.U; and tho remaining thnnj-fourths lu ono yoir thereafter, with interest from thoconllr inutlon Hint. lWiessuiu given upon t'-ie purchaser kccui ing thopayuiout nf tho purchaso mouey. I'urchas era to pay tor Deed uud Htump. PETER KMT, Light. Street, Feb. 21, 1ST 2, Administrator. Itsbli'ili-lw pUBLiIO SALE V A Ij U A B Ii K H U A h U B T A T li . Tho uu(Jersl(?ueJ Kxo;utor ofUiolastwIUrinJ tostument ot John Ktlf, Jr , Utu of tliotownshli of Huunrloaf, lu UiouuuiiLy ol Columbia, duo il., will fxpoiu lo public hutu on tliu prumlssu ou SATURDAY, MAUOU aOril, 1872, nl li) o'clock In tho forenoou of salt! day, the i. mowing tioscnuti'i reai esuvie, 10 wit: KIthI, A certain tract ol land sltiidto lu Sn garloat township, lu said county, ucmtululut; 133 ACRES MORIS OU LESS, adjoining Innds or Andrew LaHbash, J. W. Kile, Andm-Kou Kilo and Ueortsa Dills. Alriat 60 acres of which la olcnrcd Uud, uud tho biUnco in good timber, Whereon aro TWO GOOD DWELLING IIOUSI23, ncwdllank Barn and other outbuilding. A good loutitiitn pump at the door of tlio dwell Iuk houbo, A wood sprluji house uud never falllu Hprin of water. Theru is ou tuo premises a large und GOOD AIJPLE ORCHARD. Second. Tho undivided half of atractof Tim ber Land In tuo warrantee liHino of Hamuel Nfyhird.riltuatein Jacksou township, Colum bia county, hiuinded u llio northeast by u tract lu thn warrantee name ol Wesley lies, on lh wesi oy t'ouuiy uuo una uu mu kouui uy rtna In th warrantee namoof Samuel YorksutU by laud of Jesse Uhonu couUiulug 3)7 AOHI23 AND 81 PERCHES, Ntrlct measure. ALSO: Tlia undlvlileit ono lull l of au itlier unci nl tliubLir l.iml .ltatto lu Jacltsoa iind susjarlo ift Aps In llio w.iri'aulo) iiuauot wes tlds-i, u miiJel on llio wu.t, uy ttiti tie c-iiil-ii iimq , on ttiii nnriii ny laud of Ju in-H lleti!,,!,!! Uiidtust oy Knbuil Miiul-i;oiin-i-y nml others unil on lUu feoutli by 1 m Js of D.ivld Uoltlcr, coutxiuliu 108 ACRES AND 8-j I'EROIIES, strict measuro. ALSO: Auntliof tlmb r lot uu WehV Crtiult Kills In .IiioUmhi twp., iii.tctui; a Kooil mill seat, lioiitiiliid on Llio -toutli by laml laluof I'll 1 1 1 ; Kili'kbuun.on Uu w--.t by lliu uuinn, ou tlm iinrtli by Ian 1 ol .It-sho Hlionu anil on tlio east by laml of Klljali I'etc-riuan, cou lululug KOlTll AOKKS, Hlrict iueusiiru. Ttir.ns miuld Known on UivvolhUlo when una wlitjioutteULlaucu will bo ylvon bv 'lie mulurr bincil. ItlClIAltD KILt-i, li-iilrinimiil. LJnrinrrj . I. vi.nti ii. I.IISCTIIO WO., I A, IUU-JW p UUDIC SALE V A L U A D L K HEAL K S T A T B. In pursuauroof au order of llio Orphani' Court of Culuuibl.k county tlio uuUerslniu-il ailinlnl.s tralom, ita.ut 1'elur lllluur lato ot tuo towuship o Locum, lu BAliI county, ilutoascLl, will oxpoiu lo public nalo uu the pre!iilidt,ou THUllsDAY, MARCH llTH, lb72, ut lOo'clock lu Uio forenoon of bald duy, llio ful lowlui; deucribt-d untalu, lo wit: No. 1, A certain tract of laud mtuatu lu La cunt township lu bull county, cuutululun 108 AC11E3 AND 31 PERCHES, neat measuro, adjululutf land of MIcliielKtlufl, Jr.,i:iwunl Hliauxaer, Henry (Jablu uud A. II, Kiiher Willi tiouMd uud baiu uud oilier Unu balldiii;s lliereou erccled. Xo. 2. A tract of land miutto In tin) township uudcouuty ulureMild, coululnliij V O 11 T Y T 11 it E E AO it E S and 12, perches, ueat measure, adjolnlui lauds ot Mlcuurl nilue, Joseph HIlltK nod otliur Uudn oi nam uueeiuuu, witu tjuLia uuuuiuis luereuu rectuu. No.;i. A tract of Und altuito In tlio township uud county uturcsald, couuiulut; 3 ACRES AND JZ PERCHES, measure, ivljolnlng lauds or Jo, eph llllloj. John llllli''. sr., Charles l-'etteriuau, David KrUciier. rXwum Mlmussurund ulnar l ul ls of butd deceased, with good bulldluus thureou eri-cieu. No. 4. A tract of wo id. Mini ulluuto In tlio tuwnshlp uud county ufjresald, cjulululiig FOUU ACRES & EIQHT PERCHICS, adjoining lands of Hobirt Wullilus and other liiuus oi baiu ueueaseu. A iract of wood-land tltuuto lu the tuwiishlji nud couuty uloresuld, coulalului;. 1 ACRES AND 80 PERCHES, niljoinlnlni; lands of Kolb A Uaub, Itobert M, ivuiaius unu oilier muui in si.ili ueceasuu. No. il. A tract of wood -Uud sltuato lu tho lowushlp uud couuty itf jresald, cuuialuliiL; 1 ACRES AND 120 PARCHES, nljolulng lands of Ivolb A Hiub and John Mof rw. TEHM8 OK HALK.-.Twenly per ccnt.olono. third ol Ilia purehaso mouey lo bo paid ut the btrlkluir dowu of thu properly, tho o in. third less Ilia twenty percent, upon tho delivery of llio po.soibtoii ot the property, oue.tliud of the pur t-tuse money lu one year from thu dellveiy of tho pobst-aslon Willi luterest from Uio dulo of Hie delivery of the posbcbsloii uud tho bulancu of thu purehaso money lu two years from tlio delivery of thu tHis.t-ssiuu, with luiercbl Jroiu the Uuto of thedellver of llio posbesslou. payable uuiiuul ly. 1'iilcliuser or imrchuaers to pay for deed and tuiupi. Ihe urulu lu llio y round Is reserved irom tills sale, the bimo lo bu uatUored uud iiiiesueu uu rue ireiuises. ClliOllUti HITNKIt, .,, joiin a.iiuni;u, ; Au uir's. f.iaTS-Sw BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SHHUIWS BAJiH. , , . Uy vlrluoorcerlnln wrlti ol Venditioni V.f ponm, Imhc 1 oat of Uio Court of I nniiioii Pleiii oi noriiiiiMioerKino i.ouuir, lo me illre-led, I will imiwio lo rmbllosntont llieCuirl llouso In thn lloroinliof rtunhury, on Mondar, Mm-o't I Ith, I . I, nt 1 o'closK p. in., tlio following properly, to wltt , , All tinier -.In tr.tct. pleci or parcel nf Hint nl uato In Mt, cirinel township, Norlhumher. land County, I'eniHvlvi.iU liojliinlninlno'ies liutoalt,tUoioulhe:iitconinrofnlrict of Innd miiveyod In tho nnma of Wllllim Hinniinn, on Ihn tweiity.neeou I diy nf Urtnlier, nevfiiledii hun I roil nml nlnely.fuut.thencoliy lindiiuryey ed lo Peter Hmllh, north eltht mid one-lourih deitreeH well, liriv-ono nml tlirea-loutli pe.i-lns 10 it comer or Peter Hmtllii Ihcneo hy Poter Hinllli an I Itobert Uordnn, north eUhly-two do arees nnd lhlrly-sl iiiluulos inst, nbiml alxly live perjlieslo the llnolietwe -n No Ihumhurland ami ColuiulJla couiillcsj theneo by the 4ld countv line, north eighteen deuces west, thro tilth 11 li-iif-Lur land atirvovoil 111 tho lliltlll of I.ow.s Wulner.ouo In-ndrod nml soventy perches to n point ou thodoutheru lino of n tri ct of Inuil a ir veyed In tho 11:11110 ol Tlinnin Knslont Iheni'o oy l -JO H lino I 1 111,11111 il us Li 1 11, uiriii w 1(111 i-mhw mid one-hall decrees wesi, nhoot thirty poi-chns lo n neap ot atones, 11 corncrnt mom is fusion in n lluoni M.irr Huston! Ihoneeaouth twodeirons west thirty. tntuj porches to 11 comer of Mnry uus oui luenco ny annio iinu 1 niiui 1 miiiiiii. ton 1101 til elulitv-cljlit nnd niiu-lnll dmrees west, two Imndi-eil nnd tlilrlv-oliht uud sixteen .mil 1 1 11 Hi 1 f ni 1 1 It onri-lini to 11 mint! thoneo through tho 1 llo trictof 1 tnd aurvoyed lu tho namoof l.o-:s Wiil'ter. 1111 1 iit.mitho wosteru lino of 11 tract of lint aurvevod In thi naino of Wiii.Hhiiinoii.aoiitlielLthtnuilouo foiirthderecs two iiuiiuri. 1 iiui-,y.ivvjL& t iiriy-iivoouo. hundredlh perches Ion plin coriiorof Wlll'uiu Ullhjrtj llu-iicooy willl.1111 otibort north niitiry-ouonndotio-h ilfdci- iso.'st Ihrco hnu liol and nlnety-nvo perchei to I110 lvl.ico of bojlutiliu ! coni liiliiif ("i ') aevoa liundtol nn I IH-o 11 roi moreor l--as.iiud ejinprlsln nil of Imtcertutii ire it of laud aurvoyed to WIMInm SU inn m on the twonty h eoud day of October A. 1. one thousand kovoii Imudicd nnd nlnoty.four, nml n part or n tract of limlnljolnliu tl osuno, aur veyc.l In tho n.imoof I.ew.s Welko.'on llio anno day. Tlio sill tract or p.trccl of land s levlo I upon beltiLt part of n, larjor tract orb 1 Iv of 1 ami siutaiop.ully InliioNaldiownsiilpo'.MUC.ii'iiio'. NorihtimbPiland county r nforesild and pirtly lu ltonrliig Ci-eelc township, Columbia comity moropirili'iilaily bjitnd I uud il -sj, lbs I us lot lowij, to wltt UeRlnultiLt at u p st nnd fttonos, n comer of laud mirvevod lu llio nanio of IHmii erer Uranium; thenco by the Mine uoi'tli ton dcw'Ots west, ono huudred uud rorty-nlno nn I live-tenth pirches to n atone, comer of John Vomit:! thenso hv tho anmn end bv land hut- veye I In ihviinmoof Mmy Huston ini th i-Uhly- emiii. nun one-imr nesroai west, four luiii'ireu tint. niAicrpi il'il-iici hi 11 npnp ill Hiouu?, o im 11- er of Mary Huston : thenco bv n corner of Thom as Huston south two ile-ri-ees west, nistv perches toaeorner; thenco norm eliiiitv-elishlitoue-h ilf ilenrees wtal, uuo hundred nnd ninety-two por ches ton lllMIl of stones, n nnrtinr nf it. tract sur veyed III tuo nimonl Tiiomas lliulnn In lino of .nary iiusion tneticn nv Mary Huston, south two iil-il-v iyl-sl, in- ly-mreo po.cnes 10 une.ip 1 Ktour-s; thenco pirtly bv thositi'O nml partly hV I'llOS. ItllllUtllll im.-l'.i ol hh-.nWlit nml mli. liilfih-ireoi west, to uniiilrod iind'tlilrty-clsht nun niieeu uiio-miuureiitu pereues 10 a p inn thenco smith G'eht nml min.rilrlli ilmrioev e 1st. twohiuidredniul ttility-twoiind tnlily-llve 0110- peruuen ion aiotie, cornel- 01 v iiiiani Oilbcrt: tlionco bv William llllbertiiorlh iiiohtv- 0110 nun oiio-half degrees cast.lhroe hundred and nlncly-nvo perches loaoornerof William Shan non 111 tho lino of llobcrt Oordon 5 thenco by Itobert Oorilon north olubt nml nnn-rourth do- Brecs west, llfty-opo nnd llireo-tonth porches to iLcuruui 111 iiuoorL uoruon ; menco uorill eiuuiy two deitrees thlrtv-slx tuiuuti-H east, four lion. ilrod slid klxtv-ono nnd oiio-tcnth porches by laud or Itobert (lordon nnd Andrew Porter to thHplaeeol beginning; containing ten hundred nnd til tv three (liVH) uoros nnd tweiily.Rovpn I-.. j pireiies oi lauu, ciuur.iciiif ail liiaL eeriatii tractor land surveyed i Nntliaulel llrown on inetwcii'.v urMniucinoersovoiiteeiihuiiiirednU' ninety-lour, upon his wan-nut dated twenty sixth day of Novemboi A. 1. hoventeou bun dred nml nincty-tnreo, nnd all of certain other tract ofUudsurvovod to William Hh innou ou ine iwoniy Hei-onii 11 ly or octobar seventeen iiuiiuioi nun 111110 y-i mi iinu 1110 larger pari. 01 n survey ndlolnitiK tho Fnmu In ilienainoo Lewis Walker surveyed ou tho twcniy-s -e uu ol October A. 1). soveutoon hundred ami nluoiy four. In pursuance of Ills w irraul dated Iwentv slxth or November uovouteen liundroi.iud ulno ty three. Hol?.o I, taken Into otocutloti and to bo so'd ns 1110 proporiy ot too Columbia Coil Compinv. John 11. ni:i,iii:it, shenir. RherliTs 0111:0, Huubury, l-'eb. 197MJW. IF Oil SALIC. 'i'lioresldencolito of Charles II. Diebler. K-o.. doo'd, situ ito on I'lilrd sii-eot, lu tlu Town ol llio imsbur, nnd ono of tho MOST D li SI R A It h V In tho Town; will bo ottered nt private sale. It has lately been reiialiited. nanorod uud hor- ouithly repi red. li nut previously dlpjsuJ of, It will bo exposed to public salo ou SATURDAY, MAHOII 10m, 187i, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon. TKHMS. Klvo lllllldruil tlollars iliwn. nnd t in bilance ill yearly payments ot ono th jiiiau t ilji- lnrs, wuii interest, wen secured, Apnllcitloti u iu bo in i lo lor privato coatraet to K. II. llllids, J. It. 1I.PAHK', T11U3.H. UDKULCn, Kxeiaitors. orto.I.O. I-'hfzr, Wllll.nuspri, P.i, JilouuisuurK, la. lob2( 7--lw 300 A(112MT-t W VNTHI) NOW ' Tosellour.SISWlNUSIl.lCLV 1.1NKN T1IUEAD I'.very family uks It. S7i to 8100 ieriiionth cleared with eerlainly. Bend for lerins ut onco to 1). L. UUKitNsnr, Concord, N, II, us-lw Ifinfl AHKNTrt WANTK1) fnrlllB bust elllni; AwUU MAI'S, CHAltTrf, olc.I-NEW MAI Ob' I'KNNSYLVANI V I I'lnisantiinil p.iylua busi ness. IIAHI-rt! LUIlllKOUT, Kllliilio Map fc Chart Ilitabllsbiiient, li)' Liberty St., N. V. nilw S 0 W011T1I l-'ilEBTO UOOli AOKNl'S I 8-inl ynurHdilrosM, stating e.-snorineo, ruccos, utul bo ik 110.V belling, anil ret'elvofi-ee our n m AQENTd POCKET COMPANION, Wo-tli Slll.O) to any Itoolr Aiiont. TIUIIII Villi HIIOS., l'llbllslltrs, 72.1 Hansom St., I'hlladrlplila. nt-lw GREAT CHANCE for AGENTS Do you want an anuiicy, local or travel ing, with an opportunity to nnlco S3 to StfO a diy selling our now 7 Htrand Whllo Wtro Clothus Lines? They last forever: simples Irpo. Sfud lor rlrcu lir, AiMrt-ss at onco Iliiilsin lllvet .V'lro Wnrlis. corner W.ittr rtt. and Muldun ui'io, N. Y.or Jl!l W. IUndolph Hi,, (Tnl CJf5. IU. m-lw tho jiroprictur til lii . a ot "leu im Juau," iuturiiofi f.cria.w men 11a cauma cur , ula uy 1 frugal bib ai iv c Agents Waatod for T. 9 AUTHUICS ORANGE R IrO SSOMS, KHKSII AND f'ADI-U. A book fir young or old. hus'und or wl; for tho happy and uuhappv, Undouolollv ih KitMltt ol 1iIk works, dood tetms gua a teil. Nl-! VUIjY ukaDYI A Htartllni: t-mnoraru'o hiorybyihls author. Thu only compiultu to Ton Nlahtn lu a Hir Itnoiu ov-r wrhlen. Send lor el culaiH to J, M. STODDAUT CO., 1'ubllsii- cmt iu 1 ladol phl i, l'a. nviw AGEN'lS WANTUO. The only completo Ufo of JAMES PISK. Containing a full arcount of nil lilihchmnes. en tt-rprlsrs euil ussasuliiii 'on. Ulnruplileio Van narbllt, DrowiinilolhiTBrnii 11, II. nml l-'luuii imiuliN. flie.Ll l-'ltAUDS of Uld TAM.M V M y llINd. Ilrllllaiitppnplciure.iliitlieLIUtU'.s AND HIHUUWrt of Now York Lilo. JOSIK M ANSKIKLU llio klieu. How u bautlful wo mini ciuiitVHir,! anil iiilnoil la-r victims. Life of UDWAIll) K. Hl'oKICS, IIIus rateilocUvootover liinlpijtes. IS 114 lor omul, nun seciiro iitti irov nl. oiu-u. CiiVill.ll's lleo. UNON l'Ull' I.1S1I1NO CO., l'.ilUlulplili,Culcaijor Clnclu- 11,111. UO-1W Tlio l'lIYSIJALLII-'Eol Ali lljlN I Q 1 WOMAN ; fitllloutse'lsnnv hook lu the market. ItlNthor I nuhly t-stahll hedustho onlv icputahle worlt I ou Ihudehrata nu jeivu nf which 11 treii'H. I NKAKIjY ICKAUVI A new hoolc irom tno pen o' UiXJ itiuwin. Aineiica a mosi popular leciurer a rd writer ou Ucaltti. Thu woiKl-widM renuuiinn nr tno aniiior. ami thoUrgOHi oof nil his previous works, cnuot r til ui Ht'Ciirn an uumeuso uemanu ior iius, uia GKO. MACMIAX. Publisher. nS-lw TJlKaiisom HU, IMilladelphia. WKLLS' OrVRBOLIQ TABLES ThOHu Tablets present thu Acid In Coiublnatlon with other cllli-lent reined!.-, In a popular lorm fiirllio l-iirn iiriillTHKUATullil LUNG Diseases. IKIA RSKMllSS uud UI.CIORATIUN of tho Ihroat aro luimedlaleiy reuuveu uuu statements are coubtaully lieluu sent to the proprietor of relief in raves oi inrnat uiiucuiii- oi yeurH Ktunuinir, PA IIM'IOM Uou'lboUecelvodby worlhlobs UUU I lJl ltniiHiions. uei oniy wens Carhoilu'iablet.. l'rico li cents ner lloi. JOHN U. KLLl.OUU. isl'lattm., N. Y. tieud lor cir cular. Holo Auent lor the U. H. nS-lvv JURUBEJJA. Ills not a nlu-klc It Is not what Is nonulnrly called n DIlleiH, nor Is It Intended as such, 11 Is u Hnulli Amork-un plant that has been used tor many ears by the ineilical laculty of thoso countrlis with wouderlul i-HU-acy as a l'owerlul Alterative uud Uuccualed l'urlller ol the lllood und Is uburuuud l'erlcct Uemedy lorulllllbeases oi tno LIVKIl AND Hl'LKEN', ENLAHQEMKNT OU UlHrHUCllONOI-'lNl'K-sTI.NlWUIllNAUV, Ul'UllINK.OIt A11DOMINAL OIlUANrt, I'OVlllirYlJKA WAM' OK lll.UUl), INTHK.MII-1'K.NI' lilt HUM U'. TKNl-KKVIilH, INI- LAM.M.V TION OK 1I1K LIVI'.H, DllOI'SV. HLUUU1SU CIllCULATION OK THCHLOOD All-HCHI-ilH.Tll MOIW. JAUNDICK. HCltOKULA, ilYSl'KMIA, AOUld AND Ki:vt;it. oil TH 101H CO.V-COil-MITANT.-J, , Dr. Wells' Extraot of Juruboba Isotlered to inu piiuiiuusu (treat luviitoruiuruinl remedy for ull impurities of lliu blood, or for ni'IMula weamuss with their utluudaul evils, for the fonijoliiu aouiplaiuia JUIllillKlt.V la rontldently recmiimeiideil 10 every family ns n hotisehuld remt-dy, uud bhould bu freely luuim In ull deruut-eiiieuts of tho by slim, It mvos licalili, vigor uud louo to ull llio vital forces.und uiilmules und lorlllles ull wualt uud lyiuphullu lemperaineniH, JOHN it, KULLOQU. 18 l'latt HI,, New York. ,. , Kolo Aiteutfortho Unllod Ht.ues. l'rico II per llotilu. eud for Circular, ns-iw JUSTIOE'B BLANKS. Wo now havo on band a lanjo neatly prlnUsl ?fil"Jl!il'Lut. of JUai'lCK H uud CONnTAHLliH ULAN KH, to wlilcli wo invito Ihe attention ol lii se ofllcom. Psr?M '"". pUUljlO HALE L oi' VAt.UAIlt.r, Hr.t 1WTATI!. tly Vlrluo nf ntithnrlty nnd ordor of llio Or phans' Court of Columbia County, tho under. aTgnej, fiduiltilstrator or the cotate of Joint 1 eiiRer, .1 r, oeceaseu, win uxikiio 10 sine 111 iuu lln vomliie. oil ihoproiuUosntnuoo'clOLile In tho nfternooti, ou HiVTUIlDAY, M AttOlI 0, 1872, Ilia following iloirrlhod reit estate: iHlluato lu tho township of liJidit.noir llio villain nf Hl.ihtnwii, h nindoJ by tail Kof 1 100I1 Htlue. lands ofMayusrry Huydi-r.Diiilol Mirrn mid Willi. un inuiies, ooiiainuii TiimrY'Kivij Acmw inoroor loss, With the appurlen inces. ' WIU.I.lNtllON Y K Ad Kit. ' Admlulslralor, TKItM-t OP HAt.K. r.111 per e Jilt, of the imo fourtliof tho piiMii tse iu inoy ti no pud at tin stnlrlnndoiv.i of tlu pfoparty I'm oij-fnrih less Ilia leu pur content tin onmlrui Ukui 'if alio and Mm ronU.ilw nrji f 1 ir.111 In oioyoir llijreifter.wit i iiuormt rrj n 11 ulr uttl m 11HI. 11, II. ItiN JliKU, l'ob. 1),H7J-U Clerk. P"" u n LTo h a ij k of VAI.UAUt.K I'KIHD.V.Vtj Pltot'l'.tirV. Tho sulHirllur will oT-r fir silent lit at roil Ucu jo lu il ilu t iivnshlp, C iliiin il i .i i.iuly, o 1 TIIU1HD.VY, M VH JH II, 1 17 J, ntno'clm'c In tho f ro 1 un til) 1'iIlo.Viij pif - proiioriy, to wu: I-'OUll HOOD YOU.fil MUCK I, TimiJl-JOItVl.TItOlHlM. o:,'i:paci:jciiioimu, ami i!i In mln itoil, 1vi s- s t-uhir- Hess, tivosHi i loi I h irnen sovou pilror II nets, ono pilruf .Wiliii pit-jnl II nets m I oir lmb, one do Hint set ol llitht harness, on? -I lisle ditto, twoHi l lles'aud tw ridui orl il 14 an I a lot of other harness, two bU road w.ij oas, una luw wn jon , ONIl TWO-ItOIHR 1I11S' AXt.S WAOOj:, icarlv new. o-io piwder w.i-tin iiM.oio jirrn lihii, ivaiin lti I. lino i-1 ll be 1. 1 W 1 OUT Of IMC sleds, wlfi hixoi marly now, one Hiiey sleigh, OHO KUIItoy, O lO liaill, spriu ly 14 ill, ivul.-ulii.h- rows, uu e.'iil'is. r .nun 1 11 cs. rooj ml taclcle. one youii-j Durham oow and oilf, 0111 common cow, one pair 01 uiiesrer wnno iiiuuuiiili n lot of clilclcens form, riltes, shovels, hoes, nil. , u .nil, .phi, em. milv. lien ail nej uives. robes, bl in'lten, ileilc, buro un, ta 1I0, uud 11 lot or tilings 1101 meiiiioiioii. IV. J OllUtl.-l Maine twp., I-'db. n, H71. noiMI I ) U 15 Ij I O SAL 15 o v VALUAtlLK l'SIHOSU, IMl'Jl'EtirY. Tlio sum -rlbo'-s will o:lVr r,i si'.e l-i tl.i'lt- lorn, at till ret lonci of .Iievi llirrls. do -asel. lite of ll-iiilo?!c to.viisliln, Cna.uoli ojuuiy, 011 TIIUIISDVY, MAP.CII II, 1S7J. nt flo'c o-!t a. 111., t'.iu fill j vi.ig p '.-stall prop erty, 10 wu: tiihi::: iioiwim, ono oow nnd ellr. oun broil so .v. 0111 U' of Hhotts; 1.0 11 bushels eonuiii-s; .DIDiuIhh poll liiu. flill 11.1, iul, .ills, till liiidhftl-i Wllrt'lt. 'Jllllt' shel's rye; il tons 'liinthy luy; una llvcilslor reuper.ono throshloir michlno two two-horso l.,.iiil. ...1., hiii.iw.jk LL'w.ii,. 11.111 truer w.i- KOIl, otli, b Vftv, one sill key, two sIpiK 0110 Illy press, inrt'O winu lllllls.oue Krinii 'nn, ..iiiiiii mill 1111.1 ,L...ififMiiiii. iiiliis eomiuete. twi b ii-. biv inrits. nun no4t no In-. machine, 0110 shliiKlo mill, ono sol hlicUstiilt'i I dIs, two new cim eiows, single uini uo.ioin 11 iruus-, iu.h... tors, plows, harrows, Lleelsljr hay raise. TiinnKii luiii.s-iiimtni.itn shot ou.n-s, f.inu. 1 (,PI.Liiinli. iiii-iIp.i sli it ifiiti: 2, ll?l'es o wluii'i lo tliH,KM'tii(l; sK ii'iei ui ryo lu the eriiiio 1. uunther 111 my uUiar uilloles loo 111,1,1 r.i w III ill. T IIUS will In 111.1 lo hnowu on lliodiy o site, nml diiij utti'ii latiQJ Klvua tiy WlLiLl VM II Hltt.-l, 1 .,,. s ,lf JAS. A.'lIAHUIH. I "Ann". JfOllHIIi:LlIAHT, Auctumeer. IJuckhorii, I'Ob. W. Ia7-ts S1 rATEMENT OK THE FINANCES or -nn: COUNTY OV COLUMIUA. Fioin January 1, 1WI to Jauuary 1, UTi Il.WID LOWr.SllKllO, Kscp, Treasurer of Co- niiiiiii i L-iiuiiiy, iu uccfiuni Willi ham cjuni, lnr county purposes, lor 1S7I. isri. Jnn. Tuam't onts'nnillns for 1-71 Ac. SII.'Ol S lu iiiiuliuis lenoit or '70 M7 hi Jims county lax ass d. for '71 !.',(l.7 :n TO T. x on hi:.vt'd avi) cnsi:ati:i) land KKlUllNlID. O rr. 5? Names. Districts. M. Downs. Heaver .11 , 111 . 1.00 . J. llsrrluer. W :iui 1.10 . Co ev. l'eutou S.(M 'i'.S'i J. Hlne, Ceulrall.i Wltchev. C.DouKlierty.Conyngliain I I 1,, .11. Ly. a i. ui, - 1S..-I D. Lenlban, " (IJ l-.McMiinaiiinii " U'l (1. it J. II iver, Locust li-J II. II. AhhIp. Mlilllu II 7 . 3.1 . 1) , D. lleluliacll, inntour Oi L. Miiious l'lno .1. Wlll-hev. II. Cnnlt l.i'.'i J. Watts, u. Wool 1..'jU i.H.H .i7 1.13 3.01 0". Making n total of 811 ol .MI-ClCLI,ANi:olJ.S UECEII'TS. To ln'erost nnd cost. Jacob llechtel. Cjl- liv tor Madlsou, l-M. f2t Is To Adams, l. O. Ilrlar Crook 1 1 no J II. .Moyi-r,-wobbiiii Hold htm. 61 " O. II. 1". Kllcheu. V. o. Ilerw c!c for kei-plni; David Huyder in Count Jail. lit .10 To Thonia-i Ad'ims. I. o. HrlsrCrt-H-c 1- a- " N. Mlili-r.u Idlllou il Tax. Main. l7.i. 1 11 " Wm Neiil, welihlliasol I him. 7.1 " Thomas Ad ans. i o. ltrltir Creelr. .! " I'lilllp Krimer,elnndellor sol l(o d one) 1. 01 11 S.t-n'l Itlioue, old pi luk.llentou liri'lite. .1 00 " J. 11. lohe. old plank rum Volio brld -o Mi mm. 1 (1) To Ailams, l", o llrl i" Crcw-k. 41 ui " w. 11. Kills' list ilo" Jiuy M"-. il ou " 1 luiolhy 'lliotn is u isi duo case o ins, 7 7-t To. I 1C. .Sharpluss, old plunk. 1 (il " Ju.s. Mi-i'oriiiu-k. coil duo e iniilv. co u. c tse of Ills, 10 To John Cull). U7I ft. plank Shallei's bil.Uo, 7.10 ToSiiuuel .SI1.1IRT. nun c from Shulier III Mi.i. 1 Gil To iim'l. fir assesslii'' tin- tlx unJ Tor hliuiks. 100 00 To am 1 ror nssi-ssou mtlltli Hue and ln iuajlnir fund. 10) 01 To iim'l In oo.-ss of state rpio'a, -J i) " Joiinson llciasly uuci Ciiuviuhaui. II " Tiiomas Illlt.lilmi-r tr.c.-lCouyu i.ttn. il II ' Amos VV'iekeish.llu ' " 111 57 " Krom Ki ulsiered i'.ixe.i. CI 1 " llfil.'inptlon of V, II, Couyiiitliaiii, H.MmbjU lots, 1 01 Grind tot tl Sn,7K7 W DAV. I) LOWnVHRHfl, Ki . TliCASUUElt OI UULUMIIIA COIJ.M V. lly uiiiouut outsbiudlni! taxos an 1 o'liunilsslous iinduxoueiuliousallowo I oollcijlorsdurlu,; Ihe yeur. 1S7I Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. due. ciiui. o. com. ex. Heaver Ui 10 21 si -Jl tu li I ) Helium iv) ii 8 1 '.'J III! li III llerwk-k id 50 Jl SJ -I17U ..i) llloom K7'l Si 210 27 II 1-7 11 Cret-lt 0S7 JJ (jj J 71 Catawls-a.... CT UI fD'Jl l'enlrull.1 '.'il.ii 11171 Cenlte His III 71 31 'Jl 01 I'onyniihaiii MU H 77 CO til 18 101 .il K fru-k iii 5i a UJ II Hi .",18 Krankllii ... il 71 i'UI 27 m lliu 11. Woml -110 70 41 I.I 13 77 Hemlock ltd 1J : 2 KI li 7J 21 7J Jai-ksou 11 31 11 Si Locust 2IJ 50 4S 4i 2.1 0) Madison .... 1H122 un i ni U 22 Main 104 till 2 111 '.il I I S 7a .Mlllllll 41)117 DO ft) 7t) 3:11 Mt. 1'le.isant 14171 :ll IS 118 Montour 121 fll :n :H 1 1 ki unillKu 70 III I li .1.15.1 8 117 l'inu 13 61 4 28 13 10 0 01 It. Creek Ill 71 2 5J Hcolt II 4 .V! UlU 7il IJ IS 0J H. Loaf. 225 07 11 21 .1 :ll !U, Si tlHi I'J Ml 13 il.llll 30 Sill III Tlio followluu Is amount duo lor WW and pro viuus yeai- iu wu. 18,0 Centrallu township county due, S121.I-'. Tho following Is commission and cxoueratlnn uiioweu ior iwj una provious yens; lbCO. Co. oom's, :n iii &i ,vs Co. exon's. i 2 VI 1:1 00 10 82 117 S2 Kraukllu, ltenton. Hemlock, 1W38. Coiiyngham, im. MadUon, Tolats duo Sl-1 42 8) 7'J 9130 1 llKCAl'ITULATIOX, Co. due. C0.7.IU Oi Co. er. -'IJ li fill I.l lill 11 S'JD 7J 1871. 1870. Isu'J Ac, 121 12 Jl),8il 111 41,52) IU llv iiui't Us oiiisUin ling In nil. " " i-ouiuilsslou iilloweU lu nil, uxoueratPius ' ' SI.8I1 0 l.'ijl trj Ul i 7 J' uuuiily orders redeemed, 1 1-71, 1-7.1. I Fll I. 2.178 .-) 2i no I U) 1 00 li IU Sus. " " county orders roJosme 1 pr VI- 1,1,, in mull, lly uiu't Trou-, commission on (SJj,ir, 71) 0)7 1 ujiaiu-u uuu uuu paid over. 2,(i7J li Jii787 DAVID LOWKNIIKI'.U. TllHAH.. OK COLU.M UIA COUNIV IN ACJT. IVU'II IWul i'AX 1UII 1371, Dlt. To ain't mitslaiidluisiitseltlemeiit, " " Hssessod lor 1871, " " diie'1'itai.urer. S 477 28 1,511, 30 1 t SJ.4J2 t'J Cli, 1871. Dua cim. 1S70. vDos due. Heaver S lleuton; 10 5'J Uerwlck illooiu 21 IU 11. Creek lii 60 CaUiwlssuH I'culruttu..., 23 0-1 Centre , u 1x1 ConyiiKhnm -1 00 Do.' ex. 11 &) 1 w D03 Don eoni. 5 a 78 ! 1)7 ex. 3 IS II W 10 .1 70 3 (0 1 60 13 HI 4 30 12 30 11 ill tv. 3 UJ 47 a 13 S 0 11 M l;o. com, b 1-2 1) 1,101 a 211 0 P, Creek I-Vunullii .... (1. Wood llciiilot'k .Ijclt-ou l.Ol'IISl... Madison Maine Ml 111 1 11 Mt.Pieivvtiut Montour Cranio Pine It. Crroit tscnlt B. Loaf M0) 3 51 n is 31 1! no iis 00 .1 03 37.1 ni no as fl-i m 0) s 1; si m i to .1 ot 2 no I a t 1 iu i no t no 3 13 s Co to A u 0 50 1 01 i i 1 1 m .1 n ro 1 i IM 11-2 11 01 1 m a ai a " .1 ui ll 1 -V) 1 in 30' 9107 U) til VI Jl'J S) ! 31 t0 0) AMOUNT 1UB oyisl.i. eutrnll.t Si CO Commission nud ivfo;icr.ltl(i'lJ nllnwel ti? 11) iinu previous yourj 10 win 1811. Coin. 1 Uj l'.x. 7 611 Ilcmloclt, ISM. Couynstuni, 1 SI Tl n HS.) S1I)W ni:o.u,iTULATior. 1)01 duo. W7 UI Com. '.'2 Ui IS ,11 3 IS 1871, S7l). 8 0) 911.) $7171 ljl S) Uy ain't lax ouistiu lln1,'. " uuo 1 reus, oy nuiuiors repjri 0. " orders ni isfi rouecuio 1 ls;o " 19,-J " I " cmimts-ston nllowcJcolUL'tori. " exonerations " " " Pild nssissoi s, blantiS &c. Treasuro.-'s commission. COMMtHSIOXKIP) KXl'BSsm I-'OU 1371, MISCKI.LANEOU.-lPAY.Mr.NT3. latd C. (J. llirldov. 'reaehers' Count v In stitute, 1171. 8) 2. Paid C. H. l-'ilrniati. 2S str.ins for files oro. liliiutiLiir n dill .e. o u PnldHharpless ,t ilnrman, 2 sail, v.trnlsh vuurt iiiuisu iciice. 1 u1' Paid It, O. liower.blll rendered, lit 17 " Clias. Foster haiitliij coal nshcSLtc. fiom Court House. 10) Paid l.vco nlni; lusuraneo Co., Insurnuco on Court llous) nml Jail. 171 0J Paid N. J. lleudtrsholt, ylais .'co. law li brary. 11 71 P.ild Freeze nud lljc'.calow, tn tax cases, CouyiiKliam. 50 CO Paid Levi outright ct. ni, worlc slato roid II. Creelc. 2J0 73 P.ld W. II, lJnl,Prolhoaolory bill ior cost nnd fees. 01 13 Paid Win. -M, (Illicit, bumping stone Court House iillcy, I ft) SMI 01 CUIR.T-1, Jtmolts' PAY, CONHl'AULIW UU TUHN IMSll-lslONt). Paid Jurots durliu tho year. S2.IV1 II ' dilutables' returns to sessious. (i.l ' Tli slaves uud court crlei -liu'i " Flleiuail I.. C. Wuits. Feb, term. -M .0 " " C. It. Ilousel, 1) -c. i-riu. is no '- Jury commissioners expenses, 7152 " Aaron wnltli, MlieriU', servini! Jury no'.ice-. ll a) SI.WJ I'J COHW IN COMMON WE 1.TH C.VUHi l'ald Com. vs. Cri-nsy nnd Klnller, ' " John 1'. Herbert, " " Hlcliard i-nlmer, ' William strausser '- " Calvin Jones, " -Iliad " " .Mary M .Malum ' " Jonu OuuiiIiil; " 1-lbeny Cook " " A.-W, Caton " ' .1. M. Mason " John nud U. l". (Irutt, ' " Tiiomas M'Orav; et. nl. " l'atrick 11 71 2.1 10 21 71 2S 81 24 11 li III M C3 II .'ij li li-J 1)1 (I 2 1 I 12 !S 10 11 41 IS 8 70 7 HI n w " Lewis lvaulnei " A.C. HUib Walk ruud Iljijeu'jucU " fsllas Powell " 1'ierco Whltn Cailmau ,t TiiiKley " Mlehael M'atahou " Kiirah shlvolj ' Cadmati tlirtou " Ueoriio s)uyder 10 pi 2i 2-I ll 70 :i 2 2 21) I 17 21 II i SIJI II koad ANDUiiiDii: vir.wii.ii- a:;j 110 A I) HAJIAHCH. l'ald Til". Davis, iii-ulou, lowushlp, in 00 3 1 uu Mlrhu i Walts, tlrt-eliwooit ' (Iiileou .Michael, Uiiareroeli " Henry Doak, " -' Win. DeLonii, Ora -ce " , Zebulou llo blns, ilemluclc " LI1-..1I11U1 Widinan, " Abiuliaiu Unituiaii, Ucu on" .1. 1-'. l'lahh-r.'atawissA i.enrge lliiKhe.s " " K. 1)U-I ilehts, Mt. I'li.asiut " J. ,t II. Mliarpless, tllooni ' John Waulcli Ml I'lejs.iut ' Heillien Wiisnn, Mailtsou " .I.H.V'auderallce.Mt.l'lea'ui " Win. MclCelvy, lllrioiu " Win. ikeler, KUlilncreeu " o. A. Jut-oby, ltlooin " Hundry persons ro.U itbr'.Jj vlewi n) 0 215 00 .1 11 17 j 00 100 l 1, O) 23) (I ) IV) 11 Oi 0 a,i 10 u :d 0 Hi no 7j tli 2i 0 20 110 10k) III 177 U) 0,117 0) COMMl-jJIONHUS- OK -'ICIl AND CO mir HOUdi:. Paid County Auditors S I !) .11. i'. i;eriy 11 11 iituron 11 i-un uu unts " William 11., Coiiiiiils.iouer 101 00 ' " ijtiienses holding anneals 21 nn l-.iiu wyrus ituouins, commissiom-r 311 o . . . i,iiensi-;i holiliiii: nunc lis -'1 11) l-.iui 11, j. ueeuer, Lonitnissioner yjj UJ . . " l.xpeass boldlnir none lis 9.-, ui l-.iiu wiiiiam Mii.uii-r, i-oni'inssloiier III 0 ivm. ivrickbitiui, leik Ci) m win. Murpuy's nous, com K. Hail .to. 11 h " .1. H.Mal7o,Jiilii.. biooiis,t;nurl 11 )dso 1 80 isauu HiwcubUL-li, repilrliu, pilnt und o.iltilltiL! i.'oui t ilniiso 11011 iiis n l'ald C. W. Neal. coal Ol 11 u. iv .m. .inn i-r. puullua .ee.. wl.ul blinds, Court llo nn 310) .1111 1 nomas lie-nils, repulrs t'rotlry. oiili-o 3 o0 itoiioius Taylor two vault windows, l'rothouiit irvs' oilli-e 8", 1 l'atd lvier .li 111 h, et ui. bill i.-orlt au I ma- lerim, I'roiiiiinoiarjs' llllli-eiVo. 5 til i-ai-i isui in 11 ii'ijiiuucn. luna r 112 stoves. Cotutliou-o H' am .niicpu iijoitor, wont at court iioaso van! and .1,1 1. 11 no j-.uii nim iei .-seyuarj, uniuj level Court House cellar. 1 31 raid A.M. iiuperl.Mnvo repair .'t : - i. 11. eoo.weuuiii!r,iVi-.,wiiidi)iv blinds a o - n, u. .inner tv won, llimps.utl. AC .Cotul llooiu ami li .use. ill t I'hIiI J. 11. l reeo, Ail'y., loLiimmlssionors 75 U) Mis. ii. uveriiori. et. ul.cleuuliii Court House. 20 (i0 SJ.lill 8. COUNTY JAIL AND l'UISON UU'JUIITIONS. l'ald Abrali uu ij.iydi'i-, piiiui repair, Jail S 4 (10 'ulerJoiles. len.llls about I ill. s 0 " llendi-rsli nt A: Mwm,-oai. lleotit II. (, ui., bill rep.i'r and niaterial. I'alil Mrs. Iliram m & 11 ik -r, cle inlaLj and MliltewashluK. l'ald 1 . W. veil ,VIlro.,cml. ' Dunn' Miller, p iliil 4 iiiiniin.; " M, il, Tin mi is, leniii'ililoers " J. . llilller, medical hill, pi Unlfis, " s. II. Miller t,.S)ll, bill b -hoi-Ill'. " I'et -r Jiiuoj, et. ill. work uu 1 inaluiul 0 lull bunk . I'.iid W lll.uu IJrlckbaum, bedding f ir ja.l b-il tendered, l'ald A ir i-i Hiiilth, Sli-riir, ns follows: ' It itrdui .lauu-s i. r, 8-1 ilav .v. " ' I' line 11 ir i.hUd ih. " " Win. Sililsser, 31 d ivs, ' " idarllil I'ollli in 3d lys. " " 1 1 11 vey Liiuiiersn-i 'pi days. " " Ol tries HuiiMit, 2d iys, ' " CJeoiliiHiivdtr, IJStl iys. " " Timothy rnoinis, 01 dais, " lliiieon lllsiillue, l days, " ' Joliii llredb.-iider, I d-iy. " " Cli tries II. u.ird, 13 days. " " Turnkey l.-.-s, ' " hlludnes, J ill. 10 1.0 li 30 lo e,i l'l 7 8 1 II II u 2 U7 1 1)1 ri 1 nil 2 .VI S 1 ! I III lil II) 1 II) 7 5) 51 7 .11 I 51 10 00 SII8 71 AND l'JSI'AUli:, riurtriNo. si-ationhiiy l'ald lira lley A G ird in, prlntlu 1. 5 75 30 " 11 1 1. Dicli-noacu, - 511 73 " 1). A. ilecitloy, iiostauuud K-.iiuips. 1) Ud mummery u uiuerout persons, lur Ciiurl Hoiiiu. 20 81 S'150 Hi INQUWino.S'.S. l'ald C. (1. Murphy, body of A Lowel, Con- yiujliam. ju 87 l'ald C. 11, Murphy, body of II. Lovull. Cou- yiiihani. io 87 raid C. 11. -Murphy, body of Walter Wyiitt ConyiiKham. 11 27 l'ald James Kealy, body of Thomas Mur- pliy. 12 3J l'nld J, J, llrower, body of John Lohrmun, illooiu. 11 87 l'ald J. J, llrower body of i;d, Mulrauunii. 27 t SU-J no llUIDUKl, IIUILDINQ AND UUPAIU3. l'ald Wo iver ,t UrtirlnoTOllJ-Mtouscludcr double bridge, llloom. 8.114 IS Paid John Itoboliis.pluclng cinder, double lirldije, llloom. 5 00 l'.ild I.V1111 Jones, placing cinder, double brld's-e, llloom. 11 20 l'ald James Masters, repilr near Masters' Little l'lslilngcrei-k. 2 Hi l'ald II. U,orl,e!udor,bclow llloom.oUons. 21 2.) " llenjainln Cole, rep ilr near Cole's mill U 00 ' Daniel liowmuu, plauk lepali- below llloom. 1 0) raid Judali llonne.woliihlui: cinder, bridge, lliooui. It 0J luldisuiuuclMcl!curr,rcpittrut l'atterson oiantjo. 1 sj l'ald Julin l'.mery.rcpalr l'mec:eek,Klsh- liiticreek township 1 (13 l'ald H. C. heat ch, liofeot of plauk, l'lno creek, i-lsiilua.-roek lowushlp. 1 8j l'ald John llucuer, reiuir near lister I'ur- liaee. g 111 l'ald W.A.Kile, repair nt Kimble mill bridge, 2 CI l'ald I'eierHwauk, cxleiidins wluu walls, Heaver bridge, jj 00 rum a. w ., olki lect juanic ill Eck s l'ald Win. Holmes rep ilr llout m llrl life. " W, N. Hosier, repair 1'iuecreok, Klsh Itiiicnek lownslilp. l'ald John I'uiler, repair ut Utlllwalor, i-'Islilnucreek, l'ald Hamiiel Hioltler, repalrat ll.irton und rhaller brldues. l'ald Hamuel hleitler repair at Hook bridge llluolu. l'ald Joseph J, I'ry, repair ut Uarlou uud Mliufler brldues, l'ald isaiiiuel btutller repair nt llloom uud Mt, rieiisaui. l'ald Uuau Klinifjinun, repair Iloavcr bridge ubiilmeui, raid John It, I olie, repair nt Yoho's iulll, Mlilllu, l'ald I'eler Healer, repair Iluntluacreek, 1'lslilUKcreek. l'ald l'eu r Ueuier, repair near I'oiks.Fhili- luucreek, l'ald 1). U. Cole, 1230 leet plank at Coin's mill, llentou, iiimiiu, ui i.iili uuiii I) ID ID l 10J U II 00 700 8 IM 3 W 10 00 19 00 172 10 3 W 22(0 Pli 1 o in s 11. Paid .lotm Morilnli n'mliifnt n-pilr n- . 11. wiisnn . , . Paid .1 W, Keller, repair tit Light Hti . brldire. Paid Wilson Watilcli reptlr ntttr hi in lllOlllll, Paid John Mordan nbut iient rep ilr ),i, llenrv. P.ildH. II. Uisiior, Ufeol plau'r, Millvi, iriuiie. 1'al.l -lanic-1 tiulclf , smith bill tirld-i n llloom. Piild.IolinHle!inrt,ropilr Hohrsburit b II; -- j 1111 11 oiiiiuiiiii.reiiiir,t,spy si 1111 oriu . " Arcnlbald Paltcriou, repair Patter. on ,v nriinifn. Paid s, II. Johnson, nlmlmont repalr.Hl i'i. Iliwu limine. Paul riiomas (led. lis, measuring new tirliliroul J. I:. Hands. Paid Hlioemilccr rcpilr nt sun . m iner s ornne, i-iue. Pal-' JaniBS Connor, relmlldldR bnJju, westcrieKiio-ir iteuioa, Paid Daniel llolwla,,rciiilr nt luoatli CitawlssacreeU, Piiul Clinton Cole, rcptlr ntU. Coleuugir- Paid '.lacoli KoslenlMitder, itec'd. tindji contract, i- rauuiiii. i Paid uuorito tlhl, wo si work, lilM'0 con. trart nour.1. 11. Hindi. Paid Win. Kycr, 'S'u'i pr, alone, near J. I Hin Is. Paid Alexander Hess. brliUQcoutracncir Jas llt-ss, dec'ii, Jaosiiu, Paid Cllulou Cole, brtdue contiact H.igw. loaf, Paid Cllulou Colo, nitJItlontt lo.iHi nml worlc ou Slid bridge. Pal I 1'iioiiiK Hurl in in, ct, nt,, rcpiir a Fuio'ier's Furuaeo brld iv. 1'ENIlT.Sl'tAltY A Nl) A-lVLl'.M. l'.ill n. 14. reiillcnll.iry minpartlua cm. viot ror itrii. l'nll I'eiinsylvnnli H. Ti, Asylum, kscn- la" C.Uli.trluo null. ASSlH.JOmi' I'AY I lower, Allen Matin, llentnn, J, Il Kei-ler, nerwicic, Aiox. in ur run npsjii. llloom, Orolz Mharpl-s,, llrl irorceii, 1,. J. Adams. : itawlssa. O. W. Abbott. 'entralla. Danlol Luiilhin. I Centre, II. .1, Dletterlclt. Coiivuuliim. l'elor Lubv. Klsblimcrei'k, J. C. Ituuyan. rauklln. Win. Ten e. llreeuvvood. W. II. IlituJ. itemiocu, 11, 11. iu-iiride. lacksou, John L. Hess. Locust, John Kelnb )ld. Madison. I. II. Mills. Maine, Willi 1:11 r. shaman. .Mllllti, A. W. Hess. diiuiiour, is 1.111 .m ut-nr Ml. 1'leas int. Math! 1 1 U.luci t. Oraniie, u. M. Memxell. i-iue, josejui Miio.-iu mer. ltoirlnj.ri-elt, Kru isllu Vjciim. cott. 11. II ltrovv-n. sujarloif, J. 11. Hess. i-ui 1 ussassors ou t,cpienni 11 cuuiu 'i..-! ..1. .17). 'aid Oor.i, Mower, rleiiulal assets ir.Lw as 'aid Urol. & Sharp eis, triennial as is n llloom. ls7,i. l'.ill Alex. Til impsoii, trlouulil n.s .ir. lltrivick, 1970. aid William O 1) lmui,nsslbl ml us 0., ir l.lU'!Lfliaill. M7.L l'al I assess in, fir rejlst'irliit, vu'es 11 1 1 l-iuiil iur irau 1 'ruling 11 t.uos 1 ir L.u year. i:i.i:oi'1on Hxpuxiius, aid H.uulry persons iril lln j elections. El I'OX AND WILD CAT HCA LI' J. aid 8'iadry p3rstiH during year. TAX UEI-'UNDIID. Tax rerun led to t'lwtishlps. 10 iieiiiiociv i-ouci'ior 01 l 1 11LANU UJOICs 'or I'rot'.ionolarv, lln nrt-r nnd i- o uilisioujt-1' oIlL-e duilui; yoir. ltCOAl'ITJLATlDN. Miscellaneous oxnonitn. Courts, Jurors' piy, CoasUiblus' lctuiu 1 1 sessions. Costs lu Cotiiuioiiweallli cisns, and brldtfu viewers u ro id dam ilti s Co umlhslo icra' olllesi and C inn il i-ise Ciiiuiyjnll and pits 111 inii-ilsit ous. i-riuiniLt, sl.llonery uu 1 i-isi ,1;'). llKllllslllOUS., itiiiiiiiiii; ami it -pi rs re -IteutUry nud Asyluai Assessors' p ly. expelisos. ox uuu wi 11 cat S3 tips. It li inks. Tix lefuuded. De luct lax rcl siiilnl. 2.177 .Vud amount p ikl fir lici-pin,; Culh trine Sull, wlilu 1 Is re. landed to couuty by llrlur civek, f 1,-n :,a Uives toe actaaU'xpo-.i'cs dtti- SHUKl'OliDHlH l.jlUli D. Heaver.; llentnn: llrlarcrecK. 3 li o) 221 51 l i ,') 6S V) :l o) 130 75 21 III) ill l'l fll 0) li 7i Licusl. Ma ilsun. M lln. Ml. 1'le.i- . Monl a.. Oiau . . 1'iue. S- ut. S.i ; u loaf, liloo 11. CfllltWlssU. Cenlre, Kishiuicreelt, Oreenwii Hi, letntiK-k. Jackson. Total ktatkm; Nl' OK Dl)J I' ' Orders inpild for Isl7 Il I is,, ,) " " " 1S7i) II.' 51 " " ' Ifll 717 .li Amo mt over tiald do Is I") -i i-i Total debt. 1 . 1 Amouiii ouistiniliu,1; tax, Hi 0) 1'iob ibie Coin, lit oil. 75 un 1 1 lixcossorduinajo over h tid laud. Ths stitement iibovu shows thu lo -n 1: . 1 will 'Hi Im most itiuiiuo was sustaliii-d. 1 1 itnj;s cm do iniic'i harm an 1 way p isms 1 s tatu lu kill 11 kill shedfi d 14 is a iinrv. WY 11 upon all goo lumens, t ie oeueli and 11. - ul the sheep lllleiuit .111 I til it they ij 1 , uxecullon ull oiroudnrs ot tlio law 0 yi.i . COUNTY FINANCIX. Dae from collectors, 1. m' l'lo'iatdii Coin's, loo Uet ir's Ta-:oi I '" Avullablu lax duo irom collectors. n. 1 Add umoiim lu bauds ul Treasurer. t'otul assets. . l-'roin this we mlaht deduct. 1,"" Kor undue contract lu l.ooust townsluii euleied Into In 1S71, nnd which Is about couipleled, Dininl Sllue, coutr icDr. Ileal nvalluolo mud then Is :7, Tlio county h is no dolits, sibstantl rii . 1 . ordersureiilliiild tlialweie is-u d 111 l7.. 57 percent, of tin couuly expense Hi hiveoeeu tor roa.1 d un.lite and llrldue bu i ll uud lepalrs. li-ui tno urnliso contraeti-d t 1 licust township b -eu pa d it wnuU have 1 . . UJ per cent, of ull money lor llice two Hems. Ilrllsos.of course, m isl ij3 kepi ut rep 1,1 Justii-o du mills new ones to lie ouiu h jiublle uuj I re.piires, Cmntv lii l in 1 vldiial us-, meiely, uro is) asion til 11. I uud by vleweis granted ; in u, wo iiiinh. a in tike. itoaddamire li biottiln f ii'iite 11 11 1,11, tbiiiir. ttiat viewers -omeiiuii-s .00 c at t ne .v side ill the pielare lo a s-jssill llleiii, Wu ilia uiiilcrste,ued Audiiois of i'uI.iiu county, uoluduly ulo-lu 1 10 111IJ11-1 an the uivoiliils ul ihe 1'iu isiirer ti 1 1 1 ' uu ut- 1 eisol Columbia county no Her bv cl-iii' I 1 wu met nt tlio mil j oi tlu Tr.ui-1 er mil lillisloueis, 1 1 Hlojuisbo y uu 1 i 1 lain . lln d Hie accounts and vulli-lie i n I u- -tro.u the lliSu day or la ut irv. V. D. sn, h : Illsldayof Janitiry, isrjauil Uu I t!i n. 1 In th - lou t; iiii;; -l, nunc. its uud we Un I luu'cdue CoiUiiiiiiuvoii 11 ,one iu ity 1 , l,i hllw hlludled and s-vouiy Hire 1 doil in nl ty t ireo luiiIs vJ.ii..l lil.) Irani O ivid 1. 1.. 1 Ireusinir 01 s 1 il eoiloly nii'l tl a an -e di Treaairel 1111 II14 l'ax ul nmr lia 1 li" 1 l - 1 . lllliui oitarsuu 1 iw uly-one I't'ius i;l..l Jii . 1 bai.uii-e duo too 11111 11 . liiud by the ui 1-1 01 tliiue iiuudi ' inn I iwelvod Has ml- 1 hevi'll OJllls, U'iJii'.J An 1 Wil 11 a, 1 upuu uu exaiiiluatiou ot tue lie u..ul.s ul ' . 'lu-.isiiier, David L'jiveabjr, il t , wo 11 . 1 t they uavu bjeu kept In 11 piTloer and cm niauner uud in it Ills pruuipioitl - il coni m h lully coiiimuuil.'d Usui 10 th pirdie. rue hIiok balauceiill paid uVi.r 10 .dr. W.11 Laaljit ,Tu- -uit-r cleoi. Uiviii under our hanJs tills suoud day m January, A. 1), ls72. U. J. CAMI'lll-iLiL, ) CjuiiU DANIKL Llili. AuJIlui". ,VVI1 I.OWENUEIIU, TltEA")-Ulll-iU of Columbia county, lu ticcouii Willi llio Commonwealth of IVnn .) ivani.i, 1 llio year A. D., Is71. nr. 1871. Tonni't of Klato quol-i for Columbia county, fur P7i,.is llxod by rcieuuu buard, lucluuliiiS ! i mill tux, j2,ith i Tux ou Ilauk Stocl:, To am't assessed and roluinoj for lo7J . 223 Hamoln nccutint wltli Millers License, Touin't collcclul In ls7l, 11' "' Snmu lu account with li, llouso License, Tomii'lcol ected lnl87l. li-" " H.iuiH lu account with liquor btoru nud l.ivciii license, Tuum'lc-ilkcloi lu ls71, 0"" 1 Haiuo lu account Willi retailers llstnse, Toum'l c.illtcted lul871. l,''ii 1 " " iluu irom 1870. ' Oil. Iiynm'tduofcottlenieiil Jan. 1171, 7 " " Btatu rco. pis, -'treasurer," l,s 1 " " coinmlssliin allowed o illeclnrs, i 11 coiniiilbsluu iilloivedlicusurcr. U llyiim'tStatoTre.isurer's receipts, 211 ' " " coullillssloll allowed cullrulloil, H-' ii ' " " Treasurer, 2 ! lly iim'lHtata Treasurer receipts. Ill " commlssluu ullowed Tieasuror. lly ain't Hmlo Treasurer receipts. " " comuilsslou ulluwed Tieasurir, lly am't over laid lu IS70. ' " Mia oTioisuicr's recoi(its, " ' couiiulssioti allowed treasurer, lly am't State Treasurer's r. eolpts, " ' poolers' lecelpli-.ini rciiiltlo 1 lt. " o joiiimlsAlon uliowed Tiiusurer, SMI I' 1 II " 11)7 1' 17 i 1 21.' i'-' 6J l..ii 17 Wo Uio underslsiio 1, Auditors of I'oluiui'li county, lu tho Htato of I'euusylvuula, do tivri-i-ccrtlly, thut wo met at Ihe Court House, m lllnomsbiiri:, 011 the first day ()' January, A. D . 1872, uud did iiro-teed 10 und ill I sottleum! inline Hie several ucuounts above mtlittonod, us i i 11 1 red of us by law, ngrerubly to the seveiiu uclsuf usseinlily uud supieiueiils thereto in curdlnn to the bust ol our J iHliiinint and iibllll)'. lu testtiuony whereof wo liuvo hereunto m our hauds this 2d day of Junuarv, A. D., Is72. U.J. CAMl'HHLL, 1 Oouniy DAN'! lil, LIU:, f Auditors liitd t, K. HweppenlilMf WO fl.,oa'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers