The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 16, 1872, Image 3
The Columbian Bloomsburg, Friday, Fob, 10, 1872, AHHI8TANT IJDtTOK. Itnllroncl Timo Table. LACKAWANNA & llLOOMRnUIlO 11. It. North. . Houtli, Mrtll 10:51 A.M.fil81. M. Accommodation 1:11A.M. 19I!; lxprem i:18P.M. D:J7 A.M CATAV.'IbSA It. It. 1UOM UUl'EHT STATION. lioiiiff North. M?1.".8!10?,111' M l', M. MM A.M. LOCAL. TitK clly of BcMtiton, llio third larg est In IhoStnte, lins ti ridiculously in ndetiimtu police force, thcro bcliif? only one pnlicitnnn to every 8,C00 Inhabit, nnlf. Jamiih Auchie was arrested on Thursday Inst, charged with tho larceny of cigars from Kno3 Jncoby. Ilo was held to bull In $200, Gcorto II. Drown becoming hla security. Sheriff Smith has leturncd from his trip to Philadelphia, to which city ho went having in ehnrgoGldeon Bclah line, lately scntencod to tho Penitent! nry. William Milnes, of Espy, pur chased tho Thomas Slato Works prop erty, buildings, engine, etc., on Fish ing Creek, for $!),100. -Mr. IIlluc3 was n lar,;o stockholder in tho Slato Com pany. JlKsang. Savage, Sterner nnd Blue of this town, succeeded In capturing a flno largo fox on Saturday last. Ills fox-ship being closely puisued, ran for refuge Into a tree, whence ho was taken alive. A MAN named Peter Luxenbergor wai committed to jail on Sundny night last, on a warrant issued by Stephen Baldy, Eq., of Catnwissa. charged with assaulting, abusing, and threatening to kill his wife. CANANnATnuA has n singing mouse, which is paid to ilng almost ns sweetly as n canary. Kv. Can 'nry person In Blootnsburg pro duco nn or-rat-ic rodent to surpass this? In fact, Can-andolguaV Vn hear that young ladles In society this season aro dressing very simply, dresses with high necks nnd low alcoves being tho prevailing style. Tulle, tnrlclnn and muslin aro tho materials principally worn. A ni Mi has been passed in Ohio ad mitting ns competent Jurors persons who may havo formed an opinion as to the guilt or Innocenco of tho accused from reading newspaper accounts of tho allowed offence. It should, nnd proba bly will be, tho law in overy State. Is that unpleasant and distorting dis ease, tho mumps, no longer extant? It certainly does not prevail to tho extent It nnco did. In old times nil well-bo-hovrd and properly o'lucaled children had a chance, but now-n-dnys scarcely tinyono seems to suffer, and mumps may bo considered n relic of tho past. On Friday morning Intt (.has. Folke, of Catnwissa, a brakeman, vns killed by n freight train. His breast was frightfully cru.-hed, nnd death must havo been instantaneous. It Is pre sumed that ho must have fallen from tho train whilst engaged In his duties. His body was qulto cold when found. Tjik occasional explosions of coal oil lamps from attempts toextlngulsh them by Mowing down tho chimney, give value to tho following suggestion: Give n sharp, but rather prolonged puff, nt right angles with tho top of tho chim ney. Tho draft thus produced draws the tlamo away from tho wick, and tho lamp goes out. Tub Miner's Journal, of Pottsville, earnestly counsels against tho proposed appointment of John Slnoy, tho chief of tho "Workmen's Benevolent Socie ty," on tho Iloar Labor Commission. Ho is, it is claimed, a man utterly un fit for such a position of responsibility, and his actiou in provoking last year's strikes provo him no friend of tho worklngmen. Cai't. Brcckway, of tho General Judiciary Committee of tho House, has been appointed Chairman of n Sub committee to examlno into tho condi tion of certain railroads of this State. Tho first ono to be examined Is tho Del aware, Lackawanna & Western, nnd tho Committee havo gone to New York for that purpose. A Minnesota paper gives on account of tho bursting of a mince pie, whilst taking it from tho oven, tho scalding contents of which caused tho death of a small boy. Wo don't believe it thcro must bo somo mistake. It was probably tho boy who burst nfter eat ing tho pie, but that tho plo should ox plodo outsldo instead of insido tho boy, is Incredible. A HIM. exempting journnlists from Jury duty has passed ono houso of tho California Legislature, and such n bill might profitably pats in this State. Journalists, from tho very nnturo of tholr business, which requires publiea tion of court matters with their vlows, should bo oxcuscd. Weshould bo glad to havo such a. law in forco iiero. Stop Shooting. It ehould bo kept in ml nil that tho timo for killing pheas ants ends on tlio Both of Dec, for kill Ing rabbits nnd squirrels on tho first of January. Tho penalty for violating this law is flvo dollars for each offence, nnd It la made tho duty of tho constnblo to mako n return of nil cases which nro brought to his knowledge, and falling to do so, hols Ilablo to u fino of threo dollars, nnd also tho forfeiture of his ofilce. Tin: present seems to bo tho most dangerous season for railroad traveling, Accidents nro reported from nil parts of tho country, nnd wo do not open n paper but what chronicles ono In lis vicinity. .Most of (hem nro laid to tho nccount of broken tails, caused by tho cold nnd changeable weather. In tho present condition of our railroad sys tem, tho utmost precautions appear to bo unnblo to provent such accidents from happening, nnd generally, too when they aro least oxpected by tho rnllrnnfl ittlinpa Heveuai, communications aro una voidably crowded out this wcolc. They will receive duo attention. John h. Cahijy has tendered his re signation in Court Crier. It U pre sumed that his successor will bo ap pointed to-morrow, Saturday. WiJ nro grieved to record tho dtrilh of Mrs, William M. Quick, nt Rupert, on bundoy last. Sirs. Quick was a sis- ter of Col. .1. G. Freeze, olid wos well known to our citizens ns a faithful mid efficient teacher, nnd nn nnitublq and Intelligent woman, Ituv. Jilt. IlnwiTT lost u vnluablo horse by death on Tuesday mornltnr lust. Tho nnlmnl had taken n violent cold, by which his throat was eo swol len ns to renderflwallowlng Impossible, mid ho literally starved to death. Hoiunh have already been seen as far north us Philadelphia, which fact would seem to Indicate an early spring, unless llieso feathered bipeds aro as much out of the way In their conclu slons ns the weather prophets havo been turn winter. Dit. F. Flesiiutt, of Iiaporte, .Sulli van county, was nrrestsd In Muncy on Saturday Inst on tho charge of discharg ing n pistol at Dr. Geo. Trcou, of North umberlnnd county, but It appears that tho doctor merely fired his pistol to get tho load out. Nobody hurl. O.v tho 22d Inst., being tho anniver sary of tho recognition of tho Blooms burg Literary Institute as a Stnto Nor mal School, rhetorical exercises will be held lu tho afternoon nt 1! o'clock, nnd a lecture will bo delivered in tho eve ning at 7 o'clock. There will also bo some musical entertainment. Ox Wednesday night, February 7, tho EChool houso nt Alinas Cole's In Sugnrloaf township was destroyed by lire. Most of tho books belonging to tho children were burned. A defec tive stove-pipe Is supposed to have been tho cause. Wii aro informed that Messrs. .luck- son & Woodin, of Berwick, intend lay ing a branch road from tho L. & B. U.Ii. to pass nround tho town and connect with their largo car works, tliua afford- ng greater facilities for Bonding on'lhclr cars. The constant Increase of their business "has, wo presume, rendered this undertaking necessary. The scarcity of water Is becoming seriously annoying, many wells and springs usually considered unfailing, having run dry. The small amount of rain which has fallen during the win ter, and tho frozen state in which tho earth has remained since fall, aro now causing much inconvenience. A heavy fall of rain or n continuous lhaw is no cesary to fill i'p our depicted water fountains. Accordino to n lato decision, rail roads hnvo not tho power to say in what amount of damages they are res ponsible for los of baggage. The courts hold that it can bo fixed according to ictual loss, bo it largo or small. Tho amo principle will apply to injuries to imb and loss or life, tho courts nnd uries being tho proper authorities to fix that. We do not know exactly how far tho uithority of tho Town Council extends In relation to street crossings, but, if it is in tho power of that nugust body, wo should bo pleased to see tho Main streot crossings at Market street raised In such a manner ns to allow tho water to run off. As it is, a dreary waste of mud re mains to bo waded, In journeyings to nnd from tho Postofilce, trying to tlio temper and ruinous to boots and cloth ing. Many housekeepers fall into tho error ol supposing that they practice economy by purchasing of tho strolling pedler.s of tho "cheap John" persuasion. Xoth ing Is further from tho truth, ns. in nlno cases out of ten tho goods thus bought aro of most Inferior quality, nnil dear at tho lowest price. It is safer nnd cheaper to purchaso of known and established merchants, who havo a reputation to preserve and who order their ways accordingly. It has been remnrked aforetime that all tho persons deficient in common sense have not as yet perished from tho earth. They havo somo in Chicago, nnd recently these idiots started a story that n man, who had just been vaccl natcd, was seized by hydrophobia. Of course it was false, but who knows how many deaths may bo attributed to it, ntnong those who believed it and pre ferred facing small pox rather than tho dreaded hydrophobia. Readeus of tho Coi.umwan may remember tho robbery of Mr. Louis Bernhardt storo on tho nth of January last, when n box of watches was taken. On Friday morning Inst Mr. Bombard found on tho porch of his dwelling houso tho box containing tho watches, with tho excoption of three, und those wero not the most valuable. Tho box had evidently been In tho woods, as pieces of pine wero found Inside. No clue has yet been found to the thief, who has becomo alarmed and returned tho watches to prevent detection. The editors of certain papers In tlio mining regions must have u largo amount of spnro time on their hands, If wo may judge from tho local columns of'thelr papers, which contain, weekly, articles claiming for their respective towns tlio greatest number of pretty girls. As tho question is ono which from its nature, can nover bo settled, these gentlemen might better employ their timo and space. Tho discussion Is, not to put too fino a point on it, somewhat ridiculous, If there nio any ungodly persons In this country who aro In thohnbllof using Sunday for tlio purposes of hunt Ing, wo beg to call their attention to tho following extract from tho lnwc of Pennsylvania. A pcrtisnl may savo somo money, nnd perhaps a compul sory visit to tho countyjall: Sec. 7. Thero shall bo no shooting, hunting, or trapping on tho first day of tlio week called Sunday, nnd nnv person or persons offending ugalnst tho provisions of this net, shall, on convic tion, forfeit and pay u sum not exceed. Ing twenty.flvonor less than five dollars and bo Imprisoned In tho county Jail where tho offences wero committed not moro than twenty-flvo days for each onence. THE COLUMBIAN Tim following nro tho names of tho Marshals employed In Inking tho last census of Columbia county, together Willi tho number of days employed and nmounls pnld them: II. J. Conner, Orangovlllo, i!:l days, 1 17.01 s John Guild, Uuckhorn, '20 days, Sl.10 03; Ell. sha llnyninn, loin, G12 days, $H3.l)Ij Tliotnas J. Morris, Hloomaburir. Ill days, $108.85; Benton S. Workhelscr, Millllnvlllo, 18 days, $181.00. Total cost of Columbia county, $1,021.03, tho largest amount, $181.C0, being paid to Benton S. Workhi'Iser. Death iiy Suffocation. On Fri day last, u young mnn by tho nnmo of Charles Mullet, well known In Wntson town, mot his death by suffocation lu n llmo kiln, at Wnshlugtonvlllo, Mon tour county. Young Muint had gone down into tho kiln to break stono, nt a dlstanco of six feet from tho top, and was overtaken by tho gas nrlslng from tho burning kiln, and tho result was as nbovo stated. Not until dead was ho discovered by a fellow-workman who, with nsslstanco, succeeded In removing tho body. W'atnontown Jlccord. Curtain Fact. livery Democrnt In tho county needs i party paper during tho approaching political campaign. A President, VIco President, Governor, Member of Congress nnd a county ticket nro. to. bo elected. Every good citizen is vitally Interested In tho re sult of tho election next fall. Ho owes It to himself to ba thoroughly posted In political and party nffalrs. This ho c.inuot bo without tho aid of hU party paper. It U popularly supposed that thcro Is veiy little superstition nt tho present day. yet theio uro many persons who aio influenced by a belief in lucky and unlucky days, good and bad omens, etc. Dream-books nro still bouirhtund read by vast nunibrrsof people through out tho laud, und, what Is worse, nro b"Hoved In. Mankind is naturally prono to prying Into tho mysterious aniT dabbling in tho muddy waters of the supernatural; hence, the desiro whlcl btlll exists for thoso most absurd and unreasonable humbugs, books of proph ecies and dream-books, nnd in those greater swindles, fortune tellers nnd seer.. AT the last term of court in Tunk- lianuock, Judgo Elwell in passing sen tence on Harry Ward for Ilia killing of Wesley E. Slmder, mado use of tho fol lowing language: 'The lesson which this ease tenches has Its moral, which young men esnn- chilly will do well to heed. It is this: Mat dissipation olten leads to crime. It also shows that neither brilliant ta lents, n polished education, nor hlirh so cial position, protect their poe'sor from punishment if he be gulltv of an offence against tho law." Certnlnly nothing could havo been In better taste, time and place considered, than this solemn warning : but tho Bradford Argux does not seem to think so, 'ns, In H3 report of the Judge's ad dress, these sentences aro omitted a row of stars being placed to mark tho ellipsis. Does tho Argus dispute tho truthfulness of tho words, or has it friends whoso feelings might bo hurt by them? At about ono o'clock on Tuesday night, tho large steam grist mill uf Henry C. Frees at Berwick was discov ered to bo on lire, and iu a short time wns entirely consumed together with tho contents. There wero in the mill at tho timo of its destruction COD bar rels of flnur ready for shipment, 1,100 busho's of oats, 20 tons of chop, and a quantity of wheat. The building was worth nt least $ir,000on which thcro was an Insurance of $11,000. Tho stock, which was owned by Thompson it Jnyne, tho lessees, was insured for $0,000, which is probably very nearly its value. Tho lock houso of tho canal, adjoining, was also burned, tho tenant saving most or ins property, xiic largo pump of the Water Company which supplies tho borough with water, hnv ing been destroyed, the citizens will bo subjected to much Inconvenience for want of that useful tluld. Kctolutlon. At a. meeting of tho teachers of tho Public Schools of Bloomsburg, held Tuesday morning, February 1,1th, 1S7 tho following resolutions wero unanl mously adopted : WnnnnAS, It has pleased Almighty Gqu to remove from our midst our friend nnd follow teacher, Mrs. Christi ana Quick, therelore, tie it Jlesolceil, That by her death wo feel that wo havo lost an esteemed friend, and tho Public Schools a strong and faithful advocate. Jlesolrcil, That while wo deeply mourn her loss, wo rejoice to know that she died, as she had lived, in tho Christian laitn, anu mat wo win ever cnerisii tlio memory of tlio deceased, as that of one who was an honor to our profession and worthy of Imitation. Ji'csoliol, That wo tender our condo lence to tho family of tho deceased, es pecially to her husband, who Is thus early left without his consort, and pray that DIvIno grace and peace may be vouchsafed in this their hour of sad bo renvemotit. Jlesotved, That wo attend tho funeral in a body ; that a copy of theso resolu tions bo presented to tho family of tho deceased, and that they be published In our county papers. ltesptctfully submitted by 'illi: TlIAC'IIKIlS. Tnuni: Is a class of people in this world by no means small whoso promi nent peculiarity is whining. They whlno because they aro poor; or, If rich, becauso they havo no health to enjoy their riches ; they whlno becauso it Is too shiny ; they whlno because they havo "no luck," nnd others' pros perity exceed theirs ; they whlno be cause some frlonds havo died und thoy aro still living; they whlno becauso they havo aches and pains, and they havo aches und pnlns becauso they whine, nnd they whlno no ono can tell why. Now wo would llko to say n word to theso whining persons. First, stop whining It Is of no use, this overlastlng complaining, fretting, fault-llndlnguud whining. Why, you nro tho most de luded set of creatures that over lived 1 Do you know that It Is n well sottled principle of physiology and common sense, that these habits are moro ox hausting to nervous vitality thau nl mosfany other violation of physiological law ? And do you not know that lifo Is pretty much us you muko It ? ou can mako it bright und sunshiny, or you can mako It dark und shadowy. This life Is only meant to discipline us to fit us lor a higher nnd purer stato of being. Then stop whining and fretting, and go on your way rejoicing, AND DEMOCRAT, Court Proceedings n.nnUAUY 8, 1S7. Petition for thonppoinlinonlof vlow era to lay but ii road in Greenwood township near Lick Bun school houso. G. II. Fowler, John Kolchncr, and Samuel Neyhnr nppolnlod vlowers. Petition for tho nppolntmcnt of re viewers to rcvlowii road IiiMndlson town ship near the Montour county line. Wm, J, Ikelcr, Samuel Johnson, and William Eyor appointed reviowen?. Petition for the nppi inttncnl of re viewers to change a public road near Daniel Neyhard. E. G. ntckclls, John Herring nnd Samuel Evcrltt appointed re viewers. Commonwealth vs. Wm. Unangit, charged with selling liquor to minors. Bill Ignored, und county to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. Gideon Belahllne, Indicted for stealing a horse. Was sen tenced to restore tho property or tho price thereof, pay a lino of fifty dollars und costs, nnd undergo an Imprison ment In the Eastern Penitentiary of ono year nnd uluo months. Petition of minor children of Marga ret M. Eves for guardlnn; Ellis Eves appointed. Petition of Wesley II. Baker for guardlnn, selecting llachcl Baker, who was npproved by the Court. Petition for sulu of leal estato of Lemuel ltoberts, dcecu-cd, for tho pay ment of debts; on motion of Mr. Clark, order of sulo continued. Petition for tlio sale of real estate of Hobert S. Hampton, for tho payment of debts. Sale ordered. Petition of Peter Ent, administrator of W. II. Hut, deceased, for tlio salo of real estate. Sale ordered. Petition of minor children of II. H. Fox, deceased, for guardian; Iteuben Fahringcr appointed. Petition of Leah Derr, forguardlau; George W. Derr appointed. Petition of minor children of Wm. Smith, deceased, for gunrdini,; Gcorgo Adams appointed. llcport of sale In tho estate of Gtorge ! W. Yeagcr, deceased: confirmed nhl. ' In the etate of Samuel Blank, do j Mi-d, cm motion of Mr. Jackson, Col. I 1'ri ;;'.! appointed auditor to distribute tin' iwnd in the hands uf the Trustee. I In tin- muttrrnf the map of the town I of Blnom.-'i.iirg, a supplementary report I to thai niad.' at December term last, wns tiled. Daniel Snyder vs. M. C. McCollum nnd others, tho jury icturncd a verdict finding in favor of tho plaintiff Hie sum of two hundred und sixty-nno dollars. O. B. Mollick use vs. John Yeagcr, administrator; pluintill'tooka non-suit. Tho Court ndjourncd until Monday, February 1l MONDAY, 1T.I1. 1, 1S7H. Court convened. His Honor William Elwell und Isaac S. Monroe on tho Bench. M. C. Woodward and Georgo W. Foster appointed tipstaves. David Gelsinger vs. .lesso D. Kico ; Court ordered an issue. A. It. Iluttenstein vs. Clara Hutten- stein, petition in divorce. Divorce de creed from tho bonds of matrimony. Emcllno Mensch vs. Bredbondei- and Nuss. Judgment against the defend ants. Itc-port of sale of real cstnte belonging to the lloni ing Creek Monthly Meellug, by the Committee. Confirmed nisi. In the estate of Wm. Hess, deceased, on motion of Mr. Clark rulegr.inted o:i the heirs to accept or refuse tho real estato at tho valuation, or show cause why tho same should not bo sold. Petition of the guardian of Rush D. Marteeny, for discharge. Petitioner dis charged nnd IVter Hayman appointed guardian. In tho estate of Daniel Yettor, de ceased, C. G. Bark ley continued ns aud itor on exceptions. Heport of n road in tho town of Bloomsburg, near John Clark's. Con firmed (I Ml. On petition of citizens of Franklin township, Peter G. Campbell appointed Constable. Henry Fry vs. Jacob Daifenbach ; n Jury was ordered, nnd returned a ver dict finding in favor of tho plaintiff tlio sum of thirty-four dollars. Petition of tho guardian of H. W. Hitlle, for sale of the ward's real es tate; sale ordered. ri:murAiiY 10. in;:!. Petition to vacato a road in Jackson township; Alinas Cole, Christian Mooro and John Lewis continued ns viewers In tho estate of Philip Kistler, de ceased, petition fur sale of real cs'ate; sale ordered. In the estate of Mathew McDowell, deceased, on petition Court grant a cl tation on executor to file an account. Mary Litwoller vs. Aaron Smith, SherllVof Columbia county. Tho jury returned a verdict finding in favor of tho defendant. This was an action brought against tho ShcriiV for selling goods seized on an execution as the goods of Iilntermuth, nnd Mary Lit weiler claiming to havo bought them from Llntcrmuth on a bill of sale, but not romoving the goods. A licenso wns granted to John S. Mnnn ns tho keeper of a public house In Center township. Petition of Mary E. Glggcr for di- voice; subpiena nwarded. Petition of minor children of Gcorgo Keller fur guardian ; O. B. Melllck, Esq., appointed. Petition for u road in Benton town ship; David Lowls, Jcsso Ilartnian and Henry Cl Hess appointed vlowers. Auditor's report making the dlstrl bution of tho funds arising from tho Sheriff's sale of tho real estato of John K. Glrton, confirmed. Petition of Ida Johnson forguardlau Charles Michael appointed. Tho Court adjourned until Saturday February 17. ('ruin! Juror's Uejiorl. l'liimuAitY ti:km, 1S72. To tho Hon. Judges of tho Court of (Junrler Sessions of tho pcaco In nnd for tho county of Columbia tho Brand In quest of tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl vanla Inquiring fur thobody of thocoim ty of Columbia iipeclfully report,that wo have.pursunnt to our required duty calmly nnd deliberately Investigated nil tho bills of Indictment presented forour consiili intioii nt this term and have passed upon them ticcordlnj; to their merits. Tliat wo havo examined tho public buildings anil find them In u moderate ly good condition nnd whilst wo do not recommend nny cpcclnl repnlrs now would request tho Commissioners to oxnmiuu tho crumbling walls and leaky loofs in and about tlio Jail lioii-e. Wo find tho water closets nt tho Court Houso in n filthy rendition, also tho BLOOMSBTJRG, privy on tho Jail lot not In ns good a condition as It ought to be. Wo rtom- mend that n hotter Htovo for the use of tho Jail bu procured, tho ono now in uso being too small. Wo also ospeclnlly recommend that n glass covering bo placed over thu faces of thu clock on the Court Houie ns n protection from tho snow storms. All of which Is rcpelfully submitted, I. W. IIaiitm AN, Foreman. Bloomsburg Feb. 8,h 1N7. . t Communicated. Editor of tiii: Coi.umman. Dear SU". Tito following lines wero written under peculiar circumstances, whlrh nro nn apology for their publication, in July, IMJfl, u young man, (II. L ) ie- innrueu, in jest, Hint it is easy onoug to wrlti' verse, that ho could write thirty lines upon uny subject given, within tin hour, llodld not think that his ofiVr would bo ncceptcd, nnd wi's soinowhnt taken aback by having n subject aslgncd him and that subject "Paper Collars. " Prldo drives us into devious ways, und tho followlngilncs wero finished In forty-threo minutes nnd nro now offered ns u specimen of "machlno verse." Yours nnd so torth. MAX. LONG WIND. Paper Collars. IIY MAX I.ONOWIKn, When Wlnltr crlra, with cold nnd ley Imnd And nnny tyiraunlc, tulcn on ton ami lnml, When Horcan blown n llerto nlnl fieezlEK lilatt, Then pnper collntB, when pat on wilt liutt No need to clinngo for fret )i ones every hour! The sun'a hot layo seem to lmvo Inst nil jioWf n Nor work, nor cxcrel?, nor mi;ht yon da, Wilt melt yonr xlilnlng eollnn through nnd through, lUU when the imlmy liroczert of tho Sluing Hnvo woned tho enrth'H fair tlowrri to b'.nn-im-Injr, When humnuT rosoj Mow, and, IichIi nnd f.Ur, Fill with their frngmneo nil the mnhlcnt nlr, When the nerca mm shines with Hm sl.nltng ray Ami greater hm, through nil the lenglh'nlnu' dny, Those aro t!i3 ttmsk thai try men's fainting souht, As down their ncckx tho perspiration folio, Loos nt tho picture olftrsd to your law, And thencimfoiu the phndlns it 103 true. Tho day is hot, Oh 1 awful hot! Thotua Is aliiioj dmvu. You wait:, or rather run, In frantic haste, for fen- thai you'll lio Int At an engagement Willi tho fair Miss ICnle. At Initli, quite tired, you jcieh the i:nrdcn ete, You to rcl n bit, when, Utl: a d.iy : Your ticach'mas collar, melted tliro'jgh, clvvi way I "Confound tint paper collar !" .Ton cxelulm ; Coufouudlng don't repair It l-'lllol with shame, Yon turn away, when, standing the Kite. You sop your laughing fair one, Mu'm'fcelto Kate. Yen meet her eye. nnd, by her roguish smile, Yon Eee that she's been near you nil tho while. Many hnvo endeavorrd to solve tho following puzzle, but have found it juitc difficult. ItHciv-y enough, how ever, wnen it is explained. Tho pos sessive ease docs tho workj "A prin cess found n prophet in tho rushes "by tho water, whom she vainly hoped to call her darling own. If Moses had been the ."on of Pharaoh's daughter then ho would havo been tho daughter of Pharaoh's sou." I.n proof of Mr. Colfax's pre eminent fitnesj for the Vice-Presidency, it is noted by a coutempoiary that while no two papers agreo upon any other can didate for that ofilee they nro nil tinan iinous In not naming him nt all- marriages! UUIXN'-KIP.KKNDAl.L-Ou the III lnst. bv thH new A. Ilrtitaln, nt the residence or the brldo's parents, Mr. Kdwnrd (J (Jrreu ami .Miss -ni nun "o i-. iinufxuter 01 Kinauiit i Kincentiau bothnr Mlnilnvllh', Columbia county. AI'PI.lIMAN-niLtKSPIK-In O roc n wood, at the iioii-onrine britie'-. r.itner.I-eM. o. I".', by me j;iiv-, npenr. .-ur. j'.innnuei Appietunu uu i .mis', j.izziu uiuchpie, vi urcenwoou. DEATHS. KITCKI.E In Mount l'lea-nni, ,lan. o'i, John Hurtle, ged .1 yeais, 1 mouth aud 13 days. QUrcK Wcnr Rupert, on ovenlnt;, Fib- nary 11, mnsunua r .. mho oi iiuuui .u iulcl:, ryod neaily thirty jeuri. special sotic::s. Mam; pnjr fide for butler. John Aitadt has on hand lot of musical instruments nnd for sale. Cull and see him. p. fine music ltRMi'.Miir.R, (roods tire iroing up in tho city. Uiu Marr sells at old prices yet. . - For. HAl.r. A lot of Cord Wood, on rcasonaoje terms. A ppiy to John .u tiari; nt tlio oitico 01 j;. i Liaru. ti. Ma mi has a largo lot of new Dress Goods, ho is selling cheap fir ca-ih. IP you want u splenilkl ini-'ry or platform spilng wagon, at a very low price, or on eu.y running larm wagon go to Low &. Eoiiins, at OiangcviUe. Oi.n l'ni-iinrrs Aim Oyixo orit. New facts at Ittlllni: them. Tho Idea Hint invalids weultmid bv dUraso can Ln lelleved bv mobtratltit! thulll Willi destructive diuijs, Is no Ioniser eutcitalncd except by monomaniacs, liver hlnco tho Intro duction ol Dit. W.w.i;i:it-s Vinhciar Hittfks It has been obvious that their rt-xulatlu!; and In vigorating proicrltcK alu nll-sulUt-Ieiit lor the cuio oi (urouiu lmimchiion, iiii'iiiiiaiisiii.iou Mlnnllon, illarrhiea, nervous ntt'cctlons, nml ma liirl ins f.ivn ... nn,l 11. n- ntt, rtttu- Ihn f.tniul:iri lemedy Inr these complaints iu every m i-Uon ot Last Notici:. All moneys duo on Hul)?ci-IitIons to Jncoby ARhuman nnd to W. II. Jitcutiy, for tlie.V-rtr and Dem ocrat, must lie i.iiil by the Hi st of April noxt. After that date they will bo plact d in tlio hands of a collector, for immediate settlement. W. II. .Tacoiiv, ISIoonistiurji, l'eb. It. r.vcry ni-rvonf Vouiik Man In tho Unlou, will ri-celvt', frnn, n Iteclt o tLat will provo a hit-mini: throiisli life, ty luUlietsliiK. In eot IMence, .iuu.n ii. iimii;., Vi L'cilar st.,:;. I'ost flITJ I'. (). Ui:mi:miiku, Jlurr i-olln nice Suar for 12lc autl Kyrup -il.oO. Wu Baw a few days hlnco a beauti fully llnlalifd carrliiRe, which wo learn wns built for a i?entlemnn in Xorfollc, Vn. ltcamo from tho establishment of JL C. Sloan & Brother, who nro well known in this comniunlty, as tho best of cnrrinRO bulldeis. The llrm was ea tabllshul in 181!(i ami did good work then, but havo improved n deal since. llitowK A Jokes. Who aro they They uro an enterprising younc firm lately established In Cnttuvisftmntl from tho iistoiilslilnt: iimount of Dry Oooda they sell Ic evident that the people aio attracted by their low prices. They are In constant receipt of freh (jooila from New York. They tell only for ei'Hh, irlvintr tho buyer overy pcsslblo pess plan. tiiivitninuo iteriveii irom una visit to their stoio will render of tbefo fnelH, eonvinco tho ii-l-tf. MARKET REPORTS. Uloomabtirg Dlarlict. Wlicnt rcr liuxhcl Ityo " I'oru " Oat a. 11 Flour per barrel Clovereeil Flaxseed - lluller lVt's Tallow I'otntOfK ,. ... Dried Apple Hams , HUlea uiidhlionldtu Lard per lound lUy per leu I.t) , I ill ... Hi , ' i IM : ?R i as lo i . 17 . ...U5t COLUMBIA COUNTY, First Annual Statomont of the Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association, For tlio Yoar Ending with December, 1871. CtCCL'l V01. CDC a,' January, Pebrunry, 1 March, April, May, 700 HI 1 7, 11 V, 111 MOO 00 so in .s 1 fill I Iff niff'j in 127!) 01) 1178 ffU 120J (10 P177 no in 12511 20 1 170 -10 i:)j;i oo 230 no 2182 12 rtStl !12 (12U (SI 72o (10 (13 00 !()(!') (!S 211 1 2S It! in' no "ii 211, i:n 8: in, illltll', Inly, A in: list, Hnptotnhcr fill 08 uctoner, " CO 721 72 22(1!1 Uli isoveinber December, I- 101(1 220 1 18,01(1)!! 5 Shares Forfeited. 1511 Avcrajjo Piemlum for; car,,. i78.27x vnitie oi wnnrcv ,,,. m Asnoti. 229 $15,800,00 li.iL'K.stiiniiiijg Hues unit unco,, in.oo 0!5,OO2,GO Stabilities. Due to Shareholders for pay ments In advance Interest duo Shareholders , 0,187,83 239,'12 S 0,7 Not nsst ts $.19,235,25 ssl if 1 Officers. Ii. If. lATTlA), President. (', W. MILLI3U. Hecrotnry directors. I. H. KUIIN, I). T. JON US, K. .1. Mc 1 1 EN IIY, S. II. MlLLl'R. .i. .i. miowF.u. O. 1). WIOOKWAY, V. C. EYEU. ' W. ii. KOONS. Wo tllO tllldcrsll'licd Audltnrqnntmtntnl the Secretary, Kespectfully raport that nbovo statement to bo correct., Jauttnry23l 1872 Legal Notices. A UMIXISTHATOU'S NOTICK. XTL r.sT a t r v iuiiam hakh:, nrr p. ieltcr or Atitninistrtttloii, on tho rstnto of 'tirAin llalrnr. In fi uf .Tnrlisnn lnwnslilti f. liunhtn rountv. ilncen'-ctl, liavo Iicpu uranltl by the r of wulrt county to .tnshua 1'rttK. of paino plai". All .cinoiiHliavIufr clalninnKiiinst iuc fftiaie oi ii c nrcpueut nro rcqticicd 10 pre sent tliem lor Rettlcmenl, ami tboie liiJoMwl to th rtato to nnl'p rn mrtit to tlip undersliziiotl. nilmluLslmt'ir, int'iont tlchjv. jw- in n run,, JmCG7J-Gw Adnilnlstrator. A DJIIKISTUATOIVH NOTICE. rl r.sTATK or ruri.TP MtLLvt!. ner'n. Lottrrn of ndmlnlktrathin nn Ihn i-inin nf riillli) Miner. lato of Centre twn.. Cnlumhln 1 county ilcc'tl., havetipon qtunlP'l 1v thoKnylster of said l(rulamln Miller, of KRpv, Col co.. I'a , aud Abraham K. fclmman, of Miiio lnupc, loi. riii iiursons jmvina claims or demands against, tho decedent aro r en nest ed to nm Uti them known, rnd thorn tndt-btoii to uialru r ment. I1BN.TAMIN MILT.Ktt, AUU'M. K.S1UJMAN, jauW 7--o,7 Administrators. A DJIINISTRATOIVS NOTICE. t. K-STATKOF OE, M. KEAOI.K, DFX'D, t.Ptii.rn iT ndtnltilstiatitiii mi Hie f stnto rif (tn. M, JJejifjle, lato of Hemlocl; townvhin, Columbia county, deo'd., liao been trrantod bv the Iti'gifi tcr of Bald comity to H, XX. Miller, of lilnom twp., Columbia county, All persons liuvlnelalms agalUBt tho estate of tho decedent aro lecjtn sU-d to present them lor settlement, and thoso In debted to tho estnto to rnaHo payment to tho uuueisisueu, auuinisiraiort wiuiom u.iti". ftb2'72-C xr A d m In i.t ru t or. PUIJLIC NOTICE. AVhoroos, hy tho J llih heetlon of tho Act of tlio fJoncral As- bumbly fit iho Commonwealth of Pt nus.vlvanla, approved Jlay 2 A. 1, entitled "An tie t for looti nsuesuewjy lniinouceii, or 10 ie inirouuo cd, Into tho rlveis Dcliuvare and mquehauna and their trlhutnrlcs; for tho prottcllun olfioif Hoses oKiilnst nnlnwtul llsblni;, nnd ti prevent tho Introduction of piedatory Jlslits Into trout strcamM u ul (or other germane puipoi-(;" ItU mado the duty of the seernl Sberllis of tin counties nf Mild Cmnmomreallh lm mix Juris aiciion oi mo hireiiniK uieiem, riienevei nicy i sha 11 dKtoMr, or bo Infoimed of the cxihlcnco of any contrivance for the catchin;; of Vh. huch as mo eoinmonly Iniown as llhli bnsUtls, eel welrw, hlddlc.s, brush or laf-emo itels, ov nny other permanently uet minns of taking, in the nature ot n teine, to viw ten dajs uoticu lu two iifwspnreiKof their rci-jiectlve counties, that tho said contrivances aro known to exlht.nud aro dulnrtd connron liuisuncis, nnd tt tinkr them lo bo dlMiiuntlid by thelv owneis or man naers therelore. In eonloimlty to i-r.ld act, I. A A HON HMlTIi, ol Columbia county, hcieby gtvo Notice to All Whom it May Concern, that tho contrivances for tho taUlnc of fi&h in mlil net mentioned aro known to exist In the North l!ranchofthcSimiuchanuarlvcr,andotlier streams within the county o! Columbia, that the same aro declared to be common nuisances, and that the owners nud junmiKerH ol bald contriv ances hereby lcqulicd to dlsmnutlo and cr move tho same within ten day utter the publi cation heieof, under tho penalty or havlngiho same dlsmantkd and rtuioved. ns In said act lu provided. AAKON bMITH. PhciilTof Columb'a county, 1M, TTvISSOLUTION OF CD-PAHTXICH-J Mill'. r.otlco H hereby mlvtn tl.i.t t'.o cii-i-irtcr-uliln licrctofo-i) fxlbtin lictwcc-n 'J'. 1. s-ui7e unit (ioor-p Kramer, undi-r tho linn tltlo of Mvnv" A Jvraint-r, nl Junes' .Mil, I'-iMimncreel: tov,-nshlc. was illsutvcil ou .TMiumtv 10. tiv inu- timl poiihcnt. Tho hotuts nio In tho lianiW nf 31 r. Kramer to Glioma u communications st.ouut L,. rilitrcissrii. AccnuntK mil i PltUnl uy tlio lu of Mnteli will tip collctnii (icconllnir to law. T. 1'. HW'AYZI'. feWTl-lm Una KltAMl'.lt, pUHLICSALE VALil AULi: 1'KUhONAI, PHOIUIIITY. The Mihscribcr will otrer for salont liN tt-I-ilttuo In Catuwissn township nil SATUHOAV, JIAUl'II 2u, 1SV1', at li) o'i lock, a. nt , tho follow Uit: pcrs nut jn-op erty to wit : TWO FIXE HOUSES, ono yparllnt? colt, five mtlcli rowi one two-vear nlil lm'l, thu-o Ih-iuI of yc iinn cattle, three hcait sheep, Kinarkahly line, nlno hhontf, liartows. plows, cniiivaiorK,8it,u',, -pieiniiu ncv.- onorso w-iicon. Mirintr wal-oii. ion nuuirv. harness uouuie anil Klnute, t.mnlhg null, anil othet- larinln:; IM piementH, fcrvns hwaiims av ukva. Alvo n lot of 'fornlturp. Teims mailo known ou iiav ot aie. juii.n Htoi r. Calawlskii township. r.'U. ISTi u-t'rTJ.Ii rALUAlH.E TIMDElt LAND FOR SALE. Tha utulerfiluueil nfniR forsalo about Ci nprns of line wood huul covtreil wltli wlilto pine, n tk, chestnut lc., lu Ornt'go lowuKhlp near James IMtlersott s saw- mm. I'or parlleulHia us to lernis iippiy hi .1. r. J. Ar. ielil'7'.'-2m (ircenwooil, Coltinilila county, lit. E OH KENT. A valuable f.irm In Centre townshln. Colum lila e'nuntv. itillotnlni! lands of John Tester. Win Uower, Keubeu hitler und others, coutaltilni li.' aeri'H. :liaciesof whk-h are In Umber. (Joodfarm and outbullJliiits, irull and water. For luiim una tun partieuiars apply to HAMUm.NF.YIIAItD, r.nectitnr of Klud'k. bhaller, deceased l'ost Olllre uiiaresK, I.lmo UldC, I'a, lb';2-ir N EW DItUa STORE. Oil RIO. A. KLE1JI HnvliiB puiclined tl.o litisluesu or 1C, 1'. I.ulr, now iilleiH at llii'olils'.ninl.n i-holrn iismivIiik in Dltt'O'l CIIKMIOAI.". I'ATBNTMKMl'INUH.'AltTifl.IIS, I'AIit'ySOAl'S, mtugmw.4t-ic And a f(tlor4l nitoilnunt of (lie choicest good usually lound ill llttl lliissis;utlli.hiinut. I'mtlCUNx' l'lllWltltTlllMl AMI IUMILY Ilu'ipui L'Aiu:i-i'i,i.v CiiMt'oe.NDisii, On HutulB", open lioiu 8 a flout 2i, in., lol p. iu. , in., to ID ii. hi., nud OEltMAN AND UKai.IHH Hl'OKlIN. B o c a a p 103!) 00 M27 70 2200 17 1U7C. on 2001 CO 1211 f,0 2!?,")!! 2S :il!)l 2K l.'UO 0277 11)01 KCO 2200 2527 10S0 11178 1050 1020 2350 !)250 219 1)8 7 CO 00, 20 83' 20 83 00 It 00" 20 83 25 03, 1505 1)3 C28I 50 101)1 00 l(!7(r 83 2269 8!1 2527 00 1121 (10 .1108 83 .'172.1 1 j 120(1 1 uno, lf.!)l , I R7.'I ' ! 72011 2J122 1)00 fl-l 1211 17.11). I l.'IOt 78 1075 0.1 i 1257 20 I 2l!)f 12 3010 -1!) 20 83 1019 83 00 2350 00 3370 .1(1 120 30 IO1S87H2ll28,.10H5 i 17921' 27870' i52S 15 KI0 1 15 Rcccints. Amt. , of dues, Int. nnd linos.. .$18,010.53 " ndvnnco payments... 10,37.92 4-23, 101.15 ..$27,870.00 250.00 25.00 189.80 'H 15 j?aymcnts. On 229 LoanH " Secretary's Salary " Tieasurer'a Halaiy " Printing " Koll l!ool:, Journal, &a...., " Court clmrpes for Charter " Itecordlnpt Charter " Profit nnd IiOS3..... 2.00 5.50 12.00 SS.-l0l.45 H. II. MILLER, Treasurer. HAMUEL NEYIIAHD, IIENItY Q. PHILIPS. II. L. DIEFFENBACII, CHAS. W. JMlljliUiH. In nvanilnn thn Allium! Stntemont of after a (Mrflful examination wo found tho ,T. P. TUSTIN K. C. EYKH, JOIINTIIOHAS. HEAD ftUARTBRS FOU ARGAINS. :o:- OltEAT OEaOSIMCS- OUT OF WINTER GOODS. In order to mako room for Spring Ooodrf I will closoout tho balance of my FIXENCII IEItlXO, EMPTtEHS CLOTH, WINTER POPL1XS, AND at proat bargains. FURS AT COST. ALEXANDER KID OLOVKS, nt SI. J. it I'. COATS' Cotton 60 eta, per doz. M. P. LUTZ'S, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. jyTcKKLVY, NEAL & CO., DEALEItS IN BUY GOODS, G 110 CE HIES, AND General Merchandise, ULOOMSUURQ, PA. JanM'7J-tf QREENWOOD SEMINARY, AT MILL VILLI.', COL. CO,, PA. Tim Wm-lui! Term will commence on Monday, April in. is;j. Vacation Irom the middle ol June, to the At li of Auitust, when Iho Full Term will open. Eleven weeks muke a quarter. For t'lri'Uliim. Hoarding, "Icrnifc, Tultloti or oilier particulars, midribs WM. IlUUeiKSH, ftbSTM'ui 1'rluclpal, BUPINEBS CARDS, VIBITINO UAllDd, ETTEH 1IEADH, HILL IIEALM, PHOOUAMMES, POSTE11S, C. Neully ftud Cheaply Prlntctl From the Latent Btylo ofl"ypo at Iho OOLUM1IIAN OFFfllt. B LANK DEEDS. Wo now havo the tinest nftsnrtmpnt nfllT.l VI.- DKKIiH on hand aud lor mlo that were over kept In lilooinkburi!. LaiKO klo on bett imrcbmenl l'wi'i-i. .luiiiiuu uvimiii rxecuior Hnnu Auminm iraior n iieeuh MUttJl Hue Common DeedH, do. cood purer (cheap CLAM & WOLF'S .COLUMN. LAKGE STOCK OF FALL- GOODS WHICH AUK NOW IN frTOHE. tiif.y wnfisKL'r!, them Low For Crisli OH, PRODUCE. CLARK & WOLF HAVE CALL AjTD SEE, Opposite Brown's Hotel BLOOMSBURG. Wo Oder n SII.K COHDHD TOI'LIN tluit told nt SI. 50 now nt SI. 35 per yard. A splendid JAPANESE 8TUIPE aUI.OO pjr yard. A full lino; of BLACK toSl.Mper yard. ALrACA from : cents Our S3 cent Aljiac.i can't bo beat, our 73 cent Alpaca prime. And you know our 03 ct. Aipaca;io the best in tho Market lor the money. A Sixteen bono COIISET at?0 ceutn. Our l,:o Long bonu CXmSLT Is wotlli buying. Bleached and stock. unbleached MUSLIN, n full API'LETON A., at U cenls by the bolt, 15 ceuts by the yard. Ladies Whito Hose. Lndiea Merino Hose, Ladies Balmoral Hose ' Latlies Dalblgane, Hose, Ladies Iron Frnmo Hose Ladlei. FlIINOEl) SUITING CLOTH for Polo naises at S100 per yard. Fleeced Hose, Misers one-half Hoso Hose in extra Siso INIisscs Itibbed Hose 5Ien "VVollen ono-half Hoso SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Ladies Vests Cardigan Junkets Ladies Cloth Gloves Ladies Ilerllnd Gloves Ladies Buck Gauntlets WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS. Buck Gloves Ladies Fur top Gloves Gents Fur to Gloves Buck Glove and Mittens Ladles Kid Gloves Gents Cloth Back Buck Palm Gloves Shawls of all Kinds. llibbons Velveteens Empress Cloth Dress Goods Dundes Robes Bluck Satin Velvet Rlbons Beaver Cloth Cassimers arid Flanols Oil, CI.OTHH l-I.C-londt-i wide. TEA Br.TIB ofvrido-.lrcn fctoue -Htie st 5J.7S per tett. Our ttock of TEAM, COy I 111 8, f-PJCiB, it,, Ik full and at the lowckl Ucurt. Our ktotk of NOTIONS Ik lull cetcpltU . liOOTH aud 6 llOl'H, a lull Hue. CL A UK & CLE eie cleilug out their MClk or SHAWI.K at Hih.ctd ilctf, mmy cflhim l cost, Weiertlcd no ktock ol IU11S oir ftcm Ikkt tecion, cur picicut klcrk Is )ifekhdll new, und we oiler .him hew 2.U) to ISS.tX) tenet.; WATEIt-PItOOF $1.60and J1.75. tl.CAl.'lNQ .1, 1.!8, 1 J ,