THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Yourig Folks. Mnmri ami llio Slhcr lid I. ltY MATTtll DYEH 1UUTTS. Mnrgaret nro3o very curly In tho morning nnil did up lior work ns speed ily ami tidily ns possible, so that sho mlRht bo roady in tlmo for tho fair. When It vm dono sho put on her wliito skirt aud llttlo scarlet boddlec, mndo her brown curls smooth and rIos sy and tied them with a scarlet ribbon. Sbo Binlledback at tho lovely Imago which sthllod at her from her llttlo cracked looking' glass, but It was not a smllo of vanity, for Margaret know her beauty was only a gift from tho good Fathor, and was thankful for it, not proud of It. Sho took thollttlosllvor boll thoFalry Queen had given her, and, lest sho should I (wo It in her pocket, put it into her bosom for safe keeping, and set off with aunt Qretchcn for tho fair. They followed tho path through tho Brand old woods, crossed tho silver stream on tho rustic hrldgo and entered tho great highway among tho groups of people In holiday dresses, who were al so going to tho fair. After a whllo thoy amo to tho great town, whero every thing was a sceno of gayety and confu slon. Birnplo Margaret was bowlldered by tho strangoncss of all sho saw, and kept tight hold of aunt Grotchcn's hand until aunt Gretchen loft her, to Join a group of her friends, and Margaret found herself standing all nlono In tho midst of that great crowd of strango people. Sho was much frightened at lust, but soon gained courtiso and be gan to look about her again. Sho saw a great many young girls o her own age, but they Wero beautifully robed In g.iy dresses, and woro gold chains and rings, and somo of them sat In lluo carriages with. prancing horses in front. "Ah, what a pleasant llfo as thelr's,' said Margaret, with a sigh, "whilo havo to toll so hard and dress so plain ly! Why should thoy havo all tho good things, and I none?" Tinkle, tinkle, tlnklo! wenta little sliver soft and sweet and closo to Margaret that no ono elso heard It but sho did, anil know It, too. Sho quickly put her hand up to her bosom, whero she had hidden tho llttlo silver bell. "Ah, my guud llttlo fairy-friend," said she, "you remind mo that I am wicked and ungrateful to envy theso gay girls, and if I think ovll thoughts I shall loso you. Come, now, I havo as many limbs, aud as fair a form, and can run rtbouj. as freely as any of theso here; and I can enjoy all theso gay sights and sounds as well as tho best of them, and when I am tired I havo a liome to go to nnd food to refresh mo. What moro do I want'.'" So sho smiled again as pleas antly as usual, and went contentedly about, looking at tho beautiful things in tho fair. And though Margaret did not know it, tho sight of her sweet, contented faco with its happy smile, gave pleasuro to moro than ono sad heart who chanced to glance at her. So you see, oven a cheerful smllo may do good sometimes, whilo n fretful, discontented counten ance nover did good or gavo pleasuro to anybody. After a whilo a lovely lady, whom every ono stopped to gaze upon, came through tho crowd, and as sho passed Margaret, a beautiful golden bracelet dropped from her arm and fell at Mar garet's very feet. No ono else saw it, but Margaret stooped and picked it up, looking at it with admiring oyes. "Ah, this splendid bracelet I I never had anything half so beautiful In my life I How pretty it would look on my arm I" said she. "I believe it would Just fit, too!" Sho slipped tho golden links over her round wrist, and sure enough the braco let Just ilttodl "Why should I not keep It?" whis pered Margaret. "I found it, and no one could say it i3 not mine." Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle! went tho little silver bell again, but morn softly this time, and with something sad in its tone. Margaret quickly unclasped thebraco let. "Oh, what am I doing?" sho cried "Such a wicked thing would make mo loso my fairy friend forever! I must hasten to find that lovely lady." Sho ran through tho crowd, found tho lady a few steps away and gavo her the bracelet. "Thank you, my good girl," said tho lady, with a sweot smllo ; "I seo you aro good as well n3 fair, or you would havo kopt my bracelet. I Iiavo left my pursn at home, hut see, I will givo you thi1'," she added, drawing a gold ring from her linger, and ofl'ering it to Mar garet. But tho younggirl drew back, and said (die did not want any reward. "Nay, then, you must wear it, for my sake, and to remember mo by," said the lady, with another sweet smile, still ex tending tho ring. So then Mnrgaret took It.thankod the lady very prettily, nnd slipped it on her finger, very proud and glad indeed to havo anything so beautiful. And ns she turned away to let tho hv dy pass on, tho llttlo boll in her bosom tinkled a soft, morry llttlo peal, as If It wero qulto satisfied and contented with what sho had dono. After a while tho sun began to drop behind tho western hills, nnd tho peoplo to go nomo. Margaret searched ovory whero for aunt Gretchen, but could not llnd her. So, at last, fearing to wait un til night camo on, tho young girl set off nomo alone. But It was later than sho thought and she did not know tho path through tho forest, so sho lost her way Just as tho darkness set in. Poor Margaret was much alarmed, and at first did not know what to do. Sho wandered hither and thither in search of thb path, and was roady to weep at the prospect of having to spend tho long night alono In tho dark forest, when suddenly she bethought herself of her little bell, and, taking it from her bosom, sho rung a loud, clear peal, which sounded through tho arches of tho forest, and died softly away among the distant hills. Almost Instantly tho air around grow softly luminous, so that Morgaret could seo tho way quite plainly; sweet low strains of muslo fell on her ear, and pre. sontly she saw that sho was surrounded by a host of llttlo, flying spirits, whilo directly in front of her stood tho golden-crowned, purple-robed Queen of the Fairies. "Weill" fiald her Mil" majesty, Bay ly, "t told you wo would como If you mug your bell. Now, I supposo you want us to tako you safely home?" A Yes, pleaso. I havo lost my way," said Margarot. "But you need not havo been rrignt' cned, for wo wero watching over you, and only waiting for your summons. Glvo your hand to llttlo Mustaril Seed there, and wo will lead you sftfely out of tho forest." Margaret gladly gavo her hand to a sharp llttlo fairy, who ilultercd along at hcrslde, and they went merrily on through tho old woods. "Aud did you havo n pleasant tlmo at tho fair today?" askod tho fairy queen. Oh, yos I Everything was so beau tlful I And seo how rich I havo grown! A lady gavo mo this splendid ring for finding a bracelet sho had lost. Now 1 havo a silver bell and n golden ring. Am I not rich?" "Quito rich, If you makoagood uso of your gifts," replied tho Fairy Queen, "You must remember, dear Margaret, they camo to you as ihoracanhofgood ncss. Wo fairies nro always ready to ro ward goodness and punish ovll. But, so long as you remain honest and kind, and gentle, all tho good spirits will bo alwavs readr to como to your aid. Seo wo aro at tho edge of tho forest and you cau seo your home; so, now bid us good night, and wo will leavo you. Margaret thanked her llttlo fairy- friends for their kindness, gayly bade them good night and ran merrily through tho moonlight to her humblo homo, happy and contented. You may bo sure sho took good caro of tho silver bell which had dono her such good service. Wouldn't you like to havo ono like It, dear children ? I am suro you would; nnd Indeed you may havo or at least, wo all of us havo a llttlo Inward monitor In our bosoms which warns us softly nud gently of ovll, or helps us to do right, and this lit tlo Inward friend, whoso gentle name Is Conscience, may help you as greatly us Margaret was helped by her silver fairy bell. Agricultural. Drying Up Cons. Tho common Idea that It is necessary to dry off a cow two or threo months lie foro calving, is really not only an er roneous but a very unprofitable ono. A cow In tho dairy is not an animal in a stato of nature. Sho is a? artiucial production as tho improved carrot or turnip which sho oats, or tho oll-cako which Is fed to her. And if this is so, and her milking capacity has been artl flcially built np fur beyond that original ly consistent with her natural condit Ion, why should wo stop in our work at a certain point and not continuo it as far as po3slb!o ? Wo havo known moro than onooccwion whenn cow was milk ed up to tho period of calving, and no injury occurred either to herorthocalf. It Is truo that tho changed condition of tho cow noeds somo chango of treat ment. Thero Is a greatly enhanced do mand on her physical resources, but this chango comes on so gradually that wo can not toll tho exact moment her milking powers should bo suspended. Certainly not necessarily two months any more than threo or four months previous to her coming on again. Tho gradually changing condition of the cow must be gradually met and all will bo well. Wo lately saw a flno Ay rshire cow which had Just dropped a calf when at tho Illinois Stato Fair, and sho was in very high condition, so muchsothatan ordinary farmer, having a cow in simi lar condition, would fear for her safety. Wo also saw a flno Jersey cow on anoth er occasion, which tho owner nssured us was milked tho evening previous toher calving, and tho calf seemed to havo suffered nothing in consequence. In fact it is doubtful If n cow is not in a much safer position when thus constant ly milked. It la within our exporionco that garget has occurred before calving, and that cows often need to havo tho milk drawn from them, sometimes for bomodays previous to this event. Then, If nil this Is truo (and wo think most experienced men will coincldo with us), why should not tho cow bo utilized as much as posslblo? Why should sho not bo permitted to produce milk as long as sho will? And why should wo boatsomuch pilmtodry up our cows? It Is certain that injury is sometimes dono to cows by improperly drying them off, aud when wo some times read of farmers being advised to tako such and such precautions in this matter, wo aro led to think thoy aro not only making gratuitous troublo for themselves but aro throwing away a sourco of profit. That there Is a change occurring in tho common idea in this respect, is proved abundantly by tho fact that a cow which will milk contin uously, islookedon assomothing nbovo tho common. And why, whllo wo nro Improving our stock in this direction, should farmers ba advised to adhcro to a practlco which produces a contrary effect American Agriculturist. Hints on IJutteu-Making. A lady writing to tho American Agriculturalist, thinking that too much that Is written about butter-making Is by "men," and not by experienced butter makors, glvosa few hints. For tho improve ment of butter, alio very sensibly bo gins with tho cow, nnd advises feeding meal. Sho says: "Myruloin winter Is to lot tho milk stand on a table in a collar for twenty-four hours : sot it on thostovo until tho cream wrinkles, (do not lot it get too hot,) )thon lot it stand another twenty-four hours. Usott skim ming ladlo with holos, In order to havo aslittlomllkospossiblo with tho cream. Stir it ovory day; and tho day boforo churning put tho pot near tho stovo to allow tho cream to warm and got sour, Somo havo tho mistaken idea that tho cream should not get sour, but it makes better butter, and more of it. Stir tho cream well, as much deponds on that If a clear, yellow skin forms on tho cream, It will raako tho butter strong it is ai bad as mold or worso. In sum mer, throw a handful of salt In tho cream pot whon you first Bet It : it will keep tho cream sweot longor. Bo suro to ventilate tho cellar or milk room. It is a miatuko to churn sweot and sour cream together, as it makos tho butter streak ed. Do not work tho butter too long but havo a lluo cloth, to tako up tho butter-milk with. To Cur Glabs, Any hard stco!,says tho Boston Journal of Chemistry, will cut glass with facility when kept freely wot with camphor dissolved In turpen tine. Tho rnfrged odgo of glass may also bo thus smoothed with a Hat illo. Patent Modicinou. N APPEAL To Debilitated Poisons, To Dyspeptics, To SuiTerors from Liver Complaint, ro inoso Having no Appetite, xo inoso Willi molten uown uonsti unions. To Nervous nconlc. To Children Wasting Away, to any witu ucuiutatcu uigoauvo urgans, Or sufTerina with aw nf ihe.followtnn Symptoms, which indicate Disordered Liver or Stomach, Mich as Con stlp.itlnn.luward Piles, Fulness or llliHHl to the Head, Aclil lty of tlio Htomnch, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust fur Food, Hour Krusci'.ntlniis.Sltikltigor Flat tcrlugot tlio I'itof the stomnch, Swim lnlngot the Heud, Hurried ami Ullllcnlt llroAthlnz. Fluttering nt tho llo-irt. Choklnz orsutrocatlngsensitlons when In n Lying Pos ture, liimness 01 v ision, irois or eos oeioro the islght.FovcrnndduIt pain In tho head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Hliln nnd Eyes, Pain In tlio Hide, Hack. Cliosl, Lliub, Ac, Sudden Hushes of Heat, Burning In tho Flosb, Constant Imagining of Evil, nnd grcnl Depression of .Spirits. HOOFLAND'S GEUMAN MTTEItS. A Hitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any It hid, la dlflerenUrom all others. It Is composed of tho pure Juices, or Vital Principle of Hons, Herbs, and Harks, (or ns medicinally termed Extracts,) lllr woruuessor inert piminusui wiu iu:;itmiriiin not being used. Therefore In one Uoltlo of this llltters tnero is contained as much medicinal virtue as wilt bo found In scvcr.ll gallons of or dinary mixtures. Tho lloots, 4c., used In this Hitlers aro grown In Germany, their vital prln elplca extracted in that country by a scientific Chemist, aud forwarded to tho manufactory In Ihls cltv, wnero tnoyare compounded nud hot tied. Coutalnlng no spirituous Ingredients, Ibis Hitters Is freo from tho objections urged against nllotbors: no deslro for stimulants cau no In duced from their use, thov cannot nialto druuk. ards, nnd cannot under any circumstances, have any but a bcncaclal effect. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not Inclined to extreme blltera, and Is Intended for tlio In cases when some nlcohollo stimulant Is rcq Urod In connection with the Tonlo properties 01 the Bit ters. Each bottle of tho Tonlo contains one bot tlo or the Hitters, combined wlih pure SANTA CUU. HUM, nnil Havorod In such a manner that I ho extroino bitterness of the bitters Is ovcreom. forming n preparation highly ngrccablo and pleasant ui tho palate, and containing tho medi cinal virtues ol tuo Bitters. Tlio prlco of tlio Tonlo Is 81.60 per Hottle which many persons thlnlc too high. Thoy must tako Into cunslderu Hon that tho stimulant used Is guaranteed to be of it pure quality. A poor nrtlclo could be fur nished nt a cheaper prlce.but Is It not better to pay n little moro and havo n good nrtlclo 7 A mod I clnal preparation should contain none but tho best Ingredients; nud they who expect to obtain a cheap compouuJ, ami ba boueflttul by It will mostcertalnly be cheated. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, WITU xtoorii.vND's rouoriiYLUN pill, WILL CURE YOU. Thoy nro tho CJroatcst n i. o o d r o n i i' i e n s Known to tho Medical world, nnd will cradl catmllscasesarlslnglrom Impure blood, Oebllity of the incentive Organs, or diseased Liver, In a shorter tlmo than auy other Known remedies. Tho whole SUPREME COURT of Pennsylvania SI'BAK K011 THESE HEM BDI K3. Who would aslt for moro Dignified nnd Stronger Testimony ? Hon. Gkoiujk W. WoonwABD, former CtUefJui' lice of the Supreme Court of 1'ennsylvania, a promt Member of Congress from Pennsylvania writes: Philadelphia, March 16th, 1837. I find "IIooIUnd'H German Hitters" Is a good toulo, useful In diseases or tho digestive organs, and of great bcneilt incases or debility and want of action In tho syslom. Yours truly W. Wojuwakd. lion. JamesTiiojuox, Chief Justice c the Supreme Omrt of I'ennsylvaiita, Piiiladeli-iii i, April 11 lbS7. T rnn-ddnr "Iloollsnd's German Hitters" a val uable modlclnu in ooso of nlbiclt ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe rience of It. Yours, with respect, JAMKS THOMSON, Hon, GEOiiacSlIAitswoon, Justiceofthe Sujvcme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Juno 1, 1S0.3. I have found by experience th it "ilootland's German UltUjrs" Is u very good tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. Hon. Wm. P, Rogers, Afuyor of the Cityof Buffalo. 1 ' Mayor's OfUco, Buffalo, Juno 22, 1S09. I havo usod 'llooflauds German Hitters aud Tonlo" In rny family during tho nist year, aud oan recommend them as an exoelleut tonic, 1m- fiartlng lono and vigor to mo system. Tiieir uso uis becu productive of decidedly lHnetlclal effects. Wm. V. ltouisiu. Hon. James M. Wood, Ex-Mayor of Willlamsporl Pa. I tako ifrcat nleasuroln ccmmcn'Jln,, Hoof- land's German Toulo" to auy one who may bo nrUlcted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to Keep my lood In my stomach. nnd I became so weak as not to lo able to want nan ninue. two uouicsoi Tonic eno-ieu a perfect euro. James m. Wood. IIEMEMIIMI THAT UOOFLAND'S GEUMAN IHTrEIlS, AND HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Will Cure every case of M A It A S 21 U S, Or Wasting away of the Body. llEHEMIiElt THAT MOOFLAND'3 GERMAN REMEDIES Aro tho medicines von renulro to mirlfv the Blood, excite the tornld Liver to healthv nction. nuu to euauie you lu passsaieiy ,luro"gu any DIL IIOOFLAND'H l'ODOPHYLL I N SUBSTITUTE FOB MEKCURY I'lLLS. TWO PILL3 A DOSE. 'Jhc most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Calhartio known. It Is not necessary to tako a handfull of thoso PUIS to Produce thudekfntit ntr.-f.t- turn nf thnin act nn ckly and powerfully, rleanslnc the Liver. Stomach and Jl'wels of all Impurities Tho principle lugrouioni is l-odophyllln, ortho Aleo- hollo Extract Of Mandrake, which Is liv mnnv tlmos more powerful, acting and soarohlng than mo maum..u unci!. W peculiar IICIIOII IS lipOll the Liver. Clennlmi It tncedllv from nil nl.sinui. linn, ul li (ill fl,n nr., ...... T.n...... from'tho Injurious results attached to t'ha uso of .ub uiiuerui. For all diseases In which tho uso of n cathartic is luuicaieu, lueso pins win trive entire satbitao tlon In overv case. ThovNEVEIt I.'AII ju cses ui i.iver iHjiupinini, iiyspepsia nun extreme costlvoness, Dr, lloollaud's German Hitters or Tonlo should bo used It. connection with the Pills, The toulo eUect of tlio Hitters or fonlo builds up thusystem. 'I he Hitlers or Toulo purines tho Blood, strengthens the Nerves, iiku ulateu thu Liver, and gives strength, energy and vlg r. Keep your Bowels actlvo with tho Pills, nnd tone up tho system with Bitters or Tonic, and no disease cau retain tho hold, or oven assail you, n.,ie.1,lectt!lRt 11 ls Bit. IIOOFLAND'H OEIl MAN UeinedUw that aro bo uulversally used and nigniy recommended ; and do not allow the Druggist to Induce you to lake anything that he lurger profit on lu Theso llemedles will be Bent by express to a.1y. '?S.'),ty,l.a,0.u application to the PHINOI PAL OFFICE, at . the GEHUAN MEDICINE HTOHE. 031 Arch Ht. , I'liuaneipiiia. CI1.1S. HI. EVANS, I'roiirletor. These Remedied are for salt by Druggists Btorexeopen.aud Medicine Dealers every wh Miscellaneous. I. w nile9, M (JBIG W A It 13 BOOMB A goneral assortment of MUSICAL MEUCHAHDISE AI.VAY8 ON HAND. VIOLINS, CONCEUTINAH, FIJAUOLLTd, FIFES, DItUMS, HAllMONICAS, Ac. VIOLIN 8TIUN03 OF THE BEST QUALITY THE LATEST SHEET MUSIC. PIANO AND ORGAN HT001.S ALL STYLES AND PUICK3. DKTTKll ASSOUTMUNT OP OKOANS THAN CAN UK FOUND i:i,si:viii:iti:. THE TEMPLE ANGELIC ORGAN WHICH HAS THE SWEfcrEST TONE THAT . CAN HE POUND IN A KEED ORGAN. j$-Ciill find oxnmlno lfore ele- where. Warcroom Miln Wtnei, below Market, opiKmeiAreiri wareroora, hiooius' HEAD QUARTERS FOR BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT KM.KNOKR'S CHEAPEST A D BEST Tlio County Affords AT 0 ASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Come anfl. Examine Before l'urchaaing Elsewhere. E. M. KNORR, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Septembers 1171-tf. J. EVANS. " READY MADE AND CUSTOM HVE-AJDE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE EI US T W O U It .11 V. Itf. For s-ootl flUand nromnlnoss lu tlllluir oidt rs I lueio is me piacu lu go. .. . i- . . . - , His cnods aro seleoted wltn caro and his Cus tom work will compare favorably with tho best I cuoris oi mo lasuiouauie ciiy euier. HE KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF HOYS' AMI CHILDREN'S CI.OTIUXH AND GEXTS' rilKXISIII.VO (JOOBS, At Astnnlshlnglv Iw l'rlcos. Bloouisburg, Sept. -J, 1H71-11 JOHN a. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BKUWIOIC, PENN'A. Tlio vuidcrslinieil would resncctfully lularra thu CHUen of llerwlck, and vicinity, tlmt lie uas opeueu u i;oniocuuuery uua liauory iu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, llerwlck. Pa., wucro lie h) prepared to furnish PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FHENCII CANDIUS, FOUEION AND DOMESTIC FKUITS CHANQKH, LEMONS, IIAISINS AC, &c, 4c. , Ac. DY WHOLESALE AND 1IETAIL, Amonc tho OKKortmcnt will ha found Crpmn Nnu, KuglUli WuluutH, 1'ennuU. Almonds, KIN hertH, FIks, ApplfH, Cocoa Nntx, Jclllcw nf Jlllt'i- t'iu Kiuuti, aiuuiaru. uauup, ncKii's, uuocoiaip, Canned Krult of all kinds. Com Hlarcli. Ekk lll- cult, HikIii CriicliorH, Oyster Crnclrera, Llictke, nui, tuiuuii . ujr, Aruviueub miviu, r.u YUiupes, FISH AND OYSTERS, And lrrluca of all kinds. FreHh Bread an OukiM every day. Jce Cream lu Hiasou, Your putronace U solicited. JOHN U. JACOB Y. uerw ick, j an 171 tr AQE1II3 Twel?o Years are Wild Miaus tohf, Plains. The remarkable adventurfs of the lamouH WI1ITK CHIKFaudlllO WAItltiniLasionir the ltwIHklus. ThrlllliiK accounts of Ureal Hunts, llalrhreudtli hcaprsiU Terrible Contests with the big game and hostile tribes. Spirited drscrlp- liuus ui lliu iiaoiia unu sofirrsillioiis ui loav lions, llow tbev Woo and Wed, Scalp, Doctur; Worship, do. New, Fresh aud Popular, Price Low. Ills selling by the thouuinds with won. I. rful rapUllly, Agentsaro making from I.V0 to tl(XJ wr week. Oiolce field yet vacant. Send at once lorsampla chsplers. Illustrations and par- UUUinra w A. IS, SI II llllAltlJ, I'UOUSIier. jKu:T71-tf. 40U Cucstuut Ut I'hllu. MiacollcmoouG. nflliliEIVB BTOllE. r. jit i!iui.i,i. .iv.., hnvn ramovnd their Binro to tho room formerly occupied by Mclideuhall, on Mnliiflreet.lllooms. burg, uoarly opposite, tho npisoopai unureu whero they nro determined toBclloiinsmoderato terms ns can bo procure! olso wheie. Thler slocli oomprlsi-s LADIEtl' JIUKSH GOODU ot tho choicest styles nud latest fashlons.lottlher with nlarxo assortment of Dry UooiM aud Gro ceries, constsilus Ot tho followltt irtlclo Carp eta, on uioias, ollis, CY6slmer, Hhawln, Flnnucls, Milks, Whllo Goods Linens, Hoop Hklrls, Muslins, Ilollowwnre Cednrwnre OntutMwarf. itarawara Hoot nud Shoes, Hats nnd Caps Hoop NeU, 4" , Umbrcll.-M, Looitlng-Glassoj, Tobacco, Coffee, yurjAM, Teas, P.lce, Allspico, GtU'ior, Cinnamon, N tit meg!. AND MOTIONS GENERALLY. In short, everything usually kept m country tores, to which they Invite the attention of the public generally. Tnc nignest price win ue paiu for country prodncc in exchange for goods. B. 11. Mltil.Ull iSSON. liloomsbnrg Pa, oct lT7l-:f EW STOCK OP CLOTHING. fresh nrrlvnl ot EALL AND WINTER GOODS DAVID L0WENI1EUG Invito attention to his stock of CHEAP AND TAHlIIONAllLE CLOTHING. at his store on Malu street, In Shire's block, one door West o C. C. Marr's store. iuoomsour, ra.. where ue has Just received from New York and t'hlla.Uphla a full awortmvut of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, including tho moat fashionable, ilnrablo and handsome DIIE33 GOODS. consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO, GUM, AND 01L-GL0TII COATS AD 1'AMTH. of all sorts.slzes and colors. Ho has also rcplcn tshed his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTEIt HHAWL3, BTUIl'ED, FIGUUED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIKTS, CllAVATS, STOCKS, COLL.UW irAs-nKvnnrtiKVH. gloves. liUSPENDEllS, A.NU f Ai-iUY AUUt-Wil Ho nns coubtautly ou bund n lurgo ana wcu-lc ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared lo niauc to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to vrear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWSLllY, olerery description, flno nnd cheap, lllfcaso ol fewelry is not surpassed In thlsjlnoo. Call and examine his Kcncnil assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELUY, AC. octl3'71 DAVID LOWENUEHG. The ingiiedien'ts that COMrOSU UOSADALIS aro published on evciy package, tlicrc furoitisnofa ecrrct preparation, consequently rmsiciAxs rr.Escr.inE it It is a certain euro for Scrofula, SyphilU in all Its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin l)it.mscfl, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho lllood. 0113 B0TTL3 0? ROSADALIS will do moro ;ood than ten bottled of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havo used Rosadalis in thcirpractici for tho past threo years and freely endorso it sa reliable Altcrativa and Blood Purifier, nn. t. c. ruorr. of Baiiimoie. 1)11. T. J. HOYKi.V, nit. it. w cAiin. " Hit. F O. T) NNF.LLY, " DIt. J. S. SPARKS, of NIcholasvlllo, Ky. DA. J. L. McCARTHA, Coluratiia, S. (. DIt. A. P. NOBLES, F-dsccomb, N. C. USED AHD ENDOESED BY J. B. FRENCH Si SONS, Fall Rlrcr, Mass. F. W, SMITH, Jackson, Mich. A. V WHKIXEH, Lima, Ohio, n. HAM., Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO.,rinrdiuvilIe, Va. SAJI'L. C. McI'ADDEN, Murfrccs. boro,Tcnn. Our space will nut allow of any ex. tended remarks in relation tu tlio Wrtucsol Hosadalis. Totlio ilcdiral Profession wo guarantco a Fluid Ex tractfiiipcrlerto any they haio ever used la tlio treatment of diseased niood; sndto tlieatllirtcd we say try Rosailaiis, and ou will bo restored to health. nosadalls Is told by all Drop(;lst3, prlco 01.50 per battle. Address CLEUSUT3 li 00. 3tanufacturing Chemists, llALTlUOBC, M&. B. ALTIAIORE PIANOS. resnectfiillv rail llio attention of ihoe lU'sirillK 10 purciuio our iukh 01 l'lautiK, are siilsned lliul wo cbii ulvn Eiitlsriicllon 1 every case. Our workuieustilllful and ex)crlen ced aud aro under Hie nerhouulMinerinteiuleiu'i of tliu mi'mlwru of onr llriw. We use only tlie oesi so'i'ioueu iiuioer, nnu ine inaienai in gene ral ls tlrsl clubs. Our I'lmios wltlioui exception have t lie natelit airratles nrr.llineiiienl tnrouili' out. which In Die onlnlon of the most ronino. lenijungoti is pronounced vaiuauie, uy inis 1111 4 Groveuieui a 1'iano is inaue more uuiauie anu eeKs tho lo'ie longer. We claim lor our lustru meiits that they aro hpcouil to none, and tliey eoiuoinu an viiu esseuiuii eieineuis mai cousii tuto superior woritmansiup, wo will Ktve a written Kuaranteo for live years. Mr, Cu.NKAD FniciMAN, member of our Arm, wilt visit llloomsburK four times iv year to re pair nnd attend to taiilni: of alt I'lauos. In the absence ot Mr, Kiieiman. Mr. I, K. M 1 1.1.1:11 will attend to our liusluuss In llloomtiburi; aud ls authorized to receive and solicit orders. We can Klve tho very best, rcrercures. UAEIILE A CO. Ilaltlmore, M. D. I. Iv. Mir.l.Elt. Dealer In I'lanos. Organs and Melodoous. live octave and five slop organs ol tho best make, bold uttUO, Terms easy, June SI A GENTS WANTED FOR X A VEItY HUI'EUIOH HOOK, "I50W IN THE CLOUD." Edited by Rt, Ukv. WM. 1IACON STEVENS, ji, 11,1 ij. ji, ij. It ls full of the richest and rural thonehts. 1111. tolttlne tho ulortoti. Convenient rrmnlhcs of our (lod, Superbly llltiktrattdaud bound IniKHidc. clirns of rare enhance. It Is a (on amoiiK bookB. Zion's Herald. It Is one of the most eleunnt liooksbver Issued from the American press Watchman unit lltllec- tor. This Is a book of surpassing beauty, If. 1. Ob server, A LOVELY HOOK rOIl A HOLIDAY GlrT, Enriched with SDexqulslto gems of poetry. I'lrst-cluss Acenlsaru making JIUlo $ day. I'rlcelow. 1 erms extra. For Circulars address, HUUbAltll liltas., I'ubllsliers, dco'8 71'tf TilKallkomHt., I'lilla. VALUABLE HA 1.13. I'ROPERTV FOR Tlio umlerslgnrd wishing to retire from busi ness now oilers at private sale bis entire proper ty shunted In Oraugevllle, consisting of u one half Interest lu the well known FOUNDIIY AND AdlUCULTUItAL WORKS, tocethi r villi tho Engine, Lathes and other Ma chinery lielonallitr to the same, also thi, enllre slock now on hand, together with a valuable pair of horses, aud tho waitons, sleds. Harness, Ac. also his town lots on which Is erected a good frame dwelling, also, twenty.nve acres, known as the Dr. Lott property about leu of which are cleared, Hie balance timbered. Prices reasonable, Possession given at any auw w vu.w 'u Mlwri . . J ' , . J iu UI ...111 1 1' WILLIAM BCIIUYLEIt, Oct, 6,'71-tr. an gevllle, Columbia co, Pa. Druga and Ohemictilu. fj HE CAUSE AND 0U11E OF ihn rrlinnrv cmuouf OonMiinnlltii. UtlArntiBA incut ol llio (MReMlvo ormi v 1 11M ilerAiiitL'tutjui iroiiurt'fl tiencteiH iiiuruiou niui iimhiumiio li ly nslmlluthm 1 moau tlmt ihoccm hy wtilcli lie uiuiuiruv in uiu hkxi 11 runvcriuu lluo oou.ftt.u tiicnen into tuo koikih urtuo uoy, 'arum Willi tllupntiuil thllfl linmill'iviiL lnixliiif ilia hllRHtcut irc"i!pcRll!ou t-i inumoiiAry till ( Rbcoi H they Uhu cold, will to Very llutjlo tu liuvo Cousumntlou nf tho JjiitiK In Homo nf Un lurnmt uud 1 inUl Hint it will uo imp(MlbIo tu tiro any cano 01 uoii'iumjHion wiuiolu nrst ro torliiRu rooiI dictation unl li(althy nfiltuila inn. '1 lit. vcrv llrst llil nir tu ub tUme N locleniiftu tlio Btninnchami bowtls irom rill iIIsuimhI iu 11111 h iuhI hlli iK', wukh lfl cKglii( tlibM) oittHUn to that thoy eatmoL perform llalr funetluiis, niul then roue tip nnd ifchtoro tho liver toaliwtltliy nction. i or pttrpmo inu HiuHt nun bent n'llit'lly 1H HCIU'IICRH .MUU IIUKO I'll iH. 1 I'll l i:l(nn tlio htuiitacti. nud biiwuls of nil tlio dciuliiml morbid ullmu Unit HciiUituifillHVftoo unduicay lu thu (viiOtOAyniBin, Tnuy will clour cut llio liver ol nil dlacaiied bllu Hint liiititecuiii umii-u mere, mm rousflu up 10 n rew nun laulihy iicltun, by wlilcu iiuutrul uml hyallliy bile 14 pucrutt'd, '1 iiu htonn.cii, LoweH(iuui livi r (iiv tnnHcittitis il bv tho Uiu ut Hellene Mundr.iitu 1'ilisi but tbcru rumuiuK In thu htuiimcii nn cxluL uoid( tliuurgnu H turpid ami tlio upptMUu iimir. lu the Ikmm'J.h thulHcloaU aru weult. uud ruiuirla btienglli nnd t-ttppurt. UN 111 u cunuliiuu lllto llllfl IIIHI nCUCIlCK. 8 M'llWUl'U 1UI1H' IHIMlfNlUIW tliu moHt viihumlj lcint'dy tvur tlikuovuiuii. It ls nlkallue. uud Its us will ntulrltKo all i-xccm of ncul, nmliltif,' tliohlutuacli ttwuot aud 1 rH ; It will glvo t 1 mutiL-n 1 lotto lo litis linporUtnt or Kttu, aud irento a p,ood, licnrty appetuo, aud pro paio thOHyhti'inlur tliu utfit prouHOf a boju ill uunlloii, uud utlliuttel good. ihmI hy, iiviufj uiouii. iiLr iiiift propainiui .muuium, wlmi niiiatnu lo euro moi, c.ikh uf Uauhump Hon Is the iruo aud per.suvurlntiso ol ncauiick's I'lUiuonichynip. Ihc l'Liluioiiterup iKiun.iiut tbo rVbIt'iii. utuilUH ti.i' bluod, and U luadlly ub borbcdlntu tlio clrculallou, nud tlieuco tllstrlb morbid maUeis.wuutherlu tliuloiiutilnb&cH; es or tuberi;lt"i, mul then as-tisU Nutur' to expel atlthodlH-aned matter, lu the frm or freo ux- ii.iolfirnt Ki 1. m 11 1 illicit it r ..Mint. It. 1M V . uy iboreat lunlitiK and imrllylun properlioM of Hchfllclf'M I'ltltlliillli- NMllli. tllilL lilt ulCiMnaUd cavltk'HarolieuUdtipbuitud,aud my patient 1 eureu, TbooHSiiulinl thiug to bo done lu curing Lou ctimi.llnti mm .rt nun trnn.l ntmntltt' lllld ft l!UUl illiiCMllon. ho that tuo uud will umw Hi HuMi nnd uvl htroiiL'. If il Dei son has dmened luii,( activity or iibsecsa ther?, the iiuvby cnuuot benl.llio matter can not ripHii.fO lonuns tlio Hys- leill 1H Dfiuw Pit Tt HUt 11 nmwuij n ttuu in uew urder ot thing, a Ktiud appjiuo, a Mi nutrition, tlio bodv to ui li IK'li and uet fill! then nture ik liclpcil, tliu cavities nnl, thu matter will ilpou ami be thiowii oir in n;e ipiitutitieH, nnu 1 110 pei sou ieuiu bireiigiu, ibis ls tho ttuo nud oulv nlnti to cuic tVinsumu tion. and if a person U very hud. if l lie 1iiuh are not entirely ilostioycd.oreiou U ono tnut; is on tliely un', It tlieiv Is mou. h vitality leli in tlio nlhrr tit mt. ihcre 1h bone. 1 liae men many pet1" neute X wlt'i only ono sound lun, live ami tnj a iiu- . ,. m old ntftf. TUU is butHcliem'li. H Me w.n do to euro L)ti!umutlon. Thm w ill eleau out tho Moni'ieu. MWeeleit and slreugllien It, Kut upayutd diges tion, aud slveatnro the ulnlnnco .siie neeiiH to clear lw ttuu of all tho tllsiMKe tbatU in tho lungs, wniiievcr meioriu may ue. It U important that while vising Hchenck'tt Mtdlclnts. caroalumld bo exercmeil no. totaUo cold; beep lnUoorM in coin ana u.iiup weatuer; avoid ulKbt nir, aud tako outdoor oxcrcUo oiil iu a treniui ami warm turns nine. I wibh ltUlstinctlyutulerhtood that when 1 reo ommeiid a patient 10 bocaruiul lu leard to tul; Incold, whllo UBlus my .Medicines, t do so for a special reason, a man wuo uus out, partially re covered trom tho elf etsot a b id cold ls far moro linoio to a rcinpso man nun wuo uas ucen entire ly cured ; nnd it Is pieelsely tbo in regard toCoUKiimptlon, Ho Iuuk as the Iuuks ittunot perftcllv lieal d.iut fcu Ioiii'1-h thero lHituintuit danger of a lull return of tbo lleneo It is mat 1 ho KireiiuouMiy e-aiuiou punuouary pu llcnta analunt exposing themselves to an nlnun phero that ls not uetilal and pleasant. Coullrm ed UouMimidlvC's1 lungs 1110 a nias.s til nores, which the leitst cliaiuto or itiiio4plur. wllllu llame. Tho grand secret of my suuchns Willi my iMedicliuH consists In my ubllp.y to h ihilue In- nammaiion liisuauoi niot)Kinfc; u, usinuiyni tholiteiiltv do. An lullamed In in' oniiuil. wl'h safetv to (ho patient, bo exposed to the tdiliu; blasts of Winter tr tho chilling wluds ol Spring or Autumn, It nnould bo care I ally shielded irom all Iriltatlng lulluenetb. 'ibo titino 1 caution 8bould bo oliscred In this particular, ns wltnoul it a euro under almosuan) uircuumtunccs ls an Impossibility. i tie peisou should bo kept on a wholesome and nutritious diet, and ull tho .Medicines c miluuc 1 until thu body h.ts restored to It tho uattiral ciuautlly ot lU-Mi aud blreuKth. 1 was nnsell cured by ttiin trfntment of the worst Is 1 lid of Coiiumpipui( and hao lived to net lal and heaitv these many ours. with ono urns mostly none. 1 havo cured ibouMinds since nnu vi ry many ouvo ueen cuiuu uy mis tiuai ment whom 1 havo neei seen. About tlio first ol October 1 expect to talto iHjtfctsslouofmv new bulldunr. at ine Northern Corner ol Hlxth and Arch btretls, wlu ro 1 shal bo pleasLd to uivo advlco lo all who mav renulro 11. Full directions accomnuiv all mv liemodles. so that a person lu any part ol tho wot Id cm ho teuuiiy curt 11 uy u suicl ooserv iice 01 1110 same. J. JI, HCIIOCIC, .M, 1). l'hiladulphla. Johnson, Hollaway A Cowden, GJJ Aroli street rhiladehdila, wholebalo agents. tnovl7'"l-iy. Dr. VAi.nrr.- - vineg-z: ... sj? HuixlicuJii ilia. Z r Dear tPfitHiODy to t!i"!r M j: o & fuiCuutto Ltrccu-. WHAT ARE THE TIIEY AT.E SOT A VIL" d r 1 n u u r r im w t lliVloo'oyraint'WMskey, Proof Bplrlta nud ICclaau Jdcnora doctored, rplcod andswect cnccl to please tho taste, callcd"Tonice,""Arpct: cr:," ,iestorcrsI,, ac, tLtt lead tho tippler on to drunkenness end rah, but nro-a Iruo Medicine, mado fromthoKatKo Ilooloand Ilcrusci CalirorLla.ireo Trom r.MAlcchvlio bttmulums. Thc7t.r0 t!ia i:iIAT IlLOOO I'lIlMnnt and A lAVSZ C1V1NU I'KIKCin.Kflpcrfect Hcnovatcr and Invlscrator cf the ByEtcm, caiTyios off nil poLjonoua natter and rcttorlss tho tlood to a healthy condition i;o person can tako theso letters nccordin to dm t Ion and remain long unwell. tlUO TUlbo given for on inmraUoca2?,p:wv"l t'.o hones nro not destroyed ty mineral wolacn or otlicr means, end (,ho Ital orjans vnitci r?nd t:.o point of repair. rv Inflammatory uud CUrouIc II he una thin aud (outi Dyspciita, or XiullccKtlou, Hllluiiis Ucmlttctit mid Intt'imltttnt Fcvcio JJUcam-EtoVtliuUlood, Uver, Klilnc) c( n:ul Uladdcr tnuo Ilittcin luvc heen r-fivt euccu fal. bach Dlscahca tro canted ly Vltlntcd li ! c 0 il. vklch la generally r roCaccd ty Ccrtnstracnt ct Uo ITIcrbtUuOrau-i ' nchf,rn!alathiU.oi.Ucrf, vCCU, of Co CCtt, D1zz.:.lco, Ll.c 1 ri.t.LitcLB cf ti.o Ctouach. IadtuatoUU ;-.nL.h, Uao Attacks, Xalpli-Ucu cf thuLtcart, ii-l-n:.i.t.(,a ci tl.o Lu'-se, Tain In tho r'loi.j of tho Kidneys, niul n hundred ether i'-.:nful t j tji-t juo, trc tho cClprluca cf UjEfcpt-a. lii'i uvicruu luoGtomachaLdctlsnulato tu tor-rUlU-rr,r.d buyrt If, which rcndcrthcniolnncanailcd t".cacyla l2o tlood cf &U imparities, end .L.;'Utlr. u.w i.. j nrd v'por to tl.o v. nolo oystcrn. I'JKtt M:-"ASrS,rrcptlons,Tctt:r,CaIt ,1-. : -,f;(.t,i'lu,ilto,initcKs,EoIlB,ra ... ' , ... ' l,c..lci-iitad,Ccro Cycc,nryclp .i -i, 1, . -u :, i-n-tolorctioiistf thcCUo,nun.or3 end Jjiutufaca cUl.a Llsin, of whatever namo or nature, Lro literally iXv-s up nnd carried out of tho Fyetcm U a short trnioly tho wo of thoso Blttcre. Ono botthi In meh crrtJ r. HI convlnco tho most Incrcdclotu of their curatho effect. Cleanse tho Vitiated Elood whenever you find its Impnrltlco hurEtlcg thronsh tho chin tnrimplcs, Ernp Hons or Sores ; clcanso It when yon find it obstructed and elnslsh In thj veins ; clcanso It when It Id foul, nnd your fsclinga will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure and tbo health of tho system will follow. I'J.V, TAPE and other WOK3IS, lnrklnc tn tho syctcin of co many thousands, ore effectually destroy cd and removed. For fall directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottle, printed In four lan CiaascB-rngllch.Gcrman, Trench ud Epanlth, J.WALCCn, Troprlctor. R. IT. 1IcDO"ALD & CO., Dmffflsta and Gen, Agento, Iran Francisco, Cal and Wand CI Commerce Street, iS'ew York. CTbOLD CV Ai-1 iJilUaoWTS A'D DCALEIIG. 2S70-tf To any person froduclPR any Me llcmo hhow. Inn half as many llvlnir. iiermanent ciireKaa Dn. KTII.K'H VKfiKTAIILK fill KUMATIO Itl.MKUV.- Vsed inwardly only. A ulennaiil Meitlclne. freo Irom Injurious drills, warranted, under oath, to h4V permanently cured Ui In every 100 patients treated In the pant leu years. (Hen testimony.) It ls lite hclentiile precrlpllon of l'rofi hsor Jos. P. Filler, M, 11 , a Kraduato of tho University ol l'ennsylvaulu A, 1. Is-tl. now nnu nl Phlludcl. phln's oldest reiiularpliyklrtaus.and Professor ol Chemistry and Toxicology, who has made Neuralla, Chroniciand liuUinniatnry llheuinn tlsm llm .peclalltv of his eti'iro pmresslonal life a fact vouehed for by Ihukluuntiires areola innylOKPkcli liottle.olinuny niomlnent renown. il jiliy Blclaim. cKry nit n, n nilu r tistlmoulalH, To protect sullerers from iiolsounus rtuuck nos. trumsanil useless expeiidlluro of money, a legal signed Kuaruiitee.htatlnitoxurt number ot bottles wurranted Ui cure, will be forwarded gratis to any suirererbendlug by letter u full dcbvrliitlou of atlllctlon. In easeol falluro to cute, amount lald positively refunded, Medicine kunt any. where by express, collect on delivery. Allllcted Invlted.lo wrllo forwlvlcuj all Information aud inedloal advlco neut by letter prutls. Principal omco.lUKoutli Fourth stieet, Philadelphia, l'a, The Hcmedy Is bold or obtained by tirugiiUls. muriini-Iv 115 til lib yM il 1 Migccllauooua, CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company. or NEW VOUK, No. of Policies Issued 43,000. ASSETS $5,500,000. TSSUUSull tho wv form of Pollcle- .Lniiil preicnls as lavorubl i ttrnn ns any com 11.111V in llm ITiiIIimI Htnti'H. Tim company will make temporary loans on IlK tllll(l..H. Thirty ibiea' crnco nllnwod on iach inymont, and iuo poiu'v ueiil kikhi uuruiR mat. nine, All our pollolei are Inconteilablo for tho usunl Policies Ksik-,1 by this company ara nou.for Ichuri.. No extra rlmrges mnilo for Iravelllna permits. l'nlln Imlili-rN shiir,, In llm niimial nroIltRO the coiiipntiy, and havo u vnlco tu tho elections ami liiiiniiKomeiitor the company, No policy or medical foe clmrircd. .1IIS1U.H LA Wltf.NCi:, l'rcs't. W. It. WY.NKOOP, Vicofrcs't, J, P. llooFin, Heeretury, a. C. t', Jr., Actuary. Central Office of North-Eastern Pentfa "CoLiTMiiiAN" Builclino: BLOOMSBURG, PA. LUDWK! k BICKWAY, General Agcnis Jnn.S.lSTMf. PATENT ARION The onlr vet feet Inttrumrnt in tlio World. I in unequalled in Itlcli' chs, Tower, llrllllancy nnu iHinuiuiiv. Mpe run lernvi ui itarnerx. iiaiKi't favor to Clfneymeu.- .euil lor lllust rated Arioi IVmpuIut, f. V. FOHTEU Oen(rHl Agent, ma" 1071 tr j M.urnt t'ltiK, 1a. QARIUAQE Jl AN UPACTOKY, Kloomsburr;, Pn. It. C. SLOAN IIROTHEIl Have on hand and for Bile at tlio most reasonu ble ratcii a Hpienuiii hiocic ot OAHUIAGEH, IHKlOIEa, and over7 description of Wagons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to ho madoofthe best and most ilur able materials, mm uy ino most cAiierienc- .rrtrlrtnon. Allu-iirlc Kent out from tllO ebtlll llshment will ho fmind to hoofthe highest elas- nnd suro lo Klve pirteciKaiiswciiou, juuyiiur also n nno assonmeiu oi !1 L 15 If! 11 H of all tho newi-4 and most lushlouable Ktyle well aud c.iiefully nuulo aud ot the uebi inut lulu. An lnHno.tlnn fif their Work Is BHlrcd aH It believed that none biiporlor can bofonnd In th country. jau i u monxiiStno Rail Roads. T ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS u itintd On aiiiUttrNov. .7, lbTl, Passenger Trains wll rue as ioiiowb : Golui; North. Arrive Arrive OolugSoutl I.eavo Leav n. m. n. m. p. m. a. in l.n M l.'.ll 10 Kcranton.. Pltwton... ... 11.10 ... Mi l.ll ICInstiton Ht. W.llarroj C'rs SI) 12.31 :.3j 2.10 :t.cs s.n. 8.57 11 riymoulh HhlcHshlnny, Berwick S.15 12.23 11.M 11.11 Bloom 8.05 Danvlllo I1W0 US! IViiiiiiiMiiii mniln nt Hcrillltou bv the 10. 10 a.m tral i for Great Bend, Blnsmimtoii, Albauyaud all po uiu Norm, i;usi unu wen. I).'!'. BOUND, Hnp't. "IVTOHTHEI1N OENTKAL. BAH WAY. Ou and aftor Nov. 12th 1371, Tralna leavoHUNHUKY ns follows 1 NOKTII WAUD, will 12 R .t. nillv in Wllllain-ioort. Klmlra. Canan- diiigim, Itoehester, llull.ilo.Huspeuilou Bridge nuu is. runs, lillf. M Ilutrilo.N. PalN, .tc. 0.M1-. M., Dillv.fexcept Bundays) for William bpori anu r,rie. i.m e- m. tntlv. fnreent Bnnilavsl for Emlr Ilurr.ilo and Niagara Fall", via. Ilrlo railroad from wituliM, TUAINS SOUTUWAHD. 1.17 A.M. IHIly for Ualtlmott, Waslilngtou am I'lllliiiieiimia, I0.0J A.M. Dully (oxcentHundays) for Baltlmor Washington " "al'i'p'iK. i". m. Pitlv (xcept Sundays) lor Ilaltlmore, rmuuictpuia, . :Di s, Y0UN(i UenerolPasteuser Ageui A r KKtr II. J'mt. Gou'L Cup't. CIIOHTEST KOUTE EASTWA1U) Danville, Hazletou & Wilkestiarre R. E I V INTER All 11. 1 NOltMhNTS. KAKTWAKD. WUSl'WAKU. I.KAVK. A. M. I.KAVK. Ruhbury, Danville Catawlssa lliuletou Bethlehcni, 1 Plilladelplila Hazletou. IVJI 1 7 ej , 7.CS I UUS 1". M. 12.10 I J-i 2.11 12.M New orK. I-'.ilhtOU. Phlla BethleU'ra. Hialetou. Catawthsa. Dauvllle. New Yorlc. Hun bury. Thoafterno'iu train connects at Hunbnry with tho I , A );,Uii. in. train goiug weti; arrives i r,tii-itiik,inr, x ;tii. Lnpic I lii ven r.f.i ii.ui. .and wit tho Northern LVntrult UI P. lu. moving Moutl; leaehlne: llarrlnhurg 7 uo P. m nnil Baltimore 10.15 ii. lit., and nlso with tbo riuubury nnd Lew i. ,,.,.', if. n, ,..,( Comrrrluble and hauilsomo Coaches on this new loule. In,nvEy KAhi:, Superlutemleut CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES ID OWN IN PKIOE J. II. M A I Z n 1 S, fnrnpr Vnhi nti.l ..,.Im(id ni.oo.Msiiuiia Anewklock of Fresh Uoodslust opened nt MAIZE'H, TCtlN. COflCCN. SUSIUN. 8Y1UJPH nnd MULWF.H. CHKKIK, MEAT HALT. KIHH. eto. Vi:aETAHLUS, IHIIM1:T1CALLY Scaled IllMVlN. TP, T TT.,tJ tlltPDL.IM.L.U Ilinl.'T T'U FOItEIUN and DOMEHTIO FIIOITS, All Elegant Assortment OF QUEBNSWARE PnnRfnntlv ni Imiu! Also WOOD, WILLOW und ULASSWAKEof ever vniie.y. All my goodsaraof tUoflrntqualltyandatex Mrmeir low irices, uoca'n.if j, n, maize. PIANO. Patent Mediciuoa. jrrnNif.Y a itKijMiirthb'fc. . . . . . . . . . U U IU' 11 U il U II U s It ll-XTKACT OATAWIIA a n A t' J3 V 1 L Ii ii. Component IKtrto tluht lleimtl llhularti ami tluld tract (Xitawia Clmpe l'OIl LIVIUl COMPLAINTH, JAUNDI0U, 1111, IOU.H AFFI.CTIONH. SICK OH NKltVOUH HEADACHE, COSTIVKNKS, litf. PUUEL VEOETAllLU, CONTAINING NO MEItCtlllY MINEltALB OU UKLBrKUIOUH IlltUaH. Theso 11113 nro tlio mont ilcllglit full j- plcusnu purijillvo, lutpomodliig cailor oil, salts, 11111,1. ItesU, etc. There ls nothing moro acceptable to the slomach. They Glvo lone, and cuiiso neiiuu umisca nor griping juilus. They uro compo-i-u f tuo jlnett inurnlienu. Alter n faw days' usu them, kitcn uti mvigoratlou ofHie eutlru systtm altos place as toappcar inlraeulotts tu tuo We il: ud cuervaled, whether ariaim! Irom teuee or disease II, T. Ilelmnold's Coiupouii-i lttld ExIrnctCatawbaGrnuo Puis are not r ciialott, from tliu fact that sugar-coaled Plus do luUllsolve, but p.iim Uiruiiuh thostomach wlthim Ussolvlug, conseuuontly do not proditco the tie- slfedeaoct. THE CATAWBA OltAI'l! PILLIS nellig plcnsnut lit t isiontid odor, do not ueeessi. tate their heltig stiKur-condjl. PltlCE FIFTY CENTU PJ'.U BOX. llliiVlir T. llBL2lliOIArn. IttallLY COMl'OUMD FLUID EXTltACT BAKSAPAltlLLA Will rodlcallv cxHrmlnato ftnni tlio (yslcin rorula,Hynhllls,Fover Sores, Ulcers, Moro Eye Horo Leg, Moro Mouth, Heud, llrot.ililtl 4l:in Diseases, Halt Itheui.v, linkers, Ruuuin," rom tho Ear, Whlto bwelllug, minors, C.iti cerotts AU'eetlons, Nodes, UlcKets.OlnndHrsiwt.,. lug", Msht uwuals, Hash, Tetter, Humors ol a Muds, Chronic Uticumalliui, Dyspepsia, uud il llse.iso that bus been cstabllshtd In the ssste tor years. Bolngprepared EJa'IlESLYfortlioabovoci.m plaints, Us ULOOD.PUI'.IPYING propriety 1 nr greater tli.itt any other preparation ut Sarnup.i. rlila. It gives tho COMPLEXION a clear nu iieallny color and reslnrcs tha patient lo a st.ito il HEALTH and PUIilTY. For Purifying tin. dlood, removing nil Chronic Constitutional I"k. uses arising trom nu impttro ktalo of the bio nd tho only reliable nndellecttial known remi -ly for the euro Ol Pains aud Swellings ol thu Hones, Ulcerations of the Throat nud Leg lllotches, I'lmpks on tno Faco, Erysipelas an Hi hcaly Eruptions of tuo Klein, and Ileaultfj In tho Complexion. Price, Si 50 per Bottle, HENRY T. IIELjniOLTVS CONCENlllATEJ) FL UID HXTIIA OT li UCI1 V, THE OIIEAT DIUP.ETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes lu which It In leeu given, Irrllatlou ut the heclc of IheUladd nd Iiillamtuatlou of the Kidneys, Clcerutlou o tlo Kidneys nud Bladder, Uetentlou of Urine Dlseasesof llio Prostutoainiid.Hlouo In tbo Iliad ler, Calculs, Gravel, Brlckdusl Deposit, ami Mucous or Mlllry Discharges, and for Enfeehl"! mil Dellcito Constluitlous of bo.h Sexes, atli n ted with tho following HuiploniH: IndlM"i Ion to Exertion, loss ot Powtr, loss of Memory Dilllculty of Breathing, Weatt Nerves, Trei.i iliug, Horror of Disease, altetuluess, if Vision, Pain lu the Illicit, Hot Hands, 1'hi Ii mgof tho Body, Dryness ol the Hklu, Lruptmi. 111 the Face, Pallid Couuteuatiee, Univ..--. Lassitude of the Muscular Sjtiu, tic. Used by persons Irom tno ages or eighteen to Lwenty-tlve, and Irom thirty-five lo illty-thf m 111 tho decline or change of life; alter eoiitlM' ncul or labor pains; bed-wetting In children. Ilclnibold's Extract Buchti Is Diuretic iietl Illood-I'urllylng, and cures all ill.siuses nrMng irom Habits of Dissipation, nnd Excesses niul tmprudcucis lu Llio, Impurities of tlm Illunil te., superbedlng Copabi.i In atrectlons for which it is used, and Syphilitic Al!'ections-ln these llscases useil Ih connection Willi HELMUOLD'.H ItOfJU WASH. LADIEis. In many aHectlons peculiar lo ladles, the ! -irjct Ilnchu Isuiietiuallodbyatiyotlierri iin a is lsChlomsii or Uetentlou, Inegul.uit, I'.uii. fulness or Huppresslon of Customary i:nciiii. Ions, Ulcerated or Sehlrrus State of the Uti rus l.eucorrhiea or Whllcs.bterlllty.nndtor all eoni ,lnlnls lucldeiil to the sex, whether nrtstn;; nm 1 ludlscrelioti or Habits of Dissipation. It ls pre crtboil OTloiislvely by tho most emiu.'iit phj i lans and Mldwlves for Enleeble.t ami DfltiMto Constitutions, ol both sexes and all ugesmtlm ded with auy ol tho above diseases orsym)! .iim II. T. HELMUOLD'8 EXTltACT IIUC1IU i;UHES DISEASES AUISING FUOM IMI'ltl - DENCE, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., In all their stages, at llttlo expense lltiloor in chango In diet, no Inconvenience, aud 110 ex posure. It causes a frequent desire, and strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstruc tions. Preventing nud Curing Strictures or tLc Uretna, Allaying Pain uud Inflammation, w rrcqueut lu this clii".s of diseases, nnd esp' Ums' ull Poisonous mitter, Thousnnds who havo been tho victims la competeut persons, und who have paid h.'U;. fees to bo cured lu a short time, have fouud tiny have been dt celved, and that the "Poison" li is, by tho uso or "powerful astringent," been .1 1 . l up lu tho system, to break nut lu a moro u.;.;rt vated form, and perhaps arter Marriage. Use HELM HOLD'S EXTltACT BUCUU for ull AHectlons nud Diseases of tho Uiluary Organs, irhcther existing lu Malo or Female, from Mlmt evcr cause originating, and no matter or how long Rtaudlng. PHICE ONE DOLLAH AND FIFTY CENTS PEH BOTTLE. IIENHY T. HELM HOLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH e.iunot bo surpassol as a FACE WASH.uu I w.l bo fouud the only specific remedy In oerj species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It Jlly eradicates PIMPLE-l, SPOTS, SiMIllll' 11'' DHYNESS.INDUllATlONSuriheL'lJTANE'ir-; IEMB11ANE, etc., dispels UEUNESS uud r. t'lPIENl' INM.AMATION, HIVES, H-U .MOTH PATCHES, DHYNESS OF SCALP I't SIUN.FUOSTBITE-I, und all purposes tor whl !' HALVES or OINTMENTS aro used", restoio-s tlm skill to 11 state of purity aud soilness, nud In sures eoutluued healthy nctlou tu the tissue u its vessels, on which depend tho agreoable ch ' -uesg and vivacity ol complexion so uuirh sou , 'I aud admired. But however valuable 11 remedy for existing defects of tho skin, H. '1' llelmbold'a Uoso Wash has lon sustatmd 1 . principle claim lo unbounded piinnuge, possessing qualities which render It a TO1L.1. 1 VPPENDAGE of the most Superlative no 1 Congenial character, combining lu an elegi.1 lormulnlhosoprumluoutruqulslls.SAFErYiii I EFFICACY the luvarlablo uccompaulniein "! Its use as a Preservative and Hefreslieml tl." Complextou, it Is an excellent Lotion for !. -eases of u Syphilitic Nature, uud as iiu lujei ii j lor diseases of tuo Urluary Organs, ni lsiug n halills of dissipation, used In connection the EXTUACT8 BUCHU.HAlWAPAitlLLA, s'el CATAWBA UllAPE PI LLM. In such .llscases .i rocommeuJed, eauuot he surpasseil. I'M'' ONE DOLL All FEU BOTTLE. Full and explicit directions accompany t' 1 medicines. Evldeuco of the most responsible and rel - ' character furnlshod ou application, wltn 111 dreds of thousands of living witnesses, nnd ward or 30,ono unsolicited certificates and rec inendutory letters, iniiny of which nro from 1 " highest sources, Including eminent Physical. Clergyraeu, Btalesracn, eto. Tho proprietor H never resorted to their publication In tho ufff' papers: ho does not do this fiom the fact ' a his articles rank as Standard Preparations, sou ' do not need lo be propped up by certlllcates, Henry T. Ilolinliolil'sj Gciiulue I'rciuirittloiiis, Delivered to any address, to euro from oeiei vatlou, Established upwards of twenty years. Sold W Druggists everywhere. Address letters fori'" formation, In coufldenco to HENIIY T. HELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist . Only Depots! II, T, HELMBOLD'H Drug J Chemical Warohouso, No, cat Broadway, SeW York, or to II, T. HELMBOLD'S Medical IHr"1 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, l'a. ubtVAitu ur uuuisir..r.4.w3. ...o HENItYT. HELMBOLD'S TAKE NO OXUt-'