The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 09, 1872, Image 3
The Columbian. Bloomsburg, Friday, Fob. 0, 1072, hankoooley, ASSISTANT EDITOR. Railroad Timo Tablo. liACICAWANNA A M,OOMfmUiUi U. It. North. Hnuili., Mnll 10:51 A.M. 6:181. M. Acenhiruolntlon 4:11A.M. IftTiv'v; l.jpti'f iMI'.Mi fcff A.M CATAWll-KA It. It, HIOM KUI'KIITHTATION. aotliu Noith. 1'IS.H0!"U 4:0S r. M. J 1: 1 1 A.M. LOCAL. Tun 1510Qiulndalo Lodfio of Good Templars proposo holding n Brand feat!, vnl nt nn curly day. Tim ineiiibers of tho Methodist Church of Denton, recently heldii festi val to ralso hinds for tho purehnso of n now bell for tho Church. Tho net pro ceeds nmeuntid to about $03. Wk learn thnt conductor Perkins of thu L. it 1J. R. It., has been discharged. Conductor IIurIics has (alien tho trains of Mr. Perkins. Mr. Byron Poland takes Mr. Hughes' trains. Tr.Mi'EKATUKE of January, 1872, nt Bloonihbnrg, Pa., result of thrco dally observations. Maximum 00" on tho 12lli, at 2 p. m. Minimum 23 below zero on tho 31st, nt 7 a. m. Mean of tho month 331. ir. z. Pennsylvania has moro po3t ofTlcos than any other Stato In tho Union. Tho number of p03t offlces in Pennsyl vania Is 2,893, nnd In New York,2,G00. Tho wholo army of postmasters In tho United States amount to 30,015. Miss Ida Baiu.ow, tho now music teacher of tho Normal School, has en tered upon her duties. Tho newspapers of Pittston nro unanimous in their tes timony ns to her abilities and popular ity. Sho will doubtless provo n valua ble member of tho faculty. Wn would call attention to tho ad vertisement of Chris, A. Klclm, to bo found in nnothcr column. Mr. Klclm Is well known to tho people of tho county nnd will doubtless receive n fair share of tho trade, which his politeness and energy deserve. TiiKSIato Senate on Friday last elect ed a new set of officers. Among those retiring was Mordccai Millard, hereto fore door-keeper. Mr. Millard will now bo enabled to dovoto himself lo tho in terests of tho Normal School of which ho is Steward. John M. Clark and B. Frnnk 'Atr were, on motion of M. E. Jnckson,Esq., admitted to practico at the bar of Col umbia county, on Tuesday morning. Both gentleman passed an examination extremely credltablo to themselves and to their legal Instructor, John G. Freeze, Esq. Tin: long delayed snow storm came at last, on Friday night anil snow fell to the depth of five or six inches. Tho sleighing, however, was poor, tho snow not packing well. Tlio trains wero do. Uyed on Saturday tho malls not reach lug this placo until two hours after tho usual time. PmtsoNB having Deeds and Mort gages lying in tho Recorder's OlHco aro requested to call and take them away. W. II. Jacoiiy, Bloomsburg, Feb. 2,'72-2t. Beeorder. Tho black crust which forms upon lampwicks should be removed beforo relighting, for purposes of economy as well ns of neatness. If it Is allowed to remain a larger portion of tho oil is evaporated without combustion, and consequently wasted, than lftholnmpis properly trimmed. Gideon Beishlikk who was arrest ed for horse stealing somo six months sinco and who subsequently escaped 4k"W fmni , lin nrtitnti. lull ei'lwipsi lir. u-iiei nnn- wieu wuNrucupiureu on i iiursuay nignt of lust week, by Sheriff Smith and Chief of Polico Gcddis, at Ills brother's houso nearCambra nnd returned to ills old quarters. Wi: have been shown n broken tino of a pitch-fork, over tlireo iuches in length, which was imbedded in tho hoof of Mr. William Eyerly's horso, for sixteen weeks. Tho wound festered and tho tino worked its way out, and tho wholo frog of tho hoof camo off with it. The horse Is doing well and shows no sign of being injured. Somkiiody has discovered n good thing in small pox. An Insane man caught the dlseaso and on his recovery, found himself restored to his senses. If this bo true, Danvlllo might us well turn its prcspectlvolnsnno Asylum Into a small pox hospital mid turn out sane men Instead of keeping lunatics for In definite periods. It would boa "kill or cure" Institution. We do not believe that the peaceful luuibersof many of our readers will be disturbed by tho knowlcdgo of tho ex. Istenco of a new counterfeit J50 green back, but such a counterfeit has mndo its appearance. It Is said that it can bo readily detected, but do long a timo has elapsed sinco wo havo seen ono of any uescri ption.good or bad, that wo greatly doubt our ability to do so. The members of St. Paul's Episcopal Clumih of this placo lmvo instituted a illtoSociety.tho contributions of which aro to bo devoted to tho pointing of tho stono work of tho now church. Tho first meeting of tho society took placo at tho Rectory on Thursday of last week and tho second last Wednesday evening. Thero was a very good attend ance, and tho satisfaction expressed was general, T ulcoisdinu deeds. Many persons aro very careless about having derds recorded, becauso they consider it of no use. But uu instance, showing tho Importance of recording deeds within six months from tho date of tholr execu tion, has Just occurred in Delawaro county, which may servo to give purchasers a different idea upon tho subject. A property was purchased by one brothor from another, nnd tho money jMid in monthly instalments. In tho mean timo tho seller failed, and tho deed of tho purchase not bolng on record, tho proporty was seized by tho Sheriff, and tho probabilities now aro that tho rluhtful owner will loso It. 1'HIMI' OitAWKOitt) wm tirrcstcd on Erlilny last by Constnblo Woodward, forlntlccontbulinvloron lliofllrcct. Ho Win taken beforo Mr. Mernlcnhull, resident of tho Town Council, who flned 1 1 1 til $5 nnd costs. Tills Id not tho first tlmo Hint Crawford tins committed this rlloiicc, nnd It is to bo hoped thnt It will tench mm a lesson. Oon old friend A. D. Swisher, writes us from Illinois that tho winter has beon exceedingly cold, but with Ilttlo snow. Tho ((round frozo solid on tho 10th of November, and Mill remains in that condition, Corn nnd oats, in his neigh- borhood, of tho best kind nro worth 20 cents per buihel. Mr. Swisher raised, on eight acres, 800 bushels of shelled corn tho past season, equal to 1000 bushels of ears. This Is u Ilttlo ahead of Columbia county productiveness. Mn. O. B. MniiMCK of Light Street, met with n serious accident whilst driving near that town on Thursday last. Ho was coins slowly up a hill when ho met thrco men, all under tho n flucnco of liquor, driving nt n furious rnto of spud. Mr. Melliclc gave them as much of tho road as possible, but they couldn't or wouldn't avoid n col lision, and tho result was that his buggy was badly broken nnd ho was thrown violently to tho ground substaluing severe bruises on tho head and back. A Notahlh IIouu. Tho sixty min utes between 11 nnd 12 o'clock on thu lent of December 31. 1370. wcro mem- orablo ns tho last hour of tho last day of tho Inst week of tho last month o'f tho last year of tho decado. Such a coin- cldenco will not occur again in over eighty years. Wo llnd tho nbovo unmitigated non sense going tho rounds of our exchanges and havo read it until patience has ceased to bo a virtue. Wo would simply say that a decado is ten years, and that tho remarkablo ovent noticed nbovo occurs every ten years. Tho man who wroto the nrtlclo had been sitting up with a sick friend, or somo other lata-nt-ulght amusement. Malicious persons havo fouud a now method of gratifying their spleen by spreading reports of tho oxlstenco of sinnll pox In different towns, where no cases havo been known. Tho Injury to place by tho circulation of such false hoods must bo groat, as it cm hardly bo expected that business men will run tho risk of cxposuro to so danger ous a dlseaso if posslbloto avoid it. The originators of such stories should be hunted up and punished as severely as tho law permits. Thotown council of Clearfield having a wholesome dread of small pox beforo their eyes, recently passed a resolution forbidding an excursion party to go to Altoona whero tho dlseaso exists and furthermore "resolooted" that if said party did go they should not return to Clearfield. Of courso tho party wilted. The "lobbyists" who attend legisla tivo bodies arc a thrown! set and their ways aro devious in carrying their points. As a matter of information, and illustrative of tholr ingenuity wo append tho following story which oc curred in an Eastern Stato but which might do equally well for our own, if tho necessity for similar uctlon should exist. "A gentleman who had been a member of tho Legislature for a num ber of yearn, was talking to the principal lobbyist' at tho State House a short timo sinco and said to him, 'Well, Mr. , you never got around mo when you wanted to carry .through any of your schemes.' 'Oh, yes,' replied tho other : 'I always cot somo honest old farmer to tako a seat next to yours, and tell you that his particular friends In tho country wished it dono. that it would boa great benefit to their towns, and you nlways voted just as I wanted you to.' " Visitous tollarrisburg and members of tho Legislature whoso high senso of duty compels them to remain thero, havo allko beon victims of a mild sys tem of poisoning superinduced by tho filthy condition of tho water. Tho res orvoir was cleaned out recently and was found to contain a choico assortment of dead babies, dogs and cats, besides a miscellaneous collection of odds and ends of a llko savory and healthy do scription. Mr. Buckalow was sick on his return from Ilarrlsburg last week as was also Mr. Millard, tho ex-door keeper of tho Sonato. Somo of tho members aro so unwell as to bo confined to their homes. Tho matter deserves prompt nnd sufficient attention or death may ensue. Legislators aro reduced to the choico of leaving town or drinking whiskey. This is indeed bad. Tho interests of their constituents will not allow them to depart and bo tliey stay, absorbing tho unwholesomo whiskey and smok ing tho cheerless cigar, in order that we in our comfortable homes, may ha'o good laws, Ac. Wo know of several communities that would doubtless ro- Jolco If their representatives could bo kept on a steady diet of Ilarrlsburg water for an unlimited period, but It is hard that thoso who aro of real value to tho Stato should bo "shuilled off this mortal coll" by souu-Ieglslativo a drink as cold water. It may not bo generally known that thero Is qulto n town growing up In Beaver township under tho excitement caused by tho discovery of coal. Tho placo was originally called Georgetown but a letter lately received from a cor respondent mentions a chaugo in this among other particulars. Ho says : "As thero aro ono or two places In Pennsylvania of the narno of George town, wo havo concluded to glvo to tho city in embryo, tho namo of Glen Carbon. Within three months tho wholo town as originally laid out has been sold. Mr. J. Losco has struck a flno vein of coal; breaker- etc., nro completed and ho is only awaiting tho completion of a sldo truck, which Is rapidly building from tho D. 11. i W. It, It,, to deliver tho black diamonds. This Leseo mlnois ouiy ilvo hundred feet from First Street. Ouo inllo from this mino, tho Phlladol phlaConl and Iron Co., havo shafted and found lino veins of coal, ntid will cotmnonco mining nt once. In tho Ncs copeck Mountain, a vein of black band- Iron oro has been discovered and n plan for tho erection of blast-furnaces Is in contemplation. It is my opinion and It Is sustained by several, that ono hundred buildings will bo In courso of erection by next Juno : ono storo will bo started next wcok atid a petition for tho establish tneut of u post ofllco is circulating." THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Court Proceedings. rniST weuk. Tho general February Term of Co lumbia county Courts convened on Monday, February Cth, Inst. His Hon or William Etwell, President Judge, nd lraia Dorr nnd Isaac 8. Monroe, As30clatcs,on tho Bench. Tho respect ive constables of tho county wcro sworn and mado tholr return?. I. W. Hart- man, Esq., of Bloomsburg, wasnppolnt- cd foreman of tho Grand Jury. Tho Court nppolnted John K. Glrton, Jacobs. Evans and Win. A. Kile, tip staves for tho first week of Court. Petition of Frank P. Harris for tho appointment of guardian ; John Apple- man chosen and approved by tho Court, Petition of Daniel, Charles and Mary Harris for guardian ; John Applonmn appointed. Hulo granted on motion of M. E, lackson on tho heirs of Abraham He.s, lecenscd, to appear at next term nnd accept or rofuso tho real cstato at tho valuation or show cause why tho saino should nut bo sold. Notico to bo given by publication. Hugh W. Hittlo presented n petition asking tho Court to bo allowed tochooo n guardian ; ho selected John Applo man who was npproved by tho Court. Tho petition of Claronco nnd Win. II, Shoemaker for guardian; Evans O, Shoemaker appointed. Tho report of John G. Freeza, Eq., nudltor to dlstrlbuto tho funds ntislng from tho sale of tho property of John K. Glrton, confirmed nisi. In tho estato of Androw Larish do- cotscd, on motion of O. B. Mclllck, W. Wirt uppointed auditor to make distri bution of funds in tho hands of tho ex ecutor. Tho report of Robert F. Clark, Esq., auditor to mako distribution in tho es tato of Peter K. Herbino, deceased, con tinued nisi. Tho report of C. W. Miller, Esq., aud itor to mako distribution in the cstato of James Grimes, confirmed, nisi. Tho report of C. W. Miller, Esq., aud itor to mako distribution in tho estate of Abraham Musslcmnn, confirmed nisi. Tho report of C. G. Barkloy, Esq., nudltor to make distribution of tho bal ance in tho hands of II. It. Klltio ad ministrator of Gcorgo Kline, deceased, confirmed nisi. Report of John Hicks, administrator of tho estato of Thomas Hughes, deceas ed, confirmed nisi. Report of salo of tho real estato of Michael Lamon, deceased, confirmed ntsd Report of salo by tho guardian of tho minor children of Joslah J. Thomas of their real estate, confirmed nisi. Petition of Frederick Wichey for tho specific performance of contract In tho estato of Henry Eyerly, deceased. Ci tation nwnrded upon tho ndnilnistra tor. In tho estato of Jacob Kostenbauder report of sale, confirmed nisi. Com. vs. Catharlno Womcr, Indicted for assault. A Jury was ordered and returned a verdict thosamoday finding tho dofendant not guilty nnd that tho costs bo equally dividod between tho prosecutor and tho defendant. Petition of citizens of Sugarloaf twp., for changing tho placo of holding the election from Alinas CoIq's whero it is now held, to tho houso of Cyrus L irlsli. iVii election was ordered upon tho ques tion of removal at tho timo of holding tlio township election in March, next, notico to bo given according to law. Report of salo of tho real estato of James Hess, deceased, confirmed nist, Report of salo of tho real estate of tho minor children of John Thomas by their guardian, confirmed nisi. Report of salo of tho real estato of Daniel Ilouck, deceased, by tho execu tor William Leo, confirmed nisi. Report of salo of tho real estato of George Rupp, deceased, sold by Michael Stlno as trustee, confirmed nisi. Report of salo by Lewis Yetter guar dian of Julia Clark of her interest, con firmed nisi. Tho petition of Mary Jano Troy for guardian ; Allen Mann appointed. Tlio petition of Sarah M. Gearhart fur guardian ; Allen Mann appointed. Report of salo of tho real estato of John Mlrclc, deceased, confirmed nisi. Tho petition of Mary Alico Gearhart praying for tho appointment of a guar dian ; C, B. Troy appointed. Report of salo of real estato of Jjhn Richards, deceased, by S. B. Deimer, confirmed nisi. Report of salo of tho real estato of Raiser Esslck, deceased, confirmed nisi. Order of salo grautcd for tho salo of tho homestead of Jacob Kostenbauder, deceased. Tuesday, FEn. ctu. On motion of Mr. Clark a rulo was granted in tho matter of damages in the extension of Fourth Street in tho town of Bloomsburg to tako depositions beforo J. J. Brower on tho 7th lust. Potition of Daniel pr.iying for the appointment of a guardian ; John Ashman appointed. Petition of John F. Ashleman pray ing for tho appointment ofn guardian ; John Ashman appointed. Catharlno Stlner vs. Paul Stinerj pe tition in divorce. On motion of Mr, Thcmpson Court grant publication. Report of salo of tho real estato of John Miller, deceased, confirmed nisi, Report of salo of tho real istato of John P. Smith, deceased, by J. H. Ikolcr administrator continued. Motion for salo of real ostatolu tho estato of Peter Bltner, deceased, salo granted. Report of vlowers of a road in Centre township near the houso of William Shaffer; reporting in favor of a road; continued nisi. Com. vs. Lloyd Creasy ; charge as sault and battery a true bill. A Jury was orderel ami they returned a ver dict of guilty as indicted ; tho Court sentenced him to pay a flno of ono dol lar nnd costs. This wns a cjso of cor poral punishment Inflicted by Mr. Creasy, n school teacher, upon ono of his pupils. Com, vs. Gideon Blshllno; charge stealing a horso a truo bill, Tho Jury returned a verdict of guilty. Com. vs. En os Jacoby ; chargoselllng liquor without license a truo bill, Wednesday, Feii. 7rir. Coin. vs. 0. G. Murphy et. nl. ; charge embezzlement. Jury returned n ver dict finding thu defendants not guilty aud that tho costs bo divided equally between tho prosecutor and defendants. Com. vs. Enos Jacoby indicted for selling liquor without license; plead guilty and was sentenced to pay a flno of fifty dollars nnd costs. Com. vs. Joseph Llllcy chargo mis demeanor In ofllco a truo bill, Widows appraisements wero confirm ed In tho following estates : Peter Mil ler, Jacob Harris, Alrahain Vanhorn, Thomas E. Hughes, R. W. Bowman, Frederick Shaffer, W. H, Ent, Mosca llartmaii nnd Epliraini Evans,. Tho accounts presented by tho Regis ter wcro confirmed nist. In tho cstuto of John Wampolo, de ceased, on motion B. Frank 52irr, Esq., wns appointed auditor to make distri bution of tho balance in tho hands of thu administrator. In thu estate of Abraham Troxcl. de ceased, on motion of Mr. Freeze, C, G, uarkloy, Eq , was appointed auditor on exceptions to tho final eonilruiatlon of tho account of Jucob Yeagcr admin istrator. In tho estato of Dr. Simon Cotnor, de ceased, on motion of Mr. Ikeler, John M. Clark, Esq,, was appointed auditor to mnko distribution In tho huuds of tlio administrators. In tho cstnto of Clotworthy Fisher, deceased, on motion of Mr. Katiler, W. Wirt, Eiq., was appointed nudltor on exceptions to tho account of 8. J. Faux administrator. Licenses wero granted to the follow ing named persons to keep Eating Houses nnd Hotels: F. L. Shuniau. T. M. Howell, D. Cosgrovo, Israel Hel ler, Wm. Torroy, Win. Pelffer, Thomas Monroe, Wm. Butler, Humphrey Par ker, J. P. Fry, B. Stohncr, Fred, ail- more, Hiram Hoss, John Davis and A T. Ikeler. Petition of tho minor children of Rob ert S. Hampton, deceased, for guardi an : Judah Chcrrington appointed. Itcccipts fur January, 1S72. Thos Bradcr 1 00, Mrs S Keller Aaron Smith V Dcrr 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 GO 2 00 Jacob Sugars 3 75, Kilns Boeart 2 21 B F Petermnn 8 00 rf Pettit Teachers Ass'n 7 00, Sam'l Smith 85 JO Snyder w ai (Kicr 1 CO PhIneasSinith2 00 .Mat. Kindt 2 OOj J J Hugenbuch 2 00 M Everett 10 IIiiL'h McBrido2 00 G W Hittlo 2 00 2 00 l'CO 2 00 3 GO 2 00 2 00 13 J Mcllenry 2 00, T Welllvcr Mrs 1) Snyder 2 00 200; Geo II Brown w 'i' Hnumau'l Shim! J 15 Kulttlo 2 00 .J B Fortncr S Shaffer, Jr C 11 Clark Sam'l Ilarlzl -00Geo Weaver 2 00 2 00' 2 00' 2 00! J B Kitcheu A Hcudc-aholt 2 00 13 Relchard 2 00 13 Schweppcn- D B Fetterolf Ezekiel Colo Chas Hartmau !00, hciscr Joshua Fritz 2 00 2 00 fiO 1 00 2 00 2 00 Est of 13 A Buck alow 3 00 Illrain Biker II Arnhold 1 OO.uI W Kreamer 2 00 J II Sleeker 2 00iJFahrInger 1 00U) Miller A Mcnch S Hagenbuch J M Dewltt 1 01 S Creasy 2 00,DrP HShultz 3 00 Est. Eaphrim wm Masteller 2 00 Eavns 3 00 'II Zut)piu:er 50 Est. Catharine ''M Kidder 3 00 Oh! 3 OO'l-M. F Klino 3 00 Geo. EElwell GO'S Hagenbuch 2 00 J Maurer 2 00 Smith Bros 2 00 Isaac Martz 3 8o Itov A Hnutz 2 GO RFabringer 8 00 ill W Tracy GOO N Reese 1 7." 'John Itees 3 0 DW Armstronc2 00. J S Evans 3 00 James Glrton 3 8o, illcnry Eycr 2 00 Wm Girton 2 03.I.M Hock 2 00 F P Drinker 2 O.JiiJ D Lonuenbcr H W Clark 1 00' ger -1 2o A V Cool 2 00,,M C Woodward 2 Oil Wm Williams 2 00 LM GShoemaker2 00 C W Miller 1 On: P Werkheiser 2 00 B Kistler 1 OOi'G Kramer 1 50 J Morrison 5 80.UIanks -130 MARRIAGES. HKl.KKNUOUN-El.WKL.-Ill Centrevlllv, on thn It Ah ult.. bv tsnml. Dlfttork-k. Vmi.. Mr. Julin Hi-olteiuloru, to .Miss MhtIh Elwel, boll: in u.uiviiu, uoiu-'ur couuiy, i-u. DEATHS. l.ONU 111 Jordan, Lycoming co on tho : 111 ult , Jeremiah, son of Hiram and Margaret 1.0H2, aged 1 year, 9 mouths and 'Jl d.ij s. IloniN.S On tho J7tli ult.. In Jackbou township, .Mrs. Chanty Uobius. After n pilgrimage of 70 years, 3 months and 21 du s, she dltd in tho triumphs of 11 living filth, and lias gouo to her Kalher s house rest r.niuc.u- and sorr.iw. As bho neared Ji rdan'a eohl au-l icy floo 1 shecvldcuceil 110 feur, for all was well. Hhii lelt weeping frieuds to mourn her loss, hut their loss is her eternal gain. And I doubt not that could sho speuk to them she would say, "Weep not for 1110 Lut prejtaro to conio whero I urn ; do as 1 havo dono fur 1 lu days of ottier years prepaied to meet my (Jod; (nullum- I dwell with him ill Ids own bltst ulioje. SPLCIAIi XOT1CLS. Old I'uejuicf.s aiik DvtNoouit. New facts nro killing tliam. Tho Idea that Invalids weakened by disease can be relieved bv prt btratlug them with destructive drugs, Is no longer entertained except bv mouoni ml ics, liver since thointro- UUCIIOII OI UK. s VJ?r-(iAlb tinTrUS It lias been ohvloas that their u-gulatlng and in vigoraiing pioperues aio aii-hiiiucieui lor ino stlnatlnn. dlarrbce.i. iiervousalleetlons. anu m-i- larl 111s fevers, anil they aro now tlio standard remedy for Ihcso complaint! tn every section of 1110 LUtUU, Ma nr. litis Cisco tlsh. For tlio best dyo stnil's in town iro to Kli-'im's now tlnijj; sloro, bolow tho Post Oliico. Goon nntl clicaii. Buy your coal of J J. Robhin.-i, Columbia lion WoiI:saml you will yet tlio best in tho tntirlcet. For. Sali:. A lot of Coul Wood, on reasonaoio lerniH. Apply to Jonn .m Clark nt tho oillco of It. F. Clark, tf. Look out for your Muslins beforo wo havo 11 war: nricesaro coinir un. You can buy them cheap nt I. W. Ilurtniau'd yet. Knittle & Siiuman, of Cntiuvissa, oiler their lino stock of uooila nt cost an iiiov must do (ii.siioscti 01 by tlio urst o April. Great bari;iiiu8 can bo obtained, C. C. Marr wauts all that in owintr him on book to call and tfttlo before tho 1st of March, 1872. xiJuv6i's.i;s.s. Hvery nervous Young Man In the Union, will ncelve, fu-e, a iteolpe that will prove a blessing uiiouii me, ly iiuurcbsiiig. in uoniuieuce, JOHN II. (lUIIIJN, liox 5172 1'. O. ii Cedar bt., N. V, I. W. Ilartuiau'a storo is tliopliico for mo casn uuyer to net nis money uhck. Mauk lias new goods, tlir-y aro nico and cheap. The hoiico and lot of Dr. John, now occupied by D. A. Ikekley, is oilered for salo on rt'itfonalilo terms. It is ono of tlio most desirablo und pleasantly lo cuicii jiroiierues in Jiioonisimrtf. Apply to 11. F. IIaktman Jaii.O'71-llt. Do not forKf'l when you conic to town to can an. w. iiarimairs reaiiy pay Miou C. C. Marr sells (,'uods uliciip fjr cash. Last Notice, All moneys duo on niibscvlptions to Jacoby itiShuman ami to W. II. Jacoby, for thoAVtiroiK; J)em ocrat, must bo pjltl by tho llrst of April next. After that dalo they will bo placed lu thu hands of a collector, for Immediate- settlement. W. H. Jacoiiy, RIoomsburK, Feb. i.','"l It. Don't fail to ho Man's goods befoio you 1 ii.chahoj they tm good and clieap. Rkown it Jones, Who aro thoy They rro ne enterprUlni; ytiuuj; Ann lately established in CntnwlssM and from tho usonishluK aiuouiit of Dry Goods they sell 1c evident that tlio people nro attracted by their low prices. They nro In constant receipt of fresh goods from Now York. They Bell only for ash, giving tho buyer os-ory possible ' Uvutitiigo derived from tills plan. A laii iu iiiuii oiuiu Jcuderof theso facts. isit to their storo wilt convince tlio u i-tr. BLOOMSBUIiG, First Annual Statement of tlio Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association, For tlio Year Ending with Docomlier, 1871. Eteccl veil. a e g h gS 2. 3t ! a c H 53" S n ' Moo oo ' 2015 58 1 1601 15 1352 10, 1270 GO 1178 50 t 1202 GO 1377 00, 1251 10' 1252 20 1170 -10 , VVJ 00 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August. Suptemher , Ortyber, November1 Dcccintor, , 70011 - 758 1 8!f 0 0 11 15 10 II 10 22 "ii 20 13 8 18 25 233 00 2182 12 3.10 32 023 03 725 (10 GO 00 1 1000 G8 211 1 28 53 OS 5 00 1 721 72 22G3 -10 , ' o 0 , I 8. ilolO 5 220 18,01053 1 10,23702 Shares Forfeited. 1511 T, e .. S78.27X Vnluoof Sln-rcs 25,-K! ... 220 Loans $15,800,00 Backstandlng dues and fine-.. 102,50 $15,902,60 Stabilities. Duo lo Shareholder for pay mnnts in advance . . (i,-18.8. . 2:,!),I2 Interest due Shareholders...., S 0,727. 25 Net nsstts $39,235,25 Officers. 13. H. LITTLE, President. c. w. MILLER, Seerotary Directors. l.S. KUUN, D. 'V. JONES, E. J. MoIIENRY, S. II. MILLI3K. J. J. BROWER, C. B. BROCK WAY, F. C. 13YKR. W. II. KOONS, Wo tho undersigned Auditors imnnlntc - 1110 secretary, nespcciiuiiy leport tnat nbovo statement to bo correct. Bi.ooMsnuna, January 23, 1S72 MARKET REPORTS. IlloomiburK Market. When r- r bushel CI. 10 Hyo ' 1 Hi Corn " WI Oats. " 4"i Flour rer Kiirel H "I Cloveiired - -J W KlHXSCCd 1 miner V-ga -' Tallow lu Potatoes b) Dried Apples 10 Ilatni 1' Slilcs and HhoulJer-i 10 Liml ft-r iouua 10 lluy pt'r ton S3 U'J jcKI31ATY, NEAIi A CO., DKALEUS IN DRY GOODS, GHO CERIES, AND Genera I Merchan dise, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Jan2G Ti-tf "yALUABLE TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. The mxlcrKignril oflTors for nalo nbout 00 ncro s uf lino wood l.ind covered with white plue, o lie, clieslhut tr,, in Ornngo (ovuslilp ui-nr James I'HttcThon'H saw mill. For jMiilouWrs us to terms apply to J. s i;V.NSt tclj.'7--'.fm (ireemvnod, Columbia county, J'u. ISN'T. Aaluable f.irni In Cenlro towusliio. Colum bia Cotiuty.adjoliilnglauds of John l-'t-stcr. Win. Itouer, lUiilien hitler ami ollltrs, eoutaiiiliu 1S.J acres, :i i acres of which aiol 11 timber. Uo.kI farm and outbuildings, iiult anil water. For terms uu lull i-arilculaib apply 10 .I.AU'1,1j l-.l 1IA11I1. nxecutor ofl'i-t) i'k. Mialler, decea'-ed. list tllll -e address, Lime Uide, P.t, tebi7J-tf DISSOLUTION OF C PARTNER Mill'. Notice is hertbv ulvili II1.1: co-iiartuer- bblp luretofo exlsliiu lutwetfii T. 1. rt.iiize and Ceorge Kramer, under tho llrm title of sway?!- .V Kriuner, at Join's' Mill, t.'Mtlngcttck owiismp, was utssoivrii on ,1 imiary 10, ny 11111 ual eoiisi'lit. Thu boorts aru lu Ibe hands of M 1. Kramer to whom ulco:iiuiiiiilc.itiniis should oe aildlessed. Accounts not M itlod bv tho 1st of Mnrcu wlli bocollecttd aceordlng to law. I. 1-, rs v A 1 . r.. feb2'71-lin OKO. KUAMi:lt, AGENTS WANTED. MARK TWAIN'S NEW ROOK I FJfihrfTtTJBSI. I 5J i t S -J U Mil XI X- Jl 1 . IS READY FOR CANVASSERS. It 13 a companion volume to ' I N N O C E N T S A 11 R O A D of which 100,000 Copies Have nlreadv been ordered, and Is still ouo of llie nest belling oooiisoui. iion't waste iirneou nooits no ono warns, nut lako ono people will stop you lu the street to biibfcrltio for "Tht ro is a tlmo to laugh," nud all who read this book will see cleailv that tint o has come. Aimiv at onco lor Territory. Clicu l.irs, nnd Terms. Address UUraiKI.U ASHMEAI). Pull sher dvc?2'71-tf "1 1 l-ausom hiuet, l'liiladeli Ida i OhNT.S Wanti:ii. Agents make more money ai worn ior us man at anything else, iiusi. Hess light and pel maueut. i'artieulsis Iree. (1. Sn.NsuN A Co., I'nte Art l'utilhhers, rorlhuid, :iaine. HISTORY OF Tlio Groat Eircs In I HICAnOnnd the WEsTbv I!ev E. J. n, on n'Ftu, I). D of CIiIcueo. Only loinpleio blstoiy. 7iisvi. jvnges ; 7i cugravlugs. 7tl,Hsl already bold. 1'rli-e S.' ."jo. i nLi-iits u into in 20 dsvs, riotits go to bll li-reis. Alil-I.NT.s WA.V" . II. n. iiUJii-i-i.Liii ji i d., rati: now, .New voiu. iliicnrnoratcd 18.101 COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. urniiiui aiii liiKLfiUU'S. S. H. I'hTWII.Flt, l'rcs't. 1 1 . W l 1on, V ice- l'res't. II Kiin'T Thomas, Trees. J. 1'. Kltl'KAl i i"-cc'y. J II. 1IAI I1MAN. (JK). llool.I-. Il011T.CllNK. WM. I'ATTON, JAS. SfllllOh.lllll, M. M. hTHICKLMI. It, T. ItVON. I-or InsurancH or Agencies, Add. J. V. ritUEAUI'l'Mieu'j, Columbia, Ia. HD1 l'! V A 'PWDO I WOllewnnl for any Ul 11 ill IjAJ 'AQ I case of Opium Hub- ii our .nun. oic n in inn cure. su imin or in conveniente. Hent on rirelpt of $.!.n, s O. AU.VM iiiiMi.ii. i iieallug lustliullou, Iler urn npriuKs, i.iieii, A st ni: i CUE for this distressing complain is now nuido kuowu lu a treatise lof -is n-iiivi pages) on Foreign lind Native Herbal I'reiiaia- llons, published by Dr. o. 1'nm.i's iihown. 'i ho pn scription uns uiscoveied by mm lu such a provnuniiai manner thai tie cannot eonscteu nousiv leiuso 10 mauo it Known, as It lias cuii-i every uouj won nas useu it Mr I lls, uever having f.ultd lu iibluglocase. Thu Ingredients may be uuiniiM-u ,ii .i.iimiii, j i opy stni I ice i in iii'iiiiiiiiiiH uy until, tuiirt-fes nil. u, I'll l.t.1 11HOWN, .1 tlraud Hlreet, Jersey City, N. J. "new beedTamd plants-- Kent by mall or Express, OL'H SEI 11 PLANT CATAI.OUUES I-'Oll lsl: Nuniberlnu 17.1 pages, mid containing TWO COLORED riiAl'ES, KiU'h worth IttlfO tlio vct of Cntnlnmicii. innlki im:ti:u, Siiilsinaii, :ii Cortlaudt Htrcel, N. V. S10 iVom 50 cents. 1.' n.imi'li a bent (pciblago paid) for l-'lfty Ceul nun i fiaii easily lur leu iiuiiitis, Wtt I It. 1.. WOECOTT, N. V A01.NT.S WANTED. A complete History of CHICAGO DliSTHUCTION i i.O a t'oplcN hold. Ill EiibIMi audUennaii, 1'ilco I 60. f A IT'IM AY Hliico bsuliig this work, mnaller I JiV L J 1 1UA and Interior histories Hmniii-r. ed, ii - uro tlio book you buy is Upton diHlieahau, a lull octavo, tjxll luilies, nearly HO pant s, und ovir 11 liluslralloiu, M-nd 8l.uo lortnitllt, with ctiuU'o ol lerrllmy. Al-o, two lieautliiil i.'nro liios, IJIICAUU AS IT WAS, und ClUCAdO IN t.'l..MKS. C'mulHls and terms fu-e. I'm. tils large. Union 1'iibllililug Coiupauy, Cldeago. Phtudelphlu, orCluelunutl. u'wl COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'll I (I. 5? B s 131(1 112I0 08 1605 08 5281 60 1001 00 1070 83 2280 83 2527 00 1121 G( 3108 83 1075 G3 101!) 83 2350 00 3370 80 527 CO 00 1001 lf'50 1 220!) 1 2527 1080 3178 1050 1021) 20 83' 20 83 1 00 11 GO 20 83 25 (S3! 20 83: 2350, 00 3250 120 30 27670 523 .10 28101 Receipts. Amt of dues, Int. ami llnes...$ 8,010.5.1 nuvnncu iKiyim.ui-... S23.10l.4G ...327,870 00 250.00 2;.00 169.80 Payments. on 2L"J lioatm " Secretary's Salary " Treasurer's saiaiy " Printing f Roll Book, Journal, Ac Court charges forCharte.-. i Recording charto- 11.15 2.00 6.60 12.00 " Profit nnd J'ss $28,101.15 S. II. MILLER, Treasurer. SAMUEL KEYHARD, HENRY G. PHILIPS. II. L. DII3FFENBACII. CHAS. W. MILLER. il to examine tho Annual Statement of alter u carelul examination wo lounu 1110 J. I. TUSTIN F. C I3YI3II, JOHN THOMAS FOR -:o:- GREAT GlaOSESre OUT OF WINTER GOODS. In order to mako room for Spting Goods I will close out tho balance of my REN'CH MERINO, EMPRESS CLOTH, WINTER I'OPLINS, iXI) iV i K 2 H U S I-I i. VJ Ii S ut great bargain". AT COST. ALEXANDER KID GLOVES, at SI J. & !'. COATS' Cotton M) cU. per doz. M. P. LUTZ'S, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE. BLOOMSBURG, PA. URIGGS it BROTHER'S Catalogue of Elow and Ve&etaMe AND Sl'MMHtt FUAVUIUXU liULB.S, FOU lWJi Now muly. ConKtinKofover ) pagos on rose tinted paper, with tinwanlK of 4 0 hepumte cnlh. nml Hlx IteatitUulCnloieii I'lntes! L'over( a beau tlful design, In colors. 'I ho rttlhost Catalomio ever published. Knd2.VMs for copy, not onelnlf tho value of tho colored pUteg. liiXUvjlrit order, amounttnt; tn not levt than SI, thu prlea ol Cata i.xue, uat wm no remnueu in beeus. cv cum tomerv pl.iced outhetamo foot with old. Kieo 10 oui cusioniers. liimup or teena, size or pacu ets. nrlccM and Meiuluius olfered. mufco It to tho lulvnutoKO of nil to purchavo beed- of us. fceo t'ntnlojiue for Mroordtnary luduccinentii. iou win uiitai u ii yuu uu iitii 6(.-o tmr vam loi;Uu bWjlu onleiln' Seeds j:ithi-r nt our two e'lirn-nosfor IbT'J.blzo 10x21 onts n llower nlatu of Itnlhous Plant s. t'onfilKtln- ot l.UUs. .ic tho other or Annual, lilenulaluud i ere mn :ii nmub, uu.iruu'fu inu .MOS'i' KI(K(irtNT I' I.O HAL GlUlUMOS ever Uucil In this country. A superb parlor or nament ! walled, post-paid, on receipt ot "5c; iifsii nt t.-, tut luiiuHiuiii t.-tiuu.i ju iaiaioUvi BRIGGS it BROTHER. jitubiniuti my U')cuesti:k,muw yokk, WANTl'1.! ). ACTlVi: AOKNIIJ Uihell lliu Klnklo nnd Lyon .Miuiiii.iriiiiiiitj iu o irupiuviu iMJW 1 HUlliy OUW- 111!; Mlu-liltH', "VICTOR" liciiri'ul Ollk'u tor reniifcylvmiln, Jfiw Jcrai-y tutu viimuii-i NO 12J7 Clll.TNUTBT.,rillI.A. J U 1'kiku'mik, Muimnt-r. "I'llO K 1 T A 11 L 13 BUS 1 Is ESS Will lie Klvcn nnn rrlwu peifcoin, of eltht-r tux, In II l.oi M.lll-leu mid iidlnliiini: mwiih. liy wulrli llu-y nuiy l.-ulUn iiiiiu .iid to 91 wo u )tur, ultli Iml nttlt) lptrri-u me wit Ii onllnniy orcm iitlop, ill bl'IIHlL' llOl't-Illllll.l) AIlTltl.i:s of nal inurll mid utilvcikiil ii'. lllliu uliolu IIiuhU ilevoli'd n luiuli l-i'liir nim mny to reullzed. C'lri'iilaru fn Klvlni! rmiis'i-'u lut of mlleio 1111(1 rrilllllllMl U!l IIUUACU, l. ft, LOOK & lu,, llOUOlvl'U. IX. J. WIUTNM'M MiATS 1-Otll' IIAKNUSS bOAi I mt&,-. ITnllu Itl.wL-u lllll.h..uri,iunu rn.A.M nr i-irsi-n, utul Miilill uut. nlko lu J lb bar i iii uiu hiuiiu nun', mi up iii lurid Hun In i-ii lu iu lorymrn mid Klvi'H pi'rlfi't uitmlut.'tluu, Ki'ud btuiup lor our WAVKIII.V. Addre!! ii. V, WHITNKY A LO. id Jinn wt.. iiomuu ,aiii. i.tuu. 1033 00 1 1 "8 1 1 5127 701 37113 2200 17 1-0B 11170 03 U50 2001 GO 1531 j .1211 50' 1873 2353 28 "20 3101 28 "322 1301 78 n"0 1257 20 571 2105 12 121 1 1 3010 -19 1 150; 28,101 -10 i "l702l! CLAM & WOLFS LAllOE STOCK OF FALL GOODS WHICH ARE NOW IN STORE. THEY WILL SELL THEM Low ."For Cash OR PEODUCE. CLAEK & WOLF HAVE CALL AND SEE, Opposite Brown's Hotel BLOOMSBURG. Wo offer a SILK COItCEI) TOl'LIN sold at 51.60 now at tl."0 per yard. that A bplcndld JAPANESE fiTrtll'E st $1.00 pjr yard. A fullllno.of I1EACK ALPACA fiom 30 cents loJl.V.jper'jard. Oar W cent Alpaca can't Le beat, enr 75 cent Alpaca prime. And yon know our M ct. Alpaca'.ls the best In the Market lor the money. A Sixteen bono CORSET alT0 cents. Our $1,50 Long bone C0I13E1' Is woith bnylug. P.lcnched nud stock. uubltachcd MUSLIN, a full APPLET ON A at 1 1 cents by the holt, 15 cents by tlio yard. LatlitM "U'hilo Hose. Ludied Merino, Liidie.i Ralmnral IIo?o Ladies Ralbitranp, IIoso, Ladies Iron Frame Iloso I.allis l-'IUNOED f-UITINO CLOTH for Polo naises at -.00 per ynrd. Fleeced Hose, Mis?es oiie-linlf Iloso Uoso in extra SI.o Misses Ribbed Iloso Men Wollen ono half Iloso SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Ladies Vests Cardigan Jnnkels Ladies Cloth Gloves Ladles Rcrllnd Gloves Ladles Buck Gauntlets WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS Ruck Gloves Lndies Kur top Gloves Gents Kur to Gloves Ruck Glove-s ami Mittons Ladles Kid Gloves Gents Cloth Rack Ruck Palm Gloves Shawls of (ill Kinds. Rlbiions Velveteens Eiiijircsd Cloth Drwa Gootls Diiniles Rolies Black Satin Velvet Rlbon Beaver Cloth Cassimers and Flancls Oil, CLOTHS 1-4, C-l and M wldp. Tl.'A HKTTH of llipleeei, Iron stone ware at tlM pr sett. Our stock of TUAB, COn'Kr.S, Hl'lCUS, 4c, Is full aud at the lowest figures, O nr Mock of NOTIONS U full and complete, MOOTS und MI013, a full line. CLAUK it WOM' are closing out tlielr stock of MIA Vim ut iidticed j-rlces, many of Ihe-iu ut We carried no utoik ol runs over from lost season, cur picst lit stock U lurne nnd Ml new, uuu we onur .ueui fiom tiw to IS4.00 per set.; WATKu-rnooi'- J1.60 and 11,75. CLOAKING at 11.05, tl.lB, Legal Noticca. T 1CI5NSE NOTICE. ' "Votlco In limbj-given that llio followlni mil lorjri f,r l.leeiuo Hi mil liquor lmvo been (TlHl In the i l'rotlionomrv'i; olllci nml will l, rrVent' ed lo tho l ourt nt February term, A. lf iffij .'! v? 1 iZuX'y?" "y"'0J l"p " "nft.'.cl Humphrey itakir " " .lollll LPKHott, " ." "... " lllmiii lleen. Ileulou , Andrew J, Ikeler, lleutou ' J. l'aul 1'rjr, llcavcr ' .is!:i,,,r)vV.'i:"i'L'c.,.,trat!V' - :: Wl lain miliar.' liut'eVt! : ""ZZZ: ' William ttiinumt, ' " ., ,?i!' 1-'. H. Slillt, I. M. I ai.l.t.rt i'Hint.1 . i iirrv. II. Oongrovo, Coniijti imtwiT..."!.'; Mminl Uurlcy, tJeuimllnlHiro'..., ...Mating II nine mruinru mouuer, iiioomiitjurg ..Uestnui-iinl AMuuius jiuurge, uiinyugtiam. .......... It. 11. ni.N'(Jt,i:it, I' A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rsTA-IKOir FANNY KMMK, DRC'll. LcttcM tif Administration on tlio eitnt nr I-iiuiiy Kline, lalo or Oranae lownslilp, folum. bin rouiily, deceased, Iiavo Leen cranleil bv tho llfglnler nl bald eoumy t Abnihnm Kline or jnmo place. All bcMons liavlng claims ORalnst the i ate of tho decedent ararcque.leit to pre sent 1 hem rornettlcmout.iuidtliuBO lndeblelll,. the etat8 to make pvuientlo tho undersigned administrator without delay. . . AllltAirASt KMNIJ, Sf!i 0w. .Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KSTATK 01' JOHN n. riAVia -nc-n'T, i.i?.7 uf,n.,lnl';l.-lrntlon on the estato of John V V,."enlot' township, Columbia 5?.'.lt?V,le?,.uod ,'.ftV0 Uecn nted ly the Ken ii'in. itf. S,1aniy lo hnmuet Appleman "f wiiiio Place. All persons having , claims ajut tboMtntenf tho decedent ate renuealod to pte. hem them for oettleineut, and those Indebted to ino estato to make payment to the uuderslgud, udmlnlstrntor wltliout ilel iv. 1 , ,, BAJIUEIj Ari'MIMAN. Jan57J-Cw. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE or CATHARINE OlII. llEO'tl. lAtters ol admlnlMratlon on tlio astute of Catharine Ohl, lalo or Hemlock twp., Coluuib lit rauiity, deceased, liavo been erupted by the Kcslsteroi bald county to. Kit Onl, admlnlstrn. tor. All persons linvltie claims aimlnst the cs. tateolthi) doecdeiit ii'-o reijoested to present lliein for (.1 UI.11.11.I, nml thoso Indebted to i'jo estate to make p.iymeuttotho underslKiied.nd mlulslrators, without delay. KM oni,, Jan.C.'.Jflw Adialulstrutor. ADM 1 NIST It ATOR'S NOTICE. tSrATE Ol' Kl'ItKAUt 1CVANS, DPC'll. Letters of iidmlnlslrntlou 011 the eMato ot Kphralm Kvans, lato of Hrlarcreek townslhp.Co- hllllbla eolllltv. I'll.. dreeiiKMil. hxvn 1ia pj,.i.ui by the Iteiilsterofsald county to Daniel ltambrcli 01 the mimu place, All persons having claims or demands ngalnst tho uecedunl urn renuestnl to make them known, and those ludelited to ui.ute payineiib wiinoui iii-iay. Jun-5'"2-tt iaii:u KMii.vrll, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KUTATK Ol' Erilk.V AI.I.EN lltTCKALKW, DKCP. Letters orndinlnistrntlon on tboestuioot Ktlieu Iluckalew Into of Klshlugcreek townshlp.Colum-bl.n-ouuty, deceased, havo been grauted by tho HcKister of bald county to John Yaploof New Coiumbus, Luzcruo count3-,I'.i. All persons hav ing claims against the estate of tho decedent are reipioited to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to the cstato to make pay ment to tbo undersigned, administrator, wltli out delay. . JOHN YAI'I.K, Jan .1 '72 Ct, Administrator. A DMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. XX ESTATKOP I'UII.11' KISTI.KB, llEO'll. Lettersof ndmlstrntlou on tho estato or Philip IvIstler.latoof.Mt. Pleasant towns dp, Coluinbtn, county, deceased liavo been granted by th, Ileg. lster of said comity to IleiiJ.imlu Kistler nnd John K stlcrorsamo place. All persons having claims against tho estate of tho deeedeut aro re quested to present them for settlement, and th'isj indebted lo tbo pstatoto mako payment to the undcrblgued, administrators, without detay. HHNJAMIN KIKTLElt, JOHN KlHTLElt. Janj'72-Ow. Administrators, UDITOR'S NOTICE. GEonan AVeavek ) In tho court of vs. Icommnuplussof Jonx K, OinioK. J ColumbUcounty Nntlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned auditor, uppoin ted by suld court to make distri bution of the proceeds of tho Sheriff's Salo had under said writ, will proceed to the discharge of Hie duties of his appointment ut the olOceof J. (I Freeze, hsf., lu iiloomsburg, on Saturday ,ttie Jdday ol February, lo o'clock In tbelore noou,wlicn nnd u here nil persons hiving claims upon ibe fund nrl-lng from bald Halo are requlr. eu to pieseut them to the auditor or bo debarred from coming In upon Bald fund. JOHN O. FREEZE, Jan. 5,72 6w. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE Or 2III1AM IIAICFT., DEC'D. Letters of Admlulstiutlon, on the estate of Hiram llaker, Jao ot Jackson township. Co lumbia county, deceased, havo been granted by tho Keglstcr of said county to Joshua I-'ritr, of same place. All persons having claims iu;tlusl the estato of the decedent ure reoueled tj pre sent them for betllemeni, aud thuu Indebted to iiduilnliitmlor, Wltliout delay, tun t-siaio 10 uiuite payment to ino uuuersigneu, JaiiM'7J-Cw j i OSIIUA FRITZ, Adimuimruior. A LMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A LblATC OK l'HILIP, PEC'll. Li'ttcrH of administration on the Ht.itn nr ridllp .Miller, Into of Centra twp., Columbia uomuy dee'd., uavobi-en granted by HiBltculHtcr of bind count;, to lltiilumlu Jlll'er, of Kpy, i.oi co., lM.,nnil Abrabam li. Hliumnii, of I.linu lltucc. Col. CO.. I'll. All Dcrboim liuvlni rlniniii or iti-muiids ukuIusi the decudont aro reuuest- i'u 10 luaKo inum Known, nun iuo-.e Mnientud to mako payuicul. 1JKXJAMIN MILI.EU, At'i Jl. li.. ttllU.MA.N, Jau:0 7J-Cw AdmlulklruloiK. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. J. raTATE OF OKI). M. 11KAOLE, BEO'U. I.pttiTs of ndmlnlitiatlouon tbu estato of Geo. M. Ilcuulo. lato of llemloilc township, Columbia county, dee'd,, liavo beeii urauled by tlio lu-gis- ler oi ham coiiuiy in . ii. iiiincr, oi inouut iwp,, f'filiitiilil-t prninri l'.i. All nt'rsoiiit bavluilclalniH auaiusl iho totalool tlio dtcudi-ul uro rcnAii'slud to pit-hi-nl tlii'in lor setllelileut, mid those In debted to tlio t-Maui to inuUu payment lo tbo uudubbmtd, lul.uiiilitralor, witnoui neiay. H. Il.illl.LlUl, fi-b2'"il-tjA' Adiuiuislrator. PUBLIC NOTICE. Wlicreaf, by tho 1 llth uctlon of tho Act of the Gcnt ral An fciinlily ot the Commonwealth of rnu lv-nta, approved lluy 21 A. 1). 1HI, entitled "An net lor tbo protection of salmon, blncle Lat-s and other food fsuevrly !n1iedli(-d, or to tie Intlod.'c cd, Into tho rlvem Delawaro mid hiit-qiiehat-na und llicir tributaries; for tlio piotectlon itUoof closfs unalnn uulawinl lli-hlni;. and to pieveit lh lulroiiucllou ol pudutory tlslii s mm tiout stream!, a id lor other guniai.e purposci.;" 11 Is made thu duty ot tho mmiuI Murllls ot tho e-ouulies of fcald Ccninionwctillli timing juris diction of the streams thereol, whenever Ihey shall discover, or bo Infoimtd of the existence of any eontiUaueo foi the cutchtpgof t'-sli.sucli as mo commonly known us llsh tuskets, ie.1 weirs, kiddles, btush or lusciuo nets, or any other perninneutly stl n-im.s ot tnklni: tlsh. In the liatuio ol n seine, to cne tin e'ujs poUie in two ni wspaj ersol their lesi'i-e-liveiountlit,, thut the said ie,MriuiieeB me to i.Msi.und me eleclured cemmon nuli-uiues, and to older them lo l-i-illMiuuilliil I tl.i ir cwr.tis or n-un-aveis theieloie, in toilttuilt- to saldni.X, AAHO r-iUTH, fchinll ul Columbia coun.y, hereby Klvo Notice to All Whom it May Concern. thnt the lentrlvniices fi i lie tnklui; of tlsh lb said act mentioned arc km un !e exist in tho Jiorlh Ilianehollhes-iisfiuilitii naiiei,undothcr streams within the county ol I oltimbtu, thi t tl.e same are dee-lured to Le ee n liie.u nutsmiees. mid Hint the owners mid mcinri.eis ot suld eontiiv uutismo huel-y itqulntl lo e.inr.i nlle i,i,d n move tr-e Mime within te n ttj s ultt r tie i nWi e allon he reol, lindil the ni-lilli eif lun ll K l' siiini- ells mantled and removed, es In suld net It provided. AAHON Hil'lll. bhcrlfTof Colmub.a e-ounty, l'n. ANNOUNCEMENT I THU HLOOManUKG UTKKAItY issriTurn AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOL will open ou MONDAY, JANUARY 8tb, 1872, under tlio (-Hiiro control of Ike BOARD OF TRUSTEES. They lmvo selected ns l'rlnclpnl of tho Insti tution CHARLES (i. RARKLEY, n i-cntlemiui whose quallflcallons have been fully lesled und nroveel lu the NlNli YlIAltS In v hii'll ho has hud ehart'e of lbn schnnlH of the County uu s-uperluteudeul ; and Itey ask, and liavo a rljhtlodemaud for him nud the Ii.stl- luuon.iiio e'ounuenee aim support or our oven ' lllzens, und or tho ll lends of the nterpiise and ofeducatlou everywhere. In point ot ennilort, couveuleiicv aud hcnuiyeif bulldlliiis and sur- louiiuuiKH, no se-uooi in ine Kiaie surruist h iius; nud wo lire determined It shall not te second In ino Kinu. eiuaiuy una tLcrougnnctb oi lueiisei plmo und culture CALENDAR. Thu winter tesnlou of tuclvo wctks will ce.-m-nicuco on IVIonday, January 8th, 3.072, nud close MARdll Sth.', The Mpiltii: scaslon of tuclvo vyookH will heylu MONDAY, APRIL 8tu, und close JUNE U8TH. EXPENSES: 'In It Ion nnd llvnidhif, Includlns vvoiilnt and heat, for tlio session of twelve wii k, led (0, ACADEMIC DEPA RTMI3NT. Tuition for dnv puplU. aim dollar per wieV, il, limn fllty to eluhty cents In the model school. per week. Uluslp. liinw lne. Pufntlni. Aft.miru hills ii. o iujuble. euu hilt lu uuv unco und llio either tiul f ut tho middle of llio session. j. a. nit r.r. i v. iiituut. Becretarr. rrHldunt. I mm