THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. tc flfoimnbuiu. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, February 9, 187 & Hasty Legislation. Ono of tlto great and growing ovlla of tho tlino la tho hosty manner In which laws aro matlo. Tho conscquonco Is thnt thpy nro criulo nntl Illy digested, In many instances unconstitutional, nnd frequently, In tho caso of local bills, aro passed without consulting tho pco. plo to bo affected by them. Bo common is this that tho Legislature has becomo n mero machlno to advance tho Interests of n few Influential citi zens, or of powerful corporations. Mem bers are nro Induced to voto for meas ures which thoy bcllovo to bo wrong, through fear that, If thoy do not, their own legislation will bo lmpcucu or no fcated. A9 a conscnucnco, all matters, however trifling, aro thrown Into tho legislative hopper and an immense amount of chaff, and cheat Is tho conso quencc. Wo havosccn as many ns ono hundred bills (many of them of tho gravest Importance) passed In as many minutes, tho subject matter of which was known to only tho members who presented them, and In many Instances oven they did not know tho cousequenco of what they wcro doing. Tho record of last week's proceedings lu both Senato and llouso fully bears out this statement. Bank acts wcro pre scnted practically severing tho.connec tion between father and child husband and wifo and contrary to tho entire policy of tho law. During the debate ou this subject, our Member, Mr. Brock way said : "I have noticed soveral bills with fua tures similar to this : and although 1 think it is a foregone conclusion unit they will pass for there aro few Instan ces where corporations are refused what thoy nsk in this body yet I wish to point out briefly an objection that 1 havo to it, and to all bills of this class. Section threo provides that "married women and minors shall bo competent to make such deposits with said torpor ation,and their checUs.orders orreceipta fur tho tuino shall be a sufficient dis charge of tho said corporation, '' &c. This enables minors to deposit money subject to their own control, and there is no provision that tho parent may touch it. For that reason I think it Is in conflict with tho entire policy of our law. It changes all existing rules in relation to married women, aud enables them to make deposits whether thoy aro of their own earnings or not and keep them for their own separate uso. The capital stock of theso corpora tions is of such naturo that there is no protection whatever. By a recent ex amination of Fomo of theso savings banks in New York, it was found that they wero fraudulent: there was no, security whatover for tho depositor. It is truo that some bills passed last year and years previously, containing this section. Tho fuct is, this is au in ducement for n man's wife to go through his pockets at night and make a deposit in the bank, and ho cannot reach it afterwards. I think it would make more business for tho Committee on Divorces if this was passed. Tho legal objections have not yet been met so far as I can see. The parent or husband now by law Is entitled to tho wages of his son or daughter, and ho should bo entitled to them, having reared them up to tho ago when they would bo useful to him. But suppose tho bank refuses or declines to pay for any reason whatover, tho married woman cannot bring tho suit, nor can the minor in his own name. It seems to mo that is sufficient objection to tho bill." But theso Banks, not content with obtaining this privilege, havo asked to bo allowed to becomo executors, ad ministrators, trustees, guardians, com mittees of lunatics, receivers, Ac, with out giving bond or security, &o. This section was also opposed by Mr. Brockway and on motion was stricken out. Another class of objectionable legislation Is granting charters of incor poration where the Courts have power. Dozens of such bills have been present ed and will undoubtedly pass. Under tho law tho Courts can grant charters to loan associations and firo Insurance companies, yet a largo number of theso bills aro now on tho calendar and op position to their passage seems to bo futile. Many hope and believe that tho com ing constitutional convention will rem wly all this. "Wo bcllovo not, becauso thosauia class of men who manago the Legislature will probably control the Conventlbn. Even if wholesome ro forms aro Incorporated In tho Constitu tion, so long as Representatives aro elected in tho present manner, they will cvado or openly Ignore that instru ment as they aro doing dally now. Tho only plan is tho adoption of a system which will enablo good men to repres ent us, without being compelled to go through forms In which a blackguard or a scoundrel stands tho best chance of Radical Reformers. Tho opposition parly contains so many of theso gentlemen, that occas ionally It Is instructive to watch their proceedings. Prominent among them in this Stoto Is Deacon White, a mem ber of tho House from Allegheny. Ills speeches read well, but his votes do not correspond. Men who introduce un constitutional bills and advocato tho exemption of railroad bonds from tax ation are not such roformers as our pco plo demand. Tho same may bo said of Williams from Luzerno, a momber of tho W. B. A., who has voted for every corporation measuro proposed tills win ter. Grant was elected asu "reformer;" but tho fact is now patent that u moro corrupt administration never disgraced "Washington. Not only tho Chief, but tho subordinates aro prostituting their positions for power and for money. Lust fall, the Republicans of Now York affected horror at tho Tammany frauds, shutting their eyes to U1030 that existed in their own ranks. Tho leading Democrats of tho Stato set at work at onco to exposo them and punish the guilty ,and nro doing so without fear or favor. They oven aided tho Republic ans In carrying tho Legislature, In tho hopo that it would provo non-partisan ; but liko all Radical Legislatures, It 1b found to bo as corrupt as Its predeces sor?. Speaking of it, tho New York Tribune says : But if, Instead of this, wo havo n werk and corruptible Legislature If It is composed in good part of men who have achieved nominations aud elec tions with intent to mako money tho session will not only provo n failuro In Iteelf, but will swamp tho parly which tho peopio will Justly hold responsible for its miscarriage. What sort of a Legislature liavo wo really elected? It may bo too soon yet to Judge, but tho Indications nro unpromising. Thoy jusuiyn uoiii'i inuirt goon many mem bora Imaclno they wero chosen to make us much nolso as possible about Demo cratic frauds, but roar you ircntl.v as a sucking dovu when tho presumptive rascals aro Hcpuoucans. Wo would suggest to our oppoucuts, that hereafter beforo thoy mako charges against us, they should first seo that their own skirts nro clear. LEGISLATURE. Nothing of interest was dono In tho Senato on Wednesday of last week, House. Tho prlvato calender was tho order of tho day. At half-past cloven tho Senate mot tho Houso and counted tho returns of tho lato election for auditor general, nnd surveyor goneral, and on tho con stitutional convention. Tho figures stood : For Auditor Qenernl Stanton, 231 097, McCandless, 200,512 ; Spanglcr, 3,132. For Surveyor General Beath, 237,' 015 ; Cooper, 200,735; Wheeler, 2,009. Constitutional Convention For, 310, 007 ; against, 00,715. In tho Senate, ou Thursday of last week, tho following bills wcro reported. With n negative recommendation, an act to provldo offices for County Super Intcndcnts. With amendments, an act fixing tho salaries of County Superintendents. With amendments, rt supplement to an net providing for tho duo training of common school teachers. Tho f llowlng bills wero introduced Mr. Dill read nu net relative toexecu tors nnd administrators, extending the net of 1831 to lunatics and habitual drunkards. Also, an act for tho relief of certain Judgesoftho Courts of Common Fleas and District Courts. An net relating to legal advertising In tho several counties In this Common wealth, wa3 called up by Mr. Petrlken, considered In Commlttco of tho Whole, nfter which Mr. White moved to post' pono indefinitely. Mr. Buckalow hoped tho bill would rccelvo proper treatment, as It had been presented in n proper manner nt the Instance of tho printers of the Common wealth. Ho was in favor of tho bill, be cause it gavo tho minority tho benefit of public Information. There ought to bo a uniform rulo governing official advertising; and this pUn of giving It to tho paper of each pjrly having the highest circulation, seemed tho be9t that could bo adopted. Tho bill will prevent abusea that now exist, and tho only disadvantage wil bo to small news papers. Tho motion uas modified to postpono for tho prebont. Mr, Evans said this patronage was generally in tho hands of competent officers, and ho did not think tho bill would work to tho advantage of either tho newspapers or tho public. After further discussion tho bill waspostpon ed for the present. Yeas 1G. nays 12. The first bill passed allows boroughs to lay out streets fifty feet wide. Tho act increasing tho number of Judges of tho Supreme Court to seven, was discussed nnd postponed. Tho bill allowing tho Governor to ap point threo members on tho Board of Trustees for each Normal School, was amended to two, and to apply only to thoso districts which accept its provis ions. Passed. Just beforo flvo o'clock, the Secretary of tho Commonwealth presonted tho return of tho election in tho Fourth Senatorial District, and certificate of Harry W. Gray. Tho now Senator ap peared, and was at onco sworn in, just In tlmo to record his voto in favor of tho indeflnlto postponement of tho Druggists' bill. In tho House n bill authorizing assignees of insurnnco policies to suo in their own nnmo passed. Houso supplomeut relating to tho Stato Treasurer and Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, providing that tho Sinking Fund Commissioners shall, annually, commencing 1873, notify by circulars Stato and Nationnl banks that on tho second Monday of April they will reccivo and open, in tho presenco of tho Governor, proposals for becom ing depositors of Stato funds, tho deposits to bo given to thoso offering tho greatest interest, thoy to pay on demand, no bank to havo on hand moro than half tho amount of its bonds to tho State. They shall mako monthly reports to tho Auditor-General, verified by tho Stato Treasurer, or on oath of tho President or Cashier, tho Stato Treasurer to report monthly to tho Tho bill passed yean C2, nays 30. Mr. Brockway reported as com ml ted an net to relievo workingmen from tho operation of tho conspiracy laws. AI90, ho read in place a bill to pro vent swino from running at largo In Benton and Fishlngcrcck Townships, and In LightStreet. In tho Sonato on Friday last, tho following bills weroroported from com mittees as committed: An act relatlvo to libel, allowing tho truth to bo given in evidence. Mr. Davis, of Philadelphia, reported from tho Commltteo on Railroads an act requiring corporations appropriating property for corporato purposes to pay for tho same, und providing tho modo of assessment thereon. In tho Houso among tho bills report ed wero Senato bill authorizing tho re- form system of voting in tho election of School Directors, as committed ; Mr. Berkholder For tho better pro tection of tho wages or mechanics, miners and laborers, giving omployoos ofcompanIes,&c.,a preferred lien of not moro than $200 of wages duo at Insol vency of employers. Nothing of importance took placo in tho Sonato on Monday. In tho Houso a potitbn from Luzerno county for n prohibitory Hquorlaw was presented. Mr. Whlto offered tho following : ltesolml, That tho committee on vico and immorality bo discharged from tho consideration of bill, entitled an act to prohibit tho granting of any llcenfo to sell Intoxicating liquors in any city, borough or township, unless a majority of tho voters In said city, borough or township shall voto In favor or said llcenso, and that said bill bo placed on tho public calender for noxt Thursday. Ho stated that this bill had been in commlttco now over ten days. Tho resolution was lost yeas 27, nays 47. A resolution to print 6000 additional copies of Bates History was referred to tho ways nnd means commltteo. In tho Sonato on Tuesday Mr. Bucka lew read in placo and presented to tho chnlr, bill Intltlcd nn net to Incorporate tho Sullivan nnthrnclto coal company. A supplement to uu net for tho better nnd moro Impartial selection of persons to servo nsjuroH wan passed. Iti tho Houso Mr. Whlto, from tho commltteo on constitutional reform, reportou nturmatlvely, with amend ments, tho bill to provldo for tho call ing of n convention for nmondlng tho constitution, nnd 1,000 copies' wcro or dered to bo printed for tho uso of tho houso. Tho amendments provldo for tho election on tho 11th of May, tho convention to meet on tho second Tues day of Juno. Tho minibir of members Is fixed ut ninety. nine, sIxty-Mx to bo elected ns stato senators nro elected, two forcach senator, and thlrly-tlnco to bo elected nt large, each elector to voto for eighteen, no person to cast moro than ono voto for each person. Ono-thlrd of tho members may requlro nny amend ment to bo submitted to tho people separately. Pay for tho wholo term, ono thousand dollars, with mileage. llouso bill divorcing Mathias Kindt and Tnuiar, his wife, of Columbia coun ty, was submitted by Mr. Brockway, and was opposed by Messrs. 31 Jiinkin, Howltt, Gllflllan and Hancock. It was finally defeated yeas 35, nays 51. CONGRESS. In tho U. S. Senato on Wednesday of last week tho Amnesty bill was again discussed, but without definite action. A bill was Introduced establishing a natlouitl shipping registry. In tho House, tho bill Justifying Secretary Boutwell in his negotiations with tho Syndlcato was debated. Tho United States Senato on Thurs day of last week debated tho resolution calling for a reconslderntion of tho voto on tho Chicago Relief bill until the end of tho morning hour, and tho Amnesty bill from that tlmo until tho adjourn ment. Tho llouso of Representatives, by a strict party vote, passed the resolution whitewashing Secretary Boutwell's Ille gal syndlcato bargain, aud disposed of thirty pagoj of tho Indian Appropria tion bill. Tho United Slates Senate was not In session Friday. In tho House, tho In dian Appropriation bill was passed. A bill appropriating $C5,000to pay for tho destruction of William and Mary VI r glna, was reported nnd referred to the Committee of tho Wholo ou tho private calender. Various patent bills wero passed. The Educational Fund bill was considered, but not disposed of. In tho Senato on Monday tho Amnes ty bill was taken up, nnd n motion made to lay tho pending bill on tho tabiu nnd take up tho bill passed by tho House, which was lost. Mr. Carpenter then offered n substitute to Mr. Sum mer's amendment, which elicited a sharp debato between tho two gentle men. In tho House, after tho introduction of new bills, tho amnesty question came up In tho shapo of a bill removing political disabilities from many who wero small officials in towns, villages, mid counties at tho beginning of tho war, which after a llttlo debato was passed. Mr. Banks, from tho Commltteo on For eign Relations, reported a bill to carry into effect tho provisions of tho treaty with Great Britan relating to tho fish eries, nnd its consideration was assign ed for tho third Tuesday in March. NEWS. Tho public debt of tho United States has been reduced during tho past month $5,003,101. Gen. 31. W.Ransom has been elected United StatosScnatorby tho Legislature of North Carolina, Tho Republican members generally took no part In tho election, holding that tho Legislature hasno right to choDsoaSanatornt this tlmo. Tho body of Richard A. Cook, who has been missing sinco January 1, waa found in Roaring Brook, Feb.l in Scrantou. Thero is reason to bollovo that ho met with foul play. Dr. James S. Carpenter, of Pottsvlilo, died on tho 31st, nfter a protractod illness Ho was President of tho Pennsylvania Stato Medical Society of 1855,and much honored in his profession. Professor Wilson, principal of tho Union School, at Washington, Pa., was shot and dangerously wounded Thurs day of last week by Thomas McGiffen. Tho professor had refusod to deliver a note from McGiffen to ono of tho young ladles, and on being ordered from tho premises McGiffen shot him, tho ball entering abovo tho hip. Mcaiffen Is but 17 years of ago. A frightful accident occurred on tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Rockport, Thursday morning. By thodlsp' iwmnt of a rail tho Buffalo express tr i i was thrown somo thirty feet (loan an embankment. Tho cars wcro mnashed and caught firo from tho stovo. vFour passengers wcro instantly killed, and four others havo slnco died from tho effects of their injuries. Eighteen others wero moro or lcs3 Injured. Among tho killed was t!iovfo of Professor Lowls Prntorius, of Wilkes barro. Judgo Dann, of Wilkesbarro had his arm and shoulder broken, Tho following is a list of tho Injured: Hon. E. L. Dana.Shorlff Whltnker, JIIss Troxell, Miss Spayd, of Wilko3barre; Goorgo Broder, and a man name I Wolf, orWhlto naven; John Cox,of Bethlo hem; Conductor Selgfrled, nnd brako man, namo unknown. Miss Troxell and "Messrs. Broder, Wolf, Cox, and tho couductor aro considered seriously Injured- ThoCornor'd Jury roturnod a vordict umiiuoueccnscu passengers camo to their deaths by an unavoidable and unforeseen accident, caused by tho breaking of a ran. Flvo gunpowdor mills, situated on ino .limo Miami Railroad, explodod Monday, killing six men. A terrlblo accident occurred on tho Philadelphia and Erie It. R. on 3Ion day night of last week threo mllea oast of Lock Huven, which resulted In In. Juries to nearly thirty passengers and tho destruction of four cars. A broken rail precipitated tho earn down an em bankment of twenty feet to tho wn- ter's edgo when they took firo nnd wero entirely consumed. Tho Sonato Investigating Commlttco Into tho Now York Custom Houso frauds havo decided to adjourn to mor row, both Democratic Senators on tho Commlttco voting nay. Enough has been discovered, however, to provo tho uttorly rotton condition of tho Cus torn Houso managomont. Tho Pass llook System. Tho following important bill was lu. traduced In the Sonato by 3lr. Petrlken on Thursday of last week: An net to ncoiirs the payment of tho w.igoi of In. iiur in inwuu money nun loiiroiiiuit me pnsi or order system, Suction 1. Thnt It slmi! not lm Inw. ful for nny incorporated company, asso ciation, partnership or Individual en gaged In mining, manufacturing or transporting nny coal, iron, or other manufacture of nroduet. to tiav tho wn. gts or any omployco or laborer, who may no linen or employed by him or thoin, in nnvthltnr but lawful monov. mid nny contract which shall bo mado by any such Incorporated body, partner ship, or Individual, to pay any laborer or omployco In anything but lawful monoy is nsrouy ticciareu void, any law or usaco to tho contrary notwith standing. Sue. 2. That no incorporated body, association, partnership or Individual engaged In mining manufacturing or transporting as aforesaid, or any officer, manager, superintendent, or agent lu his or their employ, shall mako, furnish, deliver, Issue, or causo to bo mado, fur nlshed, delivered or Issued, to bo used us iibuliititutu for lawful money, or ns it means of paying nny cmployeo or la borer, any pass book, order, ticket or engagement of credit, or nny other de vice to ovado tho payment of tho wages of labor in lawful monoy, under n pen alty fifty dollars for each and every of fetico, to bo recoverable in tho nnmo or names of and by tho person or persons suing for tho samo beforo any alderman or Justice of tho peace of this Common wealth as debts under ono hundred dol lars aro now by law recoverable; nnd in addition thereto nny person or persons so offending shall bo guilty of n mlsdo moanor, nnd upon conviction shall pay a lino not exceeding onu hundred dol lars, and suffernu imprisonment not ex ceeding ono yor, or both, or cither, nt tho discretion of the court. New Advertisements. 0Q7f; A MONTH to cell our Universal rem dO I O cnt, ComblLnllou Tunnel. Mutton Hole cutter, una otlier articles. Haco JJovklty Co., Saeo, Me. new! RARE CH.iNCE FOR AGENTS. AUENTS.wowllljjay you flj per week In culi, II you will with lu it once. Hv eryttilm: lurulshed ami expenses paid. Ad drois, F. A. KLLH a CO., Cliarl ilto, Midi, iiolw )3YCH0LOUI() Fascination or Soul Charming. 1 PHI pages by Herbert HamllPsn, t. A. How to uso this power (which all pnssoss)at will. Dtvln- auon, tspiruuaiism, sorceries., iicmonoiogy, mm a llinustiud oilier wonders. Price bv mull Sl.'li. In cloth: paper covers $l.iU. Copy freo lo uucnt only. Sl.uco uninltilv easily made. Address T. W, KVAMJ, t'ub. n a 8th atreet l'Mtndclpuln fa. 4w Tl-IOMSON'S WORLD-KENOWNED PATENT GLOVE-FITTING CORSET. If Jon want tho most sat Isfuctort. best llttlnu anil the cliospest Coisct lor 1U real value, you havo ever worn, ouy THOMSON'S GENUINE PATENT GLOVE-FITTING. No Corset has ever attain ed Mich a reputntlon, either In this or nny other coun try. As nowinndolulcngth and lullness of bust IT CAN NOT BE IMrilOVED. Every Corset Is slnmpod with the na me Thom son and tho trado mark, a crown. Kept by all llrst-clnss dealers. THOMSON', LANQDON 4 CO., Hole Owners or Patents, nC-lw SOlBroadway, New York. pUBLIC SALE oe VALUABLE PERSONAL I'ROPEKTY. Tha subscriber will otter for sale lit Ills losl dence In Catawlssa township on SATURDAY, MARCH 2d, 1872, nt 10 o'clock, 11. ro.,tuc following personal prop erty to wit : TWO FINE HORSES, ono yearling colt, Ave milch cows, one two-yoar oia uiiu, inreo uenu oi young cauic. inree ueuu sheen, lcmarknblv line, nlnu hho.ittt. hnrroWH. plows, calllvulors.Bleds, Hplendtd new twohoiBe wagon, spring wagon, top uukk-, uariiesii uuuuib and sluulu, fanning mill, and other fanning Im plements. SEVEN HWAUJIS OK IlEEH. Also a lot of furniture. Terms mndn known on day of hale. JOHN SCOTT. Cauwlssn township, Feb. 1372. feti'J'72-H N EW DRUG STORE. CHRIS. A. KL.EI3I Havlnc purchased tho business of K, I'. Lutr, now oilers at the old stand, a choice a&aortincm DRUCB CIIEMICAI-y, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET AUTICLK3, FANCY SOAPS, nnusiiEs.Ac.ic. And n general assortment or tho choicest goods usually found in Brut class establishments. rilYHICMNS' PftESCItHTIONS AND FAMILY Hlcii-ei CAur.ruLi.v CojiroUNiiKb. On Kuudayg, open Irom S a. in., to 10 a. in., aud fiuui '2 p. m., to i p, in. GEIIMAN AND ENGLISH SPOKE. ftb9 7Mf QREENWOOD SEMINARY, AT MILLVILLE, COL. CO., PA, Tho Rprlntr Term will commence on Monday, A pi It 1st, lHJi). Vacation from tho middle ot June, to tho Sth of Auinist, when tho Full Term will open. Eleven weeks make n quarter. For ClrcularH, Hoarding, Terms, Tuition or other particulars, l.ddrebs WM. DUIKlESS, fch0'72-2m Principal. S' TATEMENT OF THE FINANCES oi- THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. From January 1, 1871 to January 1, 1872. DAVID LOWENIlEIta. Esq., Treasurer of Co. lumhla county, In ncoonui with said county, for county purposes, for 137 1, 1871, Jan. To am't outstanding for 187J&1?. S11.C01 89 " " " ro-nuullors report of -70 M7 Hi June " " county tax ass d. for '71 ilfiU 31 TO TAX ON SE.VTKO AND UNSEATED LAND tlErUllNED. o a 5 j.uiue. umricis. rJ p g ? S P- .3 a M. Downs, Heaver &1 ... J. Harrlger, 50 w) i.w a) ... A. Colley, llenton 3.U1 2.01 1.09 ... J, Hlne, Ceulralla 1.10 F. Wltchey, 65 1,51 1,10 a M L. M, U. Ji I. Co. ls.33 1 ... " D. Lenlhan, " m KMoManarnon " 6) O. J. Il iyer, Iwust to H. II. Angle. MIUlIu 11 11 1J 7 1). Ueluboch, Montour (ft &i .. , ft) It. Simons Pino so 00 40 J, Wltchey, 11. Creek . j. watts, u, wooa 1.60 ,;;" 5:9.11 8.V7 1.15 3.61 5" 65 Making a total of jn oi MISCELLANEOUS HECEIITS. To Interest nnd cost, Jacob Bochtel. Oil- lector Madison, lt8. To Thomas Adams, P, O. llrlar Crosk " J It. Moyer, webbing sold him. "O.H. P. Kitchen, P. O. Ilorwlck for keeping David Huyder In Count,- Jail, To ThoinuK Adams, P. O. llrlar Creex. " N. Mlller.uddUlounl Tax, Main, 1870. " Wm, Neal, webbing sold hint, JJ Thomas Adams, l'. O, Urlar Creek. ' Philip Kramer.clmidcllor snld(old one) " Kii'n'l Hhoiie, old plank, llentou bridge, " J. It. Yolie, old plank irom Yolie bridge Mimin, To Thomas Adams, P. O llrlar Creek, ' W. H. Hot's "Estate" Jury fees. " Timothy Thomas, cost duo county, com. caseo his. To J K., old plnnk. ' Jas. McOinnlek, cost duu county, coti. cue of his. To John Culp, 071ft. plank from Shatter's bridge. ToSaiuuol Shaffer, plauk from Shaffer's bridge. To am'i, fjr assessing dog tax nnd fur blanks. To utn i for assessing mtlllla fine and managing fund. To ain't lu excess or stale quota. " Johnson lleasly tract Conyulian, " Thomas Hutxulmer tract Oouynghnm, " Amos Wlckeraham " " " From Registered Taxes, (31 IS 43 oo Si 63 60 1 4) 75 30 Iti U 21 15 00 3 UU 1 00 41 US ell UU 7 7S 1 01 5tt) 7 0 1 60 100 CO 100 0) VI 40 XII 41 111 41 151 67 J 7i " ltedempllonof Y. It ltclmbold tots, Conynghain, ft 01 (iMtid total 115,787 90 en. DAVID LOWENIlP.HfJ, Esq., TUKASUUElt OF COLUMUIA COUNTY. Ily amount outstanding taxes nnd commissions nnd exonerations allowed collectors during the year, 1WI. 1S70. Co. Co, Co. Co, Co. due. com, ex. com, ex. Heaver s", io a it 2.1 m 15 19 llenton 5S0 W 8 21 SI) 0.1 15 21 Berwick 8 60 11 113 W 711 S3 61 Bloom 870 85 210 27 41 17 II. Creek 6S7 SI f.'.' il :l 71 Cnmwlssn,... 07 91 89 03 i cntrniiii 2j0 fil jo 71 to 61 Ceutro Ris ot 71 si 91 ni (JonytiRham 860 14 77 69 01 48 loo SI F Creek 4 U 65 3 03 40 0,5 5 18 r iwjkllii..,.., 23 71 2 01 27 04 15 in CI. Wood 410 70 49 1,1 15 77 Hemlock 181 13 (2 81 43 72 31 72 Jscksou 11 61 II 61 Locust SUM 41 45 2.1 0) Madison 1st 22 0)4 40 65 1123 Mnlll 104 M 2 10 6 19 8 75 Mltlllll 410 (17 tfl 60 70 5 .11 Ml. Pleasant 11173 : 4S 8 18 Mnulnur 123 01 :nl 18 1.1 x.1 iirango 670 10 4 25 ,11 5.1 8 1)7 . 1,-, ci 1 im 13 10 0 01 It, Creek 110 71 9 r,l Scott UVI M 0 32 70 43 18 DJ S. Loaf iia 07 11 2J 0 80 0,730 SI $183 49 !.'41 15 (1,10.1 60 J311 13 The following Is amount dun for tllo nnd n rn- vlous years, lo wit i I9 Centrnlln township county due, 8 121. 12, The followlns Is commission nnd exoneration nllowed for law una previous years t 18C9. Co. corn's, Co. cxnn's. Frnuklln. ill 30 S 2 Ml Benton, 37 00 51 63 81 79 31 T, $211 00 1:1 w 10 Si 117 82 iiemiocu, 1808. Conyngham, isoo. Madison, Totals duo 8U1 11 RECAPITULATION. Co. due. 1871. fO,7JO 51 1S70. UW iC. 121 43 Co, or, tlli 15 611 1.1 169 45 J915 73 (0,851 91 51,626 m Ily am't tax outstanding In all, " commission nllowed In all. 35,851 91 i,520 W via 1 , " I county ordors redeemed, of 1871. 52,878 60 170. 20 U0 tsno. 4 mi " ' " . ". " " 1808. 1 00 county orders rodesmod previ ous to then. 3 00 Ily nm't Trea.commlsslon on (521077 7.11 dot 11 " balance duo and paid over. 2,073 01 35 787 0J DAVID I.OWF.NIlKnO, TUEAH., OF COLUM 1IIA COUNTY IN AOOT. WITH DOU TAX FOlt 1471. DR. To nm't nutstandlncntsettleinent, " " tssessod for 1871. " " due Treasurer. $ 477 ZS 1,516 60 4S1 21 f,ifi 119 on. 1871. Dog Dog due. com. 1W0. Dog Dog Dot ex. com. ex. llcavcr ltenloti!. Herwlck Illoom II. Creek CHtawlssa. Ccntralla.... Centre Conyugnam I Creett F uiiklln .... (1. Wood Hemlock.... Jackson Locust Madison Maine Minim ML Pleasant Montour Orange Pine K. Creek Hcott S. Loal S 3 18 S 0 60 t 2 7S 5 9 50 19 5) l w '1 UJ t3 00 23 60 2) 00 6 CO 4 (XI 8 OJ 5t 60 18 61 53 00 12 (0 HI 00 1I fill so w 5 70 3 30 55 3 07 47 3 05 1 110 3 10 6 10 1 60 15 00 4 50 12 60 2 (Hi 4 00 2 50 3 45 ; to 11 6) 2 60 3 00 3 CO 60 4 00 2 UU 1 60 2 20 2 SO 3 03 3 73 5 12 6 61 3 78 2 60 2 02 2 25 1 80 3 6) 2 00 0 (10 3 00 1 60 1 60 3 00 1 (0 3 00 2 18 1 95 10 00 21 60 3 60 9107 O) il 'J2 (49 60 SH 31 330 0J AMOUNT DUE OF 1S89. Ccntralla $3 00 Commission and exonerations nltowoJ fjr 1S0J and previous yeara to wit: 1303. Com. I 05 Ex. 7 60 Hemlock, 13. Conyngham, 1 51 8 50 8-1 43 SIS OJ RECAPITULATION. Do,! duo. Com. Ex. 407 UO 22 1)2 40 60 48 31 m 00 8 00 3 43 10 00 1S71. 1S70. 16 69. 3115 UO S71 71 Tlv nm'f l.v ni,l.a.llnr. !151 SO 415 00 . 10.1 61 671 UJ 752 40 91 (10 74 71 151 60 10) 00 70 87 ' " duo Treius. by auditors report '1 " " ordeis or 1871 rodeemod. ' 1870 " " IbOO " I " ooinmlsslou allowed collectors. " ' exonerations " " " paid nssessors, blanks Jfce. " " i'reasuroi's commission. 82.122 1)9 COMMISSIONERS EXPENSES FOR 1671. MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. Paid p. o. Btrkley, Teachers' County In stitute. 1871, 69 29 I.ild C. B. Fnrman, 28 straps for flies pro- thonolory'a offlce. 5 70 Paid Sharnless & Harman, 2 gals, varnish ( ourt Houso fence. 4 (10 Paid 11. 0. llower, bill rendered, 10 47 ('has. Foster hauling coil ashesde. from Court House. 100 Paid Lyco-iilng Insurance Co., Insurance on Court Honss nnd Jail. 17102 Paid N. J. Hendershott, glass Ac. law 11- brary. j, 7j Paid Freeze and Buckalew, In tax cases, x, 1V'JaJ'1.1'!!mm- 50 CO Paid Levi Outright ct. nl. work state road II. Creek. .-on -3 P.ld W. H. Ent.Prothonotory bill lor cost ' and fees. 6. ,e raid Wm. M. Quick, bumping stone Court Houso alley, 4 50 SG51 61 TUuTn t5ONY' CRADLES' RE- Paid Jurors during the year. 8 1 453 II " Constables' returns to sessions. '281 H3 Tip smves and court crier. 2 ID 0.5 ' Fireman L. E. Werts, Feb. term. 20 25 " " C. It. Housel, Dec. term. Is (10 " Jury commissioners expenses. 71 5' " Anron bmith, sheriff, tervlug Jury notice. 'n5 20 8J.209 to COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CASES Paid Com. vs. Creasy and Shaffer, 5 13 78 !.' !! &cih! f-Herbort, 23 p, ' Richard 'aimer, 21 71 William Htrnusscr 28 H! " Calvin Jones, js 12 " " llradv 0 40 ' " Mary M'Mahon 10 05 ' " John Gunning - y 62 " " Ebeny Cook a? " " A. W, Eaton 91 67 " " J, M, Mofton 273 !! !'. i.?1"1 ,mcl r, arctt, 12 w gliomas M'Graw 10 00 ; Pair ck Oarn 41 18 " " Lewis Kautuer 8 70 " A. C. lUbb 7 Ri !' !! Walk r nuil Hogenbuch 4120 " " Hllas Powell 19 44 " " Pierco Whlto 25 m ' Cadman 4 Tlnglcy 6 70 " " Michael M'Mnhou 3 2' " " Sarah Shlvely 2 20 " " Cadinnu Olrton 4 17 ' George Snyder 21 61 8161 41 ROAD ANDllRIDdE VIEWERS AND ROAD DAMAGES. PaldThos. Davis, Henton, township, 8 10 00 Michael Watts. Greenwood 6000 Gideon Michael, llrlaroroek " lit) uj " Henry Doak, " 215 00 " Wm. DcLonir, OraDgo " 5 0) gobiilon llotiblns, llenilock " 175 00 " Eliiabeth Wldmaii, ' iJJ Si " Abraham Hartimm, llenton" is 00 " J. F. Plaliloi-.i'ulawiss " 2M 00 " (leorgo Hughes " " t't no .'! fi'f!ili'febb,f "'Mint 05 0) ! V i II-SharpIeBi, Illoom " 3.5H) 00 " John Wanted Mt Pleasant " 311 00 " Hcubmi Whson, Madison " 115 0O 'I J'l'-Vnndorsllco.Mt.Plea'nt " 75 00 " Wm.McKelvy, Illoom " 25 0) ; Wm.lkeler, Flshlngcrcek " 20 uo . '' A, Jacoby, Illoom " 1000 to " Suudry per.ons road Abridge vlowi 177 00 tG,157 "J COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE, Paid County Auditors 8 71 CO . JL'1iV,Ky"''"ll'll,u,rooPtu!liaoJC)unts.l) 01 (" William G, Quick, Commissioner 191 00 lioldln'g appeals" " mm Paid Cyrus Robblns, Commissioner 3JI 00 ,,, ,, , " " Expenses holding npponli 23(0 7j , Reeder. Commlsslonor 302 OU holding appeals Expenses l William shafTir, commissioner 31 10 yK'!?u.rl'n'"Ho,18.0m's.Hoal,te. 11 65 J, H. Malie, do. brooms.Court Home 1 60 Isaiah llaeubuch, repairing, paint r.a.n.a.4uilJlti!1B l.,ourt "onse troughs 0 73 iu' .M?' PalnMniti o., window .llo'l''. Court Room ' w 00 1 f.H,1 1"ruu 0ldl, ropalrs Proth'y. onico 6 60 i fi , . ? faylortwu vault wiudows, Prolhouotarys' Ofttco M 00 Paid PeUTjrnts, ot al. bill workauj ma- Vi, ' Jl,l;uaum, 1'ierK cVJ (x) teriai. I'rolliminljkrvu fmi... k m ' Court 7loue K UUU0', ""na Paid Joieph Decker, work at Court House yaril mid Jail, P.jiU Saiiiuiil NcyharJ, taking lovel Court 0 65 6 00 jiouse eenar. 1 63 ruld A.M. Rupert, stovorcpalr 3 85 ! A.D,Weib.wubblug,ito.,wlndowbllnds3 60 " H. II. Miller A sou, lauips.oll, ia.Court Room aud house. 31 f5 Paid J. Cl, , Freeze, Alt'y., toCommlssIonera 75 Ou Mrs. E. overdorf, tt. al, cleaning court House, 29 CO tUSl 82 OOUNTY JAIL AND PRISON IlEQUISITIONa ,V.1.'V'.r'li,lamH'lyUer'l,uraP,ePalrJ411 I" " Hendershott a Mason, coul. ' lo 00 .HSV.rgi8 u' 0roul.e'- m- bill repair and material, y jj t o. com, 5 11 41 l.lttl 60 211 00 Paid Mrs, llownian A llakcr, cloanlng nhd whitewashing. 16 CI Paid i". W. Neal A Urn., coal. 19 71 Daniel Miller, paint tpilntlng 8 18 " H. 11. Thomas, 1 npalr of locks. 1 1 M) 11 J, ('. Rutter, ineillcal bill, prisoners, V 0) " H. II, Mlllor A Son, bill by Hheriir. 2 07 " Peter Jonos, ot. nl. work nnd mnternl 0 (nil bunks. 15 .19 Paid William Krlckbaum, bedding for Jail lull tendered, 10 CO Paid Anron Smith, RhcrlfT.ns follows! Hoarding .lames tnir, rsinavs. iu iu " Patrick GaM.WIilays. 4300 " Wm. Strusscr, 3) days, 19 60 " Mnrtln Column 5 days. 2 60 " Harvey Lamborsn.i, 10 days, 8 UU " Charles Rupert, 2 daj-. 100 " (lcorg Snyder, 121 days. 01 o) " Timothy Thomas, III dars. 47 no " Gideon lllshllno, 1.5 days, 7 61 " John llreilbender, 1 day, M " ClHrles llnrtnrd, 15 days. 7 60 Turnkey fees, I 51 " Sundries, nboat Jail. to 00 8118 71 PRINTWU. BTATIONERY AND POSTAGE. Paid llradley A Gordon, prlntlnij. 6 75 50 " 11 ij. iiicueuuacu, " oil " D. A. Ileckley, inningo and stamps, 0 00 " Miitlnnery to din'eruiit persons, for Court House. 29 81 8050 08 INQUISITIONS. Paid O. O. Murphy, body of A Lowel, Con. vnnhntn. S10 R7 Paid C. O. Murphy, body of II. Lovell. Cou- . .viiiiiinui. , jo Paid C. O. Murphy, body or Wnllcr Wynll Conyughnm, II 7 Paid James Kenly, body of Thomas Mur phy, - 12 80 Paid J. J. Ilrowcr, body of John Lohrnian, Illoom. It 87 Paid J. J. llrower body or Ed. Mulinunati. 27 08 V.U 0 llitlDOES, I1UILDING AND HEV'AIRS. Paid Weaver t UrtitlnoTOl 13-2) tonsclnder double bridge, Illoom. 8293 18 Paid John Itouolns.plnclm: cinder, tlonblo bridge, Illoom. J5 CO Paid Evan Jones, placing cinder, doublo brldm, Illoom, 11 20 l'nid James Masters, reintr near 2Iastcrs, Little l ishlugcreek. 2 03 Paid H. G.Ort.clndcr.bolow Illoom.,5!tons. 21 2) " Ilcnlamlii Cole, repilrnear Cole's mill 1J 00 iaiuei xiuwiiuiu, piauu rciair oeiow Illoom. Paid Judahllooue.wclghlng clndor.hrldge, Illoom, I'd Id Samuel McIIoury, repair at Patterson Orango, Paid John Emery, repair l'lnocroelr.V'lsli lngercek township l'ald S. C. Search, 110 feet of plauk, Pino creek, Hshlngcrcek lownshlp. Paid John Uucher, repair near lister Fur nace. Paid W. A. Kilo, repair nt Klmblo mill brldec. Paid Peter Swank, cxteudlng wing walls, Heaver bridge, Paid J, W. Kck, WW feet plank nt i:ck'rf llrhlge, Ilrlarcreek, raid win, Holmes repair llent 'ii llrl Ige, " W. N. Hosier, repair Piuccrcck, Fish- 1 00 41 OJ 1 53 1 0,1 1 80 8 OJ S3 Cl 40 00 0 10 3J 00 1UKII l-tn ,(., un,,. Paid John P.nicr, r Flshilnrcreck. 102 15 9 OJ 7 00 8 00 ,1 00 10 00 10 00 172 10 25 00 22 03 repair nt fctlllwater, l'ald Samuel Steltler, repalrat llarton and hhatlcr bridges. I'nld Samuel Stettler repair ntltoek bridge Illoom. T.ild Jnseph J. Fry, repair nt Unrton nnd Shaffer bridges. Tald Mimuel Stetller repair nt Illoom nnd Mt. Pleasant. Paid Isaao Kllnguman, repair llcavcr bridge nbuttneiit. Paid John R. Yohe, repair nt Yohc's miU, Mimin, rnlil Peter Healer, repair lluntln?crcck, rishlogcrerk. Paid I'eitr Healer, rciialr near Forks.FLsh- lngcreek. raid 1). II. Cole, 1259 feet plauk nt Coin's mill, llentou. l'nid I. K. Mveppeuhlscr 900 ft., oak plank Yohe's mill. I'nld John Mordnu u'uitment repair near R. WlUnn l'ald J W, Keller, ropnlr at LightStreet hrliltre. raid Wilson WanlcU repair near Shaffer, Illoom. Paid John Mordan nMUment repair Ed. Henry. l'ald H. II. Klsner, 47 foot plauk, Mlllvllle bridge. l'ald Jmnes Quick, Knilth bill bridges at 22 W 43 10 St 2 00 31 CO 2 00 10 ni Paid J0I111 Illchart.repalr Rohrsbnrgh'lilgo (I 15 ' John Shutnnn,repilr,Kspy stiinnlirld.-R CO DO juuuiuum i-.uiersun, repair J'.lllcl'i-on s Orange. 3 81 ram . n..ionnsou, nbutmentrepalr.Slab- town bridge, l'aid lliomas Oeddls. mcnsurlcir new bridge at J. 11. Sands. 2 6) l'ald Joserh Shoemsker repair at Shoe maker's bridge, 11 uo. 23 53 Pal'' James dinner, rebuilding bridge, Weslcrtekne.'ir llento.i, 107 01 i-aiu uauiei neiwig,e!.airepnlr at mouth Catawlssa creek. 0 9) Paid Clinton Cole, rep ilr nt I'. Colo Sugr- loar. 7 CO Paid Jacob Rostenhauder, dee'd. bridge contract. Franklin. jssj 60 i-iuu ueorgo inn, wiion woru, bridge con tract near J. li Hinds. 771 W Paid Wm. Eycr, 2,oJj pr, stone, near J. II, Sands. 727 Cl i-.uu Aiexaniieruoss, oritigocontract,ucar Jas Hess, dee'd, Jacxson. IJ1 0) Paid Cllutou Colo, bridge contract Sutrar- loaf, jb0 01 Paid Clinton Cole, ndlltional length nnd work on said bridge, 311 ( i iiui iiiumas iiariinan, et, al., repair nl Fincher's Furnace brldje, 8 2 8ii02 5 J 1'ENITESTfARY AND ASYLUM, l'ald V.H. Penitentiary sunnoiiimr con victs for 1370. 825171 xuiu i-eiiiiNYivaum n, 11. syium, uecp lug Catharine suit. ASSESSORS' PAY Reaver, Allen Mann. Henton, J. It Keeler. llerwick, Alexander Thompson. Illoom, Groiz v hhnrplihs. Ilrliir,,,nitr i. T A.l 3 21 20 :i5 21 15 CUawlssa, G. W.Abbott'. 1 euiraua, naniel L.enliiau. Centic, II.. I. Iiletturlck, I'otor I.uby. Fishlngereck, J. c. Ruiiyan. Franklin, Wm.Ti'ple. Greenwoml W. II Ituu3. llHmliilr ir 11 M'ltri.i., Jackson. John L. Hess. 15 I 20 I 21 ' ."' ' Il : 13 1 21 I 11 1 11 21 i 13 I 1.0CUSI, jciiin Itclnbold. Mndlson.J.H MIIN, Maine, William T. Shaman. MIIU111, A. W. Hess. Montour, Noah Muti-er Mt. Pleasant, Mathias Gilbctt. Orange, 1). M Meargoll, Pino, Josoph Shoemaker lliUirllli,rrUulr t.V,,I.M, V,..,., Hcott, II. H n'rown. nii'arioar, j. 11. iiesK. "".' i'i,ii, it ii. iieisk. on henteimUl enlimcmf ion. 1670. 32 raid Gern, IIower.trlonnlalnsscssor.Locnst 1870, 30 l'ald Grot?. A Sharpies, triennial assessor Illoom, 1S7U. 73 Paid Alex. Thompson, triennial nsscMor, llerwick, 1370. 20 Paid William Goodman, assistant nssessor Conyngham. 1870. 2 Paid assessors, for registering vo'04 and clerk lor tiauscrlbing natues for tho year. 317 81U5150 ELECHON EXPEN-SE3. Paid Sundry persons holding clsctlous. 5151 27 FOX AND WILD CAT BUALlVf. l'ald sundry persons during year. 853 00 TAX REFUNDED. Tax refunded to townships. $221 55 10 iiemiocit collector 01 iwj, uj 2; 8231 77 I1LAN1C ROOKS. For Protlmnntarv, Ro order nnd U011 mUsloner.' olllce during year. 3131 21 RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous oxpenso. $ Courts, JurorK' pay, Coustablcs' lctum t' Hesslons, Oosta lu Comino.iwcalth oases. Road mid hi blue vlnwcrs ro id damages Coinmlisloners' otllcouud Ciurt Houso Cjuiiiy Jail nnd prison requisitlo'is. Printing, Huitlonery and PosUge. nqutsltinns, IlridKOs, IhiUdlngnnd Repairs PtiHientlsry and Asylum Assessors' pay. Election extieuses. Fox nnd wl d cat scalps, lllauk books, Tjc refunded. 651 Cl ,'2U9 00 401 41 0 157 If 2,101 82 418 71 1.71 08 tl.31'2 5i 421 01 I.0.1I 5 451 27 6.1 U 181 21 234 77 Deduct tax remnded. 23177 And amount pild for keeping Catharine Sull, which is re funded to county by Ilrlar creek. SUO CO Gives tnoact'ial expenses dur ing yiar. 401 07 322.373 3) 4)1 07 322,474 4 SHEEP ORDERS ISSUED. nenver. 8 5 (O Locnst. 8 12 (0 llenton. Wl 51 .Madison, 10 0) Ilrlarcreek. 125 51 Main. 8 iu Illoom. m m Mt. Pleasant, 05 50 catnwlssn. 32 110 Montour. n 00 Centre. 139 75 Orauae. 4100 Klshliucreek. 21 ) Vine. 43 611 (iruouwo'id. .11 mi Honit. i;i K lli'inlock, KIM Sugirloaf. 152 00 Jackson. 11 71 Total, 8I.3J3 35 STATEMENT OF DOO T.VX. Orders uuptld for 1K67 8 0 10 IM) 21 .51 ' 1870 02 611 " . " ' 171 717 35 $ 830 35 Amount over paiu uoi is I'.-j 21 423 21 ToUil debt. 1 ijjj) 60 Amount oiiisianuiug lax. ill ui Probable Coin. Ex. off, 75 (ill 31)00 j'.xcess 01 uauiago over said ruud, 3 019 60 Tli statement nbovo shows tho loaalltles In wiuuii uiu nitwit tiiiuige was sustained. A few doi:s can do miicli harm mil win- iierM.itisiit.Mi. Into to kill a kill shenp dug ts it quory. Wo urge uimu i.ii kiuu iiiiiAouv, ,uu 'luiieui. nun uecessity of lhe sheep luterixt 1111 1 Hut tliuv bring to duo WAbbMh.UM Ml, Ull.UllUI. UI t!,U ,1. ,Y UKt j i Yf, COUNTY FINANCES. Duo from collectors, 8 0.851 01 I'rouainii unn . to o iiiscior s t axes j.jmj oi Available tax due Irom cnlleclors, 5.051 01 Add uinouut lu hands of Treasurer, 2,673 61 rniai usseis. h.:ji 57 From thlswa might deduct. ittj) 00 rui uumko uuuiriKjv iu iiuiiw ti,,vtisui r, eiilernlllitiiliil7l,anjvlilcli Is uljiit completed, Dtulel Htlne. ooutrautur. Real available fund then Is 87,235 67 The county lias no debts, substantially. The orders aro all paid that wero issued lu l71, 67 per cent, of the county expenses, this year have been for road damage nnu bridge building aud repairs. Had tho bridge contract!! for 1 11 Locust township, been patd it would have takuii 62 per cent, of all money for Uio.o two Items. of course, must hn Itent In renalr nnd Justice do nun Is new ones to be unlit where none iiecu r'-ipiircs, miiuiiy 11111101 n,r iiiui 1. it., titni-ntt, nrn nulnii il I if lwln,l f,,r and by vloweis granted that, wo think, amis- llnnit tlnmnirr. Is ItAenittltitf nnltn noted, ntld WO think that lewera snmctliiK's look nt tho wrong hldn of the plcturo Iun'ssdn4 llisni. , ., Wo tho iiilcrstisnril Audl'oi's of Columhla eoiintv, being ilulv elei'to t In ndjitit nnd settle llienwountsof His Tin isurer n'l 1 Com nlsslni rrsof Colniiibla euuuty do her I'V certify lint wo met nt tho omi' or tho Trensn er uiiiicun lulsxloncrs, In llloomsbu g nnd e f fully exam ined the necmints nnd vouchors of tho sinio from thoflrst day of la uinry, A. 1). 1871, to tho llrstdiyof January, 1872 nnd tin I th- m correct In llm fun Lrrtlnir Klnlelneuls nnd wo find a bal mice duo Cnlutiihla con lit ,011 county tax, twenty SIX numireil nnd sevrniT-llirn uniinrs turn si-ty-threo routs (8 073 a I. Irom David Loweuherg, trensuier of s 1 il county nnd n lm nnco due the Tren.uiei on Dog Tit x of tour liuu Ired twenty iilnei ollars ntm twenty-oiio cents ISl.".) 2I)aiuf n Imlaiiee duo thn lull tu fund by the Treasurer ot Hire, hundred nnd twelve d Hum 11111I seventy unveil c nts. (J! 277.) And we lutllior say that upon nn examination 01 ino hccouuis n mo lreasuier, Divld Loweiihorg, Kq , wo riis.d that they have been kept 111 n inner aud carroct manlier and lint 111 prompt nlllclil course has Hilly roniiueuded Itn'IMo th" public, lhe nbovo lialaneo nil paid over lo Mr. Wm Lamon ,Tress- in cr elect. , , , Givin under nnr lian.H this sccoud day of Jaunury, A. D. Mi , ,..., IJ. It i,f,ui,( r , "iiiiuj DANIEL LEE. Auditors , DAVID LOWHNUHlia, T11UA8 UREII of Colmiiihla couiilv. in nccount with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the year A. P., 1 (71. DR 1871. To nm't of stn'n quota for Columhla hoard. Including 'mllltax. 82,003 31 Tax oil Hank Slock, To nm't assessed nnd roturncJ for 1370 223 CO Same In nccount with Millers License, To nm't collected In 1371. 11)50 Snmo 111 nccount with E. llouso License, Tonm'tcol cetcd In 1871. 2S0 00 Samo In nccount with liquor ntmo and inveru license, Toum'tollcctcd In 1871. 915 00 Snmo In nccount with retailers license, To nm't collected In 1671. 1,353 10 due irom J7l'. w CR. Rv nm't due settlement Jan. 1871. 70 93 11 Mlnln rtTO'nts. "treasurer." 1.S09 01 " mm mission 11 lowed c ,1 cciors. ji.i t " " co linilsslon allowed trensu'er. 19 03 llnm'l Wlnln Trnnsnrnr's recelnls. 211 01 " " coiiiiulsvlon nllnwed collection, ll 25 " . " Ticasurer. 2 11 ltv nm't Slate Treasurer receipts. 131 43 " " commission allowed Treasurer. 7 02 llv am't S'nto Treasurer receipts. 260 00 " " eommlssiim nlloncd Treasurer. 110 Ily am't over paid In 1870. V ' " sta o Treasurer's receipts, 957 1' " ' commission allowed treasurer. 47 7; Ily nm't Stato Treisurcr's r-eelpts. 1 209 02 " " printers' reet Ipts.iueic nitile list. 82 (0 " " v'otiinilsilon allowed Treasuur. 63 55 S1.353 17 Wo tho iniderslguc 1, Auditor of Columhla county, In the statu of Pennsylvania, do hereby certlly that we met at the Court Rouse, lu liioomsiiurg, ou inu nrsi nnv o January, j, i. is j, mm urn prni-eeu 10 ani 11111 seuinaiin nuiiis tho heer.ll nccotltlts nbovo liuntlotled. us rc quired of us bv law, ngrotably to the several nets of nsseiuhly and stipileieiits therein nc cording to the best or our Judgment nnd nidl'ly. lu ti'stlinony wbereufwo have hereunto bet our iiauus 1111s .u nay 111 .laiiuurv, a. if . 101. U. ,1. 1 A.M I', ) Canity J Auditors, IJ.VaS 11. ll lil.l., tniJV'PCJ 5 NTt'D For our new Honk, Au ril 1 O THE IIUIGHT SIDE OF MIW inuiv. ny a i.liv .llssionar . -iw i-ugravings. Agmits sell IJ n day. E. 11. TRL VT, Publisher, mu iiroauwuy, rs. 1 . mi 'PHIS IS NO HU.MI1UOI f I .- -1 Ily sending Ot) CENTS with ni:e. height, cilor of eves nnd lm r. voll will re celve bv reiurn mull, aeorreet nleture ot vour futuro liiisbaud or wife, with nnmo and dato of marrliige, Addi-'ss w.l'OA.P. U. Drawer. o. Fultonville, N. Y'. 11I-4W mim TO AGENTS. joutut cftuvftsslnt; liook of tho Contaluin over 'tu) IUustraliom. With a Com-pri'huu-lVHCi'iiipptlia vx1mi'ilory oi tlio Hcrip- tUtTK, 111 KNCll.iHlt ANtUlF.ltMAN', lil-lw W -I. FLINT & CU.,lMil!adelpUfat Pa. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. tlio World Hciinwnetl Irnprovcti I(ucltuy Se'7 lug Marliloe, nt 11 IHmral salary or on Comm'M- ion. a iioftiaiHt wnti'i given to ems. i-in I'jirticutar-t fiirtilKtunl on Miinllcitlon. Allres W. A. HKN'UnUSON' A CO., Cloucral Agfiits, Clevcl 111 1, Ulilo, A.St. LouU, Mo. ul-lw 1 .1 V 1 I-' It '.I I 4fU't tUI UI If Mt (I tkr-i- holu ly lrLi;:i:iriitj at MqU I AOI1NTS WA NTiil) KOltTJIU LITIIOr JAMES FISK. A cnmplelo History of his life nnd exploits from a l'iMihir ltnv ton Kluiiinoinr Financiers. Ill- irlnniphs and f.illuri-K. How ho lived nnd how lioilieu. I iiir.ii.iiuu. i i,i-i, iiv iiiuii, , -i;iiii Terms mural. Adores, ji. ri.i.vr ,v i.o, Philadelphia, Pa. nl Iw SOU more AKClits Walltld Ht Once t For the most eumjiMe, re'me cmd splendidly ttlUilnth il history of Chicago as jjj-:sthuctox To which Is n'hlo a thrilling nccount of seven, ui Mm trrtiitf'Ht. lire Hat m, or Ul h;iH known: h I'hitlliiK tho lato Korcht Fires of Wisconsin and UCIll l-U, A IID'Ht III UL't'l)"it HIllTWl dim Run lut; wiui wonuLTiui rap.tmy, ror cxira icui ami I j oil IjuoU. aiiirei, nunnAUi) ituos.f n 11 w rubUihcr, 7I.-iuisoin St., rhllo. "100 CIIOIOM iSHLKiTIONS. N"o. 1." Is now lontty with Its precious K'oro of rooiI thliiKsfor l'u bile ami I'urlor Uuiullns. helas a happy blending of lilotiucnco, Humor. HvMil'-iiu-at, l'alhos Hiid lturlfMjuu. Unl'orm lu btylc with tho prcccdtiiK nmubeis. which have won thtt mitltclu art. and thn crv Is ".MOKi:!" Cloth b-mud, 75 cents; paper,.! I cents, or i coplPH for 51, Also, "l-xceisior iJiai03ins," revist'ii uu nrinn S1.2'i. AhIc vour bookseller for thorn, or KHiid prlcutnl. (lAltlUaT & CO., 70- CheHinut Ht., rlilladtlplila, V.. ul-lw AOUN1S WAMKI).-Thoto Bollint' other uooits can ben meso oy tuousaiiiH. " AUKNTrf WANTKI) FOU I1KINU an i:Xl'0!sK of thn HKPUKT KITES nud MYsn;itlKS nt .MOllJIONIHM, With a fall and authentic lilstory ot Polyoamv, oy j. ji. im,4iJLiVjt iuuor 01 iiiu nun luko nu lHrtitr. Agents aro meeting with unprecedented buo cctVH. nnu rtMioris lhttHiibscrLbiir-i In four davs. air ollur 71 lu two d.iyu He ml fir CtiuulurH ami see wiuii ino ores Mtn ni mu worn, Mdi x.t?t ftj, i'uui-.ibiii.NU tu, I'uuaaeipuu, iw, uimw : :::jiWllflll A new Hook of Abiding Value nud Heady Sale, President U. (J. Kinney, of Oberlln (O.) College, writL'H : "Tho tc ichtniM of thin w trie hhould be coino iufitt-rs tti uuaeral knowlod'o. 1 bollovo few will object to (1114 boolE except Ihosanlio aie n'oiiueo iiv I'.iimi wan, im-reiore, imsi ifo 11 May iitid bUH hoih It anil ItH laUlitnl author.' HkuimIo pnneK und cticulars sent free, C. V, vt;.vr, I'uhiuner, as .Murray Ht., n, y. nt-jw WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLKTS HJlt l UUIJUN LUliUM ,V 11UAJ1."51:,.N1'JSM. ThcsnTahit'tspiesuiittho Acid In Comhliialton wun omer euicieui remeaies, 111 a poouiar roriu tortile ciirniiail TiiKUATiuid iitJ.Nd uiseases lIUAItHK.VKHMUUU UlA'l'ilt.VTIUJi or tllu thrill' nro Immedlatelv relievcst and htaleinents 111 constantly helm; sent lo tho propilelor of relief Incases ot thro it dllllcmlles or yeais btaudlni;. Cl IT'PIAV Don't lie deceived hy worlhls UA U 1 LUA imitations, (let, only Wells' l.'ariioilu 1 alilt I". Pi ice Tt cents per llox, JOHN (I. KKliUJUU. HPIattHt.. N. V. Bend for Cir cular. Sole Aiicni for tho U. H, nl-lw j'tr RUBE15A. It is not a physle II Is not what Is popularly called n Hltteis. nor Is It Intended as such. It h a Konlli Aineili'iiu plant that has heeu used ur niauy years hy thn medical l.ieully nt those cminti'U'.s with woiiderlul eilleney us a l'owciful Alleratlvound Uniiiialed l'urlller or tho liluixJ and Is a sure aud l'erfocl Ueinedy for nil Diseases 01 itiu MVKIl ANI) HI'IiIlKN', i:Nr,AUOF.MKMT Oil UJlsllltiUllUMlJl' JNlI'i-SI IWIi UJIINAHV, Ul'KltlSH.dlt AHDO.MINAI. (HtdANS, ' POVHIVI V (Jll A VA'f OF III.OOD, INTKIl.Ml ITK.NT (Jit UHMIT 1T.N1' FKVIIIW, INFI.A.M.MA- lliin ui' iiii'; i.ivi-.ii, DIIOIMY, HI.UGOISH L'llUUJliATlON OF THKIU.OOIl All. bi;i.sus,tij MOIIH, jaundici:. KRitoFuiiA. liYHpr.P3iA, Aaui; AND l'lIS'Klt, (lit Til Kill CON.foil MIl'ANTd. Dr. Wolls' Extract of Juruboba lsoilered lo me publiuasa urint Iiivlnoralnrand remedy for nil Impurities of the blood, or for orKanlo weauuess with their atteudant evils. Fur tho foregolmr complalu's jiii(tiin:iti Is eonndenlly recommended lo every fsmlly as II household reiiady, nud should lie freely taken III all deriiihjemcnu of the kystem. It Blvcs health, vUior mid Inuo to all thu vital forces.und iinliualeH and fortifies all wealt nud ljmphatlu ti'iiiperaiiiiiiis, JOuM tj, lCUI,l,O0O, U Plait St., Now Vnrlr, L1..I.. a ...... t. . I... t I UI.. 10 Prlco !1 per liotile. Bend for Circular, uMw WANTED AGENTS, SSU to 9100 per luontli, hy arlllit ; Groat EOllTUNES ! Ami How Tiikt weiie Made: oh the wtkiki. fllM ANilTUIUUIdls op ou MKLr-siADi: Mkn, hyJ, U. ileCahe, Jr. Ily forty enilneutejiuiiiples, 11 teaches how to succeed lu Hie. und ut thu hamu tlmo hfiueflt mankind. Fur nsrtlculdrs. notices of tho press and extra terms, address. ui-iir u.v, uauiir,aa , i uuiuuer, i uiiauei a. tint iirnjirictor nl l)r utHM 1 -tttirrh Ki'iTiLilr Tur n ra-Grty Court Aclvortisomonts. nOUllT IMIOCLAJIATION.'llllnm Elwell. l'reslileni Jiidnfldf tho (Totirl of Over and Terminer nn,i General Jail Delivery, Court or Quarter Sessions of tho Peaco ntld Court of Common Pleas nnd Or. plum's cnurl 111 the 20111 judicial District, com. imsed nrthe counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, nnd tho Hon, Irani Dcrrnnd Isaacs. Monroe Assoclalo Judges of Columbia county have Issued their precept, hearing clnto the lltli lay 01 i-cpi-iiiuer, in 1110 year 01 our Jioru, ono hnlisntid. eluht hundred nml snvrwit v.nnn. nn,l moillrcelcd ror hoIdlngnCourtot Oj'cr nnd Ter miner nnd General Quarter Sessions of the Poaro Court of Common Pleas nnd Orphan's Court, In llloomslmrg, In tho comity of Columbia, on tlis nrsi iuonuay, oeuig 1110 oiu uay 01 eeuruari hexLtocontlnuo two weeks. Nolleo Is hereby ulven. to tho Coroner. In tlm Justices or tho Peace, nnd tho Cnnstnhies of the said county of Columbia, that they bo llrcn nnd there In their pioner person nt lu o'clock in the loreuooo 01 sniu 0111 nny ui reurimry wuu inelr records, Inquisitions and other remembrances, to 101 uusu tilings which 111 muii umi-i-i, ii'ieriaiu In lio dmiu. And those that nro bound ln- recognl?.ance, to proseculo ngnlust the prls, niters thill uro or may be In the Jail of the said county of Columbia, to bo then and there lo prosecute them as shall bo Just, Ju. rors aro icqueste'l to lie punctual In their intend. niicc,ngreealily tothelrnotlces, Haled nl lllouius. - uurg, me -mill nay 01 i'cc.111 uioyear I,, h. nr our Iiord, one tliousand eight nun Is v ilred and seveiitv-oiioand In tluiiilneiv fourtiiyrar of the ludeiieudcneo of thoUulUd Slates of America. AARON bMlTR, Diooiiisuiirg, Jan. n, mi. ncilir. GiiAND Junons roil feuhu. AllY TICHM, IS7J. llenton Oco. II. Pont,,Tohn H. Kceler, llloo.ii John Leacoclc, OoorBo W. Foster, J, V, iiariiiinii, UerwIcK John Kckcrt, William Htephans, J, v. iiiciiericK, Flshinnrroek Jonas Doty, Danlol Bmltu, I,ovl t,. l.utnrci. Oreennond Ira 1). Kline, Locust lillas creasy, lipnraitn (Jrcuey. Mlttllu Charles Mowry. John IIuIIihikIc. Maiue Franklin Sliuman. Orani;o Ilariiion .1, Couner. ri.'e iiciiianun v, iuicisiecn,joun t,oro Mcntt-J. U. ltlco. LIST OI-" IM3TIT JUItOIlS FOH FKI1HUAHY TKItM, 14. IIHSI' lll.l.K, Illoom Casper Krcssler, 'A, Wnrdln, Unulcl Itowinttll, N, J. Hendershott, John Wolf, llrlarcroek Francis Kvnus, J, C. .Myers, llnrirlnlr llivlil llltlcllui. Ccntralla A. II. Former, Wm. Torry. Centre .Stephen McQuown, James Kocher. Catawlssa Chas, H, llartniauolomonMliumau. i ', 1 I'oler Ij ihv, Oreenwoo.l Mathias Kramer, Jamos Pieslon, Hemlock Uepuo Puricll, James Hoat, Amos II irtiiuu Jackson Wm. Youhk. hocusl Adnm Jolinson, John Snyder. Main ytacy John, Oeorgs Itullunhack, Mllllln-Hnmuel snj der, Daulcl ilcllcr. Madison Win. Johnson, Montour Philip IX list, Kvan Welllvcr, Isaac Miniry, Itoarluiicrcek J. C Myers, Mimarloaf-lI.O. Hess, Alex. ICIIngar, J, H. Cole. Hcotl Isilili Hess. HHCONI) wuci:. Illoom David llrohst, Ucoriio Yost, Sylvester J, Faux, Peter Jones, li.ivul Iletz, P.rlarcreek Win. II. llurtmnu. I eaver Ahrnham Hlce, ;iitliau Ilrcdhender Jr. I'.erwlck Wm. 1". Hu,di, O. W. IluckliiBhain. t'-MitnUIn Joseph Frock, (.' ntre-.M, M. Hicks. Krankllu Jonathan Freman. (ir, enwood John (J. Iicmmon, Ocorgo Ulrton, Hemlock Win. M. Michael, John llnrtmau, John lletz, Amos Anpleiuau, .l.'.ckson Theodore W. Knilth, I lenst Daniel Stlne.Hr. Mltlllll -Atiramtswcppeulio'ser.MichaelFederolt 'lonioiir ls.ieher Hvans W. if. vionroe. Madison D. A. Watson, Jacoh llechtel, John M. Smith Mt. , leasant Josonh CrairforJJohn C. Mordau. Maine J ihll ,M, N'uss, Oramro Htnanuel Snyder. Kcott WUIIIU Hartmaii, J. II. Townscnd. riimurlour Alfred Harvey. Y7"IDOVtl' APl'KAISK.MENTS. Tho followlni; nppralscmcnlR of real nud pcr sonal properly set apart In widows of decedents aavo been tiled lu tho otlleo of tho Iteglsterot Columbia county, under tho Itules of Court, and will be presented lor nbsoluto continuation, to (he Orphans' Court to bo hold In lllooiusburi;. In and for said county.on Wednesday, thu7lhdayof February, 1S7A at 2 o'clock r. m., of said day, un less exceptions to such continuations aro previ ously tiled, of which all persons Interested In said estates will take nottco: 1. Widow of Peter Miller, l.itool Locust town ship, deceased. 'i. Widow ot Jcob Harris, lato of Hemlock township, deceased. 3. Widow oi Abraham Vauhorn, lato of Hem lock townsulp, deceased. I. Widow nt Thomas U. llughc.s.lalo of Blooms burn, deceased. 0. Widow of milder V. llownian, lato of Or alltfo lowiishtii, deceased, d. Widow of Frederick Shaffer, Into of Centre township, deceased. 7. Widowol WelllngtouII.IJiit.lato of Illooms burir. deo-ased. . Widow jf Mosis Ilnrlman, lato of Cnlawlssa towiistitp, deconsetl. V. Widow of bphralui Kvans, lato or Hear Creek township, dicuased. V,'. II. JACOI1Y, Ucglster. ItCKlster's OITlco, 1 IlIoomslUiK, Jan. 5, 1S72.J REG 1ST ICR'S NOTIOES.-Notic'i: is hereby u;lveu to all lei;atees, creditors and oilier persons lnlerosted lu tho estates of thu re spective decedents and minors, that tho fnllnw iini administration and cu.irdlan accounts h ive cell tiled 111 tho olllco ot tho Veiilstcr of Cnltitn Ulacoiiuty.aud will bo presonted lor continua tion and allowance In tho Orphans' Court, to Ijo I'old In lllonuisiniri;,ou Wednesday, thu 7th day ot Fooi uaiy, 1 jii, at a o'clock In tho iiltvruoon ot said day : 1. 'llio account of Dnvld Vanhorn nnd John II. Vauiior.i, KiirvivluK cxuciituM uf Cornelius iiiihorn, late nf Huiiilnck township, deceiued. I!. i he account of Uo ik Marklo Kuardluu of person and estate nf Cch stla A, Markie,n minor e illd of Jacob Murkle, lato of Flshlngcrcek town ship, d ce ised. ,i. The Dual nccount of Daniel II. Hess, ndinlu islrator.iedoiid iiim nl Hleazer II. Hess, lato of uutru township, deceased I. Tho acLount ol Jacoh Yenisei", administrator Ac, of Abraliam Tioxel, lato of Locust town hlli. deceased. 8. The Dual account of I'reas Ilrowii, guardian of the person and estate of Maggie A, Creasy minor child ot 11. W. Creasy, late ol Hcott town si1. p deceased. 0, Tho account of II. Marvin Towkshnry, ad ministrator ot the estate or Hiram Cool, late ot Ciiluwisit township, deceased. 7. The accouutof Samuel Ulotterlch, adminis trator ot Laviu.iHutchtsuu, latu of Scott town ship, deceased. s. The account of Jacob Wanlch, ndmlnlstrntor of Ljdia Wauieh, lato or Ulonuisburir, deceased. . Tho accouut of Stephen 11. Miller, guardian of the person nnd estate of Harriet Wanlch, a minor child of Samuel Wanlch, lalo of Hemlock township, deceased. 10. The account of Jonathan Trnub. Adminis trator of Jacob Traub, lalo of Illoom township, deceased. I I. 'I lio first accouut of Hiram Ileeder, executor of John Zelglnr. late ot Fraukltu township, deo'd. 12. Tlio mint accouut of diaries W. Snyder aud William Neat, UxoculorH ot William Huy ucr, late of Illoom township. , . . .. W JACOBY, Ileglster. Iteglster's Olllce. 1 llloomsbur;, Jau 5, 1S7 J List of"15auses for TKIAL AT FEimUAllY TKHM, lS7i. toward Mct'all et. al. vs. John Sweeney, (leorgo A. Frlck vs. Thomas tiack!iouse. Willliiiu Iiongeiibcrger et. al, vs. Hujh .Mclioy- holds et, al, Michael Clrover'a nso vs. Sava?o & Bright. Michael drover's mo vs. Havago it Bright. Joseph Miller vs. X. L. Campbell. Kiooiuhall & Co. vs. McNinch & Shuman, Harvey C. Hess vh. Samuol Creasy ndm'r. Shultz A Fuuston vs. All red Irwiue. I'lemucl O, lllcketts' ndm'r vs. David Sweeuuy et al. TlioinasO'Counervs. Martin Gaughln. Lewis J. Adams vh. Flshlngcreea School Dlstrkt. Meolien Thomas vs. Caleb Creasoy & Co. William A. Case vs. Illoom township. . II. Mellck vs. John Ye.iger'H adm'r. John Klli'o's use v. W. II Yocuin et nl, L". atterthwaitH. Fred F. Meieeron, UnuUllu towuslilp vh. John Mclteyuolds etal. Daniel F, seybert vs. Kllnetnb .t Walton. A, W. Kinmer vs. D. W. Hobblus. Vaulali lleeco's adiu'r H. W. A. Kline. Michael Malnto vs. Philadelphia A Heading It ill lload Co. Uo Igor Disoa vs. Philadelphia & ltoaJlng lla.ll Huad Co. Patrick Mnnaghau vs. Philadelphia .t Raadlng ltullltoidCo. Mih. Mary Couuclly vs. Philadelphia & Heading Kail lload Co. Solomon lllney vs. William Wulp. .losepli fry vh, Sliium ileedy, William T, Sliuiueu vs. Lacauivauna Si Blooms- bmg llallioad Co. Daniel Srvder's usuvs M. C, McCollum et al. 11, O, Hit ketts vs. Johu Sweeney et in. Ueorgo K Hess vs.sosepu Welsoetal. Knieline .MeuscU vs. Levi llrodbender et al. Uncart 3 Kramer vs. Wililsm Barber. Michael McMaaon vs. Nicholas Kludt. A. W. Falun vs. John L. Hosslor utat. A. W. 1-iton vs. B, F, Warner et al. Joseph V. l'ausey vs, John Muiltgan. Columbia Insurance Uu. vh. J, M. Fleck. .. II. S'ewart et ui. vs Franco 11. July e. ill, William Millies vs, Julias Doty. Andiew (,'rovelliig vs. Thomas 1'ronch, Screiuliih Hess' uso vs. John Hotriuuu el al, Frank IX Brockway vs. Daniel F, Heybert. I. P. Lluuel's ex'rs vs. Aarou W. Hess et til, Ueorgo W. llakei" vh, T. J, L iw.Ul et al, Ueoige Whluooyer'H ex'rs vs. John stluor. A, Pardee A Co. vs. Hugh W. Mclteyuolds tt nl. A. Paneo tt Co. vs. Uauvllle, iluiletou and Wllkesharro Itullroad Uo. Siisauuali Uilham vs. Martin M, Ilrobet. Mary Lllweller vs. Aaron Smllh. James Bi jiihi vs, ll.ouinsburg Iron Co, lo ry Fry vs. Jacob DIelieui.ueli, Mordlca .Mllluld vs. Hugh McKeyuolds. Thomas WIiIiuiusvh, jonuCalii, Dame Hover is. Welllnlon Yuaier. William Williams vs. Cluirles D. Fowler, lidward Tewkaberry et nl. vs. James O, Ileeder et ux, Wllliaiii II, Abbott vs, J: 8. llrohst. Joh U. Jacoby vs. Wllliaui tlemu'is. William CuleniHU vh. llowurd UriLies, l.zru . I, oils vh. Solomon Disk, Jacob llower vh, William Kviins. J. W, Muslollcr vh. Wlllium Williams, JN. OHUIO TO JJH1UUE UUlhlJKKS. Wo will meet nt our olllce In Uloomauurg. ou THU1WDAY. FKllttUAHY, 15, ls7.', ut I o'clock, p. iu., lo let the bulldlugof uue bridge ut Mlllvllle, over Little Flshtugcrcek, Wood work lo be put upuouut same us ut old bridge. Abutments tu be 8 feel tibove water, aud 3 led thluk ut lop, and long enough to sullsunurstruc luie, tfiug walls, Kast side to be 10 feet long each. West side lu und 7 respectively. The sluiio tu old ubutmcuu mid wiug wulls to bo used by Ihn conliuelor. Such llmbur. In old brldgo us we shall select to be put lu new bridge ut a llxed price, und to be deducted fromuuiuuut of contract. For further particulars apply ut IhU olllce, OYUUH I1011BIN3, ) Comm'rs. H. J. IthlllJl.H. V of WM, SHAFFKIt, j Col. Co. CouMiasiONEJia Ounce. 1 llloiiuisburir. Jull.lM. l7l. I AlteHti Wu. Kuickuaum, Clerk, Jau;t)'71-3I. USTIOE'S Jiii AN KM, We now have on hand a lame neatly printed assortment of JUSTICK'H aud CO.NnTAULtS blamkb, lo which we invite the attention oi nee oOlcen,