The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 02, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Woomsburg, Friday, Fob. 2, 1072,
Unilrond Timo Table
North. Hnnlli.
ni 1MI A.M. BilHl'.M.
(Inlmr Nnrlh. "?'K""""
4:t'S I'. M.
11:11 A. M.
A vr.uv plrrtsnnt Hoclnhln wns given
nt thei Normal Frielny even
InR Inst.
Tin: nvernpo snlnrlc8 of mnlo lonelier
nl l'ennsylvnnln per month is $10 03;
fcmalef, fHl 12.
It lins been tltfcovercil that there Is
no law to punish n forgery of tho frrtnk
of n member of Congress.
Cait. JI. WiiiTMOYnn, of this town
litis hoc n rc-nppnlntcil Notary Public for
three years, by Gov. Geary.
ANimF.wTHtiwiMjiaii has foM his
farm near Light Street to Jacob Glnw
tonfur $3,400.
Tnnnvorngosnow storm of tho period
occurred on Sunday morning Inst. No
cobwebs wcro removed from tho sleighs
John Davis, a brakemnn on tho L. &
11. K. K., had his hand badly crushed
on Monday Inst nt this place, whilst en
gaged In coupling cars.
WiiiO Oats nro unusually numerous
this year and much bolder thnn usual
in their approaches to human habi
tations. They do "murder moat fowl."
JACOit M. Giuton purchased tho
Esicl: Farm In Madison township, last
week, nt administrators sale, nt nearly
forty dollnrs per acre.
Bonn McIIkniiy hns sold his llotol
property in Orangovlllo to John Eclc
rote, tho landlord of tho United States
Hotel at Light Street, for $o000.
Mr. Tayi.oii, formerly of tho firm
of N. V. Samplo & Co., of this place, is
In town for a fow days on his way to
Denver City, whither Mr, Samplo has
preceded him.
The small-pox is raging to so great
an extent at Mahanoy City, Schuylkill
county, that tho public schools have
been, mid tho Churches and Sunday
Schools aro to bo closed.
Township ofllcers are required by
law to publish a statement of accounts.
In Northumberland county leciwntits
were recently fined $100 for two years'
neglect and others $00 for ono year's
failure to discharge this duty.
Ai.r.xis carries tho tall of the Huffalo,
thai ho killed in his pocket a a trophy.
The only thing that puzzles us in the
abovo statement Is, hnw the deuce the
Uuir.ilo got into his pocket U bo killed.
Rev. John Thomas of this town has
purchased tho upper firm of tho late
John Rlclmrils, adjoining lands of W.
Orier Quick in Montour township, con
taining nbout 1G0 acres for $1M2" per
Winteu asserted its presenco in tho
most mnrked way on .Sumlny night last.
The day had been plea'-nnt but towards
midnight n snow t quail camo followed
by a rapid fall in tho themometer and
in the morning every thing was frozen
as stiff as a chip, which &tnto of affairs
still exists.
Postmasters nro required by law
to notify tho publishers of newspaper
of tho refusal or subscribers to take
their papers from tho otllce. Sending
back tho paper without giving tho
name cf tho clllco from which it is re
turned is not u legal notillcation. It
would bu well for them to bear this iu
Whiskey seems to bo in greater de
mand thnn ever, owing probably to tho
cold weather. A consumer of tho fluid
fell Into tho grasp of tho law, as rep
resented by Constablo Woodward, on
Monday night, but was released on
promiso of abstinence and good conduct
Mails will bo carried over tho Dan
ville, Ittir.tcton & Wilkes U.irro R. It.,
beginning on Monday, February Gth,
A destiiuctive flro occurred In
Scronton, on Monday night destroying
four rramo buildings mid damaging tho
post ofllco building. Loss $50,000, about
half Insured.
I'kiisons having Deeds nud Mort
gages lying in tho Recorder's Olllco
aro requested to call and tako them
away. W H. Jacohy,
Hloomsbtirg, Feb. 2,'72-iH. Recorder.
Constaiile WooowAim was nround
on Saturday night, to tho discomfort of
threo individuals who had Imbibed
mom whiskey than they could carry
home. They wcro locked up for a short
tlmo nud released on pronil-e of leaving
town Immediately.
Hon. Wm. A. Wallace, Chairman
of tho Democratic Stnto Executlvo Com
mittee lias issued a call convening tho
Committee at liolton's Hotel, Harris
burg, on Thursday, February 15th next,
to tlx tho time and placo of holding tho
Stato Convention.
The Oiiancieville Mutual Sav
ino Fund and Loan Association.
At tho last mooting on Monday oven
lug, January 2!)th, threo shares wore
loaued out at a premium of $7.'l nud two
at a premium of $70. Capt. H. J. Con
ner, Secretary ; 13. J. Rlckclts, I'res't.
Constaiile Woodwaiid made thir
teen arrests for violations of tho Town
Ordinances In tho month of January
Just past. All of theso arrests wcro
mado for intoxication nud disorderly
conduct. IIo also arrested threo per
sons on warrants issued by Justices.
To-day, tho 2nd of February, is popu
larly known as "around Hog Day" nnd
upon tho presenco or absenco ol his
shadow, aro based predictions as to the
character of the weather for tho next
month. Wo do not consider tho ground
hog a reliable barometer, at least of a
prophetic kind.
The administrators of Jacob ICostcn
oader deceased, sold two tracts of land
lato of tho decedent, on Friday last
ono to John Vought, Jr., and ono to
Mrs. Margaret Kostenbader. This dis
poses of all tho real cstato except the
mansion farm, Of two hundred nud
fifty acres, which still remains unsold.
The Public School authorities of
Northumberland opened u splendid
building, erected for educational pur
poses ou tho 2tKh of January last. The
Rev. Mr. Hewitt of Bloomsburg, de
livered a lecturo upon tho occasion,
which ha3 received with great satisfac
tion by the largo audience.
Sevekal persons residing at Schock's
Mills on tho Susquehanna, near Colum
bia, cut the Ico from a deep place In the
canal and caught with their hands over
a thousand fishes. Among tho lot wcro
over twenty rock and between thirty
and forty salmon. Ono of tho latter
weighed fcoven'and a half pounds.
Last Notice. All moneys duo ou
Mib-criptions to Jacoby & Simmon and
to W. 1 1. Jacoby, for tho Star and J)em
ocrat, must bo paid by the first of Api'il
next. After that dato they will bo
placed in tho hands of a collector, for
Immediate settlement.
W. II. Jacoiiv,
Woomsburg, Feb. 2,'71-lt
Seven young men of Muney have
been arrested on thochargo of being the
incendiaries who started tho recent
fires In Unit place. Their names aro
Washington GeUe, Pierce Crawford,
Jacob RIckold, Hope Walton, William
Mitchell, John Gelso and Isaiah Ilutlcr,
t!I of whom were committed to jull for
trial by Justlco Rankin.
Four of them liavo been convicted.
A man named Davenport, who claims
Reach Haven as a residence was arrested
last week in t-crantmi having in his
possession a stolon horse. Ho is also
suspected of having been concerned in
tho Wisner murder. Tho Chief of Pol Ico
believes him to be guilty.
An entertainment was given by the
Dramatic Association of lierwick on
Wednesdav nieht of last week. Threo
capital farces wcro acted and wero ro
ecived with appreciation by a very
lanro audience. Tho receipts amounted
to over S200. Wo understand that tho
Association will shortly glvo another
Coiikection. In publishing tho
annual statement of tho " Columbia
County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
Association" last week, tho total amount
of Premiums was mado to read $17i 21
It should road $17,921 00. Tho total
amount of loans was mado to read
$278 70. It should read $27,870 00.
Ox Monday as ono of our citizens was
passing near tho L. & 1J. R. R., station,
ho saw a man cuilcd up on a hand ear
on the sido of tho road, evidently pur
posing to bleep. Tho gentleman know
ing that the intense cold would prove
too much for the bleeper had him its
moved to tho station where ho was
thoroughly warmed. Ho would un
doubtedly have frozen in an hour's time.
Whiskey whs tho causo of tho somnolency.
WE publish In auothor part of tho
Columiiian tho annual Statement of
tho County Cominlsdoncrs and report of
tho County Treasurer to which wo call
public ntioattoti.
SoMElrroverontchap has boon poking
fun nt tho voncrablo editor of tho Wll
llniu9port Standard nnd tolls how ho
sonta roportcr on tho wings of tho wind
to get full particulars of an accident,
"n horso had fallen on n boy." Tho re
porter arrived at tho sceno of tho disaster
and ascertained that tho horso was a
" hobby " ono and fcinaller than tho
boy I Thcro should bo a law passed
making R n penal olfenco to chair an
New Com mandeiiv. Past Eminent
Grand Commander, O. F. Ktinpp, ol
11 looiusburg, constituted Dlcu Lo Veut
Com mandcry No. -15, Knights Templar,
of Wilkes Barre, on Friday evening of
last week. Tho following olUcora were
elected :
Eminent Commander, Sir R. Rnico
RIckotta ; Generalissimo, Sir H. E. God
des; Ouptiilu General, Sir T. C. Hark
nesaj Prelate, Kir Elliot P. Kisner, So
nlon Warden, Sir J. M. Hotter: Junior
Warden, Sir Charles D. Liflorly ; War
den, Sir W. J. llarvoy; Sword Rearer,
Sir Francis Dunsmoru; Standard Rearer,
Sir G. A. Heard.
The pleasure of living in a quiet well
behaved town llku Rloomsburg Is In
creased by reading of the perfect car
nival of crlmo which prevails in tho
largo cltle-'. Tho Now York papers of
Monday contain accounts of a suicide,
an attempt at suicide, n brutal murder
of a sou by his father, a murder for no
known reason and a half dozen high
way lobbcrliM. In viow of theso facts
we aro willing to forego tho pleasures
of city life, nnd tako the greater security
which tho country affords.
Tin: Ronton Saving Fund Associa
tion went into operation on la?t Tues
day, when !12t shares wero paid In at
$2,00 per share. Tho money sold at
ninety-six, premium thereby increasing
the valuo of tho shares to $0.70. Stock
can bo taken nt tho first cost until tlio
last Tussilay of February, Inst., after
which timo tho premium will bo
charged. Any persons in town desiring
to tikn stock or borrow money can
have their business nttended to a3 con
veniently and more profitably than if
tho Association wcro Incited at Rlooms
burg, by calling at tho oftieo of E. II.
Little, one of tho Directors.
Theue has been invented lately a
patent air brake for railroad ears which,
if report spo.k true, we trust will not
bo introduced on nny road connecting
with Rloom. An exchange slates that
a man tried this brake on tho Inclined
piano near Maueh Chunk. IIo let tho
ear go until it was traveling. at tho rate
of sixty miles an hour and then npplied
tho brake. The car stopped Instanter,
but tho man kept right on, head fore
most, at a rather accelerated lato of
speed, and brought up in a thicket of
uudcrbrush. His friends having col
lected him and put him together, took
him homo on a board. This brake
might be used on passenger trains if
travelers weresecuroly fastened to their
scats by log chains or other simple ar
gtimonts ugaitist lllght.
When business is dull, go to work
and make business. It is no way to sit
down and complain ol hard times. Keep
stirring. If everybody sit down and
waited for better times they never
would come till doomsday. H a million
people mako a little extra effort to re
alizo their desires in business, haul
times, give way to their efforts, like
an ico dam before a lluod and currents
of business s-et in fresh onco more. Il-'i
tho samo in a small way with each
hinglo individual. D.jn't help to bluel;
tho win els of business by ki.epiug still.
Hard times is but another name for
stagnation of business, and there is no
wav to make a stagnant pool fren, ex
cent to stir it. It you try to infuse life
into your business, your neighbor will
follow vour examine, and you win no
suniriiod to see how much you can d
to keep business going. Activity is life,
stagnation is dtath.
( with ouit i:i:aii:hh.
A L'ood. honest, cheery laugh is n
Tho leading furnished by tho Legls-
Inluto of Pennsylvania, Is not of tho
most entertaining or eloquent descrip
tion, but perhaps tho most Interesting
Is tho annual report of tho Auditor Gen
eral, Wo proceed to stnto as nearly as
wo can got nt It, what Columbia county
pays Into tho Stnto Treasury, and whnt
sho gets out!
Tax on dividends
l-lrst National Rank
CatawlssaRrldgo Co..
Nescopoe. Falls Rrldge Co,
Rloonisburg Iron Co
Tax on Personal Property
Ulooinsburg 1. Co. on Income
Cahuvksa Rrldgo Co. "
ie-copcc Falls " " "
riiomas Slalo " "
Hill for Assessment R. R.
Damages 20 00
Gen. Eiit Tux on writ? 307 03
V. 11. Jacoby Reg. and Rec. -101 7B
W. 11. Jacoby Col. Int. Tax. 02,1 71
1). Low enberg Tavern LIc'ns 007 1 5
" Retailers " 1,203 07
" Eating II. " 200 00
" Millers " 103 IS
$3,002 07
In addition to tho nbove, very largo
sums tiro paid by tho Calawlssa Rail
Road, and by tho Lackawanna &
Hloamsburg Bill Boad, but tho pio-
portion paid by Columbia county Is
not ascertainable. Some other Items
may po?slbly bo lncludqd in some gross
sums. So too in tho crcilit slilo, tho
amount paid out to tho Senate door
keeper Is not separately set out. Rut
tho credit sldo shows that we have got
back tho following amounts:
R. Ruckalow'u salary $1,000 00
" selcctcom. 300 00
Pensions and gratuities f00 00
Common Schools , 3,5S.") 00
Normal School 1,207 00
Rorwlck 'Independent' nil v. 17 00
II. DWalker damages o.OOO 00
John Sutton Mcr. app'r. 12 00
In tho matter of personal adornment
tho ingenuity of "fair women" knows
no bounds. Tho latest plan which they
have adopted Is to paint tho skin near
the corners of tho eyes shading off iu
tho direction of tho cars. This wo aro
told gives a "languishing softness" to
tho faco calculated to suoduo tho most
obdurate heart of man.
"Hbo was nil my fancy jmtmeil licr," lu.
Has Rloomsburg attained to this
triumph of art'.'
The Jlatman's Journul publishes
long poem under tho head of "original
poetry for tho Journal.'' Tho editor of
UioCoLUMMiAN has had In his possession
tho manuscript of that poem for inoro
than twenty years. As this dates back
somo years before tho publication of the
Journal was begun, it is difficult to seo
how It could liavo been writton especl
ally for It, unless tho editor accumu
lated enough matter beforehand to keep
his paper going for somo tlmo after
A local paper having alluded to
street car railroad for Rloomsburg tho
neighboring Journals aro making merry
over tho suggestion. Tho latest lilt
comes from Riverside. For tho benefit
of most of our readers wo would say
that Rlversldo Is a bit of Dauvillo which
has slopped over nud got on the other
sldo of tho liver.
; 211 01
175 00
85 27
80 00
1.000 00
1,809 01
1,10' (10
10 10
70 85
17 30
Firqt Annual Statement of tlio Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund
and Loan Association, For tlio Yeav Ending with Decomboi', 1871.
" i i! itetelveil. n i'nUl.
.1 miliary,
July. ,
iVverago Premium for year..
Valuo of Shares
20 Loans
Rackstuudiiig thus and flues.. 102,50
Duo to Shareholders for pay
ments in advance
Interest duo Shareholders
$ 0,727.25
Net assets $30,205,25
II 41
Wo tho undorslirned Auditors nimnlnted to nxninlnn tlio Annual Statement of
tho Secretary. Resnectfull v renort that after a careful examination wo found tlio
nbove statement to be correct. J. P. TUSTIN
F. c ever,
Ri.ooitsiiUitci, January 23, 1872
$11,072 SO
For tho year ending, November 00,
1S71. Wo may hereafter refer to a few
oilier llgures in this Report ; but these
will sitlllce for tho present.
Fon the next two weeks, Lamps of nil
description will bo sold at cost to make
room for other goods, Call at Ilenders
holts Drugstore.
YOUKS-WILE-On . 'op. 23tli, by Ilov. E. rull-, nt Ins risiilencf , .Mr. KhiiuiucI otl(s,lo
JIIks Kntharllio Wile, botli ot Jucksati two. COLE At tho samp tlmn nml pliu-a by
ino Mimu, .Mr. jnmcs w.uss,io ams 1.11011.1
Colo, bjtli of Sug irlo.if tup,
ULACIC UtiaElt At thosnmo tlmo nml place,
ny no Kime, Mr. Wlliinm Kinm, to .ills uu
chel A. Knser, botli of Uolir.burg.
New Goods of tho newest an d nret-
tiest natterns lu-t received by C. C. Marr
nndforsaloat prices which cannot bo
beaten. Call anu seo tncm.
Low it RoniNS of Or.inaovlllo makes
tho ncato-it cheapest and best platform
spring wagons it buggies in tho county.
ttlooniHliiii f Market
Whont IM'l bushel
Ilyo "
r.trn "
o.its. "
Hour per barm
Gkand Auction Saio of cooking and
Parlor stoves at Orangevillo Saturday
Feb. 3. 1S72 Smith Ruotiieus.
I. J. Ronn ins. at tho Columbia Iron
Works, offers bright, clean coal for sale
it the most lavorabio rates,
Clovrrseod V ?.
Hiixsi-eu - ? '
llutter -
Etas r?
Tnllnw iu
J'otaloes y
Dricii Ai-pltt. -
llama 17
Siik-i anil MiQUIdera "
Iiul per poun-l n. 1,1
Ul'J' 1 11 inu iu
The PmtE.voLoeiicAL Jouhnal has
begun the year well. In no other
periodical do wo rtnd human natura so
tiiorniR'Hiy treated, wo always see
somothini: in it which instructs us, some
thing which entertains and f-omething
iimuilujr. it Is a capital family maga
zine. In tlio J-enruary number wo niiu
Illii-triH'il articles, and sketches of mer
it. I'lle 30 ce'its.singlo Nos. : 3 ayear,
8, R. Welts, New York.
Riiown it Jones. Who aro they
They rro an enterprising young llrm
lately oitiblishcd in Catawissaand from
tho asonishlng amount of Dry Goods
tiny sell it evident that tho people
aio a'tnicteu ny tncir low prices, xney
are in constant receipt of frodi goods
from New York. They sell only for
cii-h, giving tho buyer every p )sslljle
advantage derived fiom this plan. A to their store will cuuvineo the
uader of theso facts. ul tf.
We fancy that most peoplo nt tho be
ginning of a new year mako tho mis
take of using tho dato of tho ono Just
ended. This Is annoying of course, but
it woutu seem mat moro eiitngreeauio
coiiKqucncts may ensuo if tlio following
bo taken as true. A gentleman, in a
neighboring town, had a noto discount
ed at bank recently, hut tho ofllcers of
tho bank having discovered that tho
note was dated 1871 Instead of 1872, put
it to protest nnd tho owner was obliged
to pay tho costs and execute another
note. This Is rather sharp practice, but
la n warning to men doing business
with financial Institutions, to uso tho
greatest caro iu drawing notes, under
penalty of paying for their wont of
Colu.miiia County fuses have been
hunted sulllclently to mako them capa
bio of looking out for thomselves, but
wo doubt If any of them could havu
dono a shrewder thing than ono of their
kind did in Chester county a fow days
ago. Ho was hard pressed and running
to tho railroad just as a train was pars
ing darted in front of tho engine. Tho
hounds followed him but tho ingiuu
cut into tho pack killing and wounding
tho greater part whilst tho fox mado
good his escape.
It Is moro than probable that numer
ous marriages, or at least postpone
ments of them, liavo resulted from tho
want of snow this winter. A sleigh
rido has brought foiUi many a proposal
from bashful lovers, who, under tho
mingled excitements of moonlight,
sleigh bells and tho bright eyes of their
lady loves liavo grown reckless and
asked tho momentous question which
months of parlor communion would
not liavo drawn out. When wo con
sider that this is also leap year, wo sigh
to think of tho many swnlns languish
ing in their sweet torinems and dis
quieting themselves with longings for
an old fashioned storm.
most deslrablo possession and is iu most
cases, a fair index to thochnracterof It-
owner. Thcro is no ono mini: in which
men differ moro widely, and to any ono
who will tako the trouble, tho study of
tho differences will prove Instructive
and amusing. A noisy laugh is not
nece sarily a good one. Somo men roar
in their merriment, heartily enough
but with no moro music in their out
bursts, than thcro is in the shriek of a
steam whistle. This kind of laughter
Is disagreeable; not es'on Its ovident
honesty can compensate for thestraln on
tho nervous system which it inevitably
causes. A really goon uiugnier is rare,
that is, ono who combines nil tlio excel
lencies with nono or few of the delects.
Wo have a friend who is perfect in this
respect or as near as may be. It's worth
your while to tell him a humorous story
Just to hear his glorious laugh ; to watch
his gradually expanding countenance;
to hear tlio premonitory ripple of mil th
culminating at last In tho rich, musical,
Iin, ha, hn, which comes from his very
heart and permeates Ids frame. Wo
havo on sundry anil distinct occasions
broken thoTcnth Commandment shock
lugly whilst listening to him. No man
with a generous soul could fall lo be
carried away by his contagious merri
ment. Old stories under tho inlluenco
of his enjoyment of them, become ns
new and afford tho teller moro satisfac
tion than when he-aid for tho first time.
You would naturally trut such a man,
his laugh Is n pcipotuul cudcutlal for
honor and liouo.--ty. He could not steal,
if he tried, unless ho changed Ids ea
ehlnuatory style. How different from
thefceblo ifforls with which some men
try to express amusement, using laugh
ter as If It wero a dutiable article and
tlu-y cuiild not afford to pay the tariff
Such arc "fit for treason, stiatugeni and
spoils." Wo do not believe history can
produco a first class rascnl who laughed
well not loudly and uproariously but
musically and heartily. Education can
itflVct, to a gieat extent, an unpleasant
laugh, rcllnemcnt will tone down a
noisv ono and constant watchfulness
and caro will make a better out of a bad
one, but a perfect Inugh, Is "born not
mado" and cannot boattuineii. nappy
Is ho who is blcfsed therewith, for his
welcome is always suro among his
In the Stomach a Seweu. Tint it
should be deluged with all sor's of dis
gusting potions? A weak digestion
may bo paralyzed pa-it all hope by such
dosing. Uio a ratlmal discrimination
Tlio espcrie-ic-i of a third of a cmtury
has proved that Jlonjhtml's German
Jlitterj nnd German Tonic exeicl-o a
I'ontiolling inlliieuco in cases of Dys
pepsin, Liver Complaint, Nervousne.-s
and General debility, which belongs to
no other niedlclno in existence. If
brUk stimulant is required, tlio Tonic is
preferable; but if thu invalid is of a full
habit, tho Hitters should be t iken. Sol
by all Druggists
Many people, particularly children
suffer with tho earo acho : and for the
benefit of such wo glvo a suro but slui-
do remedy. Put In two or threo dropi
ot Johnson's Anodyne 7".,iiiiiM,stop tlm
ear With undressed wool, b.itlio tlio feet
In warm water before going t ) bud, and
keep the heud warm at night.
Capt. Charles Stger, who keeps
superbstoek of livery horses Iu Portland
Me., Informed us recently that In uses
Sheridan's Cavalry Condition rowder,
regularly In his stables, and that tho ex
penso Is moro than offsut by tho diinin
Islied amount of grain necessary to keei
his horses always In good order.
Tin: boiisnnud lot (it Dr. John, now
oa-unicd by D. A. Reckley, Is offered
for stilo on reasonable terms. It Is ono
of tho most deslrablo and pleasantly lo
cated propertied in JJioomsnurg.
Apply to . R. F. Haktman.
Sinking Slowly. Diseases that nro
eiers rapidly to a crisis aro nottbo only
ones to be dreadod. Canker or dry rot
does not blast a treo as suddenly ns a
stroke of llizlituinir. but unless arrested
It destroys it ns certainly; ana in HKo
manner chronic debility, although It
does not kill with tho swiftness of vol
low fever, Is as suro to sap tho springs ot
lire ovenluaiiy as any acuto uiseaso, l
not enecked bv Invlejor.itimr mcdlca
tioii. Thcro Is something Inexprt-ssibly
tiiiii liing iu the spectiiclo of piematuro
decay. Langui r, pallur, ciimcutlun,
depie.-bion ol spirus, nud a oismsie nir
exertion, am iis ouliimry sj niptoins,
mid they should be promptly met by
tonic treatment. The best invlgoriint
aiid exbllaii'.nt that e.iu lie tidiiilulstce
in n ease of this kind Is Histetter
Stomach Hitters. The stimulating prln
cliiloof tho preparation rouses tho dor
mailt energies of tho system, and tlio
strengthening anil regulating pioper
Hen five a permanent and healthful
Impulse to tho vital forces thus brought
Into play. Thu falling appetite is ro-
uwai;eiieii,liic processes oi uigesiiuu nun
assimilation are iiiliekened. tlio nualltv
of tho blood is Iniprouil, tho secretions
breome moro naturui, ami every organ
that ei-nli Unites to the nourishment ot
the body undergoes salutary chungo. Ry
Ibeso means tlio repair of thu physical
structure is effected and its health and
vigor restored. Iu no class of diseases
has tho bciii'llceut operation of thu lilt
ters been moro marked and striking
than In those characterized by sreiieral
debllltvand nervous prostration. Ladles
affected with theso ailments Hud In this
most wholesome of nil tonics nud cor
rectives the safest and surest means of
iclief. It Is strong to restoronnd power
less to Inline. Such Is tho uniform te-s-
tlmony of "clouds of witnesses."
o I
0 '
0 I
a fa 3'
110(1 no,
2015 M 1
1801 l'
13.V2 Id
1270 00
1178 f0'
1202 01),
1377 00,
12.M 10
12.V2 20
1170 -10,
mj!) 00
a 2
233 00 1
2I82 12
330 32 1
023 03
72-1 (10
(10 00
1000 08
2111 28
1033 0(1 il
0127 70 1!
2200 17
1070 03 ,
2011 1 CO
1211 fill i
23o3 28 1
!lll l
C3 08 I 1301 78,,
1237 20
219,-. 12,
3010 -10 1
Ii 00
721 72
2203 10
as 1 1
I Ml
720 1
13I0!2I0 03
Hit) 1
20 83
20 83
II 00
1603 03
6281 f.0
1001 00
1070 83
22s!f 83
2527 00
1121 00
1510' 229 '18,01053 10)';S702l".'8,l01IO
5 Mhares Forfeited.
17021 27870
20 83'! 3108 83
25 03 1 1 1075 03
20 83 1 1 Kill) 83
120 30
32S 15
2330 00
3370 3(3
18101 15
$78.27x Receipts. .,,.
23,10 Amt., of dues, Int. and Ilne3...l8,01(..o.
" '.' ndvanco payments... 10,3s7.02
On 29 Loans
515,002,50 " (.secretary's S'dary
" Treasurer's Saliny
" Printing
" Hon hook, Journal, etc
" Court charges for Charter,
" Recording Charter
" Profit and Lass
,$ G,IS7,83
, 239,12
J. J. imoWER,
CIIAS. W. JHlLiljKll.
i-ANALL At llorwlck. .Inn. 271 Ii WJ, l lywi, fc"ii ol John mill Knto Mc.uiall.ogul
j years iu monuis imo it u.ij.
1 10
S 111
) U 11 L 1 O HALE
0 1'
VALU A 11 L K II liAli 1". H T A T i:.
Ily virtue of (in order nml di crco of tlio Court
i-iimiiiim l'H'iis or uoiumuiii i ouiny, .101.11
ult. llmicli lCc-sltr nml lvrry .loliti u-re, u
plIiMlloii of llio "ltniiilnu i'ic-i'k Monthly
i-eUiitior rrliu!," nutlior.r.cil to sell lor saiU
Mn.,lhlu ln,.ltni" IL nit'C O f L-l'nUllll COllSl-t- mi iicK1, nml 1 Iiik nnd IjcIiis o:
ilionoillnvt-stMiln ol l'omtlisiliiit, Iu tliiitown
Ot ( lltlV ISM, In lllU Klill iMiiuty of I o!l!Hiu!l,
V llll thu til'l-urU'tinlH -i4. .,-uiii uu-y in t.ii-u
llu- Miimi lo huluon I lira nrcmli lit ouu o t-loclc
lu Hit- niuinoou, on
When nml wlierj t'io li-rmsof i-alo v.lll Lu ma Jo
Uiionii.tinaUiioutuuihint'oulvt'ii hv
I'.Xiirll Kt-KIKR,
l-hlilfi .loll.V,
dun. of IhVIXf in Inu Cict-ls Monthly Meeting.
.I.iii. hlh, 1-T-J-1S14
Wn will tnri't ut our olik-i) In Illnnmsliur?.
on TilCllSDAV, ri;iii'.u.i(Y, i, ii,., ii -o'clock,
p. in., lo let llio hall, llinjornnow lirUuu
nt Millvillc, ovr Llttlu l-'lihlnitcmlt. Wool
M-oik lo bo put uoniiout h.iuuius ut otil lirKli-o,
AbutnuMit4 to Uu S fL'ct nbovonuir, and 11 I'll
.!. . .- nt too. niiu; olio 1 'li III hull Mioi-rsiriiu-
tinv. rt'ltm wnlls, slil-) to ho 10 lent limit
u idi. Vt-4t s'tlo 11) ana 7 respectively, 'lliu
Hono In oia abutments anil wlins walls to ho
UM'it l)- llll contrnctor. nucil iinii;cr, in u-i
,r , i'rii4umtill In- ot- lo oc nut 111 11GW Drill!;!.-
., iiv..,i i,Hcp noil iitiii. ,io lucto.l from amount
..r I nil. up lliiitl-ir. nmtli- lit.
tills olllco.
I l ill'Sl ItutlUi.-s, I Lotiuirrs.
II .1. ItFIIDI'.U, ) of
WM. KllAlTi:lt, ) CjI. Cc.
lllioiiishuri!,.liiil.'.'il, l-"l. 1 .......
Attest: U M. KIUCKIIAUM, L'lrrK. J.lll.U ,l-o
'agents wanted,
mark twain'.-) new hook i
It Is ti companion volumn to
" I N N O C E X T S A R R O A D,"
tif which
'100,000 Copies
llnvo nlti'.iJv bien orilercil. anil Is hllll ono ol
tli Iiol k, lllm tmnkKOnt.
Don't M iisln tlti'ii on b-ioUs no ono wants, but
tulto onn puoplo will klop you In I ho stri u'i. to
biincrn'u ioi . iiifiti is ,t null' must,,
tit I vi-liii reiul this hoolc will Ken clc-tl lv th It tlmo
huscoiuu. Apply nt ouco lor icriitory, i-ircu-
us, null H'rins. Aiitiri'ss
lii'i-'i.'inr.ti as.iimi:.vI). Piibllslioi-
Ict-M'71-tf 711 l-.insolll Kllci't, l'lillllili Iplll.l
i (iKNTJ Wavii.ii. Aki-1114 in. lUcinoii' moiicy
i at win : oru- in.iu in iininiiiir ii"'-. iiuv-
Hess lljlil ami iiuriimilillt. I'.iillc lusfli'C. U
Si 1 1 N bOX A I'll , '.i.C .-ll i'll'j(nr, I'Ol'llailll
The Groat Fires
In CHlrACO ncil Hn- WM hv llov i:. J. Oi on
M'Kni, I). !., ofCliliMKo. only compli'io hlsiory,
-.UU,-., -,.,.a, . tl-il, f -lliaillllllollll- klltil
l'lii'o tl.Hi' iOiXJ mients ii.uilc In'ai ilnvn. l'rotlls
Kii to ktlircll-l. AUCM'S W.VNTIUI. II
(jOuI)Sl'i:r:il & CO., 37 l'.irlcltow. New York,
(Incornnriiti'il lire) )
ill' l- 1U1.KM AiNil WIHl.ullJH-i,
H. P. IU rwii.en, I'ri-s't
II w 1 1 min.v ii-o-rics t
ill uu i-Thomas. TrcHi..
J. I". I'ni'itArii'.-i'c'y.
Oi o. Itonr.F.
Tor Insnrnuc or
J. 1'. KIU'K.YUri''
J.vs. s-rllltoi.hl:!!,
M. M. SiTu i:i.Eit,
It. T. llYON.
,Kon.-li.-s, Ail lr -ss
, , I'olumii i, I'.i.
nnilTM li1 'IMM)Q I fioo Hi want lor iniy
Ul I 1 1. II UfLI 1JUO . caso nl upl"lil llau
n i, in- Alilliliiln will noL cine. No until or tu
luni'-nlenie Heut on receipt of f.l.l'. H li
AUMsrituMI, M. D., lltulniH lusiiuulon,
ru n sji, rings, JIlcli.
A si 1th I Ulti; for this iIIMuksIhl- nmpl,ililt
Is U"i niHilo Iciiowu Iu a IrtatlMHnr Is octao
I. meki on I'orclitii mill Nullvo Herbal 1'icpara
Hons, publMioa by Dr. U. l'nm.l'S liuinvs. The
I rescriptlou uii4 itUcovereil by him lu Mich t:
nrovlileiilliil lutitiuer that ho cannnl conscleti
liou-ly U'luso to mako it known, uu It tins curt it
eei. boas- who has uscil It lor I'Tt. never liavItiL'
I ulnl iu it hIiikIociuo. Tho luiirUieiits may be
iibliilm-u li'om any ilrunnUt, A copy u'lit iteo tn
nil m pllc.iniH by mall, AililrcM Uu. I). I'll i:Ll'd
lll'.UW.N, m Urauil Hired Jeriey UU) , N. J
Sent by mall or lixpri us.
oi it hi:r D a plant e ATALOiiur-i rem is:
Niuiibertnit l"j pajjes, utul coulaiulut;
Kacli woi til tu leu llio etist of I'ntalouuc, uiullctl
10 uu applicants on receipt oi.ti t-euis,
i'i;a'i:it iii:.ii:usox,
Kcctls until, :i5 1'lirlluiult Ktrtk.t, N. Y
i-i nnn D i?r Aim imui by Con
viuw juaiwwiw yrcs lu nlatlylor
nir DniM-ry ami tuiu lu kavmu ciniijiiiiiu lioiu
tue luuiuun.
".Ily 4 niIU it AmuniT tlio Sluuv"
In order (t) innlro ronni for Sprlntf
Goods I will closo out tlio Inilmico of my
J. & I'. COATS' Cotton SO cts. per iloz.
Low For Cash
Legal Notices.
polled lii litreby c I veil that ilia toUowlHf pel I -llousfivr
Lkriiio to Mil liquor linvo been flint
ill lliu iToiiinnDinrv-B omen nuu mil 119 pnpwn
ml to tlio Court nt rtbruary term, A. D., 1171 1
Iittnel Holler, eiruuwootl twp ........Iliitcl
.1. V. Hnllatnv. " "
1 1 luniilirt v t'nrker " " "
John LettKOlt, . " " ........,. "
Ilirnui llM, lienioii "
Aii'lrew.l. lkolcr, lIutoii ... "
J. l'jul I-'n-. Heaver "
John S). Mnnii, Centre twp
Joini Davl, ' " .
Hi4loro llowell. Lime Itldgc...
lYiiiiuiu i-eiiir, i-euirniin,...,.M
William MHIir, Itttpert
William Uiiiitnrst. Htsitt.
IloKarliV. Kritiuer, Ori-i-iiwooU,
Willlsin 1'atrey, L'eulntllH..
iisniei i'. wurry,
P. H. hllll 111411. CM tAWlMtn TtallltltffnllKr!
D. Cotgrovo, ContiiKliHiii tw
lMirnril Curie-, Centiaila bom' " '
lierulinril sjtolincr, UloomsburK Hntinrntii
l ion tjiiiiii'ire,
Thomas Monroe, Couyneliam
it. ji, m.ui,i,it, 1-roiiionulor.
IHors nl AilmlnlntrRtloli on th-; estate of
1'auny Kline, lato ol Ornnao towntlilp, I'i.Iuiii-
oia county, i, nuve ueen graniea n ti
lleglsur ut xalil eoiiuty to Aliraiism Kllnn
name place. All persons liavlni: claims against
Urn estate of the tleceuent are ronnattatl lo lire
I sent tlitln lor iieltlemont, nuil thoiw llulhta lo
llio ettato lo unite p.-tyuient to tho utidaralgticil
nilmiulstrator without ilelsy.
Jan3J Cw. Atlrulnl-itrstor.
Opposite Brown's Hotel
Letters or lulmlul.lrutluu on tlintmnto of John
Ii. IlllVl. Ii.fn nf lit.. ilnn , nl ...
ooiitily.ilectnsea hnvu been gmntal liy thu lieu
lster or sali county to Hamtiel Apjilcman of
Mitno plnce. All persons having claims agslnst
tlmeninte of the ileculeuture renueateil to pre.
sent them for oetllement, and those Inilebt! to
file uttate to mnku payincnl to tlio unileralgiietl,
administrator without ill lay.
RAiiutij Arri.i.H AN,
Janj'72-Gw. Ailmlniatratur.
Itetlers ui nuininiMraiion on llio oHtate of
Catharine Ohl. lato of Hemlock twn.. e'olumbla
I county, deceased, have been crnuitst by U.e
Hcglsterol said eouuly to Kit Olil.iullnllilstru
tor. All pel-nous havluK claims ajxalnst tuees
latoof the decedent aio rts-iiesletl lo present
them for hettleinent. and those Indebted tu (ho
entate to make payment tollio uudernlguort, uJ
lnlulslratoin, without delay.
. "Hi'.
Jan. S,'72 0w Administrator.
l.,-ltp of ml ml li I st rut lull ou the ei-tnte nt
l-.pliralm Kvans, lato of Hrlaiereek townsliip.Co
luiiibla coiiuly, I'a., deceased, liao been nrinti'd
br IheltcKlslerofHal'l county to Daniel Itaiubreli
of the fiiliuo nlace. All nemoim bavins clatms
I or deiiiands Hitalnst tho decedent are luiuested
to liuikH them known, and those Indebted to
make payment without delay.
ii.i.'ii.n ih.-i.-i ii tin.
Junj'TJ-Ct Admlnistrutoi.
KSTATK 111-' Km UN Al.I.EN 1IUCU Vl.EW.riFO'Il.
l.etierHofii'lmluii.tratlonon theehlatoot Kllien
Uuekillew lateofl-'IslilUKcreek towushlp.Oolum
bla eounly, deceased, have been giiiuted by Uu-
itegisier in Ham couniy lo .loun npieoi rsew
Co.uinbus, Luzeruu eouiity.ra. All pi-rmius linv
lhit claims uealnHt tho cstato of thu decedent
Imo it-quested to pie.sent them lor Kcttlement,
and those Indebted to the estate lo make pay
ment to tho undersigned. administrator. wiUi.
I out delay.
juii.n l.U'l.i;,
jan 5 '7i!-Ct. Adnilnlstrator.
X- 1.-TATK01- ritll.U' KISTLKIt, IlEC'll.
I .etlers or uilinlslt allon ou llioeNtate of PlilMp
Klstler.laleof Ml. t'le.tsanl totvns-ilo. rolniui) u
I county, ileceased IiaMi been itrantcd by the It -lster
or mild county to Uetijamln Kistler and
John 1C slier of samo place. All pernons haviu ;
eiuiuiH iiEiiiust me utiiiiiu oi inn ueceaeut are re-
Inuesteil to present them for settlement, nud
tuosj lutlehted to tho eslutelo lualie payment to
the undersigned, administrators, without dolaj .
JOHN icisruut.
13 L O O S IJ U Tv G.
Wo ofTer a BILK C01!Di:i) POi'LIN
sold at S 1 .00 now nt per yard.
A splendid JAVAXEsK STUH'E .itSI.CO pjr
A full line of 11LACK
toSLVflpcr yard.
ALl'ACA from 33 cents
Our cent Alreea can't be beat, our 7j c
Alpaca prime.
And yon know our 63 ct. Alpacn'.ls the best In
the Maikct lor tlio money.
A Sixteen bono COUSET at0 cents.
Our Sl.tO Long bono COIiSET In wottli liuylnf.
nieached and
by Hie yard.
unblcRched MUSLIN, a full
nt II cents by the bolt, 15 cents
UEOiiai: iv EAvEH i in tno court, or
vs. V Common pluss of
JrjltN K. GnnoN. I Columblieountv
Nottco is hereby ulven thai the iinderslirned
I audi tor, appointed by said court to make distri
bution of tho proceeds of thu Slierlll 's Kale lind
under said writ, will procoed to tlio discharge of
iiiuuuticsoi nis appointment atiiie omeeuij,
O. Kree.e, Kkij., iu iiloomsburt?, ousaturd.iy,lio
mx uay oi r eoruary, 16,., at iu o ciocn in tue lore
noiiu,wlien nnd tvlicro all persons lrtvlng claims
upon llio lund arl'lnir from said sale are rtipur.
ed to niescnt them to the auditor or bo debaned
fiom coming lu upon &ald lund.
juu.l U. riiLr.',o,
Jan. 5,'72Cw. Auditor.
iiAf ivibtii I'mma wvnci'
i. taTATE or mr.AJi iiaicih, deo'd.
l.eliers oi Auiinuisiraiiou, ou itio cfttnto oi
Mltam Haker. Ia!e of Jackson townshtn. Co
lumbia county, tit ceased, liavo been irranti'il lit
Mm ller-fMler of said cntintr to .Tiistiti.i I'lllx.
ofsame place. All pcrsousmivlni;cialmsn.ilnst
the estate of tho decedent aro lcijuested lo pre
sent them lor settlement, ami those Indebted to
the estate to mako payment to tlio uuderslgni J,
administrator, without delay.
jusuu.v i nil,,
J:inCG'72-Cw Administrator.
a l'l At fvicnin a n'nnie N-npirt.-'
, ItillllllUllb.llWl. llUlOJlt,
LMlters nt ndmtnlstralloii on tho cslnte or
I'lilllp Miller, Into of Ueulro twp.. Columbl.i
county dee'd., liavo beouKraiitcd bv the Itealster
of said iiouutj. to llenlamlu Miller, of Kspy,
t'ol co., l'a., uud Abraham K. bhumuu, of Limu
itiue, i,oi, eo., i-u. persons iiuviuk t litiius
or duiuauds ae.tmst the decudeul ure ri-'iin-,.-ed
to make them known, and those tom-bicd
to mako puyiiuut. tiilNJAMIN MILLIJIt,
.l'lt 1. 11. ptllU.ll.s,
J,m:C7J-ljiv Admlulstratois,
Latllos Whiln HosP.
l.u lii's Merino IIose,
L'lilii'M U.ilnioial Ho?o
Ladles Hal tItr(nc. Hnsn.
Liulles Jroa Iranio Hose
Indies rillNGKI) felllTINU CLOTH for l'olo-
ualses nt S-.oo pi r yard.
Fk'ppf'il Hose,
Misses ont-linlf Hoso
Huso in cxtrtt Slso
MKses Ribbed Hoso
Men Wollcn ouo-half Hose
LkIIps Vests
Cardigan Junkets
LiullcH Cloth Qlove.s
Ladles Rerlind Gloves
Ladles Ruck Gauntlets
Catalogue of Eta ami Vc&etalile
S a E U fcs.
si'MMUit rLo.ui:ni-Nn hclih. foii ar.i:
Now ready, e'linslsilnsof over 111 pases , on rose
iiuien iiauer. wiui uiiwitriis ,m , si-iiuuiiu l itis,
ami sl-c HeautllulColoied Pllltest Cover, n licliu.
iirui des irn. lu emorK. 'ino nil nesi v itiouuo
ever piibibiliisl, s.eniri"ets for copy, not nnu-half
inovaiuooi tiieeoioreii piau-s. iniuHyini ortier,
aiuouiiilni; touot less than $1, the prlee ot e'ata-
loirue. j-x'.. will uo rt'iuillietl lliseeiis. .setv ens-
turners placed on the same loot with old. Kieo
Mold customtrJ. lulttpor weeds, sire of pack
ets, prices and pictiiliiuis oirered liiaso II to tho
udvantllL'u of all In purehaso seeds of u. heo
Ciilaloitiie for extraorilliiaiy liidueeineuls.
ion win miss ii ii jim uu uoi si-e inir cunt
lneile befnro oidei lmr Seeds.
I'.lilu-r nl our two t liroiuosfor 167.', slr.o 19x'.'l
one a tlnwcr piitti of llnlbous IMauis, conKlstlmi
of Lilies. i'.-tue other nf Annual, llieiililul nml
rereniilai I'liints. Kuannicni in"
.host i:i.i:fi.i.T i-'i.oitAt. ciimomos
ever IssiitiUn Hits couulry. A Mipcih parlor or,
iiaiueut; mailed, jmsl-paid, ou lecrlpt tit ;;-e.
also irte, oil conditions siecltled lu L'uliiloue
ACTIVK AO UN I'M to sell tho I'lnUIa nml Lyoa
tiiauiiiaciiuiui; t..u s iniiruvttl ?l'W r-linuiy oew
inu lacuiiit',
Oentirnl Olllco lor I'eijusylMiula, Niw Jersey
nun r.t'iuware,
I'U 12.7 tllls'rNUTSTl'llll.A.
3. 1 I'LLi.t sun, Mmiauer,
Will bo elven ono it-tun nelsons, (if eltltt r sex,
lu llLotMslmuu and iidloliiiiiu loMlis, by widch
they limy rtuliu irom t.-uu to 81ii a jiitr, Willi
out iiiiieiiiiern(rii.riiiii'i"i"nij ."i iij'.iiiun
ill sennit: iitii'sj,.iiifi.i. ait.ii i.itn oi lea
mi-ill. nml tinlii-isiil use. It lliu wholu time I:
ili'voteil it much laletrsum mil v bo leiilized.
Clicuhirs Jreo iiivluii eoiini'e'o list nf ititlclos
and c iiumissi us uunweil. 1. Htuuii ,v LU
Uobolieii. Is. j.
lsn lilsloiy cf hi r life as a prlsouei nniouirtliem,
A woi.dcrtul story einlorsed by army ulllceis,
e'oiit;resiueu, Ac. Hplendld InUuctiueuU to
neents to sell this uud til her WorLs. lncludtni; tho
best FAMILY 111 lil.l-'. Writ nt once to (junker
t'liy l'libllshlin: e'oiupauy, v'17 nud siv uulucu
bltect, I'hlladelplilil u'jwl
Wllir.NM'H M'-ATS l'Olll' IIAtlNlWS hOAl
. v r.r,J HI l:.M III- KIN1UI.
SjWiiii-1 IT tills, lllacks l'ollshes wild boans
ufrM)VVt 1 nl tho samo tlmo. I'm up lit luruo
S5.-SrH "'id small boxes, itlsu lu :i In bins,
3" Vsi4 llus been lu uso lor) car nud bIvcb
Sy perleet satisfaction, riend tluuip lor
our WAVKULY. Address tl. i WIIIINUY
CO. 11 .Milk M Iliston ,ntt. I. -ill li
Hucl; Gloves
Ladles 1- ur top Gloves
Gents l'nr to Gloves
Ruck Gloves and Mittons
Ladles Kid Gloves
Gents Cloth Rack Ruck Palm Gloves
Shawls of all Kinds.
Empress Cloth
Drci-s Goods
Duuilcs Robes
Rlaek Satin
Velvet Rlbons
Reaver Cloth
llv virtue of sundry writs Issued out of toe
Court of Common Picas of Columbia county
r.i., r.nd to nio directed will be exposed t
puoilcsuie at tne court Jlouse, in ineinuntJt
I onmvburir. on MONDAY, llio otntiayni r t n-
UUAllV, l.sTL', at onu clock p. ni., tlio lollowtm;
propeitv tn wit:
lil iiiiil ceiiitiit messuiifit-, itutiii'iii in-
house, and lot f cround situate lu Cittawls-ii
lownhlp iiiljolninj; jrortli httfetof Roberts r.d -tittlon
to llio town ol CulawtsMi bounded and
ilescilbid as follows to wit: Hounded on the
t-outli by Isorlll S'tieet e'oresnld, ou tho Kat liv
lauosoi iiLury jioiungsneau on me oiui i
lands ol the sumo and on tlio We-t bv lite ru1 -
lie road leadlim trom Calawlssa to llio upperfer
ly, toi'ther v, lib ilie heicdliaments audnpi -..i-
r-cled. taken lnlo execution andtoboiml l -is
tlio properly cf ChrKnaunn Hunt mil limi
All that cei tain niece, nnrcel and tract of l-i- d
sltuatti lu tho lownsltlpot Hemlock l'lthet'i-u-i-ty
of Columbia containing tliacies moro orb ss
adjolulni; lands of Thomas .1. V.iTider.slli-o on the
tsnulh, Hnbeit ltussell on tho West and Nonli
nnd .1. illester andersllcoon llio Kait, toitetiu r
with the machinery on mid premises uud at
larho i to tho hulldlUKS I'lcliidlnt; lmgtno. A ,
ustd for working of said machinery, and llio
quarry situate on the said premises,
f hero nre erected on said premises four tv,
slnry triune dwi Hint; houscK, ouu tramo slab!'
larito Lin Hi I i ii ti ( r Hit luamtfactuilng of ,
enitlno house, Ac.
rseizin, iitaeu inio esecil'inn anil in uo so s
the pioj city ol UioT.ioiuas stale Company .
All tint i nidi nrnlcco nl laiul sllitato lu I' i -
lownshln, Culuml'i'-i county, J'cniiH l t ,
iionntkil utul (ItvcrllxM hn loil wit: n
llio West by laiul ot TIhii.iuh l'ontlelU, on (I .
xinn uv ifliiit ui .jnnti nruiuTaiiu.minourc u-
wy uu tlio l-aht ii. (iut'iili'y ann J lit'inan ti -clersllcc.
nud on llio huuth liv Ynmlcrsllfe iu
Juliu Luttt n, cuntaluluK mxiy-Htur Bereti, be tin-
khiik1 jimrt' iir i n. wiicrtun is titcuu u biiiu i
ionKt) nuil stuLiio wan tliH MppnrteimucoH.
H-IzhI. tttkon lu oxecullon nud lo Ijo sold ns
, the xuopurty of Jolm Aplirgate,
A Ctrl nlu tnrt nf land fdtuittt !n I ot-bsl tn is -
ship Ct lumblu omiuty, l otmilt don lliuNuritj i-
IHIItl-i 111 r- HUh J lJf)IUUi, (Ul lll' 1JM Uy lllU "
"VV i-bU'y 1'euy, on tt v South bv lund of Will 11 m
T hunm, ou thu Wvhl hy lutuUot 1 1JU Yot'tn i
conliilnlug ninety-six ckkh umro or let- n
MJllCU IS CllCIill U IWO-Mlirj HMJUU UWi'li-UK
liou-e with llio nppurii imtipfn.
M.1 od, taU'ii luto cxt ctiilon aud to bu bold u&
tho luout'ity of jnhcjiti lhoiu'.K.
PUBLIC NOTICE. Whereas, by th-.'
Hill section of llio Act ol llio General t1
sembly ol the Commonwenllli of Pi linsylvtm, ,
approved May '21. A. 1). 1871, entitled "An act f i
r.ttul tlkhisuewlv lntioduced. or to bo Introduc
ed. Into the rleis Delawaio and Husiiuthunna
and their tilbutnrles; for tho protection also of
i losis mtiiliibt uulawiul tlslilug, uud tu previ -l
the Inlro-iuctlon ol nieilatoiv llshts Into tr, -I
t ,ii. ,t .il tor til littf iinriitts " 11 Is
C'lincun nvc n'1-1 A l?linwile mado the duty nf the seveinl Mierltls of i' e
ilbSllllClS flllll X1 JUllOlb eoutitlts of mid Commonwealth Iik In- m
il let lull ot llie streaius ineitoi, wueuiwi i -sluill
dtstott-r. tir be luloiiuid (d Ibe ixti-i
uf any tontmancu for llio catching of dsh
as aro couiiiioiiiy itnuwn lis iisu oiivuii, . , ,
u-lrs, kiddles, Iitusli or luscine neis, i any
tillltl peiinaiieiuiy sitiiniiijs to nikiuk ii.ii, u,
I In, miliiin nf it si mi. in l'Uf lell (!ll s llotlie ill
two in wepopersot their it si ttiiwcouuiits, tin t
llio said toutriviiniis are Unoun to exist, nnd
nro ditlnitil coiumon niiiM.iicts, ami tu oiutr
them to beillsimiiitlttl by ilnir ouueis or until-
utters men lore, in toiiii uuuy 10 ntiti act, i,
AAltOIs Mllll . Miertll ol Columbia county.
neicuy bivo
Oil. Cl.OTIIH H, CI and &-I wide.
TI-'A &1!TT& of iSplices, Juui stone ware ut
Our stock of THAU, COFFIU'il, Kl'ICFJS. 4c, Is
full uud at the lowest figures.
Our stock of NOTIONS Is full und complete.
liCOTh ii r.d MlOia, it full line.
CI.AIIK A- WOLF ute cloalnc out their stock of
B1IAWL8 at reduced jilces, many of lliem at
AVe cnrrlid no stoik oi FUIW over fiom last
siasoti, our pttstnt stock Is largo aud all now,
und w o oiler .bem Irom tiW to f W.liO per set.;
WATElM-nOOF CI.OAK1NO at 11.03, II.M,
JI.50 and 11,75.
Notice to All Whom it May Concern,
Hint llie contrivances for tlie taking of fl-h Ut
said act iiiiutluliid arc known In exist in Hie
North llruiicliofthuriusqULhiinuarlver,iiudt-i r
slltams iMiuiii ino ctiiuuy oi i omuinm, tu.n tu'
same nro declalttl to be coinmoii uulsaiKt''., - nd
that llio owners mid liifltiniAls ot said tontii-iim-csMo
lit-rtby utiuiittl to tiistiibiille 1.111 ti
liuive tl e mine wltliin tin tlnjs alter tie put- I
union l.trt ol, uri'i r Die it tulty .of l.svu k lo
sumo dtsinautltd und 11 n.i-Mil, us In sin, 1 . t is
iitovldeti. AAUON b.Ml'1'll,
blieilU'of I'oluliibtit county, l'a,
OO," A MONTH tu nil our Universal ( 1 in
Ot)IU fin, CoiublLiitiiin luntiel. Iluttnii Holo
cutter, tun! ollur aillcles. SAto Novn.iv Co,,
8uco, Me.
IllllfN, MlUtillIlS, HlUlllUN
aim r tn Is ot tvl bll d. Write for 1'ilro
1.1st, loUitul tktiin limi Works, l'lttsLuiiil,!
l'u, Army itunsuiid lkvohtis boujlil or traded
lor, Atmts Miiultd, us-lw