THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. Work roil "Winter. Whllo other work Is slnck, nttcntloti mtiy bo Riven to tho largo rooks upon tho farm, These can ns well bo properly drilled lu tho winter ns nt nny other 'senson of tho Mastitis cm bo deferred until tho ground has becomo sufllclonlly thawed to cnnblo ono to dig around thorn nnd loavo thotn frco from oxtornnl pressure. Jinny of tho holes, during rains or melting of snow, will fill with water, which, freezing, will often break tho rocKs, thus avoiding any occasion for blasting. Draw your plaster at this season that you may havo It roady for uso In tho spring. Solect your clover seed now, and use nono but tho best. This Is tho llmo to look up seed for noxt season. Got tho best; no matter at what cost. Poor seed gives poor crops, poor crops bring poor price.-?, nnd poor prices ranko poor farmers. Don't permit a slnglo animal to fall off In flasri j -koop them up In good henrt. Look woll to tho manuro pllo; lot nono of It wusio; save nil, every particle. A wtnto of manuro Is n stinting of your noxt crops. Throw tho horso manuro behind tho cows, that It may soak up tho liquid. Mix tho various manures and thero will bo less waste. Don't forget tho droppings from pigs and fowls. Save all. Keep your road horses woll and Bharp shod: many a fino nnl niril has been ruined by neglect In this matter. Don't lot any brood animal havo an opportunity to wander upon Ico; know whero they are. A little slip will frequently produco a proma turo birth, and n fall Is almost snro to do so. In mild weather, scrapo tho rough bark from tho fruit trees, nnd wash them with soap suds. How to Strip a Hide. Almost every farmer has occasion, at least onco a year, to tako tho hldo off either a beef or a mutton, now and then. In any caso there Is a right way to do this which Is worth knowing. A hldo pro perly stripped off is nearly square, but otherwlso it Is far from that shape. To proceed properly, lay the carcass on tho back, run a sharp knlfo from tho chin down along tho belly in a straight lino to the root of tho tail. Tho knlfo should have a sharp polntand be inserted edge upward beneath tho skin, when it should bo run steadily along. Then commenco at tho split of tho hoof on the foro foot and run tho knlfo down over the knee In a straight lino to tho brisket whero It meets tho main cut. When tho other foro leg has been completed, commence at tho heel of tho hind, go down tho back of tho buttock to tho split. Whon tho hldo is looso nnd spread out, it will bo seon that there are no such irregularities in its contour, as If tho cuts had been made down tho inside of tho legs, as Is often done American Agriculturist. How to Cure Hams. Hero is J. Howard McIIonry's recipo: Tho meat after being cut out must bo rubbed, piece by piece, with very flnoly pow dered saltpeter, on tho fle9h side, and whero tho flesh Is cut off, a tablespoon ful (not heaped) to each ham, a dessert spoonful to each shoulder, and about half that quantity to each middling and jowl; this must bo rubbed in. Then salt it by packing a thin coating of salt on the flesh sido of each piece, say ono half inch thick, pack tho pieces on a scaffolding, or on a floor with strips of plank laid a few inches apart all over it (that is, under tho meat) ; tho pieces must be placed Bkln sido down, in tho following order: First layer, hams; second layer, shoulders; third, Jowls; fourth, middlings-tako tho sparo ribs out of tho .middlings. Tho meat must lie in this wiso: six weeks if tho wea ther Is mild, eight if very cold-the brine being allowed to run off freoly. Spreading Manure. An exchango says: Wo think it a wrong practice, when hauling out manure in tho fall or winter, to place It In hcap3. It is better to spread It at onco. In tho first place labor Is saved. But most important of all is tho fact that much of tho manure Is wasted when placed in heaps. Ii spread at onco, it Is moro equally divid ed than It can be afterwards. Wo onco hauled out manuro on a field, leaving It In heaps until tho hauling was com pleted. During this time somo showers fell. Tho land was sown to oats noxt spring, and on tho spot whero tho heap had been tho grain lodged and was spoiled. Tho following crop was wheat, and on those spots tho wheat rusted and yielded nothing, whllo the growth of straw was remarkable. Wo havo never since repeated tho practice. Seed Corn'. Ears of corn that havo been selected for seed should bo hung up in a dry, cool place. Taken promls. cuously from tho crib in tho spring, it is moro than likely that tho majority or tno grains will havo becomo injurod and unfit for seed, and then tho whlto grubs, cut-worms and crows will be accused of destroying tho young shoots, which really never oxlsted. Thero Is no better placo to hang up the seed cars than In tho top of tho crib, whero mico or rats cannot reach them, and whero a constant current of air Is passing. If wo would improvo our corn, wo must select tho seed ns well as give It good cultivation. DirTiiERiA Cured with Lemon Juice. Somo tlmo ago, Dr. Revllout, In a paper presented to tho Trench Academy or Medlcino, asserted that lemonJuIceiBonoofthomostefllcacIous remedies that can bo applied to dlptho rla, and ho relates that when a drr sser in the hospital, his own lifo was saved by this timely application. Ho got thrco dozen lemons, and gargled his throat with tho Julco, swallowing a littlo at tho samo tlmo In order to act on tho moro deep seated parts, Tho doctor has noted numerous cases of com plete success obtained by this method f treatment. To Prevent TuRNirs Flavoring Milk and Meat. When turnips and rutabagas aro fed to milch cows and fattening sheep and beeves, tho milk nnd butter and meat will havo a decid ed flavor of tho roots. This may bo proventeu by feeding tho cows only Im mediately after milking, and by chang ing tho feed of fat animals from roots to hay and meal threo or four days pro vlous to slaughtering, thero will bo no unpleasant flavor In tho meat. A farmer recently killed a pig. and being asked how much It weighed, re. piled that It did not weigh as much as ho expected, nnd ho did not expect It would, "Youncf Folks. A Vox Outwitted. Ono day In tho'mlddlo of winter a haro nnd a fox took a walk together. It was during n hard frost ; tho ground was covered with snow, not n bit of green grass was to bo seen, and thero was nothing moving about, not oven a mouso or a robblt. "This is hungry weather," said tho fox to tho haro j " my limbs acho with cold." S"It Is, Indeed," answered tho haro; 'not a morsel of food to bo found any where. I could almost eat my own cars if I could only manago to get them Into my mouth." In this hungry mood they trotted along sido by sido. After some tlmo they saw a peasant girl coming toward them with n large baskot in her hand, and out of tho basket camo a smell which was very pleasant to tho fox and haro tho refreshing smell of now rolls. "I'll toll you what wo will do, puss," said tho fox. "Do you Ho down your full length on tho ground and pretend you aro dead. Whon tho girl comes up sho will put down her baskot to pick you up for tho sake of your poor skin, for haro skins make capital gloves. Whllo sho Is doing this I will run off with tho bread basket, and wo shall havo something to comfort us this cold day, Puss did as Reynard bid her, lay down ami protended to bo dead, whilst tho fox hid himself behind tho snow- drift. Soon tho girl camo up, observed tho haro with Its legs stretched out, put down her basket, as tho fox had Bald sho would, and stooped to pick up tho hare. In a moment tho fox jumped out of his hiding place, snatched up tho basket and was off with It Hko a shot acros3 tho fields, nnd Puss, coming to life again, scampered after her compan ion. Uut Sir Fox showed no Inclltm tion to stop and sharo tho rolls ; ho '.'! dently Intended to eat them ail himself, of which tho haro did not at all approve. However, shodld not utter a word until they camo up to n small poud ; then sho said to tho fox : "How nico it would bo if wo could get a dish offish, tool Then wo should havo fish and white bread, just liko tho groat folks. Supposo you dip your tall lu tho water, and tho fishes, which have not much to bite nt just now, will hang on to it. Hut you must not lose any time about it or tho pond will be frozen." Keynard though that some fish would bo a ereat relish with tho rolls. Ho wont down to tho pond, which was on tho point of freezing, and hung his tail in. After a few minutes the tail was fast frozen in, and tho poor fox was a prisoner. Then tiie hare took tho bread basket from under Itoynard'd noso and eat up tho rolls, ono after tho other, as coolly as possible,saylng to him, "Stop thero now until it thaws ; you ha'e only to wait till tho spring comes; wait for tho thaw;" and then sho ran off and left tho poor fox barking after her liko an angry ,dog chained to a post. The Tox, the O'oat, ana the Carrots. A fox and a goat were walking toge ther on tho main road. After having advanced a fow yards thoy saw a bag lying at tho sido of tho hedge. "I wonder what thero may bo in that bag?" said the goat. I'll sec," said tho fox, and putting his mouth to tho string with which tho bag was tied, ho bit it through In a mo ment. Then selzlug the bottom of the bag with his teeth, ho shook It, aud the most splendid carrots rolled out. "Theso aro for mo," said tho fox, "for I have opened tho bag." 'You shan't touch them," answered tho goat, "elso I'll batter you with my horns till your rlb3 crack." Tlio fox iookcu at tno largo norns 01 tho goat, and showed his teeth. The goat, seeing tho fox's teeth, thought within himself, "I don't Hko those sharp fellows." And tho fox thought, "I don't bnllovo my ribs would stand those horns." So they kept standing over tho car rots, and looking at each other, but neither had tho courago to touch the spoils. After a pause tho fox said : "What's tho uso of our standing hero? Lot is see which of us is tho stronger. Yonder aro two heaps of stones. Take you one of them and I'll tako tho other, and ho who first throws down his heap shall havo tho carrots." 'Very well," said tho goat. So they went each to his heap. Tho goat placed himself on his hind legs, and hooked with his horns till the ground rebounded, but tho heap kept immovable. "You don't hit hard enough," said tho fox. "Tako a run at it." Tho goat went n fow steps back, and ran at tho heap as violently as ho could Crack 1 crack! and both his horns fell down to the ground. When tho fox saw this ho began danc lug upon his hind legs. "Ah, my dear fellow," said he, "tho carrots aro now for mo." "Not yet," said tho goat. "You have not thrown down your heap, and if you touch tho carrots boforo then, I'll fight you with tho stumps that aro left on my head." Tho fox looked at tho goat's stumps, and thought, "Ono of them Is very sharp; ho might rip up my sides." "Vory well," ho said; "I'll throw down my heap ; It's a triilo to me." Tho fox began digging around with his forefeet till thero was a largo hole In tho ground. Tho heap tottered and fell ; but, halloa 1 It fell on tho fox and broko his left hind leg. Thero they stood, looking at ono another with sad countenances; tho ono with broken horns, tho other with a broken leg. "Jump at tho carrots," said tho goat, maliciously. " I now lcavo them to you." "I can't," sighed tho fox; "my leg pains mo too much. You may tako them." "Very well," said tho goat, and ran toward tho bag. But, oh dear I there was neither bag nor carrots, for during their quarrel a peasant had passed by and picked up both. "Alas 1" cried tho goat, "what fools wo aro I Had wo divided tho treasuro In peaco, I would havo saved my horns, you your leg, and each of us would have had enough of carrots," If yoirljnow anything Hint will mako a brother's heart glad, run quick nnd tell It; hut If It is something that will cnuso a sigh, battlo It up. Fatont Modicinoo. LN APPEAL To Debilitated Persons, To Dyspeptics, to Huuerera irom ljiver iMmiiin nt. To thoso having no Appetite, To thoso with Brokon Down Consti tutions, To Nervous jiooplo, To Children Wasting Awav. To tiny with Dobliltatod Dlgostlvo Organs, Or suffering with any of thefollowlnp Symptoms, which indicate Disordered titver or stomach, such ns Con stipation, inward Piles, Fulness or lllooil to tho IIoiul, Acid ity of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Komi, Hour Eruso.'tatlons.SluklugorPliit torlngnttlm Pit or the Stomach, Swim, mlnuof tho Head, Hurried nnd Difficult Brcathiiif. Plultcrluir nt tho lloirt. Choklni or Sniroentfng Sensations whon In n Lying Pos- lure, inmness oi v tsiou, uou or weus ooioro thoSlght.Fovernnildullpnln lu the head, DoHclcucy ot Perspiration, Yellowness or llio Hkln nud Eyes, Pnlu In tho Hldo, Had:, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Huddeu Flushes of llo.ll, Burning In the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, nnd great Depression of Spirits. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS. A Blttorj without Alcohol or Spirits of nuy kind, Is different from bII others. It is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Principle of Hoots. Herbs. 'nnd Harks, (or us medicinally termed Extracts,) mo wouuiossor inert portions ot me inurements not helns used. Tneroforo In ono llottlo of this Hitters tucro is coutnlnod ns much medicinal vlrtuo ns wilt bo found In several gallons of or dinary mixtures. The Roots, Ac., used In tills Hitters nro grown In normally, ttiolr vital prin ciples extracted in that country by n sclciillllo Chemist, nnil forwarded to the manufactory In I tils city, where thoyura compotiudcl nnd hot lla.1 (Vntnltilnt i .nlrllnmiH I HLfnit Inn t a fltla Hitters Is rrcofrom tho objections urged ngaiust nil others! no dcslro for stimulants can Do In duced from their use. thov ctutiot make drunk ards, nud cannot under nny clrcuruslaucos, haro nuy out n ucucnciai eiicct. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not inclined to oxtreme blttora, nud Ls Intended for uso In cases when somo alcohol lo stimulant ls required lu connection with tho Tonlo nronerttcs 01 tho Hit ters. Each botllo of the Tonlo contains ono bot tle or tho Hitters, comblnod with pure SANTA CRUZ RUM, nnd llavorcd In such a manner that I lie oxtrcmo bitterness of the bitters Is overcome, forming a preparation highly ngreetblo nud plensaut In tho palate, and containing tno medi cinal virtues or tno Hitters. Tho price of tho Toulo Is 1.50 per Hottlo which many persons think too high. They must lake Into considera tion that lliu stimulant used ls imarnuteed to bo of n puro quality. A poor nrttclo could bo fur nished nt n cheaper prlce.but Is It not better to pay n little more and have a good article 7 A me. 1 1 clnal preparation should contain nono but tho best Ingredients; nnd they who expect to obtain n cheap compouud, nnd bo bouellltoi by It will lnostceriniuiy uecueatcu. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN bitters, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOFLAND'S podophyllin MM., WILL CUIUS YOU. They nro tho Greatest UIiOOl) PURIFIERS Known to tho Modlcal world, nnd will eradi cate diseases arising from Impure blood, Debility of tho Digestive Organs, or diseased I.Ivor. In n shorter tlmo than nuy other linown remedies. The wholo SUPREME COURT of Pennsylvania Sl'KAK FOH THESE IlKMEDIES. Who would nsk for more Dignified andStronger Testimony T Uon. Qcoitac W. WoonwAKD, former Chief Jus. tiee of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, a present Member of Congress from Pennsylvania lariles: rniLADrxniiA, March lGth, 1807. I find "Iloolland's German miters" ls n eood tonic, useful In diseases of the digestive onraiiM. and of great benetlt In cases of debility nnd want of nctlon lu tho system. Yours truly UEOIIUK W. WOODWARD. Hon. James Thomson, Clilefjust ice of Hit Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April 2S, 1807. I consider "HooUand's Germnn Bitters" a val uable medlcino lu case of attacks ot Indigestion or Dysponsla. I can certify tills from my expe- rlenco of it. xours, Willi respecr, JAMES THOMSON, Hon. Qeoroe Shakswood, Justieeofthe Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Juno 1, 1SC3. 1 have lound bv experience that "Iloolland's German Hitters" Is a verv irood tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly, UKOItUlS OUAK3WOOD. Hon. Wm. F. Rogers, Mayor of the City of llujfalo. N. Y. Mayor's OIUco, Buffalo, Juno 22, 1S09. I havo usod "Hoollands German Hitters nnd Tonic" In my family during the ptst year, nnd can recommend them ns an excellent tonic, lm- lartiug luue mm v igor totue system, llieir uso tas been productive of decidedly bencllclal effects. Wm. K. Roanns. Hon. James M. Wood, L't-Mayorof Williamiport Pa. I tal:e great nleasurolurecommendlns" Hoof- land's German Toulo " to nny one who may bo mulcted with Dyspepsia. I had tho Dyspepsia bo badly it was Impossible to keep mylood lu my stomach, und I became so weak as not to bo able to walk half nmllo. Two bottles of Tonic ellected n perfect cure. James M, Wood. Remember HOOFLAND'S 0 HUMAN BITTERS, AND IIOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Will Cure every caso of M A 11 A S M U 6', Or Wasting nwny of tho Body. KEMEMUER THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Aro tho medicines yon require to purify tho Blood, excite the torpid Liver In healthy action, nnd to enable you to pass -safely .through nuy hardships or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S O D O P II Y Li Ii I N Substitute for Mercury Pills. two pills a dose. 2 he most Powerul, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic known. It is not necessary to tako n handful! of theso Mll li ,iriMli,rA tlin il..uli-u.l . .. Pills to produce the desired effect! two of them nctnuicktv and nowerfuliv. net quic Htomacli and liuweU of all lmpurltleu, TUu principle Ingredient ls Podophylllu, or tho Alco. none i.iimci or Ainuuruue, which ls by many times muia puvrctiui, nuking mm searching matt the MaudrnKe Itself, lu peculiar action Is unou tno J.lvcr, cleaning 11 speedily from nit obstruc tions, with all the nower id Mirfiirv v..t. in... from the Injurious results nttachod to the use of mat mineral. i' or nit uisenscs In which the uso or a cathnrtle is luuicaieu, ineso puis win give euuro sallsfae tlOD lu everv rnui ThAV Nt-IVIMt 1.MII. iu i-uses oi i,iver uomniaim. uvsnensia nmi extremo cnstlveness. Dr. Hooilund's German Hitters or Tonlo should ho usod In connection w ith the Pills. Tho tonlo effect of tho Hitters or loulo builds up thesystem. The Hitters or Tonlo purities the Blood, strengthens tho Nerves, iiku- and vigor r" " itrenglh, energy Keep your Dowels nctlvo Willi the Pills, nud tOUO Ull tllA NMom Ullll ltlttupu , TmiU no disease cau retain tho hold, or even u'ssall Recollect thnt If la lrnnv, , wmu MAN Remedies that are so universally used uud iiiguiy recoinioenaea j ana ito not allow the Druggist to Induce vou in ii.w, r.i.vti.i,,,. n,, may hay Is Just us good, because ho mattes a These Remedies will be 6ent by express to nny locality, upon application to the PR1NCI. PAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, oai Arch St., Philadelphia. CII.IS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Those ltcmodlM are for talo by DruggltU storekeeper!, nd Medlcino nealors every woe Miscellaneous, J W. NILE3, MUSIC W A ItjK ROOMS A general nssortmout of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE .W.VAYU ON HANI), VIOLINS', CONCERTINAS, PLAGOLKTJ, FIFES, DRUMS, HARMONICAS, AC. VIOLIN STRINGS OF TIIE BEST QUALITY TIIE LATEST SHEET MUSIC. PIANO AND ORGAN STOOLS ALL STYLES AND PRICE-J, A HKTTKIL ASSORTMENT t)V ORGANS THAN CAN III'. I'OUND THE TEMPLE ANGELIC ORGAN WHICH HAS THE SWKISTE3T TONE THAT CAN UK FOUND IN A REUD ORGAN. AT-Cnll nud cxamlno heforo purchnslns cl' where. Wnreroom Main Street, below Mnrltel, upiMj-siiH i;oreu a iiirnuuro warerooms, uiooins burg, Pa, ung.25',71-ly HEAD QUARTERS POR BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT E.M.KN0RRS CHEAPEST AND BEST The County Affords AT 0 ASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Come and Examine. Before Purchasing Elsewhere. E. M. KNORR, BLOOMSBURG, PA. September 8 1671-tf. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM IMlJKJDtt CLOTHING. HE HAS TIIE FINEST QOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS TIIE it i: s t w o it u iii i: For aood flU nnd nrninntuo In tllllm! nnli rs thcie is tho idaco to go. Ills troods nro selected wltn earn nnd Ids Cus tom Work will compare favorably with the best noria ui mo jahuiuuuuie cuy denier. HE 1CEEP.S A LARGE STOCK OF HOYS' AND CIULimilN'S ClOTMIXU AND GEM'S' FUKXISIIIXO GOODS, At Astonishingly Low Prices, llloomsburg, Sept. ia, iS71-tt JOHN Q. JACOBY'S BAKEHY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, I'ENN'A. The undershrned would resnertfullv Inform the Citizens of Berwick, nnd vicinity, thnt lie uus ujjeueu u uuieciiuuery uuu xiauery lu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick, Pa., where he is prepared to furnish PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS &C, &c, Ac, Ac. BY WII0LE3AI.S AND I1EIAIL. Among tho nRsortment will lm fminil rrtam bcrts. Figs, APPles, Cocoa Nuts, jellies of -j'ltlt-r. ent kinds, Mustard. Catsup. Pickles, Chocolate, i i u i7 'VJ". "r nun en, ins- Hoap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En. FISH AND OYSTERS, And produco of all kinds. Fresh Bread nn Cakes every day. Ico Cream In Season, Your puirouagu is soiicneu, JOHNG.JACOBY. Berwick, Jan 171 tr (if) CENTS PER POUND FOR BEST TEA IMPORTED I GREEN, BLACK, JAPAN AND MIXED 1 1 BROKEN TEA LEAF!!! This "nroken Tea Leaf " Is ol the finest Quality nudofthe most exoulslt llavnr. It Is uro leaf, wholo leaf, nud but one half Its prlco. All tho f1rht-clQ,H hnlfllfi llirniK.lintil tl.a try lire using It continuously and nitlsfjctorlly. It Is put up lor family lite lu caddies of li ,...H..US, M-, behujj w. ti.t iu uy uuures. and for the trado lu half chostn, upon which will bo HiuHiit iiuum uibcouui. Dumpies sent free. PIIILA. "BROKEN TEA LEAF CO." . .. - No.HSonth FRONT Mrent. Jant9'7S-3m. PHILADELPHIA. Miscellaneous. M ILLEU'8 STOKE. S. It, MILLER & SON, liavo romoved their Storo to tho room formerly occupied uyMcudoiiliall.on Mnlnslroot, Mourns burg, nearly opposite tho Episcopal Church whero they nro dclormlnedtoscllounimoiicraio terras ns can bo procured olso where, Thler stocS comprises LADIES' JJRE83 GOODS of tho choice! styles nnd latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Good.i and Gro ceries, consisting of tho followlni x t tlctcu Carpets, Oil Cloths, oths, Oasslmeren, Hhawli", rinunolf, Slllcs, White Goods Lluens, Hoop Skirls, Miullns, llollowwnre Cednrwnre Queenswarc, Hnrdwnra Hoots nnd Shoes, ilntt nnd Oapa Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looblng-aionae), Tobnci'o. Coffoc, Snsno, TeM, Wee, Allspice, Gluiier, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In ohott, everything usually kept lu country tores, to which they Invito the attention of the public goncrally. Thohtjhcst price will bo pr.ld for country produco lu exchango for goods. 0. II. MILLER & HON. HI jomsburi: l'a. oct 1371 tf N EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh nrrlvnl of FALL AND WINTER GOODS DAVID LOWENBnitO Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at bis store on Main Street, InShlvo's block, one door Webt o C. C. Marr's store, Bloomsburg, Pn., where no has Just received from New York and Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable, and baudsomo DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of nil corts, sizes nnd colors. Ho hns also replen Ishcd his already large stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES. SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand n largo nnd well-be- ected nssortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS. which ho ls prepared to inairo to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd in tho best manner, All his clothing ls mndo to wear, and most of It ls of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ol orcry description, fine aud cheap. His caso ot fewelry ls not surpassed lu thisiplaco. Call aud examine his general nssortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. oct!3'71 DAVID LOWENBERG. Tm: i.oiu:uir.NT3 that COMPOSl! UOtSAUAMS nro 'puMUlKil on ovel vpacKagcllicro lore it is not n ictrct piquration, j consequently U'ursiciAxs rr.KSCitmn it His a certain ruro for Scrofula, Syi!iilH in all it, form?, Kliciiina ii4iu. .Iwn DiHraiei. I.ivcr Com plaint and nil diseases of tho lilood. o:n eo:tl"3 or ecsadaiis will do moro rood tlian ten liolllea of tho Syrups of Sarsiparilh. THE UNDER'JIOMCD PHYSICIANS have mcil Itoida1is in their practice tnr llin msl tlirpn vcirs nnd fitel'J lomlorro it isn reliable Altcratite jaiul IiluuJ Purifier. nn. t. c. T-rrw.or Eaitimoto. im.T j. jioMii.v, nit. it. w c Aiui. " lint p o. pasnki.i.y, " jUlt. J S. Sl'.UUtS, ot MchoUsWUe, Kj. pn. J. L. McCARTHA, ColumWa, S (. Pit. A. 51. NODLP.S, r.Ugecomli, N.C. j USED AND ENDORSED BY J. I). FKI'-NVH t EONS, Fallltlicr, Mas.. F. tt . SMITH, Jacliwn, Mich. A. I Will. l.I.Ut. Lima, Ulno. II PAM., Linn. Ohio, t it.' VKX il CO.. (,..i,lnnsill)c, Va, SA.'l'I.. (!. M.I'AUUH.N, Murlrcos. torn, Tciui. Our space will not allow of any ex. tcilrd miiall.s 111 jfUtiim lu tho l.-tuciot Kowlalis. Totlio McJic.J riolclou wo gualantco a 1 1'lld I'x-tra-tsupcrlor tu any they liavo ever uc.l in the treatuiL'iit ot diseased IIIoihI i and to the ftiitirteil wo say try ltosa.l.-iIi3, an I uu Mill bo rcsloici to luMllll. Itoin hlh is n .1 1 I v all ririitrIstj. price 0 1.3U l-r hottlo. Adilrcsj D3. CLlI2i;T3 ti C3. Mcivfcctiriti Chtmitti, U.vltiuohi:, Hd. ALTIMORE PIANOS. We resnectfllllv call tho ntteiittno nf tlincn dehlrlnij to purchase our mako of Pianos. Wo uro iMiisueu inai wo con mvo batisiaction in overv case. Our workmen skillful ami nynrrfen. ced and nro uudcr tho personal hiiperluleudenco of tho members of our Ilrm. Wo uso only the urs, Bi-u-suiivu iiiuuer, iniu vuo iiiaierim in gene ral ls tlrbt class. Our Pianos without exennllon have the patent agraftes arrauecment through- uui. ,tiiti;i4 ill lliu Mjiiiuuil Ul lliu uiosi COinpO- tetitlndues ls nronounced valuable, iw ibis im. provemuut n Piano Is made moro durablo nud keeps the to'io longer. We claim for our Instru ments that they aro second to none, nud they comblno all tho essential elements that consti tute superior workmanship. Wo will ulvo u written guarantee fur flvo years. i Mr. Co.siiAI) FitEIMAN, member of our firm, will visit llloomsburg tour tlmos n year to re pair uud attend to tuning of all Pianos. In the absence ot Mr. Fkeijtan. Mr. I. 1C.Mii.lek will attend to our business In Illonuibburg und ls authorized to receive nud bollclt orders. Wo cau give tho very bebt references. O.VEHLE&CO. Baltimore, M. 1). I. K. Mii.t.ku, Dealer in Pianos, Organs and Melndeons Uve octavo nnd live stop orgntis ot the bost make, sold at 9110. Terms ensy, Juno 23 A QENTS WANTED FOR -CX A VERY SUPERIOR 1100IC, "EOW IN TIIE CLOUD." Edited by RT. Itr.v. WM. BACON STEVENS, I). D,, lu L. I), ' It Is full of thor(cirj(and rarest thoughts, nn folding the ulurious Coiivennnt Promises oi our God. Suptrbly Illustrated undbouud lumto do klsns of rre elegance, It ls a Utm oinong books, Man's Herald. it Ispne of tho most elegant Looks over Issued from tho American press Watchmun una Jltjtcc tor. This Is a book of surpassing beauty. A'. Y, OS icrter. A I.0VELV J100K i'OB A HOLIDAY Oll'T, Enriched Willi SO exquisite gems of poetry, f int-class Agcntsnro mnklng 8I0to 8)per dny, Prlcolow, Terms extrn. For t;trcnlars address, , HUilllAltO BROS., Publlahers, dcc'8 71-tf 711 hansom St., Phlla. "TTALUADLE PROPERTY TOR Y SALE. i'ho undersigned wlslilng to rctlro from busl niss now oilers nt private sale his entire propor tysltusted In Oruugevllle, consisting of it ono half Interest lu the well known FOUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS, together with tho Englno, Lathes nnd other Ma chinery bclouglug to the same, nlsn tho entire stock now ou bund, together with it valuuble pair of horses, und llio wugons, sleds, Harness, Ac. also bin town lots on which Is erected a good frame dwelling, also, twenty-live acres, known rs tho Dr. Iitt properly about ten of wlilcU uro cleured, the baluuee Umbered, Prices reasonable. Possession given at any tlmo to cull purchasers. Apply to or address, . ... WILL1AV SCHUYLER. oct, 6,'7Mf, auguvillo, Columbia co, l'a. Drugs and Ghoinicnlo, fP HE PAUSE AND CURE OF J. CONSUMPTION 1 no Iiriiimry euu-w u vuusuiui'i.i'i. mcnt of IhodlRcstlVo omens. This derniiKomout irotluces ucucicni nuiriiion nun ussiuuihihi n i.. naimllntlnn t mejin flint nrot'css brwhlcll tlio nutriment ol tho food U convcrloil Into blood, nnd thenco Into tho solids of tho body. rersons who uiaesnuu iiiu-, iiui..iivv,. tho slightest predisposition. to pulmonnry dlj cnso.or It they latio cold, will bo vory llablo to hnvo Consumption of tlio Lungs in somo or lis formst nnil Iliold Hint It will bo Imponlliloto euro nny caso of Consumption without first re storing n good digestion uud healthy nsslmlln lion, Tlio verv first thing to bo ilono Is to clennso tho stomach nnd bowels iromnll itlsra'.cd mucus nnd slime, which Is clogging tlieso orgins to thnt they cannot perforin their functions, nnd then louso up nnd restore tho liver ton henllhy nctlon. For this purpose tho surest nnd best remedy Is Sclienclt'ii Maudrnko Pills. Theso Pills clenn tho sloninch nnd bowels of nil tho dendnnd inoibld sllmu Hint Is causing dlseao ni-ddecny In tho wholo system. They will clear out tho liver of nllillscnsed bllo that has nccum; tilateil there, nnd ronso It up to n new nnd henlthy nctlon, by which natural nnd henllhy bllo Is secreted, 'rhoMomncli.bowcKnndllvcrnrotlinscIcnu'i. ed by the use of Schenck's Mnndrako Pills) but thero reir.nlns In llio slomnch nn excess n ncld, thoorgnii ls torpid nnd the nppcllto poor. In tho bowels the lnclenls nro weak, nud li nulr pg strength nnd support. It Is In n condition liko this Hint Schenck's seaweed Tun o proves to ho tho most vnlunblo remedy ever dl.coverod, It Is nlknllne, nud its uso will noutrallzo nil excess of ncld, mnklng tho nomnch sweet nnd frosh J It wlllgUoperinnncnltono to this Important or gan, und crento n good, hearty uppetllc, nnd pre p.ire the svstem ror tho tint primes of a good di gestion, und ultimately mako good, henllhy, living blood. Alter this prepnrnlury trcntmeut, what retuulns to euro must costs of Consump tion Istho Ireonnd persevering uso of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. Tho PulmonloSyrupnourlihos tho system, purines tlio blood, nnd Is leadlly nb sorbed Into the circulation, nnil thence distrib uted to the diseased lungs. Thero It ripens nil morbid matters, whether In tho tormol abscess es or tubercles, and then assists Nnturo to expel nil tho diseased matter, In tlio form of free ex iit'ciorniton. wlitn onco It rlneus. it ls then, bv tho great lienllng nud puitlylng properties of Bchiuck'a l'ultnonlo Syrup, that nil ulcers nnd cavities nto heulcd up souud, nud my patient 1 cured. Tho essential thins to bo dono lu cur Ing Con sumption Is to got till a gooduppetlto nnd a good digestion, so that tno body will grow lu Ilesli and get hlioiig. if u person bus diseased lungs, .1 cavity or nlwcss there, tlio cavity cannot heal, tho matter cannot ripen, 10 lougns tlio sys tem ls below pur, What ls necessary to euro is n new ordor of things, a good nppetlto, n good nutrition, tho body to grow In Menu nud get fnti then ftntuni ls helped, the cavities will heal, llio matter will ilpcu and bo thiowu oil' In iga iinauttiles, nnil tno person reg.un sirengin, i hw Is tho ttua nnd only nlun to cure fonsumtr tlon.tind If n person Is very bad, lrtho lungs nro not entirely destroyed, or oven It one lung Is en tirely gone, If theru is enough vitality leH lutho oilier to heil up, tlieiois hope. I hnve seen many persons cured with only ono sound Iting, live uud enjoy it lu to n good old tig". This Is what Schenck's Medicines will do to euro Coubiiiiiplton. They will clean out thostom vh, nwecten nnd strengthen It, gut up n good diges tion, nnd gloNnturu the assistance she ueeus to clear uio system oi nn mo uibo.iso 111a1.11 m iuu lungs, whatever tho torm may bo. 1L Is ImniirtanL tlint whllo Uhllnf Sehonck 3 Medicines, cnrohliould bo exercised not to tako coin; Keep iuuoors in com nun ii.iuip i, .,iv-. , avoid night nlr, nnd Inko out-door exerclso only In n penlul unit worm sunshine. I wish It distinctly understood thnlwhon I rec- ommebu a pntientto uocureiui in regnru in inic Ing cold, wlillo using my -Medicines, 1 do so for u special reason. A man who has but partially re covered lrom the elltcts of a had cold Is far moro ltablo to n relanso than ono who has been entire ly cured j nnd it ls precisely tho Mtno lu legurd to Consumption. So long us tho lungs nro not perleclly lienled. Just so long ls thero imminent nauger oi n mil return ui me c!ibeiu.c. iiencu it ls that I so strenuously caution pu I moniiry pa tients ngalubt exposing themselves to an uliuos pheio that Is not genial nnd plensnnt. Coiiilnn ed Cousitiniillvcs' lungs nro n mass of sores, which tho least change of .atmosphere will ln tlame. The uraiid secret of my success with my Meillellii'H consists In inv nbllltv to subdlio lli- tlitiuinatlou Instead of provoking It, ns ninny of tno lacuity no. ah luuaiueii uing eauuoi, witn safety to tho patient, bo exposed lo the lilting blnsts of Winter or tho chilling winds of Spring or Autumn. It should bu carefully shielded lrom nil tri-ltiitlui? llllluenci'S. Tlio utmost cnutlon should bo observed In this particular, us without ii n euro turner inmost any circumstances is nn iiiinossibilttv. Tho person should bo kept onn wholesomonnd nutritious diet, nud nil tho Medicines continued until tho body lias restored lu 11 the natural (inutility of flesh and Htrcngth. I wns lnyscll clued by this trontment of tho worst klhd of Consumption, aud hnvo lived to get fat nnd hearty theso many years, with one lung mostly gone. I havo cured thousands since nnd very ninny have been cured by tills treat ment iioui i iiu o tie er seeu. About tho First ot October I expect to tnlco posscsstouof my new building, nt IhoNortheus Corner of Sixth nud Arch Streets, whero I stint bo pleased lo glvo udvlco lo ull who may requtro tt. Full directions nccomnanv nil rav Remedies. so thut a person lu nny purt ot tho world cm bo rcauui cured oy it su ict onservsncooi tno same, J. II. SCHENCK, M. 1). Philadelphia. Johnson, Holl.tway A Cowdon, Gil Arcli street Philadelphia, wholcsalo ngeuts, luovl7'71-ly. A GREAT MlW.?;-l ' . Dr. WAL3Xrr.' - YINEG-AB i:liA vo s Hundrctla tf T5iai...u.:.' "r; IIcartMtlmenytot1ilrV,oafitr- C t." o o fat Curative LiitcU. i US WHAT ARE 7HEV? slii d t, 13 O-p.S THEY ARE NOT A VILIi iia FANCY D R I N 1! r p tr t BUJoc? fcfior tim. Whisker, Proof Bolrlta nnd Itcfiiso l.icuur, doctored, Fplccd andGwcct tned to please tlio taste, callcd"TonIc,""Arpcti2 cr:," "Restorers," c, thnt Iced tto tippler cn to drucLcnncES and mil., bit a truo McClclnc, xr.cdo from tlio Natlvo Roots cai ltcrbs of Csllforcla, irco frnm lilt Alcoholic StiiiiiilnutQ. TLcyaro th3 CRRAT 11I.OOI) PllUIPlEtl nud A LIFE (ilVlM! PltlNCIPLEopcrfcct I'.csovctor cad Intljoratcrcf tiicEyttoa.carrylr.sotT allpolionons l-altcr aad restoring tho tloocl to a healthy condition. ::opcrsoa canta'j ttcto Ep.tcra tccorClcs tocuc t.onasdrcnii:Ialoii2tii.v.c:i, 6100 wlllbo Etvcnfvrca lccuratu case piurt"H tio bones aro net destroyed by inbera' volaon or ctticr jaeacs,a-a .3 Uattrjaaa vi-ttc 1 ?ndt'.io point of repair. For InltuiunilitcTy nnd Clircnlc llhcntnn t'.sm nud Gout, I)) crop, lu, or ludlco'itlou, U c SI I c:i t mi! 1 lit ci i.;l 1 1 l t; t I'c.cin HUt.ucu cV llio lllocd, Ltvcr, Illducys, nud llltiduc:, tutbO UltiLin tcto btta i..o-t f. cccc: lu'.. Blltli DIlccmu ud cautd 1 Miluted E!uod v. ii'.cti Is ircntrally irouuctabydcn.iiswmtnt f t..- Digest Ivo Oiar.ii'i. Llfl-El.JA till INEltlEEI'ION, Head utic.rslata tin. cul-ctr, CoiiElc,Tlt"litc3cf tto C1.C.J, DIzzlMw, ft-..- I '..ctatioas cf tlio Etcaiacti, Luil ia t!iw : .niii, a.i.ou- AttacUs, ru;p'.tattca ir ti.ollca.t, ia..ji..i:.ut.ta cf thoLusr, raialatto . rlos cf tho HiCacjc, and a t.aadri.d other r'i:nful i..'Ut air, rrut!.ocl.sprltc3cf Dyspepsia. -n ylTIsorua tho Etomaoli nad ctlmulalo tue tor pid I.Tcr aad bowels, which render them ot nncnuolted tUcccy la clcaatlaj tho blood cf all Impcrltlci, csl In.partlns new l.fa and vigor to ttio wliolo eyatcra. I'Sll: t'UlN :)IOEAHKO,Ernptlon3,Tottcr,Eolt ! 1..1.UU0, tfcti, Pin. lie, l'utuc,llcll3, Ccr luatl.n, 1 .n;. vroran, Ccals-Ucad, 6oro ryes.ErrElp-tl-s, lull, tcurfs, EiscolorctloLs of tlio Elda, Iluincrs nn ii.ue&aca cf tho bkln, of wiiatcvcr nemo cr catnrc, uro htcrall tlnz up nad carried out cf tlio c;ctcm la a cliort tuao by tlio -aso of these Bitters, Oao bottlo la inch cares tt ill convlnco tlio no:t lacrcdcloua of ttictr caratlvo clTcct. Ctcanso tlio Vitiated Elood wbcacTcr you find Us la-puiltlca burBtlng tlirongh tho tkln lal'laiplos, Erop tionj or Sores i clcanco It ken yon Cad It obstructed tad tlucsUb In tLJ TCUu i clcoaio It when It Is fool, cad 3'onr fcclmcs will tell yon when. Keep tho blood puro and tlio health of tho trstcm trill follow. PIN, TAPE and other WORMS, lurking tnta fytlcuict to many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full dlrcctlo&s, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed In four Ian poaffcs English, German, Trench nd Spanish. J. tTALHEIl, rroprletor. R. II. UcDONALD i CO., Drnijilnts and Gen, Agents, tan Francisco, Ca! & aad S3 and &1 Commerce Street, New York. CTbOLD BY Aid" UltUaalSTS and DEAIXEO. SS'TO-tf To nny person prodiiclng nny Medlcino show- nig uuu us ninny iiviii!;, permanent t Frll.Elt'H VKUBfAIlLK ItllKUMATId ermniient cures ns Dit. 1KMH1IV. Used inwardly only, A pleasant Medicine, freo Horn Injurious drugs. Wunnnttd, uiidcc oath, to have permanently cured Vjluovcry leu patients treated lu tho p-ut ten years. (Heo testimony.) It ts the selentlllo piescrliitlou of Prufessor Jos. P. Filler, M, D , u greduato of tho University of Pennsylvania A, 1). isaa, now ono of Phlludel jdiln's oldest regular pliyslctaus,nnd l'rolcssor ol Chemistry nud Toxicology, who hns made Neuralgia, Chronlo uud Itillainmntory tthciiiua tUln tho speciality of Ills entlro professional life n tact vouched for by tho signatures uecom panyliigeuch bottle, ot many prominent renown. t.dphyslclans,clergyinen, and other testimonials. To protect butl'ercu Irom pollutions iiiiaek nos trums nnd useless expeudltuiu of money, it legal signed guiirauteo.ktaliugexuet uumberofbottlts warranted to euro, will be forwarded gratis to any sutteierboudlug by letter a lull description of ullllctlon. Iu ense ot failure to cure, amount paid positively rolunded. Medlcino sent auy. whero by express, collect on delivery. AUlltted Invited to wrlto tor iidvlcoi ull Information und luedlcal advlco sent by letter grulls. l'riuclpal olllce. it) south l ourth street, Philadelphia, Im; Tho llemedy Is bold or obtained by DiugglstJ, n2S s. f?nii ass M H i: St??' Miscollanoouri, CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company. OF NEW YORK. 1. of Policies M 43,000 ASS3TS $5,500,000. TSSUES nil tho now form of Pollcloa JLnnd preents ns lavorabls ttrms as nny com ttiitii In tin. ittillnil Hlnteq. The company will mnko temporary loans on Us nntlrlHH. Thirty davn' crnco nllnwed on ench payment, nnu too policy noni goon tiuring unit nine. All our policies nro incomes tnblo for tho usual causes. Policies Issued by this compnny nro non-for lelturo. No pvtrn rharirps tnndn for trnvelllnc permits. l'ollcv hnlilers hh:iro 111 tho nnliunl profits ot tho company, nnd have it volco lu tho elections nnu iiiiiiiiigeiueiit 01 too coiupauy. No policy or medicnl feo charged. JUSTUS LAWRKNCE, Prcs'l. W. 11. WYNKOOP, VlcuPrcs't, .1. P. RonKM, Secretary, S. O. Cit.VNm.iiit, Jr., Actunry. Central Office of M-Eastern Penn'a. f!nTTnniT A at" "Rnilrliiio' BLOOMSBURG, PA. LUDWI& & BROCKWAY, General Agents. Jan. S,lS7J-lf. P ATENT ARION PIANO. The onlv ncrteel Instrument In the World. It Is unequalled 111 Richness, I'ower, Brilliancy nnd Durability. Special terms to Teachers. Marked favors to Clergymen. Send lor lllus' rated Arlou i ainpuiet. C. W. TOSTKR General Agent, mar 10'71-tf.J Mauch Chum.-, PA, jATlIlIAaK MANUFACTORY, llloomsburg, Pa, M. O. SLOAN & UROTHElt Have on hand nnd for snlo nt tho most reasons bio rates a splendid slock of CARRIAGES, 11UGGIF.3, and evory description of Wngons both PLAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mndo of tho best nud most dur nblo materials, aud by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from tno estab lishment will bo found to boof tho hlirhest class nndsurotnglvu perfect satisfaction. They have also it lino itssortineiu oi SLHIGHS ofnll tho nowest and most laslilonnblo styles well nnd carefully madoautl of tho best mater ials. An Inspection of their work ls asked ns ltl believed that none suporlor can bo found lu the country. jaitt-it Hail Roads. T ACKAWA.MNA AND IJ LOOMS U UURtl RAILROAD On nud ult jr. Nov. 27, lS;l,l';tr,ncut;erTrallls will run us luuoivti ; Going North, Arrive Arrive u. m. p. m. ... li.ti) 1.11 ... 8.18 1I.5J Going South i.cavo i.eitvi n. m. a. in Bcmntou.. Pitts ton,.., 1.1) 10.03 2.11 10.33 Kingston 1 St. cnn & W.llarroC'rs M Plymouth 8.13 Shlckshluuy.... 7.1SU Berwick 7.:il Bloom 8.03 1231 12.28 12.00 11, 311 11.11 2.33 2.10 3XS 3.31 3.57 11.00 Dauvlllo 11U0 1.27 Connection mado ntBornnton bv the 10.40 a.m. tral't for Great Bend, Ulnghiimtou, Albany and nn puints florin, i.nsi uuu west. V. T. BOUND, Sup't. TT0IITIIERN OENTRALi RAIL On and nrtor Nov. 12th 1871, Trnlna will loavo Suniiuiiy us follows : NORTHWARD. 12.1.1 p.m. Dallv to Willlnmsnort. Elmlrn. Cnnnn tlalgtin, Rochester, Bullalo, Susponstou Bridge, uuu n, runs, 12.1) i". at, Buffalo, N. Falls, c. 0.501', si., D.illv, (except Sundays) for William sport and Erie. i.3 i'. sr., Dallv. (except Sundays! for Elmlrn. Buffalo nud Niagara Fult, via, Erie railroad iiuiu j'.uuir, TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 1,17 A.M. Dally for Baltimore, Washington mid I'lliiauuipiun. 10.05 A. M. Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore Washington and PnUadolplila. 1.10 1-, M. Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore. Phlladelpl mpuin, T?n ci vmrwii General Passenger Agent. ALFttKD R. Fiai:, Gen'L Sup't, gllOKTEST ROUTE EASTWARD, Danville, HazletOE&Wiestorre RE WINTER AniiANOEJfENTS. EASTWARD. WESTWARD. I.KAVli. A. I.UAVK. Sunbury U.20 "J-Sal 1 New York. Dauvlllo 7.H2 .-. J. I KiiHtou, Cutawlssn 7.2s J,;,- f Phlla lluzleton 11 OS cA jllethleh'in, J'. M, Bethlehem, 1 12.10 I Hazlcton. Philadelphia 2,13 , Calawlssa. lluzleton, ,--m 1 Duuvlllu, New York, j 3.30 Sunbury, Tho afternoon train connects at Siiiibnry with tlio I', & E, HVi p. in. train going West ; urrives nt YlllWiiisnortc..lO; Lock Haven 7.33 p.iii.,aud with tho Noitheru Central 1 30 p. ui., moving South, renchlug llurrlshurg 7.00 p. iu uud Balllmoro 10.13 p. in,, nnd nlso with tho Suubury uud Lew Islowit itnllroad, Com for lablo uud liandsome Coaches on this now route. J, HERVEY KABE, Superintendent. CHOICE FAffllY GROCERIES DOWN IN PKIOE 3. ZZ. SIAIZS'B, Corner Main nud Centro SU.. BLOOMSBURG. A new slock of I'ush Goods Just opened nt -MAIZE'S. Ictis, CotrecN, Sufftirn, SYRUPS und MOLASSES. CiltESE, MEATS. SALT, F1HII. etc. LOETABLES, 1IERMET1CALLY Scaled Gontls. JELLIES and PRESERVES, PICKLES, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS. An Elofejnnt Assortment OP QITEENSWARB every variety. All my goods nro of the first quality and nt ex. tremely low prices, J. II, MAIZE. Patent Modioinoa. JJENUY T. IIELMUOLD'S. uuui'uuo ii ruu in KXTI1A0T CATAW1U a 11 A 1' K 1'ILLB, Comnoneiit iVnfi Fluid Jlclract Rhubarb und fluid tract Vitlauba Orapt FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, lilt, IOUS Ai'i'T-oi'iunn, siuii on nbrvoum HUADACHH.COSTIVKNKSS, Kto. PUIli:i, VKGHTAIlLll, CONTAINING NO MIIRCURY MINERALS OH DELKl'KHIOUS DRUGS. Theso Pills aro tlio most delightfully plensan purgsltvu, supcrsctllng castor oil, salts, mag. nesla, etc. Thero ls nothing moro ncceptnlilo to the stomach. They glvo tone, nnd cnuso ncltliei nausea nor griping pnlns. They nro com post u of tho finest tmjredtcnts. After n fow days' tto them, s licit an luvlgoratlun of tho entlro system takes placo its to appear miraculous to tno weak and enervated, whclhor nrismg from lmpru tleuco or tllscaso. II. T, Holtnbold'H Comiiounu Fluid Extract CalawbaOrntio Pills nro hot r contod, from the fact that sngar-coated Plus do not d isolve, but pnss through tho stomach wltlmu dissolving, consequently do not produce tho iic blrcd ciroct, THE CATAWUA GRAPE PILLS being pleasant lu taste und odor, uo not ncccssl. talo their being sugar-coato,!. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER liOX. HENRY T. lL'LMBOLD'tS. lliailt.Y CONCENTIlATBI) OOMl'OUNl) FLUID EXTRACT 8ARSAPA1ULLA Will radically oxttrmlnnto frnm tho system Scroruln.Syphllls, FovorSoros, Ulcers, SoroE) o Sore Legs, Soro Mouth, Head, Uronchltl Skin Diseases, Salt Rheuu, ankers. Running Irom tho Enr, Whlto Swellings, Tumors, L'uli ccrousAH'ectlons, Nodes, RIckcts.GlnudarSwo. tugs, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humois ol a Kinds, Chroma Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and a dlscuso Hint bus been cstnbltsuid In tho lor years, lleingpreparod EXPRESSLY forthoabovo com plaints, its BLOOD-PURIFYING proprieties nr gieator than any other preparation ol Sarsapa rllla. It gives tho COMPLEXION it clear an healthy color and restores tho patient to a stnto ot HEALTH nnd PURITY. For Purifying tho Ulood, removing nil Chronlo Constitutional Ills enses arising from nn Impnro slnto of tho blood And tho only relinhlo nnd effectual known reme dy lor tho euro of Pains nnd Swellings ol the Hones, Ulcerations of tho Throat nnd Leg Ulotchcs, Pimples on tno Faco, Erysipelas mi nil scnly Eruptions of tho Bkln, and Iienutlfylu tho Complexion, Price, 51 60 per Bottle. IIENBY T. IIELMBOLD'S CO.NCEX1UATED FL UID J3XTUA OT li UCI1 U, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured every case of Diabetes lu which It ha been given, Irritation of tho neck of tholllitdde nnd luflittninntlan of tiio Kidneys, Ulceration o llio Kidneys and Rlnddcr, Retention or Urine Diseases of tho Proslalo Gland. Stono in tlio Iliad dcr, Calculs, Gravel, lirlekdust Deposit, nud Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Dellcalo Constitutions of both Sexes, ittten ded with tho following symptoms t Indlsposl tlou to Exertion, loss ol Power, loss of Memory Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trent bllng, Horror of Dlscuso, Waketulness, Dlmnes of Vision, Pnln In tho Hack, Hot Hands, Flush ing of tho Body, Dryness ot tho Skin, Eruption ou tho Faco, Pallid Counlcnnnco, Univcr.u Lassltudo of tho Muscular System, etc. .Used by persons Irom tno ages of eighteen to twcuty-IHc, and from thlrly-llvo to fllty-IHo oi In tho declluo or chaugo of life; after confine ment or lnbor pnlns; bed-wetting In children. Uelmbold's Extract Buchu ls Diuretic nud Ulood-Purllylug, nnd cures nil dlsenscs arising from HnbltH of Dissipation, nud Excesses nnd Imprudences In Lifo, Impurities of tho Blood etc., superseding Copabla in nllectlous for which It is used, nud Syphilitic Atrectlotis-ln thoso diseases used 1h connection with HELMllOLD'S ROSE WASH. LADIES. Inrannyntrectlons peculiar to ladles, tho Ex tract Iluciiu Is unequalled by any other remedy as ls Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain, fulness or Suppression of Custoiuniy Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schlrrus State of tho Uterus LcucorrhoMi or Whltcs.Sterillty.iindfor all cora plnlntn incident to tho sox, whether arising lioiu Indiscretion or Hnblts of Dissipation. It ls pre scribed extensively by tho most eminent physl laus nnd Mldwlvcs for Enfeebled nnd Dellcnlo Constitutions, of both sexes nnd ull ages (atten ded with any of tho above diseases o r syiiiptonii II. T. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISINO FROM IMPltl- DENCE, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., In all their stages, at littlo expense, littlo or no chango lu diet, uo Inconvenience, and no ex posuro. It ennscs a frequent desire, nnd gives strength to Urlnnto, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of tho Urctha, Allaying Pain aud Inflammation, so frequent In this class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. Thousands who liavo been tho victims of In competent persons, and who hnvo paid heavy fees to bo cured In a short tlmo, havo found they havo been deceived, nnd thnt tho "Poison" has, by tho uso of "powerful nstringeuts," been driod up In tho system, to break out la a more aggra vated form, nnd perhaps alter Marriage. Uso IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Atlectlous nud Diseases of tho Urlunry Organs, whethor existing lu Mnle or Female, from what ever cnuso originating, and no matter of how long standing. PRICE ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. HENRY T. IIELuMnOIiD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot bo surpassed on n PACK WASH, and wl 1 bo found tho only specific remedy In every species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee dily eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCORBUTIC DRYNESS, INDURATIONS of the CUTANEOUS MEMBRANE, etc., dispels REDNESS and IN CIPIENT INFLAMATION, HIVES, RASH MOTH PATCHES, DRYNESS OF SCALP OR SKIN, FROSTBITES, and nil purposes lor which SALVES or OINTMENTS aro usedj restores tho skin to a state of purity and softness, nnd In sures continued healthy action to the tissue o Its vessels, oa which depend tho agreoablo clear ness and vivacity of complexion so much Bought nnd admired. But howovor valuable a a remedy for existing defects of tlio skin, II. T Holmbold'u Roso Wash has long sustained Its principle claim to unbounded patronugo, by possessing qualities which render It a TOILET APPENDAGE of the most Superlative and Congenial character, combining in nn elegant formula thoso prominent requUlts, SAFETYnud EFFICACY the lnvarlablo accompaniment "I Its use as a Proscrvntlvo and Refrosherof tho Complexion. It Is au excellent Lotion for dis eases of a Sypnllltlo Nature, aud as an lujectlou lor diseases of tho Urinary Organs, nrlslug from habits of dissipation, used In connection with the EXTRACTS UUCHU.SARSAPARILLA, uud CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, lu such diseases us recommended, cnuuot be surpassed, PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Full uud explicit directions accompany the medicines. Lvldeuce of the most rcsnoiulblo nnd reliable character furnished on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses, and up ward or 30,000 unsolicited certificates and recom mendatory letters, many of which aro from tho highest sources, Including eminent Physlclaus Clergymen, Statesmen, etc, Tho proprietor li never resorted to their publication iu the uows papers; ho does uot do this from the fact Ilia his articles rank as Standard Preparations, nud do not need to bo propped up by certificates. Henry T. Hcliuboltl'a Genuine x'rciiiii'iitioiix:. Delivered to auy address. Secure from obsei vullou, Established upwards of twenty years. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Address letters for In formation, In confidence to HENRY T, HELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only Uepotsi II, T, IIELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No, 691 Broadway, New York, or to 11. T. IIELMBOLD'S Medical Depot 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Fa. BEWARE OK COUNTERFEITERS, HENRY T, IIELMBOLD'S TAKE NO OTHER