The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 26, 1872, Image 3

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The Columbian.
1 Bloomaburg, Friday, Jan. 26, 1072,
1 - j
itu, 1. lloWKi.bACo.,4nlarkltow,rirooiirenIy
nilinrlf oil Advertising Ainili In Now York.
nrennrnnly mil Auentsln IMilladclnlila.
! (1, Slimi'iir, Ksn. be our niithorlnd Agent nt
ivntrnlln to trniiacl nny business pertaining to
nil-(oMisiiitAN Oilier.
Si' All advertisement for llio forgoing locali
ties must l'o endorsed by these Agents, or tlicy
ulllrccclvenontlctitlon. tr.
rjn: impcr U to tlio nconJo wlint n lUn,itoAi KlkctioNb. On thu 8tli
biifii'uunniisioutqtravoikT, Tiioimpcr nm.. uio followliiK Konllcincn wero
tells who is In business nntl whero to olectctl oillcors mitt directors of Danvlllo,
Unilrond Tlmo Table
trade, iw llio signboard tolls the miniu
of lho)lnco and direction. Then, If you
wnnt peoplo to huy of you toll them
through tlio ji.iper whero you stay iiml
Whnt you hnvo.
How to burn kerodono without dun
Kor is n coiiundruin Just solved, Tnko
rtti ordlunry lump nnd fill It ns nearly
ns possllilo with wick, plnclng llttlo
pieces of ppongo wherover space, nic
pears, pour on the oil. nnd tlio Initio will
burn ns lutir; ns nny oftho kerosene ro
mnlns In tlio wick. So nrrnnecd It in
Ilu.loton mid Wllkeibirro H. 11, Co.:
President, Simon 1 Knso , Directors,
S. 1 Wolvorton. II. W. Jto ltoviiolils.
A. V, Porter, J. llervey Knao, 11. Hend
ricks, I. 8. Monroe, nnd M. W. Knso.
tor tlio JiUliIi'h & Eastern Knllwny Co.
S. P. Knso, President j Directors, llomcr
Itniiudell, 0. llurnott, S. P. Wolvorton,
Hon. Harry Whltu, lleiij. Hendricks,
II.W.JZc Heynoldsnnd J. Hcrvoy Knso.
Mull Unl A.M. wT
'. i.,,ui,,n..,. ,-iiA.M. 4:2)1. M
i:.ii'tin .V.V."""r.'.'.'.".. CiU i'. m. imi a.m mj)0ag,0 for n n,n., to ox.,0(e,
. . .. . i.tmi'nraTlTlnV. 1 1
(,'ATAVt lr-HA 11, 11, 1 11U.O. Jlu
9'.'lor'- HX. i UI Tit IS enreer of Oovernor Scott, of
t:rz 1-. ai. v.... ,
Boiiwi ejiiroiinrt, is ono 01 groin on
LOCAL. courn"oment to youni; men. Tho Lou-
Tine LeUInluro has passed n Joint Isvlllo Courier Journnl fnys tlioOover
Resolution to iitijourn Mnrch 23th.
Jin. Gi:o. Fnv, tho oldest man
Bloom, died on Friday last.
Two communications from "Haven"
lmvo been unnvoldnbly laid over. Thoy
will rtcelvo duo attention.
Mns. Samiu.k fell down stairs nt
Llincstonovlllc, Montour county, n fow
cloys oko and broke her neck.
A nkw Democrntle dnlly, it is said,
in to bo launched forth In Wllllamsport
at no very distant day.
Foil Kood, elenn coal, nt rcasonnblo
rates call on J. J. Itobblns, nt tho Co
lumbia Iron Works.
nor who was onco n cooper,und afterward
n quack doctor, Is now worth six mill
Ion dollnrs, nil of which ho has made
slnco tho war by an honest.energotlc,
strnluht forward prosecution of tho
exalted profe.-ffion ofairpct-bngKery.
Biiown & Jonks. Who aro they'.'
They aro nn eutcrprlslni: younc tlrui
lately established In Catawlsn nnd from
tho nstonishlnp; ntnount of Dry Goods
thoy soli It Is evident Hint tho peoplo
nro attracted by their low prices. Thoy
nro in eonstnnt receipt of fro-di kooiIs
from Jfow York. Thoy toll only for
cash, giving tho buyer every possible
ndvnntngo derived from this plnn. A
visit to their storo will convince the
reader of theso facts. 11 1 tr.
Aiiout Acm.vrri. School Directors
should keep it sharp eyo on tho movo-
menti of parties representing thorn-
solves ns incuts for tho saloof books. A
swindler named Able Marcy, has boon
chcttliiRsovornl llorkscounty School Di
rectors by taking their orders for sets of
revolving globes, nnd promising to
deliver them In n fow days, at tho samo
tlmo taking from tho Dlrcctorsan order
for tho money payable In ono year.
TliC30 orders wero nfterwnrds sold to
third parlies nnd tho globes novcr de
livered. Mauch Chunk Democrat.
Low AltoiiniNsofOrnnKcvllle, mako
tho easiest running farm wagons nnd
platform spring wagons In tho country.
M. P. Lim offers Ills stock of Winter
Gucds at very low rates. Furs wl'l bo
sold nt cost. This Is n fltio opportunity
for bargains. Seo Ills advertisement.
Tun Dellcfonto Watchman has two
editors adupted to any stato of nffAlrs
one is meek tho other n fury. Wonder
which ono has tho collection of overduo
subscriptions, nnd whether ho takes It
Tlio Lojlslaturo of Pennsylvania is
being petitioned to pass nn act provid
ing for tlio destruction of weeds In thii
State. Owners of farm?, tenants. Ac.
will bo required by tho proposed low,
not only to keep their farms clear of
such weeds ns tho Canada thistle.
millions, ox eyo daisies, wild-earrot,
horso-ncttlo, &c, but also such portions
of tho public highways adjoining or
passing through their property. Itall
ro.vl corporations will also bo amenable
to tho provisions of tlio act.
CiiAiTKit H. It. A. Application Is
about being mndo by tho ltoynl Arcli
ilas ,ns, of Danville, for u charter for n
now Chapter to bo located at this place.
Funds havo been ralsod fir this pur
pose and tho preliminary steps wero
taken on Tuesday evening.
o hnvo no doubt but that tlio charter
will ba granted and tho Chapter estab
lished, ns it should be. Danvilio is largo
enough in Itself to sustain n Commnti
dory ns well ns Chapter, and wo hopo to
sen n movement Inaugurated boforo
long to this end. Suitable rooms fnrthn
tiso of tho several orders, can bo obtain
ed in tlio now Opera IIouo. litvcrsldc.
A nkw and eomplelo assortment of
drugs, patent medicines, toilet articles,
ite., to bo had at tho most reasonable
rates, at Klelm's Drug Store, Slain St.
Tun Trustees of tho Normnl School
liavo engaged Mies Ida E. Darlow, of
I'lltston. ns teacher of Music. Tlio lady
is said to hnvo nn excellent musical ed- l"ff In hot water beforo cleaning,
well. All persons using Kerosene or
Coal oil, should frequently eloanso tho
burners, especially tho Insido of tho
tube, which can best bo dono by soak-
ucalion nnd is nn nccurnto and skillful
Ukiiniiari) Stohneii has purchased
tho lot, now used as tho public pound
and on which tho lock-up Is built, for
$COO,of E. II. Little. Apart of tho largo
stablo in tho rear of Brown's Hotel pro
jects into tlio lot and ns Mr.Stohncr do-
sires to use tho stablo tho purcbaso of
the lot became a necessity,
wicks often become swollen and filled
up, so that tho oil cannot ascend and
consequently cannot burn, when n clean
wick should be put In. Tho wicks nro
often too largo for the tube, when ono or ro non-resisting, soft and yielding, tho
moro threads should bo drawn out at sample is adulterated. lastly, tho
Detecting Adultekation ov
0 jrtfEE. Tho niothod of detecting tho
adulteration of ground cotfeo is stated
to bo as follows: If, on openim; llio
package, uio contents aro eaUeil, or
show n disposition to cake, chicory is
present. If, on adding u few drops of
cold water to a grain or two of tlio
suspected articlo, tho water becomes
almost immediately of a brown color
chicory is surely contained in It. Furth
er, on touching with tlio point of a
needle tlio particles which havo been
wotted with water and spread out on
a slip of glass, if some nro found which
each edgo. Never condemn tho oil
until you know your wicks and burners
aro clean and in good order.
It is said that tho banks of Philndel-
presence of chicory Is immediately ro
vealed by tho great dlllcrenco in the
forms of tho cells, as seen under tho mi
croscope. In thocaso of colfoo tho cells
baing coherent and angular, and in
that of chicory rounded nnd composed
of Hmaller colls ; tho differences nro so
On Friday night last a freight train
on tho L. & B. It. It. was thrown from
the track by a misplaced switch at
. t . i .. .,.!.- t, t. .If. I Til!U' ilnlnvlnn- llin rlnivtl inQfinfrnr I . .
iinia uisiuieci inuir uuiu.i wiui tniuuin; i j i j---d .... j- marKeii mat onco seen ttiov cin never
acid t" guard against small-pox. xnero "'" iwchij- "uuira. ju ruauii- uo forgotten.
U virv Ittln ilnnp-nr that 11 nnmstiunr "X ui" ouier euii 01 uiu bwuca uio
will suffer from tho disease through passenger train was thrown olfdamag.
this nc-oncv. Wo havo not handled lug tho engino to somo extent but in
hank tintns onouph lately to Justify u Juring no one. A number of legislators
mild attack of tho varioloid.
BnitNiiARn Stohneh intends resum
ing tlio business of baker nnd confec
tioner, in tho Spring, at his former old
btaml. E. Jacoby retires finm tho sa
loon now occupied by him and tho
rooms will bo used in connection with
Stohner's bakery. This will eloso two
restaurant nnd will rosult t') tho bono
lit oftho rcmnlnitig two.
from Harrisburg on their Journey home
wero obliged to remain somo time in
Dloom until travel could bo resumed.
Such nn accumulated mass of wisdom
and statesmanship staggered tho town
but no ill effects havo been produced
that wo have heard of.
Wn would return thanks to Hon. h?,rnf. Atinnnl Rlntnninnt tlin f!r,1nmWn Hmmfv Mutual SnviriP Fund
ntpitn Urtnl if Ttt rl nr Tin rfil I Tlr,tnt I w
x-w HMV.. ,,,, .i t .... Li... ... tr -.u in. r, lor1
uuii iioan Association, sor uiu loar rjiiuiiig wim uuuoiuuur, ion.
of Pennsylvania Volunteers,
Foil ptiro drugs nnd chcmlctls, go to
Klelm's, nt tho old Drug Storo of E. P.
Lutz, Main Street.
M. F. CoNNi'.u has been appointed
mall ngont,on tho Danville, Ilazleton
nnd Wilkes llarro llallroad.
Tun members of tho Evangelical
Church, aro holding a protracted meet
ing In Light Street, nnd nro meeting
With good success.
Wo received a very pleasant letter of July,
thanks from our old friend Kendall, AutMist
slnco his return home, for it bottto of
Johnson's An oily no Liniment which
wo gave lii in , nnd which ho says hn,s
entirely cured him of tlio troublosomo
nnd dangerous cough ho had when hero.
700 ,
1510 I 220
PCM . h. -J
n m B a
s; 5 c. B E.
T-l,5 Bfl o a
m.j.m r -s a 3
1 1 '
1 100 00
2015 53
18(11 15
1152 10
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1000 OS
2111 23
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721 72
18,01053 10,aS702
5 Shares Forfeited.
1CW 00
C127 70
2200 -17
1070 0:1
2001 00
1211 50
2.153 28
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17 50
I 1
'. z
13 10
C2 77
10 01
1(1 50
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25 27
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10 20
23 5(1
32 50,120 00
170 2 1,1 278 7011528
210 03
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20 83
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1505 OS
5281 CO
1001 00
1070 83
!'.280 83
2527 00
1121 00
,1108 83
1075 03
1010 83
2.150 00
3370 30
'8101 -15
HkIjAtive to tho nomination of Col.
Thomas A. Scott. Vlco Prcsldont oftho
Pennsylvania llallroad, for Prcsldentof
tho United States, it is remarked that
tlio gentleman cannot really bo prevail
ed upon to nccept, unless ho can gel n
ieasoof thoolUeofor nine hundred and
ninty-nino years.
The house nnd lot of Dr. John, now
occupied by D. A. Ueckloy, is offered
for salo on reasotmblo terms. It is ono
oftho mo3t deslrablo and ploasantly lo
cated properties in IJIoomsburg.
Apply to IJ. F. Haiitman.
Avorngo Premium for year,,, $78.27x
vniuooi aunres z-i,)
220 Loans $15,800,00
IJacKstumliiig dues and lines.. 102,50
Duo to Shareholders for pay
ments in ndvnnee $ 0.187.33
Interest duo Shareholders 230,12
, iu,o7.j:
Anit., of duos, Int. nnd linos..
" " ndvnnco pnyinonts..
$28,10 1.-I5
On 220 LonnH $27,870 00
" Hrcrctnry's Salary 250.00
" Trnnsurer's Salatv 25 00
" Printing 180.80
" Koll Book, Journal, &c II 15
" Court charges for Charter. 2 00
" llccordltig Charter 5 50
" ProOt and Lw 32 00
11. MILiIAjII.
$ 0,727.25
Net assets $33,010,25
ted to tho United States Senate by tho
Legislature of Iowa, to succeed Hon
Jnmcs Hnrlnn, who now represents
that Stnto In tho Uppor Houso oftho
rational Legislature. iur. Allison isnii the Secretary, Kespectfully report that after no.irerut oxamlnatlon wo found tho
extremofreotrado Bopublican, a gentlo- nbovo statomont to bo correct. J. P. TUSTIN
F. (J. JSYUIl.
Wo tho undersigned Auditors appointed to cxnmlno tho Annual Statement of
man or consuieraiiio business nuiiuy,
nnd will mako an olUclont member.
BLooMsnona, Janunry23, 187
The mail nrrlvals ond departures
now existing must havo been arranged
with n special view to tho public incon-
veiiience. Thero is but ono mail to Har
risburg and that in tho aflernoon, nt
Just. such an bourns to render it useless.
Tho mall which formerly ntrived nt
eight o'clock in tlio morning, now gets
hero ut eleven. Wo should rejoice In a
Oranoevim.e Aoademv. Ornnro-
ville, Columbia county. Pa. Spring
Term beir ns .Irnuarv 23d. 1872. 'llio
Classics, Modern Languages, Common,
nnd Higher English taught. For par
tlculars address
I. E. SciiooNovuit, Principal,
or M. A. Williams, Secretary.
Many neonlo susceptiblo to colds
commit thu great mistnko or envelop
ing tho throat In heavy wrappings care-
fully excluding tho air. Under tins
treatment tho thront becomes tender
nnd tmablo to benr any exposure and
tho liability to take cold Is greatly in
creased. Tho proper plan to pursuo Is
to leave tho neck as freo from mullllng
ns is consistent with comfort.
As if to contradict tho good opinion
expressed In Inst week's Columbian as
to tlio common faenso of tho horses ot
this County, Dr. McKelvy's steed ran
away on Mondny hist when partially
hariicted. Ho dnrted up tho nliey,
from tlio Dr's stnblo to Market street,
tumbling tho sulkey to which ho wns
nttached but fortunately did not injuro
hlintelf. Gross results it carriage
maker's bill.
Seveiial gentlemen in Catawissa
havo purchased "Tho Catawis3a Acado
my" buildings and grounds for, and to
bo transferred to, the Episcopal Church
organization lately effected there under
tho namo of "Saint John's Pariah."
Tho grounds wo understand comprise
about an acre, and tlio building is near
ly new, Intended for a higher grado
school, two stories, cupola Ac, which
at small expenso can bo mado a beauti.
fill and tasteful place of worship. Tho
lands adjoin tlio Masonic Hall property
Tho prlco was $1,000 and Is considered
cheap. Tho energy of that now Parish
is wonderful and commendable, nnd it
is entitled to sympathy and assistance,
The Muney Creek railroad was open
ed on tho 10th inst. Delegations from
Muney, Hughesvillo and Wllllamsport
wero present. At Hughesvillo a meet
ing was held, speeches mado and reso
lutions passed approving tho objects of
tho road. Tho length of tho road is
about 30 miles and connects thcSullivan
county coal fields witli tlio Catawissa
It. It. below WilliaiiifPort. Tho lot
lowing nro tho olllcers of tlio road
President, Michael Meylert; Treasur
er, James K. uoair: secretary, iu iiv
Ingston Laird : Superintendent, II. It.
Merhling; Directors, II. E. Wurner,
Dr. M. Sleek, Dowltt Bodino, B. M.
Ellis and James Taylor.
In vlow of thu importance of tho
coming Fall election it would bo Well
to establish a Democratic club iu every
township of this county and thus bo
ti.niiorml ti .info.- fnllt? nniiK I rtti llttritl
....,.. .1 IamI ",u w.ui.ai4 ......J .
uici,-.iua..uv.. . Meetings could bo held onco it moutl
duriug tho early part of tho year and
We havo received from Brlggs &
Brother, florists of Rochester, N. Y a
catalogue which is certainly tho most
ercdltablo production of tho kind wo
ever saw. It is printed on tinted pa
per, profusely illustrated and contains
six full pago colored plates. Tho book
lias nearly 150 pages and enumerates
a countless number of seeds, both flower
and vegetable. Twenty-flvo cents is
tlio prlco of tho work and It is well
worth tho money.
Item of tlio CoLUMUiANroforringto tlio
recent slight fall of snow and alludes to
tho "funnv man" of this paper. No
ono with nny regard for trutli will ap
lily that term to tho Standard's writer.
Tho urtielo having been written for tho
benefit of peoplo possessed of an ordl
nary amount of brains, of courso tho
Stamford could not understand it nnd
mistook it for a "funny" effort. Buy a
dictionary Standard and try It again.
A jtAii.uoAD company In an adjoin
Ing stato recently suspended an engl
neer for two weeks with loss of pay be
causo his train was thrown from tho
trnik by tho carelessness of a switch
tender. As tho engineer had nothing
to do with tho switch and narrowly es
more frequently us tho tlmo for election
drew near. Tho benefits of theso Clubs
aro two fold. They would draw to
gotlier the Democrats, and keep alive
their interest in political matters and
tiiey would servo us u nucleus around
which could rally ihoso disaffected lto
publicans who nro disgusted with the
rottenness and corruption of tho admin
istratiou. Wo hopo steps may bo taken
at ouco to establish theso Clubs.
A TKUliiiiLE accident occurreil on
Tuesday morning last, at about eight
o'clock, In tho taunery of J. P. Conner
near Fowlersville, tills county. Mr,
Conner was nt work In tho tannery, u
workman in tho bark room overhead,
A Goon Word ron Local Pai-eiw.
Tho New York Times says you might
nearly ns well forget your churches,
your academies nnd school-houses, ns, to
forget your local paper. It speaks to
ten times tho nudionco that your local
minister does, and if it lias nny ability
nt all, it is read eagerly each week from
beginning to end. It roaches you all,
and if it has a lower spirit and loss wis
dom than a sermon, ft lias n tliou-mml
times better chanco at you. Lying as it
does, oiien on every table, in almost
every house, you owo it to yourselves
to rally liberally to its support, and
exact from it as able, high-toned a
character as you do from any educator
in your midst. It is in nosenso beneath
notice, and care unless yourselves aro
beneath notico and caro for it is your
representative. Indeed, in its character
It is tho summation of tho Importance,
interest, nnd woifaro or you all. It is
tlio aggregate or your consequence, and
you cannot ignore it without miserably
depreciating yourselves.
Tun courso of Lectures to bo given
by St., Matthew's Lutheran Congrega
tion of this place, will bo opened on
Thursday and Friday evenings, Feb.
1st nnd 2d, by Itov. Josepit H. Barclay,
of Easton. Subjects-"What I Saw in
Egypt" and "Tho Holy Land." Mr,
Barclay is ono of our Fclf-mado men,
ono of our finest pulpit orators and
although a new man in tho field,
already it very popular lecturer. Wo
promino a rich treat to all who may nt
tend. Tho lectures will bo held in tlio
Lutheran Church, commencing each
evening at 7 o'clock. An admission
of 25 cents will bo charged to defray ex
penses. Wo append tlio following no
tico of ono of his lectures, delivered in
Philadelphia last week :
Legtuile on EeiYi'T. On Thursday
evening ln-t, Hev. J. II. Barclay, of
1-j.iiion, delivered tnu iotirui lecturooi
tlio course. ni .Mcssiau ljuuieran cnuren,
on Eivpt. It wns a most interesting.
liistruetlvo n-'d entertaining lecture.
abounding in strango and striking pio
luresoi mo and scenes in tnu imisi, witli
passages or numor, and ortouciiing em
quenconiui pathos. Tho audloneo wero
deeply interested In thu lecture, and
iiiaiiucsicd tncir appreciation win
miiny expressions of ploasuront its closo
JMieran uoserver.
We would respectfully request our
readers to remember Henry Zupploger
irthey nro in want of spectacles or eyo
glasses of any kind, for old nnd young
short sigltled nnd far sighted. Ho Is ono
of our most rcliablo citizen", and Is,
and has long been nn extremely success.
All watchmaker. Shop on Main St.
West Bloorasburg.
BLOOMsnuua nrgues ror u street rail'
way. Better put tho streets down to
grass. Wllliamtporl Standard.
Tho above gracerul compliment to our
town, by a former resident is received
with thanks, its author will bo held in
lively rcmcmbrauce, tlio only thing ns
sociated with his career in this place, to
which tho word "lively" e.ui properly
On tho deatii of ono of England's
most eminent physicians, nil of his
fleets were sold by auction, and among
tlier things was n sealed packet,
marked "Ad vlco to Physicians," which
iroughtn great price. Tho purchaser on
polling tho packet, read as follows
Keep llio head cool, tho bowels open
and feet warm." If physic is necessary,
use Parson's Purgativo Pills ; they aro
tlio mo.-t scientifically prepared pill that
has appeared in tlio last hundred years.
eaped with his life it Is dlulcult to seo and nn old man, named AUsoiom liuwn
whero the lustieo of this action lies. On wns passing tho building for tlio pur
tho tamo principle it would bo a good poso or cutting somo wood, when tho
thing ror tho travelling nubile If tho holler of tho engine, a portable on
balaryof tho President of a road should suddenly exploded with terrific force
Anvnr.TisE Youu Sales ov Peii
sonal Pnoi'niiTY. Every ono who has
personal property to sell wants a showy
bill printed. This is well. It Is hung
up iu tho taverns, tho country stores
and tho blacksmith shop. Tlio neigh
bors who drop iu read tho bill and are
induced to attend tho sides. It is
good way of advertising but there is n
hotter ono, which is to advertise In tho
county paper. Tho Columuian has a
very largo and Increasing circulation
throughout Columbia county. It goes
iu packages to every poat olllce. Tlio
now advertisements It contains nro al
ways rend, not only by every subscriber
but by others. It is safe, therefore, to
say that eight or ten men would seo an
bo stopped whenover an accident oc
curs. There would not bo many of
them we'll wager.
Mr. Conner was knocked Into a vat of advertisement of personal property in
hot liquor nnd severely scalded, tho
man In thu bark rooinwns blown out
or tho building, binding In tho road
Foil tho benefit or such or our young though straugoly enough ho was not
lauy reuders ns nro given to 11 rtatlous seriously injured, but tho old man
we would fcay that tho Kentucky Court Lewis who was twenty-llvo yards ills-
of appeals has decided that nn engage- hint from tho building und in tho net
meut may bo proved against a lady "by of getting over a route, was struck by
showing that sho demeaned hersell us tho iron boiler head and Instantly kill
if blio concurred In or approved tho ed. Ho left nn nged widow in destltuto
young man's promises or oiler. It Is circumstances. Mr. Conner was rcn
not necessary Hint thero should bo nn dcrcd temporarily blind by tho dirt
exprebs promlso on either side." Ab and hot liquor blown Into his face. His
thlsdeclslon has established a precedent escnpo was wonderful, no ho hud Just nrtlcloof valuo. Nothing goes under
It would bo well for our damsels to look stepped from tho front of tlio boiler to full price, A slnglo additional bidder
to It that in exercising tho rights which its side. Had ho remained a moment on n horso or any Important nrticlo
tho Columbian, whero ono would read
tho haiulsomo bills which wo print
Both nro necessary, but nny ono could
far belter afford to disponso with tho
bills than witli tho advertisement I
tho pupcr. in Lancaster nnd iu many
other counties iu tho Stato till sales of
personal, as well as of real estate, aro
reL'iilarly advertised In nt least ono
paper of each parly. Tho result Is ex
truordinarily largo gatherings at nil
such snlcs, and tho vigorous com
pettllon nmong tho bidders for overy
Leap Year confers upon them, they do
not hopelessly cntnnglo themselves
whero they purposo merely amuao-ment.
longer ho must havo been blown to at
oms. Tho building was badly bhntter
ed, No causo Is known for tho explo
moro than pays tho cost of advertising,
and in tho aggro goto tho seller realizes
ten, twenty, or fifty times tho amount
which is expended for advertising.
KLINE K EE LEU On tlio 13th lnsl..nt Mount
nciisant, uy Hie Hev. n. H. C'rn-vcr, Mr. Mar
vin J. Kline, to Ml&s&nlllo E. Kecltr, botli of
this county.
KLINE-IIAY-In IUoomLurir. on Uio llli
lust., bv 1 10 llov. J. 1'. Tusl n. Mr. Frmiklin l
K'lno, to Miss Ellen Hiv , botu of lllooinsburg.
aiflEIl-KUUM-On tlioSlst lust., by the llov.
Win. J. l-yer, air. m.irit-8 iieury Uigur, niainn-
lour lownsiiin. imuiuuiti coumy, 10 .miss s-a-mh
r-jitharlno Krutu. of Conner towiishtn.
Montour county, I'u.
LAV,TON-HUNTEn-On tho 11th John
Ijro, lq , -nr. v unnm IjHwuhi, wailfeMM.'iruu
h. lluutcr, nit of lola, Columbia county, l'u.
HEIILIN KLINE-On tlio ltlli tho ncv.
ft. Hpear, al ino resiaeni-o oi ine mine 'a Miner,
.Mr. jncon iiernn, iu .mibs uuiu Aim mine,
botli of Greenwood.
GEnAIlO-TKU.MP-On tho ISth Inst., by tho
Itev. N. snear. in orancuvi H-. air. wm. Her-
nnl. of Philadelphia, to Mil lla-ietta Trump,
1I0PPEII.-ECIIAIIT.-In Espv Oct. ITtli 1S71,
by II. U. Crnvcitiii:J.l,.,Mr, wm. M. Hooper
lo MUh Sarah Echarl. nil of Aflon. Columbia.
county l'.i.
GAllLE.-COULTON.-Iu Espy, .Tnn. 10th
Etby II. Q. Ofovollue, J. 1'. Mr. V. Oablo
io .mim ciuiierino it. iouiioq, an oi onaiuomu
Northumberland couuty l'a.
SUTTON.-DAVEY.-Ol Deo. 2nd. 1871, In Mt.
carmel, al t ne house ottue nriueroom ssisu-r,
liv ltv. 1'. l- V.vvr. Mr. Win. Snttnli of Mt
(iirmel, to Miss Maria J, llavey, of Cornwall,
SIIILEV.-HAUP.-On tho 13IU Inst., In Mt.
tunnel nt .Mr iiinkio s, uv llov, l". r. Ever. -Mr.
llnup, 01 l.ower ususia, nuruiuiuueruum,
couuly, l'u,
KLINE.-IIAY.-In llloo-iihlmrs Jan. ISth. 1ST.',
uy itev. j. i . iiisun, .Mr. rmimiin i. mine io
Miss Ellen Hay, both of llloomsburc, Pa.
Legal Noticos.
j icuNsu notick:
Notico I hereby given that the following pctl
'if1'.1.1"? u,f "mor havo Z"!i il"t
.LVrilallk-pK "".'.
Humphrey Parker " 1 .
John LfirKOtt, " "
lllrnm Hem, Umlon "
Anirow .1. ifceier, llentou........... ' . 7. ...
J. Punt Fry, l)cavcr.,... ' ,. "
Inn. M .. ,.......,.
Jonll H. Maim. I
John lvl, -
William pe rrcr, rentrnln i.
w.i nam Huuer; uupm "vzv.'zniz' :
William llnaou t, rtntt"." " !
WffifVrccir'11 "frn
Pntilel 1'. Curry, (l (
I'. 8. "iiitinu Hniun
I). CosRrovo, Coiiyin-ham twp .. ' " g 1II!!I,U
Edward (.'urley, Ccntrnil.tboro"
Thomaa Monroe, Cony ngliam. .!;".'.'."'
J It II. IltNOLElt, ProtlioHolor.
U-tlCM ;,r Admliililrutton on the estaln of
J-nniiy kllue.lato of Orauo township, Coluni.
bin county, doeeasod. have Leon Brnnte.l by ti,
IU'glslcr il said couuty to Abrahm Kllfio f
Mine place. All perron having claims agalnjt
l.SK. ta .f l"" decedent aro requeued to pre.
senti hem for ncttlemcnt, nnd thole Indebted lo
Il'i?.,c,s.t,",, '? ranko liayuient to tlio undersigned
ndmtuistrutor without delny.
jauj,..Cw. Administrator.
GSaOsines- out
Tho Hooks of II. L. Dleirenbach, late
liublisher of tho Columbian, havo been
left witli tlio undersigned for immedi
ate collection. All amounts for Job
work and advertising that arc not paid
nt or beforo February Court nro directed
to bo then collected by law. All sub
scriptions that nro not paid beforo tho
1st day of April, 1872, aro also directed
to bo collected by law after that date.
vOnl It C. W. MILhElt.
IlAKEIt-In Jackson township, on tho Ith Imt.,
iiiruiii ti.utcr, iijjuu uj years, - iiiuuint iiuv,
Dearest Father thou lniit left us,
How we miss theo uouo run tell;
Hut 'Us God that lias bereft us,
And He doeth all tlilugs well.
Farewell, f.ircwell, our Father do ir,
'1 hou art not dead but gone before.
And wo mo left to wander here,
liut we'll meet again on yonder shore.
UEI.SWICK.-On UieSid of Jan. 1S72. nt Wilkes-
llarre, Peter Kclswlcu, formerly of tins piaco
aged about IG years.
Ills remains wero broueht to this nl.ico for
lutermeul, where' ho wah burled on Wednesday
nileriioou, Tim Odd Fellows conducted tho
What it Co.jTs to Collect Cus
toms. Tho number of persons em
ployed in collecting tho customs in 1S71
was 1,109. of whom Now York had
1,2.!5, at a compensation of $1,811,031;
Philadelphia 219, compensation 311,-
1177 ; mitlinoro 219, compensation 5294,-
007; New Orleans, 391, compensation
$502,033; San Francisco, 209, compeiv
Isatlon S307.813. Then there wero 03
special ugents,' who wero paid durln;
thovear $161,171. Tho total dlsburso
incnts wero over $11,000,000.
Tho peoplo of this Stalo havo been so
often swindled by patent right agents
that tho Lcirislaturo has nt last taken
tho matter iu hand. A bill has been
Introduced, and reported favorably by
tlio Committee, requiring every iioto
given for a patent right to havo the fact
so stated In a prominent manner in tho
noto. Tlio bill also gives tho druwor of
tlio noto tho samo chanco to defend
when sued on tlio unto by a third party
as if it remained in tiio possession of tlio
original holder.
Whllotho proposed Act does no Injus
tlco to proper Inventions nor to honest
ugonts, It protects tho unwary from tho
swindlers who now Infest tlio State. H.ocltton on tho
David Johnson, aued e'J vtats
Ui days.
L'.'nd ult., Mr.
' mouths, uud
UloomsljurK Mnrkct.
Wheat per bushel
lire "
Corn "
Oats. "
Hour per narrci
Dried Apples
Hull's and Khoulders ,
uud per pound H
Hay per ton
I 10
... ta
R 14
, 5 11
1 (41
, SI to
A Course of Lectures.
Mr. Kditoii: In ono of your local
co umns of last week s suo oi llio to
tinnbian. vou said that "a town as largo
as Hloomsburg ought to havo a coutso
of lectures overy winter, niui mo lect
urers s ion hi no norsons oi aeunowioiii;.
ed ability." I heartily concur Iu your
statement, and also in your opinion that
gootl lectures aro worm Hearing, j.
iurtlier believe that a cood lecture Is in
many respects nn etiuenting meuium,
as well us n means ol entertainment.
I nm Imniiy to Inform you that arrange
nients havo been mado for a ciiur?o of
popular lectures by tho Lutheran eon
L'rpL'utlon of this nlace. Men of nek
nowlcdged ability havo been engaged,
und wo nromiso u iliiu entertainment to
all who may patroulzo them. Tho
prico of admission lias been set nt u
very low llgure, toenublo all to enjoy
them. Thucoun-o will bo opened ou
Thursday and Friday evenings, Feb.
1st and 2d. bv Itev. Joseph II. lliirclay.
of Kaston, who has lately returned from
an Knstern tour. Ills subjects will bo.
"What 1 Saw in Kgypt," and "Tho
Holy Land." Wo nro warranted in
snyltig that our citizens, need not fear a
dull, nrosv. recital ol old things, read
or heard long ngi. Mr. Ilarclay Is one
of our i rot orators, nnd a liigliiy ponu
lur lecturer. Tho tlmo for tho other
lectures, us well us tho speakers, nnd
their subjects will bo duly utiiiounced.
Yours Truly,
llloomsburg, Jim. 20.
u'a now Imve on hand a large neatly printed
assortYiient of JUBTICE'B and L'ONmTAHLKH
IiIjVNKH, to which we Invito tho utleutlou ol I
neve omcern.
A lloiiv and Mind Diseasi:. Such Lsdjspep
sla. Thu btumaeli and the brnlu mo too liitlm
nlely allied for the ouo to Miner without tho
other, so that djspepsU und despondency aro
Inseparable. It may bo added, tco, that frrltiv
lion of Uio stomach tsnlmcst invariably uecom
panied by itiltatlou ol tho temper.
Tl.e liixigorallng and Iranqulllzlni! operation
or Hostctter'a Bltti r,, is most powerlulty devel
oped in cases of Indigestion. Tlio llMt tlfect of
this uerccublo tonic is coaifoitlng nud cucour-
aging. A mild glow peivades tho system, tnn
chronic uneasiness In tlio region of tuo stomach
Is les.enod.'nnd the nervous restlessness which
characterizes tho disease, Is abated. This tm
provrmeiit Is not tiansleut. It Is not succeeded
by the return of tlio old tymptoms with super
added loree, as Is always tho caso w lien iiniuedl
cated sllmulants nro given for tho coniplalrt.
Each dnso stems lo unpin n permauenv seces
sion of hinllhlul luvlgornllon. Hut this Is not
all. Tho aperient und untl-blllous properties of
tho t reparation aro scarcely secondary In 1m-
pounnce io lis iouiu viriues. ji iiu'io js in, ,
llow of bile tho secretion Is soon brought within
itroner limits, and if tho hllUrv oruan Is Inert
and torpid. It is toned and regulated. Tho otr, ct
upon Iho dlseliarglng organs Isiqimlly sululary,
autl In cases ol constipation tho cathartlo ae
lion, Is lllsi suiucieui io prouueo ine uesireo re
sult gradu.illy und without palu. Thu Hitlers
also promotu lieulthy evupuratlnu from the-sur
Low Eor Cash
Opposite Erown's Hotel
XX . estate ok catiiaiiisk oul heo'ii.
lA'tte ol udmlu stralloii on the estate nf
Cathnrlnn Ohl. lato of HemlnrV ,V,8
county, ilcconsoil, have been crantwl bv tha
iw gisicroi saiu county to.Kll UU1. administra
tor. All iHTsniis haviuR clalmi apnlnst ihn ....
tato of tho di-cedciit nro requested to present
them for set ement. nmi iiu,. in.ii.,,., .,.
'ttle l""ko piiymentlotho
Jan. o, ,J-Cw Admtulslraulr.
X.,, mrATE OF E1-IIIIA1.M KVANS, Dtc'll.
Ijelti-rs of ndtnlnlstrntlon on llio eslnto of
I'.pliralm Kvans, laio of Hri.ircreck townslhp Co
lumbln couuly. Pa., deceased, have been granted
by tlin lti-ii stt-rnrKnhl ,n-"
of the k.uiie place. Alt personn having claims
or demands vg.iliMt the decedent are requested
to ink them Icnowii.nnd those Indebted to
mako payment without dclav.
Juiu,2.Ct Administrator.
In order to mako room for Sjirlusr
Goods I will eloso out tho balance of my
at great bargains.
J. & I. COATS' Cotton SO cts. per do..
Wo oner n BILK COUDED I'01'I.IN Unit
told at 1.M now nt S1.S5 per yard.
A splendid JAPANIiSi: SHUI'i: r.t$l.C0 p:r
A full lino of nijACK ALPACA from 30 cents
to 1.55 per yard.
Our S3 cent Alpaca can't be brat, our 73 d
Alpaca p?Tiiic.
And yon know our Gi ct. Alpaca Is llio best In
the Market lor tho money.
A Rl.tlccn bono CORSET atJTO cents.
Our f l,:i) Long bone COILS LT Is woith buying.
it ... "'"'"niniratlonon tho estate nf
county, deceased liavo been Krante,i W tho liei.
iVm. i'if?S,d f7u",y ,0 Ham"01 Applemnn of
?2.P?f iVi i;tl"0'" !"vluK claims nslnt
thecstatoof tho decedent ate requested to nm
sent thorn ror eelllomeht. and Ihuu imlVbtrS S
fno estate to make payment to the uudersl atied.
administrator without delay. 4 '
,,,,, HAM UlLi ArPI.KMAN,
Jinj7i-Ctr. Adinlnistrulur.
.. . '"-"iiiinsi iuhuu on me esiuio ol Kluen
I.uckalow latoof l'lshlngcreek townshlp.Colum
bin couuty, deceased, hao been Rrauled by the
lttglster of said county to John Vaploof New
CoiumLus, I.uzeruo county ,Pa. All peftons hav
lnu claims against the estato of tho decedent
nrorequcitcd to present them for settlement,
u ..,u,u mutuitu u, ula c-suiio io make pay
ment to tho undersigned, ndmlnlHtralor. with
out delay.
Ijctteriof ailmUtratlou ou the estato of Philln
tIstler.Intoor.Mt. Pleasant tnri,hi r-i. :.,.;!.
county, deceased hnvo been granted by the Itec
later of said county to llenjamln Klstler and
juiiii iv nuri iu same pmce. n persons having
claims against tho estato of tho decedent are re
qutstid to present them for settlement, nnd
til isj indebted lo the f Mute to mako m
tho uudcrslgncd, administrators, wlihout delay.
JaujTOCw. Administrators.
aconac WEAVEr. ) In tho court of
vs. ! Common pless of
Jons K. QniTOK. J ColumbUconnty
Notico Is hereby given that tho undersigned
auditor, appointed by said court ti make distri
bution of tho proceeds of the Hherlll 's Halo hod
tinder said writ, will proceed to tho dlschnrgenf
the duties or his nppolntmcnt at the olllce of J.
U. Freeze, hsq.. In liloomsburg, onHaturday.ttie
3d day of February, 1871', nt 11) o'clock in the lore
noon.when nnd wjiero nil persons hiving claims
upon the fund arlilug from said ualo aro requlr.
eil to present them to tho auditor or be dcbaricd
from coinlug lu upon sal, I fund.
Jan. 6,'72 6w. Auditor.
Blcaclicd nnd
unbleached MUBLIN, n full
APPLITTON A nt 1 1 cents by tho bolt, 15 cents
by tho yalil,
lace, which is particularly desirable nt this sea
sou when sudden spells or law, unpletuaut
weather aro apt to check tlio natiirnl persplra
Hon ami produce coiniestlonof the liver, coughs
and colds. The best Siieuiiartl ufutnut btuUty ilia,
ruses ii tidily vigor, and this Iho groat Visitable
Historian o especially promoics.
Gen ova I Mcrclt a n disc,
Ilie llrst vnd only scir-fcedlng Anthrncllo Coil
niovo evf r inveiiicu uiab win i c-ru-cuy
Consumeall llio gases.
Warranted thu IIIWT IIHAHNU 8T0VII lu
ine couuiry,
Kcnd for Prlco l.lsl und Circular to
Kloyu jiauulacturers, PUlsburgli, l'u,
Now ready. Cnnsl'iilngof over I'M pages, on ros
limed iiaiier, wnii uiiwiirutoi -i uheimntio cuin,
nmt Mix lk'tLutliUlCnloii'd IMutcN I Cuvt-r. a iitati.
tiftil di'siluii. lu colors. Tlio rid u est Lutiiloiriut
pver pnljlished, Kt'iid'iiclH for copy, not oiiohalf
iimvuiuoin inocimnfu iuuh'h, jii uwjirai oruer.
nnifluuuii); m inn it'bt inun ;i, uiu priii' oi luiU'
loitie.'jc. will bo refuudeii liibeinlij. Svw cuk
twiners pl.ieeil outhofciuno loot wllholil. Kieo
to old customer. (UHtllp or ecds, kIzo of pack
ctN, prices and premiums ollVrud. makn Uio Uiu
iidvautatro of all lo purcliavo spcmIs of us, hte
Catalogue for exlraoriltniny Inilmemeiils.
Vou wtllmlbs it lfou do not K-oourCatn
lo(!iio bi'l'jru ouleilnt,' HtHils.
Klllierol our two I'lirmnosfor 1S72. klzo 10x21-
lilin it nil VI UU1U HI IJllliniui milin, I (ill in VI UK
of MIlrH, 4-. thu other of Annua), lUcuniul aud
l erenuiai imhuin, yii.irinuu inu
most i;m:(j.i.t en homos
ever Issued lu (liU country. A fcuperlt parlor or
nament mnlled. iiost.naid. on recelnL of 7.".
aUo ire e, ou condition! bfccilled In Catalogue,
IKstabltiliertWi.) n'CllKSTi:U,Mi:W VORK,
ACTIVK AUIINIH to bell the 1- lnltlo and Lyon
0,,,..,f,lllll,l'. Iu,rn.,l 1..... l.''.....
11JK luenuie.
Oenernl Olllco lor Peniikylvanla, Kew JcrMy
So 12.7 CIIKt.TM,TKT.,PlllI.A.
J. U 1'KKtifkON, Jliinet'tr.
1 RU KIT A 111,1' IlUtilMObS
Will be Rlvrn one cr two perfous, of cither m-x,
lu llLOCMkllumi and iidlolullia lim-hfc. 1V wldil
they may rcnllro 110111 lnu lo SI wo a jiur, Mllli
out unit iiMericreiif uun oioiiiaiy oriui 11110,1
lu M'lllliir IllI'!.i:ll()I.I All l'll I.l:t l lenl
ineilt and unieikiil like. It tho hide time. Is
devoted n much laiuir klim may iu leallzed,
C'ircuUru free, ulvlm: coiuHle'v lut ol uillcli!
and eommiskl iuii allowed, T. H, COOK & LO.
llonoueu. J
WIUT.Nr.V'rt M.ATS Poor IIAIlNIs r-OAl
fsiv isi kam ill- r im;i,
ITOlls, lilaclsa PolUhea and Hoaps
i ai ino i-amo lime, i ui up 111 niiiffc
uud Muult hnxeii, iilsulua 10 hard,
lias lieeu In ua lorM-arri ulul iiltR
polled nallsluctlou, heud hluluii lor
our WAVK11LY. Addrtm O. i. WIUIMIV
CO. Ui Mills HI., lloatou, Makn. uitl-Cm
,aillpn WililQ IIOSP.
I,;iiiii3 Airrlno 1 lose,
Ijadir.f Balmoral Ho?o
Ladips lialliitrunp. IIosp.
Lntlics Iron Frame Hose
La lies K1II.VQKT) f,UITINO CLOTH forTolo-
unlsos at Sioo per yard.
Flcccrd Ho?p,
blisses ono-Iialf Iloso
Ilnso in oxtra Sis-o
Misses Ribbed Iloso
Men Wollen ono half Iloso
Ladles Vesla
Curdiciin Jankets
Ladies Cloth Gloves
Ladles Ilcrlintl Gloves
Ladies Buck Gauntlets
Ruck Gloves
Ltidies Fur lop Gloves
Gents Fur to Gloves
lluek Glovai und Jlitlons
Ladies Kid Glove
Gents Clotli Hack Ruck Palm Gloves
Slnnvls of. all Kinds.
Kiiijircns Clotli
Dress Goods
Dundes Robes
Rlutk Satin
Velvet Rllions
Reaver Clotli
Ily vlrtno of Bundrr writs lssned out of tho
Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county
l'u., nnd to mo directed will be exposed lo
raihllcsnlent tho Court House, lu llio town of
lloomsbure, on MONDAY, Iho Slhdayof Ki:i).
KUAlt, 1S72, at ono clock p.m., the following
property to wit:
All that certain messuage, tenement nnd
house, mid lot of ground httuate tn Catawlsa
owusuip iiujoinini; oriu tsireel or uoberts ad-
litlOU to tllO tnWU Of CutftWlksil Itnimil,..! nM.l
descilbtdas follows to wit: Hounded on Iho
lUth bv North Street urnreh,ill. fin fhn Vnat l.i-
landsot Henry Hollluusliead on the North by
luuds of the samo and on llio We-t by the pub
He road leading from Catawissa to thonpper ter
ry, together with the hereditaments and appur
Kelzed. taken Into execution niiil In lm cnl,l na
the properly of Chrlstiauua Hunt nnd David
All that certain niece, narcel and tract nf Innd
situate in tho township of Heinlocs: lo tho Coun
ty 01 woiumoiacnniniuinir w acres moro or less
Uotulmr lands of lliomas J. Vandersllco on tho
Houth, Hobeit Itust,ell on tho West nnd North
no j. niesier nnocrsuce on ino linsi. together
villi tlio machinery on Enid premises and nt.
tacho 1 to tne buildings including Engine, Ac,
used for working of said machinery, nnd tho
quarry bit unto 011 tho said premb.os,
'1 hero aro erected on said premises four two
story name dwelling houses, one frame stable, n
largo noiiuiug lur ino juanuiactunng 01 biaie.
m;lno house, ,c.
Helzeil. lallen llllo execution and tn bo sold na
the pionrlyof IboTnomas Slate Company.
All that rarcel ornlcco oi land Kltnatn In Pln
ownshlp, iColumnu county, IVnnsj lvanla,
too li tied nud described as wit On
tho West by land of Thnina llentleld. on the
North bv land of John Hrunerand JamesGroen
ley on tho Kast by Orcouley ami 'lhonniM Van
dei slice, and 011 ilia South In Vnmlerxlioo hnd
John hat en, contalulugtdxty-four acreji. be the
mi mo moro or less, whereon Is erected a feiuall
notiKo ana stable witli the appurtenances.
Seized, taken In execution find tn 1h Knld nn
tho property of John Appletjate.
iV certain tract of land sltnate In Locust town
ship Columbia couuty, I'oundedou tho North by
iHiuiH in riuiN iiioiiiuv,nu me i.abi uy ianoH oi
Wesley l'errv. on tr,e South bv landa of William
IboinaK.ou the WcU by lands of Klijah Yocum
i-iiiumuiuK mneiy-six acres more or iesa on
vihuh h erected a Uvo-Mory Iramo dwclltnis
houe with tho appurtenances.
Seized, talien Info execution nnd to bo bold as
tho property of Jo&eph ThoniRs.
iiiui oMniit nucriii.
Cassimcrs and PlnneJs
Oil, CLOTHS l-l, CI and S-I wide.
THA 6!V1"I8 ef 4Citrcr, lion Hone ware nt
S3.75 per sett.
Our Hock of 1KAS, COFI'ELS, BP1CIS1, Ac.. 1
full nud at the lowcat figure .
0 111 fclci li r,f KOTIONS U lull and cr mplcle.
POOIS ndHIorfi.Rjullllne.
II.A11K A OLr aie cloiilKg out their stock of
frHAWIJi al ruUicid i tUts.mocy cf Ihem
Wi'inirKd 110 sleek ol 1CP.K ewr from last
stntou, our pustnt stixk Is luiteaiiiall new,
aim uiit r .ueiii iruiu tAW 10 yaw perfcfl,
WATEIt-rilOOF CIOAIUNO lit 11.(4, 11.35,
The nernnKwbn latelv tonli IIiosa nlnnlf from
tlio-ItJCk" bridge nt lllonni, nro untitled to re
turn lliem at onco, they nreueeded there. If not
returned the otlenderswlll be dealt with accord
ing to law, It has been the habit Quite friciuently
of thoughtless or malicious 1 prions toesrryor
niKo nwuy p'anu, coping stone anil oilier ina-
i-iiiii Hiiuiu Deioiiniug locouuiy onuses.
Weshall hcreatter ulve someailtntlon tosrch
persons mid deal with them accmdtng to luw.
Ci tizctis having ktiowletlgo of anv such nets,
will please KUelii.o.inatiou.totlieCommlsslon.
ers Olllce. llloomsburg.
iiy oruor oicommiKsioners.
Altibt. WM. IvKICKBAU.M,
Jau. 5,'72-3w. Clerk.
PURLIC NOTICE, Whereas, by tho
llth section of the Act oftho General As
sembly ot Iho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
npprovcililay !l A. 1). ISTl.tntllled "An act for
the protection of salmon, black bass nud other
fond HshfHiicwly inttodiicid. or to bo Introduc
ed, into tho rlvt is Dtlsuare and Susiiuehiitina
and their tributaries; for the protection also of
closes against unlawful tfthlug, aud to prevent
the Introduction of j ifdalory fishes Into trout
streams n in lor ouier ctriuanu purposes'. 11 in
inado the duty of lb,- seeral t-berltls of thv
counties of said L onimntiuiullli having Juris
diction of the streams thereof, whenever tlie-y
ball discover, or be luicirmed of llio exlstcrre
of any loulrlvanre for llio cutchlne of tlsh, such
ns nro commonly known ns fish boskets, eel
weirs, kiddies, blush or tascluo nets, or any
oilier peruiaiiently tit minus of taking fish. In
the miuueol a seine, toglsu ten das notice ill
tuo 111 wspaptrsof their respective couutles, that
tbonld loutrivnnces are known to exist, and
are di dared common nuisances, aud lo order
them to bedlsmantlid by their ou litis or man.
ngi-rs Ihereloie, in loiifoiinlty to said act, I,
AA1ION HM1T1I, bherlll' of Columbia county,
hereby give
Notice to All Whom it May Concern.
Hint tlio contrivances for Iho taking of In
mid act mentioned me klmwn to eilst lu the
Notlli lllnm li unlit-HuMiuilmi, nn rher.auUotlier
slienms within the 11,111115 olCnluinbtu, that 11. o
same nro dcclarcel to t'ecemmon imlsnncis, and
that llio owntis and lunm.s'tis ol buld (sontrlv
nucisaio lure by iieiuliiil lo Ultir.llille uud er.
11K1M' llu tiimi'M iihin 11 11 uujs ntttr He publl-
iilton 1,1111,1, limit r U t 1 unity et liuvtig be
mine illsmautlid uud liluoiiil. as iu said sit li
pioldid. AAUON bMlllI,
fherlfof Columbia couuty, l'u.
VTmtji Ut j
Twelve Years "El Wili Indians & Plains.
llio riinnrkcble ni'Miilures of tbe lomius
WH1TK 1 1111- l-'enil UIU WAllltlOlt miioug the
lttdhklns. 'lUrllllugurcnuulsol Uitut Hums,
llalil 1 ml 111 h trapes mid 'lei 1 Ible Contests Willi
tho big cumunud hostile tubes, hplrlled ilt trrl
Hons ol the Labils mid superstitious of Hint
ttinuge people, 'ilulr broils, litemli, Trsdl
Ho'is. Iiuw ILe y Wto ami Wed, Kslp, Uoelorj
Werthlp, Ac. Si, rush aud l'oiuisr, l'rlce
Low. Ills selliug by the thoutouds with won.
dirlul lupldlty, Atuilsnle luaklcg iioin i.'U to
iltuperwtik. Clioiii-titiiliti uisiit. Hind at
onto lor tuujplc clmpli is. lllusltuilous aud par
ticulars to A. li. llt'lUiAlUi, l ubllthtr,
JuUTjl-tf. M CUntuut bt l'hlla.