The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 26, 1872, Image 2

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$u GfoUunbhw.
Friday, Jaimary 2Gf 1S7B-
flronllng DcmocrnH.
Our orRanlZAtlon, liko others, Is In
festcil with n great many chronto fnult
flndorsi men who groan over defeats
which they tlldnot try to avert, or who
prophecy future disaster mid alt down
to moan mid nwalt it. Fnlth in success
is always half a victory 5 and ho Is most
lllcely to nchlovo It who, without count
Ing all tho doubtful chances as against
him, reaolutoly determines to go to
work and earn It. Tho fact Is that tho
army of growlers nro to a party what
"hummers" nro to an army. They
swell its numbers, consumo its sub
stance, pick up any stray stealings, and
in n fight nro tho first to desort to the
enemy. Thoy, llko tho "bummers,"
complain of their leaders, object to dis
cipline, ulwaysdemand promotion, and
betray their organization if their pri
vate interests aro benefitted thereby.
Whcnovcr wo hear a man cry out
about "rings," or boast of his own po
litical purity, wo fool certain that
ho has been thwarted in some schemo
for personal aggrandizement, or that
tho public failed to cstlmato him at tho
valuo ho puis upon hlmsolf.
Our object now Is to warn tho people
ncatnst theso malcontents. It Is tho
duty of ovory man professing to bo a
Democrat, to bucklo on his armor and
attempt to dofoat tho common foo ; ami
then, If spoils bo his object, lot him
quarrel over thorn : but ho Is a traitor
to tho causo who wouldattcmptto breed
discontent and dissension, or what Is
worse, turn his arms against tho friends
who trusted him. Tho truo Douioctat
always lights tho battles of his organl
zitlon, and is not turned a;Ido by petty
disappointments nor by party reverses
but tho greater tho necessity for action
tho harder ho labors.
AVo tell you, Democrats of Columbia
county, that in tho coming contest the
Democratic parly will win. Wo will
carry tho Legislature (and with it gain
n U. S. Sanator) wo will win tho Gov
ertior a majority in Congress and the
President. Tho Republicans are dlsor
ganlzsd, whilst we aro dally gaining
strength. Proper candidates and a pop
uhr platform will insure 113 success,
and now is tho timo to closo tho mouths
of the political "bummers'1 in our own
ranks, who, whilo they contributo noth
ing towards tho causo, constantly stab
at thoso who do.
(.rant's Greatest.
This is preeminently tho ago of Jobs,
but it has remained for tho President
of tho United States to endorse ono, be
foro which all othcro, San Domingo in
eluded, "palo their Ineffectual fires;" wo
refer to tho postal-telegraph schemo ro
commended by Gran t in his last message
to Congress. As this subject will prob
ably bo brought up for consideration at
an early day, wo deslro our readers to
bo acquainted with its merits. It is
proposed to buy all tho telegraph lines
of tho country and place them under
tho management of tho Post-Offico De
partment. Tho cost of thoso purchases,
although very largo, amounting to
sorno $30,000,000, is but a minor mat
tor compared with tho subsequent of
fects which would bo produced by plac
ing theso lines under Government
sway. Tho President gives as a reason
why theso lines should bo purchased
tho probability that "tho cost of tele
graphing could bo much reduced" and
tho business transacted equally as well
"if not bettor" than in prlvato bands.
Wo bcliovo tho peoplo pretty gonerally
understand that tho Government
always pays more for labor and materi
als than individual operators, and that
tho chances aro more decidedly in favor
of an increase than a decreasoof expen
ditures. Again, thero would bo no
privacy in messages; all would boun
der tho direct espionage of tho admin
istration through its employees. It is
hardly necessary to dilate on tho power
which this would confer In cases of
closely contested elections when tho
Democratic candidates would bo com
pelled to abandon tho uso of tho telo
graph or expose their plans to unfriend
ly criticism. This is perhaps the
strongest objection which exists. Grant,
with that foreknowledge of paying in
vestments which forms so strong a
point in his character, has already pur
chased telegraph stock In anticipation
of future emoluments. This alone
should condemn tho plan.
Another strong argument against tho
scheme lies in tho fact that it would bo
placing in tho hands of tho Admlnlstra
tlon a powerful electioneering weapon
Tho number of offices in tho gift of tho
President Is already enormous but who
could cstlmato tho number which would
accrue to him, should theso purchases
bo made? Thousands .upon thousands
of now offices could bo erected, mid
men appointed to fill them, their po
sitions dopendlng upon the votes they
cast. Miles of wires could bo put up,
whether necessary or not, for the pur
posoof provldlngsltuatlons for tho nun-
gry ofllco seekers who besiege tho White
House. Tho salaries of those multitud
inous employees, tho cost of erecting
and maintaining tho lines and number
less incidental expenses would como
from the pockets of tho people, and this
too on tho problematical reduction,
only, of tho rates for sending messages
Wo liavo seen enough of tho uses to
which this Administration can put any
means placed in its hands, to know that
this job If carried out would be como a
political ongino to bo used in controll
log elections and tho Democracy would
actually bo paying tho salaries of count
less officials all working with what zeal
is in them to secure tho triumph of tho
Republican party.
Till! Boston Transcrint savs: "Hon
Jamln Franklin is regarded by almost
universal consent as tno greatest man
over Dorn in jnow isngianu."
If this bo so, wo should bo pleased to
know where it is proposed to place
Sumner? Are all his years of labor
spent In cramming himself with apt
quotations from tuo choicest classical
sources, and U3ed in bis public oratorio
al efforts, to go for nothing? Franklin
could not liavo delivered himself of
anything llko tho amount of cflorvea
cent elocution in bohalf of tho "man
and brother," and is all this to bo over
looked ? Wo trust that tho Uostoniutia
will pause before confirming tho asser
tion of tho UYantcripl and carefully ro
gard tho claims of their "library of so
led quotations."
Tho Administration ami Itcfurm.
In December last, when Senator
Trumbull introduced Ills bill looking to
tho reform of corruptions and abuses in
tho administration of public nfmrs,
Grant's supporters in tho Sonato woro
loud In their denunciations of tho mcas
uro mid vohemcnt in their assertions of
tho purity of tho Government. It was
not until tho peoplo, through tho press,
had mado known their determination
to hnvomi Investigation that theso gen
tlemen wero convinced of tho utter im
possibility of maintaining their posi
tion. In tho Custom IIouso Cotnuittco in
Now York woseo tho samo deslro to in-
lorposo obstacles In tho unearthing of
monstrous abuses, on thopartof cortoln
Sonators, notablo frionds of tho Whlto
Houso clique. Upon an occasion ro-
cently whon u witness was giving dam
aging tostlmouy as to tho corruptness
of officials, ho was treated so uncivilly
by Senator Stewart that ho (Stownrt)
was rebuked by Senator Uayard, ono of
tho two Democrats on tho Commlttco,
who said that tho wltnoss was not pres
ent for trial ns n defaultor but for tho
purpose of giving testimony. So
prompt liavo tho papers been in pub
lishing tho proceedings and so damag
ing liavo theso proved, that tho Com
mlttco contcmplato going to Wash
ington to avoid further disclosures. By
this change tho Commlttco gets rid of
troublcsomo wltnosscs and its futuro
actions will virtually amount to noth
ing. Enough however has been dis
closed to provo that Grant's bosom
friend Loot has mado thousands of dol
lars by unlawful and fraudulont
charges nnd that Grant's military fam
lly at Washington know tho facts, If
they, tho President Included, did not
sharo tho spoils. Tho peoplo should
demand a full Investigation of this Cus
tom IIouso business nnd whoro Improp
er and corrupt practices prevail, the of
fenders should bo promptly dealt with,
regardless of tho rank of tho offonder.
Thero has been so much virtuous Indig
nation at Democratic Tammany Hall
that Republican Custom IIouio should
have Its fair sharo.
Tho New Militia Hill.
The now Militia bill presented in tho
IIouso of Representatives atllarrisburg,
provides that nil raalo citizens of tho
Commonwealth between tho ages of 18
and -15 aro to bo enrolled ns Hablo to
militia duty. Tho exemptions, in addi
tion to thoso for physical and other
disabilities, nro certain office-holders,
and thoso who havo served five years In
tho nrmy and been honorably discharg
ed therefrom. Tho sections which pro
vide for tho support of tho Stato Militia
aro as follows :
Section 87. Tho amount of tho State
Military fund to be raised annually
shall bo at tho rato of ono dollar for
each person on tho last military enrol
ment returned by tho Inspector General
of tho several divisions of tho Stato to
tho Adjutant General, on or beforo tho
first day of November in each year.
Sec. 88. The Adjutant General, Audi
tor General and State Treasurer shall
constltuto tho Stato Military Board,
and shall meet Immediately after this
bill shall become a law, and on tho first
Monday of Decoinber thereafter, and on
tho first Monday of December of each
succeeding year, and, after estimating
tho amount of the Military fund, to
gether with tho amount duo from each
county, shall certlty tho samo to tho
Auditor General, to bo filed in Ills
Sec. 89. It shall be tho duty of tho
Auditor General, as soon as said certifi
cate is received for tho year, and on or
beforo tho first day of January of each
year to notify tho County Commission
ers of tho several counties of this Stato
of tho amount required, as aforesaid,
from their counties respectively, which
amount shall bo taken into account by
said Commisioners when they make
their estimate of tho probable expenses
of their counties for tho ensuing year;
and, In addition to tho county rates
and Iovies now authorized by law, thero
shall bo lovied and collected, as other
county rates and levies now are, a tax
sufficient to raiso tho nmoutit as afore
said charged to tho counties respective
ly, which amount shall bo paid into tho
State Treasury at tho samo timo that
other lovies upon counties for Stato pur
poses aro paid. Said amounts so lovied
and collected for military purposes, and
paid into tho Stato Treasury, shall bo
held exclusively for military purposes.
Stc. 00. The Stato Military Board
shall audit and adjust all military
claims payablo out of tho Stato Military
Fund, and after adjustment of any claim
submitted to it, tho Adjutant Qeneral
shall Issuo his warrant for tho amount
thereof payablo at tho Stato Treasury.
The Pension Bureau. In reply to
a series of interrogatories from Charlos
W. Wlllard, Chairman of tho Committee
on Revolutionary Pensions and War of
1812, Commissioner J. II. Baker has
furnished tho following interesting and
valuable official information: During
tho war of 1812 tho soldiers, a dlors and
marines who served for twclvo months
or longer wero in number C3,170; tho
militia who served six months or more,
C3,02o; tho militia who served threo
months or more, 12,3,013; tho militia
who served ono month or moro, 120,807,
and tho militia who served less than
0110 month, 117,200, making a total of
527,051. Tho bounty land warrants
Issued to soldiers of the war of 1812 aro
approximately estimated at 181,000, of
which 29,000 wero issued under tho act
of 1812, and 22,500 under the act of Sop
tember 28th, 1850, and 129,600 under
tho act of March 3d, 1855. Tho bounty
land warrants Issued to widows of
soldiors of tho war of 1812 amount in
number to 82,190, of which 11,850 wero
Issued under tho act of September 23th,
1850, and 07,310 under tho act of March
3d, 1655. Tho great majority of tho
ubovo land warrants was issued lu tho
few years immediately following tho
passage of tho respective) acta.
Tho Commissioner of Pensions prom
ises a supplementary report on tho
questions ns to tho number of perjona
who served in tho Indian Wars of tho
Northwest, and as to tho number of
land warrants Issued to tho soldiers of
thoso wars and to their widows. Under
tho act of Congress of February 11th,
1871, giving pensions to tho survivors
of tho war of 1812, thero havo, up to
December 31st, 1871, been received 33.-
811 applications, of which 20,058 wero
mado by survivors, nnd 7783 by widows.
From Fobruary Mth to December 3lst,
1871, thero havo been granted 11,720
pensions, or 10,371 to survivors, and
1319 to widows. Tho Commissioner esti
mate) that of tho applications for pen
sions by survivors about one-sixth will
bo rejected, and of tho applications by
widows about ono-third.
In tho Sonato on Wednesday of last
week Mr.Wallacointroduccd n bill mak
ing it unlawful to commence proceed,
ings to obtalti possession under landlord
and tenant act of 1803, unless bucIi
proceedings nro foundod on a wrltton
In tho tho House, Mr. Brockway, of
Columbia, olTereil tho following
Resolved, That tho general Judiciary
commlttco of this IIouso bo Instructed to
Inquire if any railroad, chartered by
this common wealths, and now owning
coal lands or operating collieries in this
State, havo mado falso or incorrect re
turns to tho Legislature or to tho auditor-general
as to tho amount of tholr
capital stock, divldonds, real ostato,
tonnage, or gross rccolpts, or havo with
held from tho commonwealth any taxes
duo upon tho same; with power to send
for persons und papers upon reasonable
causo forluvlstlgatlou being shown.
Mr. Josephs objected to tho resolution
as being too general and vuguo In its
terms, and nskod for an explanation.
Mr. Brockway said that In thecaso of
at least ono coal carrying corporation
tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Westorn
Railroad tho amount of faxes had
decreased within tho threo last years,
Bills wero lutroducod :
Authorizing tho Stato superintendent,
with thoadvlcoand consentof tho gover
nor, to appoint on or beforo tho first
Monday of May, three citizens of each
normal school district to net as trustees
on tho part of tho State.
Preventing tho buying, selling ami
giving away of any spirituous or malt
liquor, wine, cider, or any substance
contnlninc alcohol on election dav.
In tho Sonato on Thursday of last
veek,tho following now bills wero Intro
duccd :
Mr. Warfol, amending tho Jury law,
providing that tho drawing of Jurors
shall bo mado under tho supervision of
tho Judgca of tho Court of Common
Picas, or any two of them, nnd citizens
who deslro to bo present.
Mr. Purman, providing that tho
measure of damages on a breach of
penal contract shall bo tho actual loss
Mr. Whlto moved to take up tho sup
plement to nn net relating to changes of
venuo, all expenses to bo paid by the
county from which tho suits aro remov
ed. Passed.
Mr. Buckalow moved to take up tho
net to nuthorlzo reformed voting In the
election of school director?, applying
tho cutnulatlvo system of voting. Pass
ed to third reading, and laid over.
In tho House, tho following bill was
approved; Regulating tho Stato Treas
urer's deposits (taking effect at tho end
of the present official's term), giving
the deposits to the highest bidder, who
shrll givo proper security ; such deposi
tories be either Stato or National banks.
Mr. Dartt introduced a bill to prohi
bit tho granting of any license In any
city or borough, or township, unless a
majority of tho voters shall voto in
favor of such Ilconso.
An act authorizing nsslgneses of In
surances policies to suo in their own
names, was reported by Mr. McJunkin.
In tho House Fridny of last week Mr.
Lano offered a resolution that tho com
mittee on education bo instructed to
confer with tho superintendent of com
mon schools upon tho subject of the
expediency of compulsory education,
nnd report by bill or othorwlso. Passod.
Mr. McJunkin reported from tho
judiciary committeo ncgatlvnly a bill
allowing facts to be pleaded in justifi
cation in libel and slander suits.
Mr. Gray, from tho committeo on
federal relations, reported favorably a
Joint resolution instructing our con
gressmen to uro tho passago of all tho
acta granting bounty lands to soldiers
and sailors.
No business of inporlanco was trans
acted In tho Senate.
No business of importance was trans
acted in tho Sonato on Monday. In tho
IIouso Mr. White oflyrcd a resolution to
appoint a joint committeo to fix tho time
and place for opening and publishing
tho returns for Auditor and Survoyor
General, and In referenco to tho Con
stitutional Convention. Passed.
Messrs. White, Gatchell, and Brock
way were appointed on tho part of tho
Mr. Whlto Introduced a supplement
to an act rclativo to tho election of
Auditor and Surveyor General and
county surveyors by tho people, which
provides that In caso of tho death of
any person elected to said offices between
tho day of election and tho first Tues
day of May next ensuing, tho vacancy
shall bo filled until tho second Tuesday
of November next ensuing by appoint-
orient of tho Governor. Tho election to
fill tho vacancy shall then bo held on
tho day of tho annual olection in Octo
ber. Tho following bills wero Intro t iced.
By Mr. Brockway an act tor love
laborers, worklngmcn, andjournc men
frm certain prosecutiou3 and indict
ments for conspiracy under tho criminal
laws of tho Commonwealth,
A supplement to nn net totMi-blish
judicial courts of tho Commonwoalthin
conformity to alterations, and amend
ments in tho constitution, 13th April,
1791, limiting timo of taking writ of
error, appeal, and cortiorarl to tho
Supremo Court,
In tho Senate, a number of bills and
petitions wero offered, but nono of gen
eral Interest. In tho IIouso a large
number of prlvato bills were read and
On Wednesday of last woek, tho
Amnesty bill was dobated in tho
United States Sonato. In tin IIouio
an Important debato took placo on tho
proposed tinkering of tho protectionist
tariir. Tho Executive, Legislative, and
Judicial Appropriation bill was report
ed to tho Houso by tho Commlttco on
Appropriations. It appropriates about
$17,000,000 for tho next fiscal year, or
52,000,000 less I ban tho estimates, and
$2,500,000 less than tho amount hereto
fore appropriated for tho present fiscal
In tho Senate Thursday tho Judiciary 1
Committeo mado an advorso report to
tho potltion of certain women who
asked tho right to address tho Senate
from the floor on tho subject of woman
suffrage. Tho Financo Committeo re
ported a bill defining the olght-hour
law. Tho Military Committeo reported
a bill granting tho idsuo of artificial
limbs to all persons who lost cither
arms or legs In tho armies of tho United
States, below tho grade of captain. Tho
bill was nmended giving them to per
sons of all grades, cither in tho army or
navy. Mr. Carpentor spokoforsorao
timo on tho unconstitutionality of
Grant's schemo of clvll-scrvlco reform.
In tho houso of Representatives Mr.
Palmer, from tho Commlttco on Ap
propriations, reported tho Pojt-ofllco
Appropriation bill, Thoblli appropri
ates $23,225,750, Mr. Clark, from tho
samo committee, reported tho Pension
bill, which appropriates $30,180,000.
Tho Virginia contested election was
taken up and Mr. Braxton declared
entitled to his scat.
No business of n national character
was tiansactcd In tlto Houso of Repre
sentatives 011 Friday, tho greator part of
tho session being given up to tho dis
cussion of tho Arkansas election caso of
Bolos against Edwards. A bill for tho
funding of tho debt of tho city of Wash
ington was passed, whon tho IIouso
adjourned. Tho Sonato was not in
In tho Sonato on Monday a potltion
from Mrs. Mary Anu R. Loo, widow
of tho lato General R, E, Loo, iu re
ferouco to tho Arlington ostato, was
presented. Sho oaks $300,000 for a clear
tlllo to tho estate.
Mr. R imsay introduced tho Postal
Telegraph bill. Mr. Garrett Davis in a
scorching spcoch offered a resolution to
Inquire Into President Grant's $5,000
defalcation and other eirjrts of that
gentleman in tho clvll-scrvlco reform
It was bill day in tho House. Mr.
Farnsworth's resolution calling for nn
Investigation Into tho affairs of tho
District ot Columbia was adopted with,
out a protest, every member that roso
spoaklng most emphatically against
tho wholesale corruptions of Grant's
appointees. One man, I ho delegate from
tho District, merely asked for n suspen
sion of judgment. An appropriation of
$50,000 was mado to defray tho ex
penses of tho ambassadors of Japan.
Tho Apportionment bill wa3 reported
and tlio Amnesty bill was debated in
tho Sonato on Tuesday. In tho House
tho Apportionment bill, as reported by
tho Sonato Judiciary Committee, Is es
sentially changed. Tho total number
of Representatives is cut down from 2S3
to 213.
On Wednesday last week, thcannivcr
sary of Benjamin Franklin's birth, tho
bronzo statuo of tho pionoor printer
presented to tho press and printers of
New York by Captain DcGroot was
formally unveiled by Professor Morse,
before a largo crowd assembled in Print
ing housoSquaro Now York. The core
monies included speeches by Dr. Prime,
Professor Morse, Mr. Greeloy, nnd Mr.
C. C. Savage. In tho ovening a largo
company of litterateurs assembled at
Dclmonlco's to honor tho day.
In a street-car in Utica Mrs. McCarty
oxchanged somo angry words with Mil
ton H. Thompson, who was;accompan.
led by II. H. Hall, a coal dealer of
Ogdonsburg. Sho suddenly drew a
revolver and shot at Thompson. Tho
ball passed through his face and pierced
Hall's heart. The latter fell dead in
tho car, but Thompson's wound is not
considered dangerous. Tho woman was
A dispatch from Frankfort, ICy.,
says that n short time sinco n party of
disguised men visited tho houso of a
citlzon in that county whilo a wedding
was In progress and took possosslon of
tho premises. Thoy fired off pistols and
danced over tho floor, and tho fright
occasioned to tho daughter of tliis
citizen caused her to go inlo spasms,
succeeded by insanity.
Ladob IIeform. A National Con
vention of tho Labor Reform Party will
bo held in Columbus, Ohio, on Wednes
day, Feb. 21st, 1872, to nominalo can
didates for President and Vico Presi
dent of tho United States, and for tho
transaction of such other business ns
may como beforo it.
President Gowan of tho Phil a. &
Reading R. R., has agreed to udvanco
fifty per cent, of tho cost toward tho
erection of blast furnaces In tho valley
of tho Schuylkill, on tho lino of tho P.
fc R. Railroad.
In responso to n, letter signed by near
ly ono thousand Republicans Col. A.
K. McCluro hasslguified his willingness
to run for tho Stato Senato from tho
fourth district as a Reform Candidate.
Ho will probably defeat Gray tho ring
The minors of tho Wilkesbarro Coal
and Iron Company havo resumed work
having yielded to tho reduction in their
wages mado by tho company, Thero is
now no suspension in tho Wyoming
Kmc county boasts of moro snow,
bigger tannerios, morohomlock limber,
and a greator number of deer, bears and
wildcats than any county of tho size in
tho Commonwealth.
At two o'clock i'. at. on Wednesday
last, a man was thrown down at Third
and Chestnut streets Phila. ono of the
most busy spots in tho city, nnd robbed
offourteeu hundred dollars. Tho robbers
Heuii Waciitel, who recently sing
five nights at tho Philadelphia Academy
of Music, received $7, 100 for his services.
Tho eiitlro receipts amounted to $17,500.
President Grant recently gavo his
check for $5000 in payment of ills un
settled accounts as an officer of tho
regular army sovoral years ago.
Jno. W. Heath,, n gentleman who
resides at Beavor Meadow, Schuylkill
county, was robbed by threo mon,on tho
public highway, of $1,600, on Thursday
Hon. Georgo.R. Dennis succeeds Mr.
VIckorsns United States Senator from
Maryland, tho Legislature In Joint con
vention having elected him on Friday
At Lakovillo, Mass., on Friday, a
dentist named Charles A, Leach, whilo
suffering from delirium tremens, mado
a "raid" upon tho population at largo,
nnd shot four men beforo ho was secur
ed. A man In Montclalr, N. J., hid 811,
500 in Elizabeth City bonds under ills
barn floor, and when ho took thorn up
they wero ho mlldowcd that they wero
worth nothing.
The Trenton Bank, N, J. was enter
ed on Sunday night last by fivo burglars
who bound and gagged tho watchman
and carried offbecurltles valued at $100,
000. No arrests.
The messenger of tho Metropolitan
Bank was robbod on Broadway, near
Murray street Now York of a pocket
book containing gold checks and cer
tificates amounting to $70,000.
Mrs. Wharton lias been acqulttod of
tho murder of General Ketcham, Tho
trial has crcuted great excitement but
tho result was not unexpected.
General Mosby, of guerilla fame, has
been mado brlgadlor-gonoral of tho
Stato militia of Maryland.
Kni.auoemknt op the Canals.
Tho Pennsylvania Canal company now
controls 303 miles of navigation main
lino from Columbia to Holldaysburg,
173 miles; West Bronch and Susquo
hannn division, from tho Junction to
Lock Haven, 111 miles; Wyoming db
vision, from Northumberland to Wit-kcs-Barrc,
01 miles; Wlconlsco canal,
recently acquired by tho company, 12
Two years ugo last Fall tho company
commenced to cnlargo tho dlinotislons
of Its canals. Tho channel is about fivo
foot deep, twenty-eight foot wldo at tho
bottom and forty-four feet nt wntcrlino.
Tho Improvements m.iko it six feet in
depth, thirty-four feet nt tho bottom
nud flfty.flvo feet across tho surface of
tho water. It Is oxpoctod that tho work
of Increasing tho width, etc., from Co
lumbia to Wllkes-Barro will bo com
pleted by Juno next.
Largo numbers of workmen nro now
engaged ludlgglng between MIddlctowu
nnd Columbia, Clark's Ferry and North
umberland and between tho latter placo
and Nantlcoko dam n forco of nearly
2,000, which is being gradually Increas
ed, as laborers can bo procured. Tho
wages paid amount to about $00,000 per
Four dredging machines aro used
during tho Summer, each of which is
capable of removing fivo miles of bnmc
a season. Tho cost of ono is about
Tho Intention of tho company is to
make tho dimensions of all tho canals
alike, but this may not bo consumma
ted for sovoral years.
Tho company owns 3 steamboats nnd
37 canal boats. Tho cintiro number on
tho different lines readies about nino
hundred, which transport in tho neigh
borhood of 1,000,000 tons of freight, audi
as coal, lumber etc., annually.
The main lino nnd branches of tho
company liavo 111 lift uud 10 gunrd
locks, most of thoso on tho eastern di
vision (which passes through Harris
burg) having doublo chambers.
The enlargement of tho Pennsylva
nia canal is already giving nmplo ovl
denco of its utility in facilitating navi
gation. Eight pairs of section bonts,
each couplo canablo of carrying safely
and expeditiously 300 tons of freight
nro now plying tho lower canals, where
tho channel has been enlarged to the
requislto dimensions and doublo chatn
ber locks havo been introduced. Two
of theso boats pass through n lock to
gethor, ono behind tho other. Tho ca
pacity of an ordinary boat is about 100
tons so it will bo soon that 300 tons of
freight can bo transported nlmost as
cheaply us 100 under tho old system of
navigation. Tho water being deeper
by a foot a boat can bo much moro heav
ily laden, without requiring any addi
tional horses. Tho capacity of two sec
tion boats is about fifty per cent, great
er than that of ono of tho barges on tho
Erie canal, which channel is considera
bly wider and deeper than that of tho
improved Pennsylvania. When tho
enlargement has been effectcdon all tho
lines of tho Pennsylvania canal doublo
chamber locks will bo generally erected
and section boats substituted for thoso
now in use.
New Advertisements.
V'n Will men! nt nnr nfTiA In Tt1nAMni....
on. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY, IS, ls72 nt i
rt'Mnftf. 11. ,n tn In f Im In. 1 1. II..;. ,r .7
fit Mlllvllle, over Little Fishlngcreek. Wool
work to bo put up about Humous nt old brldgo.
Abutments to be 8 feet ubovo wnte r, and 3 feet
thick nt top, mid longcnough to suit superstruc
ture, jvlug walls, East side to be 10 feet ions
each. West s'lle lu and 7 respectively. Tho
stone, in old abutments nnd wing walls to bo
used by tlin contractor. Much timber, In old
bridge ns wo shall "elect to bo put In new bridge
at a llxed price, and tobedoduciedfromnmouut
of contract, l-'or lurtuer particulars apply nt
CYRUS ItonniNS, -l Comm'rs.
H.J. REEDRR, L """'if
WM. HHAI-TER. Col. f!n.
Rloonnhurg, Jan. 2fl, is7,
.Heat: WM. Kiuckhaom, Ch
Clerk. Jnn2G'71-3t.
Letters of Administration, on tho cstnte of
Hiram Halrer. lfitn nf tn,,.., .1,1 n r...-
lumhla county, deceased, Imve been granted by
tiio Register of said county to Joshua Fritz,
oi same place. All persons having claims ngnlnst
the estate of tho decedeut aro requested to pre
sent them for settlement, nnd those Indebted to
Ihn estate to mako payment to tho undersigned,
administrator, without dekiv.
JU3HU4 run..
Jttn:072-Cw Admlulstrator.
Letters of administration nn tlin rHtnta nr
riilllp Miller, lato of Centre twp., Columbia
county Uec'd., havobeon granted bv tho Iteatster
of said counts, to ltenlamlu Miller, of Kspy,
Col co Pa . nnd Abinham K. Khumnu, of Lime
Hldge, Cot. co.. Pa. All persons having claims
or demnnds against tho decedent are renucst-
eu iu iuuuu ineiu kiiowm. nun innH moruieu
to make payment. IIK.VJAMIN MILTjEK.
JauM7i-0vv Administrators.
It 1m a companion volume to
of which
100(000 Copies
Have already been ordered, nud 13 still ono of
the best sel Hug books out.
Don't waste time on books no uno wants, but
take ono peoplo will stop yon lu the slrue'.s to
siib-crtne for -'Thero Is a time to laugh," nnd
all who read this book will see clearly that tluio
lias come. Apply nt once lor Territory, circu
lars, and Terms. Address
DUl-'FIKI.l) AS1IMEAT), Publisher
decl!'71-lf 711 Hansom Street, Philadelphia
AGENTS Wanted. Agents mnkomoro money
at woik lor us than ut uuvtlilug elso. Uusl
ness llirht nnd nermaucnt. l'artlciilsrB free. G.
Stinsun Jt Co., J'iiio Art JtibtUhers, Portland,
The Great Tiros
In CHICAGO and tlio WIST by Itov. V. 3. Goon-Hi-Ksn,
1), I)., ofClilosgo. Only complete history.
7U0 Hyo. pagos : 75 engravings. TO.tuo ulieady sold.
Price 8.'. Sil. 'JOOu agents made In 2ft days. Profits
go to sulterers. AOJSNTS IVANTIiU. II. H.
CJOODSPHF.l) & CO., 37 l'itkllow, New York.
(Incorporated 1WVU
uri-'iutiius ami inuix-ruiitt.
. H., Prca't.
1 1. Wl IJ.ON, Vice- Prca't.
J. F. FiiUEAUFK.iieo'y.
J. 11. llACIIMAM.
Hoiit. Crank.
wm. pattox,
J.H. r-TKl.NB.
M, At. HTlUcKLEll.
it. i . iirox.
For Insurance or Agenclos. Adlress
J. F, FKUUAUFr'.beoV, Columbia, Pa.
It our Antidote will not cure, Nn pain or In
coiiveuiunco. Kent on receipt of S3.0U. B. II,
AltMSTHONO, M. l Healing Institution, Iter
rleiiHprluifs, Mich.
AHUUKCUUEforthls distressing complaint
Is now made known 111 a treatise (uf IS octavo
lumen) on Foreign and Native Herbal Prepara
tions, published by Dr. u. Piieli'h IIuown. The
prescription was discovered by lilm lu such a
providential manner that he cannot conscien
tiously rerute to make It known, us It lias cured
everybody who has used It for Fits, never having
fulled lu a single case. The ingredients may be
obtained from auy druggist. A copy sent tree to
all applicant by mall. Address Hit. O, Pillllil'd
llltoWN, tl Graud Htroet, Jersey City, N. J.
HcntbyMnll orKxprcis
Numbering 175 pages, uud containing
Kach worth twice tho cost of Catalogues, mailed
WMllappllcauts ou receiptor 'J5 cents.
Hecdnmau, s; Cortlandt Htroet, N. V.
A PWVPCJ WANTItll-Vnr nnr now. llooV.
Aul'iiX Iotmi: nitmiir sidm of nuv
YOUK. lly a city MKslonarr. 'J00 llngravliigs.
Airents sell 4i) n ilnr.
1 11. T1115AT, Publisher,
tKVillroadway.N, Y.
I- lly sending 0() CENTS Willi
ago, licliflil, color of eyes and hair, you will re
celvo tiv relnrn mall, ncorroct picture of your
luiurn imsnanfi or wiic, wnu name nun uaio oi
marriage, Addresi W. FOX, 1'. O. Drawer, No. '.'I
l'nltonvlile, N. Y. nl-lw
A bound canvassing book of tho
. .
containing over . iiiusiraiions, iiiinumii
prehcn-lvn Cyclopedia explanatory ni tho Scrip
tures, 111 F.Ndt.HIt ANII (lEllMAN,
lil-lw WM.F1.1N1' A CU.,Phllndelplila, P.i.
Wo desire to otigngo n few moro Agents to sell
tho World Iteiio-viieil Improved lluckeyo Mow
ing Machine, at n liberal salary or on Commiss
ion. A Horsnnnd Wagon given 1o Agents. Full
Parllculars furnished on application. Address
W. A. ltKNIIUKHO.V . CO., General Agents,
Cleveland, Uhlu, A HI. Louis, Mo. nl-lw
siioo REWAnain nr. mit-r
tho proprietor or I it t fl'ro'fl j
Cntttrrlilti-med.rforaia oil
"tiV-f la ihttJ," I iinrn or
():, aa.wlilcli ho can net tir
oiu uy uriiggigiii nt m cu
A completo Ilstnry of tils life nnd exploits from
A Pedlar Hoy to a Klug among I'lnnncleis. Ills
.rlnmphsaiid Mllurts. How ho lived nnd how
ho died. Illustrated. Price by mal , fti cents.
Terms liberal. Address, WM. FLINT Co,.
Philadelphia, Ptt. nl 4w
000 more Agents Wanted at Once I
For tho most complete, reliable anil jpIcnelWj
ilhulnifnl lilstoiyof
Tn which Is milled n. thrilling account of several
of the greatest tires tlio world has known i In-
Clliuillg llie miu I'orestr r lies ui i-mjuu-.hi hum
MlchUan. A book of deepest Interest r.tud sell
ing with wonderlul rapidity. For extra tcinu
ndbo3toooK,8uure8S, onnABrj ,.,
nl-lw Publishers, i anusom Hi,, Phlla,
i UI.1 nilriK't.'. HI'f.lIi-TIONM. No. 4."
Is now ready with Its precious h ore of good
things for Public nnd Parlor Headings, being n
happy blending oi uioqucucp, l minor, neini
ment. Pathos ami lliirltsqiio. Uni nrm In stylo
Willi UIU piei-emiiK iiiiniin-i n. "
Hi., niililln heart, and the erv Is "11(1 tl! " Cloth
bound, 73 cents i piper,:!) cents, or I copies Tor
SI. Also, "Hxcilslor Dialogues," ruvlsod cd.,
prlco :l.. Ask your bookseller tliotn, or
send price to P. GAUUI1TT A: CO., 7UJ Chestnut
til., t'liiiaueipnia, i-a.
AfillNrs WANTIU). Thno
selling otticr
books cm sell those by thousands.
With a full and authentic: hlstorv of PoLYOAMY,
by J. H. BEADLE, Editor ol the Halt Lake no-
Agents are meeting with unprecedented sue
cess, one renorts IhOsllbscrlbei-s til four days, all
other 71 In two days. Hend lot-Circulars and seo
wuai 1110 press Hl)H oi llie wnra. haiiuliiu
1'UiiLiiauiwli cu., I'uiiaueipusa, ra, ui-iw
A new Book of Abiding Valtio nnd Heady S.ilc.
President O. a. Kinney, of Oberltu (O.) follese,
wnies : "ine ic.icmnus oi huh wurn biiumu uo
enmn rn attorn ot tzotierul ItnoWlediio. I beliovo
few will object to thU boolc eicept tboso who nro
rtMJUiceu uy it, nuu wnot inereion., iiidmhccu 11,
Mnv Had blesH bolh it ami Us lallhtul author."
N)milo pnees nud circulars &eni free. U. 1
t?i i, ruuiisner, .Murray m.t x iu-nv
TliesnTubiptH i.rescut tlio Acid hi Combination
wuii oilier cmrioui remeun-a, in n punumr iurm
HOAKHKNl-SSnnd UKCKHATION of the tbronl
nro lmiiicilUilciy reneveu nua huuemems nro
constantly belu;; sent to tun proprietor of rollef
H 4 U'PTAT Uou't bo deceived
IA U 1 lAJiN linlltttlons. Get
Carbolic 'labjtt5. Price 2) cents pe
mcnvHOi itirout (iiuicuuiut ui yunr. biiiunui.
won 'log ueceivtiii nv w rit'ss
it oniy iuk-
o. KIJLLOUU. is rjntt St.. N. V. Heud for cir
per iiox. juut
cular. Solo Agent for tho U. 8. nl-4v
It Is not a physic It Is not what Is popularly
called a Hitters, nor Is It Intended ns Mich, It Is
a South American plant that has been used or
many years by the medical laculty of thoso
countries with wonderful elllcacy as a l'owerful
Alterative uud Uneqnnled Purltler of the lllood
nnd Is a suro and Perfect Remedy forall Discuses
ot the
Dr. Wells' Extract of Juruboba
lsoltered to the public as a great liiviKorulorand
remedy for all impurities of the blood, or for
organic weakness with their utteudaut ovlls.
For tho foregoluK complaluia
Is contlileutly recommended to every family ns
n household remedy, aud should bo fieely taken
lu nil deriinseincuts of the system. It Klves
henlth, visor and tone to nil the vital forccs.and
animates mid forlllles all weak and lymphatic
JOHN IJ. KELLOCO. IS Plait Ht., New York.
Hole Audit for tho United Ktatcs,
Trlco 81 per lint lie. tieml lor Circular. nl-lw
SSu to SUOO per month, by selling
And How They weiik Made; on the tkuo-
by J. D. Mcl'n'je, Jr. lly forly emlccntosnmplcs,
It teaches bow to Mici-eed In lite, aud llttllH same
time benellt luauklud Fur parllcuUis, notices
oi iiiu press unii extra lerms, iiuuress,
nWw OEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, Phlladel'n,
will open on
MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1872,
under the entire control of tho
They have selected ns Principal of tho Insti
n eeutlomnn whoso qualifications liavo been
lully tested nnd nroved In tlio NINE YEARS lu
which he has had charge of the schools of the
County ns (superintendent; and they nsk, nnd
havo u rUht lo demand for him aud the Insll-
iiiiiou, tue commence nnu support oi our own
f-lllzeus, and of the frieudsof the enterprise and
of education every wheie. In point of comfort,
couvuuieiue nun ueauiy oi iiiuiiuukh nnu sur
roundings, no school In tho Stale suroasses this:
nnd we are determined It shall not be second lu
tho kind, quality uud Ihoroughuens of lis disci
pline uud culture,
Tho winter session of twclvo weeks will com
nieuco on
Monday, January Otb, 1872,
nud closu
MARCH 28th.
The Hpilut; session of twelve weeks will begin
and closo
JUNE 23th.
Tuition nud Hoarding?, Including washing and
neat, lor tuo session oi twelve weens, ?uu w. -
Tnttinu for dav nunlls. one dollar per week,
In I be model school. Irom Illtv to eluhty cents
per week. Music Drawing. Painting, ae , citra.
J.lll- tun 1"" ..ill.-, nnr i.a.i inii,niiL.uuu kliv
oilier nan in me iiuuuie 01 uiu session.
(Secretary. Presldeut,
(J.iHrU tons burden ;i,vv) h. 11. each.
Balling from New York on HA CURDAYH, from
Liverpool on THURSDAYe), und Cork llurbor
tho day following.
From tho White Star Dock, Pavuula Ferry,
Jersey City,
Passenger accommolatlons (for nil classes)
uurlvulled, combining
Bnloons, state-rooms, smoking-room ami bath
rooms lu midship section, where least motion is
felt, Kurgeous uud tlewurdesses accompany
these steamers.
Hatkh (Saloon, Si gold. Klcerogs, 30curren
cy, 'ihoso wlshinu; to send tor frlituds from the
Old Country can now ubtulu steerage prepaid
cortlilcalcs, M currency.
Passengers booked to or from all parts of
America, Paris. Hamburgh, Norway, (Sweden,
India, Australia, China, etc.
Excursion tickets grunted at lowest rates.
Drafts from 1 upwards,
For inspection of plans uud other Information,
apply to No, HI llroadway. New York.
J. II. HPARKH. Agent,
Or to W. PEACOCK, '
JanUtf Uloomsburg, Pa.
Ronl Estato Sales.
V A ti U A II It II It 11 A I. E 8 T A T 1! .
Uv vlrtnn nt nullmrlt v nnd order of tho Or
niiniis'H ivnitt .if ('iiliimbla county, the under
signed ndnilulslrntnrH tit tlio i-stalo of Jacob
Kiistenbailpr, ileceaseil, will pxposo lo salo by
iiutillo veniiuooii tho premises, nt iuo ciock in
(ho forenoon, oil
FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1872,
n largo quantity ol valuable lands sltuato In
I- nullum inwnsmp in snui county, uescri'iisi ns
follows! Tho homestead larm of the decedent,
lying in Franklin township In Columbia rnunty
bounded by lands of J. T. If coder, lauds of Philip
tMouiiaiiii, iiiuiis oi leiier sneirs, innusoi iunses
llou-er. lands of II. J. Herder, lauds of Ellas
Weaver, lands of Win. Miocker, lands of John
I lower, ueorgc (icon nnu onion, containing
nnd twnty-nlno porohos whereon nro erected
n largo brick Dwelling Houso.n largo lUnk llnru
sheds and mitlioinfs, Willi n larju tipple and Unit
orchard, with a well al the house, nnd ft spi Ing
nud a well ut the barn, nnd n Rccoud excellent
nud largo spring on tho south side uf tho mini.
There Is ou tho l.irm
Tho properly lies threo miles from Cntawlssa.on
trie puiiiio roan leaning irom nun piece io i-,i)n
ho nr. '1 hn itebftihiirhiiod irnod and health V. nnd
tho laud In an execllciitstato ofcttlllvntluu. No
more desirable property hns been otfored for
manyyears., n lot oi ximuer iauu--uiu
timtlelilprl HlT.sevmilhs aillotnlnir lands of H.
Aritev. Wni. llniirire. (I. Artlov nnd others. To
lo disposed of lu uno plcco.or lu threo lots of
ns shall bo deemed most expedient. Thowholo
property will oo ouereii nn i tuo hub iu uiu ouu-
krivenlli. ninrln in t tin nlirrllfmprs.
ALSO, will bo offered a tract of land ndjoln
Ing II, F. Clark, lauds of mocker & (Jingles,
lauus OI 1'. LOUliarur. uuu uucuor, cuiiiiiiiiuig
null eiKlll.ioiir iiciunui. niiuivuii uiu uin reu ..
brick duel ling house, n bank barn, wagon houso
a spring house nnd all other necessary outbuild
ings. '1 hero Is also on thu premises n tenant
houso nud blacksmith shop. Thero Is nlso n
spring ot excel lent waicr, n goon nrcunrn nun
I mil. Ol 1111 Klll'li.. Willi II I ruu I. lour iici ui i-ncii'
nut timber, All lu excellent order nnd culllva
Tho lands will bo offered nt tlio Homostcad In
tho order advertised,
Possession of the timber tracts. Immediately
upon paying the purchnsomoucy orsecuriug the
Hume to be nald. And of tho other two traolson
the llrst ot .April, A. I). Is", upon compliance
wllhtho coudltlous. (stamps nnd conveyances to
boa- tno oxpeusooi mo purcuascror puicunscis
ALSU At Hi-, same timo nnd place the follow-
Imr i.r.iunnnl i n ...... rl v. tiiii-lt ; I.' inr li ii ml nsl
bushels of wheat, tlvnliuudred bushels of corn,
thito hundred bushels of oats, ono hundred nud
llllv bns'iclsof rvn ouuliuudred bushels of poll'
toes, und ctnversecd, nnd ten tuns of
uuyuuil mauy oilier nriH-ies oi properly.
TEItMM OF HALE. Teu ncrcout. of tno one
foimhof tho purchase money to bo paid nt the
striking down or tho property ; the ouu-fourlh
less the ten per com. ntlhe conllrinntlou of sale
aud tho remalnlug three-fourths In ouoj-ear
uiereauer,wiiu uiierosi iroinconiirniaiiou nisi,
it. ii, ltirsuLiijii,
Jnu.S,'72-3w. Clerk
Ill pursuant of nn order of the Orphans' Court
or Columbia county, will bo exposed to publlu
ouiuun iiiu pi utilises, ou
at 10 o'clock A. M tho following real estate,
of John Richards, deceased, towlt: nil that Cev-
uuu message nnu
Rltimto la Montour township, In mU county
containing about
bounded bv land of John Oulclc.Wm. (1. Onlrk
Krnntc Kviuih nnd others, whereon aro erected a
Dwelling House, good Jtarn nnd all tho neccs-
hury nuuunuiug's mere is uiso n inrge quaniuy
hlxeeu tor.
Tkhmh of Sai.k.Oug half tho purchase money
lo bo patd hh follows, viz: Ten per cent, of one
fourth of tlio purchaao money Nhnll bo paid nt
the tdrllcingunwii oftho property, theono iourth
lesH the ten per cent, at the confirmation abso
lute, and thu remaining tnreo fourths In one
year thereafter, with Interest nn tho samo from
continuation nisi, Andtho rcmnlntugono-hatf
10 ii, tranuiin niornton upon ins arriving at
tlio go ot twenty ono years with yearly Interest
memm irom me nti caiiiirmnuon oi uiusnie,
or 111 tho caso of the death of ttiu h-lI1 Ttiorn tun
before arriving at the nue of twentv-on veurt
theu ut tho timo when ho would havo arrived at
that ntfo in caso or continued lllo, to tho party nr
parties who shall succeed to his right nud lutor
est In nald molly pursuant to tho provisions ol
tho will of John Kicliard, deceased, with lu ler-
Jnn, 572-ts. Clerk,
In pursuanco ol nn order of tho Orphans,
Court ot Columbia county.the undersigned mmr-
dian of the nersou aud estate of.Tnlia 1'lurlr n
minor child of David V U'nrk, into of Montour
lowusmp, in ham county, aucca-sod, will expose
lu eiii uil uiu ihciiiimj" oil
atlOo'cloele lu tho forenoon ol said day, the
undivided one- Idrd or all that certain trtctot
Woodland Mtuato in Montour towosbln In sulil
couuiy, hounded on thu north by Iuimh now oi
lato ot Hurley A l-'rlelc, on thu west liv land of
Aimrew ciuri:,ou inu smun ty iauu or William
o. ,L.vrr, aim ou uiu east oy jaua oi .Mary uiaru
nnd ono hundred and forty perches.
Ti:UMS01S(YLi;.-Ono third of tho purchase
mouey to remain eh irged upon wild land durlm;
iiionuuinu inuui uiu wioow oi sam I'avui v
Clarlc. ileceased. and tho Interest thereof to be
annually aud u-KUlariy paid to her by tho pin-,
chafer or purctuuers duri uglier natural life, said
iuteii'st to bo computed irom tho 1st day of April
i, ii, ion, nun uiu irmiKii at uer ueatu 10 oe
paid to tho parties legally authorized to receive
purehaso money to be paid ou the day of sale,
ime half ol tho balance ot tho purchase money
to bo paid on tho istdav of Anill A. DAS72. xvhvu
possession of said inkiest will be Klven nnd the
balance of tho purchase money to bo paid on
the 1st day of April A, D. 187., with interest on
tho Mime Irom the Jsl day ot April A, I). 187.'.
Purchaser or Purchasers lo juy tor Deeds nud
LEWIS YKTTIJtt Guardian.
N, II. Tho o'.her parties In Interest will sell
their Interests lu said Woodland upon tho terms
mm tuuuuiiHi'j uuuve ineiuioucu,
Catawls-a, Ueo,'tD, lsn-ts.
. o r
By virtue, of nn order nnd decrco of tho Court
of i-omtnon I'leas of Columbia County, John
lltcky. llnoch Ketcr nud l'erry Johu were, on
Hiuillcatlou of the " ltoarlnit Oreelt Monthly
.Mocuuuoi i-riKiiun." iiuiuorizeu to hen lor sum
"Monthly Meetlui;,'' niileceof ground consf&t
liiK ofless thm uu iierc, uud lying nndbelUKou
Uiu northwebt Hide ol Tom th hlriet, lu the town
nt Cutawlssa. In tho Mild county of Columbia.
Sslth tho apinirlcmiui'i'S. And tney wilt expose
inu bailie 10 muuou me preunsea ut one o ciocic
iu inu uiicrnuou. oil
When nnd where tho lerms of halo will bo made
linowu, uud duo ulteuilancH mvon by
.llltlis tlllJKis,
Com, of tho Rearing Creek Monthly Meeting.
Jan, lh, u7 J-I2U
1-h ..h.IahuI.....I ...III ..,.. 1 I
4 m iiuucii-iHiirii win vj. iimiiu 11 v piliillU
vnndiio on thu premises, on Haturday, Jiunuiry
7th, 1372, ut ' o'clocli 1. fti., o
conslstlus of uhout HEVEN ACH1H, hltuato ouo
nino noriii oi mo vinago oi i-;spy, tscott towu
ahlp, Columbia county, wheujioii In erected n
with staliUm? nnd neeessarv out. lmllln.
Thero Is nlko upon tho premises n variety of
iron irt-i-M ami u wen oi goon water,
reriuii inudolaiowu on day of khIo.
Jan 6, 72 ts.
X I t mw-ii'i io hen our universal i eiu
O'li'i ent, CnmblLntlnu Tuiiuel, Hnttou Hole
rutler, and other articles. Ma to NoVUUTV Co.,
rtiieo, jib, usw
til tU'S. .SIlUl-fillllN, IlCVOlVCI'H
fliin mnterlals of every lilud. Write for Trine,
i.ibt, lo (irent Western Uuu Worlcs, Tlttsburiih:
l'.l. Army tuns and Revolvers bouijht or trailed
lor. Ageuis wuiueu, u.-iiv
810 from 50 cents.
12 Kainples sent (pnMngo paid) for Tlfty Cents,
thul retail easily for Teu Dollam,
n-iwl It. Ii. WOLCOTT, N. V.
AUIJ.NTrt WANTED. A complete History of
4 iffjo copies told, Iu English uuduerman. Trice
0" A IT'I'IAY Blnp0 Issi'lnsllilsworlcamnller
11 U I 1U1X nud Inferior histories nro oiler
eil: lis sure the book you buy Is Upton AHheatian,
n full octavo, (ijl) luclies, nearly 00 napes, nnd
oyer IS Illustrations, cnd (1.00 for outllt. with
choice of lerrltory. AIo. two beautllul Chro
HA.M1-.H. Circulars and terms free. Tintlls
!?.rr;0'. .Union TubllshlUK t'ouipuuy, Chicago,
Thlladolphla, or Cincinnati. u2wl
85,000 EEWABD -r,e"ss1ToJua'dS;
her bravery und kklll lu savlug emigrants from
tho ludlaus.
".II y Caiilivlty Among tlio Sioux"
Isn lilslorv of her life as a prisoner anient? them.
A wonderful klory endorsed by army olllcers,
Coiij-reismen, itc. Hpleudld InducemeuU to
ngents to nell thlsand other works, Inoludlng tho
bent FAMILY llllll.t'. Write at once tn Quaker
city Tnbllshlng Company, '.'17 nud it!9 Quince
Btrt-et, TUUndell'Ula iiiwl
Court Advortisomonta,
. wttitnsAl, tlio Hon. William Elwell, Tresldent
Jlliluonf thn (7ourt of Over and Terminer n.i
General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Hosslons
nf thn Teaco nnd Court of Common Tleas nnd ()r
phan'a Court In the 20th Judicial District, com.
nosed or the counties of Columbia, Hiilllvnn and
Wynnilnu, nnil tho Hon. Irani Dorr nnd Isaac H.
jionroo Associate J mines of Columbia county
liaVO Issued their twpccnt. licnrln tlntn thn mi.
day of Heptember, In tho year of our Iml, one
,,.,. . ' iii-ii uuu nuveiiiyuue, llll'l IO
modlrecled for lioldlnxnCourtof Oyor nnd Ter
miner nnd (loucrnl Quarter Hcsslnusofthe Teaeo
rouriui i;oiuiuoii i-iens aim urphnn n Cuurt, lu
IlloomsburK, 111 tho county orcolumbln, on the
first Moiidny, being tho 6th day ul l'ebruari
next, tocoullutio two weeks. '
Notice Is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to thn
Justices of tho Pence, nnu tho Constables oftho
said county of Columbia, that they bo then and
f hrtro lo f nrniwr Imrnrni nt. ill n'nlnlp l
forenoon or anld Mil day ol February with their
records, Itioulsltlous nnd other remembrances, to
do those things which to their olllce.s appertain
to bo done. And thoso that nro bound by
recogulrnnco, to prosccuto against tho prls.
oners that uro nr may bo In tho Jail of tho
Raid county of Columbia, to bo then nud
thero to proscculo them ns shall bo Just. Ju.
rors nro requested to bo punctual in their attend
auce, agreeably tothclriiotlces, Dated at IIIimimis-
ir onrir, mo iiiim nay oi tree, in utoscar
j uh. or our Iird, one thousand eight bun.
v dred and Nnventv-nnnnnil
foil, 111 year of tho Independence of llm itnii..,i
States of America. AARON H.MITH.
iiiooinsiiiirg, jnn, o, lmi. Bherltr.
Ileuton Oeo. II. Toust, Jobn It. Keclor,
llliKim John Leacoolt, Uoorgo W. Foiler. I. W
Ilartman. ' '
Uerwlc-Joliu Eckert, William Stopliens, J, w.
I'lshlngrrecU Jonas Uoty, Daniel Smith. Lovl
L.I.U Hirer. '
(Irecuwo'jil Ira D. Kline.
licust-ElUs Creasy, Ephralm Orchey.
..-...x,. uk ntj, duuu llOllUaglC,
Ma no t-'ranlt n siiiiman.
Oratmo Harrison J, Conner,
Tim llcujumiu Wiutersieon, John Lore.
Wcott J. I), llico.
FEBRUARY Tt-'.R.M, 1S72.
Illoom Casper Krossler, Ed. Wan! In, Daalel
liowman, N. J. lleiidershott, John Wolf,
llrlarcreek Francis Evans, J, C. Myers,
llcrwiclc Davl 1 Ilaucbsr.
Ceulr.illn A. 11. l-'nrlnor, Wm. Torry.
Centre atephou McCluowu, James Kocher.
Cntiiwlssn Chas. u. llarlmau,ljolomouriliuman.
Conynuhnm Toler Ii iby.
Ureenwood Manilas Kramer, James Trcslou
John McKwcii.
Ileinlock-Depuo I'unoll, James Hoat, Amos
Jacksou Win. Young.
Iirusl Ad un Johnson, John Hnydcr.
Main Stacy Johu, (ieorgj tlollenbaclc,
MllHlu-aamuel Hn)ilor, Daulel Heller,
Madison Win. Johnson.
Miintour-riillip 1-Liist, Evan Welllvcr, Isaao
Jloury, '
Ro.irlnncrcek J. C. Myers.
-;UKarlo.if-li (!. Hnss, Alex. Kllugcr, J. R.Colo.
Hcotl lsalali Hess.
Illoom David llrobst, Uoorue Yost, Hylvcster J.
l-aux, Tcler Jones. David Ilctz.
llrlarcrcoK Win. II. Harluian.
Heaver Abraham Illco. Natlun Rrodbeniler Jr.
Ilerwlck Wm. T. Iluuhs, o. W. HuckluElintn.
Cenlralla Joeili I-'ieck.
Ci litre M. M. Hicks
Franklin Jonathan l-'remau.
(lr- en wood John C. Eeinmon, Oeorgo Olrlon,
llemloclc Wm. M. .Mlclncl, John llnrtman,
John Ret?:, Amos Appleiuau.
lacksou Theodoro w. Kmlth,
Locust Daniel Htluo.Hr.
Mlltlln -AbramMweppenlinlser.M'eliaclFederoft
Montour Isaclier EvHns W. M. Monroe,
Madison D. A. Wntson, Jacob Uechtel, John M.
Mt. i leasant Joseph tlrnwfordIohn C. MorJau.
Mslne John M. Nuss.
Orange Einannol Hiiyder.
Scott-Wlllltu llurtiunu, J. II. Townncnd.
riugarloaf Alfre 1 Harvey.
Tho following nnnrnlscmcnts of real nnd nnr.
sonal pioperty Kctapartto widows of decedents
have beeu llled In tlio oltlce of tho Reglsterof
Columbia county, under tho Rules of Court, und
will bo presented lor absolute conllrmatlou, to
the Orphans' Court to be held In llloomsburg, In
and for said Wednesday, tho7th day of
February, 1H72, lit a o'clock r. m., or said day, un
less exceptions to buch conllnnatlons aro previ
ously tiled, of which all pcrsous Interested lu
sutd estates will take notice:
1. Widow of Tctcr Miller, lato ol Locust town,
bblp, deceased.
2. Widow of Jscob Harris, lato of Hemlock
township, ileceased.
3. Widow ot Abraham Vnnhorn, lato of Hem
lock townsulp, deceased.
I. Widow of Thomas E. Hughes lato of Blooms,
burg, deceased.
0. Widow or Rlghter W. Bowman, late of Or
ange township, ileccasod,
0. Widow or Frederick Shafler, lato of Centre
township, ileceased.
7. Widow of Wellington II, Ent.lato of Blooms
burg, deceased.
. Widow of Moses Hnrlman, lato of Catawlssa
township, deceased.
9. WlilowofiiphrnlmEvans.lateofllearCrcek
towushlp, deceased.
,. . W.H.JACOI1Y, Register.
Register's Ofllco, 1
Rloomsbtirg, Jan. 0, 1872.J
hereby given to all legatees, creditors and
other persons Interested lu thoestntcsof tho re
spective decedents and mluors, that tho follow
ing administration and guardian accounts liavo
been llled In the ottleoot the Register of Colum
blacouuty.iiiid will bo presented lor conllrma
tlou und ullowancu lu the Orphans' Court, to bo
held lu llloomsburg.on Wednesday, the 7th day
or February, l7Aut '.'o'clock In tho ufternoou
of said day :
1. 'I he account of David Vnnhorn and John
R.N unborn, surviving executors ol Coruelius
unlioru, lato of Hemlock township, deceased
i Iho account or Oo ugo Marklo guardian of
person nud esuiteof Cckstla A. Markie.n minor
child of Jacob Marklo, Into or Fishlugcreek towu
ship, iP ceased.
11. The final account or Daniel H. Hess, admin.
Istralor, debonlt nan or Elcazer H. lles.s,lale of
centre township, deceased.
I. Tho account or Jacob Yeagor, administrator
ic., of Abraham Troxel, lale ol J.ocust towu
khlp, deceased.
3. The final account of Freas llrowu, guardian
of the person and estate nf Maggie A. Creasy
niliioi-child ot 11. W. Creasy, luteol Bcott towu
ship deceased.
tl. Tho account of E. Marvin Tewksbury. ad
ministrator ol thueslatu of Hiram Cool, lute or
Calawiss townshtp, deceased,
7. Tlio account ufHniuuel Dletterlch, adminis
trator ol Lav-inn Hutchlsou, lulo or Scott town
ship, deceased,
K. Tho necount or Jacob Wanlch, administrator
or Lydla Wunlch, late or Illooiusburg, deceiuscd.
tl. Vl'lia account of Htepheu II. Miller, guurdLiu
of the person and estutu of Hurrlet Wanlch, a
minor child of Bainuel Wuulch.latoof Hemlock
township, ileceased.
IU. Tho nccouut or Jonathan Traub. Adminis
trator ul Jacob Traab, lato or Bloom township,
II. 1 ho flrstaccouutnf Hiram Reeder, executor
of John .elglur, late ol Franklin towuslilp.dec'd.
1J.'..Ml.'?,"lr'1 ucoiuut uf Cuarles W. Buyder
nud William Neal, Executors o: Wlllla-u miy
dcr, lato of Bloom township.
t, , . . ... w J ACOI1Y-, Register.
Uoglster's OIllco. 1
Uloouisbur&, Jau 5, 1S7J.J
Ivuward McC.ill ot. ul. vs. Johu Sweeney.
Oeorgo A. Frick vs. Thomas ftackliouse.
vVllllam Longeuoerger et. ul. vs. HuiU McRey-
Michael drover's use vs. Savago & Bright.
.Michael Urover's Use vs. Mavago t Bright.
Joseph Miller vs. N, U Cainpocll.
Hroonihall Co. vs. MuNlucIt Bhuman.
Harvey C. Hess vs. Sauiuel Creasy udm'r.
ishulu & Funstou vs. Allred Irwiue.
Ulemitel O. Rlcketts' udm'r vs. David Sweeney
et ul.
Thomas O'Connor vs. Martin Oaughln.
Lewis J. Adams vs. FIsl-ingcreeitBchoil District.
Menheu i humus vs. Caleb Creiey i Co.
William A. Cnso vs. Bloom towusliln.
o. II, Alellck vs. Joiiu Yeager'sadin'r.
John KlIno M uso vs. W. II. Yoeuin et al,
E. eutlerlhwult vs. Fred F. Merceron.
Franklin township vs. John Mclteyuolds et at.
Daniel F. r-eybert vs. Klluetob.t Walton.
A. W. Kramer s. D. W. Itobblns.
Vaulah Ueete's udm'r s, W. A. Kline.
Mlcluel Miiloru vs. Tiilladelphlu Jt Koadloa
Rail Uoad Co.
Ito,lger Dixou vs. Tlillidelphla i Reading lull
Road Co.
Patrick Moanghan vs, Tlillaaolplilai Roadlug
Rail Runl Co.
Mrs. Mary Couuelly vs. Philadelphia & Reading
Hall Uoad Co.
Holomou Hiuoy vs. William Wulp.
Joseph Fry vs. Htmon Reedy.
William T. Bhuniau vs. Lucauwanua it Blooms.
burg Railroad Co.
Daniel Buyder's usovs M. C. McColtum et al.
E. U. Rlcketts vs. John Bweeney et ul.
Ueorge K. Hess vs. Hosepu Welsu et ul.
hiiieline Mousch vs. Levi Bredbeuder et al.
llogiirt i Kramer vs. Wiillsm Barber.
Michael MeMu-ion vs. Nicholas Kludt,
A. W, i.alon vs. John L. Hosslur et ul.
A. W. Eaton vs. B. F. Warner et al.
Joseph W. Kausey vs. JohnMulllgan.
Columbia lusurauce Co. vs. J. M. Freck.
s. II, htewarl et ul, vs France. B, July et ul.
Wllllum Millies vs, Julias Doty.
Andrew Crevellni' vs. 'riinnnw l-mnl.
heremluh Hess' uso vs, Johu Hotluiau et ul.
Wllkestiari-u lbillrmul ivi.
Busaunali milium vs. Mnittii M. Brobct.
Mury l.llweller vs. Auiou Biuith.
James Brjuat vs. Uiooiusburg Iron Co.
Ho ry l- ry vs. Jucob Dlellenuuch.
Mordlca Millard vs. Hugh .Mclteyuolds.
1 hoiuas Wllllums vs. jouu Cain.
;.iine jiuvcr s. v, oiiiugtou vuager.
Wllllalll Wlllliuiiu vx l-hurOw 11 l",nvlnr.
Edwaul Tewusberry et ul. vs. Jumes C. Ueoder
et u..
U'1111,,,,1 lr ll,l.nll ... T.U Tlrr.l.ul
John U, Jaeoby vs. William Clemens.
tviuiuiu uoieuisu vs, iiowuru uruues,
Ezra B. L mis vs. Bololuoll Disk.
Jacob Bower vs. William Evuus.
J. W, Masleller vs. Wllllum Williams.
lewers assess toBam'l lllmliy, MadUou 8101 0J
To U. 1'. Miller's heirs. Centre, 5) O)
i nils, uoiuus Buiiiu, nugarloaf, 11 oo
If Uiu Pllblio is sallslled that Insften will l,
douo by allowing the uuovu Ituad damages to be
paid by Iho county, then we will liavo uothlug
iurllier to say. Ou thu contrary, if uuy goua
. mow.. b n ujr iiiu uiuu SUUUIU JlOl UO 111-
lowed wo will ille cxcepltous to thu same.
Road damage Is growlug quite popular, the
UUeslluii U uuw. Is It ulw.t)s Just. Wo leuril
lieeds u chuck. We uope tuu peujile tn the local
lilts In which such duimuo now Is or lien-u ter
muv bo ushessed. will slvu It due eonslilHiniifui
uud It they think uuy such damage should not
bo allowed, wo hope thul they will enter their
Wo will give this Item for nubile benefit, from
1k.:ai to ibb, ii period or 10 years, Columbia couuty
paid UyJi 12 Ituad duiuugo. iu 1671, one year
only, U puld the snug sum of in&u.
H. J. REEDER, I CommU'm
Attest Wm. KuifkUAUu, Clerk,
llloomsburg, Jan, 6, WMt,
. ...uu. uiiNsivujr vs. uauiei i . neyuort.
J. T. Llnuel's ex'rs vs. Aaron W. Hess elul.
Ueorge W. Baker vs. T. J. Eawall el at.
Ueoigu Whllinoyer's ex'rs vs. John Sllncr.
A, Pardee Co. vs. Huh W. Mclteynolds et al.
A-.Turueo & Co, vs. Dauvllle, Huilelou und