THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. Feed and Tnr.AT.MENT op Houses. liny anil onta tnixko tho boat feed for horses that nro obliged to work linnl and regularly. If tho liny Is cut ntio nnd tho oits bruised or ground, tho wholo mixed nnd moistened, tho horso will cat his rations quicker, digest thorn sooner, and thus lmvo moro tlmo for resting nnd ronowlng his powor for la bor. Farmers' horses that work Httlo during tho winter tlmo may bo kopt cheaper by cutting nnd mixing bright straw nnd hay In equal qunntltloj, and nddlngn ration of steamed potatoes or raw carrots. Colts should bo fed llbor nlly on good hay bright clovor Is beat nnd brulaed oats; glvothom a roomy box stall In stormy weather and during nights. LIttor freely, and do not lot tho mnnuro nccuiuulato undor them. Sawdust or spent tan mnkoa good nnd convenient bedding j. In clttos and vil lages they aro ofton choapor than straw. Groom hordes woll nnd lot thorn havo oxorslso ovcry day ; a run In tho yard la excellont. Soo that stablo lloora ovor basements aro sound nnd strong. Ar rango tho feeding racks so thatdust nnd hay seed will not fall into tho horses' maues or oyes; somo horaomon build their mangers too high, thus forcing tho animal 10 taKo an unnatural nnd pain ful position when eating. Farm horses that nro not worked should havotholr aiiuus uiuon on, ami tno3o that nro driven on tho road should ba kopt woll shod. Stock Journal. Removing Large Trees. When It Is desirable to movo n largo treo, tho depth of winter tho ground frozen should bo chosen for tho operation. Not only deciduous trees, but nny kind of evergreens, oven hemlocks, tho moat iilillcult to remove, may bo safely trauu planted nt this season. It la obvious that tho tlmo to preparo for such work is boforo tho ground becomes frozen. A trench should bodugnround tho treo sufficiently dlatant from tho trunk to leave untouched a largo masa of tho roots, nnd sufficiently deep thatthoy may bo undermined without being dis turbed. It should then bo partly filled filled up with leaves or coarso litter, wiilcli will prcsorvo the bottom from freezing. Iu February or March, when tho frost Is moat sovoro, tho llttor may oo taken out, the treo complotoly under mined, nnd tho frozen masa ot earth around tho roota pried out of tho holo and placed on a stono-boat. It may now bo convoyed to Its new homc.which should havo been prepared and protect ed from tho fro3t. Sufficient earth from tho suriuco Or from somo rich spot should havo been placed in tho bottom of somo hole, tho treo planted on this, and tho holo filled with similar soil. "When tho spring nrrivos tho treo will sottlo Into its place without furthor caro, except pbrhapa a Httlo filling up, and will bo Improvod rather than injurod. Jlcarth and Home. FATTENING! FOWLS FOR MARKET. Tho fowls desired to bo fattened should bo placed in small, warm coops, not too many "huddled together," but so that they can havo a limited range. As soon as they becomo reconciled to tholr new quarters, commenco feeding them regu larly threo times a day morning, noon nnd night. In tho morning we should feed with cooked corn meal, at noon with cooked oat or barley meal and mashed potatoes ; at evening feed them with a mushrof corn meal cooked in skim milk, if tho milk is procurable. It is said this latter feed gives tho flesh a rich golden hue. Tho coops should bo kept scrupulously clean, well sup plied with gravel and provided with plenty of fresh water. If fowls aro fed In tho manner hero indicated, they will fatten in from ten to twelve days, when they should bo killed and sent to tho market, or else they aro liable to dlseaso, and dcclino rapidly. Old fowls can, in Hko man ner, bo fattened perfectly fat in tho courso of fifteen or twenty days. Varnisii in BuitNS. Pari3 is much interested in a remedy discovered by a workman, who, to reliovo tho pain from a sovero burn, thrust his hand into a pot of varnish which happened to bo at hia side. Tho relief was so sudden and tho healing of tho wound so rapid that tho nows spread, with tho result of bringing to him ovcry one In tho neigh borhood who had ft burn. Many won derful cures aro said to havo been per formed at tho timoof thegreat explosion in Metz, last September, and tho dis coverer has been summoned to Paris to mako somo public experiments. Jour nal de Ctemie. Woon Ashes ron Wheat. A sub scriber senda ua tho following as his ex perience in using wood ashes, viz : that iu quantities of only eight bushels per acre, they havo n marked effect ; that they push tho wheat forward soveral days, thus getting it ahead of that criti cal period when It is so apt to bo attack' ed by rust; that they strengthen tho stem and Increase its solidity. All of which, and much more, wo can readily indorse. In fact ashes aro an excellent application for all crops, and especially for an orchard. Am. Agriculturalist. Stock at this season of tho year, ex ccpt in tho Southern and Western States, can get nothing but what is given to it. This fact should call forth our constant attention. A horso that is worth two hundred dollars now, may, with proper care, bo worth fifty dollars moro next spring, or, for want of such caro, may bo worth fifty dollars less So there is ono hundred dollars depend ing on how wo tako caro of ono slnglo animal for four months. Tho samo rulo will apply to other animals of less value. Suoe Oalkh. Tho slippery stato of tho roads during tho winter makes It necessary for horso shoes to be protected with sharp calks. It Is during this sea son that horses recolvo tho greatest number of serious Injuries that result Iu permanent blemishes or lameness Tho greatest caution In driving but especially in turning a team, Is neces sary, and also In not permitting horses to get looso In tho stablo or frolic In tho yards. A kick becomes a danger ous affair. It Is said that hay may bo mado flro proof by sprinkling a layor of salt bo tweon each layor of hay. This process Is recommended as serving tho doublo purpose of a provcntlon agalust flro and rendering tho hay moro conducivo to tho health of cattlo and moro agrceablo to their palates. Young Folks. How Uncle Peter Sautl tlio Children. Waller should havo known better; but ho wns alwnys n rash boy. I will tell you what ho did Inst month, at the sensldo, whero ho wns staying with hla mother. Ho persuaded hla two Httlo Bisters, Emma nnd Eliza, to go with him to a rock on tho beach, near tho water's edgo. Thero they staid, playing in tho sand, till, nil nt once, they lookod up, nnd saw that tho water of tho ocean was nil about them. Tho tldo had como up, nnd crept round tho rock, so that they could not get to tho dry land without going through water; and that they wero afraid to do. Soon tho Httlo glrla began to cry. Tho sea-birds swept down near them ; and now and then a fish would como up by tho rock as if ho did not fear thorn nt all. Walter told tho llttlo girls not to mako a fuss ; though ho began to feel a Httlo anxious himself. All nt onco ho cried out, ' Thoro's a boat with somo men In it I Hut it Isn't coming this way. A man with n spy glass etanda nt tho bow. Ho la spying out something. Why can't ho look this way ? Halloo, halloo I" Walter shouted na loud na ho could ; nnd then tho threo children shouted nil together ; but nobody seemed to hear them. Ou nnd on went tho Httlo boat beforo n good brcoza; but not onoof tho flvo men In it seomed to tnko notlco of tho threo children ou tho rock. "What shall wo do now? Shall wo havo to stay hero all night?" asked Emma, tho elder sister. " Wo couldn't stay hero nil night," said Walter, "becau30 you see, tho rock will bo all covered With water at high tido; and If wo don't got olf beforo high tide, wo shall havo to bo drowned.'' " I dou't want to bo drowned," sob bed Emma. "Neither do I want to bo drowned," said Walter; "but thero la no use in cry ing. Tears will only add moro water to tho sea, aud thero'a moro water In it already than wo want." Tho Httlo girl stopped crying at theso words, and took caro that no moro tears should fall from her eyes. Sho loolrcd at Walter with surpriso to soo him so bravo. But tho Httlo fellow was sly ; ho had causoforhis courage. Tho boat with tho men In It had sailed far away ; but not Air off ho saw Undo Peter, waving his arms at him. Then hesaw Uncle Peter takeoff his baotn, and pull up hla trous ers. Walter well knew that all would bo right tho moment Undo Peter got sight of them on tho rock. Undo Peter was a clover old fisher man, who caught fish for tho hotel whero tho children wcrostopplng. Ho was fond of children ; and having nono of hla own, ho mado much of those, of other people. Ho had taken such a liking to Walter and his sisters that ho was on tho watch for them a good part of tho timo to sco that they did not got Into mischief. " I declare thero's Undo Peter com ing," shouted Emma, with delight, "Undo Peter? Nonsensal" said Waller. "Where's Uncle Peter ?" Now Walter know very well that Uncle Peter was coming, and Walter ought not to lmvo pretonded that ho did not seo him. But ho wanted to seem bravo. Ah, Walter 1 you had better be than seem. 1 Well, here's a scrape, you Httlo rogues 1" eald Undo Peter, as ho waded up to tho rock, and took ono child, then another, in his arms. "Hero's a scrape, indeed ! What would you havo dono if I had not been on tho lookout for you?" Then, with his arms full of children, Undo Peter waded back through tho salt water to tho beach, and put them all down on tho warm, dry sand, whero their mother and father wero waiting for them. Tho parents kissed them all around and then littlo Emma said, " I think Undo Peter ought to bo kissed, too." "So ho ought, my dear," said her mother, laughing: "and you shall glvo kisses for all." So Emma gavo Undo Peter flvo kisses ; and Undo Peter was bo pleased that hlsfaco shonollkoajolly full moon. Hoys nml I'limiiKIii Pics. What John said was, that ho didn't caro much for pumpkin pie; but that was after ho had eaten a wholo ono. It seemed to him that minco would bo better. Tlio feeling of a boy toward pumpkin pio has never boon properly considered. Thero Is an air of festivity about its approach In tho fall. Tho boy is willing to help paro and cut up tho pumpkin, and ho watches with tho greatest interest the stirring up process and tho pouring Into tho scalloped crust. When tho sweet savor of tho baking reaches hla nostrila, ho is filled with tho most delightful anticipations. Why should ho not bo? He knows that for months to como tho buttery will con tain golden treasures, and that it will requiro only a slight ingenuity to get at them. Tho fact is, that tho boy is as good In tho buttery as In any part of farming. His elder3 say that tho boy Is always hungry; but that is a very coarso way to put it. no has only ro cently como into a world that is full of good things to cat, and thero is on tho wholo a very short tlmo In which to cat them j at least ho is told among tho first informations ho receives, that lifo la short. Lifo being brlof, and plo and tlio like fleeting, ho very soon decides upon an actlvo campaign. It may bo an old story to peoplo who havo been eating for forty or fifty years, but It Is different with a beginner. Ho takes tho thick and thin as it comes, as in plo, for instance, Somo peoplo do mako them very thin. I know a place whero they wero not thicker than tho poor man's plaster ; they werosprcad so thin upon tho crust that they wero better fitted to draw out hunger than to satis fy It. They used to bo mado up by tho great oven full, and kept In tho dry cellar, whoro thoy wero hardened and dried to a toughness you would hardly believe. This was a long tlmo ago, and they mako tho pumpklu plo In the country better now, or tho raco of boy would havo been so discouraged that I think thoy would havo stopped coming Into tho world, C. D. Ivarner. Recently a woman was arraigned beforo a mnglstrato for somo mlsdo meanor. Tho usual questions wero put to her: "What Is your occupation." "I havo nono, sir," was tho reply. "Well how do you live?" "I Hvo on pro vision," Showasullowed logo unflnod Patont Modiciuos. N APPEAL To Debilitated Person-, To Dyntioptics, To Suirorera from Ltvor Complaint, To thoso having no Appetite, Unions, To Nervous ncoiilo. To Children Wasting Away, To any with Debilitated DIgestlvo urgans, Or suffering with any qf thcollowtnp Symptoms, which Indicate Disordered Liver or Stomach, such ns Con sllpiliou, Inward Piles, Fulness or IIIikxI to the llend. Acid ity of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Sour KnisoHfttloiii.Hinklngor Flut tering nt tlio Pit of tlio stomach, Swim ming ol tho lloml, llurrlcil nnd Dlillcult Breathing, Fluttering nt tho Heat, Choking or Hull'ocntlug Sensations when 111 n tjj'lug Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Pots or Wool beforo thoSlght.Fovernnddiillp-itii in tho lieiul, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of tlio Hkln niul Eyes, Pain lu tho HI'lp, Hade. Chest, Limbs, ,tc., Sudden Flushes or Heat, Hunting In tho Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, ami great Depression of Spirits. HOOFLAND S UEKMAN BITTERS. A Hitters without Alcohol or Spirits of nny kind, Is different from nil others. It Is composed of the puro Juices, or Vital Principle of Jtools.Jlcrbs, nml Jlarlit, (or ns medicinally termed extracts,) tho worthlossor Inert portions of tho Ingredients not ltnltia used. Tliereforn 111 nun Untltii nf this Hitters tucro is contained ns much mcdlcluni vlrtuons will bo found In several gallons of or dinary mixtures. Tlio Hoots, used In this Hitters nro grown in uormnny, tholr Vltnl prin ciples extracted in that country by n scientific Chemist, nnd forwarded to tho manufactory In this city, whero thoynru compounded nnd hot tied. Containing no spirituous Ingredients, this Hitters is treo from tho objections urged ngalnst nil others no desire for stimulants can be In duced from their use, thov ctunot mako drunk ards, nnd cannot under nny circumstances, liavo nny but a bcuellclal effect. UOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded lor thoso not inclined to extrcmo bitters, nnd Is intoiidod for use In cases whousnmo alcoholic- stimulant Is reqnlrcd In connection with tlio Tonlo proporllos ol tho Hit ters. Each botllo of the Toutc contains ono bot tto of the Hitters, combined Willi puro SANTA CKUZ HUM, mid llavored In such ti manner that tho extreme bitterness of tho bitters lsovcrcome, forming n preparation highly ngrceable nnd pleasant to tho pnlate. nnd ooutalulug tho medi cinal virtues ol tlio lllttcrs. Tho prlco of tho Tonic Is 1.50 per llottlo. which many porsons think too high. They must tako luto considera tion thnt tho stimulant used Is guaranteed to bn of n puro quality. A poor nrtlelo could bo fur nished at action per price,but is It not bettor to pay a little moro and have a good article? A medi cinal preparation should contain nono bat tho uest iiigreuienis; mm incywuo expect to ouiain n cheap compound, and ba bonetltloi by It will most certainly be cheated. UOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, OR UOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, WITH UOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLIN PILL, ir.. cirnc rou. They aro tlio Greatest 11 1. O 0 D P U It I F I E It S Known to tho Medical world, nnd will eradi cate dlsoases arising from lmpuro blood. Debility of tho Digestive Organs, or diseased Llvor, In n shorter tlmo than any other known remedies. The wholo SUPREME COUIIT of Pennsylvania Sl'EAK ron Tiicsn llEMRllir-S. Who would ask for moro Dignified nndStrongcr Testimony ? Hon. GEOlian W. Woodwabd, former Chief Jus tice of the Sujireme Court of Pennsylvania, a present Member of Congress from Pennsylvania uritcs: Philadelphia, March 16tb, 1SG7. I And "Hoollnnd's German Bitters" Is a good tonic, useful In diseases or tho digestive organs, and of great benefit lncascsof debility and want of action lu tho system. Yours truly GEOItOE W. WoouwAltD. lion. JamesThomson, diief Justice of the Supreme ttiurt of Pcnnsylva?ita. PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1SG7. I consider "Hoofland's German Bitters" a val uable medicine in case of nttneks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expo- rleuco of ii ii. i ours, wjui rospecr. JAM3 THOMSON, Hon. Georqe Shahswood, Justice of Vie Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Juno 1, ISO?. I havo lound by experience that "Iloofland's German Hitters" Is a very good tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. Hon. Wm. F, Rogers, Mayor of the CUyof Euffalo. A'. V. Mayor's OiUce, Buffalo, Juno 22, 1SG9. I havo used "Hoollands German Bitters and 'onto" in mv famllv durlnc tho oast vear. and can recommend them as an excellent tonic. Im parting tone nnd vigor to tho system. Their uso uas been productive 01 uocmeuiy oencuciai effects. Wm, F. Hoat: lis. Hou, James M, Wood, EfiXayor of WilUanuporf Pa. I tako great nlensuro In recommcudlns" Hoof- land's German Tonlo " to any one who may bo mulcted with Dyspepsia. I had tho Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to keep my lood In my stomach.nnd I became so weak ns not to bo able lownlk halfamlle. Two bottles of Tonlo ellected a perfect cure. James M. Wood, THAT HOOFLAND'8 GERMAN BITTERS, AND HOOPLAND'S GER3IAN TONIC Will Cure every caso of 31 A It A S M V S, Or Wasting away of tho Body. ItEMEMllF.ll THAT HOOFLANU'S GERMAN REMEDIES Aro tho medicines vou rcnulre to vmrlfv tho Blood, excite the torpid Liver to healthy action, aud to onablo you lo passjbafely.ihro'igh any iiuiuauips ur UApusure, DR. HOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLIj I N Substitute for Mercury Pills. rno PILLS A DOSE. 'lhe mosl Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartio known. It Is not nccessarv to tnko a handfullnf thece rills to produce the desired eltect: two of them act quickly und powerfully, cleansing tho Liver, Stomach und Rowels of all Impurities. The riuctme Ingredient is 1'odoptiylllu, ortho Alco. .olio Extract of Maudrake. which Is bv maiiv times more powerful, acting and searching than me iwiuiuruKo iiseii. na peculiar uciiou is upon tbo Liver, cleaning: It sneedllv from nil nhstrne. Iln.ici mill, ..II nn,,., T.f mi, . 1 from 'tho injurious results attached to die uso of mat mineral. r or an diseases lu which the uso or a cathartio is luuicaieu, tnese puis win Kivo enure satisrac- iiuu hi uvurv case, i nev i r. vjiv r .viij. in cases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and extreme costlvencss, Dr. Hoollands Uermuu lllttcrs or Tonlo should be used lr, connection with the Pills. Tho tonlo clfect of tlio Hitters or loiilo builds up thesyblem. The Hitters orTouia purities the lllood, strengthens tho Nerves, una ulatks tho Liver, and gives stieugth, energy and vluor. Keep your Bowels actlvo with tho Pills, and toue i up the system with Hitters or Tonic, and no disease can retuln the hold, or evcu ussall Recollect Hint It . 1111 irnnvr.ivtvu nfii. MAN Remedies that aro s'o universally used and iiigiiiy recommended j and do not ullow tlio Druggist to induce you lo tako any thlun that ho may say Is Just us good, because ho makes a larger iium uu it. These Remedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon application lo the PHINOI. PAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE tnuim, uji aicu m iiuuueipuia. OIIAS, III. I'.VANS, Proprietor. Those Remedies aro for lolo by Druggists Btorekeepen, nnUMedlcIao Dealers every who Miscollnnooua, J W. NlLEfcj, MUSIC W A ltJE BOOMB A general tissortment of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE ALWAYH ON HAND. VI0LIN8, CONCERTINA!!, PLAUOMnV), FIFES, DRUMS, HARMONICAS, Ac. VIOLIN STRINGS OF THE I1E3T QUALITY THE LATEST SIIEICT MUSIC. PIANO AND ORGAN STODLS ALL HTYLIM AND PRICE. a iiktti311 assortment op oiioans than can 1113 found i:lsi:viii:ui:. the temple angelic organ which has the swekte3t tone that can he found in a reud organ. WCnll and examine beforo purchasing el0' whero. Wnroroom Main Hlrecf, below Market, opposlloCorcll's furnitiuo warcrooms, Blooms burg, Pa. nug.2j',"l-ly HEilD QUAHTERS EOR BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT KM.KNORR'S CHEAPEST AND BEST The County Affords AT CASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Come and Examine Before Purchasing Elsewhere. E. M. KNORR, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Septembers lS71-tf. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM OVC-A-IDE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE li K S T W O It K 3! i: A. For cood fits and uronintuoss In fl I tin tr nnUis theie is tho placo logo. Ills uoods aro selected Willi caro and his Cus tom Work will compare favorably with tho best efforts of tho fashionable city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF HOYS' AX1) G'IIlLlUi:X'.S t'LOTIIIMi AND CCXTS' FUKXISJIIXG GOODS, At Astonishingly Low Prices, Bloomsburg, Sept. L"J, JOHN Q. JACODY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! BERWICK, PENN'A, The undersigned would respectfully Inform the Citizens of Berwick, and vicinity, that he lias opeueu u luuiecuouery uuu iiuuery iu ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Berwick. Pa., where he is nreoaredto furnish UK H1UUS Ol PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS r AC, Ac, Ac, Ac. BY WHOLESAI-B AND RETAIL. Among the assortment will be found Cream Kins, Kiignsu walnuts, I'rauuts, Almouds, Kit beriB. figs. Apples, uoeoa Hiuts. Je lies of ill n ent kinds, Mustard, Catsup, Pickles, Chocolate. Canned Fruit of all kinds, Corn Starch, Egg Bis cuit, hoda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Lheese, nuT.,1, wuwu& iri, ..liiveiueut mpers, J1.U vviujius, FISH AND OYSTERS, Aud produce of all kinds, Fresh Bread an Cakes every day, Ico Cieain In Benson, Your patronage is solicited. JOHN G. JACOBY. Berwick, Jan 171 tv A GENTS WANTED. GREAT INDUCEMENTS I MORMONISM DESCRIITIVE OF LIFE IN UTAH. llyn SISTER OF A HIGH PHIKST.ono of his victims, who bus mado her escape ulter n resl. duiceot lltieen years among them, Her (Hilda vlts to tho Uoverumout, crushing evidence aualnst llrlgliam Young und tho Elders. The "Prophet" lu court. Trial und sentence nt Haw kins. Startling disclosures, viols, asiauiiuilions unit victims. 472 pages, lully Illustrated, Circulars, Terms und full particulars, sent free , .JJill'lKIlJ ASIIEA1), rublliher. dec22'70-ir 711 Bausom street, Philadelphia Miscollanoous, "jyTILLEK'S STOKE. 8. II, MILLER 4 BON, fc have removed IhclrBioro to tlio room formerly' occupied by Meiulcnhnlt,on Main street, lllooms- burg, Hourly opposlto tho Eplscopil Churcu whero they nro ilolermlnedtosclloii nsmodcrato terms as can bo procured olso whero. Tiller Btock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS ot tlio choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting of tho following-articles Carpets, OU Cloths, oths, Cacslmorca, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Goods Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowwaro Codarwaro Cueeuswaro, . Hardware Hoots nnd Shoes, Hats nnd Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrollns, LookliiE-Glassoi, Tobacco, Coffeo, Sugars, Teas, Rico, Allsplco, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Iu snort, everything usually kept in country tores, to which they Invito tho attention of tho public Ecuerally. The highest prlco will bo paid for country produce lu exchange for goods. 0. II. MILLER A SON, . HloomsburgPn. net 13 71 If jq"EV STOCK OF OLOTUINQ. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTEll GOODS DAVID LOWENDERG Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASIIIONAULE CLOTHING, nt his store on MalnSlrcet, lnShlve's block, ono door West o C. U. Marr's store, Uloomsburg, Pa., whero no has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS CLOTHING, Including tho most fn3hlounblo, durablo, aud handsomo DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCd, GUM.ANI) OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS. of all sorts, sizes audcolors. Ho has nlso rcplen lshcd his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. QLOVES. SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES lio nas constantly ou uand a largo and well-se' ccted assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTING3, which ho Is prepared to mauo to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and in tho best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear, nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWSLRY, ol ovcry description, fine nnd cheap. His caso ol fowelry Is not surpassed lu thlsiplacc. Call and oxnmlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. oct!3'7I DAVID L0WENI1ERG. lllIE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE E0SADAL1S nro published on cvciypuliagc, there lore it i3 no a scirct preparation, consequently riiYSici.vxs rnr.scKinr, it It is a certain ruro for Scrofula, Syphilis in nil iti fonm, Klicuma- tistu, Skin Disrates, Liver Com- piaim aim uu uioa di ma IJIooil. 0173 EOTTLj 0? H03ADALI3 will ilo moro ood llian ten bottlca of tlio Syrups of Sarsaparilla. Tur: UHDcnsicNED physicians have used Rcvailalis in tlicir practicj for tlio past three years nml fiiclj endorno it as a reliaLle Altcratita and lllood Purifier. nrt. t. c. rcon.of Baitimoio. UK. T. J. HOYKIN, " lilt. P.. W (.'.Mill. " 1)11 P. O. DANNKLLY, " 1)1!. J S. Sl'AIHCS, of NichoUsville, Dft. jVl.. McCARTHA, Columbia, S. f . Dlt. A. SI. NOBLES, Kdsccomb, N. C. USED AUD ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH t EONS, Fall T.lvcr, V is. r. W. SMITH, Jickwn, Mich. A. F, Liraa, Ohio. 11. Jf.M.I., Lima. Ohio. CRAVEN A: ( ()..(,niilnnstllle. Vs. SAJl'I.. O. .Mi PADDEN, Murfrecs. boni,Tcnn. finrfpaco vlllnr.l nllow nf nny ex. tended remarks in lel.ition to this ili-turiof ltwad.llis. Totho Medical I'lofesslonwoguauntcea l'luiU J'.x tra? superior to tmytliry liae ccr used lu tho treatment of diseased lllood j nnd to tliciiUllctcd we say try Ilosndalis, and )uu Mill bo restored to hc.llth. RosaJalh ll Enid by all Drtlpclsts, price 51.30 per buttle. Addrcsj E3. CLSMEHTS & C3. Manufacturing Chfmlltt, Baltimore, Mo. OALTIMORE PIANOS. Wo respectfully call the attention of thoso desiring to nurcbaso our mako of Pianos. Wo nro satlslled that wo can irtvo satisfaction lu ovcry case. Our workmen skillful and experlen cod and nro under tho personal superintendence oi mo memncrs oi our urn. vuuso oniy iiiu best seasoned timber, find the material In gene rai is jirst ciuss. uur i iiiuus wiiuoul exception havo the patent agratles urraueemcnt through- , wiucii iu mo opinion oi me most compo- tent Judges is prououncod valuable. Eiovement n piano ls.maao more uuiabio nnd ccps tho loio louccr. Wo claim for our Instru ments that they aro second to none, and they comblnoall the essential elements that consti tute superior worltmnnshlp. Wo will give a written guarantee for flvo years. Mr. Conk a i) Fkeiman, member of our firm, will visit Hloomsburt: lour tlmosnyear to ro pair nnd attend to tuutui; of nil Pianos. In the absence ol Mr. Fueisian, Mr. I K. MlI.t.ER will attend to our business In Bloumsburi: und Is nuthorized to receive aud solicit orders. Wo can give the very best references. OAEHEE CO. Baltimore, M. D. I. K. Ml I.I.Kit, Dealer in Pianos, Ornuns and Melodeons live octave and live stop ort;aus ot tho best make, sold at tl lu. Terms cusy, Juno 1 AGENTS WANTED FOR A VERY SUPERIOR ROOK, "BOW IN THE CLOUD." Edited by RT. Rkv. WM, BACON BTEVENS, H. 1) I lu D. It Is full of tho richest unit rra( thoughts, un loldluu the glorious Convenaut Promises of our (lod. Superbly llliistratednudbouudlniidude sIkus of rare elegance. It Is a (iem nmoiit; books. Zion's Ilcrahl. It Is ono of tho most elegant books ever issuol from the American press HWWimrm mill Jiejlec tor. This Is a book of surpassing beauty. A", 1". Oli imr. A LOVKLV 1100K FOH A HOLIDAY GIFT. Enriched with 'JlcxqulsltOKcjnsofcoetry. First-class Aueutsaro making 810 to J JUper day. Pricolow. Terms extra. 1'or Clrculatsuddress, , 11UBUARD HROS., Publishers. dco'8 71-tf Til Buusom Bt., Phlla. YALUAnLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho undersigned wishing to retlro from bus!, ni .s now oilers nt private sale his entire proper ty situated in Oruugevllle, consisting of a one. liulf In lei est in tho well known FOUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL, WORKS, together with tho Engine, Lathes nnd other Ma chluery belonging to tho tume, nlso the entlro stock now on bund, together Willi u valuable pair of horses, aud tho wagons, sleds, II units, .lc also his town lots on which Is erected a good Irumodwelllug, ulso, twenty-live acres, known us the Dr. Itt property ubout teu of which are cleared, the balance timbered, Prices reasonable. Possession Blvcn nt any time to suit purchasers. Apply to or address, WIUUW SCHUYLER, OOt, 6,'71-tf. un ft evlllo, Columbia co. Pa. Drugs nnd Chcmicalo, HE OAUSK AND OURE OF rnVHiTMi'THIN. 1 l,n ftrlmnrv rmlin nf f 'nnstltllnttoll 1 dcrntlCC- metilofthoillgcstlvooigims, llils dcrniiKcmcut produces deficient nutrition nnd nsslmllatlo ti By nssimiintion l mean mat process uy nmcu tho nutriment ol tho food Is converted Into blood, nnd thenco Into tho solids of tho body. Persons with dlscstlon thus Impaired, having tho slightest predisposition In pulmonary ills- caso, or n ineyinsu niin.wiiiin, lmvo Consumption of tho Lungs In some or Its formst nnd lliold that It will bo Impmsll. o to euro nny enso of Consumption without first ro storliiKn good digestion nnd heallhy nsslmlla- tlon. I ho very iirsiining n uommu is uuirnii?o tho stomach nnd bowels lrom all diseased mucus nnd slime, which Is clogging theso wns t thnt they cannot perform their functions, nn l then roun up nnd restoro tho liver to u healthy action. For Ibis pnrposo tho surest nml best remedy is wiiciick s hihihiiuku un., ;,"v Pills clean tlio stniiinch nnd bowels of nil the ,tn,inn,l morbid silino that Is causing disease nnd decay in tho wholo system. They will clear out me liver 01 nn uisciim'u uuu um, m,- i.v. ttlated there, nnd rouso It up to a row and henlthy nellon, by which uuturnl nnd heallhy b Tho'iTt nmach,' bowcls.nnd liver nro ihusclcans ed by tho uo of Hchcnck's MandMlto Pills j lint theie icir.Blus In tho stomach an excess ot held, tho organ Is torpid nnd tho nppetllo poor. In tho bowels tho Indents nro wealt, nnd leuulr ng strength nnd support. Ills In a condition 111.0 this that Hchenck's Heawecd Ton 0 proves lo bo tho most valuablo remedy ever d scovered. It Is alkaline, nnd Its use will ncutrallno all excess or acid, making tho stomach sweet and Irosli j it will glvo pormnucnl lone lo this Important or gan, nnd crcalo it good, hearty appetite, nnd pre paro the system fur tlio llrst processor a good di gestion, nml ultimately mako goud, licnhlry, living blood. Allcr Ibis preparatory treatment, whnt remains to euro most cases or Consump tion Is the ireonnd persevering use orsciieirck's PuliiionlcSyrup.ThoPulmonleHyrupnoiirMics Iho Hj-stem, purities tho blood, nnd is rcndily ab sorbed Into the circulation, nnd thence 1 distrib uted to the diseased lungs. There it ripens nil morbid matters, whether In the lormof nbice-s-csor tubercles, und thennssists Nature to expel nil tho diseased mailer, In lhe form of frco ex- lintnrnllnll U'llPIl nllPn ll. rlllOllfl. 11 IS ttlCll. I)V tho great healing mid purilylng properties of rcciiencit n i iiimuuiu ri,i', um, . V cavities aro healed up sound, and my p.itlcnt Is cured, Tho essential thing lo bo dono In curing Con sumption is to get up n good appetite nud u good IllUCHllOU. SO IIIUL II O Ul,H H ill Kll iu ... ntul ltI. slrnnt. Ifui-iersoM lias diseased lungs, a cavity or abscess there, tho cavity cannot heal, the mutter cannot ripen, so longas tho sys tem Is below par. What Is necessary lo euro is n new order of tilings, a good nppetltc, u good iiiitvlll,,,, llinlin,Ulii irniitf In !lih 11 till net lilt 1 then Nnturo Is helped, tho cnvltles will heal, tho mnttcr Vlll Upcn nnd bo tlnown oil' in rgo quantities, nnd tho person regain sirengui 'i bin Is Him f run find lllllv nlllll to I'UtO CollsUIUll lion, and Ha person Is very bad, lriho lungs mo not entirely destroyed, oroven Ifono lung Is en tirely gone, If there Is enough vitality lilt in tho other to heal up, there Is hope. 1 ha o seen mauy persons cured Willi only ono sound lung, live nud enjoy lllo In n good old age. This Is what Hchcnck's .Medicines will do tocuiu Consumption. They win clean out 1110 sioniin u, mill iilrMiotlirll It. iret tlnlLeood tllgcs- I Inn nml nlvn Nnliiln tlin ILMsUl.lllli;n silo llCCdS to clear tho system of nil tho disease that hi lu tho mugs, wnnievcr tuo lorm may oc. It Is Important that while using Schenck's Medicines, caro should bo exercised not to tako cold; keep ln-doois Hi cold and d imp weather j nvold night nlr, nud tako out-door exerclso only iu n genial nun warm siiusiiiue. I wish it distinctly understood that when I rec ommend n patient to be careful lu regard to Ink ing cold, whllo using my Medicines, J do so fur n special leason. Ainim who has but partially re covered from tho elttctsorn bad cold Is far moro Hiibln to a rehinso than ono ?ho has been entire ly cuied ; nud It Is precisely Iho snmo In icg.ird to Consumption. So long us Iho lungs mo not perfectly hcirU d, Just so long is thero Imminent uanger oi n inn leiurn 01 inu uisunse. iiencu it is llllll 1 so Sll eillliillniy eiiiiiiun iiiiiiii,iiiu tlcuts ngalnst exposing themselves loan iilnios. nbcro that is not cenlal and nlcnsant. Coutlrm ed Consumptives' lungs nro n mass of sores, which tlio least change or Hmosphera will lu ilamc. Tho grand scciet of my success with my MpiliMnrK r-nusLsts In mv nbtlltv lu subdue 111- lluinniatlon Instead ol luovoklug II, as many of tho lacuiiy no. ah luiiameii mug caiinoi, wuu safety to tho patient, bo exposed to tlio tilling blasts of Winter or tho chilling winds ol Spring or Autumn. It should bocnrerully shielded lrom nil Irritating Influences. Tho utmost caution should bo observed In this pnrtlcular, nswlthout It n euro under utmost nuy circumstances Is nn Impossibility. '1 he person should bo kept onn wholcsomonud nutritious diet, nud nil the Medicines continued until tlio body has rcs.tored to It tho natural rmnnf II v nf ftpsli nml strmiLrth. I was myself cured by this treatment of tho worst kllid of Couvumpliou, nud linvo lived to get fat nnd hearty theso many years, with ono lung mostly gone. Iliavocuieil thousands slnco nnu very many navo uten cureu oy 1111s iitni ment. v.-hnm 1 linvii never seen. About lhe First ol October I expect to tako possession nriny now buiniiug.nt the rsoriiicns l.'iirner nf Hlxth nnd Arch Streets, whero 1 shut bo pleased to glvo ndvlce to nil who may require 11. Full directions nccomnanv all mv Remedies. so thnt a person In nny pm t ol tho world can be reauny curtu uy a bind ooscrvnneo oi mo same. J. II. HCIIENCIC, M. 1. Philadelphia. .Tohnsnn. Ilollawnv .t CowiIon.U02 Arch street Philadelphia, wliolesnlo ngeuls. (novl"'7I-ly. A GREAT MEDIGAir-"- Dr. VALHEr.' O T. . viNECiAR hi A Hundreds cf Thoustudi: S2 s WHAT ARE THEY? do THEY ABE NOT A YILli uas FANCY DRIWI'. V$ llidsof Poor Rnm.tVliiskcy, Troor Spirits mid Refuse I.iQUors doctored, rplccd end sweet ened to plcoaotbo taste, called" Tonics,"" Appctlr. crs," Restorers," i.c, tact lead tho tippler oa to drunkenness and rulL, bat aro a true Medicine, mado from tlio Native Hoots and Herbs of California, frco from nllAlcobello Sllmulnnis. They nro tho GREAT 11LOOI) l'UKIFIEtt nnd A LIFE GIVING PIUNCIl'LEapcrfcct llcnoiator ond Invlgorator of the Bystcm, carrying off all polsonoca natter and restoring tlio blood to a licaltliy condition. Ko person can tako tlicso Hitters according to dlrec Hon and rcmalnlong unwell. 61U0 wlllbo clTcnforan incaratla caco, proTldcd tho bones nro not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and tho vital organs vastid beyond tbo point of repair, Viir Inllnnimntory nnd CUronlo Rheuma tism nud Gout, Ilygpcnidu, ur ludlzcntloo, Billons, Reuilllciit mid lutermitleut Fevcls Dlstuseuot'thollloud, l.lur, Kidneys, und lllndttcr, tacso Bittern Laro been mcst sncCLSS ful. Such Diseases nro canted by Yltlntcd lllood, vhlch 13 generally produced by dcranccmctt of tho DIgestlvo Orzaus. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Read echo, Pain la tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness cf tho Chest, Dbzlncsa, tour Eructations cf tho Etomach, Bad tasto la tho tJoalh, IWlous Attacks, Palpitation cf tho Heart, IcCcmreatlonof thoLcnjs, Pain la tho rrelou cf Iho Kidneys, nnd n hundred other palnh.1 (jrny.loms.aro tho oCsprlncsof Dyspepsia. Ihiylnnsorato tho Stomach and ittnvalato tho tor pUllver and towels, which render them ofuncijuallcd etlcacy la cleansing tho blood of all Imparities, nnd Imrartlus new lifo and vigor to tho wholo system. FOR SKIN D ISE ASUS, Eruptions, Tetter, Bait Uicliu, Eiotcl.cs, trots, ritnplcs, l'ustulcs, Bolls, Car-lcnclcs,P.ln-Worms, fcald-llcad, Eoro Eycs.Eryslp tlar, luh, Ccurft, Wscoloratlona cf tho Ekln, Humors end Hlscasca of tho hltln, of whatever namo or nature, aro literally do: up nnd carried out or tho ryetcm In a short timo by tho uso of theso Bitters, Ono bottlo In such caMtt will conTlnco tho most Incredulous of their curatlro clfect. Clcanso tho Vitiated lllood whenever you nnd Its Imparities burstinc through tho Eldn lnrimplos, Erup tlon3 cr Eorcs i clcanso It when you And It obstructed and ElasgtsU la tho veins t clcanso It when It Is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood puro nnd tho health of the system will follow. PIN, TA PE and other WO ltais. lurxlnir In the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy ed and removed. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed la four languages-English, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R.H. MCDONALD l CO., Druggists and Oen. Agents, Ean Francisco, Cel., aud S3 and 3 commerce Street, New Vor. rVSOLD BV ALL DHUCalSIS AND D CALCES. ssTo-tr To nuv person nroduclni' nnv frHr,inn Li,n,. Inu hull us many llvlnij, jiermnnent cures as Dii. Kril.Kll'a VFOKfAllblS Rlll.UMATIO RK31KI1Y. cjcii imvaruiy oniy, j pieasunt Mcuielue, free lrom Injurious druss. Wnrranted, under oath, tolinvo permanently cured Win every iwi patients tieated lu lhe past tun years. (Hco testimony.) It Is lhe sclentlllo prescription of Professor Jos. P. Filler, SI. D.,n eniilimlu.iif tho University nf l eunsyivuuiu i. li. 1S.M, now uun fil I'lllliiuci- nhla's oldest rcirular physicians, nnd Professor ol Chemistry nud Toxlcolojry, who hns made iveurniuia, Liironio uuu iiiuaramniory iiiieumn tlsm tlio speciullly of his entlro professional llio u laet voucni'ii ir ny 1110 siijiiuiures aceoui pnuylmf euch bottle, ol mauy tiroinluent renown id physicians, clircynil-n, ami other testimonials. To protect sullerers lrom poisonous quuck nos trums nud useless expemltluro of money, n legal signed Kuaruuteo.suitlniiezuct number of bottles warruntcd to cure, will bu iorwarded trntls to any sutlererseudliiis by letter n full description of utllictlou, Iu ease ot failure to cuio, amount pnld positively relunded, Mediclua sent uuy. wheru by express, collect on delivery. Atlllcted Invited to wrlto for udvlcet all luformntlou and medical advice sent by letter grutls. Principal olllce. ! riouth Fourth street, Phlladehihla, Pa. The Remedy Is sold or obtained by Druuulala. innr21'7l-lv I 8ai ill ti'Sn . S?s1 Miscollanoous, CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. 1. of Policies lad 43,000 ASSETS $5,500,000. TS9UES nil tho now form of Policies jLnuu presenis ns invornuio lernis ns uuy com' nimv In tbn United Htnlps. The company will malto temporary loans on us nuucies. Thirty dnvs' irrnco nllowed on ench pnymcnt, nmt tlin nnllcv Imlil rrnnil durlni- tlmt time. All our pollclos nro lucontestablo lor tlio nsunl causes. Policies Issued by this comimuynro non-for Icllnro. Vimvlrn rlin-im Inn, In for Irnvplt nir lermllS. Policy hoi lers share lu tho nnntinl profits nt mo company, nnu navo a vnico iu mo ciccuuns nnu iiiaiiiiKCiueiii in 1110 coiiipaiiy. Xo policy or medical Ico chanted. .H'HTUH LAWRENCE, Pres't. W. II. WYN1CO0P, VlcoPrcs't. ,T. P. RofiKits.Hecretnry, -8. C. CHANubEii, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of North-Eastern Ma, "Collt3I1$tan" Building BLOOMSBURG-, PA. LUDWIG & BROCKWAY, General Adonis. 4 Jan. B,lS72-tr. pATENT ARION PIANO. Tho only perfect Instrument In tho World. It Is unequalled In Richness, Power, llrlllluncy and Durability. Hncclal tonus to TcneJiers. Marked favors to Clergymen, fcjeud for Illus'ratcd Arlou 1 UllllllllCl, C. W. FOSTER, General ARcnt, mar 10'71 tf. Maucii Chumk, Pa JARRIAQE MANUPAOTOKY, iiioomsonrg, ra. M. O. SLOAN & BHOTHEH If nvo on hand nnd for salo nt tlio most rpSsOiuv dig rates a spicuuiu riock or CAHItlAGES, BUGQIEB. nnd every description of Wagons both rijAIN AND FANCY wnrranted lo bo mndo of the best nnd moit ilnr- nblo mntcrlnlN, nnd by the most experienced wurismuii, su worK seni oni irom me esmu Hsliment will bo found to boof tlio hlglicst class nniiburoiOKive pcrieci fiiu.Muctton. Tlieybuv UlftU U UUU UrSaUltJIlUUl 1 J 1 MliUIOHB of nil tho newest nnd most inshlonnblo styles Avuiiauucureimiy mauonuu oi me uehi muter 1HIM, All Inspection of their work 1h nslrcd nn it believed that none superior cnu be found In tho tuumry, jan ni EW Film AT OHANGEVILLE IRON FOUNDRY AND AGRICUL TURAL WORKS. GREAT IMPR0VR.MKNT.S IN PLOWS AND THRliSIIING JIACIIINEH. Mr. Jacob Trlvlentcco hnvliij; purchased tho Interest of Chnrles W. Low In tlio nbovo nnmod works, tho business will bo eo ltlnund ntnierthn nnu nninooi wii.i.iaji mciiuylkii to. llavlm; discovered several Imperfections in tho plows manufactured lu ll70. thev havo strom-thened unit improvedthem.nud udded somo entire new patterns. They will open the .Spring trade of 1871 mr lu ndvaiiee of nnytlilin; uer oilered totho' puonc, ueini! ooin practical meenanics, nud hav luir their work nil dono under their own suncr. vision they gunrautee their work superior lu milium,! uuu iiiiiBii to nny ouereu ueuiers snooiii iiol aecetiL oi nuvniner nL'rten turnl lmtilements until thev bnvn exmnlnmi nm .iauuiaeiure. runners riiiouiu irv our n nws beforo buylngnuy other. They ulso mauufacturo ALL, K1ND& OF CVBIINGS, usunllv mntlo 111 first 'clnss Foundries, saw nml b.iab .un, aaiiub,, iiiuuu uuu iineu up io oruer, TURESIIINQ MACHINES nro mndo a sneclnlty. nnd somo verv decided lm provemeuts have been lntinilupeil intnthlr inu. chines, l'rlees lower thun ever; all kinds ot country produeoaudold Iron taken lu exchange wiwi.-, uiiiTvL .niul iuu iiiuiiiiiaciury. uiu ugeu ..i:a r.i,.j,iii, iuu iujj IUQ WlUlCf. Address nil orders to WILLIAM SCHUYLER & CO.. AGRICULTURAL, WORKS, O RANGE VILLE COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Jan P 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS, 133 1115 CHESNUT ST.,(Girard Row, 133 NORTH-EIGHTH STREET (N. K. Con. 8rn and Chekiiv.,) PHILADELPHIA. Mtttiufucturor aud Dealer of our Four ureat specialties. Our CelebrntCd Chamnton llnonHklrls. Inelml. Iiik :tso styles nnd sizes, for Ladles, .Misses and Children. Mntiiilactured to meet tho wants ol ursi-eiass iruue, at tlio lowest prices, CORSRTft 111 1S7 styles nnd crndes to meet the ......... .... .. Uu.g,MUi,IUKUIL-, IVIIU KWIX UlU desirable make, nt prices beyond competition PANIER I1USTLFH In S3 varieties, from 30c. to l... i"iiiiuiiiK iniir uioiii, 7.e; nou inu, -lie .lUaOn. 6.'tc: NewHrondwnv. KSe; Klpct. hsc.. nm every oilier deslrablo Hustlo at lowerprlces thun ,ijr uiuui ,mi ties iu inu iruue. LADIES' UNDERGARMENTS In every quali ty, from the finest to tbn lnwi.Ht. nrlees. Tnelti-i und Funry Muslin Skirls, lu 2i varieties, from "Oo. to 87.01. Chomlses rrom (iJc, tojl.75. Draw. to, ill, .ihiii. uicnai;., B1.UU ll, cv.uj. Toilet Hacks, 81c. to SU.U. Corset Covers, l.ou to (5.00. Airous, Misses' nud Children's Cndcr uarmeuis, ixo, o-c. Wo have tho larcest. best and cheapest lines ol tho above uoods lu Philadelphia. Every pur chaser nn suve time nnd money by exuiululug Sept. 30, W71, GENTS WANTED FOR PHASES OP LONDON LIFE. By D. J, KntWAN, the well-known Journalist. THE VERY LARGEST COMMISSIONS PAID. This book Is a beautiful octavo of urn paces embellished with suu engravinus, nud a lluely ex. cculed map of Loudon, designed and executed expressly lor this work by eminent artists. It contains a full, irranhle and truthful utntmnAnt of Xheiituhts, bicrets and 6'tnsafiom of the ureal Metropolis of tho world. Address, 1IUFFIELU AS1IMEAD, Publisher ucck (i-ii mnuu.uiii oireet, I'Ulludelphla JUSTIOE'B BLANKS. Wn nniff tinvfl en hand a lnt-cn nacin ni,&.t assortment of JUSTICE'S and CONbTAULEH 11LANKS, to which we Invito thu atteutlou of to ess oniceri. Patont Modicinoa, H ENRY T. IIELMliOLU'S. COMPOUND FLUID KXT11ACT 0ATAWI1A GRAPE PILLS. Oiinyioneitl Hirit-lTiiltJ IMraet Jthubai b anil 1'lutit tract Cutatcba drape FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE. 11IL 10U3 Al-'FEOTIONH. HICK OR NERVOUS HEADACHE, COSTIVENF-SH, Etc. PURUI.v VEOnrAIlLE, CONTAINING NO MERCURY MINERALS OR DELETERIOUS DRUGS. Theso Pills nro tho most delightfully plcnsnu purgative, supcrsedliiii castor oil, sails, mag nesia, etc. Thoro is nothing moro ncccplnblo to tho stomach, They clvo tone, and cutiso uclthci nausea uor griping pnlns, Tucy nro composed of the finest ingredients. Alter a fow days' uso them, sucu an ltivlitoratlou of tho entlro system takes placo ns to appear mlrnculous to too wenk nnd cucrvntcd, whether arising lrom lmpru denco or dlseaso, II, T. llelmbold's Compound FlulilExtrnctCatnwbnGrnno Pills nro not r coated, from tho fact thnt sugar-coated Plus do natdlsolve, butpnssthrouiihthostouiacliwllhou dissolving, consequently do not produce tho de sired cirect, THE CATAWI1A GRAPE PILLS being pleasant lu tasto and odor, do not necessi tate their being sugar-coiilcd. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER UOX, 11EN11Y T. MJLM1S0LW8. IIiaitl.Y CONCENTRATED COMI'OUNll FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exlsrmlnnto from tho system Scrofuln,Hyphllls, FoverSores, Ulcers, HoroEyo Boro Leas, Horo Mouth, Head, llrouchltl Skin Dlsenses, Salt RhctiiA, milters, Running froni tho Ear, Whlto Swellings, Tumors, Call ccrous Affections, Nodes, Rickets. GlnndnrSwol. lugs, Night Sweats, Rash, Totter, Humors ol n Rinds, Chronic Rhcumnllsm, Dyspepsia, nnd n dlseaso thnt has beeu established Hi tho Hysto for years, Helngprepnrod EXPRESSLY forthonbovo com plaints, lis I1LOOD-PURIFYING proprieties nr greater than any other preparation ol Sarsapa rilla. It gives tlio COMPLEXION n clear nu healthy color nnd restores tho patient to n stato ol HEALTH nud PURITY. For Purifying tho lllood, removing all Chronic Constitutional Dis cuses arising lrom nn lmpuro stato of the blood And tho only rcliatilonndcircctual known reme dy lor tho emu of Pnlns nnd Swellings ol tho Hones, Ulcerations of tho Thront unit Leg lilotches, Pimples on tno Fncn, Erysipelas nn nil scnly Eruptions of Iho Skin, nnd llenutlfyin tho Complexion. Price, SIM per Hottle. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CO.NCKN1 HATED FL UII) VXTJiA CTJi UCI1 U, THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cured ovcry caso of Diabetes lu which It hn been given, Irritation ortho neck of tholilnddc aud luUanunation of tho Kidneys, Ulceration o tho Kidneys nnd llladder, Retention of Urluo Diseases or tho Prostate Gland. Stouo lu tho Iliad dcr, Cnlculs, Gravel, llrlckdusl Deposit, aud Mucous or Milky Discharges, nnd for Enreebled nnd Delicato Constitutions of both Soxes, niton ded with tho following symptoms: Iudlsposl tlon to Excrtlou, loss ot Power, loss of Memory Dllllculty of Ilrenthlng, Wenk Nerves, Treiu ullng. Horror of Dlscnse, Wukciulness, Dlnuies or Vision, Pnln In tho Rock, Hot Hnnds, Flush lug or tho Rody, Dryness ol tho Skin, Eruption ou tho Fnce, 1'ullld Oonntcunuco, Unlversa Lusslludo or the Muscular System, etc. u,Used by persons lrom tno nges of eighteen to twcnty-llvo, nud lrom thlrty-ilvo lo lllty-llvo oi lu tho dcclino or chaugo of life; nftcr coullne meut or labor pains; bed-wetting In children. Hclmbold's Extract Iluchu Is Diuretic nnd Illood-Pitrllylng, and cures nil diseases arising lrom HnbiU or Dissipation, und Excesses nml Imprudences lu Life, Impurities or tlio lllood etc., superseding Copabla In infectious for which It Is used, nnd Syphilitic Airectlons lu theso diseases used lu connection with HELM HOLD'S ROSE WASH. LADIES. In mnny nircctlons peculiar lo Indies, tho Ex tract Huchu Is utiequnlledbyauy other remedy as Is Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain fulness or Suppression or Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schlrrus Stato or tho Uterus Leucorrho'a or Whltes.Slerlllty.iiudror nil com plaints incident to tho sox, whether arising lrom Indiscretion or llnbits or Dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by tho most eminent physi lans aud Mldwlves for Enfeebled nud Delicate Constltutlous, of both sexes und nil nges (atten ded with nny of thonbovudlseascso r symptoms II. T. HELMllOLD'S EXTRACT 11UCIIU CUKES DISEASI-S ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCE, HAI1ITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., lu nil their stages, at Httlo expense, Httlo or no chnngo lu diet, no Inconvenience, nnd no ex posuro. It causes n frequent desire, nnd gives strength to Urtnnte, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing nnd Curing Strictures of tho Urctha, Allaying Pnln nnd Inllnmmatlon, so frequent In this clnss of dlsenses, nud expelling nil Poisonous matter. Thousands who hnvo been tho victims of in competent persons, nnd who havo paid heavy fees to bo cured lu n Hhort t lmo, have found they havo been deceived, and that tho "Poison" hns, by tho uso of "powerful ustringentB," been dried up In the system, to break out In a moro nggr.i vnted form, nud pcrhnrs niter Mnrrlage. Uso HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT HUCHU for nil All'ectlous uud Diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing In Malo or Femalo, from whnt ever cnuso originating, und no matter of how long standing. PRICE ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot ho surpassed ns a FACE WASH.and wll bo found tho only spcclllo remedy iu every species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee dily eradicates PIMPLES, SPOTS, SCORRUTIO DRYNESS, INDURATIONSof tho CUTANEOUS MEMBRANE, etc., dispels REDNESS aud IN CIPIENT INFLA.MATION, HIVES, RASH MOTH PATCHES, DRYNESS OF SCALP OR SKIN, FROSTBITES, und all purposes lor which SALVES or OINTMENTS ore used j restores the skin to a state or purity and softness, and In sures continued healthy nctlon to tho tissue o Its vessels, on which depend tho agreeable clear ness aud vivacity of complexion so much sought nnd admired. Hut however vnlunblo as remedy tor existing defects ortho skin, II, T Helmbold's Roso Wash has long sustained Its prlnclplo claim to unbounded patronago, by possessing qualities which render It a TOILET APPENDAGE of the most Suporlatlvo aud Congenial character, combining lu an elegant formula those prominent requlslts, SAFETY nnd EFFICACY the Invariable accompaniment ot Its use as a Preservative nnd Refresher of the Complexion. It is nn excellent Lotion for dis eases ofaSyphllltlo Nnturo, und us an Injection lor diseases of tho Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used ln-conueetlou with the EXTRACTS BUCHU.SARSAPARILLA, nud CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, In such dlsenses as recommeujed, cannot be surpassed. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Full and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of tho most rosponslblo and reliable character furnished on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses, and up ward of so,ooo unsolicited certificates and reconi meudatory letters, mauy of which are from tho highest sources, Including eminent Physicians Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. Tho proprietor U never resorted to their publication In the news papers; he does not do this from tho fact tlia his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. Henry T. IIclmbolil'H Genuine PreimrutloiiH. Delivered to any address. Secure from ousel vatlou, Established upwards of twenty years. Bold by DrugglsU everywhere Address letters for In formation, In conttdence to HENRY T, HELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only Depots! H. T. HELMBOLD'S Drue and Chemical Warehouse, No. 691 Broadwuy, New York, or to H.T. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, BEWARE Oi" COUNTERFEITERS. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S TAKE NO OTHER