The Colombian. BloomsTjurg, Friday, Jan, 19, 1872, " ,i" . 1 1 - - dm, 1', ltowr.u, A ro.,10 l'.uk nnw,nwmir only niitiinilrfcl Ailvertlslim Aural In Now ork. , nrV S" riulhnrlr.cdA.icnH In 'hi a.lcl.liln. t II. Ml'iil'Iiv, lr. I nnrnttiliorlr.eil Attentat Ciiilrnlln to tinnnei any linslncn pertaining to I l.p I'nl.l'MMAN OltlCO. 1 II "V: aii n.ivi.riWcniMit. for llio fornoltnr loenlt' ii,. mini Im cniltiriit liy llicso Aiicnls, or they willrciclvo no ntlenllon. tr. lluilrotid Tlnio Tablo. LACKAWANNA A HWOMFinUllU 11. 11. Mnll ArtiimlutillnUull 1 Xlllf sK lUrtlA.M. ! : 71.M. WrtA.M. IriJl'.Jl. Uial'.M. 10:81 A. M t'ATAWii-8A it. n. nioji nuiT.iiT station', n.-nl.. " 'igHouth. iiiai'.M. LOCAL linos A. M. Wt lnirn Hint llio wlicnt lms suffered by tho iiltcrntilo freezing nntl thawing ortlio i:it fuvv weeks. Wmiro undur oblltwtiotH to Quo. W. Clillds font copy of tho 1'itMh Ledger Aluinmti' for 1872, In our report of tlio tcniporatitro of Ulootnsliiutr. for December, tho maxt niiiiii Is tiven iu il() It Bltoukl h:vo been GO". William Unanost has iiuieliased tho Walnut Hotel in Light Street for $2,000 and will open It to tho public on tho 1st of April. Tun s.ilo of tho real estalo of Fred erick Shaffer, Into of Centro township, has boiMi continued to January U'Jth, at 2 o'clock, p. in. The l'cnii.jylvania Central R. R. Co. liavo leased tho Danville, Hazlcton & Wllhosbarro H. It. for a term of S:' ; tho loaso to commence on tho 1st of March. Wr. nolico that in tho voto on tho abolition of tho Incomo Tax in tho IIotHO of Representatives at Washing ton, Mr. Mcrcur voted against the incasuroand In favor of tho contiuuanco of thoTax. Tun upper portions of Columbia County liavo always been pretty well supplied with squirrels, but Chester County, iftho truth bo told, is nbead. White squirrels of tho gray and red species aro caught there. Wr. learn that Miss Ohl of Blooms burg, very nearly lost her life on Satur day last, by falling from tho cars at D.iuvillojust as they were about start ing. Sho was fortunately rescued with out it'jury. TniiYdobottcrinLoekJiavciiWtno wav of snow storms than wo do hero. Thn last fall of snow Which merely whitened tho ground with us, mado ex cellent sleighing in Lock Ilavun some four or flvo inches of snow having accu mulated. Thf. importance of giving Kicriihtn'ti Vavalry Condition Powders to fioes that have been out in llio cold rain, stood in cold wind, or drank too much cold water, cannot bo over intimated ; no man should bo without mem who owns a good hor.-,e. In tho last number of tin- Columbian tho insurance paid Mr. W. U. Kootis on i,u hniisn Is stated tobeJ'JUO. It should liavo been 9,000. Tho companies in which lie hold pol icies wero tho Aetna, Royal and Wyo ming, and tho amounts duo from each wero paid in full. Tm-i fourteenth fizzle In tho way of a snow storm took place on Tuesday Peoplo have rather lost faitli in tlio abilltv of this Winter to get up a first rliis-i nrticlo of tho kind. Under tho in- iliieneo of a few such teasons sleigh making would become ono of tho loct aits. The fifteenth attempt camo oil' on Wednesday. Tin: vasrarleo of tho thermometer lately aro more exciting than pleasing, Nature scorns determined to upjet all the rules which ought to govern this tho voar. Tho fact that ono dav Is warm enough for Spring cloth ing i.s no criterion that tho next day will not bo cold enough to freeze ovevy thing solid. Looked at philosophically this winter is a failure. On- Friday last, through tho careless ness of some of tho railroad hands, a collision took place, atthoswilch below the station at this place, whereby threo linicitotio cars.bolonging to tho Uloonis burg Iron Co., wero considerably injur ed and a ear of tho llrowu Lino badly ivn i-kel. Thn latter now lies on its side near tho track, a striking montt. nient of railroad uncertainties. Wk wero ploised to see, not long since, iu ono of our exchanges, some rks addressed to several persons who, during an inter estliiL' lecture by Hey. Jno. S. C. Ab- butt, kept a continuous coughing, which nrmv.niixl iiinnv from hearing, icu nlo who cannot refrain from coughin; had better stay away from such places, orelsotaUoa uottlo of Johnson's mw dune Liniment with them, Tub Miltontan gives an account of a freight train sailing into Milton, somo years since, with a lino calf percliou on tho cw catcher, which was afterwards discovered to liavo been taken on at Catawissa. Tho innoeont creature rodo llio iwonty-flvo miles without injury, and was taken off by an employeo ol tho company, senMo thn country, and In a couiilo of years matured Into a flno cow. Sl'.N'ATOH liUl'KALHW lias been np polnted on tho following committees in the Sonato: Constitutional Iteform, Congressional Apportionment, Federal Relations, Education and Public Print ing (chairman). Capt. lirockway is on tliufollowlngCoramlttees in the Houso Judiciary General, Judiciary, Constitutional Reform, Counties and Townships, Ilureau of Statistics, Labor and Co-ojioratlou and Federal Rela tions. Isaac WoomtuFFof Rush township, .Northumberland county, had a bull which wandered to tho houso of a neighbor, Win. Clark, whilst tho men of tho family wero thrashing at tho h-itn. The bull got under the straw staek and was there forty days and forty nights after which ho released himself mill WtilkPil n inlln. Wlinn lin was found to liavo Just half hi ofour renders doubt llio story wo rotor them to him ibr corroborfttlon. THE M. P. Lutz sells tho Alexander Kid Gloves at $1.00 per patf nnil warrants ovcry pair. Ciiab. HoLtiANi) KinnBii will liver a Iccturo this (Friday) ovenliiR, In Danvlllo. Subject s " Dry-as duit, thn Historian. A Finn broko out on Saturday iiIrIiI Inst In Muncy, and destroyed threo buildings belonging to Mm. Gun. Petri ken. Her loss amounts to $!!,000, with no Insurance. Tho other bsfos aro not stated, Tho llro is supposed to bo tho work of an Incendiary. On Monday last as Mr. BcIuIvokIp, of Cherry, was binding u load of hay his horses woro frightened atsomcthliiK nnd starting forward Biuldonly, caused him to fall off tho load and striking on his head dislocated his neck so as to causo his death a, day or two niter. Sullivan Democrat. Mn. W. 11. Koonh has already begun tho work of removing tho ruins of his iato leddenco preparatory to building. Such energy is really commendable. No 0110 in Uloonisburg has suffered so met with from tiro as Mr. Kooiw,' having suflued losses no less than Ihreo times, and It would not have been remarlcablo if ho had abandoned in disppir any future ideas of building. Wo wish him success and better luck In tho time (o come. Al'l'OINTINH SUPIiniXTKN'IMJNTrf. Ill tho last number of tho Pennsylva nia School Journal it is recommended that tho present school law bo so cluing- od that county superintendents may be nppolnted by tho State superintendent, instead of being elected as at present by fho school directors. Tills plan might work will If tho chief officer could at all times bo removed from party poli tics. That beinir almost imposslblo tho presont method of electing feeems to bo tho butter plan. Runaway accident seem to bo tin- usually numerous in different parls of tho country .judging from reports pub lished in tho papers. Whether this Is duo to unskillful driving or fractious horses wo aro unable to state. As thl county furnishes but fow cae wo are led (o tho belief that either tho drivers hero aro of a superior order or elso that tho horses have too much common sonsu to risk their lives and limbs in order to onlov the lfeetini: pleasure' of smii-biiK- n wu"nn to bits. Tnr, Hoston Time says : "Sunnosn it to bo 100 miles from IJoston to I'ortljml. A locomotivo starts at 12 o'clock from 25 miles tho second, 121 miles tlio third, and ho on each hour, travelling the vnmnlnlni il Icit.i tipn wlmn will 11 vn:li'h tho depot at Portland? A ronard of $1,0111) awaits any person who, by a uiiiuicm.muui ihi-uuuuiihi, can .uim ai. the exact hour." Wi; find tho above going the roundi ofthopapois. Tho an-fwer is simp'oi Tlio locomotivo would never quite reach Portland, as a little study of tlio prob lem will show. A singulaii accident happened to a gentleman from this town whilst driv mg thiougn the strei ts ot Danville a few days sineo. Ono end of a law tcarf which bo wore around bis neck beciimo entangled in tho wheel, tho other end remaining around his nick, Tli 2 horco was foitunately trained to slop at tho word of command, other wise tho gentleman would undoubtedly liavo been strangled. Sjiuo men who saw tho occurrence hastened lo his assist ance," and wero obliged to cut the s-carf in pieces in order to loleaso him from his unpleasant situation. Moral: if you wear a scarf look at both ends of it. iNTinuxr on Notcs. It has ju-t been decided, and it is no doubt good law, that u note bearing interest at lo per cent, lor aspecineii lime, n not p.uu ut tho limo stipulated the holder cannot demand after that date more than six in r cunt. . as tho excess .f interc-a was n siiljict of contract, which closed at the expiration oi iiiuliiuusuieuou ino nice ol too note. Wo 11ml the above going tho louiuls of our exchanges. It is not altogether true, as no moro than six percent, can be collected on any note at a suit at law. Six per cent, is tho legal rale, and any thing nbovo that is not collectable through tho courts. Tim Galaxy for February is fully up fo the high standard of cxcelleaco which it lias so long maintained. Iu tho com ing year wo nro promised mi iutellee- tuai;feajt in tho contributions of wi iters of ability, notably Chas. Keade, Trollope, Justin McCarthy, J. W. Do Forest and Mis. Kdwards. Judge Dlack will furnish a scries of papeis, General Custer a number of urtieks oa "Difo on the Plains," and Mr. Kilwnrd Craisey will coiitiiuio his tketches uf low life in tlio great ciiies. Tho dill' rent departments of ik Galaxy will ho iditeil with tliatabll It v and e.ii'o which havo matin t'.ds niPL'a.tno tlio first in tho country. Pub lished by Sheldon & Co., Now oik, It is rather an,l thing, that tlio ad vent offal poultry should cull forth a disiro to obtain thorn by other means than that of purchase. Yet such is tho case, and simultaneously with the tip poaranco of turkeys, chickens and geese in lino condition, appears tlio mania lur rallies. Wo aro not suro Unit a turkey tastes any better for being won by luck ,lstoail of bought by money but agr. ut millly ,)Quplo must do sj, Judging from tiio number of rallies which take plaeo ,iurhiL' tho cold weather, liloom iIolm pot appear to uuller from the- epidemic to any L'reat extent which ar-'ues u stringent money market or perhaps- cttll it be a high moral sense of correct- ncss which militates against tho prac- tlco! Siiaiu' Pi'.Acric'i:. Tho follow-in, .tnrv uinns to us from Hai'ilsburg. A L-entlcmau formerly of Uloonisimrg having met an old friend, engugeu aim In convolution until a Into hour at night and upon retiiiiig tho two occu pled tho same room. Roth awakened in tho morning with an overpowering thirst and in consequence ordered li quids to bo brought. Homo doubts ex lsting in tho mind of tho first nanp'd L'lmtloman ns to tho material used in compounding tho boverago, tho waiter wns desired to stato what it was. His asseverations not carrying couvlellun with them, ho was told to hold up ills right hand which helng done, u formal oalh was administered "ou no sui ciiinly swear" &c. This bolenui pto ccdurQ boillL' IllllsllCtl tllO UUl 101 UlO U quids was announced to bo ilfty coma. ''TlnU'u tiiuuro" said tho ox-lHoonm- Uurglan, "i always charge Jlftyccnlii far udmlntslcrlnr tm oalh ."' COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Mu. Thomas ObiiM8 Ihh IiourIiI tho property on tho corner of Third and Kallroad Creels for slSOO. Joj. K.vaii ''10 was tho fnrmer owner. Jluv. Mil. IIkwitt, rector of St, Paul's Church of this plRce, has return ed after an abgonco of two weeks, nnd will hold services at tho Church on Sunday next. Mr. Cuius. Klhim, long associated with tho firm of Moyor Urcs, In this town, lias purchased tho drugstore of H. P. Lulz, on Main atrcot, and will enter Into possession immediately. Mr. Klelni purposes keeping a drug store ol Hid best description. Quirr, a number of now students liavo been added to tho Normal School during tho past week and others aro eonlliitmlly arriving. Wo believe that during tho coming year tho aggregate of pupi's will bo as largo as at any time in tho history of tho School, Who but one that had Iicjii tlioro could liavo given expression to cynid- Ism'.' this scandalous bit of realistic "Now Is tho time lo rally to the festive donation party. A donation party Is a cheerful gathering, whero a poor clergyman's flock overwhelm him with bead wateb-pockels and oat up ab'iut $112 worth of his winter pro visions." A town as largo as Dloomsburg ou;cM to have a course of lectures, every Witit' i-, and tlio lecturer. should bo por- sou of I'cknowlciled ability. Really go il ! cturoi aro well worth hearinjf trnl tliciv are crtainly rducattd i;op!o ciu.iigh in Columbia cjumy lo support a course. Other towns no larger thou IJIoom.sburg, in this anil adjoining State", Jiavo a regular Winter cour-jo under tho auspices ofsonio educational Institution or commll'ee ef citizens ami we should bo able to do as much. It is probably too Iato lo suenro lectur ers ni tl') kind desired, fur this, but It is to bo hopoil that nest yo -r, we may do belter. .Sn.vsoxAiiLESuaijismoNs. Cough- and colds are among tho common com- pl.'.i'it-s of winter, and it is not utifro qui-ptly tho pot tho alllicle,d per s ii-s protract llio inconvenience lor vi ks when early attention would tuvc.--r tho evil. They tako "remedies," uul dufcdt thoso ivmPillo3 by fatigue ftml uspostiro. Two or tlirca days at llio b?;iiiiiiiig glvou to nursing and com ploto repo'.o anil tlielter, wKli sueii simiiio appliances and medicaids as aro readily attainable, will u-iullv,"hrcak" .,,. ..(1 .., ,,,. H., Knirr c impleto health. The tir-t lo sof time iu such call's in tho shortest and (ho easiest. To expect nattiro (o repol ill-ease, and recuperate under steady and continued pressure, is to exact too much of tho vital resources. Kr.iiPiNU to O.vk Thing. We earn c-tly i every young man, after ho has chosen his vocation, to slick to it. Djn't leave it becaus - bard blows ato t- be struck, or disigreeabln work performed. Those who have worlud their way up to wealth and U'efulne-s do not belong to tlio shiftless and tin table eliss, but may bo rickoned among sum ns toon on tncir coats, rolled up tln-ir nl -eves, conquered their prejudices a:;ain-l labor, and manfull y bote tli J heat and burden of llio day. Whether upon tho om iiirm, win-i- our fathers toiled diligently, striving lo bring tho soil to produetivene-s '.n tho machino shop, or factory, or the thousand other business places that invito honest toil and skill, let lie motto over be, Perseverance and In dustry. Last week, as a gentlemen named Voght, accompanied by two ladici, was driving u span of hor.-.cs from Catawis sa down llio rlvor, ho was overtaken by a train of cars on tho D.mville, Hassle ton aad Wilktsbarro R. R. On lie -ring Hie nppro.'cbipg train, Mr. Voght and tin' Indus got iiilof tlio wagon, and llio former endeavored to restrain tin- frighti ned animals. Tluy piling' d and dragged Mr. Voght up ilie embank ment, nnd when the train pissed ho was struck by tho engine, knocking 1 1 1 iti down and tearing his elotbeo in different places, but fortunately inflict ing no serious injury. Whilst on the ground the horses and wvg.m passed over him, but without hurting him. The lunaway animals run into u pilo of ralisaahoit distance from thoscenoof thouccidont, and stopped without doing themselves any harm. Wo think this is about tho narrowest osoii o on re cord. iNTUitiCSTi.s'Ci religious survici. havo been held iu the .Methodlat LpijCupal Cam tn oi this place Mr neuriy tir.-o ,1-eoks past, and are still in progress. An earnest effort is making to impress upj.i tho eoiuuiuuiiy tUoMjleinnlt and paiamouut impoiUucc ul tacrcd tli i 114 . Wo aro glad to ki.ow not only that tliibj mo-tings liavo b.i-a hugely at teiiikd, out tlmt, In s mie good tk-iiree, ihey have bu.u tucieful. The things wliieh receive our aliuo.H coi.stant at tention are amazlugly .small compaied With tho gmitir things wo systematlo- ally nejilLct. Tne usual order . f tho exeieiscs Is tlio delivery of a dbcouito Ltarlng upon some part of tlio loligious duly, after which, for an hour, im re or Ies, pray ors me i flirtrt and poitiicd and earno-st appeals made to tiio eongresatloii. Tm so aro aiibjccis In which wo aro alJ vitally concerned. Iftho pulpit sliuuld fail death will certainly tueceo I lu en forcing ih' tii mi our attention. Thu fine largo brick hudUhu Just ericted by Mosms. Lowenbeigaud Cad- man, on Main stroet, is an onuunut lo tho town. It is well and substantially built of biick, wltli high ceilings and Wide hallways. Mr. Lowenborg will ui-jiipy ouo nan oi mo uuiiaiug, ntiviiig a sUu'o on tho first flour for Ids htock of cl'dlis and clothing, and a largo work- ro mi for his hands on tho second floor. Mr. C'adman will havo Ills luniltuio rooms on tho opposite side. Tlio doors and windows aro of great size, and will give a lino effect to tho front. Tho ghi's of .Mr. Jiweiibeig's store will bo Jin mips.' single plales. When llnislied, the two stores will not bo surpassed by any other in town. Tho llro which last huiiiiuer ties' toyed tho woodou buildings where this now stands, al though a misfortune at tho llmo, lias resulted in a public ble-slng. " Every cloud has a silver lining," it is said, and - In iUU casu tllO lltUUff U VLl'V DflUl ftmi ohlnliitf when 31nm siruutia mmi lu, ,m olthor sldo with huuIi hotueH, from Hast to "Wont blrcot, IJloomnburt: real estnto win no worm owning You can get J. A P. Coals or Clark's O. N. S. spool cotton at M. P. Lilts', for 83 cts. per do,. (Johns are very prevalent Just now, in fact most people liavo cither a "bad" or a "slight" one. There. aro two rulos, Which If observed, will do much to wards a cure. Keep your foot dry and do not go suddenly from a warm room lnlo tho keen nlr without sufllclent clothing. Simplo rules but rollably el- fecllve. It Is not lo bo expected that civilised communUloa should lenrn much of value from tho "Heathen Chinee," and yet thoso benighted rat-eating Celestials liavo nun practice which might bo pro fitably adopted by most educated com munities, They pay all their bills om tho llrst of January of each year, and start freo from encumbrances lor tho ensuing twelve months. If Ibis plan could bo carried out it would exerclso a beneficial effect on trade and materially diminish llio number of failures and suspensions among business men. Lung credits have destroyed as many mer chants as have speculations. Look at Thim. Tho Columbia Coun ty Mutual Savlntr Fund iiml Loan Association has Just closed its Ills'; year showing $2,101.15 received during tlio year. It has supplied 220 loans at an averago Premium of$'S.27 persliaro. Total number of shares loll ; value of stock J2"),2") por share; total as.erts $17,000 with less than $7000 liabilities, and thoo bclnj advanced payments. Tho working of the A-vucl ition during tho year proves it to bo ono of tho best for tho borrower in this f.octi m of tho State and certainly a bafo plaeo for In vestraen -. Uwowers can oblaia stock at fair prices. vi: nolico u suggestion in an ex change which commends itself strongly to our taste. It is that our pcliool houses should contain a certain number of pb-tures. Children are usually fond of th 'in, ar.d they would certainly exert giiod Spiiitcd nnd well cxiviiteil engravings or lithographs cmi'd ho obtained at a Irllllpg expense, and would relievo llio bare walls which rend' r many of our school houses so pe.-uliarly uninviting in appearance, Historical pictures or portraits ol dis tlnguisbed men might bo used to ad vantage iu the illustration of tho ordin ary studies or tho scholars. We believe tho plan would bo a ppod one. Hiis-dp MHli Our lknilcrs. Is it th it wo aro growing old or have the winters deteriorated of iale years'.' There does not seem to lie a" much gen uine plcasuro In tho cold months as of old. It Is not many years ago that we used to look forward to ir.tir with llio most bll-sful anliclpati'.ps, but now-a-dsys it is rather Willi forebodings of evil that we. await tho coming of tho Frost King. Expectations of wet'feet, numbed limbs, nnd a general sense of bodily discomfort are much more vivid ly before us than are (he delights which we u-ed to welcome, We arc not pi. -pu-ed to admit that the fault Iks ulto gc'ber iu us; wo think there Ism mc wliat duo to the ag" in which we live. The truth is that out-door exercise Is iv I'uiKcr appreciated na it once win. H it i.'.r stoves and modem d tie Ulon have taken not only the bloom from tl o cheeks of our young people, but a!ni the uesiro to replace It. "D. port- mcU" Is proving loo inucli for this generation. Wo can rcuifiuber when skitti.ig, sleighing and coasting parties wo.v tirlm-fiili of joyous inerrlmontand delightful to participate iu, girls and boys alike bent on enjoyment. Wo fancy that it would ba a yourg maiden of very lender years wh. would Con di ic.-nd now to occupy u sled ami coast down u hill. Sleighing parties nro not v. hat they used lo be, generally speak in Tho old time sparkle and fun are a. n.d their placid have not been fli ifd by anything better. Wo tiro no 'u'vomles of uniiuo want of dicorutn, bit tliero is mch a thing as hi ing so i :jI::u tly proper i.s to take out all vitality front what was iutended for aniU'i'tiieat, aud leave it e-3 lifeless and devoid of humor as a f.inir.d procession I'ljiu til of titrangers lot lie ikud mail. Y"utig girls spend far too much time in urrnugit g the multitudinous articles which ei.u.pos' the cisluuie of the lei'Iml, and too Utile in providing fur fhiir futuio t:i..!th. Nalurid rofes aro fur superior 1 1 the lies' of rouge for llio checks), mid tin bright eym which ex eicisu in tlio o.ieu air givs are never acquired by belladonna. it may bo barely posslblo that wo aro loo old fashioned for tho limes, and all these things may lis right which aro done Iu our day, but thank Heaven wo don't believe so. Life 'Ilie hi.-lory oi' Llfo Inuuraiico fur iildu-s no ntii li in.iunii.'oriiujiuutrlty as in tin- i'Hi-0 of tho "Cimtiiii'iitrtl," of Xs'ow Yurl. Ii u.niH.'.cU doiiliU: tho tuuount ni' bunlimsii of nay othor coninuiiy. with hui. n vera few i-sc'i lions, nnd isul.'d moro iiuliflts lu 1S7U tliiiu any other comminv in ino woiut. ii ouiiius n lur ur Linlness uud a lowor raiio of t'.v i i'i'i-o tn Itiojiuo limn havo tvtr beuu attained by nny other luintiauy nt tl i'L,rriisiioiulitii: period in lis liiatory 'L'lie ijui'Stion then eoiue-i: what is tlio e.tubo of tho remurknblo record of tho "I'ontltionlui'."' In reply, wo bimply Hiimn r t nit t no uiiiiunetiitii h not cm y hteuiv.l by tho laws ot Ni-w York, but ts urine nal aim na-. neon to necomuio tho no! ic.v holder, and iu no way to tube ail vunlaB" "f U iiieiubern. Tho (OilovJi.K ai'u somo of tlio i-iieeial fen runs uf i ho "(Juntltietitui:' l'niii: Mi'tuamty.hh tho entlro f-tir j!iwifthoeoinpniiybeluiii;3'.otho policy lioldirs. A.n.n l'ai. Dwx'uiuuTioa oi-oiu'iiua in tin "i titittlbutloii man," KlO.NO.MV or JlAN.UlfcMK.NTl Ollly otie other iSow ioik eowpi ny siiowiu tn low n ralio ol ex iiL'ii:i' lu lueoiuo. iliirlni!' iho vi-aia lbUi iiiiil is.'.', tiecoru i.irf to the utHelal returns to tl.t- Mufcs.i ,.l,i.J(.ll TllxIlt-ItlKMl 111 Illll'llllOllt. Am. rouoiiw kon-i'oiii'Xtaiii.ii In nei-ordaneo with tlio ixiilicit Unns which nro embodied In tlio written Itlllll'V. Tn'nrrv luvij' OitAcr.. Should llio iI.iIk nl' tho iiieniiuui. or others iiie, ho allowed to p i-s without nut nient of tho same, ino iiuuey noiuer im. ilm iirlvileiro of li.ivinir it nttltiv tltuu Within thiity days thereafter, tho policy being hold lu force during Unit time. No K.vrr.A Vhemium ioh Tii.wkIj oi; Foni:iax ltwiui:MX. Person iu. mired iu this i oiiipauy aro permltlod, without extra clmrfiu of prcmluni, lo ro to or ivtuin from any part of tho world, and to lesldo unywheto excopt iiur bet weui latlludo UJ noiih and tho tropic of Capricorn. l'oi.ifiis l.Ni-o.NTi;Tim,i: for tlio cuctoinary i .'iisons. , ... i'oi.iov iiohi'iiim havo a voice In the okctlons uud inaiiUKCiiiciit of tho com- ' Ko'ehargo U madofor policy or medi cal examination. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUN1 OltAN(ii:viM,H AoadI'.MY. Orange- vllle. Columbia county, Pa. Spring Term begins Jrnimry 2ill, 1872. 'llio Classics, Modorn Jiangtiages, umimon, and Higher Fngllsh Inught. For par- iiuuiiii.s uiiurunr) I. K. SOHOONOVUH, ITincipHl, or M. A. WiLbtAMS, Secretary. p2!Isv. Tho Hooks of II. L. DleiTanbach, Iato publisher of tho Columbian, havo been left with the undersigned fur immedi ate collection. All amounts for Job work and advertising that aro not paid nt or before February Court aro directed to bo then collected by law. All sub scriptions that nro not paid beforo tho 1st day of April, 1872, aro also directed lo bo colli cted by law of lor that dale. vflnllt O. W. MARRIAGES. MF.IHNl'.lt-MOWHV. At Niiincclhi, tin llio 7lli IikI,. liv I'ntpr HwiinU. Ilri . .Mr. t'tinrntl Meln ntr, of l.'i usi I p., to Mlw HBrnh Mowry, of inopnuiu i iiiuo. I1VI51-M vrHKU.-On Hib lllh. nl Die Itevcro Hon-. l.nwIsnurK, li Killer J. UoiloulmiiKli. Mr. Kr.r.i T. l'.vm, nt Mlllvlllc, ami Ml Alico C1. Inllitr, nil ot lolumnla co. Mvrm.s-i)ii:TTr.iiioii.-on the lsih mi i.y MnmiKl Plolli-rU'li, rnv.,lnf'entrfjvllle, IMolil Myeo lo Mnrgnrct 11. Ulelterlcli, ot Mjunl PH" lump. KEIFHH-MnNSCIt.-On Turmlny. Hcc. !S. I.y llio llev. H. l urtls, .Mr.Ainnmliis Keller lo Mlsi UlllSMl .MellHL-ll, IIOlll OI UiUUWlsHU.,-On thn lfilh liml., liy the Huv. A. ll'Hit, .Mi. Prank M. Hum to MM H. Zantr, lioiu or 1- lfhlug irceK lj DAVIS-lllJsri. "n Sept. mill. 17I, nt Hit rMl HhloiK'c or ilm brl Ic. Pv 1. K. Krli';l;niiiii. Iii. Mr. 'lhoinni Uavls to Mm Ijivlna Hoek, Pom ol iieuiou. MAItlt-O AltMAK.-On Tiec. 2S, nt llio i-OTlilfiion of John Uiirlclc. In Ponton. livlheKame.llr. Illtiiin Mrr lo Mm. Ittmlia Uiirmiiii, bolli of JltflllUll. DEATHS. IT.TTiaiM N-On tli Jil insi., at PoiiiitBtii Hprlnm, Putter tp., M-linylklll r., H nrv Pel- Ii riiriii, in nii-rly oi I'oluiiihl.i to., nvii bz ym, 11 nioiitliH ami U ihiyN. Ili oi nsoit won a highly lcupocteil I'ltlzaii, Rnil hail Iruir Koiis In Ihti war. who nil cnlifttuilat Founlnlii PpilnuH, two oi whom lot tholr Uvh ini- mitie iMttto or l.ieiIork'kHbiiiit.ino otiiuras n prisoner nt AiiileiaoiivUlt' nnU one (l.eoruo.) now ii reMtiew oi roiiinniii fpriinri.wno ioiiui Hrm In nonl of Hlehinoiul, lieoenea was bnrh-il nl r ouutiilii s-prniBson iiiur.sii lyniiernoon last 1 lie fu:ienil was l.nscly ultt'ii le 1. .1lnciV Jour nal, MARKET REPORTS. Mlnmiiflburg; JHrlit 1)11,1:0) Win ! . t in uyo " Corn " Oat. " l-'Iour prr iiinret ClOVC I'M lU Fliucc d . 81 . ill) . I M a Miliar.. fcrf Tullo Tu 11 on . 10 1'otatoes Drleti Aj i..tH lidCiK Hides uml Mioitltlms Uuti ier i )uiA 60 IU 17 . 10 . 10 any it iua A IJouv ani Jliiin UisiiASK. Such is dy8iei) Iho stoiiiflch aiuttho brain iro toolulim utilyallietl for tho ono to NttflVr without tlio oihtT, o thftt UjKpepslA anii despnutlenuy mo iu.s 'purublf. II niity bo ruuled, Un, Liml lriita lion or tho storaucli Ih nimoht luvurlabl occom p.mlctl by iirttntloti ol tho temper. Tlio m igoriUlng nuu tranquiluiUH opor.tllon or IIostotter'.H Bltttra Is moHt powerfully tlevol- oped lu casiM of luulgcstton. Tho Ural ciVcct of tills ogrt'table tonic H comiorlliiK uud ciicour 'line A mild alow prvate the system, tlio clinmlc unca-slncRs In the legion of the stomach N I esse tie tl, nnd tho nervous reslh'ssno'-s which t Ul&eiuiL't l-i ubutej. Tills lin provcmeuL Is not trnnjlcnt. It Is not fciu ceetloil be thfi rt (inn of tho old svinntoms with Mipcr iMled lonv, us is iuwnyn mo o.ivu wih'U nniiK-in- iti-tl Mltiiui.uus ino given lor iul- conipnuui :,u-ii do-o eotlls to Ininart ti tioinmnent wcves- uii ot ho.ilthiul luviiroiiulon. ltut tins li not nil. Thcnpfnent nnd nntl-uillous prop-'i'iicn or the niepnmiluii mo scarcely Kecoudarv in lm pM'laneo to Ht tonic virtues, ii merv an nvir- llow f bll tho heeretlim Is snon linmsht wnlilo iw.-ner lliiillv nnd it thobllh'i'v -iruan Islneit Mini tori lil, H H lonrd and legulatul. Tho clhct iipun the dtst'hattitijs organ-. Is equally suluiary mi l tn fimcs of eoiisthi it Ion the enlhattleae tl"ll, ts tu Miuieii ai u rrnuuee me iiihinn n Milt (iritdiMlly utitl without pnln. 'J lie Hitters n v. liroinnie neimiiv evaiiunuidii inmi iuu i;u-i whli1i is niirtlLiiliir.v otslrable at this sea son when mullen cpelU of law, unplea'-ant ,o,i and iroilueo nmueMJi nut iho livci, cuuulis .:iiiier ani lo er.ici; i lie natural lu'ittt ira iiti.i fniil. The Oist bahnumU uaafmt Omftrj at-- . .. ,l ai i nntl i his llio meat Vt eiab lteiatorallve eptetally pruinoles. NEW O B B AT M. P. LUTZ'S, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS For livery Body, CALL AND JIAKK YOUR OWN BELEO'l'lONB, B II A W L S yAt Lost Ywiv'b Prices. NO AOVANOH ON I'RINT.S. TIIR LARGEST AND REST ASSORTMENT OF TiCJCi )jQi: BKOWKR'S BLOCK, KEXT TO COURT HOUSE, CHOICE FAMILY 3JOV IN PllIOK 3. n. m a i a a ' s, Corner Jinln i ivl rnt Sl iii.o0Mmna. Alirwstork of Piculi Ooodn Jnt rjieiift Tens. Ciifreos. Siiitiiim. HYUtTris nntl MuI,SfK. CllhlMB, MEATS. IS LT, 1 mil. rtn. Vr.OETAni.l. JlKItMIlI'lUAI.l.V HwiHiU llmidli, JKLLIKiS ami rilVKKuVK, I'lCIJI.IM. runwufi nun iu t uui rn. An EleirtmL Atfuoi'tment or QUEENSWARH t'n'intmiity im hand. Also Wf 1(111. Wll.t.OW mill OI.ASHWAIH'.nf every variety. All my Kooili om of tho llrst fiudllly ntnl nt m eiiicly low tirlc". lc(7l-tr J. It, M v,n. nitiaos & iiHOTiiniya Catalope of Elower- and YejetaWe u i fj, AMI srMMKit iaoAi;niMi mrr.iw. koh ut2i Unw rpmly. Coniltl I na tif over 1) iii?eii,oii rn o tinted miner, with iimtmili of I 0 xmmrutn enl .. nnil Hlx llt'niitllllH' iliiii'il PIntc Cuver, a tieni--tllnl tlwlcn, In colnii. Iho HilliMt C'jlnloiiun ever pulillKlieil, Hi ml AktK lur copy, nut oni-lmlr iiiuvuumiii inc eimirt'ii puiies, in melr nnler, iuiiuui.iiii in mil, lens iimn gi. ino pricn ot i urn ilie. 2.V-.. will lie lerumli'il In Meet!. Neu- rnit. toiuen il iroil on tli sntno foot Willi nlil. Kro lo old I'liHtoineri, (tuilitp or Heeiti.pJzoof jiae't- . ., ,i iii-n nun iiiumiiiui iiiii-ruu, lllliuo HlO 1110 ilwiiiluuo of all to miretmiu nenils nf n. Men tiitiiloiiiiti rorexlriiiirillnniylniliicriiienta. -on win mini ii. u son uo 1101 steourciiln lohiie before oitleilui; Seeils. J.lllierol our Iw-o ciirnmmfnr 1872, lo 10x51 ,. llnit-f r nlnfa nf llll,n,,a lil... .w... . . .... of l.lllen. Ac tlio other nf Alumni, llicnntnl nna l' rinnm, Kiiarniiloril tlio MOST lll.HOrtlVT I'l.OItAI, CIlItO.HOS ever iHNiti'il In thtH eoniitry, A Mipevli parlor or niimotit: imilldil. imti-niiitt. on ipii,i. nf tiii Jilso Iree, ou c imliiloni bj eclllctl in C'atalotfUe, uttiGo.s & nnoTirrcii. li:itlbl:h'i 1315.) H lUESTIOlt, NI'.W VOHK. WANTI' 1 1. ACTiVK AOn.NI'.HioHclitii fintiln nnil I.yon MlinufKi'llli tuif (Jo'h iHinrnv. il i.v IilhiIIvHiiw- lni! Mnrhluo, "VICTOR" denornl Oltlce lor loriimvlvnnlii. N'pw .Term.v n nt hctnwjiio. M) 1JZ7 riII!TSrTHTt'IIlT,.. 'L. I'BMinos, 'liiii iger. 'I'll V, V I T A II h 13 B US i 13 S S Will lie given one rr two peiioni, of either es, in IIloc Minuno niul iidJolnti'R towns, liy wnielt they tuny leiillse Irom f 1CIKI a year, vrllh hut lit tin lull iii-rem-p wl'Ii rr-'iiinry oeenpatton. Ill selling AUTH orienl merit mill unlersil iim'. II llio whole Uitih 1 itevoti'il a lunch largir stun mny lie reallesd, L'lrciilrni freo. clvlnir coimlt-'o llit nf nrttcteii nnil en iimlnilum ulluiruj, T. H, COOli CO., lionoiccn. .n. .1. PERFECT COMBUSTION. SIGNAL LIGHT. Tho llrst unil only fcir.ferillnK Aiithrnplie Coal oiutu lvt jnvpn.iM nun win i'crjLCUy rnnsiiMipnll i'iKn(", AVurraulcit tho iilisT IlIlAiINU ST0V13 in t ir eountry. Send for rrk'u tw mill Clrpular to MlTt'H KfiT-, iHi'KVKNHON 0 Move Miuiui.u-lurois, L'tltatmrRh, 1'n. (I i im iioiat('ills(iiri COLUMBIA FIKE INSURANCE CO. S. R. PKlWIT.Kll. l'res't. ItinT.l'iiA-':. V.'M. l'A'ni'N., r-i-inionDEn, .1. H. THtSC. M. M. snncKLni:. ll.W n.ii) , V ro-l'i-esl. llFiin'r Thomas, T.iii. .1. 1'. H' y. .1. 11. llAriiM UEO. ll I'ar Inilirrttii-e or Aseneli'-t, Aild'ivss 11. 1 . KYON. J. 1 IlUUHAUAF.Heu'v toliiinliln, l'a. TIPPED BOOTS AND SHOES J.iifil as Iohjt :is:il:i as Any oilier !ii!lil, '-KN i'J W i n run. Agents nntEomiro monev nt wnvl; lor ih Hi hi ul anvthlii!! N . liml iii'i'i lli;lit .i j .lini-ii. I'liillii-iUi's ti iv. 11. HriNbuN .!. Uo , 2. in' Art 1 Mtlu 1:1, I' llllulil, Miune. 8425 A MOM II! lli.i-i. I!uu'--Ii"il. J'.x-peu',.-s p.llU. II. II. HIIAW.jAllr.'l. Mo A HAY AM)i;Xl'i:Nsi;s, Keml Klnmp to A'oi . Uii Mfiilijao'ttrinij Vn., Aljrcd, .ti. Ai,tnniili'ii .MM'i hi- Oiw. Jvlinn nnil fjiiillcv, nlthe I'lilliuli'liliiii Uineer Ill-tltllli'. 0)1 Al t'll St., l'hlliuU'lih!'. Al lliiinell Olllees, hy llr. Mi'Mli'hiL'l,l Nlnijiiriisi., Iliilhilii, N". V.; nnil hy llr. livmu. over 3i Oi'iH-eu M Auburn, N. V, wo.N'ii:i:i'-uii cvN'cr.u an'tiijutks. No Kllire. NoCniHlli! MuilU-Inei. Ho lllonil. Lit tle tuln. Tor paillculai-., cull on or mldri'iis either of tho above. fMI'nTnKCY.-Viillins of enrly Indiscretion, J -self-nhiise, eausiiiK nervous iltlilllly, prenia lure ileeay, iVl., will Uml a most eilVctinl, safe ami permiuiciitciiro ly, Dr.. WUIlLll: I'osl Oillce, I'liliailtlplila. fjOU morn AtrnitH Wnntvtl for tho most com pit to, reliable uml spit miuily illudruUd worJ; on CHICAGO Its History and Destruction. Ily Colbert A Ch-iniljprl'ilii. Enlivened with vlvkl pen pwtm-i vot tt tutjtc r at v tnut lurttftiifj inrtthiiti. in aionrnw, uium1, ioiuiou, riv unit, t'uuauui tihla. Iortliind :uid 1 forest nres In WiscoiiHtu uml MU-li K'n. ontaiuH jtUi. h nnil u supprlor i .id sato In 'iVtisluu LMpliUy. IIow.iw of Ineom p!et wi rkd. Ki-ihI Mr rlrmliirs, iri'Itr.AH) itinn fir i i :. 'O. -in. i i mm--, hdkl hi st iii s. YANTi3D AGEMTS, $SU r Q'lOQ i?v tn on tli, hy btllln Great EOltTUNES ! Ami Hnw Tur.v wf.m: Mnr.: Tim Htui-o H1.1.U anii Tun Ml ii .r m il n 1.1 -maiii: Mrs, hv .1. li. Mi-rji' Ilv Kitlv enii. in. oxamnlcs. it li-tie'ies liow to sui'i'v'i-'iiii lllc 1 1 it in I In sanio tiiini binel'.t mni'klinl. I'o.' ii Uml us, notices of the pici an 1 i xli.i ternii n '.'.'isi. ii.U-Iw Ul'. MAI I, I. AN, Vah Mier, riiljn'Ma, IfllUR TO liOOIv AtJKNTi:?: " Wo wll Mi'inl i haii'lKiiim' l'i ; -Uis ni ouv Xew Jllwttrutvi! J lim 1 0 tltitlf (Miilu nitiK ovi'r yn Uno Horinturo illus-iHtioMN t ntn tiKti Auent, freu of euttige. iVitu wl rubitht Co., riniu., l'u. nul Cilir.nn Mnrln Willi h ami mm maw nuu CABLE WIRE SCREW IT Hi no! KIiioi'I.eiik. (1TI1AT CIIANCi: in .HAKI1 HIIXKV IIV llllulil! UII UULIll-V lor Till. 1I0.11A Ol OOIl'H I'lIDl'I.i:. 'iho inni-t sui'i-esstiil lie V linok i.ul, niuiiv .i Mi'uulltit ih'.riivil.L's. llll llL-t'llt tool'. 11 1 rs in ti n till VS. lltlll-t'H mu dolllll u'llluliy us well. 'I'll ilnllius per Hlilliilll nun be ninth- ov Hliv mate or female nuent tnhllii' oulors for this popular wink. The best eluinre tnmiiue nii'ti' y nllemi, ht iiu i.irclreuurs with lornis. eiu. l,.iir.i 1.1(10 iuiiui'inienta ollered Altllt'llMH WOUrlIINflTOK,IrisTIN A''olln HISTORY OP Tlio Great Eire In CIUUAliO ii.ul the WIST Ly Itov V.J. O. od al' 11. li.. of Chii"ii2i. unlv 1-nmslc.tu huinrv 7UUSVU. iMiius : no eiiuiavliotk. TU.HO already kohl, ITii'O j.oii. 'Ajuiiaueius niiiiio in ztumvg. fronts H1 to Mlilerell.. AUH.NTS VA.T,M, II, H uuui)ri.r.u i-u., i-uruiiow, .uw loi'K, VlllTNl'.Y'rt -NhAIM l'Ulit' HAK.VIlsS KOAl Ml i:ASl llh l-'lNKll. IT Oils, lll.ii'ks I'OiMies mill Son iw I at tho same time, l'ui up In Jamo and small lnei. also in '1 lb burs. Has been In use lui-yiiii-H and utvin peiieei hui imui'i.uu, i-eitu i.iuiuii mr om- WAVr.Itl.Y. Addlist li. 1 . V.lllI.M.Y l'i. .Ill JIlllC Kl Huston, Muss. Illu-Oui JTIRTI li E Y A . It limit a nlu sic It Is not what Is popularly culled a Jlltter-t, unr Is it Intended as such, It Is a south American plain uiai has neen lined Mir many siau by the nudlcal lacully of tliosn countru-a Willi woiulernil eillcney uu a l'owerml Alloiiitlveuiiil I'neiimiliHl l'urlller ot the Htnou lillti ik nsuioiiiui i-ciieei luineny lorau uiseuvtii ui ino I.IVI'.ll AND Hl'r.r.EN, r.NI.AHOKSIKNT OH UlM'ltfrrlON Ol-' INTlhTI NTB UlllNAUY, t Ti:itiM:,oit Aiii iiMiNAi. uitiiASsj, I'DVUU'IYnllA WA.NT Ol' l l.l lit). JNTIIIUinTJ'NT Oil ItKMlT. 'HINT n.VlUlM IM-'IAM.V-T10N I !' 'lilH l.IVIUi, Dlt'll'jlV, Hl.rilUIHH aitrill.ATIDN OU 'JlIKllI.OODAll. MClfcHKS.TU jAUMiiei:,fcrnoi.ii.A, ihi'i:pkia, aovij ANII HiVKlt. i ll 1 II Kill LO.N-LOM-MITAN'le. Dr. Wnlls' Extract of Jiirnlifilin. in oriel t.l to Ihu ptfhlii'as a itr ul luvltoiauirHUd remiHiy uir an uupui iue m mo union, ur lur oigauiii wiukiiisn wltli their uiluuUuut ovlU. b'or tlio fuiiuulJiK eomiihiluta . .ti'tantuiM lu rmifltlllllv r. ii.ilillilAli.l.wl If, .,v. rv- luiiillv ,.u H household rt uitdy.uiid should he tuoly lukeu 111 nil UeiaiiktuueiiU ul the sjslein, It gives hcauii, vior aim inue io an me vnai loreeii.auu aulmutcv aud lurtlllen all weak aud luiiiutle tllllHUIlllllKUU. JOlNi. lis ii, Kl.l.l.liiu. lU'lalt mt !'ow York. t-ule. .a lit for tho United Stall. 1'ilcojl per llottlo. rwuu ior uncuiar. IlKMw f- kw t T latarrh Uumuily for a r.i-c of i iy i rna,htflilii)Ci!ifi tr'.i CLARK & WOLFS COLUMN. LARGE STOCK oi-- FALL GOODS WHICH ARK NOW IN &TOR13. TIIKY WJlilj BKLh TIIKM Low Por Cash on PRODUCE. CLARK & WOLI? HAVE CALL AjYD SEE, Opposite Brown's Hotel BLOOMS I) UK6, Wo ofTer .1 HILIC C(UIDKI) rorLIN Dial sold ntil.SOuownt fl.a per J aril, A fplcmlld JAl'ANIi: HTHII'M al51X0 p.'r yard. A full line of I1LACK AI.I'ACA fiom 91 cents to $1. per yard, OurRoceiil Alpnci cau't bo lirat, our Tl cent Alpaca prime. And you know our 05 cl. Alpaca Is llio best In tlte Maikct lor tho money. A Sixteen bono COIISI'.T alfTO cculn. Our SI.50 Long bono COI1SET Is wnitli.buyiug. Wenched aud unbleached MUSLIM, a full Mock. iUTLIITON A., r.t 11 ccnls by Hie bolt, 11 ceuls by tlio yard. Ll(lii'-' Whiff Hoso. La'' ies Merino Hose, Liirilci liitlinnral IIopo Lmlirs Riilliiirtitii1. IIosp. Liitlku Iron Framo Iloio Ia 'Ics KHINGr.1) M'lTISa CLOTH forTolo. u.iUo- at per yard. I'lCCCPll IlflSO, jus-is onn-lialf IIoso IIosB in pxtru SUo AlJs-os Ribbeil IIoso Aicn Wolk'ii ono lialf IIoso SHIRTS Al DRAWERS Iulies Vests Carillgan Jankcls Lailios Cloth CIIovm Lailips Rorllnil Gloves Ladies Iiuck Gauntlets WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS Buck Gloves LiulU'S l'tir lop Gloves Gtnls Fur to Gloves Ruel; Glow anil Mittens Ladiiw Kid Gloves Gents Clotli Rack Illicit Palm Gloves Shawls of all Kinds. Riblions Velveteens Empress Cloth Dress Goods Ditndps Robes Rliiek Satin Velvet Rllions Reaver Cloth Cassimors and Flancls Oil. CI.OTIIH hi, CI and 8-1 wide. TIIA hliTTB rf 16pliu, lion hlouo ware at f-i.ra per sett, Our Hock of ti:ab, COI'l'lUIS, SriCUH, Ac., Is lull uud nt llio low i st flgurex, Our itcck of NOTIONS Is full and complete, l'.OOTH and SIIOl'.B, a mil line. CImMIK A VOl.FiueiloslngoiittlU'lr stock of KICAVI-.S ut riiUuid litis, many uf Hum ut oo.t, 'A'ctoirku no stoil; oi 1'UIIS tntr fiom last icason, our present stock Is lame anil all now nml wooirir.tiein from so to sjo.uj per set. WATIilt-l'ltOOF J 1. SO and 1 1,75. CI.OAKINQ at II. Of, II., Lsgal Notices. A DJI 1 N JSTRATOR'S NOTJ 015. ' " ,. "TATR or JOHSI KITCHEN, llttfl), Lellrt pf dinliilstrnttnii nn Iho nalftt nf eoiuity iltc'il., have bum umntwl by thoIWIsii r IS!'--All perni ImviiiK claims or iletiifMiils MIBl Hit ileceilont aro reo,uwt!d tn innlie Unm hnown, Slid thoso Ih.lelned ti, tnalto pay 'B,". k,i . K' KI'ICK'HAUM, Io,8,'--!it. AUmiuIslmlor. A UaIINISTRATORS' NOTICE. J.X. ITATS1 Or JAt'OII IIAllHlfl, DUO!!. letters of ailmlulslnitlnn ou tlieeslnteofjseoli SS.R' i , .l,r. I'dnloclc towunlilf), t'olttmlita rSJUvf!.1!0 d" ' .well Itranleil by llin lleiK. Sr,?.,w,.t'.!'.'in,Vin Willlnnt IlnrrUdV Htnlmr, Bnokliorn, 1'olutnhla comfly, iv, All nomori '' ?'''" ln"tU'e ciu'itoof tho cImmIoC Jmi p,"i''!l.t lhfM lor settUiiinnl, anil thirty Imlel lo,l lo tho osmto to make nay- iml Uelaj-. UIK,l'"1,!,,,Kl' 'nlulntralorii, wlih WII.UAM HAItrtlB. .-i - JAMKB A. UAKIlli, dee'.l.i ',, A UDITOR'S NOTICK "" JTl. fstatk ok i tihn niir.Mr.fl, DEC'n, .J.'i0. ""'lnn.eJiai'poliileil by Iho Orphans' Oolirt of Columbia county, Auilltor to tllstrlimto fuuds In tno lunula of l'etcr Knt, ailmiii lsiiRt,r, toaml iiinmi't the heirs anil legatee of Joints lirmieailei'TOHwl, will meet Iho parties lntereaieil tnr Ilie punioso of his nppollitmeut, al his ollloo il.Jll?uJnst",,, 011 aturtl.iv, Januury Uth, iwi, al lu o'clock a. m. All persons Willi; cuumioxaliisttlia estaionro rioulred lo attend or liu lotover Ueh.irretl irom oomliig In for n part of siilil IlinU. c. W. illLLUIl, ilee. l,7i.i-. Auilltor. AUIJ'TOR'.S NOTICE. M1ATK Ol' AllllAHAM MUMltr.MAN, HECll. J.,ui1;1.LT"''."iJ "I'lx'lun'il by tho Orphuiis' Court pf Columbia, county, Auditor In illstrlbulo fSSift a", ? I'''iu. 1". Knt, Adinliilstia f Sr f.A.l.,,1.,l,.n lll""elmnn ileeeojieil, will meet, toe pnnies lnlenwlinl ror Ilia purpose ol his np tioliittueiit.alhlsoinee In UIooiutuura.Hatumay January 30lli, 1W2, al ID o'eloclc a. m. of wla ly. All nouH liavliirf claims on said estato. aro re quited to attend or bo forever utbarrou from oomliig iu ror a part of said fund. , .,.,i o. C. W. Mll.I.nit. docl5'71-(lt Aiulllor, A UDITOU'S NOTICE. ti. f STATf. Ol' l'KIKB K. IlllinEIV, nKr'n. Iho undersigned, appointed by the UipbanV Court of Coluiiiliia coanty, Amfltor to marshal assets In the hands of Itolnndus'mln !!!iriMir' Vl' r K. HerblDo, latenf IHiust d, will meet tho parties lntereaied "V,!1" I'Ofpose oi his appointment, atlilaoUIca w,.!;,.'.,0",1,lI''",'.',"' J B,"r" !llB 't Jay ot l'eb ruiiry, A. I). ih7-, in lu o'cloels a. m. All per sons having lUlnis on said ushile aie refiusited to alleuit, oi bo lorevt-r detuned from ooinldu lu for a hie ot Hell lissels. !MMi noiiERT p. claw:. UMH.l-lt. Auauor. A DMINI81 KATOIVS NOTICE. . .. TA'in Or I-ANNY KLINE, UEC'I). letters of Ailminlatratlou on thn wstale of I an ny Kline, ,'ute oi Uranae lownahlp, Coluin iiliienunty, decciu-od, have been granted liy tho H -glucr of said couiuy to Abralism Kline i f same puce. All persons having claims against the estnlmif tho decedent are reo.ue.led to tire yeiit ilirin for aeltlement, aud Indebted to I ne estate In malic payineui lo tho uuderi-limiit udmliilstrator wltlioui delay. ,,,.., AlitlAHAM KI.1NK, JanS ,J-Gw. AdnilnlHtratur. A DMINISTRATORVS NOTICE. iLMl".l,r,"'.1"llnlAtmllH11 "1,tllB 'tnn "f Jdin It. liMtt, late pf nimlou lownshlp. Uolmubiu county, decoiwod Iipo been Rrnutoii liythn Her d .n;;unlr MhiiiucI Appleinan of samopluee. All person having elalini ngiust t i rM.Ueor the decideut uie leoiicitod to pre. Bent them for o-ttleini nt, and those indebted to Ino estniij to imike payment to the uudorslgiiid, ndmlu'strnlor without iieiny. , HAJIUEL Al'I'I.EMAN, Jin. ,j-6w. Administrator. A DAIINISTRATOR'S xotkjk. J-i. KITAIEOI-- CATHAIll.NKOIII.IinCll. Letter! ut ndmlnlstrntl..n on Ilie eslato nf tatlierlup Ohl, late nl Hemlock twp., L'oliiuihla cpuiity, doceaseil, have been framed by tho IiiKlbtcrot said county to Kit Ohl. ndmliiitra .: A'i,1'"'?""".'""'"' l'll"s osalnut tlio es. Into of tho decedent are leimeMed to present them for bettlement, nnd Unite, indebled to tlio estalo to niako pnyment to tho undeihluucd.od mlulstratois, without delay. ' i. r ELI OHL, Jan, o.'i'Miw Admlulstrator. A DjIINISTRATOR'S notick. Xi. iar.Tll Of Kl'IIIlAIM EVANS, llEU'll. Letters of adinlnlstratlou on Ihu estnto of Lp.inilni Lvans, lalo of llrlarcreek lownsllni.i-o-luuilila eouniy, l'u., deceased, hno been grKiited by tbul.eK.slerofsuKI counti toIUnlel l:amliie!i ot the siiuie place. All persons havitlu clullnl or deniandi eKnlnst tlio neeedeut are rtouesled to multo them known, nnd thoio Inilebiod to make payment wiinoul iiel.iv. , . . UA.N'inL KAMHACII, jmio ... 8t Admluistrutor. A 1) Al I NI8TR ATO R'S NOT ICE . X I-STATU OF ErilKN AI.LEX lHJCKALU'V.PKr'n. "-,,"'" .n.ii.i.iimiiiniuiuii IUUOAL.IIOOI miietl liuckalew Into of l-islllnrri-ri,lr lni.Mlul,l. I ..!..... . bia county, deceased, havu been grauteii by iho l.eslster or said county lo .lolm Vaploof New Co umbus, Luerne euiiuty.l'u. All persons liuv Iiik claliiH against tho estato ot iho deetdent aioreonc toil In picseut them lor settlement, and those tndi-hl.itl In itn, ,iktr,t.. i nient to llio uudersln'iied.ndminlstrator.Trlili out dolay. ' , . r, JOHN YAru:. Jau o i3 Ct, Aduilulstnitor. A UAIIISTRATORS' K( X. .. IMTATEOl- I'HII.Il' KI8TLEK, DEC'II. Letters of atliiiutr.iiint, ,i .n ........... ......... Klstler.latoof Mt. l'ieasunl township, Uilumbi't county, ileec'Kscd havo lieon (-ranted by Hie Hi is- , ' V. ' . " eouniy 10 licujninlu Klsller nnd John k slier ot sumo place. All perSoni liavlna claims against tho estate of tho decedent nru ie- A. V , , , . . .. I""'" ior sciiieim nt, and tiiusi Iiulcbled to tho estato to make payment to the umlersiKiied, administrators, wltiiont delay. ji.,.,ja.ui,i JVl.-slljfjll, . ., JOHN KISTLEl!, Jaiu ..-(jir. Administrators. UDITOR'S XOTICE. ai:or.-r: V.'EAvcn 1 1n tbo court of , vk. J-Uommon pltins of John L. Oiuton-. I ColumbUoouuiv r t'eo N hercliv nivpii thnf ilm ihhIpi-lIuh ,.,l auditor, m pointed by said court to make distri bution m Hie proceeds of llio Sheriir's Solo had under si.ld writ, will proceed lo Ilia discharge of i be dut'es ol Ills appointment ut the emeu or J. li 1' im e. I so,., in Llonmsbiiri;, ou Satunlnv.ti.o ddtvy nl l-i biuaiy, IST.'.at 111 o'clock iu tUeiore uuon.M bi n and where all persons liovlng clalins UOOll i li - Itin I nn. Imr 1mm snl.l u.i!., .u r.,.. id lo pi i scut them in tho auilltor or be debarred mini i-iiiu,ii; m upcni sain num. JOHN 0. FItKF.K. Jan. f,7J i.w. Auditor. N'J T 1 0 E , TllP nsrtnn vcn Hiahh isii- r , the 'Hnrk" liriiJijo nt HlOsim, aro notiflm! tc t uru ilifiu nt onoe tliey nro ncwVii tin ro, limit Jptur noil tho nfll'iuleiHwili hcilealtwlthnmira lrS law. HhnH heeu the liahltfiulteirtfiuuntly or thnn-Ahtiens or juallcJous r era mis tocirrvor tilio nw-ay r.uinlc, coplui; htono nml other mu terwi fitnua lielonsluj; to cottuty brMnch. Vonhall hr-rcnitpr Rtve mruo nttcntlnu inni'ch peihom nud )ltaMIth them acconUnsc to U ( itiuiK having UnowlPtVe of nuv nu-hiu-ts-wUl vleas.0 clvettitorimitlou,tothoConutiulou etK Oilli'o, lllnoinsbur. My mMur orcommUhicnf rs. Altibt, VM. ivlUCKBAUM, DUULIC XOTICK. Whereas, hy tho 1 lllh M'ctton oi tlm Act nt tho Cenerul As sembly ot tho Commonwealth of Pt nn.vlvHnU, npinovoil Mny Ul A. 1). ls"l. entltltil "An in i f ir tlio prntectlon ot silmou, Uml; ltw.a nm' other u' a iisiii-MU'wiy mi jiuiiici'd, or 10 ie Hitiomi.c il. fittti the rlwrs Dtluwnio it ml Soniu hnmtu ami llulr irlhntniies; tur the liroteetlun ulMjof is iiuulnst uulawiul liHhinL. nml tiiiii..- t the liitio Hietion of )u.UUuiy lihhes tnty truut sinants ii ut tor oihur Kcnm ue purpose;" It mailo the ditty ol thu 6oeial MieiJtrH of the UtltltH ol Mltil (. ommoilMenlth hnlmr Imis. (lietion of the Mreiuns therent, wlieuevtr they Mian illsuAer. or be lnioitnt-tl of the exihtiiua of any eontrlvrme for the entehlng of tlsh, melt hn mu coiiiiiiouiv Known 11 h iiriu iHibKL'lH. eel w el ih , KliMles, hnisli or laeliiu net i. or any oilier pi lmniieiitiy stt means ot taking !1mi. In the iiatuie of a heme, to ute ten ihis iitiiue .n two iicwNpaperN of their lestieetlveeoutitle, thit ine.hum eoiiiiivanctb aro Known to exi(,umi t erlnml eominon miNanet h. nml tn nrder them to La dUmantktl by their owneis or man uerh wiereioie, hi tonioiiiniy io Mini nei, i, AKON hMITII. hhcrlll ot Columbia countv. heiehy give Notice to All Whom it May Concern, that the eontrlvnnces for the tnkiuir of tUh m aid nut mention. d are known to eslt-t lu tho 'oith llranehol the SumIrIiii mm rixer.amlot lit r birtnms wiinin uie eouniy oi i oiuiuoia, uui uiu Mime are niemrtii io tit-1 v iimui uuimuicik, mm thut the nw uern tiial iiihiiion ot md tontnv-niu-fhhio htith riqumd to UiMiu-ntle Mid it inou tt v n:lle v itlifii t n i1oh niter the ubll- eatlou htnol, limit r the pt unity ol havli'K tit taine tH'-u.aiitU'd uud uujo til. hk In Mild ntt Is proMUed. . AAKONbMITll, ouiiiu kji uututiiuiu eouuiy, i'u. VTittei Years snts Wild Indians & Plains. The reinnrltablo advent urci of the iamous WIinr.flllKl' aiiillllO WAHHlOUainoni! Uiu lted SicliiH. Thrillun; accounts ot lireat liiinii, llelTbrtadth hscnpt-KiindTerrlhlo Contests Willi the big Kiime nnd lioslllo tribes, silrlted iksnii -Hons of thu hnhlls uud supeisiltlous of Hint struugo ptople, Their siporls. Lrceutls, Tiaill llons. How Uiev Woo uiiil ved. M'alp. Doctor; Wtnship, Ac. Siw, 1'itsli uud ropular, 1'iiea Low. Ills selllu by tho thousands. Willi won derful rapidity. Aiienls are niuklnt; Horn 8.VI to Hill per Milk. Ch"ice Held let vacant. Keml ul once, ior Mimpi.. enapiers, iiiusiraiioiiH aim par- tleuluis to Jautt'71-tf. t, ii, in ii... uuiisni-r. lOOfhesluutHt., l'lilia, THE NATION Its Rulora and Institutions. IX UNOLISII AND QKHMAN. NoildnK like It. strikes everytiody nijust tho lumk I hey ucotl. It Is nn Kucyclopunlhi of tho tioverniiitnt. Slnt'le pnuus In It, nro ot Ihtin selves worth Hie pi lee or the book, Orer ooujuiuc ifidi.lij SV. it. A Itlili Iloiscst for I'uiiviisseis laillt s iii.d iri til it nun tanners, teaclurs end stl'delltf, OtuvuiHt tut k 76 ert'fr III tl eU' t'oi. Illliioll'Wll. ulom , tiluit Oiv ttLh Vl'lHUtt U. i'AO it day can he eltautl lu lair teriltoiy. Wiliest ouee lur t'ireulur and luioiiualloii, 1.V WOlll 1 J CO., tor. 7th and Mar k I Ktn uls, rhlladeiphla. loci, U. 71-ly.J JUSTICE'S BLANKS. Wo now havo on hand n laico orally priutid BbsoitiiHlit of Jl'bTlll.'H aud I OMs'IAULLrl 11LANKH, to wl.lcli we lnllo the emutlou ol hiw OtflCt'tB,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers