u flfttiumtruni. BLOOMSUUKO, PA. Fri'lity, January 19,1S72 Contested Elections. In eonlojtetl elections for inomboM of tho riCgtslnturo, tho report of tho com lnttloo U final. Tho minora of the law, for tho purpose of BCCurliiR lmpar tl lily, nml to guard rtKiilnst partisan Inilti nee, mtulo tho following rcRiiln tl at After tho Clerk calls over tho roll of '. ombiM ami notes tho nbacntees, "tho nainpa of nil this mombors nro writ tin! jn distinct pieces of pnpor, as nearly nlliv.0 1 may bo, each of which Is rolled up au 1 put hi a box by tho Clorl;, nnd ptacd on tho Hpexkcr's table. Tho Clerk Ivwlng shakon nnd Intermixed tlm K it I papers, draws thorn out, ono by oijo, ntnl puts thorn alternately Into thr o b'ww, which nro nteo placed on tho Sora'r's tablo; nnd whim thoy nru so distributed, tho Clerk again shakes and Intermixes tho papers In each Inx, nnd draws alternately from oach lux tho said papors and delivers thom ttlnnlv to tho Idiieakor. who opens thnm nml roads aloud tho namo on each, which U takon down by two members appointed by tho Speaker, nnd nlso read nloud by thom. If any objection Is mauo, by either of mo par tie , to any mombor so drawn by lot, such monibcr shall bo illschnreeu inn! nnothur drawn in his nlaco. nnd so on until soventeon members (In tho House of Representatives mid thirteen in tho Senate) shall be drawn who nro uuob. Jected to. Hut If objections nro made to all, sj that only soventeon remain in tho b-jxes to bo drawn out, then no further objections shall bo submitted, but said soventeon shall bo drawn out sinelv nnd submitted to tho Sneaker, who wmU them aloud mid they nro taken down by tho tellers. When tho list nf seventeen 13 thll3 omnlctotl. tho parties, with their counsel nnd tho t'lerlf, retire to sorno adjoining roum and tlic-ro strlko from tho Ii3t, nlter natrly, tho names of mombers until but nlno (In tho Houso of Representatives, nine, in aenuto. seven,! remain, ituu theso shall constitute tho committee." On tho faco of it tho law seems to bo perfectly fair, but In practice, of late years, it has resulted in giving urian imous Republican committees, as wit iiess tho Lynd, Runn-AVltham, and m to recently tho Grecn Shortt cases. For example: excluding contestants, irtl Dickerson, deceased, tho present Hoiuo of Representatives has !17 Demo cr ts -.ml 00 Republicans. A. fair draw hi ' would glvo tho Democrats four aud a .d tho Republicans ilvo members on tho commltteoin tho Green-Shorn case, They have nolo, single member as draicn, Wien thonumberwas reduced to seven- teen, tho Democrats, by usual laws, would havo had seven or eight mem bers out of that number, whereas in fact they had but oic It will not answer to say that this Is c'lanco ; tho laws of clianco do not run continually in that rut. Wo venture tho assertion that a betting man would wager money that if tho Democrats had ono-thlrd of tho Houso, under a fair drawing they would havo one-third of tho members of tho committcoj but as it is, ho would not stake a dollar, ovoa if tho Democrats were inuchstrong- er, that they would get a mac on tho committee. Wo do not mean to chargo tho officers of tho present Legislature with unfair noss, becauso wo liavo no ovldeuco of it ; but It is at least singular that with chances so varied, tho results nro uni formly tho same. Inaction. Tho present Legislature met with many promises of reform, but as yet not a single ono has boon carried out. In tho two weoks succeeding tho open ing of tho session tho Houso met six times, and did not sit over eight hours during thoso two weeks. No public business was dono or attempted to bo dono (except members voting them selves a library), and thus tho public tlmo and money havo been wasted. As a result, towards tho close of tho Session public bills, prlvato jobs, &c, will bo rushed through without consid eration, and our statuto book will bo loaded with a mass of illy digested laws. Tho long delay in getting to work breeds idleness, and of course cor ruption, and is in overy respect repre hensible. In New York it is a subject of common complaint that tho members aro getting $3.00 per day, and only sit four days in tho week. Our Pennsyl vania Solons get $10.00 per day meet threo days In tho week, and havo an average session of about ninety min- UtC3 I For this result wo hold tho Republi cans responsible. As they havo a largo majority, and control tho legislation, thoy should hasten tho public interests by constant unci uninterrupted work. The Democracy insist that General Grant is a heavy load for tho Republi can party to carry but what would thoy give to bo ullowed to bear our burdens V JPress, What would they havo to glvo? Everything of honor, Justice, regard for tho lives and liberties of tho people, respect for tho Constitution and tho laws, which thpy now havo,'und which seem to find an abiding placo among the Democracy alone. It would hardly bo worth whllo to glvo all theso to ac. uuiro a power perpetuated by bayonets and bribery, and to fill tho pockets of that animated tobacco furnaco who occasionally visits tho White Houso when not otlierwlso engaged. Wo'ro content to let tho Republicans bear their own burdens, from Grant down to Forney. Wo may havo tho latter on our hands again somo day. The lato Mr. Fisk, it i3 well known, was no respecter of persons any moro than of principles, and spako ovll of dignities on occasion. Rut tho Tribune males him when it says with lrrovcront veracity that "his four-in-hand usually "conveyed moro spotted reputations "than his own," and "that his box nt "the Opera Houso was shunned as If "infected by all who had any character "toloso." Has tho Tribune forgotton, then, that President Gkant was onco convoyed in that most immaculato "four-in-hand that Prosidont Grant sato, evidently fearing no infection aud no loss, in that lazar-box at "tho Opora Houso"? Tbo Tribune has commonly shown Itself strong In tho point of memory whero politics and political characters aro concerned, Is thlsalapso? Or what? Mn, Dawes, a prominent member of Congress, evidently is not impressed by tho honor and honesty of Congres sional committees. Ho says that they aro moro guided in tholr decisions by party considerations than by ovldonco nnd Justice A cheerful comment oa tho lawmakers of tho land. rcnnsjlvnnla Mine.'. Tho minora of I'knnbyi.vania In their continual underground burrowing aro In n fair way to destroy tho founda tions of that Slnto which has hitherto been regarded ns tho keystone of thn natlonnl arch. If that wedgo of anthrn- clto should suddenly glvo way nnd dis appear In tho Inwels of tho earth It would leave n black void of torrlblo dimensions, nnd there would bo no longer n testing placo for tho foot of tho Ihlck-and.thln protectionist, and no political weathercock to ludtcato tho way of tho wind In our stormy Presi dential campaigns. Tho recklessness with which tho mining companies proceed to cut away tho mass of rock and coal on which farms and villages rest should bo looked to. Every now and then thcro nro reports of tho caving in of tho surface, and not unfrcquently tho cata3tropho Is fatal to miners and to tho pcoplo who dwell abovo tho dark caverns In which they toll. A mlno onco opened thero Is a tempta tion to cut up nnd cart out tho wholo substratum of tho country, nnd tho workmen nnd proprietors aro alike forgetful of tho imrnonso weight above their heads which must bo left with somo adequate support. Tho columns which they leavo for this purposo aro too often trimmed down until at sorno unexpected moment they glvo way nnd lnvolvo horses, machinery, men, aud buildings In ono ma?s of ruin. Mo3t cases of tho breaking In of tho mlrios nro titter .led with llttlolossof any kind, and hen o thoy attract no attention ; but nt long Intervals thcro Is n disaster, and ono of these Is llkoly to occur at any tlmo. It behooves tho Stato of Pennsylvania, If sho cares nothing for tho security of her soil and tho stability of her territory, to look after tho lives of her citizens. Measures nro very much needed thero which shall compel tho proprietors of mines to establish overy safeguard for tho security of life. Tho subject is broached every winter in tho Legislature, but no satisfactory action is taken, and then nil through tho succeeding season como reports of calamities and disasters which provoko indignation at tho care lessness of mankind ; but that careless ness Is neither punished nor provented. Ills only thopcoploof thoStatoin their sovereign capacity that cm sod that nono of their own number shall bo left at tho mercy of tho recklessness of others. World. Horaeo (Jrceley an il Hid President. A Missouri editor, having nominated Horaeo Greeley, tho veteran head of tho Now York Tribune, for tho Presidency, received tho f illowing pointed nnd slg nillcant letter from tho latter: Nuw York Tribune, ) New Youk, December 18, 1871. J 1'. Donan, Esq., Lexington, Mo.: My Dear Sin: I havo yours of tho l nil lust. I havo no doubt t hat tho policy you suggest is that which your party ought to adopt. Thoy should havo run Salmon P. Chaso in W8. Then, as tho result of that contest, tho return of genuiuo peaco and thrift woum havo been promoted. That policy gavo you more last year in Missouri than could havo been achieved by a party triumph. You only err as to the proper candidate. I am not tho man you need. Your party is mostly Frco-trade, aud I am a ferocious Protectionist. I havo no doubt that I might bo nominated mid elected by.vour iicin : but it would nlncu us all in false positions. If I, who nm adversely interested, can sco this, I am suro your good sense will, ou reflection, realize it. you must taito somo man llko Gratz Crown, or Trumbull, or Gen. Cox (lato Secretary Interior), nnd thus neip to paciry anu reunito our country anew. Yours, Horace Greeley. Tlio Louisiana Outrage. Wo clip tho following from tho Now York Tribune in relation to tho scaudal ous and disgraceful efforts of Grant's brother-in-law, Casey, to obtain control of tho Stato Government of Loulsiaaa. Tho nrticlo neods no explanation ; it speaks for itself: Tho Administration party havo no excuse whatever for their high-handed and revolutionary course: they charged conspiracy on Warmoth and his friends, und procured their arrest for proposing to uo oxactiy wnat iney uiu tnemscives consplro to gain possession of tho legislature, neroisa uoucetor, umtou States Marshal, and other oillcers of tho National Government combining nnd forming a party to selzo tho Stato Gov ernment, doposa tho Governor, and " rim tho machino " for their own un developed purposes. Thero is no nt tempt to conceal this purpose, no dis guise of tho motivo for all this hubbub. It is for such efforts to cxposo tho frauds aud corruptions of tho Repub lican party that Horaeo Greeley has been blackguarded by Administration journals aud caricatured by tho artists of Harper's Weekly. Thorois very llttlo inducement for a man to bo honest in tho Republican party. All his reward is abuse. A bill was recently Introduced In tho Houso of Representatives in Washing ton to glvo a right of appeal in habeas corpus cases from final judgments in U. S. Circuit Courts to tho Supremo Court of tho United States. Tho law giving tho right of appoal was repealed in 18G3 for partisan purposes and this bill looks to tho ro-onactment of tho law. As tho rights and liberties of tho peoplo nro af fected by tho existence of tho law wo do not feel sanguino as to its ro-enactment by tho. present Congress whoso chief duty seems to be to provido for tho ro election of Grant. Mutilated Currency. On and after tho 1st of January, 1S72, defaced and mutilated notes aud fractional cur rency, Instead of being subject on re demption to a discount for mutilatlou, will bo redeemable at their full valuo In now notes j provided that three-Ilfths of tho original proportlou of such notes aro presented iu ono piece. Tho most liberal facilities for redemption of mu tilated notes and fractional currency nro promised by tho Treasury Department. In splto of tho Republican promlsoof reform in tho granting of lands to cor porations, by Congress, au official state ment recently submitted, shows that tho quantity of land which railroad companies will receive under grants mado to them reaches tho enormous sum of 172,709, 130 acres 1 If this Is ro form wo should llko to know what tho nmount would havo been without reform. Tiikre'iS n two-third colored Radical majority In tho Tenticsseo Stato Prison, but thoy can't pass any thing not ovon tho walls or over tho Governor's veto. Which Is clearly a caso for Federal intervention. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Mnillfil Law Vs. Tlio Constitution. Tho Hon. Gcorgo II. Pondlclon sent tho following loiter in reply to n com mittee of Democrats of Wooster, O., who Invited him to attend their cele bration of thonnnlversary of tho battlo of Now Orleans. His points ngalnst tho corruption of tho administration mid lis ccntrnllzsd military chaw ctcr, ns nlso his opinion of tho passive policy und of tho duty of tho dissatisfied Republicans to orgitiizdnu opposition ngntnsl Grant In eo-oporatlon with tho Democrats, will bo received with tho attentlonthey de serve. Cincinnati, December 00, 1S71. Messrs. JCsielmen, 1'trlstone, Jlaughman, Committee (if Invitation, Gentlemen : l regret that I cannot accept your invitation to bo present nt tho next nnuiial celebration of thuSth of January. It would havo given mo great pkuuro to meet nnd tako counsel of thoso who nro so well grounded in tho faith nnd tho practice of Democracy as tho men of Wayno County, und with them to recall tho principles and exam ple of tho founders of our party. Two rat dangers Imperil frco in stitutions under tho policy of tho party now In power. Tho spirit of contrallzcd military government attacks overy whero tho Constitution, nnd corruption In office destroys tho civil ndinliilstrn- tlon. 1 do not speak merely orchlcllyof special defalcations howovcr startling, but of tho general degradation of tho standard of official Integrity until tho ources in uotn trio civn nnu military servico seem to bo considered tho prop crty of tho party, to bo dispensed mid administered primarily for party ag grandizement or personal prollt. Theso dangers grow out of and nro Inscparablo from tho prosont orgunlzi tion of tho Republican party. Its foun dation, its philosophy, Its history, und Its leaJers rccocuizo military power and tho corrupting uso of money by official patronage ns legmmato lorces in oruin ury civil administration, and now moro than ever nro thoy brought into active exercise. Tho Democratic party con fronts this theory mid denounces theso practices. Founded upon tho Idoa of local government, jealous of powers granted to authority, taught that simplicity and economy aro essential to tho honesty necessary in Republican institutions, il maintains wan moro uctermineu pur poso that tho military must bo suborili- nato to tho civil authority, nnd that oiiices aro a trust lor trio peapio, not spoils for the victors. Its powerful organlzitlon cntors ovoy village iu tho laud, aud numbers among its adherents nearly ouo-half tho people- ns Intellectual, as puro, as patriotic, as uiiseitish as any orthoir reiiow-cittzetis. Thoy nro too numerous to bo cowardly. They aro too patriotic to bo lukowarm. They aro too sincoro 5n their purposes and convictions to bo diivcu to despon dency by ten years of revorses. Thoy havo shown constancy in ucieac us well as wisdom in victory, tf I under stand their feelings thoy will neither disband their organization uor ilco tho field beforo tho contest commences. Either course, thoy believe, would glvo undisputed sway to tho present admin istration, which could then clvo undi vided attention to tho deserters from its ranks. An ndvnnclnsr army, with tho onerav cither dispersed or, in lllght, novcr loses divisions or rciilmonts. or oven com panies, and is generally abloto pick off or to picic up treacnerouaor tuoughtioss stragglers. If thcro be, as is claimed, many mem bers of tlio Republican party who dis approve tho Ideas which dominate tho administration of President Grant, and aro prepared to opposo his ro-eloctlon, thoy should declaro their purposes, or ganizo their party, dovelop and mani fest their strength, and if I may predict tho future, they will have no just cause, oven tbo most sonsitivo und timid among them, for rofuslug to co-oporato with tlio .DoiiiocriitJc party. WJioti ito authorized convention shall spoak it will remind its ndlicronts that tho tiltl mato nnd highest purposo of its exis tence is tosecuro tho greatest prosperity, in its best sonse, of overy human beiug in tho land ; that principles of govern ment aro trtto or untrue, ns thoy con tributo to this result ; that parties arid politics and offices nro but means to this end: that principles aro of illiTor cnt application, and questions loso their importanco in tho over-shifting changes of human affairs, and discarding all narrow ideas,abandoning thoconsidera tionof all questions which havo boon decided or buried by tho ovents which havo passed ; recognizing tlio nccom plished facts of tho present, and ap preciating tho dangers of tho futuro, it will invito, botli by words and by deeds, both by resolutions and by nominations, tho zealous, hearty co operation of nil men who bellovo that tho Constitution is a hotter system of government than martial law, and that reform in tho civil servico is a higher duty than rowardlng prospec tive partisan effort by distributiug spoils. By tills courso tho party, I should hope, would attain success. If it should onco moro fall, as an honest, faithful, patriotic minority, it will hold an important position and exert an im menso moral power ovor tho majority ; and it may well wait with faith tho inevitable hour which will crown its fidelity and patlonco with tho success which It will havo deserved. 1 nm, very respectfully.your obedient servant, ueoroeh. i'endleton. HusiiANn's Liability. Tho prev alent opinion that a husband Is legally Hablo for all bills, of whatever nature, that his wlfo may contract was not sus tained by Judgo Thayer, in P 'lade.1 phia. In a caso in court tho Ju i de cided Iu favor of a husband wh had been sued by a dry goods firm, for n debt contracted by his wife. Defcnso set up that defendant furnished his wlfo with an amplo supply of necessaries. In tho courso of his charge, Judge Thayer said: "It Is a f.dso and foolish notion for tradespeople to entertain that a husband is bound to pay nil bills contracted by his wifo. No such monstrous doctrlno Is allowed In tho law. Tradesmen must ascertain tho facts and tho truo ro- latlon of man and wlfo beforo allowing mo ratter to run up outs wnicu no is looked to pay? Commenting upon this exposition of law, which ought to bo moro familiar than It is, tho Philadelphia Jlecord thinks, that when tho tradespeople como to distinctly understand it, "a very senslblo step will havo been nc compllshcd towards reform In tho wan ton extravaganco mid ruinous folly which, under tho meretricious Impulso of tho stupid despot called 'fashion,' bo wastes tho substanco, mars tho manners, deforms tho persons, degrades tho mor ids and wrecks the happiness of myriads of households and Individuals, not only In this community, but throughout tho couutry." Railroad IuuEsi'ONSiniLiTY. Tho Supremo Court of Pennsylvania has affirmed tho judgment of a lower Court, in tho caso of McMostera vs. tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and decides that when freight Is shipped on tho railroad to a station whero the rail road company has no warehouso erod ed, tho parties Interested in tho freight cannot recover from tho railroad com pany 't tho freight bo lost alter it Is landed 't tho station It being then tho duty of tho parties to whom It is shipped to look after It. This caso Is said to bo tho first of tho kind that has yet been brought beforo tho Supremo Court of tho State. LEGISLATURE. legislation has at last commenced nt Hnrrisbrirg. Tho standing committees of tho Sonnto mid Houso for 1872 have been announced, nnd business seems to bo rairly under way. Tho resolution con tinning tho prosont oflleors of tho Sonnto in thelrposltlonsttntllotlierwlsoordcrcd 1ms been passed. Tho Houso has con curred In tho Sonnto resolution nppolnt Ing n oommltlco to lnvesllgato tho Geo. O. Evans claim caso. In tho Sonnto, on Friday, n number of reports of committees wero offered, among them ono from tho Committee on Education, by Mr. Rucknlow, to nuthorlzo reformed voting in tho elec tion of directors of common schools. A bill was Introduced by Senator Wnrfel requiring tho closing of bars for tho sale of liquor on election days nnd holidays. Tho Senato adjourned, after somo un important business, to Tuesday nfter- 110011. No business of Interest was transacted in tho Senate on Tuesday, mid an early udjourriment was had- In tho House several bills wero Introduced and the Commlttco on tho Evans war claims investigation was announced. congrIss Very llttlo was dono In Congress, Thursday. In thoSonatosomo petitions wero received asking u reduction of tho tariff, especially on Iron, coal mid salt. Tho sum of S27,fll" was Appropriated to pay tho additional expenses of tho Ku Klux Committee, mid tho ono term nmcndnicnt to tho Constitution was debated. In the ILniio thero was a spicy debate bet weiii tho members from Rhodo Island and Massachusetts on tho early history of their respective States. Tho Houso of Representatives on Fri day instructed tho Post-office Commlt tco to Investigate tho system of p03tal contracts, whereby tho government Is annually swindled out of sovcral mil lion dollars. Tho remainder of tho day was occupied with prlvato bills. Tho Senato was not in session. In tho Senate on Monday sovcral petitions wero presented asking for re ductions in tho duty on coal, iron nnd salt. Chlneso residents of San Francis co acini a petition for reduction of tho duty on rice, which was not received on tho ground that, coming from for eigners, it should bo addressed to tho Secretary of Stato. Mr. Sumner mado a long speech, claiming equal rights for our colored citizens. In tho Houso several important bills wero introduced, including ono to allow respondents in criminal courts In tho United States courts to testify in their own behalf, ono to removo all political disabilities, others tho tenuro-of-offlco nets, to nbollsh tho otllco of Superin tendent of Indian Affairs, and to allow American registration of foreign built vessels. In tho Senato on Tuesday Mr. Sum ner presented petitions for a national prohibitory law, mid ono asking for an amendment to tho constitution to tccuro temperance. Mr. Scott presented a memorial for an amendment of tho constitution for bidding tho election to offlco of any per son who drinks intoxicating liquors, and asked Us refercucoto thecommltteo on tho judiciary. Mr. Pomcroy suggested that it had better go to tho commlttco on disabili ties. I Laughter. Mr. Fcnton presented saveral peti tions for a constitutional amendment making driukcrs of alcoholic liquors ineligible to hold office under tho United States. Tho bill to repeal tho duties on iron nnd salt wa3 recommitted by a voto of 31tol'J. No business of public interest was transacted by tlio House. NEWS. Dead letters contained $3,000,000 last year. The small-pox continues to spread in all parts of the British Isles. Tho Republican National Convention will meet iu Philadelphia, on Junootli. John Sherman has been elected United States Senator from Ohio. Tho ox-Empress of tho French has sold her jewelry to a celebrated firm of jewellers In London for $100,000. Tlio Priuco of Wales Is dally gaining strength, and his complete recovery is now only a point of time. Tho world uses 2.10,000,000 pounds of teacachyoar, and 71S.OJO.000 pounds of coffee. China furnishes nearly all tho tea, and Brazil over ono-lulf of tho cof fee. Tho American Register, of IirN, says that tho bids in that market for tho Washington City Improvement bonds wero far In excess of tho amount ofl'dr ed, mid au allotment of 10 per cent, only has been mado to each bidder. Gratz Brown favors tho confinement for lifo In lunatic asylums ot all mur derers acquitted on tho ploa of insanity. Let this bo dono and tho Insanity dodgo will bo dono Brown. Tho best yet. A Michigan woman, tho wlfo of an Invalid, and mother of twenty-six children, picked crnubcrries enough last Fall to pay off a mortgago on her farm. Postmaster Henry Smith, of St. James, Long Island, sot a trap gun for burglars on Wednosday night, but for getting tho gun roturned to his offico and was shot. Ho died noxt day. William WiUou, of Howard county, Ind., slaughtered a hog, which weigh ed, dressed, ono thousand aud ninety- two pounds threo ounces, and wants to know who can beat It. A. Oakoy Hall, has temporarily re tired from tho mayoralty of Now York, and John Cochrano, a Republican nml President of tho Board of Aldormon Is acting Mayor. A destructive flro occurred in Road ing on Tuesday morning destroying property valued nt $250,000. Tlio amount of Insurance Is not stated. It Is rumored that tho Government will demand redress for tho 6elzuro of tho steamship Florida, belonging to this country, by n Spanish war vessel, Spain will bo rcqulrtul to muko a prompt apology, punish her ofllceri committing tho outrage and pay tho damages claimed, aovomor Parker, of Now Jersey, was Inaugurated at Trenton Tuosdny, In presencoof both houses of tho Loglsla tu ro. Ex.Govornor Randolph, in giving up to his sucocsssor tho great seal of tho Stato, noticed tho fact that Joel Parker Is tho ilrst citizen of Now Jersey who has been a second tlmo elected Governor of that Common wealth, ELOOMSBURO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A passenger, namo unknown, Jump ed from a iralnon tho North Missouri railroad, und was Instnntly killed. Cash mid notes, amounting to $17,000, wero found on his body. Tho Bank of North America, Phila delphia, hits Just boon swindled to tho tunoofovor twelvo thousand dollars, by means of altered certificates. Charles T. Perry, Ex-Mayor of Brook lyn, committed sulcldo recently by shooting himself with n revolver. Ill health Is thought to havo been tho cause. Tho Supremo Court of tho United States rendered n decision on Saturday affirming tho constitutionality of tho Legal Tender Acts. Tho Court stood Ilvo to four. Chief .Tusllco Chaso and Justices Field, Clifford mid Nelson dis sented. aencrnlH. W. Hallcck died at his restdoncoln Louisville, on thotlth Inst., of congestion of tho brain. Ho was tho .icnlor Major General of tho nrmy, and besides his military reputation was fa vorably known as nn author of fair abil ity. Thcro oro strong probabilities that di plomatic relations botwocu this country nnd Russia may bo suspended nnd tho rcspcctlvo ministers of tbo two coun tries tecalied. This stato of affairs is tho result of tho approval of Minister Catacizy's courso by Pilnco Gortchakoff tho Russian Prlmo Minister. Tho Emperor of China Is to bo mar ried soon, und has Imported n pair of elephants to draw his nuptial car. His brldo Is to bo carried in a palanquin madoofstriugsof pearls. Her dresses cost $1,000,000. Tho society JournaU will not roport thonffair. Tho Delaware and Lackawanna Rail way havo been Indicted by tho Grand Jury of Paterson, Now Jersey, for kill ing a ilrcman and nn engineer by tho collision or trains, and also for obstruct ing tho highways by allowing trains to remain at road crossings. A minister lecturing in East Boston recently, suddenly remembered that ho had agreed to marry n couplo at that very time. Uo btoppod his lecturo for fifteen minutes, fulfilled his ngrecmcut, marrlod tho happy couplo, nnd return ing finished ills lecturo. Tho Louisiana Legislative muddlo still continues. Thero aro two Houses, neither of which has u quorum, and consequently no btibiuesj can bo trans acted. Additional troops havo been ordered to Now Orleans, aud fears aro entertained of n riot. Qraut has of courso dono nothing iu tho matter as was to havo been expected. A barrel of buckwheat Hour oxploded recently at Keokuk, Iowa. A man of scicnco calmly gays that tho buckwheat was probably wet, and being confined in tho barrel, au alcoholic vapor was generated, which ignited as tlio lid was taken off nnd u lighted candle brought into contact. Tho Grand Duko Alexis has abandon ed his projected buffalo hunt in company with Picgan Phil nnd Spotted- Tall, and in obedienco to tho orders of tho Cz.tr lias repaired to St. Louis, wlicnco iu company with Admiral Pos- slot ho expects nn immediate recall in consequenco of tho disruption of our re lations with Russia. A Norwegian, seventy years old, at Whito Bear Lake. Michiiran. had tho most extraordinary li-jnt ,ritn wort on record, last week. Tho animal tackled him, and ho fought, first with a club, then with a pitchfork, and finally ho got a ropo round tlio neck of tho beast, and therewith drew him to n car penter's vice, into which ho screwed his head. Then ho got a gun and kill ed him. David R, Dickey, of Randolph, Tip ton county, Tennessee, camo to an end on Monday. Ho mado a bet that ho could eat four bottles of brandy peach es, nnd drink all the liquor, together with two tumblers of raw whiskey. Ho drank tho whiskey, and finished all tho poaches, dropping dead while holding tho last peach in his mouth. A civil engineer of Chicago, who behoves that rain can bo produced by artificial methods, lias petitioned Con gress to onnblo him to carry out his pro posed experiments. He wants to bo furnished with 000 caunon of not loss than 21 pounds' calibre each, mid 30,000 pounds of powder to flro in them, to gether with an electrical battery and other appliances, to onabloliirn to dis charge all tho pieces simultaneously. New Advertisements. s HERIFF'S SALES. llvvlrtuo of mimlrv writs Issuoil nut nf thn Court or Lommon l'loiis of t.'olumlila cotiuty l .1., Itlll. .tl Itiv .III rcifll WUI uo l'.IOSLll lo publlCbiilQ nt tlio Court House. In tliu town nf lUoomsuiirir, on MONDAY, tlio fithiluy nf KKII RUAllV, Ibli, nt ono clock p. in., tbo loUou'lnjj jironcrty to wit; .vu liiul rciiiwu iiit-NHiiiiREi, u-nempui nml liimve, nml lot ol u"Vinl hlli'.utu In Cutuwlssn townstlln nlfoinlllr Norlli Htrept nf Unhmtuml- illliou lo tlto town of Cntnwlssa bounded nnd (lcscrlljeil tiM follows to wit: lloumleil on the Soutu by North street nforoulil, on tho East by lands oi lleurv llolllUirHheua ou tlio Noith hv tunas oi tue humoiuui on ino wcibyine puh- iiu ru.iu luuuiug iroiu iaiuwisttii to me upper ler ry, together with the hereditaments audupnur lennuccH. Hcl.ed, Inkcu Into execution nnd to bo bold ns tho properly of Cliristlunua Hunt ami IMvU Hunt. ALSO i AU that eertaln piece, parcel nnd tract or land Kituato In the townnhlpofHemlocii In Iho Coun ty of Columbia containing Ul acres moro or less ndlolulnz lauds of Thomas J. Vaiulersllco on thn Month, Hubert Hussell on tlio West ami North nnd J, lllester Vundcrsllco on tbo liist, together with the machinery ou snld nremtscH nml nt. tacbo I to the buildings Including Kugllie, ,lo., used tor worUlug of bald mnchluery, and tho quarry situate ou tho said premises. There nro erected ou huld premUos four two story frnmo dwelling lioiu.es, oue Iramo stable, a large ouuuiug ur tuo inauuiaciuriug of slate, enuiiio houso. &c. rel.ed, taken Into oxecutlou aud to bo sold as uie property oi tuo aoiutu niato uompauy, ALSO : All that parcel orpleco ot land situate Iu Pino townshln. tColumbl county, lvnnsvlvanti. hounded and deoorlbed ns fulloVd,lo will On mo west by innu oi i nomas iienuciu, on the North by land of John Urtiuernud Jnmcstlroen ley ou lllo Kast b Clrooulcy aud Tbomas Vau ilersllce, nnd on Iho Houlh by Vuudersltco and Jolm l,utleu, containing sixty-tour acres, be tlio sumo moro ur less, whereon Is elected a small homo nud stable with the appurtenances. SeUed, talieu in execution and to bo sold as itie property oi jonu .ppiegaie, ALSO: A certr'n tractof land sltunto In Locust town ship Columbia county, bouiuienou tho North by Isnds ot KUus Thomas, ou the lUst by lauds of Thomas, ou tue West by lands of Uljah Vocuiii conUilulug ninety-six acres moro or less uu which Is erected n two-story Irunio dwelling tioue Willi tho appurtenances, Helzcd, luUeu Into execution and to bo bold as tuo property 01 joscpu mounts, AAIWN HMIT1I, SUerlir. GO CUNTS PICK POUND FOR REST TKAIMI'OUTKDI anui:N, ulack, javan and uixuum BllOKKN TEA LEAF!!! Tills "Broken Tea Leaf" Isot the llnest quality aiulof the most exquisite Mayor, It Is pure leaf, lius n'j niciiis, muu is i, u.iiu siiijiiicur man tue ...t.nln I.. F .!... Il, II. t.niritu r.l All the llrst-ctnss hotels throughout tho coun try mousing !l continuously und butUlactorlly. It Is put up lor tatnlly ue In cuddles of 15 pounds, linn bent, I), (. !., to any nddreks, aud for Iho trade In hair chests, upon which will bo Ulion en u i.uo.u. uHujum, cumpiea beui. itue, Address, 1-IIILA, "nitOKKN TEA LEAF CO." No. 11 Mouth ruONTKIr.et, Janl9'72-3m. 1'1I1LAD1:1.1'I11A. J 1CENSK NOTICE. Tsollco Is hereby glron Hint tlto ftrilnwlnc ptiU ttonsf ir l.lcetKo to sell liquor linvn been i!tl In lliol'rothnnotnrv'n nnioennd will be prijseiit- en m mo uouri nt i coruary term, a, v., 1371 Isrnfl Holler, tlncnwood twp lintel J, V, (Inllnspy, " " " Humphrey Parker " " " .inuu i.pgnii, - - II Irani lli-ss, Ilenton " Andrew .1. Iltclcr, llcnton " .:, lMul Try, Heaver " John H. Mann. Centro twp " John i)avl. " ' " Theodore Unwell, I.ltno ltldjo " William l'elller, Cenlreli" ' William lluller, Unpen... " iiiiuiu uunngv, Menu.... , , ... " Ili'liurl &. Kramer, tlreeitwood Liquor Htoro William l'nrrcv, I'enlrrtlW " " 1'. s, hliuinin,oiiitwla tinting House Hernliird Hlohucr, llloonnburg ..HestnurKtit 1 roil tlltmnre. Tlitmin Mouroc, Conynglmm " gllORTEsT ROUTE EASTWARD. Dauville.Hattii&WiWarreE.II. ul EASTWARD. WKTWAIID. t.KAVK. A. . i T.t: l Vic. .... IW) 3i) 1 New York, 1 2 l'3 llVwtnn, t ou ' - r ii,ii. Hunbury Iiauvillo OntawlsMt . 7.2S llazlclon .. Vl In llethloH'm, t,Ait,ii.n. s u.t iVm M trntniA. l'hllnilclphia 'j,' l!.l"i I'ntawlksu. Ilarletou, -tJi 12.11 DauvlUe, New Yurie. JjCt 3W , Hunbf.ry. Thn nriernn in train pnmiwlKnt. Hunliurv with thn I'. A K. 4..11 p, hi. train going WcM ! arrives nt. inmnpnritvi!'; i.neic itnvctw.p.iu,,nnu with tho Northern CrnlraH W p, in., moving Mouth, reaching Ilnrrlnlmrg 7. in p. m., nnd lliiltlnioie 10.1) p, iu., nml nlso with the Hunbury nnd I.ew Istnwn Itnllroad. Cnmrcrtablo nnd liandsonte Coaches on tills now route. I, lttntVr.Y KASD.Htipcrlnt(ndont. P UULIC SALE V A I. U A 1! I. Il It HAD K H T A T E . Ilyvlrluo ol authority nnd order of tho Or phans' Com t nf Columbia county, the under signed ndmlulstlntors ot tho esttltn nf Jucnb Kosti'iilnulnr, deceased, will expose in sale by public vendue nn tho premises, nt lOo'clooklh Iho loreunou, ou FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1872, n lnrzn rmiuititv of vnltinhln Inmln ullnntn In I'Yinklln tnwmlilp in mill rouuly. t.08cn'ntl tw loimwi; i no nnmcmunti mrm oj ujn nuoeuem, h'lniz tn Franklin lownsliln in rolmntiLi cmintv boutitleil by Inmlsnr J.T. I'oodor, Inudd nfHiilip Monlmntt, latul.s of Yet tor's lieirs lumlsof Modern nower, i films nr ii. .1. iccorr, intnls 111 kmrh W Oliver, Intuit nf Vm. Kinder. hiniN or John llower, tJL'orgc Hcntt nutl others, cfmHtmng TWOIIUNDUIID nml l'OKTY-KIUIIT ACIti:S nnd twf nty-nlno iiorcliPM whereon nro crertful n Inrtfu brick Invelllnn llouso,ivlnro ll.mlt Ham shcils nnd nuthousiM.wltli 11 l.irjunpplti tititt Iiult orchnnl, with n well ut tho houso, nml ntiprinu' nutl a well nt tho harn, and n seconil ccci'lleut mul lnro uprln on tlio Mmlli hlilo of I ho mnn. Thcielson tholirm TWENTY ACKK3 OF TIMIIEK. The property lies threo mllea from Out awl sin, on tho public road leading from thut place to K1jk ImriXt Thn neUhborhoodKOod ntnl healthy, mid tho land In nn execllentht.ito or cultivation, No moro desirable property has been oilered for liiuny years. AI.KO, n lot of Timber land-the undivided Mx-scvenths ndjolultn; lnnds ol S. Arllpv. Win. (iwirirp. H. Arllcv nnd otbeiN. To bedlspo&ed of in one pleee, or iu thteo lots of nuout TWENTY ACRFS EACH, ns shall bo deemed most exponent. The wholo property will bootrered nud tho tttla to Iho ouo boventh, mado to tlio purchasers. ALSO, will bo offered tl tract nf Innd ndjoln I11K II. I'. I'tarS, lands of mocker .t (Uncles, lauds of 1'. Monhardt ami Itecder, containing SEVENTY-THREE ACRES find elshtv-fonr perclio1, vheroon nroeroetedn brlcic dwelling house, bank barn, wul'oii house n spring house nud all other lu ctfssnry outhulh1 ItiK. Thero Is nlso on the premises a tenant houso nnd blacksmith shop. Thero Is nlso n spring ot excellent water, n (rood orchard nnd mill 01 nil iillius, wnn nooui lour ueri's 01 rni'si nut timber. All in excellent order uud cull is .v f Inn. The lands will bo Ht'red nt tho Homestead Iu the order ndveitl-ej. Til 13 UUA.IN iu tlio OUOUND Is nusKUVIID. l.)s.rsslnii of tho timber tracts, immedlatelv upoupaylnsthopmchac money orseenrhn; tho Kin nl' tn ho imid. And of tbo other two t rue's on tho Ilrst of April, A. 1. W- upon compliant o Willi the coadltlous. Mtampsnnd conveyances to Im nt iho fixin'iisonf the muchiihor or nuichaser. ALSU At the same tlmo and placo the follow ing personal pioii'iiy, 10 win rmir nuimmi bushels of wheat, Ilvo hundred bushels of corn, mreo numiren imsiifis 01 oai, 0110 uiimimi mm illtv bushi-Is of rvH.ouo bund red bushels of pota toes, buckwheat nnd clowrecd, nml ten tons r.f nay anu many tuner iiruat" oi iii-uihtiy. o.n. 1. KosTiiMtAhnn, JO-iEPJI 1(. KNlTTLi:, Administrators, TEI1MH Ol-' HAM Ten ner rniit. of tno one fourth of the purchase money tn tie paid ut the Ktrtklny down ol the property ; tho om-fouith less tbo ton ner cent, ut tho confirmation of sale nnd f ho romalnlu Lhree-fonrths in onejea' tuereaiter, wnunitcrc-ii iromconti rmauon nisi It. lI.lWNUM;it, Inn. fi.'TJ w. t"" . NNOUNCEMENT! TUB IlLOOMSDUIta I.ITIUtAllY INSTITUTU A Nil STATE NOltrAE SCUOOIj will open on MONDAY, JANUARY Qth, 1072, under the entlro control or tho IJOAItD OF THUSTEES. Thoy h.wo ((elected ni l'rlnclpal of th lustl tutluu G1IA11LGS . IUKKLEY, n centlemaii whoso fuiallficatintis lmvo beeu ltlllv tested und m-nvWl in Iho Nl N'll YKAIN in which ho tun had charg" tit tho schools tit tho County ns tsupei Intetident j and ihey nsii, nml nuvo u 11 nn 10 'icuiaiiu tor mm una me insti tution, tht coulhtunco und support ol our own ' iUzuuM, und of tho It U-udsot tbo enlerpriso und ot odite.ttloii everywhere. In point ot conilort, eonvi uleuco uud benuty of buildings nml sur iouihUus, no school In the Htulo surpasses this; nnd we nro determined it shall not be second tu the kind, quality nnd Ihoruu-tmcrS oi Its disci pline nnd culture. CALENDAR. Tlio winter bessdou of twelve weeks will com mence on Monday, January Stli, 1872, and clo'.o MAltCH i2St!i. Tlio Bprlug session of twelvo wceka will begin MONDAY, AI'HIL 8tu, and do'.o JUNE 'JStii. EXPENSES: Tuition nnd Hoirdlni', Incluillui: wnMiInt; and heat, lor tho hebsiou of twelo wcokh, t'ii tu, ACADEMIC DEl'AimiENT. Tuition for day pupils, ono dollar per week. In Iho inoiiel school, iroiu titty to elglity cents pi r week. Music, Drnwliix.I'.ilntliiK.fc , extra. Hills are payable, one bull' hi u.iMinco uud the other half tit tbo middle of Iho si minn. J. U, t'ltcUZI', Li, i; ltUlM'.UT, Hecretary. I'lesldcnt, p U 11 L I O HAIjE o r VAI.UAHI.K IlKAL UBTATU Ily vlrtuo of an order nud dccieo of Ihol'ourt of I'oiuinoii lMeas of Columbia foutity, John Itlckv, Kuoch Kester unit ferry Joliu were, nu niipllcatlon of tlio " Unarms frcek -Moiilbly Jteetlnirof FrUnils," authorized to hell Mr sunt "Monthly Meettiiu, apieceof Krouud consist lui; of leHH thu nu acre, uud lylni; and belns ou Iho northwest side ot fourth htreet. In tlio town of t'utiiwlssn, In the haul county of Columbia, 1:1th Iho iippurleniiuces. And Iney will cxuomj tho hamuli) saloon tho puiulscu ut ouo o'clock In tho nlteruoou, on SAT UU DAY, EEimUAItY 3J, 1S72, When und where tho tonus of Fnlo will be made kuowu,aud duo attendance I'tveu by .liill.V 1I1CKH, . KNUUIl KI'SI'CR. 1'KltltY .ltlirN, Com, of the ItnarlUB Cteek iloiithly .Meetiuc, Jun, Mb, 1S7J-12U Qq,; A MONTH ro sell our Unlvmnl (Vin QOIO ent, I'omhlt.atloii Tunnel, lluttnn Hole Cutter, and other articles', Haco Novt.i.iv l'o Haco, Me. niwi Ittdt'N, Sliof-CJuuM, Ilcvol vers Onn materials of every kind. Wrlto for l'rlco 1, 1st, lo (lii-iit Western (inn Works, I'lttsburuli l'.i. Army cuns nud Iluvolven boii-jlit or traded tor. AKi-iiU wanted, nJ-tw BIO from 50 cents. ,hc,a!i,e!y1li;il.;ffl.rm Vltt CC"'S' -wl 11, 1,, WOI.UJ IT, N. Y. A(U..Vi-J WANTK1), A coinplelo History of CHICAGO m' DESTRUCTION- W copies sold, lufcUKllshaudCltriuuu. l'rlco P I ITT I A V Slnco Issuing this work, smaller UiVU I luinml Inferior histories nro oiler ed; na suru the book vou tmy Is Upton .VHIicnhau. n full octavo, tlx!) Inches, nearly 10 pat es, and over tt lllustrutlous, i-eud Sl.oo loroutllt, with choice of territory. Al-o. two besnlliiil ctiro. IllOB, CIIIL'AdU AN IT WAH.nlld ClllCAHO IN IXAMl'M. Circulars uud linus free, I'lollts lame. U.ilon 1'iihllslilnu Coinpauy, CIiIchko, l'lilludelphla, qr Clucitiliiitl, n'.wl $5,000 KEWAkD lier bravery and skill lu suvlug umlrunts Jrom tlio ludlaus, ".II j- Captivity AiiKint,' tlio Sloiiv" Is n history of her life as a prlsoueramoii'ibem, A wouderlul slury indorsed by nimy ollloers, Conifressiucn, .tc, riiileudld Inducements tu intents to sell this und other works, Including tho best FAMILY 111111,1-;. Wrlto at onco to Ouaker City I'libllsliliiK Company, ai7 umi m liulnco Htruet, riill&delphlu Tulwl Real Estato Sales. iJUfiLlO SALdT or VAT.UABt.IS ItBAIi FBTAVE. tn ptirsnnnt nf u order of Hie Orphnns' t'ourt or Columbia notinty, will bo exposed lo public saloon the premise, on B VTUItDAV, .tANlTABV BTtli, U12, nt, II) o'clock A. M the following ronl mlnle, l.te of .Inhit Itlelinrde, deceased, lowlti nil that Cer tain message and TRACT O F LAN 1), llunto In Montour township, In "aid county, cimtHlnltix about ONE HUNDRED & SIXTY ACRES, bounded by lands or Johtitlulnk.Wm. U, (Julrl; Krnnli Kvnnsntul other, whereon nrnerectod it Dwelling House, t,MM! itarn nud nil the iicces snrv Mitlinlldltigs, time is also u largo quantity oi hmos.ono upon tbo mls r Kxecutor. Tmnsis nvHAt.n fine half tho nil rcliase money tn he lmld ns follows, Vic i Ten per cent, of one fourth of Iho purchase mnnej- sh'ill be paid nt the striking down (iflhe properly, Ihenno fourth less the ten per rent, at the confirmation nbso- iuie, anil ino remaining uiiee nuniu-. in uuu year llieieafter, with Interest on Iho sumo fiom eonlliiiiailnu nll, And the lemnlnliiK one-half to II. Kuinklln Thornton upon his nirivlng at th" nge ot twenty ono years wnn yenny miumi thnn..ii inmi ibn nisi confirmation ot thebaic. or In tlio case of tbo death of the Hsld Thornlon beroro arriving at the ago or iweniy-ono years then al the tlmo when ho would have urrlvid at that nge In ease nt eontinneii me, to inn pariynr ii.irili.M win. shall succeed to Ills right and Inter est Iu said molly pursuant to tbo piovisloiis nl l lie win ui jonu uicuaruv, uccchbcm, , uu in. v. est ns. .foresaid. lt. II. lUNai.HIt, Jan. S.'TMs. Cletk. pUIJ L1C SALE OK VAIiUAIlI.R llllAT, 1JHTATI5. Ily vlrtuo of aulliorlty nu 1 order of tho Or nlinns' i nurt ort'olumhln entintv. tho tinner- atRciI, Hiluilulstratnr of Iho estate of llnlser llsstcK, deeensed, will expose lo salo by public venuue, on tne premise, on SATURDAY, .TANUAUY 20, 1872. the lolloHliiR ilescrilied Tract of Land, Hltunte 111 Mll'll ou lownsllip, iniuuioin (ouiiiy, nnu boundid ns follows, lo wit: liv lnnds of (leoi-;e I iir.llanunoiid Doiixho-ty.Jolin liruiiler.Mlcu- aol wt'-egnroin nnu omeni, una ino iyucy llund, eontainlng ONE IIUiJiDHED AND SIXTEEN AOUE3, nnd seventy perehOH.mornor loss. Tholiudrovc nieuts upon the premises nro n FK.VMK DWKLLtNfl IlOUSi:, n rood Frnmo llnrn, Frull, a well of excellent water; iimlHlth tin t lllteen ncres ol tlmh-r. 'i he Knrni Is on tlio public load between .lersot town nnd While Hall, e-islly iicc.isslhle. uud 111 li iroml stall- o- cunivuuuii. xno gram in mo irnimil ts reserved Fossessiou will be tflvon on tlio First day or Ami!. A. 1). is;.!, If the purchase money Is paid, or seemed to be paid, lo the satisfaction ol the ndm nlstrntor, WILLIAM Ml llHIDl', AdiiilnWtrnlor, CONDITIONS OFS.VLt:. Ten porceiit. orotic muilll oi too iHircuase muiiey suau on paui in tho slrlklue: (town of tho nronertv. Iho one- fourth, less tho ton ner cent, ut the confirmation of stile, nnd tho reiualnln-: throo-lourths In one .year inereiiuer, wiiu miercsi iroiu luucouur. inntion ulst. li. II. l'.lNGI.Klt, ilec20'Tl-H Clerk O. C. pilj li iTlO SALE OF WOOD LAN D. In pursuance o( nn order of tho Orphans, Court or Columbia counly.lbo undersigned guar dian of tho person and estato ol Julia Clark, n minor cnuil Ol lilivui w.uiitric. laiuoi aioiiioui tnwnsliii, In said county, deceased, will expose in wu (ill the in nmlsi-s oil TUESDAY, JANUUIIY !!0, 1872, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon of wild day, the undivided one-iiiim or nil inai certain iriei oi Wooill.'ind sltnutti In Montour townshln In said county, hounded on the 1101 ih by lau- h now or late ot Ilurlt'V A l'rlck, on tho west hv In ml of Andrew (JIark, on thoNouth ny lanuor wiiitaiu I. r.vr, nnd on the east by laud oi Mary Claik. com.uuiiit; XINETY-MVK ACRlS and one hundred nud forty perchej. 'I EUMH OV S VliK.-Ouo third or tho purchase money to remain ch ireil upon said land during ttu li.'itnritl liro of the wltlow 01 said i'avld W. Clark, deceased, And the Inteiest Ihercoltobe nunually and rtsuiuriy paui to ner nyttiBpui ci laser or put ehaern during her natural J lie, said iutetcst to be eoiuputcd troin the lsiilay ot Ajnll A. if. iftn-, nnu ine jinu'ijnu iu ner iintiii ut uv pain to ino pari if icuiuiy uuiiiun.fti 10 rix-uivr tho snine. Twenty p. r tent, of two-thliMH ot tin: nnri-liiist- moni'V to If nnld ou tho duv of Sttlc. viiiu hair ot the lialancuof the tunchast hiomn tn ho imid on thn IkLiI.iv ol A mil A. I). 1ST J. hen iiosiesstou ol said lnu test will lie leu uud the halancu u the puiehaso money to im pain on the 1st day ot April a. J). Ibl.i. with Inleiest on tin-t,.inu irnm the 1st dav of Anrll .V. I). 17-. l'lirchaser or 1'urUiasirs to py loi iiteds uud Mtamis. Li:VlS YJ-TrKIl Guardian, N. 11. Tho o'.her narlles in Interest will sell their interests In said Woodland upon the tonus ami eonifilloiiH aUi u oicuiluiiciJ. ijatawtssa, uectwi, ts;i-ts. P UULIO SALK v a h u a 11 ii i; n k al i: s t a t i:. Ily vlrtuo of authority nnd order of tho Oi slu'neil minilulstratorH ot tho estdu of (Jeo.t'o XV V iIi.i.ui..I rvtiw.i t.iu'il.. t.f ...,t.. lie veuduo'on the preiulsot, on TIiailSDAY, JANUARY, IS. 1S72 A LOT Ol' GllOUND Consisting of AliOUT OXK AGUE, i.ltunto lu tho vlll.iiro 'of fclabtown. In Tiooust township Columbia county. vJiercon nro eieet- lauuc 1-uAM iiouwi; ani sToiti: noo.M attarhLHl together with stahlltiKand necessary ouibulldinir. Adlolnlmr lamia ol John lieinei. lamU i i" Rival eaer, lands nf Isaiah Vender nnu tne pumu: louu, I'tisehslon will bo Kivcn on thclst of April blJ. noon nnvluutho nureliHe tnoiiev. nr set ut- Intlio Mimu to be paid, to tho satiMactlou oi inu uuiuiuifi nt or. ui:tthi;n rAiimxoKii, MAUUAUKT VKAdKU. Admlnlstruiors, TIMtMSOPKArn. Tenocrct'iit. ofotio-fointl: ol tho purchase money to ho paid on tho day ol s lie, ono-iouriii oi ino miicims money iei me ten pi-reetit. lo tie paid ou continuation oi me- sale; tint balance In ono year thereutter with ln lerosi on mo tame trout onui niauou 11111, U. It ItlNOLLU. Cleik O. V. Locust twp., Due. 2D, lHTLts. Li I O 8 A h J'j t o r VALUAIlLi: IIKAIj nSTATH. In miruamfl ol nu older ot thu Ornhnns1 Courl ot Co'umhla county, on Wodm.dny the kiill u:iv oi .lUiiuaiy, iu ii " eiucii iu inoi04e noon ol the Nnld d iv. Mantel Uu.nhiich. Jlxeeti tor of the estate ol Johii Miller, ol llrlarcroek townshlit itiKild eouutv. deceased, will xtwn 1 to punlle hilo ou tho preiu'soi thn IdHiwIuk A certain message uud T It A C T O F li A N I), auiauiu real itm'uiniu 01 bam out-euuiiv 10 wii situate In the ni.d townshln of Ilr'nrcieck. hounded as follows : On tho mtrtlnast by lands 01 jewiu miwmuti, uu 1110 souwi o.si uy 11 pu ne roau luuiiiu: 110111 laiuti Direct 111 iterwui., to Hlttenhouii'H .Mill. 011 thuboutn west bv Lavl- ua Fowler, Jcsu Jiowmtiu nud i'rank Kvur 1, uuu 011 aiu jiotiu oy iuuu 01 u uuiuu iioyv vuu- NINETY-TWO ACUE3, strict measuie, wheroon nro erectod n Dicelllu House, UiiiU nud oilier outhnll-iluits. It. 11. lllNUUUt, Clerk, llloomsburir. Dro 12. Ii71. 'W.IUH OK S.vr.i:- Ten ner cent, of nun fourth of tho puicliaso moliev to bo pild lit tho stilUlm; down of the propeily; one-l'onrtli less thuteu percent nt the continuation of sale-.aud inu i-ciiiaiiiio lurce-ioumis in ouo year luc.C' oiui, wnn nueie-ii uuill conuriuaiiou , nisi. DAMlil. UA.M1IACII, dec, 15,'71-ts. kxecutor, pUULIC SADE ()!' V.LUAI)I.K UK M. KSTATU, Tlio undcrlgueil will cxposo to silo hv pulillo .eiiuuu on me premises, ou naiuiuuy, Jiuiuuiy 'U1, 13 , ui u ciocit 1-, 31,, u A LOT OF CHtOUND, ronslstln-t of about fillVEN ACHI1-4, sltunto ono nine uiiiiu or the village of lispy, fcou town suip, (.oiuuioia colllliy, Wlleupou is eiecieu u TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, Willi siaoilUS mill necessary oui ouiiiui:s. There Is also upon the premises a variety of good trull trees and u well of rock! water, 't'etius inudo Uuown on day of sale. jau a. Nl'.W YOItK. roilK. AND I.lVKItl'Onr,. NBY AMI HUI,l..l'()Vi:itM) MIKAMHIUl'S. TI1HHIX I.Alldl.SI' IN Till: V(lltl,l). OCUAMU. . t'KI.TIf, lil.t'Hlluil', ATI.ANTIO. lUI.TIf. AllllIATIC, u,iu tons liurdoa-t.ueoli. p. each. Hmlliiff Irom New York ou SATUltliA YH, lrom I.lvrrpuol on TltL'HSDAYtJ, uud Cork Ifurbor the day followlne;, I'ruui the While Btar Dock, Vuvoula I'erry, Jersey City, I'.iM'iiKvr nccommodatlous (for ull classes) uurlvalled, combining H.xtlA Y. l'i:i'.l), AND COMl-'OHT. fSaloous, stuto-roomu, smoking-room nud bath looms lu mldslilp section, wheiu leust motion Is Icll, riuriiuoiis und ulewurdessea uci-oiupuuy these sUameis. lt.iri-ji-Saloon, 81 cold, Hleerago, 830 curren. cy. 'tho.u wIshlUK to send for Irlends Iroiu tlio Old Country can now obtain steerace prepaid certificates, f M currency. Passengers booked to or from nil jinrts or Anieilcn, lurid, llamburijh, Norway, bweden, India, Australia, Ulilnu, etc. llxciiulon tickets mnntod nt lowest rntes, iliutis lrom tl upwards, Kor Inspection ol pluus und other liiforrautlon. nptdy to No. i'J llroadwny. New York, J. 11. UTAltKH. Airent. Or to W, I'UACOUIC, IB. JttlU2tf lAWKII, Dlooiusbtirif, l'a. Court Advortisomcnta. QOUllT ritOOLAiMATlON. WttHHieAfi, tlio Hon. William niwell, rrenldctit Jtlllaeilt III" Oolirt of Over nml -'..rinl,i,,r .... Ot'lierHl .lull Delivery, Courl or llunrler MnslotM ! tho Peiu-ii and foul t of Ooininon I'lensund Oi. plinli'sroiirtlu the Jfllh .ludlclnl IlHlrM, coin, i.iwediif Ihoeounitoor Colunibln, Hulllvim ntnl . , ....... ...... "ion. irnin iierrnuil isiuioH, Mouriio Awoclnto .ludKen nf Columbia county """' 1 recept, benrltiK (lato tin- I It It lay of Kepttnber, In tlio year or our lml, olio hounnlld. ent it lllltiilreil itiul u.t.nni. tnndlri'ftcd for liolillunnt'ourtol oyer nii'd 'r.-r nlnernnil (leneriiltluarterHMslnntoftiK, IVaco lourt of Common l'leasnud orplinu's t'ourt. In Itloolilslillrtf. Ill tbo colllltV nft'ithtiiililn it. first Monday, belu-j tlio 5tlt tiny ol l-'ebrtl.irj next, to continue two wooks. Nolleo is lielebv ulvell. to tho ( -nrouor. fr. ,l. Justices of the l'eace, and tlio t'onslnbles or tin said county of Columbia, that tlu-y bo t lien nml Micro in ineir proper pi-rnini ui i-i ti ciocic ill tbo forenoon of said Mb day ot February with their tecoids, Innulilllniis niidotlier I'ciiiemhr.iiici'sio ilolliciHi. tlnnns which to their olllces appertain lo bo done, And those lh.it nro bound b rccOttUiKiutco, to prosci-uto iiruliist the piii. oiinis Hint nro or may.bo In tho Jail or m,. Nnld colllity of (;ollintbln, to ho (lieu a-id there to prosecuto them lis shall bo Just, ,lu. ror-i me replevied to be piini timl lu tlielrntl- nd. nuee,arei-ni)ly to tli-lr notice". Dated at lllooius ourw, tin. Willi nay of ijoc.,111 the year rs, of our Doril, ono tlioiisnnd i-IkIii bun. lw v ' 1 led and M-vptitv-mie mul In Ihniil,.. i.. rmirtliyenr or tho Independeiico or Ihol'uitui Mtntes of America. AAIION H.MITII, llbwiiii'iliuiK, -Ian. ), 187.'. Mlieilir. GRAND .lUUOUB FOR FEURU M'.Y fy.ltM, IsTA iientou (Jen, 'I. l'mist, John H. Keeler, lllooin .Jolm I, -iicoei., (leorgo V, l-'uitcr, 1,V. lletwIeltUl'ohti Lckert. Willi tm Slenhous. .t. w. Dlrttiriclr. rishingrreeU Joans Doty, Daniel fjinll'.t, I.evl (Ircciiwood Ira 1), Kline, i,oi-usi-i.iias i rmsy, i;pnr,ilm Oicliey, .Mlllliu l.'harlos .Mmvry, .lohu Ilull'nniilc. ..iiuiii i iiiiiuiiu r-iiiiiiian. ! it iuko Hurrlsoii .1, 1,'ouner, t'lhttitotiliimtii WliiterHti-en. ttm r.-.i-n rVult .1. li. lla-i. T 1ST OF I'ETIT JURORS FOR JU l'-KimUAUY TKItM, 1172. l'nwr Vi;i:ic. llloom Cnper Krosslcr, lid. Wnrdln, Da-ili 1 lliiwmnii, N. ,t. Ili-nitcrshutt, John Wolr. Hi birere.-li I-'riincIs Kvaus, J. C, Myers. Ilerwicl: I) ivl t II itioli-r. tV-ntr.itla A. 11. 1'ortner, Win, Torry. I'eutu' Stephen .Me'liiown, James Kocher. Ciitnwissa i lins. H. lIiirtiiiaii,Koloiiiouishiitun ('onynlmm Peier I.ibv. Or. etiH-oo t Mtdhlas ivramir, Jatncs l'ns'uu Jolin Mcr.wen, ' lli iulock IJeptio Pui-tcll, James lloat, Amos II iitmau .racttson Wm. Younir. r.o UHtAdahi Joliusou, John Snyder. .Min stucy John, (leorirs Uollculncic. .Illlllln-Samitcl Mil iter, Daniel Heller. Madison Win. Johnson, Montoiir-l'lillip Fount, llvnti Wclllver. I a.u- Moui-y, ltisiriiiterectt J, (.'. Myers. -stiK-iilnuf-lt ('. limn, Ales, Ivllngcr, J. It. Colo. Hcou Is iUh Hess, HIX.'OND WKKir. llloom navld llrobst, IJiorun Yns, Hylveitr J I mix, l'ttei- Jones, Pavd Itctz. llilaleieeli Win, II, llurtluati. Hi aver Abraham Itico. Nathan llrolbendcr Jr II. rwlett-Win, V. Hunlis, o. W. lluckliiKham. l'i ntlnlla Jo.enh l'recl.-. Ui litis M. M, Hh l.s. l-'runklln Jonatliaii l-'reman, (!r enwood John r, I.cminou, (leoiiro (Ilrtou, lleinlocU-Wni. JI. .Michael, John linrtmaii, .lohu Het7., Amos Appiemau. Jnckson iheodore v. Smith, Locust IMnlel Htluo.Sr. Mllllln -AliniiiiMweppenlieiser.JIichaell'tderofl Montour Is.iclier lSvsns w. it, Mnnroe. Jbidlsiiu I). A. Watson, Jacob liechtel, John M Siullh Mt. i lcasant Josen'i CrnwfordiJohn C. Jtordan Milne John II. Nuss. (Iraiiue-r.mauuel Huydcr. Hcoit-wiiuit. llurtmuii, J. II. Towuscuil. SiiKarloaf-Airre.l llnrvey. yiDO Wy APl'RAiaE JIENIU Tbo following appraisements- or renl nnd per. sonal property selupartto widows of decedents have been (licit 111 the oltico of tho Holster ut Columbia county, under tlio llules of Court, and will be prceuted lor nbsoltilo continuation, to Hie Orphans' Court to Im held 111 llloolllsburj;, In and hir said county.on Wednesday, tliu7lhdayof Kebiiiaiy,ls7.',nt 2 o'clock p. M.,ot said day. un less exceptions to such coullriuatluns are pro I ously tiled, or which nil persons luteiesled iu satd i-sliiles will take notice: 1. Widow ol feter .Miller, l.itool Locust tov, a ship. dcceuM-d. Si, Widow of J icob Harris, Into of Hcml i. It townsiili), deceased. .1. Widow ot Abraham Vnnliom, Into ot Hem lock township, deceased. I, Widow of Tlloiuas K. Ilujuo.s lato of Blonius hnru;, deceased. 0. Widow ol' HUihter W. llownian, lato of Or niiijo l-H-iislitp, ilcceasod, n. Widow ol i-'rederick HlmllVr, late ot feuti-n township, iteccnseil. 7. Widow ir WelllngtoulI.nnt.Ialo ofllluuins butf:. ilcc-'itsid. s. Widow ol Mosca llnrtmau, l.ilo of Catawi-.-. i township, deceased. ii. Widow or cphrnlmnvuns, lato of Dear Creik tOWllslllp, deceased. W. H. JALOI1Y, ItesMer. ItcKlster's Ofllce, t lllooiusbHri;, Jan. , 172,; T EaiSTER'S NOTlC'Ed.-NoTici. n ti, hereby given lo all legatees, creditors aud oilier persons Interested In Ihoislalesof tl-- n spccllvo decedonts uud minors, tli it tiio fnlluw in;: mini In Isti nl l-jii an I t;uaidi,iu iiccouiits luv la-en tiled In the olllceot tbo Ut-Klstui ot Colilui lilaui,ilty,ituil will l,u proMiiuU,.! lor coliltllll i- t.on nud allowance lu tho Orphans' Com t to ho Held ill il- li 1-.I Ml iK.i'l 1 Wednesday, the 7th d - ol l'l-oruaiy, b7J, at i o'clock In tho iillernoi.u ol said day : I. ;ibe accouut of llavld Vanhorn and Julin II. iiiilKiru, surviving executors ol Cornelias aiiboru, l.ito of Ileiuioelc township, ilcceascd J. The account of lie -l go Maiklo guardian iif person uud tstnteol' Celestlu A. Mitikie,ii miniu child of Jacob .Mm kle, lata ot l-'lshluijcriek town slilp, il ceased. II. Tlio Until accountor Daniel JI. Hess, ailumi Istiator, tip boats nun til i:ieazer li. Hess, late ol Cootie township, deceased. T. Tlio account ol Jacob Yeasor, n llnlnlstratur S.P., or Abr.iliaui Troxcl, lato ol Locust tuiin-i-hlp, deceased. 0. Tlio final account of I'reas llrowu, gu.udi in ot thu pel-noil and oitatoot Maggie A, creasy inlnorclillitol Ji. W. Creasy, late of Heutt towu sblp deceased. li. Tho uivuiint of i:. Jlnrvin Tewksbmy, n.l-nilnl-tiator of tlio estato ol Hiiam Lool.la'eoi Caliiwls, . township, deceased. 7. Too accouut ol t-.iuiuel Dii'ttel fell, adlni'i'--tratorol tjivlna Huti-luson, lato ol Sunt town ship, diccised, s. Tlio iiccnunt of Jacob V,'anich, mlmlnistti.toi ol t.Mlhl Wllllicll, latu ol llloouislilllg, deci-aseil, I). Tho accouul ol Utoiihen II. Miller, gu ii. II ui of the person and estate of Harriet Wain- li. i minor child of H.iinnel Wuulch, lato of uoiiilucl: tuwnsh-p, decease I. 10. llm uce mill of Jonathan Trnitb. Adminis trator uf Jacob Traub, lato of lilomii tnwusiup, di censed. 11. I lie llrstnccoiiutoriltram Iteeder, executor of JohuZuiglur, late of l'ritnkliu lnwusiiiii, dec d. VI. The third nci'illnt ot Cu.irles W. hiiyUer nnd Wllllaiii .Meal, Kxi'ciiiois uf Wlltlau aui dur, lute ol lllooiu township. W ii. JACOUY, lli-glster. Ite'ister'.sOflce. I I!loU!iisbur&, Jau 8, lS7i,J J" IT OF OAUril FOR Till Ah Li AT I-'lIIIItl'AllY TUHM, 1S7J. I.uward McCall et. nl. vs. John Sweeney. 11- nr;;o A. l-'iick s, Thomas tack house. William I.ongeubergor et, al, vs. itugll MeKe- uolds et. al. .Michael (liover's uso vs. Bavaje it Ilrlght. Micliael (i rover's u -o is. Muv.igt- J; Uriht. Josijih Miller vs. N. I Caiupbell. Hroomhall rt: t o, vs. Mc,Niu-h rdiumnu. 11 iney O. Iless v. Hiiiuuel Creasy adiu'r. h)tllltt ,t l-'illlstou vs. Allred 11 Willi. I'li inuel 11. itleltelts' adiu'r vs. David Swei-uiy et i.l. Tiioiii is (rconuej- vs. Martin Oaugliiii, l.ewls.l, Anaiusvs. 11 ,1 nigci(ei-.HcliO'il Uistilit. isieplieu 'ihoiuas is. Caleb Creascy .V Co. William A. Cnsi vs. lUoom lowusuii. i, li. .Melick s Jolm Yuijir'iiiuliii'r. John Ivll.n si s. W. 11. Yocuul et al. i:. -utlerthwail vs. 1'leJ I'. Jl.-rcelou. I- inlikllu township s. John .Multeviiolds et al. Ilanlei (-! bell vs. ICliuetob ,t Vattoll. A. W. Kramer s. D. W, Itobbms. Yam. ill Ueece's adiu'r is. W. A. ICllue. Michael Mai no vs. l'lill.ulel iillla Iteadin ; Hall Itoad Co. Ito igur Dixon vs. I'hllidelphia & Itoudlus IUH ltu.ui Co. I'.unelt Monaghau vs. l'hlUdclphla s. Iteadlug Hall lto.it Co. Mis. Mary Connelly vs. Philadelphia Jt HeudiuB Hall Huad Co. Siolomon lllney vs. William Vulp. Jnsetih pry vs. i-itmuu ite-;dy. William T. Uhuuiau vs. l.acicav.-auna Sc. Blooms burg itallro.id Co, Daniel Knyder's uso vs M. C, McColluiu ct nl. 1-:. U. Hicketis vs, John Hweeuey et ai. UemgoK Hess vs.isosepn Wc-lsoelnl, Kuieliue Mctiseh s, Levi lltoiibi-udei ct nl. ln.-iirt .1- lCramer vs. Willlsm liai ber. Mlcnael MeMaaou vs, Nlctioias Kindt. A. W. Hilton vs. John Is. Husslor ol ui, A. V. ljuon vs. II. I-', Wnruer ct ui. Joseph W. Kuusey vs. Joliu Mulligan, Coltiinbl.1 Insurance Co. vs, J. M. Precis. a . 11, M'twart it ui. vs l'ruuce-11. July et nl. Vllll.uu Millies vs, Julias Doty. Andrew Crevellug vs. Thomas Trench, Hcicmlah Hess' uso vs, John lloiliuau et nl. KrauU K. llrockivay vs. Daniel I', t-oybert. J. I', tilnnil's ex'rs vs. Aurou W. Hess etui. lleoigo W. Hater vs. T. J. i.awall et al, Ueurge Whliiuojer's ex'rs vs. Joint H liner. A. l'.lldeu J: Co, vs. ilull W. Mclteynolds et ill. A. IMruco .V Co. t, DauvlUe, Hiuietoii uud Wlll.esuarro ltailroad Co, Kusauuuh Uilliaiu vs. Martin M. llrobet, Mary i.ltweller Vs. Aaron hinllli, James ilrjunl vs, ihoomsburg iron Co. Ho ry I ry is. Jacob Dtelli-ilulicll. Moldlcj .Miiiaid vs. Hugh .lletteytlulds, Thomas Williams s. .mull Cain. Dame iloieris, Wellhulon Yeagor. W iliiaui Willi. mis vs, i h. u ks il. l .iwlor, HdMiint Teii.sberry el ul. vs. James C lteodtr et u.. Wllllaiu II. Abbott vs, J: H, Ilrobst. .loll i (1, Jaenby is. V Iliiaui I Iciuells, Wllllaiu Colemsn vs, Howard tlrliues, l-Jr.i . l.i ous vs. Hoiomon Disk. Jacob llower s. William Kvaus. J. W. Muslellcr vs, WlUliini Williams, T S OAD DASIAdEts Cmi-TRMED J. t N1HI, Di:ci:.MHKH hKSHlDN. 171. Vleweis assess lotiam'l Ittlilby, Mlldlsoll 1(1 ' W To (1. I'. Miller's heirs, Centio, a o JlMis, Collins HutlUI, hugurlont, II ul If tbo publlo Is satlslled Hint Justice will lu ilono by ullowiug the iioovo Hoad damages to be paid by tho county, then wo will havo nothing further tu sny, Uu thu contrary, If uuy good reusou is given why the samo shuuUl not bu ill lowed we will llio exceptions In the same, Uoad iluiuago Is giowlug iiullu iiopular, the cituslloii la now, is It nlwuys Just, Wu leitrit neiilB it clack. W o nopo tbo people Hi tlio local ities 111 which such dumuxo now Id or hert a ter limy bu ussissed, will glvo it duo consldeiallou, and II they think uuy such tluningu should not bu ullowoa, wo liopo thut they will i-uter Ibilr prottst. Wo will glvo this Item for publlo benefit, from lt'jij tu lw.5, ii period or Hi yiurs, Columbia euuuty paid I'l.UiJ 12 Itoiid diimago. in 171, ouo iai' only, It luild tho snug sum of 8U,--0. OYHUH HOIUHNH, ) li. J. ltt:HDi:it, t Commls'rs W.M. HliAl-'i'Hlt, J Attest Wu, KiuiKUAUM, Clerk, lllooiutburv, Juu, o, un-lit.