The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 12, 1872, Image 2
. . 11 i i ii .r.. ..-... BLOOMSBURG, PA. " Friday, January 12, 187 2 Democratic Policy. Muny of ourDomocratlojournnli nnd Btivtasmon nro nt present earnestly (lis cumIiir Iho question "whnt policy should tho Domocrntlo party pursuo in tho perilling Presidential contost?" If tlio "passive policy" menus that wo should mnko no nominations, but ro innln n spectator In tho fight between tho Grant and Anti-Grant men, wo unhesitatingly Bay "io." Wo do not bolluvo that any considerable, number of Democrats over uiado such n propo sition, and lunsmuch n? it docs not stand tho ghost ofn chanco of adop tion, thero is no real nccossity for do bating that question. Tho policy of nomlnntinc a conserva tive Republican lias moro supporters, and the arguments aro based on moro boiiu grounds. But wo do not favor thla. Thousands of Democrats would refuse to voto for such a ticket, and ex perlenco 1ms taught us that tho numbor or recruits from tho opposition would oe very small. Thoso who aro dissatis fled with tho conduct of tho Aurninls tratlon cuu como to us much moro caM ly than wo, who aro satlsDod with our organization, can go to them. Tho motnont wo nbomlon our party orcraui zatioa it will split into factions : and having no leadership, will loso oven tho ground it now holds. " No general would think of surrender ing on army becauso it had been defeat- 1 In a series of pitched battles, if the morale and organization of Ills army was perfect, If his numbers had not diminished and if ho had lost no grounu ot importance. To-day our party is in a better condition than it has been fortwolvo years. Its numbers aro greater, and Stato after Stato has beon wrested from our enemies. Tho recruits obtained by our enemies from tho negro ranks when suffrago was con ferred upon them alono has saved tho Republican party from defeat; and even with theso auxiliaries, they iiavo been compelled to resort to fraud and vlolonce to keep them In power. Dis affections havo mado open breaches in their ranks which aro being daily wiuened by tho vigorous assaults of such men as Greeley, Sumner, Trum duh and Kchurz. To defeat Grant thae men must aid in defeating the Republican party. Hav ing done this they may reorganize their party on a purer bask; but to glvo them tho leadership of tho Democratic party and on their platform, would in evitably lead to our ruin. Nothing is moro common in war, (to which political strife Is akin,) than tho acceptance of aid from an ally, or from thoso whoso interests Ho In tho defeat of tho opposing power j but it seldom occurs that tho main contestant yields tho leadership of his forces to his tran sient friend. Wo would not refuse tho aid of thoso who are dissatisfied with tho corruption and nepotism of Grant's Administra tion with his bayonet rule, San Do mingo speculations, or horso jockey proclivities ; but on tho contrary would construct u orcmu unit nt,vi..i riarnrm. and nominate a man as pure and ablo as any-on the opposite- side. We would not revamp tho dead issues of the past, but would present tho living, vital ones of the present. In a word, wo would achlevo victory if It can be honorably done, without an abandonment of principles; but never will consent to the disintegration of our party, even if wo must forever re main In a minority. Tho Custom House Investigation. Tho Investigation into tho manage ment of tho New York Custom House has brought to light an amount of fraud and Imposition which would bo start ling in any other ago than the ono in which we live. Thero is scarcely a branch of tho business whero merchants havenotbeen charged ejnorbitant rates which have gone Into tho pockets of the officials, notably to tho collector him self. In ono caso out of a total amount paid of $120,817.C9 the collector received $117,1GG.27. The special agent bureau is a soro grievance, as tho employees possess almosc absoluto powers ovor tho Dooks and papers 6f mercantile houses To quote Senator Fenton, "any com- merciai house Is at their mercy." The general order business under Grant's friend Lc$t is rotten with corruption. As tho commerce of tho whole country isanected by these outrageous depreda tions upon Now York merchants, tho correction 01 tno abuses Is anxiously desired and tho Comraitteo of Senators who havo tho matter in chargo aro watcned closely. Tho peoplo will not bo eausueu with any whitewashing roport Tho total abolition of tiio ovils com. plained of, will alone bo received as satisfactory. It Is to bo hoped that tho Investigation will develop just how much money a rant and his military ring at me White llouso havo mado put of this business. Tho examination might as well bo thorough and tho big thiove3 punished as well as tho llttlo ones. This Is tho day for peculations m ouicoand tho peoplo, sinco tho ex po3uro of tho Tammany frauds aro de termined to put a stop to wholesalo rob beries whether perpetrated by dishon est Democrats or "loyal" adherents of the administration. Tho higher tho rank of tho offender tho greater should bo tho"puni3b.ment. Unpunished crimes grow apaco and thero can bo no limit set to tho outrages committed upon tho puoiic umess punishment speedily fol lows conviction. Ucorgo 0. Evans. Wo shall watch with great Interest tho action of tho Legislature in tho matter of investigating tho accounts of George O. Evans, In the" settlement of tho war claims of tho Stato. Itislm peratlve that tho wholo subject shall bo made clear to the peoplo, and If, as alleged, enormous commissions havo been retained without eanctjon of law, tho amounts should bo rofunded, and tho defaulter punished. Thoro has heretofore been no disposition to Inves tigate tho matter nnd Itisfulftlmo that something was dono. It has been charged that Evans has retained heavy commissions on sums collected beforo his appointment. If this can bo proved then without a doubt, tho Stato Prison is tho proper placo for this man. It would seem to bo a belief of men of It Is class that aovornment robborJes aro never punished. Wo earnestly trust that, In this Instance, if fraud bo prov ed, tho Legislature may demonstrate the falsity of tho idea. j THE Tho tJocrnor's Message. Wo havo published tho Governor's Jlessngo this wick, omitting only somo matters too trivial for notice, for tho purpose of keeping our readers fully Inlormed on tho questions of the day. It Is lengthy, vorhoso nnd weak. Tho recommendations, In somo Instances, will bo adopted, but tho most of them will bo passed over In sllonce.' In tho " Uvnnsswlndlo" question, nn attempt is mado to whitewash tho delimiter, but It falls to convince tho reader that Evans did not steal $201,010 of tho pub lie money, nnd that Geary's admluls tratlon did notglvo him tho opportunity to do so. Tho Governor also recommends n reorganization of tho military; that they should bo paid by tho State trea sury, Ac. Wo do not thinK our peopio caro nbout erecting n standing army. Tho uso mado of tho mill tin in Louisi ana and tho South generally, shows not only tho cxponslveness of such a pro ceeding, but that such troops too genor ally aro usod for tho purpo30 of breaking down tho civil law and accustoming tho peoplo to military rule. Howovor, as it is tho-last annual mcssago of his Excellency, wo should patiently bear its Infliction. James FIsli, Jr. Tho cold blooded murder of Col. risk by Edward Stokes, on Saturday last, has sent a thrill of horror throughout tho country, and In tho terrible manner of ills death, his misdeeds aro forgotten Tho murdorcd man is too well known to need description at our hands. Ho was In many respects n rcmarkablo man. llegluning life as a pedlar, ho eventually went to New lork and bceamo involved in tho Infamous mani pulations of tho Erlo It. It., which eventuated in tho ontiro control of tho road passing Into tho hands of himself and Jay Gould. Ho was shrewd and unscrupulous, daring and reckless, and possessed of a wonderful clfrontery. His lovo of display ami notoriety was intense All are familiar with his Opera House squabbles, his ballot dancers, his Colouolcy of tho Ninth regiment, his steamboat speculations, and his Erlo II. It. management. Ho nover missed an opportunity to put himself beforo tho public, and his ccccn trickles and utter disregard for public opinion mado him nt oncotho laughing stock and tho sourcoof amuzo merit to tho people. Of his faults, nnd they were many, it is not necessary now to speak. Whatever tlioy may havo been, they did not justify tho horror of his death. With all ills imperfections on his head ho has gone beforo tho Great Judge. It Is only left for us to bring his inunUrer to justice. Tlio "(Jrccn Short" Case. It was widely proclaimed by thoRo publlcau press previous to tho meeting of tho present' Legislature, that their memberf1 being in tho majority would set tho example of moderation and fair ness. Their first act was a gross out rage. Luther Green, Democrat, was elected Representative from Warren county by fifteen majority, and a certifi cate given him signed by tho twenty flvo return judges of tho county, who having performed tho duty required of them atllonrnnri flnnllv. Mr nnum appeared before tho bar of tho House, but when tho returns were read, to his surprise found another return purport ing to bo signed by thirteen return Judges, gotten up four days beforo tho meeting of tho Legislature, certifying that Mr. Short teas elected. A committee was at once appointed by the Speaker, to decide who had tho prima facie right to a seat, which com mittee reported next morning in favor of Mr. Short, refusing to give Mr. Green even a day to consult counsel or prcparo his case, whilo his opponent was repre sented beforo them by an ablo attorney. Tho voto was a strict party ono, except that Josephs of Philadelphia, for rea sons well understood at Harrlsburg, sided with tho Republicans. Wo nover heard of a moro outrageous trick nor of an act in such flagrant vio lation of law. Tho precedent has now ucen cstauusneu mat although a man may havo been duly elected, and tho return unanimously signed, his oppon ent by secret solicitation, by bribery or corrupt means may obtain anothor cer tificate from men whoso duties havo ceased, and thus obtain a placo tho peo plo refused to glvo liiin. Two of theso signatures were in poncii, but oven If regularly mado, It was without a formal meeting, without a notlco to tho other candidate, or to tho other return Judgoa. A party which keeps itsolf In power by fraud, is unworthy of tho public confi dence. From the report or tho Superinten dent of Soldiers' Orphans', it appears that thero have beon issued 70 orders for admission to tho Orphans' schools, to children from Columbia Couuty. Tho following statistics relatlvo to tho religious belief of tho fathers of children In schools may not bo uninteresting. Of 3.007 children actually In school Juno 1, 1871, tho fathers of 3,018 aro reported as members of somo church, leaving 059 unconnected with church or not reported. Of 3.01S tlut3 reported, thero wero o' Methodist parentage, 1,210; Luthoran, 103 ; Presbyterian, 300 ; United Presby torian, -18 ; Baptist, 201 ; Episcopal. 153; Catholic, 10G; Oerman Reformed, 170; Disciple, 31 ; Church of God, 27 ; Churcli of Messiah, 3; United Brethren, 77; Tunkers, 15; Congregationalist, 5; Al brjghts, 2; Adventlsts, 3 ; Evangelical, 35 ; Protestants, (probably not Intended to ropresont any partlculor denomina tion,) 174; Universalis, C; Friends, C; Puritan and Unitarian, each 1. Ex State Senator Lowry was lately Interviewed, nnd in tho courso of con versation, in speaking of Senators Buckalow and Wallace, ho said : "Mr. Bucknlow is as honest a man, In my opinion, ns God over mado. I havo been nlno years lu tho Senato witli Mr. Wallace. Politically, I nearly always differed with him, particularly on tho war and all questions erowlnir out of It, but during all this tlmo I never hrd occasion In tlio least degrco to doubt his integrity. Such men, though, as Clymer, Buekalow and Wnllaco aro scarce." Jay Cooke & Co., ccnflrm tho an- nouncement that a proposal to take 1000,000,000 of tho now United States loan has been mado to Secretary Bout- well by tho London houso of that llrm In conjunction with tho Rothschilds. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Tlio legislature. Roth branches of tho Legislature mot on Tuesday of last week. Tho Senate, owing to tho death of Senator Conucll, of Philadelphia, stood sixteen Demo crats to sixteen Republicans. Speaker Urodhcad nt ouco Issued n writ to hold nn election to fill tho vacancy, thus ho lloing tho prophecies of utir opponents. It was in tho power of the Democrats to linvo prevented mi organization until noxt year, but to their good boltBnld they preferred the public Interests to partisan advantage. On Thursilny Sonator Rutatiy Repub lican, was elected by the voto of Sena tor Ruckalow. In giving this voto Mr. Uuckulow iald s "Tho llmo has arrived when the necessity of tho caso demands tho election of i Speaker. I am auth orized by my Democratic colleagues to voto lu such a manner us to produco tho result. Nothing could bo gained by prolonging this amlcnblo controversy. My colleagues havo thought proper to exhibit their magnanimity by bringing it to n conclusion. I may ndd that our proposition extends only to tho Biuglo election of a Speaker." Nono of tho other officers havo been solcctcd, Tlio House organized promptly on Tuesday tho Republicans electing Elli ott, of Philadelphia, Speaker. Tho Democrats voted for Adam Woollvcr of Lehigh, A commlttco on Congress lonaV apportionment, and ono on Con stitutional Roform wcro ordered. On Wednesday tho Green contested election was decided, nnd tho Govern or's mcssago was read. On Thursday tho Houso adjourned until Tuesday evening. Inasmuch as tho Constitution prohibits either llouso from adjourning for more than thrco days without tho consent of tho other, wo toko It for granted that tho Republicans propose to carry oil tho session regardless of that instrument. In tlio Senate Inst Tuesday, nomina tions wcro mado for Stato Treasurer. Mr. Graham nominated R. W. Mack ey, of Allehheuy. Mr. Billingfelt nominated G. D. Cole man, of Lebanon. Mr. Ruckalow nominated Mr. Charles Rroadhcad, of Northampton. Mr. Purraan nominated Mr. James H. Stowart, of Reaver. Mr. Randall nominated Mr. William Dougherty, of Harrlsburg. Mr. Whilo nominated Mr. E. Billing felt, of Lancaster. In tho Houso sovcrul nominations were mado for Stato Treasurer, as fol lows : Mr; Buck nominated Mf. R. W. Mackcy. Mr. Lusk nominated Mr. James II. Stowart. Mr. Pelsert nominated Mr. Charles Broadhcad. Mr. McGowan nominated Mr. Wil liam Dougfierty. On Wednesday, in tho Senate, the Governor's mcssago was read. A reso lution was passed appointing threo Sen ators and flyo mombers of tho Houso to Investigate the settlement of the war claims of tho Stato by Georgo O.-Evans. Georgo W. Haramersly was elected clerk. Tho sessions will bo hereafter from 11 o'clock to 1 unless othcrwiso ordered. In the House, a Committee on Labor and Co-operation was appointed and consolidated with tho Committee on UtQtUtira. In joint convention tho two Houses elected R. W. Mackcy Stato Treasurer. CONGRESS. In thqSenate,Mouday,Sonator Schurz replied to an article In tho New York Times, which, as might bo expected, was shown to contain us many inaccu racies as statements. Mr. Fenton spoko at lepgtli on tho bill to rogulato tho ser vice in tho collection of customs at tlio various ports of entry In tho United States, and dispositions of fines, penal ties, and forfeitures Incurred under tho laws relating to customs. Ho pointed eut mauy gross acts of injustice perpo trated under tlio present system, quot ing the Civll-servlco Commissioners to show that ono-fourth of our rovonuo, or $90,000,000, was lost in its collection. Ho argued in favor of a thorough civil service reform and permanency of offico: holding. In tho Houso soveral Important bills and resolutions wero introduced. In a discussion, "on somo land Jobs Mr. Wood asserted that tho retirement of Attor-ney-Geacral Akerman was brought about in consequenco of his giving an opinion adverse to tho land Jobs in which certain high persons wero Inter ested. Congress on Tuesday was very dull. Tho Sonatoagaln attempted to patch tho Civil Rights bill. Very sovoro charges wero preferred against Senator Clayton of Arkansas. In tho Houso thoi -argos Implicating Senator Clayton n. j Mr. Edwards, of Arkansas, wero rcfeu-edin tho caso of tho latter to tho Elections committee. Tho new Coinage bill was reported. In tho Sonato, Wednesday, Mr. Cam eron reported a bill to admit six Jap aneso youths to West Point Military Academy which was opposoJ by Mr. Thurman. In tho Houso a sharp discussion took place on tho Coinugo Bill. In tho Tex as contested election caso W. T. Clarke was declared entitled to tho seat and was sworn In. NEWS. The messenger of tho bank of Now York had his pocket picked on Friday of sight drafts amounting to $20,000, in the olllco of Brown Brothers & Co. No arrests. Baltimore was greatly excited on Saturday over tho brutal murder of Dr. Merrlman Cole, a retired physl clan. Tho victim was found lying dead In his office, which Is locatod in tho most thlckly-scttlcd portion of tlio heart of tho city. Thirteen wounds were about ids head and face, and his skull was crushed In threo different places. Bkiqiiam YouKa, tho Mormon lead er wa3 arraigned for murder last; week, beforo U. S. Judgo McKean In Salt Lake City nnd committed without ball. Ho is now n prisoner In his own houso. LaukA Fair who was, convicted somo tlmo ago of the murder of A, P. Crittenden and whoso trial created u great sensation, died in prison at San Francisco recently. Advices received from Persia stato that tho famlno still continues In that country with undiminished fatality. It Is estimated that tho deaths now av erage throe thousand dally. Thousands of sufferers aro dying in tho houses and streeU from sheer starvation. Tho gov IMLil LL.J eminent having no resources Is power less torollovo tlio widespread distress. James Pisic, Jr., Vlco President of tho Erlo R. It., Col. of tho N. Y. Ninth Regiment and well known throughout tho country as n daring financier was shot in Now York on Saturday by Ed ward Stokes and died tho following day. Stokes wa3 nrrestcd nnd is nov In custody. Groat excitement prevailed nnd thrents of lynching woro freely In dulged In. Tlio funeral wns inrgoly at tended, twenty-flvo thousand peoplo being on tho streets nnd It Is estimated th'tf U'fty thousand vlowed tlio remains. Ho was burled nt Bennington, Vt. A destructive flro occurred nt Tl tusvllle.on Sunday morning, by which twenty buildings In tho heart of tho city wero destroyed. Tlio principal buildings burned woro tho Sherman House, Petroleum Hall, and Commer cial Block. Tho loss Is $100,000. Tlio lnsuranco Is nbout $50,000. Tho Assist nnt City Engineer fell from n ladder, fracturing both knoopans. The total-abstlncnco mon nro to hold n national mass convention nt Clove land on tho 22d of February to mako nominations for tho Presidency and Vlco-Presldoncy of tho United States. It need not bo remarked that tho move ment Is decidedly and avowedly an anti-Grant ono, and theroforo entirely distastorui to the loll Republican or gans. On Saturday D.-o. 30th, in Rochester a negro named Howard, outraged a lit tie girl about ten yrnrs of ngo. A mob endeavored to break Into tho jail nnd kill hlin, nnd tho military wero ordered out for tlio protection of tiio building, Tho soldiers being pressed by tlio crowd fired a volloy killing two men, mortally wounding two moro nnd so verely Injuring soveral others. IIow nrd was subsequently sentenced to twonty years Imprisonment nnd Is now in tho Stato Prison at Auburn glad to have escaped with his life. There Is great excitement in Now Orleans over the fight between tho Grant and anti-Grant parties each claiming to bo tho legal Legislature. Thero aro two thousand United States troop3 In the city ostensibly to quoll a riot should such ariso but In reality to overawe Gov. warmoth rind his friends wno aro opposed to urant. Tho Cus torn Houso party under Grant's broth er-in-law Casoy aro prepared to go to any extromo to carry tho Stato for Grant. Gov. Warmoth has sent a do spalch to tho President denouncing tho action of tlio Custom Houso prty and United States officials and tho President has promised an investigation. Two Legislatures aro now sitting. Pennsylvania Xol for (,'iaut. A correspondent of tho Now York Sm, evidently a Geary Republican, writes from Harrlsburg ns follows : "Wo havo In this Stato about 15,000 negro voters, all of whom voted tho Republican ticket at tho last olection. Tho voto shows that thero wcro up wards of 100,000 voters who stayed at homo in October last. Of that 100,000 voters, at least 75,000 aro Democrats, and 23,000 nro Conservative Republic ans, who aro opposed to tho ro-olectlon of Gen. Grant, und bitterly opposed to ho Cameron Ring. With such a 'snow- Pennsylvania against any respcctablo candidate for 1872 ? Tlio fact is it cannot bo dono. Ho will loso tho Stato of Pennsylvania as suro as election day comes, and tlio sooner tho Republican party know nnd ponder this stubborn fact tho better for tho futuro of that party. President Grant's administra tion has not satisfied tho bettor portion of our people, but tho contrary ; his nepotism, avarice, and gro33 ignoranco of his duties as President, together with his neglect of his ofllco during tho wholo summer, whilo ho was hobnob bing with gamblers, horso-raccrs and vagabonds generally, have so disgusted tho moral portion of our peoplo that they nro fairly panting for tho oppor tunity to rcbuko his pretensions for a second term. Tho next Republican Convention in this Stato will not bo composed of such plastic materials ai was the last Convention, but of mon who cannot and will not bo manipulat ed by tlio oillco-holdors and wire-workers in tho exclusivo Interest of Grant and Cameron." A vote was taken on Monday which was (rotted in a test voto on the repeal of tho Itico lie Tax. Tlio I'.-csltleut's policy was sinttinei! by u vote nf 81 to 71. This is tho gfi-at, wo believe the only financial measure that our military President over strongly recommended in a message " I also suggest tho ro peal of tho tax on incomes, but nt a reduced rate." This reduction left It just adequato to pay a host of political inquisitors, without bringing anything into tlio Treasury. But for letting this " cat out of the bag,' ' General Pleason ton was turned out of tho olllco of Com mlssloner of Internal Rovenuo. Age. Asylum of Crusade Commantlery No. 12 Masonic Knights Templar, Dec. 21, A. 1). 1871 A. O. 753. To tho Emlneut Commander Officers and Members of Crusado Corauiandery No 12 K. T. Tlio Committee appointed to draft resolutions relatlvo to tho death of Companion Sir Knight Ent havo tho honor to submit tho following: Whereas, Providence has seen fit to removo, by death, from our Asylum our lato Companion Sir Knight Wellington II. Ent ; and although no word or deed of ours can now avail our brother who has been called to appear whero tho righteousness of Jesus Christ alono can securo overlastlng life; yet In respect for tho memory of ono who was zealous in tlio advancement of tho Interests of our order wo do Resolve. Jlesolved, That lu humblo submission to God's Will wo dcploro tho loss of a worthy officer of our Commandery and a beloved membor of our order. Jtesolved, That in tills dispensation of our Creator while wo commit to Ills merciful hands tho disembodied spirit of our brother with tho hopo that ho may havo found lu tiio precious blood of our Savior nn cntranco into tho blessed regions of light and life eternal, yot wo rcineinocr mat wo as ivnigius Tem plar aro again admonished that in the midst of llfo wo nro In dentil, nnd thnt it Is our duty ever to persovero In tho path of honor, truth and integrity. Jlesolved, That to tlio family of tho deceased, wo tender ourdeep sympathy in their boreavomont and muy the God of tho Widow nud tho Orphan glvo thorn strcngtli through His Holy Spirit to bear up under tiio trial which their loss may occasion. Ilesolved, That a copy of thoso resolu tions bo prcsonted to Iho widow and au other copy to tho newspapers for publi cation. Respectfully Submitted, D. A. Beckley, ) J. B. RomsoN, Committee. (J. F. Knapp. J BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Now Advortisomonts, ANNOUNCEMENT I the HLOOMsnuiia literary institute AND STATE NORMAL B01IOOL will open uu MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1872, under tlio entire control of ILo BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Tlioy litive selected ns Principal or tho Insti tution CHARLES . BAKKLGV, ciillcmnn wlioao qualincMlnni linvo o qualiricrttlnni linro been fully teatod nnd nro proved lu tlio NINE YEARS In whlcli lie- hm lind charge of tlio acliools nt tho County ruHuperlntcuiicnti nnd they nalt, nnd imrearijnMO'ioniMia ror mm ana tno insti tution, the conQdenco nnd support of our own citizens, nnd of tlio friends of thu enterprise nnd of education ovcry whero. In point of comfort, convenience hud bonuly of building nnd snr loundliiKS, no school in tho Hluto surpasses tills; nud wo nre determined It shall not bo second in tlio kind, quality nud thoroinilinoss of Us disci pline, nnd culture. CALENDAR. Tho winter tcsslon of Iw olvo wcoks will coin luenco on Xnonday, January Oth, 1872, nud close MARCH 23th. Tho Spring session ot twclvo weeks will begin MONDAY, APRIL 8rn, nnd closo JUNE 2Stii. EXPENSES: Tuition nnd Hoarding, Includlns washing nnd ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Tuition for day pupils, ono dollar per week. In Iho model school, Irom fifty to eighty cents per week. Music, Drnwlug, minting, Ac, c tra. Dills nro payable, ono half In nuvnnrs nnd tho niuer nan m mo mwuio ot tlio session. J. U. I'ltKEZK, J,. it. ItUI'KUT, Heorotary. rrtsldeut. NEW AND fUMj-rOWEUKD HTKA.MKHlrd. nn: six LAitoEsr in the would. OCEANIC. CELTIC, ItEPUllLIC, ATLANTIC, 11ALTIC, ADKIATIC. 0,000 tons burdoo 3,000 h. p. each. Hailing from New York on HATUKDAYS, from Liverpool on T1IUU.SDAYB, nnd Cork Harbor the day following. From tho White Star Dock, V.wonla l'crry. Jersey City, Passenger accommodations (for all classes) MAKETY. Hl'liCl). and nnMi.-nriT Katoons. state-rooms, smoking-room nnd bath rooms In midship section, whero leiist motion Is it-it. nurgeous nau siewnrucssc nccompany ItATKS Ualoon. SSleold. Rteernire. Slopiirron. ey. Thoio wishing to send for friends from th e wiu ijunuiry can now ooiniu steerage prepaid certificates, 333 currency. I'assengers booked to or from all parts of America, runs, liamunrgu. .Norway, Sweden India, Australia, China, etc. Excursion tickets granted nt lowest ratos. Drafts from 1 Howards. For Inspection of plans nnd other Information, apply to No. 19 IJroadwnj , New York. j. n. rti'AUKS, Agent, Or to W. PEACOCK, Jaul2tf Woomsburg, l'n. pu BLIO SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of nn order nnd decrco of tho Court of Common l'leas of Columbia County, John Hicks, Enoch Kcster nud l'erry Jolen were, on application of tho "lloaring Creek Monthly Meeting or Friends," authorised to sell for snld "Monthly Meeting," n piece of ground consist ing of less thou nn ncrc, nnd lying nud being on the northwest Bide of Fourth Htreet, lu tlio town of Catawissn, In the snld couuty of Columbia, telth the annurtcnauces. Anil tnev will extinvn the same to saloon the premises nt ono o'clock in mo uiieruoon, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Si, 1872, When and where the terms of sale will bo mad9 uuown, ana uuo uitcnuance given ny JOHN HICKS, , ENOCH K ESTER, 5 PEItltY JOLfcN. Com. of tho Rearing Creek Monthly Meeting. JUll. OIU, 1.14 UBLIC SALE VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. Will be exposed to public sale nt tho residence ui iue suuscriocr in uraugovino, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1672, uiuiug room lauies, timing room, parlor and bar beds nUll lieriitnir rimlinn.,! i...VAn., kitchen furniture, io'i ngo. tabic, lot of liquors! .....a.vo,uiiiuic3, Hiii,, ci;., uuu uiuur urucjes OO'Y A MONTH to sell onr Universal Cem ? O I O cut, Combluatlon Tunnel, Button Hole cutter, and other nrllclcs Baco, Me, HACO N OVULTV CO., 114 Wi Rlllcs. Sllot-GltiiK. Ilevnlvnru pun materials of every kind. Write for l'rlco ..ibi., iu uieai. ,v esiern uun works, I'lltsburgh: l'n. Army guns nnd Revolvers bought or traded for, Ageuts wanted. n'2-lw $10 from 50 cents. 12 Samples sent (postngo paid) for Fifty Cents, that retail easily for Ten Dollars, u-iwl R. I.. WOLCOTT, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED. A completo History of CHICAG0 1 DESTRUCTION. n.050 copies sold. Iu English and German. Prico 2.60. A ITPTTn'XT Since issuing this work, smaller IV U V 1 nnd Inferior histories nro oiler- til h lift Kitr., I hi. Itnnlr vm, litifl. ITnlnn J.UI.n.h.n alulloctnvo. Gxt) Inches, nenrlv F.m iiadph. nnt oyer 45 Illustrations, t-eud 81.00 for out Jit, with cuoico or territory. Also, two boautlml Chro mos, CHICAGO AS IT WAS, and CHICAOO IN r LAMES. Circulars nnd terms fiee. Prollls largo. Union Publishing Company, Chicago, .muuuijtiuu, ur jiuciuuuu. 11. H I 5r. AAA T"i7iW ADTl was paid by Con her bravery nnd sWII In saving emigrants from iUU JI1U1HU3. "My Captivity Anions the Sioux" Is a history of her llfo ns a prisoner among 1 hem, A wonderful story endorsed liv nrmv oilleera. Congressmen, Ac. Bpleudld Inducement to iigentRtosell this nnd other worlrs, including tho best FAMILY UIULU, Write nt once to Clunker Cltv Publishing Com nan v. 217 nnd 210 Dulnco tjircei, i iumuBipiua. tuw IIEIUFF'S SALES. llv virtue of Sundrv writs lisucd out of ihn Court of Common l'leas of Columbia County, nnd to mo directed will bo exposed to Public raio ai iiiniouri jiotisoiniuoiown ot juoonis- burg, on MONDAY tlio 5th day of February, If;.!, lit ono o'clock p. in. tlio following prop. ci ty to wit: All that certain messuacre. tenement nnil houso, nnd lot of giound situate In Cntawissa township adjoining North htrcct of Roberts addition to tho town of Catawissn bounded and drsertbedns follows towlti Hounded on tho South by North Mrcet nlorcsald on tlio East by landsof Henry HolllngsUcad on tho North uy lands of tho Mimo nnd on tho West by tho publia road leading from Catawissn to tho upper ferry, together with tho heredita ments and appurtenances. Seized, taken into execution nnd to bo sold ns tho piopcity of Clirlstlannu Hunt nnd Da. vld Hunt, ALSO; All thnt certain plcco parcel nnd tract of laud sltnato In tho township of Hemlock In tho County ot Columbia containing 30 acres moro or less unjoining lanus 01 j nomas j, Yandersliee nn thu houtli. Robert Itussell on tho West und North nnd J. lester unucrsllco on tho East, together with tho machinery on wuu premises unuattacucu 10 mo uuuiungs including Englno ttc, used for working of said machinery nnd tho quarry sltnato on tho taid premises. -lucre nro erected on suiuprcmiscs lourtwo stnrv Ci-ntm. ilu-illlmr linn.!!., nnn fminn atnliln nlurgo building foriuomanufactuilngofstuto, l-llfjlUU IIOUSO .u. belzed taken into execution and to bo sold as tho property of The Thomas Klato Co. ALSO; All that parcel or plcco of land sltuato In Plnu township Columbia County Pcnnsylvn. Ida bounded und described ns follows, to wit! on tho West by land of Thomas lientlcldi on the Noith by land of John llruucr uud Jutiics (recnley 011 tho East Greenly nnd Thomas Yandersllconnd on tho South Vanderslleo and John Lattcn containing sixty four acies bo the same more or less whereon Is erected u small houso und stable with tho nppurtcnau. belzed taken In execution nnd to bo sold ni tho propcity of John Applcgato. AAKOlN SMITH, Sheriff CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES Corner Main and Centre Hts.. 11 LOOMS 11URG. A new btock of Fresh Goods Just opened nt MAIZE'S. Teas, CoflccsJ. Hufftii's, SYRUPS and TdOLAHSES. CHbESE, MEATS, SALT. KIHir, etc. VEGETAULES. IIHEMETTCALLY Sealed OofMlS JELLIES and PRESERVES, PICKLES, FOREIGN nnd DOMESTIO FRUITS. An Elegant Assortment OF QUEENSWARB Constantly ou hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW and GLASSWARE of ovtry variety. All my goods are of tho first finality and nt ex tremely low prices. dccd7Mf J. H, MAIZE, Ronl Estato Qalca. pUIlLIO SALE or V A Ii U A II li E II E A Ii EBTAI Bi lly virtue ot nnlhorlly nnd order of tho Or PhaWs Court of Columbia couuty, the unclof signed ndmlulstrntors of the estato of Jacob Kostenlmder, deceased, will oxposo to salo by publlovenduoontho premises, at 10 o clock In iho forenoon, on Elll DAY, JANUARY 2flt!i, 1872, n largo nuanllly ol vnlnnbto lands, situate In Franklin township In said county, described ns tallows l Tho homestead farm nf tho decedent, lying lu Frnnltllu township In Columbia county bounded by lands of . I, T. lioeder, hinds of Philip Monhnrdt, lands, of Yctlor's heirs, lands of Mown Howcr, lands of II. J. Rceder, lands of hllns Weaver, lauds of Win. Suicker, lands of John Howcr, George Scott nud others, containing TWO HUNDRED nnd FORTY-EIGHT ACRES nndtwinty-nluoperclics-whoroon nro erected n largo brick Dwelling Houso,n largo Hank Ilnm sheds nnd nulhouses.wltli n lame npplo nnd lrult orchard, with n well nttho house, and n spring nudn well nttho barn, nnd n second excellent nnd large spring on the south sldo of tho inrin. Thero Is on tho farm TWENTY A0HE3 OF TIJlllEU. Tho property lies threo miles from Catnwlssn.on tho public road leading from thnt place to Elys burg. Tho neighborhood gitod nnd healthy, nnd tho land In nn excellent stato of cultivation. Nn moro desirable property lias been offered for many years. ALSO, n lot of Timber land-tho undivided Blx-sorcuths-adjoinlng lands of H. ..ii.. C'n, flmit-rrn. (1. ArilnV nnd Others. To bodlsroeod of in ono piece, or lu threo lots of nuoui TWENTY ACHES EACH, as shall bo deemed most oxpodlonl. Tlio wholo property will bo oirerod nnd the title to tho ouo seveoth, mado to tho purchasers. .... ALSO, will bo offered a tract of land ndjoln Ing 11. F. Clark, lands of Stocker & (Jingles, lauds of P. Monlmrdt and Rceder, containing SEVENTY-THREE AGUES nnd olglity-four perches, whereon nro creeled a brlcs: dwelling house, n bank bnm, wagon houso n nnrinir house nnd nil other necessary outbuild ings. Thero Is also on tho premises n tenant houso nnd blncksmtth shop. Thero is also n spring ol excellent water, n good orchanl nnu fruit of nil kinds, with nbout four ncres of chest nut timber. All hi excellent order nod cultlvn- I Inn. Tho lnnds will bo offered at the Ilomcstcnd'ln tho order ndvci tucu. THE GRAIN In tho GROUND Is RESERVED. Possession of tho timber tracts, Immediately upon paying I ho purchase money or securing tlio same to be paid. And of tlio other two tracts on the first of April, A. D. lt7, upon compllanro Willi tho conditions, stnmpsnud convoynuces to tin at. the exnunsoof tlio lull chaser or mil chasers. ALSO At the samo tlmo nnd pi ico the follow ing personal property, 10 win rour nunurcu bushels of wheat, live hundred bushels or corn, threo hundred bushels of oats, ono hundred nnd fifty bushels of rye, ouo hundred bushels of pota toes, buckwheat nud cloversced, nnd ten tons of liny unci many oinernriicios 01 pmperiy. O.D. L. KOSTENIIADER, JOSEPH 11. KNITTLi:, Adlntulslrators. TERMS OF SALE, Ten percent, of tho onc fourthof tho purchase money to bo pnld at tho striking down of tho property ; tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, nttho confirmation of salo nud the rcmulnlng three-fourths lu ouo year thereafter, with Interesl from eonilrmat Inn nisi 1.. 11, IW.ltl.ftlv, Jan. 6,72 3w. Clerk. pUBLIO HALE OF VALUAULE REAL ESTATE. In puisuantnf nn order of tlio Orphans' Court of Columbia county, will bo exposod to public sntoou tlio premises, ou , SATURDAY, JANUARY 27th, U7J, at 10 o'clock A. M., tlio following real estate, 1MO of Johu Richards, deceased, towit: nil that Cer tain message nnd TRACT OF LAND, situate in Montour township, la said county, containing nbout ONE HUNDRED & SIXTY ACRES, bounded by lauds of John Quick:, Win. G. Quick Frank Evnns nud others, whereon nro erected n Dwelling Houso, good llarn nnd nil tho neces sary outbuildings, thero is nlsoa largo quantity of llmo stouo upon the premises. SAMUEL 11. DE1MEI1, Executor. Tnuits okSai.k. One half tho purchnso money to bo paid ns follows, viz: Ten per cent, of one fourth of tho purchase money shall bo paid nt the striking down of tlio property, theoue fourth less the ten per cent, nt tho confirmation abso lute, nnd tho rcmnlnlng tlirco fourths In ono year thereafter, with interest on the samo from confirmation nisi. And tlio rcmnlnlng one-half to 11. Franklin Thornton upon his arriving at the age or twenty ono years with yearly Interest thereon lrom tho nisi continuation or tho sale, or in the case of the death of tho sulu Thornton beforo arriving nt the ugo of tweuty-ono yours then nt tlio tlmo when ho would havo nrrlved at thnt ngo iu case or continued life, to tho party or parties who shall succeed to his right nnd Inter est In said mnlty pursuant to the provisions ol tno win 01 jonn iiicnariis, ucccascu, witu inier est as aforesaid, 11.11. RINGLER. pUBLIO SALE or VALUAUI.E REAL ESTATE. lly vlrtuo of authority nnd order of tho Or oliQlls' Court or Colombia oountv. tho tinner- signed, ndmluistrntor or tho estato of Unlser Esslck, deceased, will expose to salo by publlo euuue, uu luu piemisci, uu SATURDAY, JANUARY i0, 1872. tho following described Tract of Land, sltunto In Madison township, Columbia couuty, and bounded as follows, to wit: by lands ol Georgo Derr, Hammond Dougherty, John llrugler.Mlch nel Wluegarden nnd others, uud tho Muncy Road, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN ACRES, nnd seventy perches, more or less, Tho Imdrove- incuts upon me premises nro a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, n good Framo llarn, Fruit, iv well of excellent water; nnu Willi leu i'j iiueou acres 01 iimuer. Tho Fnrm Is 011 the public road between Jersey town nnd Whilo Hall, easily accessible, und in n goou state or cultivation, xuo grain 111 tuo ground is reserveii Possession will bo given on tho First day 01 Anrll. A. D. 1S72.U tho nuictiase lnuuev Is imlil or secured to bo paid, to tho sntlslacliou 01 the aumiuisiruior. WILLI'..d McBRIDE, Administrator, CONDITIONS OF SALE. Ton per cent, of one iourtn 01 1110 purcnaso money shall no paid at tho striking down or tho property, the one fourth, less tho ten ner cent, nttne confirmation of sale, and tlio rcmnfulug three-fourths In ono year inereaiicr, witu interest iioru tho con ur ination uisi. R. II. RINGLER, dcc20'71-ts Clerk O. C. pUBLIO SALE o r VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Will be sold nt publlo sale, by order of tho Or- iiuaus- ..our.- 01 uuiiunoKi county, ou mo prem ises, lu Locust township, ou SATURDAY, JANUARY 1.'), 1S7-.', nt 10 o'clock, n. 111.. tho followlinrdesc .bed Tiron erly late tho estato ol (icorgo Hupp, deceased, to .viti 1. CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate In Locust township, bnundod on tho north by lamls of Solomon Mnwrey, on tho east by lauds of Henry Gable, 011 the south nud west by lauds of Jacob Fisher nud others, containing TWENTY-SIX ACRES, . moro or loss, with tho nppurlonaucas. w itei L-uii la creuiuu u TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, n nans: jiarn.n good hpnng llouso, n good ns sortment of fruit trees. All ulcared except nbout six acres which Is well timbered with young uivauiui, II. 11. UlNULEH, CIO It. TERMS OF SALE ! One-third ot tho nurchaso mouov to remain charged unon tho said oremlses during the natural life of Mury Rupp, widow of sum ueeeaseu, nuu mu tiiieiesi. inureoi to uo an nually uud reimlarlv nald to Iter bv the nuretins- er, Interest to lie computed from tlio first day of April, v, it. in, 1 wemy per cent. 01 iwo-liurus of the purchase money tube paid ou day of sale one-half of tho bnlauco less tno twenty per cent, on thu tlrstof Anrll. A. D. Is72. when nosscsklan will be given nud bnluncs In one year thereafter witu luicrcti irom wpni 11, ion. rurcna-scr to pay ior uoeu nnu stamps. MICHAEL STINE, Locust twp., Dec 21, 1871-ts Trustee, pUll LIC SALE O F WOOD LA N D. In nursuanco ol nn order of Ihn Omhnn. Court ol Columbia county.thu underslgucd guar dian of tlio perton nud estato of Julia Chirk, 11 minor child of David W, Clark, late of Montour township, in said couuty, deceased, will expose to sale 011 the premises 011 TUESDAY, JANUBRY 30, 1872, nt 10 o'cloek in the forenoon nf,l 1i.1v.1tm undivided ono-ihlrd of all that certain tractor Woodland situate lu Montour townstiln lusnld couuty, bounded ou the norlh by lanus now or lato of Hurley & Frlck, 011 the wistbv land of Andrew Clark, ou tlio south by land or'WIlllom J, Ever, nnd ou tho east by laud ut Mary Clark, containing NINETY-FIVE ACRKS nud ono hundred nud forty porches, TERMS OF SALE.-One third of tho purchaso money to remain charged unou said luud during the natural life of tho widow ot said David W. Clark, deceased, and the Interest thereof to bo nnuuslly nnd regulurly paid to her by tho pur chaser or purchasers during her natural llfo, said Interest to bo computed from tho Istilay of April A, D, lb72. and tho principal nt her death to be iaia to 1110 purties icgu.iy uuiuuiuuhi lureccivu he same. Twenty per ceui. 01 jwo.imrus 01 me weuly per cent, of j,wothlrds of tho E ureliaso money to be puiu on tno clay or sate, no-half of the balance of Iho purchuso money to be paid on the 1st day or April A. it.lbli, when -OSSCSSIOU Ol SUlU IMieiiitb ..ill UUKlluuuiiU IHO lalanco of the purchase roonoy lu bo paid ou the 1st day of April A, I). 1S7J, with Interest ou tho somo from tno jsi uay of April A. it. im Purchaser or Purchasers to pay for Deeds and Htnmnu. 4.1.H113 1A111.I.) UUUIUIHIl, N. II. Tho other parties In Interest will sell T T.M1.IU Vtm.l'tl "I. ....... I their Interests lu said Woodiaud upon tho terms nud conditions nbovo mentioned, uutnwissu, IK'0,.V, 151. is. PA. CONTINENTAL. Life Insurance Company. OF NEW YORK. 1. of Policies Issued 43,000 ASSETS $5,500,000. ISSUES nil tho now form of Policies nnd presents ns InvorabW terms ns nuy com pany in tho United Stales. The company will mako temporary loans on its policies. .... . Thirty tlavs' Brneo allowed on each payment, nnd the policy held good during that tlmo. All our policies nre Incontestable for tlio usual causes, Policies Issued by this company nro non-forfeiture, M nvli-n olinri-m Tiimln fill f iKiVPl 1 1 tl ft liermltR. Policy holders share In tho nnnunl profits of tno company, nnu havo rt voico in tno eiccuuim nnu management 01 too company. No policy or medical fco charged. JUSTUS LAWRENCE, Pres't. W. II. WYN1COOP, Vlco Pres't, .1. P. RociKtta, Secretary, S, C. Cuandlkh, Jr., Actuary. Central Office of Irili-Easfera Pcnn'a. "Columbian" Building' BLOOMSBURG, PA. LUDWICt & BROCKWAY, General Ascitis. Jnu.5,1872-tf. UBLIC SALE V A L U A II L E R J3 A L ll'S T A T E llv vlrtuo of authority nnd order of the Or phans' Court of Columbia county, tlio under signed administrators or tlio estito of Georgo W. Y'cagcr, deceased, will expose to salo by pub lic vendue ou tho premises, ou THURSDAY-, JANUARY, 25. 1872, A LOT OF GROUND Consisting of ABOUT ONE ACRE, sltuato In tho vlllngo or Slabtown, In Locust township Columbia counly. wliereou nro erect ed a LARGE FRAM HOUSE AND STORE ROOM attached together with stnbllncruud necessary outbuilding. Adjolulng lauds of John llerncr, hinds of David Vcngcr, lands of Isaluh Yeager nnd tho public road. Possession will bo given on thclsl of April, 1672. unou nnvluir tho nurchuso inone.v. or sccur- lugttio same to be pnld, to the satisfaction of me uuiiumMin.ors. REUBEN FAHHINOER, MARUARET YEAGER. Administrators, TERMS OF SALE.--Ten ner cent, of ono-fourth ot the purchaso money to be paid on tho day of sale, oue-fourih of tho purchase money less tho leu percent, to ue paiuon conurmanon oi mu sale; too naiance in ouo year tuereniterwiiu in terest ou too sumo irom continuation nisi. R, II. RINGLER. Clerk O. C. Locust twp., Doc. IS, 1871-ts. p U B LIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In pursuauco of nn order of tho Orphans' uu..u. i.iiiiuuiu tuiiiay, ihi icuuesuay tut 21th day or January, nt 10 o'clock In tlio foro noon of tho snld day, Daniel Rnmbnch. Execu tor Of tho esLafn nf .Inlin Mlllpr. nf HWiirir n nlr township lu saia county, deceased, will expose l'uuiiu Biwu uu mu promises mu lonowiug .uiutwj.u lull e&llKU 1HIO oi Buiuucccuent IU Wll a. certain mcssago nnu TRACT OF LAND, sltuato In tlio fitld township of Ilrlarcretk, bounded ns follows ! On tlio unrthcaht liv liinil. of Jesse Bowman, on tho south oist by a public .uuu .ui.iiiu iiiiiii inriiei. nircet. in nerwiCK, to Rltteuhoivs's Mill, ou thosoutli west bv Lavl- na Fowler, Jesso Bowman nnd Frank Evnns. nnu on tuo norm ny mud or William Hoyleon NINETY-TWO ACRES, strict measure, whereon aro orectod a Dtvelllu Houso, Barn and oilier outbuildings. R. II. RINULER, Clerk, nioomsburg, Deo. 12, 1S71. TERMS OF MAI.Ili-'l'pn nir ritit. nt n. fourth of tlio pin cluiso money to be pild attho striking down of Iho properly; ouc-lourlh less thotou percent, nt Iho continuation orsalo;nnd iiiuiwiitiiHiuu iiiree-iuiiriiis ill one year llieie- unci-, witu iiueresi irom connr mation , nisi, DANIEL RAM11ACH, dec, U'7I-K Executor, PUBLIC ALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Tlio undersigned will expose lo salo by vendue 011 the premises, ou Saturday, Jr. "Till 1 WT' nt publlo uuuary A LOT OF GROUND, consisting of about SI1VEN ACItUS, sltunto one iiiuuiiuiiuin mo vjimo oi i;spyt cotl town ou,i'i uwiumum uouuiy, wueupuu m erected a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, with stabling niulnccossary out bulllnus. mere Is also upon Hie premises a variety of Icrms made known on day or sale. JOSIAU U. KARSHNER, Jan 5, 72 ts. fllE HISTORY OF COLUMBIA X counly Irom Its organization in ISIS to 1871. Compiled nnd edited by John (). Fiikezk. Ono vimiiuu(H!iiiv.iM pages, uiotu ;.',ou, nun I brary, SS-Vi. full library 81.50. " Beginning with tho early history of the terrl. tory comprised wltlilu tlio limits of Columbia and Montour, this voluiuo gives the organization by Us original boundaries, its subseriuent legislative reductions, uud the erection of Montour county. A chapter on tho streams nnd mouutnlns tho dnto of tho erections of tho townships and bor- iisti., mi i mu ti-wuuiy (j-jt u, WHICH lllCy WCrtl formed tlio personnel of the courts, comprising tho nnmes of tho Pi esldent Judges the Associates, the i Prothonotarlcs, Registers, Sheriffs nnd tho ii.iuiaiiaauniej-n oi uoin loiumuia una Mou lt hns hntifnrii .in Ttlnn.vicl. ,.., Ti.n..iHA I.. Wick, Cnlnwlssnnnil tho smaller towns. Fulledu rational statistics. The Romovul Question, uud the voto on It by townships. The census by townships, including Montour, from 1620 to 1KB, tho taxables for li71 nnd tho number of acres of land in each township. A very completo lirt or tlio inembeisor Congitss, Senate mid Houi-e.ieprcseutlng Columbia couu- t.V. With full mill vnl-lntw ,1,.,.H .....-... r.i. utt.iv uuu riaviui unui'g uy lOWUSlllps. THE WAR RECORD OF COLUM BIA AND MONTOUR counties, comprising tho muster roll of nil tho companies nnd nnrts of eomnanlea recruited i .tun, tuo iso. or Iho Regiment, tho battles t..ey wero engaged In, with numerous Items of personal inteiest. a list or nil tno urartoa men, the names of thocoiiscleutlous-hcruplo exempts find tho emergency men of September, 1MJ2 nnd JllUe 1S63. belli!? n cnmnletn war record at the ni..,m.... ALSO THE INVASION OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, tho trials or our citizens, tho meat nrirumentof juugo muck on Miiunry commissions, nnu the opinion of the UnltedSlutesSupremo Court, con demning them. Together with much other cut mu. jiuiiui iuii i, mm iui.-i.a.)iiK .itniivi, Geohue A. Ci.AitK. of ltloolusburc. is author ized to receive subscriptions for the work ; to be puld lor ou delivery, uug, is,'71-3ui OOK HERE! Are von tired of obtnlnlni; n llvlnir bv bnnl labor? If so, I havo for salo A CANAL OUO. CERY nud FEED STORE with dwelllug sum. cleut for threo families. In which you cuu inuko nn easy and comiorlnblo living, and If you try cuu clear Uvo hundred dollars 11 year besides, All for tho small sum of Two Thousand dollars, siocit nnd.iixtures Included, ready fur business. iuuin uuu see ior yuurseives or nuurcss II. GARRISON, Shtckshluny. Luzerne Co., Pa. noval-Im $20 REWARD! Tho above reward wilt li.-lnalil far Informniloil that will lead to Iho detection and conviction of the ncrson or iiersnns who cut tha holstim? rnnn of the undersigned at the aro mine ou the farm of Dsvld Armstrong, ou the night of the 15tu lust. This Is tlio second time this same oll'enco was rommllted, ENOUII OADMAN, jiiooiusuurg, pa, GTRAY COW. rninn in tha nremlses of tho subscriber, rn. sldliiif ut thu west oud of Caniwissa bridge, a white und rod spotted Cow, probably iiluo or ten curs old, Willi ouoerooKou uoru mat turns up, -nt 110 oilier luirtlcular marks observed. The owner Is requested to come forwurd, prove prop erty, pay charges and tako her away , or tho will ho disposal ot uccordiug to law. UUVH'itfSJl' I'LURKNCE JJUNAUOK, $10 from 50 Cents. 12 Samples sent (noslnja'pnld) for Clriy Out. lint jfebill easily for Ton Dollars, 11. L, woi'l Ql O K A WEEK I Rest Cheap Bhutto Sewbii! ylAO Maelilno in tho world. Agents Wanlo I. J. BiliAYlM, Great Falls, Is. II, niV iw rpIIIS IS NO llUMHUOt nf- .1,. Uy sending. t)0 CENTS with ge, urufui, coior 01 eyes nnu uatr, you wll r. . eclvn bv return mull, h correct ploturu ofj'our marriage Address W. FOX, 1. O. DrawerNo.'.! Fultonvllle, N. Y. nln-itv PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. Wodeslroto cngnRo n row moro Agents In sell tho World Renowned Improved lluclreyo Hew. Ing Machlne.ntn liberal salary or on Uninnn. . Ion, A Horso nnd Wngou given In Agents, Full Particulars furnished on application, Andri-si W. A. HENDERSON CO.. General A,,..; Cleveland, Ohio, SI. Louis, Mo, UK Uv' ,. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ISTOIiY OF THE WAR IN EUBOPE it contains over 150 flno engravings of Ilntlln Scenes nnd Incidents lutlin War, nnd Is Ihontilv Full, Authentic nud nlllclnl bistort of turn ...', conflict. Agents nre meeting with unprccedent. tii Biu-u-B-i MiiinK mini i. i., su copies per (lav. nnd It Is published lu both English nnd German. 01 IT'l'IfllV interior Histories nro being clr AU I lUi minted. See Hint Ihn lim.i? buy contains 150 flno engrnvlngs nnd 800 pages. Send forclrcularsnnd seo nur terms, nnd a lull description or Iho work, Address, NATIONAL l uuiiianuiu to., num., 1'a. ins. iw VIXCIBI23TIJR' II Y 1 O ! II O S 1' II I T E H tho oulv nrrnarntlnn wlilitli nnnrt...ltl,na .1.1 result nnd It is nn nbsolnto euro for tho Disease i Cincui.Ans, iNKdnMATtoN nnd Anvtrt? Fnnr. Prepared iiuly ; by J, WINCHESTER A CO, Chemists, M John St., N. Y nnd Bold by nil Druggists. PilcnStinid SI perllottlo. A compound o vorm-nut Uit.iSc. Aelmmi 1 oilhtlicslpiomoierntl,r.groicthamlUaul3 cf the hair. J53. EVSUSH Boston. Mass, bold by till driit'glsta, Lmarc cf imitation: RAIN TILE & PIPE. Tlio Vory J3csfc in Use. Mado from Superior Clny, thoroughly burned, Aro cnlliely FROST PROOF. HcnJ for circulars to C. W. HOYNTON A CO., , Woodnrldge, Now Jersey. fill IE BUST HAW-OUMMEU OUJ' ONLY S15. Emery Grinders nt J25, 9 lu and JI00. Diamond' mint. Trt.tlj alC .U.ll. .v....... ll'l .......... . '1 liming Tpols.815. Mid Jimeru WluctsadUitzn. Address 7Vi nc 'iwutc tr.t.trvmiiOi(rfft jimroe co. fit SHOUTS Ask 1-nrsoin a Finney" Harris "ihiirg, Pa., fir freo Clrculnr of Dkxtkk cutter K Makes Corn-Fodder equal to hay. Now thliy '"iTPid AHOhyKotllH.perweek Wl , ,. tptJf'UW. R or foifidt ImO. Now nrticlis. pat toned July Isth. Hnmple.s sent freo In all. Ad dress W. H .CiticusrEi: 'JJ7 Uroadwny.Now York. TWO COLORED PlAtkh. Directions nnd plans forlnnklug Wnlks.Lnwrs Onri ens, c. Tlio handsomest nnd best Floral (uldo In tho World. All lor Ten Cents, to those cost, av.oou Boiil ol 1MI. ...I'liiiiiii. tu uuyiiigreiip, isot n quarter th Auuress. JAMES V1CIC. Rochester. N. Y. PETERS' MUSICAL Tho Dec- No., price SCo., has 1J pieces Vocal nnd Instr'l Piano. Music, wortli 81 iu sheet form. Wo will mail two back Nos. lor Mo., lour for DOc.or Jan, to Dec. '71, for t'2,i (regular price SI) llouud copies for 1871, gilt sides nnd cdecs, 8. Tho Music Is by l nwrillTl 'UHays.Thomns.Klnitol.Onuiiiid. JIUi.ll IHLlletc. Address J. L. PEI'IOIW, 5'JI Uroadway, N. 1'. O. Box suit sTv Tj v o v li 1. 1 v 1: I1Y PROMPTLY" USING WINCHESTER' IiyPOPHOSlMlITES, A Chemically purn preparation of PlJOSI'BBOItll.S. which is n most Important oinatlttieut 01 Iho human body, oxlstlug largely lu tlio Brain, Ner vousSvsteni. Blood and Hones. Iris thk UN DUE WASTE ou DEFICIENCY op Tin: hit,- at vino ANni.It'E-SUsrAININUr.LEMUNr, which IS THBlIMMEDIATF CAUSE of CONSUMPTION, NERVOUS DEBILITY, PA RALYSIS, DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, Etc. Tho proper Roniody for the effectual treatment nud euro of tlio nbovo Dlsenses consists lure storing to tho Brain, Nervous Spsteni, Lungs nnd Blood, their duo proportion or Pitosi'iiont s. noiii YiMit. " sew Yourc osisi:nv!:Ei 51 per Annum, iucludlug Year Book for Kii SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., & CO. 37 Pnrk Row, Now York. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. UNI VE RS ALISM Send for irco sample copy of tho CHRISTIAN LE DEK, n llrrt class weekly Journal, publish ed by tho New York Slnto Couvoullou of Uu! vcrsallsts, nnd ccutnlnlng tho Sermons of Dr E. II. Clinnlh. Termj 22.50 nnr vpnr. Aililr..u4. J'nli. uglier jimni liv.s liCAUhll, J-5S liro-ll liv.iy, .sew 1 .mi i.iiy. VAfin'Q HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE isof .1 JJ1J O fered free dining th 0 comlng ycar to ovcry subscriber of Meiry's Museum, tho To ledo Blade, Pomcroy's Democrat, etc., which Is nn evidenco of lis worth nnd popularity. Hor nco Greeley, James Parian, Theodoro Tilton, Gall Hamilton , etc., wrlto for every number. In clubbing, It oilers thrco first class periodicals for tho price of ouo of them. A variety of premi ums on equally liberal terms. It Is an original, first-class magazine. Volumo X begins with Jau. '72. Threo specimen copies free. Address S. 8. WOOD, Newburgh, N. 1TArcI1 '' to Agents to Introduce articles ' ' that sell In every houso, L.vrrA Co., Pltts btirg. l'n. nl'J-iw 8 O'CLOCK. C'ln,". A MONTH. Horso nnd carriage fur t't.v uisiieti: uxpenses paiu II. 11-SHAW, Alfred, ilo. samples tree, 11 10-1 w WOMAN KNOW rpUVCJIiHi; X1L X UUIJl' Tho great publication bv Dr. Chavasso, WO.M A.N ASA WIFE & MOTHER, will savo you money nndsuirerlng. Ageuts wanted everywhere; la dles preferred. For terms add re s W.M. II. EV. ANS a CO. 7IU Sansom St., Philadelphia. nl'J-lw AGENTS WANTED "X Edllli O'Gorman, Escaped Nun, whoso dlselns iiresiiiotlullllugundsUirlllng. Pun. Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. niiMw " 2 O , O O O !' A II .11 U It T" THE HELPER shows yon how to save and how to make money on Iho farm. Where- to look Mr tho protlls, nnd how to obtain Iheni. How to clear fGiJO.W from Ojt, to May. A copy five lo ev ery Mriiier sending name nud P. O. address to Iw ZIEGLEK.:McL'URDY,PhlladeIptlll, Pa. I GENTS WANTED ior n NEW ROOK, stories A of TRAVEL, Al) VENTURE. Mtsctllmiic), Ac, by Auikht D. Hicjiahihow linoly lliii-iratid. Very largo pay. Addrois COLUMBIAN HUOE CO., Horttord, Ct. n'jo Iw A 0 ? MrpfJWAMEll ior Till! Minim- hlDKOK iLUlJli I O kuw youk, 11 Library or Inlornia. lion peitululug to its Institutions and Objects or Inteiest. lly 11 city Missionary. Two lluiidr d Enuravlnits, Agents soil 1 1 a day. Just Issued. E. II. TREAT, Publisher. Hfl Broadway, N. Y. Iw PlOOpi IOLOG1C Fascination or Soul Charming. rmires bv Herbert Hamilton. II. A. How 10 uso this pow er (which nil possess) at will. Illvlu- iitlou, Hijlrltunlisui, Sorceries, Demonologv, uud n thousand other wonders. Price by mall l.'Ji, lu cloth: paper covers St.l-O. Copy Ino loweifi only. 1,00(1 monthly easily made. Address T. W. EVANS, Pub. -11 S felli Htreet Philadelphia, Pu. Iw 'nub' noiM'n n IiMjitdi rn -The I I I I'l Uil l'lll ll lll l) IllJIIi.huud. somest nnd most valuable hook to an Ainerlciiu ever published. 2J1 cleuant Illustrations on sIl-l-i und wood. Views of cities, bulldluas, rivers. mountains, etc, etc. Includes census statistics of 1K70, has ll'Jti Inrgo fcvo. pages on superb paper. Written bv James 1). MeCiibe, Jr. Ouo volume, nrleo SO.IO. Good neeuts wanted cvervwlirt-. Seud for terms to WILLIAM II. UVANS A CO. uM-lw 710 Sansom Street, Philadelplua. iV full and comtilcto hlstorv of Ciiieii!n. her oust . iu i-acui, uuu 1111 i t-. d luturc. With grnphlc bceues. loci lull delulls of Iho disaster, by Geo. 1'. J. W. Shealian.cdltors of tho f hlcigi. dents auu it tl litem nnd . Tribune. With ovrr 4U1 niiLreu. nml r.a lllni.ti.i- o uu ovir wi pages, nnu &u s nowreadv furdeliveiv. Uons. it is now ready for dellveiy. AGENTS WANTED oSiiu a..' m ii-rrltury. Union Publishing Co., lll,,c I 5i,ou ior and cholri or 1'hil.i. CUNDUKANGO. BLISS. vEENU &. UO'M 1 luld Eitlact. Tlio wondcrluL romedv lor Cuucer. Svnhlbs. Scrofula, Ulajrt, I'ulmonary Complaints, Suli Riiet-n aui n 1 Clirouto Blood Diseases, Is pre- uro 1 10m thcueuuino uuuuurango liarlt, 1111111 Lola. Ecuador, secured bv the usslstaneo of ibu authorities ot that country. H Is the most i-tfu - uvo, iirompl nun certain niieraiivo and Blood Puiltler known, Sold by nil Drucglsls, in pint bottles, having on thorn our namo. trade mark nnd directions. Send lor R clrculnr, Olllco nud Ijitiorntory, No. (u cedar St., N. Y, REDUCTION OF I'RIOEd TO CONFORM TO iti:ucTio.v or uutii:s. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS I1Y GETTING UP CLUBS, H-Send lor our New Prlco List nnd a etui. form will accompany It, containing lull dine tlous making a largo saving to consumers an I remunerative to cluuoiganUers, THIS GREAT AMrjHUJAlN TWA (JO. &1Sl SJ VI2JE Y STREET. P.O. Box 8013. Now York, uia-lw BOOK AGENTS K.'y0 bcrUHlon lino wliuli will sell ut h g wanted a in tho sub- sight lu every minuv i 110 ICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER is tho oulv woilc extant which BatlbllcH thin want II iU linoililrni n.wl t..llFl.... ,-,(rttillllM.. .. oil. 11 in uvwHiiiutuim Btunilii iiniuiitiii atii - tlrely now and elegant Family Photographic Al- num. wiiu u oompicio family iiistoiy, run particulars and circulars free. Address OKO. MACLEAN. Publisher. nlO-lw 7W Sansom Htrcot, Plillndelplila,