The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 05, 1872, Image 2

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xiiws itkjis:
Titia la tho ttulloV ywAr.
, (if
Tiiruu nro lou million com Intbo
Unllotl States.
A itnt In Utuh rcxwntly foil U'I
fro a inclnRtoo tlRhtly.
A row 1 Indiana rticontly cat
(100 .11 uroonbickn.
SUA' nil coin lsu loarrtl tender In En
gland fur only forty shilling.
A hand of romnlo eonntcrfeltcra ha?
boon broken un In Illinois.
A Swede nrtmod Ixirson 13 snltl to bo
the t est bllliini jimyor in .u,roiie.
Complaints of tiiostsircltyof cord nro
niH in vnrious parts 01 jueigium.
a Man win frozen to doath recontly.
wlibst rldhiK on top of an omnibus In
George Washington recently as
suited Henry Clay, at Omaha, and
guvo htm a sovcro ueatlug.
Tin: ("ir.uul Duko Alexis finds Hint
his on-rnporucnts will not permit lilni to
go on ti'iu imihuo num.
Mart 1 vs VInoynrdJuan Fernandez
Ktiinu r 1 tno naino or n woman in in
A 1, Alton roll of unpaid bills In his
orooAtt pm'Ket, Btweti 1110 1110 01 ui-iori
uian iroui tno kiihooi uu assassin
Texas minor Bays: On tho 20th tho
Indinns were execution n contract of
liorso steallogat Ealo rass."
Somi; 01' tho towns In Illinois havo
contributed two ilollars for each InhabI
tant, old aud young, In aid of Chicago,
A California ruffln Is said to havo
"a wonderful talent for bereaving any
lamuy no noes not nappon to iiki."
Tina ox-IZmiirass Etitfonlo is ropro
scniud as no longer a oeautuui woran
. out "quiio gray ana wrinkled."
A venerable goose, supposed to
00 over 70 years oiu.sttii lives at uovcr,
juo., nccoruing to tno i,oxlngton Cau
Illinois is about to instruct her
Representatives to favor an act giving
Blxty acres of land to soldiers of tho
war without pro-emption.
Don Michael Anoelo Caetoni
tho blind Duke of Sormontc, can repeat
tho pomes of Danto from beginning to
A disgusted Ohloun, wishing to
commit suicide in a novel manner, np
pneu lor aumission 10 a smau-pox 1103
A California clergyman recently
visited tho Atlantic States, and Uuring
ms ausenso nis wiionueu nis pulpit anu
ncqumeu norseii crcunauiy.
The St. Louis nanera consider tho
largo quantities of petroleum stored in
warehouses in that city a source of great
danger, and fear tho futo of Chicago.
A ulack NashvllIIan who wouldn't
reply when asked "whar ho was goln'
wiu uem caoDagcs on mine," was
promptly shot dead by a man and
A venerable llght-houso kcoper
recontly died In Connecticut, and Ills
daughter has been npnolutcd his success
or. It is said sho has discharged tho
duties' for fifteen years past.
The observance of Chrlsmas as a
holiday seems to bo growing in Now
England. The Providenco Journal says
it was moro nearly universal in that
city this year than ovoc before.
Mr. Medill, tho ow Mayor of
Liiiicago, Is called, In most of tho letters
Which still coino from foreign countries
bringing contributions for tho relief of
Chicago, tho "Lord Mayor."-
An economical Indianlan placed a
lighted cigar for safekeeping in ono of
his pockets, which contained some
looso powder.. Tho oxhlbltlon of flro
works attracted an enthusiastic crowd.
The trustees of Princeton College
havo elected, Prof. John S. Hart to tho
Chair of llticfeoria'aucJ X7.xoi. -T- .
turo. Dr. Hart liao accepted tho posi
tion, and will enter at once upon its
Nearly ono hundred chickens were
used in baking a pie for a fair at Bridge
port, Conn., a fow days Bince. It was
tho largest chicken plo over built and
baked in tho nutmeg stato, and requir
ed four men to inovo it.
The Fredorlcksburg (Va.) Star re
cords tho death of Mrs. Cloo Platford,
aged 118, who had smoked and chewed
for 100 years, nnd of Abby "West, colored
who died at Dumfries, aged 00, and
whoso "pipe was her constant compan
isn." The building in which tho Interna
tional Exhibition is to be held at Vionna
in 1873 is to be 3000 feet long, CG0 feet
wide; and is to have a cupola 330 feet In
diameter. A separato building will bo
provided for exhipitlug machinery and
another for works of art.
A Fort Wayno woman Iia3 discover
ed that tho marriago ceremony with
her husband, with whom sho had lived
fourtcou years, was illegally performed,
and has commenced suit against him
for pay for services rendered as an cm
ployeo of hl3 houso during tho cntlro
A minister lecturing in East Boston
recently, suddenly remembered that ho
had agreed to marry a couple at that
very tlmo. Ho stopped Ids lecturo for
fifteen minutes, fulfilled his agreement,
married the happy couple, and return
ing finished his lecturo.
Someiiody says that tho three hard
est words to pronounco consecutively
are "I was mistakon.1' And wo think
ho is mistaken. Let tho fellow who
mado tbid assertion lry his articulating
powers on tho names of tho lakes of
Maine these three for Instanco: IIu
lcuxtyr kabok JSitztnornumgohphri
jui;nugupnracuuj:og. n no minus tnojo
nro cusior 10 pronounco than "I was
mit inuen," men wo aro mistaken
The Barn in which John Wilkes
eer ted In tho Senate tho other dav. a
petition' from IMchard II. Garrett, of
-jttruiiriu rauray, Virginia, asiting com-poi.s-atlon
to tho nmount of $2,62.) for
His nam ami i-rootis uestroved hv Col
onol Baker to effect tho capture of John
Wilkes Booth and D. O. HnrroUl. in
18C5, Booth and Harrold, it will he
rerncmbored, woro concealed In Gar
rcii's oarn, nuu it, was destroyed by nro
In order to get them.
Aiiout thirty years ago two young
ladles, sisters, wero at school In London,
whero thoy had been sent from Jamaica.
their natlvo place. After every ono but
themselves was asleep thoy used to got
up quietly, slip down Into tho kitchen,
and thoro catch and eat tho cockroaches.
This extraordinary habit was not de
tected lor Bouio time, but at last the
mistress found it out, and remonstrated
with them, they, howovor, defonded
themselves by saying that they had
seou iiur i-uiejiriiups, wiucn jeu upon nil
manuor ux curriuu, wnereas mo cock
roaches wcro clean feeder, living on
tho crumbs which had been suffered to
lie about in tho ldthcn. Even after the
discovery, it was almost Impossible to
kt. p them from tho kitchen at night,
bo strong was tholr lovo of tho cock
roaches. Tombstone WARNiNas.-Two-thlrds
of tho epitaphs wo read aro those of tho
young and mlddlo-agod. Why 13 this?
It Is becauso tho present system of
practice tends toshorten life, by depress
ing tho vital powers. Away with violent
purgation! Away wlthsallvantal Away
with poisonous alkaloids, that sap tho
springs of life I Jloojlands German Bit
ten, charged with strength-sustaining,
purifying, regulating vegetable extracts
and Jloojland's German Tbnio. combin
ing with theso a genial sllmulnut
nro tho truo and sovereign specifics for
all complaints of tho stomach, tho liver
Hnd tho nervous system. Qraves would
bo fewer nnd health moro general, If
muy were in universal uso. I'rincipal
DopotC3l Arch street, Phl'adelphla, Pa.
Sold by druggists throughout tho coun-try.
Friday, January 5, 1S72.
Having resumed tho ownership anil
control of tho Columbian, I deem it
iroper to glvo notice to that effect to-Ils
founders and supporters. For a brief
tlmo, tho local, business and mcchnnlcal
departments will bo under tho direction
of nti assistant, but this arrangement
Will not detract from tho merits of tho
As it has been In tho past, do In lho
future, it will bo my constant endeavor
to glvo its roadorj a first class local and
family nowspapor, ono that will strlvo
to advanco tho IntoresU of tho Demo
cratic party mlvocato harmony In its
ranks, and at tho sarao tlmo furnish
interesting nnd useful reading matter to
tho household. Tho nows, markets
court proceedings, and all matters of
genoraland local interest will rccelvo
strict attention.
Tho Columbian will not appeal to lo
cal or personal prejudices for tho pur
poso of attalnlngn transiont popularity,
but will deal fairly with all parties, and
glvo each individual an impartial hear
Ing. It will not bo tho organ of nny
person or faction, but of tho wholo
party. In tho discussion of men nnd
principles, It will bo fearless, freo and
independent, winking at no fraud or
corruption in tho rnuks of its own party
nor will It from personal motives hcsl
tato to cxposo that of tho opposition
It will not condemn that which Is good
becauso it originates from its enemies
nor shield that which. i3 wrong becauso
it is fathered by our own organization
I do not expect to suit all my readers
at all limes. No editor who has a mind
of his own can do that. On many ques
Hons wo may differ, but that difference
will bo an honest one.
My friends, tho coming campaign for
President, Governor and other offices.
will no doubt bo unusually warm ; our
chances of fcueees daily brighten. Let
each ono do ills share ; let harmony pre,
vail, and tho glorious majority of Co
lumbla county will bo largely Increas
cd. Yon do ycuir i-liarc of tho workand
I will do mini'.
C. B. Brock way
Our Jiorinal School.
Very few of our citizens havo any
idea of tho labor performed by tho
Trustees of tho Stato Normal School,
nor of tho discouragements encountered
by them in tho thankless tusk of build
ing up a first-class institution of learn
ing In our midst. Whero others have
despaired thoy havo hoped and worked
on, and havo in many instances pledged
their individual names to securo tho In
terests of creditors of tho Corporation.
Wo bellovo that their worst troubles
" nvar. Thoy havo secured the sorv
ices of Charles i. uurKiuy Hi
and his long labors in tho causo of edu
cationhis exporienco as n County Su
perintendent ills correct business hab
its aro a guarrauty of futuro stability,
good management, anil success. It may
havo beon a sacrlflco for him lo accept
the position, but, if so, it was one tho
friends of education will fully appreci
ate. A3 Steward, Ex-Shorlff Millard has
been secured. Wo rejoico at this, bo
causo no fitter man nono moro popular
with parents, students, or faculty, could
bo found in tho couuty. His open, gen
erous natures is such that ho would
rather suffer a wrong than commit ono.
Tho teachers selected aro Charles G.
Barkloy, Principal, Professor of,Theory
and Practlco of Teaching ; J. W. For
roe, A. M., Professor of Natural Sciences
and Higher Mathematics ; Edwlh A.
McMath, A. B., Professor of Greol: and
Latin: Georgo E. Elwoll, A. B.,Pro-
fessorof English Literature, and French
and German; MUs Mary J. Oirr,
Teacher of Common English Branches
aud Calisthenics ; Mrs Emma Rock,
Teachor of Drawing and Painting :
Miss Lizzlo Schuyler, Superintendent
of Model School.
Wo need not speak of them in detail,
but only remark that fow institutions
of learning possess a better or moro ex
perienced Faculty.
It is now tho duty of tho friends of
education all ovor thi-i district to aid In
this good work. In tho language of
Prof. Wlckersham "Tho school must
and shall bo a success." The buildings
aro magnificent, tho location healthy,
tho Faculty fully competent, und each
school district in our J urhdlctlon should
aid in making It tho finest educational
institution In tho State.
Tho Trustees havo worked faithfully,
ana wo trust ero long will havo tho sat
isfaclion of knowing that their labors
havo not been In vain. When they aro
doad oven generations henco, their
good deeds will llvo after them, and bo
abetter monument than thoso of mar
bio or brpnze.
Township officers nro very ofion re
miss in tho illschargo of their duties,
and especially neglectful of tho law
which requires them to make public
their doings through tho press. Wo
seo that a reminder has been given to
somo of these officers down In Northum
berland Co., and wo trust that others
will bo wlso and tnko heed in time. A
Stato law makes it obligatory for town
ship auditors to publish an annual
statement of tho county finances of tho
township ; and it Benin that two of tho
ox-audltors of Slmmokln township havo
como to grief for refusing or neglecting
whllo in ofllco to mako tho regulslto
statement and publication. Tho caso
was tried boforo a Justlco in Sunbury,
and tho recusants wero respectively
fined, ono ?100 for two years neglect
and tho other if 00 for ono year. It is said
that tho defendants propose to nppeal
irom tno decision or tho Justice. Luz
An oxchango says that Dauphin
county has a towushlp which polled
only twolvo votes at tho lato election-
eight Democrats and four Republicans
but Lebanon has a still smaller, which
has but nlno votes to Its caedlt. Bear
Creek township, in this county has
wo believe, but six toxables. Luzerne
Tin! KAi,i:ii)osooi'i:.
A mnpot limy llfo,
Its lluotuallon, niul vnsi concerni."
(The bottle or Draliirnvlllli w n vlclorj-
far the Union force after n lung Kfrlci of Olsns.
tore. Hwmwon entirely by n portion of tho
I'eniHj'lvAnln Reserve Corps, nml tho Blxth Reg
iment, Rftcrwnrds cammnmtal by (leu. Ent,
took rt prominent part In tho action. It wnnn
turning point In the wtir, nnd ii such much lrn
portnnre wns attached toll. 'Iho effeot on the
entire Corpi wan clectrlc.1 whllo It reanimated
the entire country, nnd won dtcrvca prauo
from tho President nnd den. McUlellnn. As It
was the flrst action patllolpitcd In by tho "Iron
Ouardu," then commanded by tho lito (Jen, Ert,
we frequently requeued him to wrlloltoutror
publication. Hoveral yeats ago ho hastily made
a draft for an article, which navcr was rovlsed.
We now R1VO n 10 me imunonn n cimiriuuiKiu
to the history of tho lato wai". written by n prom
lnentnctor lit tho events he hasdescrlbod, nnd n
soldier In whom tho people of Columbia county
have always hd n Jim pride. O. B. U.)
Oil December lOlh, 1801, tho Oth Regt.
P. R. V. 0., received orders to march
nt 0 A. M. of tho following day, in con
junction with tho balanco of tho Brl-
gado tho 3d :-Tho 1st Utiles, Captain
Easton's Battery, and two equations
of lho 1st Otvalry tho object being "to
drlvo back tho enemy's plckols," then
recsully advanc. dj and "secondly to
jirocuro a supply of forage." Tho order
was lecclved by tho Regiment with
great enthusiasm, and at lho hour np
pointed overy man and offlcor not on
his back with dUeaso, or reluctantly
obeying somo order of detail, was hi
tho r c. u Is? .
Lieut. Col. Penrose, owing to tho
sickness of Col. RIcketts, was In com
mnnd. Major Madlll was absent In
Wnshlrgton oil loavo, nnd not cogulz
ant nf o orders to march.
Tho jwglmcnt moved from Its parado
ground In tho most buoyant spirits, and
reaching tho Leesburg Plko found tho
other Regiments reporting. Tho col
umn was speedily formed aud put In
motion meeting with nothing to delay
its march until somo threo miles from
Dralnsville, at which point tho train
for forago diverged to tho right uudcr a
small guard, nud tho troops taking ad
vantago of tho delay refreshed them
solves from their haversacks. Tho
chances for meeting tho enemy wcro
being discussed with great doubt upon
tho minds of tho men, when nn order
was received to advanco towards
Dralnsville, with tho utmost dispatch
(in which direction a portion of tho
column had already gone), and a dog's
trot was at onco taken nnd kept up un
til tho Hanking companies of tho Reg
iments A. and K., which wero covering
tho left flank of tho column on the
Pike, camo suddenly upon a skirmish
lino of Confedorato troop3. Tho 1st
Rifles had a fow moments beforo com
menccd exchanging shots with this
same line, and were at tho tlmo deploy
ing for tho ptirposo of ascertaining
their strength and position. Tho two
Companies of tho Ctli wero immediately
ordered by Captain Ent, commanding
them, to change their pointso as to faco
tho enemy's line, but had not complet
ed tho movement when they wero or
dercd to join their Regiment on tho
Pike, which was dono with no other
loss than tho wounding of ono man of
Company K. through tho wrist. The
"Rifles" contented themselves with tho
establishment of their lino across tho
advanco of tho Confederates, nnd somo
considerable tiino was occupied In plac
ing tho two hostile columns in order of
battle. Beforo this had boon consum
mated by General Ord, tho enemy
"i"""' 'Iro from a 1iAltnrv.nf17nn.4nn
tho Centrovllle road, somo 40(7 yards
from its Intersection with tho Leesburg
Pike. Theso guns wero soon replied to
by threo guns from Eiston's Battery,
tho first dischargo from which elicited
cheers from tho cntlro Fodoralllncs ;
and almost immediately after tho Gth,
then on tho Piko with their right rest
ing at tt farm houso n short distanco
from tho intersection of tho Alexandria
road, wa3 ordered forward in lino.
After crossing a field and rising a gen-
tlo slope it entered a wood, into which
it advanced a short distanco, when tho
Oth Regiment was met slowly retiring,
having exchanged volleys with a lino
of troop3 in their front under such cir
cumstances as to mako it doubtful
whether thoy wero tho enemy or tho
1st Rifles. Tho two right companies of
tho Gth passed through tho left of tho
0th, and advanced to within a. short dis
tance of tho edge of tho wood, aud
near a fenco beforo firing a shot. Tho
enemy's lino was in tho edgo of another
wood across a narrow field, and so well
covered as to mako it doubtful as to
their strength. For soveral moments
tho lines In this position (tho 0th on tho
right and tho Rifles on tho left of tho
Gth) kept up a fire, neither party en
deavoring to advance. Finally, how
ever, Genoral Ord rodo up to tho right
of tho Gth and ordorcd It to chargo for
ward In tho direction of tho enemy's
battery. Tho word "forward" ran down
tho lines liko a flash, aud tho le 'iicnt
bounded tho fenco In front, crow tho
open ground nt a run, and In 11 111. ,iont
wero on tho ground previously held by
tho enemy. Tho "Rifles" on th i left
moved forward nt tho same tinv, but
tho Oth not taking up tho order, rem lin
ed back. Tho enemy's nodtiou was
well marked by their dead and wound
ed ; and their lino of retreat plainly
indicated by knapsacks, blankets nnd
muskets cast off In their husto to got
away. Their battery ceased tiring nt
tho tlmo their infantry gavo way, and
was withdrawn boforo tho lino of tho
Rifles and Oth reached tho point from
which it had been firing. Having com
polled tho infantry lo retreat In confu
slon, and finding tho battery nlso gone,
Col. Ivano, who was In temporary com
mnnd of theso two Reglmcnts.ordered a
halt which had no sooner been effected
than a lino of infantry was observed In
front of tho right Hank of tho Gth. Tho
woods at this point was qulto donso,
and tho lino observed being at tt halt
with guns at an order, a doubt at onco
nro30 as to who it was. Tho flag beln
finally observed to bo different from anv
carried by tho Reserve Regiments, a
flro was opened upon it by tho right of
mo regiments, which raptdly extended
to all tho Companies, nnd for a few
moments was replied to with vlcor bv
tho enemy, who then withdrow. What
regiment this was, or how it camo to bo
at tho point Indicated tho writer Is un
ablo to stato j but thero is no doubt it
Inflicted greater lass to tho Gth Regl
inout In tho fow moments it was ontratr
cd by it, than was sustained during nil
mo balanco or tno cngncoments.
Tho pursuit of tho retreating Con.
federates was continued for about
half a mile, when tho recall was sound
cd, nnd tho troop3 (lied out on tho Con
trovlllo road, and movod back to lho
Loesburg Plko. About sunset it
mached back to camp, tho regiment
carrying i.ts killed with it on strotchers,
tho ambulances being full of wounded
TI10 Duly (if Democrat.
This year pMiuNes to bo unusually
full of polltlcil Incidents. In this Stato
wo volo tho piiont year for President,
Governor, mouthers of Congress, a Stato
Senator, n Judge of lho Supremo Court
nnd probably f-ir members of n Stato
Constitutional Convention. In this
eotinty,wo havo In addition, to volo for
11 member of tho Houso of Representa
tives, Prothonotary, Heclslor nnd Ro-
cordor, Commissioner, Ac. Every voter
Is directly Interested in tho result of
theso elections and should not only
keep himself fully itiformod, but uso
his full lnllucuco lo securo tho succiss
of tho party of his choice Ho can do
this In no better way than in milling to
tho circulation of his party press. Not
only should ho tnko It himself, but seo
that his neighbors nro nlso provided
with a copy. Tho party work should
not bo left to n few iiTcn, but all should
contrlbulo their quota, becauso nil nro
boncfltted by succcs:, nnd nro equally
Injured by tho triumph of Radicalism.
Tho press is a powerful lover in tho
formation of public opinion, nnd our
opponents nro using It lo tho utmost.
In Now York city, with ItsrGO.OOO Doni-
cratlc majority, thu epi(nltlou publish
twenty copies of n newspaper, whero
wo do ono. In Philadelphia, whero
parties nro nearly cqua', tho superiority
of tholr Journals In circulation and null
lty is equally marked. Nay,, oven tho
monthly Magazines, pictorials, Ac,
bear tho Eamo stamp, und theso nro sent
by tho million into Democratic house
holds, If wo would succeed, wo must
encourngo our men press, and givo an
ungrtiilglngsiipport toour parly organs,
THAYER In Bioomjburg, Dec. 31st,
1871. nt thn residence of her son-Ill-
law, Hon. William Elwoll, Martha
M. wire of Col. is. Tiinyor, in me 7iu
year 01 nor ago.
(Bradford county papers pleaso copy.)
Tho dark and lengthened shadow of
four scoro years had fallon upon tho
scenes which dotted tho pathway of
christian duty lo Mrs. E. Thayer. More
favored than many others, sho was por
mitted to outlive tho allotted three
scoro years and ten, and to pass from
tho swelling bud, tho bursting blossom
tho blushing roso, tho full blown flower,
tho falling loaf, to tho maturosced that
drops and dlc3 to quicken for another
stnto of being. With her tho moro tho
outward man decayed, and tho eyo of
tho flesh grow dim, so much moro tho
inward man was strengthened, and
faith tho eyo of tho soul grew bright
or. Hers was a caso whero extremes
mot; whero childhood and old ago aliko
exercised that Innocent and implicit
faith which alono can fit any of 113 for
tho Kingdom of Heaven.
After long bodily suffering borno
with a christian patlenco and resigna
tion seldom equalled, her prayer for re
lief from tho burden of tho flesh was
answered. As tho waves of tho sea
wash in upon lho beach and slowly re
redo into tho depth again, so tho waves
of hor soul washed upon tho shores of
tho Jordan of Death, and slowly ebbo d
away into eternity nmid a peaco which
passeth human understanding. Married
in her 17th year, sho was for Gl years
tho partner of him whom sho leaves to
rejoico at her triumph over death. Sho
leavos also, a daughter, tho wlfo of tho
Hon. WillHm Elwoll, President Judgo
of this district; and n sou who rosides
In Oregon. Threo daughters and a son
fivo years, will welcome her advout to
tho spirit land. For mauy years sho
was a devoted member of. tho Prot.
Episcopal Church and in its truest
senso, a faithful mother in Israel.
In Paradise, whoro tho souls of all
rc3t till tho trump of tho archangel
shall call them to judgment, she awaits
her final reward. "Blessed nro tho dead
who dlo in tho Lord, oven so, saith the
Spirit, for they rest from thej labors."
Madison, December 23, 1871.
Capt. Biiockway :
great sensation, awildh0d
For somo tlmo past tho people of
Madison nud Pino havo been annoyed
with something destroying their grain;
first their wheat and oats, and then
their con. Thoy supposed it to boa
largo deer. Its foot marks wero so largo
that tho four fingers of tho hand would
just cover It. "William Runyan thought
it destroyed eight or ton bushels of
wheat for him and for Mr. Hartman ns
much or more. All yet thought it a
deer, Then it commenced on tho corn,
and It ato such a largo amount, t'ntt
thosa knowing tio lialiils of 1 10 (Iter
began to s.ty it was no doer; a -id from
tho way it crossed tho fciioe thoy said it
was n wild hog, others laughed nt tho
idoaof a'wild hog In theso parts, as no
such thing had ever been known here ;
but at last It was seen. On last Friday
tho 22d Inst., thero being snow on lho
ground, tho track was found, nnd John
Mordeii, Isaac Mordcn, "Washington
WclIIvor and William Falrmau, went
in pursuit. Thoy found him on tho
west sldo of Spruce creek, John Mordcn
flrst saw him, but.dId(not get a shot at
him. IIo took them across Spruco creek
on tho east sldo, being followed up ho
took it clrclo, and crossed Spruco creek
between Michael Bllhlmcsand William
Runyan's to the west sldo nnd then ns it
began to get dark, tho chaso was given
up for tho night. Next morning tho
samo parties started on tho track, and
found him lu what Is known as Stringer
Hollow. They stalled him out of that,
when he ran into a field aud Isaac Mor
don shot at him, wounding him in tho
ham. Then ho took n southerly direc
tion, crossing tho road leaoUng from
Jcrsoytown to Whlto Hall, neir tho
Methodist Church. Some of tho pursu
ers did not go further than Jcrsoytown,
John Mordou got A. Iv, Smith to Jiltch
up In n buggy. They took tho road
leading to Waslilngtouvillo and got
ahead of tho hog, Solomon Daywalt
was out hunting rabbits, and they call
cd on him, and ho shot the animal in
tho head, and that put nn end to him
IIo was killed ou tho land of P. Jones,
cast of Wnshlngtonvlllo, thoy got Jacob haul him to Jcrsoytown,
whero thero was soon a largo crowd to
seo him. IIo was n barrow hog, meas
uring soven feet, four Inches long, and
three feet two inches high nnd wolghed
threo hundred and four pounds. Howes
brought to John Mordeu's, on Spruco-
creek nnd after ull had a sight at him,
was cleaned, cut up, and divided out to
those that had participated in tho chaso.
In cutting him up, John Mordou found
threo bullets in thu llesh, Ono largo
bullet lay near tho backbone It Is tho
Impression that thc&o had hceu shot
Into Him, beforo ho camo to this tcctlon
us It is not known of any ono that
wouuded him beforo tho day ho was
killed. Lewis Schuyleu,
Now Advortisomcnto.
M.ftl,rn tll,fnr.irxmlnw
lili'nr is. 1 tin TTnn. M'iUlnli, t'twi.ll. fresldelll
Judge of the Court of Oyer nnd Tcrmliur nnd
licnerni tuu iroiivmy. uoui 1 01 numi'-r r-i
of the l'oecn and Court of Common l'b- - and Or
plian'sCmirlln the iillli Judicial I)ltn.t, com-
Wyoming, nnd tho Hon. I nun Heir nnd 1 nnoH.
Monroe Associate Judges of Columbia county
lnvo Issued their precept, bearing dalo liielltu
IO-CU Ol II1U Cflllllllt'S Ol l,UlllllU'lil, null. 1411 l.i.ii
iliy of Hepteinber, In tho jenr of our Lord, one
uiousnmi, nam miiiiiri-u uuti hi-vuiiij -ijjiv.hii.i ...
r.iodlrected for holdlngaCourtof Oyer nnd Ter
miner nnd lieirbrnltiuartcrHosslonsoftho Pcnco
Court of Common ricas nnd Oriihnii'H Court, In
.nomsmirg, in tho county or Columbia, on mo
uf'Ht Moiulnw be- un tho fit h dny ol February
next, to rontlnuo two wcolts.
Motlco Is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to tho
Jiistlccsnftho Peace, nnd tho Constables of tho
said county ofColuiubla, that they bo then nnd
mere in ineir proper pi-iBuii 111. iu utiui-n 111 inu
forenoon of said 6th day ol February with tholr
records, Inquisitions nnd other remembrances, 10
dot lio.mi tilings which to their unices nppcrlnlu
to bo dono. Aud those that nro bound by
rcconlznnco, lo prosecute ngnlust the prls.
oticiH that nro or may bo In thu Jnll ol tho
said county of Columbia, to bo then nnd
tiicro to prosecute them ns Mini! bo just. Ju
rors nro requested to bo pun lunl In ihulr fUlcud
anco,ngrei ably to their null. rs. P.iied ntl'iooma-
uurg, too twin uaj 01 im.-.iiii muj eiir
of our Ijord, ono llmuui'l e...' hun
t, ilrrtl nnd Hovenlv-ono im.l lu t'. ninety
fourth year of tho ludepouil'-nce. ol Ibi United
States of America, AAItON HMIT1I.
jiioomsburg, .inn. 0, 15,.'. encmi.
AllY TEltM, Ml,
Pentoii Geo. It. roust, John It. Ki-cler,
iioom jouu j.cacocic, ueoriic . fewer, i.w.
Ecrwlck John Eckort, Willi un Stephens, J, W.
rishlngrrccls Jouas Doty, Daniel Hmltb, Levi
li. Lunger,
(Irecuwood Ira D. Kline.
Loenst i;ilas Crcnsy, Dpliialm (Heliey.
Minim Charles Jlowry. jouu uounaisie.
Maine Franklin riliuuuiu,
Oratigo Harrison J. Coi.ncr.
Pino llcujamln, John Lore,
Scott J. D. ltlco.
KEimUAHY ThllM, 1H72.
FHMT wi:i;k.
Uloom Ca per 'flossier, 1' I, Wnrdm, Daniel
Uowman, N. J Hendei-Khnlt, John Volr. Francis Kvhus, J, C Myum,
llcrwlck D.tvM It uich' r. j
C -ntrnlln A, U. Former, Wm.'l'orry.
Centre Steuben McOuown. Jainoi K.icher.
Citawlssa Clms. H, llcutniiui.Solonwii Hhuman.
t'onynglnm Peter Labv,
Oreunwno I Mathlns Kramer, Jainoi Preston,
John Mcl.wcn.
Hemlock l)i"puo Pur -ell, Jnmcs, Amos
Jackson Wm, Young.
Lccust Adim Johnson, John Snyder,
Main Slacy John, (ieoige Hollenbaclt,
Miniln-Hamucl Hu dor, Daniel Heller.
Madison Win. Johnson.
Montour Vhlllp Foust, Evan Wolllvcr, Isaac
ltoarlUijcrcek I. C. Myers,
Kngarloar-lt.O. Hess, Alex, Kllnger, J. n.Cole.
Hcott lsilah Hess.
doom David nrobst, fJcoreo Yost, Hylvcstcr J.
Faux, Peter Jones. David llctz.
nrlarcreck Wm. li. Hartman. .
Heaver Abraham ttlco, Nathan lire Ibendcr Jr.
Berwick Wm, P. Hughs, o. W. UncklugUnm,
Centrrtlla Joseph Frock.
Centre-M. M. Hicks,
1'ranklln Jonathan Fremau.
(Ireenwood John 0. Lenimon, (Icorgo Olrlon.
Hemlock Wm. M. Michael, John Hartman,
John llctz, Amos Applcmnn.
Jackson Theodore W. Hmltli,
Locust D.tulelHtlUO.rSr.
Mllllln Abram HweppeuholKer.Michaol Ftderoir
nioiuour isacner l-.vaus. v . ai. .louroc.
Madison D, A, Watson, Jacob JJcchtcl, John II.
Sit. i-leasant Joseph Crnwford.John C.
Maine John M. Nuss.
Orango Emanuel Hnyder.
Scolt-WillltU Hurtmnn, J. II. Town .cnJ.
Hugarloaf Alfred Harvey,
Tho following nnnralsements of real nnd nor
sonal property set apart to widows of decedents
havo been filed lu tlio ollleo of tho lteglsler ct
Columbia county, uudor the Utiles of Court, nud
will be presented lor absolute confirmation, to
tho Orphans' Court to be held In llloomsbuig, lu
ami for said eounty,on Wednesday, tho7tlulay of
Febrnary,187Anta o'clock i M., of bald day, un
less exceptions to fuch eon(limatlonw nrc previ
ously Hied, or wiucn nil persons luiercsiuu in
sniu esLuit-s wiu.iuuu nnucu;
1. Widow of Petot Miller, laaool Locust tsvrn
Rtiln. deceased.
2. Widow of Jacob JTarrls, Into of Hemlock
townsuip, ueccaseu.
3. Widow ol Abraham Vunhoru, lato of Horn
lock townsbln. deceased.
4. Widow ol Thomas E. Httgbis lato of Blooin.s
bunr. eloeeased.
0. Widow of lllhtcr W. llowman, Into of Or-
nupn townsbln. elecen.sed.
ti. SVIdowof Frederick Shaffer, lato of Centre
townsuip, necenseu.
7. Wlilow of Wellington II. Eut.late of Dlooms
burp, rleeensetl.
8. Widow of Moses Ilrrtmau, lato of Catawlssa
townsuip, ueceascu.
W. H. JACOllY, Itoslstor.
Register's Office, 1
Dloomsbarg, Jan. 5, 1572. J
hereby given to nil legatees, creditors nnd
other nersons Interested in tho estates of tho re-
Mjecuyo tlL-cedeutsaud mtuors, that tho follow-
bcen Hied in tho olliou ol tfiiriieJlsnr-FViVVIirm:
bin county, nnd will bo nresontoJ lor eontlrmn-
tlon nnd nllownnco In tho Orphans' (Tnurt. tn ln
ucui in iiioomsourg.ou weuuesuav, iuotiii nay
of February, 137, nt o'clock In tho afternoon
of bald day :
1. Tho account of David Vanhorn nnd John
n. Vanhorn, survlviug oxecutors of Cornelius
Vnnhoru, Lite of Hemlock township, deceased.
!. Tho account of uoorge JIarklo cunrdlan of
person aud estate or Cclestln A. Mrkie,n minor
child or Jacob Mnrklc. lato of I'lshlugereek town
ship, dtceaseu.
a. job nnai nccouuioi irauiei ji. iitbs,numm
lstrator, de bonis non ol Elenzer H. Hess, lato or
Ccutro towubhlp, deceased,
1. Tho account or Jacob Yeazcr. ndmlulbtrnlnr
t&c., or Abraham Trauxel, late of Locust town
ship, deceased.
5. Tho final nccount of Freas Drown, guardian
of lho person nud estato of Maggie A. Creacy,
minor child ol 11. W. Creasy, latuof (Scott towu
bhlp deceased.
0. Tho account of E. Marvin Towksberry, ad
ministrator of estate ol Hiram Cool, lato of
Catawlsj townfchtp, deceased.
. i no account in ramuci Jneiieuen, numiuts
tratorol Lavlna Hutchison, lata of Scott town.
ship, deceased.
. Tho nccount of Jncob Wnnlch, administrator
of Lyella Waulch, lato or Illoomsburg, deceased.
It. The nccount or Klephen 11. Miller,
or tho person nnd cstnto of llariiet Wnnich, a
iiuuur i-iuio oi n.iimiui iiuicu, late oi xicuuociw
township, deceased,
10. The account ol Jonathan Trnub. Adminis
trator of Jacob Tranb, lato of Dlootu township,
W 11. JACOBY, Register.
Register's Oinee. 1
Illooinsburs, Jan 5, Ib72,J
AT FUI1UUAHY TliltM, 1S72.
Kdward McCall ct. al. vs. John Sweenev.
(leorpo A. I-'rlcli vb, Thomas t-tach bouse.
William Ijongenuerger et. al. vs. ilugu Jleltey
nolds ct. al.
Michael Orovor's uso vs. Bavnso A Ilrlght.
.Michael Orovcr's uso vs. Muvnue A llrluht.
Joseph Miller vs. N. Ij. Campbell.
liroomuau a lo. vs. oicriu u cz nuumau.
llarvev C. Hess vs. Hmnucl l.'rcasv adlu'r.
HluilU & l-'uustou vs. Allied Hwiue.
Clemuel u, lllcltcus' num-r vs. uaviu awecney
t. i.l.
Thomai Q'Conuer vs. Martin Gaughtu.
J.cwts J Auams vs. l lsiungcrceB. rjcnooi ui$iri(l.
Hlepheu Thomas vs. Caleb Creasoy & Co.
William A. Caso vs. Bloom townsuip.
t). 11. Alollclt vs. Jolin Ycager's atlm'r.
John Kline's uso vs. W. II Yocum et al.
K. haueriuwaii vs. l- rou 1-. aierceiou,
1'rnuUlln township vs. John Mclteynolda ct al.
Daniel r. fcybcrt vs. Kllnelob A Walton.
A. W. Kramer vs. 1). W. ltnbblns.
VanUh Itceee's adm'r x . W. A. Kiltie.
Mlclmel Mnloro vs. Hilladclphla & Heading
Hall Itoad Co.
llodger lllxou vs. rhlUdelphla & Healing Rail
ltoad Co.
1'atrlcU Moaaghan vs. l'hlladolphla A Heading
uau liovu uo,
Mrs. Mary Connelly vs. l'hlladolphla fc Itcndlnrt
ltull lload Co.
Solomon Illuoy s. William Wulp.
josepu rry vs. rumon ueeuy,
William T. Hhuiuau vs. uicii
. Dacuawanua & Illooms-
burg Itallroaa Co.
Dsuiul nuyuer's uso vs M, O McColIuin tt nl.
K. O. ltlokctts vs. John Wweeney tt n.
Ucorgo K. Hess vs. Boscph Welso t t al.
Kimiiiup Mcnsch vs. l.ovl llruubeuder ct al.
llogart & Kramer vs. Willlsm llarbcr.
Mlcnael McMaaon vs. Nicholas Kindt.
A. W, Katon vs. John I.. Hosslcr elal.
A. W. Katon vs. II. b". Warner et nl.
Joseph W. Lausey vs. Johu M:ulllgan.
Columbia Insurauco Co. vs. J. M. I'Veelr.
A. II. Htewart ct nl. vs. Franco! 11. Joly ct al.
Wlllluin Mllucs vs. Jonas Doty.
Andrew Crevellug vs. '1'homns 'Ironch.
ricrcmlah Hess' uso vs. John Hoilmau et al.
Krnak li. Hrockway vs. Daniel 1'. Hcyhert.
J, 1. Unncl's ex'ra vs. Aaron w. Hess ctal,
(leorco w. llflker vs. T. J. I.awall et al.
Ucoige Whltiaoycr'a ox'rs vs. Johu Hllner.
A, l'ardeo & Co. vs. Hugh W. Mclteynolds ct nl.
. rarueo & Co. vs. Danville, Jiaztcion am
fiusaunah Uilham vs. Martin M. Ilrobct.
Mnry Lllwcller vs. Aaron Hmlth.
James llryaitt vs. Illoomsburg Iron Co,
Ho. ry l-'ry vs. Jacob l)leffeni.ach.
Mordlca Millard vs. Hugh Mclteynolds.
Thomas Williams vs. Joun Cain,
1V.BUU llever vs. Wellington Yeager.
W llliam Williams vs. Charles D. 1'owlc.
lldward I'Awitsbcrry ct ul. vs. James O. Itccdcr
et ux,
WUUaoi II, Abbott vs. Ji B. llrobst.
Johu a. Jacoby vs, William I lemeus.
William Coleman vs. Howard Urlmes,
l'.zra h, Lyons vs. Holomon Ulslr.
Jacob llowor vs. William Kvans.
J, W. Mastoller vs. William Williams.
WUUesuurro itallroad Co.
Vluwcrs assess to Bam'l lllmby, Madison (101 00
To U. I1. Miller's helrn, Centre, 51 0J
Tn Mrs. Collins Mutllir, Hugarloaf, H W
If Ihe publlo is satlstiea mat Justlco will no
done by ullowlug the above ltoad damages lo bo
paid by tho couuty, then wo will havo nothing
further to say. Oil tho contrary, lr any good
reason Is given why the sumo suoulu not uo ul
lowed wo will lllo exceptions lo the sumo.
Itnnd ilniiinifo Is crowing, nulla notiular. the
(liiesllon I. now, is It always Just. We fear It
needs a check, Wu nope tho peoplo lu the local,
llks In which such damage now Is or herea ter
suayijo assesseti, win givo u cue eousniuiaiiou,
nml II they thlnlc any such damage should not
bo allowed, we hopo Unit they will cuter their
1&"i0 to lsi a period of 10 years, Columbia couuty
paid 13, Mi 12 Koad damage. lu 171, one ytur
only, It paid the suug sum of IDJsU,
,T O V111 K1U lilt 1ICII1 IUI ,IUUIJU UBUCUl, l.Ulll
oyhuh nonniNH,
Wll'uil A l.'I.M-A
Attest Wm. Kiiickiiaum, Olerli,
xuoouisuurg, juu. o. lem-.i,
Letters ol administration on tho rstato of
Catharine Old, lato of It emioelc twp Columbia
county, deceased, havo been emitted by lho
lleglsterol said county to 111! Onl, administra
tor. All persons having claims nualnst the es
talo of lho decedent nro rcquMleil to present
them for settlement, and those Indebted to tho
estate, to make payment to tho undersigned, ad
ministrators, wnnoui uem-,
Jan. fi,'2-6w
Letters of administration on Iho estate of
ICphralm Hvnus, lato of llrlarcrcck townslhp.Co
lumbla county, lit., deceased, havo been granted
by tholteglsterofsald county loDanlel Ilambrch
of tho samo place, All porsnns having claims
or demands against tho decedent nro n ((nested
to mako them known, and thoso Indebted to
mako payment without dclay. nAMn
Juu5'72-0t Administrator,
JlXhtiti: of Brims alum nuci: Lr.w.rtKc'ii.
Letters of niltnluislratlunon tboestaloof Btben
lluckalow laloof l-'lshlui;creek townslilp.Colum
bla county.dcceased, huvo been grained by the
lteglsler of eald county to John Ynplo of Now
Columbus, Lur.crno county.Pn, All persons hav
ing clalmi ngalust tho estntoof tno decedent
nro requested lo present them lor netllement,
niul thoso Indebted to tho estate to inako pay
inout lo lho undeislgncd,ndnilnlstrator, with-
0,11 dolu5'- johnyapu:.
Jan 0 '73 Ct. Administrator.
Letters of Administration on lho estalo of
runny Kline. Into of flrmnn Imv-nfthln. Collttn.
bin rolllitv. dec-i'iLin I. bavn been urnntcd by tho
lteglsler of sttld county to Abrtilt m Kltno of
huniu jii-ic. ah persons Having emtns ngainsi
Ihi esial-of tho ib-c-'dent nro icque.ti'd lo pro
sent tin m fur netttt-mt-ut. nnil tb- m, tudebled to
1 bo cstito lo maun payment to tho undemlgued
iiiiiniuiBirKiur wiiuoui net iv.
JauV7Mtr. Administrator.
I-STATK Of JOHN it. 1HV1S. IlEO'l).
Letters of admlnl.t ration nn tlim stato of John
It. P.vl, lale of Uentou tuwnshlp, Columbia
county, deceased havo been granted by tho Ilea
lster ofH.tld county to riamuel Apploman of
sauiu iiiuee. iu persons Having ei tuns nicsinst
ttiecstntonf tho dectdent nin teriticsted lo pre
sent them for eelllem ent, nnd tlioo Indebted to
fno eslato to make payment to tho undersigned,
luiiniuistriunr wuiujui m-uiy,
Jsn5'72-Gv. Administrator
jotter nf mlmUtmllou on ItiocNtato of riittln
K 1st lor. Into of MI. I'loaiunt ttiwuthln. CoUunb'ii
county, tlercasml bnv bt-on printed by th JU r
lMr fr t-al'i count v to lltlil.-unlii IClkllor niul
Jnhu K fttl-r of sivino plnco. All person h liavtng
ciauns against inu usrniu oi inu oucaiicni nro ro
quested to present tlit'tn for hOtUement, ami
thosa ltulfclitiU to tlio pslatBto nulco prtymul to
me uoucraigiuM, nuniinniraioi,t inoui ociuy
J Til J A. Ml IN IViniXtfjH.
JanV72-0w. AilmlntMrntnnjt,
Onoifjn WfiAYJcn 1 1n tho c.urt of
vs. uommnii piea1 oi
John K. Girtok. I Colntnbliuonniv
Notlco N bcrebv ulvon that tlio umlorsiim oil
nmlttor, nppolntt'd by rwUI court to mnUodtstrl
miunii m 1110 procBcua oi ino niierm h nwio o uu
unacrhnui wru, win jtroceen iu uia uisconruo
tlio duties tf Ills appointment nttho otllceof J,
Sddav of February. Ib72.utl0 o cloolc In tbofore
u. i' rct'zo. rs .. in liiooiiisuiirLT. (iiiniiiuru.iv.L n
noou.wnpn aim wnero n iieroniinvina ciann
noon iho lntid nrlhfun from salt I salo nro reu ulr.
cd to present them to tho an lltur or bo dcb.urod
iroin coimuirin upuii saio iiiou.
joiin o. rnnKZK,
Jan. 5,72 Gv, Auditor.
Tlio nersons who l,telv tookthoa nlaulc fr ora
tho "Hock" biidiro at Bloom, urn notlll 3d re
turn them at onco. thoy are neojed thero. If not
reiuroeu mo oiiouiiors win noooaii wunacco ro
lucto law. I thas been tlio habit finite frcnuontt v
of thoughtless or malicious persons to curry or
mice away pmnii, coping nioao nun out cr ma
terial itt nn J ttelonrli! t(i nn i ntv tirldirns.
WoHtmll hereafter lva Koma attention t osucl
persons and deal wltn them an(")nlUi' to hiw.
Citlzsns I living knowledge of anv sue hacts,
win pieasoijivoiuiormaiion.ioiuo loimn isriion-
ern uinco, jjioomnuur.
Jiy ordor of Comnilssloner.
Jan. 5.72 3v. clerk.
Tno underslirned will cxoosofosilo bv nubile
venduo on the premises, on Saturday, January
conslRtlna or ubont KnVKX ACltns, siluato one
nuioiinriuorihoYlllago or Uwy, ficolt town
Miuir, v.uiuiuui.1 euuuiy, wueuiiou is crccica n
with tlabllii" nudnecesa'v out bulllnc-t.
Thero Is nlso upon tho premises a arlcty or
&i,m iiiiii. hits auti ti won oi miou waier,
TemiK mado known on d-iy or sale
Jau 5, 'Its.
VAhUAULi; It li A I. II 11 T A T
Hyvlrtuo ol aulhorltv nml nnW nf Din Or
phnns'K Com t or Columbia countv. tho under
signed lulmlulstiatorH of lho estnu. of Jacob
ivosiennauer, uceaseu, win expose lo sulo by
i.iuiiiu M.-HI1UU on mo premises, at lu o eioelt 1
hid lorenoou, ou
PIUDAY, .JANUARY 20th, 1S72,
n largo qunntlty of vnluablo lands sltuato In
iTumiuii iownuip in taiu county, (lesertneil as
HMi'ni inu iiuiucHiua'i utrm oi mo (iceetient
lytnti In Knmltlln township in Columbia county
uifiiimvii uy i.uiUft in liceuer, lllUOs OI 1111111
Mouhurdt. lands of YeMer heirs, landsof Mow
I lower, lands of IT, J. Urcdor, lands of Kllas
iuuui tu win ninciter. lalUl OI lull
mmur, uuurgc ocoii anu ouieis, containing
and twfntv-nlne nerehes-
whereon nro erected
nlaryo brick Dwell tut; Houso.a lui-fco Itauk 1
isft.ii lurn llAiiif Hani
binds and outhousfS,Avllh a lnr'oapplouud Irult
orchard, with h well at tho hous, aud anprln
aud a well nl tho bam. und a hecond excellent
ana largo Kprlng on the tomh bldo of tho mrm
1ULTO 11 Ull tno j.irm
Tho pmneity lies threo miles from Catawlss.i.on
iuo public roau iciioint; iioni unit place 10 L.iys Tho neighborhood ood and healthy, und
the lind In an excellent btuto of cultivation. .No
moro des'rablo pi overly has been oirered for
liianyyeais. AlJiO, a lot of Tlmtier laud-the
utuuviueii bix-ssovoniiis adjoining laims of H,
Artlev. Win. ieoiire. C Aiilov nml otbeit.. Tn
bo disposed of In ouo piece, or lu threo lots of
as Phall bodeemed mot expedient. TKo wholo
nronertv will booneroa ana tuotituto tlio one
hovcnui, iiiiiiic in lot' jHucnascrs.
iYU-iu. win oo ouurcn n, imeL nr n i n o n
Inn II. 1 Clnrk. lands of Stockcr & (Jinnies
junus oi r, .-Mounarui auu itecuer. couiaiuiug
lll.u v't,,,, ...... i'l iv.iv.. ni.ui'uii ,i, u l i , i. ivu l.
brier dwelling house, a banlc bain, wagon houso
ni..l.Uil...rmi.nnMl.,. n.l.nM.n .. m r.....n , .1
n spring uouse ami uiioiiier ncee-wary oulbullil
ings. j nero is nio un mo premises n tenant
Houso ami uiacusmiiu snon. -xiieio Is- also a
spilng ol excellent water, n good Mehar'l and
nun oi uu iciuus. wiiiinooiu mor ncrcH ori nest-
mil luuucr. All xu exce iient oruer uuu cultiva
tion. Tho lauds will bo cllcred nt tho Homestead In
lho order advertised,
THU ail.VIN in the dKOU.VD Is IlE-3EIlVr.P.
Posses3lou of tho timber tracts, Immediately
unonimyluu thonurchnsomoncvorsecurlnii tho
same to be paid. And of the other two ttacU ou
the m&l oi April, A. li. upon compllauc.
With tho conditions, stamps nnd conveyances lo
bo nl. tho oxpeusoof tho purchaser or purchaseis.
ALSO At tho same tlmo unci placo tho follow
ing personal pro, erty, to wit: l'our hundred
bushels of wheat, llvo hundred bushel? of corn,
thico hundred bushels of oats, one hundred and
titty busliclsof ryo.ouohumlred bushels or pota
toes, buckwheat nud cloversccd, and ten tons or
hay and tunny oilier articles or piopcrty.
josi:imi 1). knittu:,
TEltMS OF BALE. Ten percent. of thoonc
fourthof tho purchase money to bo paid ut tho
striking down of tho properly ; tho one-lourth
less tho ten per eont. ut the continuation otsale
nnd tho remaining three-fourths In ouo year
thertnfter,wlth luiuresl from confirmation ulsl.
It. II.ltlNULEIl,
Jau. 5,'72-llw. ClerU.
In pursuant nf an order of the Orphans' Court
or Columbia couuty, will bo exposed to nubllo
enloon tho premises, ou
at 10 o'clock A. JI the following real estate, ln.te
of John Hlehards, deceased, towlt: ull that Cer
tain missagu nud
situate lu Montour townhlp, in said cjuutv.
contalulug about "
hounded by lands or JuhnQulck.Wiu. O. ftulrk
1 rank hvnns ami otheis. vheieon mo creeled a
Dwolllug Iliiuse, gooii iiarn nud nn tbe neces
sary Biitbulldlugs, there Is also n hiro quantity
ot llmostouo upon lho premlsKs.
HAMUEL 11. 11E1MEI1,
Terms i opSAi.E.-One half tho purcli'ao7noncy
to bepaldaslollows, VIZ! Ten per cent, of one
Ipurth of lho purchase money shall bo paid nt
the striking uowii of tho property, tho onv fourth
less tho ten per cent, at Ihoconllrmutlou abso
lute, and tho lemnlnlug tureo fourths lu one
year thereafter, with Interest on tho same from
continuation nut. Aud tho rcmalulng one-half
to 11. l iuuklln 'ihornton upon his arriving at
the ego ofiwenty unuyais with yearly interest
thereon irom the xilsl c .iill.iuatlon of the sale,
pr In the i-asb of Ihe iltulh of lho said Tlionitou
beforo arrlvluic ut tho agu of tWenly.oue years
then at the lime when ho would ln. u arrived at
that age tn caso ol continued lire, to Ihe party er
par ties who shall succeed lo his right and Inter
est lu said 1 inolty nursuaut tu Ihe provisions ol
tho wlllof John KUhards, deceased, with Inter-
Jan. B72-ts.
Life Inmiraiico Company.
1. of Policies Issued 43,000
ASSETS' $5,500,000.
ISSUES nil iho now form of Policies
JLniiil presenU ns Invorabl" turns as nny com-
piny in 1110 uiiuen niaii-s.
Tho company will mako temporary loans on
Thirty dnvs' grneo allowed on each payment,
nml Mm rmllev ttt.1.1 ironil tlnrlni. Hint time.
All our policies aro lncontcsiauio lor 1110 usuai
l'oiicits issuca by tun company aro nou-ior
istii p, m pimrire. mm a ror it-aveiunif nermiis.
l'nllcv hohlerH sharA m tho nununl nrnlltan!
the company, and have a vulco tn tho eleeuons
and management or the company.
Plo policy or ineoicai ice cuargcu.
JUHi'UH I.AWltH.NCE, rres'l.
W. II. WYNKOOl', Vlcol'rcs't,
, 1'. HoaEita. Hecrctarv.
s. c., Jr Aituary.
Central Office of Hortli-Eastern Fenn'a.
"Columbian" Building
General Agents.
Jan. 5,lS72-tf.
Restaurant anil Dinning; Rooms.
FRANK SMITH, Proprlolor.
N. It. Tho location Is central, tho osslstanU
attentive, nnd tho tables supplied with Iho best
liio marKci. nuorjs, ircsu nuu wen eouiteu
him u call.
In nnrn.niipn nf an order of lho Ornhans'
Court or Columbia county, on Wcdnculay tho
'Jiuiiiav oiJanuiry, ai jo o-ciock in innioro'
nnnii nf tbn Rnlil iliv. Daniel ltambarll. ExoctX
loror tho estato or Johu Millet', or llrlarcroek
township lusnld county, decoasod, will exposo
to public salo on lho premises tho following
vaiuauiu rem imiiio line 01 n.iiuiieL-eiiuni. iu ivii.
A certain mcssao unci
siluato In tho raid townsbln of llrlarcrcck,
bounded nx follows : On tho uorth cast by lauds
of Jesse llowman, on tho south oist by u puhllc
roan running irom inraei ucet 111 iierwicjE.
tn ltlttenhous'H Aim. on tbosoutn west bv Lavl
na Fowler, Jesso liowmnn nnd Frank Evans.
and on tho north by land of William Hoyt con
Mrlct moasuie, whoroonnro crectoil a Dwelllu
House, linra cnu oilier ouiMmi nims.
It. n.tUNUi.n(Cleilc.
Tllnnrufclmrir. Dpfi. 12. H7L
TKUMs OK : Ten rcr cent, of ono
fnnrth fit tlio nmclmsa nnupv to be n lul nt til
Ririkinor down of thn iroipitvt ouofourUi les
tliH ton percent, at, tho conllt million ot hale;niul
lilt) r:nilininu unee-munii in tni jmr imi
itiivi, iriui iiuci'-'ti iiom onniirin iiikmi
dec, 15,'71-t",
o r
V A L U A 11 L E II E A L E H T A T I
Will bo sold nt public sale, by order of tho Or-
puatis i.tiuri. oi uoiu moia couiuy, on tno pieni'
iftCS, 111 J.uliM. LUIVUSIlip, till
nt 10 o'cliuk, a. in., tho foilowlm; described prop
criy uuu mo usiaio oi ixeoro impp, ueeeaseu
wit: n
situate In Locust townsbln. bounded on lb
norih by landH of Holomon .Mowrey.nn lho cast
bv lands of Henrv liable, on thn south nml west
by lands of Jacob t'lshcr aud otheis, containing
mnro or less, with tho appurtenances.
Whereon Is erected a
a llmk Ilarn. a good flprlug Houso, a irood as
Kortment or lrult tree". All eleared except about
six acics which Is well timbered with young
It. II, IttNULElt, Clerk.
TERMS OF SALE :-Oue-thlrd or tho pnrchaso
money to remain charged upon tno said premises
during tho natural lituor Mary Hupp, widow or
said deceased, aud tho luteresttheieul to be nn
nuallv and recrularlv natd to her bv tho nut-choi.
cr, Interest to bo cnuipuled Irom tho lirst day of
April, a, ij. is,., xwsiiiy per com, or two-uiirus
ol tho pnrchaso money to be paid on day of sale,
one-half of tho bnlanco less tho twenty per cenl,
on thu llrst or April, A, IX. 1S7-, when pusses. Ion
will bo Riven and balanca in one year theieatter
Willi Interest Irom April 1st, 187.'.
l'mctiaser to p.iy lor deid unit stamp".
Locust twp., Dec 12, 1S71.IS Trustee.
V A L U A 11 L E HEAL E S T A T E.
Hy vlrluo of aulhorlly nnd older of lho Or
phnns' Cuuit of Columbia couuty, tho under
rlgned ndmlnlsirators nf tlio est to oi CJeo go
W, Veager, deconseil. will expuse to salo by pub
lic vendue on tho premises, on
A LOT OF -HOUND Consisting of
situate iu tho vlllago of Slabtowu, In Locust
towushlp Columbia county, wheioou nro erect
ed a
ntlnched together with stabling and necessary
outbuilding. Adjoining lauds or John Hcrner,
lauds of David J eager, lauds of Isaiah Y eager
aud tho public road.
I'ossesslou will bo given on thelst of April,
IMA upou paying tho purchase money, or secur
ing tho samo to bo puiu, to lho satisfaction of
thu admtulslra-ors.
TEHMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of ono-fourth
ot tho purchase money to bo paid on tho day of
sale, ouo.fourih of tho purchase money less tho
ten per cent, to bo paldou confirmation of tho
tale-, tho balance in ouo year thereaitcr with In
terest on the same Irom tonllrmntlon ulsl.
T It. H. IttNULElt. Clerk O. C.
Locust twp., Dec. 1), 1871-ts,
p U U L I C
In pursuance nt
nn order of the Orphans,
Court ol Columbia ceunty.tho undeislgneduuar
umn or tno person and ustnlo of Julia Clark, a
iiuuur ciuiu oi imviu w. u ark, lato of Montour
township, In said county, deceased, will expose
to salo ou tho premlsos ou
at 10 o'cloek lu lho forenoon oisald day, Iho
undivided ono-ihlrd of all that certain truct of
Woodlaua siluato lu Montour township In wild
county, bounded on the uorih by litm s now or
lato of Hurley A Frlck, on tho west by land of
Andrew Claris, on tho south by laud ot William
J, Ever, and ou tho east by laud ol Mary Chirk,
containing 1
nud ono hundred and orly perches.
TIUtMS OF S ALE.-OUO third of tho purchnso
money 'to remain cluiged upon said laud during
the natural llfo of tho widow oi said J'avld W.
Clark, deceased, and tho Interest thereof lobe
annually und rtgularly paid lo her by tho pur
chaser or purchasers durlug her natural llfo. said
Interest tu ho computed from tho lstday of April
A. D. lWf and the principal nt her death to bo
paid tu tho parties legally autborliod to receive
tho same. Twenty per cent, of ot tho
purchase money to Jio paid ou tho day of sale,
tmo half of the balance or tho purchase money
to be paid ou Ihe 1st day of April A. D.Wi, when
possession of said luieicstwlll be given and lho
balance uf tho piucliaso money lo be paid ou
Iho 1st day of April A. D. lS7d. Willi Interest on
Ibosumo from tho 1st day of April A, I). 172.
rurclmstr or l'urchosers to pay for Deeds nud
Hlumi s.
LEWIS YETrKU, auardUn.
N. 11. Tho p-.hcr parlies In Interest will sell
their Interests lusald Woodlaudupou tho terms
aud conditions ubove mentioned,
Catawlssa, Deo, 111, 1571-ts.
WATCH FIIEH tn Aeonll tn lntrodiico artleloi
nml nil lu ovcry house, Ii.VTrA ft Co., ritti.
burg. IM.
0)tlf? A MONTH, Horso nnd carrl-wo Inr-
?OiQ) lilnhed! oxneiiHCH pildi sampiei fret.
li niiAiv, iviireii, jiip.
ItlllcN. SIiot-f)tiiiM, Uovtilvcrx
nti tnnlArlnl. F ...rtf 1 Iti.l , U.'rlln ttrVtflA
.lit, to Ureal WMteru(lun Werk-t, Pittsburgh!
'a. Army uiini nnd Revolvers bouuht or tnvl,
for, AgcnM wnntcd, nlO-lw
The ureal publication hv I)r, Chavao WOMAN
AH A WIFE A MOTHKK, will wtvo you money
nnd sulIerliiR. Atienta wanted nvorvwhcroi la.
dlcH prcforrod, l or terms mblrc r WM. II. KV
ANH At CO. 70Banom Bl I'hlladclphla. nlH-tw
Kultli O'Uorman. KRcnoed Nun. tt
Convent T.lfn
tiuvt'llfl " by
ores nro tlirllllnir nnd starlllmr. FilANlit.lN I'mi.
riuiaiiclphlq l'a. nia-lw
!tO.OU F A 11 M K 11 '
Till! lirXPEll shows yon how to snvo nnd how
lo mako money on tho farm. Whero to look for
the tirntltH, and how to obtain them. How lo
clear tooo.uo irom Ojt. to May, A copy free lo ov
ry jarnir spoiling name aim ,-. u. uu'iruss 10
w ZlHClI.iUlv&McCU'ltOY, Philadelphia, l'a.
WlIITNt-.Y'r) NEATrt l'OOl' lTAUNl:-)? bOAl'.
c rrt HI JIAM IlKiriNKO.
1x vum, niacin, x ousoc nuu nunp,
nt tho sumo tlmo. l'in un tn largo
and ftnall boxes, nlso in :1 lb bars.
Has been In uso lor years and give
ported satisfaction, Hcud stamp for
our WAVF.IUiY. Addresi O, F. WHITNEY
ro. Hi AlllK Ht iintnn, jiuss. niiHim
A bound cnnvaiilug book of lho
I'lCToni.iii itiui.i:,
Containing over SIX) Illustrations. WlthnUom.
preneilnvoi;ycinpeiiiaexpiaiiniurj' ui tnaoi;ii,-
lures, in Hsm-iiit anoiIeuhan,
niC-lw WM. FLINT & CO.,l'blladclplila, I'.i.
life m mm
Willi n full nml nnlliolillo 111. lory nt tl.vnAUr,
by J. 11. 11EAULE, Editor or the Salt Lake lie-
11 Aifenls nro meetliui with unprecedented sua
cess, ono reporta lSOsubscrlbctslu ronr days, nn
olhcr 71 lu two dnys. Bend for Circular and sea
wbal tlio press says oi 1110 wor,
l'UIlLlHHINU go.r l'hlladolphla, Fa.
scrlptiun line which will
lnvo -loiiR wnntp! u
nnvfltr In the fillb-
hell at fclglit lu every
li tho only work extsnt wiucn sausnm iiuswani
It Is beautiful and strlklmr, cnmbluliig nn en
tirely new nnd elegant Kuuilly rhotographto Al
bum, with n complete Family History, Full
initlcniars nuu circulars in, auu
OEO. MACLEAN, Publlhor,
niC-lw 719 saiiHom street. I'hiiiviMpnia.
TIIO IJUte.l City us it wus. sun li. x no utiiuiei.
or 40 years ago 'lho tlrcat City of yeslerd.iy.
Tho Smouldering Kniiis of to-day. A graphic
nccounl oflts uneamplod rlso and a vivid pic.
I urn or lis smiueu uesi i ucii'ui uy dinner b i.imiu
birliln, Elllors ot Ht9 CHIUAOO TlllllUNE.
Eyc-wltuessoH nn 1 great suirerers from tho tor
rlbln visitation. All tho main facts and Inci
dents nttcndlng this greatest calamity or tho
century, nro porirayod with surpasstiigdlsllncl.
ncss nnd power, tho eirecton Commerce, Iusur
nuco, etc., fully discussed, nnd dcUills of a worlds
sympatbello response reu r led.
Fully Illustrated, l'rico low. Agents should
apply immediately as tho salo will bo Immense.
Circulars Irco.
IIUlItlAlvlx XitlU-t, I'liou.siiers, i nu,
riilladclphla. CAUTION. Itewuro or Inlerlor
works, llo suro you get COLUEIIT Si CHAMI1EU
l'ljlt COUOltl, COLUS lil)AlWEiNlM.
Theso Tablets present tho Acid In Combination
wllh other clllcletit. remedies, lu n popular form
forlio(;urornllTIIHOATund LUNU Diseases
are liiimodlalely relieved nnd statements aro
constuntly being sent to thu proprietor ur roller
lu cases or throat iliiUcultles or years standing.
n nrnrrWT Dont bo deceived by worthless
UAU ilUiN Imllatlous. (lot only Wells'
Carbollo Tablets, l'rico 2 cents per llox. JOHN
o. KELLOUO, 181lattSt., N, Y.. Send for Cir
cular. Solo Agent for tho U. S. nlll-tw
JtjJ-Send lor our New Price List nnd a club
form will accompany It, coutauilug lull direc
tions making a largo saving to consumers and
remunerative to eluooiginlr.ers.
1'. O. llox 511.1. New York. nlO-lw
It Is not n physic It Is not what Is popularly
called it Illtteis, nor Is it Intended as such, It H
a South American plant thut has bceu uicd ''or
many j ears by tlio medical laciilty of tbosn
cuiiutrles with woudcrlul elllcncy nsu 1'owerful
Altenillvo nud trneiinalea l'urliler ur ti,a niuua
nnd Is it suro uu d lvrrcta Itcniedy for nil Diseases
ol thu
l'OVEltl'Y OR A WAAT OF lll.OOD,
1 1' IN OF '1 HE LIVER,
311 x Axs,
, Dr. Wolh' Extraot of Juruboba
Isoiiered to mo public as it great luvigornurand
remedy fur nil impurities of the bloo I, or for
orgjnlo weakness with tholr attoudaut evils.
For lho foregoing cimplaluts
is confidently recommended lo every family as
n household lcuiedy, and should bo freely taken
lu all doiungeuieiits of the system, It givo-i
health, vUor aud touo to all Ihe vital forces.and
animates aud fjrtllles nil woxic aud lymulutllo
OltN ij. KELLOaG, 18 I'latl St., Now Y'ork.
,, , Solo Agent for tho United States,
l'rico SI por llottlo. Soud for Cirojlar. ulii-tw
Tim illinvn uMI 1, nl.l r,..ln.n,,ii,lln)i
that will load to lho dolcctlou nal conviction of
tho person or persons who cut the holslliu ropu
ol itio iiudersigned itttliooro lulneou thu Turin
or Dsvlu Ai'inslroug, on the nlglit ot the
lust. This Is tlio socon.l tlmo this s.ims oireucd
was committed. ENOCH CAD.MAN,
uovI7'71.1m , Illoomsburg, l'a,
KJ tnn
nmo to tho nrcmlses' of the sub.4erlbcr. r,i.
siiling ut tho wut end of C.iutwlss.t bridge, a
wnuo auu leu spoueu cow, probauiy uluo orlou
yearsold, with ouocroukod horu tlut turus up
but no other particular mxrlcs oosorvo.l. Tno
owner Is reo.ue.slod to come forward, pruvo prop
erty, pay cuarges -nd taliu hor uw.iy , or she will
bu disposed ol according to law.
novl7'70-Jt FLOItKNCE DONAHOi:.
E N T I H T R Y ,
Kespecllully oireis UIs proiessioual services to
the ladles und gutitlemen of Illoomsburg and vl
clulty. Ho Is prepared louttend to nil tie varl
oils operations lu the lino of his proressiou, aud
Is provided with tho latust Improved i'okcelain
ficKTH which will be Inserted on yobl nlnllnr-
sllverand rubber base to look as well us the nat
ural iceiu. cetu eitracteu by all tue new anil
most approved methods, and all operations on
mo teeiu cuieiuiiynnu propeiiy atieuueu to.
Residence nnd olllcu a lew doors nxinvo the
Court House, samo side,
Illoomsburg, Jan.1'71 ly
, Are you tired or obtaining a living by hard
labor? If so, I havo for sale A CANAL GRO.
CERY niul FEED STORE with dwelling suttl.
cleut for threo families, In which you cnu mako
nn easy nnd comfortublo living, and If you try
can clear llvo hundred dollars n year besides.
All for lho small sum or Two Thousand dollars.
Stock nud fixtures Included, ready lor business,
Como aud seo for yourselves or address
noY371'2m I.uzerno Co., l'a.
Collections promptly made. Conveyancing
neatly executed aud all other busluoss conuect
cd Willi his profession carefully attended to lu
Montour, Northumberland and Columbia e.iuu.
ties Mt, Carmel, Nov, IS. Is7l-Gm,
quick sAtua and rmali. rnoriw,
Go to
East Illoomsburg. l'u., lor all kinds of tho best
home and city made
Trloes reasonable and tho be-' "irk dono.
Jan 171 If
In consideration or. tearing down our works
and rebuilding which will he commenced very
soon we mo offering plows, stoves, Ac, at
greatly reduced prices.
Illoomsburg, l'a, - I'rnnrletors
Tho Winter Term of this Institution will open
aud contlnuo eleven weeks. Tuition from t3.U)
tuis.uu, lustiuctlon glvcu lu all the common
aud higher English brunches, together with Lat
lu, Grick, Frenoh and German. Good board cau
bo obtulued at JJJ.UOper ucek.or rooms furnished
to those who wish to board themselves. For
further particulars address
J E. hCllooNOVElt, Principal, or
Dr. O. A. MKOARGELL, Secretary.
Ornngovlllo, Oct. W, 1871-lm.
AtilONTti WA1MTKI) I'Ull '1'HK
only Reliable, Complete aud Finely lllitstrn led
The fastest selling book ever Issued, Act quick
ly and securo extra terms nndcholco Holds. Out
lit, Wconts, IIUlillARD HROS., publishers, 7.'l
Hausom St., llhtla. nlJ-lw