THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMRBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNT X The Columbian. Bloomsburg, Friday, Doo. 29, 1871. Countv I'Al'Ktts. Wo nto ocninlnn. nlly vlsltctl by comiilntntng one " who imvo ixbout intvlo up tliclr nuiiimo Ulop their cuiinty jinpor nml Inko ono from nuronil." Ono Mini tins iloitulu M10 rcndltiK mnttcr ntul sllll only crisis t ho i tnt.Arn..MlMrl(1tnw.nrmirnn1tr MinO Of llCNinilS KM. 1110 1 1 II 1 0 V 1 I IT from nil oxcltnniro innv nrrhnns llirow are our only authorized Agent In Philadelphia, p. )HMo llRIlt Upon til? SllimllOII Mill Mil. iv'nirulia to triin.nei any business pcrtululiig lo I ircst nil llloa Of two ! thn Coi.iiMiiMN oniro. Wo sompllnips nir-nt InillvltliiAla win. 4 j- All mivun tut-mrnn iur mw numimn nn - - - - - "HUuMnimu,"h0 Ag"""' or ay complain nliuut their county paper ami iu uitiu It, Jlll'im rillir HI HUUurilMI for ii city pnper. Thoy do not Eceni to comprehend tho facta In (ho relation to publication!) and support of papers. In 'i aIm' ":iVr-M: 11,0 nHt ,,lacc' ,,ur ,cr"l, of nfl,rly iiis'r.M.'lii-ii a.m city papers uro tho same ns tho county, Hailrond Tiino Table ..ackawanna a i.t.Q0M8ntma it. ii. Mall Accommodation Impress. CATAWll-HA It. It. ntOM 11U1T.11T STATION. Onlnrl North. u.?'". "omii Ml V. M. ll'lUS A. M. r-i lor n smgio copy, una tlio only v.ny they set them for lcsi thnii Mint prlco li iy cliihblnp; ; and scndlne for it number of copies nt n time. Then ncnln they must lnvnrlnbly tend tho money In ad vance, Which they seldom do for their county paper. Hut tho principal dif ferent conslits In tho fact that It coits tho publisher of tho county paper tho Bamo to ret his typo that It does tho city publisher, and selling tho typo Is tho principal expenso In publishing n uowti- pipcr of Binall circulation. After tho typo Is onco Bet tho expenso Is thon merely for blank paper and pnts work, and tho paper with nhtindral thousand subscribers, lias tho nilvnntotro nt two dollars. Of courso tho largo city papers contain a gioater amount of rending matter Mian tho county paper.-, but James M. Pouteii, of Easton, has which ii tho mint useful and Interest- been elected 11. W. J. Grand Warden of Ing? Do they contain notices of our tho Masonic Grand Lodgo of Mils State. fchooH, churches, meetings, marriages, nml hundreds of other local matters of John S. Stkiinkh hiw been busily interest which tho county papers nub. engaged In hauling brick to tho old silo lisb without pay ? Not an Item. Do preparatory to rebuilding Mio Exchange they ever say it word calculated to draw Tiik editor of tho Columbian wlllfcell Ids premises, on tho corner of Centra Strict and otii Avenue, moomsourg, and give po?eelon thereof lit any tlmo after January 1st. Tho properly Is In nil recpecls n very desirablo ono and 'will bit sold on fttvorablo term. Call and no. M. F. Conn eh is authorized to trans act any business connected with tho Coi.ujiniANofllco. tf. Tin; llov. Mr. limits will preach in tho lleforincd Church at this placo on noxt Sabbath evening nt tho usual hour. Hotel. Tim trial of Mrs. Wharton for the poisoning of Gen. Kotchum la now go ing on in Baltimore. There stems to bo Eomo doubts as to tho lady's guilt. Thk Grand " Dook" Is to cxcllo Mil wauklo next, wo believe. Owing lo tho fact that ho is a llttlo hurried ho will not get around to Hloomsburg this trip. They do tho "inarriago'' business by wholesale. In Hradford county. Eight couplo wero recently united by ono ceremony In Towandit. On tho 8th of January tho Stato Nor-1 Abraham Amu ine s w attention to our county and to Its nuni erous thriving towns, and nld In our progress nnd ontcrprlo? Not n lino And yet thero uro men who tako tho contracted view of Mils matter that un less they nro getting ns many fquaro Inches ofroadlng matter in their county paper ns they do in n city paper, they aro not getting the wortli of their inon ey. It reminds us of tho peron who, takos tho largest pair of boots In the box, simply becauso they cost tho sum o its tho pair ninth smaller that fit. ItcclpU for Subscription to (lie "Coltim ui.ui," iur iJMi'iiiiicr, is, i. Anrnli Mil or John 1C (lloU 8 2 (K! Ilcnlatiiln Qerlngor 2 (0 4 w 'l lllllllll .uuuser nial School of Mils placo will commenco iVoiirown C. G. IJaukley as Principal, ulty will bo duly announced. Tho iac- The Jury Commissioners met Mils week and lllled tho wheel anew for tho year 1872, putting In over four hundred names. Tho Jurors for febrimr.v Term are drawn nnd will appear next week. 1 1' tho clerk of tho weather bo pro pitious, it will not bo long before tho sleighing season will set In. Tho boys, too, uro longing for ripo siur.v-li.ill, nnd places to slide down hill. A 1 will como In good tlmo, wo suppose. A physician of IJloom-burg has at last hit upon tho happy expedient of vaccinating on tho lei;-. That, we think, Is 11 pretty good lilt- 1, Copicially since tho fashionablo Indus dislike so much to havo their fair 11-ns disfigured by tho llttlo mark Hilinucl 11 Lovall Wm Humo Amlrow Hhuman Daniel Hlngley Br. Peter Knrver IUubcnT l-'otilk .Hntnuel E.Hmltn iicury 11 Knorr rhliH.ns8ii.llh 1.0V 1 llclshiluo .Mm A. Mi-nNil1 ltoubcu K 11 11 1 lo tstltnuct II Whlto Hun HlepH WilUy Itcubcn lecllicl .lohn llruucn Not Hill ( TPItHV Suniucl Krlt2 l'ulrlcic KIII0311 v j Lnmphatl u to 1 ii ml 2 u 2 li 1 Oil 2 (111 2 IM 71 2 X 'J IN 2 110 2 01' 2 OH 2 U 2 Oil s llHfVlwrt wm r uouunifl .1 A liornn KinaixhiH UnanuMt Win U KobluKuu llHumnn Wllllnm John Ian li Mcllrl.lo D.inlel IlAlntnnn jUcorgo Aitirnhy 1111 CimiSTMAS Day. Although thowea- ther was of tho most dlMigreeablo cliar. actor, tho citizens of Hloomsburg geno. rally enjoyed Christmas in a very pleas. ant manner. No serious disturbance occurred to mnr tho day, nnd many social reunions and gatherings took place. Hon .1 MdlU'vna'dH 2 0 .1 it uroui Joliu W lloirmnn (.liorjio Viiiu-o Jacob Tcrwllllgor ir u i i..trity 1 A lvani Huiniirl (iluor Jt'hsti ltlltenhousa ClutrlcH (Irovi-r Abnor Wfl-sh A It ruttciuon llalltl Hhtihlan l'ettr (llrion Jacob Ix.111011 rhlllpvVt-tioup Kamiicl Hhono 1 li-tuuel .Mcllenry 1 iit'r r ru Montgomery Colo Michael liulnon O II While u l) Aiiplenian HHchweppenlu'Ucr Jaliics Juuoby (loo htcailmtm Itlcbard Kilo T J VandersMceur William I.lllilcu Davlil llrown li John C hmllli John Collins John UUkH II r HICKS J Klwood llcacock John linker Kinnnuciuilbcrl J K Vonntl Kol Ilonseltnccht JohllH Nfyhault (J H (llrion Upomo Kvcs It II Ultltl'US MNs Let llnrtiiU John Monro 'lhoiuasKilkcr I H Kan 11 William Asb Mlchuel llrennau T.ouls (liiloli WmTHiirticl The Cor.UMntAN is tho only ptper publlsliod this week in Columbia coun ty. This is tho very week that nil road- lng people dcalro tliu faitliful chronicler of tho notvs, botli local and general, more than any other. 'I ho JtepuWeun suspeudod this week and of courso tho Sentinel could not appear. 1 -1 Wm M llrlilo A Son 2 on! TnnCounty Audlto rs will meet next ftVi&TnUor I S3 week to audit the accounts of tho Troas- 11 itnseuMoik 2 00' urcr and County Commissioners. This board Is composed of acknowledged ac countants, henco wo may look for an Intelllgable, correct and clear statement of tho financial affairs pertaining to county matters. iKilllS Ilclshlhio oiieoh Wenncr n'i, iicmaiy lll-'l-'oitiier Kamurl (llllaopy 101111 v uiuaspy J W Evans MrK f)hlni.ver Lawrenco Wallers Ml JOI1CH II U rhllllpn Ur W SI lteber MB Hu nyn.11 losepli Wclllvcr WIN011 Wanlch Samuel Alo William llahb Wni'Irowbrhli-o William llecri, l.awrcnco Crotian I'eter Creellnc Moses H. bllcher Allen Mann W H Colo Thomas 11 Colo .u A .Mooro I M lie molt Daniel Welllvcr '(Ml llnrklt.i- i Oil, I urortner WIIhoq u Cramer lames Alnerman M V Kytily Win (lolpmnii 2 M'l V (llrton On, .Jolili Wcrkhclher 2 uu uaniel cimlcr 2 (m "anniel MorrtMon 2 0 K I. Hnyder 2 w Valentino Welllvcr w u Li Artlev jaine r rloacr froatr-lt llclr JohuHritetlcr Alex Kramer Samuel Ilogart wm 110 las Cnpt G W Utt uavia Ituup Wm Creahy r I W Kelchuer JoHhim VtUz John itarlc John Heaver M A Ulrtnn lameH (llrton M 1' Ilielleury lohn V McIUurv .Win I. Harner I K Appleman 2 m 2 2 I 2 00 2 001 2 m 2 U 2 00 2 IX.. 2 (4. 2 0.., 2 IK. 2 00' 2 2 00 III 2 (. 2 10 2 10 1 00 2 II) 2 Ut 1 31 2 00 2 00 2 00 10 2 00 TW 2 Oil 1.1KUI, NOTICES. NOTICE. The N V, P. Ilranch Ofllco of llio CONTlNENTAf, MFH INSURANCE COMPA N V of New York lim been removed lo llloom ImrR.Cnl co Pn, Atentianil others Interested will pica direct tbclr lelten, Ac., tolllonim. Img, Cnlumbla county, I'a, l'.DW'n L. Jom lias clnrgo of llio Wllken-Ilarro ngency, I.UDWia A IIHOCKWAY Oencral A Rente. Ol'.NTH WANTED Inr a NEW HOOIC, Ktorlcs ofTUAVKU M)VFNr0ltE,.UC(IMn(pl,40 by AMimiT 1. ItlcllAltlisoN llnely U'llnlmien. Very lro ray. Andro.11 COI.UMIIIAN HOOK !Q Hartford, ct. nai i IIknrt ZuiTlNiinli, Main Btrcet. West Illoomi- burg, Is n Riiccessful operator on oM find new Oold Wntclio. CfncTArbM Willi nil kinds of lenses mil frames at Hrnuy .DrriNarcn's establlfthment Main Btrcet, West Uloomsburtt ' lr your bono Is Urne, ftoro or Rittlod, yon Mioul.t uso Johnson's AxonTMK MniMRrj wash llio part wllhcastllosoap nnd warm water rub dry, with a clean eloth, then apply tho Mil- Imcnt, run In well with the hand. Uavb tho rendors of tho CoLUMiiIAH ever used nny of Pakson'b PunaATtvit Pills? If not, why not? they nro llio best family physic, bosldes being tho groAtcst antl-blllous remedy thero Is In tho rounlry. HMALh POX PIIEVENTIVE FOlt THE SMALL SUM Ol' TEN CENTS, T MOYICll IIUOS. n51. Poll ItENT. A neat and convenient Hlnro House, sltuato 011 comer of Main nnd Market streets, la tho town of MlrfllnvUte. Possession given April 1st, 1872. Apply to JOSEPH MOHTELI.EIl, Mlfninvllle, 1. W. Haiitman has Oreen, llrown, Lead, Wlno nfid lllack l'rcncn Merinos for 00c to $1.2). . C. Maiiii has a now lot of Child's Jll-scs' mo! Ladles' HUOEiS cheap. I. V.'. Haiitman lins sold iO sttsnf White Ware slueo last January and expects to Kelt 19 more beforn tho coming January, Who will bo tho next? Price il.'il, M.75, 8I.W nml 51.15. (.'. C. MAhR has. Cheap for rash, a fine lot of HATS end CAPH 1. W. Haiitman Is selling all Ills TANCr HIIAWIH at a groU rolnctloii. (Jo nnd toe lliem. The placo to buy ol.KSWAIti: and WHITE DIMIIES cheap Is at I. W. haktman's. Thk greatest Htoclc of Goods in llio County to bo hold In December, January and J'ebiuary, call at I. W, HAUTHAls'a. ril'I.KNmu Ono and Two Bcalcd BI.EIOIHfor s.iluul law it; llonlN,nt Oraugevllle, at veiy low prices. LOW A IIOI1INIS, COAI.I COAL II COALItl-Josll Hillings sulk llio best llmo to set a hcu Is uhen tho hen Is ready. Tho best tlmo to replenish ) our coat bin is now. Th prlco Is tH towns tt has been forn long tlmo. Cull upon J. J, ItouuiNsat tho Co lumbian lion Works, and 'order a supply. Ills noivriultcn Irom oH'tho L. A II., It, U. Is Mulshed. Look heie, Johu, t Mill tell you (but you must keep It a secret) where you can get a nice Christ mas present for your wlro chear, nt I, W. HAnT- MiNscliean tAHiRlore, umllobblus I T M Cox David It AlbcrtKon 2 GO Tivy Tins Thick. Tho latest itmus- ment, says n "phunny phellow," is tcrmod tho "Printers Delight," and Is performed in tho following manner: Tako a sheet of nolo paper, fold It carefully, nnd encloso i bank note sufilclently largo to pay up nil arrears for subscription, advertising andjob work. And what adds immensely to tho, is to send along tho names of a few subscribers, "with cish to balance." Keep your oyo on tho printer, mid if you detect a smile, tho trick Is 11 success Delinquents, try this trick, mid if It don't do your heart good, nothing will. Wm ThonitiK Win II lliks ll. lij lvUller I It llrugler Peter llrugler Divhl II Wagnor WmUlrion Abljuli lls W 11 Cramer 2 OH 2 On 2 IW 2 m 1 (is1 2 00 2 Ml 2 Ml 2 00 I K Appli (IT Hill Ellas Yost Mteph McKwcu Thomas Knorr John Vanhlcklo Johu llohtou Ira PurHel Wm Johusou (1 L Mooro John W DUts (leo Dills Joseph O Hoss Fzoktcl Colo 1'hllln Dills David 1: Hayman lleuj.imln minor Adam Hill leo lless Samuel McHcniy cinrauccti Claris 00 2 Id 2 no 2 00 2 til 2 (II 2 00 2 IK1 2 (0 2 (10 2 01 2 (IJ 2 Oil 2 CO 2 00 2 HI 2 00 1 73 1 5 2 00 2 00 2 ( !) 2 IK) 2 00 71) 2 (X) 2 00 2 00 2 10 2 01 2 0 2 10 2 IK) 2 ll 2 0.) 1 00 1 (10 2 00 IKI 00 '0 2 00 2 IK) 2 00 2 IKI 2 00 2 (III 2 (0 2 00 2 00 2 01) 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 Oil 2(0 2 00 2 0J :i 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 01 2 IKI 2 00 2 (10 2 00 2 U) 2 no 2 00 i Ml 2 00 2 (111 2 00 2 10 1 60 Pmisonh who have bcconio thoroughly chlllol from nny cause, my have their circulation nt once restored by Liking Into the stomach 11 tea- ppoonful of Johnson's anhivnh Liniment mixed In 11 llttlo cold water, well sweatcned l'.vcttv firmer who owns a g htoclc of hirsos cattle and sheep, nn I lutcuW to keep them through tho winter, should get nt onco a good stock ofSHF.mnAN'H Cavalhv Condition Pow- nuns. Ooo dollars woilhwlll save nt;K.lst ft half ton of hay. The pcoplo rome from Prnuklin, laieust. Mad' Iscn, Hemlock, Centre, OrnnRe, Plshlngeieox and nil tho other townships In tho county to buy 1. W. HAHT&TAN'fl cheap goods lor cash. BlNdtusNew lMinlly Sewing Machines-ten dollars ensh-hntanco in monthly Insllllim-nts' J. A. Hoiian, Agent, Iiloonisbulg, Pa. nnrG-lt A fl V Hl1UWA''T,I, IoT inr miiuiiT bidkof AmIJLi J ij new YnnK.n Library of Informa tlnti pertfiltilnK to lln liimitiillan nml Object of Intercut, lly h clly Mlmlnnnry. Two Mtindroa KnarnvlnftM. AKeotn M 4) n iluy. Just IkmioiI. 11, jukai. I'miiniicriti urnnawny, n i. iw tOrrOUnrrsCliintioN or HotTtHmrraTtiR, Onnire- uv llrrnnrl unmiunn. u, a, now i" una thU imwcr (which ntl poOMjftt will. Dlvlii- i 4 r1 niton, Hplrltimitsui. Hflrrerlc, Prinonolony, ntnl n inntiKnnii ouitr wciinerw, r riru iy nmu ti Inclnlhi rhpercovpM I.K, Copy fno Vnoaentt anty, .m montlilv i nftlly timilp, AildrrM T. W kvanh, nib. i n win Hired rinift'ieipnm yti. nr TUB GREAT .RE1UJ5L10. mmt c 1 sua inon lniuauiu ihioil it an viuerii-nii evrr mibllshct. 2tl tUaant lllUMtrtilloUri on teol nnu wooti, vnw ih ciiicp, ixiiiuimki, nvrrn. inouiiittint,flccic. jncuitien cciiruh mHimiicn m lHvn. imn uaj mrao mo, jnscft rn nijuru riPer Wrlllen bv Juiumi 1. McL'nbe. Jr. Oun nluine, iirlro $fl,(o. lUvA HgiMiti wnnicil ecrjwlcro. HcihI for term to WILLIAM II. liVAft" w uii. , , nVViir 70 Ransom Htrcct, t'liUfiilclphm. miifur.n DKSTRiinTinN. A lull aim coinpittuiiiir)' m i.iik-uk". t.r present ondlature. With ginphlc ncene, iorl itfiiiR ntul full iIlIhIIi of thH tlURHter. bv (leo. i uptou una J. , t-upinuu.ennors 01 mo hicuku jruune, wmiovri w piiui'. hihi 01 hiubiii. tliiiiu It l tiiiu- Tf nilt fop ilpllvf rv. AGENTS WANTEDnnmi'an'd'rh.o ot lerrltury. Union I'uulUlinitf Co., 111., or riillu. CUNDtJIlANGO. itM-m If l.t..VI.'. At I'li'M TTfii lil K.itrnrt. Tho wonderful rentodv for rnncer. Hypfillli, Hcroraw.uiCdr, ruim'tnary uompiuui'n. nun line im uni n 1 unronio liUKxi uim'.im?s, is prc- imrn 1 nm 1 1 1( Inn n I n a I 'it Mil 11 run ai 1 lilflt. from Lifa.l-'duidnr. flccurud bv the nnn.dime of tho nnthorltieHor tnui eoanlry. u ih ine iww. iotj- iii-n. nrnmrii. ntm rcriniit niLcriiiivn nun iiitmu rurlfier knowo. H..ldbynll ltruirRll, In pint bolt b'S. hav in! 011 thorn our name, vninviunrK nnd direction-, ticnd fnr u clrculnr. Olllco onu laboratory, u. 60 Lednr mi., x. 1. I1K OAAThI; AND CUJtU OV CONHUMrriON i'lio rrlmnrv oaiMoof UoufminnMoH 11 (lerftt)II- inentiif tho ilfcestlvo orunns. 1 id dcraitscemni.t irodurei deiicit'iit ninnimu nmi nssnniivuMi Jy nnlmlUtloii I mriin ttint procen by which he nutriment ol Iho for N romrrleJ into kKxl,ntul thenra Into tho solid of tho 1-rnly. tfpunni Willi illaratlrin thtu linnilitil, llflVlhC ihn rrtvItinnlUoii to liUlmntiirv itM- rftRo,rr II they titro rol I, will bu very llnble to nnve ijoiiRuinpimii m iiiu ii'miki hi mmiu ui ith formnj nml I hold that It will bo itnpoidlIo t euro nny rnno of romnmptl'Mi wlllioit' Aral re Klorlnaii pfKid (Uycftion nnd hoiltby ii-Mlmlln tlon. Tho very llrsttlilittft ho donoN toelennno tho htntiinchutut Imwt-ls miinulUlKoitflotl iuucqs nnd Mime, wiildi li cloHln( tlHRO oinn to mat iiiry ciuinm ti i nnn nun ti"ii", huh then ruun np mid iPHoru tho liver tun healthy nctlon. Tor thH pnrp'io llio unreal niri best remedy H Hfhenclfii Man-unUo 1111. Theo l'llH clean tho fclotnach nnd boweH or nil tho dendnnd moihld flltrio Hint H raining iHeno nml decay In thn wholo nysloiii. They will cut tho ller of all dhenfied bllo thathaiaccmi) tilAttd mere, nnu rouso u up i" a rew nivi healthy ncllon, by which hnmral and hcnlthy bllo Hpecretul, Tho Momacli, bnweH.nnd liver aro tlnnelenn v fd by tho mo of Hehencn's MandraUo I'lltsj but thero us in tho stomach nn excess of achl, iiofirKim h lorpm ami ino oppuiim puur. in tin itciu-pta lim tnrtfnti uni weulc.niid rt-nuirlrit stten;;th and supporr. It H In u eoii'llllon llko inn iiihi cciieiic.-B rruwewi jumu inmtMu tho most valuable remedy over dHc v;ro 1, It u niirnihiK. nti'i iin un wilt tieutrjllzo nil exectn of arid, making tho stomach uv. eot aud lrttli ; H will ki permauem ioiio ui inn nmiui i.un, Ran, and ireato a pood, hearty uppUtto, and Pre puiuthe system for the llrst pniLesHof u koo-1 dl- ivintf i.IiitmI. Aftrr ihti nrenarnlorv trcalnn iit, what rciiiniiis lo euro most com h ut Uunttump tlon li Iho freo and pcrHeverliiK "so of HciieneSc'ii riilmonlcHyriip.'lhpPulmonicHyrupiioiirMiM rii il tutu ihn rlrrnlulloii.iinil theucn dlttrlb u ea lo mo uiseosea iuuhs. imiu it iiiwhhh in..nii.i t.i'iiiotfe ti-iotlir iii tlin lorm fit ubeesM (a or tiilx-rcUs, mid then nssUH Natur to expel all thodluated niiUUr.lii tho fjnn of freoex- Itcctotailoil. wiim onro ii riiin?. jl n hu m, uy nuin ii:au. svay york osi:uvi:u ii per Annum, lnd tultng Vcar Book fot 1S7J. BIDNKV K. MOUHl", JU.,i CO. 87 I'ark ltow, NcwYotlc. UN1VEHSALISM Kend Tor freo saniplo copy of tho Cltttl'sTlAN ed by Iho New Vorlt Htnto Conveiillon or Uni versallsts, nn leoiilalnlni! thoHermnnsofllr. lv. Il.Uhapm. l ei Qt.ifii per year, rtuonsi.. u lUhcr LllltmriAN LtfAUlUl, isss llroadwuy, 'ew York Clly. trAMtr 1 AUA.1HI IS of. iVUUu O Kied Ino aurlnit Ih o coiulnu's car to every subscriber of Mirry's Muvcuni, tho To ledo Illade, l'onieroy'a Democrat, etc., which is nnevldencooflts worth and popularity, nor nco Orceley, James l'arton, Theoloro Tlltou Onll Hamilton, etc., wrlto for every number. In clubbing, it olfers three first clors periodicals for tho prlco of one of them, A variety or prcmi urns on equally liberal terms. It Is an original, tllst class hibuazlno. Volumo X begins with Jan. ''i. Threo specimen copies r.eo. Address i. H. WOOD, N'ewbuiKh, N, V. PL ORAL, it Ha. vim OViMt ONi; HUNI)HK1 1'rlnteil In Ten (lolnm. on Miiierh llnted Four llumlrfrd KnaravlnKi iof Flow cm, 1'luuU uud veuetuuibH, wun iMxcripuous.ntHi TWO COU)Iti:i) I'liATKS. Directions nnd plan- for wink Ihr Walks, Lawns. (lanlcni. Ac Tho handsomest and bU Flora Onldolii tho Torld. All for Ten Cents, to those who think of buying HftdP. Not a quarter tho COt l. i.VU,UVU KOLU 1)1 AildrebN, f IH7I, JAM1-S VICtf. Itoehester, N. Y. PETERS' MUSICAL Tho J)ec. No., prlco 8Pe., lias 19 Ficeen vorninnu inir i 1'iano, Wu wilt mull two hack Son, tor oik!.. lour p;o ,cr Jan, to lVc, 71.for (riunhir ortr S"l ' liuiind copies tor 1871. yllt sldea nuut'iiKis, B). ino iiisioisn HAVmm xrifavs.Tliomas.Klnkid (lounm jlUil I liJjletc., CKrKllM.iili itroautvay, n, l, i: u. i.ox tn' Wis would advl'o ull tint want KOJd Furct turo to bo lo U. W. COimnLh, ho han Just ri turn ed from Iho illy w 1th n, splendid assortment of Furniture which ho wilt sell cheaper than over for en (di or naJy pay, HU motto H qn tck akh and small profits. Tiik btatcmcnts made by dealers In oilier ma chines, that they sell New Singer Hewing Ma chines is not true. The Singer Manufactory Mipply ng mncblnci In Columbia county, except to their an thorlr-ed cgciit, J, A. Doiian. noitl-tf Roal IJfltnto ialoo, p U It li I 0 H A U Ii v.vr.irAHLiJ ni: h i:hi atf. tn miritiani'onf an order ot II eurntmiiS' Itonrt of CulumhU county, Fatho uttdt rflitned, gmr; ill in of .fnhti H, Ihomaft, Margaret Hio . and Otnu litis V. Ihomas, minor rhlHion of .lohn Tiio'ii ol Iiiooimbur, In ajld couuty, will tX poso to pti'illc sale, on tho prcmUos, on H.VTUUI) VY, ths 6TH DAY of JAKUAItY, IAS, at 10 oVIocU n. m., thn f- 1!owIpr i1eetlboi1 vnitb a'jlo te il eU, V wltl All lhi teit,ilii IjOT OF (J HOUN I), idtuala lit the town of llloomslmig, la f.ald ootiti ty, when upon U ( rtctoi n Tiiur.iVHiouY HUicK itvi:r. inu house, Htab'o and all other lueowiry oulb tlldltms, bounded and ileferlliot us follow : on tho rwniih by Hecond ur Jl ln Htreet.on the iat b nlot of iViaran i Appiriniin, on mo norm ujr nn nii j, audoiilhe weithv an allev adlolnluff n lot ot JunR K, Kjcr, b lnjf Hlxt'yKlx feet or there about ii In fiont upon ffeitid Ptrcet.and aVut iwi iniuuitHi uii i luurn ii ieri in irmn, H. II. UIMtiliVH, tierK. TCItMH ' V HALi:. Ten ir cent, uf tho nni fourth of the purchase money to hd iatd nnnlrlk as down of iho pMiaMty oao fourth, UM tho ten per cent, on tho eoMflnnatlou ; and tlione tnalulnln thrte-fnurthii In ono year theio.itter with Interest Irom th - e jntlrmatlon nisi. -lUIIiS TIIOJIAH, lllojmshurtr, Drc, 1, bTt-ts Ou.irdlan, puiUiicsAiir, V A I- U'A 11 I, l; It U A L i: W T A T H . Iiyvlrluo offiutnrlly and older of Hie Or phan'H iomt ofColuiiibli county, Ihp umler- ii , . . , , ,V tiVfiuiVwr tifn .lini.-tt iir liUCLi uxccuioroi inn cmaio ti jonn .Mencie, iho creat li Hi K and purl ..Vf0. iV, a diveancd, lato of Hemlock township. ColumbU r?f. , rw . : ino essenuai iinnff w u mu v; natuKDAY. JAINUAHY tilll. J071. u ih to Kct up a pouduppctllo und u kwj I ii, so tlrnf Uio Codj will crow In UeU htrong. If perion has diseaitd lungs, CLAItK i WOLF liavo an asbortment of gooils now that would bo ncrejlt to any lownurtiLore In thoHlate. Uveu their leugtliy advertUoment can not do Juhtlco to tho subject. It M well wortli tho tl mo to call nnd fco the goods aud how cheap they cau bo sold. MARRIAGES. IVr:Y HUKCK On Doc. 2"lh, by Itov, A. H. llowmuu. ;ir, William tl. jveyanu .-turpi ui.ira J. Heece, both of Hemlock townMilp. IUHKLIj DOTY Dee, 12th. In Ornngevlllo, by Uev. N. hpear, Mr. Lewis w. unseu oi iieuion, to MUn IJzziu Doty of Fihhingcrcc'.f. OKI(ir.H-m:UTZF.r,-Onthniil8tlust.,by Uov. wm. J, ryer, Mr. viltuimtieii;er,;o aim jauo llerlzvl, both of Main township. bTUAUHKU-STItAUSSKK-On Iho 21th Intd , by tho mine, Mr. mohch Htrnu'iser, lo .miss hu pEieiitiHtiiLussjr, both of Itoariugcrcek twp. IlKICHEHT-mi.Lia-Ontlio the tame, Mr. FrauclH iieletieit in .Mhs ar.l'l lHUlif, both of Locust township. DEATHS. Winteu Is now fairly upon uv, an J the toimi am hastening to tho lumber woods In various parts of tho country. Our advbe to every mnu who goes to tho wood, bo captal n, cook, teauia tcr, or any other man, Is to take along agool htOCk Ot JOHMSON'3 ANODVNK LtNIMKNT and I'AiuiON'a PonaATivK Vitaa. Many months of labor (In tho agregite) may bo saved by this pro caul Ion, Hap enough to loolc and foci bvl yours elf; but no excuse for halng your horso look nnd feel badly, when for a small sum you can buy Siieii idan'h Cavalhv Condition FowbEits, whlau given in grain two or three tlmou u, week, will mako him look and foel well. A OENKiiAL ocsortment of SCHOOL HOOKS and JSTATJONAKY, wholcfalo and retail at A, D. Wnint's Hook Htorc, opposite tho Court House. Mlt-cclluncouH bookx, por tin on a leu, kter lufseoplo pictures, games, picture-books, blank' books of all kl mis, etc,, etc. ii3K-tf. A NKwand elegant avsortmentof fall nnd win ter goods has Justbten Millkr & Hon, which they oilVr at ery low prices. AUo all articles usually kept In a dry goods M tie, Their filtmlsand tho lublicnm Invited lo call and cxamluu them. S A V I! V O U It tag v i: HY i'ltOMFIXY USING WINCHESTER'S HYPO PHOSPHITES, A unemlciill pure prep.iratlou of iMiosriioKts. whle'i Is n mo-tt lmnortHtlt olstltueiit m th timly, existing largely In tho UnOn, Ner vous hWux, 111 o I and Hones. Ir is TIIK UN' DUllWAHTi; on DKr ILIKNUY or tiik CIVINCJ A Nil MhP. tsrAINlNO P.LHM V.S T, WHICH lSTHKjIMMF.DIATFUAUHi: of COSrtUMPTlON, NHHVOU-1 DEllIMTY, DA UAhYrilSt DYSl'jalA, HCUUFUL , Ktc. Thn pioper ItemeJy forlheeireetual treatment a liil l in u of tho ftbovo 1 1 Is en se consiits lure. htorliiK to tho Itratu, Ntrvous Hptom, I.ungs nnd uiool,thelrduo proportion of 1'noTiioitt's, mixciii;3Ti:us ii y v o p ii o s p ii i t k b Is llie only nreDa ration which neeomnlishes this result, aud it is an absolute euro for the Diseases above named. l IltCULA Ila, INFOHMATIONami ADVICR l-'IlEI'. 1'ienared only by J. WINCH LsTl-.K a CO. Chemists, 'M Johu HU, N. Y., and hold by all Drugi; Uts, l'rlco 9 1 aud l per Hot tie. V Loninoiiml i if im ,u,.ti,t (nf .fx k i b-n.. i. ciltred tht tat promoter or the aroicth ami beauta f to hair. Jf3. tZV.Zt? k Doston. Mass. bold by all druggists Uavare of imifuficni, nurnptlou dltehtlon. -acalty or abscess thcre.-lho caity cannot htal.tho matter cnniu.t ripen, no long as tho s) Um is below par. What Is nu-csmry lo euro is a new on er oi ining .t k'""4 k"oi then Mitun- Is helptd, Iho ca lilts W hial, (hu lnatlir will llpen ui.d bo lhiowi off in xu i bi it Iho I' iui mid oiiiv t) an to rule t nsuiut- tlun, and iraerson is wry iaI, irtle Iuiiks aro not tntirtly oestioycd,oreen if ono lung Is en tirely gone, If IhtrolsmouKh vitality It It in tho . . . . . ' ' '-...-...I .1 t I. ..i.l houml lung, llvo aud euioy nio in a K'xdi oiu ege. This Is w hat ttrheuck's Metlielnes will do to euro i '..titiiinntl,iii. Tlmtf will flenn nut thos omvll, ntul lill-Pliirlhrtl it. Ift't 11 tl n COOd dlCS- tlon, ami glvoNaturo tho fthNtinco sho nceasto char the syolem of all the dUcitsu that is lit tho lungs, wuaiever uio lorm may if. It Is lmpnilant Hint while using Hchancka M(dletnes,caroHhould bo exercised not to tako culil i keep lU'Uoors in coiu ami uamp wuimi- avolu uigni nir, ana iuhu uuimuut wmj I,, n .... nml tcriirm nil 11 til I n 11. I wish Itdlstlnctlyundt rstood that wticnl roc ommet.d a patient to beeartftul in regard to tak lurol(l, while using my Medicines, 1 do mi for a reason. A man who has but pirllally ro covert 1 from tho elh cts of a bad cold Is inr moro llnhlo to a lelapHuitiniiono wuu uas ue 'ii entire ly cured; uud it Is precisely tho sumo In icgard to Consumption, Ho loug us tho lungs are not lcrftcily hahd, mi long Is theio imminent drtngtr of a lull iiiurn of the disease llcnco It Is 1 mi strenuously caution puiimmnry pa tients against exposing them-tlves toau altnos r hero lhat is not cental and pleasant. Confirm ed Consumptives luns aro a mass or Mirrs, Whlrli (hn Innut elianim Of lIlUOSDherrt Will III- Main, The grand secrtt of my Hiiecess with my Miil L'l lif m n.niKlvlH 111 111V lUillllV tO SUlklUO 111 tlamm.itlnn Instead or tirovoklng it, us many of ihoiaculty do. An liiil.imed luim cannot, w 1th safety lo tho patient, bo exposed to Iho biting blaMHof Winterer the chilling winds of Hprlng or Autumn, it snuuui bo careiuny suiciueu iiom nil Irrllnllnir llitllli'lld S. 'Iho Utmost caution should bo ubcied in this partlrulfir, us without it a euro unuer nnuosi anj rireuinpmiues n .ui hm.nwulhllltl'. '1 ho pel son should ho UepL on a wholcaomcaiid tiiitcllloiw ilet ntul it 1 1 Ihn Mt dlflllPH IMII ItlllC 1 uuititho body has lestoredto It tl.o nuluinl qiMullty of Hi Mi aud hlrength. I wns mM.-lf cured by this inntmout of tho worst kllni or Consumption, and havo lived to ..nt r.t .lint ln-nrlf IliPkii itmiit' rnrs. With OUO lung mostly gone. Ihaocured ihousands slneo and very many havo been cured by inisircai- mnll) ulllllll I llllV'H IW'lT KPOI1. ihn Kir.t nt October I exncot to llko poMcHslonofmy new tho Northern J 'urn or nf Hlxlh urn I Arell HtrtL'tS. Wliero I rdl.ll bo pleased to give advice to all who may rcquiro Pnl! .tlivi'tlnns n(-niiliin.inv idl mvllcmedtfs. so that n person lu any part of the w orld c in bu rtadlly tund by n strict observe nco ot iho same, J. II. HCHHNCK, M. I). I'liiuueipuiii. JnhuHo.i, Holl.iway A Cowdcn.tAArch stuet rniuuit i ma, wiioicmuo agenin. inuvi at 10 o'clock lu the f),mo in, t'uTfolbwlng rial csimc. to win A T 0 W N Ii O T , nltii'ito In thi t'AYA i f Duck Horn, in coun- iv,uouiHiea on mo hdiuii e.mi iy ioi vi in.vt. .Nhoeiuak run I on tho north east by lot of Uins NevnarL a'il nil tho soutli west bv Iho mibllc stue-t of .s ltd town. tier ou l.i ertcttd u with necc siry outbuildings, nu in n. I'll ii, iii.Mii.i'.n, uicrii, TKUMH OF H ALU 'It'll tier cent, of HiO one. fourth of th'i mirchafco money to humid mi slrhcliig down ut tho piopertj ono-fourth leas' li c it'll ptr ri'!it,oii uiu cumirmuuun ; nun inu remilulna t hree-fourlhs In ouo ear thefeultr with lutticsk from Iho confirmation, nisi. ur.oitutt vim;u( ULOOMStlUKG, Di'C. 15,'71-tf. nun ijjc s a u k CURK 6 WOLF'S COLUMN. LA11Q13 ST0C1C FALL GOODS A DMINISTJIATOII'B KOTICM. WeillnRtrm It Knt, Jalo of JUoomsburg, ( '.loin Il .1 COUIltV. l'fl. fln1inan.f havo .!.. I hy ltRtsitr of rah) comity to Ve if J nt, of Light btrcet. AD persons liavinut cums ordetnaudsiiKrtlnst the decedent are rfiiie ii-d to majie Ihcm knnwn. nnil liifian imiKiuMi t.. mako payment without delay. novliM-Ct Admin Mr ir l?XKCUTOItS NOTIOK. ' JJ MTAIB or FHKbtKICK 8ltFFCn. OCl 'II. , IHIts testamentary on tho estate or Frederick HhafTtr, lato of Centra twp., ColumbU county, dec d.. havo hern granted by the lUglstcr of said CLunty toBamuoi Neyhard, or Centre ownship. W.luinbu couuty, Va. All i;rsonsliavlime abm Bgalnst the estate are rrnuosted lo pr aem h u o uie i i,xocuior in JdmeUldge.Columblii' uu , U. lhOKO llldebtoil In flm i.tntn oltlisriM t.,.i judgment, mortgage or book account will mako uyiueuiiu ice i.xccuior witiiout delay. valuaum; nuxu lrvTi; In it.irti.innA r.f nn nrder of tl.n Ornbans' Court of CoHunhU county, on WedncMhiy Iho I ziiiiuay or .laminry, ui iy o cioci: m inoiore noon nf thn said d iv. Daniel Itamb.icil. Ex ecu tnr of tho estnto nf .lohn Miller, of lit larcrot U I tuwinhlp In said county, dcecaied, wllltrxpisoj lo puimc saie o'l ,1110 prcnis"! uiw idikiwui VHiuaoio it a i i na'oituo oi b.iiuuuu-iuih, iu wu : A eertiin mess'i;o an i T 11 A C- T 0 V h A X 1) , sltuato lu tliu tntd townslttii of Dr.'arcrtek. bnunded as follows : nn llio norm cast uy lamis i iif.IfRWfi 1!mvitmti. on thn snoth ist bv a tmrdle I ro.i t ruiintn" Irom Matin t Hircet In It nvlclc, I in itiueunous ri .iiii,on inesiuiii w:si oy ivivi naFowkr, Jeso Powmsn and Frank lnus, aud tin thoiiortii by 'ami or wuinini uoytciri- i.iinms : NINLTY-TWO AGiiK-A, strict me it'-iH, wlit'.-y m nv u or to 1 u DacIIIus iiouso n ,m nn i o ti'-r oui'-uu itnus. " K. ll.Kl.ilil.l'll, 1'IK. Hloomsburg. I c 12. IS71. TKitMs oi-' ha Lr.s-uii ttr fint. or one- onrth or tho mitehaso money lo bo nild at the striking down ol tho property ; ct c f mtth less tho ton perteut at thu continuation ol sale; ami mo remaining inrce-iourins in ono j tar incic- in it r, wun in it rest, irom eoein iiihiioh, mii. HAiMI.ll lt.VJIIIAl'll. dec, n.'71t.J, hso.-'titvr. which aiu: now jn work. TIIKY WIMi SKLTi THKM Low For Cash on PKODUCE. CLAItK & WOLF HAVE C.JLL jIjYD SJUJH, Opposite BloYls Hotel P LOO AJ S I! U 11 G. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICH. . E1TATB or IIEIICCCA lUTSIUI I)f C II. iucr,ii on llio utoto of Zlf liticn Iium r. Int.. or iiniNt two.. I'.iiitniiiin rminty, tlpci'H.t'.l, jinve been pritutt.l l.y the . . . . ":wu "ouiy i . jouii a. iuuipr, ailiiiiuUlrmor. All r,c""', litiv.u' claim, ftKRtntt lli tlo o( tho decedent nr. caueu'eil to proMiut tliein for w-tlh lncut, nil i tu. e In itio ted tn tllA Mini. If. mnlrn . I.r ..... demluiicd, aduiluutratori, wu lioul d .Uy. ,, . H.OIIN A. lllrNKU. uuii-uM x. u. hot l. 7itiW Auullul.trutois, A DJIINISTUATOIt'a NOTIt'L'. lurATBOP JOHN KITCHEN, lIFC D. Lfll..rH id nilinliilHtrntlim .m llm ...tnt.. rr John Mtclienlatoof Htigarloaf twp, (oi urn t county u. c'd.. Imve tieuu uranted liy ttic U. ..wi-r of fcitld cfiii: . lo I. r 11. titoi twp. All l.Mmi havlui! clnlri.a r-r dcinaiK a iitfuliisi t d. cci'eut nr. requtte ' 10 jualca lilt in 1.11.1H .c i-ll.l 1110-10 inrent.l in tiK -IliiMH. . . I. IC. KUllKIIM M, ueo.Vil. Adlinullitratur. pUUUC! H. LH NEW QRAIN TILE & PIPE. Tho Voi-y Best in Uric Madi fiom Hurerlnr C'lav, Ihoroticlily burned. Are entirely I'ltUMr 1'IIOOF. Bcul for clreulnrs to O. W. nOYNTOV & CO., vooii,rldi;e. Koff Jerwey, mill-: 11IM1' h.VW-UOMMUU OUT ONUY S15. I Kmery Grinders at 521, StuimJ 81110. Ohiinond 'I itrnliniTnaKSI'i. Moful ;.."mm atzn, Addrem 7Yig 'Jlitufg (li ,Striwhburfj, Mmiue ' co. i'u rlHOUl'j Auk InrMim .1 l'liine'y;H.iirl" -Ibiirir, f r free circular or Ukviku culler. S Mukch C'oril-Fo.1 ler e,nal to buy. New llilni;' ft itn Agents prntlujier wetlc Wll; provo Vt' I uu. ii. "r lorii'it ..'. iew ariiciiui, pal teued.luly 1Mb. Humpies Rent freo tn nil. Ad dregs V. H.CltlCKsrKii llrotdnay.Now York. Waqon Load or or 1'utu Exciting On S iturduy morn In;.; it (oitmstcr, drlvlni: up Church Htm Willi a double, to.uu anil wjgon, loaded with soveral larruU of bouzliio, cirelcsj ly throw tho contenta o( hU liu'htcd 1.... 1.1. l.l.v. A.. nv,.l.lnn Immn. .i!U uumim ....... t.,MUa.w.. Wl)cat p(r ,nlsh,., omiciy ioiiowuu. no juiupvu iruiu ins .vjo Beat aim escaped wuu a low uuritu. xuo horsca dashed fur!ou3ly up tho road, leaving a long trail of lljiuld flro behind them. Carrel after barrel exploded, which only madothoaiTrlghtcd animals run faster. Finally tho wagon canio In contact with a stump, which freed tho animals, and enabled them to escape from a frightful death. Tho wagon and barrels wero totally consumed. TiViij. vllle Herald. KI.INi:-In Oruimo, IKe. lOlli., Mm. Funny Kline, hbju 'ii J hub, v inonins nnu i.-a.iyn. KIXT.EIt-December W, H7I, nenr Mtflllnv It", utthoresidencB or ins lamer, i nonius nuuur, Rt;ed '1 yents, lu montlm uni 'li d.iyti. MARKET" reports. lllooiu.burfr flftrket. 1.1(1 I tu N) U) Flour rcr barrel u - 8 UJ Olovereed ' Flnihted i W Iluller - I'otutoea 1 Ul uric' Apples ; lliiniu 17 hlUeaaudHboulderil - . M Lard tHiunu - 10 liny per ton is 00 TKACIlKll'S l.NSTITUTU. Ill plirSU nnco to notlco given, and In accordance With thO Well established custom, tllO U'"". WeKli.HwcdHU, Holland, llolieinlan aud Teachers of Columbia county, aro hold TiieUuiut l'lCTouiAt. Annuai.. Hoslcltcr'. LulUdKtatc4 AlinauacU for 1S7J, for distribu tion, train, throughout tho Uullo.l Blules, ami uncivilized countries of tho Western ItcinU liheie.will Lo publUhcd about the llrst of Jan uary, In tho I'.nulUli, Qtrnun, I'n-neli, Norwo Toeit Kvius. Whoever habltu Uy uses a uy nleoholic preparations ns nn "npp:tler" will bo likely tomUcrfrom fourevllK, viz.: nn overplus ot food fu thcbtoinarh, linpnlrtdablllly to dlgeit It, tlio pnl'RS of ilFpepsIn, nnu a doctor's bill. Ilr, W'ALKtll'rt Viril.TAllI E VlMflAU UlTTFIi.H 111. great Tcetotnl Hehloratlvo of the nee, with out over btltnulnttui; Ibo pal ito or Irritating tho f'oiuach, imparta a healthful nppctlte, promotes' illitesllou, itgulatcH tho lier and bowels, puri fies tho blood, nnd thus, instead of cntalllui; four cvllM, coufuafour lncbtlninblo benefits. 0si on tiik Omen is huuh. Hero nto two niojlclncs "IloBinds" (l.-riniu lllttors," nnd "llooftaud's Oermau Tonic." Irycuaro Dys peptlc.lillllous, ornllofthcin.ouoortlicte rr less Vccttnblo Hpccltlcs w 111. nurcdly, cfi'tct n cure. If Oii uro In doubt which ono to take, try each altcrnilcly. Adopt tho onowhlch oper ates inou beneficially. Neither can harm jou. rotsluly. It may bo best to tako each In turn. Ouo or theothcr,orloth,c.iu bo guaraulced to work n perfect euro. HJld by a 11 UroxiiMU. ToTiioss who auk Uowkii Oow.-s by nervous Debility, and despair of ever recovering tho vig or and inliu of manhood, wo tnrncstly rcconi mend Dii, Wai.keu'u CMLiroiiNiA VisndAit IIittkim. lliforo they have MiiUhrd Iho first bottlo.they will feel tho restorative prlnclplont work In every portion or tneir uiuaen-uowu Kystcms nnd hnpo will prlnc up in tneir neaits, No case of Dyspepsia llllloutncaa, luterinltteut Fever, Itheuinatlun, (Jout or kidney disease, can resist Hits unciruiillud CEClnblo tonic wldili Is uupollntcJ by any distilled or feiineiited ut nor, M s', lug their annual "Teachers' Instltulo" this week In Hloomsburg. Their meet- lng was organlzctl on Tuesday by tho selection' of 0. 0. Haukluv, Esq,, as chairman, Hiuuilsh languages, und all who wish lo uiidir. slaiul tho truo philosophy nf health should und uud ponder tho valuihlil suggestions It coutnlns, In addlilou to nn lulinirablo medleul tic.ttl th uu the causes, pies eutlon and euro of a great vari ety of illsoases, it embraces a largo amount of Information lutercslliiR to tho merchant, the meeuauie, tho miner, tha farmer, llio pluutir, ThO day Bosslonsnro holllg held In tllO unJ i"'cMlnalman; andthecalculatloushavo Nnw Rphnnl Hull, lino, nn T.'ifth Rlrrpt lur '"n "eriitiaus auu utuuuisus XS0W bCHOOl liuilillng on I'lltll birCCl, are most suitable for a correct uudoimpreheu- and tho evening exercises In tho Court sivo National caieudar. House, Tho nature, uses, and extraordinary sanitary, On Tuesday evening ltov. Jno. How- f ?' " .'X'S "'n, V!? ! lit UCIlvereU tllO opening atltlress to III! tiau woild.nrofully set forth In Its which appreclatWO ntullonco, Wlllcll WHS well aronlsolntcrsrerhedwiiiipicioriallllustr.itlons. received. On Wednesday ovonlug l'rof. Wil liam IJurgoss dellvcrod a well written address on School Law and Common Schools, Tho eamo ovenlng Miss Par sons read an Interesting essay. Tho sessions will contluuo during tho whole week. Tho proceedings will appear In noxt Issue, vatuablo recipes for tho household uud farm. huiuoiousntiicdotcB, mm mner in&iritctlvo nud itmuslug nadlug niatter. original nud selected, t hiuuh luv a ii in, win ... u,. .u. iiiu u.eiiiiiu oftlioiear, this will bo ono oflhe most usefuf andfauubtf had for the alKtiw. 'Ibo l.ronrlelorH. Minis, llosletler A Hmllh, 1'lltsliuigh, I'u., uu recelnt of a two cent statu n. wilt forward u eonv by mall tn uuy person v-liii eanuot procure ouo 111 ma iieiKlluorilolHI, luu luuei. uro .urn m every cuy, town uud village, una uro extensive, ly used throughout the eutiro ci Ulzcd world. rtlUOllK FOUNTAIN. 1'ENrt for salo cheap ut joiin a. JACOHY'S I1AKKHY AND CONFECTIONKUYI nmiwicic, n:NN'A. llio uuderslgnod would respectfully lu'onn llm Citizens of Uerwlck, aud vicinity, that be uas oputcu u wouieciiouery nnu misery in ODD KKLIAIWH' HALL, Uerwlck, I'u., whero he is prepared to furnish all kinds of 1-l.Al.N AND FANCY CANDI1W, niUNCtl CANDH2S, FOHKION AND IlOMFjsTIO FUU1I8 OUANOEH, I.KJ10NH, HA1HINB ilc do., Ac., ilc, UY WHOLUALE AND IIXTAIL, S10 from 50 Cents. 12 Bamples sent (nnstriKO'nild) for KUiy(Vnt, tinti rcum uiiiiiy iur icu ujimti, it. it, tv u u con N. Y. 4 O B S AT M. P. LUTZ'S, v a I u a ii l i; u n a t. i: i r a p i: In rnrhiiiuit (if an unlt-r of tho Orhun-, C.mrt nt foil tin hi. i I'liuiih. will lisj tttu.Htjl tn imblij saluby tlioumlcrsltiiuvl Atlintnlstrutor r4uinc8 ItufH (lo.f.isiiJ. ntt tlio iircimtn't mi Hntni'dnv. llioJlliilay nf Dccemticr.ut lit tctcrk A. MM of f.itu day, tho folIowlnK utbcrluca rial tHtnlc, to wu; n uoiuiin T II A C T O I, A X I), I kllirilo lnJufkHOii tmvinhln. R.tld vomit v. nini i ...... . s. i . ...i . i lJIlVllli'l II UIW 11 U)H. nuiliVilU l.OIUIliV. lillUIIUU.l I on thu uorih hy l.nuU of tt'int. utul D.vvls, on I me oihi u v i imiH tn ijyer u. ji'h1. ou uio miu nml wrst by l.uM oiur.ilsa'il llhi eh iM, or n- lyinins 17 0 auk i: s, I moro or Ii. 10 acrts lie iif? iinpMved Ian i a nol orcli ird, u sau- milt auJ A S3! A J A HWI.'LLINJ IIOUSlJ. I thn romalmlpr In cooil t1mh.i' l.tiul. I V' ALSO! a-certain tr.ict of Liu 1 M r In ll n. ton lowmlilp, Colninhhi cjuuty, boumknl on thu north bv I'IuUh of Uycr i'. .Mon,nu tlmetiot by ) itiiln of i:i IJ 1I1 HesH, m tho houth by lumN of H. 1. Krii'ltb.ium. on thQ west bv laiuU nf II uinnh 1 oiuuii umt i.n ui 1 nuuiiz. CONTAINING ACRES, being Improved laud. TKRM4 ok KAI.K. Ten lipr cpnt. nf i-inp.fniirlli of lhu lairchitso tnonov to ho tt.ilil nn ihn inv nf I bhIc, ouo foutthof tho purchiuo money less t hoi iuu per i'vnt. 10 ou pnui on I'oiiurmauon 01 ino miu; 1110 tiim-iicu in nnu year iiitii'iuicr Willi in- ii' rt'bi uu liio h miu iruiu roiiiiruiiiiiuu nisi. I os."rh(Inn Mill Le irivt-n on llio 1st of Anrit. 17.!. l'lirch.isir wr purcha'.tiH t p:iy for itecds UUUSUUIip. l.Ij'.l.II IllJ-S-, juiii, v. Kim;, Atlmltillriitorsi. Central, Vvc, 15. U7Ms. W'o clk-r ft HILIC CI HDI.H rOFLIJI that oM M St.Wtiowfttfl.'WperyDr'l, A rplomlM JAVANCsi: HTUHH: nl UX0 nr ynr.l. A full lino of IH "lv AI.I'ACA fiom .10 cents to 3I.-Vi 1 or yard. Oir8ircut Alpacxran't be" hat. our 7 cent A pica print. Ami you ltnow our flj cU Alptca U tlio Irst In the Maikci tor thomoncy. A Mxtocil bono LORHKTat!TD cents. Our S1.C0 Ioug bono COllSbT Is woitli liitylnjr. Legal Noticca, A WNl8fllATOIlNOTI0K. mthtte'"A'r Tn.0MA1 nob, nno n. the ofitntflof tlio decedent nro request . S font them for elleinent, nnd those m , t turn rMnto to rnokr payment to tho uud r. ru il ndmlnistrotor, wttbout delay. rs, "ri' Uecl7I-5l Adinlnlatrtitdr, raovi;71Cr Iicumr DMINISTUATOIIS1 NOTICK. 3l mtatk ot- JAC011 iiAititm, ni.c u. lttflMof hihnlnlsl ration on the m utt of Jncnti hHrrln, butt of J I cm lock toivnvlJp, 1 uiuintiiu niuiity. ilec'd.. have been urntituil hv tliu lit? 'in ter ol kiUiJ count y to William llarrUof nuntburir, nviKit einiiii.v, iu,( jiiu j aim a, iiitrrii 01 lhickhoru, Columbia county. IV, All p raona liHvinit! clalini imatust the citato of lhu lit 'edeui nri' rHqucHlo.1 10 pienent t-heni for (settlement, nud those IndtblfJ to lhu estntoto nuke pay ment to tho u.nh rblirtif'iJ. .uui k. . nn- out delay. . a... JAMLii A. HAJiUl', dcc-S'Tl-Gft AdmlutHtrafihi, A UDITOK'8 KOTiCK. 8TATKOF JAMEM GH1MF1, DFr tl, 'J ho vindrrstsned, appointed by the Or ti m i ourt ot colunihtiieuunty, Audlinr torn- 11 into unds In tho hands of I'eter Knt ftdmlulst .it .r, toand unions the helm and legated or Juinv,. O rimes decenr I, will meet tno pin tn s 1 .ter- -cd Iur thu purposcm his appointment, iLh.iioilIre !n!,n" ,wn Haturd.iy, Janu . y litli, 1S72. at lu nVloclf it. m. .111 ... (.1....; claims nirnltw tlin or be Mtuvcr dtb urcd irom c iml ijt tn f ir n 1 a t of aald run-!. c. V. ii i I.LT I1 1 UDITOU'S NOTICK. ESTATE Or AIlRAItAH MffflM.MAS ir.'f'n. 'lllJUndcrKlcued anuoluied hv thn (infirm Court of Culniiibln county, Audl'or to d k ri ato fundi in tbo lutudsoi Oscar V. Knt, Administra tor of Abraham ,Mnselman deceasi d, i.s di me 't tne parttes Interested for the t ' bin p polutnir nt.Athisolllce in ltlonuuouri; Stu-duy January i.Uth, J7.nt lOo'cloelc a. in. uf said t iy. All jwrwons havlu claims uirnald estate aiu ie rjulnd to attend or bo fotever dtbuirJ ini cumins iu Xor n port of Mid fund. 1;. iv. u declj'l Ct Au 'Hoi, A1 Uleiuhcd and ntcc'K. unbleaclied MU8MN, n full A Tl1 LUX ON A.t at HcenU by tho bolt, lictnls by tlio 3 nid. pUIJLIG NOTICE. Vherc( by Iho . lltli section nf iho Act of tho (iene. .1 As bembly ol tho Common wealth of Pennsyh aula, approved May 21, A. 1). Wi. entitled "An at I fir ino protection 01 hiiunnii, uiock uubs nnu oilier food 11 she h newly inlioduced, or to be introduc ed, Into the rivals Delaware nud Buquthanna and their tributaries; fur tho protection alhoof einsea i.suiiifit uniawiui Ti.umi;, ami iw iiiuvent llm iutroiucllon of piedatory ilshts into trout Ktrcains a id lor oilier gormana juiiposeh;' it 1 made the duty ot tliu teeral t-her Ills of tho couutitN of tal d Commonwealth havlnn Juris diction of tho utrenms thereof, wheuuvtr thy Khull discover, or bo Informed of iho existent of nny contrivance for tbo catching of flsh, such a arc commonly known an Mali btibkctA, eel velrs, klddlet, lirunh or l.ihcluo nets, or any other permanently -ct mrnus of taking flsh, lu tho nature of ft teinc, to Rise ten dnjs uotleu lu two neuspoperHofthtir lesrieettvo count les, that tho.fcuid eontriuncts aro knouu lo exlbt, and are d(clart.d common nulf-unccs, and to order them to badlMuantkd by UieJr ouncitt or man ajer tlierernie. in loMonnlty to tuiil net, I, AAliO.N KM1TJ, hherfir of Columbia cMtnty, Notice to All Whom it May Concern. that tho contrivances for tho taking of fljdi lu mm act mcniioncu aio Known 10 exlnt In the North UranrhofthefoUhquchanua rlver,audother omuuii iijun 1 ue cuuuiy oi tjoiumuia, mat tne panic aro declared to bo common uulvnnceH, aud umiiiioowucrsaiiu maunKcra or wild contrlv nncesnro hereby uoplrtd 10 dismnntlo uud cr inovo tbo fomoM-lthiu ten dajs alter the publl- vuiiuii i.vituj. uuutr ino jeuany 01 navinKiiio pome dl.mauilril 11ml rni,incl ns in .?nt 1. provided, AAltO.V HJilTIL bheriarofColumbia county, I'a. HEAD QUAKTERS FOR buy goods and xo'nons BOOTS, SHOES Al GAITERS, IH. VP Ij 'iHim Whllo Hrsp. I.iiIIcs Alcrlnn Hose, I.nlifx Riliunrnl IIoo l.itdlrs nallilcnno. IIosp. Latlics Iron I'rnino Uoso IjlJIfH ITlINOr.U MTITIXU CI.OTII for Polo- iinlsoi at rcr ynril. I'lcccftl Hosp, Mis'rs ono-lialf Ilnso Ursa in oxtra Slsn Slisic3 Klbliod Men Wol leu ono half Ho?o ' A WKEKI Host ClicapflluttliiKcwinu .viiriu. isuuuii, i 1111111.1. , .v, II nil lw OlO.t A WKEKI Host C vlr'J Mncliltia In llm no J. ti. UAYliS, Qret RUN, : rplIIB 18 tiO UUMllUOt O.t J- lly wilding tit) UI3NTS ullll otto, liclnht, color of t-yt's nml lulr, yiimvlll rt. rtlivii uv ri'iurn lil'lll, il curl rut pii-iuru III your luttlro Iiusti.tiiil or wife. s'llli liiiiuo niut ilnio of inurriii(ji. Aii.iress w.i uA,!'. u. LJrawer, No. '.'I fUltPUN 111", N. V. Illvlw PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. Wurietitrato etiuiiuo a few moro AtrenU tn 1.1 It tho World Henowned Improved liueliejo Hew it a liberal ttahuy or ou Commiss ion, a uorceauu aou Kiveii m Alien 18. 1' till rarttul.irft mrnltthed ou application, AddrtM W. A. IlKM)i:U.SOSI A LO. OuultjI Ap-i-uM Cl( vchind. Ohio. A Kt. Lou tn, Mo. u is-1 w A(.i:XTS WAMHI) KlIU T1IM only Hollahlo, CompIelQ aud Hunty Illu-itra tei CHICAGO Q?eat CONFLAGRATION Tlio fivstcht selling hook ever Issued. Act quick ly nnd hicuro cxtr.i terms niut cliolco Ileitis, uut. tlt.aicent.. 11U111IAU1) IIUOV., publlsliers, 7JI n.liiK'ini ni., ilium. nit-iw Ami, uie nskoitiuent will to romid L'nam Nuts, l.iiBllsli uliiuts, IViiuuts. Alniomls. Kil. birts t'in. Ap.llB,l'ucoa Nuts, Jilllen of dlller. cut UliuU. Mustard, L'utktili, I'lcliles, fiiocolato, ,w ,1 i.'niit nf nil IcIiiiIm. I orn btarcli. rim Ills 1 cult, rodn CiacUcrs. Ulster I'ruclicrs. Olujso, t-uap, wrltlug llntr, ABtitmeut 1'upcis, hii., l'UHH AND OVOTKllfJ, And liroiliuo of nil kinds, l'rtsli llrtnd and Ciikis every day. Ice L'renm lu rieosou, tour patronag.fsso.ldlcd. J0N JA(K)Uy, Herwlck,Jour7l-lv HISTOllY OF THE WAll IN EUllOPE it contains over 150 ftnoem?raiitfrs of Uattle wcene aim iiiciuenia in uie ar, auu is uieuuiy l-'ull. Authentic und liUtorv of that orrnt coultU't, AgenlHaru nu'ctiny with uiipiecedeul ed Miccet. tKlllnu fiom 1M lo 40 coplei per day, and It ia publlKbcd lu both KuiclMi aud Uerman. nfPIfV Inierlor hlhtorlo are being clr UAU 1 luu ciliated, heo that tho huokmi buy eontaint lit lino eiufin Inm anil MO pai;t'M, Hend for chonlHrmtnil no otir terim. nnd a lull dehorlptloii of tho work. Address, NATIONAL l'lIltKIniNtJ CO., l'hlla , 1M. nj-t-lw QUANaKVIIiLK ACADEMY. The Winter Term of this luhltlutiou will open TUIMDAV, OCTOm;U 31HT, 1S71, nml contlnuo eloen weekN, Tuition from 3.00 to tf.OU. Jiihtructlon Kifii lu all tho common and bight r I.'ngliih biuueiitit, teftlher m 1th Lat in, llriik, rrviu'li aiut Oeiuiau, Uootl boa id can bu obtutued at $t.tu ptr wtett.or room fuiuUtiid to who wUh to bu.ud ltietiHcIws, Tor fuithcr purtlcutaiH addrei J. K.feCllooNoVint, Trlnclpjl.or Dr. 1). A, MhUAUUL'LL, iSicretaiy, Qranne llle, Oct.CT, 1S71-1IU. J JNKLKYKNITTJNU MACUINH 11 thk Bisiri.Ear, umcArrM' and iidt in Uci:i iiah nur onii m:kiu,ki A L'llII.U CAN HUN in DeHlt'iuil i cciolly for tl.o usciirrainllics,and ladles viliodetlio toknlt lor tlio markit. Will do every itlteli of llio l.ullllnn l r stoeUIni;, M lilenlnu uad narrowlUHns uadlly us by liuud, Aro ftpletiilld for ViorMuls and fancy work, TAK1M1 HVK 1i1H1.H1:N1' K1.S11H ul' hTITL'111 Aro very tiu.y tu luntintcc. ami not llulilo toct uut of ordei. l-.very 1 aiiilly should Iiavu one. Wo sant uu Act nt In every town to Introdtuo ami sell t luiu, to uliom voc tier Iho most liberal Itiduccuieuts. Hend for our Circular and hainply hlucklnir. Adilitbs, 1IINKI.KV KNITTING" MACIMNKCO.. iiov, 10,'71-ly. Iiaih, ilo. Tor ICvcrv Hodv. CAlili AND MAKIJ YOUH OWN HKIjKCI'IONS. S If A W r. S At Lust Ycui'h Priccf. N'O ADVANCJK ON I'll! NTS. Till: I.AUOKST AND 1IKST ASSOIITJIIJNT OF DRESS GOODS I AT BLOOJIS15UKO. IJKOWHR'S J 5 LOCK E. M. KNORR'S ts and drawees CHEAPEST AND 15EST Tlio County Attbrds A T OAS H PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, IaiIIps Vests Janltcts liitillcs Cloth GIovch liidlfs Hcrllml Dlnvos Ladles Ituck Gauntlet WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS. Hurl: Glnvcs LiuIIps rur (up Glnvcs Uints Tur to Glovis lluclc GIovps ntul MltloDH I.adiei Kill Gloves Gents Cloth Hack Duck 1'nlm Gloves Shawls of all Kinds Millions Velveteens Empress Cloth Dress Goods Utilities Hobos Hlatk 8atiii Velvet Itlhons Heaver Cloth rr0VN MAP OP HLOOMSUUHQ. In the Court tit Quarter Ffistmia nf Cr.himhi. taunt V : Intltemalter tif the loicnmap at llloomn. oifi,tr,"in((eo.viiiiitci .tyt.ara ana aubr.iuttil Jur taruttioit mt aiTOial to tnhl Ctart. Noilt'K 14 jiKi.tiii u iiiai urn uiiucmisneu uoiolnln lolHr nprolulcd by tho said Court to lenoi t the t v ldi neo ollcrcd by cltlzensagalnst and in uvor ot llm correctuces of said mop, together with his opinion In regard to any matter complaint d f.i in iclutlon thereto, will attend at the Court lloll'f. In lllromsbuii. ou Moudav. llm lu-rn. tlelhdny ol Nov eruber, proximo, at ten o'eloelc lu the foit noon of tald day, to dUchargo the du t irt nf his appointment, at which tlmo and i lairt all i-eibons interested may attend If thoy thai! 21. i.. j.vlkhii. oct2T'"b2.v Commissioner, WIV IIISTOItV OF COLUMHIA L county irom Its oiganlzallnn in 1811 to 1;. Ciiinplled and clllcd by John (. I'kefzi'. unn )'? J"noo"lvo,liftiifli;i.,,i'iotli f.91, hair llbiary, S V-i, full library g (.50. lleitlllllltu; wllh tho early hi. lory of Hi tertl lory eompilM.d wlthlu lhu llinllji of.'oluuiliia unit Mo.ili.iir, lliHMi IttniciilMs tho ort'aul.tll.ii by lis original houmlarks, lb huliriniucntlefiatlio itductlo. s.r.n.l thoercviiou or Montour county. A chanter nu tho slrcnm. nn. ,.inMt.i..i,.u,i.. dalool tlioercellonsof thu townships 'and bor oughs, ami tho tcriltmy n il of which thev wero ......,i-i,-ii,ii H minim i ui i uc cotirii, compr sins llioliomesofthel'ics'il, nt Jiuljoth4 Auuclatw. the ifrotlinniitiirlFit, ncKlem, Hbmltls anillho tour 't',S bo111 L'ulllml'li' and Mou lt has cnapters on 111 ninubnrjt, Danville, rter. wlelt, t MUWI...MUU.! thu stualUr towns. I'll! . rntloiuil hlalls'lci. The ltmov,U Question, and Uio v.. lo i. u Ii by townships. r Tnc,r' SHa,.''J' lowuslil., liHlmllnu SIoMmir, in.i.i n.u ii 4v1 uio iii.iiies lor IK. I anillho imiiiberof acr-j of land in each t iwnMilii. A Vtl'V t'OHlll 1-if 111 1 111 tl.,1 li.ll.l.ur...Ml.n...... Heiiatc and llouscicpreseuiiiui Cuiiiniblii man! ly, with lull nu;t various ilccllun utiirns lor Hlutoaud 1 tderalollUos i y townships. THK WAV. ItKCOnn OK COLUM- U1A AND MONTOUil counties. compilinir th i.mslcr rll of oil the coinpiulCH and parts of companies reciultca therein, tho No. of tlio lUulnunt. tlio bullies they were 1 1 iroiiid hi, with nitntirous ttemsnf peisouiil liileii ,.t. A list of nil the drarted men. the names of llio contclcutlous-scruplo exempts and time mergency men of heplemher. Ihillaiid Junp lM, bolus u complete venr record of llio lobclllou, ALSO 1 III! IN V I01f OK COM-J1UIA COUNTV, the trials or urn e'.tlzrns, tho trroat argument of JtliUo JthiclE em Milliard Lotiiuitsslous, and tho opinion of tlio UtiiicilNtjte'sSupie-incCoiirt.eKiu-deiiininirtbcm, Togeliier wllh much other car ious iiniioitaut, and luteri stlnit matter, tltoi.iiK A. I I.AUK. of illiMiuuburg, Is author ized lo receive Mibtcrlpllous tortheworkt tube' paid lor on delivery. aug. ls.'7t.3mV N15XT TO C0UIIT HOUSE. LANK DICKDH, V't mnv hiwv H e 11 lift. t HfHirtmciit ot ULAN III i:i H nil Imud niut lor Mite tlutt wvtk ever Iti b lu ltlomiifclnirK. iMtzo kUp ou btfct tinrclinieiit iiif r. I'ntiiiuiiii IilluIh. l'.xi'cutrtr'Hniiii Atlnilulk ulorb li-ttlH fcinull nlr.0 mkX mytr (cheap) Buforo Piu'chnsing ICIsowlicro. 15. 51. KNORR, BLOOMSBUKG, ?A. Hel'Milbcl S llTl-II, CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES j. n. iw a i z n s. Corner Vain ami CenlioRis.. ULUUMSIIUKIJ. I.iw tlotlcit I' oi' Just opened at MAI.KV. TC'IIM, Ullll'CCN, Hui?HI'Si, HYllUIH rnl MuI.ASt-rs ClltlWj' MEATH, H M.T. KIHII. etc. Vi.wKTAllLKH, lli'lt.MUl'JC.M,I.Y Healed eimios. Tl-'I.f I vu .i,..l 1111 1 til .,, e'L-o 1.-1 i'ijiir.i...N aim iiuju wnu i huitm, All IilOaiir Assoi'lmont CLAIIK 4 WOI.l.'BrcclchlUKoiilihclrilicteeif 1 y riIIAvVI.H at itctieeel jrlres, many tf thein kt cot QUEBNSWAHE ( lUMtnuil) on lianJ. Al-U t (Ol. VIMXJU" niul (il.AMWAlti: if All 1UV trfMitli aro nf tlin llrkt miAlIt v aiuI nt n. Cassiincrs and Planens OIL CLOTHS t t, M and 8-4 wide. 'IDA SIITIK if 10 lie ce f , 1 1 e 11 Mono waio nt S3.75jieroM. Our HocU Cf 1UAS, COFI'KEH.SriCISH, Al,ls full one! at llio lowest figures. ' Our Heck uf yOTIOKSlsfull aud complete I OO'lh ti il 1 1IOI H, a lull line, We mitlul mi Hoik ol HIIW over from Is, iur pliMl.t steel: It largo unit all rw, aud wo offer .luiii from ,' 60 to (23.11 per tt-O wATr.u-ritoor cloakinu ut tA., JLtOand 11,75. . OKXTS WANTED. Qltli.VT INUUvI'.MnXTSt MORMONISM, DESCRIPTIVE OP JIPE IX UTAH. llv ii KlSTKIt Ol' A Hinil l' of Ills vk'ilins, who litis mutlo her cscuio altera resl denco of fifteen 3 cura among tliem. Her iiiHiIh vlts to the tloveromniil. cruslilnir evulen.-o lutilufct ltrli;lmtii VouuK ami the Kaleis. Tn i-ropuni, in couri. I list nun seuienc.' oi Haw kins. Hiarllln dls'-loMiroj, eiwon . i.' mn unit victims. 17ip.iges. fully Illustrate i. Cliculais, Terms utuUul parllcuUis, sent Ires OU UPpUculloit, eddross DlTVc'lKlil) AHlUD.rohli-hor. . dcoJ270-tf 7tlk-a-oniair.el, I'utla lot, hli. GKNTH M A.N'fnD l'OH IJASK3 QV J.ONDOX LIFK. Vy 1'. J.Kuivak, thu welMiuowu Juuruall-t TIIK VKUV llvtCLfcT lOJlMISSJCNH VMV. TliU tot U h a ten it n 1 Litio vt C$ r in (iu.itlVU(l ii) w tmiinivfn, mat u UtiHy i x tCUlCJ ltlp f i t'lidUl'. tUblUUitl ULti tUtllttit fip)1!-! lor fl'it MtuKly tiulmnt tirmu. It cotMiiih it Jul), bii liic Linl tiutlilul btittnurnt .vlli blahta. ttiitt i im timuitLVt if W.n mi t V Iit'lTI! I.I) AMIMIAIt I'l.txlfclur more ii'ii tii i: urn tut mitt i, i'mimjuj wr, Wc uuw Litveon liKtttt lnv uf Uy rrlntril at-scrltpcut ot JL'h'l'Jtl-'rt mil lOht?7AMlH 1HANKS, to wh:cti f Invito tbo Attcutlcn rf ttlll9 OttlCflU, 1 this Office, tun 1011 wcruti, 9c.