The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 29, 1871, Image 1

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count houbb, nbooysnuna, I'A,, it
iDtTon AnD i'itorniiTon,
Bollin ft Veir laviMo 1b advine".
$3 60 If sot lata till onl of year. $3 00 It
ICSftr crouv no giyca.
Of .lUileserfptloiin execnled with neatness and
' Columbia Oountv Official Directory.
nrrt'lrntJudne-WILLIAM Kl.WBLL.
Auotlatt Jiiditl-lnkM DKllll, ISAAoB. MOS
"i'olnmoMn, c.-llrnotrit II.
iHilrtrl Attorney K. II. lKEl.r.1'..
tiJirrUr-AAItoN SMITH.
7rnjrrr luvin LnwrmiKno.
i!l(HWII-U. Jt CAUrUXLL, A. J. AI.11KHT80K
AC'ti'L- 4vi!crnfmlil-t'llA!!LES O. DAnKi.EY
... - ..-. w. 1 Tir u it t II
JllOCm J "t'T inillHI-INltlllNP, ... .'I
WiM'iAM KitAMrit. llloomsbnrir. and Johnsoii
Bloombburg Uincial Directory.
lltotmilvra Havklna Cti. John A. Fukbton
President, If. II. (Ilim7. Cashier.
tint Ifattcmal Hank (.HAS. It. l'AXTOX.rrcn't i
J. 1. Tt-stin. Cashier.
iocIiiHmi E. II. Little, I'rcs't., e. W. milleb,
Jllbtmiburg Itulldina and fi'mfnff VniMMotfl.
(Ion John Thomas, rrcs't,, .1.11. ltomsos, Hoc,
2tlof.mliuru Mutual AWlnff iVml .-tMOClaritrtw
J. J. lluowLH, l'rtsldcnt, M. Wiiitmoykii, Hco'y.
Bloomnburg Directory.
IjAlTIl 11AOH Jiit received and for sale nt Hit
Col.UMlllAM ofllce.
JACOll METZ, dealer Ip stoves nnd tlnwnro
Main street, Above court r-ou ho.
DAVID LOWKNHEItO, MerclmntTnllor.Maln
St. 2d door aijoo American lloube.
WM. MOU1UB. Merclinnt Tiillor comer of Cen
tre and Main At,, over Mllltr'rt store.
I J r. I.UTZ, HniBBltnndArothccBrj-.Mlu St.
!. below the I'uol OIIIco.
OVEH liltns.. Dmgitlttta and Apothecaries,
uruwtr h uiucu .miiiu hi.
HRNKYZUPI'INUKIl. Watche. Kpictaolra A
lewulry Ac, MnlnHlreel tifiir Vvnt st.
CK. HAVAUE, (lfHier lu Clock k, Watches find
Jewelry, Main at., Jiibt below Ibo Ameilcau
r OUIH BUnNHAHD, Watch and Clock maker
Lj ucar nouthcant corner Jlulu huU Iron nts.
CATIICAItT, Watch nnd Clock Mnker.Mor.
liet street, below Main,
7.1 M.KNORH, Denier In Hoots nnd Hboc, Intent
ljt nod bf-st styles, corner Mnlu nud MnrUct
filrcet. In tho old l'oht OlUcc.
AVID TiETZ.Uoot and Shocmnlter. Mnlnst.
oeiow uarimau's siore, west of aiumei.
HKNIIY KLK1M, Manufacturer nll.l denier In
lioot and Hliocs, Urocerlcs, etc., Main street,
East Uloomsburjc.
T M. IlllOWN, lloot nnd Hhoenmker, Main
Jt street, under llrown's Hotel.
II. II. C., Hurgeon Deiillnt, Malu Rt.,
U. WM. M. KKllFlt, Hlircenn mi I l'hyslclnn.
Office over (lie First atlunal tlui.k.
DM. II, K. KINNEY, Hurgenn Dentist. Teeth
extracted wlllinut ralu: Main St., nearly op
posite Episcopal Church,
n II. IIABKLKY, Attorney-at-I.sw. Ollce.W
U. llonrln Exchange Block, n(artho"Escbau:(e
I II. McKKI.VY.M. D..Hnrgefm nnd l'hyslclnn
P norlhslde Malu St., below MurUcU
II. EVANH, M. D., Burueon and rhyslclan,
south side Main street, below Market.
J 0. IlUTTElt, M. 1). Una-con and Physician
u Market street, above Main.
II. U01IIHON, Attorney-aVfJiw, onlcollart
, man's building, Main street.
11 l'ETKHMAN, Millinery and Kaucy Ootsls,
J, opposite Episcopal Church, Malu st,
ISH LIZZIE 1IAUKI.EY, Milliner, llamsc'
building .Mnlu street.
IKH M, DEURICKHON, Millinery niidl'nncy
(l(iuds,Malu st,, betow Markd.
ItH. i:, KI-ilNK, Millinery nnl rnncy Oowls
Mulu btn-et below Market.
ClualiHiinilDrehS l'tttlenu, Koullirn-fl corner
Main ami Went els.
flUlU MIHHFH HAliMAN Millinery and Fancy
J UooiIb, Malu bt below Aniericnu lloune,
VOHKM HOTKL, liy T. lleut. Taylor, cast end
I ol Malufctreet.
n C. MAIUt, Dry (Joods and NoIIuuh, nouth
went comer Main and Iron ets.
DA. HECKLKV, Hoot and Shoe htoro, hoot;
. & Htatlonery, Main st., below Market,
ti JAfOIW.Conleitlonery, groceries etc., Malu
f. Bt,, below Iron
1JOX A WF.mi, Confectionery and Haiti o'.
S wholehalc and retail, I'.xi liftito Itlorlr,
CHOWLlt. IlatHnndCarm.ltootBaudKlioeH
Main fit,, aboe Court UuUke,
Jil. MAI.I-. Miimnoih fiinrery, nno tiro-
rcrlcfc. Fiults, Is'utt, TrovUlon, Ac,, Mnln
iuui iron mret'iw,
HMCEIaVY. NIAIa A CO..d(ulerHju Drv Onoda.
JJl (Jroceritt, Flour, Feed, Halt, FIhIi. iron, Nulla,
e;o.,, m, cor. juaiu aun itiuiitei, iiit,
D II. MILLKH A HON, dealers In Dry Goods,
m. uroceririt, v(ueeusirare, riuur, njn( uijucb.
Notions, etc.Malufct.
CONHTAIU.VH JILANKH for fculo at the Colum
iiian Otllce,
CM, CHH1HTMAN. Haddto, Trunk A Harney
maker. Hlilve'H Block Malu Htrett,
W. HOIllUNH.llrjuor dealer second door from
oimwti corner mam auu irun hlh.
M J. T1IOUNTON, Wall Paper, Window Hhadea
u uuu u s. l Li res, ttuvert uiock. iuam fai,
GW.CORKLL, Kurullnre llonms, three story
' brick, Main Bluet, est ol Market st.
HltOH ENSTOCK , I'liotogva pher, ove r Ilobbl us
I Eyer's Hlnre, Main si.
I H. KDHN. dealerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem
! btrlln's alley, rear of American House.
H. HINGLFH, dealer in niflims, organs nnd
inclndeons, at (, W. Corell'M furniture rooms
SAMUEL JACOBY, Marble and Brown Btone
Workit, East Bloonuburg.Ilerwlck road.
WM. HABH, dealerln farnlture,trunks, cede!
v Ulow ware, near thA Forks llutel,
p FOHTEU.Glue Maker, and Whlto and Fancy
, Tauner,Hcottowu,
IJi il.BIBLEMAN, Agent for Munsou Copper
.Tnbulnr IJghtnlngltod,
OTH 1IOOKH, and blauk NOTFH, with or with
out exeiutttlnn. fur fiHln nt Ibe ('(H.11MUIAN
Light Street.
F, OMAN A Ce Wheelwrights, first door
above He 1100 1 House,
JOHN A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer lu
Boots nud Bhoea
p B, KNT, dealer lu Blovea and Tin ware lu
1 lis branched.
PETKU KNT, Miller, and dealer in nil kinds 01
Giuln. Hour, J'Cui, Ac. All kluils of Grain
J D. WKUKHF.IBEH.UootandHlioeStoreaud
manufaotory, mop on Main street op
posite the steam Mill,
W. KDOAlt, Susquehanna 1'lanlug Mill
rfmd llox Mruiulactuilug,
VOLUME V.-.- NO 62.
Orangovillo Directory.
I II. IIEttttlNd A IlllOTlIF.Il.CnrpcntersntHl
ili Ilullders, Main st beluw l'lue.
1JOWEII A HEItltlNO, dealer. In Dry Clonds
I (Iroccrles, Lumber and general Merchnndlio
Main st,
BlllCK HOTEL nnd refreshment Mnlnon, by
Hnhr M'lleury eor.of Malu and l'lue st.
Dn. O. A.MEOAltnEL.rhyslelnn and Surgeon
Main st,, next door tndond's Hotel,
DVH) HKUltlNd. nonrnndarlstMlll.and
Dealer lu grnln, Mill Htrcet.
TAMnHIl.ltAUMAN-.Cahlnet.Makor and Un.
J dertaker. Main Ht.. below 1'lne.
SUHUYIiKU A CO.,;rou founiierft.Mnchluists
and Mauuracliuetft of plown. Mill Ht,
SAMUlXSHAUrnKHS, Maker of theUoyhtiMt
Grain Cradle, Main Hi.
WILLIAM HF-LOaNO Rliocmnkernnt manufac
turer of Ilrlck, Mill bt., west of l'mo
By. DALLM AN, Merchant Tailor, Kccond Bt.
, HoublniVltulldW,
DU..T, K, ItoniUNH. Hurgeon and rhyslclan
hecond Ht below Main.
ILHHHT A KLIN 13, dry goods, groceries, nnd
general mcrchaudUo, Main fclrcct
r H. KIBTLEH, "CattawlKsa House," North
' Corner Main and Hecond Htrerts.
1 Ki:iLi:it, Illllnrd Ratoon, OjAters, nud Ice
U, Cream in season Malum,
M. IlItOUST, dealer In OeuernlMerchnudlBo
ill. Hry Oood.uroceries ftc,
QUHQUiniANNA or Ilrlck Hotel. S. ICosten
p bunder rroprJetor,ioiUU"cr.fitconierMa!nami
hecond Btreet,
M. H. ABBOTT, Attorney nt law. Main St.
Buck Horn.
O. A W. II, MIOFMAKLlt, dealers In dry
ill, goods, rroterlcB and general meichaudlse.
f'lrnt storo lu south end ot town.
Philadelphia Directory.
Jan. 171-ly
0 with
No. 603 Mnrkct Htreet,
(Abovo I'lfth,)
YAINWluaiI'r CO.,
wiioi.EHALi: anocr.RS,
H. E. Corner Second nud. Arch fjtrccts,
Ienlers In
-0rdcrs will rec.lvo prompt ntlentlou.
may 10,(l7-tf.
Business Cards.
ir- OFFirp Court Hnuse Altev. In Ibe Co.
Ll'MltlAN bulhllnt;. tJnnI,C7.
L. TUltNElt
Di.ooM.snnita, pa.
Ofrn E over Luti's Drm: Store, ltefildcno
Mnrk((hirect,lst door below Ucv. D.J. Waller.
iiian () til co. Bounties, flaclt-rnv and IViihlons
eolU'Cteci, llloomfcburg I'n. ep.iXi'O?
Ofllrn Main Htwet tielow tho Court HoUfe.
HlootiubutR l'rnn'n.
Ortlco ('ouit-HouKo Allev. below the
niAN Olllee, Blooinsburg I'n,
lalo ficm Germnny. oth rs his services In tbi
public ns a ceUbratea
and nil either nulmulH, for which his chnrgfR nr
moderate. Ho can alwnth ho found onf-l side o!
itcrwlck romi, nuns. ii..iaeoby' inroie laiu,
Bloomsburg, May M, tlUW,
l 'j. THORNTON "
IJ. would nnntjiinro In thecltlrensof Blooms-
biiruand vlclnll v. that bo hnslust received a full
aim coinjieio nst.orimeni.oi
nnd Il other onds lu his line of buslw-?t. All
mo neMcsi anu moKi. appioveu paiurnsri in
day aienlwajs to be found lu his establishment.
nuir.0, u-w Plain ni. lhuw nnriiii
A lull and complete OEsortuicut ofieadrmaile
bouts nnd sbotstor men, v.on'eu nnd clilltlreu
just rtctutii an i tor aieai rtaonauio rnitt,
varieties to fctiltall clah-s of eufctmmTs. The
best or worn done at biiort uouee, ns i-f-reioiore
Give him a call. (juu '71.
Main Htreet onu door above H. Mcndenbnirn
Hauge roiiKtaulty on hand, and fo fain at the
1 Inning lu all Its branches carefully attended to,
and fat li fact Ion Kimrauteed.
Tin work of all kinds wholesale nd retail. A
Inl Is requested.
-rVT E V 0 O A L Y A R D.
Jl Trie underfclgned rthpectfully Inform the
citizens of Blooiiibburt: nnd Columbia county,
that they keen all thu Ul Herein numhei b oUlovc
coal and ielecled lumpcnal fur smithing luirpo-
ht'H, tin nteir imri, wujoimuK m'kpivv. ieni a
IWh Furnace: with ft aood imlr of Hnflln firalm
on tho whnif, to welch eoal, hay. and Minw
Llkewifce u horbo nnd wagon, to deliver coal to
t!ue vim desire It. Asthey purchase a laigc
amount ot oal.they Intend tokttp a bupeilnr ur
tlcle, and bell nt Ibe very lowest price h, J'leahe
call nnd examiuo Jor ) oii'-ncivr ieioro imrt na
UiKiibewnerc, j. iir.xviij.iotinu,
rBMIE tiBilorsli'ncil will (iiko lu ox
J, change fir Coal and Groceries, the following
named nriicies : w Leni, 113 e. torn, uhh( ioia
toes, Lard, )lam,Siouhter,and hide meat, Butler
IV1W1 Hay, Ac.nt the hlKhest cash prices, nt h's
viiurury mure, aujuiiuuii n'n ,J" j
BlooinshnrK Mwr lft.'fr9lv.
fvuurtsa lor 0110 ween.
may 2'71-tr Muuch Chunk, IV.
By UBlng this article ladies nnd Gentlei!
un beautify tbembehes a thousand (old. 'I
1 .'."'y ltjat. will curl Btralght hi
III nt 111., Llll.l III.. A lllla .n 1. n ...
is inn tuny nrticitr mat win curl straight h
aud nt the same lime uhetn it n btautlful
, a..t.i... .v ...... ... . .bu,a..n, ueuilllllCS HUU
cleanses. It can be so applied as to cause tho
hair to curl tiny length of tlmo desired. Pent
UY JllUil .Ul W l IB. M U. H.KUi flUUII'IN
Mlddlclowu, Adaius Co., 1
4.1., iU.
Niiilly itml Chi'oply l'rlntc.l
l'lura the Ijtle.l Hly Irs of Type at the
Fok Ham: A second-hand "Arlon" plano-lottrL
prico cojt 85C(i, Ihls Mipeibe ltihliumenl
asbnupht at nu auction bale ol pilvato pronetly
lu New York, and had bt en but n lew weeks hi
Ubo. It In in j,er0ct oider nnd In aery renpect
equal to anew piano. Ttrms pohhliUelycakh hi
MvaUCV. Addrtsi) for niw. wit.
For I ho Columljlnn,
I nm Md to-nlKtil.Ounnllun Anglo,
Though the moon is shlnntna hright,
, And tho stars rae gtlttorlng In nnire,
And lowing their robes of light,
Yet I'm lonely to-night, Guardian Angle,
And my cheeks nro pnllM and wnu;
And my heart Is swollen nnd nrliln?,
And sleep ficm my pillow has flown.
(lot go my Guardian Angle,
Go search tho world o er fur me,
Henrch well each cottago ond pabec,
And tell mo 11 nil nro happy,
Now tell me, am I nlono weeping?
Is no other eyes dlmcd Willi tenrs?
Is no other heart torn and'blredlng ?
No other breast shaken h fears?
O, what nro you asking my darting?
1 his world Is a dessert of tears,
Ilacli cottage as well ns each pnlnrc,
Is haunted by sorrow a.ul fears.
And you nre not nlono weeping,
And Indetdyou never can be,
For tears from thocyet of mortals
Are ilowlng continually.
But (led has prepnrcd themn city,
Andthereforo h Is not nhamed,
I'or tho Imlm of slid will lirlghten
Tho eye? now with weeping Inflamed.
And KMcf; nor fe.irrnntiot enter,
Thntelly is nil Joy nnd bliss;
1 hen boKlrtWng to gain II my d.u l p.
O ct not jonr heart nvon this.
'Twasn I cautlfut night
When tho fclars fchono tr'gh'
And theMtvcrbastii
Was radiant with light,
Ard tho earth was enameled
With tho purest white,
A) o 'twas a hr autlfut utgbt.
And my spirits wro light
When I metn flgiiro
All lobed m pure whlto,
Tho talc-Ohl you muU guess
What happened that night,
Tlicio was n ritiR tit tho door licll.
Jtiss Kobcrls Rttlltprcil up her wnrlc in
icr wldo, whlto upron, How with two
or thrcu licet footstep to tho hall, nnd '
peeped over tho bnlustnuli'.
"It'iouly tt letter, Ann. I'll ro for
Whereupon Ann McUouglilln, houso-
mnld, clinmbcruinld, nnd, us Jimmy
Roberts declared, "chief cook nnil hot
tlo washer," in tho small establishment
of tho Itobberlsc.s, tool: herself back to
her window-washing with a good ,u
tured growl "both"riti' post-
man," and Miss Hnbcilri irocceded
IcNurcly down tho stairsto pick: up tho
elter, which slut had seen nlcily tucki d
n tindt r ttio old-msliioucd door.
JIIs Huberts had fowcorropondunlH,
toslio looked nt this unf.tmlllar liatnl-
writin;; a llltlu dimbtfully, as If, not
withstanding thu name,
"Jtis-s Eleanor Uoiieiith,"
n uniiilstiiknblo chnrnctrrc, there
mlfiht bortomo olhcr Elrnnor Hnbcrls
wlio wrs the rlRhtful elaliiiniit. Hutu
planco nt the postmark that nf n largo
counly town about fifty mlliH from lln
city appeared to sotlloher doubts, nnd
it tho mmo tlmo to slarllo her not a
little. Sbo Is no ls .surprised when
hbo openu the letter nnd leads tho fol
lowing :
My Dear Eleanor: I hopo you
havo not forgotten your Uncle John's
wife Aunt l'olly, ns you used to call
her. lint I bopo you have forgotten,
my diar, tho miserable old qiiiirii'l
which has kept our families n U t'g
nimrt : or at least. If you have n' t for
frotton it, that you nro willll g bury
It fathoms dirp mil of sight nnil cut i f
mlnd,ai.d come nnd (M your Christ nips
tutkey iilh its. Not only you, my
dear Elcaucr, but Ally and Jimmy.
l!ilm.''thun bolli with you, nnd Ictus
begin the New Year together in lovo
and pi'itci'. Uncle John Joins with mo
In this Invitation, nnd In this hearty
desire to mako amends for tho past.
Don't fill ii", but wrlto what day wo
may expect you. J!o sure and take tho
mld-tl.iy train, however, for wo nro
country folks, you know, nnd tho car-
rlacc tide fttiiii town to the old home
stead would bo dre.iry btlcr In the day.
rim children tetitl their love, m.d I nm
Yourniaellonato Aunt 1'olly.
Kli'iinor Ili'horls snt long ith this
letter In Iht linutl after sbo h'ld rend It.
Her thoughts went back to that "mis
erahlo old (iuaiiel"to lhf' llmo when
her father nnd inolhir worn both liv
ing! when, In sjilte of sumo care and
caution, "she had hear), us ,i child, n
gnat of bitter t'H, which had
given Iter young mind Its llrst prtjii-
dice. And then laler.wheu her mother
had confided lo her thu main points of
the (pi.trrcl points that win' now
rather confused In her mind an odd
liiuibllngof old (Kids, nnil land claims,
ami nciusallnus on ouo side and tho
other of unf.ilrdcallngsand nil manner
of fulM'hood and Injustice. If Eleanor,
tit ten and at twenty years of age, had
espoused with tho tiiKiue.tlloiiing nrdor
ami bellel of youth her "parents' elde,
nt thirty she began tos-o things. mnro
by tho light of her own nasuii. She
bethought bcr.-clf no Hint her father,
luipclunuHund c-xlinvag.iul ashowit-',
mitrlit liavo pnvdhly bieu ns much In
enor as hii brother. Her mother sbo
well know, In her great prldo and her but unreasoning love, not only
echoed her's prejudice, but
went beyond them lu her partisanship.
Ileyond ihogrnvo Inono sense, forsho
rejicted overy overturoof reconciliation
alter her hiiabaud'tj midden death, and
eiinlid her Implacable menlment all
through herowiillfe. Eleanor thought
of these things us who nit therowith
Aunt Tolly's genial lutler In her hands
this letter thatagaln o'fl'ered tho palm
of peate, To nject It would be uiv
christian and ungrateful, Eleanor
could bo in lllier. In her thirty years
she had lost nud tull't red much, but she
had not grown hard or hitter only
chastened and char-sighted and foler
nut. Tho letter, with Us Invitation,
Bfeintd n Godfcnt to tills good Eleanor,
It euino when sho was filling purlieu
larly lomly nud desolate hen sho
woa ItuglngforFympnlliy nnd comimn
lonshlp. It enmo, too, nud opened a
way to her out of a great perplexity
and nnxlely, And at this crl-Irof her
thought, tho door bell rung again ; but
Eleanor was too preoccupied, ton ab
sorbed to tako much heed of It. Pre
sently, however, Ann Mcaoughlln
thrust In her head wttli tho words!
"It's Mr. Godfrey, mn'am,"
Eleanor slipped tho letter into hvr
pocket, nnd weut down nt unco. Mr.
Godfrey Frank Godfrey, ns they nil
.called lit in , wr.9 n great friend of tho
Itoberlses, though latterly tho neigh
bors wero b( ginning to say that it was
not nil friendship not merely tho old
friendship for Captain Jtcbcrtsthatsont
hjm thero so frequently, but young and
pretty Ally. This seemed very reason
able, but pretty Ally certainly had no
such suspicion. Sho thought It qullo
tho most natural thing In tho worltl
that Frank Godfrey, who was that
brother Dick's moat lntlmata friend
who was with him as brother olllcer all
through lils Inst campaign, should now
continue) to bo tho most Intimate, friend
of Ids dead corarado'ti f.imlly should,
Indeed, strlvo to supply In a measuro n
brother's placo to them. Eleanor, in
fact, appeared to look upon him qulto
ns a brother. Sho consulted him In all
her perplexities rrreat nnd small, from
Jimmy's delinquencies, to Allco's
"pretty Ally'j" broken engagement.
Tills last was Eleanor's greatest perplex
ity, her greatest unxlcty now. It had
seemed such n happy prospect for Allco
to marry that lino fellow, Alec wardo.
Pnch a happy prospect lo know that
Alleo would bo euro offuch a homo as
Ahc. would rIvo her for tills Alec
Vtittio was npiospcrous man, a young
merchant with mi bonorablo nnuio and
a largo bihiiicn connection. Yes, it
hod been n very lino prospect for Allco
Koberts, who had neither father nor
iiiollicr,itndonlvthosleiidercst Income.
People med to say that it was hard
work for tho Itoberlses to mako both
ends meet, and fbronco "people" wero
right. It WM hard work; only Eleanor
knew Just how bard Eleanor, who
managed for them nil. For a little
while ono great earo had been lifted
from this brave, patient girl's llfo, That
caro was Alice's future Allie, who was
young and pretty, witli her father's
wilfulness and Impotuouslly, and her
mother's pride. And low hero was tho
worry back again, with an edited anx
iety for'Ally's fading checks nnd hol
low eyes. But suddenly a light had
shono in upon her ns hho read Aunt
Polly's letter. Hero wiu a possiblo help.
She went down to Frnnk Godfrey with
this now light shining upon her f.teo.
"ou look ns If you had some good
news, ' cried honest Prank, coming for-
w ird lo greet Iter.
"I have. Hit (town mid let mo tell
jot. tbottt It." Frank fat down nnd
sho told Itlin, for tho llr.-,t lime, nil
r.b'iui that miserable old quarrel and
Aunt l'olly 'rt letter, which had just
como Iiko n good nngel. "Isn't It just
llio thing for Allco just tho change fir
btr'.'" Eleanor ti.kcd brightly.
"Well, je.s, I itlinuld say it was and
for you too, Eleanor. I bcliovo this af
fair of Alice's lias won you qulto us
mtiih ns it biii hor. You've looked Iiko
a ghost nil uloiig. But fay, Eleanor,
Ml at tin you think of my going down
to Ibe Kims with you, eh?"
Sim looked u 1 1 tt lo surpriso I.
' Why, it would be vuy plcnmut for
us all-hut "
"But being ti stranger nnd unluvlted,
y u think tboi ropo-ition very unseem
ly. Why, Eleanor, I know Tom Hob
i r!s ns well i'- : mi ' ,: w me, nnd better.
I In ! (he Junior p.nini'r In a firm wo
n.o (Ot.slantly l.a It g ib alii gs with a
e pit 1 ft How; Hint I htivo a standing
invittiion tug., cbnvn to his father's
plnie, just on' i r F.Yham. Every tlmo
. cc him, lie snys: "When nro you
coming tiow n to i lie i-.ims . " Ann last
week be itr-lstcd on my vl-ltlng there
during Hie liolblajs. jYoio what tin jnu
ay, Mi.-sEle. ii(itV"
"Say? why, f'at I nm very glad, of
course but h w -tranif" that wo never
'Knew of m ncqealiilauei with
your cousin y Xot at nil. It would
have been stranger if you had. Iliad
juit enough knowledge of tho Hubert
feud to suppose (bat it would bo a great
want of tact to mention one to tho
other. I looked up this feudns nn Inhcr
ilauce. Don't j oil sec-."
'Yes, Ieie," n swinil Eie..norsatl
ly, how a littlo while ago
this view W' u'd havo been a J list uie.
'But I nm ciy glad that you fiel as
you do about It, Eluuior, very glial,
and I think with you that tho ehanco
will bo tho best thing in tho worltl fur
Alite. Did you t vir ili-covorher-hor
reuson, you know, for breaking with
WurtloV Don't tt II mo unkssynu think
best, and don't think I nk too much.
It Isn't Idle curiosity. 1 havo an Idea."
Cloud tdtl fellow! bo was always having
an "Idea" which ho was poring over for
.somebody's benefit. "Well, yes," an
swered Elianor, "I had a long talk with
All i! himself tbeotherday. I met him
nt his Cousin Ann's, and wo fell to talk
ing about Allio at once. And it Is just
in I supposed -Alice's prldo and wilful
ness in a great measure. Alee, you
know, had liecti iutimnto before his en
gagement at tho Miiiou 1 Inwards that
gay family of pretty girls. Allco was
ulwitys u little i-hy aii iut it; I knew
that at the fliht. Not Ji-uluits, hm shy
and sensitive, liic.iuso lliey aio fashion
able girls 'in eoeltty,' as wo say, und
unit know, Frank, us well in I, that
Alleo Is not, bccnuio wo can't ntlbrd It
You may know, loo, that not long ago,
when ono of the girls the eldest Miss
Howard was marilid, that Alec was
very naturally agood deal there at tho
rcciption and the paities. Alleo had
cards nnd Invitations, but didn't earo
logo. SholiitMed upon Alce's golnu,
howuver. But towards thu hvt of it
lliero was a very annoying accident,
Alee camuln hiteoiv evening ifter one
of llieso receptions, and before ho lift,
nintlo some arrangement with Allco to
co to Vulsti's studio with lilm tho next
morning. Thero was tho most unfor
tunnte inUiiiiilcrMniulltig about It. Hu
asked Alice to meet him, ho says at
cloven o'clock, at Moore's musle-rooms,
for ho wouldn't have tlmo to como
nwny up hero for her, Alice, It seems,
understood him to say twelvo o'clock.
Hut going out qulto early to do somo
shopping, sho found herself nt liberty
by cloven, and so went Into tho music
rooms to wait and rest, nsshosupposod,
nn hour. You know how the rooms are
situated tho front n warehouse, nnd
tho next fjr tho trial of specimen
pianos, Allco went In nnd seated her
self by tho reglslcrot the further end of
the llrst room, closo by tho half open
door communicating with tho second.
Sitting there, sho heard Aloe's volco In
conversation with another volco a
young lady's. The conversation, Inter
spersed with music, goes on perhaps
half an hour, nnd then Alee comes out
with her, nnd Allco sees that It Is the
youngcitMIss Iloward."
"By Jove 1"
"Yes, you perceive nt onco how It
looked to Allco witli her misunderstand
ing of tho hour, nnd the littlo provlous
feeling sho had had about these How
nrds. You know It was reported onco
that Alee wnnted lo marry this very
Mis Howard."
"Yes, I sco I seo; It looked us If
Wardo had been playing a side game
playing fast ond loose, Indeed. Well,-
and Ally Is Jealous, of cours?, nnd
there's a row."
"No, not exactly Jealous. Sho was
deeply offended. From her point of
view sho had been deceived and Insult-
cd by this kind of tiling. And then
sho tool: thu notion Hint ho had alt along
loved this Miss Howard, ami that If for
no other reason, upon such n discovery,
she could not and would not hold htm,"
"And Wardo ?"
"I think Alec, perhaps, was a littlo
Impatient with her. You see, It teas
gulltlcs3. Ho told mo that at tho tlmo
ho felt ns If sho bolicvedhlm cnpabloof
nny villainy In tho world. To bo so
distrusted, ho said, was horrible."
"But ho loves her yet."
"Yes, oh I yes, nnd I think ho would
forglvo her foolish suspicion now, If sho
could only bo made sco whatn terrible
mistnko sho has made, and would send
for him. But Alia is very willful. She
has such a persistent nature.''
"But Alec won't do that. Ho will
never seek her again, wlilio ho fools that
his truth or his honor Is doubted."
"I don't bcliovo sbo does doubt him
now. How can she, and (Jarry Howard
going on ns usual, you know disengag
ed and Wardo ns grim ns a ghost, nnd
shut up from morning till night in that
counting-room, or In that old woo'en
ware liouso, nnd never looking nt n
woman, bo's so sulky about Miss Ally's
throwing him over."
"Well, I wish" but what sho wish
ed, this kind, anxious Eleanor, Frank
Go Ifrey never heard, for Just thou liio
doit pushed open, nnd in eamo pretty
Ally Briberts hcnelf. Sho deserves tho
adjective; for certainly thero was novcr
anything prctler than that straight,
slight figure, that proud, spirited face,
brunette In coloring, and lit up by n
pair of splendid hazel eyes, thero was n
brilliant binzo of crimson in lierceeeks,
Just now, from Iter rapid walk lu (ho
fttxty air, so thatnho was rather love
lier titan ii-ual, Finnic thought.
"What wero you two talking about,
I wonder, when I came In? You look
ed 'caught,' bust as Jimmy does when
lie's been nt the Jam." Ami with this
pulek, inl-cbluvous question, Allco
glanced from one to other, Iiko a little
inquisitive bird.
For answer, Eleanor handed hor Aunt
Polly's letter.
Tho fplonotl linzt'l eyes dilated In
Mirprlse r.s they mastered tho contents
"Well I never I" And then Miss Allco
stopped In utter nuinzs as If no words
were e.tli qoatii to express her astonish
ment. "WuM, Alice, ls ci'i you
"Say? I know what yu'lt my, Eleu
nor. I know what you feci."
"Hut.oK, Ally I"
Tho erlmton bail died out of tho girl's
cheek, as sho h:ul becomo ncciiitnmed
to Ibo in door temperature, but It bluz
id iiji now in a great wnvo of color as
flic said "Yes; I say, yes. Lot u-. go
thero unit bo friends. Estrangements
and luiarrels nro dreadful things, (
think.'' And then, qulto suddenly, sho
rose up, itntl wlih some trivial excuse,
left the romm,
Frank Gotlftcy looked at nt Eleanor
slgnillerntly, with an "I-told-you-so"
expression; unit n few minutes after,
when lie look bN have, ho sdd, in a
low and confidential tone -"I van
manage It."
CII.M'TEll 11
1 hi ro w in a grivo dlriusshiu of ways
and means in Eleanor's chamber next
'My (mssesuiu so shabby," signed
poor Utile Ally ; "und them's nothing
to innko oer nny moil', unless, " laugh
lug a llltlu vexatiously, "wo tako tlio
pallid- curtains. We've used up about
everything tbe bouse contained for our
drcr-f eve 1st llin eurfitlits at tl tho
cut pel."
Eli.ti.or siar ed with somo ofan
exclauiutlon that uiiul' Alice open her
cjes, unit respond hastily ''You tlitln't
think 1 incut 1 1ml , Eleanor, In turn
Eleanor laughed. "Oh! no, but J
mean It In earnest, Alley. You havo
s uggeted something to me 1 shouldn't
have thought of myself. Do You le
member Hint set of maroon curtains that
fill her bought at auction tho year before
lie died V"
"Yes, 1 think so."
"They were of u very hand-ouie ma
terlal sometltink silky nnd rich, Iiko
h Isli poplin, and bi heavily lined that
thu iiiersldo can not bo faded, ami I'm
sum 1 dod't know '
"Why they shouldn't bo turned Into h
dress for me 1 Theio. 1 told you bo
i vi ry thing butt be curtains nnd carpets!
We sl.nll have the carpels next, set. if
wo duii't!" And Ally shouted with
laughter. "But wbero nro these won
derful euttalns which are to transform
your CI i deiella Into a princess, Elea
"Packed nwny In Ibo garret. Wu
novcr bad my tiso fer them In this
house, you know."
Brought forth from their obscurity
whero they have been carefully laid
nwny from moth nud mould, theso
rlehs old eurlnlns, alter much ripping
and slinking nnd pressing, turned out
to Ally's great satisfaction. They were
their own seamstresses, these girls I
Eleanor cutting and fitting, nnd Ally
evcnclng her skill nnd nrtt'tlc tasto In
tho matter of trimming. Perhnp', If
you had secu this pretty Ally, busy
over hor new dress had scon her fold
ing and refolding the trimming had
heard her light and oa9y chatter, you
would havo said that her heart was as
llgbtncd easy as her talk. Hut His only
In very unnatural novels that young
women wear tho vlstblo sackcloth nud
ashes of their woes. Most persons, after
tho first shock of a grief, go nbout tho
dully bushiest of life much ns usual.
Tho ex ternalsurfaco of things seems tho
same. Uut'uiideruclth, fur out of Bight,
Hie nerve lies soro and sensitive, which
any ehanco word may thrill with bitter
pain. People do not foster a real grief,
cither. Heal griefs nro contended with,
being put nwny as much ns possible Into
tho dark background, nnd fought silent
ly against day after day often, too,
covered over with nil manner of gay
nnd lightsome things to cheat tho weary,
weary ncho for n time. And ns Alice
Hoberts gtief was n real one, and ns by
forco of her naturo sbo bad litllo hopo
to help her, she strove with It, or turn
ed her back upon It In tho way that I
havo told . So now, ns she laughed and
jested over her now dicss ns she set
herself with n will to Its adorning, It
was partly that resoluto desire to over
come, and partly that Instinct of cheat
Ing pain.
But Eleanor was not deceived. Elea
nor know how much wns habit, how
much was cITort when Allco paraded
up and down tho room with her gorod
trait of silky Iuslro sweeping after hor,
and her gay little speeches thereat.
But the effort was good for her. Tho
excitement of preparation wns good for
her. And the greater excitement of
finally tnettlng that balf-remmbercd
Aunt Polly, and that mysterious and
wholly forgotten Undo John, and the
troopof cousins, was thu best thing in
tho world for her.
"Isn't it Jolly though, having you
here?" said the younger John, or
Johnny, as ho was now called, nnd who
was very much taken with Alice's
bright eyes nnd pretty ways.
"No Is It?" Allco made answer,
laughing out of iter lighter mood.
"Yes, tho Jolllest thing this Christ
mas and New Year, 1 know. And
we're to havo n gny old parly C hrlst
mas night. Wo nl ways havo one; but
this year tlicro'll bo no end of fun with
you hero, and Mr. Godfrey."
"Tom brother 's friend, Frank
Godfrey. He's prt tell you. When
wo boys go up to tho city will: Tom, he
takes us to all tho plays thero tuo go
ing." "Only think, Eleanor. Frank God
frey is coming," crietl Alleo, as Eleanor
eamo up to them. Eleanor was saved
from reply by Johnny's glib rattle;
but n sense of uueasliiessmndo her ling
er, nnd by nnd by change tho conversa
tion. What else did Johnny know?
She could not ok Johnny himsolf, but
sbo could ask Aunt Polly.' So away
bo went fo the store-room, where that
notlierly faco wn3 beaming over cop!.
ous measurements of raisins nud spices,
and other Christmas condiments. El-
iinor had gono back very easily to her
old liking nud Intln.ncy with Aunt
oily. Thej bad bad all sorts of confi
dential talks already. And they had
notlicr ono now. Uuelo John, smok-
ng His plpu lu llio little sttlng-iooin
adjoining, wondered "what mother was
at," ns he caught detached sen'enees
like these :
"No, nobody knows anything but
Tom nn old luqnnintnuee nf Ills, too,"
nnd "Ihcj'll be down the veiy night."
Tills, iuter-persed with Mindry littlo
Hughs, and a great ileal nf inctherly
my (lenr'-Ing on tin- part of Aunt Pol
y, and an acquiescent, but less hopeful
euleneo now and then from Eleanor,
wns qulto enough to Justify a ht.s ex
erienced person thin I o'o John, in
thinking that "mother win fixing up
somtiof her mystirlous plans for those
hlldten." And Undo John silting
there, laughed quietly t himself over
mother'.-ways.' Why. bless you, sbo
was us young ns any ot 'em.
Johnny himself wouldn't mjny Ills
CliiKtmas better lli.iii mother. Which
wns qulto true. Indeed, I do not be
lieve t lint Master Johnny, i.vcr bis
crammed s ocking that Christmas
morning, could havo possibly been lu
such a stuto of enjoyment nt this good
mother, this kind and genial Aunt
Polly, when she sit down at her full
tablu that day, ami lookul across nt
thosj three orphan faces her heart hid
yearned in motherly companion over
so many tiiius Undo John, too, that
morning, was more than usually gentle
nnd tei.dcr, as his glaima foil upon his
brother's children. And when housked
bis Christinas tlcsiug, thero came into
ills volco a quivering note n? lie thank
ed (foil fur tho poaeonud unity thai hud
brought them together onco more,
Everybody there, oven Johnny, whoso
mind was very much occupied with his
crammed stocking, snugly stowed away
behind him, knew Undo John
meant here. And overy body was qulto
touched and biibdiied at this evldeucu
of emotion fioui so icservcd it person ns
Undo John. Poor littlo Ally felt u sob
coming up into tier throat, tit sho
thought t.ow far away she was, even
now, from peaco nud nutty. But Aunt
Pully, observing her sad face, her deep
drawn sigh, Bald softly to herself-
"Gud grunt that full happiness may
como to her under tills roof."
Poor little Ally, indeed, Tlieio wns
Tom, with Ids pretty fiance, unit Con
bin Mary with that now eiigagcmen
ling on her linger, nud such u bhy du
light lu her eyes, as that tail, blonde
bearded young gentleman dropped hi
volco for her benelli, now nud then
What ft contrast this nlfered to that
proud, soro heart, lu Its aching loucB
ness, What n long, desohito vlsln it
seemed fo open beforo her of what her
own llfo would be. Poor littlo Ally
All through that day her mind was
tortured with visions of tho past with
tho "might hnvo been" that sad and
dreary ghost, and all tho host of droary
DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 15.
phantoms which followed In. Its train.
In tin meantime, to help herself to
bear her trouble, shosot herself to help
others In thnlr plensurcs nnd their du
ties. If Johnny's now top wanted n
plcci) of string, sho helped him hunt
for It ; If Aunt Polly needed service in
that busy preparation. Allco was nt
her call. Still, tho day dragged, and
the evening t lint approaffhed with such
a welcome from nil tho rest, was only
something more to bo endured for Alice.
As sho went wearily up tho stairs to
dress herself for this now effort, Aunt
Polly called out in n cheery volco
"Put on your prettiest dear,
for thero will bo n good many new facos
here. And then Mr. Godfrey Is expect
ed In tho next train, nnd snys ho will
bring n friend of lib with htm."
Allco inughed n litllo. Her prettiest
gown recalled its curious origin' But
sho didn't glvo a thought to Frank God
frey nnd tho friend ho was to bring
With him. Why should she? Sho put
on her prettiest gown, however that
rich, soft,,sllky now gown, with its
warm, wlney tint, nnd trailing folds.
"How pretty you nro In that pretty
dross look nt her, mother, look at Al
ly, Isn't sho lovely?" cried out Mary
Hoberts, ns Ally entered tho parlor
Yes, I see, my dear very pretty
Indeed. And what Is this stuff", Ally,
so rich and soft ?" Ally laughed out
right, and straightway told its Btory,for
Ally was not ashamed of tholr economy
and Its dovlces.
Aunt Polly was full of admiration nt
such Ingenuity, such "posltivo genius
of resource" as sho called It. Full of
admiration, for tho proud and spirited
faco that gleamed and sparkled llko a
brilliant gem abovo this pretty dress.
Sho seemed much moro Interested In
Alic's nppearunco than in any of tho
others'. You would havo thought that
this littlo Alice, clothed economically
In an old curtain, wns somo distinguish
ed personage, such n fuss did this smil
ing, bustling Aunt Polly mako over
her, setting n ribbon right hero nnd
there, pulling out lace ru files, and giv
ing an extra puff and n fluff, to tho
wavy hair.
"I want you to look Just as lovely as
possible, my dear," sho said In the
midst of theso litllo arrangements, for
thero are some of Tom's friends coming,
and who knows" nud hero sho left off
very suddenly with a "Bless my heart!
there's llio train now!" And Allco
who was a very keen littlo person
thought to herself "There's a plan In
her head nbout Frank Godfrey. Bo
causo he's our friend sho thinks" and
hero Alleo left off suddenly too, to
laugh over Aunt Polly's good natured
folly, und to sigh over her own greater
folly, perhaps. Sho was roused from
these contemplations by the sound of
her Cousin Tom's volco.
Well, that Is foo bad," ho wns saj-
"What Is it, Cousin Tom?"
"Why, tho train wo expccled God
frey in is dotalncd by nn nccldcnt to tho
ocomotivo ; nothing serious ; but
there'll bo n delay of half nn hour or
so, tho tciegrnm says."
Tho two boys, Johnny and littlo Tip,
hearing Ibis, set up quite nn outcry of
regret, for Frnnk Godfrey was "no end
jolly in their opinion. Half an hour
wns half a lifetime to theses Impatient
oung-ters. A general discontent and
rest less iio-h seemed lo ultaek them all,
n fact, t tills delay; and nt Inst Mas
ter Johnny, who was fruitful In sugges
tions, proposed with great enthuslism,
that they should hnvongamoof blind
man'.s bluff, or hido ami seek.
"Not blind-man's buff, for Tip got
his no-o Emcshcd last year at that,'
ried out Tom, laughing; "but hero
oes for lildc-antbEcek. Come, boys-
come, girls. Come, Ally this Is n reg
ular Christmas bout with us. We all
urn children to-dny, you know ; nnd
his is a gny old houso for hhlo-aud-
Thero was something so bright and
funny, and hearty, In this proposition
nnd tho hilarious effect It was having
upon everybody, that Ally felt her gny
girl's spirits suddenly return to her ;
nnd h.ughing as sho bndn't laughed for
oo long a tlmo to tell about, sho scam-
ered off to Join in tho game. And
what a gamo it was I "No end Jollj ,"
s Johnny declared In his favorite
ihraseology. As Tom had said, it was
gay old houiro for hldo nnd seek
Queer corner closets, unlooked-for
niches, stnlrwny nooks, nnd great win
dow recesses curtained Into hiding
rooms. Into ono of theso Allco fled
with a laugh that would have betrayed
her to tho seeker If Aunt Polly's whis
pered advice had not already done so.
"Go Into tho window recess In tho
back hall, Ally, nobody has thought of
that," sho had said in an Incautious un
dcrbreutli. And Into tho window tj
cess In llio back hall Ally went with
that littlo laugh nt tho fun of tho thing,
thinking, comically, what an alllnlty
sho hud for curtains. And hero sho
waited for thit sharp soekcr, Tom,
wlioso turn It was, ns tho children say.
Hero sho waited, and heard Tip's shrill
halloo of laughter as ho was dragged
forth from behind tho tall, old fashion
ed clock, and hor brother Jimmy's an
swering shout us ho was discovered In
the clothes-basket. And hero sho heard
another sound Hum that of hide and
seek a clanging of n gate, a hurrying
of footsteps up tho path and across tho
piazza j Tom's volco In greeting cud
welcomo, and Frank Godfroy's hearty,
Jovial tones over nil. And then Jim
my's piping notes of gladness "Jimmy
wns very fond of Frank Godfrey al
ways," thought H.o listener behind tho
curtain. Jimmy's piping notes, that
high, boy-treble crying out "Oh I como
hero I como hero and let mo show you n
Christmas picsent I've, got for you
You didn't think I had n Christmas
present for you, did you? But I havo
and iiicvi n Jolly ouo!" and laughing
In little, hilarious "bursts between Ids
Jerky sentences, Allco beard the small
boots como clattering down llio hall,
with a stronger but quieter tread fol
lowing. That mischievous Jimmy, ho
had dlseoveded her retreat, and was
bringing Frank Godfrey lliero. It
didn't tnko a minute for all this Is to
SPACE. la. ftc, I. Clf
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A.i.ISEr'i". T AaministrMor'ii Nollou. tins
Auditor', of Assignee'. Notice, I Jo. ' ,w
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L Directory" column.
cch'addhion.l lino. "r" ,W0 '"" ftnJ "'w
Imppen, you know-this mischief nt
Jimmy's planning-tho crossing the
hall Into tho back passago wnv, Jim
my 's clattering feet, his uolsy tongue)
his glooful hand, which pulled asldo tho'
curtain, hIs-"Thero-thcro sho 1st
lucre's your Christmas presonl I" Not
a mlnuto for Allco to Join In Jimmy'
IfUgh, and cry out
"O Frnnk, Frank I how do you do,
sir? It's I-Alice that that silly Jim
my has brought you to find. Wo were'
playing hldo-and-seck, you know, But
how do you do? An't you going to
speak to mo ?"
Tho deep volco that answered her
that deep, low voice, that only spoko
her namo, that pronounced "Allco" in
a sad, and lingering, nnd startled tone,
Oh I Hint wns not Frank- Godfrey's
volco, and Hint wns not Frdnk Godfrey's
faco Hint hero suddenly flashed iuto tho
raoonlight. It seemed liken vision to-'
Allco llko a nearer vision of ono who
had haunted her, sleeping and waking,
for tho past six months ; nnd breathless5
with surprlso and a sudden rn; Lire pIio
never thought to conceal, 'o called
out "Alec! Aleol"
At that call, ho was at hor a' J , and
thero nil In it moment, tho pdn nnd
passion of anger, and doubt, mid dis
belief, vanished all In n momui nt
tho sound of each other's voK-, at tho
sight of each other's face.
And Jimmy, who had coiiduetj 1 tlio
Inst act of this drama so suecr'; fully,
no sooner hnd dropped thocurtali upon
the two, than ho commenced t'v- most
uproarious unties no doubt, t'"i o- ly
fitting expression of his dell, ht In
tho midst of theso ho wns ctug'it nutl
collared by Frank Godfrey.
"What hnvo you boon up tt, you
monkey? What havo you dine with
Alee Wardo ?"
"Given him n Christmas nrcsent I
such a Christmas present ! Guess you'll
wisn you nau it when you sea It." And
hero, splto of Frank's firm hand, Jim
my began a double shufllo. By dint of
some persuasion, however, and n few
tnreats, rank at length succeeded In
obtaining tho Information ho sought.
"How In tho world did you como to
thluk of that trick, Jimmy."
Jimmy looked wise. "Didn't I know
that thero was a row, don't you s'poso?
And didn't I think, when I saw Alec,
that this wns n high old tlmo for patch
ing up things? I hnvn't Hired up to
thirteen years with our All, I'll hot,
without finding her out. When she's
huffy with mc, you know, I tako her
all of a sudden quick ns a wink, nnd
then it's all over In n Jiffy, nnd wo klsa
nnd make up. And she'll get over her
huff with Alecjust that way, sco if sho
don't. I know her." And this who
thlrtccn-ycar-oldster ngaln broko Into
his double shuffle.
And tho next thing, thero wasfAleo
liltnaelf, looking un nnd laughing at
this doublo shuflle.and Allco smiling
Into Frank Godfrey's faco, nnd shaking
hands with him, and saying "I havo
you to thank, I know, Frank, for this,
it was you that brought Alec bore."
"And to think," said Eleanor, bv and
byi'to Aunt; Polly "to think that so
much peaco and happiness has como to
us hero under yoursroof. I felt tjiat
Ocd's blessing would bo unen this
"And to think," echoed that auda
cious' Jimmy, who had caught Fomo-
thing of this as ho hnlanoed himself on
Ibo arm of a chair near by "to think
Hint Aire found such a folly ChrMmns "
present behind that curtain ! Hooray!"
Vauiatiox or Cor.oit i.v Binns
with the Locality. The subject nf
variation ol color In birds, ns rxprr
lrg specific distinctions, has for alrn'r
time occupied the nttentioa of ertiH1-'!
Icgisls; and whllowithsomotpe sli'it
est dlffci-crce In ebado ws R'-fil-Ie t 'o
establish a sparatefpr cles a wi-'e vnri t
Hon is allowed by others without iff. t-
ing tho idea of specific tdentby. We
nregrndually, however, coming lo ap
preciate tho itlfluencr which external
conditions, such ns light f rslu. V, m da
tura or dryness, varying temp raturo,
latitude, etc., produce uion c ' tr; nml
so long as tho general pattern n t tt t
the same, wceanallown gicat' m
In tint, nnd even in size, since, ie- v M
known, this depends larfely ir l.'ttt 'n
or altitude of birlh-plnee and n - tit "
As a general rule, it may be Haiti tt.. t
as wo go southward freinn north lO'D
pernio latitude, with tho increasing
temperature and brighter sky the colon
are deeper and tbe size h s ; and. on tho
other hand, In proceeding northward
and into more clouded atmospheres, tho
dimensions becomo grialiv, with a
decreasoin general brillliney. In sandy
or barren regions tho accompanying
birds become of a grayish tint, whilo
in red soils n reddlh shade will bo up
precinble. Again, in certain regions tho birds
exhibit u tendency to melanism, or a
blackening, this being noticeable in
Florida, and moro est eclclly in tho
West India Islands, as compared with
tho United States. An iustanco ofthl
is seen in tlio common red winged,
bieckbird, tho ft mult) of which, ns
as found in the United States; is varie
gated with brown, yellowish, nnd gray
ish streaks; tho maio nlono being a
glossy black, with red bhoulders. A
blackbird Is found in Cuba, however,
tho mnlo of which Is undlsfluguisli-
ablo from our bird, excepting In
tho smaller size, vb!!o tho fuinilo
Is of a uniform lustrous black, dill
erlng only fronr the male lu tho ab
since of red upon tho shoulders. 81m
liar comparative peculiarities pro pic
scntcd In qulto a number of West Indi
an birds. Editoh's Scientific Bio
0UD,ln Harper's Magaxinefor Janumy
The key nolo of the presidential cam
paign has been given by tho Sptlng
Held Jiepubltean : "Tnmmnnyism ot
Washington must bo got rid of as well
as Tammany Ism in Now York ''
mi I
"The administration," tnj i nenry
Ward Beeeher in his corrupllcn sermon,
"must reform tho civil service. Every
custom houso Is now a lilltu' tlcp,
and neurly all tl.o cilices r,ro
damning and deadening to the catioi nl