The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 22, 1871, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJKG, COLUMBIA COUJNTI, lA. AOoVnTKY nHSn.V.t, frll.ilnln dv,n . previous tn the.close or UK, will re ceive the uei-sr weeklv, from receipt of romtl ," ".January 1st. H3. without chW f-A-iv person wl.liln to try iho paper before subscrlblm. will be supplied with copies rcn lnrlr from dale of application to Janmrrhi, 1871; fir the nominal prlco of n 3 cent itnip for A eacn interveum .0' She (Country (Srntlfmatt. Volumeor 1ST. Th nrtTLVATOH A COTJVTRV aEtflt.K MAN in riouly two neoro yearn, ha ranked, oth luthH country and nbmtl. a theHUnd-vd-Umrnalnf Amfrlcti AarlcuUuro, Tho 111 lion ant Proprietm. in milltlon to tholrown P erwunl labor, are regularly lited br n very large number of Hpeclal Correspondent nnd Renular Contributor, among whom are Inelnd edm uiy leading AtrrlrnUurUu, In all purl of thelVmttrVt Kt and West and by over Klvo Hand -d oewtVon-tl nml Voluntary Writers, illreet'y in the ruiks of tho ltet Farmer nnd IlorlinilttuHtH of nearly uvery Htate In tho un ion. With tho co-openaion of so Inrgo a corn of pr ' a men, thin Journal tn intended to poe- otccptlonnl value as the chosen Medium ttt liiftiro'ioiiniintrntlon nmmm nil elaMM Inter ented In th Products of Fertility of the Land tho who Cultivate nndthoe who Consume the lkiver and Hhlpner, a well as the flrslowncr oi thff i'r"r- HrecdKM or Improved Animals and their rmtninfru MAnufjieuirprn of Itnnrnvnd Machlm iv und thoso who pmrhaoand employ It .Nui-hf rvrnn nnd Fruit ltnUem and. mupp. IaIIv. In mi poly toiler nnd better data as to tho nroimwH mnipecU and returns of each Buermoi Ivo Ht ftoii, ha throwing light upon one of the most inipotttnt of all questions YVhento'lmy Kim urn tn nnu TKllMs.-Tho Cnniitrv flentlrmnn 1 nnhllOi. cd wpihiy. on Itio following terms, when paid Mrlc'b tn advance; Ono Cony, one year, lln ; Four f'opit h, f io, nnd nn additional copy for the war fr. v 111 tender of iho Club! Ten Conlci I a-1, . n.i nn n-idlti inal eopy for Iho year freu to nil - Miner iMPLiun, 4 Hni elmtm Copies Preo, Address I.i'ni.RtTP.'UiRt,St HON, Publishers. Albany, N. Y. 'AC iDpk'Mi Pic uicil HUtory of the Times, "rholwst.rheflpftsr.. and most imefnl Vnml ly Paper lu tho Union." -rhKSDioi.Y iLLuaritvrnn. Totices V ftff Prets, Th"1 Modal Nuwhti 'i.t ol our romitrv. Com' til etc In nil 1hA fl.-tii.i'Lmmitti nt nn Amorlonn Family Papi Knrpt r n Weekly dm earned for nr i n rutin i'i hup, .luuruai oi tivitjz,' Hon AVft ark- Ebtnlnn W. Tli I t. iinlitlfftHnn tit IM rlnns In Amerlei anil i r uhead ofnll other weekly Journals as not . p .t nt of auv comparison betweon it an J an f rhflr number. Its columns contain the flnt- i .U'ftlom of read I off matter thit are prln .1. lu itlutratlonsarn nnmerons and lipiu. ifui, bpim; furnl-hei by tho chief nrtlstsof ww c mniry ijt'o 'iravcuert Horner's Weekly li the bsst and most Inter est I n i: tiliihtratetl newspaper, Nor does 1W value dept "ill Oil Its lilusiratiout alone. Its rendlnfi mop i is or a mgu orueroi literary merit var ien, uiiniPiivi' )U'rwam3 arm UMexccpuou Serais : llAnrER's Wikklv, one year W An T'tI r PntiV nf olltipr I Iia tnrit1np. Wok. ly, or llaznr wlU bo nupplle gratis for every Club of Fio hubfcrllters nt 81 0' each, In one remittance ; or, Blx Copies for 920 l)J, without estni ponv. Hutwcriptlons to llnrper'n Magazine, Weekly and linK!-. to one address for on vear. 110 uh or twoni Ua per's Terlodlcals, to one address for one vear, zi w. Hack numbers cin besunntled at nnv time. Tho Annual Volume of If arper's Weekly, In neat doth biodln-r, whl bo sout by expre, treo oi expense, iur it eocn. j coinpieiB n iwiu prllt.ff FKiceii volumes, sent on receipt of cash at t ho rate of co i5 per vol., freight nt expense ol pureuaaer, Tte postage on Jlarper's Weekly la 3) cents a year, which mnt be paid at tb subscriber's post-oiflce. Address iiAnrcn & BHOTIIEU, ew York. "A Repository cf lashlon, rieaure, and In struction," Harper's Bazar, Xcttcesef the frets. It Is really tho only Illustrated chronicler of fashion In the country. Its supplements alone are worth the .ubscrlptlon prlco of tho paper. Wb'bi fully matutaluluglts pailtlou as a mirror of fusiion. It also contilus stories, poems, brill lint estuys, besides general and personal gosilp. Jlnsfon Okiturday J'ltntna Gazette. Tiif re never was any paper published that so delighted the In art of woman. Never mind If It doe-.-cot you anew bonnet; it will save 5 ou ten times the prim lu the household economy It teaches, Prn idtnee Journal. Tito young lady who buys a single number of Ha- run's makak Is made a subscriber for Hie. Vcip York Eitninrj J'ott. The Hazar Is excellent. Like all tho periodical- which the Harpers publish, It is almost Ideally well edited, and tho class of readers for whom it islntended the mothers and daughters In average families cannot but profit by its pood semie and good taste, which, we have no doubt, are to-day making very many homes happier thou they may have been before tbo women began taklnz lessons In personal nnd household nnd social management from thla good-natured mentor. The Nation, A". 1. 3TTBSCHIPXIOrJS,"1072. lUitrcn's IUzaii, onoycar. ....51 CO "An Cxtra Copy of cither the Magazine, WiEKLVor Dazak will bo supplied gratis for eveiy Clnbor Five Bubscrlbcrsat?! W each In one remittance ; or, Blx Copies for fcMO 00, without extia eopy." fcubkcrlptlon to HAitrEn'fl Maoaxike. Wi kly. and HAZAit, to ouo nldress lor one year, th) 00 1 or, two 01 Harper's Periodicals, to one address for ono year, 7 (.0. 1'iiftr Nnmlicnirnn tw minnlled at anv time. 'J he four volumes of Harper's Hazar, for the yeaiA 1MW 'cy, '7V, '7J, elegantly bound In green morocco cloth, will bo sent by express, freight prepaiu, ior i w eacu, Tim twiKtniTB nn irnrner'a Itfizir Is 2) CClltsa year, which must be paid nt the subscriber's HAHPEU i nnoTitEia. New ork, "Unquestionably the best sustained work of tho kind lu tho World," Harper's Magazine. Xatices vfthe Press. There are few intelligent Amerlcnu Limlilcj in which iiaiu'KU'h Maoazinb would not bo an appreciated and hmhly welcome guest. Ihero family can les ntlurd to be without. Many Mur nrinta are accumulated, HAitrcn'ti is edited. Thore Is not a MKaslno that is prlntet.1 which shows more intelllKent pains expended cm its nrtifles and mechnnlcal execution. There Is nol n cheaper Megazlne publUhed. Thero Is hot, couiexheilly, a more iopular Macvzlno lu the wot id. AtwEii'jtaml Homestead. A repository cf biography imd lil: tnry, lilera. lure srlence. and oil, muoualcd by ouy other American publication, U he volumes nro ns valuablo as a more work of reference ns any cy clcrn?dIawo can place in our Jibraiies. JUk i-rit's MAnA7tsE is n record of travel every where since the hour of Its establishment, , Uv HiK-tonencd Gordon Cnramlnjln Atrica.Hlraiu nmonc Hie Andes and Ross Hrowne in Iho hast, Nni he on the Nile and Mncsregor on the Jordan indeed, all recent travellers of noto haefceen their wofct Important discoveries reproduced In thetepPRtH. Wovt of our younger and litany or our ohUr writers nr.d hero their lltrury blrura rhy, ournrtlfctstco the best evldencesof i he r icnlus and the mcst endnrlru isrecimensof their work In the JUgdzlne.-A'. 1. blunttard. It Js one or ftio wonders of jouinal m-lhe .etUtorlal luanoctment cf Haiu'EU s-iflff Au- ifon, v. y '1HHM-! Haritk s Magazine, one year 51 w An Extra rpy of either tho Maoazikl. Weekiy. or Rakaii will bo fiutplie'l uratis for every Club of Hve brnnunnuH at St lOeaeh, in one remlttancei or.filx Copies lor 'J to, with out extra copy, Bubscrlptlousto IlAr-i lu'h Mauamnk, Wpi K i.y ud Hazaii, to one uddrren for ouo year, jlO oo; or, two of Hprpei'a l'eiiottlcal-s, to one address for ono vt ar, C7 t. Jluck numlitrB ran be supplied nt any time. A Complet H'tcd IlAnritn' fniTtnrlKlni' 4'I Volumet. In nt-flt cloth bludlll?. wlh be fceut by xj res,lrelght at expense of purclmser. ior - mi ujumr. rnnni nuuiun pobtpHid, W tA b'lu caus. for binding, SHttnts by mall, po&lpald. The postage on IlAiirrH'fl Maoazimc Is 31 , ceius n year, which muhtbepald at the sulnrib JiAiiran & nuoTiiniw. New Votlt, "7"AIiUAIlIjK l'ltOPEHTY TOU V HA LI I. Thonnder'kigned wishing to retire from hnsl nei s vow oQeis nt pi Hate hale his t ntlro propciv t 'tu-ited In Orniigevllle, consisting of n on- hail interest In tho well known FUIXDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WORILS, tr. ether m Ith Iho Tnglne, Lathes nnd other Ma chinery helcrUng to the t-arae, also tho entire ktock row on hand, logcthcr with n aluablo palj vt horses, and the waaons, sleds, Harness, Ac. alfcn hlKtoin lots on which Is erected a good fiame dwe Uli'U. sUo, twcuty-llvo ncrts, known ssthe Dr. Jdt properly about ten of which are cleared, the balance timbered, lrtc(s reasonable. Pouerslon (then at ouy ijuiu luiuii purciiurrrN. flpiuy io or anurcss, WILLIAM wim vr.rit. 1 Oct, 0,7Mf. OiangeilU. idtiuLiii o Pa, G BAY'S FEtlllY PJUNTINO INK WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. O. E. ROBINSON & IU10M Manufacturers of Pino Illaclcnnd Colored Print ing Inks, NowiiInkH put up with care to suit the reason and peculiarities of Presses. Quick Duyinq Hlack and C'olorctl Inks especially adapted to LabeU'rlntliiff. ' UOVl0'7J-llll. AQKNT8 WANTKI) FOJt A VERY HUPEUIOR HOOK", "BOW IN THE CLOUJV ITdJIed by T.7. Ufa-, WM. HA CON BTRVIa D, D. K Ji, ji, ' It Is full nflhoWcAriiand rumf thoughts, uu Jcldlnp Ue (jloricAu Convenaut Promlnesorour Gcii, HupciLly Illustrated audbouudiunetrde tli in of lore elegance. It is n (it pi mi on g books'. Won' Iteald. H Is e ne of 1ie ii.ofttelcgnnt books ever Issued trtn tho American press )'atehman und Jirjttc 'J hU Is a Look cf nirpnselnL beauty, A', V, Ob set nr. A liOVXLY HOOK ron A HOLIDAY OIFT, HiirKiiecl Willi i exquisite gems of poetry. l'lul'ChiH' Agents at emaklngtlO to j ioper day, Pxleelow. Terms extra. Tor Circulars address. , rt liUHIlAHD HRO.S., Publishers, dec 8 '71-tf 723 fc'-aribom Ht phlfa. Patent Modicinos. N APPEAL To Debilitated Pcrgon, To SufTcrers from Liver Cdmtilalat, li thrwii hitvln j no Atmotltu. To ihoso witli Broken Down Consti tutions. To Kcrvoud people, To Children wasting Away, To ntiy wltli Debilitated DlgoUtvo Organs, Oj sttfTerina with any of the folloictnh S'tmt)tomst which indicate Disordered jAver or &tomacnt f such as Con stlpitlon, Inward Tiles. Fulness or Wood to the Head, Acid Uy of the Stomach, Nau"o.i, llenrlburn, lllsRust for Food, Hour KruscltAtlons.Hluklngor Ftut terlngHttbAlUnftiieHtomach.Hwlm mlnttnr tho Head, Hurried and Dimmit tlrnftthliiff. Fliilterliiit nt tho llerl. Choking or HntrjoatlnK Kensstloas when lu n tiVinn ln lure, uimness oi iion, von or y eus ueiorv tlieSIttht.Fevernttddnllp.itn In the head, Deficiency of IVrsplrutlou, Yellowness of tbo Hklu and I'.ye, rain In the Hide, lUck. '-'best, Limbs, Ac, Huddeu Flushes of Heat, llurulnn In the Flesh, Constant Imagining of Uvll, and sreat liepressloti of Mplrlts, hoofIjAND'8 okiiman lumens. A Hitters without Alcohol orSptrlUof any kind, IsdIITrpntfromatlolhei-s. It Is eomposod of Iho pure Juices, or IV-if Principle of Ilmi. Jlerbst nnd 7tarAi,(oras medicinally tfrmed hx tract,) n. -rtiiiAanr inirt. iKtriimisof the ItutredletUH .,I,I Tir.r,irn In nnn lint tin nf this Hitters tnere is contained as much medicinal Virtue M Will OO muiui in wvenu kihiuu- in i-;- dlnary mixtures. Tho llnots, &c.( usetl In this imf ta nro irrnwii in Urrmiiv. their vital rrln elples extracted in that country by a sclent I tic ihh city, where ttieyare compounded nnd hot tied. Contaltildjt no spirituous Ingredients, this Hitlers Is freo from the objections urged ngAlusl nllotherst no uesire ior luumisaw vau iw iu .ina.t rrmn ihMr imn. t.liev eiuiiot mako drunk nrds, nnd cannot under any circumstances, hvo any but n ucncucmi ciici. HOOFLAND'8 OKUMAN TONIC, Was compoumleil lor those not Inclined to extreme, bitters, and H intended for use In c ises whensomo alculiollo stimulant Is reiilred In connection wim nm ionio properiiosoi mo in tnrm i.toii iio'tio tt i hn Ton li rotitatos one not- Hn nriim nitr4 rnmhlno.l with Hiiro HAN fA VIWA HUM, and lUvored In such n mannerthat ine exiromeimierneisoi mo uiiivrn nuntuiur. rormlug n preparaiion nigniy aureeiuio nnu il(.na,nii. in tlm n.ilAln. nnd noiitalulfiu tho tnedl- nml vlrtiiPM iii Inn IlltlLrs. Tho nrlCO Of ttlO Tonic ii $1.50 per llottlo which many persons ininK looiiigu. inuy iimii. iiiiuiuiiniuu.. Hon that thu stimulant used is guaranteed to be urn i.urn mmiitv. a tKir arllelo eon Id he fur nished ut a ulicaper prlce.but Is 1 1 not better to pay a little more and have a good article? A medi cinal preparation idiould contain nona but the i iiirriiiniitd nn.i ilipvwhn ninect to obtain ucheapcompuuu J.aiid lu bonetKiol by It will modtcertainiy be cheated. HOOFLAND'fJ GERMAN IHiriSRS, IIOOFLAND'S GEHMAX TOXIC. WITH lIOOFLVXD'a l'OHOPJIiLLIX PILL will cvnr. Yov. They ore the (Jroitcst 11 o o i r u r. 1 f 1 in: h Iviiown tn thfl Xte.llAil world, and will eradi cate dlseasesarlslit? from Impure ulujd. Hcblltty of the Digestive Orgms, or diseased Liver, lu a shorter time thin nay other Known remedies. Tho wholti .SL'PKKMi: COURT of Peuusylvanla Hl'KVK FOU 11 EM CO IK-11 Wlwin lid ak fjr more DltmlfloJ andtroujer Testimony ? Hon. O r-oitdis W. Woodward, former Chief Jut tic-i of the Supreme Court of Vrtnijfttmki, a present Marnier of Congress fro i I'eantytvania urltes: PniLAiiKLvntA, March 10th, 13J7. I find " I looflaud's Otrman Hitters" Is a good tonic, useful lu dlseassM of tho digestive organs, and of great bene tit lu rises of debility and want of action in tho sy-dom. Vours truly Oeouqi: W. Woodward. Hon. JAMEsTnoiisof,Cir7itific(7fAW2rfme Cburf of Pcnnsyivanta. PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1SC7, I consider "lloofland's German Hitters" a val uable medtclno in easo of attacks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I cm certify this from my expe rience of It. Vours, with respect, JAMLS TU03ISON, Hon, anonanflriAKSWoon, Juitieeofthe Supreme Court vf Pennsylvnnta. PitiLAbELPitiA, Juno 1, 180), 1 havo found by experience tint ''lloofland's German Hitters" is a ery wood tonic, relieving dyspeptic pymptoms almost directly. UEOHOK HHAILSWOOIl. Hon. Win, F, Rogers, Mayor of the Cxtyof Jtujfalo. .v r. Mnj or's Oillce, lluffalo, June 22, 1S69. I liivo used "Ilnollands German Hitters nnd Tonic" In my family during the P"t year, nnd can recommend them as nn excellent tonic, 1m Earllng tone nnd visor to the wystein. Their uto as been products e of decidedly beneficial effects. Wm. P. Hooeiw. Hon, James M. Wojil, 77j--.lf.iior 0 Hilllti.tjor( I talre treat pleasure lu. recommencing" Jloor Iniid'u Ucrnian Tonlo " to any one who may lie allllcled Mllh Dyspepsia. I liad tlio Dyfe-pepsla ho bailly H was Impossible to Uecp my tool lu my btomncli.nnil 1 lii'canie no weak as not to lin nblo to walk liairamllo. 'J'wo bottles or Tonic etrectctl a perfect ture. Jamks M. Wood. JUHIKMlinil THAT lioorriANiva ocrman mTri:iw, and IlOOFIiAND'3 QEHJIAN TONIO Will Cure every ease of il A 11 A ,S J U ,y, Or Wastlug away of II10 Holy. JUlSIKMllCn JIOOTIiAND'l) QEltUAN Iir.UUUICS Are tho mcllclnca yoa requlro to purify tho HI001I. excite the tornld Liver to lie iilthv action. nun 111 enuuiu you io pusnH3iuiy iiiruuu nuy liarilshlpH or exposure. DIl. IIOOFI.VNDS V O I) O P II Y Ii Ij I N HUI13TITUTK KOll JlEHCUnV PlM.3. riro pill? a hose. 'Jhe most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable (Xithartio known. It Is not necessary to tako nliandfullof these Pills tn produce the desired ettect; two of them act iju ekly and powerfully, clenuslntt tho Liver. Htomach and Hiwels of all Impurities. Tho principle uigreuteiu is 10 tophyllln, or tho Alco holic Lxtrat l of Mandrako, which la by many t mes more powerful, nctlna and searching than i t 1 1 "1 1 It p-'uiiar utjium is upoo T .I,1'1 iccuiiy iruiu uiiouairuc llntlil Uiili nil tlm miicii. ..I t .... , from the injurious results attached to the uso of th4t mlueriil, I-'or all diseases In which the mo of n cathartic. Hon In every case. ThevNEVEli i-'aii. In rases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and extreme cohtlveness, Dr. HooflandV Uerman llltttirsor Tonle should bo used in connection with the Pills. The tonlo (iTect of the HitiiTunr Tonlo buIUU up tho system. '1 he Hitters or Tonlo purities the Hlood, strengthens the Ner es, heu ULATUi the Liver, and given strength, energy and vlg r, Kci'ii vnnr Unwell nctlvo with lha 111 Is nml tonn mi thn NVl,tcin with lllttt-rs or Tnnln nml no dlseaco can retain tho hold, or even ussall yon, UPtYtllectlnnt It Is Hit. HOOFLANLVH GF.1l. MAN ItemedlfiH that nrefcounlversallvused and highly recommended j and do not ullow the Druggist to Induce you to take anything that he muy bay Is Just us good, bc-causo he makes a larger prom on u. These Remedies will bo sent by express to any locality. upon application to tho PKINOI- ran tirriuij, ut uiti ur.uiAn JMial(-iliNI. ruuui;, oji Arm ni I'liuntitupnia. These Remedies are for i-ale by Druggists Htorf keepers, and Medicine Dealers everywho Hail Roncta. LA0ICAWA1MNA AND BLOOMS UU1W1 HAthUOAD On and ifterNov, 27, W71. Paisengor Trains will run as follows t (loins North. (loins Honlh Arrive Arrive Leave Leave iv, iii, p, in. h. tn. n. m HcrantonH....,...., p.41 i. u 1.41 2.U i;utonH H, 8. is 11.51 H3I V).3i A W.HarroCTs 8,3) 7M 11.10 riymoath..... mj 12.51 3.10 Hhlckaliluuy.., 7M II.IKI 8.14 UvrwiCK m 7.ICI llloom ................ B.W ll.H 3..W DAllvllle 111 ."a uonnectinn mnde ntHcrnitton iy iho 10.4? A.m. trnl'i for Ureal Homl, Hlni(tMmtoil, Albunyunil wit (iuiuu uriu, niui cm. i liuuil 11, nun N011TIIEHN OKNTUAL IIA.II. WAV. un nnu niier aw. ma ifji. TraiUN will leave Bum 11URY n follows 1 NOUTHWAIID. 12.a)P.Uil)tll tftW'llll.imin.irt. Ill nilm. I'Aiiftii, 111) r. st Iliimio, N, Piilli, O.Mr, St., U.tllr, (except Hutmay.) ror William. sport nmt Krie. 4.3J p. M., Dnllv. (oxeept Sun.liyt for Ulmlrn nuiiainnu 1 injira f an, vt 1. Jirto r.iuronn from Klinlr THAINM HOUT11WAUD. l.lf A.M. lUllvfor li.iltlm.ii,.inliltigtonniul 1 II llltUVllllll. 10 03 A. M. Dally (u v;e(it Bundnyii) fur llaltlmon Wiulilngton . 'i'.alelputi. i )i i si. I'nlly (x 'op. Himil.iys) lar llnltltnoic. I llllllllUIPUIll, il. KM. 1. YOI1NO. iczivral TMMngcr Agcut. I fnii't. Al.t'llKIl U. Khi QATAWItSA HAIUtOAD. IUI. WlNTi'H AURVSQIIMKNM. 1TI. IMwivj-rTn In ton. till roil will ran tu (ol ow.i SltAit X,li'S, BTATI0M, I,v. 9.n n.lo Wltllalmpoi I, " ii.'tl " Mtincy, " 1D.H " .MIIlOil, " M.w " li.mvllli', " 11.11 " ltupcrt, " 11. ai . t'4ltlllS, 12.21 " HiiiKloWn, l.'itii.TTl. Huninllt, " 1,01 " tJiiaknke, " 1.11 ' l'J. Muluuy Jn3. " 1,31 "DlnoTiimarma, Dino. " t.uj " ltoiiiiliiir, " 3.11 " rottiviilo, " l.Ut ' l'lillJilGlnlila. MM JSVrtA v, o.aip. m U,l " Ml 4M ' 1.111 ' 4.(11 " 2.55 ' 2.2) " 2.10 " 1.15 12.51 ' W.l' 1.13 " 1.23 "illuo Maucll Onuun, illno" !,u- 11. 111, iAJ " lletuicheni, 12.W110011 " au' " rlilln. vlilletiilebem, " 0,13 n. m " a. " l.astnn, " 11,13 N't-v York. ft. l.lbf rtv at.. 5.3) vluli. &H. It. It. ' O.ftJ 0,53 " ' I Valley 11. It, " 0.01 ri..j a, lil, lt04tOll 0.W p.ra -tot- AC:ojjJinj.vna.v tkai.v. STATION'S. boillli. 5.(K' p.m. 5.11 6.31 " u.a) O.'iH " fl.r 7 j ) 8 (VI " 8.1U " North. v.Ti a.m y.ii SJ'J H.U " " 7.W " 7.-11 " C.5U " U.V7 " 6.2U " Wllllamsport MontonrsvlllQ Halls Muney Allen wood New Columbia Mil ton Dan vll Io ltupcrt Cam w lis a An train leavns Dan, it nt Herd In House, Wllllamsport, 7.U A. m in connection wim trains irom ine west ior pinion, rnnnuei nhla.New York.lloiton and Intermediate itotnts. Iteturulnff, leaves Milton nt 0.10 i. m., making ilhect connection nt Vlllliinsp3rt with trulns iur 4113 Willi, ana wicnn, upt TJEADINQ AAILiUOAD. HUMMCR ARRANQEMENT JIONDAV, May 15, 1871. Ureal Trunk Lino from tho North and North west for Phlladclnhla.Now York. Hoanlnif. Pnttjt. vllle, Tamnnun, Ash land, Hhamokln Lebanon Aiieiuiiwa, j..asion, ipmain, ijiiiz, ljaucisicr coiuinuia.tic., Trains leave llnrrlsbnrg for New York, as Jol lows: At -M . a. m.. and 2.00 n. m.. eon- ncctlmt with htmllar trains on l'enusylvn nla Raitroad, and arriving at New York a ly,i3. a. m., J,5u, and tt.w n, m. respectively. Mleeplng cms atcouipany tho n.i n m. tralu without change, Returulnc: Leave New York at P.00n.m. and noon and fi.00 p. m. Philadelphia at 7.H KM) a m, nnu a.JUp. m. wieepuig cars accompany (.'iu 3,uu j'.iu., i mm nuui i wiinout cuauyo, Lcavo Harrlsburt; lor Reading, Pottsvtho, la manua. Mlnersvllle. Ashland. H ha in ok In Ah lenuiwn and Phlla' 8.11) a.m.. and 1!.0J and 4,03 p.m., stopping nt Lebanon and principal wuy stntlouK; tbe-l.Oo p.m. train connecting for Phi Pa PoUsville and Columbia only. For Polls vllle Hchuylklll Haven nnu AUbnrn, via bchuylklli and tiusquehanua Railroad, lcu o Harrlsburt at q.w p.m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing ior Aiieiuown j-asion nun inew lorican.x lo.Ui), a. m., nnd 4.03 p. ni. Returning, lenv rUW 1UI&UI V.W tt, III., Jl.i)V UINIH HUU O.IM p. 1 uud Alleutowu at 7.-UU, m. V2M noon, 2.15, 4, unit K..LS n. in. Wav I'aKscnuer Train icuves Phlladelniila at 7r'iUa.m comiuctlng with blm.. tialn ou East ru, rauroati rciurning irom iteaujugat u,up.m Lcavo Pottsvllle at' 0.00 a.m.. nnd 2.10 n.r.i ll.,ri.,lii,i nl inifln tn Hlinnin'fl,, nt e. tri...t,, a.m., Ashland at 7,05 a.m. uud 12,iJnoou Mali auoy City at 7.15 a. m, aud 1.2 J p. in, Tumaqim at H,;t u. in. , and 2,h) p. m. for Philadelphia, New lora, iteaumg, iiarrisuurg.ivc, Ieave Pottsvllle via Hcnuylklll nnd Susouc- hanna ltaihoadat8,15 a.m. lor JIarrihbuig, and 11,1 i u. m for Pine Urovo and Tremont, Readme Accommoflation Train leaves PolU vlllo utS.ioa. m., passes Reading at 7,30 a, m ar riving ai i-iuiauvipuiu m, iv.m a, in, iteiuriuua leaves Philadelphia ut 5,15 p. m., pnsslug Read ing iu 4jr,iu.t urriviiiHut runs vine ai v.iu p.m. Pottstown Accomraoaallon Tralu.leaves Putts town at u,3l) a.m., rtturulug, leaves Philadelphia UL l,0i 1.I1W (-nliii.ibla Itatlroail Trains leava Ueaillntr nt 7,20 a.m., and lU3 p.m. for Ephruta, Lltlz, Lancaa- ier, ivOiuiuum. txu,, Peiklornen Rail Road Trains lcavo Pcrklomcn Junction at 7,17 y.t'S a. ma.W Atl.wp. m. returu- liif; iiuw cv-iiLiiit.jviiiu in u.o", et,io a.m., iizj noon & 1.13 p.m., connecting with similar trulu- on Reading Railroad. t'olcbrookdalo Railroad trains lervo Pottstown nty.l0a.m.J: 1.15tJ.iii.m.returuinn leave Mount J'lea-sautftt 7.ouaud 11.25 a. m., :i.uu p.m. connect lnv with bimnar i rains ou ueauuig nuuroaa. unesier aney luniroau i mius leave urugo riort at 8,30 a. in. aud 2.05 and 5.32 p. m, returning, eavo Duwulntou nt ti.l'J a. m.. 12.15 uoouand 5.25 p. m.. eouuectlug wllh similar trait. a op iiuiimil itaiiruau. Ou Hundays, leave New York at 5,00 p.m,,Pnh phlaut 8,00 a.m. uud 3,15 p.m., (tho s.ou n.m. trait. ruuuingoulytoReadlug;)lcavei,ottsvlllo8,00.i.m,: iiarrisuuru in a. in. nnu .uu p. in. uuu leavo A lien town at -1.25 und 8.:i p. m., aud lcao Reading nt 7.15 a, in, nnd l).50p.m,(or HairU COOa. m.for New York, at 7.2') a, ra lor Aiiuuiun ii uuu uiv.iu u, m, una i.ij p. ui Philadelphia, Excursion Tickets to and from all potuU, at re duced rates, Haecasre checked throuh! 100 rounds alloweo each paieuger, j. j;. wuutj i, Asit. Rupt, & Eng. Mach'ry. Reading, P.u, April a. 1871. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS, 133 1115 CHESNUT STM(Girard Rrw,) 133 N0RTII-EIGUTI1 STRICT (N, E, Coit. 8nt anp CiiKnnv,,) rillLADErwPIIIA, JIanufjcturor and Dealer of our Four Urcat Kpccmltlcs, Our Celebrated L'hamnlon 1 1 nnn HlilrU. Inclnd. lug 3M) stylos and hires, for Ladles, MNhch and Children. Manufactured to meet tho wants ol first-class trade, ut tho lowest prices. CORSETri In 127 tt vies and crudes In tiim Llhe wants of all, fiom J'Jc. to 8883 per pair. Inclu Hug ing inoinsim s tove i- iitimj, uob't Werly's, j. lleakel'd. Mad. Pov'm. Airs. Mnntlv'H Misses' nnd Children's Corsets Ac, together with every other deslrablo make, at prices beyond competition. I'ANim llT.TflTr.FH In Kl vnrlftlA Tmm in $.oo, including Hair Cloth, 75c; Hon Ton, 17ej NllHson.Mcj NewHroaiway, CHc; Elect, 88c ami every other desirable Hustle at lowerprlccs than twuuj utuvi iMiniiom tuu uuuu, LADIES' UNDERGARMENTS In cverv finali ty, from the finest to tho lowest price. Tucked mm riinry luhtui nuiris, in va varieties, irom 70c. tot7.0). cnemlhes from 6.'c, to $1 .75, Draw rs. 62c. to 82.50. Nlaht liresses. 81. (jo to sjiii. Toilet SackB. bio. to 8ti.l. Cnraft II ill tn 85.50. Aprons, MUseV and Children's Under uarinenis, ao , c Wo have the largest, bcht and rhomKt iitinani the above goods lu Philadelphia Every pur chaser ran isuve time nnd money by examining them, Wholesale and Retail, Ucl20m'i.' Sept. 20, U7L JADIES' FANCY FUJIS! J 0 II N FAKE I Jt A. 718 ARCH ST.. Middle or the Klork, belw(en7th and Mh Kts., South Side, PHILADELPHIA, Im porier.Manufaeturer and Dealer in all klmli nnd quality of F ANCY F U It S FOR LADIllS AND CIIILDREN-S WEAR. JlyI??!Vn.wM.r',ftBeaJer'enilldM Rortmeul of all thoiiinvrt iit kinds or Furs from first Imiids lu Europe una have had them made up by Iho most skllUulworkmen, would resict fully invite tho readers or ihls paper tocalland rxainluo his very larire aud btautitnl assortment or Fancy Funs, ou, Ladies anu Ciuluhen. I nm determined to sf at nsixiw I'luci-i ah any other respectable jiiso In this elly. All Funs WAI HANTEU, N JISltEl'ItESEMTATION TO JuK rrx-r hai.ks, .JOHN' I'AIMulllA, 718 AltL'Jt HTHKKT, riUI-ADtl-l'IIIA. eict20'7L3m, gllAKFLESS A IIAKMAN, In rnuslileralloii of tearing down our works and rebuilding which will ho commenced very boon wo uro ollerlng plows, stoves, Ac, at greatly reduced prices. H. F.SHARPLEHS A P. R. HARM AN, Rloomsbnrg, Pa. Proprietory Mar.W.'tKMf. Miscollanooua, I. M 0 S I 0 W A IVM R O O M S A cenernl Msortmcnt of MUSICAti lICUClIAMDISn ALWAYS ON UAND. VIOLINS, CONCERTINAH, TLAGOLKTJ, DRUMS, HARMONICAS, Ac VIOLIN STRING. OF THE IHHT QUALITY THE TjATKST SUKIIP i UrflO. PIANO AND ORGAN -tm . I.L HTYLKH AND PR A IIKTTKIl A8SailT.lIR.VT OP OIlflAftS than can nn kocnh i2LBi:vniiiiL T!in TEMPLU AN-KLC Otl'JAN WHICH has Tin; hwkk.i'i: r p nk that CAN H- I'tM' s t N A D-Call and examine bfiro inroImsln w ii ere. arerooni jinui rsireei, neiow .inraei nppctf no uoreu s lnrunurB warerooms, iiiooms' burg, Pa. ang.'Jj'.Tl-ly A. ,f. EVAXS. READY MADE1 CUSTOM CLOTHING. in; has Tiin FINE3T G00D3, LA.TK3T STYLES AND E.MPL0Y3 THE II Ij S T W O R k i i: X. For gool llts aad promptuo3sla filling orders thei e Is tho place tu go. His goods are selected with card and his Cus tom Work will compare favorably with tho best etTor ts of tho fashionable city Dealer. HE K HOW A LARGE STOCK Ol' HOYS' AM) G'HH.DUL.V.S CLOTHING gkxts' ruiwismxfj (joons, At Astmlshlnglv Low Prices, Illoomsburg, HepU 2, 1S71-H Q 0. M A n It havejnst received from the eastern irarkets large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, OONHfHTINO Or Cas?lmcrs, JcanR, bleachod & Drown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton A All wool flannels dc Ac., A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles a pattern", SpUes of all kinds. Good stock Groceries, Quoensware, Stone ware, Wood & willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin, Brans, Ac. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. He would call tho attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In the eonn try, feelli.g confident lhat ho can il! them CnMq at uch prlct v in eiui nll.cil('ii it 1371-tf i' M A Kit o. n o vv i; u iua opened a first-class ROOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE. at the old stand on Wain Street, niooinsburg,n few uoorHivuove iiiououri iiousu. ins .loctx iscora nosed oT the very latest and best styles ever ollcr- ed to tho citizens of Columbia County. lie can accommodate the public with the following goods at Hie lowest rates. Men's heavy double tmled sioga uoois, men's uouoie anu single tap soieu klu boots, men's heavv stoea shoes of alt kinds. men's tlno boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots of all Kinds, men's glove kid Ralmoral's, women's, boys's and misses' laBtlug gaiters, women's glove Kid Polish vory flue.wumeu's morocco Italmorals and can snoes, women's very nue urn uuiiouou gau ers. In short boots ol all descriptions both peg tred and sewed. lie would also call attention to his fine assort mentor ATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS, which eomnrlscs all the new and nonulai vari etiesat prices which cannotfalllo suit all. These guous uro oueruu hi inu luwi-si casn ruies huu will be guaranteed to irlvo satisfaction. A call is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It is ueiievou inai ueiier uaruiiinB are m tie innuu i-suiaa at any oiuer piaco in mo couniy fjanm LOOMSIJUHQ .ii a u 1. 1: W O It K S, MAIM HTRKET, 11KLOW MAUKET, HLOUMSllURa, PA. Monuments. Tom In. Headstonns. Ac Work neatly executed. Orders by mall will recelvo special attention, N. II, Work delivered lioool cnarge. x u uuhacin, proprietor, octU'71-tf. P.O.Box 21)7. Hotels. MONTOUR HOUSE RUPERT, PA, WILLIAM nUTLER, Proprietor, This House having been put In thorouirh renalr Is now open for the reception of guests. No puiiis win oo spared io ensure the perfect com fort of the travelers. Tne Prnrtrlrfnr nnlielbt a share of public patronnEe. Tho bar will be biocaeu ui an nines with one llfjuors and cigars, J IUI li B KNTON HOTEL. V. K. I'lATT, P'roprlotor, JIUNTON, COLUJUIIA COUNTY, 1A. This well known House havlmr heenmitln thorough repair is now open lor the reception of Isltors. No pains have been spared to ensure the perfect comfort of guests, The proprietor alM) runs n St ace from tbo Hotel tn nirmnislmnf end Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or each week, jan P1871 Fjp UK JSHPY HOTEL. ESPV, COLUMRIA COUNTY, PA. Tho undersigned would Inform tho travelling rmbllo that he lias taken the above named ostab Ishmentnud thoroughly rentlod the same for thopcrfect.'conveulenceof hist nests. His larder will befctocked wllh the best tae market ailords. Iheeholcestllriuors, wlnos atd clgarsalways to bofouud lu his bar. ' WILLIAM PJ-rpTiT. Upy, l'a, Miscollmioons. JlJILLKlt'S BTOHE. n. 11. .uiijutib s duiii have teinoveiUheltHlorotdtho room formerly occupied by Mcinlenhall.ou Main street, lllooms' burg, nearly oppo.llo the r.plncopal Church wneto they are detormlnedlo .ellou a.1 tnoacralo termi na can be procured clso where, Thler ttock comprlM LAUIIJ' D1I1S3 ooona of tho cholceAt atylea and latest fashlous, to? other with a large anaortnient of Dry Oootli and Urn corlcs.consUllnsot thofollowlngartldea Carpets, Oil Cloths, olhs, Casslmerea, Shawl", Flannels, Hllkt, Whlt (lomln Linens, UoopHxItU, Mullns, lIiillowwAro tedarwart Uueonsware, Ilantwar, Hoots and H!ioc, lla's aulCipi Hoop NeLs, Umbrellas, Looklng-Ola..!,, Tobacco. . (Woo, i UttAM, Teas, Rico, Mlp:re, (liner, Ctnti&nimi, Nulmtf-R AND NOTIONfl OK.VHItAJ.LV, Jn atiort, everything usually hept In cenntry tores, to which thy Invite tho atteullon of tho pnbllo Rcnerally, The highest prloa'vlll bo pal'l for country priulncc In exchange for von la, 1'. II, MIlXEH AWiy, llloomhburK Tn, oct 1371 :f N EV HTOCK OK CLOTHING. Eroshnrrlval of KAIjTj AND WINTEH 0001)3 DAVID LOWENUERO Invites attention tu his stock of CHEAP AND KASHIONAIJLE CLOTHINO. ut his store on MulnRtreet, InShlve's block, one door West o C. C. Marr's store, Illoomsburg, Pa., where no has Just received from NewYoikand Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHINO, Including the most fashionable, durablo. nnd handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO,aUM,AND01L-OLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of nil sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also replcn Ishcd his already large stock of FALL AND WINTER HHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND TLAI N VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, HUSl ENDKltS, AND fA.NUV AllTJULEH Ho na-s constantly on hand a largo and well-to octed assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho In prepared to mase to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, aud In the best manner, All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of every description, flno and cheap. His cao ol jowelry Is not surpassed In thU'gplaoe. Call and examine his general assortment or CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. oct!3'7l DAVID LOWENI1ERG. ici: icuiainN'Tn that I'UMrOt; KOSADALIS are p-illuhdl on eve pAcKage, there lure it is jiu it wirct preparation, eo::8cr;iently niYSirnxs rnr.scninR it Itii a certain ture for Scrofula, Iu.1j in till U 1 1 'riii, Ithcuma- i.t.i, , Kin I. is aid, Liver uom nnd" r.)i discatis of tho tv.z EOTTr: c? eosaoalw ivill ilo more r mul tlinn ten Loltlca ul iliu ri'ni uf Karaiiarilla. IMC UNSCR'.ISNCD PHYSICIANS linvnii oil l!rmilal..i itlnirpmclifi l,r lliu pisl ilino years ami fnclj ciiiUirhu it ii a rtliaMo AHcratlva aiul liluo I I'.urilicr. I)H. T. C. I'COTI, i.f r.alllmcio. lilt. T.J ll.) KIN, " ! it i!. v i.'.i.u: " Mi.r o. n i Li.v, " 1).; J. s. Si'-Ut-.t,, ut .Vkliohnllli-, P.L J1 1.. MiC.'.IlTIIA, CulumUi, S. ( JV. . X NOELI'S, l'-Jgcccmti, N. C, 0 irJEOEOED BY i. 71. i.X.H&fcONS, 1'allRhcr, "U . VITH( Jirl-on, Midi, . V III . hi U. l.n.ia, u:.w. II J M I.. 1 in i (, . t.' WN & i ,( Hi.!rtrisllle, Vs. -,..'.'h. (J. MU ADDi.N, Mur frees buru,T i.n. ( iur fpxre v.ll nr-t nllor of any ev. tailed rnnuks la rclitlm to tlu aniicil RosaliU. Tuthi' Jlfdic.J H.jn in v ocu irjntco a Fluid F.x Incteuperlorto huytlicy hao vsr uel la tho trr.v.niiit of diseased DUmhIi niidto l!)onllll(tod woaay try ltonUlii, bit! )ou vill bo restored tu htuhli. ItoinlalUla sold Vy all Drtipplats, price fttJper bottlo, Addrtss r?.. cl":e:tt3 is co. M i.ufccturng CKemtttt, S A LTIUOUC, IfD, BALTIMORE PIANOS. I Vo resnectfullv call tho attention of those uesiring io purcnae our maae oi i-ianoi, u aru satistled that we can glvo satisfaction lu ovcrv case. Our workmen skillful and experien ced nnd are under tho personal htiperlnteudenco of tho members of our firm, Wo uso only the uefli seaiouea timuer, nnu mo maieriai in gene ral Is first class. Our Pianos without exception nave ine teieiii agruue arrangement inrougu out, which in tho opinion of the most comie tent Judirea Is nrononneed valuablo. Hv this im provement a Piano Is made more dutable aud keeps the to io longer. Wo claim for our Instru ments that they aro second to none, and they combine all the essential elements that consti tute superior workmnushlp. We will give a wriuen guarauiee ior uvo years, Mr. CoN'HAit Fkeiman", member of our Arm, will visit llloomsburii four times a year to re pair and attend to tuning of all Pianos. In the absence ol Mr. Frkiman. Mr. I. K. Miller will attend to our business In Illoomsburg and Is uumorizeti io receive ana solicit oruers. Wo can give the very best references. UAEHLE & CO. Hnltlinore. M. D. I. K. Miller, Dealer In Pianos, Organs and Melodeons rtv octavo nnd live ston orcans nl thobetmake.fcoldatSHU. Terms easy, Juno 'Zi Q. L O II E 51 U T U A L LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, president, 11, C, Freeman, Sec Cash capital over (3,000,000, nil paid. J. IJ, ItOBIBON.RLOOMSnURG.PA GENERAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lj'comlng and Columbia oounllcs, Aug. 2o;6y. rjIIE GREAT MAQIOAL II A I II V O It C 12 It ? Will furcti a beautiful Het of WhUkers or Mus tacho, in from two to turco montlis,on any per sou over twelve years old, Ills ono of Iho best preparations to make the uhUkcrs grow that over v, as known, One bolllo of It issulllcleut to produco a very strong beard. It does not in any way stain or Injuro tho skin. Try HI It is no uumuug, t'rieo iu cents per nuiiie, nun by mull post paid, to any uddichs, on receipt ut price, Addrtss WILLIAM O. WAUNER, Aieudtfevllle, aug.l87Wy, Adams County, Touua JUSTICE'S liLANKH. - We now havo on hand a largo neally printed assortment of JUSTICE'S aud CONhTAHLES HLANKS, to which wo Invito thu attention of thee otllcers. MOSADALIS A ri.n rr; i Drngrj and Ohcmicala, A GREAT MEDIC1! Dr. WAMCrr.' - VINEG-APt Li: jjfl Hundtcaa cf 1 lions' S J Dcm lemimonj ttlMt ytt rat CnnlHo Llcelt. Ite WHAT ARE THEV ? o t' P M K ! ft a v 2 tiiet Aitc hot a yu.u uIIfancv drinic. Uvlsof Poor Hum, VMsliey Prnof Spirit n nnd Ilcntso I.lQUtiradoctoroil.irlcotl sndiwcct ened to rlcnaette taite, calledMTonIcr,,,MArpctli c," "Itcitorcn,' e., Hat lead tho tippler cn to dninlcciincBS and rclu, bot aro a troo Medicine, laada from tho KatlTO r.ootiasd Uerbiof California, freo f i nin nil Atcohello btlmnlnnts. Tbcyaro tbo (HIEAT 1IL00D Ptllt II ILR nnd A LITE (UVIMI PltlNClPLKapcrfcct r.caottttor and lavlsoratfir cf tbo Byttcxa, carrying off all polsonoci natter and restoring tbo tlood to a healthy condition. ;o person caataka tbuo Bittcri cccordlng to direc tion and remain long unwell. blUO will bo given for an Inrnr&Mocme.rroTlOid tlio tones nro not dtttroyed cy ndacral folaoa cr ctber tnc&M, and thu vital organji wasted beyond tUo point cf repair. For Indnminntory nnd Chronic Ithcnmn llsm nud (lont, Dyrpepuln, tir ludlccstloo, Hllluus, Hcuilltcul nnd Intermittent Fccro Hticnses ol iho Hlood, Liter, Hlilnrys, nnd H ladder, tcceo Hlltcrs Lnvo been Lioct ecccccc ful. Suth Diseases tro ccrrrd ly Vitiated Hlooil, vrblcb la generally rrodnccdry Ccranseactt ertuo Dlgcstlvo Orgnni. DYSPEPSIA OIL INDIGESTION, Head at'tc, Pain la tbo ChoulOera, Cooebs,Tlsbtnciscf tbo i..M, DlzzlcccQ, Eccr trt.etstlCLi cf tbo Ctoraacli, fallittilat'ci Ioutb, Ei. in a AttacU, Palpltatlca rib(.IIi.r t, Xcf.aun tllcn ci tt.oI.ur&3, Pain in tbo lru-:u..3 cf t'.u t.idn:ys,andaliccdrcd ctber ralnfnl t, n 1 1 a.rftro tl.a turrlccscf DyipcpEia. L yljJ3or-tJ tba stooacli and ttlaulato tho tcr ji.lj.vcraLd totvtli.'wUcli render tticm of unequalled tdcacyla clcanckig tbo blood of all Imparities, and aitluj new l.f a tia J Igor to tho t liolo lyitcm. VOUDICIN DISEASES, rroptlons, Tetter, Ealt M.cut.1, riv-tUit, Ciotr, rircrlce, rcttalce, Bolls, Car Irntl.B.I... cic:s, fcald-lIcad.Eoro nycB.nrydr tlaJ.ltcli, Cccrfj, EUicoloratlons of tho Un, Humors end UUcaucs cf tbo bldn, of whatever noma or caters, tro literally dug tp andcarrlcd oat of tho lyetcm la a tborttlmotytLoysoof tbcao Eitters. Ono bottlo In eccli casern IU convlncs tbo tnoEt lccrcdoloui of their cursllvo effect. Clcama tbo Vitiated Elood whenever you find Us Ixpurlllcs banting through tho Efcln InPunplcs, Emp tlons cr Sorest clcanfioltnhcn yoa find It obstructed tnd slngclsh la tho veins t clcanso It when It Is foul, and your, reelings will tell yoawben. Keep tbo blood tore and tbo health of the syetcra will follow. FIN, TAPE and other WORMS, larkmglnthe system of so many thousands, oro effectually destroy ed and removed. For fall directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed la four Ion-guaccs-EngllBb, German, Trench and Spanish. J, STALKER, Proprietor. R.n.HcDONALD 6 CO., Droplets aad Gen. Agents, Can Fr&DClsco, Cal ' and C3 and 81 Commcrco Street, New York. gVEOLD BY ALL UUUGG13T3 AND DEALT UA, SS-70-tf nnnn nrn.1 lin nfT nnV Mt.dictnO feltOW ,.,.,-i.nir r, ,nn,,v living. Permanent cureH na Dli,'S VKCIhTAIlLK HFMEbV. tVcl Inuardln only. A plensant Medic uc, freo from Injurious drugs. Wnrrnutcd, under oath, to have permanently cured U5In every WO patlenu irealeu in mo past ten yeiu.. '"""i It Is the krlciilfllo ireserlptli)n of l'rotosor Jos. t.........,! t i lull nm, mi., nf l'hllailel. phla's oldest regular phyilclnns.and l'roressorof tlsm Iho speciality of his entile professional llfc-a fact vouched for by Iho tlgnaluies nccom pauylngeueh botlle.orinnny prominent .renown, id plis sTclaus.elerBymen, and other testimonials. Toprileet hntrercm from poisonous quack nos. truins nud useless expcndlturo or money, n legal signed guarantee, slating exact number otboltles warranted to cure, will bo forwarded gratis to anr "i t erer bonding by letter n full description Sf "lion? in eato ul tilluro to cure, amount paid positively refunded. Medicine unt any. UVn i. nnllect on delivery. Ailllcted Invited In wrlto loradvlco; rill Inrnnuatlon nnd ,ii,..iipflt flilvlcn sent bv letter i:ralls. Principal nlllce, 'JO hnutll l'ourth klreet, Philadelphia, Pa. Tho llemedy Is sold or obtained by Druggists. mnrji u-iy . JACOn K. BlllTO. J. It. RELTZER MIT II A seltzkh, Importors and Dealers In Foreign nnd Dii'ccstlc II A It J) V A U E, (i V N B, O IT T Ij) 11 R V, AC, HQ, 409 N. THIRD BTltEET, Alt nAT.trOWRILL, PHILADELPHIA. Janl'71-ly NRUHANOK AGENCY, Wyoming w ACtua Kulton N. V North America........ City International N.V , Niagara N.V Merchants Korlntrtleld . C211.0X) I.OUU.IHU 411,0111 SyJ,0"J0 , 1W.IUI MiHVAll I.IXJO.U) 3.10,000 rmxw A.. Farmers Danvllln.N.V Albany City Danville, Homo Theft , Atlantic. N. V UeruiRnla, N. Y SW.UrO , Mutual. l.'OO.lHUI FRRAH ltP.f)VN, Avnd tutiSm ly, IlLOOMdllUltO l'a. THE NATION Its Itulora and Institutions. IN ENOLISU AND GEHMAN. Nothing llko It. (Strikes everybody ns Just Iho book they need. It U nn KncyeloinoJI.1 of t lie Uovemuient. Hlnglo pages In It, uro ol them selves woilh the prieooflhe book. Oi tr 600 paget win uiiij 9-.i, t iinn rii iur LUUVIlssers ladles nnd gentlemen farmers, tencticrsaud students. One agent twkloorilcra in aew i'iwf, il'li cirucltli' alone, brtote the book appeared. I5t a day can bo cleared 111 fair territory. Write nt unco ior i ircuiar ami luiormauou. m;v WOULD PUIILISllINO CO., Cor. 7tll and Mar. UctBlreels.PulbUeliibla. foci, O.' QIIESTEIl S. FUItMAN, HAUNCH, SADDLE, AND TUUNK MANUFACTUniill, and dealer lu CAltl'i:T-BAOS, VALISlij, KLY-NETU, llUKKAlO llOlir.S, IIOUSE-ULANKKTa 4c, which he foels confident he can Bell at lower raie man nuy inner person lu tuo couniy. JJx amlue fur yourselves. bhop opposite the Post Oillce, Main Blrect, illoomsburg, Pa, Aug, 5, 1.17U. yULCAN WOU1CS, DANVIIjIjE pa, william 11. law, Manufaelurer or Wrought Iron Bridges, Boilers, Gasholders, Fireproof Bulldlngi, Wrought irun Kootlug, itonung Frames, Flouring and Doors, l'urin Oatesnnd fencing, also Wiuuglitlron pip. Ing.Hlacks anil nil kluds nf Hmllli Work, AO, N.ll. Ilinw lugs and IMImales .upplltd, ouiV7'71.1y, MAGAZINES, DAI IA' it WEEK Ij Y PAPiatSOFAI.LKINIW AT THE HOOK fcTOl'.E OI'l'OSITETlIK (S1UI1T II01?BK. Also nn nssorlment of Purtcmoimales, Pass Books nnd At count Books, conHaully on hand, Bniiks not ou band obtained on short notice. New Books nro eoiiktnnlly being n.ldod to Hie " Illoomsburg Clrrubttliig Library," Among tbo '.".'V'.?"1 Oullt nnd luuoreiicv," ".Mnlhirless " ,'Mr llany,""llot Hpurof llumblelhwalt'and Merilieni."ttc. upr lB.'71-tf I500K AGENTS I ul blghtln every lamllv. lone wanlfd a uuvelty uhlch Mill sell THE PICTOltlAL FAMILY REGISTER Is Iho only work cxtunt which sat IsMc I his want, It Is Uautllulutid sti iking comhliilng an entire ly new and elegant I-'auily PiiorooitAi'ii al bum wltli a complete Family llisiouv, ibactlu what the peopto have longwlslud. Helllug rai Idly, AotNrn aiu dropping the old boiks to tako hold of tho uneful and beautiful "Jtepitter." A few lato Reports irom Agents aret 11 luijdays 11 Iu 8 days j HI in I week.-mttlng Agents HUo 50 per week. 1 ull particulars and Circulars free. Address Oi:o. MACLRAN, Pnhlliher. novlO; 7lUHausoni bireel, Phlladulpnla, Miscollnnooufi, iOMHTIIINO NUWI Tlio nnilcnlirnfd wonlil lrchy lve notlen Hint lin Iiim ln.t coliinlolwl A FIIWT LliAMH IIKAltflK.ntiil Hint ho finnllm rnrllllly; rnrrorry. Inn onthi buslncM of UNUKUTAKIMU In nil llnbrnncbos IN 01 TY IITYIiHi It a tin. entrNirftfl rTrirrlcnril tiorflotlft who will tako clinrgo ortlio limlten ir Iho tlorcn.oil n. soon I hoy ".Imllle of thin morll roll," nml nlleml tn washing thorn, .having, urcMini, sc. nuronii mrul.lird nln tn orilor. At much oipouso ho has alsn procured nn " IKON IOE IJOX, In which bodlM can bo preserved In a cleanly and dry condition. Carrlngen Airnishedfor fu neral occasions. In short, he Is prepared to take charge of a corpse Immediately after death, and save menus nuu it:itui uu iuhu uuuum m regard to it, no niso carries uu tuu uuniuvan ui OA1I1NET MAKING llphol.lorlni! In nil Ha brnnchen.rf pairing furnl. lure, relenting rnno botlomcil chnlta,iic., AC I'lncoof btilneMon Iron Htroft.liplnw Main. nionmsbnrg, Jnly E!,!870-tl. pATENT . ARION PIANO. Thrtnntw Mfrrt fntriimAfi1 In Ihft Wnrlil. Tl. Is unrntmtted In Richness Power. Ilrllllaiicr and Durability. Special terms to Teachers. Marked favors to Clcigymen, fccud for Illus'rated Arlon i auipiiict. mar 10'71 tr. malxii chuak, Pa, pAUBIAGE MAN UFACTOUY, nioounburg, ra. M. O. HIX)AN BnOTIUUl Havo on hand and for sato nt tho most rcniona' bio raios n .pienuiu Huii;ik ui CAKUIAOE3, EUOQIE3, and every description of Wflgona both PLAIN AND FANCY .n..,,nU.I In I.n (nn.tA nf HlO best ntlll most dur able lnalcrlnls, nnd by tho most experienced Aiiwnrir Mnt. nut from tho eatnb llnhment will bo found to boof the highest flans nndBurotoRlvo p.rreet satisfaction, They have also a line assortment oi 8 1,i:i(! II H of nil the newest nnd mobt Inshlonnlile styles well nnd carefully mane anu oiino ousi,;i in.nfli.Hnii nf wnr)t Is nskfd ns It believed that none superior cun be found In the country, I J OF THE AGEI Tathntbd December 7TM, i85j. OUR CELEliRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. l", Will not rrie. Mil lliKSrUIB K S , bft IV... Tut lin In "fitl ",tboff; tq MOL11 M,V H Adl.Mf. wid for UU rwouititle lns KlriiU tnn holt. f.O o rcnll lUn tiotuk, )1.0U1 twelve Imxct, $ I ft.VU. Auurvw, i WESTERN rCHLISHINO CO. , Manufacturer' Acenls, rittsburgli, Ta. fl VTTin V.-The nriil nonnlnrttTflrihMe 1 kJ I Pen liita lt'l to iimnr Irnftullun '"fc sj Iliir oiilf Ihf ircnulne MH P Tl Pi:Htiij,lbjrilifinnaiiy. in wri. . tine for I'm 1.-1 jour .Niimc 'town. County, und Kin to, ntiil iilr wrlltvii, UErt brtlfm v. II I uvct Vruiupt ullt tttlsJU. Jan 2U71 ly XTEW FIUM AT O HA NO 1 2 V I LLK IRON KOUNDUY AND AOniCUL TUUATj WORK3. ORKAT IMPRDVKMKNTH IN PLOWS ANI TllllrWIIINtl MACHINRS. Mr. Jacob Trivlcnleco havlnn rurchated th lntertht or Charles w, Jtnw lu tho abovo unninl uorkn, tho business will ho eo ltlnued under tho 11 rm nainoof Vim.iamciiuyli:h A Co. Having dlscoereit several Imperlectlous in tho idows mauufactureil tu li7t, they havo strcugtht-ned ami improveuiuem.niKi auuca Komo euiiru new nattcriiri. Thev will oimii thoMnrlnif Initio nf 1S71 fur lnadvauco or anything etr oileied to tho muur, uetii); uuiu praciicai iiiecuanics, ana imv ng their work all done under their own super vihlou thev unarauleo their work sniirrlnr ii material and linlnh to nny ollered, Dealers shonld not accent nt unv other atrrleul. tural Implements until t hey havo examined our Manufacture. Farmorw ulionld trv our i1own heforu buy lug any other. They also mauufacturo ALu KIND.S OF CWHIINUH, usually made lu first 'clas Foundries, saw nnd grht mill castings, made and fitted up to order, THHESIIING MACHINES are made a specialty, and some very decided Inv lirovementH havo bi-cii Introduri'd lutothetr inn. chines. Prices lower than ever; all kinds ol country produce and old Iron taken in exchange uruer uirect irom tno manuiaciury, uia agcu' vim uuiiuy iuu winter, AddreKs all orders to WILLIAM SOIIUYLEH & CO., AURICOLTURAI WORKS, ORANORVILLE COLUMUIA COUNTY, PA, Jan 1' .CENTS Kftf VTtntil f:i Twelye Years 'ts Wild Indians Plains. Tho remarkabln mlveiitureM nr thn tnmnn WlIITi: CHIEF and BIO WAHHIOIt among the hbu Duiui, iiiriiiiug iiccuuuis oi ureat ituuis, llalrtneadth KscaiiesandTiTrlbla l.'mile.tH wltli the blggamonud hustllo tribes, Hplrlted descrlp- nuu. u, iiuiiii. nuu Mil ier.iiLiiin. in lout btmugo rieople, Their rlporls Legends, Tradi tions. Iluw tney Won nnd Wed. Mcahi, Doctor: Wor.blp, Ac, New, Fro.h uud Popular, Price Lnw. Ills selliug by llio tliousands wllh won. derlul rapidity, Agenls nro making from f VI tn Sloo per Meek, Chuico Hold jet vucaut. Wend at once for sample chnjilers, Illustrations nud pai tlculars to A. If. 1IU1IIIAHD, Publisher, Jau277l.f. uj Chesliiut hi., Phil. Now- OKNOUT WIIEELKR & WILSON MACHINES lu tlio market. Why Is It ? MANY WOHN-OUT MACHINES of other manufacture In the market, Why Is It? Because, wllh an INCUKASE OP POWKIl, Thero 1, a DECniUSU OF FItlOTION. lu other M'ords, It Is simple and adjustable. Its easy, sprightly motion, when compared Willi the more ponderous movement ol tho Hhuttle machines. evinces this. Buy n Wheeler A iVUhuu, and you will have a niiiciiiiio unit win never wear out. Hold bv 11. At, H1EUEU, ut I, W, Nlles' Muslo Hlore. iicto;iii i XOIIANQE UjVICEHY Altll OONPEOTIONEItY, BLOOJISBUnO, PA. Tho undersigned, tuccessors of F, Wldmyer, would respocllully .uuuunee I lint they havo taken the well.estubllfched stand lecentfy oocu pled by tho iiliovo named, lu Illoomsburg, uud jirepaiod to continue the business or inauufao luring and selling, by WIIOLE3AL11 AND ISHTAIL, t'onfecllonery of every style and kind. Also, they will ha oat all times u coiniiletu supply ol the best aud freshest Bread nud I'uko. I'urllea dtslrlng anything In this Hue will dud It to their advantage to cull ou ns. AN IOE, CREAM SALOON Is added to tho establishment, aud ladles ami others who may putroulzo us, may rely upon upon r.celvlug proper utteutlou. A reasouubla shaio of pubtl" patronage Is respoctfullysullelted. ltospherry. Ihuuoii. uud oilier Uyrups, In largo aud sm-11 quautltles, eonsUntly ou liand. DIX'KKH 4 HT1C0KEL. MavS.mi.-ly OltlODF. FOUNTAIN PKNH for tale cheap at Oils OHlco, ' Pntout McdiciuoH, JJUNIIY T. IIELMIJOLD't,. U U ill I u u 11 r il u 1 JJ EXTIIACT 0ATAW11A Q 11 A 1' E 1 I Ij L H. Cbmiontn( PilrfJ ItiM Kztrnet nhutiarbr.,ut HuU tract Oitaula Orapt ron i,ivi:h coMfiiAiNra.JAUNmr" nn. IOUH Al'FlOTIONH. SICK Oil Nf.l jl , iiJAiAoin:,uonvnNKas, i:tc. I'lixh' VKOi:rAIH,H,OONTAINlNONOJI:itClnV MINi'.HAU4 OH DIH.KTKItlOUH DIIUC.1, The.s Pills nro tho most delightfully picj- ,a purgMlve, kupcriedlng castor oil, salts, iiiS, ncsla, etc. Thero Is nulhtng inoroacceptai t Iho stomach. They elvo tone, nnd cnuson.. , iinuscn nor griping pains. They nro compt j of luoJtntU Inirt-filicnlJ. After n few days' u llicm,sucnnu lnvigorntlon of tho entire n. si lakes placonstonppearmlrnculojistotn i, nnu cuervnled, whether arising from il,u u dence or disease It. T. Helmbold'a Coinnon 'ltildKxtrnctCatawbiiUrane Pills nro not r CdiilcJ, from the f.ict that sugar-coated Plinu not dlsolvc, but pass through, tho stomach nil1 , Absolving, consequently do not prmiuco In .ircdtiroct. Tnr. catawiia oitAPn piu.s ielng pleasnnt lu tnstoand odor, tin nnl ik . Into tholr being sugar-contcl, PItll'I. lilt, ci:nt3 pi:ii box. m:xnr r. itelmuold'h. lltnitt.V COSCKSTnAIED compound FLUID EXTItACT KAKSAPAItlLlA Will radically cxtsrmlnato from tho syst Scrofula, Byphllls.I'evcr Sores, Uleers.Horo! Horo Legs, Horo Mouth, Jtend, nrotieii Hklu Dlstnses, fait lthcur.i, nuuers, Itunn rrom tlio Kar, Whlto Hwclllus, Tumors, I cerous AfTcct Ions, Kodes, Ulckcts.O Inndnr , Ings, Night Hwoats, Hash, Tolter, Humors nl Kinds. Chronic lthcninallsm, Byspepsla, nnd , dlseaso that hns been established In the Sj eto for years. llcluK prepared nxi'llIHSLY for the abovs or.i ..lnl.,1. tl. lir.rirlM.IMIItll'YIKn nrttnrlellei nr 1 - w . gienlor than any oilier preparation ut Karsap rllU. It elves tho COMPLIiXION a clear nn healthy color nnd restores tho palli ut 1 1 r, si., e oi IIIIALTII nnd PUIlirY. Tor Purifying tne lllooJ, removing nil Chronlo Couslllutlonal Ills, eases arising from an Impure atato of tho hlooil And tho only rctiableandeticclual knowu remt . ily for tho euro of Talus aud Dwellings ol I Hones, ulcerations of tho TUront mid Leg Blotches, Pimples ou too Pnco, Hryslpelns nn nil scaly nruptlonsnf IhoHkln.nnd lleaulltylii I lie Cnmi'lexlon. Price, , I SO per Dottle. HENRY T. HEIjMIJOLD'S CONCESTHATED fl um uxTUA or ii ven u, THU OUP.AT DIUUET1C, has cured every caso of Dlabclcs In which It ha been gtvcn.Irrltatlou of tho neck of tho Bladde nud lullammatlon of tho Kidneys, ulceration o tlm Kl.liiuvn nnd Bladder, llctelitlon of Urluo Dlseascsoftho ProstaloUlaud.atono lutholllad dcr, Calculs, Uruvol, ilrlckdusl Deposit, v Mucous or Millty Discharges, nnd for lljfeebled and Delicate Oonstltullous or both Boxos. alien ded with tho following symptoms: lndlspusl Hon to llicrllou, loss nt power, loss of Memory Dimcully of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trem bllng, Horror or Disease, Wakclnlness, Dlmues or Vision, Puln In tho Bock, Hot Hands, Plush. Ingot Iho Body, Dryness ol tho Hkln, Kruptloli on the Kaco, Pnllld Countenance, Unlvirfa Lnsslludo or Iho Muscular riystem, etc. Used by persons Irom tho nges or eighteen lo twenty-live, nud from thlrty-Hvo lo firty-llo m In Iho decline or change of life; after confine. incut or labor palus; Ud.wetllng lu children. Helmbold'a L'xlract Bucliu Is Diuretic anil Blood-Purllylng.and cures nil diseases arising from Habile of Dissipation, nnd Kxces-ts nnd Imprudences In Life, Impurllles of Iho Blood etc., superseding Copabla lu iitrecllons for which It Is used, nnd Hyphllllio Allecllons In lliese diseases used In connection with lH'.LMBOMt'H UOSKWAHH. LADI1-W. Inmnnynrfectlons peculiar to ladles, the 11s Iract Buehu Is unequalled by any other remedy as Is Chlorosis or Itetentlon, Irregularity, I'nlu. rulness or Hnpprcsslon of Customary Kvacua. Hons, Ulcerated or Scbirrus Blato of tho UU rus Leucorrheea or Wliltes.Hlcrlllty.iind for all com plaints Incident to tho sox, whether nrlslng from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pre. scribed extensively by Die most eminent physl- lans and Mldwlves for Ilnleobled nnd Delicate Constitutions, nf both sexes and all nges (atten ded wllh nny of tho nbovodlseascsor sympto ins 11. T. llKLJIBOLD'S KXTKACT BUCIIP CUltia DISHASRS AUI3INU 1'IIOM IMI'IU DIINCII, HABITS OI' DISSIPATION, r.Tc",, In nil llielr singes, nt lllllo expense, llttlonr ii" change In diet, no Inconvenience, nnd no ex posuro. It causes a frequent delro, nnd glvts streugtli to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Blrlctures of tlio Urttha, Allaj lug Pain nud lullammatlon, so frequent In this class or diseases, aud expelling all Poisouous matter. Thousands who havo beon the victims or lu competent persous, nud who havo paid heavy fees to be cured lu abhort time, have round they havo been deceived, nnd that tho "Poison" has, by iho uso of "powerful nstrlngents," been dried up lu the system, to break out lu a laoro aggra vated form, aud perhaps alter Mnrrlagc. UsoIIllLMBOLD'H KXTltACT BUCIIU for nil Allectlnus and Diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing In M.ilo or Pemaje, fiom whal ever causo originating, nnd no mutter of linn' long standing. PUICK ONK DOLLAIt AND FIITV CUNT.S PICK B01TL1I. IIENHY T. HELMHOLB'S IM l'IlO'ED 1103E WASH caunot bourpasscd ns u FACC WASH, an I wit bo found tho..only speclflo romody In every species or CUTANIIOUH AITECTION. It So dlly eradicate PIMPLIH, HPOTB, HCOIIUUTK DHYNIJS,INDUltATIONHofthoCUTANi:OlS MIIMBHANH, etc., dispels 1IKDNUSS nud IN CIPIKNT 1NKLAM ATION, 1I1VUS, UAMII MOnt PATCIIliS, DHVNIiSS OP SCALP Oi! SKIN, ritOSTBITKS, and all purposes lor which HALVES or OINTM EN W are used ; restores the skin to a state of purity and softuess, and lu. sures coutluued healthy action to the tissue o Its vessels, onwhlch depeud tho agreeable clear, uess and vivacity ol complexion so mu-dt sought uud admired, But however valuable as remedy for existing defecu of tho sklu, II. T Helmbold'H Itose Wash has loug sustained Us prluclplo claim to unbounded purouage, by possessing qualities which render It a TOiLET Al'I'ENDAOE ot Ihe most Superlative and Congenial character, combining lu au elegant tormula those pro inlueut rcquljlls, SAPKTY aud EFFICACY tho Invariable accompaniment ol Its use sis a Preservative and Kefresherol the Complexlun, It Is an excellent Lotion ror dis eases oraHyphllitlo Nature, and as an Itjectloii lor diseases or the Urinary Organs, arising from hablu of dissipation, used In connection wltli tlieHXTltAOl'SlUJCnU.HAllSAPAltlLLA.aud CATAWBA Ult.VPE PILLS.IIl such disease lu recummouied, eanuot be surpassed, PUR ! ONK DOI.LAU PEIt JtOTTLI!. Pull aud explicit directions accouipauy the medicines, llvldeucoof tho most responsible and reliable character furulshod on application, with hun dreds or thousands ot living witnesses, uud up ward or 30,000 unsolicited certificates and recom mendatory letters, inauy or which aro rrom the highest sources, Including eminent Pliyslclaus Clergymen, statesmen, etc, Tho proprietor h never resorted to their publication in the news papers; he does not do Ibis rrom Ihe fact thn his articles rank on Ktaudaid Preparations, nud do not need to bo propped up by certificates. Henry T, IIclinliolil'M ricnuliir I'l'rinii'iillous, Delivered to any address. Bdcuro from onset vatlon, Established upwards of twenty years. Sold by DrugglsU everywhere. Address letters ror lu formation, lu coulldenco to IIENHY T. HELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only DeroUl II, T, II ELM HOLD'S Drug nml Chemical Warehouse, No. 591 Broadway, New York, or to 1I.T. HELMBOLD'H Medical Depot 101 South. Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, 1IUWA11E OF COUNTEUFKITEIIS. Ask for IIENHY T, II ELM HOLD'S TAKE NO OTIIEll