fnninir-rfo at tlio World. Frnnco oxporU wines, brandies, sIIUb, fancy nrtlclo3, fumlluro.Jowclry, clocks, WdtchM, p-ipir, porfnmory nnil fancy gOO(l3 RCllPMlly. Italy exports com, oil, 11 x. wines, etsoncos, dyo stulTj, drugi, lino marble, Oftps, palnllntjs, cn(?rivln, mosUcSt and ".alt. Prussia exports linens, woolons, srln c, articles of Iron, copper nnd. briw, lndl go, wax, hams, musical Inslrumonts, wine, tobacco and porcelain. Germany exports wool, woolon goods, To To To To To To Unens, rags, corn, timber, Iron, lead, tin, flax, hemp, wlno, tallow, and cat tie. Austria exports minerals, glass, wnx 4r, nutgall, wins, honey, raw and man' alaclurcd silk, and mathematical In truments. EuKlandoxporUcotton, woolon .glass. hardware, earthenwaro, cutler, Iron teel, metalllo waresalt, coal,watchc9 tin, silks, and linens. Russiaoxportstallow, flax, hemp, tar, flour, Iron, copper, Unseed, lard, hides, wax, ducks, cordago, bristles, furs and potash. Spain exports wlno, brandy, oll.frosh and dried fruits, quicksilver, sulphur, corn, saffron, onchovlos, silk and wool en. China exports tea, rhubarb, musk ginger, bortfx, zinc, silks, cassia, Ivory ware, iiliitrreo works. Uckered wnro and morocco. , Illndostan export) cold and silver Indigo, cochineal, sarsaparllla, vanilla Julap, fustic, compdachy work, pirn mento, drugs and ilycstuiw. Tho United States exports principally agricultural produce, cotton, ilour,Iron tobacco, pro visions of al 1 k Inds, 1 u mber turpcntlno and wearing npparol. Iron Age. MA Complete rictorlcal History of tho Times." "The best, cheapest, una most suecssfut F ami ly raper In the Union." Harper's Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Soticet of the Vrcsa. Tho Model Newspaper ol our country. Com plete lu nil tho departments of an Ainericnn Family I'aper. ifnrper a WeoklybM earned for ItieirarlfthttoiU title, "A Journal of Civiliza tion' A'eu York Eicniny l"ot. The best publication of Its clas In America, and so far ahead of all other weklyJournnhi.w not to permit of nny comparUon between It out! anv of their number. Its columns contain the fluent collections of reading matter that are a l. IHiotrnllAnu nu tinmarnllt nnd beautiful, belnft furnlMied by tho chief urtlstH of me wmmry. jiosioi iraveuer. 1..tTw.r, V filtir I thn heht rind mnxt Inter- est I nn tlluMrated newspaper, NorUoo- its value depend on Us iilus'rntiom alone. IU readlug matter Is of a high order or literary merit var. led. Instructive, entertaining, and uuex ceptlou blo. -V, 1 Aim Terms: UAiirKti'fl Ykkly, ono year 11 00 "An Extra Copy of either the Majrazf no, Week ly, or llawir will bo supplied (tratla for every Club of Five Hu escribe rit at $1 i each, lu one remittance; or, Bix Copies for $20 W, without ex ft a copy. Butwcnptlona to Harper's Magazine, Weekly nH linr.ttr. to nnn mltlrostt for onu vuar. 810 OOl or two of Harper's 1'criodlcals, to ouo address for onoyear, 17 w. nnclr TiiimhoN Kin 1m en n nil Ail nt nnv time. Tho Annual Volume of Harper's weekly. In neaicioin mnuing, win do Bent uy esprrM, hw of exnenne. for ST IN) ench. A eomnlete Set com' nrtalbfr Flltenn Vnlnmnn. sent on receipt of cash at tho rate of 15 25 per vol., freight at expense ol purchaser, Trut nnittftfrA on ITnrnor'a Wnpklv Is 00 cents a year, which touu be paid at the subscriber's poat-uuicu. Auurenn HARPER A BROTHER1, flew York. "A Repository f Fashion, rioasaro, and In traction,1 Harpor Bazar tfoticei of the frtu. Tt 1 really the only Illustrated chrontcler of fashion in the country. Its supplements alono r- worth the subscription prtco of tho paper. WMle fully roalntalnluirlU txsltlon as a mirror of fashion, it also contains stories, poems, brill Unt essays. beMden general and personal yuan 1 p. Bottonhiturday ismina Gazette. There never was any paper published that so dellchted the heart of woman. Never mind if It ioeT cost you a new bonnet ; It will save you ten times the price in tho household economy it iuhu imiiImi Jninuil. The young lady who buys a slnstlo number of J HAltPKK'S IJAZAIwa iuuwwbuuw.iiw.i i' Hew York J-A-cning J'oft, , , 1 he liAZAH is excellent. Like all tho period leals which the Harpers publish, it Is almost Ideally well edited, and the class of renders for whom It Is 1 ntended tha mothers and daughters In average fam it lea cannot but protlt by Us (rood sense and good taste, which, we havo no doubt, are to-day making very many homes happier than they may have been before the women began taklns lessons In personal and household and social management from thhj good-natured mentor, The Nation, .A, i. SCT8CRXP TXONS,--! 8 72. Terms: HAnrEn's Bazar, one year 91 CO An Extra Copy of either tho Magazine. "Weekly or Dazak will be supplied gratis for mvptv rinb of vivo Hubscrlbers at Si 0U each In one remittance ; or, mx Copies for 110 00, without exiracopy.- Hiihsfrir.t1r.nn tn irAni'lcn'M MAQAZINE. Weikly, and Bazar, to one address for ono year, 110 00; or, two of Harper's I'erlodlcals. to tMie anurcsH ior quu j cur, ,v. Itiutr Nnmhprtt run hn Kunrtllfd nt nnv time. ihe four volumes of Hurler's Bazar, for the years 70, 71, elegantly bound In Rrecn morocoo cloth, will he sent by cxprohR, freight prepaid, ior 17 vv eacu, Thn nnKtncrn nn IIarnr-r' Hnzir la SI OCntsa year, which must be paid at the subscriber HJHl'OUU'e. AUUrCBn, liAnrcn & BnoTiir.Rg. New York, 'Un Question ably the best unstained woilc of the kind in the world." Harper's Magazine. Xoticct of the Press, "There are few Intelligent American families In v..t. llnmrnV M.IIAtNK WOllld nut tlO an appreciated and highly welcome ciufct. Ilnre Imin monthly MngHluean Intelligent rendiug foml y cjn ics Himru u uu wiiuuuu wmu .. ara ornmiilft tf il. llAltl'KR'M is td ttVd Therv Is not a Mgnzlne that In printed uhich frhows more imeiiigfni phhim tsienusn nn u articles nnd mechwiilcol execution. Ttiern Is not - .hanmr Myfttflllft DubtlKhtd. Theiu Ih hnt. ronfebedly, a more vopular Magazine In the world. Sew Kiifj'ftnd Jl'neteatt. A repository of biography and history, lllcra ture. fccleuce, and art, unequaled by any otber American publication. iho volumes are ns valuable as a mere work of refcincoosttiiy cy clonedlawe can pinto In our libraries. Hau. jeh's Magazine Is a "cord of tratl every wherealnce thebourof iU ebtaUihiiuient, lDirston and Gordon Curamlui In Atrlcn.Ktrain rxtTt rr rr Aniil'M Olid ltO)8 BlOWCC 111 the Kllht. Hneke on tlie Nile and Macgregoron the Jordan indeed, all recent travellers of note have teen .t.. imnoTinnt discoveries rcnroductd in theepafB, Mmt of our younger and many of our older writers nnu neru meir nierury u.rur' ubr. Ourarllslssee theUsl evidences of iheii KenlusandthemostenUurlPflsfecimensof theii work in the Mfigazine.-fr. j, wanuara. Vi ii nr Am unnders of Journallxm lit editorial management of HAWKa'a Ihe Sa turn, i. i. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 187. TKUMMI lliuuvD UmiiiMii nnn vta.r 2 1 ii) An Kxtra ropy of either Iho MAoazine, Weekly, or' Uazak will be supplied grail flu every Club of Five KriifeCitniKiiH at 81 to each, in one remui&nce: or.mx copies jur w, "tm out extra copy, HnbMcrintlomtollABi-rn's MAOAZINK. Wkek LY. tint ItAKAU. tnnnti BrlilrpfM Inr film Vcar, tlOttj; or, two of Harper's l'eilodlcals, to ouo nuuitii ior one year, w. Bsck Dumitcri rfan be, Burtrilled at nnv lime. A CompltAhet of HAiti'ZU'sMAOAZiNF, now comprising Volumes, In neat cloth blndlnir, will tie sent by cxpms, freight at expense uf purchaser, for 2 26 per volume. Blngle oiumts postpaid, W to, t'lotli coses, for MnUiDg, 8 ctuu by mall, postpaid. The postage on IIarmk'h Maqazine Is SI tenia a year, wiucn must to paid at the mucriu er's poet-ofUce. Address IIAUPER A BROTHEIW, New j or ii, "7" AIjUAIJIjE latOPEHTY FOK V BALK The undersigned wlslilng to retire from busi ness now oirers at private Hale tils entire prone.r ty situated in Oraugevllle, consisting of nine half Interest la the well known FOUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WOUKB, toeether with the Enslne. Iaii.m m.i ndmr in. chlnery belonging to the ssiae, alsotheeutlre stek now on hand, together vrlih n valuable pair of horses, and the wagons, sleds. Harness, Ac., also his lown lots on which is erected a good . as the Dr. Udi property about leu of which are cleared, ihe balance timbered. Prices reasonable, possession given at any time to suit purchasers. Apply tnoraddrnss. WILLIAM BCHUYLEH, oct, fl,7l-tf. Oraug tiilot Cclumblu eo'pa. GRAY'S FERRY PRINTING INK WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. O. E. ROIUNSON et URO,, Manufscturersof Flue Black ahd Colored Print ing luks. NewsJuks put up with care to suit the season and peculiarities of Presses. Quick Uhyinq B ack and Colored Inks tspeclally luUptwi to Isabel Print ng. ' novlo700m, 6 THE Fntont Modicinoa. Al'I'KAIi o Dobllltiilcil I'orsorH. Dyspeptics, SuuorcM from Liver Complaint, mow having no Appeuio. thoso with llrokcn Down Consti tutions. Nervous pcqplo. to u 11 uiron wtvuinir away. iny with Dobllttntotl Dlgoitlvo Ur etuis, Or tufferina with anv of the folloxcinn Symptom! which indicate IHtordcrcd jjtver or dtomactf such as (m ntlpallou. Inward IMles, Fulncsi or niood to the I lead. Acid Uy oftlio Mtn roach, Nausea, Hearllmrn, DlsRUt for Fo1. Rour Kruscltatlon-,Mlnklniior Flut tering At ine lUtoftheHUMnach.Hwlm mino7 tho Head, Hurrlcnl andDlillcuU orHuirocatlnffHensatlons when in a Lyma 1VH tho MlKlH.Kevernnddull pain In the head, Deficiency of rersplmtloneltownesH or the ftklnnnd Kyw, rain in tho Hide, Hack. Chest, Llrat, Ac.( Huddeti Flushes or Heat, llurnln in tho Flesh, CoiutHntlmaglnlug 4 of j;til,andreat Depression of HplriU. IIOOFLAND'a OEilMAN HITTERS, A III Iters wlthoat Alcohol or Spirits of any U lnd Is dtlTerent from alt others. It Is compoM of Iho puro Juices, or Vttat Principle o Root Jferbi and Jtarkt. (or as medicinally termed Kitractst) not belnd mod, Ttiereforo in one ilotllo of this Hitters tnoro is contained ns much .medicinal virtue as will no jounu in nevenu buuii dlnary mixtures, mo hchhs, nr., nwu i i rlples extracunl in that country by n sclentl lo Chemlst.aud forwarded t theiiwnuficWrr ln tletl. Contalulna no splrlluoiM InKredlenu, this Hitters Is free from tho objections urged aalnst nil oilier: no ucsire ior buiuuihuw rni tiit.tr n-n i inv (Annot mako drunk- ards. and cannot under nny ctrcumstnncei, have any but a ueuenciai cuecw 1100 FLAN D'H GERMAN TONIC, Waslcompounded lor thoso not Inclined to extremo bitters, and is tntonded for use lu cises when some nluolmllo stimulant Is required lu MM.nMil.rn wltli thn Tnttlfl nrntwrtlos Ol the Hit ters. I'Mch bottle of the Tnnto contains one twt tle or the Itlttcrs, combined with puro HANTA CUUZ UUM.aud llAvorcU In such a manner that tiie exiremeuiiiprncssoi unwre m uvcrcuiuo, forming n preparation highly nrceable and cinai virtiici ni ttin It tiers. Tlio nrlco of tho Tonlo H r1 Hottle wliich many persons II11UK llMtlllK". Il'BJ IHUBkuiikD iuiuiuinim.li.- iion mat ino suraumut uwi ii Luurumnjii w nfn mira ritmtttv. A noor nrtlclo could be fur nished at a cheaper price.but is it not better to pay n liirlamnraiiinl h.wR ik iroixl Article ? Allied I clnal preparation hhotild contain non 3 bat the best Ingredients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and he beuelltto t by It will mojiceruumy uo uuuaivu. nOOITiAND-.S QKUMAN DITflUW, IOOFIiXI)S OEItMAX TOXIC WITH UOOPLANU'ri r01OPItU.tN VUAh will cum: you. They uro tho (Ireitest ii i.oo i) i' u it i v 1 1; if h Knmvn tn thn Mpillp.al woild. ifnd will eradi cate diHoa,sie arising from luitmro blootl. Debility of tho PltteNtlVH t)rins, nnilseused Liver, In u shorter time than any other Known remedies. The whole SUl'ltHMH COUUT of lVunsylvanla HIT.AK l Oil TIUE ItEMKlHr.S. Who wovitd ask for more Dlcnlilo.l nndSlrntiKcr Testimony ? Hon, Oeohoe W. Woodwabu, former Chief Jut ttec of the Xitpreme Court of J'ciimilvanla, a present Member of Congrcst from Jnn.iytvanta ttrltes TuiLAPnU'iiiA, March lCth,18a7, IfludMHoofland'sOt-rmin Bitters" Is a good tonic, useful In diseases of tlio digestive oranH, and of great benellt iuca-sesof debility nnd want of action in tho system. Yours truly Ul.OHOn W. W03UWAKD. I'on, J a mm TnoysoN, ClUef Justice rj the Supreme Oiurt of FcntisylvaiKa, PHILADELPHIA, April '2S, ISC7, t ftmtBl.lr "irnnltnnfl's Oprmnn Bitters" a val uable medicine tn cao of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my oxpo- Hon, GtoiKiESHAitswoon, Justtceofthe Supreme Com t of reniisylvanta, rniLADKLiMli.v, Juno 1, 1SG3. I hao lound by cxperlenco that "Hoolland's (Urmiiii Bitters" Is h ery koimI toulc, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. Hon, Win, F. lWaer3,.Vtiyor of the Cttyof Jlujfato, MrtjJorHOmcc,ButTalo, Juno2,-,l 1S03. I lnvo used 'Hoollinds German Bitters nnd 'imiiV' in mv fainllv durlutr tho mist year, and cun recommend them as an excellent toulc, im parting tone nnd vigor to tho system. Their uto liss beeu productive of decidedly bencllclal Ulcets, Wm. b UociEiw, Hon. James M. Wood, JU'Mayor of M'llltamsport J'a. I take creat measure In recommendlne ' Hoof- land's Germau Tonlo " to nny tine who may be atUlcted with Dyspepsia. I had tho Dvspepsla so uauiy II will 1 ill i i"jaisjHj i my nti in iuj stomach.nnd I became bo weak as not to bo able lowalK nan nmiiu, iwu uouun ui iouic fiiucveu a perfect cure. James M. Woon. THAT HOOFI.AKD'S GUHMAN BITrBllS, AM IIOOFIiAND'S QEHJIAN TOXIO Will Curo every case of M A 11 A S J U S'( Or Wasting away of tho Body, 2U2MMRi:n HOOn.AND'a (HUMAN BHMKDIliH Aro the medicines ynu rcoulro toimrlfytho Blood, excite tho inridd J.iver lo he.tlltiy action. and tti eiiitblt yen lo rMRnHa !! tliitmgh any hardships or exposure. DU. llOOKLAND'S O J) O P II Y Ii Ii I N Substitute rou Mercury Pilij?. rico i'Illh a now. 'J he most Vowerfttl, Yet Innocent Vegetable Cathartic known. It Is not necessary to take ahandfuUeif these Pills to product thu desired illect; two of them act quiculy nnd iowerfuliy, rleausluglheLUer, HtoiuHch aud Bowels nf h!1 Impurities. Tho principle Ingredient Is Pixlophylllii,rihe Alco hollc Ex true I of Mandrake, whtch Is by many times moro powerful, acting and senrchlng than tho Mandrako itself. Its pw.nl lur action U upon tho Liver, leaulng it speedily from all obstruc Hons, with all tho power oi Mercury, yet free from tho Injurious results attached to the use or that mineral. For all diseases In which the usoof a cat hart lo Is Indicated, llieso pills will gtviteutlro sallufao tlftn In nvorv nue. 'i'hev NKVKIl l-'AII. In coses ol Liver Cemiplutnt, Dyspepsia and extremo costlveness, Dr. HoutlaiuVs German Bitters or Tonlo should be used In connection with tho I11U. The tonlo tftfect Of the Hitters nr Tonic builds up ihesysteiu. 'Ihe Hitlers or Tonio purities tho Blood, hlrengtheus tho Nerves, hbu CLATKtitho Liver, nnd gives fctrcuglh, energy anil vigor. Keep your Bowels actlvo with tho Pills, and toue up tho system with Bitters or Tonic, and no disease can ictaln tlio hold, or oven assail you, Beoollectthat It is DR. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that aro so universally nsod and highly recommended j und do not allow the Diu&glstslo Induce you to take anything that he may say is just as good, becauso he makes a mrgur pront OU It, 'ihese llemedles will bo sent by ex pre to iiuy inuuniy, uitou applicaiioil ui ine 1'ltIMUI PAL OFFICE, at tho GERMAN MEDICINE HI ORE, 031 Arch St., phllatlelphlA. CHAS, M. KVAXH, Proprietor. These llemedles aro for sale by Druggists Btorekecper,and Medicine 1 ikIoh teiywLe COLUMBIAN - AND Rail Rofidd. LACKAWANNA AND NLOOMS 11U1UI ltAII.UOAtl . on ami rirnuv. in, lm.mwienii" irainswui run n luiiuwn i (loins North. Arrlvu Atnvo Ooliig Hontli Lcnvo Leave P. m. n. m l.1i HI.M n. rn. Hcraiilnn. ti.H) l.i I l'liuioii,. 11.61 3.11 lo.ai Klngnlnn 1 W. x. ijo. 11.C0 rirmntith s.tl 12.21 aw Hhlckshlnny..., 7.:u v:.m a.us II.M 3.31 11.11 3.57 in fn i.'fl tierwicK M .fcf IllcHim 8.1'3 Ufliivllle I'nnnnotlnn tnn.ln nl. Nfrntitnn liv tlie 10.10 ft.nii tnil'l forOrcat llcnil, lllnitrmmton, Albunynud an pomin nurin, i.Mt nnn vphi. X. i.uuui.vinui' .. TW'OHTIIEHN OKNTltAL ltAIIi on anil after Nov. mh 1S7I, Trulni will leareHUHiiunv an follown i NOHTltWAltl). 12.Mp.M.lnlly toWllIlannporl, Ulmlrn, Canan. uniK"n, Hocnesier. iiuuaiu, nupeusiuu iiriiuiHi autl N. KallR. 12.1) r. M. llultilo, N. Kails, A3. 0.50 r. M.,lallv, (except Bundaya) for William, spurt autl i:rlo. 4.15 i'. ., Dallr, (oxceptHumlav) for Illmlrn. IlulTalo nml Niagara Vallf, Ma. V.tla r.tllroaa Irani Klmlrj. TIIAINB SOUTHWAUI). 1.17 A.Jt. Dallr for llaltlraore, Wuihlngloii nnJ l'lilladclplila. 10.01 A, M, Dally (except Hunilay) forDaltlmort Washington and i'allaUolriila. 1.10 1: f. Dally (oxcept Hnnaays) lor llilllmoro. ladclpl.la,Ac. 1san.YOUKO. UenerallVauouger AgeDi. AI.KBKB It. Kl9i:.Uon'l.HtH-t. c ATAWIFSA ItAlIillOAD. l;i. wiNT t it Aim AKa n.i cm 1S7I. rnssenger Tnlns on this road will run as fol- OWttl Jfall SoiUtl, STATIONS, Lv, 9.0) a.m Wllllaimport Jfatl iVorW Lv, 0.S) p. in 6.U " " 6.112 " " l.'ii " " l.Oi " " 4.tfl " " MS ' .VS) u " 2.10 " 1.11 " 12.51 " 10.1) n.re. " n,.n " blimey, " 10.1H " Milton, " 10.57 " llillivlllo, " " 11.11 ' import, " " 11.21 ' Citiiwlssa, " " 12.21 ltlniilown, " " lAlp.m, Hummlt, " ' 1,01 " (lunkako, " " 1.IKI " 1.. Mahony June. " l;w "plueTiimafiua, Dine. " l.w) " ltcatlliiig, " " 3.1.i " 1'iiltsvUle, ' " 7.01) " rnllailclphla, " " 1.21 MlnoMaucliCuuuit. dluo" 2.3.1 " lletulchein, " SUi " l'lilla, via llellilehcm, " " 2.5j. " Kuston, 11 New York, ft. Liberty St., " S.M ' via I,. A H. It. It. R.H I. in p. m. 12.00 noon IMi n. m II. 81 ' n.o.) WW H.W) p.m i,'.-i " L. Valley It. 11. ' C..j0 il.lil. I'oslou -tot- A V O J 1 .1 1 0 1 .Vr E O T 11 A I X . STATIONS. Wllliamoport Montonrsvlllo Halls Sluncy Allenwood New Columbia Milton lianvllto Ittipcrt Cut a v Ism South. North. JUK'n.m, lt.i"ui.m a.u iui " Ml " H.t'j " 5 IS " M.41 " .! ' H.W " Mi " 7,U " IU " 7.11 7.11 " ' mm o.7 " 8.1U " U.JJ " An n4dltlon.il train leaves l).not nt llordlc House. WllH.imtnort. T.IDA, m in connection ulili trains rrom th woit-for .Milton, rutin lel nli In, Now Vorlt.lloslou andlntfrmeillrita potulK. Hclurnliik', loaves Mlltmi at o.iu i M.. making direct connecilo'i at Willi mnpjrt with trains fir tho woit. JEADIXG UAlliltOAD. MONDAY, May 15, 1871. riroitt Trniifc Ilno from tha North nnd North- West for 1'hlladelphln.New York, Beaalug.l'otts vllle, Tannin mi, Asliiand, Khamokln Lebanon Allentowu, liston, Kphrala, iiltiz, Lancaster. Coiumiia,ic., TraiuKieavo Harrlsburg forNework, as fol lows: At 2.4t, 8,10, n, lu., and l',U0 p. m., con- liecilllg Willi rtuuuitr irmua uu i tniijt u- nla ltallroud, and arriving at New York nt 10,05, n. m., 3,fJ0, and i',:w n. m. retipoetlvely. Bice ping cars accompany tho a, in, train without change. He turn lug; Lcavo New Yorkat 9,00n,m.ond 12.3J noon and 5,00 p. m. Blilladelphla nt 7.W, (WO a m, and 3.30 p. m. Weeping cars accompany the 0.00 p.m., train Iroin N. Y without change. Leave HarrUburglor Beading, t'ottsvllie, J maoun, MlnerHVlUe. Ashland, ahamokln Al lentowu and l'hila'd. at 8,10 a.m., and 2.0J nnd a ii n m HinnnliiL' nt Lchniinn nnd nrlnclimt wav stations; the,0j p.m. train connecting for I'liiTa Potthvlllo und Culumbla only. For I'oltsvllle Hchuylklli Haven ami Auuurn, via Hcuuyia.ni Hitaau(ut:jia(iuiti iuillro.id,leao Harrlsburg al ,40 p.m. Kiut I'cnniiylvanlnltailroad trains leave Bead, lngfor AHeniown liiston una is.r Vnrk nt 4JiL in .ii). n. in., nml 4.03 n. 111. ltcturiilui'. leuVI New York ut y.uO n. in., 1130 noon nnd 6,iw r. m. nnd Allentowu nt 7.lAa. m. U'.'5 noon, 4.V5 uii' 8,3i p. in. Way i'asvfuger Train ieuve I'hlladelplila at 7i0n.m., couuccllug with similar train on blwl railroad returning rrom lieadlugattfOp.m, Mopping at ull stations. Leave Bottsvlllo at 0,00 a.m., nnd 2,30 p.m, Ucrndon at 10.00 a. in., Hhamukln at 6.40 and 11.15 a. m., Ashland at 7,0o a.m. and 12,43 noon Man nuoy City at 7.15 a. in. and 1-J p. in. Tamaqun at 8,'t'j n. m and 2.lu p. m. for rniladelphln, Now York, Bending, Harrlsburg, Ae. Leave l'oltsvlllo via ecnuylklll and Busque hnnnii ltnllroad at 8,15 n.m. lor Harrlsburg, and 11,15 u, m.t for Blue Grove and Trcmont, Beading Accommodation Train leaves Botts vllle at 5.40 a. iu., passes Heading at 7,30 a. m ar rlvlug ut Philadelphia at 10.20 a. m. ltoturulug leaves i'hlladelplila at 6,15 p. iu., passing Iteud lug at 7,55p.m., urrlvlugat I'ottsvlllo at U.10 p.m. l'ottntown AccommouiUon Train, leavos Botts town ntti,3U a.m., retarnlug, lcaes l'Ulladelphla ailumbla Itallroad Trains leave Beading nt 7,!iu a.m and 0.15 p.ui, for Bphrala, LUlz.Lauefui ter, Columbia. A.O., " Berklomen Itall Hoad Trains leave Berklomen Junction at 7.17 tt.Ui a. in., S.oo A 0.00 p. in. retu rn inc: leave bchwenksvlllo atO.Ut, b.10 a.m., 12.50 noon A 4.45 p.m., connecting with similar lvalue or Beading itallroad. Coitbrookdulo Bull road trains leave BotUtown atu.40a.m, Jt l.ljii.li p.m. returning leave Mount t'lcoisauiu t.whiiu ii.-ju. m.,o.wi.ui. wuiiui mt wtm similar tralusou lleudlnz itaiiroaa. Chester Uliey iiann)au iruuia icavu itriuge port ut 8,30 a. m. and 2.05 aud 5.:i2p. m. returning, leuvo Downluglon nt 0.10 a. in., 12.45 noon an! fi.25 p. in., connecting with similar tralua or Htadlug lUiliroud. On Sund:ii', leave New York at 5,00 p.m., fhu phla at 8,00 a.m. aud 3,15 n.m,, (I ho 8,00 a.m. tralL runningoulytoBe'ftdlHg;)UaveiotUvllle81ooj.m Harrlsburg at 2.40 a. in. and 2,00 p. m. and leavo Allen town at 4.25 and 8.3 p. in., und U-nve Uuudlug ut 7.15 a.m. and .50p.m,ior Hairls burg, at 5.00a. m. for New York, at 7.20 a. ro for Allentowu and ulU.40 u. in.' and 4.15 p. ui 'i" Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Heason. School ubd Kxcurslou Tickets to and from all polnUi, at re duced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds alio wet) each pumtenger, J. K. WOOTTKN, AfcKt, Sunt. iL Hug. Mach'ry. Head lug, I'a., April 3. 11. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS, 133 1115 CHESNUT ST.,(Girard Row,) 133 NORTH-EIGHTH STltEKT (N'.j:. Co it. 8ui anii Cm e uu v ,) PIIILADEIiPIIIA. JIanufacturcr and Dealer of our Four Great SpcclnltlCH. Our Celebrated Cliamplon Hoop Skirts, Includ ing HhO styles nnd sizes, for ladles. Mioses aud Children. Manufactured to meet thowuutsol llrst-cliuM trade, ut the lowest pricoa. mitHETS in 127 PtvleH nnd irradojt to meet tlie wantH of all, Irom 4Uc.to 5tt.M per pair, including trig Thomson's (Jove Fitting, Roh't Werly's, J. ItciikGl'M. Mad. Fuv'k. Mm. Moutlv's MltihuH' und Children's Corsets Ac., together with every other ue'Hiruuiu uiuse, ui )rices ueyouu compciiiion, PANIER BUHTLKS in fiS varietles.'from 30c. to NlUson, ac; New Broadway! tisc; Elect, tS8c', ami every other desirable Buntle atlowcrprlces than ui uny uiucr pm nc iu mu iruuo. LADIES' ITNDEItaARMENTSinevorvoUflll. ty, Irom tlio finest to tho lowest prices. Tucked and Fnnt-y Muslin Skirls, In '22 varieties, from 7 Co. to S7.ML Chemises from G'2c. to tl.75. Draw ers, wc. in ii.uj, mgm jireiutea, ii.uu io sj.ui. 1 mlet Hacks, 8ic. to 0.4 J, Corset Covers, (l.oo to $Vj0, Aprons, Misses' und Children's Under uarmeuts, &a, Ac. Wo have tho largest, best and chcanrstllucsol the above L-oods in 1'lillaileli'hla. Every our- chaser can save time nnd money by examtnlug U'llllt It UUieiWlU UI1U MI9IUI1, Sept. U0, 11)71. JAIMES' FANOY FURS1 J O II N FARE I R A, 713 AU,CH.HT" Middle of the Block, I t ween 7th and 8ih His., Houu, Hide, PHILADELPHIA, Im porler.Manuructurerand Deuler In all kluds and (jimmy ui FANOY FURS FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. Having imported n very laruoand inimil did as sortment of ull tho dlflercnt kinds of Furs first hands In Enrope, und have had them ; u rs from up uy iiiw iuiwi.Bai(tiui wiutiiiien, wouia respect fullv lnviifl tlio readers of thin tutSp tn.uif nn,i examine lilt very large aud beautiful assortment uv una, iiauim nu bJllL,lll(KJ, l am determined to sell at as uiw I'UIcm ah any eniier respectable llounein this city. All Fuiuj WAfUAJilltlJ, flU MinjlKI'UESXNTATION TO Er JKCT HAI.K4, .IOI1N FAHKIHA, 718 AUCU HTUEET, I'illLADKM'HIA oct20'?Mlm. CIIARPLESS A IIARMAN, In consideration of tearing dowu our works and rdbulldlutf which will be rominnnrvut vn soon we aro edferlug plows, stoves, Ac., at B. F. SUA RPLESS A P. H. HARM AN. Bloomshurg, Pa. Proprietor! DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Miscellaneous. I. W NIIilM, M OHIO W A MJj H O O M H A gdtioral Mortmeut of MUStCAt, MKKCIfAMDISH AI.VAYS ON HAND, VIOMNB, CONCERTIKAS, riAOOI.UTiJ, ni'Es, DHUM8, HAUMONIOAH, c. violin sTitiNas ov Tim iiit quality TIIE LATEST SHEET MUSIC. PIANO AND OHOAN HT03L ALL STYLES AND l'lticm. A I1KTTKR ASSOHTMKXT OF OllOANS THAN CAN 1112 KOUND HLSMWlir.lli:. TUB TEMl'Li: ANaELtU OUOAN WHICH HAS Till: BWHKTIUT TONII THAT CAN IIP. roUNl) IN A ltllBD OUUAN. 3-CnM and examine before purchasing ele- where. warerooin Main nircei, ueiow AiarKei oppmltoCoreir furniture warerooms, ltlooiti9 buis, 111. aUB.23,71.1y A. J. E VAX'S. READY MADE CLOTHING. UK UAi TIIK FINE3T GOODS, LATEST STYLE3 AND EMPLOYS Till! It 12 ST WORK ill K For good fits and promptness In filling orders theio is tho plnco to go. His coeds are selected with care and torn Work wilt compare favorably win! eirorls of tlio fashionable city Dealer, his Cus the best HE KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF HOYS' AXI1 CHILDREN'S CL0THIN atzxTS9 riR.visiiiA'O ooist At Astonishlnglv Ixiw Prices, Bloomshurg, Sept. 1TJ, l71-tt c.- M A RR have Justrecelved from the eastern markets largo and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CONSISTING Or Cnsslmers, Jeans, Best bleached A Brown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton A All wool flannels ic., Ac., A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latest styles tt patterns 8 pities of nil kinds, Good Mock groceries, Quoeusware, Stone ware, Wood & willow ware. Flour A Chop, AlhoKltcheu Crystal Boap for dunning Tin, Brass, Ac. All goods sold cheap for cush or pro duce. lie would call the attention of buyers to his well and carefully selected afortmeut which comprise everything nmially kept In the coun try, feellug confident Hist he can tdl them good at vuch prices h ill ut mir!hi Hen. ctn71-lf I. r M fltl, 0. II O W lu a, ins opeued u flrst-class BOOT, SHOE. HAT CAP, AND FUR STORE, at tlie old stand on Irf.iln Street, BloomHburg,afew noon uuovu moi ouri. iinuMe, ma binCK iac(iiu nuHiuliif thnverv lutestnnd LiPhtKlvlen over otter' ed lo tho cltleus of Columbha Cnunlv. He can accommtMlalu the public with Iho following goods at iho lowest lutes. Men's heavy double) uoled Ktoa boots, men's doublo und singlo tap soled UlU noois, men's ueavy sioga hiioes oiau kiiiuh, men's fine boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double soled boots andhoeuofullklnds, men's glovo kid Balmoral s linesmen's, women's, boys's ami misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove uld polish very flne.wnmen's morocco Balmorals and can snoes, woiiicu h very duo kiu uuiujueu uii ers. In short bootaot all descriptions both peg citd end Hewed. lit) WUU1U UUU tUJi HllOUUUIl LU U-lt UUD iwnuii mentor ATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all the new and )opulai varl etiesat nrlces which cannotfallto suit all. Theei cnrxiH ara nriHreii ul inn inurttML thjiii raiea uuu will lie guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains are to be fonnd wan at any oiuer piace m ine county. JNU X 41 JgLOOMSBURG .ii a ii ii ii i; IV o u K s. MAIN HrilRRT, HKIjOW MAllUrr, BLOOMHBUHG, PA, Monuments. Tombs. Heatbttonos. Ac. Work neatly executed. Orders by mall will receive Hiiucial utteutlou, N, 11, Work delivered freetot cimrjiw. i, tt, uvsiHtpi rrnirn"ir, oclU'71-tf. p. i). Box UI7. Hotels. MONTOUR HOUSE RUPERT, PA. WILLIAM BUTLER, Proprietor, This House having been pat In thorough repair Is now opeu for tho reception of gutists. No imiui win uo Bimteu iu t'nsure me periect com' jure- oi uio travelers, -j ne Proprietor solicits share of nubile natronase. Tlie bar will I slocked at all times with une liquors and cigars, Iflnl'll JgENTON HOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. This well known House bavins bn tmt i thoromih renalr is now onen for th rci-entinn n vUltors. No pains havo been siared to ensure the perfect comfort of guests, Tlie proprietor also runs a Stage from the Hotel to BliMswhurg uuu luvvriuvuiHiB fkuiui uu AutjHuay, i uarwiny and Saturday of each week. Jan l'lH7i rIlE ESPY HOTEL. ESrY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The undersigned would Inform the travelling r'ubllotliat he has taken the above named estab Uhiueut aud thoroughly refitted the same for the perfect convenience of his guests. His larder will be stocked with the best the market affords. The choicest liquors, wines and cigars always to . WILLIAM PETT1T. J" V71 Espy, I'm, Miscellanoons. MILliEU'S BTOltE. t., .... ... L .W.Vt n, 11, Jilll.lji.ib n ou.'i have removed their Btorotn tho room formerly occupied liyMendoiihall.on Matnslrcel, Blooms. hunt, nearly opposlto tho i;plsoopnl unurcli whero they nroilctermiiiodloseiionnsmoacrnio terms aa can ho procured else whore, Tiller stock comprises LAUIKM' DIHCH8 GOOD!! of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Hoods and Gro ceries, consisting ot tho following t rtlclea Carpets, Oil Cloths, oths, Casslmeres, Bhawls, Flannels, Bilks, While Ooodi Linens, Hoop KklrU, Muslins, Holtowware Cidarwarc (luconsware, Hardwarj Hoots and Bhoes, llatsandcapj Hoop Nets, Umbrcttaa, Looklng-Glassej, Tobacco. ColTeo, Sngars, Toai, Illoe, Allspioe, (iliiKtr, Cinnamon, NntmeRi AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In short, cverythlns; nsnnliy kept In country tores, to which they Invite tho attention of the publlo generally. The highest price will be pnl'l for connlry proiaco In exchange lor goou. 8, II. HlLLIXlAHn.V, IUoo.usbnrg I'a. oct ml '.f jEW STOUK OF OLOTITING. Fre.h arrival of FAIjIj AND WINTER GOO Do DAVID Lown:icnno Invites attention to his slock of CH EAP AND FASHIONABLK CLOTHING. At hU storo on MnlnHlreet, InRhtve's block, one door West o C. C. Murr's store, Bloomshurg, Pa., whero ne hns Jnst received from Now York nnd Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTIUNO, including the most fashionable, dnrnble, and handsomo DHES3 000D3, consisting of BOX, SACK, UOCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTH. of all corts.slzesandcolora. llo has also repteu lshcd his already larse stock of FALL AND WINT Bit SHAWLS, BTHIPED, Fiatmr.D, AND PIAIN VUSTii OHIBTS, CHAVATH, STOCKS, COLIiAHS if vinrvjtriiiP.FH. GixiVim. BSPKNDi:iV3, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ho nas constaniiy ou uanu a largo una vcii-sc cctod assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTING 3, which ho Is prepared to mntto to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd la the best manner. All his clothlns la made to wear, nd most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, nt ovcrv etcscriptlon, flnoand cheap. Hlscaso ol Jewelry is uot surpassed lu thlslplaco, Call and ot amine It Is general nssortmcui or CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELHY, AC. octl3'71 DAVID LOWENBEUU. Tun ixaKi.Dir.NTs that COMPOSi: UOSADjL1S nro published on cvoi y package, tlicro- loroltlsnoia fcirci prcparanoiii cunscrjuciitly rinsici.ixs ritRSCRinr. it lis a certain euro for Scrofula. Sypl.ilij ill nil il roriu., Hliomnn- Usui) Skin Disrates, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho mood. OHE 20TTL3 OP I.03ADALI3 v. ill do moro f;ood than ten UoUlc. of tlio Syrups of Samparilh. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havo used lWadalia in their practic, for Iho pasl thrto j cars nnd fncly cmlorro it s a reliable jHcrall, and Blood Purifier. DR. T. c. rtfRif. of Bjltlmoio. nil.T. J. IK1VKI.V. mt.it. w UAitii. " DU. K. O. DANNKLLY, UU. J. S. 51'Al(i, 01 JMCnouSTllie, Itr, DU. J. h. McCAUTHA, Colomlila, S. ('. DIt. A. I!. NOEIXS, Wf ccomli, N. C. USED AHD ENDORSED BY j. n. rncvciii eons, Fail mm, Mm. P. M. SMITH, Jackson, Mich. a. r vm;i:i.i.n,i.iui,uMo. It IIAI.I., Mma.Ulilo. CHJ.Vr.N & en .(ftrdonsilllc, Vs. aAJI L. u. MCI AU1J1..N, juunrceu tioro, ictin. (Hirspaco will net allnw of any ex. tmilcii rcmatks In relation to tha tlrtucior ltouilalls. Totlio HoJIc-.J liorcsslonweguarantcoa Kluid 1.x tract aupcl ior to atiytlicy liaio ccr uici in tlio treatment of diseased IllottJ and to theatlllcted we say try ltosailatis. &nd on will Lo restored to health. ItosaJalli is sold hv all Drneeist). prlco 3 1.311 per buttle. Addrosa D3, CLEMENTS & CO, Manufacturing Chemistt, Baltiuo&c. Sfu. TALTIMOHE PIANOS. Wo respectfully cnll the ntlenttnn of thote ikHlrlug In mirchasu uur malte of l'lnnos, Wo are uatlslled that we can give Hat U fuel ion in ovcrv rase. OurwnrkmenHUIllfuland exncrlen- c'd and aro undor the poiHonal tsiiporlnteudence uf tho ine inborn of our ilira, Wo use only tho uchi bOQHoneu limner, nnu ine material in gene ral Is flrttt cUhh, our I'lauos without excfptlon nave ine tuiieui ngraueH nrrnugemeut inrongu out, which in the opinion of tlio mont compe tent JudtreH in nronouueed valuable. Bv Hits lm- Crovemcut a Vlano la made more duraMu and eepi tha tone longer. We claim for our lubtru menu that they uro hecond to noue, nnd they combine nil the essential elements that consti tute superior worKinausiup. we will give written guarantee for live vearn. Mr. t'oNiiAu Kkkiman, member of our firm, wiuviKit itioomnburg lour times n year to ro tmlr and altemt to tuulua of nil l'lanon. in Hit attend to our'buslnntts In BloomKburg und In uui norizcu to receive nnu auucit oruera. We can give tho very bent references. OAIS1ILK A CO. IlfttLlmnra. M. 1). I. K. iliti.Ku, Dealer In BlauoK, Orgaua und McloileonH rive octavo nnd 11 va stun orizans ol thehektmake.Holdnttlh). Terms easy, June 'ii T MIE OHKAT MAQIOAL II A I II I' O It C K II Will forco n beau 11 ful net of WhUkcrs or Mu tachu. in from two to threo months. on anr per hou over twelve years old. It is one of thu bent preparations to make tlie whUUerM grow that etr was known. One lottle or it Issulllclcut to nroduce a nerv strontr beanl. It iloi-a not In anv way main or Injure tho sklu. Try It t It Is no nuinbug. l'rlco m cenu ptr bottle. Kent ny mall post paid, to any address, on receipt ol price, Auurttm W iuuiaih u. nAUtiii, Arenduvllle, aug.lV7My Adams County, Benna Gr h O IJ E MUTUAL LIFE INSU11AN0E COMPANV NEW YORK, I'lluy Krtemau, 1'resldeut, 11. C. Frccmon.Scc i-asu cupual over r;,ou),iw, all paid. J. B, ROBISON.HLOOiMBUUIta.PA UfcNKllAL AaiiNT, For Lntern,, Lycoming and Colnmbla oountles. Ang.'JO.'ou. JUSTICE'S BLANKS. We DOW havo on lmnd a larae neallv nrlnliwl ASaortmellt uf JIIMTIL'K'H nml 1Y1MMTA lll.LM lll.ANKH, to which wo Invite tho attention ot uiwq umiri.. R.OEABALIS E99 Drngn and Ohomicaln. A GREAT NBiCE Dr. WALKER- C YINEG-AE Mi .ha llnntlrcuj of ThOUtcv-' jO O ii 3R 'id fllesr Wtlmenv lo ,,,1ilOTt'n0 r' I WHAT ARE THEY? gjJg 1UIVUTU1MU J.uvv.-! C" to; ij 1 o ? Tmrr ahe kot a r itr. "iiSFANCV DRINK. ttAdecf Poor Itnm, Whisker Pref Pplrlta nml Hefiiio Llcuorseloctorcd.irlccd andtwect tned to flcnsolbo taste. callcd"Tonlci,,Arpctlf- cn,H "BcstorcM," c, that lctd tho tlprl" en to Cruakenocfi tad rah, tut tro & tni9 1'ceuchic, v.aia fromllioKfttlro r.ccliaod Berts cf California, frco from nllAlcohvllo Stlmnlnntt. Thcrtro tha (lit BAT BLOOD PUltiriKlt nnd A LIFE GIVING PHINClPLEapcrrcct Bcaorstor ajd InTljorater of tho Sritcm, carrxing off all pelcoooQa natter and rcctetlng tho uooa to a licn.i&y coscitica. :."o person cantata tbcto Bitters cccoriliii toCir.c. tlon tnd remain iocs ti&vcll. will bo given for an IncuTatlo Cflco,rrci0cd tl.o tones aro tot destroyed by tulflt. al pcuoa cr ether racaai, and Iho y.tsi organs vut.d lcror.dt:.o rolntcf repair. For InDnmrantory nnd Chrocla Ulicnmn- ilrm nnd clout. Drencpoiu vr intiiccstlou. IllllottP, Reiulltriit nmlliitciniiucui revcru Hlu-nBCOcf the Blood, Liver, XtWncyp, nrd Bladder, tncco Bllttlu Uvo tcca moit clccch- ful. Buth Dlscnsrs tro cactcd ty Vitiated Bleed. irWcli is rcscrall? rroccdtrdcrcnccnctt c i" tlio Dl ecst 1 vo O renns. DVSPBPfllA Oil INDIREKTIUN. nc&a telic, Tala in Ilia ri.ouUcru, CooKl-s.T.gttacEfl cf tho Cl.ctt, Dlsii-csj, Eour rntctatlots tf tho ftcraach, Ladttolatbi rliuth, B II -s AltacU, Ta'-plUticn tf thoBnut, lcCa.'..rt.' -jef tlicLur!, Pain In tha rccIOLO cf t:io i;idncyB,r.tdnl.tiii(irvd oacr lalaftl irmrtcu.B,r4TlUtUrr;rcanCDrircrt:a. rldhvcr Lnd tcwil5, ivUch render tLcm cf unc-icallcd. (dcacrl-i tlcanclcj tho Hood cf &U Imparities, and mr artln- new lJ and vmcr io tuo wnoio Brcn. I'OIISICIN DIsjBABBS.Enirtiona.TctUr.Ean 1.I.CLI3. Blotcl.cc. Erctr.rimr ico, nuuicf, Bona, rcr tunclcs,r.i.:;'Vrotiii, Ccalddlcad.Eora rycs.Errcl? ela.ltch, Ccurfi, BUcolorattonsef IboBLln.Bumcra B34 Diseases c f tha bkln, of vbitcvcr namo or natnrc, r.ro literally duz zp and carried out cf tho ryctcm in a chorttlmo It tho usoof thcBO Bitters. Oro tottlo la tuth caeca wl'.l convlnco Uio nctt lncrcdcloca cf their curatko ctTcct. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever yoa Cnd its impurities borttlnff throash tho fikln In rim pics, Trap- tlons or Bores i clcanso it when youunaiiowimctca and tlngclsh la tho veins t clcanso It when it Is foul, and your feelings ttui leu youwuco. Kcepmouioon i uro and tho health cf tho system will follow. PIN, TArLccaouicr wejuaifs mrm&g in tne ETEtcm of so many ttionsanas, oro cacccaaur ucstroy. cuond rcmovcu. ror mil eurccuons. reaa carcruur the circular around each bcttlo, printed In fonrlaa- gnascs-l:cjIIth,Ucrraan, rrcncu ana Epanisii. J.-WALSEn, rrorrletor. B. B. McDOKALD Ct CO., Brtuvlsts and Gen. gents, Pan TrancUco, Csl f and 11 and U Commcrco Street, New York. ,7V COLD Br ALL DliUOGlSTS AND BBALTBS. WTO-II KHUi...hin nnv fnlllelllO hllOW- InE-.haiffts many living, permanent cures ias IIil FTH.mi'a Vkuktaiilk itiiKUMATia IIkmiiuy. Uteti inxcaruly only. A pieusiun. wruiuup, Irom 1 Jurlous drugs. Wnrrnnlcd. un.lcr onth. I"."iJ.V:.VT,o.,iiiire,lii-.liievervlulnat ents ifenleil in tho past len years. (Heo testlinony.) It t lenrleniuio priiiiii.'.i. . ,',-;l V. Filler, SI. 1)., ft ttrnduato of tho University ril ,.r. .. .... i l.n .. i n a ii m.t.1 now ono of lMiltadcl- jeillinjl.u..u- .'.-J" i.rf..tu-,.f 1 NeuralKhi.Clironlonnd lnliammatory ltheumn- llslll ino fcieei.ui '....' , nr.. n fuel vnuehed Mr by Uio klgnniurcs uccom- i.ntivlmr euch bottle, of niitny proinlnent renown- i'd nlivsTeliiuK. clergymen, ami other testimonials. ;.. 1 VJ. tr..... ..nluf.itnii. niiticlr mm. . ......... -...I .'....i.ui. j.tMiiilltiiri or luonev. n leu ll u .i n..n..ntnn .in i tm.pifiiet number of bottles warranted to cure, will bo forwarded gr.it Is to nny mtlerer sending uy leuer a inn uemriiniuii ofiillllcllon. In cakoot falluro to cure.nmount paid positively roiunueu. iMeiiienio .i-ui " wliere by express, collect on delivery. AtUlcted i..i.n.i in ...lim inmilvli.nl n 11 tiilnr unit Ion anil niedlc.il ndvlco sent by letter gr.itls. I'rliiclpul ollloe.al houth rnurtll Mreet, l'lillailelpiua, r.l. Tho ltemeily 1.S boiu or ouuillieu oy 111111111,, mar zi ii iy - A QKNT3 WAIS 1 Kl. . n fill n.ll. . nllll.FI1,l.llV, I linrill1.ll men nnd wumc n, lo w h'om w c will gljc conMant worl: and good pay. Wo pii .1 h !J" H -.H I lHlllKS: wo elvo oliraseuls.tlll.HlJii Tl.llMU, Tlio best sclliua boon now Is II v SKl.MlU IIIjITZ, Describing lilswonderful feats nnd tricks, Willi lauahnhlo Incidents and advtnturos. Ageutu are elllng Irom 10 to m copies ft day. Also, our NKW 1'AMII.V Illlll.i:, eoiitnlning IIlaik wooirsCoMi'UKiirxsivic jius to tho smdy or Uio Kcrliilurts.and Nr.viN'a nejv nnd Improved IHCTI'iNAllY UPTIIBIIIIILK, losether Willi Hl.- tkfx PimsHtcwI'iim, rour maps In colors, and 3X1 mperlor ensravlngH on wool: Iamilv Hi.iduh. 1'amii.v auu u, &e.,ie. A Comi'Lkii: l'liosi'i'L-riHoftlils lllblonud iigcut'soutlltlurn lslid hiek lo all who mc.m wutlt. uur pro uruliimoof NI1W llOOKH lor Hie Pall ilicludis S-NKW WOltK IiyJIAHlC TWAIN. , , , SaY-HncccHsmi Agtnts will recelvo flrst cliolco of territory on -MAltli TWAlVd forlhcolulug great work, ....... U'rculais, Terms, Ac., with full Information, sent freoon appiie.illon to 1UFF1F.IjI1j.MI!MF..U), VnilLIsilru. ttpt2;';i-tr 711 Hansom fclrect, I'li'lajelphln, Jacoii K. HaiTii. J. It. Br.LTZr.ti MITU A SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In rorcljnand Domestic II A R I) Vf A R E, 0 11 N B, 0 H T 1. 1! P. V, AC. HO. UU N. TIIUiDHrjlttHT. AS n.H.IOM'UILI. piiii.ahkIjI'iiia, Jna 1'71-ly IN SURA N OE A 0 E N 0 Y. Wyoming 0171 1 .0 i jlltnn M t.i.iu.oic Fulton N, Y tlo.lMl North America ul,ilj City IVJ.IXI Iutoriiatlocal N.Y l,ii,(l Niagara jS'.Y I.usi.uu Merchants H . &&,f0 HlirlUgnoid m h, f.TO.ll'ill FarinerN' Dauvllle.N.Y m. H Aso,!' AllialivUlty - w 4HU.O.I0 jOanvlile, Horse Thelt...HM..H H.. Mutual. Atlantic. N. Y h u... ...... l,roo,lo UMiuninu, ji, i i.A;,UUU FllKAS HU0WN, jttiflif, msum-ly. IlMovaiiuau fa. TOE NATION It3 Ruloi'o and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Nnlhlngllkolt. Strikes everybody nsjust Iho boolc Ihey need. It Is all fc'ncyelojnuaiii or Iho llovcriinieut. Hlniiio pages m It, mo ol ttiom. selves worlli tha price of Iho book. .(JirrrjUUniait amlmifjiSiK), Itlt.ll llnrs est for Canvassers hulks and giullenien iiirmria, teachers and .Indents. Onv uuent toukl&uriUr inavw ttati, Willi clruclur ulonc. More Ihe book aimurt it. 8i dy can bo cleared lu fair Ii rrllory, Wrllo at once for circular aud lurormntlon. NI1W WOULD I'llliMHIIINd CO., tor. 7lh and Mar ket Streels.PliilaJelphla. oct, O.'Tl-ly.J QIIESTER S. rUIlSlANj ' HAUNISiB, RADDLK, AND TRUNK ilAHUKAWUUKll, and dealer In UAM'IiT-lSAdS, YALI81H, FLY-NLT3, UUrrALO 1I011E3, ItOllSIMILAKKErc .tC, which he reels confident he can sell ot lower rato than auy other person In tlio county, Px. amine lor yourselves, Hhop opposlto the rost OHlce, Main Blrcet, fllooiusiiurg, 1'u, Aug. 5, IS70, f Y"U1'0AN WORKS, DANVIIiLE I'A. WILLIAM H. LAW. Manufaclurer of Wrought Iron Ilrldgcs, Hollers. jiuilioiaers, Fireproof Imllillngs. Wiought lion llOOHUU. icioninr" Vrime. ll.WA. Farm uiites ani ill fencing, also Wrought Iron nloi Jng, Black, and all kinds ofBintth Worlc Ao. ItepnlM promptly attoniloil lo , ' V, ll. llrnwtuijs and Pullulates supplied, oclVT7My. IP. s !S it III Hit! .EtWr.Wln G & s 11 Km7&KsLZ PA. Miscellaneous. gOiMETIIINQ NEW I . . l.l 1.. ..Mlz.nl Tho ttnuersigncn wumu ,VJ auu n.n. t. i.aq int rnmnlctrHl A I IHST CLAHH Hi.AitHi;,nn "nt","'"v,v:;i,vsv7iK:r'Vn KanViiV ifiktiA. AtmntfAil pxrcrlcnced ncrsotifl who will takn rhamo orilift liodlcs nf tho docraned nssoon V.-.. i.Jt.. ,m r,r llil tiinrljtt roll' nnd attend to wn4liiglhem(Bhavmg, dressing, Ae. Hhroud I furnUhcd also to order, At much expense ho lint nita nrocurcu nu i i TiinM Tfll1 linV I 1 It W li J XJ u u "I tn nhtrh hndlCM Cftll 1)0 Preserved In ft ClCntliy 1 VVTy?l""l"Z chargoof nc'iriwolmmidlately after itentli, and save rrleiid-iaiuircuiivcsauiuriner uuuu. jiu I HoniHo carries on ino uusintsnui OAIll N E T MAKING Unliolslerlnii In nil lis lirnnclirs, ropAlrlnu fiunl. turn rn..ntlti'r rutin liiiltntnpif rlinlril. AC. AC liuiir.ui iiuju, lllonmsuiirg, JulyM.lSTO-tl. pATKNT ARION PIANO. ThnniiMitAi! ltilriimrnt In tho World. It H vncqtntlU-U In HlchucHt, Bower, Brilliancy nnd Durability, Hpeclnl terms to Teachirn. larked favors lo L'lcrgytnon, bend for lllus!ralcd Arion mmpuiei. , , . maT 1071 tf.l Maucii Uiidsk, I'a. QAltRIaVQlj MANUFAOTORY, JI, C. BLOAN 4 llUOTHKK Hnvo on hnnd and for salo nt tho most reasona ble rates n spieiHiiii monk wi CAKHIjVUEH, I1UOOIE3, and every description ot Wagons both l'ljAIjN All r.iflvi I M....in.i int,ninAilinfUiAliiilaiiil mnit dur nblH ni.itcrinls, and by the most exjierlcnccd workmen. All work fent out from Iho estab lishment will bo found to hoof Iho Highest elnss and snrotoolvo rfect mtlsfictlou, They have also n lino nssoriniont m H Ij 11 1 U H 8 or nil tlio newest nnd most lasliloiiablo styles 1 well and ciretitny niauo uuu onus uesi, luui- An Inspection of their work Is asked as Hi believed tlial uouo superior cnu bo found In the country. J'1" k (1 Tatcstbd IlgcBMiisa 7TI1, 1869. OUR CELr.IlUATP.D GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. ".!.V,i. . . ........1.. .i.i. Min.urllU 1 Mltliotio IVnorinUI 111 oiilwrnf mluwu , .... 1 1 .i,a. I '( Ht In 11 nil nil 11 f b'ltr. HOI. II OM.V ll Hll.Mis f"p 'I'14 rriismi nnr rnrrit'll' prwuii mil fpalu UtMpfpinontli. rriOtOHriiliO,ii'il I 'Iwontimiilol'tii. liliftilal wibtici,f.U rmtl 11 f I'oiim, ei.UU Intlvw Luii-iH WUSTBIIN rUBLlSHINO Co. Uf ,n..r..t.i,r. Anl. Pllt.lrtir-'i. P.. IS .ftuiiilii. IIhv Kttl I tic uriitiiiie r in j T VIN ri." "oi'l Hyl'iUl'iiinjiuiir.iii pi n. Pannlr. , I i wrtlcr) nlll luict pronirt Httpntloi. J.IU 'JU'71 ly A7KWKIKM AT OUAKOKVILLE IUOX FOUNDRY AND AaRICUfi- TUUATj works. OUKAT IMl'BOVEMBNTri IN BI.OWH AND TilUBSHINO SrACllINIX Mr. Jacoh Trlvlci'leco having purchnscd tho Interest of Charlts V. Iiow In ihe iihovo named workt, tho business will ho co itluued under thu him unmoor William r-'uiitiYLKit A Co. ItuvJns discovered several lnipeiiecttoiiH In tho jlow iiunuf.u'turutl in 1S70, they ii.ivo ttreiiutheue! im 1 hnpr)Vcdthoni,und udded Bonio entire new rMlfrnt. 'Ihtv will onen thoHnilii! tnulo uf lh?l l.ir in tulvaiico or uuylhliis tiur ollercd to thu puhllc, hclnii hoth practical mechanic., and hav ing mwir itiK mi utjiiu iiuuf r iiif ir own nuper vUIon they gu.iraulco tlielr work ku per tor in niMicri.ti Hint mii'ii in uny iiuiuiui.ru uiierco. lx-nlcm hhould not ncent of anv other nirrlcul. turnt lniplcmeiitH until I hey havo examined our M.iuuUclure. funnel should try our pIowh before hiiyiuuany othtr. '1 heyuUo manufacture ALL KIND.- OK CAH1INGH. nsnally mudo In fIrt.tclnsH roundrlei, daw nnd trial mm casuust, huuu uuu uucu up 10 orucr, THRESHING MACHINES nro made a specialty, nnd some very decided lm provcmentH luohteu Introduced into their ma I'hlnoft. l'rlrci lower lliuu over: nil klmU nt country produco uuil old Iron taken in exchange uruir uirt'CL iium mu iiiuiiuiuciury, um ngtu- viva nui'iuivti uiiium liiu h luitvr, Addrcaaull ordem to WILLIAM KCIIUYLKR & CO., AQllICULTUHAL V.'OUKS, OUANGKVJLLE COLt'-MIJIA COUNTY, I'A. (All I' mmmm vra:ttl Wild Inflians Plains. Q tno Tim remarkable adventures nf tho lumous VHiri;cillfcl''nndlilU WAIIIIIUU among the Itoil hit ins. Thrilling uccouuts i,r uroit liunts, imiii'nmiiu i pn iiiiu iriliuiu Willi the big unfile iiud hotllu tribes, Hplrltod descrip tions 01 the habits and feuporMlUons or that blraugo people, Their fcSpori. Legeuds, Tradi tions, Iiow tnev Woo und wed, Healp, Doctor, Worohlp, dc. Now, 1'ruah und 1'opular, l'rlce Low, Ills selling by Ihe thousand with won. derlul rapidity, Agents aro making from &V to $loo per week, Choice Meld yet vac-ant. Heud at oiko mr bain plo chapters, Illustrations nnd pur- 10) cliest u'ut bt l'hU. JiXUii ll'll. ORN OUT WIIKKLKIt it WILSON MACHINES in tho junikct. Why U It ? MANY WORN-OUT MAOIIINICS of other manufacture In tho market. Why 1 It? Ilccause, with nn JNCUHAHK OK l'OWKIt, Thci 0 U a DECIilUSlO Of l'UICTION. Iu other words, It Is hlmplu and ndjustablo, lis easy, sprliihtty motion, when compared with ihe moro ponderous movement ol tho Hhutlle innchlnes, evinces this, liny Wheeler a rt'llhon, nml you will have n maihlnotlmt w 111 uecr wtar out, t Hold by 11. M. MiLUKii, ut J, W, Nlles' Music Hlore, uvtJL'mi E XUHANGE IJAKERY A N ll U O N T E 0 T I O N E It Y , JILOOMSDUIIQ, VA. The uodcrslsuod, successors of F, Wldmycr, would uspoeliully unuounca that they have taken tliuwelWt'htabluhoil ctand recently occu pled by the above named, lu Uhwinsbunr, und Pieparodtoeoulluuo the biuluais of manufac turing nnd belling, by W1I0LUHALH AND ItlH'AIL, Confectionery of every style and kind, thev will iiuvout all times 11 complete uu Also. tho best uudrieshoNt Dread und Cuke, I'urlien d uli Ins anythhig lu this lino will find It to their udvuutuce to cull 011 us. AN ICE CUE AM SALOON Is added to tho establishment, and ladles nnd others who may patronize im, may rely upon upon receiving proper utlentlon, A reasonable fchurt'orpubllii putrouaiiels respectfully solicited, lltupbeiry, Ihuiioii. und other Hyrups, lu largo and small quantities, constantly oulmud. ' 4Sw Wtk Mi M UlVliJbM May B. ini.-lv Oltinnr, FOUNTAIN l'KNU for lale cheap at ibis omce. & m 1 x OFTIin V AG El Patont Modicihes. TTENUY T, IIEtiMUOLiD. O O M P O U N v r Ii U I u KXTHACT CATAWBA Q 11 A P 13 P I L L B. Component Itrtt-HuUl ICttraH Jlhubarb nnd Until tr lift ritt. ' 1 " von livbh complaints, jaundici:. bil 1U AITIXTIONH. HICK OU NKIIVOUH Vi:tlKTABM:, CONTAINING NO MIIUCUUY SIINIUtAI.a OK I)KLIJTIi.HIOUH BHUtlH, iiicsoriiisnrouiomosi, uetigiuruiiy pic.xiaii n,ir,Mflvn BimftTiindlnff P.xttnr nil. milu. mm,. ... . .. t ,iritti , Thorn 1 lintMtitf tnnrn nntii.1.1u l the stomaeh. They elvo toue. nnd causo iicltlit i imusoanor griping pains, They are compoHcj at tha finest Ingredient. After n few days' use thctii.sitciintiiiivlitoriitlonutllioentlru systc.i lalccs plnco ns tonppcnr inlrnculnns to tno tve U anil enervaled, whether arising rrom linprn ilcnce or illsenso, II, T, llollnbold's Compound Fluid KxtrnctCiitnwbaUrnpo l'ills nro nnt r coulcd, from tho fact that suiar-conted l'lnsdo ii.tdlsolvo,butpassiurouaiituostomnciiwltli.iu dissolving, consequently do not prodtico thoiic sired clfocU TUU OATjVWHA UHAl'Il l'll.M being plcnsnnl In tnstoatul odor, do not necessl. talo their being sugir-coiitei.1. 1'IHCK FI1TY CUSTH 1T.K 110X. IIKXllY T. inHLSWOLD'ti. 11K1I11.Y COSCKHTaATCIl COMt'OUNtl ri,UII) llXTHAOT BAlVSArAlllMjA Will radically citirmlnato from tho systotu Scrofula, Syphilis, Perer Bares, Ulconi, Hare ru Hiiro Legs, Horo .Mouth, Head, llronchill Skin Diseases, Halt UheuiA, ankers, Uunnln , from tlio Ilnr, Whlto Hwolllngi, Tumors, t'jiu ccrous Alfectluns, Nodes, ltlckcts.Utaudiird.s' lugs, Night Hweats, ltasi!, Totter, Humors ol a Kinds, L'liroulo Itheumatlsni, Dyspepsl.i, nnd n dlsonso Ihntuas been established in tho systo forbears. IlelnffproparcdKXriUlriSLY forlliouhovo com p'ntnKUsUIJOD.PUItlPYINa proprleliei nr creator Hum nny other prepur.ttlon ot Hirnapa. rllla. It Rlvci tho COMlXliXION n cletir nn healthy color nnd restores the patient to a ut. U ol lir.AIril nnd 1'UUtTY. Vot rurlfyliu tlie Wood, removing nil Chronic Constitutional Dl eases arlxlng from an lmpura fitato of tho hloui1 And thoonly rcliabienndeilcctual known rcnu dy lor tho euro nf rnlnn and Hwclllli o( Hit HoueH, UJccratlons of the Throat and Lc., IHotclies, 11 in pics on tho l'uce, tlryBlpelan .1 nil (.caly r.ruptlons oftho Hkln, and Iit-aullfj In the Complexion, l'rlco, 81 50 per Dottle. 4 HENRY T. ilELMHOLIVS CONCnMU-lTED FL UID JCXTUA or 11 UUU V, tiii: ciuuat immune, has cured every caso of Diabetes In which It h 1 been ulvcn. Irritation of tho neck of tho llladdi nnd Ivtllammation of tho Kidney", Ulceration o the Kldnsys nnd 11 Udder, Itotcutlon of Urlno Discasesor tho 1'iostato Oland.Htono lu iho itlml ilcr, Calculn, Oravcl, ltrickdiisl Deposit, aim Mucous or Milky DlscharKes, nnd for Imfublt. aud Delicate Constitutions of both Hexes, altm ded with tho followina symptoniHi ludtitrij 1 P tlon to i;xcrtlou, loss ol l'ower, loss or Memory Dllllculty of lireathlni;, Weak serves, Trem t hlliiK, Horror of Disease, wakeiulnesB, Dl tunes of Vision, Tain lu tlio lSutlt, Hut Hands, l'luhi tug of tho Uody, Dryncbn ot thu HUin, i;ruptiui tlio Face, l'.illld Countenance, univmft LaNslludo of Hie Muscular System, etc. Urtcd by persons irom tuo ages ofclfihtecn li twcntytlve, nnd irom thlrty-fUo to 11 1 ty-tho lu the decline or chano of life; after confine ment or labor pains; bedwcttlug lu children. HclmboUrti Kxtrnct Duchu is Diuretic nn. niood-Purllylng, and cures all diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation, and lis censes 111. Imprudences in Life, Impurities of thu D!u a I etc., Hupcrsedlug Copabhi lu Hlfuctlons for will it is used, nnd Uyphllltlc AlK-ctioiis-ln tht diseases use. I h connection With Hi:LMnoLH9 ltosi; WAHH. LADIHS. In many nirectlons peculiar to ladles, tho Ki ; tract liuehu lsimequaUedhyuny otlior rcmedj ! ns is Chlorosis or ltetcnttont Irregularity, I'.Uu I rutnebs or Huppresslon of Customary Hvacui- tlon, Ulcerated or Hchlrrus Htato of tho Uler 1 Leucorrhcra or Whltcs,Hlcrllity,utid for nil cou plaints incident to tho hex, whether arising fion Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It is pre- Kcrlbol extensively by tho most eoilnont phyni lausnnd Midwlvwi for Kuteebled and DulUuth Constitntlonw, of botli sexes and ull ujes fatten ! dod with any of tho nhovo diseases or y tnptomt II. T. HKLMnOLD'S UXTltACT nUCliU uunra i)isi:.v3in awsino fuom nirr.i UIl.NCi:, IIAUITH or DISSIPATION, Kt .., In all tuclr stages, at llttlocspcnso, lltilonr chaiizo In diet, no lnconvonlelico, anil nn cl posure. It causes n frtiueut desire, nml nlwi hlrcutftu to Urlmile, tiiereby remnvliiK Olnitn. lions, Provcullui: nml Cnrins Htriclurus ultl Uretha, .Mlaylntr ai una Jutlammalloii, i' frequent In tills class of Ultoise-s, anil txMll. alt l'olsouous mailer. Tliousanils who liavo been tho victims nfl: competont persons, niiil who havo paid Ikst fees to bo cured In a snort time, have riiiud I! havo been deceived, nnd that tho "I'olson" Ii by tlio nse of "powerful astringents," btenilrln up in tho system, to break out lu a moro a,n vatcd form, nnd perhaps after Marriage. Uso ni:r.Mnoi,u'H kxthaut huchu for u Allectlons aud Diseases oftho Urinary Ori;aci wlietlicr exlstlus lu Male or Female, from Mlm ever canso orlgluatlnit, and no matter of lit' long htandln;;. l'llIUIl ONE DOLLAIt AN. FIFTY CENTS VKR 110TTLU. IIKNItY T. IHjIjMIIOLIVH im 1MIOVKD UOdK WABIt caunot bo surposied as a FACU WAHlI.an I bo fuuud tho only siccllle romedy in evr species or CUrANl.OUH AFFECTION. It dlly eradicates l'lMPLK-J, HPOTS, HCOltHLI. DKVNIOSS.INDUItjVTIO.NSoftlioCUTANWi MEM11IIANK, eto dispels 11KDNIVW nnJ 0' CII'IllNr INKLAMATION, HIVliS, I'.fJ MOTH 1'ATUIIIiS, DltVjNliSS OF BCAI.l' HKIN.FIlO.STIlITEH.nnilall purposes lor v. ir 8ALVEH or OINTMllNIH are used ; re.Iuren a Ulu to u stalo of purity aud softness, anil ' surea continued healthy action to Ihe tl..n Its vos.sels, uu which depend tha aitrceahlo i-lii.'' ncss und vivacity of coinpldxlon so mujli son, iiud admired. Hut however valuablo " remedy for existing defecui of the slilu, 11. ' Itelinbold's ltoso Wash has louic sustalneJ prlnclplo claim to uubouudod pitromiRi'. Iiosscssiugqualllles which render It n Toil AITIINDjVUE: of the most Hupell.iluo 1 Congenial character, combluluir lu uu formula those prominent reiiulslls, HA I'm HFFIOAUY the Invariable uccoiupuulme Its use as a l'reservutlvo and IUilnlieriu Complexion, III, an excellent I.ollon fut cases of uriypliilltloNuturo, and ns uu lnjc lordlsoosesofthe Ullliury Orjaus, nrisluj 1 liublts of dissipation, used lu couiu-cllon t. the UXTUAfTSIIUUIlU.HAIlSAI'AltlLljA.i 1 CTjVVHA (lltAI'K I'IMjH.Iu such dlsenwi recomineuJeil, cauuot bo surpassed, I'liltl oni: domjAH run uotti.k. Full and explicit directions aeoompanyl. inedtclnes. 1-lvldcuee of tho most responsible aud rolls character furnished ou application, with i:ur dreds of thousands of llvluu; witnesses, and cr ward of 30,000 unsolicited certincatcsnnd rrw' ineudatory letters, many of which are from I-' hlnhnst .niiri.,... itiAliiilltiir ttnilnntit lliv fctclat Cltruymeii, Htatesmen, etc. The proprietor uuver resorted to their publication In the nr1 papers i ho does nut do tills from the fact tu his articles rank as Htundard l'rcparatlous, do not need to be propped up by ccrllncuit". Ilemy T. IIcliuliulil'ii Cciiulr I'rviutralluiia. Delivered to any address, be cure from ot1 vatton. Established upwards of twenty years. BoU II DruinlsU everywhere. Address letters fr formation, In confldence to HUNltV T. II W-'1 HOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only DenoUi II.T.IUIIjMUOLD'H Drui! " Chemical Warehouse, No, 691 Ilroadway, " 101 Bouth Tenth Htreet, I'UlliulelphU, I'a. (.it for IIIHUVT UKI.MIinl.ll'H TAKK NO OTH'' I :