The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 08, 1871, Image 3

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The' Columbian.
Bloomsburg, Friday, Deo. 0, 1871.
ilro.lUtowKi.T.ACo.,40 Vatk Hmr.nrennronly
jUMIlOllKt'U lUYClll'IHB nKtlll" III 1CW I OlKi
t'ni:,WKTliitn!M.lL,(.,iSn, MJ7Chetnut Htreet,
titn nur nnlv Auriiln In I'hllailnltthlAi
0.(1. MlTiti'HY, (, Ionr imlhorlaed Agent nt
(Vntrnllft to IraiiMctauy business pertaining to
TIH1 LUIil HI lll.n IlllCe
0 f All mix otl lMfmptit fhr tlm fnrirntriff locftlr
tloi mustbGcndonied by Uicmj Agents, or, t hey
Win i neivu uu uiicmiuu, '
Hallrond Timo Table
Kmtli. Hmilli.
l.x icfb
lBHA.M. 3:571M,
tlliV. M. M
CIoIhr Nnrtli.
4:11 1; M.
doing Hontli.
To out Ilcndcrs,
Cm I. Hkockway mil (ho lirosc-xit
litiblls li'.r not liflvlng been nblo to nrrlvo
nt tlic coiicluslmi In regard to tho
vnluo of tho Coi.umwan establish
tnditi tlio latter will rcllro from lil-s
Kitiiucllon Willi It on tho 1st of .lumiiiry
next. 11 la desirable, tliotcfotp, that nil
rciEOiiB linvlnu dcnlincs with tlio pres.
ent publisher thould tclllo up jirovlous
lo that date. On January Ul nil utrsct
tied accounts will bo left In tlio li.mds
of C. W. MiLLEH, Kti),, forimmediato
Decembers, 1671-tf.
jr. F. Conn eh Is authorized to trans
p.ct nny business connected with tho
Coi.u.mman ofllce. tr.
Tui.piiav last was tho coldest day
that has visited us this winter. Tho
river Is frozen over nt tho Uloom Ferry
mid tlio lco tuftlelently stions that par.
ties arc err.Bsinp; it on foot.
The editor of tho Columbian will sell
his premises, on tho corner of Centra
Street anil 5th Avenue, Illoomsburir,
and rIvo possession thereof nt nny tlmo
after January 1st. Tlio property Is in
all respects i very deslrablo ono and
will bo sold on favorablo terms. Call
and scr. .
aJonciAN PowklTj, Assistant Super
intendent of tho Lchlfih Company's
mines, was shot in tho streets of Sum
mit Hill, Carbon county, I'.i., last Sat
urday night, by an unknown person,
and died on Monday morning. Two
men havo been nrrcstcd on suspicion.
Lows NAi'or.KON's goods nnd chat
tels found In Paris, aro being sold under
tlio hammer. Thcroaro t'00,000 bottles
of wlno among tho goods olfored. It Is
thought tho salo will reullzj two mil
lions of francs, about onoiigh to Ibiul
dalo his unsettled debts.
Alexis. Tho Clraml Duko Alexis
arrived in Philadelphia on Sunday eve
ning. On Monday ho had a formal ro
ccptlon by tho commit too, brejlcf.ntod
at tho Park, shown around tlio city nnd
attended a grand ball in thu Academy
of Music In tho evening.
Ac-cnrrr.i). Iluv. A. K. IIouni:, of
Wllllamsport.hasaccepled tho position
of Principal of tlio Koystrmo Normal
School at Kutztowu, llciks county,
which was tendered him tiimo mouths
ago. Mr. Is a native of Spring
field township, Pucks county, and has
filled tho ofilcoof City Superintendent
of tho public schools of Williamsport
for pcvcral years past.
Puna way. On last Saturday nfter
noon, a horse, attached to a carriage, in
which wcro seated tho owner, Rev.
John Hewitt, Hector of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church, nnd wife, of this
place, becamo frightened nnd ran
against tho corner of Mr. Corrcll's fur
nlturo store. Itesult Mr. Hewitt cs
caped with a few slight bruises and
Jlrs. Hewitt was moro seriously Injured
vehlclo slightly damaged.
Tin: Luzcrno Union records another
terrible accident resulting from tho too
common practice of blowing down a
lamp chimney to extinguish tho light.
Thccnaialty occurred in Cleveland, Pa..,
a few nights since. Mrs. Kllzaboth
Stark disrobed to retlro about ten
ci'cleck. Sho attempted to extinguish
lier coal oil lamp in u very common
manner, by blowing down tho chim
ney. Tho lamp exploded, throwing
over her tho blazing liquid, and In an
Instant tho was enveloped In ilames
and terribly burned.
The houso of C. Q. MOiti'iiv nnd
public School Houso In Conyngham
township, was totally destroyed by flro
on Sunday morning last, nt about 3
o'clock. Mr. MuitPHY nnd family
l'arcly escaped with their lives, ns thoy
wcro only nrrouscd by tho neighbors
breaking In tlio door of his houso whim
the alarm was given. Tho insurance)
will probably coverono half of tho loss.
Mr, Muni'liY saved till Ills papers,
k that his sureties for tho collection of
taxes, Ac., aro harmless. Tho flro was
tlio work of au Incendiary, for coal-oil
was discovered on tho plank walk
around tlio bdiool homo nnd thrown
agnlnst his house, so as to Ignlto tho
fire. 'o aro sorry to loam that Mr.
MuupjiY's back was sprained in his
efforts to savo his papers. Tho incen
diary Is supposed to bo actuated by tho
dlllkulty lately taken placo with tho
School Hoard of that township. Mr.
Muni'liY was a teacher in tho school
house destroyed by tho lire.
Mit, Kditoh.-a few days slnco I ro
celvcd tho following "Card." " You aro
invited to nttend n surprlso 'Donation'
party nt tho residence of Mr. James C.
i.ecuir, for tlio benellt of ltov. T. H.
i turns, on tlio nuernoon utul ovenlng of
November UOth, 1871." Of eourso
went, I alwnysgo, wliero I am Invited
so particularly, If I can, (and am n mind
Brother Tubba was Junior preacher
last year, on tho Klysburg charge, nnd
now boaida with tnid J. C. Pccilur.
within tho bounds of tho Melntyro up
polntmcnt. Tho nttendancn was not
largo but good. I found thupcoplu eat
ing, drinking', (nothing intoxicating)
and giving, How much thoy nto nnd
drank, deponent tnith not but satih they
Kavo Ufty-four dollars a largo share of
which was cash.
At a proper hour, nbout nlno p, m,,
lliu peoplo began to talk of seperatlng,
Ptother Tubbs thanked his frionds for
this regard. (Thu money I moan,)
Then followed Blnglng, thanksgivings,
Intercessions nnd good nights.
1 hope soon to bo ablo to Inform you
of other good deeds, done by thu Mo-
Intyro people.
E. M. T.
Catawlssa Hills, Dec. 2, 1871.
T tho nilllor of tlie Columbian I
Tlio Common Schools of our County
will compsro favorably with lhoo of
any oilier county of this State, with
but few oxeoptions. In tho capacity
and competoncy of our corps of teach
era, nnd In our buildings nnd school'
roim furnlturo wo nro keeping apaco
with tlio tlniesln school Improvements.
Tho grndo of our teachors Is being
raised rapidly by tho advantages
nllordcd, by tho Normal School nt
lllooni9burg nnd ncadomles In tho conn
ty, to teachers In tho preparation for
incir prorcsslnn. Yet ono thing, In my
estimation, of vast Imnortntico to tlio
schools nnd teachers Is being crossly
neglected by tho teachers of Common
:cnooi3, nnd 1 11030 onganed In conduct
Ing our schools of a higher grade. Wo
havo publl'hcd In this county four
nowjpapors, which proves very conclu
elvely that tho peoplo of this county aro
a peoplo of reading habits, and yet how
IIlllo appears In them regarding our
Common Schools. In which respect wo
aro behind most other counties nor Is
tho fault with our newspapor editors,
but with our teachers and thoso con
ducting our schools. Tho politician ills
curses tho Issues Involved, In tho news
papers tho agriculturist furnishes lo
tho public, In printed matter, tho best
ways of raising different kinds of ve '
ctablcs and grains, and tho .teacher
should do tho samo by his constituents
in letting them know tho manner of
learning most readily tho young Idrn
how "to shoot," nnd such other Infor
mation n ho may havo ocrpjlrcd from
experience) for tho benellt of thoso who
nro engaged In tho samn profession.
Iso doubt cither of tho editors of our
county papers would gladly glvon col
umn of their paper to bo devoted every
week to tho subject of Education or
an "Educational Column," to bo edited
by somo tc.icher. It would add matter
of great Interest to overy family if
properly conducted. Every teacher In
tho county nnd thoso desirous of writ
ing upon tho Htiljcct of education
should contrlhuto to tho column some
original production of their own, and
It would soon becomo Interesting to
teachers, parents nnd children. Should
nn nrllclo appear by somo teacher with
tho writer's namo signed, ills pupils,
such as could read, would bo very mix-
ous to sco It, nnd exolto nn interest
upon that point In tho school. Parents
would bo pleased, seeing that It was the
work of "our teacher," and ho would
mmcdlately rlso In tho estimation of
both parents nnd children, especially If
It wero tho practico of him requiring
ils pupils to write "those dreaded
things compositions." They would at
oneo seo that ho did not wish to teach
by precept only but by practico also.
At ono tlmo whllo I was teaching I
wroto nn nrtlclo on somo educational
subject nnd signed my initials, they
wero discovered by somo of my larger
pupils to bo mine, n paper was brought
to tho school room In tho morning by
ono of thorn, nnd soon n number of
them wcro crowded around n tablo try
ing to get n gllmpso of it ono nfter
another ns then came in wero told of It,
and dually n small boy camo to mo and
asked, "teacher did you urile u-hat is in
the paper there f" I was asked fre
quently afterwards when I would write
again for the paper. I instanco this to
show what Interest can bo created In
tho proper place.
Every teacher should bo a ready
writer, and unless ho makes an nllcmpt
ho will never becomo proficient. Every
teacher as I havo said beforo can gain
access to tho columns of somo paper
published in tho county, through which
ho can Impart tho results of his experi
ence or of his reflections. Suco n eourso
will benefit tho writer and nt tho samo
timo will awaken others of tho samo
profession to thought and action. In
his way tho attention, not only of
eachers, but parents, will bo called to
ho work of education. Ono mind may
move a thousand. Teachers can through
tho press discuss overy question pcr-
alnlng to their duties, ns thoroughly In
this way as nt associations or Institutes',
and perhaps better. Tho newspapers
n ourcounty nro instruments that havo
as yot been employed too lltllo for edu
cational purposo). 'A.
KcaMinalile Hints,
Wk tnko tho following timely sugges
tions from tho Philadelphia Ledger:
Tho nipping nnd eager air proclaims
tlio rapid approach of Winter. And
tho Winter has thoughts and purposes
nnd duties, which must bo entertained
and put In practico at once. EIsj wo
shall havo want of consideration, wasto
and Imperfect performance. Ono of tho
most Imperatlvo duties of tho winter Is
provision for tho poor. Without doubt
tho many excellent organizations which
exist will Eoon bo In operation, and ef
forts will bo niado an.l continued to
glvo relief to such extreme cases ns
present thcmselve-s to tho public chari
ties. Tho labors of thoso organl.itlon s
aro greater than any can understand.
In tho meanwhile it becomes tho duty
of overy ono, within thu circle of his
influeneo, to seo what can bo dono to
anticipate tho work of theso associa
tion,!!, nnd, by nntlclpatiug, to pruvent
Shelter, clothing nnd fuel aro requis
ites which do not como within tho per-
view of all benevolent associations to
so great an oxteut its tho supply of food
Put the meaning of tho word "starve,"
as given In old English dictionaries, Is
"to perish bycoWor hunger.'1 Common
usago restricts tho meaning of tho word
starvation to tho lack of food but
no amount of food will wholly
avert the pro-drating e'll'Cct of "star
vation" by cold. Tho precautlon.iry
measures Just now to bo taken by overy
ono who has moro than n sufficiency of
raiment, Is to supply bomo person who
Is les fortunate. A vast amount of
good can bo douii in this way, and tho
dUposal of superfluous articles cm bo
so managed as not only to anticipate
suiiering, nut to savo tho decent nrldo
nnd self-respect of tho necessitous. Out
grown garments of children, uud urtlu-
lea lieioiiging to older persona, or whlcl:
they no longer euro for, may bo mado
to do excellent service, und if Judicious
iy distributed can bo so given us to
seem tho gift of friendship rathoi' than
of charity. Ondgreat advantago of this
mode of making everything which can
bo useful tonuybody, of service to some
body, Is, that tho givers Imowthnt their
tloniitions nro well bestowed nnd useful.
Tho relief of the urgent buffering In tho
West has depicted somo surplus ward
robes, but we hopo It bus not exhuusled
Tho wide provnlanco of an epidemic
uisi-usu iu vtiuuio puna uj mo eouuiry
opens nn unusual nvcuuo for charity,
Of course, duo nnd proper precnullon
rostrlcta personal visits. Hut physicians
nnd others whoso professional and other,
relations bring them In contact with
tho sick nnd suffering will gladly avail
themselves of tho remedial aid which
tho furnishing of comforts will impart,
not only to tho actually diseased, but to
their families. Peoplo among whom a
contagious dl3caso exists nro doublo
suflorers. Their means of support and
relief nro cut off, nnd lo tlio. grief of
8lckncssund sorrow nro ndded tho mis
cry nnd mortification of nvoldnnco by
their neighbors and others. In this field
charity hasascoponlmost unlimited.
On suvcrat nnnual roturns of tho
holidays tho Ledger has ndvlscd
tho iitltiitiiff of prosants. Tho a nmo
suggestions nro again In season. Homo-
body wittily speaks of tho absurdity of
presenting rullles nnd frills to n man
who Iim no shirt. Yet a great propor
tion of holiday presents como under
this tuelou eitegory. Thoso who pur
pose and nearly every ono docs so pur
poso to mako prcfonts nt Christmas
nnd Nuw Year, should take tlmo to
consider how they may turn tlio occas
ion to ono of profit nnd renl advantage.
Pretty trifles havo their place, but
should not absorb too much of tho en
thusiasm of tho holiday spirit. Tlieso
nnd other seasonablo considerations
should bo weighed at lclsuro beforo tho
stores and streets nro crowdoJ with
I.tnr.HAi.lTY. Wohenr a good thing
told nt tho e'xpenso of n merchant In n
neighboring town. Ono of thu minis
ters of tho placo was having n donation
parly, when Mr. .ambitious to ap
pear liberal, marked u four dollar castor
up to twelve dqllars, nnd took It In as n
don ittou, gotlliu mush credit for ids
liberality. Tho next il y the minister
called nt tho store with his twclvo dol
lar ceslnr, stating that as they could not
afford so oxpenslvo ii'i article, ho
would bo pleased to oxehango It for its
marked valuo In other needed goods,
and tho minister was sosn wending his
way homeward loaded down with a
loz'vi dollars' worth of selected groco-
Tun total population of tho United
Stuto3, as correctly stated in tho report
of tho Superintendent of tho Census.
Just finished, is 38,923,210. Tho colored
population Is 4,8S0,397 ; Chinese, 03,253;
Indian, 3S3.712.
Tiieue wero In Philadelphia 233
leaths from Small Pox, for tho wesk
erdlng on last Sunday.
Dkxtek is said to havo trotted n mllo
In 2 minutes and 1 1 seconds In a private
trial recently.
The reason "Xasby" goes lecturing
is: Peoplo havo quit reading his twad
dle, henco ho has to read it himself.
ltcclpts for Subscription to the "Ooliim
Man," for Xmcmlior, 1871.
riinrlri Krum 2 oo 'Wm Miller 200
Win II linus 2 fiuj M Iinivir a (
Hull Dyer 2 U' David llnnntt I no
(1 1' llrlisbnph I! Ml M J I) WUIil-iglon IJI
.Inhti Cl (lulrl: H U .1 II VBinlertlu-o Jr a in
Win ei lliirrls 2 lVm llnsc-nlnioli 2 lid
Jncnli Knlttln 1 OITholnn O't.Vmner 2 00
Sumiipl Ntyhant 2 l-ih.Incol. l'NIitr 2 00
Wmllowi-ll 2 Oo' losepli M1U- 2 INI
!,4nnnnl Kike lulntl 2 o lAljrnm Wnlilforth 2 oo
Ismo Huyiler 2 OOllDr J K Kobhhn 2 10
F.MJX-S.MOVEIi-On tlio Si Iiiht.. liv ltov. A.
Jtrltlnln, nt tholcKl,i'iicanf lliobrMo'H purentH
In Mlintnvllli-, I'nlninl-liii-nniily, Mr. rvrui 11.
I'nux. nf Kspy. to Mlhl Mury, n ilanit'itpl- of
Hftllllll-1 HlllMl IT.
SIIUMAN-lIAeir.NIHTL'II-On Ihe.lOlll lilt., by
ltuv. w 1111. mi J. Eyir, Mr, Jucob Clinton sini
ninn toMlfc-i llluiiua Jliigcubucb, botliol Main
MIM.rcn In Centre township ,(vto1er 3lh, Kr-
1K Mus Lleintnt, 8ou of Julin ntut Julln MUUr,
fitftti a jeuis, 7 mouths a ii U I'J il.ij h,
Tho kummerbtiniilionB brightly,
Ami ilowers were lu Moom
When dealt clalmcil otirllllb Ilrny,
Aud laM Mm In tlio tomb.
Nipped like a bud lu eprlnytliiu
lly a cold bllghlluti storm,
The frul 1 young ilowcr van wlthoed
And from earth's bower torn,
Ytt not tis mortal blossoms,
Did limy lnsinway,
Death only clmcd tho petnN
To opo' lu enJIess day,
Muchns wo miss our Krny,
Wo would not wish him luck nyilu;
Rut rather llvo w holy
That wo may meet him there,
limy Ihou mt-gono to rcht,
Thlao I'inu cjrly tomb ;
Jlut Jesus summoned theo away,
T hy Havlor callt-d the home.
Ulooniklmrx Mnrketi
Wheat per bushel
f 1.11
, I in
... M)
, H U)
- II 00
1 '
1 m
id iV
Corn "
b lour per ham
t hiTsecd
Tullow -
1'otatoeK , - ,
)rlci Applet
HktvH and Hhuulders
Lhiu per pound
liny per ton
TukQukat PicToiiiAt, ANUAn, Hohletlei's
nlted States Almauaok for 1S7. for dMilbu-
Jlou, gratia, throughout the United Stalls, ntul
all civilized countries ei inu wcmitii iiciuis
phure,wll be published uhmt tho fit st of Jan
uary, huho Dnallsli, Herman, lVench, Norwe
gian, Welsh, Kwcdlsh, Hollan t, Iloheiulau nud
h I mil Ish languages, nnd nil win wish tounder
httuul tho truo philosophy of heahh dhould lend
and ponder tho vahuhlokuggchllonsit contains.
In addition to au aduilrablo medical treatlso ou
thocauhtis, proetitlonnud cum of a. great vari
ety or dUenscs, It emhruetjs a lar,jo u mount of
lnrurmatloti lutcrcstlug to tho merchaut, tho
mechanic, tho miner, tho firmer, tho planter,
and professional muu ; nud thucilculat Ions lnvo
been mado for such meridians and Utltudes nn
nroniosl suitable fjr n cor wet nud comprehen
(ilvoXatlonal Calendar.
The nature, uses, nud exlraor Unary sanitary,
tlloclsof Holetter's Htomach Ultteri, the staple
tonic und ulteratlveof more than half Iho Chris
tian world, nro fully set forth lu Its pages, which
nro ulso ItitoMperheJ with pictorial loim,
valuable recipes for tho housnbold nnd (arm,
humorous anecdotes, nud other Instructive and
uiuuslni' rLadlui; matter, orluluul nnd wlt'Oied.
Aiuonu tho Annuals i uu- iar with the oin-ntuii
of ttii j ear, litis will Uu ono of the mint netful,
nmiiHtiyoa uitiur (he uiKiu'j, 1110 i rojirieior,
Mtssrs. llostettur A Hmlih. I'iltstuiruh. Pn.. on
ueelpt o u iwoceut stauip, will for waul n copy
hy mull to nny persou who cannot procure one
In his uiUhuorhool. The Ultteri nro sold lu
every city, town una village, und tuo extensivu
ly iod throuijhout the uutiru civilized world,
" ClICEFWY"llClIl"
J. II. IW A I Z B S,
Coiner Mnlu uiid Cutrn Hi...
A new btoik uf lVthh tloou Jiut ottiHd tit
Teas, CoU'vrN, ff'UK"i'N,
vi:ui:taiimh in:it.Mi;m'Ai.i,v ecnua
UllllllH. .
JKt.I.IUS oml 1'ltr.NHHVKH, PICKI.tX
I'oiiKiu.s' una i)0Mi:snu ntuiw,
An KloKimt Anrioi'tinont
CoiiHtitiitly mi liiiiul.
All my tiomU nro uf tlio llrkl iiiiallly uiul lit t x
ileus 7Ltr
U'n now have on linml a lurco ncntlv printed
tusortiiieut Of JUHTlCK'rt uud CONnTAIILUS
1ILA.NKH, to which we Invite tho attcnUou of
Tun Ini'renslng number; of BUtltlcn
deaths In our county, niul lu mot Iti
stanccj the small itrovlslou niftJo for
ttio support of thoso dependent on tho
deceased, has called frcali1 attention to
tho sul jeet of LUo Insurance. No man
Is so poor tlmt ho cannot hy ttifs mians
Hecuro hla frtrhlly from waut, hts wlfo
andclilldron perhaps from pauperism.
Tho prleo of a cigar a day, or of a drink
of whiskey will do It. It la not an ex
lcn$Uuret hut nn hivcthntnt, fordf tho
astiured pernon lives, ho Rets a dividend
irenorally much hnf;cr than tho Interest
on hla money. Ucsldcs, tho money
cnntiot ho attached by eudllors.
Among Insuratico CompanlcR nono
hold a hlgl tr rntik limn tho Conttnen
tal of New York. Last year It issued
moro policies than any other company
In tlio world, IU solvency U Kuarrau
teed byllgdcpodU with Iho State, and
tho laws regulating It. 0, 11. Uuock
way, of this place, Is agent, and Is
dally sending in applications. Apply
nt onco, whllo In health for "procrasti
nation Is tho thief of timo."
C.C. Makr liftMWlnfl lotot NliW (IOOD.? cjn
Bitting In rinlti Hlrnp nnd Tlada.
C. CM Aim neih pplentlM KID GLOV IIH Tor
Sl.tOper pair.
0. C, Maku l.i n new lot tf CI I MM Ml'.se'
nnd LfulltH'BUOlWclunp,
C.tJ.MAimhns n (lno lot or HATH nn d (JAIH
Cheap for cash,
I. W. IIahtman In (telllns nil his 1'ANCv
HHAWKM nt n grejl roJuctlon, lio oiul see
Tiik placo to buy (JLA8HWAU1! nnd W1I1TK
DHH1H cheap Is at I. V. Hhtman'h.
Tiik greatest Stock of Goods lu tho County to
bo miM In December, Jiinuarr nud 1'cbiuary.
c.ill nt I, W. IIAIITMAN'S.
PisoeksNcw Family Hewing Machines-ten
dollars cash balance In monthly installment'
J. A. Doiiak, Accut, Jllootusbiut', l'n. uo.1-tf
Wr. would ndvho nil tint want zayl Turnl
tin o to go to O. W.COUUr.Lrj, he has Just return
id frcni Iho city with n Kpkndld nHortiueut of
rurnltute Mhlch ho w 111 sell'chraper than over
forcrh'irr rcn.Iy pay. His motto Is qui ck ales
nnd KtciiM profits.
TltK tntcmcntH inuile by dealers lii.other ma
chliiitt, thntthcy bell New Hlnger Hewlm? Ma
chitus Is not true. Tho Hltiger Manufactory
nupply no machines In Columbia county, except
to their authorized pgent, J, A. Dohan. uo.3(J-tf
CIARIC & WOM1' havo nn assortment of goods
now that would bo a credit to any towuorstoro
In theHtnte. Kvcn their lengthy advertisement
cnu not do Justlco to tho subject. It It well
worth tho tlmp to chII nnd fco thesods nud
how cheap they can bo sold.
Winter Is now fairly upon uu, nnd the teams
nro hastening to tho lumber wood In various
parts of tho country. Oar advl o to every ma n
who goes to tho woods, bo ciptnln, cook, toams
ter, or any other man, Is to take along ngood
fctock ot Johnson's anodyne Dinisient nnd
pAitdON'a Pcr.aATtVE Many mouths of
labor (In tho ogregstcj may bo saved by this pre
caution, Had enough to look nnd ft-clbad yourself: bnt
hoexcusofur havlntt your horso look nnd feil
badly, when for a small sum you cm buy Sim;
given In grain two or three times n ecl;,wlll
make him look nnd feci well.
A OKNF.nAi r.ssorlment or SCHOOL U0OKH
nnd STATIONAUY, wholtsalo nnd retail nt A.
D. Wrnn'rt Book fitore, opposite the Court
House. Miscellaneous books, portmounles, Kter
iocoplc pictures, gnmes, pleturo-loolts, blnnk
boo''nof all lcl mis, etc.,elc. nSS-tf,
A .-(Kiriinci elegant nsHorimciitor fall and win
ter cods has Jul t been received by H.II. Milleh
A Hon, which they oiler nt very low price. Alto
nil Articles muntly kept lu a drygoods hi rre.
Their friends nud tho public are Invited to coll
nnd examine them.
Font Whoeer habitually uses nny
alcoholic preparations as an appetlrer" will bo
likely to sufTerfrom four evils, viz.: au overplus
ot food In tho stomach, Impaired ablllly to digest
It, tho pangs of dyspepsia, nno a doctor's bill.
thegreit Teetotol Heslorntlvo of tho ngo, with
out mer Ktlmulatlni.; the palato or Irrltatlns tho
Htoinnc-h, Imparts a healthful nppetlte, promotes
dtcestlon, regulates tho liver and bowels, purl-'
ties tho blood, nnd thin, Instead of ontalllng f.ur
evils, confers four Inestimable benefits.
One on tiik Otiikii is Birun Hero nro two
medicines "Hollands (Jermait Hitters," and
"Ilootland's German Tonic." If yen nro Dyb
peptle.llllllous, or nil of them, ouo of theso peer-
Iths vegetable Specifies will, assuredly, efloct a
cure. If you nro lu doubt which cno to take,
try each alternately. Adopt tho ouo which oper-
nteimost beucnclslly, Kelthercau harm ou.
Possibly, It may bo best to tako each lu turn,
Ouo or the other, or both, can bogmrautted to
work a perfect cure. Sold by all Drugi;Ms.
llDlt TEItM, Ml.
llloom Jnm I. Mellrhle, .ludflh P. lloone.
ltrhutreek -laimon Mail., Frt-ns Fowler,
lientou .John liuleer, hnmuel Applemau.
lteaer Jesse Hittinhouse. Kuocli Kitten
lienvicK itoncrt .-uanninB.
Catawbsa .loseph lliutman, John hiwltie,
IJenry J. Miller.
"ent re Samuel Crevelinp.
Mslilngcreek Wm, W. MeCollum,
ein'riiwoodrlwnrd llonrv.J. 11. lkelcr. M.
M. Kline, John P. Ktster(Wm. Fjer,
jaciEtou .jacoo 1 uuiig, juuu juj uutit.
J.ofUSt-Wm. Itlllfg.
Mliitlu David Drown, Lewis Kckrote.
Maine Dald HhuniPii,
Mudl'ou-Kolomon llaruhart, Wm. II. McDrlde
Montour loim Weaver, Andrew Chirlr.
Orauue Itenlaniln Wertuuin. Abntr Wclth.
James IVrgusou,
fine Jacou ureiiiiebis,
Scott II hum 11, Drown.,
Suyuiloal Amos Iless, Jamfs Howard.
Win. A. Ivtliin vh. .I.inifH V. (Jlllnsnv.
James V. Cillhmpy , Win, A, Kline,
Liemuei ii. iiicueiiu aumiuuiuuur, s, uuviu
Huecuv et. ul.
Joseph H. Kline s. Charles Howard.
John (Jitiv h. Siuidersou llugt-nbuch.
Tiiomas oiouuur vs. .Murtm uuugntiu,
I a. wis J, Adams n, Flslilngcreek tM-hool district
Wm. A: L'aou vs. lttoom Townshll.
Simon WUhti vs. Johu llollumu.
Peter C, Dikrot v. Allied Irvine,
John McAnall vs. Wm. Juenby.
FiuucU J. Kline s, Jacob Ilt-rrlu,
Imvt.l .1. U'uller va. Wt hU-v Wirt.
Stephen Thomas vs. The lVnu'u Caual C.
Nicholas fceybi'ri x. Daniel F. beibt-it.
(. It. Melllck vh, Johu Y enters, adm'r
John U Kliuu's une vs. W, II Yocimi, et. ul.
y,, batterinwait n, i reu, i--,iieneion,
Daniel 1. Seybert vs. Kllnetoh A Wullou,
VtuiUh lleetiu's udm'r c. W. A. Kline.
Mlehuel Muloti h, Philadelphia und Heading It.
n u. uu,
Patrick Mounghuu vs.rtinudclphla und Heading
It. U e'o.
Uodaer Dlxoti f, Philadelphia nnd Heading It.
It. Co.
Mrs. Mary Connelly vs, Phlladelj hU aud Head
ing 11. It. Co.
(leorgo W, IluiUel vs. Philip Apple mail, it, ul.
Churle-it lliown vs. Jos. It. Vumhrsllce.
David hhnihrvs. lltram ThoimtM,
Solomon llluey s, Wtllium Unlp.
Joseph Fly b. Hiinon It(eil, . . ,
Win. T, Shumaii vs. laiekuwiuiua und Dlooms
burg U. 11. t'o,
Daniel suder's use vs. M. C. Met'ollutn et. nl,
Tilmiin btrouku s, Wilson Miller,
K. O. itle'ki'lU vs. Jolin Hwei ney it, ul.
(leorge K, Hess vs. Jofci pti WUoet. ul.
J.Hmllh A Son vs. iieoige K, Hiss.
Ktuellne MeiiM'li vs. Duvl liiedla-ndfr et, ul,
D, J.CuiupU'll A Co. s. William HouiU,
llogait A Kienmer vn. in. Darber,
MU hat I McMahou vs. MehoUs Kindt,
,, W. Kutoins. JohuD, llohNier.
A. W. 1 atonel, al. h F, Uurm r el. nl.
Joseph W.Huisey . John Mullitt in i;t, ul.
Columbia Insuranee Co. s. J, M. l-nrk.
A. 11. Stewart it. n,u, Mntui 11, Jolley it, nl,
Wm. Jlllnes vs. Jonas Doty.
JcremhiU Hess um vs. Jdm Hottntun it, ul.
Prank P. Drotkwuy vs, Duiiltl P. Mej belt,
J. P. Dlnncll's Kxrs V. Auiou Wi HiMtt.ul,
Cioie Whltmojer'sexia vs. John bllnj r,
A, PatdeoACo.vs.DunvlHellu2Kt""uWllkes
burro H. K. Co. . ,
Kusunuhlilihum a. Martin M. Probst.
Mury Mlwi'iler ve, Auron smith,
Henry Fry v. Jenb DellUnimi'ii,
Mordecul Mlllurd . 11. W. Meltej iiolds.
Tliomtit. Wllllumsvs. John Ciitn.
Dunlel lloer Witllugton enger,
AG AZlNi:S, DA 1 i A' A WKKK 1A'
Also nn assortment of i'mUinoniiaies, Pass
Hooks nml Aeeount lloohs, eotistantly on luiud,
Hook not on bund obtained em short notlee,
Nfcw lliMiks are mustiinlly )eluu udtled lo the
itlooinnburuClrculalluK I,lbrury.M Among the
lutil mo "liullt and Innocenee,'1 "Motherless,"
sir llurry," not npur ui nuuiuu uiwtiii." iuiu
mernueui," vie, -
Iho primary ennwof Consumption Is dfiftnfte
ment of tho digest Ivoorftp ns, Tdli ilcrflnrfrtneiit
produces deilcicnt litiltltlon nml assltnllaihi n
Hy ssslmllntlon I meau tlmt process by which
the nutriment of tho food Is converted Into
blood, and thenee Into tho solids of tho body,
1'ersnns with digestion thus Impaired, having
tti6 slightest predlsixinltlou to puliuouiry tits
ease, or 11 they tnko cold, will bo very lUblo to
havo Consumption nf tho Dungs In somo or Its
formstand I hold that It will bo impoihla lo
cure any ense of Consumption without first ro
storing n good tlleestiou uud healthy hhMm na
tion. 1 he very first thing to bo done Is toclennso
tho stomach and bowels front ntldlseusrd mucus
nnd sMme, which Is clogging thes-e nrgtmvtn
that theyennnot perform their functions, nnd
then roujo up nnd restore tho liver to n tieallliy
nctton. For this purpose the nurrst und best
remedy Is Hchenck's Mamlrntio Pills. Thoo
Pills clean the stomach nnd bowels of nil the
dead ami morbid fllme that Is cntishu dlsoao
nnd decny In the wlioln system, They will clear
ut the liver of nil disensed bile that has nrcum
ulated then, nnd rouse It up to n few nnd
henlthy nctloii, by which nnuiral and healthy
bile is secreted,
Tho stomacti, bowels, und liver nro thus cleans
ed by Iho utoofHchencn'sMaudrAkn Plllsf but
thcro reir.utus In the stomach nn excess of ueid,
thonr.ran Is torpid nnd tlio nppetlta poor. In
the boisels tho laeleali nro weak, and requiring
stieiiiilh nnd iupporl. His lu ii condition like
tills D ut Seh nick' a Heaueed Tonle proves to bo
Iho nn -st valua'jla remedy ever elUovere I, It
Is iilknline, nnd Its uso will nentrMtl.o nil excess
of nc I, (unking the stomach sweet uud frosh ; it
will gie permauenl touo to this Imporlnut ir
gnu, tiudereatu n good, henrty appetite, nnd pro
pare Dies syMcm for the first process of u good ill
geslloti, utul ultimately mulio good, healthy,
living blood. Alter this prcpninlory Uentmt nt,
what remains to euro most casts e f Lonsump
Hon lithe freo und persevering uso of Kcmuck's
Pulmonic Sirup. 'I ho Pulmonic syrup nourishes
tho syktein, punflos the bloe.d,und Is leadlly ub
sorbulttito Die circulation, nml thence Uistrlh
u ted to the diseased lungs. 'Iheru It ripens all
morbid mutters, whether lu tho rorm ol ulneens
es or tubercles, und then ntsl&ts Mature to expel
nllthodW'nxed matter, In Iho form or tree ex
pectoration, whin on-1 it rhiens. It Is then, by
the gnat henling and pmlfyihg properties nf
Hc'jtnck's l'uliiionlo Siup.thal ml utcorsatid
cuviiiesure healed up sound, nnd my patient In
H'i-essential thing to be dono In curing Con
sum plion is to get npUKOoUappefenud n good that tno body will glow in Uesli
nnd net strong, If n person has diseased lungs,
-a entity or ubsciss lhere,-tho uvvityeaunui
heal, tho muttir cannot ripen, so loitns the sjs
tf in is brlow par. What Is ntctsury tocuio is n
new order or things, a good nppetilo,.. good
lititrlllou, tho body to grow iu flesh nnd get 'at;
llun .Suture Is helped, Iho ravlths wilt heal, the
matter will itpen nml bo thrown off lit rue
Tim nlcs, und thu person ngiitt sirengtu,
ibis u the Due nml only phiu to cute Consump
tion, nnd irn tiersoii is very imd, tr tho lunjjsnro
not intlrely (leshojed.oreven It ono hng is en
tirely gone, iriheio Is enough vitality leli In tho
otlnT to heal up, theiels liope,
I have sien many personscurod with only ono
sound lung, llvo unit enjoy life to ii good old itge.
Tills is what Hchenck's Medicines will do lo euro
CoiiHumptloti. They will clean out tlm sloni'ich,
stu-t'teu nnd strengthen It. gt up n pood diges
tion, and gle Mature Iho ushlitinco Mho needs to
char tin? system of all tl.o dlseimo that Is lu tho
lungs, whatever the rorm may be.
U Is ltpoDitnut that whllo using Scheuck's
Mi dkiius, caio Khould bo exercised not to take
coll; keep Mi-uoors In cold nud d imp wiuther;
avoid night air, nnd tnlte out. door extrclie only
In n genial uud waim suuslilne.
I wish It distinctly unduMood that when I rec
omrueiid t ntlent to bo ciretul In regard to (nit.
lng cold, while using my Medlclnis, i a., noror u
special imson, A mull who has but partially re
covired from tho eilVetsof u bad cold Is rar moro
liable to a i elapse than one who has bcoi entire
ly cured ; andt Is prielsuiy tho s-inio In regard
to Consumption, Ho long as tho lungs nro not
peruedy healed, Just so long is theio imminent
danger of a lull let urn of tho dlscao. Henco It
Is that I so strenuously caution pulmonary pa
tients nwainstexpojiina themselves tottu nlmoi
plierethat Is not genial and pleasant. Confirm
ed Co'-umjithes' lungs aro ti mnss of sons
which Iho leajst ehnngo or itniospher will lu
flame, '1 he grnnd seciit of my mutism with my
Medicines consists lu my nhlllty tosahduolu
llumm it ion Instead or ruoklnn It, ns m uiv or
tho fat uity do. An PjlI.timM Juuit cannot, with
safetv to tho patient, bo exposed to iho Idling
bias's ot Winter cr tho chilling winds or Sprlna
or Autumn. It should bo curt hilly shielded from
nil Irritating lulluencis, iho ulmo't caution
should bo observed In tills particulHr, us without
It n eurn under almost nny circumstance is uu
'1 ho person should bo kept on a wholesome nrnl
nutritious diet, anil ull ihu Midlclues euntlnuud
unlit tho body has testored to It the natural
u, inutility or llesh aud streuglh.
1 wn mypeir cured by tills trentment of tho
worst klhd of Conumpliou, nnd have lived to
get fat and henrty theso many years, with ore
lung mostly gone. Ihnvo cured thousands slnco
and very many havo been cured by Hits treat
ment whom I have never seen.
About the First of October I expect to tako
possession of my new building, at the Norlbens
Corner or Slxlh ami Arch streets, whtio I shnl
bo pleased to gUendvtco to ull wno may remalro
Full directions accompany nil mv Ilemclffs,
so that a person In uny part of the world can b
readily cured by n strict observ-tucont tlio same.
Jo!iion,llollawny A Cowdon, 002 Arch street
Philadelphia, wiiolisnlo ugents, novl771-ly.
Tho County Affords
Come anil Examinp.
Uelbic Purc'luising IClscwlioic.
E. 51. KKOHR,
8ciumbcr8 IsTl-ir.
llUtiK Alll'ifS I O uunllyulilcli lliell
HI kluhlin crv laiull'.
is (lie only woik evtant whtih sutUliesllils waut.
H is buiuttful and striking com iilningau eutlie
ly iu ntul i legmt Family Puotoi.kaI'H At.
hum with neomplete I'AMHA' lhsroitv. I'.xuctiy
what the people have long wlstied, Selilug rap
Idly. Aufnts nro dnnploK tho old hooks ui
talci- hold of tho meful nnd beautiful "AVjfiiT."
A ftw I do Ueports from AKCiitn ate: 11 in Jdavs
i:i lu 3 d ivs hi in 1 wi-eS, netting Agents 1'tUt
8'u per wtik. Pull paitleulurs nud Cli Hilars
free. Address
(IKO. MACI.KAN, Publliher.
novli) TO-ly. 7ta Suusom htreet, Philadelphlu,
V.Ml new snhscrilifrstoTHIlCPKTlVATOIl
itceil M'llV tlll.N 1 1-KMAN, lorUT.'.tnoInKlu
ndftm . previous In the eloo of IhTl, will re
eelu I lie pnper weekly, freun Hi-tlptof leiult-tanei-
t Jiniimry lit, iHTi, without ehurei-.
4WAii,v erson u Uhln to try ihupnpei befoie
subM iintniT, will bo supplied ilth eophstevu
lurly irom dale of application to Junuury ut,
187', f"r iho nominal prlco ot u 3 cent slaiup fur
each luteiMiittUj weelt.
ohc (Countv'u"cntlcmiut.
v Vclumcor XHV2t
Tho e. I'LTIVATOH k COUNT11Y Ui;K11.i:
MAiT. tor ne'iily two scoie yenrs, hasiunked,
hnih In fids country nnd abroad, ns thohtaiul.
rd Journal of American Agriculture. 'IheKd
Ilors uud Proprlttois, In addition to their own
persona) ianois,aro reuuiariy Hisieu ny u er
larfio iiumber or special Correspondents und
lU'KUlar e ouinbutoru.nmonit whom aio iiiclud
iilmanv laudluu AuilculturUts. In ullpaitsor
tho Country. Hist nml West uml by oirbio
ilundietl ueiaiiloiml and Voluptaiy Wrllern.
directly tn tho rsnUs or tho Host Partners and
llortleultuiits or nearly every State lu tho'Un
n.ti With the cO'Otieiutlou of no liruoii mruft
or prnetleal men, tills Journal Is tulouJod lo
poHse'SM eicepiionui ruitio ns tno tnn,cu icuium
Ol 1UII irOllllOllllll'llllUII IHIHMIK Ull tlUini'H Hill'
i.kif.l lii the PriHlnctH tit Kerlllllv of thu I.iuut
Ihoso who Cnltlvute nudthove whoCouHiime
tin, llnvi mud Nlilnm r. IIS Will ns I llO flint OU HIT
ot Ihu Ciop-llre-eui'is of Improved Animals uud
intir l uioim i-.Munwi.iuiiii-iB 'i jiii) imru
Muehltury und thoio who vun haheuiiid employ
It Nurseiymeti und Pinit llal-eis and, thpee supply luller nud better U'eta us to the
proijrchs, prospects and it turns of eueh suci-ess
UeSeusoii, us thioutuu Huht upon oneoflhe
uiost ImiKiitiiut ol ull questions When lo lluy
and w luu tohell.
TKHMS, The Country (iiiitleinuu Is publish
edweekly, eu tho IoIIomIiiu lerms, wheuiMid
htrietly luudvaneo; thio Cony, ono j iur, ii, j(j ;
Pour Copies, llet, uud nu additional copy loi tlio
j iur fitu to I lie seudi r of lhe (.'lull j 'leu t'oph h
JIJO, und mi uddlllonul copy fid 1L tar fno to
tlie.eiulernf (he Club, ,
4jrHpei Inu n I'opiis l ite. Addrcsn
KClllKU'lUt J.l-ti bUN, Publishe rs.
Albuuy.N. V,
IJKUSONS liiwlntr DcuIh nml Jlorl
X gages reiiuiled, lilug In this ill'.ti', wll
iilraseiall and lake llielii oul, Iur nuiuusuo
(, h.l,u,l. W. , JACOIIV.
ULoowMU l.o, 'o !1, 1871. Uecorder.
iff O O B S
For Every Doily.
At Last Year's Prices.
tiik la no est and dkst
rounlvfrom its onranlzntlnn hi isri in kti.
Compiled and editid by Jons l. Knr.rzr. One
volume octavo. a)pnyis, Cloth S.'.5n,hull llbiary,
J J.M full library tIM. rf
IkKlunlm: with tlio early hMory of the terri
tory comprised w It bin the limits nf Columbia and
Montour, tills volume ntws tho organization hy
tlsoricln'tl boundaries, its suhe quint leslslatho
riuuruous, nun mo trecuou oi jiontour county.
A chanter on tho stnanis nud mountains lint
dale ot the erections of tho townships nnd bor-
nunu, mm inu n'liiniry (en in u it'll iney W ITO
lormea tno personnel or me courts, comprising
I be imnu'h of the Preside ut .1 ude I lie Ahsoelatex.
Il.e Pmihonotnrles, ltesMers. Hheiltls nnd tho
resident Attorneys of both Columbia nnd Mnn.
Jt has chapters on IlIoomsburA Danville, Her
wick, Catau issanud tho smaller towns, 1 uliedii
eath mil statistics, 'iho R. movol tiutstion, uml
tiie vote on It by townships.
Tho eeiuiUK by townships, inclndlnir Montour,
from IhJMo ls;o, tm tavuides lor 171 nnd tlm
ntnnbiTor neres ot land lu each township. A
Ve 1 V eo HI I d to llrt ul Iho lnemherH nf t Vmtt f
HciiAte and Iloue,iepit seiitlm I'olumiihv eoun
ly, with full nnd urlous elertioii letuins for
Ht.ileund 1 edeiul t til- e by luwushlps.
nn-: wah juccoun or colum-
counties, comprising tho muster roll or nil tho
companies und pints tf cniup.iulis tecrulied
inert-ill, inu o, ui uie iu'kiiiu nt. uio unities
they uereeni.'aj.'fil In, with numeious Items nf
jn'ihnnal Inleii'st, A UM ol nil thedrailed men,
the names ol tho ronelentlous-scrupio xempts
nnd the i uierKiiicy ine n ft t-epurnixr, iHtt-'und
Juno lMwlt heluj; u eimplcle war rieotil of the
thi: ixvasio:? op columiua couxtv,
tho trials nf our ellier.s. tho creat nruument of
Judt-e Itlae k on Mlfitaty Commissions, and thu
opinion ol tlio United rHutesMipicmo Cuurt.esm
ihninliiK them, ToKclher w Ith much olhtv cur
ious luipoitunl, nud lnterrstln matter.
(I mm ik A, 1'i.AKiv, or lltoi mshnrK, lsnutlinr
1td to ueelvo suhserlptlons tor tho work ; to bo
paid lor on delivery, nu. lt,'71ihu
"JOllMATi scaooi,.
Tho iti)titu(loti licrct' ! rohnown iti tlio
M A 1) I 53 O X A 0 A I) K M Y ,
PROP. II. 1). WAIjKEH, a. m;
of Its se eral elapses will correspond to the conrso
adopted by tlm Unurd or Pilnelpals nflhoHtito
Normal Schools of Pennsylvania, and npprow d
ny iiiunuiie miiiku ii irn.
The Btudenf uieh ela-s will be !e finitely fixed;
nnd putlls on entering the hchool, will te ex
Htnlncil. mill obici'd In lint rlum u imm fcliullrs.
'they by 1 heir ability nud attainments, lire fitted
In nnr,iip.
btudt'iils so r-ishliit:, nnd In tho Judment of
I uu ri iiifii in i' "iipi it iu, w iu iiv ii now eo iu juir
suo ft heh ii Co d of Mudy,
Pi.ok. nnd his reposition nsnn IMu
eator. nro I on well known to nt ed auv commeti-
tin lliiii ti nm Hut llniird it Tniiln m i hi'ts'lnllv lu
I.U7erm t ounty, when ho bus spuit twelve
ais oT his pi oh ssiouul I lie.
Por paitleulurs n-1 ctiiii; Ponnl, Tuition,
Iiooi.m, ae(, Auuit uu i 1 1 in i i 'hi, in
(eerelury of Trustees,
U'averly, I ticrue couuly, hept, loth, ls7ltl.
'lhn niulttklurcil V.011I1I tl'hlf f Hull v Inform
the I'ltlniiK ot lieruh-h, and vicinity, that ho
Han opcutu 11 luim-ciiouiry uuu niiuery 111
Ihrwitl:, l'.u, whtro lo In pripureilto furulfih
9 OltANUl K, I.K510.NH, UAI815 H
ilC, ilC, tic, do,
A ii mm Iho uw otiint ut will ho loutiil Cieam
.UIM, I' UUIlkll V UlllUlr, 1 iMlllll, XlIllOIIIlM, TIP
Itllh, l u , pt Wi.,t 1 e 11 NuIn, JilUfHof illllep
nit KliuH, it likiiru, 1 111 up, rii uu h, Chmolat
1 uiuttu 1 1 uu ni tut kuhIm, i uiu hUii h, 1 1 HU
itilt, h't.ii tii'iktrt., tttUr tJHtlkMM, tlitike.
roup, ili'l'rf it.jtt, uiitiutlil liiptfb, 1.11
Aud produce of ull kinds. Kical. Urtad and
l aKesevery uay. jco vnam ... mason, you
patrouage is kouciusi,
Ilerwlck, Jan 1'71-tv
.LY For Cnsli
Opposite Brown's Hotel
B L 0 0 M S B U R G.
Wo oner n KII.IC COItDl'.I) TOI'LIN IhRt
told fttJl.sniiowat81.ajpcryard.
A splendid JAl'ANKM.
STIUPi: nt, par
A full lino ot III. ('K ALPACA from 31 cents
to SI.V5 per yard.
Our 83 cent Alpaca can't tc lual, r.ur 71 cent
Alpicn prime.
Anilyiiii linott-our B7 cl.
tho Maikct lor Ihomonry.
Alpnci It Ihc'.hcst In
A Slxtern bono COP.SF.T nO cents.
Ourtl.."0 Is u in Hi Luylnf.
lllrnthcd nnd
unl.eichcd SIUHI.iy, h full
nc lr.
at Hctnlsliy Ihc bi!l,15ccnta
y lhn ynnl.
iiiillw Wlillo Hi-hP.
f .a lien Aferitm lln?p,
L-tilii IJalrtiorul IIn?o
IMUj lidltiiijHPo, iro.sp,
Unlltslron Kiitmo lloso
iA.ihRri(i:;or.i) mutinu cloth forPoio-
ali'oi nt JJ.on j-cr ynrd,
KIrefTil 1 1 opt?
iMiH-rs oiin-Iiiilf Hi to
Ilnso In oxlrit SifM
MI-mn KUilica irco
Wen Wolli-n oni'-half Hoto
I,r.illP3 Vcslfl
CiirdiKnii Jnnkrts
Latllcs CJcith 01n'f s
I.atllPs licrllnd ninves
l.naics lluck Gaunllets
lluck CJlovrs
JiaclliM Kur top Glows
GtntH Kur to GIovis
Uuck GIovih hmI IUtfriH
hniUos Jld CJIovcs
GcnlH Clntli Hack Nuck Vnlm Glovca
SIiuavIs of all Kinds.
l!iiiiros Cloth
1)1 om Goods
Dtilidos Uoho
llluck Hut lu
Vilvit ltlhona
Heaver Cloth
Cassimcrs and Flancns
Oil, CLOHtH i.C-lnnaS-uldc.
1V.A bl'.T'Iri f 4Ci.IecF,nu ktone waro at
91.7.1 pirfcetl.
Our fclocU tf Ti:AH, COPFKI'H, KIMCti, Ae.. U
full aril at thu low ctt llcurer.
O 11 r bioik (if ? ('T10NH U lull and oc,m lete.
I'.COTH Mi-lbliOl H, a lull line.
( LA UK A. W)Ll-'uie tiOklUBnuUi.tlrnUu'kcf
HlIANMM nt ui'i.iU irlccn, niapy t f item nt
Vi milled no Hoik ut 1 UllH or from ltrnt
hop, e ur rimnt nloek In Iuiko nnd all uew,
uud wu edit v, hem from tiWtoiw perm.
WATUlLl'ltOOF tLOAKIMl l tl.CO, II.S5,
Logal Noticos:
muR nrm"L"'-'men, """ "iZl
'nu?.ttaSS,3a y 1,10 ""r-l4t!1.
decl'TWl. JUimillAHO'COMNIjit,
. Administrator.
liln SZ. iV'n.;:.i;'e..0.f 'mbur(5, (.'
I'KTKlt KN f,
jiamui r tor,
k. :';!l"","'."uI?e.,;WrJ,0"""''''"' froJcSck
''". "( Ijto of enure iwn., UolnmUln county.
f.? 'i"t"'0 1 f?ntl t.i prcxfit them
I'd. 1 lioo imlebtml to the c.liln nlthr ,.n T.iV
115;l?.HSI1.J,,,.!r,?!e or boolc Mcoum will in.ko
hamui:u Nj;i-ilA;u,
l. "fr1 JlITNXll DKC'U.
I tM r 1 .,d '.n ' n 1 " ' 1 1 on the MUlo of
llthfctn Jlltncr. latu or Tj.i.h.. ...
county, UcccacJ. have been cnnlul 7 ...
il.bted to thantiito lo maUo lolhouu
lirignud,n.JmlnUlralorii, wrttioat "loiw.
Nnmeour. O. ..or IT'TI.i'u.ill.'.ilSr..
V I.riTKdff Inillllilrlllnha i.n.....
Tho umlerlgD0d ui.olntoa by tin Or'phlln
Oourt'of Uihunliln ciiui.ty. Auditor. 011 Ixvny
1 11m una in mime lltrlbutlou of tlm balance iu
tho of H. 11. Dloraer, Uicculor of tol.l d
iidcnl 111 meet tho pnttlti lnterwlcj fur the
...... "17 iii'iiuiiiiiiirin, ob inu oiiice or
obi ri t . (,'jitlt, in Hluolusburic, on Haluniny,
li ailluhij orNDvcmber.A.l). I7l,nt 10 o'clock
1' 111. All t Llftfitlfl IlllVltKr plalm. .1..
t state nro reiiulreil to prc-nent llioni or no forever
ilrliirrnl Irom comm.- In for n pnrt of lhnia
'"! . II. II. HAt.DV.
ih'I., 7I-II. Auditor.
I.J1TA1 11 or QKOKHR KLIMB, DRb'll.
liie umlerslmitil, Auditor, npnolnleil by thu
tirplmcit Ctuit of Columbia wunly lo mako
lllnlrlblltloti or lhn liu) ini. In Ihu l...n.l. .1..
AdniltiUlrHtiir of said decedent ui ptr his nc
loimt tlliil, to tho parties entllltd lo receive liie
sutii", will meet the parties laureled for the
ruiin!-... oi ins iifiiiuiniincni, nl ins Olllce, lu
llliKimsbuiK, on Miuurdny, the 2th dy ot Hn-
Velilber. A. D. 1ST., ftt In ..Vloclr n m. All
sons lntvlriK claims against Hie olste of Iho
nld drecdf nt nro required to preset t IIimu be-
".onm nu.iwi lib mm l lOlP. Or HO IO TeVOr OC-
barred from coinlne In for n part rt the said
I"'"1-...... C. O. UARKLKY.
ocli7'7I-. Auditor.
In IhO COUrt Of flomninn TMnns nrnnlnml.1.
V., A, Iloltcnstolu, 1
... . ...V"'. . ! Alias Sub., In Divorce.
Clara A. K. Hotter.stot.ij
JIapam i You aro hereby required li appear
on Mqnday the.Inurtli day ot December, Ml,
In tho said Court, nnd answer lo the said com
plaint, or tho malttr will bo then determined
By order of tho Court.
. . 1'rotUouotary.
n loom shu i g. Oct.;7. IS71 It.
'Uio uufterHlgned, appoluled by the Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, Auditor to distribute
funrta in tho hands of the accountant or Henry
Yost, doceascd. will meet the partlctt Interested
for tho purpose of hts appointment st hi, office
In IlloomsburE, on Monday, tho SOUi day of No.
vcmber. A, D. It71, at 10 o'clock a. m. AU per
sons liavlui; claims on tald estate ate requested
lo attend, or be forever debarred from coming In
for a part of said lund. K. It. IlitLElt,
oct2i'71-n. Auditor.
Notice it hereby Riven, that on the?U tlavof
Octoher, lt"l. Biiudry luhabltnntH of Cotnmbla
c ounty presented n petition tv,an adjourned Court
ot Common l'leas of wild county, praylnj
tlio said Court to urnnt n Charter of Incorporntloa
under tho nnme, Myle and title of "The llenton
Mutual yavlni; Fund nnd Ioau Aoclatlon"
with tho riKht.s nud privileges therein mated,
nnd If noRUlhcient cautso Is hhown to the eon-
irary on inonrsiuay 01 next terra, the prayer of
Iho petitioners will Lo granted, according to tho
Act of As&emblvln such cam inmln And rrn.
wvzrji.u. lTothonotary.
1110 nnupriBntKi,nppointe,l hy the OrphAna'
Court of Columbia couuty, Auditor to make din-
trunnion 01 uiu unmnco in tno nnii8 of c, II.
Urocltwny, Kfiq., Administrator ot the emate of
Itebora leaa. will meet tho pr ilea Interested,
for the purpose of hU nppotntrnnt, on Monday,
tho loth rtny of November, 1871, at lu o'clock
nt llU OHICO 111 lllnnmRlinrif. All Kamnns
elalms on mi hi estate aro renueKted to attend, or
ho rorever dehurnd from 0 juilnsf in for n part of
said fuml c, v, MILLKH,
oci.'j-,mw. Auditor,
Iho undf-rbiuncd. llDDolnled lv the llrtilmnk'
Court of Columbia couut, Aiitlltor todlslrlbuti)
1 11 nun 111 1 ue iiuuuh 01 uccouiiiaui 01 uiemuei u,
ltk-Uctts, Into of Oran co township, Columbia
rou!ity,dec.d,wlll meet the puitlcn Interested for
the nurnoHGof his nnnolnlment. ut tho nffleo nf
C. K. UriKkwny In Jiloomsburg, on Friday, No
VCinlif r '.Mill. l71.nt 1 ) o'clock 11. in. All nersona
hn I nt; claims cg.Uust Eahl ehtate lire required to
iitt'iiit or he forever deburrM from corninc lu
r n pirr or rnm luuu. w , u. A15U01T,
.Vov:t, '71 in-. Auditor.
ii IfcTATEOT CALI.ll V, MflOUK, liEC'll.
I'Wim 01 uuminiktrationon theestatoof Culeb
'. Mooie, hile of tJuenwiMMl township, Colum
lii ecuniv. df-reaMxl. Iiiivh lioon irrnntMi tiv il.
HeulMer of mid county to Haao A, Dewltt of
Moiirii.uTK. All nervous huvluu' claims aBalnut
I lie ehlute tif tuo deredent aro rtdtiOAted Ut nro
sent them lor Htttlement, uud thoke indebted
to theehtnle In make 1 avment lo the under-
signed, udmlnUtrutor, ithout dolny.
notS'TI-fit. AdmiuUtrator.
lA'iicrs lisuimeuuiry on the oMaio 01 l'eicr
ty, di'eerued.(hnu bden Krnuteil hy tho Hegloter
oi hum (ooiny iu umritH tinier, 01 ioueHL
townshln. Columbia count?. AUnersonahavinE
claims niiiUbt the irstate uie rtiuertted to present
iiieni 111 1110 r.ifciuiir 111 ioiuiuum wuiuy, 1 a,
Ttioko indebted to t lie estnlo either on note, Judg
ment, inortKHKO or boolc uccuiint will luaba
I uymcut to the Uieculnr without delay.
nov3'71 Cw, lAeeutor,
pUHI.IU NOTICE. Wfierens, by tho
JU Jllll H'Clloil 01 ma ACl 01 11m ut? Derm am
seinbly ot the Cf.mmoiiwnlth nf I'ennsylvaulu,
upprocdMy 21 A. U. JV7i, entitled "Au net for
tho protection of Milmon, blncli hass aud other
food fihhf h ntwly Introduced, or lobe lntroduc
td. Into tl.o rlviiH Dtlaw are and Busauehauua
nnd ihtlr lilbutaitcs; for tho protection ulwmf
rloMs ruiMtm uminviui iikdiui;, nnii to prevent
the iiilio'ucllon of pudntory HMun Into trout
Hiri'iiiUSMi Hi ior mat r ermano puriKitie.,;- n 1
made thw duty cf tho tteial Hherltts of the
couutlei, nf hukl Commons ealtli having Juris-
(lUtion of the ttrcnnis uiereoi, wnenevtr inry
hhall dlbtovcr, or he lnformefl of the exUtemu
of nny toutrlvance for tho catching of Oh, fcuch
H HID ( OllllllOIliy IhliUWlt um UMBkrin, iti
('ir, HlUtUCH, H1UMI lir IIIH.1IIM llt'l, UI otl J
other pttiuancnlly ectimnn of taklnn Hh, in
ilu iiiiiuinnrii BKiiio Ini'tiu Uii tliay nntlre In
two iiespHi ei of their rci'eeiecouiJtieH, that
thould toi,trlonciB are h now 11 to exist, aiirt
nro luciurm toiiunuii iiuiMtnetH.'uu w u,ut,
them to tedinuanlKdhylheirottneriior tnan
uterH Uu relore, In tonfoimMy to told act, I,
AA1ULN HM1TII, blurllt cl Columbia couuty,
htrtby tlve
Notice to All Whom it May Concern,
that tho contrivances for Iho taking of flh lu
mid net mentioned aro Unoun to txlnt iu the
North iriiiicln'ithehiuquehaiiiiarUer,andolher
Mrciims within the county oiCulumbta, thalth
Mimuure duland to t e eoiumou uulaucea, und
that the.iwners and ninnnucu of tald coutrlv
iiuccsi in htrtby rtcmtnd to dUmautle and cr
inoe ti e rnmewllhinten tlajB alter the publl
iniion hereof. undtr ll.u penally of liavluglha
mine dismantled aud iiUiOod,s In Kald act U
pr milled.
bhet UT of Columbia couuty. Va.
"Vi the fuirl of Quarter ftiaiont nf Cbtutnbia
county 1 In the tnatttr cf the i&tm win 0 Jttxn
iun,viade ly Sumutl A'jrtanl and tvltitiutieu fur
cornel." ti and uiviotal to taitl Cwrt ,woti('K id
1,1.1.1. if mvffw '-rliol U.nnnilfTOrriftl CO 11) lilt-
fcluner apiHilnled hj tho bald Court w report luw
Lvldeiico otlertd hy cltltersagulutaud In laor
ot tho iiiriretuoH otald iuiih ,toKe,n"
hU oidnlon in jeijard lo nn n tt coiiiplatnia
01 in julDtion thtreto, wlIIV"41,1!1.1
ilouko. lu lllooinkbunr, on Monday, " ?wen.
tiethdnv ol Nemntber, proximo, ut leu ei'chclc
u thetirtneioSo
tlk ofliii Bmoliiliiici''.,l wl'IPl. I"ne ttnUplnce
J UK KlMl'LlBr, ClU.Al'Jr ANO JlEhT IN
Veui iiaii i ut m:kulei A
IViithi'd i rrln tl fnrll.ciii.oof fumlllciuul
IkOUk mIioOmIiu tokiilt lor Uio nuukit. Will
ilo ntir Hitch uf Il.e Uullllug Ii. n nook Inu'.
wliUnlHit nnd iiaui.v. ll'S nt tiuillly a, hy
Am iiilfiulW tor wrrmil. nml fnnfy, wo,'1!.
h'll'Il'lll Am try ny 10 luuimnu. iul nnl
liulilo 10 m cul i f cri'ir. lAvry 1 nu.llj
1 HVO O.H". . ....
u Muiilu.i Atml lmtiy lowu to Intriiduce
ii n U tell tin in, lu win ui v ui Her tliu wott lltclHt
iuiltuimtuiK btiul men LIKUlur I.UU fcuiui'Iu
U0V. IU.'71'I)'. Ualli. M.