The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 08, 1871, Image 2

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8fk ($ohtmFnut
Friday, December S, J ST.
Cflmtttiittminl Amenilinciit.
Wo rcfjrot to boo fomo of our Homo
crollo cotcinporarlra opposing tlio pro
posed nmendment to tlio Constitution
to limit tlio sessions of tho liOgtslntttro
to ono In two yenrs. Wo tnko It for
grnntod thnt tho Convention vtW l'ut
an eternnt atop to nil prlvnlo nd spec
ial togWatlnn. Then no other will bo
needed except for mnklnrf provision for
tho support of government nnd amend
ing present general Jaws perhaps un
occasional now one. Onco In two years
would ho ollen enough for this purpose,
and wouhl not only s.ivotho oxpenso of
ono election ana ono session, nut woum
break nit nil combinations nnd.rlngs.
Of course Iho Governor would still bo
nilthorl-ed, as at prcso.itto conveno
the Legislature at onyjlmo for extra
ordinary emergencies.
Tho Luzcrno Union brings forward a
decidedly radical proposition' raado
long ago by our old friend S. 1. Col
linos, well known In this county n.3 a
prominent politician In days gono b'.
Thcro Is merit In tho proposition, nrul
wo would llko to sco It adopted, to wit :
"An Amendment or the ConstitU'
Council wiui'ir, Tociutiier with
Adoption on Rejection or the
People." This plan nlao proposed
that such laws should bo submitted to
tho people for ndptlon or rfjectlou nt n
general election onco In flvo years. Mr.
Collinos also proposed, In connection
therewith to mako It a penal ofTcnco for
any man to nccept an ofllco ho was not
qualified to fill, making tho ofTcnco In
dictable, tho culprit to bo tried by Court
Bnd Jury In tho usual way, and If found
guilty to bo forever debarred Iroin hold
ing ofllco and to bo subject to Imprison
ment to tho extent of natural life! We
havo no doubt that such nmendmont
would havo a salutary effect upon ofllce
hunters and wguld turn many a chap's
ambition from ofllco-huntlng to a more
reputable mode of making an honest
living I
Many papers of all parties aro advo
cating tho election of tho very ablest
men In every county or district as dele
gates to tho Constitutional Convention.
This Idea will commend lUelf to the
common senso of every man: A consti
tutional convention Is no placo for
blockheads or demagogues.
I'roiiaseil Surrender.
Certain vagabond politicians, with
the Ulaius nt their head, havo tho ef
frontery to ask tho Democratic party to
disband, to mnko no nomination for
President, to nomlnato a Radical, Ac.
Wo believe that In no promlncnt caso
lins any recognized Democrat watlo
either of theso proposltlons-but It comes
froui tho30 who havo come over tn us
since the war from such as tho Bt.Ains,
Chase, Andy John-eon, Caul Suuum
tho Now York World, and others who
can scarcely swear to their own political
Identity. Gentlcmon, go whoro you
will, but you shall neither corrupt or
cpwer tho Dsmocracy. Do what you
will, n Democratic candldato will bo In
tho field for Prcsldont, and no power on
earth can prevent it. Conventions nnd
politicians may bo bought up but tho
peOplo cannot be.
What dlffercnco to tho Democracy
which Republican leader shall bo Pres
ident ? Whother it bo Grant, or Sum
ner, or Butler, or Chase, or Gree
ly, is of no consenuenco whatovcr, and
if a selection is to bo mado from amongst
theso, few Democrats will cara a straw
which shall bo successful. Tlio Dcmo
cratlc opposition is to a Republican be
ing President not moro to Genornl
Grant occupying that position than lo
any other Republican occupying It. It
Is to tho politics and practlcos of Re
publicans that tho Democrats olject
their principles aro destructive to tho
. best interests of tho country, nnd this
is why Gen. Grant Is objected to.
Tho wiseacres wo refer to emphatically
calcul&to without their ho3t. The Dem
ocratic party cannot be transferred lo the
tupport of a Jlepublicun. If such at
tempt wcro mado by tho National Con
ventlon, Immense numbers would refuse
to ratify thoactlon.and very large, mini express their liorror of tho action
and prevent It In future, would voto
directly for Grant. . Aro man but a
Democrat can beat Gen. Grant, and
the sooner tho trndlng politicians como
to this conclusion tho better it will bo
for all concerned. But they say "sue
cess" must beobtalned no inntter what
Is trampled under foot, success above
all things! Well, gentlemen, if that Is
all It is easy to bo obtained nominate
Grant! Then thcro'wlll bo no opposl.
tloii nnd Heaven Itself will not prevent
"success I" In fact you will bo kucccsi
ful unanimously I
But, cowards 1 to yn'ur tents to your
beds! President making is tho hnslncsn
of men men who can not only faco do
feat hut brao nny danger. Bravo
men will never yield their principle.
Thcro Is but ono conclusion, and lli..t Is
irreversible, viz: Democrats will not
voto for any man who does not repre
sent, their principles, and thcroforo the
Democratic candldato for President
must bo a Democrat If success Is ituira
Blo.utlierwlso it la not possible except
uuant uo nominated I
It would be Interesting lo know who
"irnuisiieu uepubllcana upon
wnora tho Dcmucracy Is bulldlug Its
bopea in the noxl Presidential cam
palgn. The existence of this clement,
which many would havo tho opposition
disband their organization or chango
their colors to win over. Is mythical.
Wo seo no ovidenco of them or their
votes iu tho elections or tho venr. Tho
party in every Stnto of tho 'Union was
intact and undlvidpd. J'Mla. iVeu.
If tho gamblers who want to sell out
the Democratic" party, and who proba
bly crawled into it for that rmrnoao.
bcllovo their own assertions let them
Inform tho public who will como to
Uteir aid ir thoy succeed In their pur
poses. What" clement is it? What
would bo Its purposes? Who aro its
Icadors ? You aro daily defied to men.
tlon them, why don't you answer?
Tho fact Is, tho men who proposo this
suicidal nnd Infamous coutso aro leaders
without followers, patriots without
principle, Generals without a causo or
an army, charlatans who want to prey
. upon tho public, wiso men without
sense, busy bodies with desperate po
lltlcal fortunes, whoso wisdom nud pa
triotism nro dictated by their want.
"Patent OaWilen."
Wn reirret to sco bo resiicclnblo and
nhlo n paper as tho Northumberland
Omnly Democrat adopting tlio "patent
otiMilo" plnn-tlmt , obtaining sheets
of paper with the first and fourth pages
already printed, fiom publlsiung esinu-
llxhiiionts in tno cities which supply
perhaps a thousand other papers with
tho samo matter, As IhU matter mint
netwarlly bo of a character that will
not gtvoolfonco to nny locality, party,
sect, opinion or prejudice, It Is of courso
Insipid, moatilnglox, wjrlhlon, with
out prlnclploor Information Hat stalo
and often vulgir and abounding In
(alsohooil nnd pernicious follies. Tlio
conscientious and honest editor feels alt
tho responsibility aud anxiuty for mat
Ing every page of his paper Interesting
nnd worthy of patronngo ns ho docs any
ono of them, nnd Is tempted to procuro
tlio outsldo only bocauso ho hopes
(against reason) that tho articles will bo
passably goodj'but mainly bcrauso ho
can buy the paper thus printed cheaper
limn ho can buy tho blank sheets. Wo
know that many nro Imposed upon nnd
am compelled to pay more, but others
buy for'less than tho valuo of tho blank
paper, hecnuso tho producer of tho
"patent outsldo" reserves tho right to
put In several columns of nds-ortlse
mcnts for which ho receives tho pay.
Tho editor Is In every respect ns re
sponsible for tho extracts his paper con
tains a? ho is for what ho writes. Most
readers read tlio selections with ns much
Interest as tho editorial, If mado with
earo and Judgment. It Is a blunder for
nny editor to supposa that tho popular
ltyof his paper depends upon lilsown
writing nlono tho Intelligent reader
takes tho cntlro contents Into consider.
ation. Suppose n paper wcro Issued
hero In IJIoomsburg tho wholoof which
was known to ha printed and edited In
Now York, by persons who wero cntlro
strangers to this community, how much
Interest could our people feel In It, or
how much respect would it command ?
It would bo Justly esteemed nsan at
tempted Impusltlon on tho c immunity.
If ono half the paper Is printed in that
way, then It U open to condemnation as
so far a swindle. How any respectable
editor can thus mako himself a party to
a fraud, tho peddler of other men's
opinions without the privilege of exam
Inlngand rejecting them, It Is dilllcult
to comprehend.
Ability Is as fully shown In selections
as In editorials llioy m ly be mndo
equally ns interesting If not mine so
every editor finds himself to his sub
scribers to do the beil he cm to servo
them well, but hu defrauds them when
ho Imposes upon Ilium thohhllly-slmlly
refuso of city publishing houses. Jf
editors will not itspcct themselves po
far as lo control and edit their own pa
pers, how cm tho public havo respect
for them V A man might bo excused
for burrowing bowels if ho had nono of
his own, but when ho agrees to glvo tho
puhlle thj best efforts of Ills own brains
ho Is In honor bound to slick to his bar
gain. Wo very much doubt thu logalltv of
advertising in such shoots, and hopo to
sco tho question triad. Thoy can not
bo said to b3 printed In tho country, nor
aro they edited iu tho locality where
they aro dated. Thoy nro a burlosquo
on tho newspaper profession and should
ho discountenanced.
The earnest Intensity with which
winter begins Its carosr this year Is
severely felt iu moro ways than ono.
Not only do tho poor, who aro always
uuprepared for emorgoncies, suffer from
Insufllclent shelter, clothing, and food,
but tho rich havo received a sharp cut
from tho indlscrlmlnatlng soason. A
large number of canal-boats havo boon
suddenly stopped on tho way from tho
West by tho closing iu of tho ice, and
many millions of bushels of grain nro
thereby kept from tho market. Some
of tho vosrcls havo been damaged and
portions of tho cargoes lost. On tho
lakes, too, somo losses havo occurred.
It Ij a fact worthy of note that on tho
other sldo of tho Atlantic tho winter
has tct in slIIL;carlIer than here, and
with greater severity. Tliero Is every
reason to autlclpatoa moro than usually
sevcro season, and whatever can bo
dono to ejeapo Its disadvantages aud
allevlato tho sufferings that It -will
cause should bo douo quickly.
Xo Surrender In Ohio.
Oa Friday last, Iho Domocratic Stato
Central Commlttco of Ohio met nt Co
lumbus. Messrs. Pendleton, Morgan,
McCook, and other leading Democrats,
wcro present. Tho Committee dlscussod
tho nencral political situation. It was
determined not to name Iho dato or
placo of holding tho next Stato Conven
tlou, and another meeting of tho Com
mlttco will bo held on tho 2il of Feb
ruary, to decide Ihejo points. Oa ac
count of other cnjugome'itii, Hon. A.
G. Thurman felt himself compollod to
resign tho Chairmanship of tlio Com
mittee. Tho Commlttco report that tho
Democracy of tho Stato aro not con
quered, panic stricken, or demoralized,
but aro willing, In 1872, to mako another
effort, Stalo nnd National, to securo the
triumph of Djmocratlc principle;.
Montgomery Blair. John Q.
Ad.uis and other disgusted Republic
ans who wont swallow Radicalism,
want tho Democracy to mako no nom
ination for President and como over to
them I Would It not bo equally modest
for theso gentry to como over to tho
Democracy? We havo read that Mo.
hammed onco commanded a mountain
to como to him, but r.s It continued to
stand still In deflanco of his command,
ho settled tho question by going to tho
mountain I Disgusted Republic tns may
profit by tho cxamplo.
The Dfinocratlc leaders of tho Stalo
of Now York did not hcsltato as to
what was tholr duty when tho frauds of
Tweed & Co. camo to thu surface. Thoy
at onco commenced prosecution against
them for malfjasanco In oQlco. In
straugo contrast with this Is tho conduct
of tho lenders of tho Radical party.
With astounding frauds turning up
overy day, they form closer alllanco
with tho plunderers, and If thoy do not
actually assist them in tholr specula
tions, sfileld thorn from punishment.
More Rascality to he Covered
up iiy Martial Law. Thcro is a
strong cry for martial law coining up
from Georgia. Tho necessity for it will
bo fully approclatod whon wo say that
It comes exclusively from tho Ilullock
gang of plunders. If they can got tho
civil courts closed thoy will feci perfect
ly safo. No doubt Oraut nnd Akcrman
will soothe tholr porturbed souls by
declaring martial law as soon as proso
cutlons nro commonccd against them.
Tlio Opening of Congress
Both Houses of Congress convened In
annual session on Monday last. Tho
Senate mot nt noon with nearly a full
atlcndanco of Senators and well filled
galleries. In (he ltonso two hundred
and onq members nnswercd to tholr
names. Tho third nunual message of
President Grant was sent In and read
In both Houses. The nicssago roaches
us Just as wo aro going to press and too
lata for us even to mako a synopsis of
It. Tho nbsenco of tho editor from
town Is our excuso for having noedltor
lal remarks o:i this important docu
ment. ' Scuts to lie. Contested.
Sir. 1'limJlt, tho Democratic candi
date, will contest tho seat of Weakly,
Republican, declared elected to tho
Stato Sennto from tho Cumberland and
Franklin district. Wo Infer that Mr.
Pepper does not expect to obtain tho
seat himself, but by making proof that
Weakly was cloctod by bribery and
fraud, hnvo a now election ordered.
Tlio Philadelphia Press nnnounccs that
Parrisu, of Luzerne, will contest tho
election of Collins, who had about
1000 majority. Having failed to brlbo
n sufllcicnt number of votes to elect him,
tho rascal now expects to succood by
brlblngScnntorj I Tho iowalso threat
ons thnt another attempt will bo mado
to steal tho seat of Col. Dechert, al
though ho had 1300 majority at tho clcc
tlon. Tho fact that a Democrat hns a
majority nt an election Is no Indication
that ho will bo permitted to servo In a
Legislative position If tho Radicals want
It badly. Tho history of tho last ten
years, bith In Congress nud tho Stato
Legislature, provo) that majorities aro
of noaccount In Radical eyes, that oaths
of ulllco have no binding force, and that
they will admit their own candidates
when necessary to their Interests, with
out nny regard whatuver to tho voles of
tho people
A Proposition.
Hon. Daniel W. Vooriieks, of In
diana has published n letter proposing
that thoNutlonnl Executive Commlttco
shall call n National Convention, to
meet on a day not later than tho 22 J of
February next ; that this Convention
shall ho composed of delegates I'hoscn
by Stato and District Conventions, and
that It shall ngreo upon a definite de
claration of principles upon all matters
affecting our political institutions. The
declaration umc, tho Convention
should ndtourn to a day fixed for tho
nomination of a Presidential candldato
In tho mean tlmo tho people can discuss
nnd nppiovo or disapprove of what has
been done. Mr. Vooriieeh concludes
by iiaylng that It would bo tho duty of
nil Democrats to submit lo the decision
of tho msjorlty. He argues that If the
Democratic voto cin bo consolidated,
Inspired with enthusiasm and brought
to tho polls, Grant cannot bo ro-elcct
ed ; remaiking that It was tho stay-at
homo Democratic voters who defeated
their party, tlio Republican voto hav'
Ing shown no lucreasc.
Deaths by
Unless tho accident Is ono that do
stroyssevcralllvcsor occurs near a town,
deaths upon railroads aro rarely report
ed to tlio public, nud especially is this
tho caso when employees ou freight
trains aro killed.
Tlio for York Herald suggests as
tlio best remedy to pruvent railway ac
cidents, that tlio porsons injured, or
relatives of thosokillcd by them, should
always promptly suo for damages. If
this wero done, thcro would bo greater
regard lor human life ou tho part of tho
corporatlous interested, because Juries
almost Invariably award verdicts In
favor of tho plaintiff. But very often
pcoplo who oro hurt in such accidents
do not think of tho legal redress nt their
command, whilo tho friends of tho do-
ceased aro frequently without thomcaus
orthocourago to begin a suit against
tho companies. As for tho killed, wo
havo tlio authority of Artomus Ward
that "dead men don't suo; thoy alnt ou
Tlio Presidency.
As General Hancock becomes moro
popular ho becomes moro obnoxious
to tho powers that bo, aud is removed
further from tho presence. Llko tho
star of empire, ho westward" takes his
way, to irradluto tho prairies around
Omaha. As ho still grows In popular
favor ho will bo boosted still furthsr
toward tho Pacific, across Iho alkali
dssert, to frot away his life and looso
his popularity among tho fastnesses
of tho Rocky Mountains. Orant will
brook no rival near tho throuo of pop
ular favor, and iu ondangoriug Gen
eral Hancock's scalp, exhibits moro of
his foresight aud sound, sonso than ho
has dono in any other Instance. In
stinctively ho feels his danger and
perhaps his fate, to rest with this gal
lant soldier who, un, educed by favor
undeterred by clamor, his darod to
stand fast to tho old battered redoubt
of clvel law, though torn and rout to
ruin by tho treachery of Its garrison.
It Is right to bond him boyond tho
limits of civilization; ho has no busi
ness within Its palo nt present. A
chango must como over affairs, nnd
tho houso ho nowly tot In order, bo-
forosuchn man ns General Hancock
can take his honor seal at tho banquet
Theso aro tho days of tho Oiusars ; thoso
of Brutuses havo not yet arrived. New
Orleans limes.
Threatened Itcslstanco to Law In (Icorgla.
Mil. Uonlcy, tho Acting Governor of
Goorgla, moans mischief. Holms In
timated that ho will rotaln ids power In
splto of tho election law lately passed
uy tho Legislature Tho paperes of then
otalo aro apprchenslv, from Conloy's
assertions, that tho Radical party of
Georgia do not intend to glvo up power
at tho bidding of anybody, nnd that
thoy expect to bo upheld In this usurpa
tion by tlio Prcsldont of tho United
Btntos, with thn army and navy at his
Tho Savannah Jlepublicun, comment
ing on this stato of uffalrs, says :
" Wo shall soo whother General Grant
has progressed far enough In tho road
to arbitrary power to support uny such
revolutionary measuro In a State.
Whatever may bo tho Acting Gover
nor's opinion of the election act as ro
gards Its constitutionality, tho Legisla
ture has passed It Into a law, and It Is
his sworn duty to oboy It himself, and
soo that It Is respected hy othors until a
compotent tribunal shall havo declared
It unconstitutional. Ho is not that
authority. There aro many laws on tho
statute-book that were passed over tho
constitutional scruples of thoKxecutlvo
for tho tlmo being, but no Kxccutlvo
ever presumed to disregard them on
that account.
Tlio lllcclloii Trials Ihnlcil.
(irand mztE.
These contested election cases which
wcro commenced some four weeks ago,
with a sweeping vjrry of charges of
frauds In Democratic districts, havo
como to nsudilcn termination. Com
missioner A. A. Chase, Esq., who was
appointed two weeks ago to tako testi
mony In theso casos, and to mako his
report on tho 27lh Instant, appeared In
court at that date, and stated that tho
contestants had not appeared before him
for tho purpose of taking ovidenco to
03tnbllsh their complaint, although
thoy had been duly notified of his sit
tings and of his readiness to proceed
with tho duties of his appointment, nnd
as a matter of courso could mako no
further report for tho consideration of
tho court.
Mr.' Rhone, as attorney for tho re
spondents, then asked that tho cases bo
dismissed and the costs to follow tho
Mr. Palmer, as attorney for tho con
testants, explained tho causo for their
failure to appear before tho commiss
ioner as required to do, and assigned
tho delay totho inability of Mr. Ketch
um, tho chief counsel, to glvo his at
tcntlou to tho business.
Without waiting for further excuses
or arguments Hon, Thomas Collins, ono
of tho associates, rem irked, that tho
court would disposoof tho cases by dls
missing them and directing tho contes
tants to pay the costs; nnd handed tho
clerk tho following papor for flllug
On tho matter of contested election of
Aaron Whitaker, Sheriff. D. K. Morss
Associate Judge and J. 1". Weller, Coun
ty Surveyor, ol Luz'tho county.
Now, 27th, Nov. 1S71, ituppearingto
mo ejourton tno report oi a. a. unase.
Lsq., uommlsdoner, that tho contos
tantsdld not appear beforo said Com
missioncr lor tno purposo oi e'staoilsli
ing their complaint, although full op
portunlty was clvcn them to do so,
therefore tho petitions 111 tho uhovu
stated cases nro dismissed nt tho costs of
J. W. lino, John M. Poor nnd Abram
Nesbltt, contestants, nnd tho said Aaron
wniinuer is ueciarcdeluly elected Sher
iff of Luzerno county, nnd tho said D
K. Morss Is declared dulv elected Assn.
ciato Judgo of Luzcrno county, nnd tho
sum J. r. wcllor is declared duly elect
ed County Surveyor of Luzernp county,
B. F. Puouts, Associate Judgo. '
So stands tho record of theso llirco
contested cases, and tho public will not
bo a llttlo surprised to learn that tho
petitioners or plaintiff's, havo hacked
square out of tho contest, and aro will
lug to pay a forfeit, to tlio amount of the
costs, rather than risk tho final Issuo of
a thorough test of tho rclativo rascality
between tho two political parties in tlio
county. Wo Intended to publish a gen
oral review of theso cases, nnd an im
partial contrast between tho frauds nnd
tricks of tlio loading Domocratic and
Republican politicians of this locality,
but tho trials havo closed so abruptly
that wo havo not tho testimony of wit
ncsses to mako good our expectations,
Ono thing Is settled, however, that tho
Radicals havo in somo way met with
disappointment. They cither intended
to play a bluff game.jnnd frightened
tho democrats Into a compromlso or a
division of tho offices, nnd to humbug
thopeoplo Into tho belief that all of tho
election frauds aro committed In demo
cratlc districts; or they intended to se
curo tho appointment of a partizan
commissioners torcceivo or reject such
testimony as would "whitewash," their
own nets, and servens good enou"h evl-
iloiico lit JJnrrisburcr to Justify tho Rail
leal majority of tho Senate. In votlm?
Collins out nnd giving his seat to Mr.
If ono or both of theso purposes, was
not at tho bottom of theso trials, then
tho offer of tho respondents to provo
tno matting and uslngof forged "Coffeo
colored" Naturalization papers, by tho
contestants and their friends, was too
much like business nnd too truthful for
their comfort and safety. Discretion
was their better part of valor, for thev
appreciated tno lact that
" N lion valor preys on reason,
It eats tho sword It fights with."
(fencral (irant.
Iu concluding an articlo on tlio uncer
tainty of President Qraut'.s ronomlna
tlon, tho jige says:
Military j-cnown Is a flno thing, but
reason should limit tho sacrifice mado
to it. Tho first Bonanarte hrouorht
Franco to ruin, and himself to Saint
Helena, though ho was a great soldier.
His namo was tho stock In trade on
which hi-, nephew went Into business.
and his military government oat the
very heat tout of Framv, aid left her
feeble and Imjioveiishi'd, an easy prey
to her cucmlt". Tho American people
may profit hy the example. Thoy glvo
Gonernl Grant tho Presidency, and n
great many other gifts. They havo
given him enough. Wo need not mako
him a present of tho liberties of our
country. Ills military claim to tho
Presidency in now played out, with all
iitoiiigent men. Thuunhlred Intellect
of Iho country Is heartily sick of him.
Ho has boon paid In full, Ho can now
retire with a full pocket, nnd live lux-
urlousln ono of his many houses. Tho
Mexican war mado General Taylor
president with a hurrah. But four years
after, n mnn of moro consplclous ser
vices, General Scott, was utterly touted
onthoHimo military platform. That
History will repeat Itself now, If tho
wholoof tho democratic nnd hnlft tho
republican parlies unite In support of a
candldato whoso character affords a
guarnntco of honest administration of
tho freo constitutional govermuont,
which is tho greatest and dearest right
of every Amcrlcau citizen worthy of
tho name. How to bring tocether tho
elcmonts of opposition to tho corrupt,
greedy, selfish cliquoof plunderers who
havo General Grant Iu their kcenlnc.
isnow tho only problem. Shall Mahom
et como to tho mountain, or tho moun
tain como to Mahomet? Either will
answer, as Mahomet said when ho son.
slbly solved that question. To solvo It
now, It Is only needed to mergo selfish
pretentions lit tho gonernl good. Tho
union of tho opposition to Grant.assures
his defeat, that is certain, certain "as
fate," certain as arithmetic. To that
great good.all minor considerations
ought to bo subordinated, and wo do
not think so 111 of the Intelligence of
tho American pcoplo, as to bollovothat
this groat good cannot bo attained. Tho
year that will olapso beforo thopresI.
dentlal election, affords ample tlmo for
a combination of tho honest, patriotic
and Intelligent elements of both polltl
tal parties, against tho plunderers who
want to keep themselves in power by
fraud and military violence.
aANThas raado .two hundred and
twenty appointments slnco tho adjourn
Bient of Congress, which aro to bo acted
on by tho Senate, .
From tho PhlliUelphU Day.
Proposed Itcprcsnitfitlon.
Wo mako no apology for publishing
tho subjoined letter, though not Intend
ed for publication, from u gentleman
whoso advocacy of proportional repre
sentation has given him prominence,
nnd who thoroughly comprehends tho
subject. Ho stales the question more
clearly than wo could hopo to do, nnd
his statement and Illustrations will not
fall to Interest tho render :
Bi.ooMsnuna, Nov. 22, 1871,
Dear Governor t Your nrtlclo In
The Day of tho IStli Inst., on Equal
Representation Is well conceived and
worked nut, nnd Is directed to a point
of tho debate) upon reform which re
quires attention.
Tho term "Minority Representation,"
as applied to our reform, Is Inaccurate
and misleading. . Wo do not prop6so to
represent minorities nt all, but ccw
fre majorities In constituencies, In all
plural elections. Iu fact wo ndlicro to
and apply tho majority principle thor
oughly: woclvo to It moro extended
operation nnd effect than it hns over
nau in popular elections nnd causa it to
become, what it has never been, an In
strument ol Just and vory nearly com
plete representation of tho neonls.
Tako tho caso of n town of G30 voters
in which two assessors of taxes nro to
bo elected, nnd suppo'o a democratic
voto of .150 nnd n republican voloof 300.
Tho ratio of voters for an assessor will
of courso no uivi.
Then, .1.50 democratic voters, 1st mnj
U25 rnllo.
2.5 SOO republican voters,
scconei innjorny, and wo assign mo see
ond assessor to tills second majority.
Again, In tho election of threo town
auditors In thu samo town, on thn s uiin
vote, wo hnvo n ratio of 217 nearly, and
uiu uiawiimuoii win uo ;
.150 democratic first majority.
217 ratio.
1113 SOOrepubllcan second majority.
217 ratio S3
and wo assign tho third auditor to this
third maorlty or WU, resulting la two
democratic and ono republican mull tor,
strictly upon n mnjorlty prlnclplo truly
Now, although this computation of
successive majouies is not actually
made, It Is Involved in every applica
tion of tho freo vote, and It approxi
mates to Justice as nearly as possible.
Under thu old plan of voting in tho first
caso auovo. auo voters would bo unron
resented Instead of 25, and In tho second
caso ijuu instead or HJ,
Those pcoplo then, who say "tho ma
jority principles Is sacred," or thnt
"ours should bo a government of tho
majority," will discover that tho now
plan is necessary to tlio lust application
of their doctrine and Is not opposed to
I am, dear Mr, most truly yours,
Hon. Alex. Cumminos, Philadelphia.
The Co.minci Conciress. According
to General Butler, President-mnkiug Is
to be tho main business of thu coming
session of Congress. Unless tho gov
eminent has becomo practically nn oli
garchy, tho making of Presidents ought
to bo loft to tho people. That Is no
part In tho function of Congress, or, If
It Is, tho pcoplo have uo moro to do
with tho selection of their chief ruler
than the subjects of Europeau monarch
les. All they havo to do, at tho utmost,
Is to ratify a solectlon by an election
This was not tho design of tho founders
of tho government, nor consistent with
tho republican theory. Such aa assump
tion by Congress, besides oponing tho
door for corrupt appointments and
bribery, involves tho neglect of nil prac
tical business. Tho reduction of taxes
nnd tho llghtonlng of other public bur
thens aro objects anxiously desired by
tho country, and Iu which Congress
might find iv legitimate nnd nmplo field
for its energies. Another fact of ovll
omen Is mentioned by correspondents
when thoy Inform us that thoblrd3of
prey aro already docked to tho capital.
It Is predicted that overy old schomo
that has failed any tlmo thoso last ton
years will probably bo renewed, aud
now ones bo engendered hourly. Tho
corruptlonlsts gathered In Washington
do not so:m to havo taken to hoirt tho
lesson taught by tho fato of tho Now
York ring. Thoy seemed to bo lulled In
tho samo profound senso of security
that tho ring exhibited in Now York
Just boforo tlio reform earthquake shook
tho ground under them. It may bo
somo tlmo beforo tho national sentiment
against corruption lakes tho Washing-
tun rings in hand, and, being stronger
and worso than any other, they are
likely to dlo harder. But their day Is
coming, for tho people aro more power-
lul than Prcsldeu t-makers and lobby
ists, as tho national Tweeds may yet
discover when it is too lato to escape
tho public Indignation they havo arous
vil.Dall, &'un.
The Boston 1'osl pays of the presjnt
Radical campaign in South Carolina:
This trick has becomo too stalo to
work any longer. Everybody knows
that It Is what is professional styled a
put'tipjob. Hero Is an entire population
put to lllght by Federal troops, that
was living yo3terdy In ns quiet anil
contented a fellowship as characterizes
any other community. War has boon
practically declared against them by
tho Federal governmont. Not on nc-
count of nny crlmo on their part do
they Ilea but beeauso thoy aro invaded
by the troops of a government that hns
nothing to do with them. All this takes
placo under tho Infamous Ku-Klux law,
which was denounced ut tho tlmo of Its
passage, with such vigor, by Senators
ScHuitz and Tjiumiiull a statute
claiming Its origin In tlio Fourteenth
Amendment, which Is thus Interpreted
to mean tho ovorthrow Instead of tho
exteutloii of Republican liberty."
The "Now Departure" resolution did
moro Injury to tho Democratic party In
tho recent election than all tho frauds
committed hy tho rascals who havo
placed our party Indlsreputointho city
of Now York. Tho dovetailing of that
disastrous plank into tho Democratic
platform was tho causo of our discomfit
ure nnd defeat. Republicans that nro
disgusted with Radical rulo and who
voted for us last year nnd year before,
looked upon tho "Now Departure" as
tho material that closed up tho breach
between tho two contending parties on
tho negro question, nnd they considered
that no real reason existed why their
aid should bo given to us this year. Wo
attribute our defeats to this outrageous
picco of policy which was perpetrated
ou tho party against Its consent and In
tho most clandestine manner, Nation
al Defender,
Tirm Ivll.IvliiT PnmtnlftPif will nrrnm.
nanv their ronot with fil.v thousand
printed pages of testimony. And nil
thU disturbance) hi tho country, this
cost to tho Treasury 13 for tho purposo
of ro-elcctlnir General Grant, nml krnn.
ing tho preHent "King" In power.
No Surrender.
Tho following from tho Erlo Observer
expresses our sentiments exactly :
Wo nro sorry to meet a Democrat oc
casionally whohdlscourgcd over defeat
and talks nbout giving up nil effort for
tho parly hcreaftor. This Is not tho
spirit which should actuate tho friends
ofajustnml patriotic causo. Cowards
and tlmo servcrs desert and falter whun
,tho enemy gain nn advantage; bravo
men, who are actuated by prlnclplo,
nover. For seven years our revolution
ary fathers waged tholr struggle with
England, nmld tho most dlshonrtonlng
circumstances, yot tluy c.tnn out tri
umphant at last, and received 'tho ad
miration of mankind for their endur
nnco and valor. Wo who hoist of a
direct descent from thrso noblo men nro
unworlhy rf their momorlos anil unfit
lo bear Iho namo of freemen If wo can
not pattern nftcr thulr Illustrious ex
nmplo. Defeat had no terrors for them,
lot It havo nono for us : r.s' their attach
ment to principle nerved them to duty,
let 11 mako us thu moro firm and de
termined ; as they profiled hy dlsister,
let us bo taught and benefited. "Tho
Old Guard never surrenders," was tho
reply of a' noted general when called
upon to lay down his arms. And we
reply to tho3o who talk of giving up
our party organization : "Tho Democ
racy never surrender." Wo nro fight
ing for principles, not for mere spoils,
nnd defeat docs not nfuku ono Indict
mcnt against tho traitors to republican
Institutions tho less (rue, ir ono plank
of our platform tho less valiuble. Tho
battle wo havo fought for trtnj.i years,
ngaiust sectionalism and fanaticism wa
aro ready to prolong as iinny mare,
should It bo necessary, und wo nro not
In tho least nfrald but that victory will
ultimately crown our btnnora.
General GraxtM Ws-hlnglon oi-
gan after alluding lo tho Into elections
In the Southern States, which resulted
adversely to Its ptrty says : "It will re
quire not less than ton thousand regular
troops, Judiciously distributed through
out the Southern Stales, toInuru n freo
and fair election In thosi States, In
1872. It may bo necessary that Congress
should increase tlio army." Such an
announcement us tills would stir the
people of France, nt this time, to a
perfect frenzy. Tlio uso of trojp) to
Insure a fair, freo election, in a tlmo of
profound peace! What eff-jt will it
havo in tho United Slates?
It has transpired what bec.tmo of a
portion, nt least, of tho money for
which nn action is commenced against
William Jf. Tweed. Judgo Noah Davis,
United States District Attorney, states
that ho has received Information entire
ly satisfactory to his mind that "tho
Now York charter was voted for by tho
Republicans pursuant to a caucus reso
lution of both branches of tho Leglsla
ture, but that the entire body of Jtepubll
cans were corrupted by immense sums of
money brought by Tweed from New
York, for which Identical money nn
action had been commenced against
taxation Items are startling. Fur In
stance, tho taxes collected for tho year
1871, from whiskey and tobacco .amount
cd to $SG,000,0(IO. In 16G0, beforo tho
war, under n Democratic Admlnlstia
tlon, this would havo paid tlio whulo
expenses of tho Government. V hat a
beautiful llttlo legacy, In tho way of
debt, will not Grant leave us cs eclally
if ho should succeed In a ro election
A London dispatch says : The condi
tion of tho I'rlnco of Wales Is no better,
Apprehensions of an uufavoreblo turn
aro expressed without dlsgui-e, as it Is
remembered that Princo Albert died of
a similar complaint after n sudden nt-
taclc and brief Illness. Rumors on
'Chango nro that tho casj is worso than
tho published bulletins represent,
Minister Suiiknck Is going to ro
sign. Ho can't llvo on seventeen thoiti
nnd dollars per year In London. Noth
ing short of thirty thousand dolltis
will keep his pot boiling In nccotduncn
with tho stylo required In tho diplo
matic circles of tho British metropolis.
This will glvo Grant n chnnco tore
ward somo other defeated congressman
The passes of tho Vosges nro to bo
fortified by tlio Germans In sucii a man
ncr as to shut out Franco entirely from
her old provinces. At tho samo time,
Franco Is about establishing largo
camp3 on her now frontiers. Thus the
old enemies will face each other on now
It is said that Orant wants ton thou
sand moro troops lo Insure a fair clec
tlon In tho South Iu IS72. Well, all ho
has to do Is lo ask for thorn. His radi
cal friends will soo that they are fortl
New Advertisements,
gTRAY cow.
Came to t no rremlP4 or Iho Mib-icrlbnr. rfshl
ins at Mnlnvlile, nbuiit tho Jst uf JNotinber,n
hlruv Cow formerly nunM Uv him, Tl o Cow Is
of alight blown color, wllli whitopoU nn bur
imitu tirnncrli'. nnv lOiHriri'H nml IilIeii lior uwnv
umiiu will bu illMtuhul ot anciinlfnt; to iau.
Dec. 8, iS713t
Letters nf nilmltilsliiLlhin nn lift, outntn nf
j otm k union latoor hu parlour twp.. Columbia
county Uec'il., have been urnnuM by tho lU sUter
of kuhl count, to J, K. Krlckliuum, of Jlentoi
twp. Alt ptrhoiiH hu Itijx claims or dcmniuU
against thu itm-i'mit urn wiiu htctl to nmko
Ihflil UnovWI.aml ttlOU Imlphlcrt tn limltH ttiy.
ini-nt. I, K, KHICKIIAUM,
u ((.,,' QW, Administrator.
i.etttrof mluilnUiriitlnion the esttile of Jacob
Ilnrrlu. Into of llemloclc townnhln . ('olumlilii
comity, liuc'il., h ive bfi n Knuittnl hy tho KrgU.
leroi hiiiu cniiuiy kj wit nam uarntoi uhiuuuik,
ltcrkn county, l'a., nml Jaintt A, Harris of
luiukhorn, Columbia, county, IV. All persons
liu Intf chiliDH a-tahist thu t'Hiuluof tho iliicedfnt
iue ttiijtie.stt'it lo pit nt ttii'iu for HfUk'iiieut,
a lull host iiulehtt'il tolhu ctttuto to make pay.
mailt 10 the uiiUeiKljuul, lulmlnUtrutoi h, Willi
qui uciuy.
Wl JiIjI.A.H II UI11H,
dccS'71-Cw AumltililMlor.
cuooij houhi; ijiiTrix(i,
Healwl nrcuosaU fjr liull lltii
ool Hon so
, near the
In Milllin towtuhln. UoiumUlu; i
rosldencoor John Michael, ll Im
HI feel lu length, will bu r-eilred
ilrtftor of Mlilllu township, in
ut IJoccinter,l:17J,aii I on timid ly
lJlrectoro. Plan and HpoilllJUl i i
by culling ou the Kemoituy of (Uo
Jly order or the UoarJ.
Jacou UuuvKit, IH-VAO
Pec, 8, 1M1-3L.
wnno, uy
lie Hehool
o ith day
lio Hehool
y be Keen
VI tllUH,
4 1 ctldt'Ut,
Edited by r.T. Ilr.v. VM. JIACON bTKVKNS.
H li full or I he richest nud rumf thought, im
loldtnir Miu plvriout Couveuunt t'romUci of our
Uod, r uptibly illiutiulttUl dliound liwieif du
kleuH of tuie eletmice.
It la n Utm umonu books. jfion's Ihuilil.
It In 0110 of the in ok t cleg nut hoot. ever Issued
from tho American pre U'utchman unit Jiejlcc
Thl U n book of Burpanjlug beauty, A", '. 01.
tcrvtr, f
I'nriched with 20 txmiUllo items of potry.
Ftmt-clafcii AienUurumaklinf tiuto j.DnerUuj-,
I'ikolow, Terms extra, For Olicularit adtirw.
, n ilUHUAUi) 1IUOH., l'ubliaher.
dec 8 7Mf 7-J Huuvoin ht., lhlfa, i
)uniiio saijK
VAi.uAiiMi nn.Yh ubt-ati
ummnt In nn rr.lcr nf Iho Orphnm' Court nf
rolumhin county, renimyiynuia, n u r . . .
I'ubllt' -Mo, on tho prcnU-H in tho town or
lliootmimm in mini cuhiiij- h
rr1. r..11nu.lirf linear II ifil Pfiftl ftt.llrv liltO Of TIl'W .
iMtiiKlitf. clrcoMmn. ti wltl A lot sltunlo In
tint parlor IHootmbur? known n Heott town,
inljolnhi loti of r. l.'lnomrti nml ttavl l win
.iiiii ifitvn nr 1 1 un ni4iiii rii . nn iiiirii nirctii in
nor iroiiiiiitf nuuui i '; rutin
nnd (Ttctdlii(t about 'JW icoi to nn uuoy, wigrc
on nro erected n largo
n hnrno SlnUp, ft (tool !r( ponnnrt other out
UUIUlt)E ft B,,r' " 'li wn,u Pl"lf
IJtiNlHTilKNS Ul M Mil .. ion i i 'iiii
villi lntorct from tho coutlr
IllIlllUll Mltl,
ton ti hi gl vtn cn thr- flr Ony of April,
JUllN Hit hH,
doc. 8,"
ti, AUimnifliruiur
A full nnd t-oiupieio nmnry oi nieiin, nor im
pri'sent nnd ntnrc. Willi Ktnnhld itceitw, Incl
rp'on nml .1, W, Hlimhnii.cdllor of tho rhlcnRo
'Jtihune, Wit'iovi-MO paste, nml lUmdtu-
iinm it Ij unttf rnmli' f r ibLlvnrv.
oi territory umnu ruulltmmt.
uuu Uo., 111., or l'lul.t
hi iJ tVi.i..'.: .fr i.'ti.s Mttl.l I'.xtmrt.
Tlio wonderful ri'iimly for t'nncer, HyplillK
HrrnrilU,tlMri, riumonary Minipuiin H, nun
,.nrn . mm I li Kt Jntl tl I ll l I '.tl 111! tl PHI llfil I till If. f I lllll
liij.i,riul r, .uHlrel by llio ftusKUiiK'e oMIio
ft 'ttiorlti 'ol t'l it country Hli luo moil . ut. -
irt.n.M u.1.1 l.vnll Itriii'rlnf.. Ill 1.111
holtlia. ImvltiKim Ilium lmiiiu, trn.le innrli
iiinliliri'dloiii. -eml Icr clrculnr.
tjilinr.ilciry, No. lit) CcJnr HI., N'.l.
Ulllco liuil
r.otti vi.tit.
. Annum, InclU'llnB Year Hook for 1WJ.
1,7 1'iirlt ltow, New Yorlt.
HAMl'I.U COfllM l'lll-.U. ,
Hftiil for frr- Frunplo copy of tho ClUUBTrAN
T.l. All, 11 urL cim wti'iiiy joiiriiiii, i.'-"-
.. i V.rlr Mlnlit I ' loll nt I. f 1 1
ciHillsl,nnil conl.'ilntnir luo Heunoni of Dr. 12.
Il.l'hiinln. Tonus it,W per )cnr. Aililreia. t'uo.
Iklier uill.i.'iliAi'i j.wil', .-" .u.,.v ,
New yoik Liiy.
Tnnn'U ihi'-i;iioi
.11 .maoazim: hoi.
VIKJU O feltillivo
oiluilugtli eioiuliiginr
to overy tulMcrlbor of Merry' Museum, tho To
ledo r.toilc. roineroy's Democrat, itc, which 1
nn ovidenco of IU worth nnd popnl vrlly. Hor.
neo (Ircotcy. Jamns lirton, Tnoodoro Tlltou,
flail ltinillliiii.itc. wrlto for every number. In
clubbing, It offer, llirco first class periodicals for
tho prlco of ono of lueiu. A variety of prcml
uuu ou equally liberal Icrnn. It li nil original
llrHt-chm nmnizlno. Volumo X begin, with
Jan. '7J. Threo specimen copies free. Address
H.ti. WOOD Newburtih, N. Y.
ovr.rt om iiundiikd paoks.
Printed In Ten I'olorM. on Kunriti 'lliutd Vnnn
I'our llundred IlnumvlncH of l'loucro, PJniiU
iiiiti i-tri-iiiiJivi, " hu ' n i pi idiis, mill
1)1 reel Ions nnd plans for mnli log Wnllis.hiwrs
(Imk'IiS. Ac. Thu li.lliiUoincsL mid rinrul
(iiihhi In thu World. AM tor leu L'ohIn. lo 1Ihm'
who think of UuytmtHc cd, Nut n iiuurtcr Um
CJ t.
2 V,WJ sold
Itochestur, X, V,
'J ho Dei;- No., price 8(c, Ims 19
I ict'ts ochi nim insir'1 1'tnuo,
anisic. M'orin s i in t (ia lorm.
Vo will mnll two bnclc Nos. tor
At I Tw I n I I,,lir "'r -tr J""t to ic.
UlUtJlWiLii 'i,iur e-,i..i, iruKumr jirico s 1
Hound copies lor 1871, yllt Kltlci
nud CiIccn. Thn AIiikIii U In
IAYrIMrT V'O.Thomas.Ktnkpl.UoumHl.
tUUiN I lijjlutc. Address j. h. pKi'Klbsan
Hroulw.iv. N. Y. P. O. liox flun
s a v i:
v o ci u i, i r a:
A Liicnilciulv pur prep.irnilou of
vhlnh is ti UKHt Important roontltupnt ot tho
i in uuu i ty, I'siHii tin nirt'iy iu mu liritin, POT'
vousHtf-tem III i I mill ll'ip. It Tin: UN'
MJUWASl'i: ou DKFIClKNl'Y of nil: MrK
is iitPjIMMi:i)lATKUAUSi: or
KA1AH1S DYriPi:P.4lA. HCUUFUIjA. htc.
Tho proper Remedy fori hue floclunl ireatmont
nnd euro oi tho tihovo Dtseuse-i rouslslH lure-
hiunnii in mo inntii, Xicrvnui Sitem, LunRs
uuu i.iou (iuu piuprruon oi I'jiosi'iium'H,
ir y v o i li o h i n i t
Is the only nrennintlon which ifvjintiliiipti ihi
reiiult and it Is un ubiulutu cuiu lur tlio DutntC!
iiuiivn miuieii.
t'lncui. vns, iNroRMATiovnnd Ahvicr I'iikk.
ChetuWls, M John St.', N. V., mid hUd hy nil
l'l I'lllltl .1 111, II ,t' I tUIVIHIIV I'l. II .
old by all Uiuaslsls. icuvie tml'tattms.
Tito Voi-y Best, in Use
-.uw liuiu nuvennruiiiy, Iliornuglilv buruej,
Arocntlrily I'ltosfl'Jtuot'.
eut Tor circulars lo
c. y. novKTo & ro
oodi.ruie, .now Jtwey
fill I II IIKSf hVW.dll.MMlIll dljr O.VI.Y'ST
1 l.nieryilrliuler4ntJJi,sioand Slue. Diminii'l
mrets rue nuiua Vi.,Hlroiuhl,urir. M.mi-oe co. fit
Lm M I) ! I nc.x.j . mi .. . 1
buri!, I'a., f i freii Clicular'or Hkxtkii c'nlteV.
IJ!te Uurn.l i)J(er eciuaUo hay New llilnjj.
S.r)7.(!() it eni' r,!ir,i . ..l.'fV.veek w"! l'r"v
lentd July IMh. Hamplos ne'nt treo In al"! V b
dreai W. 11 .CllICKSTlsii -in llroailivay.Now Yorli,
I ui:.N r.s WAMBii.-Airenu lnnSoniTrcrino"iuy
A "l","'1' fru linn ut .Hnvthlui! elno. jiuf.
HtlNSOK ,l Uo, t'MC Art l'ubtuhm. l'orll'aml
O I n rr a .mo.vihi nomn in,..iw,..,i vi:
Q-iQ pensca paid. H. II. HHA'.Allrwl, 1ft J
il?10 from 50 Gents.
Mmplul Milt (r.ola"0 lill.ll fur Kirn. I
tjult iclnll dully
11 In.
iJL I, I,
WOK ft "J. I ll0" Cheap KimttioHowiiu
O 1 L.) Mae 1 no In Mm u-nr .1. ' A., ... ...... r
J,. IIAYi:. I'.lllH, N. II j" H V
n,.,. i..... ,i. ..i:""'i;-'.tft', cwnvi with
1,4 ...... iiair, louuillr.
rutvu bv rilurn inal . ncurreet 111.1,, .Vt ....f,.
fulilio husbaiiil or wife, w Mil 11:11110 und Ualo of
n'SiiV"1!'!'.'.' t"K,V,W """u AKUltHtllhell
Iho W01 M llelimvniil lmpioved lluclteyo Hew.
ns Jlne iiuo.uta llbernl Kalury orou Cuinnilw.
i.'.'l'.A '' nu'l Wrjeon given lo Alicntu. l ull
,A".U,llfcS,ir.,l f.te VtT"??''""'.,''1
- V- -i " " nin-iw
?MHtory otlKU ComltU l0 ttml l'"lly Uliutralei
ly nnd securo oxtr.i terms aud cholcn 'liehK Out"
m.&Jt'LMitt. iiiiiiiAitu iiitiw.. i,ni.i!i L. ,4,1
Siiiuiiin ui H. li.. ' "'..''
. AfiKXTri vanti;i roii tim:
fiSToity or THE
1 ul l,A.llliK'""c ",ul mllolnl hUlory of iIihibiciA
eoulllcu Annul, urn meeting wllh unpieeeSili .
cil nieei Bs nlllnB from si lo to coiilis per d iv
( A I" 1 0 T J iiu-rlr liUtoilea nro belnir clr
UjVU I IUl ciliated, rieo Hun Iho booi vou
Jho InlerTerm of IIik IiiBlliution will open
.","?.utl."U0l,lc,c" foli. 'tuition from S.1.00
ln'li "f Hon Klvou Iu nil tho common
i lid lilitlur liniillkh bruncUca, lonelher Willi Lilt,
iu, llru lt, treueh nud (Urman UimkI lioiiul can
be. obiulued ul tluiperwicu.or rooms lumUhctt
In Uuu. whu wlU lo boutil llicnuilviii, for
furtlitr pnrlltuhirn nddreM
J. li bUltiiONo Vi:it, l'rlncliwl, or
lJr.o.A.Ml'.UAUUi:i,t,lJeui.iiry. .
Omneevllle.Oct.W, ini-lni.
Wo now lmvo tho finest fu.sorliiicnt nf Hf.AMiJ
JJl.KliH nu bund nud lor nils thut neru over kept
In lilooinkburu. Ijiruo tUa on bent luirchmeiit
paper, Cnimiiuu Deeiiii, lixucuior'nauil AdininU.
jrutor1. lieedii-.iuall tlui uood Purer (choaii)
Common limit, do,; 1 vUVj ;
ITTT'V-rrrT.'-:-,-. n-T r - -
Llllll,OIltl HI f i '( IK.l f .,,),-. UUlloW l-
AVATCII t'tll'.n lo Aitent, to inlradues nrllelei
that Mil lu overy homo. LATr.v.tCo.,l,Utii.
burn, l'a, " nio-iw
ij'fff AWoNflf-Horiio nnd carriajo tur
Itlllut, Miot-tJiiiis. Ilcvolvvrs
flail material of nrorv Itlml Wrllo firl'rlaj
.lsi.ioureni wmirrn fiun wnrK,, riiMU ir'i;
'a, Army cum nnd lluvolvor baiuhl or tr.i 1 1 i
for, Akcui wnub'il, niij.tur
It h.a lh. rtellratft nnd rrfrcablus
Cf)r of .enitU. I'.rln.
VUA ihJol.I11' Water, nml If
4I!E'q-Jiii"P"'""iii l
the T.ittt ifX SOAn "l00uir
tlrra.D. Hold br llrnrrl.l
m,i i.iiicii rr.nrt'MMir.
tH A I'UHK UbAt'li ri!A.
with tlio Urccn Ten Flavor,
Wnrrnntcd to Mill nil tnMen.
l'nr mio everywhere In our
"Undo innrk" pound and Imlf
pound nucUuco only. And for
m1o wholcmilo onW by tho
(Irent Atluntlo find Tnriilo I'm
(In.. 8 Church St.. New York ii
O. II. ix MM.
Bend fur I heaNeclnr Circular. 4w
ThcKreat piibllcntlon b llr. Cbavine WO.M N
AH A Wins M0II1KII, will avo ynu mouey
mid btllrarllllt. AKenia wnnien eyervwiieroi ia.
itlfH prelene.1. for ternm nildrc a VM. 11. t.V
ANSA CI). 710 Han lorn St., Philadelphia, lllll.r
T I Vinun for"lVinventI,lfo
ntHJlVJllJ "Jllllli unveiioa; uy
hdllli o (lorman, l.heii,e.i Nun, wboo ilUeltn.
tires nro tbrlllliu nmlDtartllng, CoNN,loiir.iii
ut i ro.. Hartford, CI, 10-1 w
ti , o r a ii si i: u h.
Tillt llELVrtl filiowa you how to navo nnd how
lo mauo money on uio i.irm, iviiero m mou i.r
tho protlli, and bow to f.btnln them. How lo
clear to 10.1 Irom Ojl. loMny. A copy free to ev
cry f.irmer rcuiUhi nnino and I. O. utldreM lo
i? y.ii:ai,i:it&M(jrttni)y, fiuiadoiphia, im.
WlttrNe.Y'ri M1ATH I'ODI' IIAHNIMrt bOAl1.
. rllllAM lll.t'I.NIlll.
fifVJiT ITflll", lllnclt. roll'hcH nndHolpi
I nt tho Mime time. I'lb lipln laro
kij..V "ud Mnnll boxui, also In :l lubim.
9 yZ& tliiHlicen In nil lorycir. mid given
vj jcrtecr H.iiliiraetloii, Hend Btaiuji for
our WAVntH.Y. Ad,lreH (1, I'. WIItiNHV .
Oi. M Sllllc HI., llnnlon, .Mass, nl'Hiiu
A bound canvavdu? book of tho
Containing nverilOO Illuitratlont. With aCom
iirelii'ntvo('yrlopedU expltinatory ot tho Scrip
lure", In Hnomhii ash tlMor vn,
niC-lw VM, l'JIN A CO.tlNilindelphlTl'.i.
nr.iNU nn r.xi'om-jof the fi:ritKTurrt.9 ami
With n full nud nulhenllc history of 1'u lyoam t.
by.I.ll.IlKADM:, Kdltor ol tho H.Ut Luke Uo
porter. AjtenUnro meeting with unprfeclented sua
ce, ono leports iwiuhtcriberln four days, an
other 71 iu tuod lys. Hend forClreulirs nod boo
what tho presi b.jk of tho worli, NATIONAL
1'UnLIMUtNO I'll, l'hlltlolphll, I'q.
UfifWr ni7TrPC! nvo ,m,R wanted n
UVVJV 1 U noveuy. in mo uo-
Hcription line wuuuwiii sen m
nt sight In every
iHinllv, 1 ho
Is thn only umkejlsnt uhlchsathlloH this wntit
It Is he.iullful and htrlkln. comblnlni; nu en
tirely new nnd cleRrtnt Kumlly lh')toi;riiphlti M
burn, with n eoiupleto l-'ninlly Ilhtory, Pull
partial I :ui und elreulars free. Addresn
(1KO. MAUL1IAN, IMbllsher,
iiitiw 7l'i H.-niHom Mrcet, I'hllnJelphlrt.
n"'i,o (J It HAT CON FLAG AT 1 0 Nr
Tho tint on city nn It wai, nml Is, Ttiu tlnuilct
of-iDyenrH iio. Iho (ireat City of ythlenlny,
'I ho tsninulderins KuIih of to-dny. A Krnphla
ficcouut of itK uueinmpled rHo uudn vivid pic
inro or Hh huddeu deal met Itn hy Ulbert A Cham
heilaln, lMliors of tho CHICAGO TIUIIUNi;.
Kye-wltneHhci an I great Hutlerent from thoter
rlhlo vlHitiillon. All tho main fucts aud Inel
dents nttendlnx this Krate&t cilatulty of the
century, are portrayed m Ith hiirpaHilnndlstluet.
neM und power, tho tllectuu Cuiuinerco, lu-ntr
aiLce, Ltc., iullytliscuHied,iuid details of u world h
tiynipatheilo res potion recor led.
I'lilly lllutratetl. l'rtco low. AroiiIh fdiould
apply linmethitely ai tho sato will bo )mmeufo.
L'l iiu Urn tree.
ilUllllAKI) IIROH. ruhliNhers,7lKauiomKt.,
riilladeiphl.i. CAUTION. Ilewaro (f Inlerlnr
workH. lieKuroyniigetCOUjyitTACilAMUKIt
,'AIii'sJ':i,llrU)N: lHfI w
iii;Ls;oAitBoitro tablets
FOK LUtKtll-., 11)1, 1IH. V IIOAllHr.JH-.M-.
'f bene Tablets preneiitl)iu Acid 111 Colnbltiallon
with nllierellleleiil reiiiedlon, lu n popular form
lor the I'urd ot tlll't'llHOATulKl l.UMl OleeuiCH
llOAIt-SllNlXrtandUI.CllUA'noM oflhe throat
nro Inilnedl.itely relieved und KtalenienU uro
conKtautly being sent to thn proprietor of roller
111 eiw.oi of I hlo it illlllcullleH of yearH stand Inif.
( ' t 1 1 fl' I fl V l'"1"' bo deceived by worthiest
OA U L lUlN Imitations. (1c: only Wells"
Ciirhnlie lubiu. t'rlco 2ieetit tier llox, JOHN
U. KhLUlUU, 18 flail Ht.,N, Y. bollil for Clr
mlnr. HohiAuenlfortho lH, nPMvv
ui:nut:no ttv hvtuzs.
aniiivi1 havinu to consumkhs
11V (ii:i'i l.NO Ul- CI.UIH.
-Send lor our Now I'rleo 1,1st nnd neluli
form will arc impaiiy It, contalulni! full illrec
tlons inalilns a larao knvlnii to eoiKumcra nud
remuneiatlVH to club oiir miners.
THU U Jl 10 AT AMJ'jltlUAN TEA Co.
.. ., si vuiKY aTltuirr,
r. O. Holt .Mi l. yew Yum. nl6.
It Is not n physic It Is not what Is popularly
called u Hitlers, nor 1. II Intended us such. 11 Is
ii Houlh Amvrlrau plant that lias been used ibr
many years by tho medical l.icully of tliosii
eouutrits with wouderlul elllcacy ns a l'owerful
Allerallvuand Ulidiualed l'lirllier of Iho lllooi
und Is u biiro and l'eiiect Hemedy for all Dlseuscs
ol Iho
OHSI IIL-CIION Of I.N b.".fl.S tsj Ulll.NAltY
tri'i:illNK,OH A111IOM1NAI. OllllANH,
111V Mitt VOU A W'AM U' IlI.OOll,
thin ok mi: i.ivKit,
ANU VV. I lit Til Hilt L'O.N-COJt.
, Dr. Wolle' Extract of Juruboba
Hollered lo tlio publio usucruit liiviKuniuiriuul
lemody for nil liuiurllles of Ilia blou I, or fur
oruaulo weattness with tholr utloudnnt evils,
tor Iho foregolnc: cmpialnis
.Ufjiui;i:i5 4
li CODllJeiltll. r.eitmtii.n.ln.l ... r ,.. ....
a houj,eliold remedy, and should bo freely tnlloil
. "";'"beiiiuui oi uio system, It nlves
health, vlor and loan n nil II... vl.,.i V..u?n.. .
autiiialex and fortllles all woitt nud lymoliHtlo
lelilierailicills, '
JOll.N IJ. Klil.l.OdO, 18 Platl Now Yorlt.
K.I...I .b"1" Aijeut for tlio United HUles.
1 rlco 51 per llottlo, risud for circular, niu.lw
$20 UI:WAH1)
. '. l.0"6 "IV1 " ,"l bjpild for Information
thut W 11 le.ul to I in , ..1....1 .In r
r, . , " i"-"".11 "iioeui mo uuislliu ropo
ol tho uiidtlsiaued ut thu oro lulnu ou tho farm
K J. .IV ,Armlroui, on thu night ut tlio lim
.... , .. . uiu aeuooa iiuio nils s lino otldueo
Was coliiiultted. UNOUII OA DM VN.
iioni tlloomsUuiB, 1'u,
KJ lull
utnu to Ihn ori.nilwea nt tlin siilianillinv m
.Hint: ut Iho wui uud of CniawUsa bridge, n
uhltonud red Sliolted Cow. probably nlnoortuii
liars old, with onuerooUed lioru that turns lti
but uo ulher liuitlcular mirks nl, 1',...
oiviurls leitut-Ated tn como forward, provo prop,
erly, pay ehaiges and lauo hor uway, or kho wnl
novu m-ci rt,uilKclti uyAIIOlJ.
jQ E 1ST T I S T Ii Y .
Hospeetfully offtrs his professional services lo
tho ladles uud irwntlemeii of lllnomklkiir.,,,,,.! ..i.
dully, llelsprepuiidloattend lunlltL. varl.
ousoporutloukln Ihellucof his prolesslon, nnd
Is provided Willi Dm,iir.ii..l ..iuf ....
Tkurii which will bo Inserted oa itold plntlui!
silver and rubber bosololoolc us uellnsuioim".
unu teem, aeeiu ezirucieu uy ail ihe new au4
mostnpiiroied methods, nud ull operations on
Iho tci'iii carefully ami properly nttended ui.
Me.ldwuco nnd olrtce n lew doors amv tfco
Court House, samo side.
uiuouiiiuiiru, Jnu.iTi iy
Are VOU tlrrd nf f hlilnttiir fi tlvtmr hv'.lid ni
Hhnr? if so, I hae f..r hal A CANAL OHO nnd n:i:il KTillti: with ilwllirif ktilU.
clent lor Ihreo Mmilhk. In which you euu nutko
an ent.y nud i (iiiiioitaldu lUlne, nnd If son try
cm clear IHu huuduil dolluix u ytar Uitldei.,
Ail for 111 e ftluall mini nf '1 uu Tloiuund dolIarH.
htoek uod fUliireit ineluded, ready for Lublucss.
uaiu an i hie lor ) curst Jt or uonreFH
Tio2'71-?m X.uzrrno Co., Va.
pIIAHIil-a 0. JjKIDY,
ATI Oll UY-.l't'-LAW,
Nullllit'MllEUI.AND OU.NTV, I' A,
Collections nromntlv mado. (?nnvfvniiclnf
eatiy executed and all other IjusIucms eouuec;-
d with lili lirofofcHlGll eurpfnllv uttintht.l tn In
Montour, 'Northumberland and Culumhia co mi
nes an, uaunei, noy, a, ii'Oiu.
(lo to
ll&st llloomhburtr!. 1'u . lot ull kinds of the tit
home and city mado
I'rleeH reagunablo and tho bo- nirk dnna.
Jan 171 tt
A T U 11 O O F 1 X U,
Ilox. 277, Uloom.burg, J', .,
Jnl.n n