THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Humorous. "FiiANNUii receptions" nro now In voguo. It lRvlicru tlio youiiffliullc? sew nn hour for the Doir nml tlien ilnnco three for Joy. Prodi-' positive dooil yotitis liitly "Llttlo boy, hnvo you over been luptU cd?" Small liontlicii "Oh, yw, mum ; I'vo tlio marks hereon my nrml" A Cinclnnnll wlilow rulvortlscil for "every Christian In tho city" to send her ten cents. She realized 20 cents, indicating nn unexpectedly largo num ber of Christians In that city. Join Hillings sayss "When 11 man ain't good for miylhtng else, I llko to ecohlmcnrry n gold headed cane. If ho can't buy i cane, let him part his hair In the middle." A dandy, with a cigar In hU mouth, ontored 11 menagorle, when tho propria tor requeued him to tako tho weed from his mouth, lestho should learn tho other monkeys bad habits. A soft hat with n feather stuck in tho band as Is tho fashen with somo of our "thoroughbred" swells. It U pertinent to remark that tho nppearanco of tiro feather indicates couilderablo soft ness witter tho hat. Miw. Kank, of Uiltlmorc, set out to write a llttof tho wrongs of women, but found to many of them that slu was driven to tint eonclutlontlmt women Buffer i wr.i'iur In being born at nil. This dispose; of tlio wholo fmoittoti in nutshell. Wu notlco In one of. tho Boston ex change-) that "a rich bachelor of New Jer-ey recently died, leaving by will Hoveral legacies of from ten to twenty' live tli uaiul ilollars each, to ladies whom h had addressed, but who had rel 'c'i d i.lm. IIo said that they had afterwiirds grown to bo so ugly that ho could not tosulTlcleiitly grJtcful." A go id Instance of "shnrp practico" is that of n man in Ohio, who was acmiltt 'cd of murder on a plea of Incanlty. IIo had aee-Jitl his lawyers by giving them 11 mortgugo on his farm, but now repudiates tho mortgage on tho groud that ho wa Insano when ho mado it, according to the showing of theso samo lawyer. AliAVAntAJf officer In Franco found one of his men cleaning rt chicken. "Hallo I" cried he, "fellow whero Hid you get that chicken? Don't you know that stealing has been forbidden on pain of death?" "A pcasaut woman gavo It to me," was tlienuswer. "And what did she say?" "Well, she didn't say much; sho only cried." IsVKN'Tivr, LAD3. A countryman living In Tennessee, whero forests nnd gatnoaro plenty, says that his boys, who all havo n gun apiece, became short of percussion caps a few days ago, and tho first thing ho know they wero shooting with match heads runsubstltudc. How niBny boxes of matches ho lost in that way ho did not say, but ho found that they fired as clear ns tho cap itself. It is said that necessity is tho mother ot Invention. A clergyman who had been stay lug for somo tlmo at tho houso of a friend, on going away, called to him lit tlo Tommy, tho four-year old son of his hosl, and asked him what ho should give him for a present. Tommy, who had great respect for tho "cloth," thought it his duty to suggest something of a religious nature-, so ho anounced hesitatingly, "I I think I should llko a testament, but I Imoxo I should llko a pop-gun." Aw Irishman was going along tho road, when an angry bull rushed down upon him, and with his horns tossed him over tho fenco. Tho Irishman recover ing from his fall, upon looking up saw tho bull pawing and tearing up tho ground, (as Is tho custom of tho animal whon irritated,) whereupon Pat smil- ingathlm, said: "If it was not for your bowing and scraping and your humblo apologies, you brute, faix I should think that you had thrown mo over tho fenco on pur pose." How to Do it. A short tiino ago a whalo was stranded on tho coast, and purchased ns a speculation by a sharp practitioner, who advertised, for infor mation how to'prcservo it. A wag re plied to tho advertisement, tendering tho desired Information on reeolpt of a half dollar's worth of postage stamps, which arrived, and tho following receipt was duly forwarded : "Put tho whalo carefully into a glass bottlo ; cover It over with spirits of wlno (strong whisky may doj) then cork and seal up." The postago stamp3 whero handed over to a charitable institution. An old bachelor looks at it In this way: "A Inby is not beautiful. It is blg-hcd-cd, malformed of llmd, misshaped of trunk, bloated and puny as to count enance, and comparatively hairless as to scalp. A baby Is notgood. ItlssellHh, wantonly cruel, thoughtless, greedy and ungrateful. It Is Immodest, moreover, and is always executing somo shocking atrocity. A baby Is not personally cleanly ; It revels In dirt, and takes a sharp delight in being grimy and smutt ed of cheek, sticky of palm, soiled In Its raiment, and generally 111-smelllng. I writo theso several Indlcments mora In 6orrow than In anger, nnd confident In thojustlco and truth of them, I Invito discussion. Sir, you know tho facts aro as abovo stated. Madam, you know It." In a Had 1"ix. Avery good widow, who was looked up to ty tho congrega tion to which sho belonged, as an exam ple of piety, contrived to bring hereon scienco to terms for 0110 llttlo Indul gence. Sho loved porter, and one day, Just as sho had received half a dozen bottles from" tho mun who usually brought her tho comfortablo beverage, sho saw two of tho grave elders of tho church approaching her door. Sho ran tho man out of tho back door, and put tho bottles under tho bed. Tho woather was hot, and while conversing with her eaco friends pop went a cork. "Dear mot" exclaimed tho good lady, "thoro goes tho bed cord ; it snapped yesterday tho same way. I must have another rono provided." In a few minutes pop went another, followed by thobecullar hiss of escaping llpuor. Tho ropo woum not do again : but tho good lady was not at a loss. "Dear mo!" Bald sho, "that black cat of mlno must bo at somo mis chief under thcro. Scat!" Another bot tlo popped off, and tho porter camo stealing out from unuer mo ncu curtain "O. dear rac ! " she Fold : "I had forgot ten ; It Is my yeast 1 Hero, Prudence, como mid tr.ko theso bottles -of yeast nwy !" Patent Medicines. A N APPEAL To Uebmtftlcrf Persons. To DyppciilicH, , I To HuiloreM from Liver Complaint, i To thoo lmvinj? no Appetite, To thoso with Broken Down Coiistl- tul ons. i'o Nervous people, To Children wnstlnir Away. To any with Debilitated DIccitlvo Organs. Or suffering with any 0 thefothictnp Symptoms, which indicate Vhorttcrcd isiver or atomact, nuch ns Con Klip ulnn. Inward Piles, Fulness or lllood to the Head, Acltl' lly ot the Ntnmncli, .NauROfi, Heartburn, Dingus t for Komi, Hour Krncltfttioni,Hinkltiitor Kml terlunattho l'ltnf theHtomneh.HwIm mlngiit thn I lend, Hurried nnd blillcult Hrtmthln. 1'liiUer hi nt tho llo-irt. L'hoklitf or Htiirunittng iSeiiflttlun wlien In a Lyitii IVh mre, initiiif hi 01 iion, uow or weus iemre tho siKut,Voverniuldull pain in I lid heal, Deuclcucv of Perspiration, Yellowness of tho H kin nnd lives, I'ulu'ln tho Hide, Hick. Chest, Mint, Ac, Hudden l'lusbea of, J turning In the Klesb, Constant linn In lug of Kvll.nnd great Depression of Spirits, HOOFLAND'S UtllMAN UlTTtill. A Ultteri without Alcohol or Spirits or uuy k lnd, Is different from all oHier. It Is composed of tlio puro Juices, or Vital Principle ofJloati, Iterbt, mid Star t, (or n medicinally termed Extract,) the worlhk'KSor Inert portions of the lnafedicntH not being used. Tnerefuro In one Dottle, of this ltttters tnero is contained ns much medicinal virtue ns will bo found In neverol gallons of or dinar? mixtures. Tho Itoots, &e.t used In this lillters are grown In iJermany, tlioir vital prin ciples extracted m that rountry by n scientific Chemist, nnd forwarded to tho manufactory in 1 fitv. whum thpvnm enninntiiided and hot lied. Containing no spirituous ingredients, this tuners is ireo irum uiu oLywuuus uik" all others: no deslro for stimulants ran no in duced from their use, thev csunot makodrunk nrds. and cannot under any circumstances, have any but a elfvet, HOOFLAXD'S OEUWAN TOXIC, Was comrounded lor thoso not Inclined to extreme bitters, and is Intended for use In cases when somo alcohol lo stimulant Is replred lu connection with tho Tonic properties ot tho Bit ters. Kach'bottlo of tho Tonic contains one bot tle or IhB Hitters, combined Willi puro HANI' A CUUZ HUM. nnd llavoredln such a manner that 1 no extreme uuieruensui ino uuitra lauteiwiuv. formtn 11 preparation highly agreeable and Dleasant to Iho nalate. and coutalniUK tho medi cinal virtues of.tae IJlttcrs. The price or tho Tonlo H il.50 per llottlo which many persons thlulc too lilgli. 'lhey must take Into considera tion that ilmKtlmulant used Is cuaranteed to bo of a puro quality, A poor article rould bo fur nished at a cheaper prlco.but Is It not better to pay a little more and have a good article? A medi cinal preparation fahould contain none but tho best ingredients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap componud, and be bouclltloj by It will immceriaimy ue cnoaieu. UOOFLAND'H OCRMAN BimULS IIOOFLAND'S GEKMAX TONIC, WITlt UOOPI.AND'S PODOPIIYM.IN VlhU will cum: ror. They aro tho Oreitet n r. o o i) v v u i v i ij n b Known to thn Medical world, and will eradl catHd hv"scs afisliiitfunn Impuro bliod. Debility of tho Digestive Organs, or diseased Liver, In n shorter time than any oilier ttnown remedies, The wholo SUPilKMU COUllTof Penusylv.iula 81'EAK 1011 THUS USXKMES, Who wo ild nU for more Dignified nuilBtronspr Testimony? Hon.Ononau WoonwAtn.jmicr Chief Jus ttce of the Supreme Court of Pctintylvanta, a prevent Member of Gn (rem front rcnnty'.vanla UTitet: Pjiiladcm-iiia, March 16th, 1S37. Ifind,,Hoollnnd's(Jtrnnn Hitters" Is a good tonic, useful lu diseases of tho digestive orgain, and of great benefit lav ihusordebllltvaud want or action In the system. Yours t ruly QLOttQC W. W03DWAUD. Hon, jAHEHTiEoataos, CM Jititico rj ths Supreme Gntrt of Pcnntytvania. FJIILATiSLrUtA, April 23, JSC7. I consider "Iloolland's German Hitters" a val uable moil I el no In casoof nttackx ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia, l cm certify this from my expe rience or It, Yours, with rospre r, jAHfcH THOMSON, Hon. GKonn e Ba aim wood, Justice of the Supreme Court of Pctuisylvanta. PhiladeU'IIIA, Juno 1, 1SG3. I have found by experience that "Iloolland's Herman Hitters' is n very good tonic, rellevius dyspeptic symptoms almost directly, tJEOKQE HlIAIUtWOOD. Hon. Wm. F. Itosers, Mayor of the CttyofJivjfalo A. 1". Mayor's Ofilco, IIulTulo, Juno 22, ISC 3, I havo usoi "iroolland German lillters and Tonlo" In my family during the inst year, and can recommend them us an excellent tonic, lrn- Earting touo and vigor to the system. Their use ss been productlvo or decidedly beneficial eUects, Wm. F. Kookiw. Hon. Jaraca M. Wotxl, J?c-3Itiyor of KUliamsport Pa, I take preat pleasure In recommend las" lloof land's German Tonlo " to any ouo who may bo aillictcd with Dyspepsia. I h.ul tho Dyspepsia ho badly H was impossible to keep mytood In my stomach.nnd I became so weak as not to bo able towalk hair amllo. Two bottles of Tonic llected a perfect euro. Jajies M. Wood. JtEMEMIUUt THAT 1I00FLANDS GliltMAN IUTrEIW, AND IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Will Cure every case or M A H A S M U S Or Wasting away of the BoJy, IIOOFM.ND'S LEHMAN IlKMEDIICB Am tho meillclriPM von renulro to mirlfv the lllood.exclto the torpid Mver to healthy action, and to euuhle you to passsiifely.thiough any hardships or exposure. Dll. JIOOKLAND'H P O I) O V II Y L Ij I N HunTITUTR FOR MCRCUKV l'lMfl. TWO PII.T.H A DOSS. 'J he most I'owerfaft yd Innocent, Vtgctabte Cathartic known. It is not necessary to tako a handrail of theso rills to produce the desired ehVcl; two or them act quickly uud ljowerfully, cleanslugthe Liver, Hlomiiclt and Hiwcls of ull Impurities, Tho principle Ingredient Is Podophyllln, or the Alco. hollo l.xtravt of Mandrake, which Is by many times more powerful, acting and searchlug than Iho Maudtako Itself. Its neeullar action U nn.n the Liver, cleunlng H speedily from nllnbstiuc- from the Injurious results attached to thy use or that mineral. For ull diseases In which the vise of a calhnrtln is iniiicaieu, incsu puis win give enure suiistau Linn 111 uvirv iui. liivy ri rAiL. In cases ot Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia nnd extremo cntlveness. Dr. Hnnflaud's German itiueisor ionio snnuui u uen it, eonneciiou with thePillti. The tonlo eU'ett of the Hitters or Tnnln huiiiiM tin ihoiivMtPtii. 'J bo Hitters orTonlrt purities the Hlooj, ktrengttieus the Nerves, u&u V i-ATiis the Liver, ana gives ktreugth, energy and vigor. Keep your Howels actlvo with the IMlIs.and tone up tho syktem with Hitters or Tonlo, and ho dUcaso can lutalu the hold, or even assail yon, llecollectthat It la DH. HOOFLAND'H OIUl MAN itemed les that are so universally used and highly recommended; and do not allow the Druggist to Induce you to take anything that he may uuy Is Just us good, because he makes a larger profit on It. These Remedies will be sent by ox press 10 any locality, upou application to the PU1NCI PAL Or'FlOk, at the GUItMAN MF.D1C1NK HIOUD, 031 Arch Ht PUUadelpUla. :iIAS, 31. KVAVS, Troprlolor. These Hemedles are for vale by DraggUU Htorekeepers, and Medicine Dealers every whe Court Advertisements. QOOItT PliOOiiAMATION. Witr.nRAi.HioHon.WUlIam Klwpll, Prcsldcnl .TudKonftho Court of Oyer and Terminer and Ueneral Jail liellvery, Court of tjuarter Hesslons of the 1'encnntnl Court of (!ommon Pleas and tr plum's Court lit tho Judicial District, com posed or tho counties of Columbia, Hulllvan and wyomlnjr.and tho Jlnn.Irntn Herrnnd IsanoH. Monroe Assoclalo Judges of Coin nib la county hnvo Issued their precept, bcailngdato tliolltn tlay of Hept-ember, In the year of our Iord, one thousand, eight hundred and sevonty-one.nnd to moillrected ror ItotdlngaCourtot Ojer nud Ter miner and Ueneral uuurtcr (sessions of t he Peace Court of Common Pleas and orphan's Court, In ltlonmsburg, In Iho county of Columbia, oil the nrsi nuuuuy( uein mu 1111 uuy ut uuvi-muvi next, to contluuo two weeks. Notice Is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to tho Justices of tho Peace, nnd the Constables of tho said county of Columbia, that they bo then and mere in iiieir proper person ni iu o ciock in iuo forenoon of said 4th day ol December, wltti their records, Inquisitions nnd other remembrances, to dotho-jothfngi which to their olllces appertain to bo done. And those that aro bound by rocognlEauco, to prosecute- against the prls oners that are or may be In the Jail or tho said county or Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute them as shall bo Just. Ju rors are requested to bo punctual In their attend mice, agreeably to their notices. Dated nt lllooms- , , ourg,ina win uny 01 repi in 1110 year h.n. of our Iford, one thousand eight nun r ' dred nndseventy-onannd luthonlncty fourth year of thu ludeoenileneo of tho Culled States of America, AAUON UMITII, liioomsuurg, aov, a, 1S7I. Bheritr, lUOW'H APl'llAISEMKNTd. Th a fallowing ntinralsements nf rent nml ler sonal property sel apart ti widows of ilocetleuts nave ueen men in mo omco oi ino Kcgisieroi Columbia county, under tho Uules nf Court, and will bo presented lornbsotulo confirmation, to the Orphans' Court to lm hold lu ltlonmsburg, lu and for said count y,on Wednesday, the lith day of, DecenberlS71,at a o'clock r.M., of said day, un less exceptions to such eonllrmallons nro previ ously Hied, of which nil persotis Interested lu said estates will tatco notice t 1, Widow of Isaac Grjer, late or Centre town 'i Widow or Georga Maslerst.lato of Grccn- ,1. Wlilow of John Mastelhr, Itlo of llrlarcreek township, deceased. 4, Wlilow or Jacoh Yo'jp, Into of MIlUlu town ship. dccaseJ. 6. Widow of Genrtfi W. Vcascr, lata of Locust township, deceased. .... P.rglstor's Olllcn. 1 nionmiUtug, Nov, OV. ii, IS l.) KKUISTKlt'ii NOT1(JKS.-Notiui: is hereby given to nil legatees, creditors nnd otht-r persons Interested In iho estates or tho re Hpectlvu decedents and minors, that tho follow ing administration iml guardian nccounts havo been tiled lu tho ofllcool tho Ueglbter or Colum bia county. and will bo nrcMcnted tor continua tion nud allowance lu the Orplmns'Court, to be iii'ju in itiuouisuurg.ou v euucsuav, ino bin nay or December, ls7i,nt o'clock in tho afternoon of said day 1 1. Tho acciiuntof JosIatiB. Ivarshncr.Guardlm of tho person and estate ol llUih D. Atarlceny, a minor child or Henry Mnrteooy, lato ur Ceuire tnwnshln. t?nlu nibl.i numtv. ilecu ihhA. t!. Tho account or l.ivld Domott, Gmrdlan of too person ami estate ot iucKeivy jvitciieu, a minor child of Henry Kitchen, lato or Grieu ViOod tnwutlilp, Columbia county, dreamed. It. Tho nccuu ut or Thomas J, Hutchinson, Guar dliiu of the person and estate ol Amamla V. Pa Hon, a minor child of James Painn, late of 1'Uh lugcreek township, Columbia county, deceased, 1. The account u; William H, Abbott, Admin istrator of John Waniiole( lato of Cauwlssa township, Columbia county, deceased, 6, 'Iho ilrst and llual account otM, K, Jackson, Trustee lu sell Htuii l.Htito of Samuel lllank, lato of Centre towuihlp, Columbia county, de ceased. (!. The account or Ilcnjamln F. Hartman, Ad ministrator of Andrew J. Sloan, lato of liloom township, Columbia county, deceascI. 7. Tho accouutof D.iulel Hnyder. Jr., tin sur viving 1-Jxccutor of Daniel Hnyder, Hr lato of lilojm townshln. Columbia couuiv. deceaseil. Tho account of A, Jl, Parker, Uuardl-m of tho pel sons ami lis tale or l-raaie Lotuer and Hurley Cotner.mlnor children ofHlmon Cottier, lato or MaJIsou township, ColumbU county, do- o.nuoil. 11. 'ilia ilrst nnd final nccount of William II. Fiiulds, Administrator ufKll.abeth Co ik, laic of Hcott tmvnsnip, t'oiumuta tminiy, iiecensuii, t'K Tii 11 iiccouut uf Joseoh H. Never. Admlnls 1 rut ur ir luulel f-u-ver. lute of Mlllli'i tuwuahlo. Columbia county, deceasoJ. 11, Ihe t-eennd nnd final account or Conrad K reamer nud II. F. Fruit, Administrator or Dr. i-lmon Cot ner, late or Madison township, Colum bia county, deceased. IS, Tho account of H. Il.llwmnn, Hxeeutor or Frederick Nicely, lato or the Dor ougli of llerwicl:, deccasfd, IX Tho llrst and final account of Gilbert It, Fowler, surviving Trustee or Isaao Fowler, late of the Porough of J Jet wick, dec-eased. 11. 'Iho llrst nccount or Gtorgo Hcott, ndmln Isttntor or C. 11. Uellsnyder, iaio or Caitawist,i, Columbl 1 county, deceased, 13. 'Ihe account of Jacob if. Fritz, guardian ot the person nud estate of Penllla Frit, a miii'ir child of Johu Fritz, lato ot towuihlp, lu suM county, deceased, 1U. The account of nylvcster J, Faux, adminis trator of Clatworlhy 1- ishcr, lato of Htoil t'jwu shln.d cecased. 17, Thu tlnal account of Hlrmau J. Ueeder, puardlan of tho person and estatn of HiumaH. iioJlne, minor child of Divld Hotline, lato of Franklin township, Columbia county, deceased. W. H, JAC011Y, Kslster. Jicgihiei s wince, 1 niooiiHbur.t, N 1 1ST OK HUn TEUM. 1S7I. f I HANI) JL'ItTRfl. lllootn John Hteese. Hamuel Jdcoby. HoHt'in Robert It. F. Col ley, Jlrlarcreck Isaan Mower. Centre Stephen llutt'tu. Centralla Patrick Ivlllen, Cat awlssa Nathan Helwit. Franklin Clinton Mendeuliall. Flshlngcreek Hllas Mclleury, Devi Hlshllne, HemlockSylvester Pursel, II. I). Mcllrlde. Locust Joliri Delly,hhult7. Kuitlle. Mllltln-D. JI. Montgomery, Madison Adam ltoat, Uobert HiUlcr, TUoma J.Hwlhher. Mt. Dlcnsant John M or Jan. Main George W. Fisher. Orange M. O. Vance, 1'lue Thomas McUrltle, aujiarloaf Uyrus Iirlsh, F.zfcklcl Cole. TltAVtlHK JUKOIW Finsr WEEIC. liloom James Cadman, W. W, l'urinau, Mont gomery H. Williams, Charles Foruwalt, Charles Thomas, Ln fa jet to Puller, J. K. Dyer. Henlou Jeremiah Wiles, John A. KIluc. llrlarcreek Georgo W, Miller. llerwick William Uoss. Heaver Kamuel FUher, Jr. Ceutrc TlJmnn Htrousu, Jcisco HolTninn,' Jo seph 1. Conner. Catnwlssa Daniel Gelner. Central la Joseph M. Fuck. Conyngham James Dewey. Greenwood A. J. Albertson. Hemlock Charles H. Deltcrlck, Daniel Ncy hard, John Miller, Georgo Wcnntr. Locust Georgo Fetterman. Mft li son Jacob Confer, Albert Glrton. Mimin-Miclmel Heller, Joseph O. Wiuttr steon, hlenzev Hchweppeniieiser, Montour Ucubeu Huuch. orango Kills Power. Pino Luther A. Garman. hugartoal John Cole, Andrew Hcsi, Hcott II, F. Oman, John 'lurncr. si:niNn week. Hloom James F, Mcltrlde, Judnh P. Hnone. Hr'arcrcek LamouMartz, Froas Fowler, lfeutou John Daker, hamuel Appteiu.iu. Heaver Jesse it it ten ho use, Uuoch Kitten house. llerwick Itobcrt Mannlnc, Catawlhsa Juheph Hartman, John Krwlue, Henry J, Miller, Centro Hamuel Crovellng. FHhlngcreek Wm. W. McCollnm, Greed wood Ild ward Henry,J. H, Ikelor, M. M. Kline, Joan p, Kester, Win. Ilyer. Ja3itson Jacolj Young, John Juycock, LiH-ust-Wm. llllllg. MUlIlu David Hrown, Lewis Uckrote, Maine David Hliumnu, Mmilson Solomon Harnhart, Wm. H. Mcllrldo Moutour Joim Weaver, Andrew Ciur. Orauire Hculamlu Wurluuin. Abni-r UVKh. James Ferguson, i'liie jacou 4reibiems. Hcott Hiram H, Hrown.. Huiarhmf Amos Htss, James Howard. List ol1 0AU6i;s p'un tiuaij AT DHUHMHDP. TKUM,l671. TlioCmmon wealth or Pennsylvania ex, relatione 1 aiiiuH. hiiiko hum .Micuaci Jiuillgan vs. liUSV leucoCurrauaud Michael Mulouey. JMward McCall et. al. vs. John Hwt-iMin Hnorgn A, Frlck s. Thomas Hta-khoiHc, Kxrs. Wm, Longenberger, ot, at. vs. Hush W, Mcltoy nolds, Wm, Htackhouse vs. Andrew Kreas, Admrs. lu lienlfc's use vs. H. H. Crevellug el. ul, David J, Waller vs. John M, HtacKiiousu, A. H. Htewart's use vs. James N, Jones. Mlchatt G rover's use vs. Hdvanoit liiiuht. Michael Gioer's uso vs. Havagu k HrUht. JoKeli Miller vs. N.UCampliull, Peter Huyman's use vs. Jacob Hhatror, Jr. Hrnmbull i Co. vs. MeNlmh AHhuuian, Harvey C, Hess vs. hamuel Creasy atlm'r, Hhull. & Fuuston vs. Allied 1 1 wine. Win, A, Kline vs. James V, Glliaspy, James V, GUI ispy vs. Wm. A, Kline, Clemuel G. llleketts ad ml initiator, vs. David Hweeny ct. ul, Joseph H, Kline s, diaries Howard, John Gray vs. Haudersou Hagenbuch, 1 nomas u uouuur v. Aianiu uauguiin, Lewis J, Adams vs. Flshingcreek helioid district Win. A.' Cose vs. Hloom Townshln. Hlmon WtUh vs.John Hoilinati, Peter C. Kckrot vs. Allretl lrluc, John MeAuall vs. Wm. Jacoby, i' luucts J. uiiiiu vn, jhcuu iitsrnng, David J, Waller vs. Wesley Wirt. Htephcn Thomas vs. Tho l'eun'a Canal Ca n-iiuiu neyuert v. uauiei 1 . boj neri. O. ll.Melltck vs. John Yeagem, adm'r. John U Kline's use vs. W. It. Yocum, et, ul, L. Hatterihwalt vs. Fred. F.Mcrcerou. Daniel P. Heybert vs. Kltnetob A Waltou, Van Ull Heesu's adm'r s. W, A. Kline. ltUi r(flou VM 1,lllludelphltt mid Heading It. PatrlekMonnghau vs.Piilladelptila and Heading It Co Philadelphia and Ileadluu' H, Mf "log uriucH1611' v" 1hllaJelPltla aud Head George W. iluckel vs. Philip Anpleman Charles Hrown vs. Jos. It. VamhAslloo. ' David Hhafler vs. lllram Thonm. Holomon Hluey vs. WUlium Wain. Josepli I ry vs. Hlmon Heeay, WMfcifi It. itSS' Litkuwanu and Hloorat. Daniel Hnyder'a use vs. M. C. McUollum ft i TUmun Htrouse vs. WlUon Mffiollum etl Bl' K O, itlcketts vs. John Hweeuey et, ul George K. Htss vs. Joseph VU et, ui J. Hmlth A boil vs. (ieoige K. Hess, Kmellue Meusch vs. Levi HreU bonder ct. al U, J, Cumjibcll & Co. vs. William Jioucli, Hogart Kroamer vs. Wm, Harber, Michael McMahou s. Nicholas Kindt a, W, liatou vs. John lu Dossier. A, W. Hatou et, aLvs, 11, F, Warner et, ul. Joseph W.l-'ausey vs. John Mulllgaii et. al. Columbia Insurance Co. vs. J, M, Frock. A. 11. Htewart et. al. s. 1- ranees ti, Jolley et, al. Wm. Mllnea vs. Jonas Doty. Andrew Crevellug vs. 'Ihomas Trench. Jeremiah Hess' use vs. John Hollmun et, al, Frauk P. Hrockwuy vs. Daniel P, Heybert. J. P. Linnoli's Kxrs v. Auron W, Hess et. ol. Georo Whltmoyer's exrs vs. John Htlutr. A, Pardee iV OoA s. DduVltie Hazleun und Wilkes- barre It. 11. Co. Husauah Gliham vs. Martin M. Ilrobvt. Mary Lltweller vs. Aaron Hmllh, Henry Fry vs. Jacob Doltl?ubach. MordecalMlllard vs. Jl, W, Mclteynolds, Thomas Williams vs. John Cain. Daniel Hoycr s. Wellington Vtager, Miocollnncoua, J V. NILK-J, MUSIC WAll K H 00M8 A btcm1 fssortmenl of MUfltCAIi MfcUCHANniSi: ALV.'AYS ON HAND. VIOLtNB, l ONTBIITINAH, rf.ACIOLEW, mta, unuMa, IIAHMONIDAH, AC. VIOLIN RTUIXOJ OP Tim MMT'QUAMTY THE LATEST KHKKT MUSIC. I'lAMO AND OKOAN HTOJM ALL BTVLKl A HISTTI'Il ASSOIITMK.VT Ol' OltOAN'S THAN CAN Hi: KUV.NU j:i,si:viii:uii. TUB TEMPLK ANOKLIC OISUAN WI1ICU HAS Tim BWEKTIJ'T T0SI3 THAT OAK UK I'OUNl) IN A ItUL'D OltOAN. 4S-Cftlt nml rxamlno btforo iiurclmslna rlC' where. Wnrcroom Mnlu wtrect, lirlnw Mnrkel opposltoCureU'H rurulturo wuriroomH, lllttotim burj. I'u, aun.ii'.Tl-ly A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CLOTHING. 111: HAS Tim FINEST OOOD3, IjATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE M EST W O II M bi r. w. Knrcood fits and promptness In fllllne orders incin isiuu piuco lo(.o Ills irmHs nro splortpil wit h pirn nnd his r7us torn Work will romparo f.ivorably v:lth tlio best euonsm ino iuhiiouaiio ruy ucaicr. HE KEEKS A LAltOE STOCK OP HOYS' AND CIlII.lHtKX'.S CI.OTIIISd AND OKXTS' FtlRXISHIXO oos, At Astonlshlnclr Low I'rlces, Illoomsburi;, Hcpt. '."J, c. havoJustrccclveU from tho eastern markeU large and welt b elected stock of DRY GOODS, oonhihtino or Casslraers, Jeans, Best bleached & Urown JInbllns, Calicoes, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton & All wool flannels ac, Ac, A good stock of Ladles dress goods, Latost styles .k pattern?. Splaes of all kinds. Good stock groceries, Queensware, Stone ware, Wood A willow ware, Flour & Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cltiinlni; Tin, Erasvtc. All goods Bold cheap for cash or pro- dnce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well p.nd carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kepi In the conn' try, feflh. confident that hn can sell them "1" at snch prices f wJU mt-uie fhllsfinrtlon, ct i3 71 tf COMAUK. SC. II O W K It, tpened u first-class HOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUll BTOUE at tho old stand on Irfaln Ht reel, lloomslmryn few umirri iiuiivn uiowimi jiuimu. ma Hutcn iscoin- nosed of tho very latebtiiUil bestslvles evtr nmr. cd to tho elliA'ua ot Columbia Count v. HnriLO Hccommodato tlio jmbllo with the following goods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled siosauoois, mean (inuuie nnu ungio lap solej kin hnots. men's hcavv stntia sh(t(M of nil klmlR. meu'Htlno boots and shoes of till grades, hoy's double snleil boots and.btioes of all kinds, men's glovo kid H 1! moral's, women's, boys's huh iniwies- lufciius Btiuers, women's giovo itiu Vollsh very Hue, women's morocco iialmorulsand c 111 felines, women a ery one kiu muioneu Kan ers. In short boots ol nit descriptions both pec L'Cil ana sewed. He would also call attention to his fine assort meut or . ATH, CA113, FUltS AND NOTIONS, which comprises sit llio new and nnmilai varl- etitsat prices which cannotfalltosuliall. Tliese koouh nro onereu ni tne lowesi casn rules anu Will bo unaranteed to elvo satisfartlnn. A call Is solicited before puro has Inn elsewhere as It Is helltivol that better bargains are to he foncd iuni 111 huv utuer niuce m ion couuiy Jan 171 T.OOJISnUKO m a it m ii 1: won K s. MAIN HTRKKT, 11RU1W MAHKKT, ilUUUJlOUllU, 1'A, StAtilltnftntS. Tom In. Hptidsf nn U'nrlf nuutly executed. Orders iy mail will receive special utteutlon, N, 11, Work delivered freool cnartte. 1, i,uu.M(m, rropntor, octU71-tf. KO.UoxlW. Hotels, MONTOUU IIOUSK HUl'KUT, FA. WILLIAM BUTLKIt, Froprletor. This 1 louse linvhiK been put In thorough re ?palr i uw rn ju no irviMiuii ni gUCSlS. PIO pains will be spared to ensuro thu ierfect cora iortorthe travelers. Tne I'rfmrielor solicits a share nf publlo patronaue. The bar will be litfiolfOil nt nil Il1r0.1i xr1U Hnn ...,t tiinl'TI m B ENTOlf nOTEL. W. F. PIATT, Proiirlotor, 11ENT0N, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Till. WAll Ifnowil tlmiBA linvllif. tiun thorouifh repair Is now open for tho reception of visitors. Sio pains nave been spared tu eusnru the perfect comfort of uuests, The proprietor and luterraedlaie points on Tuesday, Thursday aud Haturday of each week. Uau I'JsTl rrUlE ESPY HOTEL. EDl'Y, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. .Tm?."?"1." J,li,ned would Inform the travelling public that he has taken tho above named tslabt Ilshinentaud thoroughly remted the same for the perfect. convenience of his guests. Ills larder will be stocked with th. best "62 markVtatrords! The choicest liquors, wines and cluars always to ,. ,, WILLIAM PKTIIT. Jan 171 Kspy.P Miscellaneous. Drags and Ohomicnla. ' JlTlljIiliiH'a BTOUE. havo removed their Store- to tho room formerly occupied byMeiiilenlinll.on Jlnlntreet,nioom. horg, lienrly oppoilto tho lipHcopnl (JJiurch whero they nro uotcrmlneil to sell ou moiicriue lerini m can ba irocurixlcte wliore. Thlfr stock compflU'H LAU11W Mivm UOODil of tbo choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together wltti n larco flMortmetit of Dry Ooodfl find Urn- cerles, consisting ot the followln jirtlelM Carpets, Oilcloths, oths, Uasstmerrs, Rhawls, riannels, Hllks, WhlloOoods Linens, Itnnp Ijltlrts, Muslins, lloilowware tVdarwaro .lutensHaro, Unrdwnrj lloola and Hhoos, UalaaudUapi Hoop Nels, Umbrellas, tjooklns-CllaseJ, Tobaoco, CoITee, iiiffars, Teat, lit, AUspico, (llnccr, Cinnamon, NutmeKk AND NOTIONS OBNKHALLY. In short, evcrythtnK usually kftpt In country tores, to whlea they Invito tho attention of the public generally. The highest pilce will be paid for country rrodnce In eichango tor kwkis. H. II, MILLEIl AHOJf. lUoomsburg l'a. net 1371 'f JFAV STOCK OF OLOTIIING. Frcsli arrival of FALL AND WINTEIt OOOnS DAVID LOWNnUUO Invites attention to his stock of CIIKA1" AND FASHIONABLE (JLOTHINO. at Ills storo on MnlnHtreet. lnHhlvo's block, one door Wist o L u. larr's siore, uioomsunrg, i a., where ne hAs Just received from New York and rnlladelpbla a full assortment of MKN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durablo, aud handsomo DHESS 000D3, consisting of BOX, SACK, KOCO, GUM, AND 01L-ULOTH COATS AND l'ANTM. of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also rcplcn Ishcd Ills nlicndy large stock of FALL AND SHAWLS, STUH'IID, FIOUHF.D, AND I'LAIN VLSTS annus, cravats, stocks, coluuib itAtinKRRRinrrn. a lover. IIo nas constantly on nana n jsro nnu wcll'Se octed assortment of CLOTHS AND VU3TIN03, which ho Is prejiaicd to maKe to order Into any kind of clothing, on ery short notice, nnd In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. UOLD WATCHES AND jnW'iLKY, ot every description, flue nnd cheap. Ills case ol lowelry Is notsurpasscd In thlsplaco. Call and examine his ueneral assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. octl371 U.VVID LOWENUEHG. Tin: ixi;iu:pii:nts that COMrosP. HOSADAI.IS are puUlshcd on cvciypuUgc, there forcltisnofa rcirct preparation, consequently i'iiysiciaxs rr.F.scnum it Ills a certain euro for Scrofula. Syphilid In all it forms, Klicmna tum. Skin I)ratr. I.icr Com plaint aud all diBcasis of tlio Ulood. ous eot:l3 cr sosadaus will ilo moro .ootl than ten bottle of tho Sjrujw of Sarsapanlla, the: undersigned physicians havo used Uoiada!is in their practira for tlio msl threovcarsandfriely endorso it ssa reliable AHcratUa and DIood L'unucr. DIt. T. C. rCfJII, nf rialtimcio. nn.T. J. JWVKI.V, " UK. II. W G'AHH. ' Oil V O. PANM.LLV, DH. J. S. Sl'AltlvS, of Mchohsi 111-?, DR. J. h. McCARTItA, Columbia, S. ( . Ull. A. Jl. NOELi:S, rdscmb, N. C. USED AKD E1ID0KSED BY J, H. V UCNCII S. 0.S, Tall Elur, r. w'sMITIT.Jacln, Wlch. A. Wlir.lXKIt, Lima, OhlQ. 1) HAM.. I.lmi.o:,lo. CIUV1-S i fd-.tiorilonsiUle, Va, Loro(Tenn. Ourxpaco will pot allow of any e teniltd remarks In relation to tho virtues of ltoadalls. Totho Med lent I'j-ofissiou e guarantee a KluM Kx tra;eupcrior to tmytlicy Juvo ccr uscj in tho treatment of diseased II lot nit and to tlieaflllrted we say try ItojjitaUs, and jou will bo restored to health. RosaJalh is sold liy nil Dnipplsts, prlco Sl.50 cr buttle. Address E3, CLSMSUT3 li CO. Manufacturing Vhtmitti, Baltimqbi;, Itu, JALTIMOUE PIANOS. Wo resnectfullv r.ill tho nttenllon of those. tlealrltm to purcliaso uur moke uf l'ianox. Wu uro tu l is tic a that wo ean Hive Hatlhfrtctlnn In overy ciue. Our workmen skillful and experien ced unci nro under tho MUperlnteiKlenee nf thu members nf our firm. Wouko only the beat reasoned Umber, nnd tho muterlul In gene rul It tlrttt clas. Uur I'lunon without exception havo tho patent ng nitres nrranuemeut through. out, which In the opluion of the iudhI rotnpe tent Judges U pronouueed valuable, lly thin lm- Erovement n l'lano mnde more durablo nnd eepn tlio toio lunger. We claim for our lustru meutH that they ate necoud to none, and they eomblnonll tbo eshentlal elemonu that couatl tuto Huperlor worltmunsblp. We will give n wtitten mmranteo for live years. Mr. Co Nit a i Fiiriman, member of our firm, wlllvUlt liloonibburg lour Union n year tu re pair and attend to tuulus of all I'lanoH. Juthe ubsencoot Mr, FKKtMAM.Mr. I, K.MtLLEit will attend to our buHiub in Illoomsburi; uud Is authorlzeil to recelvo aud Hollcit orders. Wo can give the very bebt referenreH, 0AK1ILKAC0. liattlmore, M. 1). f. K. JIilt.eii, Dealer In rianon, Urnuna aud MclodeonH llvooctuve nnd tlve btop organa ot the bout make, hold utjllt). Terms eay, Juno 'i HMIB QHKAT JIAQICAL II A I It V O II C 12 II ? Will force a beautlfuUset of Whiskers or Mus tuclio, In fiom two to three months, on liny per son over twelvo years old. It In one of thu best piepnrntton to make the whiskers grow that ever was Uimwu, one bottle of it Issuillcleut to produce n very htront; beard, 1 1 tioen not lu uny way ktalu or Injure tho kklu. Try itt It U no huuibutr, J'rlee rents ptr botllu, Heut by mail WMt paid, to any uUlreis, on receipt ol price. Address WIUjIAM O. WAUNLH, Aiendtsvlllo, aug,13,'71ly, Adams County, Tenna KNOTS UNTIED. Jly tbe celebrated detective ofllcer, GEO. S. McWATTEltS, A ttnrtllny narrative of 25 years experience In ferret I n k out and brhiKtoic to justice hank koii- 11EHS, (OUNTEHITKirKHH.lUIEVUi, JMCK-J'OCKKTS, UAUHLKKS, BWINULKIU, UONFIDUVCIC MEN, AC. ic many oftho moat remarkable cm tu on record revealtutf deep laid diabolical scheme for fhvtf Dili and UEVKNfJK In high llfeasyellas low life, and dlButosliifi Hie nluus used In unmasking Urn most dark and ttydwd vlllaluy, it Is thoroughly reltublo,ui or Hi'iHiTRUiuraofMery cheap, nnd sells almost ut tight, For circulars and terms address JIUitlJAUi) mtu. Publishers, oct6'71-tf TZi Hansom M., I'hila. B LANK DEKDS. We now have the finest assortment of nr. A ni: Di:KDH on liantl and for iale that were ever kept In itioomsburtc. lArso slaa on best parchment r aper. Common Deeds, lixeoutor'sund Admlnls r a tors Deeds feinall slxe good paier (cheap) Common Deeds, &o, ' ROSADALK A GREAT MEDIW.I . Dr. WALKCS.'- ' VINEG-AE M j. J J id Hunarcchcrnonsc-i t J tear tfttlmonv to llrlf on'.-. UgjiWHAT ARE TI-5EV? Jladoef Voor Itum, Wttlnkcn VrrvT Bplrltn t.tid He fa so hUitom doctored, iplcod u&dcwcct ened to plcantho taete, called ,,TocicB,""Appct. crs," KcBtorcrB, te., that lead tha tippler tn to Cruiik'ciincss and nm,buttrootrii9 Medicine, intida from tho Xatlto HooUcnd llcrbaof Collfornli, frco I n in nil Alcotiellc Mlniulnnts. TLcjrtto tho cm: at ULoni) ruuiricu nnd a J-irr, (ilVINd VUINCIPMJo perfect Kcaorator oal lavI;orator of t&o6yEtcn,carryias off all roiaonoci r-lur tad rcttorloc tlio Hood to n liealthy cocitka. ..opcrtoa caaU'.o tticao lUttcn tccotdltg tsClrcc I.03 and rcniolnlon;tiaircll. tlUO rill bo clTcnforaa laniTaMorase,proTl(!cd t'io tones aro tot destroj-cd by mineral rolacn cr ether ticans.ccdtno vital orffana waited beyond tho po.atcf repair, I'nr Inflnmmntcry nnd Cbronle Ulicntsn ttBin r.nd tJont, Dyspepsia, ur Indlcemlot), llll lot: j, llemlttci.t and luterialttcm l'cicrn IlUenscBoVtholIIood, Liver, UUtncyr, r.nd UlniMcr-t tncta lUttera Lnro I ecu uott iucct:: iM. lSt:ch niicneo tro cacred 1 7 VI tinted lllncd. Ts-hldi is generally rrodrxed dcrarccEtt t . Uiu 1)1 cost Ivo Orctini. DVftl'XU'.'tlA Oil lM)UJEh3TI0:, llLtd tc'ac, I'alulatlioCtiOuWcrs, CocpliDrigitncta cf tho Chcr.t, Ulnlr.cra, Eour Ertctatioaa cf tho Ctotsacli, tadtEt Litlij Mouth, Bslioufl Attack!, rulpltitlca tf the Ilea: t, iSCtC.ictioncf thoLup, Tain in tho t.yiois ti tLa i;idncya,nndal.iindrcd other painful t, r ,itt t.tccCefrlficscf Djipcpcio. '.u yj-JiGrtt3 tlioCtotnacUanditlmslato tho tcr p.d l.Tcr m.d to:tl ,nl.lcli render tlicm cf unequalled cUcacyli cleaned tho Mood of alUKpurltlcs, aid Imrcrtlnj r.zf l:fo and Isor to tho xrholo Byetcm. 10 II PU 1 M I) iaCAatS, rruptlona, Tetter, Celt I.hau.l-citl.cciriotr.rtorlcB, rwtnlcs, r.olla, Ccr-tt:c.vC,, rcaldlIcad,Ecro rycc.Eryslp iU', Itu;1, CcutfJ, L'lscoloratlonacf thohln,Ucincra uad ULct-ti cf tho LLln, of whatever nemo or nature, era l.'crar.y t'.rc up and carried out of tho cyetcm in a theritlinoly thawacf theso ClUcra. Ono tottlo la tic!! cases will cocrinco tho most lucre dulona cf thc curstlro effect, Clcanso tho Vitiated Ulood whenever you find Its la-parltlca bnrctlnfi throusu tlio Bliln In TlniplcJ, Erop. tlci.3 crSorc3( clcanso It when you Cnd it obstructed and tlogcUU la tho veins t clcanso It when It Is foul, and your feelings will tell you rrhen. Keep tho blood I nro and tho health of tho ryBtcm will follow. TIN, TArUacdothcrWOItaiS, lurtunglntha cyEtem of bo many thousands, aro effectually destroy cd and rcmoTCd. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around each bottlo, printed lu four lau CuagcD-EncllBli, German, Trench and epanlth. J.VALKEH, 1'joprlctor. n.H.McDONALD & CO., Drur':IatJ and Ocn. Aecnts, Can Traoclico, Cal 'rind Zi and W Comnicrco Street, Kcw York. r-f'COLD BT AIL DRUGOISTS AND DEALERS. 270.1 , . mi. iinv Mi.illriiin show lns"liiilfnsmany HvliiK. perinaiient cures as lm. l'ri'l.KU'H Vl'llKTAllLI! 1UIS.UMATI0 HK.MhllY. Uicil timnnltu only. . iiic.imuii, ;imiw"i', limn Injurious ilrncs. Warranted, uniler oat h, to hav permanently curedllilneveryluoimlients treated In the pist ten jears. Cco testimony.) .. I.. u..i.....iiin ir...irlit iinof I'rufessor Jos. 1. Filler, M. 1) ,11 Braduate of tho University of l'eiiusylvnnln A. I). Is 13, now ono of I'hllndcl. phla's oldest regular l'rofcssor ot (liemlstry nnd Tuxleolouy, who has mado Neuralula. Clironlo nud lullainniatory Illieuma tism the speciality or his entile prolesslonnl lllo-a fact miche.l by the slKiiutures accom. nanvliiKeuch bottle, ol many prominent .renown. ediihyslclnns.clerKylilcn.arilotherlektlliionlals. To protect Mliloieis from poisonous iiiaeu nos trums anil useless expenditure of money, n ee il signed Kimrantee.ktatlnaesart uumberol bottles warranted to cure, will bo lorwar. e.l r-ratls lo any merer sending by letter a full description of utlllcllon. In onseol fallulo lo cure, amount paid positively retunded. Medicine sent any. when! by express, collect on delivery. Atlllclcd Invited to write loralvlco; nil lnloriuatlon and medical ndvleo sent by letter ernlls. l'rlncllml otllco, ill) Houth Fourth slicet, l'lilludelphla, 1' The liemedy Is sold or obtained by Diustflsls. ruar W'71-ly a: GENTS WANTKI). Wowant 5000 nctlve, enterprMni;, thoioush men uud women, lo whom wo wlllisiyocnnsiiim work nud t-ood pay. Wo pnhlK 1 1 (ho ; IJ ,) I UOOKH; wo slvo our njents T11UHLS 1 TI.ItMn. Tho best bclltui buok nusv is lly sKJ.Mlll 11I.1TZ, Describing hlswnr.derful feats and tricks, with lauelinblo Incidents aud adventures. Aijeuls are selllne from :o lo III copks i day. Also, our Ni;V FAMILV HII1LU, eontaliilns HI-AIK-woon'a CoMnutJHFNsivB Ains lo the study of thofccrlilurcs,iind Nuvin's new and Improved DlCTloNAitv oi- the IIiiilk, louelher with Mix TEKN l'"INK l'LATKs, lour maps In colors, nn.l '.'IM1 MTinerlor elifrrnvlnus on wool: 1 AMILY KFCoitn, 1'AMinY Al.lifsr, AC, Ac. A Complete 1'llOSI'FlTUSOI WHS IIIOIOHUU UKl'UV R OUlllb Oil II' vih-k to nil who menu work. Our pro' cramnio or NKV linolCH lor tho l'ALb Includes mku' wnin; bv maiii: twain. S-Succcsslui Aeents will receive first cholco or territory on lAltu iwais fl loriucoiiuuB irrentwork. Circulars, Terms, Ac, with full Information, scut 11 1'e on impiii'iu ion lu LUIKKIKLD AH1I.MUAI). runi.nili:n. tetS!7MI 711 Hausoin hlrect, Philadelphia, Jacob K. Hmitii. J. It. Hei.tzkh gMITH & SELTZER, Importers nnd Healers In Foreign and Domestic BARD W A H E, OUKH. OUTLUHY, AC, ISO. t) N, TUIRDHTBKITT, AU fALLOWIIILL, . . PHILAllKLl'IIIA. Jan I71-ly TNflUUAN OJK AGENCY. Wyoming ,.... titl.UKi jHna M l,im.inj Fnlton N. Y -moil North America 3il,(X)0 juy H , 4rin,mii International N.Y ..... Ltoo.uio Niagara N. Y v H,. i.uni.ini Merchants Kju.ix KprlUKneld ATtkOJU Farmers' Danvllle.N.Y Clw,usi Albany City .. too.imo uauvuie, iiorso Tlleu x.lutnal. Atlautto. N. Y l.ion.on) Uermanla, Y Sou wu FllUAB 11KOWN, unf, marSI'Tl-ly. rtLooM snURri Fa. TOE NATION Its Rulors and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. NolhlliKllliolt. Strikes everybody ns Just Ihe hook they uicd. It Is uu Fnceloiii'dla of iho Government. Hlnvlo piij-es lu It, mu ol them, selves worth the price ol the book. Ot er 601) jxirfi iimtonlyli.M. A Itltli Hart ml for Canvassers ladles and 1,'eutlemFn-r.irmers, teucbersnud stuilents, ttutt ayenl tooklSorttcr intttw ilmt, with ctruelur nonc, before tltc book ttmicurett. S"4(j a day can bo cleared lu lair leirlnny. Wrlto at ?!?."...''.'..!; T'.'lar and Information. NIJW W imhl) IH IILIHIIINfi CO., lor. Till and Mar kettjtriels.l'hlladelplil.f, fot-t. (l.'71-ly.J Q II ESTER H. KUltMAN HAllNUSH, BAIIDLK, AND TltUNK MANUKA CTUUUIt, and dealer In CAItrUT-BAOH, VALISUS, 1'LY-NETH, liuirrALO itoncs, iioi:sE.m.ANi;irrs Ac., Vhlcli he feels confldcut he can sell at lower ..."""."'' "mo iviBuit in iuu couuiy, tzx aulluo for viiurKulve. Hhop oi.pnslto the l'ost Offlco, Main 'Btrect, UloouuourK, l'a, 1 AUtf. 0, 1S7U, "V"ULCAN WOHKfl, DANVILLE PA. WIM.TAM n. LAW Manufacturer or Wrought Iron IlrMt-cs, Ilolleri, ltooUnTllooaul,'l"r, 'Holrln'i'n'ua" hiSR farm (jates oml fenclOK, nl.o Wruutbt Iron i.i.Ti ,. . "-" "i1 " wiim-. oi niniiu work. Ao. llenulw iiromtJlly atlenilei to, 1 ' )' J'riiwlngs una Uillinates mppllej, Ml if o.s Timr Aim sot a van flag Miscollanoona. OOMKTIlINa NEW I Tho tinilerslnneil wnnl.l '"cl'ri,PjX".r0uS Hint tin lias lust comnletiHl A Jlfwr LLAB1 HEAnsK.nnd that lio nnjllwriif "''"fji0,!'?: ln rmlhii business of UNDKItTAKING In all Its branches IN CITY BIVIiC, Ho lias onRitKoi! exrcrlcnced persons who will tako clinrao ortlio lioilles of Hip ilecpased as soon ns tliey ulinnlo of tills mortal coll," nml nltenil lo wnsmnzniem,snavinK,uri"iiiii, ttv.nin- rnrnlstieil also to order. At inucU oxpenso lio lias nUn procured nu I It ON ICE BOX. In which bodies ran bo presotved In n cleanly .t ..... IIM..H lA.,ln.n. rnrnlnned for fu nernl occasions, lu short, lio Is prepared tp take clinrco or a corpo Immediately nilcr denlli, nnd nvn rflMiiltnUrl rlul IvPS nil fiirtllCr IrOUblO iU reynrdlolt. .... lie also carries on ine uusiuesa ui CABINET MAKING UphoUtcrlnalu all itt branches, repalrlnjr furni ture, reneatlm? ratio bottomed rlialra.rtc, Ac tl t l...l..7. Imn Utt-fr, lm nw Main. vw 1 imtii'til- UllAV. Bloomsbnrif, Juty 22, 1870-tl. ARXON PIANO. The onlv perfect Instrument In Ihe World. It Is uncmmllul In inclines, Power, llrllllnncy nnd Utitnblllf . Hneclal terms tn Teachers. Marked favors to clergymen, bend for Illustrated Arlon iaiiiptuei. C. W. roSTr.rt, Oenernl Atjent. mar 10'71-tf. .mauch chuk, ia, pARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloorasbnrg, Fa. II. O. SLOAN A HIIOTIIEK Havo on hnnd nnd for salo nt the most reasona ble ratos a splendid stock of CAKIUAGER, BUGGIES, and every description of Wncons both I'LAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mado nftho best and most dnr ablo materials, nnd by tho most experienced workmen. Ail work sent out from tho estab lishment will bo found to lionf the highest class andsnroloKlve perfect satisfaction, 'lhey have also n flue assortment of 8 U li I O II 8 ofall the nowest and most lashionablo styles well nnd carefully made aud of the best mater- An Inspection or their work Is nskid as ltl believed that nono superior can bo found In the country. Jan 1'71 OF THE W AG El Patented IIecbmusb 7T11, 1869 OUR CCLLllRATni) GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. tietl It to ln'tl.eln'-HVn imi.lw P miltl tn I hUcouii. .Vt"yl UIH Mil; II.M'.rltlrii v HllhnnclVnorint.1 Mill onl n rnr a tM n 1 Mill) OM.V U AlIl.Mr., u.. J lor I k' S, 1 rcinii unT ciiPrirfllc piTMtii " r'" ' 1 1 4Oi.opiNonth. J'rIHur'iOOrrrnl.l ) 2 1 'I iiiiilo I'vn. lllint nrnif,ul Kj O rental fl buti-, l.UO tULlt Lusti, WnsTnitN runLisiUNQ Co, Manufacturers' AEcnt, rittstiirtli, T. .nni. I rl ft i - lift h ' I IV ni liii trtl to Hi" 11) Itmiullu'iiin? u luTv V 1 rtortiuuillv. Jin ontr tho jrcitnliio Kill O J?. T M lr. uKl by t liNi'omniuij'. , In rl . Iltisr Top I'pii c'1 r A nine 'I iiwn. Coutilr, r ntl Htulii, pTiUiiiy riiun, una unuit wi.i iua uu prumpt uttfiiltun. Jiii 'Mil ly JEV PIIIM AT OUANQKVIIiLT! I HON FOUNDRY AND AOUICUIj TURAIi WORKS. 0RC1.VT 1MTU0VKMKNTH IN PLOWS AND TilUCSHINO MACHINES. Mr. Jacob Trlvlfjilero huvlnu purchased the Interest cil CharliB W. Low In the nboro nnmeil world, thu busluoHH will bo en illmiuil uii'ier Iho unniiumoui w i lmasi rscnu vi.Mi tn. Ilavlnit Ulscoveretl hevt'ral IriiperlectionH In tho nlow mauuracturt'tl lu lH7ithcy have KtreiiKtheueU mid iinnroved them. mnl uddi'd homi. iMitlrn iuiw natteruM. They will open thoHprlnn trailoof isjl fur fnudvnnco of uny thing cet oirered to the luiuiic, Demi; itoiii pntcueui niecnaniCM, nnu nnv hit: thoir work nil tlono under their own Kiiuer vision they gnaranteo their worlc nuperlor In iiiHu-imi iimi ituinu ui miijt uvrvioiwru ouureu, Dealers uhould not noeent of nnv other ncrlcul. turul lmplenientH until they have exutnluud our Mnuuracture. Kanneri hhould trv our Mown beforo buytngnny other. Theyalso manufacture ALL KINDi OF CAB I IN 03, usually mado In flrfct 'class Foundries. Raw and grlbt mill cantlngs, mudo aud lilted up lo order, THRESIIING MACHINES aro made a specialty, nnd uomo very decided lm nrovementu havo been Introduced tiuotludr mu. eh 1 net, l'rlcen lower than evtr; nil kimta ui country produce and old iron taken In exihange wiuvi uiintimmi mu Jiiuiiumciury, UIU tlgeU' virnnii''iiauuuiiUK mo WlUier. AUdruss till orders to WILLIAM BOIIUYLEU & CO,. AG HI CULTURAL WOHICH, OHANUKVILLE COLUMUIA COUNTY, VA, Ian I1 Wild Indians Plaius. Tlio ronimknlilo lulronliirra nr tlio lamnus Will rilClllKl'iinilllluWAIlltlOllBmoiiK Hie milium., . it, iiiiii iivuiillius (li urtHU I1UI11H, liiilriirfiultti Kiii'npeitiiiulTi'rrlbli) contest! with tlio bl Kni'iounil luistllo trlbcH. Hplrltoa dcNcrli tlniin ill tho ImlillH una Biiierlllton of Hint -iiiiiiSu j.b..iiv, iiuii- niiurm, i.(.j.euus, irilul. tlOllH. lluU tllOV Willi flllll UVil nln h.mln Worship, 4c. .New, 1'iu.h nml 1'opulur, I'rlcB Low. III. mltluz liy tlio tliousnna. Willi won .lerful ruplil ty. Afji-nm nru maltlnij from (VJ to tllMwr ueck. Cholco llolil yet vucunt. HeuUlil oiii'o lor fiuinploclitiptcrii, Illustration anil par- ' . A "u"ai'. ruuiMiier. Jau'.T71-lf. ion Chestnut Ht I'Whi. jo woux.out WHKKW3U & WILSON MACHINES In the market, Why Is It ? MANY WOltN-OUT MACHINES of other manufacture In tho markel. Why Is It T llerauso, wllh tin INCHUASE Of I'OWEIl, Thero Isn di:chi:ahi: op fiiiction. lu other words, It Is simple and adjustable, Its easy, sprlnhtly motion, when lompareil Hliiiltlo iiinchliies, evinces tliN. liny n Whioler Vllson, nnd you will lmvo a nml iiiiiu inn. iviii oeyur wear oui, Holil bv II. M. mkiikii ul I u' Vllna Hf..ulA Blore. oil Am) JJXCIIANOE UAKEHY ANU OONFEOTIONEBY, BLOOSWCUliO, I'A. Thn .talnnA.l .. i i i i ' l,ll;lB'iors oi wiumyer, ......... ..j..! .iiiij uuuumuu mat iney nuvo tukeulliewell-enublliilicil stuuil roccnlly oocu. Illed bV l ie lilimn nnniH.1 In lil.....nui...., jircnain! lo eimtlqiio the buslnois of luan'urao turfuu nu I f.titlliii.-. by W.UOLESALfc! AND IlKTAIL, ( oufec locery of every style and kind, Also, they will havo ut all times it complete supply ol t he best and freshest Hrrud ami Cake. I'm ties ... ,.,ua hmj ilium iu 111IS HUB Will HUH lb VO lUeir mlvuiitaue to call on us, AN ICE OIIEAM SALOON Isndded lo the establishment, and ladles and others who may patronlzo us, may rily upon upon rut ivlni! proper utteutlon. A reasonable sliuro ofpubtli patrouuKe Is respoctfully solicited, llaspborry, l.eiuou, and other Hyrum, In laruu uud small ((Uautltlcs, constantly onliund. . , UKCK1SH A BTliCKEL. May J. 1871,-Iy altlOOr' KOUNTAIN I'E.NU for ale clietp at ' this OOlce. pATENT ssmmam Twelve Years t.13 Patont Modicinos. JJENltY T. HELMBOLDfi. U O M V U U It r Ii U I U KXTIIACT CATAWI1A GRAPE PILLS. Gmponent iMrti-lluld tetract Rhubarb nnd fluid tract Cldawba Grape FOU MVEH COMPLAINTB, MUNDICfi, UJL HCADAUHH,COanVKNEHH, Kto. TUlU'LV VKGIITAIILK, CONTAINING NO MKUcUltV MINKHAIjH Oil DL'LKTCIUOUSDltuUS Thciie I'llls nre the most dellctitfully pi can an pursUlvo, Bupcrfcctllntf castor oil, salts, tnng. ntfla, etc. There Is ttothlus more ftcccptablo to the stomach. They dvo tone, and eauso helthci tiauaentior griping pains. They nro connioscu of Iho flnett ingredients. After a few days' tino lliuiij.hucunuinvlaoratlon uf the entire system lake placons to uppenr miraculous to tuo weak and enervated, whether nrismit from impru deuce or dUcnse, II. T. Itolmbold'n Compoutm ildrxtrnctCatnwbaUrnro rills aro not r coated, from the fact that susnr-coated Plus do not d I wive, bat pass llirousu Ihe RUnnach wit hou dissolving, conscqncnlty do not produce tho de. strcd effect. THU CATAwIiA aUAril PILLS being nlensant in tastoand odor, do not necesU tate their being sugrcoatcd, nttCK TlFTY UKNTrt PKUIIOX. m:xnr t. helm bold & HIUIILY CONCKNTItATKD OJMPOUSD FLUID liXTUACT HA1WAPAIIILIA Will rndlcatlv estrmlnate from tho system icrohtla, Hyphtlls.FeverHoroj, Ulcers.HoioIlje rtore Logs, boro Mouth, JUad, Itrunchltl Hkta Diseases, Halt Ilhetiu, nnkers, UuiiuIiik rrom tho Kar, White Swellings, Tumori, Ctu cerousAiructtous.NodcstUlckels.Olandar.iwa tngs, Night Hwoats, Hash, Tetter, Hutuor.1 ol a Kinds, Chronic Uhcumatlsm, Dyspepsia, uud u disease that has beeu established In the nyto for years, HelngiireparedlXPUlWSLY fortheabovocom plaints, Its IJLOOD.PUniKYING proptletles nr greater than nny other preparation ot Hnrsapa rllla. It gives the COMPLEXION n clear an healthy color nnd restore the patient to n state ot HEALTH and PUItlTY. For Purifying tho Illood, removing nil Chronic Constitutional Dis eases arising from nu impure ntnte of tho blood And tho only rclinbioandetlectual known reme dy for tho euro of Pains and Hwclllngs of tho Hones, Ulcerations of tlio Throat nud Leg Hlotohcs, Pimples on tho Fao, Erysipelas an alt scaly Eruptions of the Hkln, nnd Ileautirytu Ihe Complexion. Price, 81 60 per Uottlo, HENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S CONCENT HATED FL VI D EXTRA OT It UCll V, THE GREAT DIUUETIC, has cured every case of Dlaboles lu which It ha been given, Irritation or tho neck of thellladde and Inllammatlon nftho Kidneys, Ulceration o the Ktdntys nnd Illaddcr, Retention of Urine DNcascs of tho Prostato Gland. Htono lu tho Hind der, Calculs, Grnvel, Ilrlckdusl Dei-oslt, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions or both Bex en, alien dod with the following flymptoms: Indlspost lion to Exertion, loss ol power, loss of Memory Dllllculty of ltrcathlng. Weak Nerves, Trem hllug, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dlmnes or Vision, Pain In tho Hock, Hut Hands, Flush ing of tho llody, Dryness ol tho Hklu, Eruption on the Knee, Pallid Countenance, Unlversa Lassitude of tho Muscular Sysl em, etc. Used by pcrnous Irom tne nges of eighteen lo twenty-tlve, and from thlrty-tlNO to fllty-ilvo oi lu tho decline or change of life; after coullno mout or labor pains; bed-wcttlng lu children, Hclmbold's Extract Duchu Is Diuretic and Blood-Purllylng, and cures all diseases arising from HabIM of Dissipation, and Excesses aud Imprudences lu Life, Impurities or tho Wood etc., superseding Copabla In aU'uctlons for which It li used, and yyphlllllc AilVctlons-In lhet tllseasesusod In connection with HELMDOLD'.S UOtfU WASH, LADIES. IumanyniTectlonH peculiar to ladles, the Ex tract Ilucliu Is uuequallnd by nny other remedy as Is Chlorosis or Retention, Irregutarlty, Palu fuluess or Huppreaslon or Customary Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Hehlrrus State or tho Uterus Leucorrhopa or Whltes.Hterlllty.nnd for nil com plaints Incident to tho sox, wiicthor arising from Indiscretion or Habits nf Dissipation. It Is pre scribed extensively by the most eminent phynl- lansnudMldwlvesfur Enfeebled nud Delicate Constitutions, ol both sexes and all aies (atten ded with nny of thuabovedlseasesurfynipt jiun. II. T, IIULSinOLW'S KXTHACT nUCIIU CUItia DHHASE3 AUISINO FUO.M IM1T.U- DE.VCE, IIAUIT3 01'' DISSirATION, nTC, In nil their singes, nt llttlo expense, llttlo or no cliauue in diet, no tncomonlence, and no cx posuro. It causes a freiueut desire, and gives strcniith to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, 1'reventliiK and Curing Hlrlcluros of tho Urethn, Allaylug l'uln and Inllammatlon, so frequent In this class of diseases, and expelling all I'olsonous matter. Thousands who linvo been tho victims or lu competent persons, and who havo paid heavy fees to be cured In aSuort time, havo found lhey have been deceived, and that the "Poison" has, by tuo use of "powerful nstrlntients," been dried up In the system, to break out In a moro aggra vated form, nnd perhaps after Marriage, Uso Hi:i,MBOLU'S EXTItACT I1UCIIU for nil Affections nud Diseases of tho Urinary Organs, whether existing In Mule or Kemalo, from what ever cause originating, nnd no matter of how long standing. I'llICi; ONB DOLL.VH AND KIKTy CUNTS l'i:it 1I0TTLE. IIENHY T. IIELMBOLD'S I.M WiOVED llOdE WASH cannot be surpussod as a I'ACII WABII.and wl! bo found the only speclfle remedy In overy species of CUTAN110UH AFI'TCTiOSJ. It spee dily eradicates I'lMl'LUS, Hl'OTH, HC01111UT10 DHYNKSH, INDUHATIOIs'Hof thoCUT.VNKOUM MKMIlllANK, etc., dispels ltUDNIISH nud IN CIl'IUNr INCI.AMATION, IIIVEH, ItAUII MOTH l'ATCIIRS, DKYNIMH OF HCAI.P Oil HKIN.FHOSriHTliS.nndnU purposes tor which HALVES or OINTMENTS ure used i restores tlio skiu to ii stato of purity and sofluess, uud In sures contluued healthy nctlon to the tissue o us vessels, on which depend tho agreeable clear -ness and vivacity ol complexion so muuh soairlit and admired, Ilul however valuable ns remedy for existing defects of tho sklu, H, T. Ilelmbold's Uoso Wash has long sustained Us principle claim to unbounded pitrouago, by possessing qualities which render it u TOILET Al'lT.NDAOK of the most Superlative ami Congenial character, combining In an elegant formula those prominent requUlU, HAFETVaml EFFIOACV the Invariable accompaniment ol lUuso-ns il l'rocrvallve and Itefroshor of tint Comploxlon. It Is an excellent Lotion for dis eases of a Syphilitic Nature, aud as an Injection lor diseases of the Urluury Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used In connection with the iyCTItACWIIUClIU,BAlWAl'AHII,LA,nnd CATAWIIA UltAl'E l'ILt.8,ln suoh diseases ns recniunieu led, cannot lie surpassed, l'ltici: ONI! DOl.LAIt Pint 110TTI.K. Full and explicit dlree-ttons accomnany the medicines, llvldeuceofthomostrosponslblo nnd rcllablo character furnished on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses, aud up ward of 30,(XW unsolicited certificates and recom mendatory letters, many of which aro from the highest sources, Includluir eminent Physicians Clcrgyraeu, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor li never resortod to their publication In the now. papers j he does not do this from the fact ihr his articles rank as Standard Preparations, nnd do not need to be propped up by certificates, Ileiuj T. lloluiliold'8 GcuiiIiic l'roiiuratloua. Delivered to any addross. Secure from nhsei vatlou, KntillillBliail nnaahl. .... Unl , . . H,,.HIUV .nvuijr jreuis. f3uiu uy Druggists everywhere, Addross letters for In formation, in conAdeuce to HENHV T, IIKI.M. BOLD, Druggist aud Chemist Onlv DenoUi If. I. lltfLMIlOLIVH Itrim u...l Chemical Warehouse, No. 601 Uroadnay, New iui,or 10 ji.T. utLMHULD S Medical Depot 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, 11EWATIK nv miTVTl.'TlirifffTli'na .-w IIENUV T. JIKLMllOLD'S TAUK NO OTUEII