The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 24, 1871, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
BloomsTiurg, Friday, Nov. 24, 1871.
Oro. IMIowki-t.ACo.,10 l'nrlc Ilow,nrc nuronly
nmliorlfpil Ailvcrtlslnjr: Aicnls In New York.
I 'r., WiTriintti.ti A Uo.,No. oo7.'!iclmit Htreet,
nro our only nulhortrrd At.cnt In I'lillmlclhln,
C. H. Mintriiv, V(. Ismtr nutliurlxed AKent nt
O ulralla In trnnsnrt nny business ticrtuliilng to
llin ComimmanoiIIcc. . ,,
ejr All nltrtlMiiiMit for the forgoing loenll
tic must lio onilorsctl by these- Agents, or Iney
will rceelvoiio attention.
Unilrond Timo Tablo.
North. Month.
Jllnll 12:11 A.M. IfcWl'.M.
Arrntiituoihitloll HoiA.M. I:I'.M.
i;"ri" fs'J v. it. a.m
Going North. (jotng Month.
Ml r. M. IftW A. il.
M. V. CoNNint U ntitliorlzetl to train,
act nny business conucctcil with tlio
CoMJMlltANOdlCO. tf.
Jajii.h X. KriiNa lias been appointed
JlurJlml of tlio Eastern District of l'onn
Bylvanln, In plaeo of K. M. Gregory,
Wi: le.irn that a gentleman by tlio
namo of I'lilllip Wlntorstccn, aged
about 75 years , dropped dend wlillo
erosslni' Iluck Mountain on tlio 10th
I n s t . Jlc r tele!: Independent.
A despatch from Corry, Pa., says
"oil has been struck" In that town, mid
tlio strike lias caused great excitement.
All tlio fires In tlio vicinity of tlio well
havo been extinguished, It Is nddrtl
that "tlio flow of gas Is tlio greatest on
EiAVAri) JIuutANNAN, a Journey
man tailor of this place, was killed on
Monday last, near Rupert. Ho was walk.
Ins on tho railroad and was struck by
tlio passenger (rain. It Is said that bo
stepped to tho Bide of tho track but not
far enough from It to clear tlio englno
Thanks. Tlio Committee, recently
appointed to collect contributions for
tho lato "Western calamity, offer hereby
their best thanks to nil, who showed
actual sympathy with tlio sufferers.
May our Heavenly Father In his Infla
Ho kindness ever remember them.
tr. v..
Faithtui, IjAUou. Thero nro fow
Clergymen In this region who can show
a more faithful and successful record
than Itov. Fuancis J. Mouii, of tho
Reformed Church of Uloomsburg. Dur
ing tho past three nnd n half years ho
has baptised 112 persons ; confirmed 10S;
married 111 couplei ; performed 53 fun.
cral services; and preached over 700
sermons, besides tho usual lectures.
During this timo ho traveled 1200 miles
In tho ministerial sorvice.
Till! Sunbury Gazette doubts our
btatcmont that Do Onouciiv, formerly
of Northumberland, was rt tirotlutr of
tho French Marshal Gnoucliv, and
Instances that tho latter did not uso tho
prolix J)e to his uamo. As 1 1 tho fact
llrst stated, wo gavo It upon authority
of old citizens of Northumberland nnd
wo remember to havo heard it stated in
our boyhood that tho Marsh it had onco
visited his brother nt that pl.'.ce. As to
tho prellx l)e, it is purely ornamental,
nud llkolho curl in a pig's tail (worn
for tho samo purposo) may bo used or
dispensed with nt tho option of tho
owner without iittectiii(; his identity.
Tho Northumberland Frenchman prob
ably placed It there to denote that ho
belonged to tho aristocratic class of his
nalivo country. Do Cluoucnv was a
monster In size, weighing over UOO
Tin: Small Fox prevails not only In
nil tho largo cities, but In mauy of tho
towns Immediately around us. Wo
know of no other protection against it
than vaccination, nnd wo believe all
physicians concur in tlio opinion that
this should ho frequently repeated. On
tills subject I'rofctaor George 11. Wood
tpcnkB as follows in ills "practice of
medicine," vol. I, pugis 10107, edi
tion of lbCO:
"This oj ciMlcn tl.ould l,o employed
in eviry erne which bosnot been tested
by txpeisuro to binall pox contagion
during nn epidemic prevalence of tho
din ate. It may bo asked whether vac
dilution should be employed In persons
previously itil'eclal with tmall-pox. I
thould uiihcs-itntlngly answer this ques
tion in tliu iilllnnatlve. It has been bo
fou blatdl llial, though fewer persons
iiioalliiiked wltli varioloid alter inocu
lation or mititiul small pox than nfter
vtiteiiiation, yet a grtnter numoer per
ish, 'J ho same protection tlint a second
vniclnatlcn extends in ono cifo will
probably bo extended by vaccination In
tho othe r, and Is oven moro needed, at
ltefct eo far as llfo is concerned. It is
ecneinlly htalcd in tho books that vac
dilation after small pox produces llttlo
or no effect. My own obM-rvution lias
been exactly tho revcrto. Ineoncludlng
this subject 1 would npaln strongly urgo
tlio piopneiy oi uiuvercai ro'vuccimi
llon, ns tho means not only of promot
in'' tho comfort ami nosslblv of savin"
tlio life of the individual, but also of
preventing tlio hpicau ot small pox and
of ultimately eiiulle.illng it, if not from
too gione, nt least irom oxtensivo com
Ir.o.v in Ni:fcoi'ecic Mountain
An I.Mror.TANT DiK'ovEitv. Soino
htrong surfaco indication having been
stumbled upon by Hon. N. U. Westler,
a fow weeks ago, ho has since been
making extensive explorations which
httvo resulted In deciding beyond n
doubt tho r-xlstcnco of Iron oro of tho
best quality In viut quantity in tho
south sido of Nescopcek mountain, in
Nescopeck and Ulackcreek townships,
l,i tho vicinity of tho established lino of
tlio Danviilo, Hazleton & Wllkesbarro
It. It. Somo spcclmons of this oro, left
nt our olllce, linvo been examined by
experts and decided by thorn to bo of
tho purest sort, und Mr. Wostlor has
secured by leaso about twclvo hundred
acres of tlio land In that vicinity in nd
dition to four hundred acres owned hy
him und iio proposes to prosecute his
work so as to developo tlio mineral on
n largo scale, llesldes being of tho best
character It Is so situated tbnt tho mill
ing operations can bo carried forward
In it very cheap way, und tho mineral
put Into tho market nt oven less cost
than Is mado in other sections where it
Is already dovelopcd and extensively
worked, nnd wo havo every reason for
tho belief that n not very distant day
will sco tills otherwise uninteresting
locality, under tho Impulse) of energetic
business manipulation, grown Into
prosperity und wealth. Mr. Westler
will, asn matter of course, linvotocull
to his nld somo of tlio capitalists of the
country, but his explorations have
made him very sanguine tlint It will
need on their purt only tin Itivostlgit'
tiou of tlio evidences brought to light
by his work, to sccuro their Intcrost In
It, und this done tlio future wo can easily
fo rctel I , Her letcl; Jn utpen d e n I.
Honors to (ten cral lint.
Action ok Uem.i: TjKttiu: Union
Oj:m. W. H. Knt t
Whereas i It liai plcrscd Almighty
Clod in ills ulwlso provldeneo to call
from his earthly labors our cslccmad
frlotitl, den. W. H. Knt, lato of Blooms,
burg, I'o., un honored and esteemed
brother In tlio U. h. U. Society of Dick
inson Seminary, Wllllnnnport, I'd.
And Whereas t Oen. Knt whilst n
member of tlio Institution ns well as of
tlio Society, ranked high ns u goutlo
man and n 6choIar, ns n friond and
brother j and nfter ho left tho student's
ranks and engaged In tho ncttvo pur.
suits of llfo, by his cnorgy and patriot
ism reflected honor upon his Alma Ma
ter and his society : Therefore,
Jlesolverf, That wo deeply grlovo tho
loss of our departed brother; and that
In his dcatli our society lias lost an lion
orcd member, tho country a bravo sol
dier, tho Stato n trusty counselor nnd
oillccr, ami tlio bereaved family it lov
ing christian husband and father.
Jtcsokcd, That wo manifest our sor
row by draping our Hull and wearing ti
badge of mourning Tor tho period of
fifteen days.
Itcsohed, That a copy of thesa resolu
tions with n mortuary poem written by
it brother bo published in tlio "Star vf
Literature" and in different papers of
tho country nnd that u copy of tho
same bo furnished tho relatives of the
T. 1'. CAJIl'IlKM., .1, ClUMHN,
J. W. MAKAltA, W. I'. ItANTZ,
W. H. Uimtr.Y,
Slortniiry I'ocui.
Knler thou mftly each 0110 within;
Call '.ho roll gently, tho kcrvlco bctlu.
Oh ! fy this stlllnoss.wliy lioM wo our breath?
Alas I wo uro mourning, caoli thmtjlit Is of
Head from tho lllblo, Us beauties extol s
Tell us of happiness In storo for tho soul,
For our spirits nro weary j sad Is earli heart,
And tho throb of each bosom Is tho plcrcoof a
Oh I tho weight of tho gloom that hovers so nsar,
Bo sorrowfully seen In each brother's tenr s
Oh tho darkness of night wero light unto thl.1,
Hitch stillness, Mich palu o'eu nlr becms to kiss,
Kneel brother, kneel, nnd eover each face,
Whtlo wo ask In our prayers for that Heavenly
For thn lovo of our King who rc Ignclh above,
In behalf of our brothor of brotherly lovo.
In behalf ot our brother, so gifted, so great.
Who goos to seek entr.inco nt Heaieu's brlsht
. KHe:
Take thou, 01 Ood, tho' It rend every heart,
Toglvo thee our brother, yot we know who thou
And gladly we servo theo again nnd nsaln,
Our happiness greater tho itrentcr our pain.
For we know thou art Just nnd hoaresl each ono
Who nskolh in revorenco, with "Thy will bo
done '
Then hear us 01 Oo.l, ns wo kneel ono and other
To oner 6ur prayers for tho soul of our brother,
llless him with holiness, glvo him new birth,
Let htm servo thoo in Heaven, fur hescrved theo
on enrth.
Itlnoinsbiirg Normnl School.
To tho Editor of the Columbian :
Somo days since happening to lako
up tho llepublican of your place, I no
ticed an nrtlclo on tho exercises of tho
Uloomsburg Normal School, purporting
to bo from n Reporter of that paper
Happening to bo in Uloomsburg nt the
time, nnd learning that tlio exercises of
tlio day wero to bo public, untnenowing
by experience, that they wero generally
of n high toned character, nnd w ero
always in my opinion well executed,
I determined to enjoy them. Although
they w ero not ns it whole as entertain
ing as somo I havo listened to at tlio
Institution, they proved a rich treat to
all who wero eapablo of understanding
them. Honeo I was very much sur
irlsed upon reading the nrtlclo in tlio
litpubUcan. On thoso subjects which
wero easily understood and intended
only as u drill tho author could not
helii but express his opinion as ho know
something about them; but ho did not
do them Justice. They wero prepared
u a very short timo nnd wero ns inter.
esting nnd ns well recited ns exercises of
this kind usually nrc. Tho executions
on tho piano forto wero really exeell vnt
ami de.'crvlng of commendation, but lie
withheld this for tho very apparent
reason that ho know nothing about
them, Tho gentleman would hr.vo
eoinu to n rational conclusion, If ho had
said that ho knew nothing about any of
tho exercises, and therefore would ro
servo his opinion. Ho must havo b?en
laboring under somo strange hallucl un
ion when ho gave so perverted an ac
count of tho entertainment. I li ivo
been informed through reliable) author
ity, that toino few people In your town,
who do not how to take earo of their
own interests, indeavor to glvo strang
ers it falso Impression of the school, nud
mako statements in reference to it that
aro utterly without foundation, I can
not concludo without saying that tho
author of tho nrtlclo In tho Jtepubll
can must bo un active member of this
miserable fow. ODSKHVKIt.
Catnwlssa, Nov. 18, 1S71.
Suiiuu.N Death. On Monday, 13th
Inst., tho wlfo of Mr. Moses Iluwer, ol
Franklin township, was taken ill, and
in about half an hour was dead. Mrs,
Howcr had been, I understand, In Uiual
good health, assisting in tlio household
duties of the morning, liy her death u
fond husband, and be wrnl step-children
besido it largo circle of relatives und
friends are suddenly bereaved. Mrs.
Hewer's maiden nnnio was Hannah
No Inquest was held. Dr. Bobbins
was called and I learn, gavo ids opinion
that sho died of apoplexy.
i i. -u. J.
Catawlssa Hills, Nov. 10, 1681.
We learn That thuiTaTeTbetween tho
Philadelphia and Erie, ami tho Catn
wlssa Hailroad Companies, argued be
fore tho Supremo Court, at Pittsburg,
week beforo last, was decided ono day
last week In favor of tho Catawlssa
Company. Tho Injunction granted by
Judgo Sharswood somo weeks ago was
dissolved, Kiid.tho Catawlssa cars will
now cross tho track of tho Philadelphia
nnd Uric, Without any restrictions,
except to observe such rules and regula
tlons ns may bo Imposed upon other
roads crossing tit grade, Mwuy Lumi
nary, (inllly of Jlimslnuslilcr.
Ki.miiia November 18. Tho Jury in
tiioeasoof Henry Ward, of Towniiila,
Pa., charged with killing Wesley K.
Sluulor, of Lima, Now York, rendered
n verdict last evening of not guilty of
muider, but guilty of manslaughter,
Tho trial was holdat'fiitikimnnock. Pa.,
having been rcmuvod to Wyoming
county by act of tlio leglilaturo of
Pennsylvania. Ward is a son of tho into
Hon. 0. L. Ward, of Towanda, Pa.
The population of llerlln Is now
nlno hundred thousand almost that of
Now York. To keep tills hordoln beer
four thousand lugcr-bctr saloons aro
maintained, nnd seventeen dully nous
papers keep them Informed of thoovents
of the day.
Tub Increasing number of sudden
tleaths In our county, and iu most In
statices tho small provision mado for
tho support of those tlcpciidont on tho
deceased, hns called fresh nttcntiou to
tlio sul ject of Llfo Insurance, No man
U so poor that ho cannot by this means
sccuro his family from want, his wlfo
ami children perhaps from pauperism.
Tho prlco of a cigar a day, or of rt drink
of whiskey will do It. It Is not an ex
penditure, but an Uiveitmcnl, for if tho
assured person lives, ho gets n dividend
generally much larger than tlio Interest
ills money, llesldes, tho money
cannot bo attached by creditors.
Among Insuranco Companies none
hold a higher rank than tho Continen
tal of Now York. Last year It Issued
moro pol!clc3 than any other company
iu tho world. Its solvency Is guaran
teed by Its deposits with tho State, nnd
tho laws regulating It. C. I!. Unocic
WAY, of this place, Is ngent, nnd Is
dally sending In applications. Apply
at once, whllo in Health for "procrasti
nation is tlio thief of time."
1.0CAI, NOTllXS.
C.C. MAUI! hna lino lot of NC.W 00003 con
sisting In l'lnlu Plrnp and l'lnds.
e C. MAi:n Fclh.srlcmlld KID C1LOVKH for
?1.C iter pair.
('. C. has a new tot of Child's MUsis'
and Indies' SUor.4 cheap.
C. C. Mahii has a lino lot of HATH nnd CAPS
Chmpfor cash.
Oh I The happy, happy timo Is coming when
tho people will K to I, W, IIAllTMAN'rt for nil
their new Chi latmis goods.
Mrs, Jones Who did you say keeps I hat cheap
cash store In Uloomsburg? Why I. W. HAKT-
MAN1 Oh, law me, I know him from a boy up,
and I am going to gcUoino oftlmt shilling mus
lin (ono ard wide which I bawMts. yiulth have)
oi hltu.
CM. cmilsiMAN, In Hhlve's lllm'.c has Just
received another supply of 11U1TAI.O IlOllKH
nud IIOIWIJ IlLAMKllTS; nlso a lot of ladles
and geutlcmcni TllUNKH and TItAVIXINU
VA1.ISKM, nil of which will bo sold nt bottom
?-r.v Itoc?icllr,(Tjnttlon) IllackLctry vines for
stile, (5. or hundred, by .Ins-pi-it UAiimsox
Uloomsburg, I'a.
SiiKueiaNew Family Hewing Machines ten
dollals rush bnlanco In monthly Installments
J. A. Douw, AgfMit, Uloomsburg, Vn. no.CU-tf
C M. CnutsT.MAX has In stock, n set of IdtlHT
mill Olio sot DOUI1LF. TUAM DIl'LOMA HAlt-Nl-SS.
Those w .intlng liarntBs, can ""nro a bar
giln. Wsiwonld ndW-o all that waulgoid Furni
ture to go loO, W.COIlUl't.1,, hohasjust return
ed from thecltywlth n splcmlil nssortmentof
Furniture which ho will sell chrnprr lhan over
forcasuor readypay. HlHmoUolnnilcksnles
nud small profits.
The statements made by dealers lu other ma
chines, that they sell New Hlngcr Sewing Ma
chines Is not true. Tho Singer Manufactory
supply no machines In CoUunbla county, except
to their nu Ihorlzcd agent, J. A. Doiian.
C I. AUK & WOI.F hnvonn nuoitineut of goods
now that would be n credit to nny townorstoto
In IhoSilnte. Uvea their lengthy ndvertlscnicnt
can not do Justlco lo tlio subject. It Is well
worth the tl mo to call und see tho g;ods nud
how cheap they can bo sold.
A tlEXFIUI. nssortmeut ofKCHOOI, I100US
nnd STATIONAUV, wholesale and letall nt A.
I. Wkiiii'h Hook Ktore, orposlto tho Court
House. Miscellaneous books, portmonntcs, stcr
eoscoplo pictures, gunics, plcturo-books, blank'
hooka of all kinds, etc., etc. nJti-tf.
A Nr.wnnd elegant nssorlmcntoffalland win
ter goods has Just been reeelcdby H. II. Mll.ixtl
A Hon, which lliey oR'er nt very low rrlces. Also
all articles usually kept In u drygunds si up,
Their rrlendsnnd the public nro lnvlled to (.ill
and examine them.
Ilt'TTEHnnd checsa ale almost Indlspensabto
articles of fun I. Propetly used, they nro uutrl-
tous nud healthy; but un luordlnnto use nf
either causes Indigestion nnd dyspepsl i. JVir
soiV l'uviintii-c J'tUi, Judiciously used, will ro
movo both of thoso troubles.
HA'r: you nguo luthofaco; and Is It bully
swolcn? Havo you severo palu lu tlio chest, back
or side? Have you cramps or pilnslu tlioi.tom-
aeh or bovrels? Have you bullous collo or severe
griping pains? If so, mo J,ftiiionii' -tncittyus
luu at.
Foi u Evil s. Whoever habitually uses any
alcohullii preparations ns uu ''appetizer" will bo
likely to sutler rrom four evils, viz.: nn overplus
ot foul In the stomach, Impaired ability to digest
11, tho pangs of djspepsla.aiii a doctors bill.
the great Tietotal ltcslortitlo uf tlio ago. with
out over stimulating tlio paUtoor Irritating tlio
stomach, lmpaitsu healthful appetite, promotes
digestion, regulates the liver and bowels, purl'
lies tho blood, aud thus, lusteml of entailing lour
evils, coufeis Tour Inesllmablo btuelltg.
Ki:i:isiii:it-Fiis:i)s:uicK-on the wih inst.
bv the l'.iv. Wllllum J. 13 tr, Mr. Lisiunli
K'iclsiier, to.MIss Slurlit a i'lideruk, both i
t.ucust tow nshlp.
Rt'llltOFlTl'.KIt-llHO'sIt-On tho ytlt, by the
smile, Mr. Albert bcliroelll'.er, or lla.ielon, in
.'liss 1.1..1U jinrgurei wnisii, in i.iiiviiir, . n
lItiWl)i:ilHHOTrnu Wmlaelay, Nnvt-inber
!t, In lUpvU lluen, Mrn. Multlo H. wiiu ni
Ciiutlei Ht'itiieibiiuii, utjea jt:irs mm i
Wlisa yo:i wero f.idtnj; Mittli1,
In slow, but buro ilecay,
I (uracil my eye to Heaven, abavo,
AnJ breathed u )i:irti nu 1 1.
I ma sad ntul lonely now, Muttle; (
Tho world to moHtctm dmir;
For bIupo you tiled my wcury houI
In turrov liiuerH lu-ro.
Mo thlulnyou'ru lmppy uo, M-i'lIc,
Hlne j our poor spirit tie J ;
YeV I never can forget yoa
Thuimh jou bleep iviaouc ihotlcnd.
I!lonmtlHirK Mnrkci,
Wli t ytr bushel
Corn ' -
O.u . "
Hoi rveririei
CUn tr-.if d
ru hii. -
rot ai c-h.. , ,.
Uriel' Apple
Hum ,
Hid en Li(thtl'ulitr,
I .aid priouild
Huy j -r ton
, U
Is imi iM iiourli wlilrli Mijikt " cxi'trlciicu Is lho
KUfust BllMe." Til tills Blllilo lho Klclt nml "lltll!
liiituru.lly turn when tiistliiir nlwut f ir means
u-llof. TUcTlnoulri) wlmt ii iiu'JIcliio lms ilnno
lur others, beroro tlii'y uJotit It tln' Of
nil tho lvmedliu n ml lirovcntlvcs In uso, llostct
ter's Ktoui.U'li jiiturs meets tlio U.t most trl
null liimllj-, anj HeiR'ii Its lmmenso )iiiuliull
nml iist sales, Tt e i.uirorer friini liullttestliui
huro to tlml siimon to urnnm; Ills frlcutls wlin 1ms
turn i'iiio Inf tbnt nllmont by tho iiiinous vett-
fUliloslomncliU. Tuo victim difiivci'itiiu ouin
lter eoini'liiliit, coiibtlpatlun, uerous priistr
tlou, uruenciulilobltlly, lias only In niiiko In
Mutry lu lho ntlnhliorliooil whero ho resides lu
order toilNeovir w tint this Hamlaril resturntUo
bus illecti.l luiiiM'a Kliullar tn his own. In tho
imblUheil tettlnmnj- to ll merits' lm will II ml u
viiluiuo of i nsifs of Its hiinltary properties,
m lilcli it Is liiijioMillile. fur his eoiitmnu fcciuo to
rtlt, llo Ir'es It, nml tlio elleot II produces on
Ills kystoiu mills r.liutlur tu lho liuat ofultllesses
In Its favor, Tbtis, Its reputiitlou, fuunJiil on
Tacts, not at Motions, continually cruws und
Kpriuda. CluirUtana uiui liupostcrs, somo of
them lucre c cal trlcltsters, uiui others ho toko
n xUUr rmikte, ntttmpt to thrust Into
tho blinds mm tlowu tim throats of Imatlds,
1 lie Ir buihsKi ml iiuicoetloiis, us huliktltutos for
lho toulo wlil ill lur ho many years bus been u
uicdlcltml ,li' lo ihrouiihoiil lho United Males,
Hpuulsh Alue rien, Luliuda, unit tlio West Indies,
but only kuet rc a In 11 wry limited exteut, lu
this leusontu k Hue, thu people, liuluil uscer.
liilutHl what l , nullydeiervluic of their coull
ueuco, dtclluo " ruuultiir utter t.lruui;o tod,.M
ino primary cnnsooi consumption is derange
ment of tho illgestlvo orgnns, This deraniemi ut
produces deficient nutrition and assimilation
lly nsslmllatlon 1 mean that process by which
tho nutriment ot tlio food Is converted Into
hlnod.nnd Ihenco Into too solids or tlio body.
Persons with digestion t ins Impaired, having
tlio slightest predisposition to pulmonary ills
caso.orll they take cold, will bo very liable tn
havo Consumption nrtlin Lungs In some of lis
forms nnd I hold thai. 11 will bo Impovslblo to
euro any enso or Consumption without llrst re
storing a good digestion and healthy assimila
tion. The very first tiling to bo dono Is to cleanse
the stomach nnd bowels rroni nil diseased mucus
nnd slime, which Is clogging these organs to
Hint they cannot perform their functions, and
then rou.o up and restore tlio liver ton healthy
action, For this pnrposo Hie surest and bent
remedy Is Hchcnck's AUndrako Tills. These
Fills clean tho stomach and bowels of all tho
dead and moibtd Mlmo Dial Is causing dlsea.o
and decay In the wiiolo system. They will clear
out tho liver or nil diseased bllo that has accum
ulated there, and rouse It up to n row nnd
henllliy nctlon, by which natural und hcallhy
bllo Is secreted.
The stomach, bowels, nnd liver aro thus cleans
ed by the uso of Hcheiicn'ft Mandrake Fills t but
thero remains lu tho slomncli an excess of ncld,
lho organ Is torpid nnd the nppetlto poor. In
tho bowels the lactcals nro weak, nnd reitulrlng
strength nnd support. It Is In n condition like
Hits tlint Mclionck'a Heawced Toulo proves to bo
the most valuable remedy ever discovered, It
lsnlknllne, nud Its uso will neutralize nil excess
or ncld, making tho stomach sweot nnd Irosli t It
will glvo permanent lono to this Important or
gan, nnd create a good, hearty uppetlfe, and pre
pare tho system for the llrst process or n good di
gestion, mid ultimately make good, healthy,
llvlnir blood. After tills nrenaratorv treatment,
what remains lo euro most cunts of IJonsumn
lion Is Hid treo mid persevering uso of Hchcnck's
Pulmonic Byrup. 'lhoPuliiionloHyrup nourish
ino system, purines mo niouu, aim is reiiuu? "-
....t-l,.:., n,.. II. r. ..lP....l',M.. ..! tli.xwn .llHtrlb
uted lo lho dlHcned lungs. Thero It ripens nil
morbid matters, wnether In lho form or abscess
es or tlilieiclcs, and then ntslsts Nature to expel
nil tlio dlseasnl matter, lu lho form of frcoex-
... ..l..nMni. i.,.ai.nn... I, Hlvl.. 11 S llltMI. liy
the great nnliug nnd lurliylng properties of
Kcheuck's l'u I in ntilo Wjiup, (lint ml ulcers and
cavities aro healed up sound, and my patient l
.... . .nnA ,.. i,rl..t. Pnll
'liu vSSlllllill WIIUI, iu uuimuuiiimi'". 7,
sumption Is to get up a goistappcllto and a goou that tlio bod will glow In uesii
mill ..nt .triLii If n ....n,..,l lungs.
-nciulty or abscess there, lho envlty canniit
heal, tho matter cannot ilpi'n.solougns thosjs
tem Is below liar. What Is necessary In cute is a
new order oi things, n gol appetite, n goa
nutrition, tho body to grow lu llcsli nnd get mi,
then Nnlure Is helped. Ilia entitles will hen , in
matter will llpcu and bo thiown otr lu largo
iiuiiuillies, anil luu peistm ita.ui .u.".-
1 hw Is llu, Hum anil iitilv nlim to euro Cnnsuuip
Hon. und If a person Is very bad, If tho lungs iuo
i.,(. i.i.,lrlf .l.ili, .v.l nrni'Kii irmii, lllUI. IS OU-
llrely gone, If time is i nnugli vitality lell lulho
I hiivn u.n inAti i.ersoiiscuroj with only one
mil nu lung, live niiu eujoy ino 10 u nv.
Thiv u iiiit. Hhonn'M MHillcities will do to cure
Consumption. They wlIU lean out the stomacli,
leuien uuu siieuKiueu ,i. kci um.b"" '"h"-
, it ml ifli'i. Nn 1 1 in, llin nsstslnliro Hilu needs to
clear tlio system or all tho disease that Is In the
mugs, wunieser ino loriu may oe.
11 IS llIipOIUlUL Lllill. VI1IIV USllllj Ollicm-Mi
Mr.lh.iirs. rnrn Ktioilld lm exerel-fil Hot to take
cold; keep tn-doors In cold nud dampweather;
oil) lllglll. air, hiiu iiii.u uuiiuuvr L'&eieiau
i, trnniitl niiil uartn siinsliltie.
I If. ill.lilifil IV llliilt 11. mil Hint, wlipn I reC-
ounneiid a atlentto bo caretul lu regard to Ink
ing cold, wlillo using my Medlelues, 1 do an lor a
leciill leustiu. A uitiu who lias out puriuiny
ivtred Irom tnoctnetsorn b'.d iol,l Is lur moro
ll.ililo lo n relapse tlinn una who bus been entire
ly cured ; and it Is precisely tho saino tu regard
11 U'jusiimiiiiou, o toni; as tlio lungs are not
perhelly healed, Just so long Is thero Imminent
uugir lit u lull muni of tlio disease, jieuci' ,k
i liml l so Slieiiuousiy caution puiniouiiry pi"
euts iiinlnst exposltii- fhr nisi K-cs to an almos-
I hue that Is not genial and pltasaut. Conllrin-
d eouMiinpitvs inngs aro a mnss wi mim-s,
iih-ii Hie lellSL i.lnngo OI nmospni iv m il tii-
une. The grand seen t of mv success Willi my
fdlflnuu ,-iitisUI . In m- nlillllv In subdue III-
llammatlou Instindr.r proMiklng It, ns many of
nn i.icuiiy do. vin inuiimeii lung eiiuniH, ivim
nii'iv iu iiie luuitiii, no e.putii i niu unnil.
Insts nf Wilder or thn ftdltliiir winds nf Snrlnir
or Autumn. 11 should bo cnrefuUy hhleldtd Irom
in irriiaiing iiiiiueuecs, ine uiiiiosl ei.iiin'i,
liould be ubserMd In this particular, ns w.t lout
ttwurn under nlmost anv elrcuiiistiillees Is all
i no iersoti sunuid noireoi onawnoiesoinuniin
utrllliuis dliit.. mid nil llin .Meill, lues continued
until thu body has restored to it lho natural
uantlty oi uesn nnu siretigin.
1 was llljseu cured uy mis ireni'iieui in mu
nrsL Itlhil of I'fiiiklllniition. and huu llvcil lu
get tat nnd hearty IIumi ninny years, with ono
ung mosuy goni'. i naviicuien inousnims suicu
ml vtrv liliiny nave neen eureu uy una ireni-
About tlio Kirn or October I expert to inno
issesslonof my new llie Northern
urnpr or Hlxlh anil Arcll S,t reels, while 1 shalt
no pleased to give ndvlce to till who may ruiulro
Fiitt illrei'tlons iiceomn.iii nil mv Heme Uei,
so tbnt a person lu fi.iy part of thu world cm bo
uuuy lurid uy it suici iTvmirtus lira miuu
ii. ni,iiituiv, .ii. i'.
.lolinsnn. IIolKv.'iivi Cowden. tkli Arcli street
lllladelpllia, llgeuiH. luovi. ii-u
I'O It
The County Affords
Jicfoio Pmcluising EUowlierc.
E. il. KKOIIR,
Htitembtr8 167l-tf.
HAH IT 1 rnV'Pt 1 lnK nntllI a
UK) V AlikA t) i.ofcltywnichwllJstIl
at hlulitin et rv lamilv.
Is thtiouly snrkctant which atlblles lids want,
11 1h ueautuui nuu Hiriuiiirinuuiu(iit;iiii i-uiiu-ly
new and tlmut 1'amh.y 1'iioiouuAl'ii Al
bum with nromt Icto Pamii.v Hisrouv, i:xuiv
what tho ptoplo havo lutu; wished. Helllm: rap
Idly, UKrsaro drnppmtf lho nlil IhwIik t
tukohoLluf lho ui-cful and beautiful "JixjMn.
A lew lute Ueporta trom Agents uro: 11 in 'J days
llluttduys; hi In 1 ucuk, uetllu AenlstJto
tlu per wk, Pull paitkulara and Circuliir!
Irte, AddrtbS
III-.W, ,iii,i4,vv, J iliimnn,
novI3 70-ly, 1 1" Muuhuiti hlieet, PhllAdi-litUia.
usr.i hah i.ur ki:i:i)lui a
cini-a I "AN UUN IT I
Dekljiiod opeclulry fur lho use of families, ami
ladles who detlro lo Unit lur lho mailtel. Will
dnuNerystltcli of tlio kultllni: In n ktorkiin:.
widening and nariuwlnsni, teadlly as by liaud.
Aro stilenilhl fur wurstcds nml f.incy wurlt,
TAK-lKll KIVI! lUI'lllllllNl' KINDS, Ot
MiTuili Am veiy ay to iiiiiiiiiui'. iiii.i uu
iliil.hi tu ,ct out of order, livery 1 iimlly kliould
liiiviioiie. , , . ,
Wo want on Amnt In criy town lo liitniducc
nml (.ell tlieiii.iowlioiii uu ntrer Um most ills nil
IiiiIik emeiits. t-euii lur oer L'llcular und HaiiilLe
iiov. lu,7My, Hath, Mu.
rpowN map of iu.ooMsnuna.
jn the Court of Quarter firu'on of Vkt'umbi
I iliji t,.,,iVf if the It nt 11 mini vt llh.M
huraii'Mitc bif Aimii(( Xrytntut unU u(itti ftr
rortution ami ttfMMtU to mitl tvurt Nuili'h W
UKKKitV (HVKN, 'Jlmtthoiindorr.UnfcdCouimH-
bloner appoint ud b thi
bald t'nmt 10 renorl tho
i-vldcucu olleied by UWenHatfaiUHi ami in ia"i
id the corrtclneHH m sMid map, tottnir m
i.iu ....iiiiikii in remird to anv mutter cotuiunlnu
ni in ielallou ihfrelo, wllliillcnd htlliol'ourt
House, lu llloonuburir, on Mouday, the
tkth day ol No ember, pioxlmo, m tin ncNwK
. i. , ... tin. I ilitv. m.lU.'ImiL'H i hodu-
tim of Iiih iPI olntiiii nt, at v. hlch I Imu and yUi o
ill perhOUM Hiit'icmtM inuy Miiwim ii mv;
tbliiu , leper uo .,e..,u.Mi j; JA(.KK0Ni
oct7'7l'i!w UummlHhtuntr,
'llui Winter Term of this Institution will open
TUISPAY, OCTOllElt 3IST, 1571,
mnl continue elf Mil wcilR. Tuition Irom SMO liiMiiicilcni nhrii lu nil tlio common
and bhlliir KuulUli InuuclKs, tettether Willi Ijil
In, (mi k, l-tt in Ii und Hi ruutu. (Jood Isiaid can
i... ul si ui lur m k. or looms
to thoso who wlili to bouiil thela.ilns, For
luilhtr purlliuluis uiiure
J.K. t-l lllitiMiVl:lt, I'rlncliil,nr
Dr. (l. A. Ml UAKUU.I., (-vintury,
Oraugovlllo, Oct, :i, 1671-ltu,
For Every Hotly.
At Latt Year's) Prices.
r at r,L00jrsrURG.
nnow5iis p.lock,
NEXT to rauiriMiousE.
4 v w i w a irv a part A8rj:Ei
Hiurj ft in'.io
pinr ot sunerh l-rcueii t)ll Chroinos funjects
1.1 VK Hli;.--XfUlMtn facilmSIt l or orlelnat OU
ralutlncs (ifl'ti.YA HVI l'bf cry nihrrlherto
NIIWHI'AlM It. AtientM havtni; uieat succecHt
oiin took l,to) nniiu's lu 1 moiilht.; another 17Z In
lUdays; another lis in ono wtclt; ono 47 In ono
day; ntul iiianv nthers i(ually well, iimlclii
fioiuf'uuid JlutoSl'Mer day. Takej imslhil
All old ocntwhn hnou i, .ns: "I think It tho
bet Limni as fur cumsht$ iiirojfcrctt. Horry I did
not em;uj;o hoonc r," 1'ujk better than any uoofc
ayency, A rant change to make monr't.
If ynil wish ciioil tiTrllnry.M'iiit rri 1 ir clrcu
I ir nmt tonus 1 .1, It. 1 OKIi i: CO., i7 Parle rlnco.
X. Y.t 11 Uromlli-ld Hl Lostuu; 'JVi Wist Mmil
Ihihi m., (hlcnii.
Afiiivrs WA.vrisu Kim"
Thu History ot tho War hf Iwt-eii Vranio and
(Jermauy, embracl n'ilo l'nrls under tho Com
mune, nil Illustrations ; (lu pnect ; price, Sift) ;
50,1 0 copplis already nold, 'Jhoonly coiuplite
woili, othlHKitiu.ils H toM.ll, MhIcIhk IuawO
copies per mouth now, In Khk'IsIi und OermaJ.
Terms uneuualhd. Outtlt ?l.i!.i. Addrths II, H.
UOOPHPKKH i. CO.,.i7 I'arlc ltov.-, Niw York.
wvniV iioum;iioi,i unr-
UUJ O fertd Ini'durlns tho comlugjtar
to every subscriber of Merry's Museum, lho To
ledo" lUade, I'omeroy's Demociat, tic, vhlclils
I an evidence of its worth and jnipularlty, Hor
ace i tree icy, jumps i,trion, incouore iinon,
Gall Hamilton, etc., wrlto for every number. In
clubbing, It oilers three first clas periodicals for
tho prlco of ono of them. A variety or premi
ums on equally liberal terms, ltii au original,
Ilrst-cl.iw mngn7luo, Volumo X begins with
Jan, '72. Three specimen copies frie. Addrtss
H.H. WOOD, Xewburah, N. Y.
Is lnJtcd tnheiiU Iiisnddrtrianud ncelve Fiiei:
an'ii ir stack rAiiiftcopyor ino
Tho most l'rnctlci-1, lho lleht and rheapcKt Hlus
Ira led Aurk-ultuial iurer In theL'nllfd htntts.
Only ".1(tMiU per jear. ml lur a spojlmcu
copy. Addittss
llljljUlt, iv 1 x K-if.
hnliciifil by .MUNN ,t CO.,
PubllshtrH &cu,nt(Jta Amen
cm, 3: 1'AHh How, N, Y.
Twp nt i .live vr nr nTrrrh'iiei'.
l'amphtet contalnlni; I'.ih'tit laws, with fall
dlri'etiiitiK hitu in nlitnln I'nti lits. Iiee.
A bound volume of lis pnms.ccntalnlnc thn
Nku Ci:l'a by oinitlci and nil largo cities. U'
lIiiKruvlmjs or MtchauM'il Movcnienls, Pa nut
Laws and titles lor oh alnlu-i Patents, mulled
ou rtcelpt of i5 ceutv,
Tho nldeht and mnstrellablo institution for oh.
lalnlnu' a Mcicnntllo IMucatlon.
lO-riacticai nuMUCKHmen an instructor.
1 or lufoi matlon urltu fur n clicular to
P. lH'KP . hO.NH, PltthburK, Pa.
Ml HI CKLKS tobrruKI
h m' ,, ,. ...
avT? IlkUUIIIir. IU lIH "II i
i li I.S'iVu'antkii.-AcentH nuiliemoroluiUK y
A at wotU lor uh than ut nnwhlnu (dtc, IIut
nt-hkih ami piriuaufiu, i-:uiiiuiiri in e. m,
KilMuN.tCo lui) Ait J uU Pot Hand,
rt ifi" A MllN'llll 1 1 (.it. n J'.
O l".') ItUMHintd. H.RI-lIAW.'Allnd.Me,
12 N T I 8 T It Y .
ii, c. aowun, ukntibt,
Itoaocctfnllv ofl'cm hla rtrofei-ftlounl hcrvlcon I
IhuladleHiiud uuntlemennf ltloomburKiud vl
rlully llo In prepared to attend tualltLo varl
iu iiriivniPii wiin inn in 1 1 kl niinruvLti rtii.iKi.rti
'I'm-rii wlilrli will lm liiHCrlcil mi i:old nlulluu
kllverand rubber baso to l(Kk nu well itHtbouat
nrni innin. 'i f phi nTii fti-icii uv Hii uiu urwuiw
moktapprovea metnouH, nuu an nptruu.iu uu
inoieein caifiuuy ami pruni) lumuuru m,
HpKldeuce und olIUu h low dot.r a'nt
Court Housh, hHtne fide,
liioomiibunf. Jan,r7i u
Aip mi tlrfd of ibtuliilntr n lva by lini
lnbnrf If Hi. I )me h r alu A CAN A I (iltl
CKItV niul t-ri:t) KlOlli: with dwelllm- kiitll
clt nt fir Ihuo lamltltfe. lu uhlcliyou cau umko
untay nnu rtinioiinoio niut, mm u sou iry
cuu citnr uo miluii-u uoiiurn u year ixttiue
All tor tho nnnll mm i f '1 wo Thousand ilolhn
HtiRknod tlxtuicb inchuUd, ready for bunluthn,
Come nud tu tor siuit or uuiiroti
n uv371"m h um me l o,, ru,
IJKItKVNiS Inwlmr Deeds tuiil ilort
X tpctn iccordrd, Ulvi In thin (like, will
i lo nm twll md tulo lhtm tut, lor niatjihuot
Ui.ciOMfcbvr.n, 3.1W1, lUccrUtr.
which Ann now in f-Tum:.
Low Por Cash
Ojipcwilc Brown's Hotel
Wo olftr n HIIJC COItDni) roi'MK
.oU nt tUM now at tl.33 per yard..
A.frplendld JArAKIHi: SlUirE atSI.CO nir
A full line of Itt,AUK ALPACA from W cents
toSl.?"ipcr yard.
Our K't cent Alpne can't le br at, cur 73 ceul
Aipiicu primp.
And you know our (It rl, Alpiei U tholbestli
tho Market lor tho money.
AHlxh en bono COIlXKTnt 70 cents.
Our SLJUlVuit; bono COIWr.T Is tmth buying.
Itlrnched nnd
unbleached MUSLIN, u full
APPMrroN A., nt 1 1 cents by lho bolt, 13 cents
tho yaid.
Lmlics Merhia IIoso,
1hIU'm Kalmorul IIoso
LmllcM Halhlpino,,
I-tnlics lion Eramo IIoso
nnlsei nt $-09 per j nrd.
ItPt'Pfl IIoP,
IIoso In oxtrn Hl.-o
JUN-cs Itihbt'd IIomj
3Ion Wollfii ono-hnlf IIo-?c
iatllcH Vosts
CnnllKAn Jankcts
Idillos Cloth Gloves
Ladles HerSiml Olnven
hntllrs Buck Oiuinllolrt
Iluck moves '
1 Allies l'tir top lilovca
(Huts Fur to Gloves
lltiuk Gloves and Jlittena
l,adlos Kid Gloves
Gents Cloth Hack lluck Palm Gloves
Shawls of all Kinds.
JuijrLrt Cloth
Drens Oootln
Dundes HobcA
Hlack Satin
Velvet Unions
Ilertver Cloth
CassinKJrs and Flanens
OII,CIOT1IH -l,r-ifindtvl wide.
TP-V H1H14 nf 11 1 Iicih, Iiou Mono wriro at
Our Uotk cf TPAB, LOr PPU4, BPICKS, Ao In
full ui d at tho lourU llgures
Our fclcd; of JCOTIONH U Jull aud ccinrltte.
1I00TH end HI()I.H, a full lino.
CLAltIC & WOU' nio clctslneont their Block of
HIIAWI.H ut rediuoil pr.ien, many (if them at
co t,
Wo cuirkU uo terlc ot J UHH ovir from lw.t
kcutou, our iCMiit stork Is lurgo ouii ll new,
una wtjolTcr .um irom rjiiuiw.vuir hi,
I UO nod 11,73.
t L04K1.NO H f 1.00, ll.K,
Real Estato Sales.
vai.uatim: miAii khtati:.
Py vlrtueornntliorllynnil mdcrof tboOrplmnV
Court of Columbia comity, tho iinderHinhMl nil
deccfttod. fi mih)ko to frIo by public Tendno
ou tlio premises, ou
a laro qoanlllv nf vaIuaUo lnnd MIut In
Frmiklln township lu ald couuly, described as
follows I
Thn hntnrjklfflii f.irni tit ttin dreedfnt. IVinff In
Frflnkltn low imhlp In Columbia county. Winded
by Unds of J.T. Ueedcr, lamh of l'ldlljt Moo
hnrdt, land of Yetter's heir, lnmU nf Moscb
Howcr, Inndi nf 11, J, Iteedcr, Inndu nf r.lim Weu- I
ami Ucorgo Ucott und others, contalulns I
ond twrnty-nltio perches whoroon nro erected
ii Iflrmo hrlcK duelling house, n larjta battle tinrn,
nhetls nnd outhousrs, withnlardo apple and irull
oichnnl, wltlmwelliit house, and u cprlntaud
wen nt mini, mm h hvidiui txcciiuni uuu mis''
Kprln nn south sldo or tlio farm. Thoro 1 vu
the form
20 ACUE8 OF TiMnnn.
"Tho properly lies ttireo mllos from Calawh'A, ou
ino jtuono roni ipuuiuk ironi vrmt piaco iu iiyi
hii r. Tho nt'lghborhood Rood and hcallhy, und
tho laud In nn excellent stato ot cultivation. No
moro dclrablo property has hecu offered for
many yenrs.
Alo. alotnr timber land ino undivided six-
unvnf ha fwUnliiitiff 1 mi iIm nf H. Art lev. Win.
Ocoitio, C. AtTlyniuT others. To Ihj disposed of
In ono peaco, or In three lols of about
nakliall ! ilncmr 1 mi t OTPCdlent. TllO WllolO
prnjtrty will b offered nnd tho title to lho out-
Also, will lm ntrprrd ft Irnct nf Inml fullolnlni!
II, K, clnrk, lauds of blocker A UlnKles, lundiof
i iuounnrui nuu i. licoofcr, coniuiumg
tnnro nr Ickh. u-hcrrmi nrn prop ted n. brick dwell
Ing house, a bank burn, wagon home, n spring
bonne and nil other necestAry nutbuildluKs.
1 hero Is nUo n spring of excellent water, a good
orchard nud fruit of all kinds, with about four
ncrcs uf chestnut timber. All in excellent order
and cultivation,
Tho lands will lie offered nt ths Homestead In
moorucrauvertiflcu, 'ino
1'oskcksIou of tho timber tract nr tracts, I turned I
alclv titHiii tnvlnir thn nurrlinso monevnr secur
ing tlio snmo to bo palu. Andnf tho other two
tracts on tho llrst of April, A. 1). lt'i, upon com-
pi in u cu wiin ino conumous.
Stamps and conveyances to bo nt tfco exrenso
oi iuo purcua5r or purciianpn.
O. 1). U KOTKN 11 AU K 1 1,
JOMKril li. KNI1T1.K,
T i-mis ni KALf. Ten rcr cent of tho onG'
fourth of tho purchase money to ho iald at lho
ttlrlkluc dowu nf lho property; tho one-fourth
lefiB thu ten Her cent. nt tlio citnflrinntlon of saltl !
aud thu icinalnlnts thri'O-fourths lu ono year
uicreaiiu(WLU iuiptosi irom conurmauon nrei.
1 1,11, l.ltlVf.t 11. 1, V-I.H-IUV,
Uloomsburg, Oil. iXith, lWl ts.
Tho luHerfcljiiied Misiiinc to retire from bnsi
nets noollors nt prlvuto sain his entire proper
tysltunled In OrntiRevlltc, contlstlnK of aone
half In t ere ft lu tho will inioun
together with lho Inclne. Lathes and other Ma
chluery bclougltiK to thu tvaine, nlho tho entire
htfK-1: now ou hand, .toLther with n valuable
c,,iiim uin uinu iuih tui 11 n il it, iri'Cit-u n klxu
irainu mc ul. oiso. u vi o ncrcs. Known
fM thu Dr. Jott nionrrtv about ten of which nro
cleared, tho b-ilanco liinlxred.
iTices ienionaoie, i-oshchsioii given at nny
inno lusuii purcmurrs. Apply to or nuuress,
i i.iii.Xiii rii. 11 1; i 1j1.ii.
net, O.'JI-tf. 0rnuo i !)!,, tolitiubla id. I'a,
UV VlrtUeofRUCdrr writs Cf Venditioni r:mo.
r,' nun i i iiiiiiiuiti I.Jli'lllHS ll'llfU IHU 1
tho Court of Common I 'lens of t'nlumbbi rnnn
Pa,, and to mo directed will b cTpon.el to
mil.lln.llAnl la t'nwt If,... I.. .1 , ..r
ItliKiiiinliiirir nn MflVllW llio'sll, nf IU.'.
CUMIlint. l71.ut unuclocl; p. m., tho' following
property to wit:
All Ibat parcel nr nlcco nf lmd hituntn in tho
township of Heaver, rlui'bla county, P.i.,
oouiiocuaiKi uthcrioea wiw un me
went by landnof 1'h'tip McUrann.nn the north
iy luiiumt Mmon r, Kao, cast ll-u'en Hiienr
iuan,outh l'ettr Hheurmau, cnntalnlug Thirty
Acica moro or less,
teUtili tikenlncccullouanJ to LoeoU as tlio
propeity of lUvldErwlne.
At tho uamo tlmn and plaee.all that certain
piece or rarcal of land, sltuato In LocmU to7n
Khlp, Columbln county. I'a., bounded nnd dc
M-rlhed as follows, to wit: nn thu west by John
Johnson and Mary Htuert.on thenorth by IV ter
straut-er, nn tho caht by ChrlMInn Small and on
lho south by Christian Hmall, containing l-'orty-mx
Acre-), inoro or Km. on which la Licclcd a
i dwellltu; boaso and bank barn.
,stizud, taken In execution and to bo nold as
tho nroperty of Jinn Veager, deceived, In the
lunu-i oi hii administrator, Jllmm V, 1 lower,
Attliof-nmo timo and nlace. all tint re-W ch-
tatufltuate In tb-HtoHUnl llUioinsbutir.Colum
bla county, Htato nf rt-nnylvanla, Imundod nnd
descrlbul as follow g, to wit: ou tho wet bv land
nf Wellington Ilnrtrnnn. mi tho north by un
alley, on tho -atbv laud of John Cieauur, nn
too touui uy jihiu nireci, conuiiuiuie aooui uuy
leot In front ante, one hundred und llity leet ilcep
bothohamu lutie nr less, on which f erected a
two htory tramo dwtlllUB houfeu audhtablo und
other outbulldlnss.
tscm-u. in ir on niexccutionnnaiobeaoia ai mo
pro;;aty of Jehu K, Ulriou.
At tho snmo 11 mo nnd it luce, nil that certain
puce parcel and tmclof uiourd Mluute in tho
towuKiupoi iiemiocH.iu iuo county tu loiuin
Ida. contalntins Thtrtv Acrtx.mnro or ItHs.ud-
Jolnluj: lands nfTtiomas j Vnndersllco on the
Muinu, i, lint 1 1 uuii un ni" wi'M hi iii mil iii,niiii
J. lit iixtt r VuniU 11 he on tho fud. loKether with
tlio imti lilnt r en tbcfniii pn miM-oaiui uttacneu
to Hie bulhlliu"- jucliidlnji ei clnes.dc., iiff d lr
unrl.iDtf t'l hau mnthuic ly ami the (inarry sit
uato ou t-ald ti mln s, t u whuh -atd I'lemUes
iuo ei Lett d four tuo si orv fniniodvi llliu houseH
ono finmu tt u hi i', n. bni;o huttdluu icr tho Uhoof
maiiufacluilUri ot Hlate, PuuIup Ilouhe, Ac.
holid. takm In execution andiobuso:d as
tho piopeiii ot 11.0'lhcinanJaUtCo.
Woomshurs, ov,10, 17'
ilOHPAY, May 13, 1S7I,
(lrtrit Trunh Line from the North and North-
Wcbt for Philadelphia. New York. Iteauim:. PolU-
vi lie, Tamanua, Abhiand, Khainokln Lebanon
Alletitowu, Kant on, a, I,ltl., Lacciu-ter
Columbia, Ac,
rra.iUHieavo iinrru-ourii lomew ion va ioi-
lows: AL h,10, a. m., aud I'.ou p. in., con
iitctln; with htmllar trains on lVnnsylva-
n la ltuiirouu, ami arriving; ut ."ww lora hi
III 1 n tit .'II fitnl MItll n tn ti.kliiinlllilr
hkeplng earn uccompnuy tho i,4J u. ut, train
wiiuoui euuiis", r
him ii riiuii' i i.imlvu new iiiikiil u.ini a.m. mm
uoou and 6tW p. m. Phlludelphlu. at 7.M, KtU
n. iii nun r. iii. nieHiiiiii' rtiiH Kreiiiiiauv
the i.Oii p.m., train Irom N V without chuut.
Leave HuirUbuit; lor lleudluy, 1'olUvtlifc, in
m num. MlmThVtlle. Ahhland. bhamokln Al-
leniowu uuu i auuu.iu o,iu u, iu., mm ...mi nuu
4,6 p.m.,htopplut; ul Ltbanuii and prluclpal way
Kiauouh: iiitn.uj imu. iruiu L-tiuuceiin ior i'jui
I'ntUs. illtt iLiiii Culuuibla onlv. For 1'ultNVllti
Schuylkill Uaveu and Auburn, vb Kchuylklll
and hUKtjuthaunu uanro-iu, ioan- narrt'.i'uri iu
a,iu p.m.
Kil.i I'euusylvaulalluiiroud triuun iuclteau
intr ii,r A lien town l-'ihUm iii,d .Nnw ork at 4.?J
pt.oO. a, m and 4u3 p. m. lUlurutm:, lcay
Nnv nrk ut y.ou a.m.. l!u noon and h.k n. in.
und Alleutouu ul 7.)a. iu. P.'.io noon, 2.15, 4.25
Hli p. in,
Vuv l'ahkenuer Train ieeK PhlladeirhU al
7,'W a.m., coiiuccllutc wlin similar truln on &ud
P.i. raltioail leluiiilnti irom Htudlucatti.iyp. m
blopplti al all Ktatlomi.
LctiMt l'oiuvlllu ul U,(n) a, in., and 2.3U,
llerudoii nt lo.oo a. m., t-hamoklu at ft.lUtind 11.15
a. m., Akhland ul7,iti a.m. aud 12,1.1 uoou Mali
aimy City ut 7,15 u. m, und 1.2 p. iu. Taiuaqun al
H..l a, m und 2,lo p, m. tor PhUhdc-lphlx, Now
Yotlc, Itu.idiu, llurniiburi;, Ac.
Loiiu I'otuvlllo via rcuuviklll nnd Huiuue-
hiiuu.i llallioad uth.15 u.m, lor UarrlbuiK. nui
11,1, h m., lor PluuUiovuuudTreiuuiil,
IU.ullnt; Accommodation Truln leaven Pott.
viiiu Ht&.siua. in.. Diubsiei lu-atliuu at7.HU a.
living at I'tilludtlphlaat 10.20 a. in, Heturiutu;
It-ut' l'hlladclphia ul 6,15 p. in., i.istir; Hoa4
lm? ni7,5lp.murrlvlUKui Putthll) alMd p.m.
I'ulUiown Accomtuoualloii 'liulu,lo.ivobPotlK
tAv,nalti.30a.m., rvtnruluu, louvcn ihlladUphU
ut p.m.
Columbia Ua 1 1 road Truln t iavo Headlug al
7,2u a.m., and u.16 p.m. lor KptmiU, IMU, Loiu li
ter, Coluniblu.ftc,
l'vrUiouifn lull HoadTrnluKlenvo JVrKiotKu
JlllKllon ut 7,17 S,!6 h, ill., J.oij AUUUp, in. rutnrix
Ihk: liu bt-huuiUbVlilo ut(l.u, M.) u.iu., 12.50
iitioii A i.Vt p.m,,cuuuLullui; wlthislmilar ualu
o" Ucadluy Uailroad,
CiiithiiKjlululo Hailroad trnlm liavoPotlstown
at Vi..o.i.iu,iV l.l'iij.lip.m.i'iliiniliu Imv wonnt
I'Uaautul 7,vund ll.Via, m., -w p.m. wuuui
Imr Hi' Mmllar trains on lttadinu Hallroail,
t-nvhUT uuey juiiuouu iiMi
poi tat :iOu. m. and aim ti.o--p. in. rriuruuiK,
U4io Dowuluulou at U.lni. n;.. l2.iuouuud
6.2o p. m niubiLtiiij; .UU iliullur tiulu op
on buuituyv ioa i' New ork al 5,iw p.m., run
ohm at tw u.m. and a,l5 p.m., uiu ,ii u.m. trull.
ruuuliJt'ouly ioUt'Kdliis;)ieavcPolliivllIeb,ilu.ia.'
Uiirilkbuit: at 2.iu u. ui. and p. hi. and
U-uvti AJhiiio,aiul and bA muud Uno
Ut-udlnij at 7.15 n.iu.and .u p. m.lor llatiw
burK, at 5.10a, in, lor N-v Yoik, Kt7.'-' u, a' lor
AlltUtOMU tUU Ulf.JU U, IU,' blld 4.15 p. Mi M'
C'tiuimulatloii, Milttiti IStwbou. hchooi -l.
1 muuIou 'JKUctt. luaud llom all point, t f
uucod lUtLl-,
lUiiiKiigt'clmUid ihrouftU; KXj poundn uilov
ewtli pan ntr.
f J.K. W00V1IV,
Abkt. HupL, A Luu. Miuh'O''
UtKdiiut, l'u , April J. Uf l,
J Vb' tt-l.'h HLANKh.
W'ts MiW buVO Oil build H UlkH UflHlv tTlllUNl
8 kh' Uiu ml i-l JCh'UCl.HMid i ONlAlU.l JH
tllANKH,lu Vkhicli uivtl tbo ulliiiUou o
iui t'tiM rih.
L A T K K t' O K
1 .
V A It
e I y
JOHN THOMAtl, 4iD I'AHl'tUt J, T1IOMAH, llitsiiusburi'i P.
Legal Notices.
icttatic ur TiRtiKcrA VANnEnstirr. mfn,
j ii3 unucrsiKncii nppmnicii uy i no ;i .
?oUrt of Columbia count v. Auditor In dim i n
funds In tho lumds nf Aumlntstrntnr nr I' t
Vnnflersllco.ilifCtfased. will Tncnt thn nnr 1 i
Icrcstcil for lho purposi nf his appoint 0'
bin ffl1cn lu lllonmshiirif. nn Tncirlnv. Nn r
2ith, 171. nt JO oVloctcn. m. nf sail t)n
persons having claims on said estate, n. i
gill red to attend nr bo foraycr debarred mn
coming In for a part of said fund.
octM'71-Ct Au ' ut
HIT AT R Or, 1)1 ' IV,
ttnrN tcMLflinentArvnn tlisoitatoof b'r
iShflirer, lato uf Centre twp.. Columbia c
Ueo'd., havo boon Krantod by tho UegLst'T d
county toH.unuel Neyhird, of Centro ton
Columbia county, l'a. All persons havlirr
o tho llxeautor In lilmellldeColutnbltie
I'n. Those lndobtcd to tho estate either i i
(udement, morfjfT?e or boolr neoount wih ..
paymcnl to tho Kxoculor without delay,
novl771-(Jw. r.xecui. jr.
XjL pmtatk or iiKiirccA jiitnkk riECn.
letters ot ndmlulstratlou nu lho estnfc of
llrbeccu liitner. lato or iicusi iwp l jii ii .
county, decoapnd. havo been Rrauted b t
Ut'fiUtcr ni said county to jonu a, i.
ndmlnlslrntor. All persons havtiitf c .nit
nunlnst thoeitalooi tbouecodontnroroiui i
to preseut them for settlement, and t'i
deb Ud to tho citato to mako payment to i a
dcrstgueJ, ndmlulitrators, without ilalav.
nunii A.iiu.miV!
NuinedUl'. O. li'tV 17'7l6w AduilnlstraiM.
Tho ntidcrHlfinod,npioluUHl hy tho Ot .ir r
"uurt or Columbia county, Auditor todisn tuuto
iiuUh In thu haiicln f nrmuntunt tu J.dili'
Mears, dectaeil, will meet thu parties tat. r -si- d
for thu purposo of his npnolntment, nt lit- oith'o
In Ulooimburir.on Weduesday, Movetnii r ."yth,
1K71. nt hi o'clock h. ni. All tip run ti liAvlnit
claims ftKalnit th mtatenro riiulrtd l - wiltuit
or he toruViT debarred lroni com ion in f.r a part
of said iuud. C. 11. mtOUKW A V,
OCUV7 1-iW AU! . J .
xV UHTATE nt Jonx TnAun, nnc'n.
Tim nnilpfHtirni'il. nnnnliiLiHl bv llin fir i.i.n
Court of Columbia county. Auditor todi n'iUK-i
muds lu thn hands of nccountnntot JoliuT-aub,
deemed, will mwttlie parties lnlcrost d f- r tim
purpoeof his npioliitmentat tho tiillc : W, II,
Abixitt, 11 , lu Cutawthxit, on Moti'Xiv, Ko
Yumhcr 27th, f7 ,M'2 o'clock p. m. All p( rsous
ouvintc ciaiiiiA un wi.iu nmiu nro rcn,uin-a hi hi,
tuudor bo forevur dsvliarrod tromcomlnz In for
pnri ni aiu run v. i. uuuiKWiVi,
Iii thu omhatis' Court of tho cuunlv ore oltim-
bt.t. Tho Auditor appointed by thu Court, to
dlntrlbuto lunds lu thohanh of accountant of
lleorrfo Hupp, deceased, will meet all persons
lnlercfed, lor thepurpoto of hUuppolntmenr at
thu i 'III co of V, tl Abbott, Kti , iu L aawisa
on Monday, November '-7lh, 1S7I, at hi -I'tck
n, in., au I'fiumi nuviu t-iHiinn iiainhi. nit
said estutowtll bo re'Ulrel liiprtuc iti .t nut
oclJitl tin. Aud. to
Xtl BaTATBor John niciiAnDi, tECn.
Tho undersigned appoint oil by lijo Oip'iauV
Court of Columbia county, Auditor, mi excep
tions and to mako distribution of thu b..ianco m
thn hands of H. H. DIemer, Ilxeculor of said I
(eduut, will meet tho jmitles luterisfol f r I'm
pnrpnso or his nnpofniment, nt ttic olllso of
ltobcrt liloouiibum. on f-H'imtay,
th'i 2th day ofNoveraber, A.U. InTl.nt loo'clock
a in. All persons having chilmi iui u.t th
istae aro reiulred to present thimi or Ot forever
debar rod from comtuj lu for a part of ton esld
iuud. U, 11. ItALt'Y,
oct4771-tt. Auditor.
Tlio undersigned. Auditor, appoinu d by tho
OrpbauR Court of Columbia county to make
distribution of the balance In tnohandunt tlio
Administrator of said decedent, rut per hla ac
count filed, to tho p-rtles entitled to rcolve lho
Mine, will meet tho parties interested for the
fiirposo of his appointment, ut Ids cfllcc, In
lloomsbxirc. on Haturday, tho 2itli day of Na
vember, A. 1). 1871, at Pi o'clock n, m. All por
nona havlnK claims ccatnst the est ito of tne
taiuueccueut uro requircu m j rtscDi iiirm o
torotho Auditor at that time, or bo lorever de
barred from coming lu for u part of thn said
futul. C.O.U.VUKLKY,
ocWTMt. Audttr,
In tho Court of Common Pletw of Columbia
It. A. llotteustelu, 1
vu. J- Alhw Sub., In Divorce,
Clara A. K. Ilottcnsteln )
5I4om: You nro hereby rcqnlreed to appear
on Monday the fourth day ut December, isri,
in tho raid Court, nud answer to the Maid com
pl.itnt.or lho malUr will bo tlun determined
ex jnrte. AAHO HMITH.
Ky order of lho Court.
xi. istatk or iihrv vo, dlc'b,
Tho undcrHlsni'd, appointed by tho Orphans'
Court of Columbia county, Auditor todlHtrlbuto
fum'H In the IiBudt of tho uccouutaut of Henry
Yufct, deceased, will mttt the pattlcH Intcriraicil
lor lho purpoKo of hW appolnlmcut nt biHoitW
In lIlnotiiKburj. on Mouday. tho duy of No
eiubir, A. 1. lb'l, ut lUo'elocl; a. m, Allr
foiiH having claims on Mid esljito mo requeued
to utteml, or be Jorecr d (.baited from coming lu
for a purt nf Bald iuud, 1 11. IKLLLIt,
oct2'7l-lt. AudiH?r'
Notlco Is hereby ctven, that on tho Hth day of
Septeinbe'', 1871 , sundry luhnbltanta of Columbia
countv )ieHented n petition to tho Court ofi'om-
lliou 1 lean oi kuiu couiuytpruyjui; uiu vum uuiri.
to uraut n Charter of Incorporation, under ino
mum', ivtylo nnd title of CouconIla LoltioNo. (y).
in ino jnucpinuem oruer m uuu renown m
PcnnyUanla," with tho rights and prlvllcgca
then in Mflleil, ami If no snMIcltnt c,ius 1h
hl.oMii lotho contrary on tho llrivt duy or next
1 er in, i he prnjcr of tho pet It toners will be irr.mi
til. Hccordlt-ir to tho Aci ol Asktmuly In fuch
cufco i.. ndu and provided.
cct-fi'71Jw rrotlMmotary.
Olico i ttVfx uy Kivra, uiui on uie u uuy in
October, 1 71, tuindry luhabltautH ul Columbia
touiity prtniib'du)etIllontounadJourulCourl
ot common iieus in mi hi con my, pruyiiu;
the Kiuii i ouii lo uraniu Liinricr or inroriHiruiion
under lho uame, htylo aud title ot "Tim Henton
.Mutual raiu runu uuu j.o-iu Attoctaiion"
uiib tho rights and nrivileiieH iheieln htated.
ntul if no sutllclent ciiumo lNhhnwn to lho con
trary on lho nrnt any oi noi term, tho prayer m
tlio txtliloncra will Lo granted. iiccordlna tn tho
Act of Assembly lu buch can' mndo and pro-
MUfHI. . it,
oct277b-lt. Prolhonotary,
Auditor's otjcj:.
'1 ho nniU'it.lsned, apiointiil by lho Orpbans'
Court of Columbia couuty, Auditor to m&LiultR
trtbuttou of tho Inlnnre in the bund it of C. li.
llrocUway, lr., AdmlulMrutor ot tho eutato of
mbora Deau, will uui-t thu pari lea lntfititied,
for tho ruriKiM' of hW appoint uinnt, ou Moudaj ,
the loth day ol Notml tr.lbTl.nt lu o'clock a.m.
ut Ii W cflko In Hloonislnirn. All perxona Laving
claims on atd citatts ari ujucKki to attend, or
be lorevi r dtbarrtd fiom ojmlnc In for a iart of
tuld JuimI. C. W. MILLUt,
oct27'7I 4f, Auditor.
'ibu uiuWrt,itmed.iiDooluteil bv lho Ornhan'
Coutt of Ctdumblu count. Auditor to ilKtributH
tn ndu In the hands of accountant of Clemuel (J,
ItlcliellM, lato of Oranico townbhlp, Uduiubln
county.itec'd.wlll meet lho pur lie? interttt-d lor
I he purpoHOof hlet niipolutmeut, at tho ottlceof
C. 11, llrocUwny lu llfcomfcl.uri;, ou Krlday, No-
einner i-iiu, iaii,ai u h ckkuii, m, au pt;rionK
having claliuai;aliiHt tsiildehlattinrer uulred to
ntteinl or be foieA'er dcbairid from coiuhiiE lu
-lorii partof Mild Iuud. v , 11. AliUUTT,
iUY O iw,i AmiuiM,
J rsTATunr cam:h f moouk, nrc'n.
Letters uladuiliilstnttionott tiiuustaUj ull'lfb
F. Mtmit', littt. of tlrt ciiMiMxt t(twnshlt. t'oluui.
httl t-t.utily, ileceuseil, lmo U-i a Krutjtetl ly Hrt
lltulsttT iC Mtll county t Uhhc A. Duwltt of
Itt.lirsbttrt;. All ihi.oiis linvlii- clulms ttKitltist
Ui t'htpto uf lUi' lU'cult'tit ure rt'qitesUsl to itrt.
t.'ut tliem lor ttlemeiit. nml tliobe ludelitfa
It. tlietstiitx to inuku lti lut'Ut lo the UU'tt-l.
sUjue il, mlmlnlstrator, vltlioitt ilelny.
no3'71 ft. AUmtuUirulor.
Intlffs tL-MtHtllentlirv on ttia nstiitn nt lVtr
.Miller, iiiiooi i.ocufti vo,ukiiip. uouilouiacoutl
t.v,tti'rr:ii-t'l..lnii b.eti irnuiLit ly tlio ltettlhlor
Ol MN l".uV v .'IIICI, Ul IIUI-SV
t,ii u.hlri. I'ulumbln county. All tcrsonsli!ivliiir
rhiiiusiitfiillist lliti t'slHtouitriut'stoilto pit ' nl
Mn to to tho Kxecutor 111 Columhla ('ntmti'
1 ii'su Inilcliteil Uitttucsiiitu elti er onuote,.liuli.
mint, muiiKHKO or ouok ucuoani wilt luue
paytucut lo tlte I'.xtcutnr without ilPlsy.
novj'71 6w. Uxocutor.
pUIHilO NOT10K. Wlicfoati, liy tho
1. Ilih Kt ctlon of tho Act of tho General Ah
ivembly ot lho Coinmonucalth of PeniiHyHuiihi,
uppiottdMuy 21, A. P. l7l. enl tiled "Auacl for
thu protection of wilnion, b)at k I uuu una other
foodtlkluMliewly Introtluitd, or tu bo li'lioduc-
i'U, inio uiu mim I'tHiHuiv nuu nuiiuciuiuim
umllticlrUlbutu' le i thu pruttcttuu uUouf
(lObdiuualnHtiiuIaMiul tlihliitf, uinl lo pie veil
th tutnHucllun of jutdalory tUlie into trout
hlttaniK a id n r i-ltur kciuiudo purpoeh;M it U
made lho duty of tho vcwiul HherllU or thu
ioutults oi ouid Ccinmonwtullh timing Jurlb
dlciii u of tho htrtuimi iht-ieot, whcneMr they
ball ulbtour, or bo Intormid or tho t- Intern o
cf any i out 1 1 vane for U o luttlmit'of I1h, mch
Kit' (iiiuuciily Knoui un Ilsh Lhtkttit, (Ol
ints, Llddleit, otubh or ii seine netk, (r nny
t thn-1 uinaiit'litly ttt ii uiim ot taklnu nth, In
II'U llUllllUorU HJillC, Iohmj uu d)n uolho lu
hum w Mil jet mI the In CMiettve count n.tbil
thu Mdd tunilhuints uiu Ittuwn in txlfcl.und
uio dttlaiid romn ou nuUiiiiciii.und lo older
t hi m lo Lttdltinuiitttd b t lu ir ovuiem or mun
iiutio ll.f iiJoif. iu iOLiioiiulty lu mid act, I,
A A HON HMl'llI, thfUU' ot Coliiiullu touuty,
hereby ulu
Notico to All Whom it May ConcerP
that tlio tontilXfiHtu for tho taltinu of 1! h lu
mid not luwitlomd uiu Kinii to exlbt lu the
North HrnucUoitbfhiu(tuehuniiarler,undotlitr
Ktrtauix wlthlu the ulCulumblu, that the
win io aro ilt tinted lu uni'iiunon nulbniuts, und
that lho owueiBiitU luuiiuiitm ot uid tonlil
HUeibfaio btiily Mtiuliiit to dUmantle tJid ie
inovti tl e HiinevlihiuUii dun uiiir tie ubll
lullou beiiot, uudtr the jtvi.ulty uf ImMut ll.o
muw dhiuuiillul ai.d ituutd,as lu mid tut U
piutdul. . , AAi.U.NfcMl'lH.
HhtillTt.f Colmubm couuty, Pa,