THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, I3LOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. iH)6MSBuna,-PA. Friday, November 24,1S71 The, rrcsIilrncjrMonoiiollcs"Vorlilusnicii. Various efforts linvo been making for soino yvatt past, and contlnuo to bo mado, to cslnljllsli political organlza Hons of worklngnion. Ho far tlioy nro mostly under tho lead of tlomngop;uc3 who linvo neither tlo ability or Integrl ty of proper leaders nml nro mndo to work to tho nolo political advantage of KadlCAlUnt tho party that Is moat In imical to their truo Interests. Wo nro not prepared to say Hint thcro Is no causo for such nn organization of work lngmen, but wo Mo say emphatically that thcro should bo none In tho days when Presidents Jr.i'i'KnsoK and Jackson expounded tho law of tho Democratic party, n Nntlonnl Hank of capital was donouueed as a monster threatening tho liberties of tho people, a powerful monopoly that could not bo Indurcd la a froo country, and ono that was suro to uproot tho treo of liberty Itself. Now wo havo ft wholo swarm of National Hinks, In grand combination, having a capital somo (en or twenty times as large, and no war Is mado upon tho Institution by tho Democratic or uny other party 1 Snyder mid Suuxk, whoso mcmor Icsaro revered by every lover ol frco Institutions utul puro government. would not toleruto n corporation whoso avowed purposes could bo reached by individual enterprise. Yet now our Stato is Hutched, bound down, and Its largest Interests absolutely controlled and governed by corporations I No lurty now raises tho banner of opposition. Is it any wonder, therefore, that thu worklugtnen corabino to pro. tect themselves against tho groeMy, sel. fish and soulless absorbents of tho pro. (Its of Industry'.' But there should bono necessity for political combinations of woruingmen, Tho Democratic party should, as In times just, bo their representative. It is their best representative now, but It should bo a perfect ono. Wlillo polltl clans uro easting about for means of suc cess, hero it ties, open as day ; why havo they not tho courage to cmbraco It? Theyhavo a glut of temporary defeat anyhow thoy should not let ono moro deter them from doing right, and grasp ing tho great and powerful lever that Is suro to govoru this country whenover Its power Is called into requisition. Thoy talk glibly about dead Issues but here Is tho greatest Issuo of nil which nover can dio and will over affect every breath wo breathe. It is said tho masses have becomo de moralised and no longer regard reason, honor and principle". Tho assertion Is a libel It is the leaders (too often cow ardly and corrupt) whoarodemorallied. Their great sin is cowardice, which leads than to fear and doubt the intelligence and integrity of the people, and leads liepeoplelo douiland despise them, Lot leaders onco arise who havo capacity i. and uervo to convinco tho people that they aro to bo depended upon both in profession and practice, fw Gen. Jao k hon did, and tho people will follow as they followed him. Let us have such a candidato for President, planted firmly on the principles or jkffkrson and Jackson, and a candidate for Governor with tho principles of Snyder and, and thero will bo a political victory that will thunder like a revolu tion! Look a moment I Powerful Bank and Railroad corporations controlling our Congress, robbing tho people of their herltago in public lands, wringing taxes from them to the extent of their capac uyto pay ana squandering all upon building up tholr own fortunes and grandeur powerful railroad corpora tions controlling our Stato Legislatures at will, setting up their Prosideuts as candidates for President of tho United States, and other manager.) for Qovorn ors of States, their omployeo3 and tools lu tho pooplo's Treasuries and Account, lug Departments, corrupting tho hows paper prcs3 to do tholr bidding, con trolling political conventions and par tks iu short, exercising all tho powers of our governments so far as tho things that Interest them and pecuniary proQts to them aro concerned I Is no Jackson needed to crush this monster, so sub versive of popular rights? Let tho Democracy show itself equal to tho, emergency 1 Declare against Na tional Hanks against tho political con trol of powerful monopolies against all corporations for purposes that can bo reached by individual enterprise In favor or directing all legislation in the Interests of agriculture, commerco, In dustry and labor In favor or cutting down all salaries of ofllclals to tho stand ard of other labor, so that offices shall no longer bo deslrablo for tho profits thoy yield In favor of cutting down tho expenses of government to tho low est point compatible with tho public Interest, against the Interference by tho Federal government with all matters that can bo managed by tho States, or In Stato concerns, and against the pass ago or continuance of any laws not ab solutely necessary to the public welfaro. Put Gen. Hancock on such a platform and tho times and successes or General Jackson will bo rostored. Then If tho party bo faithful to these principles It may havo perpetual leaso of power. This Is tho condensed form of our view of tho situation. Wo havo no tlmejust now to oxpress our views of tho contempt In which all oxpcdlency mongers ought to bo hold. European Intelligence Is Indicative or storms how serious tho aloiio can dovclope. A despatch from Lon don, dated on Monday, says: A largo Radical meeting, which was attended by Tour thousand people, was held in Bristol last ovening. Sir Charles W. Dlcho addressed tho assemblage Thero was much uproar and fighting during tho progress of tho meeting, and tho band was proventcd from playing tho national anthem, "Qod Save tho Queen." Revolution Is also threatened In Spain nnd or courso also In Franco. Tho Pope, It Is said, still threatens to leave Rome, or tho truth or this thero is much doubt. The U. S. Attorney General estimates tho political prisoners In South Caro lina at 2,000, and arrests contlnuo to bo mado I And this Is a Rcpubllst In Franco, tho President prohibits tho cir culation of nowspapors In tho nrmy,and Biipprepscs others entirely. That U a Republic tool Conduct or Campaign'. Certain strictures of ours on tho bungling management of tho rocont lampalcn In IhlsSlalo, itsecms bream ed n lltllo life Into tho llarrlsburg Pat riot and It essays n ilefonco of tho Stato committee. When It asserts, howovcr, that we did not demand tho Informa tion boforo tho election, tho want of which wo complained of afterwards, It is simply guilty of an untruth. Nor was tho editor of the Columbian nlono lu this demand, before tho election, nor Is ho nlono In finding fault since. Thero was also a vigorous and general demand for nn nggrcsslvo campaign long beforo tho election and nn ag gresslvo campaign could mean nothing clso than a full cxposo of the wrong action of tho Ilidlcats, accompanied with documentary proof. Tint this do- tnand was treated with neglect will not bo denied. That tho nowapapors of tho party, generally, performed their whole duty as far ns In their power, wo nssert with' out rear of contradiction, (oxccpting thoso that wcro mainly dovotcd to tho "now departure,") and thoso that ex cceded tho Columbian In this respect wero enabled to do so because or super ior ability nnd not becauso of any enro. Iessness on our part, as tho Patriot In. timatcs. As to tho slunk calf 'yclept "now departure," wo. no further botlv cred with It than to enter a protest, for tho sake of tho party, and then wo drop ped it into tho laps of thoso who hatch ed it as an unfit thing to bo held up to tho public view, wherovcr this course was taken tho party cither relatively held its own or mado gains, nnd may therefore bo assumed to havo boon n proper policy. Yet with a cool clfront' cry tho Patriot declares "lu no other platform Is victory posslblo or desira Ote!" Not desirable, except with tho Hth and Ifith amendments not de sirable except with tho surrender of tho Stnto right to regulato suirrngo I Isot desirable except with negro suffrage I A most apt illustration of tho Patriot's Democracy 1 That any editor who attends to his business had not tho timo to hunt up tho charges and furnish the proof of their truth that ought to havo been mado against tho Radicals, awl that fv If uny or them could ufford tho expenso personally, is so patent that it is a con fession of guilt to attempt to screen tho committee for not having done It by putting tho duty upon tho editors. A great many of these charges wero mado by tho editors, but wcro recklessly do nied by tho Radical press. In the nb senco of documentary proof, which should havo been furnished by tho committee, which sido was to bo believ ed by the public? Certainly nobody would want to boar tho sneer that would bo occasioned by quoting tho Patriot as authority. Our solo object iu writing tho fctrlc tures wo havo printed heretofore is to endeavor to induco tho party to placo ono of Its ablest and most unselfish champions at tho head of tho State committee, belloving that victory Is within our grasp If the public bo thor- oughly aroused to all tho consequences at slako, and it will require much moro than tho denunciations or wlso trick sters or their parasites to drivo us from that purpose-. Tin: Grand Duke Alexis, third son or tho Czar or Russia, has at jarfgth arriv ed at Now York, and has been received with tho greatest demonstrations. Ho Is Blmply a Lieutenant in tho Russian navy, but will b3 received with tho highest posslblo honors in this country, He is thus described : Ills Imperial Highness, tho Grand Duko Alexis Alexandrovich, is a young man or ploasing features, with very light hair and light complexion that mignt do termeu norm ; largo, ngnt blue eyes; a magnlllcenly built figure ; about six feet two inches high, with broad, masslvo shoulders, while- all around him wero dressed In uniforms blazlncr with cold and sliver embroid ery and decorations, ho stood in the slninlo uniform of n lieutenant of tho Russian navy, without a star or other decoration. In manners, tho Princn is unassuming, nliauio and winnine. Jio speaks English very well. Alter his official reception at Wash ington, ho will glvo tho llunkeys full opportunity to do him all tho honor they can and will then mako n tour through tho United States. Senator Xonvooil, of (icorgla. Hon. Thomas Hanson Norwood, tho nowly elected United States Senator from Georgia, is t, nativo of that State, forty-one years or ago, and a practicing member or tho Savannah bar slnca 1852 Ho was a member of tho IIouso of Rep resentatives in the Georgia Legislature in 1801-2 j besides this, ho never held any office, either beforo or since tho war. His father was possessed of an amplo fortune, but believed it to bo proper ror everybody to learn somo trade. Accordingly, ho had thosublect of this notice, who was his youngest child, to learn tho trade of a shoe and boot-maker, which ho did : and ho mado the boots with his own hands which ho woro when ho wont to collego. Ho is said to bo an ablo speaker and de bater, and ono or tho best Informed men or his ago In Georgia. Not a Party Triumph. Tho Now York Tribune says that "In New York party organizations coalesced, and tho grand Ho form victory was tho Joint tri umph or tho honest Democrats and honest Republicans against thothieves." In another artlclo It says: "It Is a great and inspiring triumph ; but It Is a triumph orPeoplo rather than Party. Wo havo no desire to claim for any pa. lltlcal organization lu this city tho ftults or a victory which has been tho result of tho uprising of n great peo pie." Tho New York Post and Hun, also Republican, tako tho samo view, cm phatlcally declaring that the result Is In no Benso a party victory. The Grant organs, which havo boastod so loudly over Now York, will hardly thank thesoJournaU for telling so much truth The President as a Prophet. On tho 20th of January,1801, General Grant wroto a letter to Hon. I. N. Morris, of Illinois, on tho subject or the Presidency, In which ho said : In your letter you say that I have It In my power to bo tho next president. This is tho last thin? In tiin world T iln. slro. I would regard such n consumma tion as being highly unfortunate for my self, If not for the country. Thnt tho "consummation" has been unfortunato for tho country no ono will question ; as to himself ho must bo tho Judgo, nftcr comparing his present rep utation with what It was when ho mado tho prophecy. Presidential Sneccs, Somo of tho knavish politicians, gov cmcd only by tholr keen scent of plun der, nro proposing pretty much nny nnd everything to bring Presidential success. They euro not n Jot what It Is so that success results. Among propositions Is ono that tho Democracy shall maku no nomination but support a candidato to bo nominated by tho dis satisfied llidlcals. A modlllcatlon of this legerdemain Is for tho Democrats to nomlnato somo soured Radical. In an nblo protest ngalnst cither policy, tho Reading Qaiette energetically says: Wo for our Dart nro most decidedly and unqualifiedly ngalnst nny arrange mom oi mo Kino, ami wo oeiiovo tins to bo tho sontlmont of ninety-nine hun dredths of tho Democrats In this county. Tho Democratic party has seen its worst days in tho coulllct with tho contrail., lug tendencies or Radicalism, and tho latter has seen Its beat days. Tho worst that could bofiill the party now, would bo a back set ror n row years moro. Its ultimata triumph and restoration to power Is but n question of time, for "tho samo spirit which has actuated this peoplo at first, will remain with them to tho last." To make no nomi nations at all, or to support any other candidates than men fully Identified with tho party ns n distinct political or giinizatlon, would bo suicidal ; Indeed, It would not bo tolerated by tho body of tho party who adhere to It from prin ciple. Wo feel satisfied that no man who Is not regularly nominated by a Democratic National Convention, nnd who cannot show n clear Democratic record, will bo suntiortoJ for President or Vico President by tho Democracy of our county, corao wnat may. Tho Gazette Is most eminently "con servative," and wo aro therefore de lighted to sco filch declarations from that quarter a quarlcr from which wo wcro rutlicr led to apprehend mischief, as "conservatism" Is so often used ns u genteel synonym for skulking. Tho law as hero laid down by tho organ of tho bravo and stern Democracy or noblo old nnd undismayed llerks Is the law and tho philosophy of tho Democratic party, nnd political gamblers may ns well make up their minds to abldo by It. Tho rank and filoof tho Domoeracy will nover consent to ratify n chcat,nnd therefore candidates who do not hold firmly to tholr principles can never ro eclvo their support or endorsement. If thero aro cowards amongst us lot them crawl to their holes and abide thcro till tho battlo is over tho truo men or the parly are its great body. who contend for tho establishment of correct principles without even caring to count tho gains and honors of olllco that aro incident to success nnd who scout plundor nsa thing to bo wiped from tho record by Damocratlc hands. A "IloaiV Tarty 1 Wo trlvo hnlnw n tiihln nf Min llninn cratlc votes cast in each Presidential canvass slneo tho first eleelion nf .Tank son. It will linvo rather a curious effect upon thoso peoplo who aro convinced udouc every other year that tho old party Is "dead." Thov or their nredo- cossors havo been claiming tho samo tiling over sinco tho cectlon of Harrison In 1823 Jackson. fi.'.0.0 In 1832 Jackson, 8S7,508 iu joou van uurcn, 771,'JUS In 1810 Van Uurcn, l,12S,30:i Inl8II-Polk, 1 329.019 In 1848 Cass, 1,223,79.5 In 1830-Buchauan, 1,831,337 In 1860 DoUD-las anil llr.-wlrlii. ridge, 2,213,920 XII lOUl vwiiun nouo oi mo Southorn States voted Mc- Clellan, 1.811.731 In 18CS Seymour, 2,093,711) Considering tho Increase of popula tion sinco 1S03, the Democratic voto next, year will nrobablv bo about thren millions. Taking out tho negroes, this is a eiear majority of tho white voters of tho Union. This Immense arm v of ireemeu, standing squarely by their or ganization, pursuing a consistent course, and working faithfully for their cause, is bound, in duo timo, to resume con trol of tho government. Talk about a "dead" party that numbers threo mil lions of whito freemen moro thnn Homo counted, in its palmiest day I lCrie Observer, A Littmj stORK Grant. A little more Tax. Inseparable things, these We glvo tho following Information to our lady readers for their benefit, mcro- ly as a proof of tho assertion that tho party in power is tho noor ncoules' party. Read and reilect ; and you'll bo suro to cry aloud: Groat Is King Grant and his court 1 "Tho extremely intrlcato nnd impor tant question us to the liability of toma to catsup to stamp duty, tho Internal Rovenuo Bureau sees lit to stato that tomato catsup is a sauce, and that all prcpaVed mustard, sauces, syrups, jams and Jellies, are still liablo to stamp duty under Schcdulo 0. Tho collection of this tax was onco suspended, but u sub sequent order proclaimed theso articles iiaoio, and directed their seizure when lound without stamps." Death ov Rev. Alfred Cookman. Many or our readers will bo pained to learn or tho death or this distinguish ed minister, which took placo on the uth Inst, after a .brier illness, at New ark, N. J. There uro row Methodists in this Stato who know him but paid him that rovcrenco which is duo to ono so gifted as Alfred Cookman. Ho was not only ono or tho most eloquent and favorite preachers of his denomination, but has always exerted great power In his ministry by vlrtuoof his eminently earnest, consistent, personal piety, which, Joined to natural manners, ap pcaranco nnd nddrcss or a peculiar win ning charactor, mado him, lr not ono or tno very greatest cortalnly ono or tho very best of the divines of tho present day Inhlschurch. Old Men von Counsel. Tho Lynchburg News says: Tholatowar In Europo has vindicated old ago from tho Imputations of imbecility and ineffi ciency which It has been tho Young America fashion or luto to cast upon It. Tho stalwart nnd victorious Emperor of Germany, tho peerless General Von Moltko, and many other leading Ger man olUcors. aro nil old men. Blsmark. tho giant statesman, Is by no mean's a youtn. Disraeli nnd Gladstono or Eng land aro no chickens. Thiers, at ihn ago or sovonty.four, holds tho helm of l-rauco. It would bo bettor for this country If It paid moro respect to tho ncoubcls or ago and experience. A bank, with alarco canital. will lm opened In Chicago, whero it will form a must important ana uoslralilo neeesslnn Just nt this timo. This Is a branch or the name qi Montreal, one or tho strongest banking establishments or tho conti nent! and, although a foreign Institu tion, Its Inilucnco In monetary circles In Chicago, nt this Juncture, cannot but bo boneflcont. Washington Patriot, l'u I nro Prospect,. Tho Gettysburg Oonmtler (Democrat ic) thinks there is nothing In tho lato elections to dishearten tho Democracy. uo to tnuniicr wiui your oiu arkv cried tho drowning sinner j "I don't bo llovo there's coins to ho inueli or n showor, anyhow." A1-. 1'. lleratd. Tho editor or tho Compiler I, not n man to bo frlglitcne.t whenover danger threatens, but Is ono who has tho man hood and courngo to resist It. And why should ho nut havo faith ? In 1839, as will bo remembered by mnny or our readers, tho Democracy carried nearly every Statu In the Union even carrying Massachusetts for Gov ernor by one voto and literally wiping tho Whig party out or existence. Dis mayed, tho Whigs wont to work with moro energy than over-floodod tho land nnd crammed every household with speeches nnd documents, teeming with truo and Talso statements, worked tho peoplo up to a stato or excitement and bowlldermont novor known before, guzzled every body with hard elder and harder whiskey, worshipped coons, sung songs, nnd crazed hair tho nation, mora or less and tho next yoar carried Congress and tho President by over whelming majorities I Tho surprised Democracy nrouscd In their might and putting forth every effort thoy wero capablo of making, cirrled lho Presi dency In 1811, as much to their own surprlso ns that of their opponents I It is a trlto ami truo saying that what has boon dono may n done again. Wo therefore back tho Compiler, and tho ark man too I Wo ht Penu?.vlvanla at tho recent election by 15,000 with 123,000 former voters not nttlio election. Theso will bo out at tho Pesldcntlal election, and 30 to 50,000 more. Who can tell which party would havo had thomnjorlly at the lato election had tho 123,000 been polled? If 70,000 wero Democrats, to 55,000 Radi cals, It would have mado closo count ing. If two.tlilrds wero Democrats, as Is claimed by somo statlclans who havo looked Into the subject, somebody else would havo repeated tho ark story. Under tho date of tho 1st Instant, tho cashier of a national bank lu Penn sylvania writes tho Commissioner of Internal Revenue, making th6 follow ing inquiry: "Is thy income on tho new five per cent, ten-forty bonds, de posited by national banks for security or circulating notes, to bo included in the two and a hair per cent, tax on in dlvldunls, or is It exempt." In reply to which the Commissioner says, that tho-interest derived rrom tho nowilvo per cent, bonds or tho United States, issued under tho refunding act of July II, 1870, Is not taxablouudcrtho intern al rovenuo laws. The N. Y. Post Insists that tho nom ination or Thomas A. Scott, as n Pres idential candidato, is a Joke. That pa per says: "Mr. Scott is said to have great Exccutlvo ability: but ho has proved It only by organizing rich and powerful lobbies in aid of questional railroad speculations. Ho has had tho credit, In Pennsylvania, of controlling successive legislatures by the corporato power under his outrol.aud tho thought of transferring to tho nation his stylo of governing that Stato Is ono which must cither oxclto ridlculo for Its absurdity, or eUo Inteuso Indignation for reckless ncss towards public morality." Hard on Radical Governors. Radical Governors faro hard. Holden of North Carolina was Impeached and has been for months a fugitive from Justice. Butler of Nebraska was Im peached. Bullock of Georgia Hed and resigned to escapo Impeachment. Davis of Texas has been rebuked by 40.000 majority. And now Austin or Minne sota Is In court to provo that ho did not tako a bribo or $5,000 for signing a rail road bill, as charged by thoSt. Anthony Falls Democrat, Truly, tho rascals havo a hard road to travel in their In iquitous catcer. In tho matter of tho Senatorial return or tho counties ot Cumberland and Franklin, tho Supremo court has issued a mandamus requiring tho return judg es to sign tho return In tho usual form. All tho Judges or tho court concurred In this action, or courso return Judges havo no right to decide upon tho legal ity of votes and no business to meddle witli tho returns, further than add them up and certify tho result, notwithstand ing Radical cxamplp.s to' thn contrary. Tho Judges my if thu votes wero fraud ulent or Illegal It Is u question for tho Senate to ilelrrmlnc. The weakestor oil excuses for wrong doing l.s to urgo tho bad examples of our opponents. Tho very fact that thoy violated law or Jtistico is tho strongest reason why wo shouldn't Imltato them. A dozen Republican wrongs will not mako ono Democratic right. Parties, llko Individuals, must bo consistent to bo lionorcd. We commend theso thoughts to tlioso Democratic Journals which clto tho precedents or Republi can legislative bodies, which they at tho timo Joined with us In condemning, as good patterns for Senators to adopt at present. Erie Observer. The Louisvllln Jnurler.Jmmutl mill. lilies a sensational letter, statin? that a soelotv exists In tho Hnuth whnso ob ject Is to pay negro criminals to go North or tno unio rivor. Tho society claims that it lias a right. In tho absonco of local juatlco denied by tho general govern ment, to got rid or its murderers and marauders by monoy. The present Administration has sent two hundred and seventy millions of gold to Europo to buy bonds duo in 1831 and 1882. Theso bonds are at n prcmi. um because they are not due, for when thoy mature thoy will only bo worth their faco value, und greenbacks, now quoted at 89 cents, will bo worth their faco In gold, Iv Governor Geary wishes to ralso a strong militia forco lot him compel every man In Pennsylvania who bears a military title to servo as a private. Sov. etal largo, though not very rollablo regi ments ofGonorals, Colonels and Majors could bo organized In a short time. James N. Kernh has boon appointed U. S. Marshal of Eastern PeniiHvlvunla. vlco Gen. E. M. Gregory, deceased. His appointment is anotnor victory for tho Camoron clan. Tho soldier candidates for tho position had no chanco nualnst a tool or tho Qroat Winnebago. GRANT'H administration rnsln 000,000 annually more than tho adminis tration or President Buchanan. A CITY' CAVINCI IN. Th Inhstilhinl. Arta.1 it MtdnUlil I17 MiftrVs nt If or nn Mrthquak.--An llnorinniis fissure In Main Hlr.rt-.Tlie I' imlbllngi llrrcknl. Scuanton, Pa , November 10. Hydo Park has again boon visited by ono of thoso catastrophes peculiar to mining re gions. About threo o'clock this morning tho citizens of that portion or our city ly ing south or Main street, and In tho neighborhood of Scrnuton nvciiuc, wcro startled from their slumbers by a rum bling crashing uolso, and a trembling of tho earth nnd tholr buildings, nsurnn oarthqunke. So violent woro tho shocks nnd so loud tho uolso, that they lied terror stricken rrom their dwellings. After tho first paroxysm of fright had passed tho causo of tho tcrrlblu alarm becamo apparent. Tho mines of tho first vein of tho Oxford shaft had caved In, causing tho oarth to tettlo somo two feet nnd forming great tracks In tho surface. Tho area of ground, which Is thickly covered by buildings nnd hand somo dwellings, is nbout twenty acres, extending from Main street nt a point west of tho Welsh Calvanlstlo church, running diagonally northeast to Chest nut street. This boundary of tho fall Is marked by a crock which varies In width and depth. This crack, passing through tho front yard of tho Welsh Calvanlstlo church, goes through tho dwelling and store of Mr. Thomas Phil ips, Herman's hotel, and tho udjolnlng proporty, breaking their walls and rock lug tho buildings from cellar to garret. Crossing SCranlon avenue It crosses tho corner of Fellow's hall building, breaking open tho foundation wall and causing n largo opening lu tho brick wall, mid lu fact Injuring tho entire building. From this point it runs in mi easterly direction, from thoucedlagou al ly to Scranton n venue, where traces ol tho fall nro lost. But tl.u effects of tho fall nro still visible In thu settling or tho earth nbout Mr. Heerman's residence aud oilier dwellings between this point and the placo rrom which wo first start ed. In all or tho buildings, is tho de structive effects of this disaster most clearly visibly as hardly any part of thcinrcmalnsuulnjurcd. Walls and ceil ings, broken doors, sunken windows, broken wainscoting torn loose, while cisterns, wells and cellars havo literally lost their bottoms, causing a destruction of property amounting to $50,000. There wero threo distinct shocks, each ono loud enough to arouso o very body. Inn few mlnute3 Main street wa3 crowded with men, women and children, who wcro greatly frightened. When tho residence of Mr. 1). T. Richards was shaken, tho f imlly wero compelled to ileo In order to savo their lives; so groat was tho destruction tho houso must bo rebuilt. Tho Hcermnns houso is so badly used up it must bo pulled down. Tho post ofUco has sunt; somo eighteen Inches, and still continues settling. A largo cistern in tho kitchen or Dan'l Howell was pierced, and is now dry. In fact, not a drop of water can bo had in any cistern In any part or tho Injured portion. Tho Oxford shaft Is situated in tho centre of Hydo Park and Is tho properly of tho Dalawaro, Lickawanna and Western company, hiving boon purchased by them In ISOS.from Ssldon, Scranton &. Co. 3IeIoo. Tuu latest advices rrom Mexico hull cato that n ge.ieral revolution is likely soon to occur in that country, ami that Juarez will bo deposed. Most or tho northern states nro nlroady In open revolt, aud Con. Diaz Is ut tho haul or a formidable insurgent army. "Tho gover nors nro resigning, and general alarm prevails everywhere." Evans. Tho Erlo Observer pithily remarks: Probably tho happiest man in Pennsylvania over tho lato election and Republican victory is Ooo. 0. Evans, tho fellow who mado S3 nlco a haul ns Gov. Geary's "special agent." To pull tho wool over tho eyes of tho poople, ho was nrrestod Just on tho ovo or election, nnd provided with comfortablo quarters In tho prison or Dauphin county. Had tho Stnto gone Democratic, ho might havo remainod thero still, but tho facts having been fully ventilated in tho canvass, and tho Republicans been victorious notwithstanding, tho powers that bo very naturally necept It ns n verdict that tho peoplo looked upon Evans' swindle ns n Joko not worthy of serious consideration. Ho has according ly been set free, nnd laughs heartily nt tho gullibility of thoso who supposed tho Stale authorities had tho least idea of punishing him. On tho restitution of twenty thousand dollars, General Balloch, tho naughty official of tho Freeduiaii's Bureau, is to bo held blameless by tho government. This is u cheap escape. But the powers at Washington woro afraid to let this cass como to trial. It would havo open ed tho secret door or that most shamo- less swindle, tho Freeman's Bureau, and allowed tho peoplo toseohowthey liavo been robed by puritans and black-legs. The October batch or Radical defaul ters sum up as follows: Tho Indian fraud, $ 180,000: Stokes, Pension fraud $00,000; Clerk Iu tho Second Auditor's Office, $103,000; Collector nt Savnnnah 30,000; Pension Agent nt Philadelphia, $35,000; total for October, $113,000. And this was not a good month for defaulters The foreign Journals announce- that tho Popo will soon Issuo n protest, Iu which ho will doclaro himself solo King of Rome, and will anuouueo his do termination to hold no official inter course with any foreign roprojcntativos at Court or uoar tho porson of Victor Emmanuel. The official voto of Now Jersoy glvos rarker, Democrat, for Governor, 82,209 and Walsh, Republican, 70,292. Major ity for Parker, 0,007. This is a glorious triumph for tho gallant Domoeracy of Jersoy, and n glowing trlbulo to tho worth of Qov. Parker. The Czir of Russia Is very shrewd. In tho cxtciulvo system of railways that ho Is now building, ho usos a dif ferent gaugo from any adjoining coun try. Prussia ran her own cars and loco motives to tho very walls of Paris. Tin: Tribune has at lciisth driven Collector Murphy, of New York, to resignation, but it Is not at all pleased With his successor. Gen, Artiu'r. and will probably drlvo liltn to tho wall too. From tho look-out the Now York Leader draws much to encourage, and thinks that at no timo durliio- t ten years could tho Democratic iparty look forward moro linpplly or hopefully, Olill nary. i Died In Flshlngcrock township, on tho 3d or November, 1871, Mrs. So phia Poalor, consort or Daniel Poalcr, nged 31 years, 3 months nnd 17 days. In paying our last tribute or respect to the decoased, wo do not proposo to pronounco nn elaborate eulogy upon ono who has Inscribed her namo high on tho pillar of human fame, bul sim ply to notlco u few or tho many noblo qualities adherent tolicr christian char acter. Tho biographer In his Bkctehos or great men presents to us tho path that loads to Htman greatness, so wo loo shall by this brier sketch of chrls. tlan llfo endeavor to present to tho minds of tho reader tho path that leads to clestlnl glory and which was graced by tho sacred footprints of our Saviour. Mrs. Sophia Pealer was o nail vo of tho Eaiplro State. Her rather, Steb- bins by name, belonged to tho honoro bio craft of carpenters. Using n man of considerable talent nnd of much relig ious zeal, ho qulto often officiated in tho capacity of a local minister. Fully conscious of his responsibility ns n par cnt nnd tho importance of good family discipline, ho used ovory precaution ngalnst tho intrusion of sin into his family clrclo and In tho tiso of proper moans endeavored to nwakcti uud nour ish thero a truo christian lifj. Under theso blessed Influences of home, her heart In childhood was prepared by de grees for tho reception of that truo a nd saving faith by which nlono wo can np prebend Christ ns our Dlvlno Saviour. According to her own confession, tho happiest timo of her earlier llfo was whon sho and n fow or her youthful as soclates during n series of praycr-mcet Ings received sensibly tho graco of par don nnd regeneration ; or in licr own language whon she experienco.l roll; lon In finding her dear Savior. This Important event of her llfo was soon succcedjd by n becond one, her union with tho Christian Church, t Ills being the denomination or her parent's choice. While In connection with this religious body sho was recognizid as tin cxoai plary church member. Boing possessed with duo natural und acquired qualifications for teaching, sho was engaged in this occupation for somo time, which in tho end, as is too often tho case, proved detrimental to her health. It was whllo teaching in this county that sho formed tho acquain tance of him to whom sho was subse qucntly united in thu bonds of holy marriage. As n teacher, It is worthy of remark sho was faithful. Sho consulted both tho Intellectual and tho moral na turo of her pupils. Iu this rospectsho is a pattern to common school leathers in general, and particularly to thoso teachers iu our Acadiimiosiind Colleges who educate tho head and not the heart of their pupils. Her married life prov ed to ben happy life with tho exception of much sickness. Iu this rclati on tho husband wlfo and woro not only ono in name, but also ono iu will, ono in love, and most emphatically ono in Christ. Al though they aro now separated by death tho spirit of tho ono in eternity and that or tho other Isstlll lingering o:i tho shore or lime, yet thoso two blessed spirits aro still united by the heaven born tie, Live. As a neighbor sho was beloved by all. By hcrmintfost will ingness to do nets of accommodation, and readiness to impart counsel, sho soon Insinuated herseir -Into tho affec tlons of a largo clrclo of friends. Ono noblo trait which characterlzad her n j n neighbor was charity in its most com prohenslvo sanso. Wo never heard her glvo expressions to an unjust judgment upon, or speak evil of any one. Sho had that charity that thlnkctli uo evil Her religious life shows most brilliant, Soon after her marrlagosho united her- self to tho Reformed Church, to which her husband belonged. In this rotation sho was an ucth'o member, manifesting at all times the greatest willingness to bo useful in tho vlnyurd of her Lord, an tno hanuatn school tlio tool: an nctlvo part us a teacher. Tills was a pleasant task for bar thus to train tho youthful mind for God Wo havo every reason to believe that tho precious seeds which alio sowed by her pious Instruction, wero wattered aUo by her earnest prayer and suppli eating tearj. In tho congregational worship also sho took an nctlvo part Both sho nnd her husband wero mem hers of the choir. Bat, alas ! ns n mom her of that noted baud of singers her si Ivory voleo Is now silent. Iu vain do wo nowlUteu to hear her volco como mingling with (hat of surviving mem bers, but wo hear nothing of it but a faint echo ns it comes to us from tho past. Thero is left this eansol ition to tho mourning choir, they in ly again in a batter laud bo an unbroken hand and again unito their voices mound thu throno of.God ia singing tho song of Moses and tho Limb. Tho ululating Interest she manifested in tho welfaro of tho church breathed forth from her inmost soul tho sentiment of tho hymu commencing with tho words: I love thy ktriK.lom, Lord, Tlio houso or tlilnu abode. Sho evinced her truo christian character not only iu her marriage relation, in her social career and especially iu tho church, hut moro especially In her Providential alllictlons. She Indeed was tho daughter of nllltctlon. But her protracted Illness or six years teeuiod with tho rlchost fruits of patienco nnd resignation. Although sho was debar red of many social and religious prlvl leges on account of her Illness, yet sho never murmured. Whon aod's heav iest chastisement fell upon her, her meek aud humblo reply was, thy will O Lord, bo dono, And whllo sho was an object of pity on account cf tho llttlo ploasurosho derlvoJ from this world, slio alwayj maulfoilod n spirit of con tentment, Sho always had a keen senso of her sinfulness nnd unworthlness bo foro her holy and Just God. And whllo sho often lamented her sliu mid short comings, sho nevertheless retalnod a firm hopo tint she had a saving Interest lu tho atoning merits ofdirNt. Tho brlghest ovldenco or this hopo sho gavo in tneso words: "1 cm now reclino my lioad on tho bosom or my S ivlor, I feol that my sins uro now all forgiven." Tho nature of her conversation Indi cated that sho was n child of God, Sho loved to converse with her pastor on tho various subjects of religion. Her words wero chaUo, her thoughts pure. und her languago lioavonly. Tliu Pro- vldenco of God, the lovo of Christ, nnd tho Immortality of tlio soul, were topics on which she dellyhtcd to converse Our last conversation on this aldo of tlio gravo was held lu tho prosonco of n sis. tcr, brother nnd a fow friends on that passago or Scripture recordod In John 11:2. This passage boing relatlvo to her fast approaching state, awakonod n conversation botwoon her and her pas- tor that shnll never bo forgotten by 1 (II.. f r..- -.1 I,. tllOSO prCiCIll. Oliu luuhui juivvuiuiu her Father's houso ns her final homo nnd resting place) nnd nmong tno runny fnnndoiis sho recognized her promised r i.,-mI lie. 'I'IiIj li.inliro (if Scripture was u!s tho subject iff her runcrnl discourse. Her death was calm nnd serene. Sho gently sank Into the ... ... . ....i ti quiet Bleep oi iicaiu. u, uuu "u n could dio the death of tho righteous I Her runcrai wns mrgciy auenuou, mu capacity of tho church being Insufficient to accommodato all. In tho midst or n clrclo of many weeping friends her body was consigned to tho gravo; but we all retained tho hopo of meeting her ngaln Iu u bettor land ; yes, hor hus band will very soon meet her ngaln. Thus lived, thus died, n noblo Christian. 2' J10UTZ. The Great Cure rott Cancer. Wo nro Informed that Dr. Bruno and Dr. Nueont nro now giving tho new cancer remedy known n3"cutidurango,"ntlior. ouzh trial on a man named John Kelt, living In tlio woods como threo miles east of Pittson, who, itlssnul, Uaiincan cor on tho sldo of his neck which had been pronounced by all tho cancer doc tors Incurable, but Is now, under tho resent treatment, rapidly Improving, nnd both patient and physicians enter tain strong hopes or u thorough cure, PUlslon aatctlc. A St. Paul dlspalhsoys that "Lord Gordon, or Scotland," has purchased two townships of laud In v cstcrn JIIu ncsota for a colony or Scotchmen, many or whom havo already nrrlved. They havo brought many lino thoroughbred cnttlo with them, nnd will engage lnrge ly In stock raising. Salt Like City dispatches say "thcro is nothing iu tho shape of excitement," nnd that tho pilsoncrs at Camp Douglas nro "huvinjj n good time," the "Saints aud Sinners chatting upon tho bltuatloii llko old friends." Tun Tltusvlllo Courlci' says : Colonel Tom Seott lilies thlrty-nlno railroads. If this don't provo that ho can run tho Presidential olllco, and thus run Qrant oirtho track, then "mny wo never cease to lovo" free railroad passes. The stealing or $10,000,000 In bonds by tho Itadleal officials of South Caro lina Is causing much o.vcllcmcnt in New York monlcd circles. New Advertisements. -All new nubseribeis to Till! CULTIVATOR A COUNTRY (li:NlU;.MAN, for lh72. paying lu udvnncc, previous In tho eloso of ls"l, will re echo tho paper weilclv. from receipt ir remit-latir-o to January Ut, 1S7J, without charge, d-An- person wishing; In Iry ibopnper beforo snhscrlblnir, will bo supplied with copies reon Inrly from dale of nppllcnllou to January 1st, 1.S7A for tho nominal price ol n 3 cent stiunp for each Intcrvenlnif wcek. Site cCountrif locntlcnunu Volume or ISV-i. Tho CULTIVATOH & COUNTIIV GENiM2- t SI t.. I..... . I.nh .l..l.r .1 both Iu this country nrnl nbroml, as thnSiund-nril-Iinnuiitof Atnyrlcm Aiirii'iilturif, Tlio I'M ltorsaii'l Proprli-toiK, In ruMltioii in their own pcrwiuai jjiuois, nro romauy nnmeti uy u very JarKe numlifr of HU'ulul rorrospfnulenM mitt Kouular ('ontribiUori.nuionK wtiuiu uro lurlml cil imutr Lna(linir Atiricutlmi'isl(. in nil mini of tlio Uounlrv, Mutt mut Wesi uiul ly over i'io Hundred Occ.iHloniil nn 1 VolunLirv U'rllpr. tllreclly.iu tliu imiiUi ot tho Host l-Vrmorsi nud iioruc iiiuriMH oi nciiny ovory mine iu mo un l'i. With Iho co-oDL-rutlou uf fin l,itTG it mm of practical men, ilili J on mat Is In ten lot to miislih oxcpjuionai vmuo nsinu chummi .m odium ol InteiommuijicsilUm amoni nil rlitHse- Inter ested lu tho l'nuluctH of Fortuity of (ho Lund tho-.n vhi Cultivate nndlho-o who Cons um ti mo imyer uni tsuinpor, m well hh th niHtowner otlho Crop Ureidfrs oUmproveil AnlmulH utul tliclr Customers Munuricturorn or Impioved Machinery und tliosu who purchasoutid employ It Nuueiymun und l'rult K iWersiuul, espec ially, to ttupply fuller und better tint i us to tho prores-i, piopen and n turns of eneh success IvoSeason, us tlnnwins? ll;;ht upon ono of tho most Important of all questions When to lluy und when to Sell. Ti-ltlMS. Tho Country aeiittemuu Is publish ed wee Ulyt on the loltowlut; terms, when pild htrlcllv lu ulvixiK'O; Ono Cony, ouo year, CJ.r) ; l-'uiir Coplos.Slt), und uu additional copy lor the year freo totho scmler of iho Club: 'ion Copies SJti, and an nudltlonul cjpy for tho 5 frei to iu H'liiier li inou uu. i'Sppcinion Coplew Free, Addrrss iiUnii;ii TUCIvUH & HON, I'ublishcrs. Albany, N, V, "Uu'iuwdliiimijly iho bast Musiulned woric " iho kind lu Iho M'oUd." Harper's Magaaine. Xolicca of the Pnsi, Thcro uro few Intelligent American families In WIUVII HAItl-Cll S -MAIMZIMl would nut uo uu uppreclalod and highly wtlcuino jtucM. There Is no monthly Aliguinoun lutelllifcnt rcndln a t.tmlly can leas ull.n'd to bo without. Mnny Mill' ii.lne.s nro uecuniulatod. IUki'kk'h Is eitltid. J heiu in nut it Mtwuluo that is printed which n. .. .Mutu iim-iiijiviii, I'lllll UApOJMlOl OU 11.4 urttclos and mcciiHiilcil exocutlon. Thero Is not it vuuapi-i i.iuu puouHuou. inero is hot, conio-hodly, a moio jw.puUr Miitfuzlno lu thu A renoiltorv of bUmranhv mul liUtnrv llir-m tine, science, and ail. iitiomiiiinii hv .nv mnor American publication. Tho volumes uru as viuuiuHu us it meru wura 01 reioreneo as any cy rlona'dlawo can nl.ico In our ittirnrliw iim l'Ui's Mauaiinu Is 11 record of travel every whcio hltico Iho hour of Its t'stnhliKiiinni 1 k'. Ingstoua aud Gordon Cummlnj lu AtrJea,8tr.iin uiuuiia mo aihu anu unss lirowno M tho l;ast, Hpekeon tho Nlloand Mncneiror im thn .inrdnn indeed, alt lecent iravollers oi nolo havo been 1 uuii iii.isi iuin;;iuwu.uis('uveriCN reproduced In theso paae4, Mint .of ur younger uudmuiyof uut wiuei wruera iiuu nero tueir iiierary hlora' UY. OurartltiU beo tlio lie -it vIi..hp,.k nr i7,..i, genius und Iho most euUurlmi specimens of tholr i" ntw ttK-im. . tt am mint u. It Is ouuoftho wouUers of Journalism tlio twit, A. J . BUDsonsPTiorjs. -a. o 72. JKUMtt Iiaritk a Maiuzini-:, onoytnr 31 00 All h'Tll-ll I'HIU' nf ..lll,u,. II, a If.,,.,,.,.. Wkkkly, or Ha, wi will bo nn-plle 1 itratl's for Liiiii ui nu. rM'iiiKim;iS ni 81 UU OilCU, ui inn- ri-iiuiLiiuui;; or, nix uoples lor tfJJ 00, With' umh v.iii.1 i-wpjr, Hubscrlptlomto Habi'eu'h Mao zt.Ni:, Wvjzk fcljj Oj; or, Iho of Jlurpei-u IVrlodlculs, to cue Hi OU mini hern cun'ha Mi'millm! flldiivilt.m A CompklaK.'t of HAiti'itu'siiAiiAiNi'. now coinprUlnmj Volumes, In neat cloth binding i "j,-;ryN ireiKut ui expense u: purchaser, lor S2 'It imr vulniun uinol.. . by YuaVi1' lo'st'ilS1"1" Ca,Cti l0r M,1,llnt' M Cftuu Tho postage on Hahphk'h MAnAztsa U 2 cmiu a v oar, which must bo paid at tho tubscrtb. cr x ohtotJice, i.uuicHi ilAIU'i-Ul & JinOTlIKlH, -New Yorlc, "A Compute l'ictorical HlUory of tho Times.' Tho best, cheapest, and most Hucssful Y ami ly rupcr lu the Union," bl'l.u.NUlllLY HAUdlH.VfUU. Xuttces o iis JVcjj. IhoMnilAl i,lt.. I.. i, .. V 1 c' ,,ur cijiiiury. mini-l- P.niil'i."" "'f, 'lep irlmonls of uu Ameilcuii litiii 'w Wr' 1,'nrr,t',r Widely has enruoil lor ii,,.. y ,vll' a journal or uivuui- nii,i . f ntuU'atloo oi its class in America, nnd ho fir ilheatl of nil nt m., 11-w.irU. inini.i. ..J not to permit of anv eoinn.irUf i, , Sn?'Vf 'Wrn'lhiber, Its columns cmilulu ll,n lift I rif i0"?,,"' ro-"llu matter that mo f.L....,, . . " I"""'"" ''" "! numerous uthl beautliul, belnir fiiriiNhwl by tho chief nrilsts of Ihirper's Weekly 1. tho best nrnl mofct lnler. estl OU HlOstriLtutlliim'riiiximr. V,.-.i.... i... ileiwiiU on Its lllusii-.iiioijs nlonc, Its loaillni matter ol u hljl, order of literary n er t- r" .,.T.'Ji",''itu1':ll' 'utTiUnm a, und uucxecptloii. BUH30Rll,TIOItfa"lB7a. Terms : It.uu-Eli's Weekly, ono year. si nn i.. V.1' C"I'K l;f either Iho JlnianlHo, Week ). will he supplim! Kriitls lurmcrv Ulub ofKHo rJllbscrlbcl. 'at II UI iiich, lii nK Sxim rany".1 r' HU Ug,'"'s VJ w. wlll.out n. li,., f i ., 1 Vri"'V MnHWlno. Weekly tut lliif ir, toouuaildiims for ouo year, lu uo: or Z?. vi !laX i'urlui"li to olio uddross for uo ) ear, 9i uu. Hack uumberj can beaupnlloaaUny lime. iho Animal Vn nm.. li..,...nH.u t? i.. neatcloih blnillmr, will ho sent by express, iVeo of expense, fori; U) each. A eomplolo Het coin prlNlLif Mlteeii Volumes, sent on leculptofoush ut tho rata or (3 ripurvol.1lKlshtiiUxponsn of purchaser, 'ihe liosliiao on llarnor's Woelclv Is Qlponian year, which must ha paid ut tho u bscrlber' post-oillco, Addross UAlirKU al IIIOIII:il4, New Voik. ADJUNISTItATOIt'S NOTIOI3. i srArw or wrii.iNoro.v ir, rNr, ptu'p, Letters uf udinlulslriltlou on tho estate of J ellliiBlon II. Kill, lale of llloonuburi!, Coluui. bin county, l'u., deceased, havo been granted hv Iho llegUter of said eouuly to I'eter Km, of Light MUeet. Al persons having claims or demands against thodeeedeiituro requested to mauu them linnwii, und those ludootod to uialio paymeut without delay, i'iri'i:n liNT, iiovl7'Jl-0t Adiulnlsirator, "A Ucpoiltry of Fiwhlnn, l'lomnv, mil i Xotleci of the Veil, It ImMtly 1 tin only lllii-ilmtnil clirAul, finli Inn In lltn rnnntrv. H Mil litiletllpill . .. nro world tho Mibierlpll'm tirlco nrilii rn Whllo fully niuhitiiluluL'IH ioltlon ni n um rf ruMnoti, It nlmi coulnfLfi idnrit, iHKiin-. bi I ml CHnyn, lirhien itetiorul nnd tiemon iln. loton mumtaii Jlvcntnn lltittlte. 'inrro nnver wni nay rinpor immnnca lin delighted iho henrl nt wmimn. Never mltxi ir linen cint you n new lmtmott H will mivo jmi , lime Iho prleo In iho holtftoliold ocouom., U'llehes. rroililcncr Journal, 4 Iho youtitf lady who buys ft lni;1a nmulii. It ahi'kh's hazau 1 mndo n tiibsci-lucr fur in Xnv Ymk IXcnlnj 1 'JhoHA7.AH Is cxeellent, I.ll.-onll tho her, leaN which Iho Harperi imbllili, It U Hhn ldeully wol 1 edited, nnd Iho clnis of rcmh-r whom tt In Intended llio mother nud lUurhu In iweriKO liimllles cannot hut iirnllt ijy pood senso nud f;ood tnitc, which, we hn tlouul, nro to-day lunklliit very mnny li ,i hanpler lhau they may hnvo lieen hoforo i women liegnti tiilttna- lemons In pcrnomia houchold nnd in ilinttement rrom i Kood-unlured mentor, The Xiillon, X, 1', Xcrms: ltAni'm'a Hazaii, onoyoir li "Ah l:xtra Copy of cllhcr tho Maiia i WKMCl.vnr 1IA7. u will ho nupplled kwih evory Club of l-'lvoHulcrlberaiitSI Oil en- i ono lcinlttnnco or, MlxL'oplcHforJUU0,Miiii extra eupy." "isuliscrlpttnns to HAurKH'n MArn Wl.EKI.V, nud 1IA7.AK, to ono lidilles r.,r yenr, tut (Jul or, two ol ltnrrer'a 1'trloJlcnl ono n.ld reHH for ouo year, 17 uo, lUetc Numbers can ho Niipplled nt nny tlm, Tho lour volumes of Hnrpcr'a llaiur, for years lsKii!i, 70, '71, elegantly bound In morocco cloth, will bo aeut hy express, lr plepnld, for in 00 each, 'i ho ponUKo un Hnrpor'a Il.tzir Is SI e i yeitr, which iiiuib uu puui ui luo HUte t iiusi-uiuci'. vauiuii, iiAiiruit&iiROTnr.ii Now i jr WATCH rilt:l-:to Anelits In introduce art Hint fetll In overy house, I.vtta a Co., pi burn, l'n. mi, 8 O'CLOCK. 0)-A MO.Mil. llorso nnd carru k i OOmO lilshcill epensos paid! Hnmpics o Jl. IPMIAW, Alfieil, Me. n IlIilCM, ,'illOt-(sttIX, Itl'lllltfl's Oiiu lnalerlnls of overy kind. Writ fir p. T.lst, to Urent Western Clan Works, I'lttshii! I'.i. Army nuns und Kovolvcrs bought or trt fur. Audits wnntcd, ni li ha th (li-llrntn and rcrprnbln Cf)rSr'ltanintnunt i'iill"i G!4 Tlr, OolOKSe 11 nil r, anil 1 5 -.."u,.P...o tUniuu. fold ly Ilru(rctl" ml ItcnUr- In I'KUFl iIHI r TIIHA-NUOTAH IH A 1'L'ltL HLALK I with thu Oreeii Tea l'l 1 Warranted to Milt nil Li Kor su) cvcryiUiero In "tiftiio mnrK" pound aim pound package only. And Halo wholesale only hv Oioat Atlantic nnd rncltlc'i Co.. 8 Chuich B. J,ow York Q. Iinx funt, Hnnd for TheaIScctar Circular. Man, oow thvseij ThoKreat pubHatifHi bv l)r. Chavatsu Vo.U AH A WIUI A MOTJI Kit, Will BUVO you inon and riitfttrlnr. AcentH wutitl overywhcrii; di1- preferred, l'or terms uddrc h VM. II. K ANH A CQ.7l')Hansom St., Philadelphia, nl-i-t AGENTS WAffl)'' ' Kdlth u'Oorman, Kscajied Nun. whnodl u res nro thrill lm: nud sluitllnir. Conn. l'u it imh Co., Hartford, Ct. mi. o , o e v a ii ?i il It . TIIH HULrnUhhowsyou how towivo nnd I, to mako monoy on tho fat m. Whero to Ionic i tho profits, and how to obtain thorn. How clear SUOD.iX) Irom OjU to My. A copy frco to cry farmer sondlin; namo and I'. O.uddrcss tn Iw IfrHJIiKtt A MCCCUDY, 1'hlladolplil i p WIIITNKY'-S MKATSKOOr IIAHNKSS hUAi TOils, IllackH I'olWhes nndHoai nt tho samo timo. I'm un lu and small boxes, also in J Hibu Jlas tieen in uso loryfarn and km perfect Hatlsfactton. Kend stamp f our WAV Kit IVY. Address O. V, WniTSV.Y Co. 0 Mlllc Ht.. llonion, Mass. nnf. if&M TO AGENTS, A bound canvassing boolc of tho Contnlnlns over SOU IlliiHtrntions. With nf m iirohonlvoCvclopodlaexplaiMtory oi llioHcn lures, Jn Kvnusit ami (Ikkmav. HlB'tW U'M.KMNT A Cl.,l,hIladelphH. I' AUKN'Tri WAN I'UIJ lOlt HKINO an KXl'OSHor tlm HIICRKT UITI.s a iu irsi i.uil.- oi um.MU.MN.M, With a full and uuthontle liUtory of I'oiAd m by J. II, IIKADIX, Udltor ol tlio Halt Lit;utu porter. . AentHnro inoethiK with unprcedentc 1 h. cosh, ono reports biiKiibseilhorntn four tlavs i otlicr 71 lu twntlayH Mend for Circulars nii'l what tho pnvii wiy of tho work, NATIO.S u 1'CIIIiIHIIlN'tl CC 1'hllidelphU. IM. ROnii" lvo lon wanted i DUUJV AuI'jAIo novelty In tho mHh Kcription lino whuii will hgII ut falght Iu cvl tamllv. Tlio PICTORICAL FAMILY REGISTER Is tho only work extant which satisfies tills .u It Is beaullful ami htrlklntr, combining mi e llrely new nnd elegant Family l'hotniir.iphlo hum, with ft complete l-'nmllv History. Iu putticulars und clrcutaistrie. Atl-hess UKll. MACLKAN, PuhlMier, nl(l-lw 7la Hansom Mreol, l'lilla-lcliiai Van toil for CHICAGO nnf GREAT CONFJjAGI.ATION Iho (iuee.1 Uly ns It was, nud Is, Tlioliaiuli of id years ncn. -Jhe (Heat city of yestenl i Iho HmoulderliiB Itulus or to-day. A uranli nccnuutoflta unexamilcd rlso nn-1 u vivi.l 1.1 luro ot Its sudden dislructlnn by Colbert it I -tint herlalu, Hdllors or Iho CHIUAUO Tltllll.Ni Kyo-wllnossesnnl preat smarers from thel, rlblo visitation. All tho main facts mil Inn ilenls ntlciiil!iir this L.rpnt.-ut i.l,liv .,r n eenlury. nro portrayed with NtirpnsslntrtUslini nei-s nud jsiwer, the tired on Cumiiieii-o. lusi unco, etc., lullyiliscussud.nuilitelulls ofa wjri'i sympathetic lesponho recorded. Cully illustratcl. I'rlco low. AKents hlmuli apply linmedlalely ns taosUowll! bo Immeiis Clienlars llee. llUllliAltl) IlltOS Publishers, 721 Hansom si I'hlladelphl u UAUTIIIN, llewaro of Inlini I'i'Aj MSIAK?? Kcl L'OlillKlU' C1I AMIIKK jj.v i rs is I'.iihioi. nt'ii WALLS' OAUBOLIO TABLUi'S l-l)lt I.DUOIIS, CULM ,v iYi)(&',si". riieso lubli.ts present tho Acid In Comblnatloi with other clllclent rcmo tins, in u popular lonu !','r. '.'!? (.''.lra "fnl1 'I'llltOA'l'un.l LUM1 IHseav HOAKi:NIWiiiidlJIA:i:UATIO.N oribo Ihmat mo Immediately vellovisl and statements ar constantly helnj sent to tho proprietor ot leih lu cases ol throat itttllcultlex of years st indliu. HA II'IHONT ,U'ut bodecelM.dby wmlhliv ynV 1 lUn Inilliitloos. (lot only WtIN lnlo 1 abuts. Price '.'i conls per llox. JOHN (t. KKLMlUU, ISI-lattHt., N, Y. Bona lor tir cular. Molo Anent lor tho u, h. mm It l'Jl J UUl'ION UK CH1UKS TO CDNroll.M TO t:j:!JUt;a'io.v or uutii::). Q It 10 AT SAVING TO COXiSUMIiits n y (ii;rn.u ui- ci.tiin. fB-rfenl lor our Nuur l-rleo 1,1st and nc form will ueoonip.iny It, contuinlujr lull illi lions inakliii-u laruo saving to ooiisuuicrs uu rcmtiucrailvo tocluborginUers. TUK UllKAT AMKltlUAN TliA Ui. n .SI'SWVIi-sKYSTHlIl.T, 1'. O. llox C1II. New York. ni l Hi JUIIU13EBA. 'm '1 na. n.physlc-U Is not what Is populnn.v culled ll Illllels, hor Is It lllteudoil ns hucli. ll i il Koutll Auierlcau ilaut Hi 11 has been u ,cd mi many jeurs by Iho ineillcal lacully of tluno cuunlrres with woudcrlui elllcncy us a 1'jwellin AllcrutWonuil llmijualcd l'urliler or tho III.ioJ 111 tho " 'uri"""1 1,1,1 ,wl I'cincdy for nil Hlse i L.l,y,L:!.lA,?;'.'.;1I.'L,:EN'l lINLAHflKSIKNTnM 01 ? ,'.W,Hif.0,VK.I.N.-'1'1N1y IHII.NAIH 1VX.K'.t.lXOKA WAM' OK IllAlllll. in n;i iiirii;NT on niuiir. IlO.V Ol-' nil! l.IVIIH, HltOP.SY, HMKIUIHU CIIl(H!l,.TIO.V UU XIIUIIUIOUAII. MUlWSi:-).XU Ollllu JAUNIlIt;i:.HCIlOI.-UI.A, llYHPIUMtA, AUi I AMI t'UVUIt. OIlTMlJIlt CON-lioVl- Dl'. Wnlk' Tlrfmot nf 1m ottered to iliu nnnin. uu .r.u,.r i..ui.r..r,.i i remedy for all Impurities of tho Ulooi, ur i ir ortfLinio woanuessj witli their iitto-iduut ovli rur thy fjrt'tfoinico'itnpl iiu'M JUKtJliniM n household remedy, und should bo freely laitou In ull derauomBut'i of tlio uyHlom, It ulvet health. Vlirm- nnd Itiiiit In nil Lhi f..,.?.. .. I uulmulci und fjrtllluiatl woii uuj lymnlialio lomiteiumeiiu, ' 1 JOlfN ti, KlJLT.OdO, 1( I'latl Kt New Yorlc, Hlll A '(lit till 1 1 i.i IT is Iln.) IVl3el per Ilottle, hend lur Circular, ulitl.v $20 ItliSVAltUI Tho iibnvo rowaril vlll ....... that will lead to Iho detection mm conviction ol tho porson or nersotis who f.m i...iu...... ........ !! ' '"f'.m'ersltfned at thooro mine on Umlaiui ?L, .ei.u ."'"". ".u ,th iiiirht ol tho litu !i '''",!'! ".10 !Jna lima this sauiB oiriic was com in 1 1 tod. ENOCH UAUMAN. "oyu n.ini- llloonuburi:, J'a, STItAY COW. lumu to tho promises o? tho subscilber, lo swing ut tho west cud orcuiuwlssa brldje, a yenrs old, with ouo crooked horu that turns up hUt HO Other luirllenlAr innrlru ,o.u..K..... owner Is itiiuested to como forwnrd, provu'prop iirty, pay charges und tako her uwuylor she will bo disposed ol ucoordlug to law. uovl7'7l)-3t 1-j.unisaci; donaiioi:. 'VS." vklv GUAY'8 FUHHY I'ltlNTlNO INK WOHKS, I'lllI-Alim.PlIIA, 1'A, O. K. JtOllINSON & JlltO., Maiiiifsctiiiersol riiiolllackuiid Colored 1'rint liu Inks. Wowsluks put up with euro to suit tho fceuson utul pecullarllka of 1'resu's. lliinK HitYiMi lllaik nud Colored Inks especially udaptod toljibel l'rlntlns. UOV10'7U-II,