BATES OF ADVERTISING. One Inch, (twclvo linen or its' ounlveJflnt !n Nonpareil type) one or two Wraot Momf, 11.50 tlireo Insertions, tl.OO. SPACE, lit, lU, 3H, 6H, IT. OnolncIi......l2.M 13,(10 11,00 t,00 IIO.TO Two Indies...... 8,M 8,00 7,00 9,00 18 0 Three Inchon 5,00 7,00 9,00 13,00 I ",00 Four Inched......... 7 00 9,00 11,00 17,00 31.00 Quarter column. .10,00 12,00 11,00 20,10 M, Ilatfcolnmn.. 19,00 18,00 3000 80,00 10,00 I 19 PUBLISHED KVEIIY F1UDAY MORNING in tub colummah ncttDino nzAnTitu couht iioosk, HLooMSuuno, rA nr HENRY L DIEFFENBACH, xDiTon add rnorntKTon, M . -I I II I - . jrorns--wo sonars a near tayacio in nayancc. One colnmn..,j.J0,00 06,00 10,00 60,00 100,00 $2 5U 11 sot pain 1111 cna oi year, - ii longer credit bo gives. Executor's or Administrator"1 Notice, 18.00 Auditor's or Assignee' Notice, 12.0s Local notices, ten con (a a line. Cards Inthe"BnslnesDIrectory" rolrrrnn,U.l0 JOB PRINTING t OfAlldcscrlptlons executed with neatness and VOLUMBY.---NO.47. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1871. UOL. DEM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 40. per year for the first two linen, and I LOO for each uispaicn nt reasonaoio rni. Hue. SMte dpjfflttmMan Columbia Oountv Offioial Directory, ;vtM Juilee WIM.IAM Hlwkll. Antnelatl Juilnrt IKAM 1JKHH. lAAO B, MON- Jtolhimolnru, e.-Itttnof.i'ii II. Jirgltlrr ,t rrroruVr-Wlt.LIAJisojr II. JACOHY. JHsMrt AllornevV.. 11. IKELEI1. Arr(ir-AAltoM KMITII. Mirvnor Isaao Dkwitt. 7Vroum--DAVin iAWMHirna. limnifiiV"iM WILLIAM O. QUICK, CYnl'9 IlnhlllSK, Hiuam J. llErnKR. OmmtoUmm' Clerk Wll.I.IAlt KltlCKllAUM, lljitorjt U. J. L'AMrhLLL. A. J. AL1IUH1S0N , Dasiki. Lkk. I oronr r juiirr v, jiiilik, Jurti tvmmulonrrt Isaac McIlntDE, Jolts Mo i ANALL. Conner e.ijrrinienium i. iiaiilfh u. iiaiiki-k Ilfoetn Pear IHllrlel Directors. H. II. I William Khamhi, lunomshurg, and Johnhoii ' 1KH.B It, artcn Wood, Cl!Altl.ESCUNIlt,SCC'y. BloomBuurg Official Directory. lllnnmiihitra IlanUnrt fli- .Tnnv A. FirNSTON I 1'reslitent, It. II. fJitnTZ, Cashier. tint national Jlank CHAH. It. l'AXTON, 1 res I ( J. 1. TtrsTlN. Cashier. lilumbta(ltnntj MtittialEavina Htnttantt TsmuAl' (dotation-;. II, I.IITl.K, l'res'l., C, W. MlLLL'll, Bee'j. Jllttomibiirn liutftltna and Marina 7-HimI ytlfwlrt. ((on John Thomas Prcs't., J, H. llomsoN, Sec. jiiOf.tmwtra jiiri'(i( Mmni -lmi Jluociation J.J., l'risldent, M, Wiiitmoilk, Sec'y. BlooinBburg Directory. 1) AI'KIt 11AIJH JuU received and for salo at tho 1 Columiiian Oltlce. STOVES AND TINWARE. JACOB MI.TZ, dealer In stoves and tlnwnro Main Rtrect, above court liouso. CLOTHING, Ac. J) AVID LOWENHEUO, McrchantTullor.Maln si., .a uuor aoovu Aiuencaniiousc. 8trM. MOItltls, Merchant Tailor comer of Ccn j It tro nnd Main st over Miller's store. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. &c. E, P. LUTZ, Drugglstand Apothccnry.Malu St. below tho Tost Office. mOYEIS IlllOS.. Druggists and Apothecaries, I1U Hrower's bloctc Main st. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC, HKNRYZUPPINURR, Wntchc. Hpectacles A Jewelry Ac, MatnSlreet near Wettt at. in j:.HAVAOK. dealer in Clocks, Watches and ) Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Ainerlcau II on ho. I r OUIH mCIlNHAUI), Vhtv and Clock maker SjJ ueur southeast corner Alaluand Iron hlu, CATHOAItT, Watch and Clock Makcr.Mar kct street, below Main. I300T3 AND SHOES. fll M. KNOItlt, Dealer In I!ot nnd Shoes, Illicit tlj. nnd best styles, corner Main and Market Mtrrtts, In tho old Tost Oltlce. jlAVID 1IETZ, lloot and Hhoenialtcr, Main st. U below llartman's store. u-cst of Market. FTTKNHYKI.KIM, Manufacturer and dealer In II Hoots ami Hhocs, Urocerlcs, etc., Main street, i KtHt Illooiiibhurt;. M. UUOWN, lloot and Hhocinaker, Main , street, under llrown's Hotel. PROFESSIONAL. nit. II. I'. HOWKH, Kurgoon Dentist, Main st., ' nbovo thu Court llouse. nit. WM. M. HEI1KH, Kurgenu and I'hjslclan. Olllce over Hie l'list Nalloiinl Hunk. Dlt. 1J, P. KINNEY, Hurgnon 111 lltlst. Teeth extracted wll limit nalli: Alain Et.. nearlv ou- lioilte Kplbcopal Church, n G. UAKKI.KY, Attonioy-at-I..,w. iv. in J, llnorlu Kxchuuge Ulock, near I ho "Exchange otel, II. McKHI.VY.M. D.,BlllKe"li and l'hystcian . north blue Main St., below Mai ket, T 11. KVAK8, M. It.. Kurgeon and l'hyslclan, tj south side Main street, below Market. T I!. llUTTKIt, M. 1). Hurseon and l'hyslclan fj Murket street, above Main, T II. UOIIISON, Altorney-at-Ijiw, otllcellart J . man's building, Main street. JIILLINEIIY & FANCY GOODS. VI l'hTKHMAN, Millinery and Kancy Ooods, Tj, opposite Episcopal Cliutrh.Malu st, Ml.SH I.lZ'.li: 1IAIIKI.EY, Milliner, Itumsey bullUliii: Main street. 1IIKH M. DEUIIICKRON, Millinery and Fancy ill (looUs,Malnst., below Market, M US, 11. KL1NI1. Millinery and Fancy Goods wain sireei oeiow jiaraei, MIIM. JULIA A. 4 HADE HAItKLEV, Ijulles' Cloaks and Dress l'attcru, southeast corner Main aud West sts. rillli: MISHF-S HAHMAN Millinery and Fancy 1 (Jooils, Main St., below Ainerlcau llouse. HOTELS AND SALOONS. roilKH 1IOTUL, by T, Rent. Tuylor, etiat pud x. . of Main htreet. MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. CI C, MA UU. Pry Ooods and Notions, (south ) west corner Main und Iron sts. D A. Ilr-XKLEY, Hoot nnd Shoe store, books , & htatloucry, Main ut,, below Market. n JACOHS, Confectionery, groceries etc., Main I J. at., below Iron TtOX a WEIIH, Confectionery and Bakery, I wholesale, and retail, Exchange lilock. (MIOWER, Ifalsftid Caps.HooUaudHhoeB, , Main st., abovo Court lloiibe. 1 II, MAIZE. Mtimrrolh Grocery, fine Qro tJ. eerlex, Prults, Nuls, Provision, Ac., Main and Iron Streets, MIKKLVY, Ni;AL A CO., dealets In Dry Hoods, (iroecrles,l''lour, Peed, halt, Plhh, Jum, Nails, etc.,N, E. cor. Main aud Market sts. n H. MILLER A tSON, dealer- in Dry Ooods, n, (Irocerios, Queenswaio, Plour, Halt, Shoes, Notions, etc.Malu fat. MISCELLANEOUS. GONSTADI.M BLANKS for Bale at tho Colum. man Olllce. n M. CHIJISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk A Harness. U. maker, Hhlve's Block Main Street. I W. ItOIHlINH.llfiuordealerseeonddoorfrom ur noriuwesi comer mam auu iron sis. Vi J. THOHNTON, Wall Paper. Window Shades u. auu nxiures, uuperi uiock. Aiaiu si. p W. COItEI.L. Furniture llooms, three story vn uriea, main Bireel, wesi 01 Aluraeb si, 1 1 UOHENHTOCK.I'hotographer, over llobblnn i' iijur . more, juain si. f H. KUHN, dealerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem I lierlin's alley, rear of Amerlcau liouso. R it. ItlNULEll. dealei In nlAiins. nrtrnns and melodeons, at O, W, Corell's furniture rooms CJAMITEIi JACOBY, Marble and Hrown Btcno OWorks, Kast luoomsourK.uarwicic roau, WM, RAHH, dealer In furniture, trunks, cedef n FOHTER, (Hue Maker, and White and Fancy , Tauuer,Hcottowu. t) 11. RIDLKMAN, Agent for Munson'a Copper j Tubular Lliihtuins Rod, TaTOTn ItOnifH. ami blank NOTPH. wltll r With' 1 out exemption, for uulo ut thu Colum ui an Light Street. IT F. OMAN & Co., Wheelwrights, first Uooi 11, UUUVU IK'UUUl iiuute, TORN A.OMAN, Manufacturer and dealer In Hoots und Shoes T) H. KNT, dealer In Stoves and Tin wure In It" an us urauuuvM, l)ETEIt ENT, Miller, and dealer In all kinds oi x urain. fiour, retu, ac, purchased. All Uluds otUrali I3spy, n F. REIOllARD.A H HO., dealer In Dry Good 11 urocerien, nuu itvurrHi juerciiHUUuiv T D. WERKIIEISER, Boot and Shoe Store and u manufactoir. HhoD on Main Htreet im. m W, EDGAR, Huinuelmona Plauln UI i. anuiioxfuanqjaciunng, Orangcvillo Diroctory, 1 II. lll'.UHINII A BUOTHEn,Carpentcrsand , lhllldcrs, Main St., below l'lno, HOWKtt IIEIIIIINO, dealer In Dry, Groceries, Lumber and general Merchandise, Main st. Blltriv HOTEL and refreshment Saloon, llohr M'llenry cor.of Main and l'lnost. by DH. O. A.MEOAUaEL.l'liyslclannndSttrgcon Main st., next door to Good's Hotel, I-VAVID IIEKIIINO, FlonrandarlstMHI.and 1 Dealer In grain, Mill Hlrect. TAMUSH.IIAllMAN.CablnetMakor and Un u dortakcr. Main St., below l'lue. SCHUYLEll 4 CO., Iron founiters.Mnchlnlsts nnd Mauufuctuiers of plows, Mill St. SAMtll'.LSlIAltrLESH.MakeroftliolIayliiirsI Grain Cradle. Main St. 1UILI.IAM DELONG shoe mnkernti1 mnuufae H turer of luick, Mill St., weal of l'mo Catawissa. B Kt 1IALLMAN, Morchaut Tailor, Hccond Ht, Itobblim' Jiulldlnc DTt. J. K. ROntllNH. Hnr Hec o ml Ht below Main, Burgeon and ruyslclan GIL11KUT A KLIN1I, drvRoodf", groceries, and gencrnl merchandise, Alain Street T n. K1HTM3U, "Cattawlnna Honse," ) Corner Mnln and Hecond btreets, LKKILint, Ulllard Balonn, Oystern, and Ico Cream In season MalnHt, MM, ItUOllST. denier In OencralMerchandlKe , Dry Uoods, Urocerlcs Ac, Q UR Q U K It A NN A or Urlck notel, 9. Kostcn n I Hinder I'ronrltlor.south-rnistcoriipr llaliifiud Heeond Htreet, M, U. AlinoTT, Attorney at law, Main St. Buck Horn. U.rt W. II., dealers In dry , i;ooils, groceries nnd general merchandise, hi store In south end nl town. Philadelphia Directory. JICHAKDSON L. WRIGHT, JR. ATTOIlNrA AT LAW, NO. 12) SOUTH BIXTIt STUEET, I'llII.ADKLI'HIA Jan. 1'71-ly J hi. KEPHEART, 4 with BARNLS, BRO. & HERRON, HATS, CAPS, STItAW GOODS A FUItS, No. m Market Street, (Abovo Fifth,) Philadelphia. ""AINWRIGHT tt CO., WHOLKSALi: OltOCKlW, N, K. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PlI I LA DELPHI A Dealers In TKAS, 9YIIUP3, COVFUV, BUGAR, MOIiABSES KICK, BI'ICES, 111 CAR II SODA, AC., AC, AiOrdcrs will receive prompt attention, may 10,G7-tf Business Cards, Q II. RROCKWAY, ATTORN EY AT LAW, HI.OOMHI'.UIUJ, TA, aft Offici: Cnnrt Hotifo Alley, in the Co H'MHIAN building. Janl, '67. A. L. TURNER PHYSICIAN AND BUltOEON, IlLOOMSHUitO, PA. Ofkick over Lutr.'s Drugstore. IteMilcue Market Htliet.lst door below Itev. D. J. Waller. ileclll'70. c. W. MILLER, ATTOHNEY AT LAW. Olllce Court lfoiiKp Alley, below the Cor.UM 1HAN Olllte. lliiullllcs, llaek.Pay ami Pensions collected. llloouihburg Pa, Kep.'Vfi7 JK)I!EUT V. CLARK, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, omco Main Street below tho Court House, Illooiiisburg Penn'n. E. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllco Court-llouso Alley, below tho Colum It ian Olllce, Illoomsburu Pa. "Tjr ETE R I NARY, AUOUbT FRIEND. late frcm Oermuny, oilers his bej-vlcea to Ilia public as n colebraU d HORSE AND COW DOUTOK, and all other animals, for which his charges are moderate, lie ran nlwm s be lound enst hide ol Uerwlck road, m ats, n, Jiicouy'8 Aiurmo xatu. HloomsburK, May Vit iK7tiy. J. THORNTON 1 J id. .it 1.1 uminiinnalri I tt M I lyfinc iT UlnnmlK biirii nnd vicinity, that he has Just received a full aim complete assortment oi WALL PAPER, WIN TOW HUADEH, riXTUItKS, CORDS, TASSELH, nnd fill other Lroods In his Hue of business. All tho newest and most approved patterns of tho day aio always to ue lounu iu ins eKiuuiiimicm, mur,0, lia-ll aiiuu m. urmw i'lninci TIOOTS AND SHOES. JU MAIN BTKtKT, L'NDCB lll'M JtOTKL. lull aud complete nesoittntnt of ready made boots and Mioes lor men, women and children ,tst received and for nmoiu reasonable ruies, best of work done at nhot notice, aH heretofore nrifiii'H tit Mman eiasKes oi eusioiiiers. i ii ivenimacau. - j"u" N JEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAOENBUCH, Main Street one door above E. Mcndenhall' Store. A large assortment or stoves, u eaters ana RangeA constantly on hand, and for bale at the lowest, ruies. Tinning mall lUi branches carefully atieuueuio, nti HUtisiHciiuii guarauieeu. Tin work or all kinds wholesale ana reun, UI Is requested. Jan P71 AT E W GOAL Y A R D. 1 it Tnic umlersltrned resnectfullv Inform thb citizens of HlooniNbiirg and Columbia county, thai they keen all the dillerent numbers of stove coal aim seiecieu lump coui lor Hiniiuing nurpo- es, on ineir wuuri, aujonung jti'iveivy. itai ;o s Furnace; with u good pair of HhIUio scales in me wijari, n ciku tai, imj. ww wuw .tirowUe n horse and watton. to deliver coal Ui thohH who desire it. Ah they purchase a large amount of coal, they intend tokeep a superior ar tlcle.amUeUattho very lowest prices. Please call and examine lor you'-r.eiyes nrore purcnas inir eisewuere, j. 1 11 AIIOUHTUS MASON. miTE nndnraltrnod will tako In ox- j cnauge ior uoai auu ytiinzvuyn, n .uB uametl articles i-W heat, Rye. Com, OaU. Pota i t Limniiiuf iitirl h itn meRt.Ilutler Krkh, llay, Ac.atlhe hlghebt cash prices, at his urocery store, ao.ioining men " Rlnomsburir Mar, lff.'lv. JARE CHANCE, l-oii Sale A secondhand "Arion" nrico I.HA. PAnt fj.D t'htM miiierbii ilniio.fnrtH, nstrument villi uuu kiii ui an auction saiooi prvui in New Yurk. umi im.l lifimi hut , fHW weeks use. It Is In jterect order and In net,! respect equal to u new piano. Terms pobsitlvely casu la t-AtVunce, Address for ono wet k. O. W. FOHTfcll. inay2e'71-tf Mauch Chunk, Pa. QURLINU CREAM. lly uslnir Ihls article Indies nnd Gentlemen can bcuutliy themselves u thousand tola. This Is the only article that will curl straight hair, and at the (nine time vlvelo 11 u beautlfulup. pealiiuce. It also Inslgorales, beautltles and cleanses, It Mill be so upptled as to cause the hulr to cull nuy length uf time desired, sent by mall lor JO CU. u package. Addre.. Mlddletowu, Adams Co., P septni-Cin. BUHINFiiH CARDS, VISITING CAUDS, UTTEH HEADS. HILL HEADS, PUOGHAMMEH, I'OSTEItH, AO., AC. Neatly nnd Cheaply Prlnlc.l From the Utest BlyUs of Typ. t the COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Miscellaneous. rPIIK HISTORY OP COLUMBIA X county Irom itn orRanlzatlnn tn wn to ls7i Cmn tilled nnd edited hv John (1. Vhkcxk. fn ynlumo ortAVo.SOO pacs,Clotli tAW, halt library, full library $.60. " Jtruinnlnn with tho early hlatory of the terri tory comprlHCd within tho llmltsofColurahlaand iMuuiiHir, turn voiumo given ino orfinniEaiion ny lis orlsltial boundaries. Its RiiliHenupnLlptrtiilatlvn reductions, and tho erection of Montour county. A chapter on tho streams nnd mountains tho date or tho erections of tho townships nnd bor oughs, and tho territory nut of whtoh they wero formed Ihonersonnel of the courts, comprising tho names of tho President Judges the Asscx'tatc. tho rrothonotnrlcs, Hettlstcrs, .Sheriffs and tho resident Attorneys of both Columbia and Mon tour, It hnn chanters on TtinnmKhtiri?. Dnnvllln. Ror wick. Catawlmnatid tho smaller towns, fnliedu rational statistics. Tho Hmovftl Uuetdlon, and Tho census by townships. Including Montour, from lWHo ls'o, tho laxnblcs Tor li7I nnd tho number or acres of Innd in each township, A very comntrle Hit or tho members of Coiiimcrh. Hen At n tuid House, rrprrscntlnit Columbia roun ty, vllli full and various election id urns fur Hlnlonnd Federal olllcca by tow nshlpH, THE AVAR RECORD OP COLUM- JH A AND MONTOUtt counties, comprtslnR tho muster roll of all tho t'omtmiiloH mid imrts of eomniinlt's recruited therein, tho No. of tho Regiment, tho battles uey weiaciiKaged in, with nuinerouH items or iftKonat Interest, A list of all the dratted men, he names of the conHoleutlntiH-fccruph) exempts nd thoeinerKeney men of September, isOJnnd inio iso;i, being a complcto war reeord of tho UC111UU, AIJHO IK INVASIOU OK COLUMMA COUNT V, o trlnlsof our rltlyens. the crrcat arenmentnf initio lllark on Military Commissions, and the pinion or tho United States Supremo Court, eim emnlnu' them. Touethar with tuiicli other enr. Ions Important, and interesting matter, Ufokijjb A. Ct-AitK, or illoomsburif, Is author' I.ed to receive subscriptions for the work ; to bo paid for on delivery, tuig, 18,71-3tn jfORJIAL SCHOOL. Tlio liibtltutloii heretofore known as (lie JI A 1) I S O N ACAD E M Y , WILL r.K OI' ON .IIOMIAY, OVTOItnit till, 1ST I, AS TItK WAYERLY NORMAL SCHOOL UNDKK THE CHAlian OK RROP. H. D. WALKER, A. 3L TIIK SCI IOO b WILT, HE AT ONCK ORdANIZHD ASA NOZIHAL SCHOOL, AND TIIK COURSE OP STUDY of its several classes will correspond to tho course imnpieii uyine isofiru or Normal Schools of Penm by the Htato Authorities, lopted by the Hoard of Principals or the State ormal Schocils or Pennsylvania, ami approved anil mi nils mi euterlnir the School, wlllbnex. v amtned.nnd placed In the class whose studies, they by their ability and attainments, aro lilted to pursue. niuuemsso wisninc, anu in me judgment or 10 Prluelnul comnetent. will he iillmwtl tn ttur. sue ft Select Course of Study. i-itur, , ALh eh, uuu iiih repuiauonas an j-uu-eator. aro too well known to need anv common dallon from tho Hoard of Trustees; especially In hi a ui nit jintjusaiuuiu jut,, Por particiilam respeetlns Hoard, Tuition, Dons, Ac, Auares me iTincipai, or NORMAN PltKLPrf.Ksq, Secretary of Trustees. Waverly, Luzemo county, Sept. ltn,187I-tr. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS. 1015 115 CHESNUT ST.,(6irard Row,) N0RTII-EIGI1T1I STREET (N. E, Coil, Silt A Nil CMtltllY.,) PHILADELPHIA. Jfrtiitifdcttirpr nnd Dealer of our Four Great Bpcelaltlcs. Our Celebrated Chaninlon llnon Skirls. Incliid- lliir :tso styles and sizes, for Lailles, Misses nml ChlKlren. Miwillfiictuieil to meet tho wants ol flrst'Class trade, at thu lowest pilccs. COItSIlTS In 127 ftvles anil crudes to meet the wants of all, from ire. to S1I.S5 per pair, Ineltidlnit tin llioiiimi'H iijovo 1 llllim, mi" i erij- s, J. leaaers, iuau. eoy s, .irs, jimsiy s musses uuu liimreii s i.orseiHae.,ioceiner wiin eerv inner eslrable maki', at prices beyond competition. PANIEIt I1USTI.FS In varieties, from 30e. to Ul. Iticliitlliie: Hair Cloth. 7.1c! lion Ton. 17c:; Newllrondway. ise; Elect, hSe mid eery ol her desirable llustlo nt low erprlces than at any other parties In the trade. I.ADIFH' DNDKItOAltMl'.STH In evcryouall- ty, trnm the finest to tho lowest prices. Tuclud nil raney .Miisiui nains, ill a urieiien, uuiu (, 1r.CTlll Cti.nikK. frnni fi'V. In?l.7.l. DniW eis, p. to t'JJUi. Nlijht Dresses, Jl.lU to tnbl i oi it i pni k s, Mr, 10 tu.i i. l orn i "vers, ti.w wi (W. Aprons, MUns1 and Children's Under Uarmcnts, Ac , Ac. Wo hove Ibo lalcest.liest and ( lie apest lines ol flu. ntinvi. L'nmls In l'lilliulelKlilil. KverV TiUr cluiFer can sao time nnd money by i xamtalug Hum, Wholesale und HMall. Ccl'-l'in.'J. Sept. SO, 1S7I. TOHN Q. JACOBY'S ti BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERYI BERWICK, PENN'A. The undcrsliMied would reRnectfully Inlorm the t.'ltUens of llerivlck, and vicinity, that ho has oi i mil a Coulectlouiry and llaliery In ODD FELLOWS' HALL, Eeiwlclc, Pa., whero ho Is prepured to furnish all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FHENCH CANDIES, I OHEKIN AND DOMESTIC FI1UITS 01UNQES, LEMONS, ItAISINS Ac, tie., Ac, Ac, BY WIIOLI.HALK ANU 11ETA1L, Ammis tlin asfortinent win lie rounit cream cult, hexla Cinckers, Oyster Crackers, Cheese, Snap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En velopes, FISH AND OYSTERS, ini i-.rr.iii.-n nf nil kinds. Fresh Rread aud Cakesevery day. Ice Cream in Stason, lour puuomigeissoiieiieu-. J0N 0, JAC0Uy, Herwlck, Jan 1'71-tv A DIES' FANCY FURS! JOHN F A R E I It A. 718 AIIC1I ST., Middle nf the Illoek, between Till iiud mli his,, South siile. I'ltii.Aiir.i.riiirt. mi purlfr.Manufuetureraud Dealir In nil kinds aud quality of F A N C Y F U R S FOU LADIES' AND ClIILDUEN'H WEAK, itnvlin. linnii'rl.(l a verv lariroand hnlendlilas sortnientof all the ellllim'lit kinds ol Fursfroin llrst hsuds 111 Europe, and have had them made uii by the iniistsklllfutworkineii, would respect fully ln lie lho renders of Ihls paper to call ami examine his very large mid beautiful assortment .if S-mifV I.'IMIS. .'Oil 1.41IIK.S ANIl CltlLIHtKN. 1 ai stermlneiltosellat nl.nw iqiii M as any olmTresiieitnble House 111 this city. Alt I UK! WAi'itANrsu. no aiisiitriiwfcrt " AL1-S, joiiv 1A11KIUAi 718 Alll'll STllKEr, I'IIILA11I.I.I'IIIA. ocUVH-Sm. Q.LOI1 E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANV o r NEW YORK. I'llny Freeman, President, II, 0, Freeman, Sec Cash capital over tl'.OW.UO, all puld. J. I!. ROBISON, ULOOMSBURO.l'A OENEHAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug. won. M AGA'INKS.DAILY et WEEKLY PAl'lillS ur iilflira AT TllB1100KM01lli01'108ITTllltfOUl.I llOUSK. Alu. an assortment of Portcmonnnlcs. Pass Iloolis and Account Hooks, constantly on baud !...i n. .... ..u...i ..i.tulnu,! mi hhiirt notice. New Hooks are constantly belug added to tho ' llloomsburg Circulating Library.;; a non iu; .11. .....i i iii.,m-..iii-m " "Mntlierless.1 "hlr Hurry." " Hot Snur of Huiubietliwalt," and " Merqueiu." ole. aprys.'71-tf TiAROAINS BAROAINS. O.DICK SALES AND SMALL PB01TITS. HAVE YOUH MONEY. Goto uni, .... East Bloomsburg. Pit., for all kinds of the best uoiue auu eiiv uiiw. fUUMITUltl. Prices reasonable and the best work Uone. Jan l'JI-tf Poetical. Tito itcvcnc of Chicago. I saw tho city's terror, I heard tho city's cry, As a llamo leaped out of her bosom Up, up to tho brazen sky I And wilder rosetlio tumult, And thicker the tldtngi came Chlcano, queen of the cities, Wnsarolllng sea of flame! Yet higher rose the fury, And louder Die surges raved, (Thousands wero savod but to suffer, And hundreds never wero saved,) Till out of tho awful burning, A flash of lluhiulug wont, As across tu fair Saint Louis Tho prayer for succor was sent, (IdiI Mess thee, O Into Saint Louis I Ho worthy thy royal name IHclt, back on Hie wing of the lightning, Thy answer or rescue camos Hut alas I It could not enter Through tho horrlblo llnmo nnd heat, For tho fire had conquered tho lightning, And sal In the Thuudervr'sscatl God bless thco again, Saint Louis I Tor resting never then, Thou cnlledst to all tho cities, lly lightning aud steam nnd pen j "Ho, ho, ye hundred sisters, Stand forth In your bravest might I Our slstor In ll.tmo Is fulling, Iter children nro dying to-night I And through tho mighty Hepublle Thy summons went rolling on, Till It rippled the seas of tho tropics. And milled tho Oregon; TheUistnntGoldcu City Called through her golden gates, And quickly rung tho answer From tho city of the Straits j And the cltlos that sit In splendor Along the Atlantic sea, Iteplylng, called to the dwellers Where tho proud magnolias he, From slumber the army started, At the far-rcsoundlug call, "l'nod Tor a hundred thousand," They shouted, "and tents for nil." I heard through tho next night's darkness Tho trains go thundering by, Till they stooil where the fated city Shone red In tho hrazcu sky. The rich gave their abundauce, And the poor their M tiling hands ; There was wine from all tho vineyards, Tlioro was corn from all tho lands. At day break over tho prairies lto-cchoed Uie gladsome cry "Ho, look unto us, j o thousands, Ye shall not hunger uc r die 1" Their ecplug was nil tho answer That tho famishing throng could glvo To tho million voices cilllug; "Look unto us, aud llo!" Destruction wasted the city. Hut the burning curse that cjiue Enkindled In all tho people Sweet charity's holy flame. Then Mill to our lodbo glory I I bless him, through my tears, That I llvo In the grandest nation That luth stood In nil tho years. Uiitler tlio DnMcs. IIV MATTIi: M, WKAVSK. Tho world Is dark and all day long Has my heart been roaming, pining; They tell mo only an upward glance Would reveal lho sun's clear shining. Hut what would tho sunshlna be to mo When her ej es are closed forever, And what would the blight ness round mo bo When my healt will brighten nover? In my weary heart, dark.hrowo 1 doipalr Keens her bitter tones o'er ringing; They bid mo list, fol hope's bright bird A wondcrnus song Is singing Hut my cnisarcdeiif tohcr slien song. For under lho daisies s'ceplDg, My darling lies Willi ileath closed ears, Nor heeds my bitter weeping. And my hands are Idle nil day long, No work nor comfort Hading; They tell mo duty's claims nro strong And Hint duty's claims nro binding; Hut what care I, when o'er herhrpast Her llttlo hands nro folding; The dainty hniuU that nover ninro Will ne&tlo to my holding. My heart heals sluggMi,sad an 1 slow; TIs like to death In seeming; They tell mo life Is work not play, Aud suy ''Arouso from dreaming 1" Hut what core I, when her's, I know, In death Is stilted forever ; Tho heart which thrilled In life for me, Anil luvcd nio only ei er. Then let me grieve, for my humsn heart For Its Idol Is ever walling ; And my hopes are lust and my ship Is wrecked, Wrecked e'en III Its Joyous sailing. Then let me mourn, for words are vain, While my heart In p.itu Is weeping; And I only comprehend that uo'ir Will my darling awako from sleeping. Miscellaneous. Dltlllt'lll)' (it)Oll. Will Carleton, tlio rWiiff younp; pool n nn ctlltorliil tioom, thin tolU how a fnriner took n youn(,'slur or nn to ii nrintlnK-olnco to bo inmlo into it editor, bcliiff fit for nothliit: olso. Tho editor but In hla sittictutii, und loolreil tho old man in tlio eye. Then Klaneed tit tho (rliming youiit; opoltil, unci mournfully mado UU ru ly : In your son ii small unbound eUItlon of Moses nnd Solomon both '.' Can ho compass UU bplrit with meuU ness, tuid HtratiKlo n natural oath V Can ho leavo till inn wrongs to tnu future, und carry his heart in his cheekV Can ho do uu hour's work in a mm uto. nnd llvo on bixpenuo it week ? Can ho courteously talk to an equal und browbeat uu Impudont UuncoY Can ho keen things in upplo-pio order and do half a dozen at oneov Can ho press all tlio springs of kuowl edtro with a qulek und relluoio toueliv And bo suro ho knows now miien to know, und knou-3 how to not know too much V Does ho know how to stir up his vlr tuo. und put it check-rein on his prido Om ho carry n gentleman's manners within a rhinoceros' hldo .' Can ho know nil, mid do all, aud bo all, with ehterluliiess, courage aim vim V If no, wo perhaps eau bo making fin editor outeii o' him." Tlio farmer stood curiously llstonlng, while wonder his vUugo o'crspread j And ho Haiti, "Jim, I guess wo'll ho oils'; he's probably out of his head." TitUTii in UitiEr. Anybody eau soli tlio reputation of uny Individual, bow over pure and chaste, by uttering it sus- plclon that his enomies win ncuovo uuu his friends nover hear of. A puff of tho Kilo wind can tuko a million of tho needs of n thistle, and work a mis chief which tlio husbandmen must la bor long to undo, tho tloatlng particles being too line to bo seen unit too light to ho Btoppcd. Such uro tho woods of blan der, bo easily sown, so dlillcult to bo gtttliercd up mid yot so pernicious In their fruits. A slanderer known tlmt many it mind will catch up tho plnguo und bocomo polsonod by his Insinua tions, without over seeing tho anti dote. No reputation can rcfuto a snoor, nor any human skill provent mischief. tixi, youu win:. "Toll my wlfol" said Aaron Llttlo, speaking aloud, yot to himself, In a half nmused, half troubled way. "Tell my wife, Indeed 1 Much good that will do! Wlmtdoes sho know nhout business, and money matters, nnd tho irlcks of trado? No, no j thero's no hopo there." And Auron Llttlo sat musing with a porplexed countonnnco. Ho had a nows per In his hand, nnd his eyes had Just been lingering over a paragraph, In which tho writer suggested to business men In troublo tho propriety of consult ing their wives. "Talk to thorn freely nhout your af fairs," It said. "Let them understand exactly your condition. Tell them of dllllcultles, of your embarrassments, and your plans for extricating your selves from tho entanglements In which you nro involved. My word for It, you will get help in nlno cases out of ten. Women havo quick perceptions. They reach conclusions by a nearer way than reasoning, and get at tho solution of a dlillcult question long beforo your slow moving thoughts brlngyou near enough for accurato observation. Tell your wives, then, men In troublo, all about your affairs ! Keep nothing back. Tho better they understand tho matter, tho better will bo their perceptions. "All a very lino theory," said Aaron Little, tossing tho newspaper from him, and leaning back In his chair, "But It won't tlo In my case. Tell Betsey I Yes, IM Iiko to sco myself doing II. A man must bo hard pushed Indeed, when ho goes homo to consult his wlfo on business affairs." And so Aaron Llttlo dismissed tho subject. Ho was lu considerable doubt nnd perplexity of mind. Things had not gone well with him for a year past Dull business and bad debts had left his affairs In rather an unpromising condl tlon. Ho could not sco his way clear for tho future. Taking trado as It had been for tho past six months, ho could not lmaglno how, with tho rcsourcos at his command, his matured payments were to be made. "I must got moro capital," ho said to himself. "That is plain. And witlt moro capital must como In a partnor, I don't llko partnerships. It Is difllcult for two men to work together harmon lously. Then you may get entangled with a roguo. It's a risky business. But I seo no other way out of this trou hie. My own capital is too light for the business I am doing, nnd as a meas uro of safety moro must bo brought In Ltwrcnco Is nnxious to Join mo, and ho says ho can command ten thousand pounds. I don't llko him In all respects: ho Is a llttlo too fond of pleasure But T want his money moro than his aid in business). Ho might remain a silent partner If ho chose. I'll call and seo him this very night and h.tvo a llttlo talk on tlio s ulject. If ho can bring In ten thousand pounds I think that will settle tho matter." With this conclusion lit his mind, Aaron Llttlo returned home, after clos ing his warehouse for tho day. Tea being over, ho mado preparations for going out, with the Intention of calling tip-in Mr. Lawrence. As ho reached his hand for his great coat, n voice beemed to siy lo him "Tell your wife. Talk to her about It. ' But he rejected the thought Instantly mid commenced drawing on his coat. "Where mo you going, Aaron '."' ask ed Mrs. Little, filming forth ftont tho dining-room. "Out for n llttlo while," ho replied. I'll bo back in half nn hour or so." "Out whero'.'" "Tell her, Auron. Tell her all about It." laid tlio vtiico, Mieaking In his mind. "Notuetiso ! Sho don't understand anything about biisintbs. Sho can't help me," he aiiswcied (Irmly. "Tell your wife!" Tho words wero in his mind, and would keep repeating thoin solves. "Can't you say whero you nro going, Aaron V Why do you make a mystery of It V" Oh, it's only a matter of business. I'm going to seo Mr. Lawrence!" "Edward Lawrenco V" "Yes." "Tell your wlfo !" Tho words seemed almost us If uttereil uloud In his ears. "What uro you going to seo him about?" "Tell her!" Mr. Llttlo Btool irrosolulo. What good would tolling her do ! "What's tho matter, Aaron? You'vo been dull for somo tlmo past. Nothing L'olng wrong with you, I hope?" And his wlfo laid her hand upon his arm nnd leaned towards him In a kind way, "Nothing very wrong," ho ntiswcred la an ovaslvo matinor. "Business has b.'endull this 6easou." "Has It? I'm sorry. Why dldn you tell me?" "What good would that havo done?' "It might havo dono a good deal of good. When a man's business Is dull his wlfo should look to tho houschotili expenses but if sho knows notliln about It, sho may go on In a way that is really extravagant undor tho circtim stances. I think that men ought alway to tell their wlvos when auythlii; goiug wrougl" "You do?" "Certainly I do. What better reason can you want than tho one 1 havo glv en? II sho knows that tho income 1 reduced, as a prudent wife, slio will en deavor to roduea tho expenses, lladn you better tako off your coat, uud si down nnd talk with mo it llttlo, before you go to seo Mr. Lawronco?" Mr. Llttlo permitted his wife to draw oil' his ovoieoat, which uho took Into tho passage aud replaced on thu hat rack. Then returning Into lho parlor, she said ; "Now, Aarou, talk to mo as freely as you choose. Don't keep any thing back. Whatoyertho troublo Is, let mo know It to tho full extent." "Oh, thero's no very grcnt trouble yet. I urn only afraid of troublo. I seo It coming, and wish to keep out of Us way, Betsy." "That's wlso and prudent," said his wlfo. "Now toll mo why you nro going to sco Mr. Lawrence." Mr. Llttlo let hla eyes fall to tho lloor, nnd sat for somo momonts In si lence. Then, looking up, ho paid 'Tho truth Is, Betsy, I must havo moro capital In my business. Thero will bo no getting on without, for nt least ho says ho can command, ten thousand pounds. I think ho would llko to Join mo. Ho has Bald ns much two or tlireo times." And you wore going to see him on that business?" "I was." "Don't do it," said Mrs. Llltle, cm- ihatlcally. "Why not 1" asked Aaron. "Bccnuso ho Isn't tho man for you not If ho had twenty thousand pounds." Because Is no reason," replied Aaron Little "Tho extravagance of his wife," It was answered llrmly. "What do you know about her?" "Only what I havo soon. I'vo called on her two or threo times, and havo no ticed tho stylo In which her liouso Is furnished. It is arrayed In palaeo nt- lro compared with ours. And ns for dress It would tako tho interest of n llttlo fortune to pay her milliner's nnd tnantau maker's bills. No, no, Aaron, Mr. Lawrenco, Isn't your man, depend on It. Ho'd uso up tho ten thousand pounds lu loss than two years." "Well, Betsy, that's pretty clear talk," said Mr. Llttlo, taking a long breath. "I'm rather afraid, after what you say, that Mr, Lawrenco Is not my man. But what am I to do?" and his voico fell in n troubled tono. "1 must havo moro capital ; or" Mr. Llttlo paused. , "Or what?" His wlfo looked at him tcadlly, and without any sign of her anxiety. I "Or I may becomo bankrupt." "I'm sorry to hear you say that, Aaron," and Mrs. Little's voleo trem bled perceptibly. "But I'm glad you'vo told ino. Tho now parlor carpet, of course, I bhall uot order." "Oh, ns to that, tho amount It will cost can mako no great diflcrenco," said Mr. Little. "Tho parlor docs look shabby; and I know you'vo set your heart oti n now carpet." Indeed, mid It will mako a dldor- crouco thou," roplied tho llttlo woman In her decided way. "Tito last feather breaks tho camel's back. Aaron Llttlo shall nover fall becauso of his wlfo's ex travagance. I wouldn't havo a new carpet If It wero ollered to mo nt half prlco." "You aro a brave, truo woman, Bet sy," said Anron, kissing his wife, In tho glow of a now burn feeling of admira tion. "I hopo that I shall ever ho a truo bravo wife," returned Mrs. Little, "willing always to help my husband, ellher in saving or In turning, as tho case may be. But let us talk moro about your affairs ; let mo sen tho trou blo nearer. Must you havo ten thous and pounds right nway?" 'Oh, no, no; it's not sj bid as that; was only looking ahead, and seeking to provide tho moans for approaching payments. I don't wa'it a partner us far in tho business itself is concerned. don't llko partnerships; they nro nl- most always accompanied with annoy ances or danger. It was tho money I was after ; not tlio man." "Tlio money would como dearly at tho prlco of tho man, if you took Mr. iwrenco for a partner. It least that Is my opinion. But I am glad to hear you say, Aarou, that you aro In no Imme diate danger. May not tho btorm bo weathered by reeling sail, as the sailor's ny?" "By reducing expenses." "Yes." .Mr. Llttlo hhook his head. "Don't say no too quickly," replied his wlfo. "Lotus go over tho whole matter ut homo mid ut tlio htorc. Sup. pose one or two thousand pounds wero aved iu tlio year, wind ulflVrtuco would that make? 'Oh, If that wero possible, which It Is not, it would mako u vast difference iu tho long run, but would hardly meet the dllllcultles that are approaching." "Supposo you hid llvo hundred pounds within tho next two mouths, beyond what your business will glvo you ?" That sum would mako all btifo for tho next two months. But whero is tho llvo hundred pounds to como from Belsy?" "Desperate diseases require desperate remedies," replied tho bravo llttlo wo man, In a resolute way. "I'm not ufruld of tho red llag." "Let us tell oil' our furniture at mic tion, nnd put tho money In your bual ness. It won't bring less than llvo hun drcd pounds, aud it may bring mure, My piano alono Is worth nearly n hun dred. Wo can boartl for a year or two. aud when you get till rlghtugalii return to housekeeping." "Won't try that yet Betsy," tnld Mr, Little, "Butsomcthlng must bo clone. Tho disease Is threatening, and my llrst pro scription will arrest Its violence. havo something moro to propose. It coincs Into my mind this Instant; after breaking up wo will go to mothor's, You know sho never wanted us to leav there. It won't cost us much over half what It does now, taking rent Into tl account. Wo will pay bister Ann: something to tuku earo'of llttlo Eddlo and Ll.zlo through tho day, and I will go Into your warehouse us chief clerk. "Betsy, you're crazy I" "Not n bit of It, Aaron, but n senslblo woman, us you will find before you're u year older, If you'll let mo havo my way. I don't like that Hobsou, uud nover did us you know. I don't bo- Uovo he's n fair man. Lot mo tako his place, uud you will mako it clear threo hundred pounds a year, and innybons much moro. "I can't think of It, Betsy. Lotus wait awhile," "You must think of It, and wo won't wait awhile,'' replied tlio resolute wife. "What Is right to bo done Is best ,lollu quickly. Is thero no safety lu my plan T "Yes, I think thero Is, hut " "Then let us adopt It at onco, and throw all huts overboard, or," and sho looked nt him n llttlo mischievously, "pCrhnp3 you would rather havo somo tnlk with Mr. Lawrence, first." "Hang Mr. Lawrenco I" ejaculated Anron Llttlo. "Very well; thero being no help In Mr, Lawrence, wo will go to work to help ourselves. Self-help, I'vohcard It said, Is always tho best help, nnd most to bo depended on. We may know our selves, nnd trust ourselves, and Hint Is n great deal rcoro that wo can nay nbolit other people. When shall wo havo tlio sale?" "Not so fast, Belsy, not so fast. I haven't agreed to the ealo yet. That would bo mako n certain loss. Ftirnlturo sold ut miction never realizes abovo half Its cost." "It would bo a certain gnin, Anron. If It saved you from bankruptcy, with which, ns I understand It, you nro threatened." "I think," said Aaron, "wo may got on without that. I llko tho Idea of your coming Into my warehouse and taking Hobson's place. All tho money from retail sales passes through his hands, and ho has It In his power, If not honest to rob mo seriously. I'vo not felt alto gether easy In regard to him of lato. Why, I can hardly tell. I'vo seen nothing wrong. But, If you tako his place, threo hundred pounds will bo saved certainly." "But If I havo my houso to keep," Mrs. Llttlo answered to this, "how can I help you at tho warehouse? Tho first thlngln order Is to get thohouse offmy hands." "Don't you think that Annlo coold ! bo induced to come nnd llvo with us for a fow months until wo try this new ex periment?'' "But tho money, Anron ; tho money this furulturo would bring I That's what I'm looking nftcr. You want raonoy now." "Very true." Then let us hangout tho rod ling. Hnlf way measures may only ruin everything. I know that mother will not let Annlo leavo homo, so It's no uso to think of It, Tho red flag, Aaron tho red llag! Depend upon it, that's tho llrst right thing to he done. Flvo or six hundred pounds In hand will mako you feel llko another person glvo you cour ngo, confldenco nnd energy." "You mny bo right, B3tsy : but I can't boar tho thought of running out tho red Hag, of which you talk so light ly." "Shall I say coward! Aro you afraid to do what common prudonco tells you is right." "I was afraid, Betsy; but am no long cr faint hearted. With such a bravo llttlo wlfo as you to stand by my eido I nerd not fear tho world." In a week from that dny tho red llag as hung out. When tho auctioneer mado up his accounts, ho had In hand a llttlo over eight hundred pounds, for Inch u check wns filled out to thoorder f Aaron Llttlo. It eamo Into his hnmls Just nt tho right moment nnd made him feel, to uo his own words, "as easy ns an old bltoe." Otto week later. Mrs. Betsy Llltle took tho placo of Mr. Hnlon, ns chief manager and cash re ceiver In her husband's warehouse. There woropomn few signs of rebellion among tho cUrksn'iil sbon girls at the beginning; but Mia. Bett-y had a quick steady t'.vi. nnd it self reliant manner, that caused her presence to bo felt, and soon mndo everything subservient to ior will, it wns a remarkable fact that nt tlio eloso of tlio first week of her ad ministration of affairs, tho cash receipts were over JC20 in excess ol the receipts of any week within tho previous tlireo mouths. "Havo wo dono morn business than usual this week?" theasked of ono clerk nd another; nnd tho uniform answer was, "No." "Then," said tho lady to herself, 'there's been foul play hero. No won tier my husband was In trouble." At tho end of tho next week the sales nine up tothosamo average, ami at tho end of tho third week wero forty pounds better than beforo Mrs. Llttlo under took to manage tho retail department, bother thero has boon "foul play" or not, Anron Llttlo coultl nover fully de termine ; but ho was in no doubt as to ono thing, and that was tho easy con tlitlou of tho money market nfter tho lapo of u half year. eorfouror llvo months previous to Mrs. Little's administration of ufltilrs. ho was on tho street for nearly half of his time, during business hours, engaged In tho work of money raising ; now his regular receipts had got In ndvanco o his payments, so that his balanco on tho morning of each day was usually In ex. cess of tho notes to bo lifted. Of course ho could glvo more attention tu busl ness; mid of course business Increased anil grew moro profitable under tho Ira proved system. By thu end of th year, to uso his own words, ho was "nil riglit." Not so it neighbor of his who. to get moro capital, had taken M Lawrenco as partner. Instead of bring ing In ten thousand pounds that "cnii Italist" was only able to put down tlireo thousand, and beforo tho end of tho year ho had drawn out six or sovon thousand, and had given notes of tho firm for its much moro Inpayment of old obligations, A failure of tho houso followed as an inevitable result. "When the fact of tho falluro and tho causo which led to It become known to Mr. Llttlo ho remarked, with n shrug : "I'm sorry for 11; but ho should havo told his wife." "Of what?" risked tho persou to whom ho nddrcsscd tho remark. "Of his want of moro et'pltul, nnd In tention to mako a partner of L'i'w renet'.1' "What good would that havo dono," "It might hnvo tnvetl him from ruin, as it did me," "You aro mysterious, Llttlo." "Am I ? Well, In plain words, u year ngo 1 was hard up fur money In my business, and thought of taking Law renco In. I told my wife about It. Sho said, Don't do It. And I didn't ; for her 'Don't do It' was followed by aug. gestlons as to his wlfo's extravagance thatopcued my eyes a llttlo. I told her at tho samo time, of my embarrass ments, nnd sho sot her bright llttlo head to work nntl showed mo tho way to work out of thoin. Beforo this I always had a poor opinion of womnn's wit In matters of business ; hut now, I cny to overy man In trouble lilt your ofe 1" Wisdom for Winter. Nover go to bed with cold or damp feet. In going Into a colder nlr, koap tho mouth resolutely closed, that by com- elllng tho nlr to pass clrcullously through tho noso nnd head, It may be como warmetl beforo It reaeltos lho lungs, nnd thus provent thoso shocks of sudden chills, which frequently end In pleurisy, pneumonia, nnd other -orlous forms of dlsensn. Never stand still n moment out of doors, especially nt street corners aftt r having walkctl oven u short distance. Never rldo near tho open window of a vehlclo fornslnglo half moment, es pecially If It has been proceeded byn walk ; vaiuablo lives havo boon thus lost, or good health permanently de stroyed. Nover wear India-rubber In cold or dry weather. Those who aro easily chilled on going out of doors should havo somo cotton batting attached to tho vest or outer garment, so ns to protect the spjco be tween tho shoulder blades behind, tho lungs being nttuched to tlio body at that point, a llttlo there Is worth llvo times the amount over tho chest In frout. Never begin a Journey until break fist Is eaten. After speaking, singing or preaching In u warm room In winter, do not leavo for at least ton minutes, and oven then, closo tho mouth, put on tho gloves, wrap up tho neck, nnd put on u cloak or overcoat, beforo passing out of tho doo'j tho neglect of theso has laid many u good nnd useful man in n prcmaturo Eravo. Nover speak under a hoarsenoss, es- pcclally if It requires nn effort, or glvo a hurting or n painiul feeling, for it often results in it permanent loss of voico or n long life of Invalidism. English Svnonjins. The copiousness of the English tongue as well us the difficulty In acquiring tho ability to uso its Immense vocabulary correctly, is well exhibited In tho fol lowing array of synonymous words; which, if not new, Is yet a capital Illus tration of tho nl co distinctions which charactorlzo so many of our vocables, it is no wonder that we slip occasional ly, even tho wariest of us. A llttlo girl was looking at tlio plcturo of a number of ships, when she ex claimed, "See, what a flock of ships!" Wo corrected her by saying that n Hock of ships is called a fleet, and that n fleet of sheep Is called a flock. And hero wo may ndd for tho bonellt f tho foreigner who is mastering tho ntrieaclcs of our language in rospect to nouns or multitude, that a flock of girls Is called n bevy, that a bovy of wolves Is called a pack, and a pack ol thloves Is called agang, nnd a irang of angels Is ailed a host, and n host of porpolsoi Is called ;i shoal, ami n shoal of buffaloes Is called a herd, and n herd of children s called a troop, and a troop of part- rldgts is called a covoy, mid a covey of ifnutlcs Is called a galaxy, nnd a gakxy riilllans is railed n horde, nnd n hordn of rubbish Is called a heap, audit heap of oxen is culled a drove, and a rove i.f blackguards Is called a mob, nd n mob of whales Is called u school, .mil a school of worshippers Is called a congregation, and a congregation ofen- glneers is called a corps, and a corps of robbers Is called a baud, nnd n band of locusts Is cnlleel a swarm, and n swarm of peoplo Is called a crowd, and a crowd of gentlefolks Is culled lho elite, and tho elite of the city's thieves and rascals aro called tho roughs, mid tho miscel laneous crowd of the city folks Is called the community, or tho public, accord ing ns they aro spokou of by the religi ous community or tlio secular public. dMtencan Educational Jfonlhli, If hot tar Is applied to boot solos It will muko them wuter proof. Let it bo ns hot us tho lttither will bear without Injury, applied with it swab, and dry- lug by tho Uro. Tho operation may bo repealed two or threu times during tho winter, if necessary. It makes the sur face of lho leather quite hard, so that It wears longer, nnd keeps tho water out. It Is a gooel plan to provide boots lor winter during tho summer and prcparo tliQsolcBhy tarring, ns they will then bccome.boforo thoy nro wanted to woar, almost as firm as horn, anil will woar twico as long as thoso unprepared. Sierp.a Valley Is a basin nearly on tho oxtremo top of tho Sierra Nova da, enclosed on all sides by mountains, and lying nearly or quite six thousan d feet abovo tho love! of the boa. In winter whllo tho snow lies to tho depth of ten and twenty feet on the surround ing peaks Itseldom exceeds two or threo feot In tho valley. In favorablo soasonH tho cattlo havo beon known to fltui scant pasture horo oven In mid winter. Frost visits tho valley overy month In tho year, and perhaps ns often ns ten or fifteen nights In ovory month. ATnlmost overy step In Ufa wo moot with young men from whom wo nntlel pato wonderful thing!', but of whom after careful Inquiry, wo nover hear n word. Tho cffervesccnco of youth nnd passion, mid tlio fresh gloss of Intellect and imagination endow them with it ful so brlllancy, which makes fools nf thomsolvcH and other peoplo. Llko cer lain chintzes, calicoes and glnghnms, they show flnoly on their llrst nowness, hut cannot stand tho sun nnd tho rain, and nssunto it very bober aspect nfter washing day, Cuhk fok'Wah'ih, In a recent In quiry tho question Is asked, what will remove wurls ? Tuko tho Julco from u mllk.weed nnd apply it to tho wart once, and to your glad surprlso It will soon nssumo a chalky stato, aud will disappear to return no moro.