The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 10, 1871, Image 2
t (ttofmnftimt. BLOOMSllUHG, PA. Friday, NovembcrlO, 1S71 Tlio Future. Much Is Bald and written about par ties being dead, nml many tlicro nro amongst tlio dead. Borne milky phil osophers would havo tho Democracy surrender tholr organization and sup port somo hybrid formation to bo ex cogitated from cunning brains which ehall bo oxprossly fitted, without regard to principle, for defeating tbo regular Badlcal organization. And then wo havo also n modification of this latter Bchemo which Is for tho Democracy to nominate somo disappointed and soured Badlcal, who will promlso whatovor is necessary to obtain most votes, nnd theso latter generally, work extrava ganza upon farco by suggesting tho vilest judical In tho land as tbo canaldatc, Mr, Clilof Justlco Chase. Why SUMNEii, Sewaiw, Butler and tho llko aro not also suggested by this reckless crow of bandits Is yet not ox' plained. Frank Bi.aik suggests somo. body ho calls Qhatz Buown, but as FitANic himself Is Just fresh from tho Badlcal ranks It U rather cool in him to begin to dictate. jVo man but a Democrat, and ha the candidate of the Democratic party can beat Clou. Gkant. Every scheming politician and bond-holding apostato may as well yield to that inovltablo truth at onco. Tho powor of money Is groat but it Is not great enough to put asldo this truth. Convention) may be bought up but the Democratic pcople.can not be. In eplto of auy posslblo occur renccs tlicro will boa Democrat running for 1'rcsldt-nt in 1672. Somo politicians seem to Imaglno that o party may bo traded off, or its prlncl- plea changed, ut tho will of thoso who aro at its head. llccauso this has time and again been dono with tho Itepub- llcan party, it Is Imagined that tho samo thing may bo dono with tho Democracy, Tho Idea Is it vain ono. The Democratic party does not mate principle), but cer tain unchangeable principle) make the parly. Tho principle, for instance, that tho peoplo should bo left untramraelcd ' to all things not morally wrong, lies at tho foundation of Democracy. Can any convention prevent people from enter taining and acting upon that prlnciplo can pflliticians obliterate it? It will always havo unyioldlng advocates, nnd eo long as It has they will form a party, whether known as the Democratic party or by another namo. The intel ligent advocates of Ideas founded on this principle will novor permit politicians or conventions to transfer them to opposing principles. Is idlo to set up any croaturo of bondholders, corporations, or banks, or other selfish Interest, as tho candldato of tho Demo cratic party. It would bo a burlesquo npon both sense and honesty to placo Mr. Salmon P. Chase In nomination as a candidate of tho Democratic party for President. Nor will any other half converted Badlcal answer tho purposu. The miserable hotch-potch patchwork of years passed Is to bo abandoned, not Intensified. Tho party will bo stronger with undoubted, unsullied Democrats as candidates, and a platform which ehall distinctly declare for the full restoration of tho people to their natural rights rights out of which they have been defrauded, by Congresstonul legis lation than It can possibly be with other candidates or a dubiously Demo cratic platform. The idea of compelling Democrats to choose between Chase and Grant Is extremely absurd as in that case many would not vote and half tho rest would support Grant as tho least of tho two evils. A party that has not tho ncrvo or tho vitality to put forth a representa tive of its principles as its candldato for President is unworthy of confidenco and will always Ju3tly fall to command pub lic regard. Thero aro yet hundreds of thousands of voters who will not con sent to becomo political gamblors, or shuttle-cocks for crack-sportsmen to weavo nets to catch gudgeons with. They aro men who persist that honesty Is yet tho best policy and who will maintain that attitude while right is regarded a superior virtuo and wrong Is esteemed base and unworthy of fred men. Tho Defaulter Erans, George O.EvANS,who pocketed near $300,000 of tho people's monoy, as State war claim agent, was recently brought before Judgo Pkarson on haleui corpus. After fully hearing the case, tho Judgo discharged Evanh upon the criminal proceeillngbutrequlredtlOO.OOO ball for his appearance on tbo civil suit. Tho grounds for refusing to hold him on tho criminal charge of embezzlement wcro that Evans was not an officer, and also that retaining a sum to which ho might be entitled under tho law was not em Viezzloment. Tho civil suit will proba oly end In smoke that Is, Ifjudgment Is obtained no property will oo round from which to collect tho amount. This wholo sum stolen ought to bo charccd to thoaccouutof Auditor Gon eral Hartranft. Had he discharged his duty properly, Evanb wpuld havo been compelled to pay up whilo ho had tho monev In hand andboforoho divid ed with his confreres. As It Is, the wholo amount la no doubt lost througl Badlcal incompetency and rascality. Tlio 'ew York and Oilier Fraud?. When Democratic officials turn scoundrels and rob tho people, as in New York, thoy aro promptly exposed and pursued to punishment by tholr party friends, and, If possible, made to disgorge. Tho Democrats have not only ononly denouncod In Convention thoso of their party who wore suspected of fraud, but, on tho auggestlou of a Democratic Governor, a Democrat! Attorney-General has delegated his nowora to tho first Democratic lawyor In tho State, and he, on tho affidavit of the Chairman of tho Domocratlo Stato committee has brought tho offenders ao closely within the arena of Justice that nothlnc but tho clearest proou oi inno cence can possibly screen them. The Itadlcal post office thieves, In tho samo city, walk tho streets unmolested I Tho National Administration hasp, fearful recount to scttlo with the people for not bringing its acknowledged uorauit era and other tiuovos to justice. THE Wllliamsport Qazette C- Bulletin suggested Clcn. a alusha pennypaok un. of Chester county, for Governor Asldo from tho ornamental prefix to his namo ho flourishes, nothing is publicly known of him. THE TlianVsgltlwr. Tho yankecs havo won another tri umph thoy havo compelled tho Presl lent to yield hit former determination and appoint llielrday for Thanksgiving tho last Thursday In November, ab that day Is selected to comtnemorato n gross froud upon tho Indians stealing tho winter's supply of corn raised by tho squaws, and by them gathered upon a pllo nnd covered with leaves wo do not regard It as especially approprl ato forthunksglvliie ceremonies. W'o don't think tho Lord led tbo yankecs tn that act or to tho Bpot whero the corn was hidden another power was moro likely to protect them nnd to tako an Interest In keeping them nltvo ; that saino spirit that heads all thieving forays, as well as suggests all other rascalities and yan keo cntcrprizes. Surely It Is all right for nations as well as Individuals to return thanks, with, duo humiliation, to Almighty God for tho blcsslnes they enjoy. But to do bo profitably it will first bo ncccs sary to deal Justly, mercifully, kindly and generously with all their fellow beings hut moro especially their broth ron and thoso thoy hold In their power. Gtvo back to all tho peoplo (ho rights of which thoy havo been robbed, tho pro pcrty of which they havo been plunder ed, tho homes of which they havo boon despoiled, and promlso alt In gracious good faith that thoy Bhall no longer bo robbed and plundered, that carpet-bag- gcrs and all other thieves and scallawngi shall bo driven from public official posi tion, and honest men Installed in their places do this and much moro in that vein and you will then bo in a position to glvo thanks that will bo ncceptablo and not n burlesquo In I ho sight of God and man. Whether tho amount of good that will bo dono on that day will exceed tho Idleness nnd dUupatlon it will in- duco is a fair subject of consideration for Its advocates. Cumberland anil VranMIn Senator. Tho wrongful action of return Judges undertaking lo decido upon tho legality of regularly roturnol votes (a gross and indecent offencoso often nttcmptcd by tho Badlcals) will no doubt bo aban doncd, in this caso, and tho Badlcal candldato will tako tho seat in tho man ner contemplated by l.uv. But If tho charges of bribery aro susccptlblo of clear proof tho seat ought to bo contest ed. If It Is proven that Mr. Weakly himself furnished money for that pur poso, orothcrwUo p.irtlplpUed In brl b lng voters, overy decent man In tho Senato will bo required to voto to expol him. If bribery is clearly proven tho election ought to bo bent back to the people, whether Weakly is proven to be concerned in it or not. Bribery nt elections Is an ofTenco soclcarly subvert ing nil tho objects of elections, and of Buch grossly corrupting tendency, that when proven It daro not bo tolerated. If tho facts aro as represented tho con test ought to bo mado nnd tho charges proven as fur ns practicable. If nny party dares to tako tho responsibility of keeping a Senator in ofuco who has been elected by such means, it Is impor tant that that fact bo established. It is a mistako to Bupposo that public virtue no longer oxlsts.and the party that shall attempt to keep n Senator in his sent who has obtained It by open nnd proved bribery, will assuredly bo condemned at tho election. Tho offenco charged Is ono of tho grossest outrages that can bo committed upon tho rights of tho peo ple, and no fair man will sustain it. Lot tho offencobe exposed let tho par ty, if any, that will sustain It, also bo exposed. States ltlglitn'.ln Illinois It is quite ovldont, from Gov. Pal mer's (Bepubllcan) letter to tho attorn ey general of Illinois, touching tho kill ing of Col.Grosvonor,that tho chief mag istral of Illinois, Is indignant at Gon. Sheridan's assumption of power during tho lato Chicago fire. Tho govornor says that "General Sheridan, tho mayor, Frank T. Sherman and their associates assumed to suspend tho operations of tho constitution and laws of tho Stato, and substituted instead tho law of mil itary forco to bo defined and applied by themselves," nnd his cxcolloncy con eludes: "They, by their Jawleas nets, attacked and insulted dignity and au thorlty : tholr example weakens public confidence In tho constitution nnd tho laws, and in attempting to enforce usurped and lawless authority they havo sacrificed tho Hfo of n peaceablo citizen. Animated by thoso convictions, and confident In tho belief that tho Stato of Illinois, acting through propor deputies, is most capablo of protecting her own people and enforcing tho dig nity of tbo authority of its own laws, I request that you, In conjunction with tho State's attorney of ttio sovenm judi cial circuit, will bring all tho facU be fore the grand Jury of Cook county, in order that all persons concerned In tho unlawful killing of Thomas W. Gros venor may bo brought to a spoody trial." General Sheridan, in ins report to tno adjutant goueral at Washington, says ho acted In compliance with tho mayor's proclamation, calling upon him "to protect the public Interests," and that lie ordered certain companies from western military posts, and callod into temporary scrvlco it reglinont of local volunteers. National TiianksgWlni;. Washington, Oct. HO. Tho Presi dent has Issued tho following proclama tion : Tho nroccfs of tho seasons lias ncaln nnntilcd tho husbandman to carnor tho frulta of succcsful toll. Industry bos hwin cenerallv well rowardod. Wo nro at urn with all nations, and trunnull tty, WltU IUW U-&LUIU1UU3, 1EUVU!13 lib homo. Within thepastyear wo havo In tho main been ireo irom ins wnicn oiso- uihnrn hnvn ulfcctod OUT kind. If BOmB of us havo had calamities, thero would bo an occasion ror Bympainy wnn mo antri.rnrs? nf rash-nation on tholr Dart to tlio will or uou anu oi rt'juicuiK iu many who liav been moro lavorou. j thcri'inrn recomiuuuu umiou xuurauny tho twth day of November noxt, tho nennlii meet In tholr rosnectlvo nlacos of worship, and thore mako tho usual acknowledgements to Almighty God for tho blessings ho has conferred upon them for merciful oxomptlon from evils, nnd Invoko Ills protection and Ulmlnnss for less fortunata brethren. whoui.ln His wisdom, ho has doomed It best to cnosusu, in testimony wuuriui,t havo hereunto sot my hand aud caused tho bcuI of tbo United States to bo af firm! . Dono at tho City of Washington, this Sfth day oi ucioocr, in me year o r.nnl 1K7I. nnd of tho Indoiiond onco of tlio United States tho ninety sixth. U.S. GRANT. By tho Prosldont, Hamilton Fish, secretary oi mate. Wo published Gov. Geary's pro clamatlon last week, designating tho samo day for tho earae purposo. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Tho Elections. Owing to tho Domocratlo divisions between Tammany and rmtl-Tauimany, tho Bepubllcans Itavo carried Now York by 80,000 majority, electing tncir wholo Htnto ticket and majorities in both branches of tho Legislature. Thero Is no danger of Now York going Tor Grant, Now Jersoy roturns to her nnclcnt principles nnd goes Democratic by rn largo majority. Maryland goes Democratic by proba bly 20,000 majority. Tho Badlcals claim mnjorltlos In four counties but probably havo carried only two. Tho negroes voted for tho first time at it Stato clcc tlon. Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin havo probably gono Bepubllcan by ro duccd majorities." Bcturns meagre. Virginia Is Democratic by an lncreas- od majority. From Mississippi and Arkansas only n few returns havo been received, but these look favorable. In Massachusetts, WASiniunNE,Bsd Scat, is elected Governor over several opposing candidates nnd parties, by about tho usual Badtcal majority. Tho Democracy wcro represented only by n mongrel candidate nn a platform stolen from tho Badlcals. Sich i) yanktc I OIIITUAKIHS. Death if (.'on. Wellington It. L'ut. Our peoplo wcro shocked and deeply grieved on Sunday morning by tho an nouncement of tho death of their hon orcd and respected fellow-citizen, Gen, WilLMNdToN II, Ent. Ho died of 'Brlghth's dlscaso of tho Kidneys," which was no doubt contracted by ex posure during tho war. Ho had been confined to his bed only n few weeks but has been regarded us seriously ill for n much louucr period. At tho tlmo of his death ho held tho ofllco of Pro thonotury, to which ho had been elcclod two years ago by a majority that attest cd tho high regard In which ho was held by tho people. Ho lcavos a wlfo and ono child, and a very largo clrclo of relatives and devoted friends to mourn his early demise. Gen. Est, Colonolof tho Sixth Pcnn sylvnnla Beservos during n considera ble portion of tho war, was born on tho ICth of August, 18.11, in Columbia county, Pennsylvania. After receiving a primary education ho entered Dick inson Seminary, at Wllliamsport, In August, 185-j, nnd graduated from that Institution in June, 1S3S. Soon nftcr his graduation ho became n student a law In tho ofllco of Bouert F. Clari- Esq., at Bloomsburg. Ho prosecuted his professional studies with great zeal; entered tho law department of tho Un iversity of Albany, In September, 1859, graduated In tho summer of I860, and In tho samo year commenced tho prac- tlco of his profession in his nntlvo coun ty. He served with honor during tho lato war, rising from tho rank of Lieu tenant to that of Colonel of tho Sixth Pennsylvania Bcsorvo Corp. He was wounded at South Mountain. In 1SGS ho was tho Democratic candldato for Surveyor General nnd polled a voto In excess of his party strength. Ho was afterwards elected Prothonotary of Co lumbla county by an overwhelming majority and ho had uot yet served out his term at tho tlmo of his death. Ho frequently distinguished himself dur- ing tho war as ono of "tho bravest of tho bravo" and his coolness ami cour age novcr forsook him in tho midst of battle. No man of his ago stood higher amongst our peoplo and his death is universally lamented. Ills remains wero attended to their final resting placo on Tuesday afternoon last by n very largo concourse of people, Includ ing tho military, masonic lodges, &c. Gen. Ent was well known by repu tation and othorwlso throughout tho State, nnd his iloath will bo reg retted through its length and breadth. Tho newspapers received bIiico tho tolo graphic announcement of lib death nil contain articles evincing tho highest regard for his character and tho deepest Borrow for his early decease Death of Dr. Stanton, Auilllor-Ocneral i:irrt. HARrtismma, November .r. Dr. Stanton, tho nowly elected Auditor General of Pennsylvania, died at his homo at Now Brighton, Pennsylvania, at ono o'clock to-day. Ho was taken 111, yesterday morning, with erysipelas, which went to his brain, no will bo burled on Saturday noxt. New Brighton, Pa., November -1. Colonel David Stanton, Auditor-Gen eral elect of this Stato, died suddenly at his rcsldcnco In this place, at ten minutes past ono this morning. Ho had been Buffering for a day or two with herpes In tho faco, causing him much pain, and .tbout soven o'clock last eve ning, ho injectod a small quantity of morphine Into his arm for tho purposo of quieting tho pain which had becomo very severe, and by thu ho was much rollovod. Sleep onsuod, from which his wlfo found it Impossible to arouse turn. j)rs. Jackson, McKinney, win- nns and Becd wcro summoned, and used every effort to bring about a reaction without permanent effect, it is tno opinion of tho physicians that In male Ing tho Injection of tho morphine, ho punctured blood vessel, which, owing to tho peculiar state of his system, was tho Immedlato cause of his death. Ho was forty-two years of ago. Death of V.. A. liueknlcw. Ethan Allen Buckalew, noph ow of Senator Buckalew, lato of Flshlu creek township, Columbia county, died recontly In Wllkcs-Barro. Ho died very suddenly, having beon ill but a row days. Mr. B. was a soldier in tho wai ,was n member of tlio MOth reclment and par- tlclpatcd In all tho sanguinary engage ments In which It boro n part, with great creuit to Himself. Ho was taken prlsonorln tho battloof North Anna, In 1801. On his way to prison in North Carolina ho escaped three times from his guards, and tho last tlmu succeeded In reaching tho Federal linos. He promptly rejoined his regiment and participated In the terrible battles which ended by tho surrender of Gen, Lee. For tho past two years lie has been reading law with Gen, Osiiohne at Wllkes-Barro, and acted as ono of his aids during tho Scranton riots. He is very highly spoken of by tho Lu- zerno papers. General Grant has pardoned C, II. Ward. In nrlson at Boston, for em bezzling government funds. Under present circumstances, whon such crlinos aro epidemic, tho action of tho President amounts to un Invitation to steal. I Auditor General. Tho death of Dr. Stanton will crcato n vacancy in tho ofllco of Auditor Gen. ernl on tho lflt of May noxt. Tho only law nn tlin tnlili-rt nf fll line vacancies In that ofllco Is as follows i. 'ho wmcral election law now in force for tho choice of agovernorof this com- monwcalth shall rcgulato tlio elections for auditor and survoyor goiiorali nnd In niicn ntiv vni-iinrv should OCCUr ill either of eald olllces, by death, resigna tion or otnerwlso, tlio samo snnu uo lin ed by appointment of tho governor j and tho person bo appointed shall con- nnnn in nmnn nniii nui inu ui mu ii-uii for which his predecessor was oiccten," From the reading of mis section it, is iinlnnliln that onlv vacancies created by n person already In ofllco wcro coutcm- nlatedbylts framcrs. But in tno au- senco of any otlier law on mo subject, , i . i wo prcsumo tho power of tho Governor to appoint would not bo seriously ques- .. . i-i-i i. ...... ...iii uoncu. o aisuuure, . , havo araplo tlmo to net and wo do not uouui win nuiiiorizj mi uittuuu nuii fall, giving tho Governor power to op- point In tho meantime. The leading ltauicais snow n uesiroio navoa iaw passeu cxicnuing uiu term ui uuuuiui IlAitTitANi'T for threo years moro, but Gov. Geary will not listen to this out- rago It Is said. Hon. lllcter firmer. Wo nro gratified to sco it Btaled that Hon. Iltr.sTER Ci.ymek has returned from his extended trip to Kuropo nnd that ho Is In robusl hotltli. Ono of tho ablest and purest of Pennsylvania's statesman, wo hope to sco him again taking nconsplcuoiiB part in tho politics of tho State. If tlio peoplo wero par ticular to elect none but such as ho to high position tlicro would soon bo an end to public corruption and Incompe tency would bo consigned to tho limits whero It can do no harm. Unlc33 ho can bo mado Governor of tbo Stato old Berks owes It to her own honor and glory to return him to tho Senate, whero ho can bo of lnfinito uso in pro moting public integrity and protecting tho interests of tho people. Mr. Cu mem was cordially welcomed upon his return by tho citizens of Bonding, to whom ho mado a speech giving somo of tho de tails of his trip. Mnkini: (ircat .lieu nut of Small .Material Years ngo, when Seth .Clover was mado Canal Commissioner, nn castorn editor taunted the west by giving utter anco to the truth that they had it way of making great men out of small ma, terial in that quarter. In tho faco of similar and constant ridicule, they havo over slnco contlnuod tho business, and to boo a western man cracked up as n greater General than Caesar, a greater lawgiver than Moses, a statesman su porlor to Pitt, anil nn orator greater than any America lias heretofore pro duccd, and to find tho subject of all this eulogy with abilities scarcely sufficient to properly conduct n merely routine business or to comprehend tho most or dinary enterprise, Is an experience con stantly occurring. But wo do not caro how many such great men thoy make amongst them selves so long as tho interests of others or tho honor of tho country Is not nffec, tod. To put up Ballroad conductors for Presldont, Bank clerks for Stato Treas, urcr, and a thousand llttlo fishes for Governors nnd U. S. Senators, belittles andbcdraggl thoso high olllces and tho party, and brings them both Into pnnfpmnl. Tlinf. la nnr nlilprl Inn In llin . - J wholo business of trumpeting small UiUU IUIU lliru UlUiU111IUI13. It Is to bo regretted that tho votors do not look moro to ability whon deciding who Bhall fill tho various ofll ccs and It will bo woll if tho newspapers urgo this point instead of belittling everything by constantly proposing wholly Incom petent men for tho most Important places. Tim Senate, Again a Tie. Tho death of Senator Connel, of Philadelphia, again leaves tho Senato n tie. Although oleeled, ho wa not yet a Senator, tho roturns not having boon presented to tho Senato ns tho law. re quires and ho uot having qualified. No vacancy can therefore oxlst until tho Senato meets. Then, nnd not till then tho Speaker will bo autiiorizod to Issuo his warrant for a special election to fill tho vacancy. Tho caso of a Senator already sworn In would bo different then tho Speaker could at any tlmo is suo a warraut authorizing nn election. Mr. Council's district is Bepubllcan by "000 majority and thuro Is therefore no hopo of thu election of it Democrat ; and there Is no probability oven Unit it respoctablo It'jpubllcii i will bo elected, Somo low legislative corruption!; will no doubt bo elected. tirant't Idea of Tlianksglthis! Tlio Washington Patriot gets off tho following: den. Grant attempted In write liIsThanksulvini proclamation Without consulting anybody, and of course, as all know, ho blundered. In deed, his mind was so warped by think ing of tho Ku-klux, that when tho first draft of his Thanksgiving proclamation was placod In tho hands of his prlvato secretary for correction, It was lu sub. stanco very llko his preliminary Ku- klux proclamation. It coinmaudod tno peoplo to peaceably assemblo within 11 vo days from date and deliver up their prayera; und threatened a goneral sus pension of tho writ of habeu) corpus, a declaration of martial law, and tho ar rest of all who disobeyed tho order jr It was not universally obsorved. Of courso It was corrected, and Grant novor know tho differ en co. The Pittsburg l)st says Tom Scott Is and always was a Democrat I It Is not at all singular that nobody oxcept tho editors of tho rost know this peculiar fact, for slnco 1800 Tom has voted for every Badlcal candldato for President and for Governor, aud not onco for it Democratic candldato for Concress or the Legislature! Probably ho never voted for a Democratic candldato In his are. tho rost says no was a douulabs man. Ho mav havo voted for tho In. uei;uuoui, wouulass electoral ticuui, . L -r. -.-. Dut as that was In opposition to tho regular Democratic electoral ticket, ho mlght as woll havo voted for Lincoln direct, Wo oxpect noxt to hear tho Pott dcscrlbo a fish with legs, hoofs, horns and feathers The lion, dalusha A. Grow haa boon elected president of tho Houston nnd Groat Northern rallroadofToxaa, which is ownou mainly uy a number or well- in powor no longor po.-itpono tills csson known Now York capitalists, tial safctruarU V Surely hero Is au ob IT Is nowwmlns to light that tho Twcetl "ring" In Now York embraced lvi'mii --riiii'' in raiiw v fir it nmnrnnnu moro Radicals than Domocrata; John Scott's Kii-KhiXi Senator Scott's Insanity In regard to tho KU-Kiux oi soutii uaroiina is so nvlrtont that It should oxclto ulty oven In 1 10 breasts oi moso wnnm it is most 1M. - ..K' to In uro. When Governor Bui ock, of Georgia, liivpntcd his talcs of ""iIKTS nt so much ncolumn, they wcro readily Bet down to tho unscrupulous mendaci ty or nuemngoguo. nut jonn ncoit is not lo bojudged In that way. llo really belloves In thu croaturcs of his own excited Imagination, and with lauco uplifted rushes among them with tho lury oi uun iiuixuiu 1U ins llllUUI. uu tlio harmless procession lo Georgia. Grant ami his advisers anticipated ,,.. frnm .. rnnrt nf Hrmntnr Hcott Tlinv oxnected suen a ratnlonuo of out rages as would Justify thorn In send tig Y.....V' Y, " "n r iiuirimi iwi niiTiiuiiuiii liiu 111 u u- q,.,,,,, nn,i imposing nil tho rigors 0f tho forco bill. Scott was closeted with tho President on his return nnd vnlir-mpiitlv urped tlin Iminedlalonccos- sIty 0f sending" troops to tho State to qa'M tho kuM-i,,,.1. i,ut hU report, wnicn consisicu oi mo lnconcreni jar- gon of silly negro women, and tho sec onhond Btertooarlglitonedarpt tmubeforo putiliigthomachliioryof tho rorco bin in execution, iioissiiiincsi tatlrnr whether ho shall tako tho fatal step of making war on a portion of his on no oincr pretext man that which Is offered In this report of Senator Scott. If he bellovo half that Is nut forth in tun report, or rely on tlio wisdom of Senator Scott, Grant would nt onco nilont his counsel and convert South Carolina Into a theatre of civil war. et all tho utatoments in tlio report cntlicrcd from slcen-walltintr no trroes ami roinnnclnir carpet bji:irers would notjusiuy tins step noioro mo American peoplo; und thus John .Scott's lolicy is disgraced, mm ins rcpor sinus nto deserved contempt. What adds to tho mortification nnd dl-comllturoof this fanatic Is the letter of Colonel Bono, commanding In tlio disturbed district of South Carolina, on which he lias recently turned his bad- Col. Beno reports that perfect order and law reign In Snuth Carolina, nnd tlio statement or tins impartial soldier, who Is on tho ground, will bo preferred to tho report of Senator Scott, support, ed bv tho witnesses of Concressman Wallace. To tlio creater confusion of tlio Senator, A. J. Bansler, the colored lieutenant governor oi aotitn uiroiinn, writes that it will bo n bad policy to In troduco martial law Into tho Stato, nnd declares that tho civil authorities aro fully able to vlndlcato tho law and sup press overy disturbance. Senator Scott's report is thus contemned, and his evil counsels repudiated by thoso for whoso supposed benefit they wcro Intended. Tho military authorities declaro thero aro no disturbances In South Carolina, and me civil itutuoritics earnestly do- prccato mocmpioymont oi lederni force. President urant is, tncreioro, reluctant ly constrained to foreco tho employ- mcnt of his forco bill until some moro favorablo pretext shall bo presented ThoKu-klux Investigation has urov ed n miserable failure In a double sonso, It was believed that It would mako a trood cnmpalen document for tho rail! ails of Pennsylvania and other States ot tno norm tins year, ana lurntsii it pretext for Grant to inaugurate inSoutl Carolina the scheme of military sublu gation In order to rcduco tho southern' States to submission to radicalism In 1872. But it has served neither pur pose. Tlio dreams of imboeilo neirrocs on tno conirarco, nnd tlio mnllclous In ventlons ot Whlttomoro and his crow have been pushed asldo fur tho moro exciting revelations of Tammany fraud anuiuvans, iiodgo and JNorton ciiiuez zlcmcnt: und Grunt dares not attempl his conquest of tlio south whilo tho whole nation Is a witness of tho perfect tranquility and obcdicnco to law wliicli relan thero. In tho moantlmo a cry comes from Washington that tho funds of Senator Scott's Ku-klux coramlttco aro exhausted, mid that further excur sions to tho sunny south must bo aban uoncu in consequence this is to bi regretted on Senator Scott's account 1 !... l,n nt.l.llr. ...Ill,. I T I J , A'" " r i.r.b YhniVi. printed nt public expense and dlstrlb uted under tho frank of radical mem hers of congress, attract no readers, nnd inspire no auxim.i'atriot. Grant has slnco declared martial law In nlno counties of South Carolina by way of trying how tho thing will work. Xcgro llqimlily, Tho doslgn of tho Badictl loaders has always been to forco nn ubsoluto per sonal equality between tho whites and blacks. Tho rank und file. It is true, aro mado to bellovo that tho equality is only to extend to "equal rights before tho law," but this is it subterfuge. Ti establish tho truths of this assertion of ours boyoud controversy, wo copy from tho JV. 1 . Tribune tho following letter of Charles Sumner, tho law-glvcr of tho Badlcals, written to n Negro con ventlon held in South Carolina, viz: Boston, Oct. 11!, 1S71 Dear Sir: I nm clad that our color ed rollow-cltlzens nro to nave n conven tlon of their own. So long as they nro excluded from rights, or suffer lu nny way on account oi coior, tuey win nat urally meet together in order to find n proper remouy, una since you Kindly invito mo to coininunicato wnn mo con vontlou, I mako bold to oiler it fow brief siiL'trestlons. in tho tirst placo. you must nt nil times Insist upon your rights, and hero I mean notonly thoso already accorded, but others still donied. all of which are contained in equality before tho law. wnurover mo ntw supplies it ruio mere you must Insist on equal rights. How "'ucu rouiams iu uu umauieu yuu kuow too well. In thocxpcrlencooflifocan it respoct ablo colored citizen travel on steam boats or railways or public conveyance cenerallv without insult on account i color? Let Govornor Dunn of Louisi ana ilcscrlbo his Journoy from Now Or leans to Washington. Shut up from proper accommodation in tho cars, tlio uoors or tno tsenato unainuer opened t Mm. and thero ho found that enuallt which a railroad conductor had denied Lot our excellent friend, Frcdorlck Uoul'Iihs. relate his melancholy oxne fence, when within siiiht of the Execu tlvo Mansion ho wits thrust haul; from tho dinner table where his brother com mlssloners wero alroady seated. You know tho outrage I might ask thu samo question with regard to hotels, and oven tho common fccnoois. A Hotel is n legal institution and so Is a common school, und as sucl each must bo for tho eiiual bonctlt o all. Nor can there bo any exclusion irom tuner on account oi uoior. it u not enough to provldo soparato accora uiodations for colored citizens, oven 1 In all respects ns good as thoso of other persons. .quality is not jounii equivalent, but only in equality; oinur worus, tiiero must uo nouiscnm '"Kw dUtlon I "in Insult. hindrance, and it bar, which not only uostroys comiort nnu prevents cquaut but weakens all other rights. Tho right iu vuiu wi i uuvu uu auuuiiiy uuill vuu , -,,.. ... .,. . cunvovflrlcM hotels and common schools nro at last established ; but hero you must insist lor yourselves by Biieccii, by petition and by voto. Help yourselves, nnd utiiers win uoip aiso. Tho civil rights law needs a supple ment to cover their cases. This delect has been apparent from tho beginning, nnu tor a long tune i nnvo striven It removo it. 1 havo a bill for this nur- pose now pending In tho Senate. Will notcoloroUfcllow-cItlsicnasco fiat thojo JCVK VVU4VIIV UI CUUIil Vn. Iiau llm l 1.1 I ... ., ,u wMZKvTvi rtr rmt in f r nufniii ah nil ,.i not liottor to establish all our own nrvi plo In tho enjoyment of euual rights before wo scok to bring others within thu sphere nf our Institutions, to bo treated llko Fred Douglas on his way to tho President from San Domingo V It is easy to sco that it small imrt of tho moans, tho energy, nnd the determined will spent in tho expedition to St. Do mingo, and in tho prolonged war danco about that lslnnd, with monnco to tho black Bcnubllc of Ilnytl, would havo flonurnil nil our colored fellow-cltlzcns in tho enjoyment of equal rights or tins tncro can oo no tiouin. Among tho cardinal objects Is educa tion, which must bo Insisted on ; hero again must uo equality siuo uy suio wnn tho alphabet. It Is vain to teach equal ity If you do not prnctlco it, It Is vnln to rcclto tho great words of the Declar ation of Independence if you do not mako them n living reality. What Is a lesson without examples? As all uro equal at tho ballot-box, so must all bo equal nt tho common school. Equality lu tlio common school Is tho preparation for equality nt the ballot- box. Therefore do I put this among tho essentials of education. In assert Inir vour rlchts you will not fall to In- Blst upon Justlco to all, under which Is necessarily inciuucii purity in tno uov eminent. Thlovcs mid monov-chanir ors. whether Democrats or B'pubUc.ins. must bo driven out of our Tcmplo. Tammany Hall and Bepubllcan self- sceltors must bo overthrown. Thero should bo no plnco for either. Thank God, good men am now coming to tho rescue. Let them, whilo unltlmrnsnlnst corruption, Insist upon equal rights for nil; also mo Bupprossioii oi lawless vio lence, whether lu thu Kuklux Klaii outraging the South, or Illicit undertak ings outraging mo uiacic riupublic oi .iiayii. To thoso Incstlinablo ohlects nild spcclo payments, nnd you will hitvo u piatiorm wnicn ougut to no ncccpieu uy tho American People. Will not our colored fellow-citizens begin tills good work? Lst them nl tho samo tlmb snvu themselves and savo tho country. Theso nro only Hints, which i submit to tlio convention, hoping that 1U pro ceedings will tend c-noclnllv to tho tiood of tho colored race. Accept my maiiKs nun nest wisiies ana uoiiovo me, laitiuuny yours,, njiistlce anil I'imuiI of tlio New 'Ilnglanil :mhic. Ever slnco tho advent of Baillcallsm to power the Now England States havo controlled tho Legislation of Congress for their own peculiar Interests. Our rovenuo laws nro all mado to meet the wishes and protect the Interests of Now ngland manufacturers. All tho Mid dlo, Western and Southern Stales are oppressively taxed under our torllf laws, for tho exclusive Interest of tho manufacturing lords of New England, An fminonso disproportionate sharo of National Banking capital of tho coun try Is conferred upon New England, as n means of subjugating tho balanco of tlio country to her will. During tho war sho was no less favored with her quotas of men for tho army; nnd now It has been discovered that tbo Stato of Massachusetts has beon permitted to swindle tho Government out of three millions of dollars In tho adj ustmcnt of tho war claims. In March last, Gen Geo. W. Morgan, of Ohio, mado speech In Congress, In which ho gives from official records, tho number of Bcglmcnts put into tbo field by tho Stales of Massachusetts, Now York- Pennsylvania and Ohio during tho re bcllion, and tho amounts claimed by each in consequence. Wo extract from tho speecli as follows : ItesilmentH, Massachusetts 7 New York PoniiNvlviuila o'jin But to bo more specific. Whilo Mas sachusotts furnished 197 loss thtiit Nuw York, on tho plea of war expenditures s 10 lias drawn irom inu Treasury i, "07,071 moro than New York. Whll Massac lusctis lurnisneii inu regiuiuui less than Pennsylvania, on tho plea of war expenditures, sno nas urnwu irom tho Treasury $101)2,081 moro than Ponu splvnnla. whilo Mmtsacnusolts furnish ed mi regiments loss man umo, on tno iilou of war expenditures, sho has drawn from tho Treasury $i)ll,Si:i moro tli.tu Ohio, l no not hiil-iUc v.'imoiit authority. I hold In my littiul a titblo m.tao out uy uirection oi mo iiuru Auditor of tlio Treasury on tho 21st day of December, ISM, showing tho amount elnimcil ana tuu amounts tir.uvii irom tho Treasury to cover war expenditures bv tho States of Mivfeai-hussutts. Now York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, it Is us fnllnw-i ; Ht.ileinontfif tlio niiiountsclaliuod liy tho Hlatos III JlllHH.ll-1111-.t-lin, ...lit, . L-iii,ji,iuii mil iililn fur i-xiKMlilltilrtil IncurruJ bv tlipiu nlut iiliiotltlts ulluwcil uu helllelili-lll uf hilini.': Amount Amount Htntcs. f-liillilKil. alliiwi-il. MiiiMii-llllsotts ?l,ilV-HI "I WIUliI 51 J.I-W ViirU ,2ii,.i ii 'i:ivi m ivnusyiviinlii LMIn.llu :il ;s OHIO i.',77S,37tl SI i.STO.IJW litl Tlio Washington Review S: JJxamincr on this subject very Justly romarus : "Ileforo fullowlnc Qen. Mor 'an's flff- uros to their natural result, wu will call the attention of tho raider to facts that will show that that gentleman dono MtiSHdL'luissot.s moro than Justice. It will bu remnmboredthat whilo tho rcc Iments put into tho hervlco from Now York, Pennsylvania and Ohio were stalwart whilo men, who madu tho truest and host soldiers, many of the utiotiM nf Massachusetts wero f I lied principally by negroes not from thel own territories, but irathered un by agents in liiu South und put Into tlio army to represent mussaciiuseits, thus tlio small amount of men that Siatu did furnish should not bo placed to he credit, as Ihuy wero from tho South, und on account of their character wcro utterly worthless as soldiers. Hut by returning to fJen, Morgan's facts tho reader will sco that whilo Pennsylvania received about buvoit thousand dollars per regiment for her expenses iu putting in whlto men, Massachusetts received over forty-JU-e thousand dollars for each of her negro regiments. It will thus bo seen that tho Massachusetts war claim was almost totally fraudulent. Of courso no ono will claim that Massachusetts wits en titled to moro pty lu proportion to troops furnished than Pennsylvania, and It may bo woll doubted whether sho was entitled to ns much, us her ills tanco from thu battlo Holds rollovod her almost entirely fiom tlio damaging in llucuccs of tho war, whilo tho soil of Pennsylvania was Invaded and several great battles fought within its limits. Yet if wo allow tlio samo proportionate claim for Massachusetts as Pennsylva nia, it will be seen that State has drawn out of tho United States Treas ury almost three million dollars more than was due her. Wo might add to this as tounding exposure that this is not tho llrst tlmo thu old Hay Statu has practis ed thu conllileucu gainu upon our Uov ornmeut. Notwithstanding thu equiv ocal position of that Stato during tho war of lBlli, peace was hardly restored until sho presented a bill of utmost a million dollars, onu-half of which was allowed and paid. Almost half a cen tury afterwards, lu ISi'J, thu bill was H','uln prusentcd and Massachusetts was again pain over a quarter or a million dollars. Hut not satisfied with being twlco paid in full on tho samo claim, during tho lust session of thu Porty-llrst Congress, tho Itopublicans having a two-thirds majority In each branch, an act was nassod navlnir on thu elulm. alroady twlco paid, tho Author sum of u7,m moro I miming in all, thirteen hundred und thlrty-blx thousand threo hundred und sixty-two dollars! being f IUl'.SWS moro than Massachusetts origi nally claimed, and fUOS.M'j moro than had been declared to ho duo," Is It any wonder that Massachusetts Is a Itadlcal Stato? With lior propen. Bltles for robhory sho could not bo any thing olso than Itadlcal, PA. Gov. Bullock, of Goorgla, n Badl cal carpet-bagger, resigned his ofllco to avoid iiineae imont nnd men ran nwuy A in nvnht nrrrat. lln had robbed the State of Immense sums, nnd lu conjunc tion with Gen. Oamehon, Secretary Delano nnd others had nlso robbed it of Its railroads I In South Carolina thu thieving Governor Is protected from l,.,,,1,,m,l nt- nrroat. V tllO Federal army. Will tho peoplo forover enduro moso tilings. , . . ..r a..,, II, THE carpot uaif uovurnui ui uuu... .,..,l.l In n Kin. Miruiuia n;u uueu ucitvu-u Iin7.?.lnninnt of thirt ii millions of dollars In Stato bonds! Bobbed nnd Insuueii ns tbov wore, was It ony wonder that tno tieonlo would comblno to drlvo bucIi scoundrels out of tho lanav xno muni- olnl nirniit nf tho Stato claims four mi(- ZiWoHaMforhisscrvlcoj in negotiating loans I Would thu good peoplo of Pcnn sylvaula enduro such villainy? oueen Victoria is said to havo a fortuno of $3-5,000,000. And yet tho good Inilv. n.s reported. Is troubled with v.v irrnnt fnarj nf cmdln" licr lllU'S III poverty. lteelnts for Snliscrlpllim In llm "Colum bian," fur October, lf)Jl. ,in, Ttacenbuch II Ikrlpr 2 00 ijSlrphcli M Ellis 2 00 .Inr-ob UKlokcr I f l.'nll. r 1 wi U U Kinney, a 2 in MM LIijIo llarclny 2 uo naac lltirr eer i im uimu- ....... tXt? M oniric 2 .! Jir V')l I nrrwon ini, HiiKirr 1 (W IWnll'nrccll 2 oo 2 in 2 00 fill Now World I'nbtMi- ,ij KH'mwen Cninpruiy K MVnllnm 2 III' Ismo Wlllppll 1 ; ' M V 11 KWio HonJ lloKlrou Win KlncUl-r 2 INI l-i J1 iowKiiiriy y 1 UP( 2 IXll a 00 i Jftines Koencr -w Uix.,-1 11 llnli-lilsoii2 W I'll Ilullt-ltliilflc !m.I tlt-iirlmit -II Hliuitnrii LlllltL-1 NlluJ ill 1! llunyau zv; Nli-lnlas Kindt 2 1) Mrs Anna Miller 2 01 2011 2") I A . mm L z u Asa YorkH 2 (10 Powell Fullc 2 1) mlrew V-roil 2 III I MARRIAGES. CtrcHlIN'-MlIiUlH-Iii OiinBOVlUo. October if.l.m uev. iNt npuar, Anion kucuimi, m ure. DEATHS. ;i)ltlH-Iu Orunzo, OctoborCMh.Mlnny V, liiwiu'u-t, ayca 1 yi'in, .t iuuhhii nun 11 uu, MARKET REPORTS. Uloomslittrc JtlnrkcC Wheat rer bushel tun ltyo " - 1 ?! ()ru " Oatft. 11 Flour ror narrei S (X) . (1 11 Clove meed Mast reu - Butter 1 to Kuss.. 1W Tallow - 1U I l'otntopH Dried Apidcs Hams 1 w 111 I 17 Hides and Hliouldurs w 12 Hay per ton - 10 U Ii i- tittr 11U OUIUKD 11V WHAT YOU KUOW.-Theio Is nuold procrb which rsays, "espcrlenco N tho hafest snide," To this culdo tho sick nnd ailing naturally turn wucii casting about tor means ol rtllor. They lnuulro what a medicine has dono for others, beroro they adopt It Ihcmselvo-i, Of all tho remedies and preventives i "se, Hostel er's Htomaeh lllllers meets tbo test most tri umphantly, nnd henco it's lmmcnso popularity and vast sales. Tho uirerer from Indigestion Is sure Ut Hud somo ono nmong his friends who has been cured of that ailment by tbo famous 'veg etable stomachic. Tho victim of fever ond ague, liver complaint, constipation, nervous proslra- tlon, or general debility, has only to lrnke In- ijulry Ju tho neighborhood whero ho resides lit order lo discover what this Maud 1 rd restoratho ha-, cilected In cases similar to his own. In tho published testimony to lis morlts he will find u volumo of proofs of Its sanitary propor ties, which it Is lmposslblo for his common hcuso to rcslsl. Ho tries It, nnd llioelfect H produces on his system addK another to Iho host of wltncssos in ItM rLViir. Thin, ttt reimtatlon. foil tit led 011 tad, iuil nsMTUoiis. coniiuuauv crows unn fcpreadK. Ctiarlatans and lmpo-ters, somo of them mero local tricasters, and others wnn tako a Romewhat wider range, attempt tn thrust Into tno minus nnu tiown 1110 in roars 01 mvai us. tholr hunhii.ird concoctions, ns substitutes for inu luinc wuifii wr tin iniuiy yi'iirn mis ueuu h mejiciu.u siapio inrouguoui 1110 unueu wt'iies, Hnanlsh Amerlei. Canada, and tho West Indies. inii. uiuy Miccem iu u cry muiu'ti exu'iu, in this reasoning age. tbo people, having aseur- laiuoiwnai im reauy ueserving or ineir oouii nence, uecitno runuiug auer sirauge goas." New Advertisements. QIIKMFF'S SAI.K3. Ily vlrtuoof suntlrv writs cf Vvnilittrmt f.Vnu. nm nntl Al. VL-tii!ttlonl llxpouiis IsmipiI out of t uu iiiuri tu utiiiiiiiiiii i ii"ih tit umiiniiui couuiy l'tu. ulul to mo illrectoil will bo exnosftl to publU'Kiilout tlio I'onit Houso, Inlhutownof ititiomsiiur, on aiu.iiiai, ino un u.iy or ill-;. OBMUKlt, 1S7I, nt ouo duck p. in,, tho lollowluz prtipt-rty to wit: All that pnrct-1 or pleoi n r laml bltuatolti the township or lh-uL'r, Cohimbtu t-ounty, l'u., Iiouniltiilmiil tlottcrlht-it iu follows, tn wit: Un the wi-si ny Minis tn rniiin .Mcur.iun, oil tho mirth by lautlsor Hlnioti 1 iCnso, i-nst Hcubcu,Miutli l'tlt-r hheurmuu, tonuilulua Thlity Acres moro or loss. Helzo I, taken luo-creullonniul to bosoM us the uuil.ij, v, ,'ttviti irwiut", ALSO At the t.nmo tlmo mill lil,trr nil tlml ...... r.,l.. pleco or imrt-il of luna, silualu In I,ocu!,t town hhln, Columbia county, t'a., bounili-a aud tlt-st-rluwl us follows, tn wit: on tho wi-st by John Johuhou und Mury Ktuert.oii thonorlh by Pelt-r Htraukcr, uu tho i-nst by Christian Hmall and on Iho south by ChrlMlau Small, coutnlulnz Forty blx Acres, moro or loss, on which Is t-rccteU a ui-iiiua uuiiso unti uauic n.iru. HeUud, taken In oiccutlon nnd to bo Bold ns ino property of John Veat'ir. tleeeasisl, In the .,..,u ui in uuiiiiuisiniior, jimilu 1, llowt'l". ALSO : Atthnsamo tlmo and place, nil thatiealos- laiohiiuaie iu tno town of lllooiusbuiit.riiluin. Iila roil my, Slnto of l'onusylvanla, bounded aud i!ecrlbtsl us lollnws, to wit: on thowvst bv land or Wellington Hnrlmnn, on Iho north by an ultov. on tlio east hv Inn.t nf l.,i.,. .... Iho south by Jlalumreet.coiualulnir about lint- ieei in irouianK nnu hundred nnd lllly f,-ot tlotii bothoMimo moro or less, on vihlch fsereclejii two slnry lrnino dwelling houso und hlahlo and hsled, t ikon lu Hcculiou and to besold as tlio proputy of John K. Ulrtou. ALSO: AltllOSimO tlmo flliil tttm-n nil tltot -nrtnl.. i 2 , . . ",l . Krouilil Kltualo lu tlio towiisulpof llemloelt.ln liiu county uf Coluui- Jululng lands of Thomas J Vnndcr.llcuim tho tii.t luiuuiuiiiK .uinv Acres, intii-n nr i.-us ml. i Ti V 7 ' i.ns"1 1 tm inu west una norm, nnd J. Holster undersllco on tho cast, together Willi the maehtnervon tlu.sni.i nrmi.Mn,?.i ..,,.,Vi;..:i I tn IhoblllldluBS Including engines, icuseU lor working of sald machinery and Iho ouarrv kll. uute on said premises, on which Haiti premises uru elected four two .tore i, ....... I ono friimoslablo, n largo building for li"o tno or I nriuufaoturlng of ISIalo, Kngluo House, ac. I i..uu in eAcct-iiou unn it bo sold ns I tho properly ot iho Thomis siato Co, ALSO: Attliokumo tlmo and place, n certain lot ol Bround sllu.Uo In tho iMirtnujh of Ceulriill.i, Co lumbla eountv. rontn tiln,. i.,,iu.n,,. .... 1 I,oeuslaveuiio an,l oxleudlugbaelc nno miniliutl anil forty leeHn an alley un which is creeled a lenanceM tiueiiiug nuusu wnn tuu ulipur- Mei.oJ, taken iu cxerullou and U bo .old as AAUON BMITH. HKiomsburg, Un, 10, ls7l, Hhcrlir, G HAY'S PKItllY PIUNTINU INK WOlllW, l'HlI.Amil.l'HlA, l'A. C. ii, 110I11NSON A DUO,. Alauufsctlircrsof Klnolllack nntl ftilnrn.! ppl.,1. ug lulls. News Inks put up with caioln suit IliuiMl lllack und Uoloiod nilaptetl to Label l'rllllluz, novlu'7J-lm. too Heasuu nnu pecuiiariiics or riesses, oimi'k Inks espotUally r(T m.'VrilC have long JJUy IV ilVIEin J O uuvclly which will sell i4v miiviii Liti lunuiy, TJIJO riCTOllIAL FAMILY REGISTER is the. only Hum uxlallt which sull.htti UiU wuut. It Is beaut lul ami strlklngcoinlilnluguu eutlriw ly now and elegant r'AMihv I'iioioiihapii Ai. hiini Willi ucoiuiilelo Family Hisiouy. tUmUu what tho laioplohaVB long wlhod. Hclllug rup nly,i A'! i'?t1"'u ',r,"l'l"U(! th old boSks in tako hold r tho useful ami Leaullfui "HeaMtr." A few lato Itcports irom Agents uro: II lu . tlays; 13 uSdnysi mill Iweek.-ueltluij Aseuts Ullii f l'r 1 u" I'lullcuhirs uud Circulars (1EO. MACLEAN, Publisher, . 71U tsausoui hlreet, I'hllutlelphla novIO'70-ly, J.pNKLKY KNITTINa MAOIIINIi TUB MMl'LEST, CHEAl'Iisr AND J1BST IN Udlil HAH HUT ONU NlIKllLEI A CHILD CAN HUN IT I Designed 'specially for the use of families, aud ladles who deslro to knit for tho market, Will do every Hitch of tlio knllllng In a Hocking, widening and narrowing as readily ns by hand, Aro splendid for tvorMctls nntl fancy work, TAKINll FiVK DlKFEIlLNT KINDS Ol' HTITCII I Aro very easy tu uianane, nnd not Uablo tu set out of order, Every I'uiully should havo nne. Wo want au Agent Ju every town tn Introduce uud sell lliciu, tu whuiu wuoiltr tho most liberal luduceiueuts. Hem! lor our Uli culur and H.unnlo Htocklnif. Atldrcss. H1NKLEV KNUTINO MACHINE CO., uov. iu,7l-ly, liaih, Mo, Patent Modicinoa. N APPEAL To Debilitated Porsons, To Dyspeptics, To Hunerers irom iiivcr uimipiainv, To thoso having no Appotito, To thoso with Brokoii Down O insti tutions. To Norvous peoplo, To I'lillitrnn Wivqtlmf AW.1V. To any with Dobllitatod Dlgartlvo ..". .. nf fn,nwt Svmntdmi, which indicate VUordercll i.'...i. ui uii'n.i.wi. such Con Rtl pillion, Inwaril Piles, Fulness or llliMKltotlie llcn l, Acl.t lty of the Mtomacli, Nausoa, Heartburn, liURUst for Food, at merit ortlioStonincli.HwInl- mlntf ot tho Heiul. Hurrlcil auJ binictllt llrnnllihiir. l'MutLerlinr at tlio lloart. Clioklntf or Huinii'iitluB Hensallooii when In n Lying l'ol- lliro, IMnilH'HS oi v 11,11111, win ur nnu, ui-unu liiu i5iKUl,rYt-ri.uu, 1,1,, ...iu iii 1 mu nwiwt, llerleleney of IVrsiilratfou, Mellowness of tl-o Kkln nmt Kycs, rain In tho Hldv, liacic, mesi, j.unis, ac., Huildon l-'luflhos of Heat, Uurulhff In the Flos!, Constant Imaginings of i;vll,nu(l great Depression of HplrltH. HOOl'LAND'H CJLilMAN BtTTKlW. A lMlttM without Alcohol orBpltlUof any UlnJ, IsitlOercntfromnUothers. It Is coiniKWi! of the puro .lulren, or Vital ITitidpte of Moots, Uerln. nnd llaiki. (or as medicinally termed l-Ixtrocts,) mo worimossnr inert purmmaui mu hikiuiiii-iiki ert nor Hons or tlio Itwreilii'iitti no.liclnj,' hhuiI. Tucruluroltt 0110 lloltlo of this ImUTH tlicro is coiiuuuuii hi iuucii juuiwtimu irtuu as will bo found In several gftllous of nr ("nary nilxlurui, Tlio Hoots, Ac, uiotl in thin Itinera nre yrown lu Ucrmnny, tholr VHiil prin ciples extnu-U'-l in thnt country by n Rclcntlllo CUCIUlHLi Uim jurvi.ruuu iif tuu uutiiumuwuj in till city, whero compounded and but tied. Containing nn spirituous lnureilleuu, tbli lllttors is m' iroia 1110 oojrci 10111 iitkou iikuiihh till others: no ik'ilro ror Ktlmulautft ciui tu lu tluccd rrniii ineir uso, mey cannot manouruuii nnU, nnd c.inuot under nny etrcumnlanccH, liavo any but n bencllcliil cilcct, IIOOFLAND'S OKUM.VN TONIC, Wni nmnonntlptl tor thoso not Inclined to extremo bitters, and Is intended for uso In cuses U'licn Homo nicouoiia Hiirmimiu is ri'quirfu in coiiuuctloii Willi tho T011I0 propertlos 01 tho Hit (crs, lAcii uoiiio 01 ine ionic eoiiiaiiin onu mu th. nrtiui itiuer coinblnod wlLh miroHANTA CRUZ UUM.nnd lUvou-d lu such 11 manner Unit 1110 extreme oiiveri.."1 ui iuu uuiith iiuvurvuuie. tormina a preparation highly agreeable and picasaui to the palate, and cautalniutl tho inedl dual Virtues oi tno ihttbrs. Tho prlco or the Toulo l.s Sl.m per noiiiu wnicti m.itiy permms think too high. Thoy tuust tako Into con side m t'ou that the btliuulant used It Kimrauteotl ti Lk or a puro quality. A poor article could bo fur- lllf lieUIUIIl-l tUMCl I11VC,UUUB lb 11(11, ut'in i in l 11 lit 1 1h iniirniiiiil h.LVu 11 icoiid urLlcIo? A luoll dual preparation should contain notia hut thu hestlnnrt'dicutsi und they win expect Ui obtain a cheap compound, and bo UouelUUid by U will luoilcdiUlnly bo tboated. JlOOFfiAND'S GUUMAN JltTratF, IIOOFLAND'S GEItSIAN TONIC, WITH 1IOOKL.N1)'H rODOrilYLMN WILL CUHR YOV, They nro tho Greatest u ii o 0 u r u n i v 1 1: it a Known to tbo Medical world, nnd will eradU eatuiltscittes arising Irom lmntiro blood. Ueblllly of tbo Digestive Organs, nrdlseasetl Liver, la a shorter tlmo than uuy other known remedies. Tho wholo SUPREME COUHT of ronnsylvanla RI'EAK t'OK Tit IS K nCMEUIRS. Who wcild ask for moro Dignified nndBtronger Testimony? Hon. Ukouor V. WoonwARn, jrmer Chief Jut- Ucc of Oie tiiipremc Court of Pcnnrylrania, u prctent Member of Congress from I'cnnstlvanUt writes : rjiiLAiiBLvntA, March ICth, 1807. T find Ilonlland'ti flt-rtnaii Hitters" Is n irnod tonic, use hil In dlsiaseH of tho digestive organs, und at great benefit Incases of debility and waut of action lu tho ytom. Yours truly Hou, JAMK.sTJiOMsox,C?d Justice rj the Ripi emc Court of JvnnsplvanUi, PJULAIiELPIltA, April 28, IS07. I consider "Hooflaud's Uerinau Hitters" a val. uablo medlclnd In caso of attacks ol Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this Trom my oxpo rlenco of It. Yours, with resjieet, JAMKH THOMSON, Hon, Oi:oiifiK Shaiuwood, Justice the Supreme Court of l,nmyhanlt, I'JULADKU'llIA, Juno 1, WK I havo tonnd by experienco that "Hooilmd's Oermau Hitters" Is a verv uoixl tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. UfcOUUE OIIAtCSWOUIl. Hon. Wm, 1-'. Vi&arit2Jayoroflh9 Cityof llujfalo, N. 1 , Mnj-or's oitlco, llutxhlo, Juno 22, lsoi). I luivo used "lliiolliimls (Icrnmn lutturs utnl Tonic" In my f.inilly during tho nist ytmr, unci fun riTonilneuil thorn us nil oxrcllt'llt toulo, lui- nnrllnir lono una vigor tntho Bystom. Their uso 1ms ht-cu lirouilcllNO uf Uecltloilly heucllclut c!fetN. y iw. r . ltGUKltS. Hon. James II. Wowl, lu-llayor c Williamiport J't. I Ijikocrcrit ploasurolnrr-commeuiliui-lHnor-I mil's tk-rmuu Tnlllo " to uuv tint, win, liluv bu nlllk-tt-il with DyHiupta. 1 hud tho Uyspi-pHtu so liiully It was Impiishlljlu tokei-p my IimhI lu my htoium-h.iinil 1 bt-t-nniu ko weak im not tti Ih, uliltt Itiwulk half ninllu. TwuhottUH of Toulo i-lloctuil upeiftict euro. Jauiis M. Wuup. THAT HOOrr.ANDS (IIIHMAN lllTflUtS, ANU IIOOKLAND'3 CJEUMAN TONIO Wilt euro overy case of MA It A S M U S, Or Wasting away of tho Body, i:i:ui:iui:u HOOrLANU'S OEltUAN nuMEwra Aro tho inetllclncH you rcqulro tn purify the Illooil, excllo tlio torphl Liver In healthy nctlmi, ami tti euablu you in jiass safely through nny hardships nr exposure. Hit. UOOFLANUVS P O 1) () P II Y L L I N , SunsriTUTr. roiv Mlt.cuiiy Pilm. TWO 1'lM.f A DOSK. 'Jhe most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic knowtt. It Is uot ncccssnry tn Uiko n tiandfullnr theso I'lllstuprotlucotl-uUeslrttl t-irect; two nf lliciu ncltiuiiklv mm liowerlullv. eluauslin-thii Liver. hlomach ami ltowcls nf nil Impurities, Tho prlnciplo lugreillent Is I'o-lopliyllln.iir tlio Alco 1 times more lHiwerful, acting nntl searohlng than I "ono ii.iiruct of .Mandrake, which is by u inliv the Liver, cleantng it speedily from nil obstruc tions, with nil thu powor ul Mercury, yet freo num liiu lujanuus results mwni w mq usutit thsi mineral. I'or u!t diseases In which tho uso of a catharlla Is Indlctletl, theso pills will glvo entire Balbfatu tlon lu every case. Thoy NKVKIl FAIU Iu cases ol Liver Couiplallll, Dysiiepsla ami extremu eostlvouess, llr, HiHillaud's tlermall hitters or Toulo shtaiM bo used ll, oouueelluii with liiu Pills. Tho tonlo elTect nf tho Hitters or Tonlo builds up tho system. The Hitlers or Totiio purlllus Iho lllotsl, sll cuglheus the Nerves, ukii VM'Th tho Liver, uud gives strcuifth, otiergy ami vigor. Keep your Bowels activo with the I'lll.t, and tone up the Bystem with Illtlors orTonlc, ami uu disease cau retain the hold, or even assail yttu, lUioollect that It Is DIt.IIOOFLAND'H OEH MAN iteiiiedles that nro su nulversslly used ami highly recommeutletl anil do uot allow tho Druggist to Induce yoii to lulco any thlug that ho may say Is Just as uood, because ho makes a larger pioilt uu It. These ltcmedlcs will ho sent by express to nuy locality, upon application Ui the l'ltlNCI I'AL (IFI-'IlJ :, at tho UEHMAN MEDICINE Hl'OltE, Oil Arch Bl 1'hlludelphla, CillAS, AI. i:VAXS, Proprietor. These llcuicdle.1 nre for salo by Drus.Ul (storekeepers, nnd Medicine Healers overywuero