THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'm COLTOMAN rnioomsburg, Friday, Nov. 3, 1871, 6""f ! WBTHFHit.i.Al.,No. uffllir.tniitHirrcl, r5!f;lr.; I. nnr nitllmrl.M Acoiil (it nhr i n, i ami . .... , ,i. rfi- All WIverilHmii -ill nir me mrmiiuK iw i"' lln ninnHm ciHlorntil hy llir.o Agenln, or Ihcy MllirtriM""'" Itnllroad Tlmo Tnblo. LAt'KAWASNA A llLOOMWIUItU It. It. Nnrl I. Hnntll. IA 1IMIA.M. IHWr. M. Atcmmiintlnii...'....'....'..'.'.... MIA ,11, JBJl'.M. i. xnriM C:I2 V. II, A..M tl'ATAWIWIA 11. It. ritOM HUIT.11TBTATIO.V. llolhl! Norlll. iSML "Kr1"- JI. l' CoNNr.ii Is niilliorl.cil (o IrntiS' (net nny btiinp?fl conflicted with (!io BCoi.VJtHi.AN olllco. tf. Ti'MrmtATUitE, 1871, nt IRlounislituj,', noted dally llirco times, Maximum 80' oti thu llltli., nt 2 p.m. Minimum !!0' on tho L'Jil, ntul OOtlt nt 7 . m. JlcnnCli if, v.. Wi: nro burning M, J, 1). Withinq. Iton'o otamlrtril Wlilto oil, nnd loam 1 lint lio keeps n supply on lmnd nt Kiii'tliutnl)L'rliiiul. Tho circular with llita rami) nttaclicd, stntltiK ho had rellr led from tho oil trndo wtiri fjot tip with n view to Injuro him, and without J i Is Iliiiiiwk'ilKO or consent. Finis at Amir. and. A eevcro fire, Jnltcmlctl with loss of properly to tho inmount of J 10,000 nnd tho denth of John Cattcll, occasioned by tho falling of n cliltimoy, visited AHhland on tho Hist ult. Tho Hillerers liy tho firo wero Jamc3 Horsey, Mm. Patrick Lrilly, John Colllhan nnd Christian Uudurlnn. 0'liU U nnothor e.iso of firo arising from fhilufecllvo lino. JlY Dlvino icrmission tho Jf. E. IChurch in Ronton, will bo dedicated IJvovcmbur 12th, Itov. H. linrncfi, Pre- iHldlne Klder, of Danville district, nnd Htev.S. CrelRhlon of Uativlllo will olll. Eilali1. I'lislnrannd pcoploofsurroundint; charges nro eordlnlly Invited to nttond. CI. II. DAY. Oct. 01, 1671. Tub Titt at. op Hk.vhv Wabh. of rJ'ownntln, Indicted for tho murder of his Ifriend nnd guest V. K. Soiiaiii:u, will Icoiiiiiieiiio nt Ttinkhnnnock on tho (ith !of November next, before Judge Khvell. IJlAiicv proposo to publHliti dally rieordofthoprocei'dlngsof Court iliirlnir tho lil'OL'K .m i) T t ho f rlnl. nrltifpil lit pamphlet fornu containing every- jiwiiK perinining to mo case, incluillng Itl.u testimony, speeches of counsel nnd Iclmrgo of tho Judgo. 1'rlco fid cents. Address M Alter A YosT.Tunkhatiuo'.'k. KciolntioiH tif OoniliilriiiT. Tho following preamble ii'itl rc-nlti. (ions wcro unnnlmoiiily wluptoil by Gitawimu Lodge, No. SOS, 1, (). of U. T., nt n regular session held October Kid, 1S71 : Whhiihah, (iod has seen fit in tho dispensation of his all wlsu Providence to removti from our midst our into llrother Wsi. J. 1'nicK j therefore Jlcnolccil, That while wo would hum bly submit to tho will of our kind and unerring Father, who doetli nil things well, wo cannot but express our sorrow that ono so recently full of life mid na tivity has been called from our midst. Jtesolvcd, 'Phut this admonishes us to bo ufoo ready, knowing that in tho wlilst of life wo nro in death, and that In such nn hour us wo think not thu Bon of Jinn eometh. Jleaolceu, That we deeply sympathize with the mother of our deceased llrutlicr in this the hour of her tad be reavement, earnestly praying that sho may bo abundantly comfortud mid sus tained by tho Divine Spirit. h'csolecd, That tho Lodge nttond tho funeral of our iIccoummI llrother in n hotly, and tho members wear the Usual badge of mourning twenty days, and that tho Charter of tho Lodge nlso bo draped in mourning for the same leiiulh of time. Jltsolecd, Tlmt u copy of theso resolu tions bo given tho family of our do iciited liiotbcr, nnd that they bo pub lished in tho Keystone Good Templar, ami In our county papers. L. li.;, If. J. Hthousi:, I. It. IlAi.nv, CatavUsn,Oet. 23. Committee. Olillrr Dliliim-Aiitliorll-. lullio ruidir of tho Columbian: Vour correspondent, Jlr. F,, in tho Is-uo of .September 23, is pleased to pay mo a high compliment, by saying that a certain portion of my communication of September 13, was "ingenious nnd lawyer-like," though ho betr.iyj u (trango confusion of thought, for so eminent n member of tho liar, hy im mediately usklng-'Miut Is It atrf Undoubtedly 1 It is true, thero is a class of men, whom by u stretch of pro fessional courtesy, wo c.ill lawyers, who do not healtnto to stoop tn what is im (. Hut Sir. V, Is not of this class : and I trust that hodocii not regard such conduct us "lawyer-Ilko." In regard to that "negatlvo proposi tion," Mr. b says that I "find it con venient to ecapo behind the purely . nl ilrfam tlmt a mero denial Is sulil. eient.'' "Purely lerjall" Is it therefore wrong? Is it not leyat, becAiuo it is rlijht t Put it Is M m licit a prlnclplo in i'cusiu taw, that thoonu protiamli rests upon tho party on the nlllrm.Uivo side of any proposition. Why, then, should so distinguished n lawyer nnd logician talk nbout " escaping bohlnd " this principle '.' Tho princlnlo is right : mid should govern nil logical, ns well ns an legal Investigations. Mr. R calls this "nesatlvo proposi tion my "final proposition." A slight mistake; it is his, not mine, I had said nothing nbout "orders in the ministry," It wns ho tlmt framed tho proposition "That orders lit the ministry u-ere never authorized either by Christ or his apos tles." Now if ho will bo kind enough to Inform mo first precisely what ho menus by tho words "orders In tho ministry," and secondly what authority ho hns for believing that such were "nu thorlzed" by Christ or his apostles, I will then bo ready to nttond to tho neg atlvo sldo of tho question i mid in mnk ing tills suggestion, I do not merely find It convenient to escape behind," fcoiiiclhlng, but I Invoko a principle, Just and right In Itself, mid which It Is Illogical nnd uiihiwyor-llko to Ignore. In regard to whr.t Mr. P. nays ho pre. siiuies was "Intended to bo nn urgu mint," ho udds ! "His argument lias been frequently advanced, nnd ns fre quently refuted. It does not need to bo ngnln demolished," Will Mr.,K. pleaso bo kind enough to tell us when, where, hy whom and how It has been refuted If ho will, ho may certainly bo excused from "UL'idn demolishing" It. If not. thoughtful renders will bo apt to suspect that ho Is qulto mistaken. I do not doubt Mr. l'Vu veracity, yet I do not bellovo tho argument has over been "refuted," or that It over can bo. Mr. F. says I have tondorcd to him not ono slnglo authority." If not, I am certainly mistaken, I thought I had. I did tender him something which I regard as authority. Hut ho says that I, being a lawyer "know tho dlllorenco between nn authority and n mero obllcr dictum, and that tho latter will not an swer for tho former." I will not say that Mr. F., being n lawyer, "finds It convenient to oscapo behind the purely legal dofeiiso" involved In tho distinc tion between nn authority nnd an obiter t'letum ; becnuso I do not thluk ho has succeeded In making his "escape" I admit that nn obiter dictum Is not hlm inff authority ; though It U nuthorlty of n certain grade, and is often quoted, both from tho liar and from tho llcnch. Still, if what I linvo quoted nsnutliorlty Is, In tho legal senso of tho phrase, n "mero obllcr dictum," then I ndmlt that It was not ndeqiialo authority. My quotntlons woro from tho Scriptures. "All Scripture Is given by inspiration of Hod." Tho Scriptures nro tho Su preme Law to Christian. Did Mr. F. over find nn obiter dictum In tho Consti tution of tho United States, or in nn net of Congress'.' in any organic law? or In nny legislative enactment? It Is, I confess, n now Idea that thero nro oiiYcr dicta things Incidentally said in tho law itself. It strikes mo this Is not ex actly "Inwyor-llke." On mature reflection, I think Mr. F. will tako this nil back. Ho will not Insist that anything "written hy Inspir ation of God," is a "incrooiffcriHrfmt" and, tlicrcfoic, not authority. Will ho bo kind enough to frankly answer mo n few questions : 1. Aro not tho sacred writings, or Scriptures, tho highest nnd tho only binding AUTiloitiTy In religious mat tors '.' 2. Docs not tho npostlo Patil, In theso sacred writings, distinctly and repeat edly use tho words I'rcsbutcros (Klder) and Kpiskopos (lilshop) interchangea bly, as two natne3 for the sumo olllco? and Is not this adequate "(iif7ortf,y" for this fact ? Seo 1 Timothy :i and 5 : 17 ; Titus I : fi, 7; Acts 20: 17, 23. .1. Do not tho passages quoted by me, In my former communication, (to wit : Acts 15: 2j 20: 17; 11: 2;l; and Titus 1: fi;) clearly mid distinctly show that thero was a plurality of theso officers In each church, or local congregation of Christians; nnd is not this ndequato "authority" for this fact. 1. Is thero anywhere In tho Sacred Writings, tho slighest hint that homo of theso olllcers po-scsed, by virtue of tills ofilce,grealer authority than others; or that any one of them possessed any nuthorlty, by vlrtuo of this ofilce, out sldo tho local congregation of which ho was ono of tho Klder or Ulshops? In view of tho fact Hint ho has nlledg cd that I have tendered him " not ono slnglo authority "that the expectation that I would support my statements "by some show of authority " "has not been realized," I havo a right, 1 think, to insist upon an answer to at least tho first three of theso questions. As to (ho fourth, nnd my request for n definition of what he means by "orders in tho ministry," and his authority for bollov Ing that theso "orders" havo been au thorized by Christ or tho npostlcs, of course, ho will answer or not, as ho may deem prudent, Very respectfully, K. K. Or.vrs. Denton, Pa., Oct. 7, 1S71. Ural Helpmate. There is much good senso and truth in tho remarks of n modern author, that no man ever prospered in tho world without tho co operation of his wife. If sho unites in mutual endeav ors, or lowards his labor with nu en doulng smile, with what confidence will ho rc.-ort to his mcichandlso or his farm, fly over lands, sail upon tho seas, meet difficulty and encounter danger, If ho knows ho is not spending his strength in vain, but that his labor will bo rewarded by the sweets of homo. Solltudo nnd disappointment enter tho history of n mnn's lire, and ho is but half provided for ills voyngo who finds tint an assoeiato for happy hours, whllo for his months of darkness nod distress no sympathizing partner is prepared. Wo agroo with tho Louisvillo OMricr'-Journal that tho administra tion has a quo;r way of showing that it is no respecter of persons Pardoning Iiowon, nnd prosecuting Urigham Young. MARRIAGES. JlOWlC-UlUOltAltn-Ou (K'lolipr'.SIIi. hy ltev. 11. WIIkoii, Mr. Wl-HlPV .1. lluwk. of llrrwlrk, IoMIsh llurrlrt lleicliaril, nt Moril uisvlllc, Co in mlilA cmuily. WArl'i:il-IlllOAl-On llin UNI or Oi lnhor. ls"l,liv lvter Hwiuilc, .1. P., nttlin rpKlilpnrf of inonri'ifH inicniK. in jirust tow imlil i. Mr, JolmO.Wulli.rIo MIks .Maty KIumiIs, both oi Kurutown. up.Mm.r.-r.rrimiNimun.-imihiiMii ult ,nv It.o ltuw Wllllnlll .1. Itvrr. Mr. Kiiim-n Oimt. llf.K 11 MISH VlOI.HT I.IMIKNUEKU. holll of ItltiKtown.rii. nr.ns-KMNi:-on iiio nih or oiioi,ir, p.;i,iiv lionry c. Km Mr. Kii'ilt-t i lc i:. lli,of Homirlouf, toMIss Anmnil.i 1,. Kline, of Klli liiiirri'i'lc, Columbia rounty. DEATHS. HI KICKim Iii CutnwlHsa, viry Mi.l.tenly. of oohI runilhis,oiillio'.,iii mi., Mrs. Mwumiili II, hiiirki-r, wlfo iiiCooriio Hlrli-ker, utjnUl yen!, '1 months nml .1 days, KTItlCKi:il-On tho of October, In C.ituwlvi i, Mri.HiunnHtrlclicr, nuwl ulmul i l yinrn. MARKET REPORTS. IIIooiHHiiiiri; Dlnr Wheat rer Imuhvl . Ky " ... fl.ll ... i tn M ... 1 ') ... 1 M V5 10 10 . 1 01 10 17 U IK m o Coin " oatM, " Flour ior lirtriol (Movei&t (! KlflX'OL'ftl Illlllcr Till low 1'otlltOl'H , Illicit Al'l'li iiiuiiH , HUlt'N and hhouUkrH I .it r it ur (urn ml Hay r ton ill. (1UI1)KI HV WHAT YOU KNOW.-Theru Is an old pmu.b which ays, "expi'rlenco j tho mTifct BUlde," To this guide thu aud ullltu naturally turn wlun cattlug about lor 1111:1111 ol 1 el lor, Tlity liujuho what 11 medlclno has done lor others, before they adopt It thenisclv-n. Of all the remedies and pievutillvea hi use, llostct ter'K Htomach Hitters meets tho test mobt Irl umphnntly, uud hence its Immense popularity nnd vast nales. The iuilVrer Iron; lodlgesllon is hiiro to find aoino one unions UN friends w ho has been cured of that ultmeut by the famous veg etable hlomachh', Thovlctlm of feveraud ague, liver complalnl, constipation, nervous proslra. tlon, or gential debility, has only to iimko In lUlty In the neliihbui hood whero he icsldes In order to discover w hat this fctnudard resloratKe has clTectcd In ca&esfclmllar to his own, Ju (he puhlUhed tcfctliuouy to 1U merits ho will mid a volumo of proofs of lis saultary propurlles which it Is Impossible for his common mme to lehls', llu tries it, ami thu ellt ct It produces on his system adds uiinlher to (he host of ultnoKseH lit Its laMir, Thus, Us reputation, founded on mots, not assertion, comluuully glows and HieiiJn. Charlatans and linpostt-is, somo of llu m inereloeal trlckkters. una others who tako a MiinewliiU wider lango. alleuipt to Ihrust Into tho hands and down the thioals ot Invalids, their haphazard eoncoc.lons, us substltuttw for thu tonlo which for so mauytars has been a medicinal stuplo throughout thu Unltnl htHles, Hpaulsh Ameilca, fauadtt, and the West Indies, but only succeed to 11 very limited extiul, In th s leasonliig iige, the people, having usccr. taluod what Is .rally deserving or their coiitl deuce, dteUno" rmiulng alter bttangugoUs," I.0CAIj TiOfim, PERSONS litxvlntr Dccda nnd Slorl L KftgfH recorded, lylntf In Uih oiTlre, will )lrno ihII ntul tpo them out, for retuonnuot ncro explAlncil. W.H.JAC'onY, HLooMSiiunct, Nov. 3, 1S7I. Heconler. Ki.w Hochclc((Iftwtmi) Ularkberry vines for fnle, 15. rcr litmdrcil, by Sown OAurison Dlooiniburg, l'n. A Rootl wluter lint for' ono dollar, nl I, W HAUTMANH. TonACCOftnaHnUAlWcnu bo ImuRhtnt tho Mnmmolh Grocery of J. II, MAtZE,at city prices Quality very superior. Try Ihcjn, FtNdEits New rnmlly BcwIhb Machlnei ten tlo1lflricnth balnncoln monthly InsUllinentf,' J, A, DoiiAN, Agent, It loom;, no.SO-tf Don't forget to nee aiHTON'rt NHW OYSTCU ami KIHlt MAHKKT ou Centro Hlrtct, near CInrk and Wolffl Btoro. Voucnn buy inustlu, ono yard wldo for 12$ cents, at I, W. HAUTMAN'B. OirtTON Is receiving tub, can nnd fOicllOYS THUS almost dally, nt hli now placo on Ueutro Htrect, near Claris and Wotfa Store It. A, C A it man of llonton has Just returned from tho city with a flue assortment of millinery goods, to which sho Invites tho attention of tho reople. 41 TrrtsoNs Indebted lo this office for Job print lngond advcrtl-slng aiq reminded that ono per ctnt. per mouth Is added to all bill that stand over i!, iijVMf. In compliance with tho wishes of their many customers Messrs. Mouav & BTt'ittiKVANT, tho Photographers, havo conseulod to remain a short tlmo lonjcr In Ornngovllte. Nov 311 Tho most complcto ttoel of dr(M rooJs, Ac, In tho county, Is to bo fouud at I. W. HAltT MAN'H. I.mig fover, common cold, catarrhal fever, and nasal dlchnrgo of a brownish color In horses, may bo checked nt onco by a liberal uso of 67ici ( imi'j Qnatry ( Jtutlhn I'outtcrs. Wk would net v ho nit that want good Furni ture to go toO. W, C()UUi:LL,hohasJust leturn- ed from tho tlly with u splendid assortmentof ! urnlluro vhleh ho will hell cheaper than ever for rush or rendy pay. JUs motto Is quick sales and smalt profits. THE Rtatemtnts mado by dealers In other ma chines, that they sell New Hlnger Sewing Ma chines Is not true. U10 Hlnger Mahuractory supply no machines In Columbia county, except to their an thoilzid ngent, J. A. no.:Gtf C'Ij Villi A WOLF have an assortment of goods now that would bo a credit to any town or store In the State. Kven their lengthy advertisement can not do Justlco to tho subject. It li well worth tho tlmo to call and Bee thegcods and how cheap they can bo sold. A riKXEKAT. nesortmcnt of SCHOOL TJOOK9 nml HTATIONAKY, wholesale and reUill nt A. 1. WKiiu'rt I look Store, opposllo tho Court House, Miscellaneous books, portmoualcs, ster copfopln plcturts, games, picture-books, blank books of all kinds, etc., etc. n3S-tf. If you havo never been to I, W. HAKTMAN'S store In lUoomsbuig, you ought to go onco. A N ft warn I cltguut assortmentof full anil win ttr goods has Just been received by H. II. H Son, which they oiler at very low prices. Also all articles usually kejt In a drygoods si tie. Their frltndsand thopublloaio invited to call and examine them. CnAucsaud pains In tho slom.ich, are the. re- unit of Imperfect indigestion, and may bo 1m mcdlnlely lellovcd hy a dose of Joiinsuns Ano dyni: LiNiMiisr, A toi-fpouiiful In 11 llttlo swi-cteued vrater Is a dose. Hhavv o.its ato good forhoies; nnno will de ny that j hut oats can't rmko a horso's coat look smooth aud glossy when hu Is out of eon dltlon, HlIRKIti VN'ri UAVAi.uvCosturios l'ownr.its will do this when nil else falls. Tho seiiKon for ce usjhs and colds Is rapidly ar pio.ichlng, and every ono should bo prepared to cheek tho Hist symptoms, as a cough contracted between now and ChrNlmas irequeutly Lists all winter. Thero is no better lomedy than "John jua'fl Anodyne Liniment.' Fur all dlseiwes of tho throat or lungs, It should boused Internally and externally, Ni:w Mii.litnkky (loons, of tho latest and most tanhlonablo styles, and nt modi-rat o prlous, Just lecelved by Miss A7.thv. Hauclvy at her store ou Main stieet, below Maiket, llloonisburg, A full Hue ofgouds always ou hand uud alt Mil Icntry woik dono to order, OULUUl. INVALIDS AIIUdHU. Nothing can bo nnro ciuel than to deceive tho slclc and ailing. Yet to dehulo them Is llteralty a business. The wisest plan 1 hey can pursue is to avail them selves of specifics which havo stood tho test of time, and aro tccommeudoil by persons of high soc'al standing, by H10 medical profiss'on, and by thu intloual claims to public confidence, put forth In their behalf, 1'oiemost among this class of leniedli-s stand lluojlaml's German JUUcnnml f.'ei two Tunic, the Appioved Vegetable Heme dies for Dlspepsla, tJenerat Debility, Liver Com plaint and Constipation, Sold by nil druggists. Till; best MHSiplc'S ot flue seeing eloiit! it llio late fi'alr wiH on uu sii:it smvixa m.iC'Bii.M;. D ISSOLUTIOX XOTICK. Notlco Is hcrebv Klven that the partnership heretofore cxUUu;; between J, . I. Houuins aud L.J. Tav 1.011, irannicllng tuistnesH under the firm name 01 KOHIUNH TAYI.OH has been dissolved by mutual consent. J, J. Hoiiiiinh will carry nu tho business, as heretoloru uud Kt.ttlu the aeeuunts 01 the firm. .1. J. HOItniNS, L, J. TAYLOlt, ltloombbur0',0ct. U7,18;i-3t, O HAN(U:VILLi: ACADKMY. 'Iho WlnterTorm of this Institution will open TUI-SDAY, OCTOIIUi; 31ST, lfll, nnd continue eleven weeks. Tuition 1 mm ft. 00 t 1 8S.IHJ. Instruction given In all tho common ii'id higher Ktmlish liriuichf k, together with Lat in, Ore k, I'u-iich aud lierinnn. Uooit boaid enn obtained at $i.)per ueek.or rooms luiuishii In those who wish to bo.ird themselves. For lnrtln r paitlculars ad Ires .1. H. I'rlnclpiJ, or Dr. l. A, MKOAIltJllLL, heeietury. Orangevllle, (ct,.7, ls"I-lm. rpowx max ov iiLOOMsnuna, " in the (ourt uf Qimrtrr tS'tiHiont 0 Chtumlna count! ' ' the matter uf thv town map of Jltomiw buni,wnte L) tiwntut Xfthurtt itrul xuLmittcd far corrritiun ami itjroi(tl to mitt Omrt Norie'ts is 11 Kit Kit v uiven, the undersUned Commis sioner appointed It tho said Court tu report the evidt nee oltered by cllleusagalii'.t ami 111 Uvor ot tlio corieclucHS of said map, together with his opinion lu regard lo anv matter roiuplalned o( lu relation thereto, will attend at the Court House, in lilooiiiHburg, 011 Monday, thu tweu tkihday ot Nitvemher, proximo, at leu o'clock In the fin en ooti ol satit day, to dlsehatge thu ilu ties of his uppolut incut, nl w hleli lime nml phuu all persons luteiested m.iy attend if they shal I ii.i..k,.iruaiiia.Mf j.,. fx.-i2771--w Commissioner. y UI.CAN WOHKS, 1) A N V I Ij Ii K I' A. WlI.I.tAM II. LAW, Munitliirtttidriir WniiiKtit turn llrl.laou, llnllcm, (liuliuMer, I'lripnuif llullillns. Wiiiiuhl Iruu Kiiullnu, KiHitlui: Kminw, 1''ih hu' iinil li""r, I'lirm U.ili-i iiml fuui-ma. nli Wrought Imii lti HiK.hl.iiU anil nil klmls t Hnillli Worlc.Ao. Iti-iialu hnilnlill)' ultenitu.l t. . N. II iiriiwIiiKs IMIniatiH fctippllail. Ml7My. c 1IIKSTKK S. FUUMAN. HAHNUSS, SADDLi:, AND THUNK MANUFALTUUKH, mid denier lu CAlll'KT-llAOS, YALIBl-i, FLY-NKTS, iiu--kai.o uoiiEa, lionsK'iu.AMffcia Ac, v'hlch ho feels confident ho can sell at lower rale man any outer person in iuo county, ix limine for volirselve-S. Shop opposite the Post Ofilce, Main Street, l.lOOlllhUlll Ki M, Aug. 5, 170, THE NATION, Its IUiloi-3 aud Institutions. IN KS0LISU AND QKIIMAN. Nollilnullki'lU Hlrlkeii cveryhoilynnjnst Iho IkjoIc lin y mill. II U n hniioiu.iilu uf llu, (lovtiium lit. Mniilu pnmn In It. uru "I llii'ni. kiIvch wni til Urn pi U-u lift he liook. OurfjilOjMiid iinif only t J.fji). A 111, li Ilr r.i lor t'linvunsi-rw hullm unit in'iillt'iiiiii-i iriniri', Um lum nml bluiU-nt.. ( ii 'if ti'k7ZnrttcrM in uvio iuv. vtth cirut Uir ulum; It fure the btxjl; t'i'fx nn ef. h iiuv iuii liiirltuiullii fair ti rrltury. rllu nt inco for t'lrt'iiliir ntul lufnrniutiou. W I.W Woltl li Plllii.lwillNil LU, e-or. 7th unit Mar. l:itMlrcits,l'lilluJt.'liililii. (oi l. li,'7Wy.) JJAliaAINS-HAJiaAINS. QUICK DAI TX AND 8MAT.I. rHOFlTfl. HAVll VDUU MONEV. (1 In IN'.NHY VOHT, Knit Illrimnthnii: 1'u , for nil tlniU of tliolxtt home uuil city tmulu K U 11 N I T V It 1: . IMIcch reasonable uud the bent wf.ik doue, Jan l'71-lf HEAD QTJAltTERS I'OR BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT E.M.KN0RR'S CHEAPEST A1nvD 15EST Tlio County Affords AT GASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Conic anil Eianiine Before Pure'liiising Elsewhere. E. M. KNOIUl, BL00IrSBUEG, PA. Heptcmber8 1S71-U, T ACKAWAlN NA AND I1L005IS 1J llttlld ITAtl.lMIAll On niiOfffter July 17,ls71,rassonger Tralnsvlll ruu IIM IUI1UWB Going North, Going South Arrive Arrlvo Lcnvo Leave a.m. p.m. p.m. n. m Hrrnnlnn II. HI 1.1 1 1. 11 HUH I'lttaton S.1S 11.(2 2.11 lUj Kington I Ht. A W.H41U1J ClH IW 12.11 S.11 ll.W) l'lvmoutli 12.5,1 2.10 12.1m :ix.s ll.'M .'I.'. I 11.11 X17 io.;o i.a7 KhlckNhluuy.... Ilerwlik 7.:H 7.'tl lllooni t, KUj IIMIVIIIU C1111 npet Ion mndo ntScrantnn liv tlio 10.10 a.m. trai ilnrdrral Hotnl, llltitfhnnitnn, Albany and 1111 points ioiin. nun wehi. 1I.T.UOUN1), Snp't. TVTOimiKItN OENTKAIi RAIL, J.N WAY. On and nrirr Angiut Otli 1S71, Trains leave Susnuuv us follow i NOUTHWAlll). will 1.10 A. M., Dolly fi'xropt Kunilayitn Wllllnmspnrt ini' Klivtta ennanilatmin, Ilorh(Ktir, iiuuiuu. misppnuoi, liiiuiie. nnd i, i iiiih. 2.10 A. Dnllv, (except KiinilnjH) for Wllllnm uporl and Krli'. 1A1 f. r l).illv; fexco,t NiiiHlaynl for lVmlra. liiiiijuii 111111 ui;nrii ran., i.t, j.uu rauroatl lrnm i-juura. TItAINfl SntlTIIWAttll, 1.10 A. M.Dally (except. Mnmtay'a) fur lhilllinnn WILMINdTON AND I'lIll.AlinM'llIA, 1(1.5, A.M. l.illy(')riir ll.iltlir.or v usmuginu aim i r.ut,'i'u. fi). VUtlNH, Uo, (i at I'm! t nut r Autnl AI.FKF.1, It. Kisi . Ol-r'I.t'lip't. -1ATAWI&SA ItAll.HOAD. 71. HUJIM I 11 A!:.N( 1871. 1'iif.Kniror Trl hit on 1 1 1 1 4 roint u II I 1 1,11 hh lows : ItttU H0M1. l.v. 8.2rn,m ' 0.011 " " li. HI " " 10.21 " " 10.3S " " 1(1. 1 ' " " 12.21 p.m. " 12.11! " hTATKISS, Wlllhlnsport, Muncy, Milton, Danville, ltupelt, C.ilauNva, UltiKtowu, Summit, (luuUnko, 3futf Xoilh l.v, M5 p. m ' 0.10 " 1.,'H " 1.12 " 4.11 1 " 2.5 " n:ti 2.1U 1.15 12.52 12 i .luiuouyjunc. l.:w "DluoTamafiua. Dine. 4.25 lleaillnt', 10.40 n.m :i.i5 7.IH) 1.25 2.;u sis 2.M " I'oltHVllle. 11 l'lilUdelphln, " 6.15 1 dluo Munch Cliuutt. uluo" !.U5 n.m ' llethlcheiu, 12.00 noon i-uiia, v I'l.i Uethlchem, 1M5 a. m llaKton. ll..lp. rew 1 orK, 11, Liinerty fci., " 5.S0 ' via I K. It. It. " 9.00 ' ,M " " Ij. Valley 11. 11. " 11.00 ' 5.0O a.m. Ilotou, " n.t'0 p.m 1 .ii.miii;i-i i.iuii k uiu 0,61 irainirnin wuuaiU' hllorl. V 111 havo twohouisln Sew York, lor join, ner, and arrlvo lu liostou at 5.310 a.m., eleven jiuui m uuv untu ui uu oiuer routes, New ilny coiicIkh aecomnnnv nil tralnH be tween Wllllamiiporl, New York and l'hlladel- lnni. Tralui, luu through by daylight. GEO. WUIin.Supt, 11 EADINO KAIL,I10AD. HUMMKIt AUI'.ANOEMENT, Monday, May 13, 1S71, Ureal Trunk Line from the North and North West for l'hlladelphla.New Vork.UenaiUK, PotU vllle. Tiiinua ua. Aslnnnd. Hhnmotciii Loimnnii Alleiitowu, l:aston, i:jhiata, Lltlz, Lancaster Colu ni bin, tte., Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York, as fol lows: At 2.4D, 6,lo, a. mM uud ll.W) p. in., con iiecltng with similar trains on Pennsylva nia itaiiroiiu, auu arriving at New York al 10.05. a. in.. 3.50. and U IU n. m. resoeelivelv. hleeplnn eats aecompauy the 2.1D a, ni. train without cli.iiiKH, Heturnlnm Leave New York at 0,00 a.ra. and 12.J noon and 5,mi p. ni. 1'hll.idclphla at 7.:tu, h.0 a in, and U,'lo p. in, (Sleeping cars aecompauy the 5,00 p.m., train lrnm N t without ehauge. Leave llarrisburK tur Heading, Pottsvllie, ia inaiiua, illniisvllU'. Ashland, Hhamokln Al leiitowu and l'lilla'd. at S.loa.m., aud ,UJ and 4,i 3 p.m., stopping at Lebanon uud prineipal vsuy fclallous; thol.eU ji.iu, tralu conueeilngfor Phll'a rotlsvlllo ami Culuuibia only, tor l'oltsvllle K:hiiylklll Haven and Auburn, via Hchuylkill and hiiniueh.iuua l;.iilroad, leave 11 arris bur tit 3, lu p.m. Pennsylvania Ihulroad trains leavoJtcail. llig tor Alleuloun Jjiston aud New York at 4M, in, a. in., and 1.0-' p. in. lU-luriilug, ieuvu New ork al lM"Ua. in., liMinooii and5.uo t, in, ami Alleulowu at 7. a.m. U.-Jo noon, 2.15, t.'J5 an- KS'j p. in. Way I'.vssenger Train leaves riilladelphia nl 7,, connecting with similar train on livst I'.i. n turning lium Utadlngaiu.-.'Op.hi. stopping at nil stations, l.L-uve rotlsvlllo at 0,00 a.m., and 2.T0 p,ru. llerudou atio.oua. m., Kh.imoklu at 5,hJaud i 1,1 j a. m., Ashland at 7,0 j, and lI,i.t noon Mali auoy City at 7,15 a. m. and lii p. in. Tuniarjimat h..ti a, in., aud 2,10 p. in, lor Philadelphia, New York, Heading, Harrlsburg, Ac. Leave l'oltsvllle via Hcuuylklll unit Husquc hnnu.i Itailroiid ats.i) a.m. lor llarriKlmrg, aud ll.lja, m., for Plnetirovennd Treuionl, Keadlng Act'oiumodatlou Train leaves Potts VII lu at 5.40 a. in., p.itses Heading nl7,u. m,, ar riving at Philadelphia nt lo.-JO a, in. Heturulug leave-it Phlladeli'lua at u,15 p. m., passing Head ing at ",Vj p.m., uirlvlngat l'oltsvllle atu.lup.m. Pottstown Aeruiiiinuuallon Tnttn.lravesl'olU town ultf,30u.m., returning, iuavus 1'htlaUelphla at l, W p.m. Coliiuibia lUllroml Trains leave Heading nt 7,'J0a.m., and tl,15 p.m, for lphruta, LHIe, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ae ptrklomeu Hail Koad Tralnsleave l'erklomeu Juneilonul 7.17 tf.aa. in.. 3.UU A ti.w n. in. return. liijr: leave hehuenlisvillo att.o, Mi) a.m., USO pooti Ai,i! p.m., eoniieeiing wuu similar trains of Heading Ha I) road, Colebioukilato Itallioad trains leave I'otUtown al U.lOa.m, A 1,15 CI p.m. riluriilng leave Mount Pleasant at aud ll.-'i a, m II.OD p.m, connect ina ulip similar tialns on Hfuding Hal I road. Chester Valley Hailroad Trains leave llr.dge- rtort at H,:Wa. m, and 2.05 and 5. p. in. returning, eave iKiwnlngton at U.10 a. m 12.45 uoou and .5.2.1 p. ni.. couue-Uiug with similar tralus on Heading lUllroad. Ou huutlayi., leave New York nt5,00,,PhlI phlaat H,oo a.m. aud J,l5p.ui.,(thutt,oua,in.traiL runiiliigonly toHeadiug;)leavi-Pttsvllleef,UOa,uj UurrUbuiu at 2.10 a. in, and 2.UU p. m. and have A 1U iidnui at 1.25 and s..L p. in., uud leave Heading at 7.15 a. in, and u.5op, llarrls buig, at 6.00 u. in, lor New York, at t.20 a, m fur AlUiiiowu and at M0 u, m, and 4.15 p. ui lot Philadelphia. Comniutatlon, Mileage, Suisou, Hehoot aud Kxeuriou 'JtcUtts to uud irumull points, at ro dueed rales. Haggage che-ck d thruu&h; 100 pouuds uliowexl each I'uttH'Uger, J. i:. WDOTTKN, Asst. Kupt, A Lug, Mach'ry, Headltig,l'a,A(ill.l,li7L Q Ij O 1 K U U T U A L LIKK INSUltANUi: COMPANY KKW VOHK. . Pliny Freeman, President, II, C, Freeman, fc'ec Cash capital over $2,000,000, all paid. J, H, UOIHSON, liLOOMSHUJvG.rA ULNKHAL A HUNT, For Lute me, Incoming and Columbia counties. Allg.W,'. M AGAZINia, DAILY A VVKEKLY l'Al'l.llSOFAl.I, KINIW AT THE IICOK tTOIlBCl'l CBlTKTHBC'OUllTIIOCSl!, AUu an M,nnrtmcnt of rortemonnanii, Vim. Hook, aud At count Hook,, omiMantly on haud. Hook, not nu lmnd obtained nn hhorl nollco, New UuoUu are (on.lMUtly ImiIii added lo the " liloomi.biir Clreulalluii l.tbraiy." Amnui;ll.u late.t aro '(lullt anil Ilinoeence,'' "Molhern.," "Mr Harry," " HolBpur of )luiublethwaii."aud "Mvpiucui." cto. aprlin,'7l-lf NEW GOODS AT M. P. LUTZ'S, DRYGOODS AND NOTIONS For Every Body. :o:- CALIi AND 5IAKK YOUK OWN .SKLKCTIONS. S II A W L S At Last Year's Prices. NO ADVANCK ON PIUNT.S. THE li AUD EST AND HKST ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS I N lU.OOMSKUIlG. UllOWElt'S IiLOCK, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE. TVTILLEIi'S BTOHE. H. H. MILLKIt A HON, havo lemovcd their Htoro to tho room formerly occupied hyMcudcnhalhou Main street, llloonis burg, nearly opposite tlio L'piHcopal Church where they aro detcrmlnedtoscllon immoderate terms as cau bo pi ocured else, where, Thler Htock comprises LADIKrt' Ultias UOODy - of the, choicest styles aud latest fashion, together with a largo assortment of Dry Oooda aud Oro cerlea, consisting of thu folio win g a rtlclew Carpets, OllClothB, oths, Canslmeres, Hlnwls, FlanuolH, Hlllis, WhltoOoodH Linens, HoopHlilrta, Muslins, ilollowware Codarwure tlueeiiHware, II ard warj lIolU and Hhoes, HaU and Capi Hoop Net, IJmhrellas, Iooklng-OlassKt, Tohieeo, Coffee, Hiuarn, Trap, Itlco, Allspice, OIntter, Clnuamon, Nnlmeyn AND NOTIONS (JKNKKALLY. In Bhoit, everythlUK asnally kept lu country toreH,to which they invito tho attention of the public generally. The highest prlcowlll la) pat'1 for country produco In exchange for goolH, H. It, MILLl'H A HON. IMnniiiM burg Ph. oet I17l-.r N KV STOCK OV CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WJNTKIt GOODS DAVID LOWKNHKKU IiivllcN attention to hU stock of C1IKA1 AND FAHIIIONAltLE CLOTH I NU, at his storo ou Main Street, luHhlvo' block, one door WtM n C, C, Marr'rt store, piluumsburic, Fa., whero no U& Just recelvid from Now Vorli ami I'hlladi (plila a full assortment uf MF.N AND llOVH' CLOTIIINU, lucluJhi tho most fiishfuuahle, ilniahlo, and handsome. DltKSHOOODH, oonsUUna of 1IOX.SACK, UOCCl.UUM, AND 01L-(J LOTH COATH AND I'ANTH. of all sorts, sites aud colors. Ho has also rtplen Uhed hU already lurso stock of FALL AND WINTL'HHHAWLH, HTHU'KD, FIOUULD, AND PLAIN VUST8 UUlllTH, CHAVATH, BTOCKH, CUMAlUi HANDKF.UC1IIF.FH, OLOVF.S, KUSPLNDKIW, AND FANCY AUT1CLKH Ho nas constantly ou hand a laryo and well-se. ectod assortment of CLOTH U AND YIiTINOrt, which he U prepared to matto to order Into any kind of clothing, ou very short uotJce, aud lu the best luauuer. All his cloth ins lu made to wear, and most of U Is of home manufacture, O OLD WATCHES AND JEWYLUY, ol every descilptlon, flue and cheap, II h rasool jowelry U not surpassed lu thlslpiace, Cull and evaiuluo his general assortment of CLOTHINQ, WATCH EH JEWELUY.AO. octl3'7i UAVIp LOWENHEHO, jy K N T I B T II Y , II. U. HOWEK, DENTIST, Itespectfully offers his professional services to tho ladies and tEutteineu or llloomsburK aud vl clulty He Is prepared to attend to all the varl ous operations In the line of his profession, and Is provided with the latest Improved 1'oucklain Tkktu which will he Inserted on gold platliiK silver and rubber base lo look as well as tlio uat ural teeth. Teeth extracted hy all the new and most approved methods, and all operations on Lli jo tee in caieiullyanu propel ly attended to, lies hi en re and office a few doors aimva th Court House, same side, Uloomsburic, CLARK & WOLF'S COLUMN. Wo offer n HIM4 (XJItDKII I'OFMN thai sold at II JO now at ll.W per yard, A .plondld JAl'ANESi: HTIHPK nt$l.00 p)r ard. A full lino of lll.ACIC ALPACA from 30 ccntu to 11.25 per yard. Our 83 cent Alpaca can't bo beat, our "3 cent Alpaca prime. And you know our G3 ct. Alpaca U tho be.t In tho Market lor Iho money. A Hlxtecn bono COIWlrT at 70 ccntx. Our IUO Ing bono fJOltSET Is woitli buying. llleachcd and unbleached MC8LIN, n full stock, AlTLirroN A., at li cenU hy tho bolt, 15 cents by tho yard. OIL CLOTHS 4-1, C-l and &-1 vide. TKA BfTTTH of 48 piece., Iron Btono waro at 13.75 per sett. Our Block of THAU, COFFEES, SrlCIH, Ac, Is full nnd at tho lowest figures. Our stock of NOTIONS Is full and complete, HOOTS and HI IOCS, a full lino. CI.AKK & WOLF aro oloalng out their slock of SHAWLS nt reduced prices, many of them at cost. Wo carried no stock of FURS over from last season, our proseut stock Is large and all new, and vro offer .hem from 12 u) to 92J.00 per set. WATnit-r-IlOOF CLOAKINO nt 11.05,, fl.M and 11,75. I-adlesFUINOnU HUITINU CLOTH for Tolo- nalses at per yard. LARGE STOCK OK FALL GOODS WHICH AUK NOW IN STORE. TI1KY WILL SKLL TI1KM Low For Cash OR PRODUCE. CLARK & WOLF IIAVK lieiluml the Prico on Jbuiy ol' their Spring nml Snin mcr Styles of l)iva Ciooild CALL AND SEE, Opjiosito Brown's Hotel iJOOMSBURa Roal Estato Sales. nuiiuo sali: or VALUAIlLi: It li A h IIHTATII. nwlrtnonf millinTlltf and nnterof thoOrnhnns1 Court of Oilumbla oonnty.tho undersigned od minisirniorsoi ineesinuiouaeoii jfiHieiiiniuufr, deceased, will ciomo to sala hy public voudno on tho premises, ou THUltSlJAY,NOVEMIli:U21rd(lS7lt a larpo quantlly or valunhlo land- nltnnto In Frantillii township In tuld county, described as follows i A Ttm ImliiABntj f.irtn nt Mm .lnn.lnnt Itrlnn In l'rnl.Vii,.in,r...i,uinK..i i.i 'i '.,.,?i.i by lands of J, T. Ileeder, lands of Philip Mom hnrdt, lands of Yet ter s heirs, lands of Moses Howcr.landsof ILJ,Heler,landson;ilas Wea. ver, lands of Win. Hloker, lauds of John Hower ' TWO HUNDHL'D AND FOItTYKIOHT ACHEH nn.i tri.niv.riinn rtfM,. .-i,.,. , .i an. I limrnn Uinl t r.ll... .iii,ll..i I lOf ., .,.,. . .i, i . 5riiPi?I i.? . iIS?" f -rf ( dwelling nouRo, n larne bank nam, ithonses, with a arno apple and fruli a mrRo uricrc e sheds and null orchard, wltha well at honne, and n uprlrjf;. nnd sprlns on south sldo or tho farm, Thero Is ou the farm SO ACHES OP TIM mm Tho properly lies threo miles from Ca(ftwhi, on ine- iiuoiic roan leaouiK iriua nini pinre iq hurir. 1 ho neighborhood Koodand healthy, and the land In an excellent state ol cultivation, No more desirable rroperty ha been oiTcred for many years. Aim. nlntnf tlmhrr l.itnl tho undlv lilcd six i.vt ntlm adlnlnlnir lands of M. Artlev. Win. Oeorge, 0. Arily and others. To bo disposed of lu ono pence, or In threolotH of about TWKNTY ACHES KAOU, am tmll l.n iIiumhiI trnul a TtiA lulmtn property will be o tie reel and tho tltlo to tho one- I Keveuiu raauB vt 1110 purcuasers. Also, will bo offered a. imet of land adjolnlnft IMouhad,tftudT.ltceder,eotalnln, ' SliVKNTY-ONK ACH1N ' I more or less, whereon aro erected n brick dwell- I lint house, a bank barn, wason house, n soring I limine and all other necessary outbuilding.- Thero Is also a sprint; of excellent water, ft Rood orchard and fruit of nil kinds, with about four I jiivri'iiiuoBnnrin-oi excellent water, ft KMX1 -nni iT.VA?.. LklV'.7l wllh O,0"1!1 fo.ur n.Vif filfnlin11 u,uUr AH lu "ccllcnt order aud cultivation. Tho lands wltl 1iooHrcil at tho Homestead lu mo oruerauverineu. xno GHAIN IN THE GHOUNI) 18 ItESEItVEn. Tosicsston of tho timber tractor trad. Inimiil. ately upon payinn the purchase money or secur- in tho same to bo t Aud of tho other two tracUon tho first or April, A. D, lb72, upon conv pllanco with the conditions. Htamps and conveyances to bo nt tho expense O, l. N, KOMTKNIlADEIt, Administrators, Teiims or Half. -Ten per cent of tho one )UI1LI0 SALE or VAMMnLn niiAr. and l-iiiisoNAr. rnormtTr. In rtursuanco of an order nf tho Ornhans Court nf (!ohuiihI county, will ho exioseil in sate nt mo inre resioencooi imniei ijetny. deceased, in locust townsuip, ou SATUHDAY, NOVEMHER 11, 1871, at Id o'clock, a, in., tho following described prop- rly, to wit r Ho. I. All thai eerln In mpHRtiniro nnd trnrl. nf I ...... I .. r ......... i.... ... .i. ... I nl Columbia nnd Nlaln of Penusvlvnnlii! Iii'trin. iiiiiu niiiitm-u iii mn ii iiiwiiNiini, in mo niumy utimnt n sloneeoruer, Ihence niouc tho jiubllc road by lands of tho Life peter Hotrmaii, norlh eltfhty. three decrees mid forty-seven minutes cast twcntj-'olHlit and thrtetenth perrhes to ft , mewl, oy nimiH oi ijnyieu Winn, norlh fourdeurewHestono hundred and lorl v-Il e porches 1 o a , thenco by land or Win. II, Buyer In sight of Ann Ioh dale, south elehty-slt liiKieta and llftecn mln ntes, west twenty-elirht and threedenth lurches to H stone, tlienou hyhmdnot Henry Keller, soutli four dCHTies, cast one huudrtd nnd forty six nun niur u'iiiii yeicoes 10 nit) uaco OI uclflU' TWBNTY.THRKR ACRES and fori V nnd a half urirlirn nf Innd. nnd llin nn, ual ullowaiieo, Ac. Whereon In erected a two story iramo DwellluK House.a hank Itarn aud other out buildings, No. '2. All that certain ntrpn nr Inf. nf Innd sitUHto tn tho township ami county nnd Stale aforesaid: Heclniilnir nt ft rost coiner near a whileoak.thcnvi' by lands of Joseph Wharton, I inn i ii i-iiij'iiiiru iiiKii rt noil ion y-neveil in III- I ill - rni'i "UJ-iiiiu Ill'U J"0 rlfll 111 JHTeneS Kl IV I Iost, thenco by same, north fivo deerees and I forlvllvo minutes, west twenty-one nnd six-I tenin iK'rcnoH ton , thenco by lands 1 of liiyfett Winn, south eliihtv.threodeBrpes and I loriyseveu inumios, west uity-ono and four- I ii ii i ii I'nniui nut- i , inenco uy iuo same, south tlvo decrees and forth-soven mln- utca, eastlwenty-ono and six. tenth perches to the place of becinuliiK; containing G ACRES AND 11 PERCHES nflntnl nii.f Ma Mount I n,n ., nn r ALO, at Iho same time and placo", Iho follow lmr deserlbed nersonal nronertv. to wit i Corn. lltickM hejit and I'liliitonn lv thf htilil and hay and strnw by the ton, nnd Corn FoJder hv the bundle. Terms mndn known nn lm- nf uciouer-, rii. Administrator. oct.(i,'7l-tlt. HLI0 SALE V A . U A D I. E HEAL ESTATE In pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court oi i omnium couniy, uie unuersigueu as irusiee nnnolnteil b the Court tn snll tbw real .white o William Pecs deceased, will exposo to public NtlU Oil II1U J'lL-llllKI.-rtt llll SATUHDAY, NOVEMBEH 1, 1S71, at one o'clock In tho nfti rimon of said day: All that certain tiaet of tnuiuhln land situate In miikiioii himjihii', Loiuinoiu county, eouiaiii1 ins 210 ACHES AND 01 PEHCIIES neat measure, adjoining lands of It. Johnnon Thomas Ku n i-1 on, John A, 1- u in ton, Mla Prick J. Wnmier, WHUmiii Johnson and John Allen Morton is elected a mrj;o two story 1) W KLLINO IIOUS E . alnritebarn and other hulIdluKs; tho samo will no bum ou im louuuiK easy terms, in wus i ne lift- istiiu-HofftmhuOtuniUnr ,ii.r.n...,i ,i..i,..ii. eisofWimamlVpuMleceased.dlelnti without Is- sue to remain churued upon Iho rial estato of said deceased, during the natural lives of said iiiiMixiioH run mo j merest meteor to no annu- nllv and leuularlv nuld tn Uimii livthnniirclini.,t. Hiifd lulerest to be comiiuted from the first i' v oi April, A. D. IS"', nnd upon their or either of iiB-M ur.ium, , uu principal sum to no paiu to ine pHiuiH ugaiiy entitled thereto. Twenty per eiut.orihe purchase money to bo paid at the Htrlklng down of the property; one third of tho hula nee of tho purclutsu money to be paid at the muniiuuiiuii m ine saie, nr.ii ine naiaiicooi ino "rALUARLl hai.i:. Tlio ithilerxittnod Mlnhinc in rctlro from liiil urns iiiiwiuiiTK ni irivnto i.ain nia intlru prurKT ly KlttirtUnl In Oranui.lllM, innilstlngir nunu, ni ,1, uiu f, n lit III 11 FOUNDltY AND AOUICULTUItAL WOHKH, loefMher w If li Iho Engine. Lathis and olhr r Ma. eblM rv beloncllii lo tho sump, nlsn thn inllrn si ikk now on J in i mt. loueiiifi' v.iu 11 xaiuaiiie iittlrt- isii-i.,.tt . I lltit . ,i Il.,.. At'., also his low 11 lots Ji Is reettd a hkm! Irame du Hint;, also, tu nt ve aeies, Icnoun HKthulir, liiilt i-ropirly alHiuv a 11 of which are 1 m urcu, iuo niiuuu-o iiiiMH no. Prleea reasonable, lViHsi-ssion Klven at any 1 uuu ui nun, j'uri.ii:ii-ri. n 1'l'iy niur iiuuri-SH, JI.J.I..1I M illlll.hU, cct, 0, 7Mf. ( trnii;e ille, Cotuinbla eo, 1 PLMUjIC NOTICE. WlicroAH, by tlio L llll) si et Ion ofiiie Act of tho (leneral As sembly ol Iho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, imni-midMuv 111. A. II. ls7l.t ntilkd An nil r,.r the pmtccllou ot salmon, blaik bass and other ioihi iisuisuewiy iniriMiuctHi, en to ou uurtHiii ed,iiiUi the rlers Delawaru ami husiiuchaur and their tributaries; lor thu protectlun also of eioses nuamsi uniaw mi nHniuu, nnd to prevent the Intro Uicllon of predatory fishes Into trout ftiit'iiiuK u in mr 01m r i;ei mane pursues II is mane mo uuiy 01 me several MiieriiiH of the counties of said Cominonueallli haln Juris ilicliou of thu streams thcrcni, iheneer they shall discover, or be Informed of tho existence of any eontih aucu for thu caUhlntc of fish, such ns iuo commoniy Known as nsii misuets, eel weirs, klddlts. brin.h or lasclliu 111 In. nr 11 nr other ermaucully si t means of tultliu: llsh, In HHI IllUUrUUI II M'lMC, 1IIK1U) It'll UllJN UOUCO 1U two n'wspaiers of their respective counties, that the said contrivance are known to elt,aud nro me lured common muruiuces, ami to orucr them to lm dismantled hy their ownei tr man HKini therefore. In coufonulty to ald act, I, A A HON KM ITH, Bherlu" orCoIuuibla couuty, hul el; ijlo Notico to All Whom it May Concern, that tho contrivances for the taklnn of fish In satd act mentloiMd are known lo uilst lu the Norlh UranehoftheMis(uehannarIvcr,andother streams within the county of Columbia, that the aum are declarul to be common uulsauces, and llAjt tlie nwiurs and mnmcer of sahl eoutrlv aiisnre hereby nuiilred to dlsmnulle aud ren inov thvsameullhiuteii dajK a tier the publl callofi hereof, under thu penally of ha v lute the same dlMiuautUd uud rtluoi-d, us Ui said act Is provided, AAKON HM1TU, Hherlll of Columbln county, Fa, QENi3 WAMTKI) EOH K N 0 T S UN T 1 E 1). Uy the cchbriitctl ifrft elite oil) ce-r, CrlCO. S. MoVAT'l'12HS. A taittin(t narrative or IT) years exjterleuco In huctluK out aud brlmtlmc to Justice hank mm. uum touNTKitrKrrKm,THiKvjt, I'tcK-rm ks.ii, IUUUUIUI, hWIMll.Kllrt, UOM'IlKeK MI.N, 4C, am., many of the tuuit rcmarlulie can son record tneultnn iejWu(i tUubotUnl schenn s for t i.HN. PKU Hud itk KNiiK lu high life as well as luw life, and disclosing the idaus used lu unmanking the most ilmlt and iruimi lllalny. It Is thorouhly tellable, Wf of nviiuTYU IUmhjtwi, try cheap, nml sells almost lit tigU. For clrculuis and terms addiess . . HUUUAHl) llllOri.. inihlUhers. oclO'71-tf Tii rtMUkOiU btM Fhlfu. fourth nf llin imrrlinm, tiumnv tn .,ni.i ,vin I ui.iii .,. ,!,;... ..r ,i. ., r.. .1 1 v .. .Bine, win metb mo nflriu-. initTi'Kuin ror mo fil oVnn rV. nl'.ri?r,TO.E'0..OnC"Ulil" piirMje of III. npprilntment, nt til, ullloo, 111 , ul thn rnniSfm?LlJ,'.0f',11Mrm'lll'mur"nl0i llluoiu.liurR. im tluiurday, tho Sith day oI Niv M...i..aru. .Vnh iMif.J.Tr011"11?! '" ?.no ycnr v.mb.r, A. D. 1(471. nl in Vclock n. in. All per- tliilunftcr.Hlth '."'""t from onnilnnatlnn nisi. Unvlnit clnlinn BKUtn.t Iho ount.i of'ilio vlnntn.liim. ii'ii 'i'iii, i is? ''Nl1 i-LruK' .aid iltcrdrnt nro rciltlred to ptcucut lllflil un. llloomsunrts, Oct. Mil, IS.l-m. . . .... Au,itur nt that tunc, nr he fiirurr iIp. DlirCJlUSO mOIll V 111 mwi vt nr icrffi r M-It i In. I unV. '? ,'rom'tho ntkt of April A. ). and julitV l. V. irrffi " g m or. ii'v'i:,iy,Vf",M,b" n" r "l'',1Pn;m'f cunnly. All iiirVoiiH f m.iV,,,!r':'i".ir '? ru' '"fill od and Ktamim having clal.niluinlliist lliu .MHlnfine ilw"l" " taiAi?tSLlM'l"iU '" "'"K""""1 nro nqniMcd I,, prima htttl. imVii, piikMS lu tho purchaser. .. and IIiiimi Indililid lollio rKtuto tn iimkii nnj . 't!i.A: t u,i,.,Vil mi nt tu thoundorlBn.d.iidiiilnlltntiir,wllli,iiit Trnstoo In .cll tho Itiul li.lnlii uf William delay, i:i7l'.illfl'll W. 1IOWM N "A',1-'.'.' .',?ak'' . JOHN II. WKl.Sll. "'""wuik.vii-i.o, iii. nri.u,,i- net nTI-flw PROPERTY FOR O Legal Notices. vmrowH NOTJCK, KHTATK OF nunrCCA VANnKIMUCK, TlKfTn. iiiidernlirnnit nnttnlnlrl i,w tda Court of tViliiuiblaomuity, Auditor to dlfftrlhiitn rnmiH in ina.iianon oi AiimuiiMtrator or Itelworn Vanderslloo, ileeeMeil, will moot tho parties lu lerctenl for tho purpfme of his npinliilmeiil, tit hit ollleo lu Hlmtnnlmrd, on Tuusduy. NovtuniW 'th. JK7l,at 10 o'clock a, in. or will day, All iMTNnnii Imvlntr claim nn snhl itAtn. .nm r. quired to nttend or ho forever debarred from comlnjf lu for n part of mild fund. oct3)71-Gt Audlhn. UOITOIt'S NOTI0K. XX KHTATK Or JAMRM ME Aim. tJEd'tK 1 'IViSm.'i011' "I!'0"1101.. U.' .',)r.,,,.'.,in. pniirt orUolumbla oounty, Auditor to dlslrlbuto ',tlJs iJ 1,10 Vftn?.? of "ntnnt of Jntnvn lefi deceased, will meet the partlc Intereslod In llloonisburtl.on Wcduisd.iy, Novmnher lanh, 1H7I, at 10 o'clock a. m. All personn luvliiic rlaJ m n,t tIlQ ttftto aro required to atleini I MO niirilOHU Ul II IN nirlnll II LlllHTl I.. ftL II IK II Midi claim. again. t the cwlnio aro rcinlrcd luatiiiml or 1,6 lur" debarred from doming In fur a pari of said fund I' It llluirifU'AV ocwyi-tw Auditor. A UDITOIVS NOTICK. KflTATKOr J0II.VTHAUII, hr.tftt. TllO lindcrstirneiL ftmnlntjr1 liv Mm rirntinn Court of Columbln county, Auditor to itlslrlbuto hinds lu the hands or accountant of John Tra,ib, dosoased, will meet tho parlies Interested for tlio puimwui mi iijHjiiiiiiieuini iiiq on ico oi w. it. ioucin, mcj.. ia uaiawissa, on jiotniav. ro vember27lh,l!f7l, at 2 o'clock p.m. All p"toni having claims on said estato am requlrod lo nt tendor Imj forever dwbarrod from romlntr In for l,ftrt..fJ,.ftU) fimJ 0, 1). 1IHOC1CWAY, uctAf ,i w Auditor. i UDITOH'S NOTICE. L ESTATF. Of ORonnK nill'l nrn'n. In thn Ornhnnm Cmit-t uf I hn fumniv r Cnlnm . bla. 'Iho Auditor appolutent hy tho Court, to distribute lands In the hands of accountant or nnomo itupp( ueceaseii, win in eel all persons J"1 e"in: 7 rl X9ir Ti .1 "l i!1 nt1fK",'Iun(,n,1 Al Monday, November wtti, iwl, at Pi o'clock Itnll estato will bo required lo present them nt Hint IMIIO, l. 1J. JIUULK VVAl. ikW)'71-4!w, Audllor, " " A UDITOH'S NOTICH. J ikTATCoi-Jnnv uinuiil iim't.. Tho undersigned appointed by tipa Orphans ('ourl of Columbia county, Au.fltnr, on ixeep- I ions nni to (iisinuuiion oi ine naiauce m tho hands or H. 11. Dlerncr, Lrecutor of said de i oilfnt. will meet the nartles Interested for tho Ipnrposo of his appomtmenl, at tho olllco of Hobert F, Clark, In llloomsburK, c Haturday, me uiiuuayoi novemuer, a.i'. ii,ai luociocic n m. All persons havlns claims nzaimt thu t shite nro re-TUtred to prent them crbo forever ueiiarreei irom coiniuj in lor a par- oi hip saiu fund. E. II. DALDY, OC1.77MI. Auditor, Ac UDITOIVS NOTICE. KHTATK Or MEOHOK KLINE. tlEll'n. inn unupirtiHiuu, iuuivii u,)viiiiv(i uy inu Orphans' Court or Columbia county to make distribution of tho balance In thu hands ot tho Administrator of snld decedent, ns per his ac count Hied, to the parties entitled to receive. Iho barred frum coming lu ror n part of the .aht fund. CO.llAltKI.IlY, oct27'71-lt. Alldllur. s UliPQCNA IN DIVOHCE. Ill tho Court of Common Plena of Columbia rouuiy, It. A. llottcuslelu. 1 vs. y Alhu Huh., In Dlvnrci'. Clara A E. lloitcnslolii j MAnAMi Yon nrnberpbv nvmlrfod Iji nnrwitr on Mondav tho fonrlh ilnv f.t I.rrtntir. lTl. llu too h-iui court, nnd tuiswer to tho snld com piaiiu, ur uiu iiuuicr will io men neiermmeu . r tuiff. A A HUM UVI It'll v - i - AAKON HMITil. Wlmrlir Ily order of tho Court. vi;iaiiuiuri n.r.jsi. l'ml hmiiilnre. lloouisburg.Oct.V7, 1S71-U. A UDITOH'S NOTICE. X.V. rMTATK or 1IKNRV (MT. Tirc'D. Iho timers lined. aniHilnled bv the OrnhntiH Court of Columbia county, Auditor to distribute Minus in luu nanus ui ine aciDuiuiiuii oi nimry Yost, detuused, will in-it the imitleii luLcicHled for tho purtwu ot hU appointment at his olllco lu lllooiusburn, ou Monday, the '-Ul1i diyof No vember, A. D. IS71, nt 10 o'clock a. m. All Hr sous havlut; elalms ou said estnlo aio requested in tuieuu, or uu lurover ubuarnvi ironi coiuihk in torn nirtof Hild tund. E. It., ocr.71-it. AuaiLur. rNCOltPOHATION". Notice Is herebv clvon.thaton tho fith ilavnf Seitember, lH71,Miindry Inhabitants ol Colutuhln vwuinj' riwriuru i. inun)u in iiiti mhui m t.iiui- (Oi'll J mil' I iuiliUJt'IIIHK UIU 111 HI tl ' 1 1 1 to Kraut a Charter of iiiforporutlon, under tlio name.slylo and tllleof "CJoncordlu Lodo No. (f. of tno independent order of Odd Kellows of l'eniHylvanlu," with tho rights ami privileges. enereiu smieu, aim ii no saiucieut cause is kihiwii iu mo i'umr;iry im inu urm ouyoi uexv term, tho prnyer of tho petllloiiers will bo Kraut- ed, nccordlntj to tho Act of Assembly lu such case made and provided. oc,,o'7i.i. " i-XiLlr,: ADMINISTHATOH'S NOTICE. F.1TATK OF OKORdK MASTERS, nrc'l). Letters of Administration, on thee-sUiteofGeo, Masters, lnte of Ureeuwood township, Colum bia county deceased, havo been granted by I ne iu.isier of said county to win. Masters of MHlvllle. All persons havlnn claims ajtalnst tlio estato of the decedent am requested topiesent men. 11,1 nvvuniiviiii mill VUHIO lU'lVIIIIHl H estato to make payment to tho undersigned, ad ministrator, without delav. WILLIAM M STlfiIW. . Adnilnlsirator. seiit.2--V71 Ct T?XECUTOH'8 NOTICE. J J ESTATE or JOIIJf MEltlilt.T.. iir.n'i). Letters tehlamentar on the estato ol John Merrill, lato of Hemlock twp., Columbia couniy, dee'd.. have been granted by the Uelsterof said county to George Winner, of Homloek twp., Columbia COUUl V. All imtsihik tmviiiir rlnlniM 'LHKUie e.s,fti "r,o renuostel to present them ' 1 "VP, Ci.u. ,j , , , i , ViVh uou"V I'.i. Those lndebte'il to the estate either nn note. lutliitnent. mortcairo or book account will mal:t payment tu tho Executor without delay. UUUltUli Wllfcll, spt, VJTl-Cw, Executor. I?XECUTOH'S NOTICE. AU I-STATK OF JACOII VOHK. dkc'd. Letters testamentary on tho estate of Jacob Ynhe. lato of Mllllln townshln. Columbia eonnli' deceaed. have been rrantcd by th Heulsterof u i y i i ' 1 1 J.' Vi",,or ; "i'. "" v""' 1' "'"" I havlmz elnlius aualnst t he estato are reuues led to precent theni to tho Executors In Columbia eoun-y. i-h. inoso inueoieu 10 uie estate eiiher on note. Judijeiuent, inorju'SBO or book ueeount I " r1, u '' ,"'il,"ul delay. l It. HIIOWN. J, Y. YOHE, Executors, f.ept,'.'9,7Iflw DMINISTHATOH'S NOTICE. L t-STATKor HItllirKU W, HOWMAN, HKO'P, ,1-tlelw of Itdliilulsliullori on tli iljitn Hleliter W. How man. lulu of Ornnun fjiu'iui.i Columbia county, deu'd., have Ueu urantiil iv AtlmlnlstratoTH. ANKKUrT NOTICE. n tho HUtrlct (Mnrl ol iho I'tiKix! Hintru t... tho Wisteru DUtrletof P. unt-y Ivanlu. in ine mailer or Aaron I r,, iin,T.. , Fulmer, llankrupt, Iu 1-Witrupley. It is onli-ri-d Hint il O'lmml Kiimral tnnriidw, nr the cicdltors of said llaiiUnipl he held at the olllco or M. Whltiuojer, tit llloomsburi;, l'a., lu said district, on the liisl day of Now mUr. A . ten o clock. A.M.. '..'fiim i'. im .Ironeofthe KmUit-ri lu llanliruntey In -aid' iiHiiui, nn mv 1 11 1 1 n-vn 1111111111 in inu sie- tiou or iho ii.uiUiiipi'ni 1 of Mulch 'jd, isirr, rH-t1.T7l.lf. A-slfinV. COHPOHATION. Notleo is hereby Clvcii. that on thoEil dnv of October, U7I, sundry tnhabltauls or Cohuubla county prt seuted a petlllon toun adjourned 1 01111 ol Common l'ltiu, of Mit.l county, pra ln the said Court tormina Chaiti rot liieorMiul)on under the name, style and title of "Jim Dt-uton Mutual HaNlnit Fund and Joau Association' with thu rluhta and prl ileum therein stnhd, aud If no sutltelent imiihu ii shown to tho ton. Act of Assembly lu such (use uiade and pnn oet'tliTLlt. Frothonotary, A LM)1T()H'S NOTlCi:.' J JHTATK OK I'HIOUA UKAN, HFC'll, 'Iho mult rslmitni, HiMilutid by tho Orphm.ii' Com I of Cotumt'la county, Auditor tu ma he dis tribution of the balance lu the bauds ot C. D. llroikwny, Fsip, AdmluHtrator ot the estste of Mebora luiiii.wlll uud the parties Intetestid, for ti e urpose nf his apHdntuient, on &lomluy. Die tUlh Miy ofNoiinber.ini. nt 1U o'clock a in. at hu eilllcu In Dloomsburu. All persons 1,h1ik i'UIiiis ou said estate are n quested to atteinl, or be lorever dt barn el from xnlim In fora pail of said lund, C, W,, octimifiw. Auditor, UDITOH'S NOTICE. A, C. A F, Hagtkuan ) In (be Court vs. wvimnou I'M as o HAM PET. PCIlWKPI'lMirif Kit) Columbia CoUOt Ex, No, of he) liniltT lerm, A.D., lt7 Notice Is hereby clwn that the underslcted, audit or, m olntid by mid court to nmke distil Lutloneif the pncnis ol the HherllPs Kale htul under nld writ, will rrocrcd to the illscl.Hrveof the duties of his up, ointment at the otlh-eof Famut I Knoir, 1 n, , In llleinsbur, on Friday, tho lot Ii day of NotinU r next, nt 10 o'clmk tu the fort noon, when nml m lure all persons bav in K claims u i ion the fund nrlslPt; horn said sule are mjulred in preifiit Hum to the auditor, t-r be ilebuntel fitiu cciulim lu uiku said fund, W, WIUT, ewK.e.'Tl-tW, Auditor. WHOM IT MAY CONCEHN. All Ail persons aro hcrebv notified that 1 havo pur chasid ufHamuet Johusoii tho following jir Konal r-roi-eity. to wtt: oi.o horse, three, twobulItf,lwo lielfeif, two eahfs, four wseo i, two plow, two harrow, niioUinuhlCKiuacTilue, one windmill, seven Hlid.seeu hos, eluht Ictf-wiion, one lot loK-chaitt, tlo tons hay, 150 busbilrt rye and wheal, JUi bushels eoiu, W bushels buckwheat, nud ono oet blsfksmlth tools, which 1 have left lu thepob session of t'biuui't Jehiis-on for bis tit-u duittiu luy pleasure. JvblAll W. JOllNt-ON, bheiiuandrali, octl'SL bcruylklUto.