THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO CHAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sfhc (ifoluntbiiut "iJLOOMSBUllQ, PA." Friday, November 3, 1S7J. Freedom oT Spcccli, &.c. Tlio VHRabontl lecturer who regaled our people nt tlio Fair with libelous hnrnngucs, was moblii-d nt Benin ton n, row days since, nml It U slnlcil sutTorctl some- pcrsonnl Injury. Whllo assault la not JustlQnblo unilor nny clrcum Btancoa, Its occurrcnco can scarcely bo regarded ns surprising whonln n public BpcccU a lecturer denounces tho mom bora of a prominent Christian Church na "thlovc3,murdcrora and cut-tlironta." Thoso who lndulgo In vlolcnco, whether or speech or notion, may naturally OX' poet to bo inot by violence. Hut upon this event wo havo sundry disquisitions upon " froo speech," nml tho subject h treated as though overy man had n right to say what ho pleased In public. Such sentences nj that " to speak his thoughts Is overy frocmau'a tight," &B.,aro liberally quoted, and if all U to bo believed tint Is said there la and should bo no restraint upon tho " unruly niamuor." Now all such talk about "rco speech " is simply non senso. In this country thoro Is said to bo perfect freedom of action, too. Bo thtro Is within Just nnd wholesome bounds yot If ono man steals another's property, or ilron his house, or dostroya Ills crops, orbuiif,s his eyo.ho may And ins freedom of action suddenly re- strained. Ho If ho libels or slanders his neighbors, or does not keep hla " frco Bpeech " within tho bounds of decency, ho lujy find qulto suddenly that thoro la n limit to the freoman expressing his thouglita tool JIo may phtlosophlzo to liis heart's content, ho may argufy until ho la bluo, ho may rclato history and uuoto scrlpturo, ho may lndulgo In sarcasm, ill ridicule, In wit nnd In mirth, ho may gab till doomsday, but ho daro not disturb tho public pcaco or do violence to anybody's prlvato rights any moro by speech than by other action. In short, tho lawa of decency and ol public and prlvato rights aro to bo observed and respected In speech making aa well as In any other action and tho violation of theso by tonguo or pen. aro aa open to punishment, rcpro hension and restraint as if committed In any other way. All men aro freo to conduct thcmsclvea with propriety and behave themselves generally, and freo- dom that la not thua restrained la no freedom at all. If tho fellow In question woro overy' where treated wjth tho contempt ho met with hero, ho would not succeed In making trouble Tlio Ono Thins Needful. "Wo repeat what wo havo often said beforo, that tho Democrats of Pennsyl vania will never win a permanent vic tory until they loam, andpractlco upon tho knowledge, tho necessity of having a well patronized nnd moro widely cir culated, press. As long as Democratic communities continue to glvo a better support to tho opposition press than to their party organs, and Republican Journals aro allowed to clrculata In tho proportion of ton to ono Democratic, tho current of public sentiment will nlwnya bo In favor of that organization. Among tho many attempts to explain away the disasters to tho Democratic cause, this, tho most vital reason of all, U strangely overlooked. When Demo crats onco wako up to tho importance of placing their papera on aa healthy a basis as thoso of tho enemy, and of giv ing them as wldo a circulation, they may oxpect to becomo tho predominant power, and not before. Let thoso who think this is a matter of Uttlo ImpSr tauco, step Into any news stand, and ascertain for themselves tho proportion of Journals that nro sold representing tho principles of tho two parties. After tho Inquiry, Instead of being surprised nt Itepublican victories, thoy will bo moro likely to wondor that tho Democ racy aro oven nhlo to keep up their or ganlzition. Ejs. ItAmcAMSM Illustrated. LIttIo Ithodo Island la Intensely Radical, as overybody knows. She has Just voted on threo proposed amendments to her Constitution. First, to remdvo tho real-estato qualification from foreign born citizens; second, to abolish tho registry act; and, third, to prohibit tho appropriation of money to sectarian schools. All threo wero defeated, tho nrst and second by largo majorities Tho vota on tho first was 0,111 votes In favor of, to 0,300 against It. On tho second proposition it stood 3,011 for, ana 0,883 against. According to tho Radical way of thinking, a German or an Irishman in Rhode Island Is not good enough to voto unless lie Is a land-holder, while In the bouth thoy allow negroes to voto without any qualification whatever not oven tho pro-payment of taxes, or tho ability to read and writo. Although tho Radicals have carried most of tho" States, this fall, In which elections liavo,takon placo, still they nro not In a happy, satisfied condition. Iu Iowa tho result Is soon In tho loss of several Radical seats In tho Legislature, nnd the probablo eloctlon of nn oppo nent of Harlan and his friends to tho United States Senato. In Ohio, whero tho wholo Cablnot waa dispatched to Btump in tho administration interest, therola also an unpleasantness over tho Senatorial succession Dolano wanting tho plnco, Shorman expecting it, nud Garfield nnd Schonck worrying them, Tho vultures aro fighting over tho car cass. Till! Fonslon Ofllco on tho SOthult., received ndvlcca of tho conviction of N. R. Kemp, of Luzerno county, I'a., boforo tho United States District Court at Pittsburgh, of robbing tho mall nnd forging tho vouchers nnd pension check of a pensioner named Mary Shafor. Kemp was postmaster nt Itound Top, Luzerno county, nnd obstructed tho letter from tho mall In his ofllco, and subsequently added to tho offonco oflils crlmo of forging tho papers. Ho wns sentenced by tho court to fourteen years imprisonment In tho penitentiary. Tub yenr 1871 will bo memorable In history ns tho yenr of dlsastors. There havo been moro collisions of steamers and railroad trains moro breaking through of bridges moro explosions of itro-giyeenno, petroioum ana gun- ""HI "1U11J ...M.UV.P, UUUfD noroucaius uy iiguwung man wo ver known to bo crowded In tho ThaiiUsgliliig l'riK'lnnuitloii. Ilia Kxcclluncy, tho l'realdcnt of tho United Htates, having by his proclama tion, set apart Tliundnv, tho thirtieth of November, 1871, nsn day of National Thnnkfglvlng. Now, therefore, I, Jou.v V. ukahV, tlovernor of 1'cninylvanln, do hereby cordially commend to tho people there of tho observnnco of tho wimo na u day of thanksgiving to Almighty Clod for our State, National and Individual blessings, and of prayer for tlioconllmi nnco of Ills gracious favor. Aa entirely as may bo possible let buslncsj pursuits bo suspended. Lot us spend tho day In religious worship, and In such sacred communings nnd festivities of tho homo clrclo, and So socuro Its pleasures nud perform Ita duties ns to. mako our hearts moro deeply scnslblo of our obligations to God nnd our follow men. " who so offereth prnlso glorlQeth me." "Ho that hath pity upon tho poor londoth unto tho Lord, and that which ho hath given will Ho pay him again," Given under my hand and the great ical of tho Statu at Harrlsburg this twonty-slxth day of October, in tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and of tho Commonwealth tho ninety-sixth, JOHN W. CtliAUY. Hy tho Governor : 1 .loitno.v, Hecrotary of tho Com monwcalth. Urn, Hubert Atnlcrson. Americans generally will bo glad to notlco that tho War Department has furnished a refutation of tho story that Brigadier General Robert Anderson, tho hero of Fort Bumptcr, Is In distress nnd poverty In Geneva, Switzerland, to which Is said, ho was compelled to rotlro on nccount of tho cheapness of living, hla Incomo not being sufficient to maintain him in this country. Tho correspondent who told that story a narrative, by tho way, which has been gonorally published throughout tho United States allowed hla sympathies to mislead hla judgment and to carry lilm off without proper investigation Tho War Department declares that Gen Anderson receives $1,125 per annum, which would bo qulto enough to support him in the United States, even In tho great cities, In a rcspectabloj manner, and which could bo mndo much moro avsllablo In tho rural sections, being n much larger Income than hundreds of thousands of hla countrymen enjoy who get along comfortably, and havo good food and plenty of clothing, and aroablo to pay their debts. Tho effort, In this caso, to show that our country is mean, haa not been successful. Ex. P. S. Slnco tho foregoing was put In typo Gen. Anderson's death is an- nounced. Ho haa been nn Invalid over slnco tho surrender of Sumpter, and perhaps before. Our Party. Though unsuccessful In tho Stato, staunch Dcmqcrata aro not dismayed. Wo glory In our party principles which hnvo over been productive of good to tho American people. Tho strongest testimony In support of tho great strength of tho Democracy la that for ten years It has bravely stood defeat and still remains powerful in principlo and numbers. Tho Democratic party can boast of possessing tho respect of tho public. Tho reason of this Is that Its followers nro men of principlo nnd truo Democratic doctrines nro tho most salutary nnd effective of good to tho masses. Whon tho Democratic party was dispossessed from power and rule, it Is well known tho unprincipled nnd corrupt deserted it nnd entered tho ranks of tho enemy. This alono has won friends and adherents to our nohlo institution and will sccuro to us moro in timo to come. Dut It is principlo that makes our party blessed and It will bo principlo that will mako us victori ous. This slato of anarchy and despot ism with which wo at oat present cursed Is short llvo.l. Work and wait is our counsel, nnd depend upon It tho death- knell of Radical rulo will soon nn nounco tho salvntlon of the nation, PotlsvUla Standard RunLiN. Tlio "National SColtung," In commenting upon tho growth of Renin, says, that excepting tho cities of North America, no other metropolis of Europe has "progressed in anything llko tho samo proportion ns tho chief city of Prussia. In 1700 Paria held a population of 800,000 lnhabltants.whllo Berlin nt tbo samo period had nbout 120,000, having Increased from 20,000 souls In tho century which elapsed since 1090. From 1S17 till 1831 tho popula tion of Rerlin roso ouly from 1SS,000 to 230,000, but in tho next twenty years It amounted to 330,000. Had tho poimla tlon continued to augment In tho samo ratio from 1S51 to 1871, Rerlin would now contain 030,000 persons, but it was shown by tho consus of 180 1 that at that dato tho population had risen to 032,000 and In 1607, although a war had inter- vened, it wna found to bo 702,000, Tho "National Zeltung" argues that tho Im mense Influx of people nnd the natural Increase of tho population will, in all probibllity, nmount to SOO.OOO inhabit ants for Hcrlln when tho census returns of 1871 aro added up, It is also con tended that Rerlin will exhibit a still moro extraordinary increase during the next ten years, after it haa becomo tho capital of tho new Qerman Empire Tm; Harrlsburg Patriot polnta out tho Blugular discrepancy that whllo tho Democratic party iu Philadelphia this year polls 60,511 votes to -10,802 for Packer, it Is still beaten in that city by a majority of ll.oso. Iu other words, "On a voto for Governor thero woro 03,000 votes polled, and upon a voto for Auditor General tho total count is 112,000," n ratio which Is out of all proportion to tho rest of tho Stato. Theso figures havo it dubious appear nnco, and lead to tho belief that hugo frauds wero perpetrated In somo of tho precincts. Anotiiku cmbozzlcmcnt has beon discovered at Washington, this timo in tho Frecdmau's Rurcau, tho linmacu- lato institution managed by General Howard. Tho amount Is about half u million, and the guilty parly Is ono General Rallack, who went to Wash ington n few years ago poor, but Is now rich. This discovery may lead to tho unearthing of all tho rascalities of tho Rurcau, Ex-Congressman W. R. Krouia, o Bhlnlng Tonnc&sco Radical, has been arrested for defrauding tho Government in bounty claims, llohiul assistant In tho Department at Washington. For tho Columbian, SiuIng l'liuil mid Hullitlng Associations. Application was mado to tho Court to lucorporato a Saving Fund Association nt llenton, to bo ready to go Into opera tion next January, provided a sutUclont number of shares of stock shall bo taken. Tho object of such Associations has been said to bo ono of tho most lmpor- tant tomporal subjocla that tho mind of man over conceived. Iu Kngland, they nro divided Ijito two distinct clnssoai tho ono terminating, tho other perma nent. A terminating society la ono Which It la Intended to closo nt tho end of a certain period, whon all tho shares of tho members hnvo roallzod tholr full nmount. In a permanent society, It Is merely tho memborshlp of n sharehold er that terminates nt tho end tit a fixed number of years, when ho receives tho full valuo of his shares, tho Boclety ltsolf continuing forever. Whlchovor system bo adopted, tho object of a Having l-tuid Society Is still tho samo, namely, to en ablo Individuals to assoclnto togother and unite their subscilptlons from lime to timo In ono common fund, for tho simple pilrposoof placing a portion of their Income In an advantageous In vestment j others with n vlow of bor rowing money, by which thoy may pur chase houses or other Blmllar property. Tho working of terminating Assocla Hons Is a subject of dally Inquiry, capo chilly with thoso who havo novcr owned stock In them, They lormlnato when tho valuo of tho respective shares gets to bo worth two hundred dollars j or, what amounts to tho samo thing, when the last share Is bought out. Tho length of time required for them to run out de pends, mainly, upon tho nmount of pre mium that tho money brings. At eighty dollars premium they will end In tlx years nud ten nnd n half months, at which timo nil tho shares will bo paid olF In tho following annual proportions Supposonn Association Iras ono thousand shares; It will pay aa follows, viz: First year Hccond yenr Third year l-'ourtlfyenr H Finti your.- Htitli yenr Teu uud one-lialf months , 11.1 shires, 117 IS III ..r7 17J WD 1000 Tho Association that was started last In Rloorasburg, has n Uttlo ovor fifteen hundred shares, and nt eighty promt um, it should supply onn hundred nnd saventy shnres tho first year. It has supplied ono hundred nnd elghty-thrco shares tho first teu months; but It has been helped by ndvnneo payments, If a man should buy out a sharo tho first month, and tho Association should end In soven years, tho money would cost him ono dollar per month for hla stock, and ono dollar per month Into rest, for eighty-four months, making ono hundred nnd sixty-eight dollars. If ho should buy nt eighty premium, ho would get ono hundred and twenty dol lars. If ho should borrow ono hundred and twenty dollars of a capitalist, at six per cent, for soven years, it would cost hi in ono hundred and seventy dollars and forty cents to pay principal and in tercst, which is two dollars and forty cents more than ho would pay tho Asso ciation. If ho should pay tho Interest annually to tho capitalist, tho dlfierenco would bo greater. Tho cholco between borrowing from tho Association, or of n capitalist, as suming thnt n capitalist could bo found who would lend for six per cent, nnd wait for nil tho Interest until tho end, (which Is rarely tho caso) depends upon circumstances. If tho borrower have money standing out that will como in a gnlo nt the maturity of his debt, It might bo moro advantageous to borrow of n capitalist, berauso ho would havo tho uso of all tho monoy for tho wholo length of timo; whereas, when ho borrows from tho Association, lib pays back In regular monthly Instalments. On tho other hand, If hodepend upon tho result of his labor nnd economy, tho Assocla tlon is tho better placo to borrow from. For if ho borrow of a capitalist, ho is losing interest on tho money that Ilea on hand Idlc,untll ho can nccumulato n suf ficient quintlty to mako n paymont.nnd ho runs tho risk, also, of spending it, or of losing it by lending, nnd various other nccldents; circumstances which render It exceedingly difficult nnd cxpenslvo for a man who Is not wealthy, to get money enough together, nt ono timo, to pay n largo debt. Supposo tho Association should start atticnton, say on tho third Tuesday of January next. Tho stock would cost two dollars per share, to bo paid to tho 'Ireasurer on that day, (or before) ond ono dollar a month pcrslmro thereafter, until tho respective shares get to bo worth two hundred dollars, at which timo tho Association will bo at an end In Associations of this kind, tho monthly dues aro paid in nt tho regular monthly meetings, say by eight o'clock In tho ovenlng. Tlio money Is then bold at public auction, to tho highest bidder. Nono but shareholders can buy, nud a shareholder can buy two hundred doU lara for each shnro ho own3. Tho amount of money ho gets depends on thonmoun t of premium he pays. After n sharehold er has bought out his stock, lie has to pay two dollars a month por sharo, In stead of one, until tho last sharo is bought out, nnd then his shares being worth two hundred dollars, pay his debt. This explains tho mystery why n person can borrow monoy In theso Associations, nt a high premium, and still tavo money. Tho profit on his stock moro than pays hla premium. When no bid Is mado for tho money, tho members aro bound to tako It at tlio lowest premium fixed by tho by-laws, beginning with tho member who shall hold tho lurgest number of shares not bought out. Tho lowest premium is generally forty tho first year, and four dollars less each successive year. Share- holders who neglect to paythelr month- ly dues, aro fined teu cents to tho dollar for each month In arrears, and members who pay In advanco nro entltlod to inte rest. Tho exponso of working thoso AbsocI- ntlonsls merely nomlnnl. It consists In buying tho books,nnd, ordinarily, nbout twenty eonts n year on n bhare, lor tho Sccretnry's salary. Any shareholder can withdraw nt nny time, If ho so desires, by giving ono month's notlco, nnd can hnvo nil of his money bnotr, together with Blx percent. Interest. Tho great object to bo accomplished by them, Is to mako tho shares of stock worth two hun dred dollars in tho shortest possible timo. In vlow of this ehd, tno securi ties taken for loans should bo unquos tlonahlo; and the higher tho premiums for loans, and tho moro advanco pay. mcnts, tho shorter timo will tho share holders havo to pay In, Tho loans aro secured on real estate, either by Judg ments or by morlgagos. It Is tho prac tlco with somo Associations to hnvo tho Hecrclnry nsrcrlnlii whether tho borrow er has n deed, nnd If bo, let him bring cerllflcntca of tho mortgages and Judg ments ngnlnsd htm, If nny, from tho Re corder and Prothonotnry of tho proper county. Such hotchcry has resulted In ninny heavy loscs to tho Associations. A person may hnvo u deed, or forty of them, nud yot havo no title. It Is often necessary to trnco tho title, nnd nlso tho possession, back through successlvo transfers, for twenty-ono, or thirty year., nnd sometimes oven back to tho Commonwealth, Again, a person may havo n good title, without njudgmcnt or mortgage ngnlnst him, nnd yet hla land bo covered with liens to tho extent of Its value. To lllustrato this, tho fol lowing fow Instanced aro solecled ! Tho question whether a Judgment against n prior owner Is a lien ngnlnst tho land of n purchaser, although 11 has not been revived aa ngalnst tho pur chaser, often depends upon whether tho purchaser has taken actual possession of tho land by occupancy, or not. Agaliii It often depends upon whether tho pur chaser has placed Ids tlestl on record or not, and nt what timo. If purchasers bo not served with tlio suira acta) to revive, Judgments nro not revived as ngalnst their lauds. ItJt tho live years' limitation only runs In their favor, from tho timo of putting their deeds oil record; nml tlio search must bo contin ued against tho prior owner until tho timo of such recording, nnd sometimes for flvo years thereiirtor. Act of 10th April, 1819. An executor muy sell tho real estnto of n decedent unilor tho power contained In tho will to soil nnd iniko deeds, this not being u judicial sale, does not divest tho Ileus of Judgments nnd mortgagos entered In tho lifetime of tho testator, 1 O. 17. If any Judicial salo bo mado subject to ono lien, nil others prior nro undls charged, nnd must bo searched for ns remotely na circumstances may mako necessary. 7 W. 310; 13 St. R. 113. There may bo many liens ngnlnst tho present or prior owners of tho tltlo other than Judgments or mortgages Thero may bo ejectment suits, debts and Judgments against decedents, taxes, municipal claims and mechanic's Hens, and if tho tltlo has undergone n devise or partition there may bo charges of legacies, omclty In partition, recogni zances, Ac. I'KEMIUMS AND ADVANCE PAYMENTS. All Associations aro composed of two classes of members, ono who tako shares as depositors, without tho Intention of borrowing, using It as a savings Instltu Hon ; they furnish tho capital " to keep tho mill going." Tho other class aro tho borrowers, who may bo considered "tho working bees of tho hive," for without thorn, capital would hoof Uttlo avail. If tho former predominate, it is not profitable, as thero would not bo tho. proper competition for tho monoy Should tho latter prevail, there will bo n healthy demand for tho funds, which, commanding good premiums, makes It profltablo for nil. Tho two, therefore, properly proportioned, working In har mony, form a strong phnlaux for good. Among (ho good Influences exerted by theso Associations on thocommunity, Is tho encouragement they glvo to Indus try, economy, nnd temperato habits. Thoso who advance to tho Secretary's desk, from month to month, and year after year, paying down their regular instalments of dues, havo other ends In view than tho mero gratification of n passing appetite. They learn In this way to reallzo that timo is money, nnd that In tlio saving of both comes inde pendence. Somo havo to labor to meet their dues, who otherwiso wero idlonnd thriftless, nnd it is good for them thnt thoy should. For what is labor but an other iiamo for nclivlty, which again is almost ono thing with lifo itself? And tlio stato of civilization can fairly bo said to bo reached for only thoso who cau stand securely on tho result of past labor, and from this position labor on, spiritedly and energetically, but self possessed nnd untorturod by anxiety for coming years. ii. 11. Little. A RniTisu Rni'UiiLic, A letter from Oeorgo Potter has recently been published In tho London Times, In which the merits of a monnrchy nud n republic nro compared. Such n docu ment, published in England, in tho early part of this century, would havo caused tho Imprisonment and probablo conviction of tieiison of tho wilter.nud of tho proprktord of tho Times. Mr. Potter advocates u republic iu theoreti cally tho best government fur Great Rrltaln, but admits that tho moniiichy, ns established under Quceu Victoria, Is perfectly satisfactory to most Intelligent Englishmen. Ho speaks kindly of tho Queen, for which act of courtesy ho Is severely censured by other members of tho Republican party of England. Mr. Potter, howover, Is not euro that tho successors of Queen Victoria will bo fit to reign. Ho thinks that tho monarchy might survive If tho Houso of Lords wero mado elective, many of tho pres ent hereditary members being, In Ids opinion, ontlrely disqualified as legisla tors from their evil courses of lifo. Tho Church, ho also argues, must bo dises tablished, tho ballot ndopted, nnd elec toral districts of equal population creat ed lor tho selection of members of tho Hotiso of Commons. Theso nro Mr, Pottci's views, but Orcat Rrltaln, nt tho present timo, approaches very nearly tho condition of n republic, Tho Queen reigns, but does not govern, nnd tho I'rlmo Minister, whether Liberal or Conservative, rules by virtue of his majority in tho Houso of Commons, nnd can pass measures over a hostile voto In tho Houso of Lords, cither by tho excrclso of cxccutlvo powers or by the threat to creato Peers. Tho dlses tnbllslimont of tho Irish Church, nnd tho abolition of tho purchase of. com missions In tho Rrltish army, by Mr. Gladstone, tiro sufficient proof that In England tho real authority and power aro entrusted to tho Premier. DisrATCiiKS havo been published In Golba, announcing tho discovery of an "Open Polar Sen, frco from Ice, nnd swarming with whales," by tho aermnn North I'olo Kxpctlltlon. Should this intelligence prove true, tho long mooted question will bo solved, nnd thocourso of sgjonco, nnd thu Interests of tho world nt largo receive n decldodly favorable Impulse One of tho surest slims nfllimvmiilr-r. ful rapidity with which Chicago Is rccu poratlug after hor recent grent calamity, Is tho advortlsoinents of baso-ball clubs, for games to como off. etc.. which nnw again crowd her Journals ulmost dally. OFFICIAL VOTE OF UOV 1809, AUDITOU OENEllAI, 3 Q, COUNTIES. Adams Allegheny Armstrong..,. Heaver Redford Rerks lllnlr Bradford Rucks 3009, 13301 3070 2102 2S32 13331!: 2773, 30 700l! 209 1, 3187! 123 2(12. 3101, 01 10, 2S31i SOld! 2-j09 371 1 ISO") 1I0S 132S, 229.V DOS1 2022 1785S' 3139, 3090; 218-i 0971 3181 0053 050," 32o0 2-V19, 171 19 III 3102, 8230 1785 1 7Vl' 3035 11137, 3111 252:v 2S3i 1II3?I 2833 3007 (1913 2S85 3029 339 ill I'd1 2191 1 1890 3515 2991 2819, 5300 33S2! 57371 0902 3092 2291 3S9 liutler Cambria Cameron Carbon Centre. Chester , 1935 297S' 730S' 1113 '."10 -1053, 2511 2711 2139. Clarion , Clearfield , Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumberland. Dauphhi Delaware Elk Eric Fayette,,,,,.., Franklin Fulton Forest Greene Mil lon' 1010 IHI.-.I 3-1S2, 1500 0107!' 12131 1309. 1131 2139 5172 3311 3901 r,oo 5383 3332 273' 175 907 290O 3SGI 1011 1111 218 2H5 1 2-IS9 2101 1785 1017 0015 12S8 23S0 WW 1338 1229 1000 0198 3310 3098 080 305 1012 2S25 -1003 lt'071 1251 12SI 2921 -1 100 1000 293 2992 2308 2070( 2039 1012 777 251 1370 Huntingdon .. 1310 1318 l milium,... Jefferson i 18GG .lunlntii Lancaster,.., Lawrence.,., Lebanon Lehlgl Luzerne Lycoming.. M'Kcan Mercer 1291 8310 I 13SUI 1192' i)-'7 iriTln1 2132 209(1 1027 3l!l)0 0133 9090 1587, 091!1 3785 1702 2092 1555 80911 1053 0035 1120 10551 1 100 751 3223 9100, 31N5 8S0; 903' 10 111 1710 735 1529 1010 059, 7303, loon1 Millllu 1 Monroe i Montgomery, Montour 1 Northampton NnrthumbTd Perry Philadelphia. Pike Potter., Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna. Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington.. Wayne Wcstmorel'd. Wyoming York 1790 2-593 7315 13001 S 1 17 I 05511 1553 7119, 100(1, 2I0S 10S02 1051 70S 6901 1315' 1700 759 2982 1825, 1207 3211 1079, UVi-2 1020,' 3218, 1001 21781 02005 219 1330 C993 1755 3005 107 35551 3012i 20131 3722J 212S 1S51 1023 0102 370(1, 2197! 50511 1013 78S 8199 1391 1S77 700 2157, 17111 1332 3151 10271 1SSS 2390 0011 3197 2139 J 315 1331 7902 1719 SO 10 100 1001 1035 0788 :i507, 2130 I 170 2715 2270 1S53 1 152 0515 20S1 0195 1772 8320! 1700 1510' 7190' 13S1 5701 Totals. 1S595C 290552 285950 209322 281097: B9522, Majority . 1590. 11575! Idns llrnnih Cottage. Tho story of General Grant's Long Rranch cottago has novcr beforo been told with tlio detail In which n corres pondent of tho Chicago Times relates It. Tho narrative dates back, of course, to tho timo when Hon. Tom Murphy wns not collector. At that timo 11 happy thought, one pregnant with profit nnd honors, camo to tho aspirant for collcc torlal place, and ho told it to John Hooy and John Chamberlain. All threo of thoso gentlemen owned real estate nt tho Rranch, and for ita improvement, Its fertilization, so to speak, thoy enter edlnfon limited copartnership. Mur phy's Idea was to buy a lot, build n cottngo and present tho wholo to Grant, his necoptnuco being 11 foregone conclu sion. Murphy was to appear alono in tho matter, thus securing for himself tho collectorship, whllo Mr. Hoey would find his profit In tho betterment of his property adjoining, and Mr. Chamberlain would reap a golden har vest Iu tho proy which would como to his tiger. Thus it was done, each of tho three partners putting in $10,000, and tho profit on tho speculation has been satisfactory to nil concerned. Mur phy also gave Porter his cottago, and has definitely located tho administra tion whero it is convenient for him, nnd mado his placo In tho custom houso ns certain as such things can be. Mr. Hooy Is qulto satisfied, and John Cham berlain has built a raco course. Porter occupies his cottago when nt tho Rranch, and both President nnd his Secretary aro kept well supplied with wlno and cigars from Murphy. Wjj no not know that thu Damocracy havo any moro reason to bo despondent over tho result ot tho Pennsylvania elec tion than tho masses of Radicals have. If tho laboring men of tho Stato who cling to that party cm stand It to bo taxed and tariffed, robbod and oppress ed, tho Democratic laboring men cer- tnluly cau ; if Radical business men whoso interests it Is to havo an econom ical administration of Stato alfairsand n settled nnd n prosperous condition of business pursuits, can a (lord such an uncertain and unsettled stato of things ns wo havo been experiencing under Radical rule, democratic business men can i If Radical tax-payers can afford to havo tho Stato Treasury robbed as in tho Evnii3"case, tho Stato funds specu lated upon by dishonest oillclals, tho Interest 011 tho Stato debt increased nnd n lot of speculating bankers mndo rich off of taxes they pay to tho Common- Wealth, it Is altogether llkolythat Dem ocratic tax-payers can nfiord it too, Jlellcfonte Watchman. A Sonslldo SiijfPfcstloii. An excluingo truthfully rcmniks: Thero Is much time, labor nnd expenso required to get out tho voto every year, on election dny, Actlvo Democrats de sorvo pralso for their efforts In this di rection. Rut a much moro eft'ectlvo way of accomplishing tho object Is to get a good Democratic paper Into tho houso of each voter. Wo havo mado inquiry frequently, and find that very fow of our subscribers over miss tho election. It Is tho men who don't tnko nny paper who nro tho absentees on election day. Moro ltnillci! Tlilcics, Tho Washington Eccning Star fcays that Hector G. Powell, a clerk In tho Second Auditor's ofllco for tho lust eight years, was nrrcsted thero by Depu ty United States Marshal Phillips, on Tuesday Inst, charged with frauds on tho Government, iu connection with bounty claims. Thu amount specified is $10,000, but It Is rumored that nn In vestlgatlon will show tho nmount to bo over $100,000. IN tho South and West, proniluont financiers aro ngiiln urging thatstpps bo taken to sccuro n resumption of spedo payments. Quant Is tho only President wo over had who appointed to olllco tho mou who gavo him presents, PENNSYLVANIA, 1871. HUit. OENKHAL iCONVENTION Ol i 2 a IS A 133 20 "300 CO Jj 09, 38( 7' 9, 153 fJ ""in 09 n.V TA 308 "l 02 3031 8500, 3133 2521 2822, 11121, 2832 3009'. 0939, 28S7 30071 338 2108 3170, -loll! 2512, 2739, 2139, 2193 17019 3517 3000 2820. 5301 3382! 5750 0910' 30S9, 2203 390, 1920 2975 7337 1112 1 1 15 1017 1507 35251 19: 22011' 0033 1321 0010 5209 021 1 8397 35!) 39 33 Ml 10905 1(1 222 2135 13S 20 301 51 11181 2931 1001 1001 100 530 33 15 01 55' 9172 3108 25S7 291 3835, 5258 5701 7013 5787 151 0281, 5 130 0, 105 233 2030 215 1012 308 38 3280 1223 1373 KI051 2120' 00 21 21 0107 1(108 5 ISO 375(1 COS 125 292.1 1 100 782 251 1375 in 210. 799 1 02, 907 2901 3858 1(112 1111, 217 2851! 2.192 2151 17S0 1050, 0033 1 190 2-ISfl' C027 270 2051 1571 30 99 33, tin, 2 1 S3. C58S 1 ....... i 1789, c: 1 ....... 131 209 1 133 132, 31 F 5153 5879 1338 13 180' 2391 9: .111 1 1291 2591 315 10707 10802 11(1 111' 38 221 1 3-1: 378 1090 1020 739 3085 1010, 5S301 7283 1135 1002:i 1393 718 3197, 1790, 25S(i 7321 137(1 0090 3097 2195' 00300 1015 7S7t 8 ISO 1377, 18701 700 2 158' IT 11 1 1329 3150 1022 1891 9102 3999 900 8211 0 8 122 02 A 130 1.1 02 "ills 102(1' 5119, 2700 1015 7000, 11 1033 1710 739 10S! 70! 132.' 082' 0557 1005 951 5191 67 32521 HI Hi! 2IS2.i 02010,: 219 13 10 09S2' 1719, 3005 100 3501 .3015 2011 3721 2188, 1857 20771 17251 1388 5703, 378 28 5590, 10C 592 52.! 0097 10781 519 1259, 7232 1S03, 1S09 958 1131 119, 1890 0059, 13lo! 0218 1152 0S25 100S 1U5S, 1 "2T7! 8? 83' 23 T21 131 29 2000 1213 10: 1 10 1S9 3 3 V.'J 597 30 in 30', 20 CO 32 27S0 9 3727 818 2100 0030, 15511 7199 110 31S0 200735 2S7105! 200735 3023. 3311091 71308 1303! 203i0, 259S01H Now Advertisements, QOURT PROCLAMATION. WitnRCAS,tholIou.WIUInm Dwell, 1'rosldent Jiulgunr tlio L'ourt of Oyer nml Teimluer nml UeneriU Jnll l)etlery. Court or llunrler Heislims 01 tuu i euce 111111 uuiu I 01 ivomiiiim i lens ill II ur plinu'N Court In tlio Jotli Judicial lllNlrlet. com. in-ed of thu countle-4 of Columhln, hulM'.nu nud wyominir, ami ivincH, .MOlllOU .YfcSOCllllO jiuiKen 01 ui ,111101.1 count linvo lsMlcil their ltreeeut. Leulllmilnto tin, llli il.iy of Heplomber, III tlio yenr ot our Lord, ono tlioiiMitifl, elKlit humllcd nnd seveuly-ono.nud to inoonecieu nir noiuingnioiirioi uier nuu ter miner nnd GeneinUiuurter Nesslouiof lliy l'enco i;nun oi wouiuioii ricni una wrpunn s uouri, in llloomvluirir. in llio county of Coluinbi.i. on tho Hint .Moml.iy, being tlio 1th day ol December uet, to continue two weeks. Notlco 1h hereby given, tolho Coroner, to tho Justices or tho lYni.e. nnd tho 1'om.tiibles of the Rllld county of Columbln, Unit they bo then nud there In their proper perbou nt 10 o'cloclc In tho rolenoou or Kultl till il.iy ol December, with thel records, lnoiilslt Ions mill other leiiiembinnceK.ti do those thhi;!i which to their olllcen nppcrtiiln in i,u none. iuii loose mo ooiiiiu n) recot:iil..ilice. to tmisccuto nirnlm.t tlio tub oncis thnt mo or limy bo In thu J.ill ol tho Mini coiuiiy oi I iiiiinioi.i, 10 ou ineil nun thero lo prosceulo them us Mini! bo Just. .Ju roru mo reijitchted to bo iu their uttend- uuee,ii;reeiioiy loiueir nonces, ji.ucnut itioouis. ' bui'ir, tho tlth liny of Kept., hi thu yeul I.. 8. of our Uud, olio thousand ilirlil linn s- v " ilti'd nnd hevelilv-onoiind In the nlm-le fouithyenr ot tho Indepelldi tlco ol the Hulled oiiuen o. .iueiiiji, l,l,ui n.MUIl, lllooliisbult;, .Nov. 3, 171. tsherlir, T 1ST OF JURORS KOR DUOEM- JLJ HUH Tl.H.M, lf71. (lltANN JL'UOCb, llloom John Ktccse. Kinuuc-1 Jr.eoby. llenton-llobert L. 1', Colley. llrlalcrcelclMi 10 llnuir. Centre Htephen 1 1 ul I on. Ceiilmli.i-l'atrlel: Klllen. t'ulnwlssn Nnthun lUlwl. l-'rnnltllu Cliutou .Mention Im!. rishlnin iecli-Hllus .Mi lli nry, I.ivl lllshllne. Hemlock fsylvoster l'ursil, it, I). Mclilldf. l,oeiist-Johu liclly.HhulU Knlltle, Mllllln II. It. MnlilL'ntiiere. Mntllson Atlaui ll'iat, Kobeit llullcr, Toonuis u, rsw tMier. .Ml. ric.isnnt John Mordmi. Main ( W. Fisher, Uinillte M, O, Vnni'e. rint 'thonuiH Mflltldc. hiuatlo-if Cyrus lnuh, I.ekiel Cole. TKAVEIUU Jll:01t.S-I'IU9T WUCK, llloom Jonies Cntlmnn. W. W. l'linnm. Mont troinery 8. Wllllnms, Unities t'omwult, Chailes TltomaK, Lufay etlo l-'uller, J. K, V.y er. jieniou jiiiiiiiuu rsiiies, joun .v. nunc, Orlarcreek lleoryo W. Miller, litrwkk WIlllHin Uosk. llenvtr Kamutl t l!her. Jr. Centre Tllmnti Hlrouse, Jessco Hollman, Jo ai'pn 1 Conner, Cnlnwlssn Daniel Oclser, Centrnlln Jom ph M. Knelt. CouyiiKhniu JuuieH Dewey, tlreenwomt A, l. AlbcrtMiu. Hemlock Chatles 11. Delmuk, Daniel Ney hard, John Miller, liiorno Wenner, lieiut (Icortiu r'etUimau, Mutltson Jneoli Confer. Alleil(llrlo:i. Millllu Mlchncl llellir, Josiph o. Wlutcr- mi i ii, jicuit i- rciiwcipcutiiisu-, Montour Itellbeu lluut-li, Ul-nugo Lilts llover. 1 lue Luther A. Oaniiau, Hui;.tilo.ii John Colo, Andrew llesn, btott II. Oman, John 'lunar, blXONll WKbU. llloom James 1 Mcllride, Judith P. lioone, 111 lureleekL.aluoii Mint, Kleas 1'owlir. llenton John ll.iker, Hauiucl llinver Jtsso Ultteuhouse, lluoch Uiltcu House, llt-rwlt-k Unbelt Mnuuiuz. Catuwlbh.1 Joseph Jlartmau, John Unvlne, uenry J, .Miner, Ceiitio Samuel Crevellng, l-'lshlm-ercek Win. W. Mi-fnUnm. tlreedwood Udwntd lleniy.J. 11, littler. M, M. Kline, John r. Ulster, Win. i: er. .wiuii . iMtug, a Villi JtlJ u vei., l.ocl'sl-Wln. UUUk. Millllu li.ivkl Urown, Lewis KcUro'.e, Mnluo Divld htiuuuui. Mndlson Holomon llnrnhnrt, Wm. 11. Mellrldo -sioiuour joiin enver, Ainliuw Clurir. OnuiKi lli'iij.iiulti, Abncr Welsh Jnmes I'eiituson, I'ilie Jacob DreiblebU. Hcott Ulinm 11, Drown., tiiijarloaf Aiutis Hiss, James bo ward, A UDITOR'S NOTICK. XL l-STATK OF t'J.I.ML-KI. 11. Ill I'irr.l'TB IiEi-'n. 'Iho uiideihlitneil, appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Columbia cuuut, Auditor In dlslllbutu funds In the hands of nceouutnutul Cleiuuel ll. Ulcketts, lute nt Orniigo township, Columbia cjiiuttyaloc'd.wlll meet tlio parties Intelestud lor tho purpose of his nppolulliltut, lit tbo olllco of C. 11. liuHkwuy iu llUKimsbmij, on l-'i ld.iy. No- nuuu .nn, n, i, tun eiocK ii. ui, . 11 pel so us linvtlur claims ntftiltist sntil estutoureieiiulrcd to t.iicim i,i ,.o ii'iutci ueuaii en noill coiuiuy in ,UI ,. ,1.11.1,1 B..IU ,unu, i . ji, .Annul 1, Nova, '71-iw, Auditor, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOtTokT" hSIATBOK l-AI.I.II 1-. .MOOKi:. lil-i'ii. Delicts l iu III 111 lblrallmi on tlieeslnte of Caleb ... ...,,, ... u ui ..nil, woon lowiuutn, t'Oltllll- liln county, deceused, htuo been eimiti'd by tho ItcitlMcr of said i-oillily In Isana A, Dellllt of i. ,, , ,,vis, ns ii.hiuis cumin H;;:iI!M tho estate of thoilecedeut tiro teotieiled to pro kelit them lor settlement, nud thoso ludibteil In tin) estate to make payment to thu under bliiued.iidiiilulstiuliir, without delay. I1QVJ '71 Ct. AduiluUllMlor. IXKCUTOR'S NOTICK. "a 1'l.TKII, DKU'U, ..1'.V"CI!". 'wUiuu-llliiry on thu estate ol l'elcr Miller, latoof Docii.t township, Columbia com,. ly.dffonsod..llilvo buen et-niil, .1 t.v tl, ii...,iui. in wilil loltuly lo Clnillis Mlllir. of llouest township, Columbln county. All peisousliavliui clalinsuiialustllieislHteuiore.ue.leillopriiuil thettl tolho llxcculor In Columbia County, I'a. Jhoso Indebted Inthoislntoellhcrou note, In, I '. meni, tnoitittiijo or book neeoiiut will inilio liuyiucnl to tlm Uxecutnr without delay, U1AIII.DH Mll.l.lllt. Iiovni-Ilw. IHeeuljr. OOK IIKUK! Ato son llrcd orobuinliu n llvius by hard tbor j irsii,! hnvo lor halo A UANAL l lit KltV nnd j-l.'UlHToltl) wllh dwclllim ""ill. miKKniui lUiiiresiiicludul.reuUy lor business. 11. (lAltltllsON', oei-ii ,. Hhlckshlimy. " 371'ini I.UieiuoUoVtt, iiviii iui iiiiiu i.iuuiies, in which you ran mako uneasy uud coinlnrlublo HMiiir.iind II you try M,u',i liuudrul doliais ujear U-sliles, All for tho small suin of Tivii'riimi,,,.! . i,.i i..: LIST OF CAUSKS t'OH THlAh AT UKCKSHlKUTKHM.lWI. itntT wrl'.lt!. TlioC-rmnonweMlhor l'nlr c c unto rum jiu-uhvi ". Win, ongcMibcrgiT, U. nl. va. Hugh W. Mcltey WimWrtcMiniw V. Andrew t'rp.n, Ailnirt. I ...V.I I V'n1l..iv. .lnhli M.Htnc t lOllftC. A, H. Hiownrt'a ute vs. Jumt N. J"". Mlchru 1 Urov i-r'a unu vh. Huvhku A r U it. MlrlM"! Ornvrr'n mo V. HnvnKO & UrUlit. . iiovtiuiii'x ntn vn. .Ir.toli Htififrur, Jr. !1-'...,t...if i.i vh. McNIiirh AHhuiiinll. Ilnrvcy C. Him vm,'l t'lnmy lulm'r, Hhultx , A. I'unnlou y. Alfn-a Irwlnc. Jnnirs V.UUlwpy . Wm. A.Kliiio. i, ,1,1 u, nicltoLls naialiiutrfitor, va. David Jowpli H. Jvlitio . Clmrlc Hownr 1. Join Uruy Hamlersmi 'iKUi'nic . Thumnno CounorvMnrlluOtuiyt tm. l(fnusJ(AanuiHainhiKcrcelchciiooldUtiIct. Wpi. A: IMno v. Hlonm lowmlilp. Himon WcUh s. Jnliu Hoilmnii. Jolm McAnnIl vh. Win. Jiico'iy. 1'ranciii J. Kllue vs. Jacob Hmlng. D.ivM J. WnlltTM. Wi'lpy Wirt. HH'pheii THomiw a. Tho IViin a Cunal Cj. Nlrholm Hcybcrt t. l'anlel i'. Hcyhort, it. lI.Mi'lllck8. Jolm Vpfigpic. mlin r. i. M.iinfii.tfi.ii va. I'rmi. 1'-Morcrron. Jinti'leL T, Kiybert v. Kllm tuh A VVultoii, Mlchftfl MuloiiMi. l'hll.nltilphUuuane.nlliii; It. litrlclt Mniingh n yh, riil,iulclphU mul ltollni imlwr lHxon"!. l'hlliutclphla imJ. IteiJlug U. U l'i JIrn. Mary Ciinnclly va, l'hll.-Mlclphln na J Hona Inn H, It, Co, , , Uiuirtiti W. itucliL'l vs. I'hl In Anplrtnan, ol. nl. CluirU'H lfnnvii n. Joh. H. Viuuk'tstloe. imvhl Hhi.Hci va. Hlrum rhonun. Hcilonuin lllucy . WlUltim Wulp, Joseph Try n. Hlmon Hct'ity. Will. i. numiiiiii vi. liAvivnwitiiuik un.i muuiiiv hull? It. II. CO. Imnlcl MiiyUvr's uio vs. M. V, MrCnlluin i-t. nt. Tlllilatl HlroUsu. WtlHou Miller, n. u. nu'iti'tu . .inlni hulmmu'V ot. nl. (lourLfe K.JfcMs. .IihopIi Wltat-t, ul. J, Mintth A Hon s, U t) io 1C, lloss. liriH'lliio .Monscii h, iirixiuemiorri, di, U. J. L'umpboll Al'o. b. Wlillnm HuucU. lion irt A Kri'.uiuT v, Wm. Kir her. Mlrluu'l McMnhou vs. Nlclinliin Kliiilt. A. W. II ituil . Jolm ii. HosHler. a. W. I'.iLtmi t-t.iit. . U.K. Wnrnfr u!. ul. Joseph W. l-'iuiHL-y h. John Munim ot.ut. 1IMUIUU1H llliuuiu u. .'I. A. ll.HUmnrt ol, at. vs. I riint'c 11, Julloy ct, nl. Win, iMlluoi . Jomw Doty. Aintrow Crc ulttig . 'IIhihiah Trouch. JtK'iuliih Hohh' uso h, Jolm Hutrniuit tt, nl. iVruult 1. Jhookuay vh, Danlil !, Hfyherl. J.l l.lnncM's Kxr vb, Anron W. HosHet. ul. Oeorgo Wlilimotr's oxrn vh, John Hlluir. A. I'nnlco AUo.n. D.invilloiltizlclon iitUWHUes- hiiiro U. It. Co. Susjii:ih uiilnini vs. Mnrlln M. llrobt. Mury I.ttwi'ller vh. Auron Smith, Henry Try vc Jncoh Dellleub.ich. Montucjl Alllluril vh. H. W. McKoyuoUi. 'Ihorn is Wllllnin-t vs. John Uulu, D.uilel Jloyor vh, WolUuijum Vo.ijior, T KCHSTKU'S NOTIGKS.-NOTIUI: 1H Xt hereby Klvon to nil leuntces, troultorH mul OUltr pLTSOlM IIIILTUIlt'U III 1I1U UlllUL'S Ul lilt; 11." muTtKu deeedcutH nnd mhinrH. thit Um follow- lug ndinlnNl ration nml Runnllan nccountH hno oeeu nii'ii in uio oineuoi uui ueKitior m uomui lilacmintv. nutl will h.i ir,'if'!itf.l for mtiflrinn tlon and iillovvuuee In tlio Orphnus' Court, to he iiciu iu iiiiniuiMiuruii euiiL'Htuiy, 1110 utit ti.ijr of December, h71,ntl' o'clock in the afternoon of xntil iluv 1. Tho account of .!plnliH. ICnrshner.Oiinrillrin orthoporNon unit estnloof Itusli , Jlnrtoony, n minor chllil of Henry Mnrteony, Into of Centra towufchlo. Cohimhl.i count v. ileriMtuul. ii. Tho account ot Uivld IK-niott, Uimnllau of tho porNon ami estnto ni MeKelvy Jvitclien, n minor chlUl of Henry Kitchen, lato or Ureon wooil township, Columbia county, tleco'ised. il llio nccount of Thomas J. Hutchinson, Innr dlnn of the person nud estnto ol Amanda 12. I'a' don, n minor child or James Talon, latu or Fish lneieok township, Columbia county, doce.iKed. -1. Tho account nf Wlillnm II. AliHoll Xfitnlti. iHirntor or John Wninpole, lato of CutawlHsa towiuihlp, Columbia county, defeated. 6. 'Iho llrst nnd llnnl account of M. K, Jackson, il.ti, t-v m uliu cili HO Ul rMIIUIOl IIUIIIU, eeased, K. Tllrt fllrmil nl n.ililflmlii t Un.ti.ifli. A.) mlulstrntor of Andrew J. Hlo.m', lato of llloom township, columbln countv. doco,ised. 7. Iho nccount of Daniel Hnyder. Jr., tho nr vlv ns i:ecutor of Daniel Hnyder, Hr., lato of iJloom lownhln. Columhln countv. duceahed. 8, Tho nccount of A, 11. Par Iter, 0 mm I Inn of tho persons and listato of I-ranlc Cottier nnd uuriuy t tuner, iniuorciiiiurun oi nuou uotnor, lato ol Madlion township, Columbia county. de ccn&cd. . Tho first nnd flint nccount of William If. Knulds, Administrator of Illiabeth Cook.lnlo of Scott township, Columbia county, deceased. 1". ino account oi joscpu ii. iever, Atimini3 trator of Daniel Meyer, Into ofillillln township. uui mi mm I'lHiuiv.mi-iM'tuj. 11. Tho second nnd llnnl nccount of Conrad Kienmeruud It. l lYult. Atlmlulstiators of Dr. nuiiou utnuer.iniooi .uuuiiou lowutmp, Loium bla countv. ileceased. 12. Tlio llrst and llnnl nccount of 8, Il.llowman, ough or llerwlck, deceased. It. Tbo llrst mul Mnul nciriiint nf riMKnrf ft Fowler, survHluu Trustfo or 1h.uio Fowler, lato or tho Uorough ot llerwlck, docoased, 11. Thu llrst account of Ototgo Hcott, ndmln Ititiator ot C. 11. UelHnjder, lato of Caltawlssa, Columbia comity, deceased. 15. Tho account of Jacob II. Fill 7. guardian nt the ponton and cstatoof Formula Frll., n mlnm- chlld or John Fulz, Into of Kugirloaf township In said county, deceased. Jteulsler'H )IKv. I liloomsbnrg, Mov. J, 1S7I, f 'IDOW'B AlU'lt A ISKMKNTH. Iho followlnir nnnralsements of rent nnd iwr Ronal pioperty stt apart to widows ol ilcctnlentH hnVO beeil (lied 111 tho oMlcn nf tlm IteiKli.r i.t Columbia county.undcr tho ItuUs or Court, nnd will bo paw-tiled tornbsolnlo contlnnatlon, to tho Orphans' Com t to bo held In llloomsburg, In mul for saldcounty.on Wednesday, tho Mh day of Dtceii herlsTI.ut a o'clock r. Mofsald d ly, tin. ously tiled, or which nil pernuns lutercited in Biiui i tuiirt will uiiiu 1KH1CO : I. Widow or Is.iao Ui our, lato of Coatro town shln.tU'Censed. .'. Wld-iw of Oeorgo Masters, lato of llrcen- lowushlp. dtccitsed. :t. Widow of John AlaMtellcr, lato of Ilrlarcieok i. Widow ot Jacob Yohe, lato or Millllu town ship, decease I, f. Widow or (Jeorgj W. Vc i r, lat j of J,ocint W.n.JACOin, Holster, lteglster'H Olllc. i ISloomshmg, M'ov, u, 1S71.J "WIDE AWAKI' vnriw,VM' v(r d Minoih Frencti oil Chronios-snhlnt 1,1 KII HIZK, e.(UlHito(i'.WmWt of orlalnal oil Faint lns,rny;.v.d KM rioeeiy Milmcrlbcrto nitllAT I.ITKltAUV, UKMIHOUH, WKKKTjY NKWhl'AFKH. AucitU liavlm; L'mat kini'inml Ouo took 1,00-1 nameH lu Smtmlhs; unolherG7J In !ij days ; another HS In ouo week ; one 17 In ouo day; nud many others cquuHy well, making lioiuf'iiuul ;iutn$l)ror day. Takes on sight I mi uui I04COVMI10 tnwivs, says; "i imnic It tho beitlmimssfor amvimrrs tier otla til. Korrv r iii.i not engage sooner." Fuyw bLtter Hum nny huo'z hOCAU AUK NTS WANTKD. Intelligoutinen nnd women wanted everywhere, H jou wlhh good territory, send early lor clicu Inr nml terms I J, it. FOHD A. CO.,'J7 IMilc pl-icc, X. . 11 liromlltld bt., Dohlon; West Madl Ison ht., Chicago. Adll.NTS VA.TIU FOIl Till YUAR OK HATTLRS ll.o mory ot tho Warhntttten I i.inco and ueimany, emoracing aiao raris under tho Com inline, li) illustrations ; Uli mi ires : nrlce. SiOO : fin.O U comdes nl rend v soli i n 'ho only complflo woik, Nothing eriuaU It to bell, Making lo.OOO copies ier inonin now, in English nml Ciermau. i criiis iinvuiiniitti. uuiui jMlUlt-KS II, , UOUD.Sl'i:i:i A CO., 37 Farlc itow, New York, 'VnniVy HOUHUUOW MA(JA.1N1; lsol i JJU kJ lereuirco timing tho coinlUKyonr to overy huhscrlber of Merry's Museum, tho To ledo made, romeroy's Democrat, etc., which Is nn evidence or its worth ami popularity, Hor uce (Ireeley, James l'arton, Tneodoro Tllton, Gall Hamilton, etc., write for every number. Iu otleis three lira cIiuh periodicals for tno price or one of them, A variety of pre ml unison equally liberal tonus. It H nuorlirlnnl. lliuttla93 unsiuino. Yolumo X begins wllh Jan. '72. Threo specimen conies f.ce. Address H. H. WOOD, Newburgh, X. Y. iVKHY VMWUW Isiuvltftl mseml his nl.lru.s and itcelv vo Fnci: ami 1'iisrariK I'iin n Mf ,.i ii.n iVJIKUIUAN l-'AltM .'rniniVAr, Tlipinost I'mctlcal, llio Hunt nml fhc-.-iiicsl Illus' ra i-il Aiirlculiiinil impi-r In thu Uniiwi nmu-H, Duly 7j ri'HH lwr yi'.ir. Si-n.l fur copy. AikllCM illl.LUt.l.Ol'KUA-UO.. l uletlu, Ulilo. hulliliiil by MUNN ,l l'U rubllitiera Hclcnlifia Amcrt run, 31 l'Aiiu Haw, N. V. Tvvolily.llvoycillil i-jicrlonco. 1 lllllllllll-tll l-lltllllltllmr ll,llu,il I (l,r"U ...III,! illrirlluuM lion III iilitnlii I'utt-jiU, Ireo.' Mtiiiiiu viiiuino oi ui iint-i-fl, cniiinitunit tlio fjl.w C'KNSl-s liy rmintli4 nml nil Iiiibo c-UIi-k, I ID i:ilL'lilvinLr-i of M,.,.i., 1lfv..,.,n,.tu I,,,..., IjlWH nllil rillp-l fur nliinlnlii-r l-iitimtv' imili,.,! mi i i-culpt nf 15 rent. The oldest nnd mnstiellaliln liikiiiiiii... r.. ni.. lllulint n Mercantile IMucallon, ,-rraciicm nuiuesHinen ns Instructors. 1-or lurorinatlon write for n cUeulnr to 1'iHIl.thONrVlltsbliritl'a; 1,10 CONGRESS ARCTIC- KiiioiiK!TiiiirrOVKI!Sll0i:i K3 1 ' 1 'ifHiiiK lo put on I ASK YOl'IS fillOU IlK.UIlli VOK IT I A' Ui:.NTil Wanthi. aL-ouIs iiiatoiuoro niouey nt Work for 114 limn ill. ntivi lilt,., nlun llnuT- Uess lluht mid ni-riiiiiiii.iir l.,riini,l.i. rl NiiNHON i C'o.,,7'iiio irl l-iMlilurt, l'orlland', - A .Mll.N'llll lloiso HiruUhed, H. ) h-nsis paid, II, 11. HIIAW, Alfred, Me, BOOPINQ, CVEU7 V A B I a T y A T MOST FAVOIIAWjE HATES, JOHN THOMAM, Ariu CAHl'Klt J. TIIOMAH jii'in' Blooiuaijnrir, I'a, mi Q Ij A T K Patont Modicinoa. To Dcbllltalcd Iraoiw, To l)yflpcjtIcH, To Huirorors from Liver Complaint, io iiiosu jiuviuk no Appoint?, To tho-jo wltli JJroleon Down OotuiU tulloiiH. To Nervous people, To Children wasting Away, To any with DobllitiUod Dltfjdlvo urimns. Or fttdJ'erlnif with (my 0 (hcollowtno fymptomst which indicate Disordered lAver or Momacnt Mich ns Oon Rtlpitlou.ItiH'iml riles, Kill nous or lllo'Hl toihe Hcnd, AcM lty of tho (ilnnmth, Naiifc.i, lloarlhuru, Dingnst for Food, Hour KruscltutlouH.HIiiklnKorKiut tcrlmtnttliol'ltorihoMtomacli.Hwlm inlncot tho Head, Hurried nml Dlttlcutt llrealhlmr, FJultcrlng nt Iho llort, Choklii!i or HutloenuiiH HensitlotiB whon in n i,yinir l'os luro, DlmnoHior Vision, Hot or Webs beforo thnMlyhl.Kovernnddullpaln In Iho head, Jiellclency of lVrHplrntion, Yellowness of tlio Hkln nnd Hyen, I'nln In tho Hide, Kick. Chost, Mmbs, Ac. Hudden Flushes or Ileal, IturnliiK In the Flesli, Cotntntillnmlnlngs of Ill,nDd great DepreHslon of HplrltH. HOOFLAND'H 0 HUMAN IHTTK1W. A lilltira without Alcohol or Spirits of nny kind, iNtllrTficutfromnttrithcrt. It It enmposodof tho pure JuIcch, or Vital lmclptc tf AW, llrrbi, nnd ;Mr-t((or ns medicinally termed Hxltnctfl.) tho orthlossnr Inert portions of tliolimred tents lint heltiK used. Tiieiefuro in ono llottfo of ihli inut'iH umo is coHuunoii ns mucii mouicniiii vlrluons win bo found ltiRoverat gallons of or uiuitijr iiuaiuu' Atiu ikumi, O.C., useu in mis Hitters nro urown In Ucrmnnv. thnir vltnt urin. clples oxtracied in that country by n Bclentlilo iiiijiiu,iirm nirwiuueti in iuo innnuiACiory in llils city, whero they nro cotnpoundetl nnd hot lied, ContnlnlnR nn nplrlluous Ingredients, this J Utters hi treo Irom tho obJectlouH urged ngnlnst nil other! no Uonlro for tdlmulautH can no in duced irom tholr uso, thoyenuuot makodrunk nriH.find catiuol under nny circumstances, havo nny butu bcntllclal oiltcl, HOOFIiAND'H OUUMAN TO.NIC, Wan compounded lor Ihoso not Inclined to extieino blttera, nn-i Ii intended for uso In ctwn when some nlcohollo ntlmulaut Is reiulrel In connection with tho Ton b properties oi tho ltlt tern. Rich hottloof IhoTtmlccontalnsono I ini tio or tho lUttern, combined wllh puio HAN I'A CUUZ HUM, an. I lHvored In nuch n manner that tho extreme, blttcrucs of the bitters Is overcome, lonnlng n preparntlon higiily ngreoablo uud )IeiLsant to tho palate, and camatmug tho motll el u nl virtues oi tue itlttern. Tlio ptlco of tho Tonio Is $1.50 per Mottle which many persons think too high. They must tnko Into considera tion tint tho stimulant used is guaranteed to ho or u pure iiu.illty. A poor nrt Iclo could bo fur nished at a cheaper irlce,but Is It not better to pay ix lllllomorcand havo a goad article? A medi cinal preparation should contain nono but tho host Ingredients; and they who oxpect to nhtalu u cheap compouuJ, and bo beuetltloi by U will moitcertaluly bo cheated. HOOFIAND'H OHItMAN IHTrKIW, HOOFIiAND'S CIIJIIJIAN TONIO, WITH llOOI-'IiAND'H l'OUOlMIVI.I.IN 1'IM,, WILL cum: YOU. Tlu-y nro llio (Irc.itcit iu. ooi) r t; it 1 1-1 1: us Known to tho Jleillcul worlil, nml will crnill. catuillsi-Aieiinrlslni;iriMii liniuiroliliio I, IMilluy of tho lllh't-sthoum'.ins, nrdNo.isoil I.Ivor, In 11 kUortci- timo than uuy other liiiawn roiucillun. Tho wholo SUl'ItEMi; COUllTof l' Sl'KAU FOll TJI1.-1IS llSMKUILa. Who would ask for more DUalilcl nuastroiiser Testllnony? Hon. (leonriK W. Woomv.uin, armor GdtfJiw ticc o te fiuprcme Court of PcnnvjlvtmUi, u prcient Member of Otniins from roimylvant'i it-ri'ci .- riiiLAnuwiHA, Jlurch 15th, 1S07. I llml "Ilnnlliina'H (li-innit Hitters" li nironl tonic niclul In dlieascH nf tho illiti-itlvuoi' nnanf itrent lienellt llii'.iu.soriUhllltyiina waut of action in tho hystem. YmirK truly OtOllOE w. WllOIIWAItn. Hon. Jamks Thomson, CMrf jatlict rf iht Huprtmt Court of rennsytvunta. l'HlLAliltLI'HI I, April IU, 1S07, I ronsl.ler "Hooll.inirs (lermnii Iltttrrn" n vnl. n.-llilo nu-illclilo 111 ciuoof iiltiirku ol ImllKCKtlnn or l)j pep il.i. 1 can curtllv tills li-uin my ejliw. rleneootlt. Youib, wltli, Tamils Thomson, 1 Ion. (I i oitin: Hiiaihwood, Justice of the Supreuu Cottit of I'cnniylvanld, l'iiit,Aiii:i.riii., Juno 1, 1W, I havo louiiil liy experlcnco tint "Hooll unl's Human liitiam U n rry ko-kI innle, rullovln iljkp.inleiiyinptomsiiliniiii illrcctly. (li:01IUIS HHAI13WO011. Hon. Wm. P. Kncn,, Muyor of the dtuoflluirih. .v. r. Iayor' Olllco, liuiMIo, Juno 22, Ml). I Inyo usoil "HiiolluiiN (lerinin lllltorn nml Tonic ' in my f.iinllyilnilnj! lliu I'lil, nml i .1 . . " ilu 1 1 ifiu ion n-, nn i.nlllli; touuilllll Vlltor totllouVHtenl. Tlmlr Ms, ir to tho uyHtem. Their iimi llus been luodiititlvii tit , '1111-11 v VUL-CIM. W.M. ltOCIKlM. Hon. Jnines SI. Wood, Vt-itor of WMitmtport Ji. I tftka grout plrasuroluiecoinmonJIns" Hoor ..'), l;t'l'!lVl,.1 ''oulo ' M nny ono who may no illlllcti-,1 with llypori a. I had tho Dyspepsia m li.ully It was i Impossible to keep my mod In my stomach, nud 1 bi-came Jo weak ns lint tolinnblo towalls liairnlulle, Twobottlis orT'onlci'llecleil ii porfect cure. James m, Wouii. Jii:.w:.wn:i: THAT hooi-TjAN'ii'h iir.ujiAN iUTn:i'-i, IIOOFIiAND'S OKU3IAN TONIO Will Curo every caso of -V A J! A ,S M U ,V, Or Wasting away of tho Holy, JUML'UllL'li THAT IIOOI'MND'S (IE11MAN HHMKUIIiS Am tlio medicines you r(iiilro lopurlrytho 1 nod, esel ii the torl.lil LU er In hcnllliy mtlim. ulirdii'il'or'eo'suVe. "My ""m"i" "' Vll. HOOKLANIJ'H i' o i) o i ii yi,uN, SuiisrrruTi: rop. Jluitcunv Pii.w. nro I'ju.i a j)oje 'Jhe most Powerful. I'd Innocent. Vegetable Cathartic hnoien. It li llflt lll-on..n,. I. ... lull.. ,,, ,.,i,.7 ,. i, nun, ii,, ,,, huso rll slotiroil i UI. M I..I .. i ........... act iU'c lily nn I Powerllllly, rliuUklni;lhoMpr. isioinae i and llowels of nil Imnufill, -n ,', Inllo ' I'-Jlr'i"'"!1 lHi1'' 'Joi'lOlllil. orllio AU-o. L m, 1"u,11"'' Itil, ui-tlflsi nnU krarclitnt; Ilia?! lojlandialiol self, lis peculiar action l? upon 0.f''e'V,1'".1 11 'I'culllyiroiu nllobfclruc. IlOUS. Willi llll Hi., ivu, ,., M... from Uio Injurious resulls attached tu llio uio or thai lulueiul, l-'ui- uliuieuseslii which tho uso of n catliailio s ludlealtil, theso jdlls will iilvo unllro satlslae. Hon In evciy caso. 'Jliey NliVIlIt l-'All III eaes nl Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia nml exlieiuo ensllvc-ness, llr. lloollaud's (Jeiuiau lllltersor Toulo should bo used li. eonutetlon with lliol'llls, Tlio tonloeirect of tho Ullteibor 1 olllo bullils mi I hnu v.l cm. 'I lin llllli'iu or -I'... purities tho Hlood, sfrennlhcus thu Nerves, ithij. Iil.ATi.s tho l.lver, uud Uc ttrinytli, imisy nnd vigor. Keep your llowels nellvo wllh llio I'llls, nml tone up tho system with llllters or Toulo, and no illseiuo can retain thu hold, or et eu ussall you, lti eollect that It Is lilt, HOOKLAND'H nuu. MAN lleliiedtes that uro so unl vet sally used uud highly leeomuielideil uud do not nllow thu Diugglst In luduoo yon to taliuauwhliujthat hu inuy say Is Just us tood, Licjimu ho makes a larger protlt on It. Theso Itemedles will bo kent by express to, nny locality, upon iiiipllcatlou lo Iho I'lllNI'I I'Al. tll-'j-lpl:, at tliu IIKKMAN MKUICINU Hl'OUK, oai Arch Ht., I'hlladelphla. Oil IS. .11. f.V.ti, lioii l('or. TI1040 ltomodles aro for salo bv liruoilkta HUrokcepcni,au'l Modlcluo Daalctsovorywhoro