THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I The Columbian Blooinsburg, Friday, Oot. 27, 1871. i . i- ai Xntr Itnw.nrn mir nnlv . AflvrrllMintr .A (rem in new irn, iVir VKTilKnit.t.AunMNo.TO70hotnut Htreet, dila, it p our iiihj ""'" '- , - v n; .... 111,1 Inlmninrt nnv busllKh Pettnlll Ilif lo Wllirct." Railroad Timo Tablo. . n. t tut k - r -i- t -j t f f t ri t -.1. i.. iiiii.i..... i nil P.M. A. , ATAWIK8A II. U. rUOM IMl'HHTb-IAlliMi. union nouui. i... ..... r v. rnvvvn u niithorlzwl totran3 Tiir tircnUIiiKup "f soveral Insuranco .... ...111 l.n.'fl nH ittrlit I n lini.n I mi i ill i k t'i ' . ......v .. . t. ..I . itinL' nrr nnn i n mnrn nirn. .-..I t.. &n rn nit innir rnin linn mi in I 1. Haivi? thloves nro doing consldcra. i.oni. "ira Borrc s. wan imrncra ior Tiir. Ij'comliif Iiisuranco company .... t...i..viAi1 on nvlrn oatJORSlilonf. nf ., unnn llq mnnihr.i-1 lo mnnt II (iv c by tlio Chicago Arc. As Uicro M i.lli n mutual and n stock branch of us FiMay evening, October 27, l'rof. ,1 'liton of tlio Normal Jcliool, will kIvo iin! ciilcrlalnmcut In tliullnll for i.lrnli. . v II 1I1V1I1LL1I1I1 IS Ill.SIl t'A. Ll'lll IIH 1 10 inu liiuiuiia ui mu ov;iiuui illlU UlUOU Ul llio community who apprcclato licarluR wusii;. To the Columbian: If tho Jlcpubllcan .UlTl'Jl VAI3I. liuuuuw ubiu(. t. utiia.tii.u 1 111 Ull.llUUli! W.IOUl T...'J" .til. J Mill utmi ilia uro linos. ci. h. n. I'nr.MituiH andI)iit,omah. Amonir i. i.i- nn. i.t. I., t UIi..i I U...lnl.. ,, ..n-n II. . i.rMnlum nt..l Bun nml (llplomaa woro oiult'cu You can't cat onoiiRh In ono week to ivi a wnoiu year, aim you ca ri flavor- i.n nn flmr. i.lnn nltlini. A laiKO advertisement once, nml then injudicious advertising Is lll;o llslilnp; 11... linn.-. Till 11. a 1 . T ... . A constant dropping will wear u rock. IV1' lllWi'l'lllfci J Ulll lilt 11 I lUHHII k UU unitr it iiko rocK ran. The Northumberland JSiptUt Asso- l(!?jn lield Ha annual bcsslou at 3II1- Etna in tlio latter part of September. fl'lio body is composed of Churches Bit- iSiiatMl lit Columbia, Montour, Northum- lUrlainl, Iiycomiug, Clinton, Sullivan, iUnlou, fjuydor and Cameron counties fl'liu Absociatlon ban within iw hounds :si churchos and W.H members. Uap- ll-im iluring tho year 202. Tho benev olent contributions reportod amounted ltd over sja'i.OOO. $(il2 wan subscribed in Salilof tho church at Milton. Tho Asso (iiitiou meets at Watsoiitownucxt year. I Whitk Vksth. It Ih said there H a mania pervading fashionable swells for while vests with gilt buttons. This Is somewhat singular, for swells noverdo anything within reason, especially In matters of dress. A black coat and pants, with whlto vest, is tho neatest dress a gentleman can wear. Wo liavo nothing to say about tho gilt buttons, though In modern times they ought not to ho objectionable sinco brass forms tho stable production of nlno-tenths of tho tiililonablo world. If tho swells aro raging for such a dress ns wo have de scribed, it is tho first tlmo wo over hoard of them having common sense. I'.xvhange. Sunil.iy School t'oincullon. Tun Annual Convention of tho Co. lumbia county Sabbath School Assocla- tlon lll bo held In Kspy (Lutheran Church) on Tuesday, Wcdnci-day mid Thursday, November 11th, 13th and billi. This association Is composed of (M denominations of Christians and it Is hoped that every siipeiiiitenilent, officer and teacher of S.ibbatli Schools will feel especially Interested in Its suc cess. Every school in thocounty should bo represented. Schools can send ns many delegates as they chooso. All officers and teachers of Sabath Schools nml all ministers nro entitled to mem bership and aro cordially Invited to lake part In tho work. "In tho mult! tudo of Counsellors thcro Is safety." Let us havo a full turn out of tho friends of tho (awe. Delegates will bo entertain cil by tho citizens of Kspy. Eminent t-ubbath School workers will assist us. Superintendents wlU Plcnso send to N. Hiciiaut, Kspy, Pa., for blank reports lo bo tilled up for tho Convention. lly order of tho Executlvo Commit tee. J. 1$. ltOHISON, N. IticirAKT, Sec". President. It is now estimated that tho city of Chicago has sulrered a loss of not less than twenty nor moro than twcnty.Uvo per cent, on her total assets, real and perianal. Her most shrewd business men express It as their conviction that flvo years hence, at most, tho exhibit of population, wealth, commerce, and manufactures will bo oven greater than u month ago; un opinion In which wo miiy coneun Cuicaqo Notes. It is Indeed nn 111 wind that blows nobody good. It Is (aid that theru Is not u single Indict i Infill lf.ft nrvntnat nnu nf.nnn.l ..Axon.. I. I Cook county, Illinois, which Is certainly j'niu ui kuuu jut tuiiu luipuuiu ruiics. 4iui, on wio other liana, tlio luwy havo differed Miverolv. Ilnrdlv u nv library or law offlco Is left j not n paper m snow wiai inero is a euu penning any of tho six courts nf llin raimlv- a Judgment, not a petition In bank mpicy in llio loileral courts. . woko yet. bo (ar ns Is known, nil And tho records of deeds and mortgages aro ucsiroycii, 0 II ICAG 0. Till ACTUAL STATK OK A1TAIUS. Intoic-jthi!? nml Jtcllnlilo Statistics. Tho Chicago TWitiiic, of October lath, has tho following! WHAT 18 Bl'AUEB U8, "Our columns havo been so cxteu. slvely occupied during tho pant week with reports of tho enormous losses of llfo and property In tho Into flto that thcro Is somo danger that tho damage sustained will hoovcr-( dlmatcd. True, wo havo eceii l!,6oo acre i In tho most central portion of dm clly swept baro, 20,000 buildings dfulroyed, mid 100,000 persons rendered homeless, tho total pecuniary loss bolng not less than Titr.iiK iiujinuED mii,t,ion Dor.tiAiiii but wo havo still a great deal loft. Wo may roughly rstimalo tho situation as follows: " Abovo 0,000 persons havo left tho city j population remaining, 280,000. " I'lvo grain elevators wcro burned, with l.COO.OOO Imshelsof grain i leaving us with cloven grain warehouse!) Intnct, containing fi.OOO.OOO bushels. " Ono-half of our stocks of pork pro ducts wcro binned 1111, with tho snino proportion of Hour. " Of lumber, BO.OOO.OOO fict wcro burned j tlio stoik reiiiultiliigis21o,000, CdO feet. " Of, 60,000 tons wcio burned up; wo have1 7t),000 tons 011 baud. 'Our slock of leather was decrc.isi'd onc-qtiarlcr, tho value) of that burned up being SiB.OOO. " Xhu greater porti in oi tho slocks of groceries, dry goody, and boots and shoes wcro hunted up, with moro than mo half tho ready m.iilo clothing : but -ho (inutilities destroyed wcro starcoly equal to moro than a ttireo weeks' sup- pijytnu nro now bclngrapldly replaced NOT MUUB T1IAK TI:S l'KR CJ1NT of tho currency was destroyed by tlio lira ; wo havo :SO,000 houses left stand ing, and our real estate could not burn up. "A careful averaKo of thcso lamer ueius, with smaller ones that need not bo enumerated, shows that tho city of Chicago has Bulfticd a loss of not less than 20, nor moro than 23, per cent, on Iter total a'-sct 1 real mid personal. Tho loss is a great onu; but, so far from irretrievable, that wo may confidently ltopo to sco n return to former prosper ity cro long. Tho ratio of lncreno dur ing tlio past thirty-four years has aver aged 101 per cent, por annum. This rato would restore tho stntusof 11 mouth ago within three years. Making every duo allowance for the terrible .sot hack experienced, thero cm bo 110 doubt that luvi: ykaiw nn.N-ci:, at most, tho exhibit of population, wealth, commerco and manufactures will bo greater than a month ago. Al ready tho city is rising from its ashes at : rapid rale, thanks to tho largo-hearted llbciallty of our countrymen every where, and tho resistless energy of our own citizens. Lot tho faint-hearted ones tako courago; tho real workers havo not wasted a moment in regret ; Hut havo repaired their losses thero will ho 110 occasion for It. ATIIOCIIOUS rAIUIK'ATIONS. " Tho pnpors of tho Eastern cities nro publishing personal experiences of per sons professing to havo been siilferors by tlio firo in this city. ThcsO stories aro for tho most part fabrications. Tito descriptions given of murders and rape? by bullies, thloves, and rtiiHans, during tho progress of tho Uro, nro WnXTUHKI) INVENTION'S. A respectable New York paper gives room to a long recital of tho nar row escapo of 2U0 abandoned women from their lodgings in Kcyuolds' Ulcck. Tho pictures of obscenity and profanity aro drawn by un expert, but aro wholly destitute of truth. No woman of that or any other class, occupir I rooms in that block. Tho flro was lionlblo enough in all its details; thcro was a full bharo of tho selll-liness and heart- lesiiiess peculiar to human mituro; thero wero fre(uont eases of druukencss itnd iiidlU'erenco to tho Impending ca lamity, but thero was no general bru tality, llendlaluioss, nor crime. Tho thousand stories of incendiarism and crinio during tho progress of tho tiro Aim cmoss uxAciomiATioNs, perversions or puro fabrications. Thero was llttlo tlmo for stealing; tlio tiro wus too closo upon tho heels of honest men and thloves, nml but llttlo oven of what was stolen could bo carried oil'. "Tho news of thollro brought hither THOUSANDS OF THIKVIM from other cities ; but dies'! did not reach hero until Wednesday and Thurs day, and by that tlmo publlu vigilance bad been aroused, ami their stay was short and unprolltable. Tho buffering of our people was terrible enough ; It needs no exaggeration to make It tho most extensive scene of human misery; but for tho credit of common humanity wo deslroto stump these stories of mur der and other uo less ntrociuus crimes ns falbo In oery particular. THE HISTMIlUTION OF tJI'l'I'MES. "Tho system of rellof inaugurated on Tuesday appears now to bo working with tho most gratifying smoothness, for which tho Hellef mid Aid Society is deserving of tho warmest admiration. Though colossal In Its proportions, and labyrinthine in its Intricacy, it Is almost self-directing. Tho Impulso onco given, every plccu of machinery is set In per fect motion, lly Saturday, it Is beiloved that every applicant will bo recognized and registered ; every bushel of Hour, every pound of meat, every cent of mouey, will bo also registered, and its distribution strictly accounted for. " Meantime, thoamount of provisions in store at tho great depots is gradually diminishing. At tho warehouse of TOllEV AND IIOOTH, corner of Urovo and Eighteenth streets, u very largo quantity of provisions is in storo. Tho warehouse is a model of neatness and order, nnd Is carefully guarded. Tho work of receiving hero was entrusted lo General Hardo, United States army. Ho has endeavored, as much as possible, to coucentrato tho depots. Thcro are, at present, THltEK CllINEKAI. RECEIVING CENTltES, tho wnrehouso referred to, Shaw's pack' Ing bouse, nt tho foot of Twenty-first street, and the West SIdo Rink. Thoso contain all tho provisions in the city, and supply tho direct centres on orders. TUEBUlTUia AT PllESENT. " Thero aro at present In storo tho following supplies: Plotir and bread stuffs, 2,000 barrels; mcut, S0.00O pounds; stores, 1100 j blankets-, 20,000 ; clothing, G50 cases 1 potatoes, 0,600 bushch ; mat- ticssos, 000, nnd a largo ninouul of sunt and miscellaneous articles, from lltlt It will ho seen that, whllo thoro Is u largo and promising supply of bread stuffs, tho meat and small groceries aro not ns plentiful as could bo desired. Howover, 11 rigid economy will bo Drought to bear, ondnono but die needy will bo assisted. Thoro nro at present ration.) for loO.OOO persons for ono day or for about n.VOOO persons for four davs which Is supposed to bo an approximate estimate or tho number need! ig succor HUKr.TI'.lt. " A view of tho hendiiuarlc m of the various eommltloou yesterday was par ticularly promising. All nro hard nt work, nml ovcryihlng Is going on with tho regularity of clockwork. Tho shel ter committee In sou hand about 1,000 applications foi building materials, whllo over 1C0 01 dors havo already been Issued. A very Inrga number will ho given tn day, tho applications having been subjected to nn examination, and 11 largo number found deserving. I.0CA1, N0TIIT..S, Ni;w Uochcllc,(Lnwt?ti) lllni-liliu. .y vims for nato, 53. nr liiuui'i'd, h josi'-'ii (ia.u:ion nioomMuirtf. lt TOlUe'CO im.l HKOAIIH ran bi taught nt tho .Matntmilli (Irnccry of .1. II. cllyrl. Utmllty very Mtpirlor, Try Ihern. nntnimNrw IVtmlly Hwlng Mni-hliics-ton il iillnrn rnh Ittlniico In monthly Installment1 .1. A. TouAK, Agent, Ittm.mtliurg, Til. no.KMr lin.Vr f.irgcl to Mo tlll'.TON'H NT.V OYRTKIl mil nslt MAltKIH' ou Centre Htrcot, C'Jirk unit W o Hfitolc. OMITON Is recttvlni! tub, au nml shell OYH 1 Kits tiliimil 'iitlly.iU liu lien-tlicu on e'rutri Strom, lionr C'lnrlt nml Wu'fuKlnre. It A. cxiiMVN of Ivntiiti luis J t n-tnrnoil from IIk. i it iitliiintioais..i'tiiicrjtufnillllniry S"ihI, f, wlili-h nho 1 n Km t'10 Attention ir tlio inoplo. t l'l ii- i.ns tiidi blf.1 to tlil. Mtili'o r-ir J0I1 lirlnt' liiKnmlmlmtlMliiKnit' 11. aulut th'it onopor ci nt. ii v mouth Is nadiHl i nil Mi's thuthtnml nvorto, nSS-tf. Fevf i"s :.cti!utn wltlnjut wnrn lttfj; ntultiiayoilon ho thrown oirhy Hoiking th o fiot In warm wator, wnpptus np ?iuni In tieil, fttiil j':ln two or thr ior " irs .r 1'tt'yntnc Mtajlona. Just rctunioil, i-nyn ho reiiirilH " Johntf'H'H An tflync T.tihn'ilt " ri boyonil nil pik", nti'l i-ntcnclnun beymul itny other incill etii". It Is n.lipii il tn 11 A Mirlety of nt celal ea-1, nn.l Is ttt i host iialu hlllar In tho woilJ. Tm: MnlcnKittfl lnii'n hy ile'ilim In other inn chlni , tlmttliey n-lt New Hlnaf r hewlnjt Ma chlurs is not true, 'llio Kluetr ilahttfatloiy Mil-ply no uipihlnts lu Columbia nnunlv, cxi-opl to ttii-tr an Uiorlml pijcnt, .1. A. Iioiun. no :j-tr t'JiVUK A Wol.t hiivonn iiw-oitmc-ntof urwMs now Unit woilbl b.i acrtj-llt tonny tonn or slore In tlioH'lto. liven tl.t-tr lon-jthy n.tverl i-ement can not Uo Jilbllco to tho tiiibjecl, II is wull worlli tho tlmo to e.i!l nut Keo tl,-. Js anl bow eticap tlicy cau bo sohl. A IIFNIKAI. anKorttncut of.SCIIOOI. IIOOICS nnd HTATIONAIlV.wholtiialo ami rcUll at A. I), Wkiiu'.s lloolc Htore. oppolto tho Court House, Mlfcccllitncoun hook, portmonntcii, t.ter. eo'eoplo plrturoH, tjamcH. pIclnro-bookH, blank. boolis of nil klmK etc., utc. A NEWamt eli-gant nnfiortmeat of fall anil win ter kooiU has JuHtbccn ricclvcilby H, U, & tion, which tbey odor nt very low prices. Alo all nulolcs URuatlylrcrt In n dryg' ts sl rre, Their frlcndi nnd thopub'lcnrp ln itr I to mil and ixnmlno them. CllAMl'Snml lu the htomn"!!, a' 1 then- halt of Imperfect lndK'csllou. noil may bo lm ineillately rollovotl by a dono of Juiimson's Ano- riV.VK i.inimc.vt. A ti'V.poon .11 'i a llttlo sweetened water i u ise. . llrAvv oats nro uood for horsca; nono will il. ny that ; but oats can't mako a borso'ii coat look smooth nnd slossy when ho Is out of condition, Siii.uin in'h Cosiiitio:i Powimrs wi'l do this when all eUo t.itlii. Nr.H- MlI.I.l'KKliv (Irniu, of tho latent and most fashlonahlo Mrlmnml at 1111 loratn nrlces. Just received liy M(n L .-in: Haucj v nt her Hloio onJMaliiHtrcct.belo'i- 3farket, Dlootiisburir. A full Jluo ofjrood nlwnyN ou 1 id and nil Mll- lcnery woilc dono to crier, Oc1' 'in. NKVri'.Monn! Istkvehmoui:1 Is llio ex clamation of tho Invalid, who has nbauilouod, for home M'oithlCES compouud, n sterling uicill clual preparation. If nuy puirerer r-oni Dyspep sia, Constipation, lllllousness or Debility, hus been lured, In n Weak moment fiom either of thoso two bourdon Viwolablo Kpeclllcs, iof- litml'a Clamrm JliUcr$,itY llimlnml'n Jbnlc, nnd lu ducedto "run uftcrstriinsonoiU,H "Nevenuorol Nevermore t" Is bis cry, an he returns disgusted, tn the standard lemedy. Hold by till drugKlbt. " MARRIAGES. i:.TONT OIH.-On October tlio liousooT tho brMo's i it'entK, hy ih Uov, l .1. Mnhr, Mr. J.unt's M, l.uloti, m ArdiliaM, Ijiv-ciiiq Uo,, J'.i., Ut .M lis Atlco 4 )IUf of liloomslHirj,'. OHMtTN YOST-Ia Ctt-tw'a, tit tho M. I'.. l'nr- wumti.' ia H.unitiHv, ijcioLht xist, , I hy imv, A.M. ivittWT, Mr. in, J. INmuii, nt Vyfuictl, llnrtftit O'niiity III,, lormeily of Mt. l-lHa!int f nvnslilp, I'll,, 11 ml Mlsu bophla Vost.ofltocuht townslilp, Coluuihla county, ln, DEATH HllUI.T On (ptohpr4th, .liipnh Truciunn, won oi wiiuiim mm ui-ikhcii nmiur;. ut iucust lownshlii, ngvii i years tiuil U ioouIim, WKAVEH-On tho ITlli tnvt., Mrs. lUlzahrth. consort ofrimonVwior,nt t'atuw Iss.i.nunl iiti 1 c.irs, 7 inoutliH nnil drtys. UlIKAl1 On tins !)lli InM., ut D.invllU', llr. l'lia'iia, wi:i or sir. ormim i. huchp, nnu tl.iUKhter or r.i'iij.unln nml lluniiiih llomhoy, otjed 'J i ycurts, 5 month-- aiul '."J duyH, TllUriV WlUf H.M15 II AH HANCrioNKl). Tho iiiuxlm that tlio voice ot tho people H thu volep of tho divinity, may lu kciiiu c.i'tw, ho opinio ilouht, hut tho (cbtliiiouy ol honckt anil onllht- cntU wlincssis ixU-iuiIn tin onj'li a hciIcH of ycHiH, and all to the hAii.u puipnil, H woilhyof cre4lcuci, admits of lm question. Upon KUch ttisllinony tho n pit till lou or HustflteriKtomath lllttii'8 an an tint Kioto and cine for many nllmcnts Whjsctl, turlnt; tho twenty jiars lliallthus boon before tho w(ild,lniuiiiierably pieparutlons lnltmlcd lo com pi I o with lt,liaoi;oiio up Uuo loolttlH.nnd 1'iiiiiu down thu txtlnytilfehtd hllckH, Mcunwhllo tho procriKM of that Incomparable tonla has been KwlHnndMeady alwajw upwnrtl and onward liUo tho ealu'd llltiht. IU lutroduo- tlon proiUiccd a revolution In thuntpeutlen, nnd Itpioved to bo ono ol lliohobulutary involutions tlmteannot go ImcUuurvls. To-day Uostetler'K llltU rw is ono of tbo moht jxijuilar lemedlenln chrUteudom, nnd commands tWareiTfculotlnm any other medicinal picrarallou, duiiuilla or Imported, on thUhidoof the Atluntio. Ah a euro for dyspepsia, bllloun ilIhouUH, nervoni nia-c- tlonu, cencrul lUblllly, and an a prtvcuUvoof cpldtmlo IbVLTB, It taltm pacedenco of uvery othtriemcdy. This fart should tenth tho anibl tloiiH country dcnlern who cudenor to foist their local abortions on tho puMIo In its hleud, how futile their small nttemptH to epjolo tho com muulty must uecchsarlly be. Where tbo namo tUh havo rjlltd thcio Is no chaueefor tho'uck ( rs.' AUIKV FANCY FUJtSI JO II N FA HKI It A, 718 AUCIIHT., MlddhM.f tho illncl:. hot w en 7ih nud Kill Hts., Hniitll HhKt, I'll! L A ll''I.I'l 1 1 A, llil porler.Matiuractureruud DtaUr luall kludi and quality or I' ANO Y F U H S FOIl LAUIUS' AND CIIILUUKN'ri WKAH. llavlntt linportodn very lartcouud uplondldu fioitmeut of ull tho dlllertMit kinds ot Fursfiom lirsL huuds lu Kurone, and havo had them mtulo up by tbo moHt skillful workmen, would venjcct fully Invite tbo readers of I hi paper to call und exnmluo hl very lame und beautiful assortment of Fancy Kiiih, von Imuies and Ciiilduen. I (undetermined to rhII at oa taw i-itit'K-s ah am other rt'Melnble House In Ibis city. All Tuui WAIKNU.H, NO MlSllEl'llESKNTAllON TO KK- JOHN I'AIIKlltA, 718 Altl'lt HniEUr, t'HILAI't-Ll'lllA. oetW71.3ni. B AHQAINS HAHQAINH. QUICK SAI.rS AND BMAT.l. 1'HOITITH, HAVr. aijuit Aiunr.i (lo to 1IHNHV VOST, , , , Kast lllooiiikburu'. I'll , for nil iluJ, of ttiouctt liomo anil city 111.100 V U It N I T U H K . Prlccu roaaouublu unit the bckt work ilone, lun 1'71-tf s HAHl'LKSS & 1IAUMAN, In poilklilnrnllnn or tnnrltii' ilnwn mir worll. aiul reliulldliiK ulileli will he eoiniueiiioil ery Noon-wo uru oneiluif i1ohm. Muvuh, At'., ut Ereutly rmlueej prlu,. II. Vt Hlf A ttl'IilUH A l'.H. HAltMAN, Woomiibiirn, t'u, Proprietor, Mttr.lK.'im-tf. ' HEAD QUARTERS l'OIl BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT E.M.KN0KE'S UIII5APEST AND 1H2BT Tho County Affords AT GASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Come anil Examine LY'foro I'lirdiiiying Elsewhere. E. M. KN0RR, 5I.OO?iISJ)UKG, VA. Hoi'lemlici s I6TI-1' TAOKAWANA AND Rr.003IS- J.J r.lHl.l UAII.ttllAI) Ou nuiliiur .Inly 17, iS7l,r.lsionccr Trains will run ii.i follows: OoIiie North. doing South Arrlvo Arrtvo I.oavo Ixtio , u. m. p. m, p.m. o.m Hernnlot I.ll i.i; 111,05 1'itlsion t.Vi 112 ill ioj I'lymnutti 12.20 . HhifkHhlmiy.... 7.IW lioo 8X1 jhii-wlalc M 7.11 li.W 1.51 pi' ni M fAj n.Ii 3.7 I'-nvllM iu..U i.T. ( oniH.cllon iii'Mlo ntHcranton by the tril .for Unjfit U'ii.J, liinahnmt.u, AJbrnnyanU nil t.olntu ;;url1j, Jit ninrVii. ' V, T. Il'JCND, flnp'l. 7vr)U'rnnKN ckxtual kail It , way, on nmJ uCcr August Otfc jf7t. Tralnv frill U-.vo.i Niu,.v jt follow i NOBTHWARIK I. ' A. ir., nvjy crt,t Pctih a, V;ilimjrt Ilniralo, norai.:rAt b and K. F.-l. i,' a. it,, Iniiv. frxet-pt hori'layn) tm WiflUi.i - nod KrtP. 1. f. x litolv, iai(li'afi Ujrfti ,vr l,. ml; a j:uUlo kod Maara rat.', via. Kt,q r.iA4 Irom ,,miS4, TI'.AIJfS SOtrr'ARO. VlLUtXGJus A.VD PHIM.&IXFWSAV AtFRKD It. Fui;. Ota naz'u QATAWISSA UAILIiOA D. 171. SUMMI f. AliANOKMKMW. VCU I' Tri !r , an ihu, r at! vitt nn fol lowii Mall tijuth. bTATJONH, Mail .'orVt Lv. WillAmurt, I.v, 6.n"jr. ro " V.D " Muticy, .J" M .n " Milton r,.D '' n.';i " lunvii o, 4, iii " ' Itup-rt, " 4.i2 " " ht.' ' ('jtHU'ltta, " t t'i " ll.O) " Illnyiowii, " llT.UI p.m, Huminlt., " 2.'j) " " IV.;. I " Onnkn'ir, " v,U) " JJ.-li ' K. Malio jy .Tniic, " l.l. ' l.' "InnoTaiiuq.u , iHne. 1?,32 " " i.'i't " Iteiidlnu'. " pj.iOn.ia, " n.Ii littHviiIo " 7.HI 1'hlU.lolphlrt, R.n " 1.2-1 "illno Munch Cuann., illno' J. p.m. li.;t.l H lU'thlehcin, noon " 5r l'hllu. via r'thlehcm D.ii i. m " 2.55 ' KaMon, " 11.33 " Is'iw Yoi It, It. l.lhrrty t., " fi.CJ via L. it H. It, It. , 'wi " " Jjoilou, y.H) p.m J'asst'iiRfni talilrjr tho K'i tialn from Wllllani fport, Mill han twohonrnln Nfw York, tor slip per, unit nrrHolu ISohIoii at C.of) n,m., cloven lionr In ntlvanco or nil oilier mules. New 1ny concliCH nccompnnv nil trains ho Iwien VlUlnnit.port, Ntw Voik nml l'hlhulel phla. Tinlu? run throush hy daylight, cu;o, WEiiii.Hupt, JKADINQ ItAILIlOAD. nu-MiMUH AJtHANCl KM 1JN T, SIONHAY, May 15, 1S71, (Jreat Trnnlc Lino fiom tho North and North- i'st for l'blhulcinhlii.N(iw Vorlr. Ittmiilnf l.,itu. vlllo, 'lamanua, Abhiuurl, Hliamoklu I,.buiion AUentowu, ilaston, Kphiata, Utl, Luucaater Columhlit,iVcM Trains leuvo Hurrft-buri; for New York, na Inl lows: At -.10, ,lu, a, m,, und -.'"J p. m., ntn nicllii't with hinUUr luuus on lonnsylva nla, nnd urrlvlu nt New York at M.W, n. in., nnd ,:;o n, m, rep'ttlvel, Hleepln-; ear KecoiuMiiy tho 2,1'J u. in. tialn lcttirn mis IjWio New York nt !).00fi.tii.nnd l'J.:;i noo'i und r,(H) p. in, rhlhidtlphta ut 7., M0 a in, tuat lw'j p. m. Hhepin cars u compauy iuti i,wiiin irniii woiii i winioiit C'iiaiii;v Leuvo lurrlfchur;:lor lioaillng, I'ottsvllie, in miuiua, MUu-Tsvllle. Abhland, Hhamukln Al lentown aud 1'101'i'tl.ut t,10a, m., und il.'H nnd 4,03 p.m., htoppliu; at Lebanon and prlnelpaUvay htntlous-lhoJ.Oj y.m, tram counecilnsfor lhU'u I'oltsvtllo ami Columbia only, For l'oiuvllle Hchnylklll Uuveu and Auhuru, vl.t HchuylkUl nnd Husqinbauiiu U.illroud.lcuvo HarrUburu id p.m. KoL l'clinsvlvunla Hallioad trnliti lenvn Itnn.l. Inyior Allciitoui i.ton and New York at 1.33, KWJ, i, in., und I.Oj p. m, Keturuliu,', Uum New Yoilc at U.w) a, ni., 12.&0 noon and 6.ou p, n, uud Alleutown at T.'JJa. m, 12.1W noon, 1M3, l.;5 WuV l'lLHicnuer Train iuaeh I'lilhidelnhlfi at 7,"oa.m., conuecllut; with hlinlhir train on Kant l'a, leturnhiif lioin Ueadlnjjat 11,1011.111. hlopplu at all stations, Leau l'ottsvlllo ut t,N), find 2,)M p.m. lluruUuii at 10.00 n. m., Mumoklu at 5,iuautl Jl lj n. in.. Ahhhind aL 7.01 a.m. and iitinu Alan- ttuoy L'ity ul 7,15 a. in. and I .it . 111, Thuuhiuh at a, in., and il.i'J p. in, lor ritlludelphi., New iont, nn.uiniH, iiaiiihuum.ivc, lnie l'otiMvllle vlu hciiiivlklll ami Busouo liauii t lUillumd at H,n a.m. Inr llarriKbur, iind 1I,U u, m., ior j'ineuroo aim jiliuoui, 1 toad I Areniinodtitlon Tialn leaves 1'otU villout j.'Mi. m., passes H ndiu nl7,'U)u. 111., ur living .it riill.uurphhtat iu.3o ti. in. Kiturulus lt-.iL4 I'hlhtdelPtiia at 5.15 p. m.. iMhsluu Head- liu nt 7,11 p.m. , urilvJuiiut I'otiHVlllo atujop.m. 1'otU-UHMi AccomiiKKiutlou 'linlu.linveN i'otts tbwnatiJ.30ium,trclurnlui;, leaves Fhlludelphla ut 4,3J p.m. iluuihlK Hnllroad Tialus leuvo Hoadlusr nt 7,'JO u.iUm una p.m. ior timruiu, iuiz, uiucaA ier, uuiuoiuia, ix;,, IVikloiiivu Italt ItoadTrulnslcnvorerklorueu iniK-i inn !it ?.I7 11.115 u. ni..a.uo Ati.txio. m. ruturu- liu: leave heliULUksvllle ut0.3ii, h,U u.m., 12.00 noiui p.m., coiiiieeiiuy wnu biuiuar iruius on ltpailtni: llallroad. Colt hrooTidulo llallroad trains leaverotUloun ntu.Joa.m,i i.iau.i) n.iu.rnurnin leave jiumu l'ltosaiii 111 7.waini n.-u. ui., ii.uu p.m, eouutei lu iv 11 1 similar trains on ltuudlui; ltallroad. I'IkikIit Viillev liu Hi oad Trains leave lliidcc port at u. 111. uud and tt.Vt p. in. returning leave jJuwiminioii ut u.iu a, mj..N uwu uuu S.'J.i p. 111.. cuiiuectltitf with bliitllur t rules 011 1H.H inif iLillnmtl. On Mtudays, leave New York nt 5,00 p.m., Fhll phla at ,W u.iu.iuid 3,15 p.m., (Uios.iXi Irnla ruuillMoiiiy mivti.iniimw1 ci uiniimii-.vjiuj. iiiinUhiiik' nt m. m. and iLeo 0. HI. QUO Ituve AllentoiMiat -l.-j uud Kii'i p. mnlni leave Uuidiu t 7,15 u.1.1, and w.W p, in, lor Harris huu, ut 6.UO11. in. tor Ntw YoiU.ut 7.3011. in., for Alleutown and aii,10 a. m, uua Map. ui io I'hli.u.i lnhlu. Coiuinutatloii, Ilea ye, HeuMm, He ho) I aruU i;xcuision iicaiis iu aim iiutu nu uim, wd -.1H.....I r ilnu. HuKi:iio checked throu&h; 100 j.oumlt nllowou "U'UU J.K.WOOTIT.N. AMI. Sui 'l. A Un. iliuli'ry. tle.-ulliiKi ru 1 A pi II J. is'l. 0. Ii O II 13 JI U T U A 1 INSUUANOE COMPANY , o r xnw YORK. I'lluy Kioeman, rrenldnit, II, C. Viteinnu.Hee Ciuh capital over ix.ow.iwu.uu paui. j. h. itoiusoN, iiLoofiiBiiuna.rA UKNKHAL AOKNT, for Luieruo, Io'comtna nnd t'olnmbU counties. AUL'. 20,'ttU. TVI AG A 7A N Efl, DA I LY it WKKKI4Y 1YL J'AI'LIW OK ALL KIND.4 AT TJIE HOOK BTOUK Ori'tfHlTKTJIIC COUKT HOUSE. AKo un nfiHortmenl of rortomonnnles, Vhh jIookh and Account iicokh, cuiauiiiuy on nunu, New Itooku uie eouHlanUy helm; uddod to (he " Itloointbuix L'lriulattuu Library," Amounts lutftstftro ''tluiltand luuoconce.'' "Molbirieht.." Hlr Hflrry," M Hot bpur o(lIumb.fctliwait,'und "Meniutm," etc. nprl!s('7l-tr NEW GOODS AT M. P. LUTZ'S, DRY GO0D8 AND NOTIONS For Every I'ody. -:o:- OAI.r. AN'll r,KK YOUIl OWN SHIjKUTIONH. S I r A W LS At Ltist Year'rj Prices). NO ADVANU1-: ON l'HINTri. TI1K LAlltilCST AND I1R8T ASOIITMICNT 01' DllESS GOODS IS IiLOOMSlSUKG. DROWETl'S J5LOCK', NEXT TO COURT HOUSE, havo removed thelrHtoro to tho room formerly occupied byMendcnhall.on Main hit cot, JHooms- burs, mnrly opposlto tho i:pfcopal Ohuich whero they nro determined I of-el Ion iiHmodcinto terniK iw can bo procured elso v here. Thler Htock conipn i s LADIES' JJUUSS UUOUH of tho cholecht Myles nnd latost fashions, toRother wlthnlarso assortment of Hry (lovdi nnd ()n- ccrlta, consUtlng of tho following ' rtlcleH rurpetw, Oil Cloths, OthH, i;aslm"roM, Hhuwln, KliuinaJ, H lilts, Wlilto tJoii Uo'ipHklrlH, MUKllll.', IIollowHfiro f Vdai wara (luetiHwuro, I lard war., ItiKit- anil Hhott.4, ll'i tindCipj Hoop NeU, llmbrelUs, Look 1 11 H' (J lahh va , Tohacro, l"illtp, Snsars, lent), Ulrn, Allhptre, (Ilnuer, Cinnamon, Nulmri AND NOTfONH (ICMIHALLY, In Mailt, everything usually kei-l In country tore, lo v-liicli I hey Invllo Hie Htlcntlon orilu pulillo i;r m rally. ThobTkbrtt pileawlll be pni-' for country pioduro lu oxchance for iwodH. H. II, MIL1.KU.VHO.V IlloOtniitlUTL' t'H. ocl ltf'71- f N KV STOCK OK OLOTIIINO. Krcbh arrival of FAUi AND WINTER CIOOIM DAVID LOWKNIIKKO Invites attention to his stock or CIIIIAI'ANIIKAHHIONAIII.HULOTIIINII. al Ills lloro on MnlnMinrt, lnflhlvo's block, one door ' C. C, -MHrr'1 htori, lltoomsburff, l'n., where lit. Iimi Just received from I.'civ Voib and FhllaiUiplmt n full Uhbiirtlnent of mi:n and uovh' clotiiinii, Includln,: tl.o most ftuhlwunblo, durable, Mul bamlitimie UllKKH GOODS, conslsllo of llOX.HVUIC, ItOCO,OlIM,ANllOIt.-lII.OTI COAl'S AND l'ANTH, of ull soi 'i, sizes nud colors, lfe has also replcn Ishcd bl' iiluiiJy largo slock of l'Al.l. AND VlNTEll B1IAWI.M, HTIliriil'. FlUUltlll), ANOl'IiAI.N VUMTh BIIIHTH.CItAVATH.bTOCKH, COW VIIH HANIIUUICIIIKKH, GLOVKS, Bl'srilNDKlW, AND FA NOV AUTJCI.KM Ho a m constantly on Lund a largo and well-se-ectodniioilinent of CT.OTHH AND VlaTINOS, which ho Is prepared lo luauo to order Into nuy kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is mudo to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. OOL1) WATCHES AND JEW'iCKY, olortry description, ttnoand cluap. II Is case ol jewelry Is not surpassed In tlilsplaeo, Cull aud ovumluo hligcnernl assortment ur CLOT1IINO, WATCHl'U JEWK1.11V, AO. octlJ'71 DAVID LOWENUlIIta. D ENTISTBY, II. 0. HOWEU, DKNTIBT, Kenpeetrully niTem hU prornKHlonnl Rcrvleen to the hidlen aud Kvntlemeii of llloonuburu nnd vl olulty. llula prepared to attend to ull tbo vurl oiiHopcrulloiw In the lino of bU pn-f. hHlon, ninl In provided with the latent Improved 1'oucki.ain TKrTilMhleliwtll bo liiBcrted on cold phitlnif Ktlver nnd rubber baae to look as well an (lie nut 11 ml lifih. TiX'lli nxtructtd bv all thu I1QW UllJ mont approved mclhodn, and ull nperattoU4 un tho teeth carefully und piopeily attendod to, Hehldouro uud otllco u low doors k)mve the Court limine, huiuo aide. Uloouikburtii CLARK & WOLF'S COLUMN. Wo nrrer n H1MC COIIDIII) roPMN that nolil &III.&0 now nt tLttpcr yard. A nplcndlcl JAl'ANrail HTIIU'K fitfl.tfl pjr ynnl. A full line of 111, t:i Al.l'ACA from no cento to S1.25 per ynnl. Our Vt cent Alpaca enn't bo bent, our 71 ront Aljiaci primp, Ami you know our 01 ct. Alpacn 1, tho best lu tlio Market for tlio money, A 81 x teen bono COIWP.T nt 70 cell In. Our II.S0 Long bono t OltSICT In woilli buying. lllenchcil nml iiubloachcil MIMMN, n full Block, APl'IiirroN A., nt 1 1 cenU by tbo boll, I j ceutn by tho yiiiil. OIIit'IiOTlIH 4-1,0-1 nml 8-1 wide. TIIA HirrTH of 1 pIicm, trnn slono waro nt 1 1.7.1 per ro'I. Our Block of TISAH, COl'l'I'.IN, St'fCtTl, c I, full nntl nt tho loircfit lljurei,. Our stock of NOTIONS H full nu.l cjinplcto. IIOOTH nml H1I01H, a full lino. CI.AUK A WOM'nio rinsing out tho" hlocli of HUAWI.4 nt rotlitC3l prleon, lillliy or them Hi cost. Wo carrlod no stock ot TUIW over from lust seasou, our present stock li lnn:u uiul all now, nud wo olRr .bem from U &l to 3.UJ jier set. WATnit-rKoor ct,o."iiMu nt si.w, ti.r, I. to and 1,73. I.Tllosl'IllNUlIll HUlTlNtl CLOTH Tor folo imlwi nt K.iiK per 5 iml. liMUiK STOCK OP FALL GOODS which aim: now in bmm:, T1IKY Wllili HKhl, TIIIIM Low .Vov Cash OR IMIODUCH. CLARK & WOLF HAVU llcilucwl tlio Prico on jrnny of their Spring ami Sum mer Styles of Dress Gootlrf CALL ,LYJJ SEE, Opposite IUwu'b Hotel h L 0 O M S U R G. Ronl Bfjtato Onlc;i. pUilLlUHAliH or VAIiUADI.ll ItEAl, liBTATU. Itr virtue nfnnthorllynn'dntdor of llio Orphans' Court of Columbia comity. Ilia, nndvrangnod nd rnlnt.lmtnrs or thu Mlntanr.rnrnli ifrMfmiiMiti.ia. decnn.od, will oitiniko lo salo by publlo vouduii vil UlV I'lllllllW, ou THUIIHDAY, NOVilMllEIliud, ), fl Inriro rjuatmiy of valuable laiuH slluutn iu rriiiiKim lownsmp itisniucuuniy, (itwcriiivdru follows 1 Tho liomcsfcit rnrm nf tho Arrwlrnf, lylnc its 1-rnlikllii Uiwiislilii In ol nnililn coniily, 'loundnl vj 01 .j. 1. 1101 tier, inniH or i-niini Mon hntdl, littidM of Yetler s liclrs, lftliiln of Mm, ver, lands of Wm. Htnkcr, land, of .lolm Jlnwor nun ueorKo rvoii auij omeri, oontalulug TWO HIINIlRIIl) AKDI'OltrY-KRIIITAL'r.RH onil Iw.iiiy.iiinn ii?rcln')-w in mon nra orecto. a 1-irKu brleli dwllln lions... n lnriio b'ink bim. flheds and oultinmns, wMh n Inmo miMlonnd frill, orclinril. wlthawollat lionso.nud !, spring, ntu ill nt twrn, nn.l n mco.h1 pxcelL ni ,iud Inm. 'pr'ye on sou 111 aide of the fsrm. Tiiurola un tho Ontn 21 Acurs or Tistmm, tairr. Iliiinclmiborlioist uoodiin.l iimllhy, mul tlio .nnd In nn excellent suilo at eiilLivntlon, Nc. niniM denlmblo i.ronotlv 11.14 1,1.1 n .,ir..r,..l f... innny yt-ars. Alto, n lot of llmbei- land-lhe unttilod six. sivctilhs ndJolnluK Innds of t". A.ll.s, Wm. (Icorgo.C. Artlynml ntliers, 'Jo Ixi dlspowj 01 In ono pence, or in threo Ion of nbout TWKNTY ACUK3 KACII, ns shall 1,o deemed most oxpoilloul. Tiiowholu 1-lOliertV Will lm Din rral mrl thn tltlr. frt II... nn.b seventh mndo In tiio purchasers. Also, will bo onsreil n Irnrt of Inml nljolnlnn II. ! . tlaik Isnds or Slm-ker A Ulmiliw, uud, or r. Jlonbnntt nndT. Itccter, contnluini: BHVF.NTV-ONK ACItKS, more or less, whereon a-o rrccled a brick dwell ing liousc.a lunk bnru.wnaon hoit.n. spring houo and nil other !'..cp.,ry ouMiuiidings. 'll'eie l.nKus s'lrliijjnr wllcnl wal-r, a ml orahnnl nud fruit or nil kiml ,wllli nliout four iiti s of chestnut UmUr. All in esroii. nt order nnd cultivation. The ! Mill! tionn'..rr.t nt 11, n ,n thconUi a.!(r'tMi. Ino CIRAJN IN THE GROUND ih mamtvEii. I'owsion oi ihc timber Use tor Irnnis, immci't uti lv upon pit; intr th.i innelmso mono or secuc inr; tlio to ,o paid. Amlor tlto olhcr tv.o lrnct ,u, mo I rst of Ai ni, A. 1). lew, upon com. pli.ini u with tlio cond i lew, P I II 111 OS illitt C(iiiovAMn.tff In Ih. nt II.. n...nui of the putehasur or pn.-cfiiHei'. u, Jl. r., ll.UMTIi.VII.llKH, JOKEi'iui. knitim;, Administrator. TmiMl Ot SII.K.-T.n ..... nnnt i,f i,n n..t.. fourth of thn nuiTlinsc ,n,,ni.i- M hrfiintn nl. thrt rlrlkln.f down of Mia properly! tho olio-fourull , " l"vr ueiiL, in. mo room TllilHOll I nod Um rcuinlnlno: thn e-fonrtlis In into- yeer ...v...ii.'i, ivnii iiui'ii..! iri.iu rouiiruiniloll NISI. il.- UNI, cl-nllK. Clooinsbllrg, Oct. ,th, IsTt-ts. pUIJI.lO HALF, nr VAi-uAni.t: itr i. a Nil rnmoNAr. ruoniiti Y. Ill mir-ni.mcnnf nn or,lcr or ll.n n...l,..irw,i 'r I'olumliUiouiity.wIll lie otpowil to snln.ut ,,t ,t.n,.., , IM,iIr,i 1,. my, iicccnseii, in Locust lo, tisnlp, on HATUnilAY, KOVIMIUOU 11, 1971,- n( 10o'( lock, a. u., tho folhmlnc defcerllHl pron ntv, to wit: 1 . 1, All that certain mwuiiin and trn-t of land sltunied In ItociiM ! .wnwhi i, tn Uio rounly nlColumblannd Ktato -r lVtmj Ivnnhi: Hf2ln- m.i. iiiiiminiMiiiiiii 1 itiMir't 11 ,na ini-i pPimn lonu by bimlH nf tb tc l'.-t-cr Iloirman, notth I Ili'i 1 v i i! 1 cil -tii'itrio'M tlti'l ur v.DiiVfiii m niilna mmI twenty-eight and thrce-ttiuh tiorehcs to a 7777 iiiti.op ny iuuuh 01 inyicu H Inn, north fur decrei k w et ono hundred nnd rorty-tlvoprrchoHtoa , thenco hy land or Win. II. Huvi r lu or Aim I-ob-itnlc,rouilieliibty-frlxd(Kie.K uud firtceu mln uteK, wtst tcnly-c iyht nnd thuo-tcntli jfrches rw.iir. iiiriav IIJ- IBlllIt til I1CT11V I.OliCr, fcnuth tour degrees, n.t one hnndn d mid forty mx and four ti-ntli rtrches to tl.o idnco ofbtilu nlnfji contnlnlDjr TWKNTY.TIIKEE AC'ItKS and foi ly nnd rt hall prrr-hf h nf land, nnd the wu u.ii it.iDHiiiuc, ik rron is orren'ii n, iwn HOIV fninil' 1) 'lliui- Itllll J t . l!,fn mil other nut bulldliiirs. -o. aw in.ii, cerintn pKco or l)t of land iltuttoln thn township nnd contitv nml Btnvo nfurcsild: Uculnnlm: al a iot comer near n whllt-Oiik.thent n by land-Mir .Tmcpli V.'hnitnn, north eluhlvl'irio iKBroi-H nnd toily.fwvcn rnln utenenst tHty-ono and lour.ienth pi n-hen to n Mint, thence by midip, north tlvo dfieeH nml foilv-flve mlnuU , v t twenty-one mul six tenth porchfH to n , thenrohylamh of Lnyiett Winn, Houth cltslitv-lbreo de;:rcos ni-d tortv-Hoveu minutes, west lllty-ono uud f ti nth pafniio un. . - ., tnoncs by iho same. .ontJi mo iIori iii and forth-'i'ven mln iiUh, eMi ieuiy-om and Hlx-tiutb perches to luep tnoorh(t(fiuilu(?; eotiTnlnlnt; fi ACHES AND 1! ItlKUinC3 ot Hud, umlt' 10 muni ft'lownnco, Av. AIM), ntlhff'amo limp nnd p.nee, tho follow liur dccrlhcil ttciomii propt-rtv, to vit : Coin, Jtuclcuhcut nml t'otntoiw by tht bushel, rind Inynnd Hjirwhr iho to.i, aiul Corn J-'oJder hy thiuiundh'. Term? mndf known on day of . . . llL.iJtl ii.i.ia.u, October I?, l7l. AdmlnlMmtor. oet.(),7l-Ct. p U B 1. 1 (3 H A Ij K O F V A L U A It I i: H IJ All 11 H T A T II. In pursnnnco of nn order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, will bo exposed to public nalo bytho iindcrHlmiedadmlnlstiutors of Jamu llrrg, ih censed, on thcpiemlHeH ou TTirilSDAY, NOVKMlinU 2nd, IVTI, nt inoVori: a m. nr m-m d ly, Wis foM - .vins dc scrlbul f-ct.ito, to wm A teitaln i.iehunr, l.oiriK themuimlon houso nml troct of land, Hltuato lu tho townshipof Hu Ktrlouf In mm cnumj , ( unded by otht r lands nt mU deri-fit-rd nn tho Nontb nnd wevt, hy lauds or.IonaH ItniKc i ml uilll'im UaviHon the north Mid bv iumlhof Joshua Hivnuo on lhu oast, con talulng onk nuNimisn aoiu:s, moro 01 less. Th houso li n o-wl Hotel htaml, n Kootl vf !. til wan r ehisi- b tho door, and on thl lnu t u him nl in pu oit'iiai'd, A IJ'O n cuiutiii tuu'l of laud Mtuatn In Jack wm and u;'il.:il tovjuMp i hi i tid cou-ily, boundrtlhy hi I'ini John ICIlw nud HimtmlNey. hiMdon il. o 4 nth, by UiuIh ol Cralfr it Ulaiu'li Hid on The H.the tr'-t ahovn doMcrlbud on tho fioith.tiud luiul.s tf ,si 'uuoll-'rltz oa thueaut. eouhtlrilnt; OXK ilUXDUED ACltKy, iiifii'f) or hsx, itelnu timber land, A IX) i cei tain itticltd land hllunlo In lMld son township, Sullivan county, bounded on the cast hv the trnct hrst ahovn dt Kcrlbcd ami lam's oft'rsly.v LlauchurJ on (Lu, .uuih and wast, containing V I V T Y A 0 II K K mom nr tet-s, heirs timber land, AISiMiccil.ilu tiuctoriandkltuatoln Ileuton tfiwnshlp, Coumhl:i eonnly, bounded on tho north hv limla of hjcr Mhk. nn tho west bv I'lMia HhulU nn.l Itanuah Hmltb,ou UuiKoutli by Inndiof KHinucI Kilctibnum and on llio iMt lO hmdi of i:tijuh llcs.s, uouialulnu TIIIHTV TWO ACUKS, 1 I.IJ II ilKMH JOHN KILIm, A inltiiH ruiorH. c nlial, October li, 1&71, nUHUfHALB ALL l)LL ULAL h'T.VTK. In puiiiim ' 1 un oi-it 1 ot tiif()i n ms' Comt ol i oluinlil.i count. , tin umletvlimcd ii Tiusiei m.pi.liittd hy the I'ouii to m 11 lhu r.-iti ttato ot k 1 11 in til IViill ileceuld. .lll iMont. to public Hillo Ull the pielll.Oi, ou BAT UH DAY 1 NOVEMUElt I, 1871, nt one o'clock lu thniw moon of mid day: All that ceiluln inu-t v( Miluahlo bind Kltuato lu M'idUoii luwutditp, (.tiiumoia cuunty, contain Ins U!U ACHES AND (il PEUOIIEB neat uieaKUie, ndjoliilnK innd of H 'ohiwon 'J homuH tuiiKton, John A. bunslon, f 1 -'U I'rleii J. Wugnor, Wllllnni Joluihou and John AlUn whereon U euclcdu lnrj;o two htory 1) W 10 I. LING nous K, a InrRo bnrn nnd other bnlldlusH; the tame will oe Kiuion uio joiinvinu Liuy lerinx, 10 win inu lift) estnlt k of ihehuhbaudH of dtctnscd dnmiht- era of William Vmn, di tended, dlelnti without ts nui to it iiiuln chaiKtd upon lhu real ttulo ot wild iltcinhed, tlnrlm: thu nalural llet of da'd iiUMiiainiit una tuu itiu resi ineieoi to io nunu lillyund uuularly paldtolbein bytho purcha"" Haul lutcrikt Uthu com put eU from tho Urt day of April, A, I). W, nud upon their or'r " ineir tieaina, mo principal mm 10 o parlies leuully tuillllod therelo. Tflty. If1' cent, of thu pur thane money lo In t")id nt tno HrlklnuUtmnortho propnty ; one Ibtnl tif lhu huluncu of tho puichae inom-y to be. ppld nt tbo contliiiiallonof the Nile, ui.d Jbe Imluuco of tlio imicbnHo money lu one r therca Iter, with lu u rest on tho mine from Ihe lliM tir Apill A. U. ItTix wbtn iMsssttiMlon of Hild preiultutt will bo plvtn. 1'uirhahtrto pay for lVtd ami Htatnvt. landlord hhate of the Kiuln In tho tununil ussl,.o.heru,ch,r.jouN A kunhi() Trtihtco to Rell tho Utut Khtatu ot WlllUm 1'tVtt, tlict d, llloomiiburiE, 0ct,3,lSTl. oct,13,7l- rillUBTKU S. KUUMAN, IIAHNIWH. HADIU.i:, ANI TUUNK MANUfAUTUlltlt, uud di aler In t'Altri.T-llAUH, VAI.lHU-i, Kl.Y-NUW, IIU.PAI.O KOI1LH, IlOK.iK.m.AS.fillS il'., ithlch ho leils (olitldeut ho cau stllul lower luio Ihnu uuy other person In the county. u ...1 .... f. .r v ...I rs.tli 1 K. iihOD 01-nMllu lhu Tost OiIU-o, Mulii Btrtet, H UlOOin.UUlK, AUS. s II ,H?V. liinvf ( r 'est li. lm innr iv.-.I !" t TT7T i fin '!r "') VA!tn,n,:irnjlHrt." ConrtnfCoiunHbKc5 IWyW.fXJkT JM&Y' -iJjW?.' ""'ds "1 AIii,Uilnrntn,nf,llJi.lJi imlj In tUoJ.ruids of AdiWiiitoSiHVJi? l- I ions linA I ifff "-WSI A UDrTOU'fj NOTICE. iw. t w ;: ff ?Z '"-M.nv-ir ifitn. AUUITOlVu NOTlcfii"'". f 'J-Iitindcrl1nl, npisjfutiii 'Ki )riti,n.' y.,ni. .r 2:ih, Wi. nt i o cl..: p. u. ui i ,ns v ngeliiiiinon said owite Arc rcTTrcu 10 it " V' """ion nnil usiite nrc reofirrcl lo at li :'t .Srt!!',,'''l'','u,r H',.l,i;',n.?ol,,l'1R K"' AwdrUir, In Urniiuii-i' (ii.urt ,.,. u .'.'!'. ..". Aniijtnr i,,.poim ,y"0$ TsSSrio o "meo 'o'r'w" T'KT," '!!" 'I'pwnt&wrSt v.. ...o.m .v, covnioer 171 171, nil) o-et ielt ill l ' Ufiil. .IW."'1 ,,v,,nl! Hnlnu alm.t llio lal i estnlo wl.'l b3ig.utiui to p.,,. n tuciu ut liVi ?!- - e 1 1 HOCK WAT, oit.'n-uw. 'NCORI'OllATION, .-Tol'Cl1 In ,itflV frlVfln. tll.f n Hn Htn t i-opt juiinr.isji, .nn, -yiniinMiMititof uotnaibin count v prirsonti'd a putlttoa to thn Ooort of Com mon 11avi(ii nl CMruy, pmvlnu thoi'Hl.l Ooort 114. ii.:..( I-.,, in iui-4.1 ,,ij.,iji, , andor oo inline. hl.vliin.l itllivofllouiKiiM-i !xIot No n, "I Inn lu.ti-,, u.(.u (irilcri.' Odd etlowi of t aiin.vlv nn. ' iv'td tlw rights und prlvli"ii Hit rsm si lted, uid It 110 snlllcunl onus. It sni'tn tntho . .ntrirynii thu flrt ilivyof n.-xt ivru,, 01. ni 0f tho pstll'onsrswm 'xg- til ol, mmniiki 10 the Aul, of Assambly In such trtw lUKiu in. , iirOl-l.'Oi'.. IV. 11. LSI lIVP7l.,- t'cotliounu iUotttfy 17tlfrttl 1 1 ,lli,i ...Il t. .....r, MSs.ers, K. r or To'l" .u! ' TVi'lum' 11 1 rualiLv 1I..C.111 J. l.'it-.. iu. ....... ..i .... lS.1 W""; "UJ J."ut.1 l" -I'MWrs iir AIIIIVIIIO. All iM.rMII. 1 llAvl.lff nlu. .M , ...!.! .1... ostnlo III tl (tcocl ..t uro iuuU'J..Uh' 10 nlmnt llii iu for wntMineiit, nnd trine Indel jj ui tun ""ato to in ,ke piiyu cut iu u,o uudmsljuxl, al nlulatnitur, Kit'ict ili-liv. wtiii.IAJl MAfrrKIlH . n., , , , Adnilulntmtor. sopt.2a.7l tt j pXKOUTOH'tJ NOTICE. JJi isirAii os'.jou.s Kt:nitr.. nKiffi, 1.1'tlct-s toHlntiirni iry on llio ostato of John M.inlll.I.lto iiflleiilliick lri.,LVilmntil i emintv. dee d., hnvo Ijorni.rouud by tlio UrRlnlorolMM Oil inilila counly, J'.i. ,AI pe.vtimuM mi lalluii ani'nvr thoc hiTon. r.-tiu 1 1 j.n . ui. tii.'i.i 10 tlio Eluetltorln lli'iulottlrOollii ililn (illliitv.- vtioi. 10 i'orri w llltlsr, 01 J'ci.iloi'ic twi1.. h".! r.lo'iol' li It.c t lo Lhu -,t.lL.(c IliT oil IHiU', lud -insnt most ,-iiiiiii. Iw': ncw.i'-rt'vittiiHltii , .jiiaittuii. :VYrri'il.yrfrV '', ',"l-a.v :iVitnt.rj jKKOU'rnit's'N'OTi X-a i i jov j,for, V'ly.,!,.(i, - 1 ' IUom tc itientj.y on tn.i!sUiW or.lwnt Yol.c.lato of MjMmtnwnv V.' h.' 'n!vihouuh , dea-setU havhcou iirntiUd by .tlw, itei:Ut() bl u.i ftonntytnT;, 11, Tjiiiw.i fimi .1. W. Voh,.r Mlfllln towntbir,tVjluovbhic.iULity, Allird' having clnliii'. ttnlnUhoentntnvorquuitU,'l lo prweut thein tn1 tlio PJico(cin- in' OoJnmhlri u-uniy, l'n. TJiohO UiiltbKd to the ot-Ue either on nolo, judsifictit, ftroitKiiwo ot nook i.e-Ji'.H wi.l luuko payment; to the 'xecuuirs lido. it-ivij,-. n.nitgvN, J.W. VOllK, (.pfcU.'Tl-ow Linci'dioru,! . L DSLINISTHATOtt'iJ NOTitJK. X2L wrATi: oi' uti.ii nu: . r.oWAt J'-'n-Ltltern of diti!n!stt-t in n.i Itw eHthV llU'hler W.-li irtniur, Utrt o'.OiUu 6cw)ahh Colunihl.ieounty, dej'd. h- n been ti'iiuud hy me i.tvtujr oi uatu- umn.. ui iiUKnoe;u y bowman nud John Jl. ,Ve., u rt-UUn in (tr ail' towiihtilp, .idanjhti pdinty. M perv tmviii cliuiii.4 au'.ost llio o mioyT tho decctc jnl are teiK'Kud i-y ptCHcn T m lor m tUem -il, ui't'hoau uule'iii.d tti'0 ijHtati'to nuU-tinay- nieiu ui uii. uti isiiiou, noruiuisiniigi', wn t i'u delii' liLlar.lCTIl W. IIOVMAX wl n,71-H 9 ArtmtnWtrftloiH. g ANK ItUPT NOTICE. 1 In thoDJilrlct Con.. n( tho Unhe.1 Htntei. For tho Witrn lluilotuf jMniflvan(a. '' rBpt(r. Jl H ordoridil.ut.'i sec. id u.tiersl ineetlns of tho crcjiioisoi mi,i u, ,. ,, hi'duttho ofllco nfiM. 1 loonirfhOrnr. l'n., ,n Jld di .lilcl, n ll.ii llrst i'uv ol Jsloveiub.!.-. A . n.iei it .Jin idock.-A. .1. bel.iio UU(vit .n, of the Itexlstcri .n I! lUUrantcy In sMii for I i.urposea li iidtil lu Uii kiUsjc llioL .krupt n.-toi LtnicU" 1, 1SH7. M. WHO MOVI'lf Jr., ( Ills!! lion rctl . l-VI. ii ,AKt tl I A irwxou's notioi:. A. C tl R UlOHlMAN 1ln-thn Cohrt - vs. Commoii VWtv o Kvmi ch Hr-nwid'rrN'TlRi.srr ) Columbia Count cud. ILy, No, 6 IkiptetuUr 'Xvem, A, U., 1ST Nt coll hertby aivcu tltr t tluumderslri."U. tor, nppntrfp-l y raid toiirt to ainl.o tl -t I-but- eiof tho Y oeeedt ot C.e Sheritl H.tlebiijl undo rdd writ, v'll puKtrd to iho dUelru of toe ttntks of 'ijt appmuirueul nt tl o oltl'onf .-'uuhhI ICnorr, Kbo,, In lllunmHburc;, on lnduyt lire Fill tiny of Noemivr next, nth. o'cloci tn fio iVuenoon, wht a and wlu-ro all jurbonH -av-Ini' elalnii upon tho fund nvhlng from rh Id h.i'o nre it jr.lrLd to pvefaot them t' the auditor, or IK) lUbi.lied jii con b Iu ut on wild fun I. W. Willi. 1-1 W AudUor ri!MP NOTICE. Witrttw, by t .0 X ll'li KiTdon 01 the Act of tho (leueral ln hoinhi. oi tl i' 1 oiiiuionwrnith of lVminylwi 1. n .p., v ililn. 1:1. A. I). I'ffl.entliled "An tn 1 t .r 1 t pnu'u' 1 oi ralnion, iihck huaH unit , a r lot ri j'.h. e n 'ply tiilioduci'd, or lo ho ttitrodi.o c 1, Into the 1 wir Uelawnie nml huniutb i na uml thcUMr' itarleH; lor the protection ni of clo , g n.'Ulnv ttuluM'til tlshtiiy, and to pi eve it the Intro Hi' ion c.f 1 edutnry C dieu uuo imut Kticmnu aid oroth'-rRerinano purp "(;' m Is mndo tho u'dy of iho several Ul .h ot thu countlcM ol ff.ld C fltnmnuii!: b.' intf Juu.-. illction of llio theieni, ,henevi they shnlUMscoMT, or he lufomnd tho exlditu-o of nuy conttlvauce ir tho taichiiiB m rwh, hiipii ns nro commonly 1 town tl h bMbeiM, nl weln, ItlddlcK, bm-'h hiseino nc, or any other peimuncntly .iitmruni 01 tukuu; 'Ihh, In thonaturoot 11 scire, lop-o ten ditH no Ut In twomWMvipeiHorLiulri' ttfetlocouut m.tlmt tho Mid contrlvnm nio known to exM.nnd nio dcclnrcit eon .on iiul"Mneei, nnd to o 1 r them to bodlsmuntlcd b their on utii h u; u ngrri thcrefotn, in itiTiioimlly to fnld r 1, AAIION HMITIt, hcnlV or Lolumbla county, bcii,hy glvo t Notice to All Whom it May Concern, tlrtl thn rrmlrlvnuccii for the Inl.'lm.' of fifth in mil net incnii.i.ied arc km-un lo ejclht In tne North lhancl ofiliL somjiu i .a-un river.iuidoh tr 1 11 iv Ml mi (ho tHnitv Oniitrnldt, th"t i'io rj 4ii imtd lo lie c amo 1 1 uiMpn uud ou - iv and it, i'ii ol said c'ontiiv- th.d li unci" 1 . t uioi I 1 fit 11 hrr' iiine dNlii Ol 1 il tl, it h : nt otKto niUo nanl k'-i within (en tJ.ivu dlitx the nnbiU under 11 o pMialiy ol havini; tun u aiul un-uVt'd , m ill khJdaoils, AAltON SMITH., KlirotrrofColniubiu county, ALVA 13 LU X UO PEltT.Y VO H had:. Tho rndirnlamcd v tub In? Id retlro1 fmni tntni- neri i.owollois at pilvutH m hU enilro nrvier t Kltuniod tn OranKoiire, couUtIuaoi uoi, 1. half liiiiieht In tlio will Jiiiowu FOUMUIY AND AUniUULTUUAL V.'OUb'. lo'.cthcr with tho r.natnotIathe-ivnaother ::a cluneiy btloneliiK to the fame, hNu the 1 o httKk now on hand, Wpt-lur wlih a vaiut . t pair or horat h, nud too wuMt tif. U-ds, Ujiu itcnlso bin ttiwn lota on whieh 1 . i . h-d n v irnme dwtlliny, ulwi, tnet -I'm acieR. Ichhii a th l)r, Iott pioperty ni 'it leu of whUh -o ch urcd, the balance IIiuIkm I. l'rlcea rivuouable. t . on tvn ftt rl. Wl'i 1.1. wM ttUlUYLU'.' o-t, C,'71tf, OrnnfM Columbia e. , 'n. tllfi WM. T. IlorKlN.S, 1:33 1115 CHESNDT ST.AGirardRow) NOHTU-EIGllTH SElijJ5P,. iN. 1:. cou. Mii ami i;iiitjiiyj,Xu.. I'iniiAnKLrniAwv Jlaiiufiiclurcr lihS Boatdr Sf'biir Great Sici;!fiUlcWr: Onrrtlebrnt d tluinii.loolfisin'uriK i..n-I- Imt 5 slylt s nnd stres tr'ljBd. k. Mi-. . d Illll'IVllttn ntt,rA,,t 1 11111 -en, iiiiuiuriurf 11 i1 iim.i mp llrst-iinss ti.ido, ut tho lo. i"oi , , rtutHiri'S 111 iw.(ii's . '..ii'-uiis io niiiunn wan is of ull, from lo s ir"' ilr. jnrtnjUnir lm fhoinsi.irs Hoc 1 .11 l."b l-V.J'Is.V'; lliMlill's, Med. Kliy's .M-. MoodfaMlfls'lid Clilldiiirl-orsetsie..l"U!-ibirwthi.vfry ijthw dislriiblo nmliiMit i il.isliywd counie Un v- rANIKlt lU'STIilM in .13 WlTlcllos,,frQ!u3"o.lo H tn. Ii'elndlnil lllr tllolli.J&i; lloil "lYm, J?e-. Nllhion. .'ik'l llrieilvvsy. tse; KleitiMCiUhd vciy ' ilHicriU dralilllustfciitlowcrpr!ctsl un ul uuy otlur littles In the trade. I U'lFft' lINDVlKIAUMIfNTS In Pielr i,uil.. slid lnn,y Muslin Hilrts, In 21 vurlftlcs. fi m JSC. lo7.l!. CMlUl' . s Hon- SV. totl.TO. I'l.w- eis n iv 1 n 1.11 11.10 to tyx T01klpr.cln.Mo. lottU lirfitt'oTuis.ll.i J to lf.'.0. Al'lnrs, Mb. ts' sill L'hUJlun Vbdir Usiiiunis.Aii , tie. We liavo ti e loir"t. britiiBd irittt estliu. f lliv uUivo ami m J'lil)dtbl( J'TT, ,T" ba.ninn finojliu rifH ffoitf (y 'ffim ll.m, WUcUiuiUdU.lRcliai. trt)M. ty, Irom 1110 1.110. 1 10 inu oii 1'iiiTi.. .iicmii .. . .... .11. . i.i.ii l ! x-t.rlrtlri. Ci m Kii.t.SO.lKl