Of Of nut 5J BLOOMSIJUllG, PA. Friday Octobdv 37, Tito llosnlt. ' lii nnotlioV 'column vt- elvri liiooflV iclal flRiircw of IliOrWtilt- tlf tlin rc'cit rlwtlnn In thla 'Sfatd. It' w1uVq V" that tlio votd h 'very Atf om'Vrlnjf,R 'full dnp, ncnMnI 3rt'C.itii(,KH9 tc'ciitv. tuft 'I3.S78 loss tlmii tlovornor Hcymovh nvelvetl In JSfiS, nnd Dr. Stanton rcceivlnc M.2S1 lws than Goner.il OftA4T thou received. YJthout nlo"i lnj Air nn Increase of votem ilisro iv'.flro thorfcibro 102,151 voterd who d not voto nl tho Into election. TJjiwo figures, fully establish that tho l.uty that UinlM out tho bent wn, and as tho Iladleala had tho money (which they willeeled mriluly rum ' thulr ofllco- l61dcr8) they buoivoUoiI best In gcttliu;: out their voters, vet had not tho Dem ocrats been dissatisfied with thoir pint, ftirin nnd disheartened by their local ip Visions wo bollovo tho rovoruu would )lav6 been true, anil that Bplondld Democratic triunmli would lmvo to. slitfed. It Is plain, therefore, what must no uono in ruturo lo.qlilaln uc cess: 1, NWlnnlo .catulldatcH who hnvo a Bfiilo reputAllou for ability, Integrity nn(l Blern dqvpttou to tho tenets of tho D.taoqratlc mrty. 2, 1'Uca tliLtc; on a platform that will bo .entirely satisfactory to tho wholo l'.i-fy, ..i. Appoint a Btato Commlltco to con duct tbo campaign who havo no per. fsonitt purpojes to subserve, hiiil who wll (Jovqto Jhclr energies to producing union in our own ranks, and vlgorbusly exposing nil tbo wrong nctlon of the lUdlcalaand presenting tho public With thQclpa'-esturoof thereof. 1. The mon coniplcto union of tho Dunccrtitle party In overy county and district, and to this end thero must bo unanimous Aoqulosccnco In till nomina tion.! It Js clearly Idle to expect suc cess wltlinut union, nnd thoro'ls no otlmrway to obtain this than to ribldo by tho action oX our county couven lions. With 'theso requirements fulfilled, victory iry bo obtained without them It Is intpossiWe. A Senatorial Dlfllcnlty. The return Judges of tbo Franklin and Cumberland district refused to give ccrtiflcato of election to 'Weak I.Y, Radical, on tho ground that ho had hUbed voters to support him. Although tho Radicals ,bave been guilty of defying public senti ment in that way wo bono such practices will never bo endorsed by tho nomocracy:- weakly had a ma jority of about BOO votes nhd tho duty of the' return Judg6s was a very plain one; to-wll :lo add lyi.'tuo returns and givo a'cottiflcato of election to tho por son liaviiij?1 n majority. It was not their business' to iutjulro Jnto tho mo tives that actuated Voters, cud this forms their ground of 'objection. How- over I'orruiitly tho voters' wcro lnflu entied, thti man Vho bad a majority of votes Is entitled to tho return, 'aud to tlio scat Unicoi buccc3sfully contested befiro'tmi'Sonafo. tiQ Radicals, themselves set tho pat. tern for this ,wrong actlcn in soveral Instances onco when they thus cheated General Vosteji out of n scat In Con. cresi. At tho next election tho ucoitlo clecied'.lilm ty'a majority to largo, that It could not bo disputed. Tho Radicals also cheated ps out of a Senator in tho, First district n that, way,. and at tlio next election tlio people elected Deci Eivr', ieliipcratj by 1300 majorUy in ,n RepubOcan 'district I Theso instances arouluclqn tpprovo that thero a no DerjQianenL'ndvantacro to bo 'trained bv such 'Wrong acllqn, nndthat.lho ppopjq win roaeut itnt tlio nrst opportunity. Hilt, 'nbovp iilf fhat, wo hope that.tho DetriefrrttJc 'iV-btftors will liavo moro resrWct for' tlYrnselves and their party tlrft' tb ftllow Radical csamplw of' ras calliyln setting nsldo election mtijorl tli i. iltis arid proper action on their pari Will M a stern rebuko to Radical practices AW n 'proud vindication of Deraocratlo bi)ripr. ' " 'ibihfuulrrr. Tlid Rltlabtirg Pott regales Its readers witl!'io,Jon-t"flrUelo In favor df-T. Scoot for Provident Proslddnt1 of tho TJnlttKllSuiles't'iair: Scott Is at'rireson nndi hfc3i ittnufor somo 'years' a Vice rrcJldouttif thillvnnsylviinla Rallr6ad acd'ls byWodpatlbn a general bummer for that Inatltutioul Since tho Radicals havo been Irtipbwer ho has' "rim" tho1 IiCglsIature- of'thW Btntb, by. meiitm which would bo- pcarcely respectiiblo 1 a Presidential aspirant. IIo has heon tho marshal of the corrupt members of that1 body and Inw the reputation o being their pt-yiuftster, bo far as railroad legislation, tho' -management of the Treasury, the repeal of tonnago taxes tho extraction of tho Sinking fund, and tho election of Senators, Treasurers, Ac nro concern"!. If theso occupations and exporlejtifita.man for tho Pros! dencyy Uion slrjlScoTT has tltnobs. Butltis ftihurlcsqao upoii tlio VtasU doncy and Upon. canUIdacy, otj'woll as uion nowapjifOrs,! Jbr such' men! to lio uamod forsucb distinguished positions, It IsKlcgrHdlntf to th'o-otaco-iind'H) the pcoplri to whom tho 'euggcstioii -ls ad- drcHsedjand slioulil bo irict wllli'tho eovcrtet' roprohenslolu It U truo- that Ur. fcooxT has much dlstlnttlon a.3 'a miinagor'of 'mllroids and in flint capad. Ity inuy well bo' trnsttd with tltu o6n ductJof tho ontcrprUcs placed In his charge, but It would be as sensible -to namo a man for President becauso ho had been successful borso-drover or tnulo.tralnorl So absurd aro Presldep tlal aspirations on.his part, that In fact it would bo discreditable to dlscussitho! total want of propriety in naming him In that connection. If any body lias a legislative Job or, a keen railroad specu- Iatlon.pn band rplght bo wall to em ploy ir, pcoTT, ,and In Uia hip Is lounu.iuo rocasuro oi jus talent 04 well U9 uisimciion. tub iiormon jiplygamy tpjcstlon, It Court!" A lea'dlnc Mormon 'hit convlc'od in a TJ. S'. Circuit Court of 1..J11-i tij.it-..- 1. ! ' 1he poiyguiuy, jor nuving raoio man one Wlfo. Others bavoboenarrostod and will no doubt bo convicted. Tho Federal goy ommtfixi has no Jurisdiction byor Hid sulj'-c't' in thf) States nnd novcr bolero exereffcd uny'ln tho' tcbllorlcs. it is doubted wbeOier'lt lias authority over tho tmbjoct 'any Wliere, and that ques tion tho Supremo Court will bo called Upon t6 decide: I 1 lie Town Map. In our advertising columns "111 bo found n notlco from M. K. Jackson, lisip, Commls-iloner appointed by tho Court upon exceptions fl'cd to tbo town map, that bo will gtveoH persons inter rated ti henring at Hm Cotirthousoon Jlonday, Noveni'f 20th, nt 10 o'clock a. m. Tho lit'iorlanco of correctness In tho town nlnl' ,mlst ""t bo over, looked by ur citizens, who aroatitlior teed to nnko bisections to It nt nny tlnio ixiforo It sVull Jo approved by tho Coit.' 'llythoMtpplemiilllo thotown ciarler, opiirvtd Wth May, 1871. (l Ij-iw's, 1105,) It is provided that tlio Court "shall hear ilud coualdcr any complaint or objection mado by. tiny clll.dti ot tho tiiwii, or owner of real mliilo thorelu, against the correctness of tho map, or tbo location of tho linos mid parts thereof prior to tho npprovnl ofllioMmo; ami Bald map, at all times after tho approval thereof shall bo rccolvabl in ovldcuco In any still, prosecution or proceeding whaUoovcr, In which tho kimo fiball bo pertinent, and shall bo held iu conclusive; ovldcuco ot tho truo location oftho boundaries ami liigli M'ays of said town, in csUtbllshcd nt tho tlato of its approvali und ,tvs prima fa cut ovldcuco of lliotiltuatloii and bound nrlcs or, limits of lots, oullota, farm lands, cmul wlmrvos, landings, rail roads, buildings and structures of said towu at tho B.imo II mo, so far as tho same shall bo sut forth, delineated or mentioned on said map." Thus, It appears, that all property owners must mako their objections to tho map, If they havo nny, beforo It sholl bo approved, as It will bo too late afterwards. After its approval tho map will bo legal evldeuco In all tho partic ulars nboyo mentioned, iu nil contro verslcs and proceedings, at law or in equity. Tho map Is suspended In 'tho I'rothonotary's oillco, open to tho In spectlon of any person, and wo ndvlse our citizens to cxamlno it in duo tlmo nnd sco toi it that it Is correct In nil respects in which their Interests aro involved. It is truo that by tho third section of tho act nbovo mentioned, buildings now erected which project within tho limits of highways aro to bo permitted to remain until re built, reconstructed, removed or nban donod, (unless taken for public uso, or compensation made), but this easement or privilego of property owners does not nffecl tho location of tho lines of streets, lanes and alleys as they aro to bo ultimately used, nor their location independent of building projections, TIip LfgMatnrc. jTho following Is given as tljo'rosult of mo election ror members or tho Lcglsla- mro, to wit: Seiwte. ,.y 17 lie publicans l)umocnit; 3 republican mnJoilty.... 1 ui Tho Sonato Is c6mpdsed very geno rallvof men of abllllV Ahvnhil nf imtli piltka being quite h'bld ucn. Amongst tho now members elected or ro-clectcd aro Coin-nklt, nnd Davis of Phllndel pbia and Stp.ano of Tioga, nil Radicals, who rank mnojigjt' tlio Inosf esjio. rienced and i'ecklet3 legislative eorrup- tiOnlsts In tho State. Captain Dr.ocicwAY, of this county. arid Mr. Latta, of Westmoreland, will bo tho Htrongcst dobators on tho Demo cratic sldo in tho Rouao. with Noves of Clinton, and Alumc of Contro, and n vory few others, amongst tho best managers on that side. Asldo from theso, unless tho unknown new mem bers shall dovelopo somo talent, tho iiouso is very barren both of ability and rpspccUibility. "yo,doubt whethor Pljilad'ejphla seuds a singlo member Who Is a man of fair reputation for in tegrity anil capacity. ' Wo havo hopes that ,tho Sonata .will prevent apyserious mischief being dono except, wjiero, bribery may bo resorted to. In.tjielattor.cnio there is no hope of .elihprllouso. Thero Is much differ, encoof opinion ns to how fir Governor Qkauy can bo depended upon to veto improper measures, but somo good may bo hoped from that quarter. The (HlUi.ll Returns. A tablo of offlclal returns Is published In comp of tho papers, but It Is partly mado up from unofficial sources. Wo awp(t nn 'authorized table from thoofllco 'of tho Secfctar of tlio Commpnwealth,, Astlio tabTo stands, tho following aro I I r 1 ... . . 1. U inq looungs up, ip-wil : I " ' Atfriion aiiNEUAL. v filiiiUuiSBctilblloaiii..i S!i Hpatieler,Proltblion'...'..!...V....i 3 !)'hpton'a moj'orliy over JlcCaudlcsi., ' ' BtmVEVOR S.VEllAt.. iicnth, H'-iiubllcim.......... .,...l.J.,...k7,iai ' J.10!'". Uomocra t , ,,-.....:uj,7M nytvt, riuuimuuu 'VtaWH majority over Coopei 10,370 I'OSVKMTION, Fur n rpnstll uUwial Cuuveutlou 3 r.',2.)t At-Unst 1 " . 7-J.iiTJ ilbjorlly for Couvcutiou....,...,..,2iiO,ljS Pacjcek's voto for Oovcmoi in 1S09 eioeeded the, voto of Stanton nearly 2,000. Tlipdlfferencpbetweeu the voto .of.thq trcspepjlyQ.C4ndates for Audljor anu laurveyorjUQiieniJ.occurred mqlnly jn ,4-lleBl)onyc cqun'y, wlierp 'a labor ufpiiiii-.oulupporie,uJjAY,cu.Ki;Ms.'j 'nn?'Ulf. ... .it l . .' 1. mm ii , itMt JUnlweii irmtfiia o-Ttetisiirer JIau.i kev luu. mt &r,n.mn liv tim r.iinnr n'.il'liiladolphla bunker wilb i.wboia,ho.i itiaposJtod tlmt amount.. of .Stato mpnoyj Iljo.munoiiucija'tlmt tlietStnto will lota-Jlothlug., he andibU suretk-a llipjiig.buuuibfpr thomooEy.il Wo Judge. iliac ts 'about U10 amount ho hamnadu ,alnco- 10 Jia been TrCiHureri loin tho aqm J10 ipaid incmbers' and others ir tjiqlr votes und inlluonco.i Jliitihblias n, clone Hold nowiiwitli-Dr.'STAN'ro.v to settlo -wltli 1 Thn amount of tho loss will bo carriedby tlio. State whlltrtlleHU gcutryluro -Inl otl)cc,tthaipeopleiloaltiL tli" intornsti and.lbolnipropor.giuns of ino Treasury paying1 uicKittie. principal 11 tbu distant future, Ifilt-Is eVbr iialdl Tho banker wllotstolotho money will quiet his conscience with tile rullectlon that ho merely robbed n tlilof, Tho tieoplo must expoct to pay tha ppori win 10 1 noy elect Radicals tn oillco. It'Is icjiortcd that Fostmastor-Geno. rnl-'GroHWoH Is seriously Implicated in great whisky frauds .at Baltimore, and that, tho ndmlnUtratlon Is making uospt-rato efforts to prevent unpleasant revelations. The negro voto of this State ii esti mated nt fully 20,000. As they nearly (ill voted tho Radical Uckot, there was majority of at least 10,000 white votes favor of Gen;, McOandlibs at tho Into election. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, The Ilereat. To show our remtors wtiat ot1)f think, wo ( Irnct tho follmV log froWNlw ,0,ln7tt7sm'rr'' ono nrthi bloiinomitornlliT'iiporaln tUo Hlnlr, to-wlti !. r " "Tho State has gone 'largely Radical, oven exceeding tho expectations or tlio lendoisof 'tli.H p.irty4 ' Thero must have been n'docp-soatcd causo for It. What that cause wns Is for us to ilud out, nnd avoid It In tho future. It was not the groat poptiluilly of tho Radical candidates, for they were comparatively olucuro men until ndverllsed;aiid pulled.' by their papers. Nor was It tho unpop uiartly of tho Democratic candidates, for MtCiindlosi and Cooper wcro till tlmt could ba nskod on tho score of pup ularlty. Thl-1 brings us to tha poiiul.ir method of throwing asldo theso results, that of charging "unparalleled corrtlp tlon," " federal patronage," Ac, oil our opiioneiits. Neither will that reach It " Federal patronage" unquestionably had a potont lnlliicnco, and mont-y llhtfrally, aye, profusolj' used did very much toholp tho result j but tn account for It In this way Is to Ignore antefo dont facts showing tho progress of Do mocracy, nnd presupposes n corruption r r;.: r.r.L;r;; .;r " . exist, and this nauy In nooxttmuatlon ,,r.i,n-Ml.u.lww,it.I,rmi,dnrnlm1M.!1i. " ' 1)"- for they Aro painfully numerous. Tho t.pnr.1.1 nro ull rltrbt. Tho trnnbln U. I 1 --o I thoy havo been badly trqatcd by party managers. They would not stand It, and heuedcamu tho stunning lubttko in tho result of the Into election. " Beforo tho Stato Convention mot, Democracy was ii unit. Its morale was splendid, and a steady advanco upon tho majorities nnd positions oftho Rad icals mado It bouyant with hopo and satigttltio of success. Tho delegates met In convention. There n few men full of personal ambition, but without statesmanship, committed tho fatal mlstako of passing tho so-called ninth resolution, "deprecating the discussion of questions " wliich, up to that very day, tho press and speakers of tho party had been pronouncing as unparalleled, bold Invasions of tho Constitution nnd of tho rights of tho States, forced through by fraud, chicane, and military authority. At ono fell swoop theso men sought to wipo out the education of years ! and to hush a discussion that theretofore they had been zealously rcadytokeepup. What absolute folly! It onrtmo nimtuif o viM-Mm t inn nf n,n nm. verb that- Whom the gods would de- stray, they first, make mad I ' "i-nor to tins wo wcro sailing smooiniy wiiu inu e-urie-iii oi puunc favor, and offensively charging homo upon Radicalism. In a day tho courso was changed, and against tho current wo had to assail. Tho morale of tho party was seriously Impaired, our pop ular candidates wero carrying dead weight, and wn wero but weakly on tbo offensive. If on It at all. and tho contest culmlnatod very naturally In a severe d9fe.1t. " It becomes in now to meet It liko men who know how to organize victory out of defeat. That spirit wlus. To do it, wo must discuss tlio causes of tho rcult, remedy them, and 'organize fresh for n moro vigorous and determined charge upon Radicalism. Drop tho bated ninth resolution and Its concomitants, tho cause of our defeat let unity bo restored let our measures and men bo coiupicuously freo from guile or lack of principle tako up lion- est and capablo men for office, even noun 10 1110 lowest municipal position, tuiruiusircnglllOIIIIOWIlOIOrCSlSUpOnl tno integrity or its parts,) nvoldlng party 'hnckB' (for they aro a standing olfonso)-bnttlo against corruption In ie-ry lurm-ngiii against, iciierai inim- cneo in State nillilrs struggle unshrink- ingly ngulnst military domination- maintain 11 strict construction of tho Constitution and Insist upon keeping! power l. and with the pcop.e andPout oftho federal head warfor thocquality of the States bowaro of doubtful mon let your platlorm bo plainly Demo cratic, and trust no man who equivo cates, who will not stand openly and f-qiijrely upon It organlzo thoroughly lbrthocnmnai2uoflS7-nnd wn will bo back neraln In thn nld line of mim-li. full of elan, movingon tovlctory I The rlnelnlesnf Hit mnsw. nrn nmnrrnllr. and if wo tiro wise in management and avoid such blunders Ihn !n.t. irn-n-lll iavo tbelr votes and Democracy will gain control public auairs. Martial bair bi the South firrivatoonti public accounts paint tho i? i AnTfcYiV.m.: ? fP" 2 there-by tho carpet-bag official under' prciexLot "martial law." Citlzemaro ui(ieStii iu jmi wiuinuiinnyi chariro mado HL'aliifit tln.m a 11 11... iDfe.r.i.ni.nr.i;ni...i ."'?rr:. i nwayl No mkn S'sXm i.rivSVi malice. Astato very llkocluios li likely of tio,vars mentioned, subject, .to mill, to bq jiroduccd at tho South, by protlfj tary ordr,, whether regularly mustered kiiiu ituiiiieiuijs. tiuKintr inpir nevn. in. 1 tllftlC. 1.. nnnt X t -"..... iawThey To h MffW 'S kindle civil wur lii tho South, because '""pwing classes are, emitted to,,u cor it pays, Thoy nro driving citizens from tiflaato.for.a like quantity of.Mnd with- ine'ic Homes, with the dread of arbi- ment, and aro now creating the 'Vovlrig bands of Utwperato men wlfbso existence thfy havo feigned, Atie, I 11 1 eJl, illlll llltlt'lllll I II I 111 Iiri Still. I ,'fliat is.tho.klnd of llhorty tho Amer-' I can people are. enjoying under thol UliANT administration. It will bo exJ iencte'0,1, Already 'tho. Radical hounds' P.re .cryiug: for.Uto blood of MUslsslpul r-next wlll.como Iinlslniiii: Clnnn.ln.U8U. Tpnnetaeo.uKentucky.-Ac.. When tho rjputiieru Htolts aro ifalrly uniler the Mm oi tno,ilaUIcul despot, tho eamo garaojvillibu applied to -tlio .Nortiitlrn SUito If neceftinry. to Wcuro thointInJ innticofcC OnANiJn lotilcc. JIbiiv lono I Win inu;ipcoiio- cnituro buch tyrnnuy? y.ll,Jliey foruvor eland toy, and sco htate after Hbilii bound hand and foot? " ''' -'"'-'-'i.',,;;-"'', n , gciitlviuen ' wcro, elected. . AWIUUU W iimgcspn tliq l0t,.iUst,; T..V. -- ., 7( pii.cksiuid Montgoiucry . Cu mborlana , :PWry. mill V. J 11 11 kin, n, ' 10.' Weatuioriiluud, Indiana strong J. A. Louuu. it . hos-i, d; )eJjjj.jPbIn,,iufd) Ubpoi)-Jolm J. 15., Delaivare nridChester'w,n;ib,f. lor, R, ' r " ' 10., I-Vankllnj Uodford, SomorHct nnd FultmrYm.-H. IIol, R4 , 18. Clarion.. Jefferson nndloroat M . rr r. . n . -'- I 10 Vrtr'lf nnil A ilnrn.l-Tlnhnrt TW,-lcl.. er, 1). i'0- Wllllln, Union and Snyder-r Jos-, el'1. .-uciior, u, 'I h.1,.111.1 ITt I I Wnll-n. 11 I "I. Ilutitlncdon.lilulrnminimhr lis John Dean, It. JI1wkins,i tho Mormon, bos been Od TV, .... . . .1 T" t.L 2 f,?nT;.V 'H?SVr tho prpyJnloupfjtiiM.iMV aud Klk II. w. William lttv 1 . sum convicted at Salt Lnko City, of bigamy, This lis tho first caso under tho now law. I 1 lio 'cw KplKopal Diocese. .. Ily the foment of tho general conven tion, In Ijidtlmord, a ndy dtdcos'o has been fonnil, to'comprlso nil that part of Pennsylvania lying oast of tho Alio gheny Mountains, oxcopt tho counttos of Philadelphia, Ohostor, Ducks, Dola waro rind Jrontgomery. It Is to go Into oxlslcnco on All S.ilubt day, tho 1st proximo, tlio primary convention for oriranlz.itlon bclurr held November 8lh. Tho clitcf (nTcrwl now eentro.i iu' tho olortlo'n of'DKbtiiv A mmiber of ilamea have nlrendy been mentioned, both from within and without tho tlloccso. Tho location of tho Bee, or RWiop's residence, will nun havo to bo deter mined on at tlio satno time. FOr this Mauch Chunk, Allen town, Ilcthlohoi'u Reading, irarrlsburg.Wllllam&porl anil Scrnnlon havo bcon suggested, but It Is now dltlleiilt to predict which ono o; them will ho selected. 1 Tho now Dloceso will contain aboil llJWUWO sotiW. In It nro Included near- ,ly'80 parishes and over DO ctergyincn and tho Church Is growing steadily High anticipation nro entertained for lis honorable c.iroor, which wo tnut ,wm ho my r,...ind "Wj tthmV Mtovcnj has I inhlrossoil tho following to tho clergy ...t.,l., I.,!.... ...111. in ..r..t,... ' 1 !. , '"'" " " . ". 01 1'oninyiva.im ni.uuno uu sei on iw ioV dloceso ThoL'onoral ciitivoiitloii of tho l'rot eslant Fnlsconal uhurchosof tho United States of America having rntlllcd the action or tno convention oi ino uioceso King wost and north of tho western linu ui luu rwuimi'i ai Ltiii-siur, luoni iromerv nnd Rucks has been set off as i new diocese, to take effect on tho first day of November next, It la mado my duty by section 1, canon 0, title 11 oftho ingest, to can me primary convention ot tno now uioceso lor ino purpose ( oiiiiblliiL' It to organize. Acting under this authority, I hereby call n convention of tho clergy nnd lait v of that portion of tho dloceso thus set on, to meet in ai. aiepncii's eutircn, TlnrHqlnirr-. nn Wntlnpml.ie- ihn Htli day 0f November, at ten o'clock In tho morning, then and thero to assemble aim organizo a now diocese. Until such now dloceso shall be fully organized it is tinuor tno constitution and canons of tho dloceso of Pennsyl vania, and lienco tho sarao provisions which regulato the election of deputies In tho dloceso of Pennsylvania must govern tlio ciioico oi tno pansnes oi the now uiocese, requiring ot tnem tno samo credentials of appointment as aro now required by tno convention of tho uioceso of Pennsylvania. L.cSd ?f Sffi byf SS warden and two vestrymen oftho proper church, will bo sent to Robert a. jiiuouriun, inq., nurnsuurg, wnom A,uavo rcqucsicu 10 aci as temporary cretarv, Pravlnir that God mav cruldo vou In all your deliberations, and brcathoupon ypu tno spine oi peaco nnn iovo nnd unity, I remain with great respect, Tllhnn nf dm dlnVn nf T'nnnavi nln VM. iJACON STEVENS ' ni'inty bauds-AYlio arc Entitled to Tlicin. ,Tno commissioners of pensions will Jtfcn issuo instructions and now rcgtila tifcns for procuring bounty land war rants through that office. Thoi follow ink; Instructions will lioiof interest to mhny : P'ho nets of Congress now in force granting bounty land, enlltlo each of tho burviving persons In tho following Hat to n certificate or warrant for such quantity of land as shall make, in tho wholo. with what ho may havo hero- shall havo served a period of ot les (linn fnnrln,- .Iriva Ir, m-11 T flninmlu.lnnl nn.l iinn.inimk slqncd olllcerj, musicians nnd privates, whothcr of tho regulars, volunteers, rangers or militia, who wero regularly mustered Into the service of tln United states In nnv nf thn wnrx in wM.h Yiits. country has been engaged slnco lTOOand nr nr m M.irr-b n,l. irrt, tn.wtf. 1 .1 . , aI ItTlT . u...Vi.., kv..,.lv.., DV mon, ilotlllamen, marines, clerks nnd landsmen in tho navy Iu any of tlio said wars. III. Militia, volunteers and Stato troops of any Slato or Territory called Inlu military service, and regularly '""sieieu uiure-iu ami wuoso ecrvico uavo ueen 1,10 umte'1 wtcy. I'SOtl lllOSlerS Ullll teamsters who lmvo bwn employed under tho "ireciioii 01 competeni nutlionty, in tlnjo of war, In tho transportation of military store and suppllei. V. QIllcerjaiHHoldlQM of the Rovo-, lut 011 iry war,, and , niarlno-i, tioameii and oler,pi'rsuns.ntho nival, s-'rv.lee of l'.y!'lH'd States fmin- i)M war, V-' P1,a,ulu i -Jr.ved with Mie rmy (u. s'Vfr.u oj, urn coiuury. 1 iWr 1 Av vfiH'"iiw' ur,4cJ 9f,t!lcUn!tedS.tatgsi,. any inA ,1... it(. m uiniij u..tit. nn HIIV ItlU UllllVU .W HI liy) . of orvlyipg persons,!., tli outlrpgard.to tho length of this servlco vi ffu wp tumriy musierci int1 brvlc?) W.wlt : 1, Officers and soldiers who havo been ..t.l. 1. . ......... 1 t - - i . actually pngagcd,ln;(niy Uittlo in any of. tno,wars in wucii tiiiscpuntry.ius boon ongtiged prior to the jrebe".on. TJipio ypluntccffi whc served ot tlic Inv: sipn pi x'laiisourg, ,tu,fiepiembef -Tlio, yojuiiteerswho ryed , at tho liatuo.nf Jvlpg'4,moii!Hal.uIn tio,tov, -oiutlonary war,, , ... . , , .'TlmivnluntpeiSiWbp aorved.at, the ilattu .of iNlckiJk aga p.S(..thv,confed ornteflavtiBCs of.tbo South. . ".1110 voiupteprs wno.trYflu ai tlio, attack, on)I.ow';3tonj,.J)plawarc.,liy lliq RritHli lpot.ln:lho,war ofJ8l2. hi addition to theso classes, these, acts ii.n TTnltiul HhitiM In nut tf tl.,.1 watA prior, to-tho iwar of the reboulou, 1 all tho bounty piVJsedj lu thu 4 uianner,iid-tiAlipwn(uextcMt,iw iftiio Ind ans Jian.ien..v mtoipen. wnprp iio,ser,vtcMms.pcou reniterpa by a;sulit,tlt.iitullhg,s thepeispn outiUuj Ui Umn .Uils,-nud nottbls.einplpyer.-! In thg qvent pf tho lUldh pf noy por-, w 1 ' tuwi!BwW.MlWlUm,uuio a- certilleiuovor warrant ,a-, arorps-td, ,cttYInK " widow, if no widow,' such. ,n(nrir child ortcbUdroii, U putltled tpiU .niii.,.,..M.i c. ii,...,n... LUI LI 1 1 L U IU U& tliUIHUyiUI lUU-mtlV 'tUIUI ttty Pf land SUCll dCCCaSCll lertOn WOUW do cntuicti to iiucoivot unu.gr tpp. prp visions of suit! acts lfinoW)UYlug( A tubscnuoiil iiiarrlnftQ Wlll not lm, . " ' hucii warrant If Bhoboa wldoWiat,tho tlino'of her upiillcatlon. Persons with in tho ogo of twonty-oiiQ yearrt pn the duy of March, I8fi5, are doomed minors within tho Intent and meaning of said acts, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Now Advottisomonts. pitKMIUMiJ AWAlU)i:i) !ixTi;i:Nin ANNUAh ii.xiiiiiitiux Xr ICE tOJX'MIllX COUNTX AOUIcn.TUItAL " liaiLTlCUTrUUAT.AM) MlXltAM. CAL ASSOCIATION, nmn at IITiOOMStlUItG, 1A,, On WntncBtlay, TliurmluyaiuU'iWuy, ociohor mil, l'Jtii una utii. isri. ci.ass i-jionpi.s. n t tr twlnhiiW'olU,It tMthinlller.,. .iro i,iUrilnnH'litluiri-,Uicliiinl r(1k'.. m in i'ti.iliiwu uiiuis!, Hiumti'l Klillnv. H W ' r-l.ttfU1 am 1.1,0 mur, )v,Y. Jl. Kfticr Aim iu t-olti, 4 jnii-Mtikl, m-t-co lulriimn., Mr) ' 111 euliH. :t yt-ut nl.5, Nulult W hi It), m. 2 ) i" Vmnio.i lTftoM,.rroli llPtlcr tw i Iioiho poll, la ino, .1, 1. hioUor...4iM 30y liovo cnll.umlcr ioiiif.l''tla;olmcli ttm inlrmultti, . it rnUrivmu acq ' flti'ilo fniil ihq horw, V llclillitnnn ft('0 filnllU.iiiiml(rlvi'M,.I,V,McCOimU'k (1h) ' jack, .JiHcpU li.V:i"...n fix iri'iii'i ' iim. iin', ii. nt iivm .hai (all, 11. iiHipan,m.i,r. llnycnliiuh 4tfl Mnltlnn ftt. nil wnrt., Iioboit 1'iirecl, 7fl )lootlt'4 ly flRtllon,-facob Jii tumor 12 (n) f.UIUoncoii.'iyrs. . , fi(Kj limse lict w.flnml l y, Uculirii HdtAs l.'Vi pr, muU''.iPfits Jlrnton lk'lcr,,Mt 3 w i:irrlfiir" liornfs, Kinnd Kvaiis...... fito lioriMoh, t i..I( M. Wjilto..., .luu lin. o coir. i in iiin, jt r u ut liimomit,iimo, lltniiu Tliommt.. 3'o " jjitioil m itu mul colt, A. J. Jtcjiylo,., 1UU) Mtvcriiitoutcnt, I'M MenilciUmll. JrrtiM.1.intitl .MnrrN. Unntnl ltmnhnfli Julm U.ljuick John Ziuai nna Jtutct I'm si , CLASS II CATTI.13. IioU lPYon Ciiir? liKi.oM D.micl V.unVach Ay Al'ii-mcy" " ' " ' Ag " cowijctecn2iin13 " 4 m lntnetHifii " O.V. Lcnm tiw M 3 svixy anil upwiiiils M " ii 00 tl nntlvtt hrtfov betwt'i'li ViLlltl 3 iimuil HMluy 3 (N) 1vpI VDK4 HlUCl'S UC'tW CCI1 " Ulltl 3 LllltiU Ulifloy ,, I lest unlive bull i cut i'M C. A. Knorr. .. !iilfir irruiUil 1 Mill. uhcmlith Klhcc 3H) lk(itlmUgrm1cilDiimoM,l. Vrxiim Ai; " ljL-ar, Kiiho Jt'iUnimn... 2 tw " IIPIIIT " tl " " ... j w " jmlr twin oxL'iiS years oMO. It, Hurt. ( hvti bull (nlilono) 3 ym Abel 1 lioinaa....l0 CO ruli " lyrbMM.KIhio 3 00 tic von noircr dliwccm i aim a ywus lion. W. Htcmer.. 3 00 Hat (rtmluun) hull 3yi3oldJ. Vtinco 10 00 " bull iniuicn mnwccii aim a xciiw KlUliit Jl.iKciihnch 4 00 nest iimnnm mm utitwccnsniitia yrs J. h. Svit.,t -. 6 00 llct ilurlmm row, W, S. rursd (i ik) ,( ttrailcJ lietfer ft modbt J "iormn..,.. An " i-ow niitlvo 3yrn oltl JUuxiber Itoutiit. 1 hi ifratlcil 1 yrs oltl " 5 00 fi'ttprrinttil'hut, Cyixu McIU'iuy. .Trrxi1 Win. s, rui-i-l, KcuOcn Jloucli, llliiim iiva, cii.imiicr j-.m-h. CLASS 1II-&WI.VU. llt'l Pow mul lilp, 1. Yocnm 1 00 " bruoil to. Ihuiiilut Ihmlics. ft x " boar. Wni. JlcMltn.it l .1 in " f.il lioirs (J iiius obi Win. Mc.MlcIiacl.. COO .Ii'imjus. lUcfo Full man, b. II, llugcnbuch. CLASS lV-SHLKl'. lHt buck onmmon, batnutl llltllcy,.... Aft MtHiihtlnuit bnc!t, .1. 1 t'mincr,, V " imvi'h t-ooth tlown " 4 oo cotawnMbuck Wt'slcvltowman...... fi oo KWU'il biict, Aaron Jyoout 3 oo " c slKfjicomtnon, II. iHflKlunllltir.... 3 oo CWfe COlSWOlll W. P. lltfUT 1 00 " pair t w In lambs 0 mo old mUlillo m ool Simon hitler 2 00 Jinnrfl. A. J. IKclcr,EfamaclCrcvllng, Wcs ley Morris, CLAtS V-r0ULTUV. Hut pair vhl to leghorn continual layers Jiulu Kcstt'r ,i. Itaccoon. t'niiicU Jlo.it " palrclitciccn, Ilnmml IlarnoB Aft 4 pit hl'k hanlsb cblckuntf, J l'ulincr A if " joi jnaiumi pooirus, i " lloumlon, X Utchart. Irlo Jlraliinnr. T1.M cimcr.. 14. tlnz bauliims. Jacob lliobst. Tamo rabbits,(2nMa.tcr Geo.llughcs Carrier tlove, Jolni Viinnatta JrixiEs Clark Merrill, A, M, Kcuternml i. ji.irncs. class vi-ciiiAix, sunns axd i'LOUit llest Ubui. rel thair vlnat, F. lloat.,,. Ati biwb. ivwcii,.i, ii, Jki'irr... Ay ' bnli.'orwaytitJ. II. lktlt. Atf l hiii. buckejo oatt, Jolm Smith., Aft Ctl" bun, pounlfoi'il corn, Jobh Hialy..,. Ay " 4 bu. elovcrctfil, Claik Mtrril...... 3 wi 2tV bimiHlvlient, Anion JioitiTi An bu4 rjc, Anion lvt"tir 1 !) black mt, Aaron Keter Iff Ubus. thuolby btTtl, Anion KrstiT., 3it " mifl. yd nonrust-eil corn,W ltobNon 1 .To " binwhitu " " --Iff Mi liw. vhcat flour, i. W. Drclsb.ich aoo " MlbHbucUwhcntlloiir, Vt ter Kut,.. 30) bn-4. retl vheut. Lewi lib ton 2 00 " Inn. pnunl poet I corn, N. llacnbuch. 1 M but. Clinton oats, J.H. Nt-ybart...... An " biwwhttu -wbout, r.llHliu flajman.., 3tm bin. Katlon tmio.com, T. IK Miou-O Ag .Uiwif4 John Hct, Ocoiko W, llaltr, John Vsiujiiu-y. UhA VII-VIXIKTAIIMN. Host bus. iiincer tiotntooH. L'. A. Knorr... 1 0 " inn. Ooodrlcu poiatoo4, c, a, Knorr 1 M bus. Hurt Hon potatoec, U, A. Knoir loo ' bfiine, sik l k. Wbarv Iff " 1n. rarlv rr notuttH, 1. Vociiin,. " hue. iiioiuior " " bn.'pHich blow potatoes, J. Kcstrr " 2 titn.llinii bouiis 11 bin. Chill potatoes, Jiicmlab lies,. " 1 lk'lil nunmkliiH. " . Ml 1 CO Ml AO " bu. plnki'jo ruHy coat pox, J Ikcler 2Bwi'i'tiininnkint. 1. H. llniKTt Ag " bud. colt biottk iMitatooM,II. II. lltown " bui. Aiiilcrt nolntoes. Ml ' 1ms. strawberry potatory, " " bun. onions, . S. Alattw... " biut. ltictbos So. 4 poa.,X, Itichait.., " lotbtotg, " :iprt'Kcn cd citron", " " bu-. excelsior potutocs A. P. Voting An 1 IN) AO Ail 10(1 Ay luu -Iff - im.ipriMii mow jvuuini " (-nuush. Mrs. C. Merrill " bu. early loo potatoes, J. V. (uUk " bin lnx'tl potat(R'! tttim nctl bu. Creclvnotatoes. .T.J. lloblni.. .. 1 00 " biis.lilelianlfton pun, II. li. A p plenum 1 ui bus. whlto peueh blows " 1 00 " bui. peach blow potatoes, W. C. Ulclirt ,A " Tui-, plnkujo potatot'f, M busi. enily roit) poiiitot's, M. A, tiirton " bus. plnkcju riihty coata " bus. nooilnch " ,,u bu-j.Karmt chill ' but. pink ejo rust coatn,. Il.igtnbuch ' variety j tola toes, J, Izlolt, M soupbeausMiM. K. llaut'iibuch Afi " bus. potatoes PrliH-o Albert U. Lee Jr. fto " but. pink L'yu A. It. Cioop Mi ' Itus. tuinlpt (Jen. W. Hess 1 m " batrel )eaUi blow poiutocii D. lluahce Ml ' bin. th eer potutocs J, II. Cievt'llng 1 "i " bus. ehill Mi w tl 3 bunches whlto fcollil cekry Jo-ejih Oni-rlton...a.,,' .ui.... 1 00 t 1 iitel; tionhy tomatoes J. (.iaiiNim l on lift, nihutlpotutOfS J.H. CiCVClluK 1 V0 " (bus. garnet chill potatoes J, UtUilion loo ' loz. ves;etable ojBttia 1 oo ' 4 e planu " l oo M bus. euily roc potatoes 1. Heck.,,, t oo " lni.pvmlebs 1 no " Jbiis.fcHeet potatoes J, Carilton,, 2W " bus. potatoes plukco nuets J. 1. Stiouse J on " bus. jueilesspotutofsil. C, Hailon Mi i 1 huu.it.het X. 1'. .In m.i.Li Att 3nmunuoth to.uatheK, d;iht t bO 71 lbs each Kiae McHtimey 1 .1 uuart butter beiuvs " 1 00 ' giant tt'ax beam " ' OLvteVyiit-viiuir, iStfKTfll'fWfVtirVIlHMlV ZcrriNatit 1 Jfpuuj JuUnlUvhur. . , APPLtS.' Besttlltpay of apples. P ii'Veiner f2tV) iioitKiuw iiiien, mrfc.Mnry inniei,, m y Inter tipples, I 11 Wenner iKi cet applet, 1' 11 Wenner SO laoreilupple, loula&a Uiykc..,. ,o rjuAiis, Itest display. X. Ulcbatt.. ,,2 00 ,, : loiMug. May K JUowtv, fall OT-wurttiT. J ft lIiiKcnlmeh., B rft rtNp'Iay,' Jftiuei Ke(er n.fl 2.1 " llaivU, , ,., ..t. lookmg; - ...v;..,:..!,.' -m rtJWfSWU . " " .4 so, Liirwt lnzt 5Ir'1 K phlpiuan 7.1 tt v1' 'luullllccstioz';Ml'nftbb.;l..t,... 1 ry ... .1- i nUlUPKK. . ... llest llMthiy.- Itlclmit...... - r I'orfcoiil, N Utchart ... v imianaui.il' u Wenuyn,, ' iA.ibelhi,P Jl Weuiier , 11 H 1 I'lniST.NUTH,1 Ittst qiwrt, Mrs UenJaniin KUtUT. " 1HIHI PKUITS. Jhwt upplep, Mrs 'Ym lUlortMV..i pi his, .lost'ph i.ariUftii Mjuvclit-rrwrj, Mi M Diihm... T grnpt-, Mrs iierij Killer. ni.l.li. uliiri. Mm A llinilM'Nlifil :ui " iiiAMhlyiiiitlM,irurt,.loKi-iili(luuUoii :w 'f vinlliJuuli, Mr. Wiu'lLrlur; 3U llitck(liciiU'8.11iiiMutlilliliiJulmuii ai i HWlKt hwitt 11 ' ' M 3 b luu(.,Ali IvunlcoAVtivvcr. iiirnitil.; Mrs ilntlillilH Julinon..'.. ao CI.AhS 1X-W1NKS AMI MO.IRIUH. JUlHit6-.l(j,ioU.vv CouillUv hrat tit ofU'klir'r vino, JIrMApilcmniil 00 i-ll j"irttu wliu.Jj.li llupciUit.Mi. ...... 1 to .1:: l5v?oriM:::tfjfi? ' 1mcn.".'.?.'!;?.1.5..,.,..'?. uWJ? H'.Vi oo' ' i;4.iaui!ioiiVaV(ViViuwMiVvX tocqi'UltreiU'WiioVjoiWivKViVi!iViWV.'iio .VfcAW j:-pl!yM;qj'io jiAlirt'.;:'UUiS;i Jii.Cj Jnciiulf jujacljnLum).J, JJj ll,t))Y,, lptutwuuilKiiUoiv luiiOuU)r,' JIin IJlarl . 1 1 t'llil'lwVPlrjauM.,,, ut f!JllliilUlflUtuuult6 Lutt'JlV'Wr 'JlullUK ') 1' . 'ii intoBtvioia:'.)! iirYkW::!:!:'i' & ,it 1" jjuiainilPMlliluml.uttor.Mra. lltnl j BlimliUn.. ,M "' 'Jar tickled chmlo, MrnHn'i'fco'wlu Wisi niuiViiiVutc, 5itw'XKUt-IHii!,'!!"!)I 60 Till t.J W 9 ui ri ....iu. .1 ii. in. n.ia .. .uii niun, . . . , , I 'UlliMH tOUltLK) ll'llV. MlK.1 I :thlililll. . iniiiiiu nii).'nr, ir .ioiiii itiU'r.l... l. , mnUltoVtf, Mih Jolni Zuiiti' tninnli ilo bihou lillr. Jim C Murrill.. ' IUII1VU IH1-, 4IICM i IlillllUrHlKlll.k u inc. Mtt a 111 Muurxiioti,, i-iiut ciiKu, Aim A llLuilcr.l . JiAUi,MriiAll(,4iiUrfclinu..h..w..u..it iu i.oii,;...iu.....S,.i.(...,.'..i.i....lv....... ii M Hot nt nri'lo Imllor, Mr, I'rtcr Knt " rmllllppllJlly,l"ullr.,"t"m"" " tiri'.crvml inilnccJ-Mr. Olirl.tuinn... " niiilo.yriii',, Mrs. Ulirl.tiiim..j. ...... " Vhlio cunnnljollyi .Mrt JlnryUulnt. man... atc-t com Mnrcli cnlto, ilrs li A Vitivlcr li'.t i'reten I'll 'cUroi!,' ' Jlre ' L "a S .'mlc'r. WstWplojHVlyVMiJa'ii Vniio'cMl'lVf!!!,'.!. 14 plfiry cuke, Hobccta ViiIt.Hcp..... 11 lot Kingir uiiicfegrB, lli?1'tfta VaniUr. lk'l i its bultcr luans, .Mrs Saiinitl enbuili.ti. "! lle-t inapln chips, MIm Mary Ohl ean ohnlS clierrlci Mrs IlcnJ Ki'tticr'.. " unninil " " " ' U bit. I urn I Knrtli " " " " ywit, Mw .laniCH MrMichacl.,. nniitoinarmalaite. Mr Jaiue Mc.Ml- liMtViVpm'npWnnVolc, Mm jamcs He Sllcmu'l...! :: " unpleplo Mrs. Nilon Mccarty licit pluinliiiller. Iia ilcl ltnuibaeh ut iinlnco Jelly, .1.1 ltobbln- " (uniutl f hetifes, Mm U 11 Mfiingh,,,. collco cake, " V' " ' riitplMTryJini, " " " ... 11 flie. cake, Mrs Abraham finytlcr ... 11 (a.iin'thiulneo" . " " gohl cake. " " " ttii'Mte'veit oiilnec. Ada 1; Uiocr..t. tjulncoji'llj, Mrs Paanlu J lbiuler.., Z-Q ronrfrulieilJi'ltMt-sKtinnleliniKlciUM " Jircanaeilblaekueriles, MisMatlhla Johnson , mj llett ar caiiiuHnorlleL)eiilesMrsMatU'la Jolinton , . M) HcshJi rcaimett laspbcrrics, Ml Maliula .l.ilinon W llfst Jar cannctl enrranta, Mta MatlMn J oh n foil .... ,,.... i . . i . " Itenl lot bitcnit, Mh I.lzr.lu lkeler Ml " Rl.it-4 (luluco lmtteri MM Mlnllu 1! suur iit . Uct b-inmi pie, Mm J Y V.WT , "0 ' loll butter, Mis X. P. .rohn 2 w ftlUirinke, MlH HShatplcMS 50 " IwlnbrotbcM jtnit, Watcilon Yeiwt (Jomjuny "lV iiitacrtntrmteiti, NeiMni r, John, .H-rniPB Mm. Henry IMchmllhT, Mm. Ail tlrew lkeler, Mrs. Ii. LowuamlMra . Ur. Cha pin. LASS-.MIOtI3i;il()LlMAMlFACTUUi:.S Uest boiuo mailu coverlclt.Lllen In In. . ,,H j0 boil pit! iiiiiiiiena nofe, juuHra-n.ugaiei Annlr'tnim. M) llest pair wooh n toekln. Mis J Ilcji. tilrrtnll.iimi'l nf Ml M.ittlm 1) till ik-MllCO. I 'V) lieu pat. blatiktts, Mm ColTman Mi " M janls Hniit'iuliii.pi'r Mis C Mi itell. 1 00 llcft pair knit .oolcn -stocklngt, Mis A UcuihirMiott-.. iy JJct.1 roll home matle cloth, V.Wm Kriim.. 1 Ml pair Hunt ntablo Uotln, MWs Ikcklo Vatu'trslicu CO llet pair cotton bloek'ngs, Mrs M A Ilaikley M Uet pair wool blnnkeM, MrsJ 8 Ihiijcn bucll 2 00 llett couuleipane, Mm William (iuirltoii,. 1 (o " piece raij carpet, Mm M A li.it kley.,,. 1 M eiiitirnhlci.1)! vokn, MIm Mary dhl.... Ml " lo-,tlspUlnlfncn,MisiknjKltt!er.. 1 W " 111 S lis linen iintiiei , " iair v.i")len mltient." ' ' " linen fbcet, MMU Vamh iMIcCm " imcillil, Tilllo Mdlck .-17 Miuplo M.inm I. Tiiey hi) " bed millt.Mrs hlizaltcl eth ll.ijhuiH " linen tablo prenu, juiiiMV e.ie, i " " stockinet, M L Kitamer 1 Oj " knltoolenetocklbfC " bed quilt. J " 'Jeul'.bllov. ool double t IstethMary Mary KKreamec M IbMt eommou co etllds, Mm Matilda Johnon , f0 llet luiil'jieu tabic cloth I " JSVioekV VMuWriUderlW u " t-lofklnpt, J M hqiue inadeblilit Mrs J' P Lut M) Jcools Michael 1 Ljeily Mis. John Zancr Mm. Jco ltlek. CLASS MI-JTAN'CV AUTlCLL-j AND I'LOWLKb. P.ent chiomos IM'Nilei , 1 no " beiul mat, Mrs John s l'hlllliis Ji " ' bonnet holder Mm J s Phillips., ibi ' 2croclut thrnatl tidies " " ,. 1 oo ' Miool back, Mrs i: hhlpmau Ml " hnkiiitlt, " ' , 1 00 tranpaient wreath painting, Mm M ynkoop , , M) llest toan-parent dahlia, Mrs M j nkoop Ml " leather bracket, " ' " t0 ' ' ilowei'iiieath " M n srphyr vieath " 11 t( M f-btlland mossciop. ' ' " li " bonnet of wax llowers " " Ml " toilet set. Mrs Kit lkclcr Mi " bead watch ease, Lumu Appleinau Sfl " zephyr wreath, " W " boquet " " " Mar crog, " " tB " cmhioldeicd chair " vlllow lochia " 'ii " Miirsled-nienth, Man- C Hess M) " lilly plant. Marlah llets 1 (n) " ulr a-tle, .Mlt9 Waller M) " -Jin nld tldlis, Miss Mugglo Coil man " pin cui-hion " y,1 " lancy rabbit 44 44 " 25 " " doll-chair and frocks, Mis Mag. pie Coirman 1 Ih'bi pair btad clippers, Mm U Veacr Wi knit basket S3 ' hut in tbuad en'-e, MIhb O Weaver..... Ml iiumo woiktti tiony " 2 burn tldlc. " Jblitl tidies. . halercoer, . wieatb tit) If, thread dolly " dolly, oik fit chair coer. MlssM W'cavet 100 1st M Veaer 1 oo r lul-voik tidy, dallied, Mis j;uiiiee llo-t 'J w oiked t Idies! ' Ml'-V "Magg'to' vi li ver llet eolleettou ofdahlliet, Mr .1 t'olemin " hoiiuet otdiled lloeM. Mis J L'ole innti Jht tutehti tiee, Mis J Coleman II UvuU tUy, it Ov.lt it,,, " H't toilet units. Miss A Coleman ' embroldeied iliiniUe yoke, Ml-ts A Coleman , llefct zephyr tidy, Mis Mary Jacobs " 2 paintings, " " " ' Soil " MNh Agnes Vmnlersllie.... 1 " fair ilowciH, M .. .. 1 tidy, Mits Clara Weleht 14 toliitt-ets " Tinilded toilet cushion, Mis' hado Cod man llebt nl'glmn sofa. Mm II O llnitinan " knit uullt. Mis A llcndfjtdiolt 1 4k sample titled grass und lloueis, Mis A llcubershott lleot tidy, Mis Mattiu Unbi-ou Mi Ml ! 'Jl Ml v ormeti xm , .urt i,nririnan cioehet iiullt, Mm J It TowiiHnd..., totted tidy, " " .... 1 (w 44 2 crochet tidy, " 41 " ... 25 Infant rolu 44 " 1 00 " fi bead Match pockets Mis J U Town. Hcnd 1 oo Host lojc cabin hpread, Mrs 31 A Itiockway so 44 eiii-is, Mrs V m UairUon 2.1 44 pin cushion, 31m L A Vandcisllee..i. 2i 44 mmplo tmbioidery, ,4 44 1 on 14 hand-cut bracket, Thomas 1 (ieddis M " fota pillow. Mrs M A Ilaikley, 1 to 44 C'laiile quilt, Mrs LlzzloCiuest.... .... M) 41 thread lldv. " 44 .... Ml burhatnot, 44 14 4 4 ....loo 44 night tltct-s yoke, 11. Kdgar Ml 44 pincushion, 4 4 " Dip " -wreath of mux fiult, 3Ira Lllzabt-th IlayhuMt , ion iiest tiny, .mi-4 Jiai-j'i taunucra , 4- tolftt vet 44 44 44 44 41 mm 11 carrlairo aftrlian. Mrs M.irv Hart man 1 (O i;cnT.incy pin eu-uinn, i.ttn eamnireit,... 44 huh i do h in Unnoii Ulnae. 3liss 31arv Ktcatner f0 lit 4t .hi dahlia, awl aud jellow. Mm iHiion , . ; mj llest pletuxe, J.moason Dillon..,, 1 imi 4' knit Keaif, 31arv Kite hen Mi f4 hpeelmau pi'iinm.uMitp, J04 (.hui-onl (n 44 brackets, Albeit ll.ittuinu Mi " niomlnif ditW'i 31rs A MijiUr Ml 44 t oitett hiiawi, .Mrs A sn del'.., 44 ldn cuhttn. l 44 zephyr thlyJirs A 'Thder,,,,, 100 i.inipuiar, l 44 iKtad and iseiujr Din cushion. M.irv C Mt Kely.,, I 00 iirsi uanys kiiu imtt Mrs 1; r laitz-.w ... m 44 Knit trhiiMl, Mlis Mary.i l'almer 44 pair child knit btoeklngs 3Its 31 A llaiktyy. ,,,.,,, ,. llet 2 eoltou knit tidies. 3Iis Hannah 11. Webb , i t 60 Jtf-t lollet ecu er, 31 w W P lkeler Ml I4 incy head ilroM. 3IIs3i u harples loo I'll svn i i-t.tr, -uiflu it i-iiai LUl-lliti ... vi 44 tinbr. (flitipel, lm 1 44 putdeUu painting, Mri. J. W, Uyer.... M ' pair m OMteii muU. 44 14 jiiiiiuiff ueiiie, 4 chair cushion, Mrs Jsaiah Iteidlemau 1 (hi iiieofgold tiuartz ltiftc 31(111-5' I ,HI 44 uhrhau. II It fihuroloss. ' boiuet of Hovcm, 31M. W Tublw., 1W SupcrtntiiiittAt, J, II, Ilnrman. JtTnobs 31m I inn Id fMiyder, Mr Am HI a Uutler, 3Us. 31aryJles aud.MUs Flank Mil. hud. 1 ' ' CLA-jb.UI-YKIIICLU 44 two hne far Og.P 1J Itotuboy Din tf 2n0 44 2 how carllajse, 31 C Moan ,t liroiftfn 44 pleauo wjulnH wauim do J on topbupgitbhlttlng) dd SOU 44 open laiggy, . . do 4 W 4Lililgh, do 4 00 44 set Wtueim 'at xvheeN do 44 hct whteUby bhmu.V Ilro UJlroadt 41 lot nntlnttthed HOrk do 44 fiitiii viiinm. J It Fans i'lii Dip 44 felloo Oiler do JHj) wimple. 8)kos do ..,...,.,,,) 44 put epilng Htjat PI Itmubov.,.,. Dip 4 2 lioMti laimagonliiivid IirobHU..,iJi UttpiriutcndtiUi lr, I.. Montgomery. ' Jrrtiiyi..llr. L. Tl. KiliiC. lli-.W. 31. llel'tr1 hud llr, MoUuynolds.i 0LAS XIV- VintlCl'lrt'IIAL JMl'LUi MKM, 3lACIUNhU, AC. llctt double con cultivator, llonrj1 1)elch. iuiiter,,,r,..v. u.MMi.iti..nib,AMi4 w Jitt liattut if unit ior measuring grain llonry Pi-Icbnilller.. I. ..-.Dip llofcf. vullt'v tbbJ nuiMt r itiiiuir nnd m-K, lllkl'l eniiutini-ii ,Miiuri rt .iiuisii a lii... tup llf-,tthrebimM)uiiiitorniid ekuner euii, bine 1 1 lean power m iviiuu ug 111 ... jtip Cbt Walter'.4. Witod ieai ruiid inowln' 1 lu.ieiiiiui wiiiitin . i(iii'ii'?"ii.Mi,in f"J' lU'kt w niter A WctOdinbwlnir inachiiuf A 11 Itllioii jaior, 1- j. .Y'Cinu-. . ........... 4 ,w t,lio,l hor foot (biluinlo of hur.u .lion. Ii.n T. lllt.ihlt,nI..UJ.I...Jl.'.ltJ.tlllrfltlf,ll.nn l)Vt wdr jior.e lioin Aincw AKulclHil' v!'?'1!'! liitt font pianw r i 1' Unrn?,!T. ItW. 't l l IiuproyiU wllu)9v aJl, U)il (ruin,. llit klu hill . r MMlT.il plonli uV Hie. i. rlal.t . liiuul felt'rl plou'li l't'uuliiKton Air wmlc.Mii' Hi.t Irfl h,iliili,lo,Whr('tililiiirtitn,A'u'm'lt.;jifi voili. , ,'; JHv,t wln.liuarJ 11 lallititf..i..n. mm rijri. 14)91111 Muiiiu.4 .s.iiuiiimiiyu rt.loMllrlniiKli'0 .jlq i'm " Kcaliil-niiJlv ryii'fiitl i-mnl,(,.... Au ii iuu liuiullu ilu bi .1 flnmlriti.il rfniwr mul ntouer itnd self ruKo lloilu. X Mfplu'nun Miitir Cu Jltp Uct lever iirtwirthreblier A bpwnttorc6m OUl( 11 1 JllWUl DUllUJHT,,.. llet coir (feared trcud pow er nnd tin esher roiu iiiito wiuutm &ejiuier Jlitd eneUlor niOMtr t leapcreomblaed baylu t Uug A CO, . v A 00 llest t JiampUn di-JJl lii ltol & Uobblns..., Dtp niiu-ti lull cidt r f A S ataiih Co hii " iiucKuynreuur uiuwit k w tttp " iinpioi;il tar ;oupJlm Mcluwtn & UVt")tMtllliillMltltTMIIIlMlltlli til I VjP PA. Hot culllvftlor hook WUloURlilty llcrry )lo'"iicrVomi'lnnflVV'rriin AK Co... tolioronilllviilor (lio Cuvi'lii;" Illn Dili ivi t,.ril,lor U'L'ill iir limiiKur kj i. l.rlslil..... "'' lli.t Imy loililiT .lolin l.iin ii.,.. ........ i. ' I' m.iMcriiiviiKiKlilif t H hcmlnll... I'll' i,oiuinilliri!i'r.l II Slt-ckir..... 'Jl' niitiMi.U lilmwll M M lllnwll... ' ' " laili'lilimtofiitcli Hiiv John 'llimiiiv.'lt " lulvillico mowlllU mnchilio A 1. J.I"''-,.. r.H ''lit ll.-r-t Imtnl fcuil culler .1 M llul.lrcr........"i' " nintilcnii cMit mill TuinUuli "'K,Wjl Ih'st rc'imVici(lViiy7orlcTiirnimclillt,,iAC'o''it " ..iiui'lo lioiiiiolhlcfi'iico ilo Dili mmio ilii't A .1 Alhcitson ..Iff " coin (.holli-r nifo.1 ,v Co ';; " l,o.oin hlnl.cr m ILilnun i"i ' Amri h-ati enhmlpcil iloublo rtllinj lion Irlrrlnif fou-o minii liil,lR('l'orl in.iiir,ie.oiy Company "!' .rrmins Henry l'cichmlllcr, JtiTjiuiln Kl.tlvr. CLASS XV-'TIHT.S, Tt.N WAM1, nAKTIt K.WVAUK, AC. iS'iiiirrhilrnilfnf. .tolm llailinnn. llrat 1 tflllivp cook.toio U l Whniy.. Dip ' ioul.liiKKtou(uwriy clullinn) 1, ll.ik'i'iilnuli 4 "I '1 limtlor touliilati llftirrnliiu'li.... act " lol iiulhi-imiilu A. C. liulili l'lfl " 1 nuiKO Muuplcfatt A Illinium I!i " 1 uiniirdlii niiuul ' " "!' " Tnrlclyorilii wnio 1. ItiiKonlnKjli... Jiiji " Cronl.. PUuni tooklnn l,piiuitua . , 1'. S, .Moycr I'll' .If onl: S, 1. lMimt'l, H. A. Wornion. CLASS XVl-CAIIISHT WAlli:, HIIOHMAK. liili i.v.. r.in, c. lloat 2 hull elm I r II, II. lilnsli'r 5 00 1 CO )!; 1 10 Ht.ltk'9 nolo leather 1' . cnrisiman... i " a Kin Rkln. " " .... " ScillCUnl " " .... 1 ilnnliln ml lf!m lllirnr-flH C il. ChrLlnm Dip 11 1 i t Uclil tlonblo ilrlvlnir lianui.ti C. SI. ClliUllimn 4 10 " 1 f(ttfliiKlo liarnoy 11. .M.GIllltjtlii.in JH)i 11 Kinniilo lirlclc cleo. Y, btrriuT. ...... i'll' " plain Italian liunl'StonuT. l-Uiititon ";' " chlhl.' itionumuiit " " i'lji " 1 pelt boil poHts A. llnntr.lni.-iT Dli " Jilo hrrioin. .lacoli HU'tli'iilmch.. Jit " H 'lot! riil oak. hlnKlc. " Dip " f hllil. ilie.MhiK iHircnu Win. Hiil.lt. . tin " 1 ihalr lyiyraraohl nixili) 1.71 IlcnJ. M'llnon -Iff .IihIki tiscar 1'. lint, J(,hn Apploumu J, Y, 8I1111111011. class xvii-iii:i.- anii iii:i:iuvi:s. Il.'sl piiarni lice. IT. II. lli-ovtn.. r M " 21,o.eii honey 1'. n. M enner I l Jiuljfiw l'fttr.lonc. L. M, Wimlln, CLAHS .1X-TI!IALS OI Sl'LIIIl. l-AnMKRS TllOT. Clinton ,Mcn,l,'nhall 1st inusu ia.Wt Umo HsllJ. 3 IIanaJ:lnW. .1. IV. lloiruuu, imrc. tlO.IXl Bror.Tia list. TntiiiinAY, L, M. Sinllh, " Unci. Skin " ll imiuc fV).oo I time 'JOT. 2:IOan,l I: in. Kohcit l'ciniMcr, " Simon " 2il imrne, 4-i.d0. KIlll'AY. John Vim Vorcc, Sorrel Uorso "I'm " If-l liuihO, tI"I time l"t heat 2,1 heat ',:J,i, ill In ut 9il. lilt heat -i.!, CUi heat s.!l Uohelt Hi miiatcr, Hay llui-se, "Will" 2,1 irarac, taw l'OL'RT.H TKAM Tr.OT. II. liiieriist, I'readiir un,l male, l.t imrso t In.oii 1 1 line :i l'l. 3 w mul 2..V4. C. Cunl, ll.ty marc ninl ln.iie, 2,1 pni i-e, ilo.no. BATCHDAY'd TllOT 11 o'CLOt K. I.. It. Kiomer, l'rank Leslie, 1st vmto s. J. ranx, 1'iin Horse, 2,1 inime, foo. 1 O'CLCK K. l-cinuel IMinan, llav llore, lt iuirD Jti'iOil. William lint-lied, ll.iy Home, 2,1 purse, two. vr. n. noo.ss, jviiifui(. .1. J. miOWl'lt.&mnrj, Till; Uvst snmplrs of ilnv scihip done u( the lain l'alr in on me si;i:it smvixf; 3IACIIIM: D ISSOLUTIOX NOTICK. Notlro 1ft herobv clvon that tho itartucrnhln lierutnforo exlatlm: between J. .1. RoitniNS and L. J, TAvitOU, tinnhaetln biiHlnoMM under tho nnn namo oi Kumars a tavloii nan neeu dUsolvod by mutual con sou t, J, J, Hon mm will carry uii tho buRlnes, as lieretoforo nnd Heuiu mo uccuuuis 01 iuo uriu. ,t. j. nonniNH, 1.. J. TAYLOXl, llloomi,burg, Oct. 17, IS7l-3t. I OWN AlAP OF BLOOMSnUUG. ii (he fwrt of Quarter fusslMi of tjhimhla rounly! a ltc ui'i'la' of 'he tvivn map of Jlloomi btry,vimie by Xahuul Xeyhant ami tvbmUled for correction ami a pjmrral to tahl Cw. NtiTICK IS UKRKiiv tUVKN, That tho uiulerNlned Uoiumls falonor appointed by tho bald Court to report (ho evldeuco ollercd by cltlzensasalnst nnd In favor ot tbo eoneotnefcs of hnltl map. together with his opinion In regard to nnv matter complained ol lu relation theieto, will attend at tho Court Housf, lu UloonibbuKC, on Monday, the twen till h day of November, proximo, nt ten o'clock In the fureuoou of tald day, to dlchargo tbo dti Ilea of bis appoint ment, at which time und place, nil peiHims interested may attend If they Miall lldulc iropir and bo heatd, iM. i:. JACKSON, oct?771-w Commlshloner. AUDITOR'S NOTICK. 1CSI ATK 111' JOHN ItlCHAHlW. uro'ii. The undersigned nitdntod bv lijo Oiphnns' i oiiri. oi uiiiiiinoiii eouoiy, .vuuiior, on exeeii tloim nnd to make dlKtilbullon of tho hnlanco li: tho hands ttf fS. Jl. Dlemer. 1'iccutnr or t.fil.1 !. (odonl.wltl meet tho parties Interefited for tho nurpuso of Ids appointment, nt tho oillco of itoueri r,-jiniK,iu inoomsiair, on Naiuruny, the 2)tlltlnvof November. A. II. lh7l.nL 10 nVlorlf a in. All persoiiH b.ivlnji claims aualiifct tha (Htjite nro required to present them orfio loreer ueu'irreu irom coming m lur a part, or tun bald oet.771lt. Auditor. A "UJHTOH'S NOTIOK. ESTATi: OF (IHOI'.tlE KLINE, ntll'l). 'luo undtrslgntd, Auditor, apolnted by tho Orpham.' Couit ttt t'otumblH county to mako distribution of tho balance in tbeb.mdHnt Mm Administrator of bald dteedent, as per bis nc- eunui, jtifu, iu (ijh j tin i ii-a uuiuieii 10 recoivo ino fsnnie, will meet tho parties lntereded fnr tho mirpoMo oi iiitt uppoiuimem, at nu oniee, in uiuoiu&uiiiK, mi n.iuuuM , Miti om uay tu ftc vendjcr. A. li. lt7l. nt Pi n'clorlc n. tn. All r.r. sons havluy claims acatnst tho estato of tho Haiti decedent nio required to present them be- imuiiiu Auuuuj hi, ui.iv i line, or uo ioreer uc barred fiom cjmln; lu tor a part oftho said fund. CO. 1IAUKLKY, octl7 7I-it, Auditor, s UlU'tKNW IN DIVORCE. In tho Court of Coiuniou l'leaq of L'ohimhlA cuunly, 11. A) Ilotleuilelu, ) . v. , V-Allai auh., lu Divorce. Ulara A. II. liottomti lu J Jl TiAM : You nro horeliy reo.ulreeil to nnnear on Monday tho lourth il.iy ot Deetuber, 1S7I, lu the Katd Court, ninl niisuer lo tlio fiatil com plailtt, or tho muttur will ha then determined iM'te. AAiioN.irni, , , , Hherlir. Ily older of lha Court. Wlil.UNGTON 11. KNT. l'rotliouotary, Illnmiubum. Oct. 57, 1S71-U. W1IOJI IT MAY CONCEItN. Ail i'i Ail i -boih nro hereby nottilol that 1 havo pur. , riiiitutl .illll.uu U1U KlllllWIllg ler- ioual oroperty. to ivlu imu liore, tlireo oom-s, to bulls, two heifers, twit etlves, four wnsom I wo illows, twit harrow., imu lUrasliliij- uiaeiiliio. tiuu windmill, seven sluep.ono sled, seven lio-V clllt hho.lU, uue lOK-wuKOU, Olid lol lo-. chant mo loin hay, 111 buslieln ryo and wheat, lu) busheli eom, a bn.,hi l buckwheat, and ono set blucUsiullh kioN, which I huvo leu lu Ihoiios. Hcesiou-or Kulnuel .Inhuou, for his nso ilmlnK luy iJeasuie, JUMIAll W. JllllNSON, . . Hhiimandoah, octi,'71-2t.. BchujlHlllUo. "Y"tJI.OAN WOUKd, , DANVILLE I' A. ' WILLIAM II. LAW, JIiuiilfacliiKrof Wrouicht lion IiiMicai.llollen. I Il.liiit.lpa. rir.......! li.. ..... ir.7........ .. ..' .. V.l 1. -."i"'. ...u.Mii.. n IIMIUII. iiuu Jtoouiii;, llootlui; r ramun, l lo-iriuir ninl Doou, rami Uiile. uuilfdncliii.. .iu,, Wi.it,.i,t ir ,n: Iny.Htiick, aud nil kinds of Hiulth WuiU,Vc, S . II. Lrawlug. und WIimim supplied, oclJT'71-Iy. A IfDITOll'S NO.TIOF. XX IhrA lKO'r 11I.NKV V04T, DKC'O. n,", Wt'fbl!l1P'1'Bl'I,Vlut.l'a!ii' Ul Orphans' Court of Columbia euuuty, Auditor to distribute ittuui lutholiaudiiux tbo accountant of lluury losl.ileceasisl, will unit the. parties Intel untod or t hupurposo ot Ills appolutiileul uthUotllco lu Uloomsburg, on JlouiLiy, tbo will day of No. vembcr, A.W.I87l.at lou'eiock u. m. Allper fomt bavlu; claims on said estate are reiiutUted Ioultend,or bufoiever debarred Iniincoiulni; lu for a pari of said luud. li It. JitKUllf ocl3'7l-U, Auditor. QHANOKVILLK AOADK.MY. lw,W luler Term or this Institution will open TUUNUAY. OClfJllF.lt 31.ST. 1S71. ami cootluuo elovon weeks. Tuition froiutJu) totiyli. lusiiuctlim ulvuu lu nil tho coalman and liluber i:uiIUIi branches, Uajclhcr with Lat In, Ur. i Ic. I'leucli and (leriilau, UihhI boaldcau bu obtallled ut 9 l.Uper week, or room furnished lo llioso who wish lit lioaid thQliiheU.M. lutllnlr paillculars addieis II J.B,clli)t).NUVi:il,l'inclpal.or . , ,. i)r, u. a. oi r.it AUU1.L.1., Hccri lUry. 6raygotle. OcL.7, ls71-lm. ' M'' TNCCmPQUATION. police is hcuby i;Ucii, tli that mi Ihn 0.1 ,!...! flol.tl. I". IS7I. kllllillV Itilinlillniilrf ... ....l....;.., . couuty preseuteilu petition loan adjourned Conn ot 'Common I'Jeas of said couuty, pruylui; inosiuuiuuriiiiuiuuiui.unrierf'lluuoriMiratlou, under the namo, stylo and title of "Iho lieu ton Mutul bavlug J'und und 1juii Association" with Ibo rlulllH .mill brlvlleeLS llierelu klt,ul nuU.lCuobulllcli'Ul tiiusu Isshovvit lolhit eou rary fin wit mat uay 1,1 iiexi, term, ino pruyer Id ,A lithlthtllers will Lit irrinil, ,1 i,,.,..., .11.,,. ... ,1... Act tif Assembly lu .tau case made und pro vlded. W. Jl. K.NT. ocuT 71'H. rruthouutury. A VDITOU'S NOTIOK. SX. UiTATSOyPEllOKAltEAN, liKC'D. 'Iboltiudcrslimod.unnolutod bv tbo ornbaus' Cuutt of Columbia county. Auditor to inaku ills iiliiuuuu ui luu miiiiuiu in inv iiuuu. iu j, ii, llroekwav. Co.. Admlulslrutor of the i-ststo ot Dcbora Dean, will lneel tbo liarlles Interesttd. for tbo purpusoof his uppolutuient, on Alouduy, the oth iiuy of November, 171, at 11) n'clm U u.iu, at Ids oillco In llluuiuiburi;. All la'isous liavlun claims on valdestuto aiu leijuested to attend, or lio fjii'ver debarred from c jmluii lu for 11 pari of said fund, CSV, MILldUl, 0114 tt-ltv, Auutiur, Patent Modicinoa. JJX AVVKXh To llobllltntcd 1'orsons, To DyH-ieptliM, To Biiircrcrs from Liver Oompliittit, To t hoso liav nn no Aitpollto, IIUIIJIIH, To Nurvou-J Doonlo. To UhHtlrcn WasUnj: Away, To any with Joblliiiiuu UI-rdHlvo Ur Rniw, Hi RtiiTctliirt with (tnv o thn Ai'nml... 8mptom which indicate Jilwrforcd JAvcr or Momacn. such as Con Mlpallon. Inward riles. rulncM or lllood to tho Head, Acid ity of tlio aitiniach, Nauiui, Heartburn, Dingunt for food, Hourj:rultntlonilnkln(iorl''iiU tcrlngnttliol'mifttio.'itomiicb.Hwim inlnior tbo Head, Hurried nnd UiilluulL Itprtnililtur. t'lnUnrlUff nt tho llort. t'briklNif or HuirontlngMouiiiiliii8 wbeu J rt a Jy tiw I'm- Itiro, JHlimeK ni vision, iots or vtiiJ neniru llnilittit,l 'ovt r aud dull tutu In tho lioad, Dedcleneyor rcrndriitfou. Vellowuo-w of tbo filtln and Hyw, ram In tho Hlite, lliclc. CbO'-t, JjlnibK, tVe-., Bndilen l'l us bet of Heat, ltu ml n tit tho riuth, UonMautliiialiilna of r.vll, and great Depretnlou of HplrlU. IIOOPLANIVH OK KM AN MTTUItS. A Hitters without Alcohol oryplrlUof ittiy It I ml, Indifferent from ntlothoM. It U ootnprted nr tho puro Jnbf, or Vttnl Principle of Jtonit, Jlcrbi, nnd y;fAf.(oras icdlclnnlly termed Kxtracti.) tho worlhlcrtMor Inert portlonsortliolniirodlentH not being used. Tbereloro In ono JJottlo ot llita JlltlerM ttiero ih contained as much medlettiat vlrltioiiM wilt bo found lu iscvcral gallniis of or dinary mixture. Thn lUmtn, An., mcd In thU J titters nro Rrown In Uerniany, tbetr vital prln flples oxtraelctl in that country by a Heleutlilo CiieiuUt.und forwarded to tbo mauuUcLory In this cllyi whom they aro compoundod nnd hot tied. Containing no spirituous lugredlenttt, thin JIllterH M free frum tbo objpetlotm urgotl aKilntt nit olherHt nn dcntro fur HtlniulatilH enn uj In duecd Irom their uie, they cannot malm drunk ards, nnd cannot nndcrnuy circumstances, havo any bill n bencllcl'il ciltct. ItOOKl.AND'H tlKUMAN TONIC, Wni compounded tor thono not Inclined to oxt rerun billert, nnd U Intended. for uso tn nisei when Komo nteohollc stimulant In retptlrod In connection with tho Tonla propertltii ot tho lilt tert. ICncli bolllo oftho Tonla eontalni ono bot tlnnfthf lllttcrH, coinblnod with pure HANI' A CHUZ HU.M.and davoreil In fiuch a mannertliat tbo extreme bitterness of tho bitters Is overcome, forming n jire)aratlon highly ngreoable nnd pleasant to tho palate, nnd eonialniuK tho tnedl elnal vlrli.es ot inn iut(nrn. Tho prleo of tho Tonic W SI.&0 per Uoiito which many porsoim tblnlt too high. Ihey niunt tako Into cnuKlderiv 11 on that tho Ktlinulant uved li Knarautreil to bo of ii purn tpialliy. A pour article could bo fur nished ut a cheap- rprlce.but Nit not better to pjy n llttlo moro and havo a tfood artlclo? Ainodi elutl preparation hh-juld contain no no but tho best lusredlenti; and they who expect ti obtain n cheap compound, and bo benefitted by It will muUCQitaluly bo cheated. HOOlTiAND'H OKtlMAN DITri;iW, HOOrii.VND'S QEItMAN TOxN'IO, WITH ItOOKhANIVH roiKHMIYM.IN I'llA, will cunn you. They nro tho Uroitest it j o o l) 1 it n inn it Known to tho Medical world, and will eradi cate illReasesarlt'lUK fiom imnuro blood. Dchlllly of tho Diettlvo Organs, or diseased Liver, In n shorter time than auy other known rcinedles. Tho whole- SUPItJJME COUItT of PemuylvanU STEAK YOR TH USB 11HMKDIIW. Who would ask for moro Dignified nnil Stronger Tehtlmony ? Iloa, (IromiB W, WooiiWARH, formor dilrfJm tioe of the Supreme Court of J'cmwytvanta, at prj sent Member of Vongrcat from I'entiijh'iintit, writes t riiii.AnnLi'iiiA, March ICth, li". I And " Ifooil ind'H (leriuin IlltlerN " Is a Kood tonic, uselul lu diseases of tho dlKetdlve orp ins, and of ureal bene lit Incaserfof tleltllltyand want of action iu tho hystcm. Yours truly Uronan W. WoomvAit!). lion. Jam ts Thomson, Ui iff Juitlatj tli Unjn i mc Ojuft oj Jniiailvtlnitl. l'HILAl.r.l.l'lllA, April 2J, IK17. I oonsliler "IIooll ind'H Uermau llltterH" n val uable ineillcliio In caso of attacks nt In,liiostlitu or Dynpepsla, I can certify this from my otpo rleuea id It. VourH, with renieel, Jamm Thomson, linn. (!i:oltin:KlIAKWO()I, Jmtlcln the Supreme fom 1 1( 1 nixiyUanlit. 1'iiii.int.U'iiiA, June I, lsill. I havo toun.l by exp?rlenco that "HihiiI ind'H Uerniatl Hitters" Is a very Kood tonle, rellovIlM dylicpttc syiuploniiialiuosl directly. UKOKItK HIIAK3WOU1I. Hon. Win. V, IloBcrj,.V,ijo-oi;u CJyof tljff.ilo, A". 1-. f Mayor's Ofllce, lluiralo, June 22, MD. I liavo used "Ilooll.inds Ocrntau Hitters and Tonlo" lit tny family durllur tho pist, year, und eiiu eeuiiiiiiuuu mem as an excellent tonic, 1m- paltltiB touo and vlijor to tho systiuu. Tliolr tttn hna beeu productlvo of deel zitleiliy noueilelal W.M. l Uoiikus. I'llCl'lli, Hon. Jatncj M. Wood, Vc-iliyor of miliuimporl I takoereat pleasure In rceommcndlns" Hoof land'M tK'iinaii Tonic " to any ono who may bo iillllcted with Dyapeniila. I had tho Dyspepsia mi badly It was luiposslblo to keep my iwsl lu my slotimeh.and 1 hemmo so weak as not lo b nlilu towalk halfiimlle. TwobotthiHofTonlci'llucted a perfect euro. James M. Wouu. niMintnuii THAT HOal'LANDS (JUIIMAN HlTl'lIltM, A.Nli HOOl'LAND'S GKRjrAN TON1U 1 Will Cme overy caso of .1 A Jl A S M U A', Or Wastlug away of thu Uody, THAT IlOOl'LAND'rf (1EUMAN nr.MKIIHM Aro Ihn iiiedlcbt. u ..r.. .......iHn ,.. llh.od.eleltiillu, l.irnlTl l.K,.r'i ....... V.l.i". und In en.lblH yuu lu pass safely ihroiiiih uny naiuMiips fir exposuro. Dll. HOOPLA ND'.S 1' O D O 1' II Y L L I N , HuiivrrruTH ron Meucoiiy I'iliji. 1 rwo.viujj a husk, the most J'owerul, Yet Innocent, Vffetublc Cathariia mown. It Is not necessary to tako i liandfnlior theso 1 HIS IU 1 act qulcl lObriHliieethoileslied eltect ; two of thou) ueltly and iiowerfully, cleauslnittlie Liter, tell and lliwels of all Impurities. Tin! Li I I Htwels of all Impurities. Tno ... .....,..u ..,, ...,,. 1 1. i iHii.tiiiyiiiu ur ino Aleo. nolle I.xlruet of Mandrake, which Is by many 1 mes moro powciriil.nctliiK nnd searchlns lliaii the ManUrako llself. Its pwull.ir action iJimhhi tho Liver, ilunnlnii It speedily from all olwliiio. lions, Willi all thu power of Mercury, yet ireo from Die Injurious results attached lu llm uso ot that lilluorul. For all diseases lu which, tho uso of a cuthartlu is Indicated, theso pills will alvo enllru satlsr.tu. tlou lu oveiy ciiso, They NlTviill l''AH lu cases ol Liver Cniuplaiut, Dysiaipsla and extreme eostlieuess, Dr. IIooIIiukIh Uermau Hitters or Tonic should bo used lr. cotiueelloii wltu thol'ills, Tho tonlo cllect of thu Illtleis or i nitio builds 11 o the svslem. The Hitlers iirTmil., purines Iho Htood, streiiiflheus the Nerves, jticu l l.ATta tho i.her, uud s'lves streuuth, eueruy undvlt-Jr. ' r ' tveep yourvliowois ncuvu wiiu inu fins, and loiie up tlio ystein-wltlt Hitters orToule, nnd no Ulseaso cau retalu tho hold, ocoveu assail yon. i ' Uecollecl that it Is Dll. HOOKLAND'H (IL'It. MAN Itemed los that aro su universally used aud highly reroiumeiided ; ttitd do not ullow tbo Driiuulat tn Induce you lo Hike nilyllitim Hint bo muy any Is Just as t;ood, because ho makes u larger proilt uu U. Thoso Ilemcdlcs will bo scut by express to nny locality, upon application ut the J'HINCI l'AI. IIKKICl' at llie UKHMAN UKIIIIIIKV oiuiti-, uiii Arcu ai,t rutiuueipuui. CIIA.S. AI. IIVANS, I'f 0t lislor. Theso llcmodlca aro for ealo by DinccUts, KtorcktcjKjrs, and MisJlcluo lxulois everywhere