The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 20, 1871, Image 4

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Tho Ininorlniiro or Agricultural Knimlnlgo.
At tho present time, when tho pro
ducing clftMnml tho foillllly of llio noil
nro proportlonnto to llio-MiHiimlnR
cliui, and priced of food nro on tho I ti
crerwo, tho Importanconf Incrmsert nt;
rlculturru knowloliM cannot uo over
Tlicro uro over ten hundred millions
of persons constantly dependent upon
tho products of tho sou for their very
stutennnco In life, nnd whlto ill molt of
tho voc.uloimiotnamUriitiictlvo Indus
try, thuro U n Burplm In that of nsrl
culturo thoro U a irrojt mid growl ns
Whllo tliU llc.1 ixt tho foundation of
nil other tuts, tho Invostlirntlon of tho
principles upon which tho successful
pracliso of this nrt iIoitontK ouclit to
comituti;! tho nttontlon of the (jrcatost
Jn tho history of every country n po
rted occurs wlion the demand for
food, nt nn economical rate, becomes
very urgent, nnd eonscmicntly like
other Important pursuits, calls Into
requisition thoso ngonclsu which tend
directly to nn Improvement In tho pro
ductlvo powers of "Mothor Ktrlh."
When u tract of hmil Is thinly pco'
pled, llko tho nowly-sottled districts of
tho United SUUoi, a very dofectlvo sys
tem of culturo will produco food enough
not only for tho wants or tho Inhabit
nnls, but a largo amount for exporta
tion to other countries. When tho
population becomes more dense, a moro
' Hclciitltle and thorough system of mil
turo mint bo adopted. Whllo tho pop
illation cf our eou.itry la rapidly lrr
creasing, thcro Is not a corresponding
Increase In tho products of tho soil, In
thOHtimo ratio; but on tho other hand
a diminution In some of the most Im
portant cert als. Mock Journal.
Tlio Weeping Willow.
Tho following is tho authentic and
rather romantic history of tho drooping
mid mournfully beautiful weeping wil
low :
Ale.vandro Tope, tho English poet,
ricolved from tho East a present of n
basket of smyrna figs. Among thoso
ho discovered a small green twig, nnd
with a feeling of tondorncss and curios
ity toward thodelleato germ which had
to blngulnrly maintained its vitality,
ho planted it In his own garden at
Twickenham- It soon grow to bo a
largo tree, and from this havo sprung
nil tho weeping willows of England.
After tho poet's death a ruthless court
less who camo in possession of hlscs-
(ate, ordered tho treo to bo destroyed,
which was Immediately dono. When
tho American .Revolution began llio
British had generally n very limited
Idea of its magnitude Tho officers in
dulged In wild dreams of tho estates
they would eonflscato with llttlo or no
reslstanco when thoy should land on
tho rebellious shorcs.aud as they should
liavo much lclsuro they deemed It pru
dent to supply themselves plants of
various kinds to ornament tho gardens
that would surround their contemplat
ed dwellings. But ulaa I for their picas
tint anticipations. They found llttlo
occasion for their hunting dogs and
their fowling pieces. Tho new plants.
" tions wcro notso easily acquired as they
had dreamed. Tlio army of Washing
ton captured many of theso unwarcliko
supplies, and among other things, his
tory statos, that a twig which had been
cropped from tho great English parent
was taken, and that it was planted after
ward by American hands and produced
all tho trees known as weeping willows
now so numerous in tho United States,
JHUklii? With Dry Hands.
I'bcliovo that much of tho milk gets
tainted with noxious or bad odors before
It reaches tho pall. Somo persons, and
Hired holn especially, havo a habit of
wetting their fingers with tho milk onco
in a while, and then wetting tho cows
teats, as thov sav. to mako them milk
easier. Now this wotting process caus
es much foul s tuff to drop from their
hands or teats in tho pall whllo milk-
Inir. This is all wrong cows can bo
milked as easy with dry hands as wet
ones. I havo been in tho habit of milk
ing cows j and although I havo met
with somo hard milkors that require
their teats to bo softened in order to
draw tho milk, I havo generally found
it both easier and plcasanter to milk
with dry hands. If tho teats aro dirty,
tho udder should bo washed with tepid
water anil allowed to dry beforo milk
ing; nnd if tho teats nro very hard nnd
tou"h to draw, tho cow had hotter bo
turned into beef, or kept to rtiUu calves
It Is Just na easy to mako good, sweet,
clean butter, as to mako poor butter.
Tho best of butlor Is mado from sweet
cream gathered as freo from milk as
possible To mako good butter re
quires moro than ordinary caro and at
tention. Everything should movo
on with tho regularity of tho sun. To
mako butter profitable, groat caro must
booxcrciscd In milking tho cows. To
milk clean Is Important. It not only
ndds to tho quantity of butter, but saves
tho cow from positive Injury. Let a
farmer or his dairy get tha lumo of
keeping ugoodnrliclo of butter In ovary
respect, nnd ho will And It not only to
pay, but pay well, Ioj, Practical
A Curious Joke. A physician in
tho aramlArmy Journal tells this ghast
ly Jnko :
"I remember ono day In making my
hospital rounds, n patlont Just nrrlvod
presented mo an amputated forearm,
and in doing so could hardly refrain
from a broad laugh, tho tutor was con
constantly on his face. "What is tho
matter? This docs not strlko mo as a
subject for laughter." It Is not, doctor,
but excuse, mo. I lost my arm In so
funny n way that I still laugh when I
look nt It. Our first Sorgnnt wanted
shaving badly, nnd wanted mo to do It,
as I was corporal. Wo went together
In front of his tent; I had lathered,
took him by tho noso nnd was applying
tho razor when n cannon ball camo,
mid that was tho last I saw of either his
head or my arm. Excuso mo doctor,
for laughing as I do, but I'll bo espec
ially blasted if I oyer saw such a bully
It Is tho duty of every truo woman
to look as beautiful as sho can. It Is her
duty to brighten and gladden tho world
with her loveliness Just as tho flowers
nnd trees, tho skies nnd waters brighten
nnd Bladen it. Her senso of tho beau
tiful should nlwnys and overywhero bo
cultivated, for thus will her thoughts
bo mado pare, and her mind bo the
homo of sweet "nnd lovoly things. Ito
Jlncmcnt comes of n lovo of nil things
TuANflroiiTRii for llfo llio woman
who marries hnpplly.
llr.TTnu It Is to bo careful to II vo well
limn desirous to Hvo long.
WllV Is a husband llkon Mississippi
boat'.' UcciiHO ho never knows when
ho may get n blowing up. Is wealth to tho poor, nn
honor to tho tleh, nil nld to tho young,
and n support and comfort to tho nged.
Tho preitciit.Tlio prcsou t Is nil Hi iu luul
Tor tliy Mire pnssotslog
Llko IhepitrlaroVs nngtl, hold It fast
Till It gives IU blessing.
Exai.ti:i) Imagination may wotk
miracles; but It Is only when wo lm
molato self to principle that wo nro
truly virtuous, lie Macl.
A white boy asked n young negro
what ho h id such nshort noso for .' "r
speck so It won't poke Itself Into other
people's business."
A cynical lady, lather Inclined to
flirt, says most men nro llko n cold
very uaslly caught, but very difficult to
get rid or.
It Is easy to talk of christian forbear
nnco iiiiiong neighbors, but to practice
It ourselves proves us to bo christians
Kr.ttt' nway from bad habits. No
person ever got stung by hornets who
kept nway from whero they wero. It
Is Just so with bad habits.
Yotmirui, minds, llko tho pliant
wax, nro susceptible of tho most lasting
Impressions ; nnd tho good or ovll bias
they then reeelvo Is seldom If ever
He that eponks, sows; ho that hears,
reaps; henco wo should bo guarded as
to how wo speak, as to what wo hear.
"Ho that hath ears to hear, let him
hear ;" but tako heed how yo hear I
ItEMr.uniiu who you aro talking to,
sir," said an Indignant parent to u face-
tloiisboy ; " I am you father.'' " Well,
who's toblnmc for that," said thoyoung
lmpertlnoiico ; " lain't me.''
A cynical man toys tho reason wo
men aro fond pf writing letters is Hint
they rcjoleo In tho opportunity of say
ing nil thoy wish without tho possibil
ity of nn Interruption.
The last caso of indolence Is that, of a
man named John Hole, who wa3 so
lazy that, in writing ids name, ho Mm
plyused lhelctter,,J."and then punch
a hob through tho papur.
" Ilnt.t.o, Mr. Kngltieman ! can't you
stop your steamboat a mlniito or two ?"
"Stop tho luatl What for" " Wifo
wants to look at yotirhllcr; Mic'sufraid
of Us bust! u. ''
" Whkkk do you hall from ?" quer
ied a Yankeoof ntravellcr. " Wherodo
you rain from ?" was asked In reply.
" Don't rain at all," said tlioastnnlshed
Jonathan. "Neither do I hall, so
mlnd'yonr own busslncss."
The Connecticut papers aro telling of
a Sunday school hoy, who, being asked
who mado tho beautiful hills about
there, replied Hint ho did not knowus
his parents only moved into town tho
Friday before.
Since tho wives of half a ilozbn cltl
zens of Wyoming wero locked up for
thrco nights with nsmanystrango men,
on a rapo case, It lias been proposed to
amend tho Jury law so that none but
single, women will bo allowed
TmiEE-rouiiTHS of tho dllllcultlcs
nnd miseries of men come from tho
fact, tlint most want wenllh without
earning it, famn without deserving it,
popularity without temperance, respect
without virtue, nnd happiness without
A TEi.Eor.Ai'H opjintor, who recently
sent a mcssago to n family In tho coun
try, to meet nn expected visitor nt tho
station with tho "horse," blunderingly
substituted tho word ''hearse," mid on
tho arrival of tho train tho visitor found
that vehicle waiting to tnko him to his
A Vinoi.xiA editor. has com? to the
conclusion that n man might as well
undertako to hold himself at arm's
length and then turn u double somer
sault over a meeting houso steeplo as to
attempt to publish n paper that will
suit everybody.
Tun grand Jury at Sonoma , California
recommend In n recent report that, "for
tho safety and comfort cf bald-headed
men, tho plastering bo removed
from the ceiling, or that tho sheriff bo
Instiucteil to furnish parties having
business in (ho court with pillows or
suitable shield to cover their heads
"Ii;r,r.t' tho best broad,'' said a cor
tain bsker to a poor fellow who com
plained of tho Inferior quality of tho
article ho had purchased. "I don't
doubt It," replied tho customer. "Then
why do you complain ?" asked Iho bak
er. "Jlecauso I would suggest that you
sell tho best bread nnd keep tho bad,''
was tho reply.
A i.ittm: shaver was silting near Ids
mother, who was .picking ovor raisins
when sho was callod out of tho room,
nnd ns sho left said, "Now, Sonny,
don't touch any of theso raisins whon I
am gone." Presently mother returned
and Inquired, "Well Charlie, did you
tako my raisins?" "No, mamma."
"You know If you did Ood saw you."
"Yes I know ho did, but ho wont toll."
Mechanics, They aro thu palnco
builders of tho world ; not n stick Is
hown, not a stono Is shaped Iu nil tho
lordly dwellings of tho rich, that does
not owo Its beauty and fitness to the
skill of tho mechanic. Tho towering
spires that ralso their giddy heads
nmong tho clouds, depend upon tho
mechanic'!) art for their strength and
symmetry. Not nn odlflco for devo
tion, or bu'ness, or comfort, but hears
tho Impress of tholr hands. Jlow ex
alted Is tholr vocation, how subllmo
their calling I
Women's JliajiTS. In Itussln tho
Czar has recently Issued an order grant
ing to women certain rights In that em
pire from which thoy havo hitherto
been oxcluded. They nro to bo allowed
to act as surgeons, to vaccinate, to bo
omployed ns apothecaries, and tho In
stitutions for tho Instruction of women
in mldwlfory nro to bo enlarged In
every potslblo direction. They nro to
havo every facility In educational es
tablishments ; to bo employed In telo-
graphy nnd ns nccountnnts; nnd tho
Held of femnlo labor Is to bo not only
extended, but thoroughly protected by
tho Czar's personal supervision.
JL county I mm lis organization mil to 1S7I,
Compiled find edited liy John (1. FllKKF, Ono
ynlllnio octavo, ftl pages, Clotll tJ.5t),lialr library,
full library tl.U. '
. llcglniilng wlih tho cnrly history or tha tcrrt.
lory compilsed within tliollmttsof Coin inula and
Monlnur, thU voltuno gives tho orgiitilr.'illoii ly
Its nrlalnal boundaries, I i-t subsequent legislative
reductions, nnd tho erection of Montour ronnty.
Achnpler on tho streams mul mountains tho
Unto nt thocrccllunsiir Iho townships unit Iwr
oukIh, nnd llio territory evil nt which tlicy wcro
formed thopcrsuuncl or I he court, cumprlsitig
Iho name orihoricsttleulJudgcs the Assuclatos,
tho riothnnntarlcs, Iteilsters, Hherliis nnd tho
resident Attorney 8 of both Columbia mid Mou
tour. II nan chapters on llloomshurg, Danville, tier
wick, Unlaw lain nutl tho smaller iowiih. I'uli cdu
ciitlounl MAtlsllcn, Tho ltmovol Question, nud
tho voto on It hy towmhliM,
Tho census hy townslitps, Including Moutiur,
from 1S.0 to liiO, tho tnvibleH lor 1S71 mid Iho
number or netm vl loud in each township. A
erycowplelo llnor tho memhcisor Coiikicm,
HcuAtenud HouKc.rcpri'scntliur Columbia comi
ty, wllh lull nnd various election iclmna for
Mate mid Federal 0IU104 hy township.
countlos.couipilsliiK tha niusler roll of nil llio
coinpinles mid ml of companies ricrultcd
therein, llio No. of tho liCKlmcnl, tho battles
they weroensned In, with numerous Items fir
purnonal Interest, A list of nil tho drafted men,
the names of the coiiscleulloils-Hcrilplu exempts
nud tno emergency 111011 of Meptemoer, IvlJnud
Juno Isai, belug n conipteto wur record of Iho
Iho trials of onr, Iho ureal argument ol
Judge lltnckoti Military Commissions, nnd the
opinion 01 thu UnltcdHl.itcHuprcmel'ourt, con
demning them. Together with much niher cur
ious Important, nud intercstlni! 111 itter.
llMimiK A. l'i.auk, of liluomsbui)!, Isnullior
Iznl to reeelvo subscriptions lor llio work to bo
paid lor on delivery, nug. ls,7i-.'tm
Tin wosmtnntx. ih:mi:iiv roil
HAW lllIlill.M noil AM. 1)1 IIICltcIUlOMO
HAl'.T. KIXNH Imvlri; lust relumed from
1 condor una hrouulil Wilt, iilm n mm in! it,. .r tlm
loiuiie uiiiidurmiKo iiarli, smtrcd ihruDK'i
inu uuiit,,, i.-.-uiuiiieiuiaiiou nun nsslMiihce 01
lllsl.iecllcncy tho rresidcnt or Ecuador, nnd
tho Government of Hint Republic, wo nro pro-
linred to till orders f,.r II 11, .,11 I ..(.,., n,..t
ul 11 price about 0110 qunrlpr of that which the
vui.u. i,u ma. very small buppiy couinelicu us
A splllloiis nrllclo ts nniir nderrlkcl nnd Knld
ns Cuiidtirniigu. Wo have, nt n considerable cx-
pcuscnnii wuh tliocn-opcratlon or Ihonuthor-
IllCS nf I, old. Mm 111 nvliwii nlicm t tin ntnlit trrnws
so tlliecusl tho cliallllcl of our supply us to ensure
nut. mule inn mo ireuuiue uriieiu bii.111 uo miiii
by us j nudwopartlciilnrlycall Iho nttcotloli of
luo publl?, for their protection, to this fact.
to Cedar t., New Vorlc,
1).V. Ill.ts.1, M, I'., Wnshlni-loii, li. C-, .. K
IImxs, Jl. 11., New Voraj 1'. X. Kr.ii.NU, U, 1.,
Now V01U,
1 Ul 11 11(111111 1 111 i"u ...,.11 4t,l .t Ar Lunik I.
it.xyiUhelutyromrtt rftfit mctrihumll-cauln
hold ly nil ill liquid Lcmire tf iimUtfon$,
VVV Try KimpliH"if mir triciit SUO
iuii Mi"""" 'iiij rurH t'liuiMisncu
l ino Mct'l ciiki.i hiusfrt'o tombsiTlbeiH. AuciiIb
1 lm nUlpHt fiiul mo-it rrllabln Itistltutlou Titr nb
talulni; u Mcn-.mtlle Ikliicatlou.
iJ-l'iiiclloU buHliichN men i Instruelorn,
1 nr liiloiinntlon write for a clreulnr In
HollclUtl by MUNN A CO..
U ran, 37 1'aui: I tow, X. V.
TuonlV-fl 0 vours cMnrlrnr(-.
l'llliltihlctH rutitnlnliiur I'iilnnt. r.nvvi with full
ill notion bow to ubtnln I'lUonts, ik-o,
A bound volutno of US i.nui, cimmlnhm the
Nkw cknms by rotintlt't nml nil lurno ctllcs 1 iu
iiiHruJui;i oi .-vn'CiuiUli'll JlOVCIitcu H. 1'AtPiit
LilWrt nild lilies for nlmilnhi" I'ltcnt. mnlleil
11AIITI1 CI,OsKTS.-t,V the bct. JIahtii
li LI.okt 21i KrATK Hp.. rrAuri-vinti (t..
tton's, Lnlicr W'arhw', Xculon'saml Dooltttlc's
JKICIKJ. 1I1U (1111V I 1( iMel n mill. ItJlVtt urntr-ii CI.
IcctHc. Tho I'nrtU Closet, by it dMnfocllou of
irtui-tw. ii uiu nioi, vMuiiiuiu inonnsnr previ'uiing
rilt-iiu u muil-iu, uiiU (UllUr COIlUlIillJUS Uln UHSf N,
htnd for clrPiil.iM. Ajentt want at everywhere,
Bnlehrooms: it) l)oanoht.,Ilnston;(.tn( nroudwuy,
N. Y.; VXl Maiket Hirtrt, l'ltil.-ult-Iphla.
liniL HAM!. A cluilpa tflrni nf Utiicrtw tti I'l
J tcr (o ;H)mlltM irom rnlbidelpbl.u Addiess
ii.uci ii.ijui , iu(iuuru tr, J.t l .1,
in Tin: woitLTi i
rorSSIpcrluch per . Month, o will Insert nn
ndcrtlscioiut in IW llrsl-ilass I'etiiisylvniila
ofipiipuiH, iiieiiuiiii 1'ourietii iraints. iti
portloiinto niles for siuulltr udViillaeuieuU,
J.lst t-ellt free. Aihlress
oi:o. i'. itowrt.f. a ro..
10 nud II l'Altlv KOW, Ni:W YOIIIC.
AKcntsSJlperweelcIo soil our ureal mid vnlua
bio discoverlos. If von want net iniiient lion-
oiabloand pit nsnnt work, npply lor parlleuliirs.
Address llYUt i CO., Jackson, .Michigan.
popular book with tiu illuKtrutlons, illtt-ncsses
ofull the I'MideutK Leautilully bound, nnd
printed on tinted paper,
' Its Rulers and Institutions.
Notliins HUo It, Striken everybody asjnst tlio
book Ibey nued. It U un Kncyclopu'Jlu of tlio
(biverninent, hlnulo pacs in It, uro ot them
Helves worth tliepricoof Itiebook. Over 600 payca
(nut only gi.50. A lilcli llnrveat for CilllvusstTK
l.idltti ami uentlcnien t.innerH, tcni-bersnnd
fcttulents. Onetirvnt took'Sorttcia inueio Ontji,
u-ttn ctrueUtr alone, before the book uvjuartit, 54t
h day eau bo cteari'd lu fair tcrrlloiy. Wrlto nt
tmpo for Clrrular and Information. iNHW
WOULD rtMlMHHINd CO., Cor. 7th nnd Mar
Uet Htreuts,l'bll.idelplil.i. foet. (iJMy.J
K N 0 T S UN T I fi D.
Jy the edibmtctl ilctcctivc oltlecr,
A ttiirttiny nariatlvo nf 'Si yf.iri cxperlcneo in
ffrrotiuK out and bringing to Juntho hank it nu
(lSim,hU1, HWINItl.KIM, ('ONril)KN( K MhN,
.it., many of tho most remnrhnble raves on n-coid
rt'veallnu flnji UtUl diatmtlenl bt-beiues lor h.un
nut and hkvkn(ik In hljili llfu ns wollas low UK1,
and dlhcloHinir tbo plain um'1 In vnmitsktn'i tbo
most dark and tuttut villainy. H is tboroin;lily
and sells utmost at nlfht.
Tor clreularn and ternm niblrcks
llUUUAltD llKlH, I'ublMieiH.
octO'71'tf TIHiiiihoni ht., I'blla.
Tlio iuslilutlou hercioforo known a? thu
WIM. ni: otenkh ON
MO.M.lY, OCTOIIini IStl,
undku Tiin ciiAiian ov
I'ltOK. II. 1). WALICKU, A. Jl.
ofltn several clasncs will correspond totho con rue
mloplol by Iho Hoard of 1'ilnclp.ils of llio Hutu
Normal Kehnols of reuiiHylvuul.i. nnd uniirovetl
hy IhoHtato AlllliorlllcH.
Tho mndoofeach clasn will ho definitely flzeil:
mid pupllb on entering the Kehnol, will bo i i.
nmlued, nud placed Iu the data whose Kindles,
they by thllr uhlllty nud altaliiincnla, nrollllcd
to piiuuo,
hludenta n wlthlni;, nud In tho Judinenlnf
tlio Principal coin potent, will bo ullou id tu pur
hue n Kelect Court. of Hluuy,
1'iiok. Wai.i.'ku, nud Ida reputation ns nn IMn
ealor, uro too well linowti to need miy coounen
ilatlou fioni Iho Hoard of Trustees; cpec!n)ly la
l.iueriiH iMuiily, whero ho hua aiieut twello
yeauof Ills piofi-salonal life.
Tor parllcolara roHKetlnt; lUaird, Tuition,
Hooka, &c. Address tho Principal, or
MUltMAN rilill.lM, I'q, .
.,, . Kcretary of Tru-tiea,
W.w trly, I.uzirno county, Hejd, Utu,ls71-lf.
joiin a. jacohy's
liwiwici;, 1'i:n.n'a.
.i'r'1,';,.'.""k'r'1!".!'11 would ichpicirully liilorni
ho cllli'iM ofllerwlelt, nud vicinity, that ho
hua opeutd u Conleellonery and llnlleiy u
0111) I'W.IXIWH' HAM,,
lmrkVnuao'fl', Wl"'r hu '" I'm'eJto furnUU
&C, &c., Slc, dc,
Ainonjt tho nshorlmcnt will he found Cream
Nllla, lOnallah Wnlltula, I'eauuta, Alliionda, Kll
Urla, l''lua, Apple, CiH'ou Nula, JellllH of illllir.
ent kinds, Miiataid. Cutnup. I'lckles, Clioi'ulato,
Cnlilitd I'l nil of all kinds, Corn march, Kt'i; Ilia
cull, HiHla Crackers, uyaler Crackers. Cheiko,
Hiaip, Wrllliitf I'ujier, AKrecmeut I'upcra, j;u.
And protluro of nil kinds. TreHti llroad nnd
Cnkeo every dny. Jco Cream lit Hcuaou, Your
puiruuuue is auiieiieu.
Ilerwlck, Jan 171 tv
Patent Modicinon.
1 1 nnn nf tho remirkRblo facts of tit I rninr-
knl)lo oro, not merely Hint ro many persons nro
tbo victim of dynrepsla or lndlguUlon. but 111
willtiiB vlctlnn. Now, wo would not bo under
ntood to nay 1 liat any nnorenrdMlVMpcpilft Willi
favor, or It-eH ilHiised to rnulc It iimonK ttio
luturlosor liri. l ar from It, Tlioto wlm liivo
oxpcrlcueed its torment would Remit unci, an
Ide.t. All it lead It. and would gladly dlincno
Willi lt unpleasant f.imlllarlttes. MarlcTapley,
who was Jolly uudernll tbe irylnelreumstnnc' m
In wblcli bo was pi nml, never bad im tacit of
dyspcpsln, or bis Jollity would havo tmce.illv
lantakcnblm, iUnniiJ women Konictltnes nutb-r
lt toriuiTH uucomplaluliiilytlmtwlioeer lii-nut
of n pet Ron who enjood I hem?
or all tha inuttlfnrlons dlscAson to which tho
1mm an system M liable, theru Is perhaps no ono
no Keuerally pievalcnt iu dyspepsia, rheronre
diseases moru ucuto and painful, ami which moro
Ireipicntly provo r.italt nut none, the iilecl of
which mo no depriMstn to thu mind nud ns
positively dlstiesslnrt to Iho iiod)", ir thuio Is n
wretched buliu in tbo world It U
llut U Is not our luteutloii to dlnoaiitnn tho
horrors of Ipepsl.i. To deKCilbo litem truth
lully U simply an ImposHlbilKy, It Is possible to
point out a remedy. Wo havo said thutdyRptp
tdu Is perlnps tbo most universal ot human dm
eases, Thla Is emphatlenlly llioruso Iu the I'ltt
todHtntes, Whelner this Kenerat provnlenco Is
iluu to tho character of tho tod,lho tnclhotoi
lit prepatailou. or tho hasty m inuir In which It
tmiMially hwnltowed, Is not our piovlnco to ex
pUlu. 'llio tneutfact with wblcn vu aro eulled
(odcalis thlsj
j)Vdr..r.s a ninvAiuj
almoht universally.
iVeully every otm-r poirtmjo-i moot U ml1
llMi,and apparmtly willing ouo for wcru this
not tho rasu why no many Hullererx, when neei
lain, i. peed y ana h-ifo lemcdy Is wllhln tho fn-y
roacn of nil whodeMro loav.ill themielveH of 111
llut tboir.a orlty will not. llllmled by prejudieu,
or deterred by somo other unexplained,
tbeyrefuso to neeept tlio u-lk-f prolleiod thi'iu,
Tnuy turn n dear ear tu tho testimony or tho
,thous.tnda whosGsuireitimslinvuheen alleviated
nud with BtriiDUu Infatuation, appear to cllotf
with desperate ueti'imlnallon to ilitdr nil hi cm
tormentor, llut mi$sudjHpcptlr! Wlut Is this
remedy? to whleti wo rtplj t Jbln Rreat nllovia
tor ol human Hiilli-rlii! Is almost as widely known
as thu j;:uUh l.intitK1. It all.ijod tho
iikouU'-s of thousand-, itti t Is to-day carrying
comfort and em-oar. ': tut tit to thous'tuds or
other, 'tnls ufutuiH lu lji-1 paiuu'ia ti nono
other than
WouMyou l.imw in oris or tin) meills oflhls medh'liiu ihan can bo leirned iroui
tbo expeilttitfo of otbeis? Tiy It ymtrself, and
when it h is billed to lutlll thu ueeutatteu ot Its
etllmey (;lvii by tho piepletor, llicn uluudou
raltli In li.
jaw iv in: m.MfcMumu.ii,
rtrHtorftll.lh-it HOOI'TiANIVf OKUMAN' KIT
THUS Is not ii mm beverage,
Tbev nio not nlrnhi.lle In nm dnnr.- nf H.o
term. They a to eonipoii-d wholly or tho puro
Juleo or vital prlnelplo of roots. This U not u
nieiu nsseruon. ino exiraeis ironi wbleh they
aro compounded nro prepared by ono f the
ablest ol German cliemihtn, Uullko nny other
Millers In tho mnrttet, they nro wholly fiuo rrom
sprlrltuous ingredient. Tbo objections which
hold with so much loico ngalnst preparations ol
this class, namely that it desire loriutoxicntlntf
drinks is tdlmutnied by their use, nto notalld
In thu ease of tbo (lerman Hitter,, Ho i ir Iiom
eueoumuliifi or Inculcating it tasiu or deslio for
lutbilaiintj boerayeH, It may bo eonildently
asNcrled that their tendency Is in a ill imeiically
opposite direction. Their elToets c.m bo
In all cases of tho biliary system, iroofl.ind's
(lerman llltteis hIiuk! without nn ecpml, netlir
pioinplly mid vigorously upon tho hlver; they
i enioMi Its torpidity nml eauso healthful secre
tion orbilo thereby suppljlng iboHtoin.tcli with
tha most llMllS IH-Iisilbln chmrnlH nf (.itniul ill.
Best Ion in proper proportions. Theynlvo tono
t, nm ftniiujujii nuiiiuniiiiii; hi luueuous, iinu
t'liatdlnif it to nertorm lis ilntlf nn nut itm ilo.
sltfiied it Rbould do. They impart vigor and
siienulb to tho entlro syhtem, causing tho
paueni to leei iitEonnoihcrbelngMn r.ict.yivlnjj
tutu it n.ifu ui me,
TiIUY PUIUPY Tim iir.ooi).
clcaiislnr tbo vllal Maid nf nil hurl nil loiiiiirt
tle.i and Mipplauttng them with thu elements ot
genuine bealthluluehs. Ju a void, there Is
scarcely n dlsi'itho in which they rannot bo wifely
nnd beueliclally employed; but In that most
Kenerally prevalent, distressing nnd dreaded
uisease, uyspeiu,
tiii:y stand unuivam:i.
Nov., thero nro certain classes of poisons to
whom extreme Hitters uro not only
nub stiiti mm iv iuiiurttiuiu iu umu mem wuuoui
pn.Muu uiscoiuiort, I'orbticil
has been specially piepared. HI.s luteiulod for
uso whero a slight ulcidiollo stimulant Is ro
fjulied Ineoiinectton with the well-known 'Joule
properties of tho mutt Uermau Jtlttws. This
ionic contains un l uo inguMieiiis or ino tuners.
nn i, nu it ivurtii us to iciuo u uiu e.xireuio inner
ness. This pieparntlou Is not only p.ilalaulo
but combines, In modified form, all thu vliluo
nf tllO (lerto.iti lllltrm. Thn 1.11II1I rlrn-ta i
Komuof Nature's choicest restoiatlveKiuo bold
lu solutlou by u spirituous agent of Iho puiest
iual lly. in cues ot languor or e.eisslodtblllly
h.uisled orils cuergles,
nets with nluiobt marvelous ell'eet. It not only
stimulates tho flagging nnd waiting cuergles
but Invigorates nnd permanently strengthens
perhaps less nroinnt than tbo Hitlers, wiifn th,!
same (luantity Is taken Is nono tbo less certain.
itiuiKvaiiuii, iiiiiiuusiifsi, i-iiysicni or nervous
liostrallon,yield readily to its potent Inllnence.
It imss tho liivullil n npur nml slnm IimM m..
011 lire, lemoves depression or spirits, nnd iu
splres eheorluluess. Jt supplants iho pain ot ills,
enso with tbuiasunr.d eomtoitor peiiect health.
It gives strength to weakness, throws despon
dency to tbo winds, nud sturts tho restored I n
vnlld upon n new and gladsome career, itut Dr.
Jloollaiid's lienefaetions to Iho biiinuii mm mn
not confined to liis celebrated
or bis Invaluablo Toxic. Uo l,aJ prepared
nnoiher medicine, which Is inpldly winning Its
"v, ' p'Mniiur ioor utr.iuso 01 us luilllisiu
UlS, 1 U is 14
n perfect Hibktliutii for mrteury, wilbnut nny of
nifuiui 'siUi-iualltli's.
These wonderful Plll'i. wblcli me Inb-ndml to
net up u thu l.uer, tiiri miliily (uiu;used of
Now wodeslro tho reiulcr lodb lluelly umler-
htlind thfitlhln ntmrl nftlin Miiinlrnlr.. lu
tlmeii moro nowerlul than tho Maiulrako ltsoir.
It is a lnedldno virtues or this beallhgl lug
plant In a perfectly puro and highly eoueeu
I rut oil luriii. IliMic.i It U Him tu-,i nf ihn
pbyllln I'lll constlluto n full doso, whllo any-
where six to eigiit ora batulful nt preparations
ol tho Mandrake uro required. Tlio I'odopbyllin
hllmulatliu Its functions and causing It U ma'co
Its bllbiry i'civtlous In regular and proper
fiuautltles. Tbo Injurious remits which Invari
ably follow tbo iiHonf meicury is entirely a vidded
bythelruse, Itutitlsiiot upon thohlverouly
that their powers nro exerted. Tlio extract ol
Maudrako coutuluu I In them is skillfully com
blued with four other extracts, ono ot which nets
upon Iho stomach, ono iiou Iho upper 1hwuIm,
ouo upon the lower bowels, and 0110 prevents
any griping etrvii, thus produolnga pill tint In
ilueuces tfe entlro dfgehtlvo nnd nlliueutary
system, lunu eiul nnd barinontous manner,
nud Us action etiilrely Juu fiom nntucu, vomit
lug or griping rains common to all other purg 1
tlves, rossessing theso much deslrablo gualllle-t, tho
PoJophj 111 11 becomes invaluable its 11
Nolinus.'bold should bo without them. They
nro perfectly sali. leulru but two lor nu ordl
nnry dose, aro prompt nnd uilleleut In action,
nnd when used in connection with Dr. llnotland's
Uermau Hitlers, or Tonic, may bo regarded ns
certain specifies In nil cases of Iaver Complaint,
Dyspepsra, or tiny of tbo disorders to w Ulch tho
system In ordinarily subject. Tbo
nclii)ton tho stomncli nnd bowels, carrying oir
iiiim w.i iinMin iitinn, wiinu mo inncrsor ionio
purify llio blood, htieugllien and luvlgorato the
irnmn.glve tono and nppetlto to tho Btomncli,
and thus build up Iho luwilld anew.
Dr. Ilooiuud, having provldid in to mil remo
dles rordlseases,hiuiKTcn tbo world ono mainly
lor exltmal nppllcatlin,iu tbo wondtrful pio
paratlon known us
Kit. HOOIXANIi'HUUUni; oil
ThU Oil Is it sovereign rciutdyfor pains a
aches of nil kinds,
Hbeumatlsin, Neuralgia, Toothacbo.Ohllbtain1.,
Kpiulns, liurns, J'idu lu thu Uncle and Iedus,
Hlngworius, lc., all yled tu Its external applica
tion. Tbo number of cures eltcetud by It Is ustou
Lblng, and they aro lucienstng overv day.
Taken Internally. It Is a euro tor Ileurt-burns,
Kidney Diseases, Hie lc Headaches, Colic, Dysen
tery, Cholera Morbus, Cratui", 1'alns In the
Htomacb, Coles. Asthma, Ac.
Tho Creek oil Is coniosed entirely of healing
gums uudissoutlalolls, 'llio principal- ingredi
ent Is nn oily substumo, prin-ured lu tho south
ern part of Uroecc, lUctft-tis as u destroyer 01
nulii aro truly magical, 'i housands imvo been
benefited by Its use, and n trial by tlinsp who aro
skeptical will thoroughly couvineo them of Us
liustlinublo value.
-menu Jiuiueuies win io scut by express to
nny looullty, upou application to tho lUtlNOI
CHAS, III, i:VAS, rroprlctor-
7 hi to lUloc ell(f-itrt) for inle by l)rugglt
KlorUacpors, and MeJlclne Deal vorywhers
nn cum: and iTa imuivkntivu,
Many ft human bolng lm passed nway. for
whoso death thero was mi oilier leasoii thairtho
neglect or known nud IndMtmlably proven
menus or cure, 'Hiomj near and dear In funlly
nud irlendsnrosleiplnj tho ilrcamles slumber
Into Which, had thoy calmly adopted
nn. JULUU'jt li.Hciir.Nncs himpm:
nnd Availed Uioinelvcs of Ills wonderful elllcil
clous medicines, they woiihl not havo l.illeu,
)r, Mcheuelc has lu his own caso preserved thtt
wherever suillcteut vlinllly remains, that vllall
ly. by bis medicines nnd bis directions lor their
use, is tiilckened Into healthful vlrfor,
lu thi.s Rtnlotuout llicio is nothing presumptu
ous. To tho bilth ot tbo Invalid H mado nolo
presentation that Is not n thousjud times nub
stunlbitcd by living nnd U si bio woiks, Th9
lliooiy or tho euro by l)r, Hclionck's medlolncs Is
asRlmploas It Is utifallluiJ, Its philosophy in
rpilics n i arxumunt, U u Bclf-ussuting, bclf
'lhoHeawoodToulaand Mtndraltol'HIs nro tho
first two weapons with whbii the citadel ol Iho
malady Is assailed. or tho cacs or
consumption 01 Initiate I lu dyspopdn 'nnd it
tunctlounlly disuidtucd llv'tr, Wlih this con
dition, the urouchial luhui "synip ithlxu" with
tho sioiunch, Ihey reit"iid ti tho iiiorblllo
nctiou oi tho liver, Jleio Iihmi comes tho culml
natliu re-salt, and tbo nctiluj lu, with nil Its
dlstrci.iltij nyinptoms, of
Tho Maadralco lills nro composM of nno of
Nature' noblest gilts tbo i'o iophllluin l'ei la
tum, They p3sses3 all tho blood searching:,
altorativo propetttcs ol calomel, but unlike. ?ttlu
inel, th y
Tho woilt f euro H now beginning, Tho
HUted and mucous eleposlts In too bowels and
lu tho alimentary ctniu aiu tjecleil, Thu liver,
llko a clock. Is wound up. It arouses front Its
torpidity, 'Iho stomaoti nets icsponslvoly, nud
tliupatteut bojlmto fjel that hols getting at
A hUl'l'LY Ot' GOOD 1IL001.
Thu lUawjod Toulc, In conbinolhm with thu
Pilli, pet un and assimilate! with tho IodJ,
Chyinicntloii is now progressing without its
pievlous tortures. Dlcstioa becomes pilnlc-ss,
nnd tho euro H seen in bo at band, Thuro Is 110
inoio ilalulenco, 110 cxieerbatlou ofthu stomach,
AH nppetlto suttilu,
Now comes tho greatest I(lood rnrlller over
yet given by ftifludulgeiit tnlhor lo Biitrctliu
man, rVlicuclc's l'ulmoulo Hi nip comes iu to
perform Its luuotlous aud to hasten uud com
pleto tha ence. It enler at 01100 upon Its work.
Nature cannot bo cheated. It eolloi,t.t and llpens
tbo impaired and diseased lortloas of tlio luns.
In tho form ol gathcilugs, it prepares thorn lor
oxpoctomtlon, and to! in 11 very shoit tlmo tho
maKidy Is vanquishud, tho lotten throno that It
occupied li renovated uud nri lo now, ami tho
patient, In nil thadlgnltyeif regained vbi r,:deps
101 th to enjoy tho manhood ur llio womiuuood W'sUi,
oivkn ui' Ail LOiir.
Tho sLcotidlhliu Is, tho patients must stay In
n warm room until they get well; Itlsulmou im
potslblo to prevent taking cold whim tho lungi
aiodlse-uscd, but it must, im provontetl or n cuio
cannot bo cilectcJ. l-'iesh nlr und lldlug out, es
pecial ty lu this section ol the eouulty lu tho fill
und winter season, nro nil wrong, l'nyslelaus
v, bo rccommoud liiateouro lo-to i.iclr patients,
ir their lun-is uro bjidly tllseasol, uud yet, be
e.iusj they uro In thu houso they mutt not sit
dowmiuieti Ihey must walk about thorojin us
much uud nsfttt us tho strength will boar, to
get ll p it good cl l dilution or bloo.l. Thu p ttteii ts
must Uet p lu good spirits bo determined to got
well. Thu has 11 great deal to do with thonppj
tlte, nnd Is tho great print logatu.
To despair ot euro alter sueii evidence of its
possibility initio woist cases, and mural certain
ly In all oiheis, Is slulul. Dr. tec lie net's petsouul
sutement to tho Faculty of his own cuio was lu
theso modest words;
".Many years ugol wasln tholaststag?sofcon
suiupllout counuud lu my bed. mm at ono tlmo
my ih)slciaus thought that 1 could not live 11
week; then, llko a eltownlug man catching at
straws, 1 beard ofaud obtalnud thu preparations
which 1 nowoiIVr lo tho public, aud they m-idea
perfect emu otitic. It see mo 1 10 mo that 1 could
luel them penelrato my wholo system, 'they
sujit ripened tho matter lu my Jungs, nndl
won Ul spltuit luoro than 11 pint of olluuslvu yel
low mutier every mornlug lor ulou time.
As soon as that began tu suhsldo my couh,
fever, pulu and lilghk sweats all began to leuu
me, uiitt my appettiobecamo so greiu that It was
Willi ililllculty thai I euuid keep iiom cut lug too
much, 1 soon gamed my strength, uud mtvo
grown lu flesh ever since.1' (
added llio.Doctor, "then looklugllkun more skel-
ciou ; jny w uigm was uuiy mueiysuveil puuuus;
my piesent weight is two bundled uud twenty
ilvo tv.") pounds, nnd lor yeius 1 havu enjoyed
uniuleri upted health."
Dr.Mcheuck has dUcoutluucd his profession.!
visits to New York and llUun, Uu or his sou
Dr. J. 11, Hjhenelc, Jr., still couilnuos to se-u p.t-
1 l.mlu lit IIi.iIp V.. I-. V.. -II. lI.iI,
liilladeiplua, every Hiturday iromu a.m., toJ
y, m, lltosu who wish it thoiough uxamiuatlou
with tho lttsiuiuiiu.ter will bu iluiri'utl ifi. Tim
Htspliometer deebnesthu exact eviuuillou ofthu
luius.iiiui paiu'iius cm ruauuy icaru wneutcr
Ibev ul u cuiublu or nut.
luo dlueiiuns lar taking tbo medicines mo
adapted to llio Intelligence uvea ot 11 till hi. 1 ol
io, v thcsudlrecUous, mm kind at uiu will do thu
test, excepting that 111 so'uu cases tho .Maud rail o
lills uiu to uu taken iu lucie.iud Uosus; thu
three medicines need no other iiceompanliueuis
than llio iimplo Instructions that aceouipauy
them : 1-it si citato appetite, of ittuinlng huiliii
buitgerlstlioinOiL wt'icouiusympiom. When it
comes, as it will tome, let tbo iU-pulrlngut oueu
bo ol good cheer, (Jood blood ul oueo follows, the
cough looActis, thu night sweul is abated, in u
sboitliiiiu boili of thtbj inuibld s mptoius uiu
gono Iot-ecr.
Dr. hchenck's medicines 1110 constantly kept lu
teusol I ho im mis ol I.tmllieH. as .1 laxatlvu or
purgative, tbo .Maudiaku lills aiu it stanebiid
Irepaiallun; whllo Iho I'ulinoniu !-iup, us a
tuier ol coughs aud colds, may bo leg iiutit us a
piopity lac telle against consumption in any uiils
I'l tea of tho Pulmonic Syrup nnd Keawted
niuie, 11 00 1 lie, or 5.JJ a 111111 iiuzcii. Jiuii'
druko I'ttls, 2j ttuls u Lux. l'ur sale by ull duu
LiKtH andueiiltiis.
Johnson, llollawny A Cow den , Vu'i At eh stiett
rhlludulphla, who It bale agents. may lb'7 ! Jy
iuw iM.iu:r:r,NT3 Tii.vr
t ro.;;i'osi; i;uj? arc
' pu!.,;-I.ed fa 1 ve'vpael'-sitlicrt-sire
it is not ,1 mi al j)rcti.iratiuii,
it 1.4 .1 r rlrn iurn lor ImtuIi.!.:,
.'yplnlUi'i ell l 1. mis, llJicmui
iimii, N.Tu n'v, I.ivir C'om
:'iint ai;d al. ducaFta uf tl.o
tii do morn ; uod tlian ten lottlctl
of iho i'rups ol" liirsipiriila.
Tit: U.J,-.C:o PflVCICIANS
luvc u-cii Ii 11! it.s in tfir prartic
,i.r ii.o j t-i i iTy " yc.trfl ami nicy
'Kudnf-i it -sa n halilo AIltratl 3
and I.!.oi I'urilior.
liJlt.T.f 1 "iir.crCdtlnuio.
lllll.T '.
:m, 1:. .
Mm r 11
.nu. .1 :
'n:i j. 1..
s 1
!::i. A. .1.
CM, 11
1VNSI i.i.y, '
t'.vilivb, ul .Nuliohsilllc,
:;u:.l.t., :i0vccmii, .v. c.
iUDi:;) AuD r.:iB0E3ED BY
j. i:. '-i.: ;;c:i eo.vs, miRhcr,
v. n 'miiti', Jui-ti. .mi. ii.
' . ! U III I I.I. II, l.u..a, Ul-.U
11. r m.i., r . in.iiiiio.
, ii - VI.N ,w I II inlram llio, Va.
....'l.. I.. Mil.vliW.N, JJui frees.
1... i.Ti.ui.
I f 'ii-'-;nc v lllnt alln'v nfany e.
i.U-U 11 11 il.s In 1 louii tu ll,o
,' Muni I I'.o .villi I, Vull.i' Mislli.j
irnV lull iii;u.iraiitto a I'luUl 1W
n f 11 1 oi lor 1 1 miy llii-y lino tcr
(1 I In lilt, t-' il.'H'lit nf ill.casi.l
! M il, mul to i!i - ,'!irtinl mo say ti y
IU i il.s, mil )ou i.Ul to rc&turt 1
tu In ..U2i.
II. n l HI Is - 1 1 1 jr till rriiFKlsli,
li,o l,'-"-' l'r li'.llu. Aililtoi
i r.i. cl--.;s:i:: & eo.
i Mniiitticturing Clitmtslt,
H..LTluor.n, III).
W'vi rnHnpplfutlv mil thft ntlnitlnn nf (linun
dehlrliiff to purcbaso our luakn of l'laiios, Vo
tiu hiusucei mai wo van mvo HitiMactiou m
overy cane. Our worliineiiKlilll fill nnd experleu
eed llinl ii in mut ur Dm licet., iiifil iti 1 1 1 ii f i.iiIi-iw a
r tbo member- or our firm, Vouto only tbo
ftt'iivnie'u iwuoer, nnu ino maienai in yeuo
ral Itllrid class. Our l'lanos without exception
havo tbo patent nurnlleH nrraiiRemeiit ibtouyli.
out, which lu tho opinion of tbo most enmpo.
tent Judges u pronounced valuable, lly this lm
pruseuiunt n riano Ih mado moro duiublo nud
heepti tbo loio loimer, Wo ejaliu for our luMru
menu that Ibeyiuo second to jiono.und they
isiinbliioall tUo essenllal elemenlN tLat eoustU
Into huperlor workmanship. Wo will glvo u
written guarantee for llvo
Mr. Con had 1-'iu:iman, momber of our Arm,
wlllvlult lll(Kmitburi lour times uyiar to re
palruudullcud to tuuluiff nil l'lnnon. in the
iibHeneoot Mr, 1'KKiMAN. Mr. 1, K,Mii,u:u Mill
attend to our Undue iu lUnomaburtf uud Is
authoil.ed to reeelvo nnd nollclt orders.
etan cUo tho very bent retcreuccH,
. lialtiinore, M, 1,
m I. K. Mii.t.kii, Dealer in rianos, Ornuiw and
Melodoons live oetjvo and five btop oiguns or
tbo bet make, nold ul 8110. Turmfteasy, Juuo 2-1
Alllhosn Iniletileil In tho iiiiilcmlirnn.! nu
Jtiillieiiieiit, Nule, lliiml nr Hunk Aceouul nro
heiehy iioiineil in mako pay men t of Hamu on or
hefurotho Jlrbl of Urtnher next,
W.M, Ml KKfiVV A CO,
MlKKI.Vlf.NKAl, a CO.
Uluonuhurii, Aug. li, laTl-Vui.
Wo now havo nn liaml a laro neatly prlntfil
lUMirllnont of JUHTIUH'H mill CONnrAIILIM
IIIiANKH, lu which wo luvllo tho uiioulluii of
ttic9 nillisjrH.
Drnga nnd Chemicnln.
I)r. WAtKEH'
VINEG-AIl j?H'.iiliz
Hnuctrcib ttTlia-:aaa9
Uctf iPillmony Is IVIr l'olnlcl
I jl ciirillvtf l:ma.
irtdsef Ponr Jtnr.i, VbW?teri Vrc.ut Hrtrtts
und Hefuuo I,l;uttr4(lcctor.(l,rrlccd nndtvect
cjcl to t'OMOlho teste, c-lloil"Toulci,,,"Arpctii:
t " IlcstcrcrE,' C. tut lend llo toiler in to
('..unlaanc:j tnd tidbit ct troatrca Medicine, mada
fronitlioKttlTJ l:ooUr.&d Herts cf CallforalJ.rieo
train nil AlcolieMo tlli:n:lnntr. Tl.cyr.ia l!u
cim:at wooi luritiriEit ns.i a un:
CUVINd rUINCIt'IAlorctftct Hcnovttcr asd
issrate-r ef tlio Byi tcti, carryli c ciT til polooncul
; ktter nud rcetorlns tlio Hood to n litcllhy ctvciUU fi.
:.3pjreon ccntato ttina Elttcra tecorOl.i" toClrcc
t icn tnd remain lccc unwell.
i.100 Till t a clvcnforaa InrTirflL'.oCMcrmiu.J
t .o booeo tri tct dettroyed ty mLncrt xclt or
e:ltcr ncaae.mitlia Mtil orsata vastcd tcycudtU
It ntcfrcrtlr.
I'r Iiiflnmn'iitory nml C!-rrnitd nfirunm
t Lri nud (Jontt Dyopcp-ln, ui Indlcef tinu,
i.;iit.i:ti, litn:lllt'iit uud Inlet lalttcut recnt
y.l.-cnto of t!.u IJIoct!, ldtr, Uldiiejf., ri.d
i.l:.(hcr tticcd Illittm ltvvo Ken noet rticccc
Uuili lllccnikCd rro et-ucd ly Vltlfitd
Ulncil, trU'chlJroncrally irotncjJVyilcrciicttr.c .t
ti t k lllrefttvo Orffnnt!
IVLl'i:i'01A on iNDiotsTio:;, i:c:.a
i .ic, l'cln I:i tha Hhotildcr?, Cot:rtii,TJglitntcBcf t.i
c.c t, liksliicG:, tov.r rmctttlors cf tl.o fctcnacli,
4 ..1 1.. tj hi tin Mntth, Ulliotia Attacks, l?&lrIUlbu
i . iu'cu-ustiLncf HcLutiKi, 1'aialaP-a
i vi b.j Kldneyc.raidQt.anircd ctfcc? iuIUU
.. ,: ::..-,rrot:.ocCsirlLEaof Xiy.pcj'sla.
-."-U tloktoinscliGsdaimulata tl.o tcr
1 '! . r-.d l Gwclr,Tl.lcnrcnsl.rl'icrlcfur.C(ii:i:'l
i.LaurU clca..c:n tlialloodcf tUIupurillis, tzi
... i ... iliij ..v.. l..o cai vljcr to t!u vb&U Eyctcin.
i !-.; i:; :)iyrASEy.n3?iica3,Tcit:r,ca:t
; i. ,1,Ctivl?,lli:.pke,l;ttuke.Iloi!!,r.:
. . vV.eiL-o, Ccals:-lIcr.d,Ccrj nycctryflr'
' . '' ,1 cur.":, rUcclcrs-Uonotf tlio tUn'lIuucra
r t. tftl.ob-!n,cf wliatovcmcinocrnatur.',
t.v j i.iwr-l'.y tlus tp tad carried out cf tlio tyetcm la a
ih n t ... ly tho woef thcEaU:ttcffl. cua bcttla li
t cii cscc , v.l coavlcca lha iao:t b-crcdttcca cf tiiclr
k ...livo tC'.ct.
Clct.- Z3 tha Vitiated Elood wLcscrcr you nJ Iti
1 . psr.Ucb l)Brrtln,T threasu tlio iUa larimrlsn, rrnp.
lijuj cr Bcrcst clcaceoit v.hca ycaCntlitoUtractcd
t.nd tlrsclcii la tlio vclcet clcaLsa ItnlicDltteroul,
tad your rccllarswin tclt yonlica. Kccptliotloo'l
t nro and tbo health of tha system irlll follow.
Vi:t TArKciidotlicrWOItait, larklngintha
fystccicf coiaany ttioneantU.oraclTcctjaby dcetroy
ed and removed. Tor fall directions, read carefully
t!iO tUcular around ench tottlo, rrlatcdiafouxlaa-caagce-Ucgllcli.Ocruittn,
Trcncli and Epanli h.
J-TTALnnn, rroprlctor. n.n.VcDOXALD ti CO.,
H.".iShta and Gen. Agents, Can Tranclsco, Cnl
in 1 12 caJCl Con.mcrcj Strut t, Kcw Vorlc,
no 237MI.
1 L
j .7" '
Too not wish to Inform yon.ieader, tint Dr.
AVonderlul, orany other mun, hu ilUeovcicdn,
remedy thatcuicH Consumptlon.wlien tholunys
nro half rousumed, In short, will euro all discus
es whether of mind, body or itdate, mako men
live forovtr. nnd le-ivo denlli to play lor want ol
work, and is designed to mnlce our hubluimrv
tspberou blUful raradlse.towlileh Heaven IImcII
(tnall bo but a hldo tdiow. Von liave hoard enough
ol that kind of liumbugery, itut when I tell
you that Dr.Hactu'tt tJatnrrli ltemedy wittjxxttive
Ijeure tho .-ori.t ea-ses of Catatrh iu tho Head, I
only assert that which thouvaiul'i enn testify to
I will pay SjOJ Kuutird ltr u c.iso that I e'aniiot
cuio. A pamphlet ejlvins Hymploms nndothtr
lulornuitiou btut li'eo to any uddiess. This rem
edy li
Ur 'i'l Hi WUltLP.
IrrIco5'U'ents. Rent by mill, postpaid, on iceclpt
tu M.M) iviiis, tii iuiii '.n.-iiii" iur nil) uuii.iiM,
jiCMaro oi vouninjvui uu i uuriiirsi xmiuut'iil'
He-othat my prlvuto stamp, whleh is ii jtsitn
miuritntte t'f tlemtincm sx. N unon tho oulhld
wrapptr, Hoti.emb-'r that tiil-t iriv.ito Htamp,
isbued by tho Uultod States UovemmentoxpreM.
ly tor Mumping luy lnodlelues inn my iwirlialt,
nnmoimd uddicsM. nnd tho U'ouU taU. H. C'eillil-
eate or (Itnulm nesi," cn;:rned upon It, and
need not bo iuls.talcru. lion't bo HWlmllod by
truvelerii nud others leprce ntlu ; themsolves as
Dr, huyo; lam iho only man now living that
Ins thu knowledge nud rlht lo inanutactuio the
Ueiuitne nr. ao n uaiarrn itemeuy,ana 1 neve
iravui iu in is lutuicuiv,
it. v. iMi:un;, m. n.
oct2S'70.1y. Ul enoo.i sticct , ilullalo, N, Y,
. - - .1
To nn nerson r-roduclmr nnv Mfdlclnojshnw.
I off halt us mnnv Ilvln''. iiermnurut cure ns Dit.
l'ni.Eit'y Vmiktahm: Uiu;u:iatio Ur.Mhuv.
I "ted inwardly only, A plenhant Medicine, ireo
iroin Injurious eliug3. wuiianted, under oath,
lohaVM permanently cured If tin Lveryiuupillenttt
iieaie'it in uiu p'lt ten yt'urs. i,iu lehuinony.j
It Is Iho Mdcutfllo prescript Ion of Professor Jos,
I. Filler, M, ll , n itiailnnto of tho University ol
l'cnnsvlvnula A. 1). lsjll. iui; onn (t I'hll.ulol.
pbla'N oldest lesularphyhUlans, and I'lofonhor of
i iiciu isiry nuu j OMeoiony, woo mis juauo
iseuraiui, Liironicami inuainmniory i:neuma
tlsm tbo Kpeclatlly of Ids ouilio inofosalonal
nie a i.iet voucueu ior uy ino buiuaiureH accom
pinvlUKeuch bottle, ofinany jiromlnent reuown.
ed phyBtelaiis.rlcrymen.aMltdlierltfitlmonlaU
Tonrotect biilteierv lrom notsjuous nunek nos
hUued Kif.irautee.btatlnexact numberof botifes
wurruiited to cuie, will bo iorwarted gratis to
any huueier heniuns iy lencr ii mil ncseripuon
of ntlilttlon. In ensnot falluro lo cuie, amount
pan iHtsuiviiy iclimacii. .Medlclno feeiit nuy
where bv exmcss. eolleet on dellverv. Aillleti-i
Invited towrltu lorndvlcu; all iulounnthm and
iiieilii-al adviro hent by letter Kratls, l'rlucln-il
omee, y rouiu i imriu sucti, miiaueipiua, ra.
mo i.i-iiii uy is hom or ouuiineu uy AJiuaaiib.
We want noon ni-tlve. enicrnrMn. tborontil
men nud women, to vbotn wowlllgtvoioustant
woiic jiim t;io(i pay, o pinuiMi mo iii.rsi
j ii juKrs j w mvoour a?eniKTiu-;iiuvpTi;iiMi,
1 UO bCbt ttfilllia LtUOS UUW U
lly SICl.MIll 1II.1T,
DcserllilnsliUwor.iIel fill foals ntul Irlehs, with
laiiulinli o luc jcius nml mlvviitiiin.. At'i.iiis
,.FL-lllllK lllllll .U III III rilllllB I. 11,1V, t I ,1 nu P
NIIW KASIII.V lllllf.K. ciintaliiiitt lli.wi.-.
womi'aCuMI'llhlll'.NsiVK Ann In llio htuUy nf
I tho b'friniii'H, mul Nhvin'h now nml Impruveil
,'iiiiunAi.r in nu; 111111.1:, ii'uciuer Willi Hl..
Tihx I'jMiHrixi, ri-ATKH, four maps In enlors,
niHlvi'i) siiri'ilnr I'liumvltuH on wiml; Tamiia
lllriilin, 1'AMll.v Ai.lil'M, .e.,Ae, A L'iim'I.i:ii:
ritiisi'H'i I'M of this llllihiniiil iifiil'smitllttiirii
lll'll 1 ilKr. lllllll Willi IUUUI1 Willi.. UUr 1 ri.
uraiuiiici nf Kl'.W IIODK'H Inr llw I'au. Iiielinleii
11 .NUW WOltlv-hvilAUir TWAIN.
rf"HiU'ethslul Auliiis vl'l im-liu IIikI chulco
111 lurriuiiy on i.un jii,i-j lot llicoillllli!
gusil woik.
uiri'uiuiK, irrius, AC, wan lull Infurmatlii
fcuut Ireiion tiiitillfiitliin to
I)lII'I''Ii:i,li AHH.MKAI), l'Diii.i.llIll,
H'il.'i'71-il 711 Kiuikum Mriet, I'liiliiilolphln,
y Al I T 11 & H JJ i. T 55 K J,
mirtor and Ueelers lu Koi tlanand Domostlo
II A Jl I) W A It i:,
NS, III) ,V. T UIU Kim BUT, All lULUUHlll J.,
. ,, , rilll.VliKI.PIIIA.
Jan l'71-ly
JN 0 V H A
iomlii j
f 311.010
1,111,0 V
0110,11 HI
im.ti ti
kuIuiu'n'.'VI' '.
North Aniiritu
International N.V
Niagara N. Y
Farmers' l)anvlll,N.V
Albany Miy
Dimvllln, lliirso Tholl,.
ritl'H 11KOWN, (itnf,
III. iiouai.m-.a l'a,
n A a Tlrrr A Tin "OT A van
I ViTTT-.'!..1.1. .kS5jI
goMirrniNa npavi
Tlio ttmlemkneil wnnM lirrchv elvo tiollco
Hint lm has Jusl rnimilctM A I'llMT L'l.AHH
lli:AHMi:,atnl lint lio linn I ho rorltll Iob rorcarry
Im nn Iho hualncM of UNIIKIU'AKINU 111 all
lis hrauchc!
Uo has run itroil PXhcrloiifeil porsons who will
Iftlin chamo nf the hnillrs nl Ihn ilrrraseil nn noon
ns thoy nhulilo of Ihls tnorlnl rnll," nml nttrml
to washltn; I hem, shaving, ilrrssln, Ae. Khrmuls
furnlihril nlsn to onlor. At lmicli expenso ho
has nUo rrocureil an
In wlilrh lioilles can ho rreserreil In n clcanty
nml ilry eniulllloii. CnrtlnRes furnlsheil fur In
nernl oeenslims. In nhnrl. ho Is prepared lotnko
ehnrpo or n cirpso tintneillnlelv after ilealh, anil
kiito frlenilniiiiilrclatlrcsnllrurlher trouhloin
rtanrJ lull,
jlo also rnrrlcs on tlio bnslnesB of
0 A. I) 1 N 11 T Jt A KINO
Upholstcrlnifln nil lq lir.niclicri, rcpTlrlnri furni
ture, resealhiff enno ImltniiHil chnlm,,ve Ac
riacoof busluebsou lion Hlrei l,lielnw Main.
llloorasbur,:, July !, ISM-ll.
Tlio nnlv;irrrrf Instrument In tho Worlil. It
Is iiiri)un!lid hi inclines, I'imer, llrllllilliey nml
.lurnhlllty. Speolnl lenns In Te.iehern. Market!
I.ivnrs in cierfj men. Ccml lur lllm'ralcil Arinn
('. W. l'OSTm, Oenernl Aneiit,
mar 1071 tr. .MAi'cii I'liUMt, r,.
Itloomaburc, Ta.
Havo on hand and for salo nt tho most renvoim
bio rates ii splendid Htoclcof
CAUltlAGEf, nntlGlKS,
nnd rtv&ry description or Wnsoni lioth
warranted tn bo mado of tho best nud most dur
rdiln iiintrrlal. nnd li tbo most oXDcrlenced
workmen. AHwnrl: Kent nut fiom tlio tst'lb
lk!imriit will lm found tn honf tbo b I "best class
nnd huro to Klvo ierfert s.itisfactlon, They have
also a nuo miorimciu oi
h 1 11 1 a u h
&f nil tho newest nnd most intihlonnblo fctylei
wen nua c.iveiuuy maue anu m ino mnier
An Inqnfctlon nf their worlc 11 nkul ns Itl
believed that nono wnperlor can bo found In the
country, jim u
1L ilraws lm n htllrh ns vnu ill. In liauil. nthem
iiiinni, ii Rives lllli'nii lor eai'll smen rissirillli;
tn llio tlllekltcss uf lahrle howi il. nthei s iln mil.
It uses a htralht neeillo nml Iluer Inr srimti
threait lliati nny nluer urieliluo. Tho Nllleli Is
lillkonn linlh hlilos. It hasln aiMhiun tillhef.o
nil elalmeil hy nlher machines, ll
luis hi en testeil ami Is kliuun tu lio tho must
illirahlii liuiehlnn In Ihn rnnrlm. Tho tii-lllnit
bawliu inachlnu men uro anxious lii nhtaln Hie
nupucy ol Ihls nint-lilno Is ennelusivo evMom-e Iho liuhllo uro laruoly In fivor of this ma
elilno, which has nut Its pilnclplo klnce
Its fnrmatlnii U: Drawing UEtltch ns jir.ulo
hy liaml,
HoUl nn n -y Icnm nt
Jiilyli 71 H.ii.
Patbntcd DwcnMnna ;tii, 1869.
JI.'WTnlilftcntif. Art.iioult-Ii;oi1 hy nlio tino
Until It lu tu 1 In- ttc-l Tin t.ii.ivnr M littnUccuii,
, tryl Villi not. i.irroji-. Mtty Ihx Hurlili'ii i .
r 1 ultli tui o r, itel pit. I Will iitiunf 11 iliifii I 2
bii.t ltd IN i, Put tiii hi licit IUi'Ion, Ci
W . noij OM.V bv ,m!i;vin ni iw iiiu
)t lHlt I
fill IO 1
'1 itnumul
(ontt lUo !ncor, 01,OO (.til.S lluim,
V'sJ.Ulf, Adili't!,
Wr-bTr.:t:i Puijlisiiiko Co.
. CArTIUN.-Thcrrtfnt nopii!:illrfinitpo '
1 ..,! Illl t.t ..!. iL.ffiill.n.. rt .... I..l...
0 I
LiKi.iiulllr. Is Ml V. ti
lliiif fjc 1't.tit slvn jour .Viiiuv. Ti n. Ouuntj, tin I
Muli, iiliilnly irltUi, uatl cit!i.rt will uitel ullli
Iruiupt i.tlmtlau
Jau 'JJ71 ly
TUUAIj W0)tIC3. j.ii'iiu VfiMI.iSTH JN lXOV.'S AMD
jir. jacon tf v on i. iv n., n,...i ...
1 11 1 iiriib I , 1 1 I 'li 1 Vl ilt t' 1 t.. Vt. "- l"
as " m
illsciivereil l,oelal Imiwuoclious lu tha niuw
iminuiiicturoil In l,i, ihey havo tii JtuoZl
11111I linpiuyeil them, un.l a.ije,l homo eullio new
ir III a ll- 1 r "Cm1! l" Hl," "'ll " Wl
Clldi I!!5,',',"",1, '"i"1'"0 " "H-ehanlcs, anil hav
''JU. ihiir wuilc ull iiono uudvr Ihclr oivn hiiner-
Iwforo biij Inaimy uthi'r, Thuyulsu munufJcluro
usually 111.HI0 In ilrt;clai,s rnumlrlcs.s-iw ami
lit 1,1 lull! cintliii,-s, iiui.10 un.i iiuoa up tu uriler,
nro inaJo n peclalty,amlHnmo very ileelile.1 iru,
P.lovtiuenls Imvo been IlilruiluceU Intntlinlr 1,11,.
tllllleH. lhleeil luwcr Ihan ivi-i! nil i.....iu ...
country prwlucouuilcilil Iron liiken In exilmnno
OlUer illlect lliiin llio liiamitactuiy, Olil n.-tu.
luuiebs uu uruen. to
,vuuii;ui,tuiiai, woitiCH, oha.oi:vii.m-
Ian l' -w.ui v.uusii, r.v,
Twelve Years 0M7iJd fMiausPlams.
.i''i',1,i..r.c.l.'!f.,!I.f.ljl0 "Jvenlures nf tho Union,
I '. f AN 111U WAHltlOltuniiusti"
filrn 'i i.lil, ifi'J!l.UJ ?' "r,ljt llli
1 1. . 1 1 . l.c.i pesauilTerrlblo uautasm with
I i in.. ll" hahltii nml uparllllons of
iiV.mJ" m' .7;.. v..u n "i11.! i-oKeiiiw, Tram
Uv1"-i i"uy iuy Vl U" WoJ, Hcahi, Dnclnr;
'V 'u'-,,,)w. l'ic-h nml I'opiilar, 1'rlcu
V" by 1k Ihoiunml, wltu won.
utrliii ruplu ty, Agentiinro maltlui! Horn vi in
iwipjruiiu. Chulco UolJyttuw,iit, Hemlut
?i V '"'''"uplocliaiileis, llluslriitluus nml pai-
llculais tn
A. If. llllllllAIttl I'nl.llul.
0Ot!liiii,tnutnt I'lilfa,
1. ?,!Low 1 ""","" '",s' nsiorlmenl or Ilf.ANIJ
lll'.l US un hiiud una lur halo wero over Kent
In IJIuoiusburK. l-nrgo hlzo on hohi i.archmimt
ipor. in 11111011 ij.ui a, lAocuior'aiiml AiliuiuU.
lllliru lIl'UlU Klllll 1 u h ..... .. 1
t'omllinuDeeil,. dio, 11 111
USliCIH IIIiANKH, KiimiiKiiu, Kteciitlumi
HllblilHlias.U'iiirniilii .... ,
aU lor kiUout UiooiluJuian OUI10. ' """"""
,, n VVi, i"S i incir wont miporlof In
11 f,1''1!11'" i""ls.1' "' (,lly oiloroil.
Ii.'iili u hhoulil not accept nr any olhor nei lciil.
liiiul mpleincnis until limy havo oxaiiiluu' l o ir
Patent Mcdicinon,
U O M V O U N I) F Ii U I 11
Cl 11 A V Jl 1' I L h S.
Component lMrti-lluM Extract lihiilai b and
llutit Invt (Xtlavla GVji
''Vnim1 A1,:.'i.ii?Mr,"UNra' JAUNlllCl!, IIP,
IOUH AITIICTIONH. MflMf nil tjllivin
iii;a1)aciii:,cohtivhnih, rum:!,!
Theno l'llla nro tlio moil dollKhlfuIlv i,tn.
purgallvo, nnporci1lng castor nil, units, inn
11.1 .1. ni..n 1. 1. 1.... . '
. iiv,u ,s iiuuiuiK iiiuru neoeptiihlu 1
Iho momacli, Ihey tivo tone, nml caiKo nnu
nausea nor (irlplng pains. They 1110 cnmposi
of llio final Inarcdlcnli. After a few ila j s' im
iiiciii.auciiiiu mvlitoralioiinrtiioeullro rj 1,
lakes placo ns lo appear miraculous to too u
ami cuervnleil, whether nrisnu from im,,.
denco or itlwiuo. It. T. IlolmhuU'a Compu n ,
I'lulJIIxlractCalawbiOrnpo l'lllsnro hot
conto.1, fiom tlio fact Hint susar-coatoj Pin.
iMtillsiilvo, but pass thruuchthcntoninchwlthi
illsolvliig,consen,ueiilly iln not ptoiinco Iho
Hired ctroit, THIS CATAWHA tlUAPl', PI,
heins pleasant lu tastoaml uaor.dnhiii neei .
lato their lieliiff auiinr-co.ilM. ritll'I. i n ,
ci:nm ruitiiox.
11KX11Y T. lim.MUOI.l)'!,,
inniii.Y coNCBsmATaii odmtou.mi
l'l.UIl) IiXTlt.VCr BAIiaAI'AIUM.A
Will radically oxlcrniluato lrom tlio , t,
Kcrofula.Uyplillls, I'ovcrSoros, Ulccrs.Hnu 1
Huro I.esi, Horo Mouth, iloail, Ih n. 'iid
Bltln Iilstnses, Hull Ilhcui.i, unkcr.i, llumiin
from tho Kir, Whlto Hirblllngs, Tumm 1 . ,
eerouaAirectlonii.Noilos.Itlckiln.uliin I ir j .
nns,.MBui Hwunts, iiish, TttUor, IIuiu ii.s ul
Kinds, ChronlcTlheuniatl.sni, I)ysneinl.i.aii,i ,
dlseaso tint has been cstabllsln.d In llio m ,1
Ileli'.spropaieilllSl'Itl'.sHIiYfurtlioabi vo..u
plahils.llnlllJOD-PUUirYINll ,inprUlln
greater than nny other preparatliiti ol Har
rllla. It kHos Iho COMI'MIXION 11 cleir 1
healthy color nml restores tho patient Inns
ol lir.AI.TIl nnd ruittrv. l'ur l'urlfylii' 1
Ulnod, removing nil ClimnloConstllutluii il
eases nrlslug linuiiiu Impurohtato uf Iho hi
And thonnly rcllablanlidcH'ctlual known i
dy for tlio euro uf l'ulns nud Hwclllus nl .
Ilouei, Ulcemtlousnf tho Throat nnd !
Ulutclica, IMmples nu tho llen, llryhlliehl',
nil hc.ily Ktuplliinsni Ihollklii.ttud It.'ai.lit 1
tlioL'onvlosI jn. lvic, ClOJper liuttle.
has cured ovcry cao of Diabetes In which 11 1
been given, Irritation oriho neck or IholUai 1
and Inflammation nf thu Kidneys, Ulceration
tho KI lucys nud Ul.iddcr, Ilctenllon of L'n
Diseases of tho l'rostiitofllaud.StouoluthullI ,
dl-r, Calculs, Gravel, llrlckdnsl Deposit, n
silicons or fillllcy Dlse'inrges, nnd tor Ihifcihi
and Diillcato CoiislltlUlons of both Hexes, attt
tied with tho following uymptomsi Indlsp
Hon to Kxortlon, lossol l'ower, loss or Menu
Dlillculty or llicnthlug, Wrnt Nerves, Tn 1
bllug, Horror or, Vakriulnehs, Dlmu
of Vlblou, Tain lu tho Hack, Hot llnudn, riu
lug of llio llody, Dryntfas ol Iho Hkln, Krupl.
nu tl.o Tuce, l'.ilUd Counleunuce, Uulvc.
Lasslludo of tho Muscular system, etc.
Ufacd by pcrAOtis Iiom tLo uges ot elhloi li
twenly.llve, ami fi'oni Ihlrly-iho to fllly-iH.j
In Ihn decline or change of llfo; alttr enn
raont or labor pains; bud-wettlngln chlldriii,
Ho'.mbol.l's Kilr.ut II112I111 Is Diurcu-lllood-l,uillylu'1au.l
cures all dlsoasos art
from Halills or Dissipation, and llxcessi' 1
linpriidciiFCii lu I.lfivJiupullllol of Iho r . .I'
etc., supersullng CopabH lu nirucllons fir . 1
It Is mod, nnd Syphllllio Airecllnns-lu tn.
diseases usel lu connccllon with HCI.Mlloi '
In many airtctloiis peculiar In ladles, tin. I
tract Ihiihn Is uiiciiuallo I by any other remc 1.1 -as
Is Chlorosis ur lletciitln 1, Iricgul.ully, 1'.
fulness or Htlpprcsslon of Customary llv.u
Ilium, Ulcerated nr !-chlrrus Htato or tho I'lei
I.euisirrhuiaor Wlilles,Hlerlllty,iindroralle ,
plaints lneldtnt to Iho sex, wliothcr arising Ir
InillscrcllonurllablUnrDlsslpilinn. It is 1
scrlboJ extensively by tho mint omluunt pn .
l.uisiin l.MldwIvosror Hnleeblol and Deli. .
Cuustltuttons, ul both boxes uud all n;ej(nl 11.
Ucd with any of tho nbovodlioaj s or i.yiuni. n .
dunui:, HAiirr.s or Hi.sstwnoN, nr .
In nil their stagos, at llttlo expense, llttlo or .
chango In diet, no Incontinence, and no 1 x
posure. It ennses n rrrqnent desire, nnd gh
strength lo Urinate, lliereby removing Ouslru -tlnus,
rrcvonllng una Cuilng blrlctuics on.
UretUa, Allaying IUIn nnd Inllainnntlon,
frequent In this class of dlscnsos, nnd expeliu ,
Jill I'nlsonous mattor,
Thousands who Imvo been tlio victims m .
competent persons, and wlu havo paid In v
foes lu hocurid lu ashoit time, havo found 11.
havo been d'celved, and Ihat Iho "Poison" I . .
by Iho tui3 of "powerful nstrliijeutv," been ur ,1
up lu tho system, to bieaU out In u moro ag
valed form, nud perhaps nritr Jlanl ie,
usoiii:winoMv,m::Tit.vcT nuciiu for . .
Airoctloasnnd Diseases of tlio Urinary Organ ,
whether cxlslluglu Jl.iloor IVmalo. lrom wu -
ever r.iuso orlgluntlng, and no luattir nf hnw
long Htamllug. I'HIOIJ ONH DOI.f.Alt ash
fll.'l'V CU.VTH Wilt IlOlTLi:.
iii:nry t. jikuiuold's im-
cannut hei.nv.iasse.l as a l'Aci: a r-.
no 1 mm, tho only speelilo remedy In an i
specleiof CUTANI'.fllW A 1'l.M'ni'iii.r .
',1.'1.y...C.,:U"0Jl'!, ''lll''dW,HI,OrH,HCOI',.AH".
DIt.,ISs,INDlljl.vl.ION.SuftlloCUI'.Uij:tl s
JII'.JIIlKAN'i:. ClC. dlsncls HKIIVI!SS , r.l IV.
.SKI.V.FIlOaTlllniS . and nil tmrm uiw f. ,r irliiili
SAIA CS or OINTMKN'M uro used; restores tho
salu to a sttlo of purity and soilness, nud in
sures continued healthy uuion In tho tissue
Its essels, ou which depend lliougroeahloeleai
noss and vivacity ol coniploxlim bo mum sun; 1
and lUmlrcd. 11.1t however valuahlu iu
remedy for existing defects of the skin, 11 1
lleliabuld's ltoio Wash has long sustained 11
prlnclplo claim tu uuhoundod patimnge, i
possessing iiualltlej which reu ler It n TO1I.1 1
AITHNDAOK of tho Must K11 iinil.illi-n I.I..1
Cougeuinl character, combining in 1111 cleg mi
foimnlutliii.eproinlnciitieipiUlls,HAI''i:r un.l
Wno.lCY-tho Invarlablo iiccoiiipanlment ..1
llsuso-as 11 l'rcservallvo and Hi,h-,.s1.pi-.,i i
Couiplsxloii. It Is an excellent Lotion for it..
eases oru Byphlllllo Naiuro, and ns uu Injecii....
iordl.eiisosuftho Uilnury Organs, nilsliig Iiih.i
hablU or dLslpallun, used lu cuiineellnu wim
tho HXTilACM ilU01IU,HAItSAI'Allll,l..,li'l,l
CATAWHA (IKAl'Jl WI.I.H.In such diseases
riwoiiiiueuJoil, cannot bo surpussod, 1'ltH 1,
O.N'i; Dui.fiAli l'Hit noi'fl,i;
Full and explicit directions ncoomn.inv Ih '
llvldoiieuofllio most rcinonslblo nnd rell.ii. 1
tharacter furnished on implication, wllh Inm
IredsofthousaiuU uf living witnesses, and u,
ward or 3i),i iinsollclled cerlinoales and lec uu
incndutory letters, many or wlilili 1110 from in
highest sources, liicludlng cihluetit I'hjsli-l.ii'
Clctgymcu, Htatesmeu, tie. Tho proprietor h
uevcriesoricuioihelrpublleatloii in Iho ne
papers; ho does not do this rrom Iho r.ict Ih .
his arllclcs rank ns Blandard I'leparallons.iimi
do not need to bo plopped upby eerllllcales,
Honry T. IIuIiiiIjoIiI'm ;i iiiiIii
Delivered tonuy lUdrtss, Bccurs rrom nbsi 1
lilubllslicd upwards of twenty years. Bold 11
Druggists everywhere, Address Icttirs lor lu-
roriunllon, lu coulldenco lo IIUNKY T, lli:t,
1101.11, Druggist aud Chemist
Only Depotst II, T, HW.MIJOIiD'.S Drug n '
Chemical Warehuuse, No, 691 llroudway, JV
YoiK.iirlnlf.T.llI'.I.MIlOI.D'H ilcdlial Dnii
lt1 BnntU Tenth Btreol, 1'lilladelphl.i, l'a.