Tub Columbian TjioomabargT Friday, Oct. 20, 1871. " lKu7llluWf:t.t.A('o.,iirark llow,nronttronly nuthorlrcd Adverll.ltift AbpiiIh In New Yorlc. CoB,Wr.TiiimiM.AC.1No.(W('lii'inut street, lira our only authorised AftentN til riiltmlclhla. CO. Muiu'tiY, lti. I. our authorized Airi-nlal I'entralla to traunet any uu.Iui-ki, iit-rlaluluti to IlKiCol.lJMlitANOIIIre. All advertisement for tho forgoing locall Iti'H mult tin enilonii-il liy theso AgcutA, or they wlllrcrulvono attention. ' It. Railroad Timo Tablo. LACKAWANNA A MiOOMmtUllO tt. It. North.. Honlh. Mnll 11:1 1 A.M. ?' Aeiomimidatloi .8:l(A,.M,ii:i' V V IltiircM Gil! 1 M. l0'21 A' JI t'ATAWIKH.Y It. It. KllOM IlUlTJyT HTATION. llolnit North. CloliiijSiiiiUi. 4:12 1'. M. 10:0 A' "M, l- CoNNiiit h ntitliorlml to trans net any business connected with tho Coi.umiiian ofllco. tf. WAMtr.K, tho Democratic carulltlnte, is elected mkllllonnl law Judge In (Schuylkill county, nnd not BouTiir.it, lis stated last week. Agricultural Fair. Tho Columbia county Agricultural nnd Horticultural Falrcamooir accord ln;r to advertisement, except that tho heavy rnlns of tho first two days some what Interfered. Wo had expected to Klvo a lht of premiums this week, but 'owing to soma dlillculty about n portion of thu prizes, It Is not yet completed. Upon tho wliolo tho exhibition was n pood one. Tho display of horses nnd cattle was not good, nor will It ever bo whero racing Is allowed. Thcro was n creditable display of musical instru ments, sewing machines, farming Im plements, fruit, vegetables, Ac. Tho ntlcndaiico was very largo and tho gen eral order good. Tho gambling and selling of liquor (benzine) on tho ground, was reprehen slblo and ought not to bo tolerated In any community that claims to bo ro spectable. Tho ladies of tho Illoomsburg Presby terian church furnished meals, coffee, pics, and other similar refreshments on thoground. Tholr preparations wero very perfect, their meals excellent and abundant, nnd they wero well patron ized. Wo havo not learned tho amount of their profits, but they nro no doubt considerable, though tho rainy days Interfered with them. Tho trotting races wero such as aro usually seen at Fairs. Tho best trotting was douo on Friday. A team of rather small horses from Ilnzloton wero much tho best on tho ground young, hand Homo, well trained, steady anil pretty steppers. Wo havo not learned their tlmo. Tho fancy trotting was dono by threo nags a dun, n, brown (from Now Jersey,) and n sorrel, tho former from IiUiscrnu nnd tho latter from Williams port. Tho dun was tho bo-it horso and host trotter, but tho threo wero very equally matched as to speed tho best Jockeying winning. Sorrel Dan, nn old horso of uncertain age, (passing for 18,) was pronounced tho winner. Wo aro not schooled In tho mysteries of decid ing trotting races and tlo not know upon what principle thojudges docldod, for In tho only heats wo liatf tho pa tlcnco to look at tho hindmost horso was declarod to bo tho winner I Upon tho wholo tho Fair was n decided success. Several persons who nttended tho Stato Fair nt Scrnnton stated to us that tho attendanco hero on Friday was equal to that at the former. Tho Wyoming Journal has quite sensl bly changed Its form from an eight pago to a four pago paper. Tho change Im proves Its appearanco and renders It doubly convenient to tho reader. Usu ally tho eight pago form is used merely to hide tho want of reading matter, nnd to cover up Btalo advertisements wlioro thoy will not attract attention. Ouh correspondents aro worthy of nt tentiou. Of courso wo do not endorse every sentence they utter, but they say much that is valuable and Interesting. Correspondents, with us, aro privileged to express whatever sentiments they please, in proper terms, and it H a mat ter of no account whether they ngrco with us lu opinion or not. We havo sovcral lengthy articles on hand from correspondents which bear postponing but will appear hereafter, Jay Cooicu & Co. favor this Demo cratic Columuian with nn advertise ment, which it may bo well for those who 1-avo money to lend to read. Wo havo repeatedly pointed out to our readors tho Immense appropriations of public lands to tills particular corpora' tlon, amongst others, and tlicso lands alono ought to mako their bonds u per fectly safe Investment. It Is a principlo with tho lUdlcals not to tax bondhold crs, and of courso tlicso bonds nro frco from all mnnner of taxation. A man may own millions of them (if ho can get them) and yet not pay ono dollar of Htato, county, poor, road, school, town ship or borough tax. Fihe. Wo learn that tho Unangst Hotel, in Fishing Creek valley, about 1 miles nbovo Orangovilie, was entirely consumed by lire, with all its contents. ou Tuesday night last. Mr. Unancist and family wero absent at tho timo and thcro was no ono In tho house. Thcro was 8omo Insurance, wo understand, but havo not learned how much. Thcro Is littlo dcubt but that tho houso was first robbed nnd then sot on fire. A coal oil can, which had been kept in tho bar and when lost used had about ono gallon of oil in it, was found empty near tho houso after tho fire. A trunk belonging to Mr. Unangst was found broken open In tho rear of a shed, In a cornfield, whero It had no doubt been carried by tho thief and incendi ary. Tho Forks Post ofllco was kept In tho houso, but it Is not supposed there was much mall matter burnt. Itctiirn of lllccllou hi lUoomOMiri- for Tovui OIllmVtM. 10, 1S71. constaiii.es : M. 0, Woodward, Kait Ulooiiiiburir, Vet vio JA JI. JlttMtman, JI. J. rfiycwA, l'-nst Uloouu'juric. Wit lin 117- Kant llloomsuuti:. West ASSESSORS : -ICS IjouU iiornliuul, Hunt llIooiiubuiL-, Wi'Bt ' .'119 170- -Ml Thwvu J, Murtlt. Kn.t lltoomsbunr. SCHOOL DIHKCTOHfl ! 21. Frank 7.arr, 1-ant lllooinbbu nr, Wtwt 2U7- JU2- Jamei A", J.'uit, Ka.l lUoomhburff. Wt lfl m- -sso Mr. Laycock was an Independent candidate for Constable, but fulled of -an election. All tho other candidates In tho abovo list wore of courso elected under tho certain operation of tho Freo vote. Itepubllcans In Ualto, THE Klrcs lii tlio West. Tho lerrlblo firos In tho west wero still progressing. at latest advices. For hundreds of miles tho prairies aro cov ered with flames, dcslroylngovcrythlng In tholr way buildings, goods, fences, cattlo, Implements nnd ovcrything that tho settlers possess, and many Uvea too I Of courso nothing but heavy rains can stop tho devastation. Tho following description is from n gentleman known in tins county, who is now resident In tho west i WATnousvn.t.K, JIlcIi., ) Oct. Oth. 1871. r Mltorofllio Columbian I My thoughts glancing back to mv nntlvo county, mothlnks tho people of Columbia co,, Pa., nro not all nwnro of tho perilous condition of tho pcoploof this country nt present. I will try to glvo you n few fads, nnd bo m brief os posslhlo under tho excitement that pro vnlls nil nround hero Just now on ac count of firo caused by tho general drouth. Tho fires havo been running mrougli llio woods nil of tho timo for n number of months, but not bo danger ous till lately. Tho last fow days tho winds havo been high and tho fires hnvo been running at n fearful rate. sweeping everything. Hundreds of houses havo been burned to tho ground In n few miles square, and tho Inhabi tants could do nothing but cscapo for their lives. Somo havo fought till they aro entirely blind to snvo their build ings, but failed. Tho wliolo of tho Sag- onaw valloy Is enveloped In smoke, nnd tho cntlro wilderness In a llamo of fire. Tho firo broko out In Saganaw City last night, burning buildings, nnd sovcral persons nearly burned to death by try ing to cscapo through tho ilamos. Kast Saganaw nnd South Saganaw being on firo nt tho samo tlmo. In Wisconsin tho pooplo dig holes In tho ground and bury their furnituro and provisions, in order to savo them from burning. Hero they get no tlmo for that It is all they can do to dig a holo for themselves. Tho fires aro becoming moro dangerous nround this city this evening. All hnnds out to keep tho firo back from the build ing every ono In fear lest a spark bo blown to our town nnd Ignite. If tiiat bo tho caso every building will burn, for thcro Is no water to put out oven a spark without bringing it eight miles, and It is scarco when you get there. It would bo impossible to get to it now, on account of tho fire. Night comes on'; tho eyes of tho Inhabitants nro bathed In tears and tho vlllago in a condensed cloud of smoke. I drop tho pen for tho evening. It is in vain to try to picturo to you tho stato of things this evening, on account of tho cries and groans nnd excitement going on nt tho time. Oct. 10th. Tho wind is still higher than over this morning. After u dreary night tho men como In worn out and say tho firo Is sweeping everything. Pooplo nro packing up to leavo tho city, but know of no refugo. All excitement hero this morning. Notice is given to havo no fires to cook breakfast this morning. iVH hands start ngain to moot tho flames. Darkness is appearing. I can not seo tho lines to write; I wonder what is tho cause, what can bo tho dan ger. Now all is dark ; I'll havo to stop writing to seo what is tho trouble. O, shocking 1 tho conflagration is at an end! A dark cloud overshadows uh. bursts fortli in torrents of rain, just in timo to savo us from tho burning llamo 1 O, what rejoicing now! What a strango cloud 1 No ono saw It till tho rain fell upon them. Darkness was all that ap peared! Hut who knows whether this extended further than to savo our pooplo In this place? There, It Is all over, only n little shower ; how long will that keep thoilrofrom running'.' Tho nows comes in that tho plank roads and tho railroads aro all on fire, no trains running from Detroit, north ; tho engines carrying water to keep tho firo from burning tho road nil up I If they succeed, I'll send this to-morrow morning. I think wo nro all out of danger now, unless a sec ond altack Is mado. It can't bo till a fow days, as tho rain has dampened tho brush so as to glvo peoplo it clmuco to tako ad vantago of tho fire. Tho damage cannot bo estimated ; it will amount to sovcral million dollars and somo lives in this county, and it is still worse, thoy say, elsewhere. All is quiet hero now. I think tho danger is over. Tho old settlers hero say they never know so dry n tlmo In tills country, nor never wit nessed such asceno before, nor perhaps never will again. It Is n very rich farming country lioro, bosides tho great abuudanco of lumber shipped away overy year, unit tho salt, which costs them nothing but n littlo labor, as tho Fawdust serves as fuel to raiso tho brino and manufacture It Into salt. Littlo villages that wero blessed with four or five littlo cabins four years ago, havo two thousand Inhabitants, now. Taking tlio wholo of Saganaw, 15 years ago it was a wlldcrncs, thoy say, and now it lias a population of nearly thirty thousand. Hay City, Just started a few years since, bin about 16,000, with its suburbs. Tuscola county is tho laud of beauty, flowing witli clieeno nnd po tato bugs. Ono year ago, when I camo hero, thoy wero digging their potatoes, and tho average was about threo hun dred bushels to tho acre. This fall they aro very scarco, hut tho animals aro plenty. Tho wheat crop this season averages nbout thirty bushels to tho acre. Other crops uro middling. My regards to tho friends of lllooms- burg nnd vioinity. Kcspcctfully your, E. W. FitiTZ. I.jcoinlii(;.JIiitiial. Tho Secretary of tho Lycoming Mu tual Insurance company, In u card to tho public says, in referenco to its losses by tho great Chicago firo : "Ourcntlio amount of risk in tho Stato of Illinois, provlous to tho great fire, did not ex ceed $1,000,000, nnd Judging from thu cstlmntcd losses to other leading com panies It is reasonnblo to prcsuruo that our loss will not exceed fifty per cent, of that amount. To meet It an extra assessment will bo required of from ten to twenty per cent.'1 OitANOEVlLLEAcADEMV. Tho win ter term of this Institution will open Tuesday, Oct. 31nt, 1871, anil continue cloven weeks. Tuition from ja.OO to $8.00. Instruction Riven In nil tho common ami higher English branches, together with Latin, Greek, French nnil aerinnn. Good hoard can bo obtained at $3.00 per week, or rooms furnished to tlioso who wish to hoard themsclvea, For further artlculars address J. E. SWIOONOVElt, Principal, or Dr. O. A. MEOAitaKi.i., Bccretary. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, 1'or tho Columbian. Mr.. KniToits-Of oil tho sights nt tho Fair, tho Fair Itself, Is tho greatest night to Bee. Thero wero lots of fair women, nnd doubtless also, of brnvo men. Thcro wero cakos nnd candles, apples and elder, Ico cold lcmonndo nnd raspberry syrup, Thcro wero chickens nnd pigs, horses nnd cattlo, sheep nnd mules. Thero wero wild inon from Africa, swonl swallowcrs, thlmblc-rlg-gcrs or something of tho sort, and nil kinds of devices, good, bad and Indif ferent, to mako money. I know of no piaco whero you can study human naluro to moro ndvantago than at a county fair. Tho sharper, tho business man, tho mechanic, and tho farmer congregate thcro. Tho young follow who has n sweetheart goes and takes her, nnd thu ono who has nono goes to find ono. Oirls who havo lovers promenade quietly in a stiuo of hlls, and tlioso who havo nono nro to tho foro, ns tho scotch say, to sccuro one. Tho younger girls keep their eyes upon tho older ones to learn, but tho boys aro staring round for tlio purposo of chaff ing older ones, who aro for tho first time, looking sheepishly at calico. You seo thcro young fellows who think themselves goutlcmcn, puffing n cigar, nnd gallanting n lady. It was not so In tho ohlon times gentlemen did not smokooven In tho presence ot ladles and Indeed, gentlemen do not now. Dut what olso can you expect, when tho man who should bo the first gentleman in tho republic, is n horse racing, cigar-smoking, whiskey drink ing moss trooper I It Is a bad example for our young men to have, and still worlo to follow. You seo thcro beautiful girls, dressed In tlio highest art of tho milliner and manlua maker, whoso uudcr-sklrts, as thoy pass through tho crowd, turn up and provo that thoy havo not Been tho wash-tub for months. You can also observe, as they smile Bwcotly nt tho compliments of their gallants, that their teeth havo seldom, if over, been brought in contact with n tooth brush. Noth ing Is moro utterly disgusting than n foul mouth, and nothing is moro pod tlvely unjustiflablo and inexcusable. For n young lady, faugh I when a brush and n tumbler of Ball-water, to cleanso tho mouth after every meal ond beforo retiring, would proscrvo tho teeth, pur ify tlio mouth, and sweeten tho breath! Thero was also on tho ground a sleek Bcalawng, run I was told by tlio Young Men's Christian Association, making a spcccli in favor of republicanism and tlio beets. That, Mr. Kdltor, though it grieved, did not surprlso me. It only proved what I havo long foreseen, that tlio friends of religious liberty, will Booncr or later, bo called upon to com blue and defend themselves against tho encroachments of tho sects ; which aro Inaugurating their campaign in tirades against priests, and bishops, and popes, confounding in their harangues Angli can nnd Itoman, cither through igtior anco or malice. To overthrow liberty civil nnd religi ous, tho Young Men's Christian Asso ciation is tlio lever, and tho Kcpublican party tho fulcrum. Viatoii. Duropeaii Kcpiilillcaiilsin. While thoughtful minds in tills coun try aro contemplating tho Republican agitation in England, and aro speculat ing upon tlio chances of n Republic In that old stronghold of monarchy, tlio painful reflection arise that oven with in tho ramts of tlio friends of Repub licanism os'er sea flourishes tho greatost obstaclo to tho happy consummation of tills political regeneration. Tho Repub lican band of England llko tho Coin muno of Franc?, and tho Republicans of Europo everywhere is led by blat ant infidels, who, with their defiant in fidelity, cast a baleful shadow upon tho hopes of freedom. Uradlaugli, who professes to bo tlio head of tho English Itepubllcans, whllo asserting that in flvo years ho will bo President of tlio Republic of Great llritaln, blasphem ously declares that "tho work of over throwing God, as well as nil oarthly tyrants, goes bravely on." This speech is not worso than many others of tho written nnd spoken opinions of Brad laugh antl his followers. It is to bo feared that no movement having for its purposo tlio establishment of a govern ment of tho people not n government of clashes, as In Franco can ever suc ceed anywhero in Europo so long as such blasphemous creatures as this man taint tho effort at Republicanism with tho stigma of Ills namo and influence. Call tho roll of tho professed Republi cans of Europo, and against tho names of tho cbler among them may bo writ ten freethinker, If not absolute infidel. It is tho example or theso men, nnd tho horror Hint is inspired by their doc trine;, that retard tho causoof Republi canism in Europe. Washington Pa triot. Tun Russian Grand Duko, third son of tho Czar, is daily expected in New York. Of courso tlio snobs and flunk oys aro all excitement and will do tho highest posslhlo Iinnois. Wero Gen. Washington to rise from tho dead and appear In tlio streets of New York, greater honors would not bo shown him. Tho plain truth Is, that despite all tho Republican pretensions of tho American people, thero aro nono on tho face of tho earth who lovo moro to pay homago to royalty than tlioso of our great cities. When tho Prince ot Wales visited Ilarrlsburg, tho Duko or New castle, who had him in charge, (tlio lat ter by tho way a truo specimen or tho over tho immenso sea of upturned faces before lilm, quietly remarked ; " theso pooplo aro not so Democratic as they pretend to he!" Tho fact Is, tho crowds who nsneniblo on such occasions always provoke thesneeis and contempt of tho royal objects of their homago. W. V. I. Paintku, Km., formerly of Uloomsburtr, was elected Associntn Judgo In Lycoming county tit tho Into election, on tho Kcpubllcati ticket, by a innlorltv of 60 votes over a Itenubllcau aviocluto on tho ticket, and 71 over his Democratic competitor. MARRIAGES. I)KI'OK-HHULTZ-On tho 12th Inst., hy Key. A. JlouU, rlr. Hlrum Ue poo to MIhu Martha 1). Hhuliii, hoth or Ueuton township, Columbia county, l'a. 1IAUMAN HFKS-On Tuesday adernoon, Oo tuher Kill, li71, t the residenenor tlio hrldu'H rather, hy Itev. John Hewitt, nt Ht. i'liul'tt, Mr, J, II. llurmuu.nf Kupert, to Mary N., ouuiE" oht dtiusliier ot William McKelvy, t.M., of llloonihUurif, l'a. K LINdKH H1IULTZ On the 15lh Irntt.. hy .luiuuM w. Kitchen, J. P., at IiIh olllee, Mr, WIN Hum K llntir of KuBurloof tnwtuhlp, to MUn Charity HhultKof tho .uniu pluw, KIHiAK-UOIIKltsOK-On tho 17lli iul.,lnOr. auKevlllo, hy Hev, N. Kpear, Mr. llrno W. UUiir, ot Diuhoro, to Mm, Mellla M. Uoherhou of 1'iutou, DEATHS. M(OAHTY-Oiilhemiilut,MUii Lydla McCurty of UreeUHuod.UKtidfO yvutH. UHOMHTKTr.KU-On the l?ih lukt., John llrom tetlorF tiged 21 year", I.00AI, SOTICKS, A (iUlT10N.-l)octlio"l:ilalHowo" Co. fed prepared to test tho Imth of tho ort-repented assertion Hint " tho Kilas Howo machine was awarded tho lilghoit honor at tho l'arls Exposi tion?" 11 INQUIIIKR. I.W.ItAUTMANRcllsnjood unbleached Mm lln, 1 d wide, for Ki ctx. You can buy n pair of whllo lllanltets nl-l, W. Harlmnn'sforfl.O) I. W. ItAiiTMVN's sloro Is tho plnco to And cheap good', do and ico. New Ilochellc, (f.iwton) blackberry vines for falo , 15. rcr hundred, by Josn-ii tlAiimsoN llloomsburg, l'a, TOIUUCO nnd HKUAItH can bo bought at tho Mammoth Grocery of J, II. MAtzE.atcltyprlci. tliiallty very superior. Try them. BlsasiwNew Family Hewing Machines-ten dollnrsea.sh balaocoln monthly Installments' J. A, DoitAN, Agent, lllonmshurg, l'a. inLVl-tf H. A. L'A km an of llcnton has Jnst returned from tho city Willi a flnoassortmcntnf millinery goods, to which sho Invites tho attention of tho people a Peksoss Indebted lo this olllco for Job prltil lugandadicrtlsliigaro remluded that one per cent, per month Is added ton!! bills thatstaml over 80 days. uM-tf. Wk call attention t, Heinr ZtH'i'isnKA's os -taljllshment; In tho lino of wntches, cloolis. Jewelry, etc, ho Is an expert, ond In pccUclos etc., ho has n largcsclectlon wllh n rlpo ciperl cnco.to promptly fit tho required ocru. Tun statements mado by denlers In other ma chines, thatlhey sell New Blngcr Hewing Ma chines Is not true, Tho Singer Manufactory supply no machines lu Columbia county, except to their authorized agent, J. A. Doi:a.n. no.SO-lt A nKxruAl. assortment of SCHOOL HOOKS nnd BTATIONAIIY, wholtunlo and retail at A. 1). WEtm'M Hook btorc, opposlto tho Court House. Miscellaneous books, portmonates, ster eoscopic pictures, games, ptcturo-books, blank books of nil kinds, etc., etc, n3S-tf. A NKWaiul elegant assortment of fall and win ter goods has Jnst been received by B.U. Mn.I.KU A Hon, which they offer at very low prices. Also nil articles UBualKcnt In a diy goods More. Their friends and tho public nro Invited to call and exnmlno them. A curious and unlpuo mnchiuo for grinding coffee may bo seen at Maize's grocery. Whether tho machine was invented to grind cofTec. or corfee was itnented to bo ground by tho machine. Is tho problem to bo solved, various merits aro claimed lor It, but tho best way is to tost it, or nt lout co and sco 1U CitAM'waud pains In tho stomach, a o tho to suit of Imperfect indigestion, nnd may bo Im mediately u-ltevcd by n dosoof Johnson's Ano- nv.NE Liniment. A toi-Minonful In n littlo Bwioteued water Is n dose. ' Heavy oats aro good for horses : nono will do. ny that ; but oats can't mako n horso's coat look smooth nud gtossy when ho Is out of condition. UiihuihAN a Cava i.iiy Condition I'owdei'H will do this when nil else falls. Liuies' nnd Children's Fancy Furs.fttJollN Kaiieika'a Popular Fur F.mporlum, "IS Anh Hlrcet, Philadelphia. Ills ktock of Fancy Furs foi Ladles nnd Children Is very largo, nud no ono can fall to bo buitcd. Dieii. In Hujarlo.if township, Heptombcr 0, IS I, Mrs. 3IAUV1IK.SH. wlfunf ANIIKIIW 1IKSS. deceased, aged 01 years, 0 months anil .1 dais. Blio was llio mother of 11 children, 7(1 graud-chll-ilreu, Tllgreat-grnnd-chlldrcii, and 2 great-great' grand-chlldrcu. B. H. Jin. Wm. T. Hoi'Kin.s, of Hoop Hklrt nolorl cly. No. llljChrMiut and lClNorlh KlghtliHIs., l'ulladolpnl.i.h.is oul.irgcd his facilities-for doing business, as will bo seen by ndvcitlsemcnt In this Issue. Header glvo him a call. Nw Mti.i.TNEBY Ooons-, or tho Inteft nnd most f.kshloanblo styles, and at modem o prices. Just received by Miss LtdlE IlA :-I.AY nt her sloro ou Main street, below Markel, lilooinsburg. A r.'ii Jiuo of goods utwnyt, on baud and all M" lenery wort dono to order. Oct20l". Nevermouk I NEVEUMonet Is tho sad ox clnmatlon of the Invalid, who has nbandonod for somo worthless comtound, n sterling modi clnnl preparation. If any sulferer from Dyspen sin, Constipation, Illllousness or Dcbtllty, has neon lured, in n weak moment from either in thoso two sovereign Vegetable Specifics, Hon. Imm j ilenmm litters, or JlonJlamVM Tbaic, nnd In dncedto "run after btrango gods." "Nevermoro Nevermore I" is his cry, as ho returns disgusted to Ihe standard remidy. Sold by all druggUts, CAltU. Wo tako pleasure In announcing to our numerous patrons lu Illoomsburgand vlct nlty that wo havo established a permaucn Agency nt this place. Mr. H, M, Blcger Is our agent, nnd will bo pleased to attend to all par- tics already having Vvhcelcr& Wilson machines, or those contemplating purchasing the samo, rr.TKUsoN uaiiim:nti:ii, 3 4 5N. Oth St., It Reading. p uu lilG BALK o r VALU'AIILK H I A h ESTATE. In pwrsnanco of nn order of tho Orphans' Court of ColtimuU county, will 1 expo-ted to public Miln by tho u title rstutmt mlmlnlstrutors of Jarucf j ices, ueceaseu, un inopicimsca on TIIUUSDAV, NOVKMUKK 2ml, at 10 o'clock A. M. of mU ilny, Ihe following do buribed rtiiil estute. to wltt A certain messmiKe, being tho mnuslou houso nut I truct of hind. Hllu ito in thu InwiiRhlnof Ku- Kiirloaf, In said county, bounded by other hinds of said iltTCiised on tho muitli and west, by lundK of Jonan Knuco nud wtlllaui Davis on the north and by lauds of Jothua H.ivago ou tliu east, eon latuui,; OXK IIUNDUKD ACHES, moro or loan. The houso Is a irood Ilotol Ktand i;ood well ot wiiter closo by tho door, nnd on thl inu tUa good upplo orchard. ALSO a certain tract of laud tdtuato In jack (ton nnd Hugurl.if townships in nald county IMHHHltJU 11 l llUlt III Jllllll tVUB no .-in 1 11 u l' i hard ou I ho south, by lands of Cralir & ltlauc a ill ou tho wt-ht, tho truct nbovo doscrlbod on tho north. una latidAofHamuel l- rltzou thouist coiiuiitmif,' ONK HUNDRED ACHES, moro or Icri. belli it timber land. A!HO n certnlu tract of laud Hlluato In David son towiiiihln. Hulliviui county, bounded nn ill ciLst by llio Duct llrht abovo dcHcrlbinl and land ot Craig J: IUaucliari uu tho north, south uud west, continuing F I V T Y ACHES morn or less, beltur timber land. .rSO u cerlaln tract of laiul kltuato In Itcntoii township, Columbia comity, bounded on tliu north by lands or Dyer Moss, on tho wont by KlUha SnulU uud Hannah Hinlth, on tho Nouth by lamUof Hiuiuel Krlckbium uud on tho o.int by lands of liilj.ih Uchs, eotitalnlnif TIIIHTY-TWO ACRES, moro or Iosh, being Improved Intnl. Tkumh ok HAliK. Ten per cent, of ono-fomlh ttt tho putchuMi money to bo paid on thu day ol hule.one-louith ot tho purchasu money lens tho ten percent, on Ihoconili uiallou of tho hale, nud tho lialam-o In ouu year theu-aller with Interest on iim samo iioui conuriiuuitui nisi, I'osKehsloli will bo nlcii on tho Ikt of April, 17J, by tho purchaser or piircluiMMUHecurlni; tho purchase money. 1'ur.diuser o; purchasers to nay for deeds uud stamps, i:mjaii hf.ss, john v. kilk, Administrators. Central, October 1 J, 171, VAIiU.VllI.i; UDAIi KHTATU, In pui'hunticn of an order of llio Orphan on'oiuinhlu county, tho undcirduucO u-s 'J'i iipitululed hy tho Court to m-U thv real cut; eOrphaHH' Couit . j rufuo CHtato ot w imam j ut! decensed. UU exposo to PUbllo ttalo on thu pieinibeH, un SATUHDAY, NOVKMIiKH I, 1871, at ono o'eloelc lu tho afternoon of wild day i All that certain tract of valuuhlu land hlluato In Mad bun township, ColumbM couuty, contain ill, SIG ACHES AXD 01 1'EHOIIES neal mensuio, juIJoIuIuk lamU of It. Johnnoit Thomati Funntor, John a. runston, KlUa Krlck J, VaKUer, Wllllttiu Johuxon nud Johu Allen whereon U ereclcdu Iaro twobtory 1) W K h h I n a 1IOUS K, ii lnriro Imrii and other hulldlncui tho samo will hu koTtlou the joItowtiiK laxy teruiH, to wit I Thu 1 1 lO I'M Hi l NO) I II V II llnliil IIUS Hi lieceUMOll UHlllilll1 i.rj nf U'illl.iiii P.-l'L- iU-t't iikf.l. illeliiL' wlthimt in- tuu to letimln charged upon thu real tututo of Kiilti iieceuNi'd, ouriuit mo imiuiui uven vi num Imsbaniis ana inu iiiwrei.i ineieoi ui uo anuu nllv nnd it'uu urlv nuld to them hv tho hlirchuser. Bald lntetett to ho computed Iroin thu ilrst day nt Aurll. A. 1). U7A iili.l Ilium Iludrni' eltiier of their deulliN, tho prluclpalMim to bo paid to thu purtlex IcKUily entltliHl thereto. Twenty pur cent, of tho pureuusu money to hu paid at U hi H bin ir iluu ii iif 1 hu mitiit-rlF i ittin llilrd of II balaiu-iiof tho pim-hami money to ho paid ut tho continuation ol the-mile, uud thu liuluucuof thu purchaKu money in onu year tncreaiter, wiiu m !itfht mi tlm wjiiiiu lumi lliu llrt.t uf Atril A. 1), wlu n poHheshiou of mild preuiUtM will bo plven. Tutchu'ier to pay Jor Deed and Ktuuipi. Ijiiidlorda hhuro of (ho train lu the yrutuid pabneu lo inu pureiuuet .luiit Airunniorii Trusteo to hell tho Ucal Kstulu ut William lYfuonubuiv, Oct. 3, 1871. jK!t,I37Mt BEOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, NEW GOODS AT M. P. LUTZ'S, Dll Y GOODS AND NOTIONS For Every Body. CAM, AND MAKE YOUll OWN SKLKOTIONS. SHAWLS At Last Yciu-'h Prices. NO ADVANCK ON I'ltlNTH. THE LAHCIEST AND IJKST ASSORTMENT QV DRESS GOODS & 15LOOMSI5URG. iniOWElt'S BLOCK, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE, jyTILLEIVS 8TOHE. B. II. MILT.KR 4 HON, havo removed their Store to tho room formerly occupied byMendeuhall.ou Malnstrect,inooniN. burg, nearly opposlto tho Kplscopat Church whero they aro determined to sell ounsruodcralo terms a can bo procured elso where, Thler blocs comprises LADIiS)' DitKSS 000D3 of tho choicest styles and late-Bt fashions, together wltn a large assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, couslstlnic of the foUowlncartlclc Carpets, Oil Cloths, oths, Uaaslmeres, Hhawls, Flannels, Milks, Whlto Oomls IJnens, Hoop HUlrts, Muslins, ilollowware t'edarware liueenswaro, Hardwarj lloots and Hhoes, Hats and U-ipi Hoop Nets, Umbrollos, LooUlng-UUsej, Tobacco, Co (Toe, tiugars, Teas, Itlce, Allspice, Dinner, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONH (JKNr.HAM.Y. In snort, overylhlng usually kept In conntry tores,to which they Invite the attention of the public Generally. Tne Highest pricowni be pai for country produce lu exchange for goods. H. 11. MlI.I.KIl AHON. JUoomsbuig Pa, net 1371 : r JKW STOOK OF OLOTIIINO. Kri'Kh urrlvul of FALL AND WINTER 0001)3 uavih i.owKNiii:it(i luvltoi altentlou tn hlH slock of UltllAl'ANUFAHIIIONAULECI.OTlIlNU ill his Htoro ou MnltiHtreel. InKlilvo'd block, one door Wt-ut L'. L'. Murr'a hloio, wlu-io no Iiah JiihI rccclreil from New Vorkaml i'lilLuU-lplila n lull aKKortmi-nt of MII.N AND 110 VH' CLOTHING, tnctiliUiil llio moKt fiuililQuablo, durable, aud liaiulsomo DItmH 0001)8. conhlt-tlUK of 11OX.HA0K, ItOCO,OUM,ANl)Oir..ULOTII COATHAND 1 ANTH, of all horls, sites aud coloru. Uo has aluo Tcyh- lulled liU ulrt-iuly largo stock of l-'.Vl.l. AN1J WINTKIt HIIAWLB, HTltirni), FIOUltKD, AND 1'I.AIN VJMTH HltlllTH, CHAVATH, HTOUKH, COI.LAUS 11 ANDKKKCIIIEra, UWVVH, BUSl'KNDKltH, AND FANCY AltTICl.KH Jlu nan constantly ou haud a laruo aud well-se- ected ushurtlneut of CLOTIIH AND VIUIINOH, wlilch ho U prepared lo make to order lutoany klud of clothing, ou very sbort uotlce, aud lu the best manner, All his clotuluie Is made la wear, aud must of It Is of homo manufacture. aOI.ll WATC1IKH AND JKW'i UIV, olevery description. Mneaud ch .p. Illscaseot Jewelry li uotsurpassod lu thlslplsce. Call and eiamlno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCllliH JKWK1.HY, AO, 0Ctt3'7l DAVID I.OWKNUKHO, VALUAI1LE l'llOl'EllTY Kill bai.i:. , , Tlio HndiTKlBued wUhlng to retire from lm. ucss uowiiirt-rsat private sale his entire iro-r-lysltuateit lu llrauuevllle, couslstlUK of u ou" half Interest lu the well known FOUND11Y AND AOltlCUI.TUItAI. WOHKB, in.,HliAr will, ili. lnulnit. I.ilbes and ii ther Kfn. cliiuery beloutllnK to tlio same, also the i-nllro st(H-k now uu hand, together with a valuable pair or horses, and the wiujous. sleds, HuruuMi. ,vc. ulso hlitowu loU on which Is erected a Bond Iramudwt-llluii, also, twenty-lite acres, kuuwu us the lr, I'M iiriipt-rly about ten u I which are cleared, llio balance timbered, I'rlcos reasonable, possession ulven at auy tlmo tosult purcii.wers. Apply U or address. 1 WIU.IAM H01tUYl.i;il, wt, ll,'7l-U. Orangey llio. llu mbla co, l'a. CLARK & WOLF'S COLUMN ! JOHN WOLF Tns imrclmscd rt ono-linlf intercut in tlio block ol Goods of II..J. Clark. Mr. Wolf lias been to New York nud laid in LA11GE STOCK OP FALL GOODS FOll THE NEW FIRM. WHICH AUK NOW IN STOKE. THEY WILL SELL Til EM Low For Cash OH PRODUCE. CLARK & WOLF HAVE Rcilrcctl tho Prico ou rany of llioir S)riug and Sum iult Stylet of J)nrf CALL AND SEE, Opposito Erown's Hotel BLOOMSBURQ. Itonl Ectnto Salox )ItIVATE BALE or It E A L EH T A T E! Tl.n knli.r-illir nm-rn his well known Ilrlo'r avfiin, lu llio town nrNuiiHitl.a. ColnniiiHconn. ly, I'ii., wlili nil his land nun linpiowiiiinn lieleoll, Tor htUO. UU UlOUniu piulH-njriis eitci- LA HOE 11 HI OK HOUHK ik-cuii'hI nn n TaM-rit, n fjirgo Slied ami nil tho hocs.try HlubliiiK. Aim, ONE DWELLING HOUSE nnd Rlnlilo closo hr Iho lavorn nnd about 4') nciesoflaudofwhlcli thero Js 2 8 A O H E S OLE A it E D nml under rooiI culllvntloii nnd llio bnlanco Is wen umoereil, 'llift said properly will no mini i i vain ui-m pi ii now n nil iro lum uaj i vein" l.er npxi. nnd If not mild hf-twni-ii now nnd then 11 will iKMillcred nt public saleou T1IUI1HDAY, IJTll DAY Ot-' OCTOniUl, 1871, t rcAsnnnUo terms, rnsscnlon will ho nlvcn t any lliiio tho salo Is coullrmid between Iho parties luidneood title foralMhn unlil properly win uu Kiveu ny j.uiivtlli iiii-.ii,i. iNuillcilIrt, AlU. R, nu.liTl-tf. unnto 8ALK or u i: a n V A I. U A 11 I 11 IJHTATB, In tniruatir.- nf nn rmler of tho Ornhatm' CJourt of Columhti county, will lm oxpon-1 Ui public Ralo cm tho prom Hon, oti HATtJUDA Y tho iiuuayui iiuruijit, a, v., iKii.ni mm o ciock Ii thn iitlnrnixiii. liv In (inn I.plhv nnd Mosoh Htccker, adtnlulNtrators of Gideon rttccltcr Into of llernlocl: township, deceased, tho following dencrlhcd property, M tun to In Jlomlock town Khlp lu nald county, helnjr Iho Mauxlon llpuio o pccuem, nun oouiui ny laniiH 01 aouuhki nun Inn. Dmilnl Wnirner ninl Isaiic L,L'lhV. contain ing about T W E N T Y-S IX AGUES. Twoacre! of tho txamo helnic lot lato of Peter Kiayiuau, (irctmnou, iwiuiini oi which miy lonu1, to hiIU Uldoon meeker. Tho laml Is to bo kohl for tliu pay m tut of debts. A HOUSE AND 13 All N nml outhulMlngs, Bomo fmttnnd nooil water ou thorremHea. IHAAO MJIHY. A(Imfnlitrfitnr4. TEHMS ! Ten nor cent, of nofourth of tho tmrrhnso money to ho palil nt tlu MtrlkinR down of tho property ; tho ono fourth leu tho ten per cent, at tlio continuation f miloj nml tho ro mainltiK Ihref-fuurths lu ono yoar therearitr, with lntnreht from tho roiUlriaailon nisi. liy order ot tlio uoiirt, WliLL!NTt)Jf H, i;NT. BOpt.13, 71-ts, t'rolhouotaiy. p U 1J L I O H A Ii E VAIAIAUU: 1113 AI IlSTATi:. Tho iinitcrslirncil ni commllteo of tho tv-raon and estate ot li.inleHiemhartof Iho towmhlpof Honrlnijcreek. in llio county or Columbia, nluna 110 will expose to public salo ou tho pretulsei on TIIUUSDAY, OOTOnEU lOtli, 1671, at 10 o'clock; In Iho forenoou of saM day (In pur miruiee nf uu nrdcr of tho (.'oitrL of Oominou Pli-an or Raid county; tnu lollowlug doierlhea rent vtiiiu'. wu; FiiifiT. Two tracts nf land lying nnd lelng lr. tho township a fort sn hi, coutalnln a tosother 100 A0HE3 AND 1C PEIIC1IES, nent nienmre, niljolnlnir f.iurli of Poter flenr hart,.Iolm Jvlefer, Stt-o.xn, William nnd Klljah Yoruin, Jnaao Yoeurii nnd other, on which is rec ui 11 ariroTWUHi ;v Fiti.Mi; jiuumi i.mlc li.irn mill iillinr millnill.lini'. wllh inrnriti well of water at tho door of tho dwelling, nnd inero is booi jtuil on inn premnoi. HFt'oNii. A lot of tlmbor laud Hlluato lu tho hriuo towwuup, conuiiiiin F OKTY-T II II E E ACHES, neat meawurc, mlj ilnlnst landn of FrUlc A Bhu iinii 1. 1 1 iiLMi 1 i ix 1111 1 iniiurH. Titiun. v lot or tlmbor laud sltimto In tlio piiiuotownsblp, containing FOHTY-ONK AG11MS neat iurnuro, adjoining X.nuU nf Jacob Hhuinan and fithprs. Tl'jltJlH Or lAl.i;. Ten per cent, or one rourth of tho luircliiiho tnniiev to hu mild nt the hlrlkliii down ot XUv projt ity, tho otie-fourlh ichn mi' 1 cii hit rtMii. 1 1 lie ii.iiii iil mu riiiinriiiii I Ion of I ho nale, and the Imiiuico of thu puielmso iiMMicy 111 niiu jmr luireuuer wiiu iiuiTeniou thu namo from eonllrinatlou nisi, l'urch.wr ot nurc inicrK tn n:iv tor ilmN nud KtnmnH. I'o MeMstim of Kald pretnlmn will ho nlveti April lbi i7, luo yiain in 1110 arounu is rescrveti. JAlI."i Kt'.ii' i,ttt Coin 1 ult too, uniiin HAhE ok va lu a n tn itKAii a no iMntoNAL rnonntTV. In pmviuanco or an order or tho Orphans' Court or Columbia county, will ho cspost-d to ulo nt tho lato refdileiieo oi Uaulel Lei by, deceased, lu l.OCIIIL HMVUMIIO, Oil SATUHDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1871 at lo o'clock, n. m.t tho following described prop- titv. to Will No. I. All that certain messmso nnd tract of una mutated in JucuHt towtiMilp, in tlio county ol Columbia nnd Htnlo of lVnuii lvnnlai itcidn- nl mint a Btmiu corner, thouco iilnnir tho public roan oyjituusoi mo laie reier iioumau, nortt: ! utcs it on nyfL-tt piuiu vinrpo upprft'd imn ion v-snvi'ii min iui iweiuy-eiiiut ana inrce-teaiu tieretiea .... ... i ,. tiipucft hv lniuli or rnvfi-it Winn, north four decree wetono hundred und rorty-tlve perehen t o a theuce iy liiiui ui iu. ji. nuyer in hiynim vvim luu ue, houiu iiuuiy-Bix ueuietK iinu uiieeu min utes, wihl tenty-elyht and threedenth ptehes to n Ktouc, thenco bylaudHol Henry Keller, boutli four decrees tusl one hunUrt'd uud ortj- nix hdii lour ii'iiiu iiurcuei iu mo juuee oi uegio utuf; eoutiiluluy TWENTY-THHEE ACRES and fortv nnd n hall nerchefi nf Innd. nnd the m mu iiiiowHin-f, xc. uereon is erecicu n iwo hiory iramo iiwcuiu House, n mm it iiaru una other out bulldlni!s. r o, , au inai certain pieeo or lot or land situate In Ihe township und county and Htate mrcf.iiii ; lii'Kiuiiiiui ui tt tmi comer near a nueou c. i nenee ovinuiixnt .Iokckii wimrton. north eluhty-threo dfurees nnd forty-seven mln- uttsenht tllty -ono ni-d four-ieuth lurch en to ii post, thence hy (.nine, noith Ho degrees nnd forty. nu mluules, w a twenty-one nud six- nil I a-rc ich to a - .... t ht'iirelivlfttubi in jn-ii. Jim, Mm in emuiy-iurt'o uetfreea anu .ytfVlIl iiiiimifs, wtst iiuy-ouo Iinu lour Dili he.clRw ton- . thenco bv the same, noiilh llvu dcurctf nnd forlh-seven mln I utfrs, eimt tweuly-ono and U tenth perches to uiu iuiicd oj in'muuiiiK , cuniuiuiui; (i ACRES AND 11 PERCHES of laud, nud tho uhimI allowance. Ac. iiu, hi iiiuhinio iiuioanu piace, hid iouow- i: ueM-rinud iernouiu nronertv. lo wilt Corn. itueLu heat and Potatoes bv thu Lushfl. nnd hay and miuw by thu ion. nnd Corn i'oJder uyiuuuuuuio. lauu iuikim ltnouu on any oi aie. illjliv lvJ.bll.lt, Oetober S, mi. Auiuliilktrutor. ocl.ti,71'tt. LADING KAIhKOAD. HUMMKU AKUANOUMKNT. Monday, May 13, 1S71, Great Trunk I. Inn from thn North find North. West for Philadelphia. New York. He.uiinc. 1'utU. vllle, Tamaoua, Ashmml, hhumokln Lebanon Aiicuiuwii, jjdiuu, ipuruiu, unii, iiiiuuuiir IOIUIIIUUI, ll'., Trains leas o HarrlMburg for New York, na tol- lOWKJ l i.iU, H. III., 11 UU .,1J Ji con- neettiitf with Miuiur trains on rennsylva ia liiiuroau, nua iirnvni at itcw iotk ui nlnir curit uecomimnv tint u, ui. irn. iu It bout clmni'o. Helurtilnu: I-eao New York at O.OOn.m.nnd W)uixm and 5,w n, m. 1'hllmlBlphU ut 7.'1, K3u 111. aud J.ioii. 111. Mleenlmr cam ucenmoany 1110 ji.iuii iiuiii iioiu r 1 wiuiouir eiiiiL'ue. i..eavo jiairifcuuii;ior i;tauni'1 ruiiHvnit,, i 11111. MllierniplllH. As ilund. h hiitnok li AI- L-iitjwn nud I'bllu'il. ut b.IUu. m.. and iMU and .o.'j n,iu..htopplim ut lAjbunon nud in luclpul way tal Ion-: the l.U.) p.m. Iratu eonneelhiy tor l'hll'u 'iitUvllle uud Columbia nulv. For I'ottKVllle hchuylklll Haven and Aubutn, vU Hehuylklll aud hUHimehanna Itailroad,leao Itarrtsburji ut w p.m. lliL LVniifivlvaiilaltsiiroiUl tralus leavo Iii'd. Ins lor Allcutnuii lihtou and New York nt 4M, u. 111.. aim 1. vi 11. hi. iteiuniinir. leavu w 01 Lnt u.u) 11. in.. Ik.Kii noon utid 5.00 n. m. and AlU-iilowu ut 7.-0 u, in, pj.jj noon, 2.15, IU' b.si p, in. Wuv ran'iiu'er Tialn ieit-.s riilludelnhla nl 'kiu.ni., conneitltiH wllh similar tiuln ou lut .i. iiilhoad returuiUL! Hum nLiuliiHiuLii Jio.m. bioppillif Hi- Hll not l It (ill, l.i'.ou iiiiittviiui ii l u.iju u.iii.. iinu ii.iii. crmlon at lu.oou. m.t hhamoklti at 5,10 und 11,1 ii, m.( Ahuianu iii 7,uj u.m. ana i.',uiumiu wan miov Cltv ut 7.15 ll. til. Uliil l.Vtl n. m. 'rutiiuniiiL nt r..v u. ui., niiu,i iu, iui i iiuimviuuin, iuvy York, Hemlliib'. llatiiHbuitr.Ae. Loao 1'otu.vlllo via hchuvlklll and Hubquo. hunua lUUiadatH,i5 u.ni.lor U.urlhburt, uuJ ll, uu. ui., iu. nuuuiuvuuuu i reiuoui, Ueadlu AecommoJathm Train leaves TotU" ino UIU.1HU. iu.. ii.iHf.eM tteauitik: al 7.fiii a. m.. ur riviuti ii v i iiniiui. 1 1 hi m Ht ju,u u, in, ItlitUl Ullltf eases I'lilladeUdiia at 6.15 n. m.. naHnluu Itemi- ln ui 7,V) p.m., uiriNiHKut t'otuvikiu nt U.tu p.m. 1'otUUiWU Aix-ommoiiaUou lium. leave PoiU town at O.iJ a.m., KluvnluK, leuos PhlladelpUU Ui I'.Ul. Columbia Hall road Trains lenvo Head Ins l 7,'J0 a.m., und tU5 p.m. fur t;phruta( Lttlc. Loucju- iei , iiiiiiuuiti. uv., I'erklouien Hall HoadTralus leavo 1'erklomen .luiictlou ut 7.17 u.ur u. in.. .vii iNin. in. return inu: euo tsi.llweiil(.lllo utO.IJi. Kl a.m., iw uuou A 4.45 p.m., couuoetlug with -ludlur iruiuu .in l(..mllii( ltnHn.ti.1 L'oUbrooktliile Hullrooil trnlnx lfaeI'olUU.wn at v.iaH.in,i!t ii.iu.returuiuti ie.io .aioiiui Pleufanl ut 7,ou uud ll.H1 a. iu., a.w p.m, couutci Imt unit similar tiuliisoii Ke.idlui: Ualltoud. Cliehltr uiiey lailiioau i ruins teuvu ujiue orl at h,ois. m. und ami p. m. rcturutug. euvu Iiowuluulon at o.tu u, iu 1,! noon uud 5.ii p. iu.. cuimeuuitf Him hiimiur traim. or Heiuling ituliiotiu. OnKiimbii'.. lenVeKew York at S.IK) rOu..itiU phu at h,w a.m,Hiut,15p,m(tho u.in. irulu I ltlllllUHi.il' J iuiiiviiiiiit imi lii HltJO,wiu lluiilhbuii: nl ilu u. in. uud All u.m. aid h-He AUiniown ut 1 W uud a it p, m,, and liue ntuiuti, nt i.iu it. ntiiit n.uv , in, mi .mu hui'Kt td aiau, in. loi Ntu York, nl 7."o u, m AUl'lllimil UUD III I'.iU U, III,' HUH t, 10 p. ill. 1 uumici) inn, l.'omiuuliihoii, iMltenKe, Hcukoii, Hchom .1 r.xuuiIou 'iuktu lu uud lioni utl puluu.ut u uui tu mivn. Hugrfuiio tl.tiked thioujh; loO pouudH idiove- IHIU 'Hr-ufc;1 J. K, wotmi N, Aul, Hupt, & Kiiw, MiM-h'iy. HeHdltm, l'a., April S, Ml, UKK DKKIJS. U'n now bftvn thn fltu ht OKhortinent of 11LANK IiKKIik on biiii.l ninl lnr katu ihut were eer In ItloomtburKi l.urito klu ou hct parchmeiil paper, Liiiumou iH'eiu, iieeuw whuu .uiuiuin iratorN leedk-biuull bU tfood paper (chuap) LDllimUIl IIIMXIU ac Legal Notico3. A EMINISTHATOH'S NO'ITOE. ,. (JITATRnriSAAlKlllOOVItll, llWll. 1-ttcrs of ndlnlnUlmllon nil Ihfl ABlnfi. nt s.ino Oroover, luo of Con Iro twn.. (Siluuililt -oil III l ilCn il.. linvnltnAii urntilAtl l.vihi. II ..uf or pnnt rtiuul, to Hamuel Neyliard if mum Plnor. All nersons linvtnif eluliits up ileii,n.i4 rotnlnst. Iho UecmlPiir are reiiuetoil ti inxlcn llicm KUOWU.nud tliosA l!i'leltil ui muke p ,v. infill, rmtUI'.L.NrcriMHIt, sepU'.l-Oir, Adlulnlstni'ir, A BMINIdTHATOH'S NOTICE. J.X. IJItATK 111-' TllllMAH W. IIirrolllN.4, u.'l- 1). iKillera of ndinlnKtrntliu on tho i-i.,n. nf JI10U1.H v. Iluichlns, Into of ilimin to nshiii, IJolUtnb 11 COtinlV. ,lr,-nnM.t. hrtt-n Itnoit .rr..,.i,. f by tholliBlstororsaii ooiiuty toHuiiurl cre isy. of same townsldp. aii norsons Imvl u - mm ordemnudt nsalnst the i.acodeut nru r.on. .j1 to mnko tut-in known, ami mow lu lo 1 to make pnyineut fltii jiu drinv. eepU'71Ct Admlniiitratjr. DAlINiaTIlATOU'B NOTICE. MTATK OKUFOItril W. YfAflHlt DRO'n. I.tfrs tit fulmlnUlrulbm nn iim n (JcomoW. Yoatter, lato of JiOcust tfp.,riUimhii oounty, ilecewod, Imvo bren cranivd hv thn Ucltcr nt nalil county lo Margaret V ikithihI ltcuhoa Fa hr I liner, of lyicunt townnhli.. Ciimrt. bln counly, Tu. All persons hnvJtuj i 1 . ni PKainxi i no cnuitooi mo uoccueiu nro leUi -.to I to present them Tor Meltloment, and thdso In. dchtetl to IhopHlnto tomnko payment to Hi. tin iltrili;ueU, admlnlBtratorH, without delay. KKUUKN KAlXJtlNOtU, nept. 871 6v AJminlstrnUni, AbMINIBTllATOny NOTICE. EST AT B OV WILLIAM HM1TII, 070'D. Jitters orndmluiHtrntioTi 011 tho cstnto of Wll llamkmlth.lato of LotuU township, Columbia euunty, deeeamed, hava Iiopii t: run tod ly the uemiierot ruhi county lo iicnjatnln Adnin, or IiciuL township. All penom havltiK claims atfalnnt tha cstato of tna docodent nro renucalnl lo nresent them for m ttlomont nn.i ti,,.. in. ik-hteil to the oitnto to mako pa) ineut lo tho uu dcrluc(J, ndtnlnUitratnr, without dnlny. scitS7l Ct. AdinlnUtraUir, IXECUTOIl'S NOTICE. JjJ IMTATn OP OKOHUK SWANK, PttL-'n. I .otters tottamcnUrv on thn t-stjibi ni n.- Mwank, lato of MllUin luwnihlp, t'olumota cruinty,decd.,havo baen granted hv iho Iti'Kli! r ol nald county to Htephun M.Hwahk of iuiUiii lownshln. ( Vduiubln count v. All TM"--io'ihfvimf elalnniiKiitmt tliooHUilonrerotpiwttod to present iNi-ui iu mu ifcuiur in uuiuuioia 1 ouuiy, ipa. inuKi) iii'tuuLvu hj inu "iiiiiu cuuer ou iioie.jua ineut. ui'jrtu(io or book ncootint wlil naako payment tn inu lUecutor without ilelay, . nii'.nirait.awANK, Her t. 871 Off, liiocutor. AD.MINIST11ATOIVS NOTICE. KHTATI! Of (1KORUK MAHTEItS, TJLO'D. ijt'ttcrt or Ailmlnistratloii, ou tiie estate nfOeo. MasleM, U!o of Uieeuwool township, Otlum nu i-rmuij' t-it-it, imvo ueen graiuoti uy lie es s ur nt said conn:v fa Win. t.i.. -u .if Millville. All pernom huviuu clahiuntcatust. tha uito or Iho decedent uro iimiiil-sLimI iiinnsiPt them for Kultlometil, uud tiin-o indebted to tun estato to make ihiymeut to the uudcmlguud, ud- Administrator. T?XECUTOIVS NOTICE. r-HTATii oi- John MKimu.b. nr.c'n. Loiters icsuiincniary on tho nsutu or John Merrill lata or Hemlock twp., Columbia eountv. dee'd., navo hoenKntntod by tho UeKlhtiTofnaid ct.inty to Uiwko Winner, or llumloalc twn., Columbia cnutllv. P.-. All rcrton linvtti.rnlii.w Pin'iiMt tho CH.ato r o reqiioited lo proeut Uioni :. " . ji"k-''m uiuiuoli ouu 1 nr. i'a, Thoio 1 lido b tod to tho c-datu either mi nn-n, ludffiueut, morlKfio or book account will tuakn poymcut to tho Uxeeutor without delay. Ui:UUUiS WINNEU, Bcpt, 2,'7I-Cw. Uecutor. pXECUTOH'B NOTICE. J J K8TATK OI JAUOll YOUR, DtX'Tl. letters tOKtaniPutary on tho ostnlo or Jacolj oho, luui or Mltlltn towiiHhlp, Columbia county, deceased, Imvo buen granted hy tho Iteclstcrof said couuty to 13, It, ilrowu nnd J. w, nhc.of Milllln tounMilp.Coluniblnoouuty. Allpumonn iiavliiKClaltiiH iufalustthoiUtoarurefnirHteil tit nrebent them to tho IJxecuujrH lu Columbia uouniy, Tltoao Indebted to tho twtato olthe on nolo, Judgement, mortwago or hoolc nwount Mill mako paymont to tho Kxecutorn wlihojt JeUy. K. lMtUOWN, J. w. IUH1., septJ.'Tl-Cvv Uxec u.r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LHrATisofc-ntoiimt w. iiuwman, ii:rP. l.i (tern nf udinlulsir.itlon on llio c.-dnlo Hlyhter W. lloniau, Utu of Oran-;o towiHhln Columbiacounly, doe'd., h.no bcyii uiuni j , tho Krister ot said county to Kltxihc'Ii W Howma.i and John M. WuJsli, reidm in Or nnyo towitsnjp, Columbia county. All person hnvltu; claUus nyain a tho est.itoof llio it.-i i-dent aio ii imested to pitseni lliiin for M'titt'incnt, and thoso indebltd to tho evtatoto make pay incut lo luouudeittiKued. luliuinlstmtni'.wiihnul delay. IIIA'A Vlll.l'U W. HUW'MAN, JOHN !. WKUSU. oct 1J,'7I-G AdmluHtmlors. B ANKRUPT NOTICE. In Iho Illslrlct Court nf tho Unlto 1 BUtoj. l'or tho Wntftn Dl.tilrtnr lVniMj-lvanlu. in tnu imiiier ur Aiirou .... Fulmrr, llniikrupl. In H-iUKruptpy. 1 1 Is o.dorc il thn t n klnnil i-n..nl n.n..l (.,. nf tho crL-illtnrn nf Kill., lt.iiil.-t.imi i.n 1...1.1 ...-.1... MH ,Vr.J.'' Whllmojrr.nt Illonmvlmri;. IM., In i?'',l.'?lElrlcl' ". !'"' ,llfct ,la" "f N.ivi-iiili.-r, A. I . ' "'"'l0'1 '.Vlnrk, A. St.. hrforo K. Otcrtnli, Jr., ono nf tho Ui'Ulib r-l In Ilaiikrunti-v liikal.l illstrlct, lor tho rurini-p. nnmpilln tho27iut.ee.. nuu in 1110 uuuuiupi act or .-.larch 'j 1. 117 octl3'7l-tf. Am aln. UPITOIt'S NOTICE. A, c. & F. II.trir.nMAs . 1 In tho Court VK. llVilnniniilllniiun RAMtJEr. Sc-iiwei'it.viieiskr) Oilumbla Count . ...Y, o ui oL-iiiuuiutr lenn, a. u., i.v Notlcola hereby kIm-ii that the umleri.Rii(il, iimlltor, nppolntcU hy hol-l tourt to niiiku dv-til-liulloiior Iho prncruds of tho hhorllPH HaWlui t unaer i-tiUl writ, will prncted to tho dtnch:irc;oor "i" unlit--, ui mi itppoiiiiiucui 111 mo iniu'oiir Muinuel Knoir, I'so. , lu llloomsburB. on Krlduy, tho loin ilay of Novcmln-r licit, at W o'clock In tho foreuouil, when and wheru all lHn.0111 h.iv Ini claims Itnon tho fliml arlsiui from viild kiiIo ait K-iiulml 10 prcMt-nt tin 111 to tho auditor, or uu t11.-1j.111 uu iruiu cuitiuiK 111 upon Rain lllllll. . . . " . " iltl, ocI,C,';l-Iw, Auditor. pUIUjlO NOTICE. Whereas, bv tho X llth section of tho Act or tho General Ah. hembly ot tho Comnmnwtalth nl Pennsylvania, nppmvtu iiuy i, 4t it, is.i,eimiieu "All act tor mu proitcnuu i hiiimon, uiaeit oasa una oiner food tlKhes newly Introduced, or to ho Introduc ed, into tho rlcr Delawaio and husquehanna nun tueii u luuuincn ; lor utu pitiiceiiun nivooi closes nalnM uuliiwiul tlnhlnu, utid to prevent tho lutro-HU'llon of prtdatory llslus into trout RtreatuH a id" lor other germano juirpoeh;" It U iiuiuo ino uuiy ui inu heveriu c-iicriiii oi inu counllpft nfKiild Commonwealth hitvlui; lur - diction of tho btieaiiis thereof, whenevtr they fciuiii oiscovcr, or uo iniorineii oi ino cxim.-iuu of any contrivance for Iho catching of tlsh, bticli iw nro commonly known in JSli baskets, tel weliH, kIddleH, orush or lawlne neU, or nny other permanently hetiiuans of taklnu rlsli, lu iho naturo ofn neine, to Io ten days notice lu two newspapers of their le pectlvocountteK.luat tho said contrivances nro known tn c Kt,Hiid aro declared common nuisances, unit to oruer them to bo dismantled hy their ownern m lanii ajjers therefore. In eonfoimlty to tald net, I, AARON HMITII, hherlll" of Columbia comity, lit re by glvo - M . am a1 U Mrt n.,. , iwulu iu nu viiuiii ii may wunuwiiij Hint tho contrivances for tho taklnir of Rh In ?u(d act mentioned aro known to exist In thu North lirancnoi thurtusnueiianimriver.nnd oilier HtreauiH within tho county of Columbia, that Iho humo nro declared to ho common nuisance, rod that the owners uud muniiKerH nf said conlr v am en nro hereby required In dlsmantlo nnd luovo tr.oamo within ten days utter tho pulri i -a I ion hereof, under tho penalty of lmvti inn Mime dlHimiutled uud Uinuvod, as In Mild net 1m ptOVUlCd, AAUUN r il It 1 1 . oueim oi Loiuinoia county, l a, Nc 'OUT! IEP.N CRNTHAL Ki- Ui WAY. On nnd after August tan 1S7I, Tralnc will leftvoRuNtmitv as follows : NOUTIIWAHn. 1.10 A. M., Dally (rrcept Hun invito Vd,lnm,-,vrt me r uuiru i iHiiiiiuiiiKiiii, iw 1 '"ni, HutTulo, HuHpenlnu BrUlyennd N. I'll IK ,10 a. m., Iailv, (except Suudays)for WiUli ni hport uud Kne. I..15 r. M Dalh. (except Kundnvc for 1 imlr iitiiiain and M'lynra r an, i 1, i.riu luiircid from Kim Ira, THA INS 8017THWAHI). 4.10 A. M.ltaily (except Monday's) rorUnltluiore WILMINGTON AN1 rillLADKUUHA 10.5 A. M. l.illv(exeplKundav,s)for Haiti mote Waniut:iou ana A'uuaucinuia, l. H. YOU1SO, Gencrnl Vossumer Akt'nh Ainiro H. r'tsK.aerVl.ttup't. , riATAWIfSA llAILUOAD. 1.71. HUMM HI AllAXtlEMr.NTH. PafcROUEor Trl inn ou thla riiiitl will run ut lows .Kail South. STATIONS, Ja Xorth L; p. m 5.V " 5.10 M i.m " " 4,1a m 4 .1 2.T, M I.v. K.Mo.m WllllamsiKirt, " 11.1m " Jliinoy, " tl.lil " Milton " lo.si " lianMle, " 10.3,-i " ltnirt. " 10.41 " t'utu.vln, " 11-Mi " Hiimio a, " llt.inrt.tu. Hiitni."!'. " 1H.S.1" niiiiUnkc, 11 j.jp4S 11 i Muhciy June, " 1,! I "JuticTainurp a, llluo. 0 4,i5 " lli-adlnu. 11.10 12 82 lu.W u.tr.. o s.n 1 ihi.miio, 7., 11 " rhllndolphla, " k ts " " "dluoMaucliOuuui,dluc-" !.Uti.in ' 1UI " llethkhcm, lilOnoon " aui " 1'lillu, via llelhleuern, " h.i.'i a. ia " V.M " l'Mnti. " 11.54 " Jitw Yorli. n. l.Uerlyst,. " nm " v nUAH.'ll. It, ' S.ro " " tfiH " " 1 Vailiy 11. Jt, " .. " KM a.m. lii.non, " lunimt 1'a.ti riticiwlnlii it the ..." train fir.jii iilluin H ort, will 1 I'M-' Hii'lictirhlit New Ym):,ior iui t'l-r, atul atrltplu lioitton at 6.i:o a.iii,, idcMn liotir lu atico of all other routi.. New day roarl-e. pccoriipany all tralna If litnii Willluiukiort, Niw Votk ttvd l l.Hmitl- rhla. Train, run through hy dKyllght. ii:o. wiaiu.Bupt. VKl'll'KH 1I1.AM.K Htilllluctl., l'lKCUlloud il r-uti u 11a., WuirMiiU. Ac, ciinktantly u J tar. kUll (or Halo t thu tUMKHIAN OttlCV. in tor U' keul P71.