The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 20, 1871, Image 1

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One Inch, (twelve Unci or It) equivalent In
Nonpareil type) ono or two Inccrtloni,
tlircolnortlon,,l2.00. '
BPACI, 1st. 2Jt. SM, till, T.
Onolncl U0 11,00 J,00 (1,00 ItO.liO
Two Indies......... 3,M 5,00 7,00 ,( 18,00
Thrco Inchon. J,o0 7,00 0,00 12,10 lS.CO
Four lnclic......,7 00 9,00 11,00 17,(10 23,(0
(liiartercolomn,.10,(H) 12,00 11,00 SOfl) SO,"-"
lla!fcolnmn.....15,00 18,00 2000 80,00 00,(0
Onocolumn....j.80,00 80,00 iOfiO CO.OO 1CC,C0
Executor', or Ailmlnllrator'i Notice, IMO
Auditor's or AMtgnco' Notice, I MO.
Local notices, ten ccnln nllno.
Card lntlio"llulncml)lrectory"colti!i n.f'i.lO
per year for tlio first two llticj, and for each
h I'UHMaiiui) uvi-iiv otuday tioitNJNo
tn Tim coi.umiiian nutunren rtBAnTiiis
KD1T011 AND 1'1101'nlETOn.
Terms-Two Cellar: a Year pyallo In advancs.
$2 CO II list paid till end of year. $3 00 if
lender credit m lven,
Ofall description., exceiileit with nerttnem nnd
tlu-patcli nl rctisonablo rnle3.
VOLUMliV. -!,(). 42.
Columbia County Official Directory.
;vu(fiiijiv-v.'ii.uAM i:t.wr.Lt,.
AiiMiate Juiiici-lKAii, Isaac F", More
""'rottonoMn, itf.-WrM.mnTOM If, Kjct.
llriiMcr X "iWilrr-Wll.MAttsori II, JAC01IV.
Jlt,trlrtjtllirnru-K. II, Ii;i:I.Ell.
Wirt rll"' 1 A A 0 1 1 KV ITT.
jwimiimt Daviii Ixivrmnrnn.
(,mmliihncu Wlt.MAM II, (JUICir, CYIll'9
llniiiiiss, IImam .1, Urcrniin.
H ivmli'lonr!' Hcrk Wtl.l.IAU Kkickiiavm,
AutHlorf. U. J. (JAMi'liM.l,, A, J. AMlEllTHOJT
DANIU. 1,1 K.
t cteni r John II. KourK.
,''r'eb'tliil.n'nrrJ HAAeMoIli'.tuE,.JollNMC
e -I'll A iierdiemtcnt O. Hauklkt
nil 7'or Mtifr Dlrerlnni, H. II. MlI.t.FH
ft 1.1AM li KAMI' It, itliiottubttrtr, milt JOIINSJII
i 1 1 iii.criinwnuil,, Hic'y.
DlocuiEburg Official Directory.
iirl.Mff rUmlinfl O. JOHN A. 1 CN3
lent, II. II. ftltnix, I'usliler.
t A'f '('.lull JlfiUk" CIIAS. It, l'AXTON, ln
rrsrix. ('nlitir.
ttiitl I t unty Mutual Snxt'no fiwiltitut HIM At-
on-,. II. Htm:, l'ren't., C, W.;,
llli ni'l.itff lltmlwtl ft). Jolt) A. l'UNSTUll
I'll Mill tit, 11, II, (Iikiiz, I'uslilrr.
Jtr't A'f '('.lull JlriUk CIIAS. It, l'AXTON, 1'rCH't ,
.1. i'. j rsri. i iimucr,
Ctrl' ut'''i
Hi i-'i.
JlliMntlvtp Xuihltntf rtntl Sartntf TVml A
litii John Tiioma.. 1'rcri't., .1, 11. Kohson, Hcc,
J.'oi.iiu'itrff Mutuul Kaitng ruiitl A MnrlVifion
.1, J, IJKowint, President, il., Hec'y.
Bloomnburg Directory.
TjAl'l It HAGS Just received and tor uilont tlio
TAfOfl Mim, dealer In Moves nnit tlntrnrc
Mititi Ltrcel,ti)jovo court hoime.
DA.V11) I.OWIINIIKHO, JloichniitTallor, Mam
hi.. !M iloor tibovo Aiucrloan lluusc.
UTJI. SIOIMtlH, Jlerclinnt Tnllnr corner of Cell
II lie uiul Jlaln n over Mlllcr'a More.
l)HU(Js7(JIKJ(;Ax,ssl. '
lj ). l.l'T., liriir!tlilnmlAiotliPcary..Malu M.
IJ. lielow the I'iisIOIIIco.
HOYi:il Ill'.O-t., I)ni2i!l; mid Apothccrle.t,
111 llrwcr'B hloeit Main tt.
1 1 i:NllVZUITIN(ii:u, Watchrn. Hi.Ttnclea &
ii.Ieivelry c.,,MttliiKliii t mar Ht hi,
l II. HAVAdll, dealer In I'locks, Wnlrlien anil
l Jowclijr, Mailt l Jus,! holow tho Aiucilian
I DIMM llKltNllAUll, Willed nnit Clock innltcr
IJ niMrhiiuLlieniit curlier Miilunlul lion Mh.
p CATIIOAUT. Wutrli ami Clodt
J, kt't htriet, lit'tiiw Main.
ri M.KNOHlt, Healer In llontHntulRlioeH, lalisl
nml tjikt M) lea, inrner Main .Market
MU-etlN, in IheiiUI Tost Ulllie.
DAVID 1IKTZ, lloot nnilWinemnlter, Main at.
Iiulow Haitiiiaii'ai.lore,veht i.r Market,
Ul'.Nl'.V KI,i:iM, Matiuracliiicr ami dealer In
lloota anil Which, Uruccitia, etc., Mnlu hlrect,
Kait llloomaburi;.
IX Jl. llllOW.V, lloot and fi' ocmnker. Main
V. hlreet, under Driiwu'a Until.
tIt. It. a lKiwr.H, Huritcoii I'.ntl'.t.Malusl.
If nhuvo Iho L'ouit lliuise.
i:s'chalii:iillliHUiiver Wi-Lih''
l ilt. TO. M. ItnilUt, Km-K' .
17iliactLil Million t palu:
and l'hyalclan,
'Don aiiuu.
11, K. KINNKY, Klllii'i.n llontl"!. Teclli
I lactLil MitliouL i.ntii! Mat-i l.. iimii 1 mi.
pusltii ljplst'iipat C'liuich,
(I. HAUKMIV. Allnrmi... f)ttlri..C,l
llnnrlll KXLilllIU'.a HIolI:. hi .1 iha "r.xclinniri.
i until.
I II. Jli'lCllI.Vy.JI. D., ami riijslclali
. , lilI ill MUU Aillllll bl., Ul'UJM ..llli lit'l,
T It, I'.VANK, M, D KnrKenn and l'liyalclan,
tl h'uilli fihle Main atu-c-t.liidow .Market,
('. KUTTIHI, Jl. 1). Hiiikii.ii and riiyalclall
, .M.iluclhiuel,tuovu r,lal!i.
II, 1:(I1!I"(1S, Altoniiy-at riw, Olllcullart'
man's liulldln?, Main aliect.
rilllililKltY rt FAIhOY goods.
1,1 1't.l'KltMAN, Mllllni'iy and I'lllicy Oood
IV. iipposlle Kplhtopil Uhltuii, Main St,
ai ISM l.l.ZIH DAIlKIdlY, Mllllntr, llaintey
111 imiiiiiui: .Alain bueci,
I LlKH M. DnitltlCICKO.V, Mllllneiy anil Fancy
111 iinoiri, .iaiii at,, iii'inw jiniKti.
ti ItH. i;. KI.INi:. Milllnuj ami l'aticy Ouoil"
jI .M.ltnbltccl tuMOW .MUlKI't.
t:. .IllI.IA A. A HAIir. IlAliKI.I, Ladlca'
M ( lo.iksnndlneKH rattetllJ, boutlitasteorntr
M i'h ami weatatt,
I' III: M1SM.H 11A1I.MAN Mllllneiy and Faucy
I tioniiK, .Minn si., iii'inw Anieruan jitnii,e,
Orangovillo Directory.
1 II. liritniS'U & lIllOTItr.H.Onrnenleranml
il, lltilldcra, Main at., below l'lne.
liOWKIl & lll'.UllINO, dealer In Dry tlonda.
1) (Irorcrlea, lAtniber and Rcucral MLrcunitiltKCt
Main at,
tlttClC ItOTr.r, and refiraliinent ftalonn,
i Itohr M'llenry eor.of Main and l'lneat,
011. o, A,Mi:()AIl(li:f,,rhyalclanaiidSuri5con
Mnln at,, next door to Uood's Hotel,
DAVID linitKINO, Flour and Orlat Jllil.and
Dealer In cram, Mill Hired.
AMFJtll.lIAUMAH.UablnctMiikcr rTud Un
detlaker, Main HI., below l'lne.
SCIIl)YI,i:n & CO,, Iron founncra.Machlnlbta,
and Maiiltracltilcra nrplowa.'Mlll Ht,
(JAMlini.HHAltl'I.r.f-'.H, .Maker oltlicllnylmral
O U l 111 il Cradle. Main III,
W 11,1,1AM nm.ONd Hh.iemnkernt.d
turcrof llrick,MIUK1.,uiKt ofl'.no
I) F. DAM.MAN, Meicliatit Tailor, Second HI,
U , ill
, ltohblna' lllillillliE,
Dll.J. K. ItOltHINH. Ilnrseon and l'liyalclan
Hccnnd Ht below Mnln,
(Hr.riHUT & KMJJI:, dryBooda, srocciltB.and
T general meicbandNe, Main Hlreet
T II. KISTi.Klt, "rallawla'.a llnnso," North
u , Corner Main and Hccnnd Hlrcels., r.lllard Halonn, Oyatcrs, nml Ico
, creaiii In aiaaou Main hi.
MM.riltOIWT, dealer in OcucralMerchandUo
, Dry (Jooiijt, (Jrocerita ftc,
QUHCJUHHANNA or llrlck Holrl, B. Koilcn
n ba mler l'l imrklor.i.outhLitbt nil tier t.1nln and
Hecond Street,
M. H. ADI10TT, Attorney at law, Main Ht.
Buck Horn.
(I. ft W, II, HIIllHMAKIllt, ilcalera In diy
. itn.iN. cttji-i rh a mid eclieral melolialitlbc.
I- irat atnrii 111 aiaiih end nl town.
Philadelphia Directory.
:51ci7aiuson l. wituair, juT
ATTor:?r.Y at h;
NO. llSf-'OUTII HtXTlt HTIir.KT.
Ian. l'71-ly
t O Willi
l!ATrt,C.U,HTUAW COOIl.'-l A I'tHUI,
No.Ufl Markctflrrcl,
(Aboo Fifth,)
Bu&incnn Cards. a
'J he lllonm Ferry company hai had lla flala
and boata IhorotiKhly lepalred anil la now In
readltiCHH to do all uiunl fcrrylns at any lrnann.
ablo liotir. Tho ittidi iKlutied will ho lit alien
dnttcoatany tltno tnwall upon cmtoincra at call,
nprlil'n-ly JoitN U.tiUIuiC.
QUICK aAt.F1 An SWAM. t'ROtl'IH.
(In In
F.aat HlootnibiiiB I'n , lor all kltidanl thehial
liotito and city tiuuln
F II II N I T V It 1!,
Trlt'CH reasonable and tho biat torlt dniie.
Jan 171 tr
nl OHIO W A 11.13 11 O () nl H
girAltl'I.KSH A HA11MAN,
In eo.talderallon of lenrliiK down our woilta
mid rtbtilitlliifwhlrh wilt bo roiinnineed vi ry
aimti wo am ollcrltiu j Iowa, atovta, Ac, nt
Ki cally reduced prlcea,
U. F.8ltAUl'U:(SH fV l'.H.HAUMAN,
lUnomaburir, l'a, 1'roprlt tora
I! 7521 V A II 1 E T Y
Jon:; TmiMA j, awb c.'auikk j.tkomas
nox, 277, Illoomaburj, l'a,
Jal.n IT
M A II 15 Hi II W It It s.
lll.OUMMIIUK'J, l'A.
Montitnpnt, Tumlii, IteiUtnno-i, ftf. Work
licntty I'xecttled. orders by iniitl will leeelvo
ai' attention. N. n.Wmk ih'lUercd fieeol
ch iru'e. 'j'. I Ol'Nl'OM, Proprietor.
( 1'. O. llnX 2)7,
violin t,TitiNan or Tin: ihmt quality.
TV r AG A '. LN 1, DA II , Y A WE E K LY
ITjL ' FAl'iatSOFAl.l. KINIH
at Tin: ltootc sTottn orfoaiTr.Tin: coui t iiorat:.
Also nil assortment of roiteiiionnaies, Pass
lloi'ks nnd Account Hooka, eolislntttly on Iialnt,
llimka not on hand obtained on alim t notlco.
New linnka mo eotistiintly lielnt; aililcd to Ihn
" ltliioiiibtilf t'lieulnllli.t i.lhrnry." Amnli'i II e
latest Mo "Ouill and llnmei nei ," ".Mntlicr i 'K,"
"Mr Hairy," " HotHpur of," mid
" .Mcnuicm.' etc. npr 2V7I If
rjHK (JUlJAir JIAtJldvL"
TAX OAM 1111 l'OfNI
'lllli 'UMl'I.i: ANOII.IU OlttlAN WHICH
lll'.I I) OlIllAN.
r o it v
it ?
Will force n beautiful of WhMttrs or Mus
laiiio, In limn two to tinea months, on any per
anil nvt r twelvo veara old. IL la one of tho hiat
Iiieiniiiiiiins io inmtu tno miumicis prow tii'it.
I'M r Man lMinwu. One lioltle of II laaiiirtektit to
pui.luce nuty at! mil, bcaul. It dot a not In auy
way stain or injiitn uio utiti. Tty it i it is no
bllinbiti. l'rleo ti eenta ncr bnttlo. Heut he
mini post i n lt, lit any inlilrcKH, on n-ielpt uf
wiioi.i:hai.u oitoctus,
N. i:. Corner Hccoud and Auh Btiecta;
Dcalsra 111
ti:ah, sYisurfi cofit:i:, huuaii, molaihm
nicr;, sriCKs, nt CAiin soiia, ac ac.
iJB-Orders wilt rec, 1 e prompt attention,
may I0,G7-tf.
Busiuona 'Cards.
iu.oo:isr.ur.o, pa.
O-.Tli'K Court House Alley, In Iho Co.
t.f MtiiAM I itlldln,:. lJanl,'C7.
Oi'titcK over Lnt.'a Drue Hlore. lleldeiio Bin 1 1,11.1 UcorUlow l'.fcV. D.J. Waller.
(Ift'ire rnnrt lloiihO Alice, in low llltl CiU.UM
lltANOmee. DnlllltUa, llult-Pay nti'l l'elialnna
coiiecieii. j, iniii iimuiiu i a. rt i'.mm u
onlci-Main Hlrrct below tho Court Honsc,
Illoonibhuitf Penii'n.
Ortlco Court-IIoiiBn Allry, Uio Coi.L'M
jiian (Jiltpo, lIlonTnshnrK l'a.
IMOIKH IIOTi:!., hy T. J)tnt. Ti'ylor, cast end
1 or Maluhtrcct,
I C. MAltll, Dty (in(nN niul Not. emit, muiLIi
j .Mulu nmt Itoiiutu.
DA. IIIX'KI.IJY, UcMit (mil Hhoo Ktoio, books
, & Miilloi.ury, Malu t., below Market.
.rAroiW.Coiirfctlouery, erocerics elc, J
, nt., UtUi? Iron
l.M.X A wr.Iili, Conr.Ttlnnpry nnl Ualtcry,
1' whok-sale ami retail, I'xflifinge JHuck.
Me. nuWKIt, HnthpiiiU'Ht'n.Itoot'ianilHUoiM,
, Main St., nUtP Couit llouso.
l II. MAl'n, Mninira.lli (irnccry, lino lrn
t t (tiliti, I'liillH, ;;u(m, I'ruvhlou, iw,, Mnln
unit J i on MifclH.
rlcu. Addum
Art naihviup,
At la til h County,
QUKSTKit S. rilllMAN,
mill .I'.ukr In
cAurirr-iiAciH, vatjhix, fly-nits,
llL'l'fAI.O llOlllK, HOU'K-i:r,AhKli.TJ c.
wlili-h lio fit?Is rotiflduiit liu cm noil ut lowui
rate ttiau any other icitiiii iti 1 lie cotihly, i.r-fiiiiii.i-
n.r oiirhi?l-s.
nnop oi'posnu iuu ion ujjit, .iium miiu.
niooiMSsuuiu. I .i.
jy i: N T I H T II Y ,
ir. c, iiowmt, nKXTisr,
Ut'npcctfully oHtrn hi1 prnf. Hulonal hp
tliu liullbM and ti,iuu nu ll or liu.oinsiuiiatid vl
clutly. Ho IsiiU'Diiicit toatlcnd tunlltlf- vari
ousnpt i:i(lou In tho lino of hU profosxioii, and
W JllOVltifa WtlU 1111' lUU'Kl llU.IOYf(l I'tiKUKI.l
i Kf.Tn iiiiii wm no iiiist'iiiii ou ifiui piauni!
it nnd i tildw r htiM- tn look ns well iiKtho mil
urul tcc-tli. T i-tli ostrnrlcd hv nil tho iifv tAJ
inostftpiimviii niethOsiH, uiM ull opeiaiioiis on
the li'i-th p.iii'lullvand iinmriiv nttjiidf-d tn.
lU'ftldeijce niul (iltiru a lew door utiio III
Court House, hfiino nulo.
uioomi.uursr, Jan. 171 iy
Q. L 0 B V M U T U A I,
o r
IMIny rircman, l'KHkUnt, II, Frttniim.f-'
Cnsh ratdtal ovt r S'J.-I.Uhi.j.U piild.
UhliKUAI. a(ii:nt,
Tor Luztme, Lionilngand Columbia
Awe. M.'t'y-
MMCrJA'Y, Ni:.n': CO .drains In Dry tlnodn,
(Iroccrk'ri.Klout, lVPd.Snlt, l''Uh.lion,XulU,
I'lc.N, 13. t-or, Malu and Mm kit Ms,
ti IT. MILLKH A h()V
t, Oroccrifjt, liuci'iiMMin, l-'lour
I,iinna, tie,, .Minn hi.
dciilcrk In Iiry ioo,t,
nail, rmot'M,
l-tOf.HTAHI.KK lILANKh for wije at tho Com: St
J UIAN Olllec.
nM. CHItlsT.MAN. Kiddle, Trunk .1 llarueas
U. uinker, Hllivu'a Itloclc Main Street,
0V, ltOIllllNK,lUordealcraecoudd(Nirfroin
uurtliwtat coiner Mnln and Iroueta,
ll J. THOltNTON, Wnll Paper, Window Hbmlea
t'j. aud IlsturtK, Hupcrt block. Main at.
1 W. COItKLL, Furnltiiro llooina, thrcoalory
U brick, Main Htlect, weal ol Market at,
II ItOSUNSTOCK.PhotOBiaphcr.ovcr Ilobblni
A Kjur'H Hlore, Main at.
t II. KIII1N, dealer 111 Meat, Tallow, etc., Cliein-
l iicr!!iraniicy,!C'iiroAii)encan iiuitbe,
t II. UINUT,llt, dealer In pianos, organ aud
melodeonb,iit (I, W, Coreirafurnlluro room
(j A MUF.L JACOHY, Marble and llrown Blono
oWniUa, Last Itloomabiirg.llerwlck road.
WM. IIAIIII, denier In rurnllure, truiika, cedei
w lllow ware, nt ar the Forks Hotel,
fl FOs'iTH.aiuo Maker, and Whllo and Fancy
J, Tanucr,Hcotton,
n II. IIIDI.I'.MAN, Apentfor Muuson's Corper
IVTiibulnr Lliililnlr.i.' Ileal. ' 1
utOTi: linOI.'H. and blank NOTFH.vllhiirwllli
i nut cunt pi Ion, for tale at tho Coi.umiiian
ill net ,
lalo ftcni (ifiniany, offers 1.1s tirvhes tn tlio
public ns a i elcbialtd
nnd nil otlur nulmaK forwlildi lili ibniKf am
mndt'iutf. llu run nluu(s bo found vnt-l t-ldo ol
llcrwlrl; rrad, luntH, ll..lnroiiya iiari-io lam,
i:looinsbur, May 1-, l.s71ly,
Pi- uTinltl nn non nrn to thoplllreiifl of ItltK.Tns-
burn nnd vicinity, tUtit Jiu lmsjtud rofelvod a full
ana fumiuuio itHLuriiuciii m
WAhK, avindow hiiaui-s,
viXTUitra, foitra, TAhSKi.t..
and Ml otlK-r pnod.i In his lino of buRlnr-, AH
tho iiMriht nnd limM appiofd fnltpriii of tlio
d-iy nro always tu b lound In lil KtaMiiliinrut.
inar,5,'(y-tl Mnlu HU below Mnrlctt.
I lull nii.l i c.iiiiilf l rt unt I ill rti t. nl" rffiili tnndi
boots and (.hoi'h for nn n, v,omui anil ciilldun
ut riceiM-ii nun lor mhvui rta-soinutu uui'i.
:u h 1 1.-.- in kiilLiill cIuhfH of I'Ukloim if. The
best of work dono at short not It p, an Lt etnforp.
Uivolitmacntl. IJaiil'71.
i,UAU llAUl..JiU'Jtl,
MnliiHtn-tt ono dour above i:. Mcndrnhnirh
st on.
A rufc'o nsorimrui or hiovp, ucniors nnu
Hnne. ffnihtautly on baud, and for hiilo ut the
lowfht lati'H,
Tlunlni;lunll Its braiicbrncaiefnlly nltrndrutn,
and KiitKiartlou nuunmlred.
Tin woie or au KiiiUb wnoisaie uiki irjiait, a
fa I In leoutbUd,
Tin: midciHkm'd n-KiHt'tfuHy luloun tho
citl7-ous ol HloonihburR niul (.'oltitnbla county,
that they keen nil thoullU'U'ntmn.Ht'isothtoi'
coat nnd m UttPd lump nml for tuultlilhK pttrpn-
n, on tiii-ir wnarr, udloiniim ji K'-ivy. jsrai.t
Co'h Ktimnrc; Willi n t!ood pair ol HnlKtlo kralta
Ml III" WJJMIt, HI "IlliU ' t "'
l.iitewiso a iioiho ami wnfion, io utnvcr com im.
ninonni of rnal.tbfv Intend tulit i n a hiinoilor ur
licit, and il ai inu vtry lowcti prictx. ijeni.e
call nnd rxainluo lor youhelves ilnu rHrrha4
nnin uutlprslirnod will tnl:o in ex-
XcluuiEO fov Coal and Clrorerlt11, thn followluj;
IlKlilOtl ariU'lH I mm, iv) viw' hi j mu
tot'M. l.nrd, Jlain.Hlioulder.aiul hldo incnl.llutltr
Kkk. Hay, Ac,, ut tbo bliih-ft-t cah prl';tn, at bis
Oroceiy Htoiu, udjoiuiuti in ir comyuiu,
llloomftburir Mnr. lfl-lv.
a n u
ULooMsnuiva, ia,
Thfl tindciFlsnrd. mcrrf-t-ori of V. Wldnnt
MuUt Uhptrtluby anuounto Unit they luu
lal-cu thn v lUi'tiihllil.i d slnntl UTttitlv oct-u
pled by tlio nbno uatuttl, In Itlooimhursf, nnd
priiirttl totoutlnut' tliu 1 uvlnet-s of mamilac-
tutinsr-iai Eciinife', uy
vhou:ham; and imtail,
Coiirfctlorcrv of cvrrv htsla nnd l:li.d. AIwi1
Hit v will hn o at all time ii romnb to isur-i'tv ol
the Ik st and tti'Mit t-f liitad ard (hi Up, I'm I It s
d Mrlng anj Ihfni; In this lino ulll uud it to lUIr
muanuiKu io ran on uj,
'snddid to il.o cPtnlillKlmu nt. nnd Ladle h and may iiitionls'u us, in;iv nly upon
upon nt iui k 1 r aticuimn, , nnvotmnu'
khiuii oft lib i alrouauo It it si eclful vk.i1 c ltd.
li:ihpui.i i,v. j,i ntoii, iinu tuiar r-juip, in i.uyw
ami nuaii iiimi.imtH, ousinmiy t.n iiauo.
ii,,i.i.n t nirtJvi.i,
Mav 5. lSTl.-iv
Light Street,
T, OMAN A o WlitelwrlBtiU, lllht door
, iiDiivuntiiimi iiouh',
(OIIN A.OMAN, Mnmifuctmer and dralor In
tt tooln and blau-u
D H, 1:NT, ttcnlor In stoves aud Tin waio In
IV an uiaufuifl.
nlTKU I'M'. Mlllrr.aiid dtaltr lit nlllclmlKoi
I Oialn. Hour, l'tid, Ac, All lilmU niOiahi
) K. lti:ioiiAItnl4inodt'alerliiI)ryOoml8l
IJ' OiiituttNfiiuit tiiueral MtrcbundUe.
14 JTonrlttor,
1 Jl. WKHKlIJ::iSKn,IlootnudHlio-JHtoreand
u iiianufiifttiiv. nint. ,t rii uum. .....
I'0lto tbe-bleaiu Mill,
M&lu HI ret t up
0. II 0 W E It,
.ih oL-cnea n nhl-cl.A
at tho old ida ml on Main Strict, Hlnoi.ibbnrK.afew
ilOsitKiibovo tlio Com l 1 1 ou ., llUhtoiklicoiii'
posedot thu very lati.t nml bf KlKlylt uwr oiler
til to thurltliiiHtd Columbia County, lit) (an
lU'l-OIUlUOliaiU pill'lll' Willi i uu ioiiowiukkoihih
at tliu lowest intt-K, Mru'H heavy tloublo holed
kloa boots, meu'K double and i.Fnle tnp t-oltd
Ulp linots, men's bciwy htoga khot-a ofnll kinds,
men's lino boots uudhhol-s ot all cradew, boy'tt
double MilPd boots and.t-lioeHt.f ull kliuU, mt'u'ii
tjluve It Id llalmoral Hlioeti.miu'K, women's, boys'
HUH ITilhhl h' IllhWUK UaillTH, WOUU'II H lOVU lilU
1'ollhh ei v flnf.wnmi irsmoioi-to llaln oraluand
call rl.oes women's vtry lino lcld buttoned cull
tin. In Klioit boots ol all det-crlptlons btdli jig
ifed mid sewed.
III' VOUlit iui I nil in nun iu Mia uuv unnuil'
111 I'll t Of
at., cArK.runs anu notjonh.
wblcli comprises nil Iho new and pi.pulai varl
file at pihes whit h tiuiuot fall In hull ull, 1 lie
ootK aio olleied at tbo louthL tash in lex nnd
Will lit) KUHIlUllll'U UlK0 ItHLlhUiriMlU, J t'UM
In MillclU'd boioio pinchiudns tbenbero as It U
hellewd tbut belter barKHlnfi nru to b found
titan at any otber ace lu tbu county.
jtiu i ji
I'm: ham. A beconil-hnnd "Arloii"p!iinn.ri.iie,
nrno f.n.'i. cost $ Thla aupclliu liiatruineut
a In
IL la In itA( olilcr mid 111 l"7 leapei I
uiunl in a new nlaiio. Tirioa pm.ltlielycnali In
III! UUU I ll,
C. W.,
wna Imueht at all and Inn nileol private prop
111 New i oik, and had hull but ll lewu'ili
li he.
rdaucc, AilJltia
may M'71-if
Munch Chunk, P.i,
Ml W. FliOAll, Htiniuihiinm, l'lunlnii Mill
I anil ik'X Miimifiatiiili t,
Uv ualnu thla ailleto Iaillea and (leiillcliien
can bialltily Ihelnaelvia a Hioltaatnl liiltl. 'llila
Ik iuu "iiiy oi i ti io that wllliiiil attauiit nmr,
and nl the, nine lllnu ulutn ll a hiaitliriit nt"
tii'illillue. ll liUn ImliiiitiLli a. tiealltltli.a and
cltnti.ea. It call bu ,o upplltil na In cnllao Ihn
hair lo curl miy liuitlh nt tluiu iltslrtd, hent
by mall lor tu ua. a pin itaKi. Attiiieaa
Mlilillttovui, Adama Co,, I'll,
USilNWS ('AUl)H,
AC1. i 40,
Nintly niul ( hc(tily Trlniivl
Htm Hie Iiilialrilyleaol'fyieal e
A ( neinl aasniliiir nt or
i oNcnisriNAii,
Involution on Uio MuimniMit of n 'hv-
roitiKlIniitl Dog.
Wlioiitimno luotiilfiim ofmin rctnrnt in citrlli,
riikmnvn to alory. but upheld by birth,
Tliohculrdor'M arttxbuiuU tho jtmp of woo,
And (stored urni record who roils belowi
When all Wdotto, upon Uta tornb U seen,
Not n hat lio wai, but what ito fthiuld havo b:cu ;
Hut tho boor dog, In llfo tho flrmet friend,
The find, tn welcome, forf moid tudorond,
Whoso bonefitbonit H Mill Ids mailers own,
Who labors, flglda, live". bttalliti4 far him
Uiibonor'd fait s.unnol Iced all lih worth,
If l. led In llcavcti.thuftoul he heM oil e:U 111
Whllo man, vaIti luiectt hopot to bo fiirlvoi.
And cl.iluuhlniiolf asolo uxclmlvn he.iven.
Oh, maul thou feo bio tenant of an hour,
l)i based by sbivory, or corruple I by piwer,
WholuiouR thco well must quit theu with dla
Iegraded miss of autmatod dull
1 hy lovo H lust, thy Irlmubdilpnll ac.iait,
1 by smiles hypocrisy, thy wordi decoltl
Hy naluru vile, ennobled but by nine,
, IJach kindred bruto mtjht bll thco bUsh for
Yc! whopcrchancobihoMlhlMilmrlouru,
ran on It notion nono you wish t-jmourn
ToinnrU a lrlcnd's remains thesg Blnnci arlao,
1 tutr knew but ono nnd hero hu lies.
JIcii 'Wiintcil.
Tho McrlA watta intrii lnrsa hoatled, nnnly
men ;
den who H'jall Join tin thormtntid prolong
Tho puiltn of labor nnd tho laliu of love,
The times want htholars scholar who sin II
Thodoubtrul iltallnlt of dul-lor.-i yenra,
And Iimd tliiiaik that bo.irn our eounlry's gojit
Knfoon nomo peaceful Ararat at list.
UinnKQ wants hernet heroes who suill d no
T.n Initio In Iho solid lot let of tiuthj
T'lclnleh tho momstorcir.irby tho Ihioit ;
To inuiv opinion to a loftier neat ;
To blot tli3 t la of oppression out
And lend a uulvctral freedom In.
L'aj ( all M,il t nmli'.n bi
Mbfie, vnu( in Main html. Pm low Matlut.
urir, l a. auj,v.'.V,71-ly
i foio I uu bavin? f be-
Uio Kite KtV!lni'
cereal, except wheat. It U cultivated
very extensively In tlio East Indies,
nml iilonp; tlio coast, whoro tlio lantl)
nro maiBliy It u tlio only crop rnlscil.
It U a slnjilo crop In Africa, South of
r.urop'j, Norlli nml South America,
Coylon protlucoa n laruo iUttnlity In ox
vasi of consumption. Thcronro sovoml
variolic?, snmo of which urow on dry
land, hut tho Carolina, or water-rice,
iw It U ctllctl, U nsfluo ninny in tho
World. It crows very rapidly, and Is
often tlx ft-et lilcli. When It Is milll
clonlly hlfh to cover nnd hltlo tho
w.tlcr, 11 pro-iontu n hoaullfiil alKlit."
.Minimi (limits'.
Now nnd tlion wo meet with intuit
moth men nnd women who illustrnto
thonQlrmatlon that Klaiitsnroiiot uulto
a matter of undent history. Tho Scicn
tlfla American not long slnco published
tho followliiijinterostlnfj lntcrvlow :
"On Friday, January 27. tho iloor of
oitrolllca Ircmliled tinder tho trend of
tho largo3t client that over pressed Its
boards. Seating hlinsolf nt our desk, on
a chair (ns much out of proportion to
his bulk ns mi ordinary baby's chair
would bo to n commoii sizod man,) this
lingo Individual explained to us tho un
lino of an Invention for which ho was
desirous to sccuro n patent. Having
tinnsaclcd his business, nnd created n
very sensation among tho
nttmerouo ntUclics of tho olllce, ho roso
to depart. On his way out, our r.sso 'lalo
cdllor adroitly approached him, nml
niucei'ded In gaining from him tho fol
lowing Fi'.nleiiuiil, thn publication oT
which, lit our Ruber columns, will, wo
nrottiro, minister to that lovooflhu
mnrvolou, it trnco of which nlwnys re
mains, oven In tho most philosophic
"Tho iintiio of tho Individual referred dustrlcs, extendi!!,
Tlio i:iTttllic Alilllly of Ilrlt'linm Yoniirr.
Thu lorinon who Is faithful to Ills
obligations delivers, each season, nt tho
tithing hoiiKc, onotcnlli of tho labor of
his hands, Mm growth of his ncres, tlio
result of his vcnturM, generally small,
or tho liicrcnso of his llocks nnd herds,
No system of tnxntlon ever ilovlsed pro
vides for exactions bo enormous; and
perhaps no set of tax payers on tho
earth submit so cheerfully nnd meet
their demand with such scrupulous In
tegrity nml punctuality. For twenty
years, ono-tcntli of thu earnings of tho
community, now numbering moro than
ono hundred titul twenty thoii' souls,
and nveraglng from it.t early tlato In
their organization hero moro than half
tho number, has been poured Into tho
treasury of tho church, of which llrlg
ham Young Is tho spiritual 1'rcsldent
nnd solo temporal trusleo In charge.
Nono savo his associates nnd himself
can correctly C3tImato Iho amount ro
c-etved or disbursed. I'orhaps both havo
been over estimated. It Is currently re
ported, nnd generally bclluved, Mint
llrlgham Young has eight or ten mil
lions of dollars deposited In thollankof
Knclnnd, A hundredth part of that
sum would probably bo n moro nccurato
cstlmalo., Tho concentrated wealth,
however, of tho Church of Litter Day
Saints will not, In my opinion, lio found
in unproduclivo accumulations any
whoro; but ultimately, unless thwarted
by special Interposition, In institutions
of Industry nml skill, In railroads nnd
sli am wagons, in woolen factories nml
cotlon mills, grist mills nnd paper man
ufactories, newspapeni nnd co operative
store, cilllo nnd horses nnd sheep, lrrl
gnllngdltcliC'S, morlgiiges on farms, nnd
ndvanco funds to emigrant!).
Iu Uie.-e, niul n hundred unnamed In-
all tho way from
riio County A (lords
now Tin; chop is oiiown and iiai
A .Southern of tho
Kyrrteuso Courier willes of tho rlco
hinds: " There is a belt of land stretch
ing from Virginia down tho coast to
tho (Jiilf of Mexico, and moot of tho
dlstanio it lies low, very little nbovo
tho level of tho ocean, some of which is
covered by water at every high tide.
Tho greater portion of this land may
properly lio called swamp land not
allogi'ther given up lo tho domain of
Iho walcr, hut always damp niul too
wot for any gialn except rice. It Is
not i very Mvamp or wit piuo of hind
Mint Is lit for tho t ill 1 1 vntloti of lice.
Tho allttvi'il swamp-; lying along the
banks of Iho rlvi is having ti t!c"p soil,
to is Colonel Utith fioshen. nnd ho re. lioarllivcrtothuCiilorniJo.tbonccumii Ifo Mated capital of tho church will boscat
is a unlive or Turkey In Asia, and was tercel, us it is nueativ. to ti great extent,
bom among tho hills of Palestine. Ho Iu irrigating, ferllll.liignnd oven swell
Is tho fifteenth, and last child (tho baby) lug streams. N public or prlvato cu
of a family of nfteen ten sons nnd flvo tcrprise, nut b iM'il upon sound financial
daughters-sired by n patriarch now principles, can rngtuo tho attention or
nlnetv years old. Ivltnr in tho valley receivo tlio lmlorsemi iu 01 tuoaialiomct
of Damatcus, and by occupation ncolTco of tho west. No piiblie or priwito en
planter. This voncrablo slro weighs, terpnso 01 npprovcti merit nceel go
at tho in csont lime. C20 noundsnvoirdu- nbroad for capital. Tho managers of
poll, nnd hU wife, n,cd slxty-soven, tho greal overland rallroatl llntl in tlio
weitihsCOfl nounds. bead of tho Mormon church n prompt
,,., ,, , , . nntl rcspoiisll) o contractor fur millions
"Tho entire family nro living, anil I , ,,.' , ,,, , i,., ,..,
. ..It l . 11.. a-Art I "I llWIlllin 11 Willi ! ItUIIW.lU UJliailU-li'
mjt uiiu ii iiiviu t'iuii Jt'a? Liuiii yu
which Olrard lmmedlalciy de4,
Baying nt tho Bamrr time, "Well, Mr.
Strnughton, If you will not havo whnt
I glvo, I will glvo nollilng.' Tho doct
or left, n wiser limn, but carrlctl his
heart in his throat. Ho nover went to
church, nnd ns ho regarded one n et no
moro Minn nnothcr, hogavo to n'l alike,
for ho bcllovctl Mint tho building of
churches should bo encouraged, boiuti'ii
It improved tlio city nnd lucres .ed Mm
vnluo of property. Ho gavo live hun
dred dollars lo tho Episcopal Molhodtsls
to build it church on Tenth street. This
building was nftorwiirds changed to tho
Oolhlo stylo nml sold to Iho Kpi.-copa.
Ilaus, who now occupy It under Iho
namo of St. Stephen's Church.
A deputation from Iho new adherents
called upon Mr. Ulrnrd. They expect
ed nliirgc donation on account of tlio
grandeur of their plans ns compared
with those of tho urmor owners. Tiioy
expatiated upon their proposed now
edifice, but Mr. Olrard lUtcnol In Bb
lone, mid calling for his check-book
tilled tip the check for flvo hundred dol
lars. They wcro for a Moment struck
dumb wild nstonUIiment, when their
Bpoko3mntt said:
"You gavo llvo hundred dol'ars to
tho poor Methodists: you surely havo
omltod n cipher."
"Ah, gentlomeii," tald Olrard, what
you say'.' I havo mado ono inUtnko;
lot mo too I bolluvo nut; but if you
say so, 1 must correct It."
Upon which hu destroyed iho check,
styltig: "I will noteoiitrlbuloono einl
Your widely Is wealthy thoMelhoillsbi
are poor; butl m ikoiiodlslinctloii.yol.
1 cannot plcn-o you. Ho then waltetl n
moment, ns If In metllttitlnii, nnd pro
ceeded : "You remind mo of tho rich
man In Iho gospel. Ho would not bo
content with tho lilcs-iings which at
tended his ngricullursl toil', but was so
covetous that when his granary would
not hold bis abundant crops ho erected
now buildings for that purposo rather
Minn distribute his surplus among tho
suffering poor. Profit by his file, gen
tlemen I glvo nothing to your mag.
nlllccnt church."
ft A TT P I? I P '1? 4 eomimicd of ilecuyi d vegetables, best
VJ IV U JX J. IVl I KJ Si tj ,i,,,i r,,.-Il.iu i.iieeiiwn lint II imwl. Imwi
look out m bah
Come and Examine
IJcforo Viu'clinr-iiip; HIpcwIkto,
lot tiled that it can 1 eoveiilownl at lilh
tide, or it Is u.-eless for tlio puipose.
Tlio lands must also bu proltelid from
thu Kill Mater and from Mm rapid cur.
pounds. Tho oldest .son weighs C30
pounds, and tho youngest, our lingo
client, outstripping them nil, weighs
(WO pounds. Not ono of tho family Is
Icos than 7 feel in height, anil the Cob
onel Is n stripling of only 7 feel K Inches
in Ills hlockinps. I In is not nn unduly
fat man, is merely w hat would be called
moderately portly, mid Is Ihlrly.thieo
years obi.
"Ilownsn colonel In tho Atislilan
army In, anil u colonel command.
ing. Tho Scandinavian or Knglish emi
grant, who desires lo purebao n eow,
or a plow, or n btislnl or two of seed, on
credit, ciin find tho ncccr-saiy accommo
dation at Hie s:imo unfailing and ubi
quitous fountain of advleo and it-slst-
iincc. So absolute Is tho general conll-
ileueo In this Mormon prophet, that ho
Is ablo at any moment, without tho in
vestment of n farthing, lo wield n labor
forco equal to that pf ten millions of
dollars. For ho cm place nnd keep lu
thu Held ten thousand moil, who will
loll for years nc any uvocallon wlialso-
over upon his bare Indorsement uf ulti
mate profit. Unlike prominent leaders
SiolimbcrK 1S7I-H.
A. ' KVANhi
rents occasioiittl by freshets. South Ing in tho Mexican nriiiy nt Iho halllo
Cdioilna Is tho guilt rlco Klalc, moio of i'uehhi, May .ilh, ISiX, ami In which
being cultivated than iu all Ihn Stales Iho Mexlcins wcro victorious His
besides. Thu rivers flowing down rrom miner ut ono umo rcsiueti in t.eetis, 0f )uutlujil rings In tho cast, this man
tho lablo land of tho iiilirlor reach this Kugland, but returned to Turkey lu invosta Iu power nlono thoso gains which
low land ami .lowing theuco (o thodcn, 18 H. they unuander In flashy libraries which
Mirtud out ami havo generally a tlcep "Tho Colonel stales that Micro has they novo-read, and in nlcttires nnd
broad channel. Tl.cro is a voluino of never been any hieknci-s In tlio family luwels, and articles of virtu. of thovalu.)
water Miiiii'ieiii, ut mat tlio tuio win tosiioak of, nml that nil nre so farus and tiuitllty of whicli Mioy nro alike I
causu it to tit hack mr many nines, ho knows well nntl henily. Itwasat lKinnit. 1 lis duiiL'hlers'dtHviIesnrn tint
Along many of tlieto ravlms tho land i,i i,slc, (leimuny, (hit tho Colonel displayed lu their weildltu: trains. Ills
is as lovei ns mo km, ami n can no met his lalo iu (ho person of a fair mad- Utms visit the AUnnlle Huiis without a
flooded nt pleasure, dates aro eon- .weighing 100 pounds, anil 5 foot U loungi' ul .S.ii',il.'Lin.rLoni'I!ianch.and
hiructcil lurougii iiruiiciai iinuuiiu incllCS ill licit'lil : tlio union lias iron lurry fur tmiiillis In Knrrinn vvllliont .w
ments along Iho banks of the river, ami lessee! witli two Kins, who glvo prom- (iniiiiiiiiiL' themselves with Iho mvhto
wlien tlio tuio liingli inottiiicr is lei .lM)r rivaling their father lu stature, ties ottoitfjc il-)ioir,ov trinteehjuartmte.
iu nmi uio Linn ii'tutitu iuu gates Til0 Colonel Is a finely-proportioned Overland Month'y. NMien it oi comes mci.-sary in m,, . w. s ,v th ti nn and e hist e
draw tho walcr oil, Ihoi.titcs mo opened step, isu.-i straight as nn arrow, and lias
nt low title. Homo ol iiit -o ileitis no c0ai Mack eyes, hair and mustache.
very Iaifio ::ml interesting iieing
pre, arctl for a crop, ami me very lican- ".Similixo a Child." That domes
Mful when the rice comts up through Ucatroeity known ns"spollingachlld,"
1V1 iitii'imr, i'A.
WILLIAM lIUlLllIt, l'ro rlclor,
TIiIk Ilnusoliavliiieliccii nut In Iboronali rinalr
Is now ouii lu- tlio rtiii'lliui ul itiuits. No
lllllK Will OO MUlini ill i iisiiiu in" 1' I u v. nun-
iiLorilio travilim. Too 1'ionilelor bollclts n
Nlutiu or iiiiblln iiHtroiinuo. Tlio bar Mill bo
locki'ilatall Uiiu Willi lino llnuorj nmlclzars.
W. V. PIATT, Proprietor,
tills M'cll lcniiun lliiuiio ballot' lain nut lu
t but oil ull if 1 in 1 1' Is in iw i, i ii-ii tur Ibu 1 1't'i'iilliiU of
vIkIIoin, No jialllH lialti bu ll fcluillil InfliMilc
I lit. lillttl ciimlort of ttuistH, Jbo iioiilt.iii'
alro nun. a Htaitu Itotn Ibu Hotel to IlliKiuiKbiirx
unit luti iniulliilc iHiiuiH on 'luitilay,TliitiMl:iv
tiuii Siiittirility ol tutliMick, JauJ's7l
HH HAS Till!
i: D. s t v o it Ei ai i; ,
tlll'lC is Uio iiluco tu uu.
1 1 lu rrr. .Is nrn 1 1O1 rl pil wit ll ,nt-n niul bis ('tis-
lout W'otk 1. 1 1 1 1 iioiim ni laioriibly ;llii I bo last
l-llliriiiUl UIO lllfclllllllllOlO l-llj' ivltlllT.
(;i:kiv' cooos,
AV Aet Jhlslilnly Low 1'rlccs.
laiiol.iibni;:, Kt'it. 'JJ, 1S71-II
M A U 11
Anne e-i!otcs of (ilrnitl,
Tho benevolent Samuol Conies, ono of
tho dirrctois of tho Pennsylvania Hos
pltal, met Mr. air.ud on tho street, and
told him that tho Hospital wanted
funds, nnd he was i.bout to nsk hint for
i donation.
"Well," said Mr. Olrard, call at my
counting houso Iu tho morning, nml If
tho water, and throws Its iicttllo liko hs generally looked upon us n come
spears. Thc.-o fields must havo a so- futtij( of excessive maternal love ; but
euro embankment along tho liver, ami if H mother haled her littlo ono hho
must bo thmoughly drained by artlll- wuM pearcolv do anything worse. A
clal channels, so as to tfiko tho walcr noIletl child is ono of tho most unhappy you find moon n foollntr I will tloFomo
. . I . . I "
entirely awny whin nccctsary. in largo 0f living crcalures.nnd gonoinlly sickly, thing fur tho Institution."
llClllSSOinem inocilllHIieiailllvl'l' r,. Iie.sillCS tllO lUlVslCtl I'VIIS WHICH IIIO -ir. n,nloa nolloil ns ot-rn. ,1 nnit ii-na
cnoiij'h lo float n llat-hnttomed boat, imltilgenco of its uii'll-ciplined appe- iir,i ( in,nenmn iirooi-rt fr,.r Arc
which is ii-cd to convey the i.nrvcst to titM 0.IS;culers, lis temper preys upon ni,..,, rnMni mnat nr o.r. limn nvn,
FIXIjbr utlODS, jjATIuST h i'l iii-fi tlio place or simagp. his health. Toimmpir tho liltio lolKn Mi countlnc housel. nfler which Mr,
'I no laml is piowtti in winu r nun iu m nu ineir wiuins iu u c.ipricoa is p.i Coalea observed :
tho flint warm days Inspi ing Is Hooded, reiilal sin, nml ono wliieli is niwny.s vis- nxow wo will lirceeed to business."
Tho piepaiallou of Ihe grGund com- lletl upon tlio uiilortimato ono who nits "Well, what ltavo you eomo for Sam
mt'iiceslii March. The gioiiml Isnmdo neon thin irrationally piue.i. unu oi ue( n
as mellow as u giirtlin. 'il.o nui is inu iiiimioiaiu iiuii.iiiies ui uu: onmao "Anything tbeo pleases. Stephen."
town in (rciiches, nbt.ut lllKen Inclus is tnu uisiii:o nn which spoiieti ciin- repnca Mr Contes.
apatl. It lii'uiics t.l. ent thico bushels dren nro unlvcrMiiy rcgarticti. inu 0llr ncro Mn presenlctl
of feed to nn Hire. Tim seed Is lightly there nro worse consetpiencas limn nils. t.lipcl. fnr ionn wiIl., jlr coales put 1
For con.1 nn ami i.romiii Hens in iiiiins oniirs coviietl wllb will, nnd tho water lit in inu young is 100 oneti uuveiup- ,ln oeUet without examining:
and lemalns about a week, ny wiucii ul into uio ovetiioaring youin, into too "What I" said Glrard, In blsbioken
tlmo tho grain sprout?, when tho walcr unjust ami luiieiul man. ueniieness, KnB,ii( "ymi no look nt tho check
Is drawn oil, but when tho grain is n Ulutluess amt reasonauio patienco nru K!XVo youV
fuw Inches nliovo tho ground it is again absolutely es.enllal lo iho proper man- y0 . beggars must not bo choosers.
flooded for four or llvo Hays and men ngcmeiu oi cmitiren. u nen soverity is su,,,i,en."
drawn olT.antl the grain is tlion nliowcti nete.-sary, ii is uniauy necanso stuuu "Uaml mo bai l: Iho check I gavo
(o grow for four or five weeks, when it error of tho past lias iieen uuwisoiy Vou," said Olrard
is cultivated and Iho ground their- overlooked, e.r peib.ips winked at. in "N, ,i0, Stephen ; n bird in tho
ougltly sllrreil, ami linn Iho water Is eases of tills Ulntl every mow mat mus H worlh two t,0 bush."
let on. ant t s iloodtd fur a few tlajs, upon tlio Juvenlio ollcntler ougni, in itilv ooortrul" exclaimed Olrard.
mid then giatlu.illy drawn down and btrlct propriety, lo bo Inflicted on tho "you havo caught ino on the right foot-
again cultivated, ami aller Iho second who i.nieti io uppiy mo iiiiiu ,, tn
cultlvallon thu water is ncnln let on to remedy of remonslranconnti persuasion .ijio then drew a check for 5.100. nnd
remain until tho crop matures, which In duo Benson. Above all things, treat presented it to Mr. Coates, saying, "will
takes nbout two months, when tho tlio llllte onciijuuiy, nir ineirbcusu oi you u)w inok nt tyu
wnter is drawn off, nml it Is harvested, I injustice Iskeen nml Dlller. "Well, to please, thco Stephen, I
very much as wo harvest liiiikwlieat. will," said Coatos.
Tito eiop In a f.ivor.iblo season Is u Puiiso.nal Aitcahanoi:. I his Is "Now glvo mn back tho .first check,"
profltablo one. Tho grain Is threshed ono of tho-o things of ticeldent, resting aomandetl Mr. Olrnrtl, uiul Mr. Ciiates
nml c'lenneil In n mill. It Is Ireotieill V Willi iiitiiiie. .ui mini m nuiiiiui um iiiiiiieuiaieiy couiiuitii Willi ni" m.
fenttomniketbeforo tho hulls nroi'o- furm their own persons, mill nono luiost.
moved. Theio nro extensive mills nt should bo pinlscd or blamed on Mils it is customary to icltilo tho nbovo
Liverpool nnd New York for hulling head, i lie disposition for looking well, nuecdoto witli the amounts In thou
Tlio Old Jews a? Pai'iucim.
In his laws, Moses made agriculture
tho basis of tho State. According to
this prlnclplo bo apportioned to every
citizen n portion of land, marked by
fixed boundaries. Land grabbing spec
ulations woro provenletl by tho law,
which required nil lands In tho Com
monwealth to revert to tho heirs of tho
original owners on tlio jubilee) year.
Tho occupation of Iho farmer was held
in honor from being lltus protected by
thu fundamental law of tho Slate.
Nono wcro so rich or noble us In disdain
to put their blind to n plow. Various
means wero resorted to bylhu Hebrews
to increase (ho fertility of their soil.
Tho stones wcro gnthcied anil built in
to walls, water was brought in nque
duel!: from great distances, nnd inaiiy
kinds of nianuio wcro used. Thu hills
were terraced to tho very tops, and
planted witli vineyards aid gardens.
They cultivated wheat, barley, millet,
beans', ami perhaps rice. In agricultu
ral Implements tho Hohiows were n il
so far behind tho present age ns wo sue
prono lo think. Isaluli lived 700 yens
bofoio Christ, yet in 1 1 1 si tlay Iron plows
wero in usj, for lio prophesied of Iho
tlmo when swords should bo turned to
plowshares, nntl spoils lo pruning
books. The) passage shows, too, that
they butl instruments for pruning vines
nnd trees.
Tlio animals used Iu plowing Wire
eattlo ami donkeys. Homes were njt
In common uso among tho Hebrews.
ITio oilgiunl method of lKirvoiling
grain was to pull it up hy tlio roots, but
sickles w ero in uso nmoiig tho Hebrews
from tho Mino of .losliua. Hnrvcst
among them was n tltno for rejoicing,
cheerful senjs being heard In every
field. Threshing was e fleeted by flails,
tho feet of nnlmal-', or by drags or roll
ers. Vlneyattls nntl oiivo groves wero
extensively nntl carefully cultivated.
Culinary plants nml fruit trees wero
nmong tho first objects of nttontlon.
P.tlestliio wns snid to flow with milk
nnd houey. 15?es wcro highly esteemed.
Tlielr hives wero mado of clay, mixed
with straw, but stores of honey vero
often found in hollow trios nnd fbsuris
of tho rocks.
Ono romarkablo provision of tho Mo
saic law In regard toectlculturo win tho
Sabbatic year. Kvery seventh yenr was
a yenrof rest, not to much to tho farmer
nstotho farm. Nothing was sown, nntl
nothing w is n aped ; tboro was no gath
ering of fruit. Tlio object of this regit
lntinn soenis to hnvo been to prrservo
tho wllel bmils, to let tho land recover
strength, niul to tench tho peoplo (o Do
provident nntl lcok out for Iho fiitiu".
llut the peoplo could hunt, Ush, look
nftcr their bees and flocks, repnir tlielr
buildings or furniture, manufacture
clolli, or carry on commerce. Huston
Journal of Uicmlstry.
r.M'Y, 1-OLU.MIlIA COUNTY', l'A.
Tim itnilcri.l;iiiil wouM Inform Uio travelling bo lias tiilttu lliuitbiiionaiuiiil i-utub-Ilslimini
ami llinioiiitbly lttutcil Um mimo lor
tlio nerfccl coin culi-iii oof IiIhuucMs. H1n larilcr
ulll boHloiluil uiiu I bo best tliemnrutltilloriK
'tliocliolciNtlliiuoiK, uluix unit (larBulwayH to
bolouuilliililabiir. WILLIAM I'UniT.
Ian i'7l -U-w. l'a.
On ami alter OtTOIIIlll Kill. 1HI. l illtlilrllil
of a nci' ci ul, nil H o tui'llnl fctoele or Uio Cuta.
ivli-a llrlitvo Com I'll ny Mill bo I nia to tliuktoclt.
Iiolilt is nl Uio olllto ol Uio Tn akun r.
llI.ll,st,(III,lli:ilT,,'Il.l Tiitmunr,
n o.
ItavuJ-iAlrt cclnl from tlio tiiMciii itutrlti'ta
lai no atu Mill m It iHsl Ntoik tX
1) II Y a O 0 I) K ,
0 o N H l a T 1 H a n tr
Itciil bltuclicil A
lirnvrn .Muslins
Tablo LIui'tiN,
Cotlon ,1:
All woolininiln
AC, Ac,
A gooil stock of
Latest sl lis. puttMiin.
Kilsm of nil liliiils.
UoikI KltKk uroi'iilca,
Wooil A willow waio,
l'Uur .Si CUoi,
AiioKltclicu e'ry.lal Hoap fur running Tin,
llnus,o. Allgooasholilcliciilifor cali or produce.
Ho wimia call tlio attenllou of biijcru to hla
well nnit carefully tolcclcil as.niltiKUt nbicli
comnruaa every tlilnu usually Lent In me coun
I try, fooliiiS contlilcnt llmt no can fceu incin
I oooda at uclt nrlrea us v, 111 euutro mimnicuou
i.13'71-tf C.UMAlllt.
Mm rice, nnd Mint enables tlio dealer lo is ruining nail uio young pcopio in uio
put It on tho market fresh and white, world-causing them to study tbulr
Theio nro mills nt Savannah ami glares, nnd paint or patch, Instead of
Charleston, wlirro tho rlco Is hulled I'UisuIug that which Is lasting mid solid
for tho local market, Tho best hulling -tlio cuiuvaiion oi uio uiimi. u is
machines erst from $lfl,iW0 to S18.01KI, always u mark of u weak mind, if not
and have very Intricate machinery, n bail beurt, to beur it person pralso or
Tho rlco hefote hulled, If called poddy, blamo nnothcr on tho ground memo Hint
Tho mnchino lakes oil' tho hulls nnd they uro Imndsomo or homely. Actions
sorts tho crnln. After tho hulls nro Hhould bo tho test, uml a liberal soureo
removed, It Is moved out on Inclined of conduct pursued to nil. It matters
screens, which nro lino nttlist, nnd nil little whether u man Is tall or short
tlio small or broken rlco passcsthrough, whether thu blood (.tains Iho cheek or
nntl then a llltlu coarser, and tho rlco runs iu another channel. Fashion
iin,i " miiiiiihii' rlon ' ilrnim iiiriim.ii. makes tlio illirereiico us li) beauty. Tho
nml last tho " Prlnco rice." Tho latter lily Is us sweet If not no gay as tho roso
niiillK. Is linncr.l Ihrnnoli nmillior nllll It botHS 111) tlioril IlllOUt It. As to
Bcrren. which Is called lioTlsbliiL'. and iippcaraticc, fashion biioultl not bo ul
In that process Is swept clean nnd lowed to hef.r upon that which cannot
UIco Is cultivated iu all warm ho cliangeu, except ny iiecipuuii, nun
sands, hut a careful examination of
Mr. (Mrattl's hooks niul papers warrants
us In tuillliig It ns u have. Mr. Ol
rartl was so constantly giving Mint ho
rarely mado donations In thousands.
Ibid lio dono so a greater forluno than
his would havo been impaired, mid tho
thousands of orphans who become uso
fill citizens Mire ugh bis bounty would
havi- boon friendless.
When thu Huptist church was htilltl
ing iu tsaiii listiti street, Dr. .Slraugliton
c.illetl upon Mr. Oirind fur aid townrd
lis erection. Oliard was cold nnd fur
mal, nnd without snjing n word pro
bentcil n check for llvo hundred dollars,
which Straughtou lecclved witli nstou
Isliment, siiylug that ho expected ono
thousand dollars at least, "Ah, let mo
mo the check ; perhaps I havo made
A .nhedlh was pulled out of n Li
Cro-so man's breast, two Inches from
his heart. 11 was expected that n fur
ther search would dlsclosoasowlng ma
chine, but as the surgeon didn't llml
one, tlio fellow Is suspected of having
been in closo quarters with n prelly
Som; men will not shavo on Sunday,
nnd yet they spend nil tho week In
Hlmvlng Ibelr fellow men? nntl m ny
think it very wicked to blacken Muir
boots on .Sunday morning, nnd yet tin y
do out hcslltito to blacken their neigh
bor's reputation on week days.
I, Hi. lit
onimiiir nf ll,., ivnrlil.nnills used fur what Indeed. Ill reality, Is not worth one) mlitiikiV' Mild tho Frenchman
food by moro pcopio Mian tiny other I "10 Moubld of belugso, oven If It could. stmughtou ltturned tho document
A ijUAltUHI.soMi: eouplo were ibs
cussing tho subject of epitaphs nml
tombstones, uiul tho husband said :
"My dour, what kind of itstono do you
suppose they will glvo mo when I db-V"
"llrlmslone, my love," was Iho iifuu
Mounto reply.
Whatkly alludes to tho folly ol
men who unmask their bnttory hastily,
and then think of loading their guns.
NoTiiiNO h iiicio contrary to the
Bplrlt of charity Minn rash anil hasty