The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 13, 1871, Image 4

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IVcilIni; Slllcli Coni.
Mntiy ilnlrymrii got tlm lmir"wlm
tlml (jrcnt ylolda of milk nro llio it .mil
of particular hri-oila of cowhiiiiiI ofrtpoc
lnt brooding of slock for tlio ittilry.
Much .loponila on lireedi nml lirvcdliigi
Hiatruo; butUicro Is nnothor linpor.
tnnt clement In eocurliiR larRO milker,
which must not bo overlooked, ami that
clement Is food food that U nutrition?,
mllk-iiroducltiR, nbunilrtnt, nnd of c.ny
ncccss to tlio cows. Tho best cowl, of
tho beat breeds, will yield hut oor re
turns when fed on"scnty va.ture.iimd
moonshine." Jlllk U mado from tho
food that la Rtvoti to tho cow, and a
hirj-o yield require a largo supply of
nutriment. Ureat mllkcM uro tinlvor.
sally great feeders. Wo havo novcr yet
been nblo to obtain a cow that would
yield a largo amount of milk on a small
amount of food. If thero arobrceds of
this kind they havo not como under
our observation. Wo havo no faith In
cowsforlho dairy thataro dainty eaters.
In sclic'tlng mtlcb stock of whatovor
breed, tliu capricious stomach and tho
hetirtyoatocnro marks not to boiguorod
nuioiu tho well known charactorhtles
usually sought for In n good cow.
Wo notlco from time to tlmo accounts
of remarkablo yloldj of milk mado by
cows of dlllercnt broetU : and dairymen
often overlook tho matter of food and
feeding, thinking that tho great product
Is duo wholly to tho particular brood
named. Now, whllo wo would not for
a moment under-cstlmato tho good re
sults to bit obtained by Imllcloiu breed
Ing of stuck for tho dairy, tho fact must
not bo lost sight of that a great share of
the dairymen's Ruccaa3 Ilea In tho art of
Good food, nnd plenty of It, it necos
sary In order to havo cows do well.
"Wlicn cows aro coming In tho lust of
March or first of April, feeding should
bo commenced as soon as tho middle of
March at least.
i'roin four to six quarts of corn nnd
oat meal, ono quart of oil meal and
el ni juarts of wheat or ryo bran, (ryo
Is bcMt,) makes n good feed. Tills thould
bo fed until tho uilddlo of May, when,
if grahsla plenty, tho meal may bo drop
pod olf, and about twolvo quarts of bran
fed per day, up to tho first of January,
or until corn Is dry. Corn fodder 1
consider ono of tho very best articles of
food for tho cow. It should bo sowed
or drilled in, and as soon as tho pastures
begin to dry or fall, commonco feeding
It, undcontlnuo to food until frost comes.
It is then tlmo for tho field corn to be
cut ami shocked. This should bo fed
from tho shock until tho cows aro dry.
Thoy will bo fat, and can bo wintered
on almost any kind of lodder, and w 111
hold tholr flesh.
Tho cost of feeding cows In this way
will bo about $25 por head, and they
will yield, certainly, two hundred
pounds more chooso per hoad than with
out food. Then, too, tho valuo of tho
cows (by feeding) clthor to winter or
put Into tho markot, will bo increased
by at least $10 per hoad.
And more than this, ono-fourlh moro
cows can, by feeding, bo kept on tho
samo pasture than could bo kept If noth
ing but grais Is fed, while, by feeding,
many tons of valuablo feed goes on to
tho farm as manure.
But does It pay V Wo wllloco nUciiu..
it does or not.
Takn, if you plonse, thirty-two cows
with no feed but grass. Each cow will
yield about four hundred pounds of
cheoso. This, at twclvo and a-half cents
per pound, will bring $1,G00 .
Forty cows, with feed, can bo kept on
tho samo pasture as thirty-two without
feed, and will yield six hundred pounds
of cheese each, which, at twolvo nnd a
half cents per pound, will amount to
Tho cost of feed at $25 per head will
amount to $1,000. Tho interest on eight
extra cowa will be about SG per head, or
13, which, with tho cost of feed, Is to
bo deducted from tho amount received
for tlio cheese, which is jJ.,000, This
leaves a profit of ?1,952. Then, by feed
ing, tho cows aro worth $10 per head
moro, making $100 to bo added to the
profits. This glvos 0-,3-i2. Now, by
taking tho difference between tho
amount mado from forty cows by feed
ing, and fiora thirty-two cows on tho
samo pasture without extra feed, wo
find it loaves a balanco of $755 in favor
of feeding. Ex.
nr. .
Soruo'lllti.s on I'l-niiin? Trees.
A great deal has becu said in tlio pa
pers about tho bust tlmo for pruning
trc , and wo aro prepared to concede
that tho summer months nro tho best,
that tho wounds will then heal ovor tho
qul.kut, and that tho least Injury U
then dono to tho tree. If tho treo-ralsor
will mako experiments, as all ought to
do, ho will find in which mouths
wounds aro healed ovor quickest.
Thero is iv great doal of truth In tho
will, however to prune In winter for
wood growth, nnd In summer for fruit
but tho wounds in. winter do not heal
over to quickly, and water shoots uro
vory apt to bo thrown out when ampu
tation has taken place.
Tho true theory of all pruning, how
over, is to so guide tho growth of limbs
aa to havo no sovero pruning nt any
Start tho head of tho trco right, In Its
infancy, and if nny bruncho. nru going
astray cut thom off with your pockot
knlfont anytime No larger pruning
instrument should go In to an orchard
at any tlmo than n pruning knlfu ; and
no larger ono Is needed, If used at tho
proper time,
Tho effect of pruning is to regulato
tho growth of tho trco, and throw tho
sap into tho proper channels, to form n
well-balanced head with all parts opon
to tho sun, so that tho fruit may havo
slzo and color.
Many go Into their orchards sawing
off largo limbs, cutting off moro brush
than thoyloavoon tho tree, mangling
nnd butchering It horridly.
Thero nro Jaws for preventing cruelty
to animals, nnd thoro should bo for pre
venting cruelty to troos. Tho laws of
vegctaoio physiology should be as well
understood by him who ondeavors to
regulato and promote tho growth and
frultfulncss of trees as tho laws of ani
mal physiology should bo understood
by him whoso profession It Is to regu
lato and bring to a normal condition
tho animal system when out of ordor.
Orchards should bo visited ofton at
this Bfason of tho year with pruning
knlfo In hand, and kind attontlon given
to ovory tree.
Trees Bliould bo considered adopted
children and their ovory want attended
to. Thoy should havo a good, rich soil,
which should bo well worked, that n
thrifty growth may bo mado.
lnTost Cm. In Tvrll.
m 10IIN II. "KB.
Old Mrmcr II. I. n lbiy man,
Ho kcepa nil lio irel, una K nt. " 'i
lly nil his mends ho l MM t bo
As tight n 1 1lia onric " "' "
Ho wws to church, nnd ho rents nw, tho .Ilium lint lio Hi"" to ,h0 ,'or'1 nro fcw 1
If ho RiHt" heaven wllhtho good and ureal,
lio will 1m lot In by tlio tiunllost gate.
Now, Mi in. r 11. besides limn' nd Wows.
Kcci n uunibi r o( very line calves una cows I
Ilo inn'ccs no butter, but emls by express
Tho milk M tho city's lhlrstlti.s.
Whiii itn i ha cllv Talks liuow nbutt milk 1
They nro bettor Judges ol cloth arid lllt !
Not n man whnbuyi., I'll vow ran icii
lft water It not or wntcr It well!
If they do not know, then'i tho kin 1
i will tint tho narillnit water In."
Thus lilltc.1 lo tilmsalf, oM farmer 11 ,
How moan ho Is, young una ol J can see.
Ono Maht It was darX-oh, tearfully dirk I
Tho watch itoi novor runo out lo hurk i
OKI farmer 1 1. In tilt bed ill.l diorc,
Whonrapl rapl neatly shattered hll door I
Ana n volco cried out with n lianty breath,
" Your best cow; nolghbor, la choliliiil to doalh. '
Cllnplng oir tho end of n rouslu j anori-,
runner ll. bounded out on tho bod room floor
And tho midnight volco was henrd no mot o I
Ho pulled on Ida pahln, l.o knew nut how,
For Ida tliuuitlita wero nil on tha choltlnR cow i
Ho Hew to Ibo yard Ilka n fttihlened deer,
For Ida Hllnsi' sjuI was llllod with fenrt
looklnit Ml nround by his lantern's light,
Ho found tlml the cows wero thoro nil tight.
"I will giro n itluuVcrlcd .armor 11.,
" To know' who has pi A od thla ttlelt on mo !
Mny tho hnid bo stlinuul the lennekka fcoro
lbat knocked on my farm-homo door.
With a -cowl on his face nnd n .halting head,
Farmer II. main aousht hla nleo warm boll
No Rood tboughlscaine.lhey wcreallo'erpovtt'd,
Tho little eoo!1 naluro ho lind, had soured.
When ho went to water his milk next day,
Tho midnight volco seemed again to nay,
Aa ho pumped awny wllh a panting breath,
" Vour best cow, neighbor, Is choking lo doalh. '
Tho meaning of this ho soon found out,
br a Hone 1W1 en fa Oil Mpump' trout.
Old farmer 11., when ho drives to town,
Now meets his neighbors with a savage flown,
They amllo andask as Ihey kindly low,
" How gettcth nloug tho best cow now 7"
Morrow It. I,oiir)- ami Hie HorUy Moiiiit.Un
Jim Stewart, sometimes called "The
Commodore," is the most noted darkey
In l.rlo. dim is a good nattircd, shrewd
sort of fellow, somewhat addicted to
doing business iow and then on tho
Jeremy Dlddkr style, .n tho following
incident will testify. Living near tho
residence of the Hon. Morrow II. Low'
ry, he was frequently employed by the
latter to do odd jobs around the house
and In tho garden. One d.iy Mrs. i.owry
concluded that tho peccadilloes of a
worthier and venerable toni cat long
an attacho nf tlio family, wero such as
demanded tholnilletlou ot capital pun
Ishment, ami Jim was called upon to
play tho part nf executioner. After a
long chase, Iho victim was cultured and
put In a h.tskoi, over which an old shawl
was securely fastened, Tho next qties.
Hon was how to dispoo of tho prisoner.
Mrs. L. suggested drowning, but Jim,
with tears lit Ids eyes, protested that he
could no moro drown "that ere cat"
than ho could "drown himself; that
wero ho to tlo so, his cuu.ctence, nctlng
on it naturally lender heart, would
trouble him so much nt nights that he
was suro ho could never sleep thereaf
ter." Not wishing to ruin Jim's peaco
of mind, Mrs. L. compromised the
matter by giving him a dollar, and ill
rectlng him to take tho cat and dlsposo
Ol it in nny way no picasen, so unit snu
could never sco it again. Putting the
dollnr in his pocket and tho basket on
hi. arm. Jim started down town. Ho
had not got out of sight of tho homo
when ho mot Morrow walking leisurely
toward his home, and the following col
loquy ensued:
Jlorrow Hollo, Jim, what have you
got thero?
Jim Ono of tho celebrated Ilocky
mountain cats, salt.
Morrow A Rocky mountain c.U?
Why Jim whero did you get him, nnd
what nro you going do do with him '.'
Jim I golly, salt! Didn't you hear
ob do big bunch of dem cats dat kum
to town yesterday from Kalifotny, s.tli !
Best mousors in do wuld, sail. Dey aro
gwino to gib mo foah dallars for him at
tlio Itced I rouse, tali.
Morrow (lteeollectiug tho "general
cusscdiiess," of the family cat,) Jim.wo
want a good c.t up home, and I guess
I'll tako this fellow, but-but-don't
you think four dollars Is mighty steep
for a cat '.'
Jim All tho res' sold for Uvo dollars,
This decided Morrow, bo ho paid Jim
tho price asked, and told hint to carry
tho Itoeky Mountain cat up to Mrs.
Lowry. Jim, however, had very im
portant bu .Inefs clsowhere, and begged
Morrow to take tho basket himself,
which tho latter good-naturedly con
sented to do. Arriving at homo ho
took his prlzo into tho sitting-room,
carefully clo.ed tho doors, slightly lift
ed tho basket covering, and smiling
benevolently at Mrs. L.'s apparent as
tonishment, rouiavked : "My dear,I'vo
brought you n Ilocky Mountain cat tho
bcit mouser" at this moment tho eat
Jumped out of tho basket and com
menced rubbing himself against his
master's legs. Morrow stopped short,
whllo his wife broko In impatiently,
"Ijil moMorrowI Why that's thotauio
old cat I g.tvo,Jim Stewart a dollar to
drown not more than ten minutes ago.
What followed wo know not, but a
few minutes later, thu Hon. Morrow
Lowry might havo been noticed
on tlio streets of l.rlo, armod with a
heavy walking-stick, and wondering
"wny n man can uovcr find that d il
nigger, whon ho wants to see him had
ly." Aiiout thrco milts east of Pottstcwn.
Montgomery county, In eastern Penn
sylvania, Is a largo mass of rocks, situ
nteil upon tho brow of u high and very
oxtonslvo hill, which from its peculiar
nltrlbuto Is known ns "Tho Kinging
Itocks.' Those rocks ou being struck
with n hammer glvo out woll-deflncd,
boll-llko Hounds, with all tho gradations
from bass to shrill, according to tlio
rock that Is struck. From tho great
weight of theso stones It Is belloved
that Iron enters lurgely Into their com
position, nnd It Is thought that under
the pllo of rock a hollow spaco exists.
Thero uro other rocks In tho nclgbor.
hood of this group, but nono of thom
possess thu strango quality of thoso do
The bloom of youth will fado away,
tho brightness of tho eye will grow dim
with ngo, but a mlscrablo lltttlo corn
will never pass away.
" His plll-grlmago is over," as tho
druggist's widow said whon sho order
ed an epitaph for his tombstone.
"JACK,your wlfo is not bo pcnslvo ns
Bho used to bo." " No, sho has left that
off and turned expensive. "
r - - - - - - . t i . nri
I. fotinty lioni lis manlratloti lit lsl I In 11,
itnplli',1 illl.l I'OIU'I ly .HtllNll, I ltrrF I'll
MiluneorlaMi,r'ipni;i'H,i;lolh liM, iKilMH'nir)
full lllirnry
rnrv f 1
ho I nil V
Mnry of tho lerrl;
ry eomiirVaedwUblutlKilliitlta
..ntniirUf.! U'IMlIii, nAlitliuohlaaud
Mnnlour, nils volitlno mvis llio orKnnirnnoii ny
Its original boillidalles, Its sulciueiit leglalatlvo
reduellona, nnd thoereelloii or Monlour rounly.
A nlxii.ti r mi Mm uti-mima nti.l miiiltltnlnS tllO
il.Uo ol tho rr.ctltis of llio loimMilps nml bor-
onuha, anil tho lerrnory out 01 wnicii uiey wu.
foriiied-lhoperonnel or llio courts, cimiprlslm)
the names ollhe President Judges Iho Aasoeliites.
Ille ITOIIionnlnries, jiciiairra, niii'riiia iin.i niu
resident Atloinejs of both Columbia nnd Mou.
" I t'lias ehnptcrs on Illooinshnrg, lianvllle, ller
wlek, t'alawls.ii unit I he smaller towns. Full edu
etitlonal statistics. The lliuoval Unesllou, and
llio oie on ii uy lown-iups.
Thoiensuaby township., Including Mnntnur,
from Isaitn ISO, the tasabUa lor ls7l nnd llio
untiitior nf acres of land in each township. A
very complete lltt id Iho inoin tiers nf t'oniilis,
KeuAloand noun-, representing rultunbla, emlli
iv, with lull nnd vnrlois elis-tlon riturns lor
ntntcund 1'idcral onicos by townships.
rnnntlM, comprlniiiK tho iimMcr roll of nil tint
mum mloH nnd tatt. of cttiip'tilus rt-rul !.
tlUTiln, tlio Nti. nf llio UtliiLUit, Uo tmttUt
ihey wiToi'tiKniit'tl lii.wltu nuiiitTnuH ltrmnoi
ptTHOiml lntcu HM A llHinr nU liiclnvrittl tuen,
llio niuiirtt tif itutcoiiBclcnilfUH-K'nipIn cxemrt;
iii.sllhoi'iiit'rgoiiry tnti f ati'lciniH'r, isoiuna
Minn imh, umna ' (onipiciu icvuiu m m
ri-beUlun. .
Jiutiin lUnrk on Mllltnry 0.ninlBHlniiH, ntul tlu
imlnloii rthu UiiHiHlHtiitcuMui'riiaoL'tmit.cotp
(K-mtiliitf thriii. ToncthPr wllh iiiueli ollur eur
lotii tmiHiriain, nnn muti-'uma ihhuit,, nf lUooin-shnrn, lHnullir
lr.M in n-roivt RUbw.rh)tinns for tin worlj ! to mo
pit lil lor mi kvI vty. mijf, IVKdii
T1IS WOSllKIU't'l. IlkMllllV lOlt
CASUKlt, HVPItll.lM. Hfltliri'IiA. I.'"!; V
SA1.1 UIllli.u nun rtl.i. i'i ii.iv '
JLli-'J iiLr...mi.i.
'. T. K11KN1-: Just returned' Irom
l.cuaoor ntul iiuuuni win
. 1.1.1. t. ..niintlte nf 111..
miluc CiiiiilmiiiiH" llnrli, set mod Ihlough
iho olllclill iLconilnuiHliilloll tin I nssi&ituu-d 'i
Ills Lxeclleuey me lTisnitiu oi i.'-iuutor, uii-i
In. ti ive.niu.n. '.f Hint llepublle, wu uro pre
pure J to 1111 outers lot Ii ton UmlleJ extent, mid
in npilco about ono ttliiru r ol rial wiuuiuie
etivt of tho llrst Very small supply compeUcu tit
toelinlge. , , .,,,,
. aiiurlous arini is now iiinuir' "
ns cuiulurnnsto. Wo have, ftl a eonsl leranio ex
pense, aiul Willi llieeo-operiiuuii ii ,uu .......
hlca of lioln. the nro Hue where the plant gros
Niidliocloil Iho channel nt our supply nsioeiuure
Hint nono but tho Benuliio nrtlcto shall bo fo il
by list and we particularly call tho nltenl on of
I uo public, fur their protection, lo litis met .
Wl Cedar HI., New nrlc.
, m Tin.- st n . W.ishlm:ttin. 1'. v.l i
llLIss, M. !., New mt; r
New York.
,, .M. Ii.,
i-imiliuuiul ti t ' i) 1 1 ut UiiVfr. Afr.iun.l
i iltreilfftrt-wf prrn iteroft'iforoicthnndUauttj
rrthehair. IZVJZt: ft C5 Uoston. 5lns,
fayld by all UuiirgisW Liurars (mituttons.
nn Try wuiipItH of our crcit b-piiKt,t
1 IllJli ittmtrutt tl weekly .'Wvc.irscHtnbllshotl
l-'iiu fctci-I rnrftliitttfri'n toRulwcrlbers. AirctttK
tnnlto J.i n tlnys, fcciul.ftir HATrnnAY Uazkite,
iiniiowcn, ic.
Tho oMent and most reliable Institution for ob-
lalnlnun-Meri'iuuio iMueauon.
j-l'iact'eal tius.lneiH men ns Instructor!!,
tor lulormatlon wilte for a circular to
v' 1LTKF.I SONS, nttsbur)?. Pn.
Solicited by JIUNN A CO.,
tMl,HthM- A;,.fTfl A t.iffl.
Mil cma a: 1'aric now, v.
Twf ntv.Ilvn venrs rTiierleuee.
l'amphteti eontalnlnt: l'atent lawp, with full
lit i t'l'liuus lion io iruiuiii i tui uia, iiue,
A lioimd volimio of IM imc eontalnlns tho
Nr.w Ci:nsis by counties nnd nil largo cities II)
KnpravltiKs of ilechanlcal Movements, Tateut
IiUW! nnd rules for obtaining Tateuts mailed
on ii'celpt of 'j centt,
11AUTI1 (JJ-OSi:TN.(,- ttr bet. KTlt
I'j cmhet Co., ilj sr.vrK sr., Jf vnrt'oiin, it.,
&i!v If, a. i'roin fori of Mnulc's, Jltutc
il' (Unite
a. m'. I.uthrr's. Uitrliiai. Acid.
oil's uiul j)toltlltv's
lit nts, Tho only Closets that lmvo iroeilef
lectlve. The Larth Closet. by its dMnfectlou of
IJCCCH, is ino inol Yd ma nit! meauaui pn-. t'unui,
ipread oi cnoievn nna oincr conmtjious uifenKes,
Semi for elieulars. Attest i tmntnl t icrjtvtic- e,
Salesroom! 1 l)onuosiltostnn; i'Mi llroadway
Y.J 1221 Market Street. I'liUa.Klphhl.
l.iOHOALi:. A choice tarmot tslncres in Che-
1' ter t o,, i'I mues noiti iniinueipuia. .muu
JA1IK 1IAILY, Marlboro 1, O., l'.i.
in 'Uit: iunLU i
Tor 5i pi'r Inch per Month, wo will lmoit an
noviTiuienieiit in i jo jiim-imiih i iuni) i:iui.i
iew(.naoers. iucludlnc I'ourtecn Hallles. l'io
lortionato i litest lor smaller ndveilUemeuK.
.lit scut free, Adiire-.i
Ui:0. 1. ROWKMj it CO..
1 1 and ii rAitiv uovyi:v vouic.
IV 12 WIM, I'A V
Agent per week to bc oar great and valua
ble tlKnovfiricH. If vnn want inriiianeiit lion.
orablo nnd pleasant woik, apply lor parllculum.
Addles UYDl a CO., Jackson, Michigan.
fllVTC V IV'rPlM or tho fistest
AbblN lO AiS I liVl RelllbcnudmoNt
IMtimlar boolt with w llluhiratlons, itkemtses
of all the Presidents beaullfully bound, and
prmiea ou intuit paper,
Its Rulers and Institutions.
N'othlmrllko it. Strikes everybody ns Just tho
book they need, It nu Kncyt lopiedl.i of the
(inerumeiit, b lug to pnos In It, nto ot them
fctlves worth tho pi lee of tho book. Orer &n. jmges
umlontii&2.L X llltli IIarrit for Canv.ihscrh
ladltH and gentlemen l irmeie, teachers and
student. Oiivayent took 5 orttcrs inaiw tlmi.
With ctrueiar alone, before trie hoof; apjcacu, 941
n ilny eau bo denied in fair territory. Wrlto at
oneo for circular and information. N KV
WOULD ri'llLl-HHING CO., Cor. 7th and Mar
ket htreets, I'UlladelpUI 1. foct. O.'.My.
CiKXTd WA3ITKI) 1011
IJy tho ctU'ltntlctl ilcUitivc oilleer,
A uttirtUna nnrintlvo of CI vears exin rlenco in
ferreting out aud brluuluir to Justice jiank koh-
ac, many of tho most remarkable cases on lecoiu
reM-allng (ir; laUl diabolical hchemf -i for I'
DKii nnd iiEVt.vf.E lu hlh life ns well as low life,
and illsclotlua tho plaint used In unmatklng the
niosi tuirn nun Anmtm viiuuuy, it is iiiurouuiy
reliable, full orsi'HlTKl)fi(j.;'((.'ioji.rverveheiili.
11 ml Hells almost at slqht.
t or circulars nnu lerins amiretis
JIUUBAltll I1UO-.. Publishers,
oclo'71'tf T'.'i sauhom St., i'hil.i.
Tlio Institution heretofore known as the
JI ADISO X A 0 A 1) J3 Jt Y ,
WILT, tin Ol'CM!ll OS
.1IO.VIJ.1A', OC TOiiS'.I. ail, 1ST I,
u.sDnn the ciiAiior, or
PllOF. II. 1). WALKER, A. 31.
01 tin tieveinle.ateji will t"ru npoml totiio course
adopted oy iho Itoardof rrlni Ipalu ot llio State
Noiinul hehoiil nt l'ennjyivaniai aud upptoved
by tlio Htuto Authorities. 1
Tho uindoof laeh elam will liedcflnltety flxcil;
and puplli on fUterlut: tho school, will bo ex
amined, nnd placed lu tho clam vhOhentudlfK.
ihey by their ability aud nttuiumtutM, aro lilted
to purue.
Students so wiUiInu. nnd in tho judgment of
Iho i'riucipnl compcunt, will bo allow wi lo pur
Miu ti heleet Course of Study,
1'noK. Walk Kit. nml his imputation ns nn Kdu
eator. it 10 too uell known lo nt-i-il 1111 v (iitiim..ti.
tlallou from tho Hoard of Triutoei chpiTlally In
laierne rounty, whoro ho hatt sjient twclvo
jearnof liht professional life.
Tor partletilarM reiptctlui; Hoard, Tuition,
It'ioliK, ac, Addiosit llio Principal, or
HOUMAN PilllLlM. Esq (
Heeretary of TriwitttH.
waverly, Luzcrno couuty, Bepl, tot it, l&Tl-tr.
.,TIlt!..,ni!orh,1;,lta wW respectfully Inlorm
tho Ulthtens or lh rwleu, and vlelnlly, that ho
lias opeutd a Conieellonery and llakery In
ilerwlek, IU, whero ho in prepared to furnish
all kinds of
AC, do., Ac., Ac.
Among tho assortment will bo found Crenm
NuU, Euulish Wulnuts, l't limits. Almonds, 1'H
berts, Flu, Apples, Coeuu Nuls, J el lien or tilth r
eut kinds, Mustard. Catsup, l'lckles, Chocolate,
Can lit1 d Fruit or nil kinds, Com Htaich, EifH Ills
cult, Sshv Crackers, Ulster Crackers, Cheese,
Soap, Writing l'aptrt Ayrttiuiut l'upeis, En
Aud produce of nil kinds FrtNh Iiread and
Cukes every day. Ice Cream iu Season Your
palroaauo Is solicited,
iterwlck, JatU71-lv
Pateut Mccliciuoa.
II It nun nf I'm muntkfshln firlntif IliU rotmr
Icuhlonuo, nol inculy Unit mi ninny im'Moih urn
I'lO Vlctlllll Hi (l)HtH'Ilfl or lll(llU(Nll(t11,lUl 111
willing vletltnii. Now.wowmiM not ho tuvlcr
RtOsMl it. nny Hint any iniori'iirtriHitvupfpnlfi with
favor, or fo) tli-iwod to ruiirt It nmoittf Iho
luxtirlrsof lift. J'ar from It. lhusowlir hivo
I'tiicrlcncoil it lornunta nulil cout mich nil
Moi. All ilreml It, ntul wouM KbMly ilhpriiw
with Its ntii.lerumit mmlllf-rltlpH, MnrkTHhy,
who vn Jolly muter nil IhotryliiBtlrcuiintunciM
In m Iilcli he wns pluro-l. nevt-r hint im ntlnck of
ilyisppmlrt, or lil Jollity would havo himpiIUj
fnrotikenhltn Metinmt womni Rometlnu'm.niior
Itn tortures uiipomiilnluliitfly, but whouvcr licinl
orn periou whornjoynl tlit-in?
or nil tim mulillrtrlnus iUm-jism to which llio
Iiurafiii KiMloiii Ii 11 iblo, thero Hwrh.un no one
iMiKoucrfllly rrevntrnt nt Hyppppulii, 'llioronrn
lllRenieHIllOrojlCUlO lUiu iniiiiui,mni nun iuiiuiii
rienHently orovo fatnl; but none, tlio etleet of
which nui m ('.(-rrcMiiu to Iho mlntl nnd n
pfiHltlvcly illilrDHHliiK to tho no.Iy. Jf thero o
wretched bcluj lu llio worM U In
Hut U It not our lutontlon tf dlNfant on thu
lKirrorsnrliyHpcplii, To ilt"crlbo thom truth
fully IsMmply 1111 luiponslblllly. It pmnlblo to
point nut ii unmly. o lmvoonia t mtilAprp
tla H porlmpH tliu nioHt unnerftul ot htiimui tils
mtis. J hlM In vnipu.iiiciuiy mu viu m mo iim
totl Hint)", wnuincr liu kphuiiii pruviu'-nro i
iluolothodnrftt'ler of tho fowl, tho mUho.1 m
Uh prep.iriitton.oi tho hrnty iiiunnor In which It
,itniu. 'iho un'ut fuct with wliicn wo nro cullc.1
as ileal Is thhl
Dvai'i.A ntnvAU.s
Nearly oery nioi-r perHtn jmi mwi m n vie
llHi.nml nptiirintl ,llhu4 iui ror wero lltH
not iho cmho wliv mi niutiy hull'i-rerr, win u uoti
laln. spcotly iiud vX u-nieily H wllliln tho vxy
reach of nil ulnnk'MiotiMivall tlu-iuHelves of it;
nt llio lciioriiv w in nni, iniinuti u iti-huucc,
orileterietl by tmmeotlH ruuoxphiliu'tl lutliieuci,
thoyrcfuno lo nn'ept the rollef pmiloreil thcni,
lhey tuin ft dear t ir to Iho testimony of th-J in u'iinsiKiiii'itii-fHlia obeen oil
una with Ktruuxo inrilimlinn, nppoar lo ellu,i
wiin ueiperaio iieienuiiniinm nmiui
Uu mentor, J lot iynailypertlot What w t til
nineilv? to whleii wo it ply t lhln sreat nllovni
torothumaiiMiileiiiMiHalinoHtaswlilely known
as tho IJiullfh l.uuiMuo, It his nllayoil tho
nponlei ot thm".inls anil m to-day cirrvliit
coinfirt nivl eix-ooiiwrtu-nt to IhotiHaiiiW if
oihTK. Tnin ii Kno.vL 4v pujacei It nono
oitier i inn
Dr. llOJlX.VM'rf OI'itMAN ltl'l i'l.ll'J,
VouMyou know innre or tho menti of thU
wouJerful mcdlclno than can bo learned iroiu
Ihn Tiirl'iiri. nf nthorn? Trv 1L oursetr. innl
whculthai failed lo mini tho aceuraneo il Iti
eilleacy kIvcii by tho pronletor, then nbandou
rattUln ll.
lht it in: Ttr.MnMniMtKi),
flrKtofntl.tlnl IfOOKLAND'sS tiKUM.VN JlIT-
T1.IIS Is not a mm beverage.
iney nio not aicononc in nny fence 01 mo
term. Thev nio coninoied wholly of Iho nuio
Juleo or vital principle of iooU. This U not n
nieio nsicriiou. ino wiwi'w num miukji uu1
nro compounded nro piepared by uno f tho
nbleht or Ucrmau chemists. Uullko any other
Hitters lu tho market, they nro holly fieo troni
uprlrltiious ltiKiedlents, Tho objeotfoni which
hold with so much fotco nsainst preparations ot
thWclas, nnmely that n deslio iortntotieatlns
drink U htlnniMted by their me, nro not valid
lnthocnoof thollerinau Kltlcr. Ho fir from
enenurnului; or inculcating ft tnsro or dewtro for
lnebilahny beeraKCM, it may bo coniUlenth
luterted that their tendency U lu n
opposite dtrccilou. Their eiTects can bo
In all cases or Iho biliary by&tem, Hoolland'H
U or m in lllttero (.hind without nu equal, no 1 Lit;
promptly and vigorously upon tho Liver; they
rcmoNO its torpidity and rauso heallhlul tKecre
tlou of bllo thciebynupplytnK thohlom.ich wllh
tho most ludls ienablo elelueutN of bound dl
KChtion in proper proportions. ThcyHlvo lone
to the slomacn srimuIatliiB its luuctious, nnd
ennblln't It to perlorm Its duties ns nature de
signed it should do, They impart vljror and
(.tietiRth to tlio cntlro t.ystem, cauiilint llio
natleut to reel into nnotiieruciug in uei.tiiving
him 11 new lease of life.
they ruuiFY Tin: uloou,
eleanvlnc the vital fluid of all hurtful lmnurl
ties nud upplautlnt them wllh tho elciucub ol
cenulno laulthtuluess. In 11 word, thero Is
ben reel v a disease In which the v cannot bo nalely
and bem. Iclally employed; but lu that most
generally prevalent dm it Ming aud dreaded
urease, iianepii.i,
Now, thero aro eeilalu eInsc-4 of per(ous to
wliom extreme Hitter nro not only nopal liable
mil wuo uu 1 11 imposHiuio 10 i.uto inciii wiuioui
poiltlvo dlM'oinlot t. i'or btich
iii itocu si.cci iiii- i.twwitit'ii. ins inio liien
uso .'heio ft bllht alcoliolio stimulant In 10-
nu reil in eonneeilon Willi I 10 we -Known Jon
propcitleM ol tho inno (ieim.iu ItitlerN. Thin
i'oiilo contains nil tho Ingredients of the Hitters,
but so navored as to remove 1110 exiieme imier
ue.13. Tills piepaiatlon Is not only palaiablo
but enmhlues, In moilltled form, nil tho virtue
of the Ctermau Hittern. The solid extractft o
some of Natmo's choicest lestor.itlves aro held
lu solution by a spirituous nj;eutor tho purest
quality. In caes or languor or excesMvo diblllty
whciotho.sjstem nppeaia to luvo becomo ex
hautted of lis energUs,
nctH with almost marvelous effect, It nut only
htlmulates the ilaaiilug nnd wavtiuj energies
but lmiRorateK and pemaueiilly streuKthens
Its ncliou upon tho Liver and htomach thorough,
perhaps less prompt than Hie Hitters, when the
samo 'juautlly Is taken Is nono tho less certain,
Inilluesllon, llllllousness, riiyttlea! or Nervous
Prostration, yield uadlly to Its pot( ut fnllnenee.
It givfcb tho invalid n new nnd stronger hold up
on life, removos depiesslon of (spirits, and lu
spins clieerlulness. It supplants tho pain of dis
ease with tlio tiw-onr.d comiort of period lu tilth.
It glcn strength to weakness, ihrowB ilesnon
ilency lo tlio winds, nnd starts tho lestored In
valid upon a new nnd gladsome career. Itut ir,
Itooilaud'ft benefactions to tho human lacoaro
not eontlued to Uls celebrattil
or liU invnlinblo Tonic. Ilo Uaa piop.irod
auoiht-r niedtcine, vhlch Is inpldly wltiuliiK Us
way to popular tavor bcauso oi Its intrinsic
merits. Ihls Is
11 1 eifvct hnbtititto for mercury, without nny of
Theso wotHlrrfiitrills, whli Ii nio Inlcml.
nrt lipni Urn I.lvtr, nio inilnly rump..,
I' li lllll, Oi llio
il to
I Of
vital ritiNUi'Li; or nii-; mamuake
Now wo deslio tho lender todUlim .y under
stand that this extract oftho Mandrake is many
limes more imwerltil than tho Mandrake itself.
It Is a medicine virtues of this health-giving
plant In a perfectly puro nnd highly concen.
tratcd form, Hence it is that two of the Fodo
phyllln fill constitute a loll dose, whllo any
where Rlx to eltfht or u handful or preparations
oftho Maudralto nro rciuired. Tho Vodophyltiu
stlmiihitlns Its functions and caucus it to mako
Its biliary Fecretluus In regular and pioper
quautllles. Tho Injuilous reMilis which invari
ably follow thousoofnuicury ist-nthely avoided
ny meir use, jiia it 11 uui upon ino i.ner oniy
that their powers aro exerted. Tho extinct nt
Mandrake rontalno l lu Hum is skillfully com
bined with tour other extracts, ouo of which acts
upon tho stomach, otio upon tlio upper bowels
one upon tho lower bowels, and one prevents
nny si jpinccifoet. thus pnlueiuin pill that In
line nets tho entire digestive and alimentary
system, in nn equal and harmonious, manner,
and its Action eiiiliely freo from nausea, vomit
lni: or griping pains common to all other pura-
roswessh'g these much deslrablo fjinllllos, Hie
IVU'phylllu becomes luvaluablo at n
Ntiliousohold should bo without them. They
nro porreclly n.ife, rerpilro but tun tor nn ordi
nary dose, are ptompt and ettlclent lu ncllon.
ami when uedlu connection with Dr. Hooitatul'B
Uermaii Hitters, or Tonic, may bo regnrdetl ns
certain siU'CillcH lu all coses 01 Liver Complaint,
Dyspepsia, or nuy of the disorders to which tho
system is ordinarily subject, Tho
net upon the slomacli nnd bowels, carrying on"
u""mvui,ii mm iiiu IHlllTSOr 1 OIUC
purif tho blood, stti'iigthu and Invigorate the
frame, glvo tone nml ttppuito to iho stomach,
and thus build up tho Invalid anew.
Hr. Uoolland, having ptoldtd Inlcrniil remo
tiles for diseases, bus given tho world ono uialuly
lor oxtcrnal nppllcaiiou.ln tho wonderful pre
paration Itnowuas
Tills Oil is n sovereign remedy for palim a
nehes of alt kinds.
Hhcumnt Ism, Neuralgia, Toolhaclio.Chllblains,
Sprains, Hums, l'alu In tho ltaek and lolus,
ltlugworms, &c, all yled lo Itsixlcrual applica
tion. Tho number of cures cflected by It Is aston
ishing, and they nro increasing oerv day,
Taken Internally, it is n cuio lor Heartburns,
Klduey lUseases, slclc Headachts, Colic, Dysen
tery, Cliolern Morbus, Cram, ruins Iu the
Stomach, Coles. Asthma, &c.
'Iho Creek oil Is comisjsed entirely nf healing
gums and essential oils, 'Iho principal Ingredi
ent Is nu oily substnuco, proem ed iu the south
ern part or Ureece, HseuVcts us a destroyer 01
Lain uro trulv magical. Thousand.. Imvn
bt-iietlted by lis use, nnd n trial by those who are
skeptical villi thoroughly convince thtiu of Us
Inestimable value.
'Ihiko Heuiedhs will bo sent by express to
nny locality, uiiu application to tho PUINCI
DiutiL, uji Arcu nu, runaueipma.
IIAS. JI. KVAXS, Vroiirletur.
Theso HciDtellebart) for falo by Druggist
tnrckc-e per, nnd Medicine Deal vcr when
- t-j -ltltt. Witt Itj tllt'VIMTl VI!.
I1Y.1. II. H0I1KN01C, At.D.
Mm.. n Imiiifin Itnlurr lini n.lSRCd ftWnV. foT
nhnsodontli thero wiw no other rea?ion than the
neglect of known nnd indisputably proven
means or euro. 1 bono near and dear to family
nnd frlendH uro Blot plnu tho dreamless blumbcr
Into which, hud they calmly adopted
in;, josnpit it.Brnr.MiMCB bimi'LU
nndavftUedtlicmnclvesnr hU wonderful pfllcft
Clous nicdtclntM, they would not luivo fallen.
Jr. Hchcnck has In lilsownc,ito preserved that
uhi rover Milllcient vitality rom.iliia, that vitali
ty, by his medicines nnd his diiecilonslor thoir
Uie, Is nulckouoil inio lieallhful vigor.
in inru Ki.iimnont theio is not 1 11 if uresumntu
ous, To Ibo laltlMiflho invalid H mado no ro-
erescntntloii mil is not inousaiiii nines buu
AtautUled by living nnd islblo work. Tho
theory of tho euro by l)r, Hchcnck' nudlclncs in
imdiiiplo a It la uufaltlng. Its philosophy ro-
(plirea llO (UlflllUl'ULt IV ia BVilMWiuwufti "'
I'linHouiMrti! T.iilrt nnd Mnndra'tf, Trills tiro tho
fir. 1 ui.!h.iiiim wllh wlilrli tho elliulel ol Iho
malady is ftss.Uled. 'iwiMhlrdi of tho caies of
consumption originated in uyttpepma- nun n
ittuclionally dlsoulered liver. With this con
dltlon, tho bronchial tube4 M8ymimtliuu" wllh
1110 iio-imvn, uv.r itwFti v
.,,.11. .! nf 1 lin llvor. Ill in Mu II OOhlCM l lU CUHllI
tinting rctiUlt, nod tho fclttiuf In, with nil Hi
illilieasiiiK Hyiuptonis, or
Tho Mandratto 1MIU nro composed of ono of
Naluro'-H noblest citts tho rodophlllum l eiia
tutu. They posnuss nil inu moon ht'irenuit,
idlerallvo propel tlen of uiiomel, buttinlllio eulo-
t-r.AVK NO sriNti lIlilllNIV'
Tho worlc of euro li now. beginning, 'ihj
Mtlaleil and mucous tleiHislw lu tho bowels an I
ttithunllmciHary rtiiial aro tjerted. 'Jbollxer,
into a clock, is wound up. It arouse; irom tt
torpidity, 'llio Momach acts lesponslwly, and
Iho patient be;luslo fool tlut lio i ucilliig ut
A HUITLY Ol' 000 1) HLOOn.
Ino Softweod Tonic, lu ioaunctlou with tlu
Pills, permeates nni ashlmllatoi with Iho fosJ,
Clivluicatlou is now piogresmug without IU
puvlous lortuios. IMa'stiuii becomes pilule is,
uiul llio cuio is seen to bo nt hum, 'J hero is ni
moro llaluleuco, no tx icei b.uion of tliu atomacu
All ntlllL'titO sutslti.
Now comes ibo yreateat Illood ruriner ver
yet given by nu Indulgent lather to bullerliij
man? Hehenclt'H l'lilmoiilo Hj rup eoum In ti
iieriorm its Junctions and to histeu mil com
, ti.n .-mi, n Liitersat onco unon ilswurl
Nature eannol be eheiind. i t eolbn-ts mnl lipem
the 1 in put rod una uise'.cu poruous 01 mu uui. ,
Iiitli"'orniotgxtlicrlngs, it prt parei thom ur
expectoration, nu.llol niftery tthort tlmo tho j
malady Is Miuqinshcil, tho lotten throno that It
occupied Is renovated mid mado new, and tin 1
mtiLiit. lu all thoiUgnlty of regained Id Jr, Mlep
lorth to enjoy tho manhood or tho wom.iuho.xl
that was,
UlVr.N Ur Ari JjtJi'.
Tim ... r(.iiii thin-f N tho tutlontti mtNt hIuv in
11 watm loom uulil they get ell; it is almost im
poisiblo to prevent taking cold when lha lungs
at 0 diseased, but it must uo prevented or ti euro
canuoi uo etteciuo, r 1 , tu iwki hmhi,. ii
peclally In this ttettlou ol tho country lu tho fall
and winter seiison, aro all wiong. I'liyttlclans
who lecommend that eourso lose their patients,
if their lungs aio b.ully diseased, nnd
causa they tiro in tlio house ihey must not sit
downuuiot; they must walkabout thoiooin ns
lUUCUaUU Hi (l " niiiiinin cvivi, n
get up ft gool cliculathmof blood. Tho patients
must keen in good upli lis bo determined to get
well. Tins lias a great deal to do with tho appe
tite, nnd H tho great pclut to giln.
'iodespalr ol curonltor bucli evldeuco of Its
possibility in the worst cases, aud moral eeiliun
ty In all others, Is slniul. lr. fecheuclt's personal
hiaiLineut to tho 1 'acuity ot his own cuio was in
the-so modest words 1
"Many years ngo J was In tho last utagos of con
sumption ; conhned to my bed, ami nt ono tlmo
my physicians thought Hut 1 could not live a
we'ek; then, like n drowning man catching nt
kir.iu-. 1 hpurd of and obtained tho pieiuratious
which I now utler to tho public, aud they niadea
porlect euro ol me. xi cemeu 10 1110 iuhl jl conui
leel them penetiato my wliolo sybtem. 'Ihey
noon ripened tho matter in my lungs, audi
would spit up more than a pint of otlensivo yel
1 unt tor iivpi-v iiinrniiir inr n louir time.
As soon us that began to biibshlo my cough,
fever, pain nnd ulghi sweats all begau to leave
im. on, 1 mi' i.n.iiMitt- bi-enino so ireaL that It was
witudtillculty that 1 couul keep iroiu oallng too
much. 1 noon gained my strength, nud nave
III-.KCI1 111 ItcNll
Iiesu ever siuee,"
"l was weisneu Miniiii '"J
added tho Doctor, "thculooliiunllkoa ineroBkel
dou : my weight was only nluity'heeu ivd;
my piesentwelghtls two hundred mid twenty
live 023) pounds, nnd lor ears 1 havo eujoyed
Ur.hchencic has dlscoutlnue! his profosslouil
vlsllstojNow' ion; ana lijsioit. no or ttts sou
Dr.J. ll.ScUeiicIt, Jr.. still continues to seo pa
tients at l heir oillee, No. l'i North sixth street,'it.iiia. eerv Saturday Iromu a.m.. to,!
I- t. i iioso who w ifl-kn thorough exnuilmitlou
Willi tho ltewplrooieiTi- will bo tiiaiged t'i. Tho
Uenlromeler declares tho exact conuitlou of thu
1 ln.v i nt i-ili uh In nf not.
'ino dlieclious for tailing tho medicines nio
adapted lo tlio lutelllgenco eiu ot a chii 1. rut t ii.tioilliictiniis. uuil kind -Saluio will do tin
lesi, oxceptlnu that lu some cases tho Maudrnko
l'llls nio to bo taken in iiu-ieasid doses; tho
Ihrco iiuillcluct nted no other nceompan Intents
tluiu tho ninplo liihtructiuiis that nccompany
llUlli: l llKl eitaiO ItppUWlV. l IVlUiimiS iivtuin
humitrlsthyiiuist welcome Jtjniptom. hen it
comes, ns It will come, Ut thu tlespaliltn; at onto
be ot cood chter. Good bloihl nt oneo iollows, t uo
couh loosens, tiio uUht swiat is abated, in 11
sheit tiltio both or these luoiuiu Jtipiuiusni
Dr. Sehenck's medicines nio constantly kept in
tcusol thousAiids 01 lamllles. As u hiutlvo or
puit;atlve, tho Maudiako 1'ills aro 11 (.taudard
preparation; whllo tho I'ulmonic syrup, ns u
fintr ol coukIis and colds, may bo regal tit il ns :i
propnyiac teiie ugaiusi iuuuiuinuu iu n
I'rlco of tho rulmonliS Syrup nnd Heawccd
Tonic, ?l0 a bottle, or7.50Il halt dozen. .Man
drake 1MIN, 23 cents n box. l-'orsaloby all Unit.
Kistsand dealeis. .....
Johnson, Uollaway A Cowden , tOJ Aich street
rhlladelplit.i, wholes.ilonteuts. may lUTMy
pulilishcil on evervpaclcagCithcrc
luro it is ti't a ectrct nrcjuratiyn,
i'livsimxs ruEsenmK n
It is a cert iiii euro for Scrofula,
Syphilu in nil ill form, Ithcuma
lUm, Kkin D.iraiea, Liver Coin
plaint and all (Incases of tho
o::s 2ozzzz o? rosadalis
(will do moro pood than ten boltlca
ol tho syrups ot toarbipanna.
havo mcil Itcwadalis in llicirpmctiffl
for tho put three cars nml freely
emlorso it as a reliable AltcratUd
land Wood Further.
Dlt.T C r-rniLof lUltimcie.
lilt. T.J J10VKIN,
1)11. P.. V UA hit. '
tm r o.HANNKixY. i
Pit. J S. Sl'AUKS, of Mchohivillo,
nil. jVl. McCAItTHA, ColtimUi,
S. I
Pit. A. n. NOnLI'.S, IMsocomb, N. c.
J. C. fnCNCII ii SONS, Tall Iiirer,
I MaM.
T. W SMITH, Jicswn, Mich,
. V VVHr.lU.r.It.Unu.uliio.
It 1 'AM., Una, Ohio.
iCIU.VKN' Z CO.,r.ordpnsUlle, Vn.
SA.MX, O. Mcl'ADDEN, Murfnvs.
I bt.ri?,Tciin,
I Oiirpacowillnotallmc nf ftnyc
trtnlcd rt-mntlts iu relation to ths
l-tuciOt IlofaJ-ills. TothoSleJlcJ
PiolcSMon wu guarantee a Fluid Fx
tra"nipcrlorto nny they Ime cer
'usci in tho treilinent of dlscaied
Illoil, and to tlicatllhted wcaay try
.UoadaUs, and 0U uiU t-J rcstuli
Ho health.
ItosaJMU is sM allPrucclstS
prLo Gl'30rfl,h"ttle AJn-a.
rrn, clsm::;ts & co.
Msntfcct tiring ChtmUtt,
, IlAlTiaQti;, Mi.
a rrknrrlfiitlv rntl tl.A nlleiitlon of those
ilcslring to purcliase our inalco of Flanos. 'o
nro satuHed that wo ran ulvn sntisiactlon in
overy ease, Our worUineuskilllulaml oxpirleu
ced nud nro under tho pirsonal superintendence
of tlio inembirs nf our llriu, Woiuo only the
best seasoned timber, nnd tho material In gene
ral is first class. Our Flunos without exception
havo the patent ngraires arrangement through
out, which in the opluion of the most compo
tetitjudgis pronounced valuable, Hy this im
provement a rhino Is mado more durable nud
keeps tho tone longer, Wo claim for our Instru
ments that they uie second to nono, and they
combine ull tho essential elements that consti
tute superior workmanship. Wo will give ft
written guarantee for five years.
Mr. Com. a it Fi.kiman, member of our firm,
will visit Moomsburg lour times n year to re
pair and attend to tuning of nil Flanos. Iu tho
absence ot Mr. Fukiman. Mr. I, K.Millku will
ulteud lo our business In liloomsburg and Is
authorized to rceelvo nud solicit orders,
Wo can glvo tho very best refeienees.
lialtimore, M. 1).
I. K. MiLt.Kit, Dealer In Flanos, Organs nnd
Melodistns live octavo nnd tivo slop organs of
the best nmlte, sold ut tliu. Terms easy, June 'i
i.1 Alllhoso Indebted to the undersigned on
Judgement, Note, lloud or Hook Attaint aro
hereby notfttid lo mako pnymtul of sumo on or
before Iho Jlrsl of Oelohor next.
4 M( KELV Va NEAL A Cti.
llloomsburg, Aug. 14, 1671-u.
Wo now havo on hand n largo neatly printed
nsNorlmont of JUHI'ICE'H nud CONnTAHLlW
liLANKH, to which wu Invite thu ittttmtlou of
thitfo oilleers.
DrnQQ mid Ohomicala,
h GREAT IMdlU" Wmr
Br. WAUIEE-'-1 c :,.i T.:; .
viNE&AR Bimus
'.J HimdrcdJ of llioncancla Pdi
itrnr A-.E rot A V1IX
itvlatt Vonv llnm, XChMtr, Frotif Prlrltn
ntul Iterano LUtioridot-torc i.rrlcod ttndeue
encl to rlcasfltha tfictc, called TonlcV'Mrpctii.
ttr," 'HcctorcM,' e. ttet Ufl l Uo t'rrlcf c 1'
ilrnnkcnncsa ted mil, tut aro ftlru) Jlculcinc, mado
f roin tlio Natlta I.ooUtnd llcrUcf tailfortia, Irro
rroei nllAlcoUello bllmulniiis. Tbcyato tliu
:iVIN FUINCIl'IiEnptrrcct llcnOTdtcr nad
Jateorator cf llio hystcm, tirrylag ofT Ml ro!cotirJ
letter oad rcitorlng tlio tlocltc ahtT-HhycoinlliUn.
l.opcrEon can tako thceo tlltcrj tccorOtg todlrsc
lios and remain leas uatrcll.
&KM) .nll)0 clTLnferoa lac. latKic-orov ,:cd
Pi- tonoa firs dtjiioj-fl tymharal j.n.o.i
etlicr iscanCutltha v.ttd trciai watted bc)enutU
l .lttof reriUr.
For Irdlamnittory nnd Chrmilo THicumtt"
tlsm nml Uo'tti Dypper-ln, or IndUesIlottt
UiUouft, HetuUtetit und Inti null tent Fceio
1)1 of tlieHlrotl, Idv r UUlnrjh und
ltli.ddrr Inco lllttuis lo lJ-ta t.ort cucccc
tttcli DlrewtcB tro tcstca byVltlntel
Illood, which Is ccEcrally I rOi'.uct-d 1 y dcrtagcni -.t
' f llio Dk-rirlh e Oi cnu'i.
t-dicralalatliol-hticMcrf, Ccri.liB,llcttcekcr the
C!ivit, riiKlacM, tear Er-ctailori cr tl.o CtomacV,
i nJ taste Ut'.u iloLth, H.lio:.'' AttscJ.u, Falfh-dl a
( f thoFcait, iLf.ia.:. fuLui-s. 1'alalaUO ti t'.a l.i(5ncj-,ntfiiil,uiidra ctkvr raltful
., .-I ivj iic t'.uott,-rlLECci Ejfpcreia.
..i 1 1 , Ui3gio:saeli&uJetlmulato tliu t-r
uu.mi ard,v.hlch render tliomotacoinallcl
tJciC7l.i tlccu&inj tliiblocilof clli-Uparltlo, cad
... partlns ntw Ufa aid vlgcr ta tha wliola i-;tata.
mil KKIN DISi:ASti,rrniitlcn3,Tcttcr,Calt
I.Litu,, Fiwplco, 1 uttulci, Hollo, Ccr
1 antlt i , I.hicroiraB, ILcald-lIcad.Eoro Ejce.llryilp
ih'.ltc.i, rcutfs, cf tlio$Un,natr.oiB
n.iJ Hi. aurt ef tho tkin, of r list over namo or Daturo,
r r j i;itrallj duj up and carried out of tho pj-Etcm In n
t'.ioritirjo It tlio mo cf thceo tlttcro. Ono bet tlo li
tucli casca vF.l coavlnco tko ncEt lncrcdalooa t-f tiicir
cLratlvj c.Toct.
Citan.a U13 Vliiattd Wood wlicnercr you And Its
1 uritUs Inirptiua; thrcnglt tlio tUa larhaplci, Hrar
tloiii crBcroii clcaceolt vUca yoatlndttobctructcd
end thigsUU in ttia ulcai clcanaj ltwhcnltlafoul,
aadjour feelings will toll yoavrbon. Keep Uio blood
t nro and tlio health of tho ij-stcm will follow.
FIN, TAPE aad other WORMS, larking la tho
t yctcci cf so many thousand, aro cOVctually datroy
cd tad removed. For fall dircctionu, read carefully
tho circular around each bottle, printed la four liq-gnaccs-Engbsli,
German, Trcncti aad Bpaalfti.
j.vAbsnn, rroprictor. n.n. Mcdonald & co.,
Cr.irsjJila aad Gen. Agcnti, fan rraacUco, Cal
id li undSlCommcrco Street, New York.
I no not wisn to inform you. leader, that Dr.
Wnmittriul. or nnv other liniti. nan dlscovciedft
remedy thnlcures Cousumptlon. when tbolnngs
aro half consumed, lu short, will cuio nil diseas
e's whether OI mind, nouy or estate, iii.iuo inett
live loicvcr. nnd lea vo dealhto play tor wtintol
woik, and U designed to mako our siibiuii'iry
upheion blissful Farad tse. to which Heavinitsoll
snail bo but nsldosliow. You have heard tuouiih
ol that kind or humbusiiLry. Hut when I tell
you that Hr.Saso's Catatrii ltemedy wtlt jvhUuv
i,i fur ilm worst easel of Cat a lilt In tho Head. I
only RfM'rl that which thousands can testify to
i win r"- - ' ;. 1"'"1
cure. A p.linpniet Kivin symptoms iimioim!
IIIIOI lll.lliu.i euiuiuu iu (ii j icmiiaj,
edy is
SOLD BY M0.-"'T DillMuiH IN ALL lWIUli
of x uu ywu.t i.
Prim ."i-l eenls. Suit hv mail. iHUlni'd.oti teeeln'
of slxly cents, or four packagen tor luoilollnts,
jiewJlto tu iuuiutrj id uu i tt'fiurii mu t tun in,
Hum l (ml tuv orlv.ilo SI tnin. whit h is a nositivt
guarantee nf Uinuiiu u , i-i upon tho outside
Wiapper. i&eniennier uns pi ivaio mump,
issued oy the Unit edStntestJo verumeutexpie-.s-ly
for st.unplni; my medicine, has my portrait,
nntnn nml iiilliot. and the Words ''U. H. Cerllll
cate ot Oenulneuess," clunwea uiou it, nud
need not bo mistaken. Don't bo swindled by
travelers nnd others ronreentlni themselves ni
Dr,Sago; lam tho only man now living thai
liiw ilm knowled-riiand llirht to mauuLictiiro the
Genuine Dr. Hagu'sCatarih Hcmedi,aud I never
ir.iNei to sen una lueuivtue.
oct25'70ly, HI Seneca street, Una .ilo, N. Y.
Tnnwv ytYnn tllOl'llClnH 011V MedicIUC SllOW'
lug half as many living, permanent cures ai Die.
Used inicanlt on'if, A plcnsant Medicine, lieo
Irom injuiious dings. Wnnautcd, umler oath,
to luvo permanently cured Win every lvQ patients
Heated In the pist ten years. (Me testimony,)
Il In tho helentllle nrenei lnllon of Ftolessor Jos.
I. Fltler, M, D , a graduate of the University of
Fennsylvnnla A, D. Is!j, now one or I'hlhulel
phln's oldiht icgutarphjslclnus.iind FrofesMir of
i ilfiuisiiy tiuu iiiiiniiuv, nuu mis iiuiuo
Neuralgia, Chronic aud luminmatory Hhcunia
tlsm tho speciality of UN entiio irofesstonaI
llie n l.ici voucueu lor uy ino signaiutes uccom
pan ving each bottle, ormnny niotnlneut renown
ed pnysielnns, cltigymeu, nud other test imoniaU.
Tnnn.trot hitllercrs irom nolsouoiis ouack nos
tiums nud useless espeudlturo of money, a Ugal
signed guarantie,stailn-;eact uumberot bottles
warranu-il to cute, will bo torwarded gratis lo
nny Miileierseuding by letter a lull description
of atUlctlon, in casoot falluio to euie, nmouut
paid positively lelundcd. Medlcluo sent any
wliero by espiess, collect on delivery, Atlllcted
invited torito loradvleo: nil lntoi matlon and
medical ndvico sent by lelter gratis. Fiinclpal south Fourth sticct, I'hltadelphla, Fa,
ino iiemeuy is boiu or ouinmeii uy uiujjiis.
weMiint 5000 active, cnleiprNlng, ihorough
men nnd wonu u, lo whom w will give constant
work and good rny, We publish tin HHMT
HOOKS; wi'gtveourngeittsTHHULrTi;itM3.
Uio selling uuoK now is
lly KltlNUK IIL1T,
DescrlblnjhUwondciiul feats nnd tricks, with
Inughnblo lucldents nud adventuies, Ageuls
n i scuiiig iioiu --u to i'i rtipus a nay. aii. our
vmi' l1 a i i r in nt i ....... r.i..r.... ii, . . .
woon's CoMi'HUiiKNsivu Am- to tho study o
tho Hciiptuie'S.and Nkvin's new and impiovn
Diction Ait y or thf Uiiii.k, together with si-
TtKV FtM,S'IKKLl'l.ATI-S,tOUf IliapS 111 CoOiS
and VOL) superior insnivlugs cn wood: Famili
Hrcoitn, Family amivm, ac Ae, A Coupi.ktk
FnospFiTUhor ihls ltllileiunl iigent'soullltiurn
lshid I ii kk lo nil who mean work. Our pio
gram me of MiW FOOKHiorlhe Vaj.u IncludtB
i-Succeshiul Ageuls will neelve first choice
of torrltoiy ou MAH1C TVYAlNVi lotlhcoiniug
411 ni '"muiu 4IUI luiotjtiaiion
soilt fn o ou npplleiitlon to
ic-pU-J71-tl 711 buusomblritt.l'lUladilphia,
Jacoh K, Smith,
J. It. Hkltzeh
g Ml Til t KlLTiE R,
Importers and Dealers in roroljnuud Dowistio
u a ii i) vr a n e,
Jan ntly
N S U U A 3S' C V. A (i K K 0 Y,
.mu ,
Fulton N. Y
Norm America
International N.Y
Niagara N,V ....
Farmers' Ianvllle.N,Y ,
Albany City (
Danville, Horse Theft .,.,
At lain le. n. Y.
Ueruiaula, N. Y
mat 3l7l-ly, HiooMiLUfia Fa.
Bib M'm ip
isi Wm? iii
lis 5 Hi
t 3 i r. . .,. a Mii.r. if 5
h rr .
pStALli A
goJiirniiNO isT.wi
Tho undrrslgned would hereby utva tiotlcn
Hint ho hai JuM completod A I IIlHT CLAHH
HI.AUHi;,nnd that ho hnstho rncllllles forenrry-
lint onino uusinen oi ufti'i.iuAuinu mini
Us nrancurs
lie hn tiiRitROd experienced personi who will
tako eh are n ol tho bodies of tho deceased ns noon
n i tiff Rinifiln of this mortal roll." nml ntlend
to washing lhem,shalng, dresHlntr, Ac. Hhrnudi
furnished nW to order, At inucli oxpeuso lio
bnnlio procurcti au
In which bodlfi can bo prricnrd In n rlcnnly
nmi it fnniiitinn. CnrrlinreH furnlrthed for Hi
liernl iiccnsloni, In shoit. he 1 prepnretl to tnlco
Chnrge or n orpso inuneuininy nuer m-iui, inio
suvn iricmH uiul relatives all lurlhcr troubloM
letrnrd to it, .... ,
lie nito carries cn ino uusiucis oi
0 A B 1 S 1! T MAKING
ITpholnlorlnq In nil It. Iiraticlion, rppnlrlni,' fiirnl.
Iuri,l rcHcnhnu nmu lir.ttiniKif (lnihH.A-c., Ac
rinioiif lii:llicssll Iron Htrwl, lirlnw Mnln,
Illnomnlitirf, July 2!, lBB-ll.
Tho only perfect Tr ' rumen l In tho World, II
In viiefiialttd in Hlchtu , 1'oue r, Ihllllancy nni
Durabilllv. Hncciat It uns to To ichrrt. Maikti
tmors tn I'lergymeu. oid lor Illustrated Arlon
c. r.
. THU, (Ictieral Agent.
Maulii Cm mc, FA.
mar F7I-
llavo nn lini.l nml Tor unlo nt tho most wiitona
bio rates il RplcnilUl sloclcof
CAUltiAara, nuuuiia.
ntul oviry lUcrlpllon ot Wnsons ImtU
ri.Ai.N AIM" t A.IUl
...n4r,n.l I,. .n i..n.l nlil li.l. ntlil .lin.t lllir.
alilo iimtirlnU. nml by tlio limit vxiwrlrnrnl
llMmivtlt will bo foiinil In lio.if Iho lilghCit elnsi
mnl mm In nlvo liorlurt mturactlon, 'J'lioy Have
alfp n ntio n-soruai'ui in
ornll tho liOTc.l mnl mo.t Inshloiiiiblo style,
well nud carefully mailonuil urtho bent mater
ial. A lv.v.Anll.i nt t hnlr M'nt-lc !r finkuln. It I
belteveil that uouo htirerlor cnu toloimd In tlio
country. J" 1 ''
cl HOWH Hl'.WINtl
It ilr.iu-i una stitch yon tlo by lnn.l. othcrt
do not. It givos Ilin a.l for eacli stltrli iifconllug
in iho thi Hi n p-it nf fabric Nowt-il. otbert do not.
It usch a straight ncuillo nud liner for some
thread than nnv other in.iehlno. Tho f.tltch 1
ullko on tiolh sldei. H Inm In nddtllon to Hicho
all advantages elalnul by tithe' machine-. It
lm been listed and Is Unon ti to bo tho most
duiablo maehtne in tho mm hot, Tho l.tct that
sowing midline men aro uniiont to obtain tho
neucy of this machluo U cunclusivo ovldenco
that tho public uro largely In tavor of thH nia
ehino, wfilch lian not changed Hh nrlnclplo slnco
us iiirmaiion vis i inawiti 11 sincit tti juam
by hand.
Hold on cay t'-ruwat
nui, R2i axd m laokawaxxa
TATBHrnn Dutc'initn 7T11, i86g.
OUU tr.lXLiKATr.l)
ItrfniMcicnl.t, , Lnoulclifot hv nil atb
UM l It tn o 1 tic lift I l n muiluui- n.iM In tliUt iut Villi .. 1 .11-r. .,!. Mill lllll flUI-llll-ll .
with urn' IViiofliil.1 V Ml iiututiii' 11 tUiri 11
btt n vl I 'rn. I 'ut 1111 In neat el Iii.' Uui. 1 Cs
Hil.UOMA lt t.l.S 1 N uiul fur tliU
Jmi iii'fiiioitl Ii. rrcdl o 1 1 y tit j.i-r lit. I -
I MOi4l'lpli I't 114, 10 It tlt( tMO toil", till k;
iS i i'iit m U. t.iut t-l.OOi tviho biiii'd, rJ
2 j.0it. AilJrii.,
i" I it,'.
, 0AITH1.-Tli. Krcliiiipiil.iillyoriliriie 5
l'i Ii i- 1..J tii mtiiiy I hi 1 1 nt Ion .if mi I itli. Ji
rlupiiiiiillii. llio a.i.1 r tlu.tfi.ii.itH Fill . Jj
: tis ri:4i.oi,iii MiM'
llnii fur I'c ii. l ii j uu Niiiiii. 'i uii. foiinty. ,in.l
M.UC j.l.iliily ..iltl.i', iirJvM ..111 luk.l Hit!,
prompt ut tc mini..
Jau ai'51 ly
Mi. JiiLOh liUleiilucohavlnj piireluned the
Inlereit iil t'liarlts W, Low in iho nbuvo itameil
woik, the liltsllie-!. Mill bit eo itiutled under tho
tlllil nulnooi Wll.l.lA-lftellu.l.Llt Co. Having
dU.ovtud .ecrul IniperieeiloiiH In tho jiIowh
iiiuuuiii.iiueii in j,u, tuey navo
lind llllliroVedlheiU.nild kntun nnlln. nr...
patlenn. 'ihey lllonn tliohpilui: Inula ot 1171
far lllililvnni'o ot nnj lliliig ewr olleied In tlio
imhlle, Li-Ins l.ulli pnu'lleul iiioelinuleii, ami liav
Iiib their work nil d.iuo under their own Miner
vlHlun Ihey itiurailleo Ihelr worlc mperlor lu
............ junri, in ,u,y ii.rutinuro oneieu,
Uinlpra .lniuhl not of any oilier ngrlrul.
iioiu iiiiiuriiieniH lllllll Ihey Imvo eianilued our
Mnuulaelliie, I'liiineK .liotild try our plowa
beloiohlijIUKaityolhcr, TlioyaUu munufiieturo lil.MUs 01'' L'ASIIMW.
uuinlly mado lu llihtlelti.a roumlrlei, Baw nud
bust uio ..iiiu:;., juuiiu tiuu uuua up iu uruer,
are mado a specialty, nnd somo very decided 1m
proviint ntH havo bom Intrmlui't'd into Ihelr ina
clllucM. Price lnwer llian ct-i: nil klinU nt
country iroducoandold Iron lateen lu rxihauyo
vjiut i uneei nuiii mu uitiiiiiiiiL-Liir. uiii n yen '
cIih hupplled during tho win ttr.
AdilU'fetfUll ordou to
Wye Years t;s Wild MansatPiains.
..?il.1Rr,r.'.'.!f.r!t"ljl0 adventures of tho lamous
n '.'J,1,1,1-111. ' l "'.'''lUW'AUUIOIUmong tl o
1 edhkllis. Ihrlllllmnfcnuunol lIleulHuii u,
llalrl.ieadlhtoeaiie.iiudT. rrlblot'onlo'l" Willi
ho blv Ktuiio aud luwlllo tribes, riplrlled dene" p.
....... u. hid iiuuii. mm Huperhtlllon. of that
f IVIW '' T,'P,r "TV"! 1-eeend., Trad i
Ifei.ii. iV-,Uy NV o,.,. "".a Wed. healp.'Diiolon
JVor.l l i, 4e, .Neir, I'm u and ronulur. I'rlce
.'tfroSl'r1,',',""". ',jr "'0 """"""d. Willi "out
df run rupld ly, Aiieuta aru uiuhluu from SVI lo
'twt eH. v;iioieoneuiyeivaeiuit, Heudnt
. " ,"w iiii u uiu iiiiiui uMiiriment ni JIHANK
HKl.HHon hand nud for salo that were over lient
III ItliU mikl .111 if tnl-irn lIi.i i... I..... ....!
I.... ...iiiiiiwiii i zx i ;. j;::. I . '. v
F. T t . t i ! wm .Miniiiiiii-
- ,v-"" -...! ... iuw paper tci euni
Coniiuou lit-eds, Ac. '
I UKTICIM ll'tiANK-B. -Huuimoui., UiecutlonH
J Hubpteiiaii,Wiirruutii,ic,conKiantlyominod
and fur mle ul tho tl.UiiiiiAN OUloo,
Patent Modicincfj.
J.JKNRY T. lIi;riJtllOI.I)V.
u u m r o u i ir ii u i ii
O It A 1 13 1' 1 Ii ii Hi
tbni.Yinciii IMrltttulil J.'rlruct llhuhtub nml
HuUt tnut Oit'm bn Urove
jikai)AI'1ii!,costivi:ni:hs, i:ro, ruiu:i.v
Tlicno 11111 nro llio most delight fully rleninnt
puruattvo, upcr.cilliif cantor fill, nlt, uik
liuiliiitto, Thero 1h notlitiin moro nocrplnhlu la
tho Klomneh, Tuey mvo tone, nnd cmwo litlthei
tiiiuseii nor RHpIng pnlim. Tiny nro conipcmou
oltLoliicit Ingredients. After a low days' mo
them, Man nn liivlgorntlon of tho cntlro stem
Inltd plnconH timpiienr mlrnctllntl. lo llio wen It
niul enervaleil, whether nrimm from Imprii'
ilenco nr disease. It. T. ltoltnbold's Compounil
.'liilillWtrnclt'alawljnOrniiol'llliiiironot r.
c ialcd, finin tlio fact Hint u;nr-cimtcil rinulu
iibtdlsoHe, hut pass throHsIilliostomacliw II hou
illssolvlnu, Cfin.efiuontly du not pioduco ttiutie.
sired I'lrVct. Till! CATAWHA (UlAfl! l'll.l.M
helnn plciisnnt In lastoand tvlor, tin nol
tain their lielnii ctignr-eanlMi I'lllCll TIITY
juixnr u jn:utJJou)i.
mimr.Y coNcuNrnATitii roMfoUNn
l-f.UII) llXniAOT HAR'.Al'AHII.I.A
Will rndlrnlly exterminate, from tlio nyi,tcm
Sciofu!a,Hyphlllu, TovcrHiuoi, llloein.Koicllju
Hole Le., Bnre Mouth, lleiul, llrntiehllli,
Slilu DUonsc. Suit lllicuii, unkcrM, lliinnlni:
from tho liar, Wlilto tlwelllug, TumnrM, f..u
lngK,Kliiht tlicati, lkt.h, Tetter, iliiin u ol h
l.lnd.,ChriiiiteTt,ieuniatlni, liyspep'.l.i, nnd nl
dUcaso that bun been ostnblUheil In tlio Mntitu
IlelnitpiopareilllXI'ltlWMIA' lor llio ahovo cool
plaints, in lll.OOlM'UltlKYlNU proprieties ur
.tenter th in nny other preparation ot Har:ipn.
rllla. It Rives tho COMl'MIXION n clear nit
henllhy color and lestores tho patient lo n slalo
ol llIIAI.Tll nnd ruilirv, I'or l'lirirylui; tho
lllooil, letfiinlug till Chronic Coiiilllullonal Ills
e.iioiurlHlntrioninuluipurottale if llio blond
And Iho only rcllulilo nnd elleetual known reme
dy for Iho euro of l'ulns nud HimiUuhh ol llio
lloit.s, tJlcniilloiis of tho Tlnoal and Let;
lllolehes, l'lmples ou llio l'.ice, KryHlpelas nu
all healy lliuUloiiHortho.SIilu,uiid llcnullO in it
IheCiihiploHon. l'llco, 111 V) por Iloltle,
Tin: uiiiiat liuinirric,
has ciueil oery c.iso of Diabetes lu which It li.l
been e,h en, li numon of tho neck or lliollhulde
and Ilill.iiiiinnliou oftho Kldiu-ya, Ulceration o
tho Kldiwys and Bladder, Iletcntlon of UUno
DUcasesiif Iho l'ro, late (llniKl.Stuiio In tho lib. I
der, C'aleuN, Oiavel, llikkdusl Deposit, and
Mucous or Mllkylilschari.cs, nnd for l.ureohied
nud Dellcalo Constitutions of hoth Boxes, atten
ded with tho following symptoms i Indisposi
tion to llxcrllou, 1048 ol rower, loss of Memory,
Difficulty of llrcnlhlng, WcaU Nerves, Trem
bling, Horror of Disease, Vakeiulncfcs, Dimness
of Vision, l'nlu lu tho lloelt, Hot llnuds, l-'lunh-lus
of tho llody, Dryness ot tho Hkln, Hruiitlon
on tho Knee, l'nllld Countenance,
Lassltudo of tho Muscular Kystem, etc.
Used by persons liom tro naes of cltlhUen lo
lweuty-ue, nnd Irom thlrtydlvo to lllly-llvo ol
lu tho itccllno or elringo or lire; ufler eoitllnc
mout or labor pains; hed-wtltliig In thlldren.
Ilclmhold's llxtr.icl Ihiehu Is Dlurotio und
IIloiKl-lhirltylng, nud etiles nil dUcases arhdng
Horn Habits ot DNslp.itlon, and nud
Impiudeliccs tu Lire, Ilupurlths or tho Illood
etc., Mtpersediiii; t'opull i lu itilccllons rur which
It Is used, nud Kyphlllllc Allecllolls 111 theso
diseases used lu ronuccllon wllh UULMUOI.ll'H
ko.-si: WAHII.
In mmyallectlons peculiar lo ladles, tho i:x-tl-act
Ihiehu Is uneiiualled byanyothcrieiueily
ns is Chlorosis or llclentloti, Irregularity, l'nln
ruluess or Mippiesslon of Customary Ilvaeua
tlous, Uleernledor Hehirius Rtatoof tho Uletus
LeucorrhO'a or Whiles, btcrlllty.and for alt com
plaints Incident to Iho sex, whether arising riom
Indiscretion or HabltsorDls. liiation. It Is pro
scribed oxlenslvely by thu most cmluont
laus nud MUlwUes Tor IlulcebloJ uud Delle.ito
Coustllullous, ot hiilli aexesandnll aos (atten
ded with nuy of tho nbovodlseascsor symptoms ,
ii. t. m:iMr.or.D'rf ux ru.uT iiuciuii . 1
DIIN'CI.', HA1I11V. Of DiaSIl'ATlON, U'C,
111 all their llttlo expense, llttlu or no
chingo In diet, uo Inconvenience, nnd no ex
po-ure. It causes n rreaucnt desire, nud sheH
fitiength lo Urinate, theiehy romovlnt Obstruc
tions, 1'iesetitliM nnd Curing Slrlctuies or Iho
Uretlu, Allayiuj l'alu nud lull tuiutntlnu, so
rivqtieul in this class ot diseases, an I
ull l'olsonous in titer.
Thousnuds who havo been tho victims or lu
eoiupetcnt persous, and who havo paid henvy
rees to ho cured In u short lime, havo round they
lnvo been deceived, nnd that tho "l'olsou" has,
by thousoot"iowerrul astringents," been dried
up lu tho system, to break out In n more aggra
vated form, nud perhaps niter Mnulngc,
u.oiii:lmi;oui'hi;xti:act iiuciiu for mi
Airectlons nnd Diseases or Iho Urlunry Organs,
whether existing lu Jlalo or Female, fiom htil
ever causo r.rlglnalliig, nnd no matter ol how
long standing. l'KICK ONI! DOI, AND
II1.NHY T. I.KUn.oi.D'.S I.M
e.ninot ho surpassed as n FACN WAHII.nnd pll
bo round tho only spcelilc remedy In every
species or CUTANEOUS AFl'lXTION. II spee
dily eradicates 1'IMl'I.lH, M'oTri, WCOI1I1UT1L'
MIIMIIUANE, elo.. dispels ItEDNESS ami IN.
HKIN, FKOSTIIITES, nnd nil jiurposcs ror which
HALVES or OINTMENTS nio used t lesloies tho
sklu to a stato ot ptiilty nnd soilness, und In
smes continued hcnlthy ncllon lu Iho tissue o
us sessels, on which depend Iho agreeable elenr.
ncssaild vlsacltyol eomplexlou so much sought
uud ndlillro.l. Hut however valuable nn
remedy for exlslliig delect tit thu skill, 11, T.
Hclmbnld'x Uu.o Wash li w long sustained Its
prluelplu claim to unbounded patronage, hy
poss.ssiiigiiuaiiues which render it a TOU.KT
AITENDAUK or llio most riiiptriatlvo und
Cougeulul character, enmbluliig lu au elei-aut
lormuln I hose prominent ren,uhltB,SAFET Vnnd
i.i i ll..i; llie luarlablo nccouipnulmeut ol
Its ino-ns a rresersatlvo uud Itclreslterol thu
Complexion. It U an excellent Lotlun rur dla.
eases ofttHyplillltloNature.nutlas nu Injection
lor diseases or tho Uilunry Organs, arlslug riom
habits or dissipation, used In counectlou with
CATAWHA OIlAl'K WLW,!!! such us
rcconuiien led, cannot bo surpassed. 1'llICi:
1'ull and explicit dliectlons accompany thu
Kvldcuco of tho most responsible nud rcllulilo
character rumlshod on application, with hun
dreds or thousand, or living witnesses, uud up
ward or 30,000 unsolicited certificates uud rccoin
luendutory letter., mntiy or which are Irom Iho
highest noiuces, Including eminent I'htlclnns
Clergymen, (.talesmen, etc. The proprietor li
never resorted to their publication lu the news
papers; ho does not do this riom tho f.iet Ihn
his articles rank ns Btnndard reparations, and
do not need to bo propped up by certificates.
Henry T, IltiliuIioIil'N liciuiliir
t'rt'iuirut Ions.
Delivered to any address, Secure from obsei
Kstabllshed upward, or Iwcuty years. Bold tiy
Druggists everywhere, Addross letlers lor in
formation, la confidence to 1IENHV T, HELM
HOLD, Druggist and ChtinUt
Only Dcpolsi II, T, HELMUOLD'.S Drug and
Chemlcnl Warehouse, No. 001 Ilronawny, New
YorK, or to II, T, HI.LMHOLD'H Medical Depot
Ml HoutU Tenth Hlreet, I'hllaUelphla, l'a.