The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 13, 1871, Image 3

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The Columbian
qioomsburg, Friday, Oct. 13, 1871.
01 o, l ltowF.M.Al'i.,l() I'urlt Itow,nrrmtrol)l3
il.i cl AilwrlliliU Aiii'Ulli In New Ynll:.
I i,,'KTIl Kill A L'l.i No, lAfl l.'lll.Ktlllll NlH-O'
unr t.nly nulli'trlai-il Act nM In J'lillnlr Iphlii.
1 (I, MimrnY, lq. Iniiriiiillinrlr,i'il Aiirnt nt
1 . niriillii tu Irnnmii'L nny liii'iiiii.m i mlululriii to
, full MntAHiifflrc
r .-All lulYrtllvmcnti for llio iitrxrilnit loenll
I iini-itliii cmli'Tu'l by Ay. ntn, ur llir-y
, 41 1 ei Ivo no nllciilloii. tr.
llallroad TJtno Tablo.
Notlll. H"l."i.
t 11:11A.M. 3:i7l'.M.
At , nliiliinUatloll
lll4 , .'i 4"...4.,.
I .114.1.1
( 'lAV-M.Y 1
II .In if Noilli.
V.U 1'. -M.
, rnoji r.urniT station.
' llolliK holltll.
IOiU8 A. M.
l' CoNUr.H ll RUtllOl'lKCll to tr.H13-
iy business connected with tho
will bo continued on
Hat u iti) ay, in consc
(jiicneo of the rain.
Ti.Mi'i.itATrr.u orSui'TiiMiinii, 1871
' lllooniilmrtf, IM. Maximum Ffl
n 1 Hi" Mh nl 2 p. m. i Unlmmn 3.V on
I'n '2lt nml 2lM, nl 7tt. m. Avcrngo
(1 .can) GO" ll. v..
Wr. aro urntilo to j;lvo a satisfactory
I lilo of tlio return? of thin county In
ilili. tmmljcr of tlio Car.UMiirAtf. Koxt
vti'It tho ofllclal return will bo given.
Thr whole Democratic ticket la elected.
At tho leccnt Slato Fair hold at
. cmnton, linn. 1'j:ti:ii Knt drew the
premium for tho licst Hour. It wai
undo nt hi;' mill near Light StiTcl, fiom
Columbia county whllo wheat. Sir,
KntV Hour la highly spoken of by nil of
( i:rcll!::ni3 vlio havo vncil it, mid vc
nvo r.itlflu.'l to kdo It pronounced thcLcsl
piofcwloii, which linn iiIwivh bten nc-
credllod with Homo principles mid nomo
hrnliiK, by roIiik Into tho market to
liawl: about other pooplo'.-) wnro3. 8
far iw my letiowleilgo Koos, not n rIiirIo
newsp.ipcr oiltiulNimrMil In tho coun
try of any recognized ntatiiliii;,' and
Dplicopal t'oinculloii.
JMIlor'a Hook Talilo.
Number li.'G of IMlcWt Mitna Atn, for tint wcolc
cuiIIiik October 7, begins tlio on hundred and
eUnnlh lotitmeot that petloillciil, nnilli n goo1
number with which to begin a nntincrlritltiu. It
contains a Qunrtnly liciUw nrtlrlo on Jeremy
Tuylor) Comets ami UuiiicIh' Tnlls, taint J'aultt
ruinous I reuchmau, Dark Jlluc: ynnto W'uril
Tuir.MNiAr. OnxKHAfj Convi.ntion
ot.' Tins riioTr.sTANT Ki'tacoi'Aii
Cituitcit KouiiTit Day Tim lti
IUiynmoui:, Oclober 7. A mcs-aco
win received from tho llnuso of HUh-
, , 1 . 1 11 1 I 1 .v 1 imiuii. 1 ruuejiiiiuU iicirK jiiuCi unnio Y ortlf
Hiienco Jias adopted tho system, nnd In low. (ransm It ntf tho followlni? ronort nboutBir Walter ncott. f.w,z .w,,m.i, ti,
itfrreal majority of caes tho papers aro 011 uniformity of ritual! situation nt Venniiieii, iVfa'or nn instalment
dated at littlo vlllaijcs whero In fact Tho Committed of Klvo lllshops ap- llni1'.""'
they aro not Issued, nnd ttro Issued from pointed by tho Ilousoof Mshops, at tho n.eAduiwc, Chicago, well my of 710 lAvin'a
place:nvhcro they nro not In mllleient Ooneral Convention of 1803, to consider A" "'"i "" ' mmiMu thai m ncrymk.
demand to supimrl an establhhmcnt. whether any additional provision of ioofuoMr
t.tTTrt.r. .tf (iav
upon siiubcriocrn, n iraunupoii 1110 ov- praciieaoio and expedient, ami to report notion, rubihuen.
to tho next Genernl Convention, havlni; inr October number of Hcmnxna'o MoNtnr.v
held sundry mcellm;n nt socral dllTor-
tut phiics, at each of which all tho
members of tho Committco wero pres.
cnt through lhocullroBeesioii,Bnd hav-
iiiff, a) they bellove, given to tho sub.
eminent in tho mailer of postage, and u
scandal on lho honest and laboring
piv.i. Tlicy aro a 'half-and-half ' of
that which U old enough to bo stale,
and that which U IlalenotiKhlobodiah-
water, nnd never, Blnco Ilarnumnttach'
h on onr table, well filled as usual wllh tnont In
teresllngartlclcn. Tlio most Important eswy In
tho number, howoscr. Is Mr. l'aucber'8 'Wa
Adam lho First Mnn?' It Is hero coutcuacd that
tho Mofinto record llHClf lurnlshos "Ktrong Intl.
malleus thatothernatlousthantbodi'.cendants
ol Adam dwelt on tlio corlli.'' "rcrlmi," m.i
tlio wi Iter, "tho concclvod theories ot what rov-
r-Kyptlnn lilununey and advertised it consideration which its lmporlanco elation teaches win mcot with disastrous over-
' tho benutirui. orltrlnnl nnd pentlllli! mnrltH. rrsiifrllvolv nlt Irnvnln ronnrl! llirowi but when readjusted upon correct prlu-
..,, , . . . , I,.,. ' , '., , , 1 i, clplcs, thero will bono nntnsonlsm with rovcla.
i4uii w, uiu wi, iiua ii ti'.ivui iiiiiiiiiu,! i.iiu ii'auiuuuu uiuiui viiii:ii uiu uuilf
ed lho tall of a fish to lho body of an Meet matter Intrusted them that careful
been put boforo lho world."
I'imIiIii 1'Ircs,
Ti:iti!iitt,i: DuvAbTATioM A Hum
mini) and Fii'iY Jlii.csoi' Wood
Tun I'r.oi'i.i: l''x,i:r.iNo ronLin:,
tlon.M This Mnwizluo In every deuartment .
mllico Was apiiOIIllCd raises several inctary.artlstlcandmcchaulcal.-glvcsuvlilenco
01 1110 inse, iiminy, ana tact 01 1110 f.iuior.aun
tho abunuant resources of tho publishers, who
spuro 110 pains or c.sponso to malio n maaxluo
worthy of tlulr reputation, nnd that It will taku
Us lauu unioug tho most brilliant, popular, and
usual Monthlh'i of tblsorany other country. "
W Ith tho llrst number ot tho third s nlumo t No.
questions for oxamlnatlon and nnswer,
Is any Iculslallon touching tho perform
nneo of dlvino cervico and thu admlnls
trallon of tho tneiamcnt and other rltts
nnd ceremonies of tho Church practlcu
bio? and if practicable, Is it nt this ember,) ibiicr' m ifonthly will bo enlarged, nnd
1'iom n small bCL-Iimlti;; somewliero titno expedient V nnd If practlcablo nnd Kdiy mcreai.ed in popular interest. Tho pr h
41. 1. 1 ..f ........ .Il.ll.t l.nll 1, n n 41... al . n tin., f ,v ' v.. . ..u .... .v .
iiviii uiu wuiuiiiuuuun.iry ui uiu ouuo ,.v.,.v.., n.... 4. ... u,u.. uPu, I lending man i.tncs, SI per year, nnd t bo publish
says tho til. Paul Pioneer of Oct. '2, cmou or canons v or, Biiau it nootner. orspromlsotoBparonopniusorcupcnsotoinako
within n few days past, a inatrlo ilro v'l;0 piovidcd for? nnd, Ilnally, what muoixsi mngit2ino in tuoworw
nread until 11 has icaehed tho "lib.- mi.iii tlio netuai aetalli ol icsisiatlon
WooiN," ICO mllcj from the point of ba't
Ik llloonisburg tho following
olllcera wero elected on Tuesday, viz :
Qmstatilcs lil. 0. Woodward, I.. U.
School Directors 11. F. 7,irr, J. K.
Asscnon Lewis Ilnrnhaid, T. J.
Tin; newspapers Fay that A . 10. K AVi",
K-q., of Northumberland, has an Al
derney cow that has averaged 1 1 pounds
of butler per week during lho past fea
Min. Wo know that Mr. Kai'p, has a
splendid herd of Aldomeys nod wo nro
not surprised nt tho result stated above,
but it is well to bear lit mind thai his
eattlo nro fed plentifully on lho mosl
suitable food and aroal carefully looked
after ns nro horses by most farmer.!.
They nro well fed, comfortably hoined,
cleanly 'kept, and treated with lho ut
most kindness. It need sc.ircely lo ad
ded that that Is tho way tu make cows
Conl ro Sliwl.
linrron Cur.UMin.vx : As tho Street
Commissioner Is opening Centre Street,
1 would llko to imiulroifllioMtlo walk,
narrow enough at nl! li nes, Is to bo
kept encumbered with steps, boxes,
barrels, hogsheads, and suchlike, to lho
constant ineonvcnlenco or tho public?
A few citizens gavo one hmulmt lnl
hm afoot for tho ground thus occupied.
fern public street, and givo It to tho
public. Mr. Omimlssloner, let us havo
street and sldo walk, as tho lawyers say,
In feo t-imple, whatever that means,
and clean oirall incumbrances.
A Lowkii KNiinn.
Vote of IllnomOutrg.
I.aht l!i.0O5l.siiuu(! : McCandlciB,
ISS, Stanton, lnl; Ilrockway, 202, Kob
hnu K." Darr, I"!), LtUo, 7'J J 1'ryson,
Hi), James, l;'(i; Lanion, Uvcrllt,
ir.j Sliairer, ll'i, Hhlve, 115.
WlT IlI.OOMUUI!(! I McClllldlfS,
!).',, Slnnton, ISO; llioekway, 111, llobl
sou, 11(1; Dorr, 102, Lake, !S; llryson,
James, HIS; Iiamon, 11(1, Ilverltt,
'.i-.; KhallVr, Sblve, 12.i.
Majorities In tho town are therefoie
as follows : MiC.mdle.-s, !!; llroek
way, 118; Derr, 101; James, 20; La
ui in, 117 ; Siivc, !'.!).
starting. In striking tho wooda it was
nnl stayed hi Us eour-e, but tho flamnj,
KolKlug upon tlio dry undcrbrtuh, and
from thciico lo tho tall trees of tho for
est, extending its lino for a distanco of
tiftrrn m!!r. In the henvv timber, until
H reaclied Hiiutn ltKC, wnen once ou-u never to iorgev mat suusuinimi
iV'surudly theso nro cpieiillons that
ti iieii lho Church and its ministers nnd
membois In many and very vital points,
mid Involve many dulcato n3 well ns
Woon'a llorsKitor.n MAOAZinn. "Onward,
right onward" seems to bo tho aim of tho imb-
lWitrs. Tho October number wllu lus list of fun-
mis contributors and Its valuablo reading, Is n
gem, ind . I ablo arllcks, from such ixipular
writuisos urccicy i l'urtou, lioecucr, Oall II tm
ilion, etc., itc., fnrul-hed for only ONI) UOI,-
DAitnycar. The Jingazino Isolwullly Incieas
inecious n l .Hons. In considering theso Ingln public favor, and wo predict for It n brlll-
iiutnliotis, tho cemmltteo havo endo.iv-
tiulfoimlty h entirely compallblo with
very consUIerjljlo Inuivldtiat liberty ;
thai non-essentials should never bo tin
duly magnified, and far less ralsid to
an equality With Cf.sentl.ils; that many
ttoublosomo and objectionable things sitdowiumdsclcctthoveryilrstothlsfavoiltos
nro ephemeral In their nature, and
"peri jh in tho using,' and that, under
i'llrl v under headway in tho llmber.tho
,ccnolJ decribed ns grand beyond the
lower of pen or pencil to picture,
inc rrnrkllnt' with a sound that could
ho heard for miles tlio llames tore their
v ny, leaving behind them a smoking,
iliMilulo waste to mark their onward
match, l.vorything In tin ir conrso was
ilfidvnved. 'lho irralu and haystacks.
in enrol c os. lonccs. mid ino ltu o
iiomes nnd scanty household goods of any circumstances, hasty legislation U
ihobotller nl leiinprey o t no insaiia c ,,v, r t(, )0 avoided, nor havo they omit-
uons er. rno terror Kir.uh -. , pe. i-.u u (o , ,n mlll(l lho wHn v,.nr,u uf
.Imwlw.hlo.l. Ibankftil to cocaim wKh Thlrly-tourth Article of llcllglon.
....... ' '!'!... nnt.....ll,r.. 11.. 4..ll...t..r.
ineir lives. , v...ii4iiiii,iu ivi.u.i, u.u .utiu,,...
On ijaturilay morning ino usmes np- ., , . mutters upon which they respect-
proaeueti ino i m.i i . i u folly r.icnmmeud legislation:-
,. i,(mnf n flrnir.v. Pn.'rf u-nn-. i hey ivcommciui mat certain acts in
house, at lho termlnui of tho iron on tho udiuinNtratlou of tho Ifoly Com-
tho St. I'aul and racllli: road, wjmo nuinlon, and on other oci-aslons of pub.
lui-ntv mi es tins s t o oi 4reeKiurni"u. . i t., i ... ,...i ,.
,.i .i.. ,i,, ,.. ,,ahn "u --",i "" .'i
t".w. ::. ... : , , Vim , moidbiied by anon, to wit :-
hint itiluro, for pcoplo nro not slow in bestowing
llictrp.itrou.igo when they can obtain tlio most
for then money. Mpcclmi.ii copies fuiuUhod
free, l'ubllshod by H, . W001J & CO., Now
butgh, N. Y.
DAsruiMoiiNisa. A Cbromo from that per
feotton or lovi'llne&iby Mary 'i llarl, A
plain, mild, r.itlu cross of ifhllo inarblo, nnd
twined uiealh uf exiiulslto lloucrs, Hhould ouo
For ICvi'iy IJi'dy.
At Lust Yeur'n Price?.
I fits jNivulinpcd ti oiio-lmlf inloiwt
in llio Stock ol'doodnofJl.J.
Clark. Air. Wolf litis
liccn lo Now Ywk
mid laid in
liiiiiillniM wL-iu situaled on the oimoslVj
sldo of thorailroad traci:, anil ino names
would havo to maico a leap oi '.omo
fnrl v font In reach them. They did not
ealculatoupoii tho force of tlio coming
whlriwinii oi nre, nun mu miuuiug-,
together wltli nil their contents, fell an
eif.v nrey to lho names.
l.ofintni' lho road (and at dill rem
points setting lire to tbo ties,) the Haines
spread onward with the llcotncsn of the
wind. Tho pas.-enger train that left
hero on S.Uuuhiy morning lor Morris,
I. Tlio use of inccnso.
1'I.iclng or retalnliig n crucifix in
nny part of tho church,
3. Carrying a cross In prcciSMuii In
1 Tho tuo of lights on or uboiit the
holy table, except when necessary.
The elevation of the elements in
the Ifoly Communion in fiuch manner
h toexp'i-o them to tho view of tho
:irrivid sarelv al the station, nlthoih.h tu-iattU w nSInc, j tnvviirtlj which nilnm
no 'V''i lion is lo bo made in or nficr lho prayer
smoko nnd heat, nnd when it reached
MnnU llinenrswero lllled with tho ein-
dcrs and ashe.t of tho prairiO grass. Tho
u lmln nnimlrv for miles was covered
with n dense volume of smoke, and tho
air lllled with tbedylngember.s of grass,
shrubs, etc
All day on Sunday thollro raged with
of ('ratloii ; or in lho act of admin
istering them, or in convoying them to
or from tho communicants.
0. Tho mixing of water with tho
wlnoas part of tho service or In pres.
ence of the congregation
7. The washing of thu priest's hands,
uunbaletl fury, and yesterday wben.lbe or tho ablution of tho vessels in pros
pui-wiger iratu lrom 4iorris eaino over cnct) ()f t)iu (.iijr,vgnllon
in ruiKl, UK-ro u-iw 11 linn ni urn lor - ,,,,.,,, .naa i-iniilli.vliill
mlle-s on each sldo; that in lho "Dig s- trowing-., W I
WomN," between D.mvln anil Smith prastralloii', reverenci s, bowing down lu-IiiL' I'siicclallv irrand and terri- mum or hNslii-' tho holy table, and
lie. Tho llro had crossed tho ro.lll, tlllil I tiK-t-llll"'. CXCOpt ns allowed, provided ehimleal MovemcnlH, tic! Woa.uioi.voryl'o,ly
...iti .....i.r.i.l.... 'I-Inf 111 flm n-nnilj n ' . - . . . ..... ti ... ................. ..... . .
ol lho conservatory, there Ihey aro In all llielr
i.eauu or beauty, lunging gruccfully over tlio
nr. us uf lho cioas; loses, panhlos, fuchsias, gcr
nt lumt, iiellot.opo, Ac, with thiir vnriul groou
! uL, rjinrtlMically nrnmgcd Unit tho contrast
if iiiIiiih Is most be.iutiful lu llstll'ect. iiortsh,
it. l nli'i unlunil nro tiicso gcinsof lho garden,
lb. n!rs i ins ill; d wllh their friiEninte. Anno
n.Muiitluii uf lintuly, faithful lo Ihooriglual
palming, i ml i-iil. d 1'iiANii's bin, lloamcil
l.M.1-1. l'rkepi.riupyJS. Tills charm-
ttiroluo , id bos nl us n premium freu of put-blgo
loiiliv ono hcudlnir threo Kilb-'illiels to Woou's
ItousLiioi.n Mauaini:, or tuuny one uhofchull
roruaul Ihrco dullais for ouo siibsurli.llou Ihieo
J ears In udvatn'o, Ihus obtiilnlng lined dollars
wurlii or luipiduo nnd thloo dollars worth of
itiiiuzines nud lhroo dollars worlli of Lhruino
lor only sj. A arLty of other eri niiu-nsolieied
on equally inm, 1-fs.ciiuin coplis of tho
mngnzluo frto fir raising clubs. A Mi.-ss.tS. H.
WoOU ,t CO., New burgh, y. Y.
Inn Amkkic'In bTilci; Jocn'Jit,. ulwavs n
Icomo vlsltoriind lllled wllh llileiosllug mat'
tel. tint lho October nulior now bet'oio us, Is
romarl.-iwy on. it taues no Mop lncl;-ard but
iniproVs with age. As Is 11t.11.1l 1 Lit iiionlhlles
at this t lino of', II Is throwing out feelers for
Its next volumu of 1st.: and otfors tlio threo lust
numbers of thlsjeargiiilis t mil now subsctlb-
rswhohoml In llic-lr i.iib.criiitious beforu lho
llftt of It Is. publislied nt tho low
I riuj of 0110 dolUr er j c.wsby N. 1 l;oYi:it &
CO., rnikesbiirg, eounly, I'd.
.M-.w Cunsch An I'Air.sT Laws. V.'onm In
debted to Mu nn A Co., puhltshcis or tho Scietittjlc
Iwi.iimi,:.owork, lor a neat Itttlo bound vol
iimoor 110 pate-, r.s above, it eontuliis
tlio complete Census or l-7'l, Miowli.g Ihu l'opu
at 1 on by Counlles, rf nit tlio htntis und'iirr!
lorlei, Willi tlieir Aioas, nnd lho I'oriilalli.u or
tlio 1-rliiclp al cities. Alio, llio new I'.iunl I
In full, with Finns, Olllelnl ltnlci, Directions
bow lo obtiiln 1'aUi ts, Copj rUhts, ltiguhillons
ror Trado-JlnrUb, Ahi-ninonts, How lo sell l'nt.
elils.etc. Ah-i, ll largo variety of Miluib'.a In
rjrmalloii leiallng lo Wliler-v neel, Hleuii-
l-higlnes, and other mechanism, wllh many
usetul t.ibes and roslpes, 17"i diagrams of Mo-
was still sweeping. That In tho woods
w nil 1,1 nmli.ililv extend to Crow river.
where its coiiino would bo stayed, but
in it mi tlm tmrirlo will nroliaoiy sweep
far northward, unless u providential
rain puts ti slop lo lis ravages.
Ileiirv (lUL'or. 01 Sl. taouii, was re-
fur nr directed bv lubrlcs or canon, it
being provided that rovcrenco at tuo
mention ol tho namo of tho Lord Jesus
Is not intended to bo disallowed, and It
beinL' further provided that private
turnblgS ' Fort'hlu with Phonal devotion or after offlclol
In send lor It ns nboo. t'rlco z'i cents. A moro
vniiiabio (.ompeiidlum, lor so 1.111.1II upiico, lias
lareiy been published.
LOCAL NOTICKS. lino's, have Iltty elder barrels to sell.
Nit.v Itocliello.dawtou) Ula eltbeiry Vitus fur
" rnpprs Willi Dori.ivied i:,,cls."
Colonel Ai.imtiT Cr,.vuic, of lho St.
Albans Meiseiiticr, thus sharply criticiz
es tho " patent outsldcs and Inside "
which havo como so generally into
vogue, nnd which ho characterizes with
the above titlo :
" Within a very few years companies
havo been organized in some of tlio
western cities and In Now York for ed
iting nud printing 0110 ontlro sldo of a
full sheet, and then, instead of sending
H out as other city pipers do, to actual
subscribers, they furnish it to certain
feeblo country olllces cheaper than reg
ular publishers can buy their blank pa
per. Tho companies can all'ord to do
this boeaiwo they secure remunerative
advertisements, for many business men
aro green enough to supposo that they
enjoy a tremendous circulation. Tho
samo half printed sheet Is furnished to
a largo 11 umber of different cHlces, so
that tho cost of editorial labor and of
composition Is saved. To suit nil tho
different shades of opinion, a certain
number nro worked off containing 0110
or two strong Itepubllean articles, then
nnothcr batch with thoso articles left
out nnd strong Democratic articles,
written by lho tamo pen, inserted, so
that nt length these rcady-niadoopinlon
moulds navo actually advertised their
productions ns cither Itepubllean, Dem
ocrats or independent, to suit purchas
"Such nn accommodating disposition
would iniriiiy secure them much natron
ago If they had to go before lho sturdy
people lor it, uiu it serves them a prof
itable end, slnco their only patrons nro
those country publishers of prostituted
piluclplcs, who aro willing to deal out
lho products of such hash m Ills nt second
hand. What Is It that people lake a
pnpor for? Tartly for Its news, partly
for Its vlows, nnd partly for Its adver
tisements. And yet tho news of theso
'Inshles' Is always n week older than
that of legitimate papers; their viow3
nro thoso of men who publicly proclaim
that they rldo threo horses in different
directions at tho samo time, and their
advertisements nro of necessity nil for
eign from tho locality whero the pnpor
purports to Issue.
"Therefore, so fur as ono cnliro half
of the paper Is concerned, It fulls far bo.
low that istnudurd of Interest which
freshness and nownets always glvo, nud
as for tho other half, It is what might
hoexpectcd from men who llnd It lm.
posslblo to mako n wliolo newspapor,
and nro theroforo willing not only to
dccolvo their patrons but to dlpgrnco tlio
nvo lino horses, tho Haines overtook him ministration is not to bo understood to Hl0i 55i rcr jlimJr ldi ly JCM,.lt o.miiiisox
.mil !,rplni Ids on v safe v lu iacini1
(limit. 10 loaiioi 11 s norses inr 1110 w.111
nl lire, anil iiasueu iiirniigii, minimi;
hu nvriT out from h s back, and ln urlti:
hU horses to such nn extent that thoy
in, nlmn-.t worthkss. Fortunately -Mr.
fin. 'or.'.nii'd with only a low burin.
lie is an 0111 iiaini on uiu pnunin, aim,
holding Id's breath, svwillnwiil nou.inie,
inclmloor Justify any of lho acts pro- nioomsburg. im,
II. Tho celebration or ucelvlng of tlio
Holy Communion by any Itishop or
niicit. when no ncrsou receives wllh
10. Employing or permit I lug any
A miloor Iwo behind Mr. auger was person or persons uol hi holy orders lo
a man driving n lloek t.r mihio liiO , t u,p,lHt0- In nny p.ut of the
shc'.p. Neither man nor sheep had been ,., ', ,... ,. .,.,..,,,,', r n.
, e .., 1 ... ii..n....i.ij imiiL'i lui tile- .1, ,1111 uini I u inn ... ...
llfaill lllllll HI Ll 'l llVlVHIlin,
is.. CI.....1 ... Mr I'of i.tiilnr. lli.i flltl. I Inlv I ninliltttltnil.
iluotnr i,r the .MnrrH train, went out 11. Using ut nny mmiinisirauou 01
n.imotv.-o mlli.-i on tho iirairiowltlia ii,ifny Communion, any prayers, col
companion or two. rney saiv 1110 nro , , L.()siiids. or enistlf.s oilier titan
'lllllACfO nnd HIiOA ICS can bo bought nt tlio
Mnnimolh Oioctry of J. II. .MAl.K,nt ellyprle
tjuuiity vi ly supiilot'. Try theni.
Mnill.s New l'limlly fcttlng s-tcn
d ollnts nihil balniico in monthly lust diluents'
J. A. 1'oii.VN, Agi nl, Illiu.msburg, l'n. mOi-lf
I!. A, CAUMiN nf r...nti.n 1ms Jn't riluini
lrom lho ,-hy wllti a 11 no a .nor Imont ofmllllnoiy
.ioiIs, to whleli s'i - Invite 1 Hie ulti'tilloii of tlio
people. If
a I
of Common
Canon IS of
title if tho Digest.
Tltev fuilher reeommend hero :
1. That no reclor of tv parish, or other
mlnlsler, shall bo allowed to Intro dtico
tho choral servleo wilhmil the consent
Ingvoto of tho veslry, or contrary to
ilciilato upon Us rapid much, -...d those provided in tlKi Ilook
turning too lal'' to Hy, would havo per. l'rayer, or under .i 01
Ished had they not foriunaieiy iitt'i
ni.itfhrs with-them. with which they
m.i .11 "iiiit'k lire." and. followimr It tin.
thev stood among tlu smoking embers
while the inarlng blast swept by them
nl it villi instance.
It is imi'Os-ible to estimate tlio loss
4 1.1.. .It,-... A t..-f
.';,: , 1 Ti,, ' 'un m- 1 1 !i 1 tl 1 : 1 ' r i 1 1 . r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lho prohibition of tho bishop.
of the lino of the road, and whero it 2. That no surplleed choir shall bo
will bostopped e.iunot lu told. employed except under tho h.iiiio limi
tation ; nud when such choirs are em.
Local Option Aiiandondd. Tho ,,ioved. tho only addition to their ordi-
Temperance men of Now York liuvo nnry :il llio -slmtl b" a mrplleo reaching
put ti Slnto.tlckct In tho Held, and nave -n ,10 nnkles
boldly declared in favor of separate a. That no chancel shnll bo nllowcd
political action. In t1 eir platform they (() i,0 (.() nrranged ns lo prevent the mln
denounco both of the existing political
riartles. but tho most remarkable clause tho holy table. It Is to be noled that n
In tho document Is a declaration ol hos- credence tnblo Is Iawlul.
tilitytotho Idea which recently met 1, Tho committco further recommend
wltli so imieh favor, that tho voters of Hint eannonlcal provision bo mado
counties or towns should bo authorized touching tlio dress approprlalo to der
by law lo determine w hcthcr licenses gyinen ministering in llio congregation,
for lho salo of llquorshiill Do grouted or Ant n,at the only vestments declared to
I'Fltt.N.-, illdo btCll tO tills t.flll'D fi r Jotl pi lilt
ii t; nnd ndM itlslttg nre ninliiiltd Hint onope
is ut. per iiinulh Is it.ldi'd in nil bills llinlstund
nvir :o daif. ji.'ls if.
I'ltrvmU Pui-y t'tvc J'tlli wlllnroatly lellci',
not tntlrdy cure, iH spcpsla when ovcrylhln
oisi, falls, i hey havo been tried In soino di-spcr-
nlftcatos, nnd havo ylitn mole rillef lhan any
otlitr medicine.
Wi: cill utunitl'i'i 1 1 llBfuv Ziri-iTN-.i.: in
talillKhuunt; In lho lino or watches, elocl:
Jewelry, etc. ho Is an exptrt, nnd In spcct.u le
cto., no lias a IntgeHieetlou wltli n rlpo oipeil
en.-o,io promptly lit tho rcquliiili'i'iis.
Tun slntiincnts mnilo by dialers in other ma.
ehnus, that Ihey nil New Finger Hewing Mil
ehlnis is not line. Tho Slngir Mnlmru-tory
supply no loacbints In Columbia 1 nunty, e.n
In their uullioilzed agent, J. A. Hi. KAN. iui,.,il
A i.rxi norlment nf SCHOOL HOOKS
and STATION AltY, whnlesalo and letiill lit
I). W Klin's Ilnolt Store, opposlto llio Cnuit
House, Mlseelluneous books. Ixultnonaies. ste
ister from olllclatliig at the right end of uidoido picinies.Kanies, piciure-biioks.iiinnit
IsioUsof nil Ulnib', etc., etc.
ii.1s. If.
A M-.wnnd elfganl ni'sortinentoff.iUnndwIn
ter goods lias hut bien reel Ived by H.H. Mll.1.1:
A Son, whlcli they oifer nt very low prices. Also
nil nrllclis usually kept In n dry eri.ds slcre
Their frkmlsnrd thopublloiiro Invited to cull
nnd cxamluathcm.
not. The convention tkchmd that tho
State has no right, eltherdlreclly or in
directly, to legalize tho tralUclu Intoxi
cating Illinois, and, consequently, no
Maxy valuubto horses dlo lrom tho effects of
colic. Tlio bist thing to do III n easo of this kiln
Is lo pour n tiottlo of jQhnwn'a Anodjae Lttdmait
bo appropriate to clergymen so minis
tering, lie
1. For lllshops, the present Lplscopal Into 11 long necked Junk bolllo, add half plot of
robes. 2. For llll ministers, ll Willie inoiasscsunn wiurr.incn pour inowuoiouown
ti4.i 1 r 1,1. n I,, 1 11 6. ,, l.lnrd' I l,lu norno " luioui, 111 leu minim ino liorto
ri;ni. in fiiiHitv iin- 1111111111:1 in eiu.eii surpnee, u diucu ur Hiiiiuaiuiii i .....v.. win begin to cat,
with the newer to inauo that legally pur. :. not lfac i nir be ow ine aiiuies,
..I..I.I ...t.1,.1. Ij innenl w.m,., T I ... I i I, .,.!., W VII nuns UU I UUipiiu iiianitiiin lOrgrilllling
'K"" ""' J II UIHCK KUWII mm U.UIUS. Mfa nn. N.u.i. .1 Uui,' U'1.11 ..
seems 10 us in uu iv ihkii.ii cuiiciua.uu, Thoy aic'O recommend intti lirovisniu thoinaehlno was liiveuled to urlud colfeo:
md wo suppose wo may oxpect lho po made: 1. That on occasions of ser- correo was invoniedtobogronud by tlio machine,
Tonipcratico men of l'cniisylvania to vices where expediency or necessity of
abandon tho Idea of local optlon.whlcli health may require It, the university
thev strove to havo passed Into n law can may bo tuctl. 2. That candidates
last winter. for orders who nro licensed lo act as lay
readers, may uso tho academical black
Fidelity to party consists lu uiiwa- gown. 3, lx mUHtlon to tho canonical
verlng devotion to the principles nud p revisions now recommended, lho Com
nn earnest support of tho candidates of nilttco further unanimously recom
thaiiolltlcnl organization to which ono montl that soino action ho taken to carry
belongs. Without thorough organlza- Into effect tho principles declared in
tloti and honest effort on tho part of in. tho second resolution,
dividual members of such organization,
no party can hopo to succeed. Such n- .V Nr.w way of cheating at elections
dellly ns wns illustrated by tho nohlo was developed In tho recent contest in
Konian guard who stood at his post at
1'ompell when tho molten Hood of Vor
hiivius rolled down nnd overwhelmed
nil who did not lice, before It, nnd who
nftcr eighteen centuries had elapsed was
taknn from tho ruins, still standing In
his martial position, nstntuoof devotion
to tho trust reposed lu him, Is tho kind
of lldellty to bo admired In tho Demo
crat who novcr swervcH from duty, but
Is at all times nud under all clicumstaii.
ces found standing squarely up for his
party's nominees, battling for tho causo
of truth nnd liberty ; always to bo ro
lled on, nnd novcr found nbscnt or
wanting when his services nro needed.
San Francisco, California. On it num.
her of ballots, nltruto of silver was ap
plied to the namo of lho taxpayers' can
didate for Assessor. This substance
produces no Immediate effect, so that
(ho voter would deposit tho bnllot with
out suplclon, Hy the time, however,
that the box was opened to count tho
voto, the imiiio was entirely erased by
the chemical action of tho drug on tho
Ink. This does not inalcli the giuuo o(
tho"ltlng" olllclals in this city. They
not only deprive tho man of tho voto lu
whoso favor It was cast, but they count
It for his opponent. This Is hotter than
nitrato ofhllvcr l'itlattelpfiUt Aye,
14 tlio problem to lio solved, various merlUnrn
claimed lor It, but tho best way is to tost It, or
tinst go nnd sco It,
Ni'.viaiMounl NnvFitMouKl Is tho snd cx
clainatlou of tho Invalid, who has nhnndorusl
forsomo worthless compound, u sterling midt
cinal preparation, If any Biilfeter front Pyspeiv
slu, Constipation, llllloiisncss or Doblllty, bus
been lured, in a weale moment from olthtr
thoso two sovereign Vegi-lllblo Hpeellics, iue.
Innd t utniutn jiwittutl t 7liic,und In-
ilucedto "run after straugo gods," "Nevermorot
Nevermore " Is his cry, us he returns dtsgustod,
to lho standard remedy. Fold by nil druggists.
NO , I) VAN CI'. ON l'ltlNT.-t.
r,HO"WHIf lil.OCK,
The Counly A (lords
Conic and Examine
Iiffoio Piiicliiisiiig; UlstowlitTi'.
I'OllTllKNl'iW iHUil.
wnioir auh now in i-iniiK
E. 31. KN011U,
I?rptcnib(r8, lWI-tf.
cttstoivl ovevide
ii r. s t "y o ii it m i: x.
1471. HHMMtlt .MtANOllMUNTS. IS7I.
rasscugcr Tri Ins on this road will iuu us lol
lows I
BTAIIOKS, Hall Xorth
Wllll.lluspolt, J,v, (liip. m
Muney, 6.,Vi "
Milton, " a,io "
liiinvllle, i.;iii "
Unpen, " 1,1.'
rutiiu Issii, 4,i, "
Itnigiown. " .. "
Humnitl, " n.-jo "
Mail Huulh.
I.v. K.'J.ln,ui
" turn "
" ii.w "
" lii.l(l "
" 111.31 "
" 10.11 '
" II..HI "
" Vi.Si pan
P. M
Milbony Juno,
l.:tll "lllliuTilliiililUil. lllne.
J.'JS " lleililinj, '
H. I, " 1'otlsvliio, ''
7.011 " I'lllUlelpbln, "
I. i't "dluo Mnucii Ciitiui,, dim,"
111 ' nel hie hem, '
on', " l'hlla. via lletblcliem, "
J,(iii " Haslon, "
New York, II, Liberty st
.- " via I.. Vt H. It. It.
n.r.1 " " h. Valley It. It. " "
HMD n.m,
s.ll '
I. u'i p. in.
12.IM) noon ii. in
II. 113 "
.( "
lllhl '.
llostuu. " H.I'O p. Ill
oi:o, wi:on,Hupt,
I'or good nisnnd prouipliicui in llllltig otdcis
lliei ii ii, i no I'lucu lu gu.
Ills eondM nro sell eli il wltli earn and ills CllS'
om W orlc will eompiiro fnviil'iibly with lho last
IIIOIISOI llio 1.1SII101IUMIU en y ueuivi.
imvs' am niii.m.r.N's cmitiiinii
.i:vts' iiit.Msiii(j (jnoiis,
At Aklonlshlngly fxiw Prices,
lilooms I uu;, Fi pt, l, 1 S71 -t I
jjow J1 or
lho suuscrihor nlfsrs his woll known llrlelr
Taiern, lu the town of .Niiiofdln, Colombia ctnin.
r, 1, wiin Bit ins iBnu nun iiiiprnvuinoiiis
lierm.n. for snle. On tltn suit! iilonciU .Is ureou
oil K
occupied win Tavern, a Largo fliwl And all tbo
nviviMMtrjr niHuunu. .uso,
O.VH I) W K I, h I N O HO US 13
and alnblo close by thu tnvorn mid nbul 40
nei es of land of which there Is
2 8 AO It E S 0' L U A It K 1)
and niulorno-id cultivation nnd the Inlnnco Is
well limbered. Tin, said nionorty will lw sol I
rivals between now nnd tho lotlt ilsy of Ooto-
'Cr Ilex'., nnd If Hot until Ik.iut4m.ii now mill llini,
t Will be ofnired at publlo sale oil
Al rORsnnnblo terms, Possession Will ho ulven
tl any time tint sale Is eimnrnud between tho
parties snd a gocd title inr nit lb.- snid property
Will IM Riven by LUDWHI '1 1 1 I'll I, Iv.
V A I, 11 A II I. 11 It K A li ll H T A T II ,
lu Mirstinneo of nn order of tho Orphans'
'onrt or Coltimblrt eounly, will hu espnsislto
tlblii snle Mi Hit, nlelnlsi s. nn PA'1 UllllA Y llio
. . ... IJ4 1. . .4.4I.4,, .4, A., 11., V "ll.- W l'14'.V
111 thu MtetlinoI. I,v Inuiii l.elbv nhd Mrse,
Hterhi-l', KdlniUlstrntors of llldeou Kleikerlllt'i
III IL.tnl... t( triu-,isl.ln II. I r.llll.tvlll..
lo'tribnl propeity, slliinto In KimloiU town-
iit nonso n
btllllll Kob
iv. routnln.
W IS N T Y -S I X A 0 U K fi .
'tvflneres nf Lbn sntnn Iwilnr. lnl. lnln of lVtir
BIAmnn, tkuensed, iwn-flfihs of which only ho
longs In said Olilmm Pllii'ker. Ibo land Is to bo
old tor tho payment ot debts.
ci utiin.iKK luwiifluip, uerciwu, mo i
tlocribn propeity, MtimNt lu JIiinlnH
lilp in sfiKlcnutityilietiiRthuMiOi'lnii Jl
foccrteiil.Hiid hountl by Jiintln of i.tbiili
ihu, I'nnk-1 Wugntr nnd nnnr Ulliy, r
nntl onlbnlliilogs,
TKflMfli Tn tiPi fuiit. nt m.ii.fiitiillt nf llm
tMirrlinno monnv nit nniil nl thu Ntrlklnt tlnum
cf lho properly; tho one fonrth lew U16 tu per
cent, nt tho confirmation of sule; aU tho ru-
R 10 A h
T A 'I1 15 !
JNuratdia, Aug. h, 187J,
( fruit nml joml wator on
I HA At' I'KNtV.
tnwnfnR fhnn fuurtlis In ono yvnv llic reirtLr(
wiin lutorent irnm ino conn rmniiuu nim.
Jjy oraor or tlio Conn.
soi-t. 15, 'Ti-Ui. riulhonotivrj',
Logal Noticca.
t ..-:,rPT, """OVER, BfWD,
Letters of n'linliilBirRtioii on lb eatiito of
Jmmo Oiwjvor, UU, .,r Centre twp., Ooltimhli
county (lo U., irnvtitioou dratitrxl hy tho ltuiiuir
of BflM oouiil. io BamiKjl Noylmnl ut NHinn
lDlftfW. All DOIUnn tillV IIU flnlma .(.... i is
n(nint tho tlooodont nre reuuwtml Ui tunko
mora uuowntnnu luoen inuoouwi u tnnKn niy
wirATi: or tiomah w. ltirrrifiifii,
lAiler of ailmlnlHtrRllon on tlio tnf it. of
Thorn an Y, llutoninfl, lato of Mlfrtln lomhlp,
Oolumhtn county, dtiueiweU. livo been Kfiim-i
by tho IleglHterof snl.I oountv toftimael t rcny,
ofwimo towiwhlp. All pornnn IuivIdk ciamn
ordcinantlaftinst tho .Wovlent oro r-in f l
to mako thorn known, iu.i mow InjUi.u ,. w
inako iwiymcui with jut 'J tiny.
nepl.l ut sVUmtuwinuf.
lA-ltcm ol lulmlnlfltrnlluti on tUe etituto o
Ueomo V. YenKer. lflto of Locum twp,,Oolum1iln
founty, UeceftoU, Imvo been giunitil by tho
tuginfLr ot snM county to Margnret Y-n(ci nnd
bin dim lily, l'n, AM jrHOU Imvluu cinim
dftnliiftt llio citnte of the dooctlpntnre riqu hi. il
to (iriwent thorn for Mttb iiiout, ntxt thusi m
(IcoUhI to thnpRtnto to m&lcuittynunit toth ua
uurhignvu, ouiuniiaunuirH, wiuioui uoiuy.
AtAUOAiti:r i u i ) k
111.U1JKW I'AnUINUfJt,
A1M I N I HTtt ATOJ t'B KOTiOt;.
Jrtjtifrn ol luimlnmirtittoii on thu entfttu of WIN
Ilaiubiiiltti(hite or Uwuwt, townnlilp, Ooluiubiu
county, duivuhi-u, imvo ijuon tfutiiwu by tho
lUitliiitiror miM ttotinty to Kenjamtn Ad-inif, of
1.0CULL loWUBlllp. All pci-hOItH llAVhltt t'lli'
UKJvlubt the dMbtieof tiu dpeetUmt nro rentKi' d
bi pruNunt them lor nullum. -in, una Uiomi i i
dbUril to lho cfttAte to rankn jmymout to theun
UvrelKbtHl, ndinluUt rotor, wliiionl delay,
. lilSNJAiilN AliAMH,
at'pta'7 lOt AU in 1 u lntrn to r.
XU kstath or acoit'ft: swAnu, ueu'i.
JiOttern lostnuicnlary on tlio ostnto nl u -o
HwauU, Into of MltUlu townnblp, OhiiiiiIi.
county, (lut'd,, have baen gmntcd by tUo iU.-L-im-'f; it; tu Htcphtu M. Uwauk or At. aim
lowu'ii i ' uinlilu n:il. All jerwni:m in,,
cUtn. i., t.8t,U')ar.jn.tiiu-fto I to ju . ur
them lu ii. i veeiror .n O Im-i t Oia" j, '
illOHU Oult'Llu.t tU ttlU fc-stiltd OlUinr jU UolO.JU
in out, moi ',i;i or Lojlc uc ju t will iuuj
t'yiucui tv '. a i IsXitcutor wit ;i out dolny.
hi'Ul'JJls ii. UWAN'K,
BOpt, V71 Ir. . Kot'utof.
u ii ii i o s a ii i;
fj v
Thonnrlei'illtrncil ns Fnnimltlun nf tho n.irAon
nnd bitbituof TlunltdOaailmttoi'lht, towudhlpof
lHmnnifcrrcK. 111 inoouniy ni woiuinoii, niuua
tio will cxpoio to imbllo Bulo on tlio prom lam on
muitsDAY, ocronnu 1371,
nt 10 o'clock In tlio fortio m of hiM day (in pur
Hlinnco nt nn order of tho :url of llnnitmin
1'looH or 1 aid outnj) tlio Jtliolna du!iv,vlboJ
rofll eKtala, to wit :
rinr. two irucn or luna lynut rui bomj lu
tho township tiforcrtiit'l, com lining togothcr
.cm incn3tir. (.'llolnlnr hn li of rl r '4oar-
lmrt,,roiin KM??, U'o.m, WllKum nud r.lfj.tli
tiiuuill, jri'4iu i H tm i ii i in '3i !, t i ( in; 1 1 (
orLtjtodBlnrgo TWO rtTortY KUUtK ItoUrtK.
bank Irn imU oilier oAibuildln,;t, wltli ugoml
well Of water nt th- (Unr of tho dveclllnti, nnd
I hero 1m good fruit on Uf rcuUi'-t.
hwoJtn.-.V lot of limb 1-nul Bltuitc In fho
tyno townitilb, u mtnittln
ni ix n k Aonns,
l.m ! of TrUk & Bhu-
1 tud aita-Uo in tho
j-arAri: or oeohok A.rfEi(i)KoiJ.
iett t r of Ad tnluUtratlon, on the usluUi of Qcn,
Mmturs, lu'.e of (ireenwooi township, Coltitn
I i.i, county (IccOHJiod, huvu buen grantud by
tho HttgUtur or snid county to Vm. Miutitrs of
.MUlvlUe. All ppraounlmviny claims agaltiHt tho
t-ittHt ot tlm uucoitunt nro rciuostod upittiu
thutu Tor f'tUetaant, nnd thoe indebted to thu
estate to inutco payment to tho uuderslgnud. u
laluistrutur, wuhoitt doltiy.
Bffpt-in,'?! at
iiiora it,uuiteniiry ou tuo estaUt of John
Mcrrbl. Into of liooil N lc Lwn..('oliiinhin, i'innit
doo'il,, hau been irr uitod by the ItofflHltr orh.iid
mnty W (i orrfo W.iiuor, of Jtomlook tup.,
'lUtllbW county. IU. Ail iMMnnii hiviiiufliii.,ij
wtiliiHt thy u-)t:U) aro luoiit-'Hltttl lo nrni-nL in, t,t
lo the llKoculor lu ilpnilot-k, Ooluuibla c ni m ,
IM. Tiioho Indebted to tbo uxlale vtttwr on um-,
tndgment, morli;!igD or imnix nocouut will muuu
pnyuiont to tUo iixculor without delay.
sopt, 2J.71-6W. 2scecuur.
nt'nt mennuro, a-'J- .
ni'Lii. lViit?h ('ox
IIIIHII. -V iitl, Ol l IUJ I
nmo township, cnta.'i'ti,
i "f Juuou ishutniu
i roi.t. of one
bo paid nt tho
ui' oiio-i-mrm
i u -at mca ute, adjoining 1
:i otjji r .
TKltMrt OP LALK. Lu ! 1
fourth of tho puruhum inni t
striking down or tlio proictr,
iCiH i tin liur in. M uu 1 1 .j
lion of the tsnl?, nnd tin. Ii.iihivoi tho purchitMO
montiylii ouo inr Ihcriulu r wllh Intercut on
llio M'liuo iriMii iiuuirMiiui'Mi in-t. I'lin iiufL'r vu
miri'linvi'iK to iviv lor doedN loid itt-imni. I'oh-
KOHShiU if n U pit itilsiN will be );ivutl April Ut,
in,, 1 1 o cram in I no (,'ouno in itituo.
UliLLC fjALu
or VsVLfAni.n
ui:al a:;ji ix;uonal ri;ui'i:urk'.
In purMinnoo tifnn rinUr of tho OrpbinV t-'ouit
of fobtmbia county, will li" exposed to p.nlo nt
the late md'Umeo ot jjun.el leiby, ibt'insud, in
l-OCU-'.. towuhmp, ou
SATUltDAY, KOVUMHr.Pw 11, 1671
nt 10 o'clock, n. in., lho following described proj
cm, to wit i
No, i. AU that roitnln mci"un;o and tract of
in tuuiu ui.i f mi riiiutiiM rt iiiipvi viiiiiu; nielli
itlnicnt a unlit -f)i nvr, tben iiumik tlio jiubllo
road by himlMof tho Int. J'.'tur ilopiioiu, nrfh
oluhtv-thrfro douruiM nnd foitv -uvtu uilnuteu
eauttwcuti-clRht nnd tlirce-tunlli i-ftclies to u
' thence I'V Iambi ot I.nvlcll
Winn, lour dcgrciH wehtono bundled nnd
lot i v-uvei erciiewnun nn-'nco
I v ol Win. II. Kimr lu Mubtol Aim Lob-
db, hoitib eUhty-idx dt-gi tK ut.d tlltu-n jnln-
titi'K, west twi nty-iltibt and tUTeoteutti jiuU'Iilm
lo n f-toiio, thtnro hylumliot lli-nry Kullcr,
sou lb lour dowri'Oi.taBt one lnmdud and torti
t-Ix and lutir u nth i-iclits to lho pliiv-v, oi lit i, lu
lling; contnluInK
and forty i.ud n hall pi rrlns of laud, and ti o u
I mil luiuv.uiH-'-, ivt; it nntori i:t iiii t h iito
htory U 'tne uu. iiiiiH liuusy, a I util: ilam uiul
other i ii i tuiiitli , i; i.
No. i At (lii.l ir .11 i tt it lot fd laud
tdlliote U Hi l'. , ,.i i'.uiiti nud t
nioioniii: . iiin .it puki. (oiihi nuir a
WliItotMU, i ik i. i ii.nlsot JtiM')Hi Wliatloti
Ktnth t '',111' tl in t'i k tew r-uij -hovin mln-
tltlMiust Jiuy-iniu iii'ii luiii-'tntli 1 1 1 lu-.'i to a
jnt, tbt lie.' bv mu.i", no ith live ib 'cei.s and
rom-uvu iniuuiii-. wn twiius otut niai six
truth pen ln t a , tiaiiri liyljiuU
oflitiyl'etf Winn, houUi eluiiiy-tlueit deuretm and
lOnyWHIl IIUKUlUb, . llL HII-UIJU 1111(1 nuir-
tell Hi VP'x-l en lo n - 1 hi'iiea v 1 1 j.
Nitim-, h.iiith tno ifitn'iK nud'ii mln
lutK, t' i'utyiie and ntx-toilli juvJich to
1 1 IV till l U tl i-t"(lllIJltlK , lUUUUIlllli
j of bind, and lho umulI allowance, Ao.
Ain, ni in- K'iiuo iiineiuiii p.tu'e, I no loaow
lllK den I'Hied pt' piupeily, lo wit;
t orn. limUube.ii and i'obilou- by tbo Inisb-,
ntal lny and sLinw by ibo ton, and I'mii I'oJdtr
ny inu liunuic. icima niii'ie uiinnii on nay o:
nib-. JiKNitY ki:lm:ie.
Ovtooor-,1 Ti. AUiuiiiisiialor.
Oll.t., 71-L-t.
-LU j-ir.VTn or jacoii voire, deo'd.
lettera todtaiiientnrv on ino eiLitni nf .in-.i.
Yolio. late of MllUln townsnln.Coiunihiaroniii
dooentod, have been granted by the lU"iei of
Mtild conuty to J, 11, ifrowu nnd J, W. kotK.ot
diuiuu iowiiuip,jt)iuinoiacoimiy. AUp i
having t'lnlini lijalnstlbeoHUtUi rj rcii'mtua to
jireseut the in to tuo Kxt-cntorq In coJnni- t
oiuniy, l'a. Tlnn.o iudobwd to the estate iiuc
on nolo, Judgement, muitau;o ur book a n .
will niuico puymuut lo me iCxioub t vi i.jui
iUi.iy, lii. Ii. ttiiuv ,
Hept.V'j, Tl-Uw t:xLca:i .
A. U, ci V, IIAOKKJIAH 1 In lh' t''.', i ot
VB. l,olillnoii l'n . , r.f
KAMlTKb HciIWKPJ'BNIIEMltr.J Columbia ounty
Vend, IIx, No, S of Huptemhitr Turin, A. i., lil.
Notice N hereby fftcn that tho tmiji-rs'., tied,
auditor, nppobitfcd by bald i-onrt to malie distrl
butluuof tho proceeds oi tho Mhu!irHniu bad
under t-ald writ, will prucud to the tllhcluitueof
tbo ilutloH of bit nppolntnienl at the or
Maiutul Knoir, 1.mi , in li.iwmsbnri;, on t'riday,
tlio luih day ot hoNcmtJer next, nt 10 o'clock in
Ibo loiouoon, when nud vlieru all pcrHou-- b.iv
In vC rlnluiH upon the fund uriKlug fmiu sal.l nnlo
are leijulrcd 10 piebeni Hum to tbo auditoi, or
bo debarred ftoin coming in upon nald lund.
W. Willi.
oct,0,'71-lv.. Auditor.
PUHUC NOTICE, Whwea-i, hy thr
L lltli ectlou oi I in Act oj (bo Cioiril A
intjij iii nut iniiiimvrimiin or I'rnntyiv.ini.i,
l ri(i.unvi. A. 11. i ,i,i nthhd 'Ann -t l.(r
L I'lOtll'llOll lf 1,1-. .Ir husu n...l
food ilHlirs newly intiodueed, or to ho iuti jibie-
u.imtF u:u iivcii iemwaro ana U"quefi-inua
and llulrtributnrtos; ror tho protection ulhoor
otos h nir.ilm.t nnlawiul flsliiu. nnd t. ir,.v,"i.
thu introduction of prodatory ftvhtn into trout
KtioaniM.and tor other g uii.'.un purpoKeti;' it w
mndo lho duty or the Revt'ral tAherlils of thu
countteH of naid CoininonweaUb balnn Jurii,
bhall dlarovi r, or bo infonniKl of the eciM.
ol any eontrlvmao for tho citehitii; of lish, i-a i
tui aro rouimouly known art tMi bnskuts, i. l
nn, kukiiow, orusn or l.oonio neu, t ut y
nttior nonnniientlv vet menni ot ffilflmt, . , lit
i be uuturo of a Homo, to glo U u ilays ma i. n
iiri.iiijn.-iB in iiii'ii" 1 1' ni-i-i i ve ciiiilll it ' ih
aid initrUanceH are ktiomi to exist, and
di'ilattd com in till iihUihicok. nml i, i niir
theni In 1m ill-mantled by tin u-iv nei-- n a. n
(i-l'v tbereluio. In loi loTliilt ! hiU'i t, I
AKON HMITll, Hhtiiir or CulninbU county
Notice to All Whom it May Concern,
th it tl o v iiitrhancc tho taking - t : ti
m i .ui uientiotiuil tro l.iioun to etlsi ,m ii
irili rim i hofthoHUNouei.iuii arlvor..n
NtreiiMM tttiuln tht oitnuty oit'olumbl.t, n. i
Miiitii in- ! larml to bo uulsaiu i s. und
that tiu.wi i sand inannuer'4 if said coniriv-
uiiecM ..i- bereuy riiiiuucd to lilhUiantlo and i
inovoii - ii ;"vtthlnten daa alter the put
cation hi rvoi, under tbo penally of bavin - the
Milne dl man tied and removed , ua In t-atl n i
piovmou. AAltll HJ11T1I.
nncriu oi uonuuoia ouut j , v i.
fcUMMtu auilngi:me.nt.
5IomAY, May li, 1S71.
Pvcdiicetl tlio Prico on Afiiny
ol' tlieir Spring nml Sinn
iirt Slylw of Drcsj
tli fiit Tiunk Lino fiom lho iSorlh ninl Nortb
.cllorl'hil.idiJl.ihtn.New ..i U. K .Klliiu. I'ottf,
Vtlle, 'lamauua, AKlnanri, hli.unokm 1,1'batiou
viieuiowu, J..u.iou, t.pmai.t, unit, isuiicitun
Tiainme.wo JiairisuurK mrr.ew utii. as io.
lo.-s! At il.-i'', ,h a. in., and -V) p. in,, ton
nectln;; with similar irahm on IVutisylvu
i iirv iiunamui uuu uiniuij hi iuw iuitw h n. in., a. ji. ami v-m p. tn. n nc ivii
Mefepln1; titrM accompany tbo -.JJ u in, liulu
LlillUI VOvUlttt-'.
lbturului:: lrae Ni w York at tUfln.m. and
I noun aiul5,!Aij, nt. i'ul.a lulphl.i ut 7..11,
in. ami .i.iuii. m. r 11 . itik earn iirc(.iiinany
IVuu y,w j'.iii., nuiii iKiiii ii i iiuimut en.iago,
1,ijuo 11 trrb Litr; ior Uuadlntt, l'ottblin . it
I iniuuia. iliiK-rs tllu. Aihlami. tiliainolim Al
I town and i'blla'd.Kt 8.10 a. tu.. and l.Ui and
4,110 P.m., stopping ul l.tliauoij and principal way
ktatlou'i: tlioi.Uo p.m. train a nm.etiiig lor 1'htl'ii
Pott:, vi lie ami Columbia only, J-or I'oituvilU
Bthuyllull linveu and Aubuiu, via Schuylkill
l nun raiMiuvuuuuu imujuau, ivuiu iiarruHiiug v
l B,i' p.m.
I imitor Alletitowu teuton ui.d New York nt 4.i.
New vorK at v,w it. in., i,. u noon nun tw ti
I anil Abt'Utowu at v.'-xa. ui, noon,
' o.-w i'i
Vay i'likkcuaor 'irain leiutu i'ltiindclPbla al
7 a.m., coutiLctiLu uilb bbnllur liuin uii iii
laiiU'Hu reiniinuLi uoiu ivcaiiiiiyutu.Jjp. tn.
l.l'HU numum uv y,i,, nun 4,WJ p.I.
1'HUdon id lu.uOa. m., hbamokln ut a.lOaud 11.
I u. tu., At.l.iaud ul7,uj a.m. and b',U imuu MuU
I uiiin i' ' . al 7.15 a. in. and 12 1 n. ni. TiiioHniiu m
I f.iij a. la., uud w p, in, lur l'Uiiadtlpuw, New
Ijouvu I'otihMlio in tM;nuyililll and Kuuuiio
I huiiiiu i'.inho.i'l at d.lo a.m. lor JUu . !bui(,, aup
I It ii ii. in., inr IM tin li-OL i nml 'l'n ii u ii it
ltiaUbti: Accommodation Tritm lea eh rotu1
vitlo at j.W U. IU.. DtOubbH lit mil to: nt 7.JU a. in., ar
rilnu at IMilbideiiibla at 1'UM a, m, lletuuiUm
i itaes i iniuucij.iu.i, ui. o,i i p, iii pausing uenil
lunia7.&5p.iu,.uriivlUL:uilotthVllle aiiU'Ji-.n
I 1'olUioun Aiioiuinouation 'iialn.leitveHl'uitM
l town uio.joH.ui., ioiuiuing, loivvH 1'iuia.ueipii
Iuv p.m.
Uolumbla Urtlrond Trnlnn lehvo UeiuUiu
I 7,VJa.ui.,amt t'.ljp.iu.iur hpliiula, Line, UuioMtt-
IV IT, omnium. ti .,
Wrkttiiutu Itali Koad Tiftlli3 loavo i'orUUiiia'i
Junction al 7.17 y.t'ou. m.,a.U0 ivtj.Wp, in. t-l"r
m:,Kuo bcuvscuichviiiu iitm.n, h.vj .iu., wu
-M U S 1 (; W A Jl il R O O M S
A m neial i.Hioitment of
;.u;kual :n:nwiANn:.sK alwayh on
ANU rmciw.
A HK'rTKU AiionTaiKT op uucians
noon p.m. .couuecUng wltli KlniUar traliw
jn uuaumi: xvaurouu.
Coiubiotlkdatoltalirrnd trains lmvel'olllown
Ojiptwiio lirown'ri Hotel
ut U,lUu.iu,3: l.loti.liii.iu,itturiiIaif Mouul
riHuainui i.wjuuu ii.aja. in.. p.i, owiucfc
luic will' hltallai liain- on IU iJiuk Haiiiootl,
UllCklir alley itaiiKKiu ' aiu ieavo jiraitio
ion ut h,yJu,nnami ando.11. m, rLiuinuig.
tao Douuii.Liiai ii ( iu u, in,, 1'Ali uoou nnd
h:& p. in., euniiiftnia with blmlwr tiulciit oi
ibmiitii: Jtaiiiunu.
i m h a e New York al fi.uo iun.. i'nil-
phu al b,oo a.iu, and J,lo p.ln., (thu tt.ui a, m, trulb
runniUKont) idU'adluu,)K.aetitit,vtlle8,OLt.i.uu
uniiuoi ru ui. 4u a. in. ami -ui ti. in. alio
ltUo AtlenttiUU ut l.i'j liial h .l't p, m.,uUd lo.l0
ileaitlliB at 7. b a, in, and I'.oU p. in, lur HaitU
biu.ul u.oua. m. ior New Vmk.Hl 1,'J.ti a. iulnr
.llimiiii iiiniut U 1'iiu 411, Ulltl 1,10 , Uli IM
iMiiuiuiu.uioii, mutate, nifttou, Hcbool .mu
KmuihIoIi 1 uki Ih to uud lrom all tilotk. at to
iiataKo i-aecKuu iurour,n; iuu nuundu uliowt
each paweugtr,
, AbsL Wupi. A Uug. M u'iy.
Heading, IM, Apil! a, Wi,
B L O O M B 11 U R G.
Wo now havo tho lhiokt iu.u,itaifnt ol lllVNl
DKlil'Hon hand and lor mIo that uerouwr kt Pt
ui luuonuuig. iturgu ui4t uu Mt( iiaiuninvui
paMr, uunimou ikus, t:xoouuH"gaiut auuuuik
liHiur'ri Heeds-uuuU klu good mrer (obuin)
VVIUlllllll . iiiviwi vv
: TCalI cxrcnltic lieforo luinitmii".
Miiiro. Wutiri.t tu Main blri-it. I., l.m M i..
oiKidtto Coicli'ii luiultitru wniL-riniitii, K'.miiti .
liiiiK, l'n. uug.. i ,71-iy
uu kuil aiur Antu" mu ion, iruio.
lliaVOlgDMIUUV RllfoIIllllh I
1.10 A. M., I'Hliy (inconttimi'5iiy)UWlHiiimiriiiH
lu 1- liiurii CiiiittiiiliiUiin, lu. 1 . i
liiitluli', HUBiM-nblon llililk'D, nnil N, lit
.'.in v. m Pullv, (oxcept Bkiiilnys) for Wllliuin.
t-liuit nml I.rl?,
l.'Ji i-. m Unllv. (tureiitHuuaayifi for l'.nn n,
Iliillnio nml Nlnisnm I'allv, Ma. 1-rf) roilron if
frcm KUnli J.
1.10 A.M.I)Uy(il'tMoiiaay,i.)forl!niUi i
10.MA.5t. l.illy(8H'ritRiin'ly,)firllaltlmi r
SVu.l,lul...t oal yulUiol.;
Uenerall'iuMfiiser Ann.
AM-hkii H. I'm. ui4.'l. Hiip't,
Kuniiiiuriii, l-Vtivutlriu.
una forMilmlliiu fotuMBtAnOinco.
il UnUi'iniiik, Wiirrnutu, .., ouiiJnlly on wuiit