The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 13, 1871, Image 2

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    tc (Sjoiumlrimt.
uLooMsnuiiG, pa.
Friday October J3, JS7L
Tin: i:i,i:crio.vnu.sui.T.
If tho toltyr.iiilila rcporU nro nt nil
rullutilo (and llioy no doubt ttpproxl
iimlo tlio truth) tho Hopubllc.UH hnvo
cirrlcil lliclr Slnto tlekot by n majority
ranjrlntffrom 10,000 to 20,0(W. Tlipy liave
nlso n majority In tho lower br.uich of
tho LogWixtiiro nml poiilhly In tho
PhlUulolphh la roportcil m kWIus
10,000 Ilepubllc.m mnjorlty. If so, nt
lixist tho half of It U clear fraud.
ltocKAVi:LM2B U oloctcd .Tudgoln tho
Northumbi'ilatid district nud Souther
In Schuylkill.
Columbia county luw ncqulttoil her
Rclf within high honor, electing tho
wholo Democratic county ticket nml
KlvlnR M'Camulism nnd Coorun about
1,800 majority.
Ohio. Tho Itciiubllcnna claim to
liavo carried Ohio by 30,000 majority.
Returns meagre.
Iowa. Tho Itermblleans claim to
havo curled by a greatly reduced ma
AMOKUHTnpcopIo so upright as thoso
of Columbia county, tho election of
courso paused on" peacefully nnd there
aro no special incldonta to notlco that
wo havo ns yet heard of. Tho Indus.
trl ous editor's feeling, when an elec
tion la over ami tho result ascertained,
nro akin to thoso of tho farmer when his
harvest Is gathcredandhls crops (goodor
bad) nro safely housed. And If tho edit
or of this paper should follow tho ox
amploof tho farmcrand Inbor but lightly
or Indulge In such recreation ns circum
stances will permit, for n brief porlod,
wo liopo tho roadcrs of tho Columbian
will not complain. Tho paper will not
bo nculccted but for ntimo to comolt
will not rccclvo tho closo attention that
has been ilovotcd to It for nearly a year
past, nor will Its columns for that tlmo
bo so largely filled with tho editor's
own writings. "Wo expect, however.
to produco n paper as Interesting ns
usual and our business will In no wlso
bo neglected.
The telegraph is busy with noting
tho progress of tho great Area now rav
aging tho Northwest. In addition to
local and minor losses of llfo, tho latest
Intelligent from tho "seat of fiamo" is
that tho villago of Pcnsaukio. In Wis
consin, has boon bumod, with u loss of
imrty lives. Tho flro area lncludo3
portions of tho States of Michigan, 1111
nols, Wisconsin, Minnesota, nnd Iowa.
Tho terrlblo results and power of thoso
desolating fires aro duo to tho great
drought now prevailing throughout tho
Wtsi, aU,i Northwest, which, says a
uespatch from Chicago, has not been
human power seems uriablo to arrest
tho progress of tho dovastating ilames,
tho pcoplo of tho stricken section can
hopo for relief only from tho coming of
heavy rains.
The iiiantST Democratic majority
hcrotoforo given in Bloomsburgwas 18,
for PACKEK,inl8C9. Previously Suaus
wood had 1G, nnd Seymouk had 12.
So that tho majority of 43 now given In
our town to M'Candless for Auditor
General, Is n flno ono and most gratify
ing to our party friends. Tho old Ito
publlcan majority of 75 to 100 in Blooms
burg is completely demolished nnd tho
scalo turned decidedly tho other way I
This is tho work of tho last fivo or six
years and there has been zeal, prudonco
nnd sagacity shown In this most effec
tual nnd patlsfactory work by thoso
who havo led our party In Its local
triumphs and relieved tho country dis
tricts irom tho necessity which formerly
pressed upon them of overcoming a
hostile majority in tho county town.
Col. Lewis W. Washington, tho
head of a branch of tho family to which
tho first President belonged, died on
uctobcr 1, nfler a brief illness of congest
Ivo fever, nt his resldenconcar Harper's
.terry, West Virginia. Ho will bo ro-
membercd ns tho most conspicuous of
tho gentlemen who woro seized nnd
held as hostages by John Urown In his
famous raid on Harpor's Ferry, In Oc
tober, 1839. Ho possessed n valuable
collection of relies of Washington,
among others tho elegant sword sent
by Frcdcrlckthoareatwlth thoinscrlp.
tlon " From tho oldest general in tho
world to tho greatest."
Tho Land Urab Snlndlc.
Botween tho fourth of March, 1869,
and July, 1871, President Guant has
approved bills, passed by a Radical
Congress, swindling tho people out of
107,000,000 Acres of tho public lands
lnoro than seven times tho area of tho
entire Stato of Pennsylvania. All this
onormous amount of land was granted
to Ilailroad Companies and land
monoplIes,nnd was given for no eonsld
oration in return. Tho public lauds
should bo kept for tho poor man, for
tho actual sottlor nnd pioneer, und not
bartered away by radical politicians.
The nmount of public lands which
tho Republican party has given to tho
various monopolies, rings, nnd Jobbers
already exceeds two thousands of mill
ions o acres, intimating Its present
vniuoat one dollar and a quarter an
aero, tho donation amounts to two thou
sand flvo hundred millions of dollars
more than our entire national debt
Washington falriot.
, f A rtADiOAi. Congress has glvon to
Jay Cooice nnd othornionopollsts more
Jnnd of tho people than nil tho wealth-
lost barons of tho feudal ngos over own
cd. Yet working mon are dally Insult
eu ny pcing asucu to vote for a party
wno navo rouuou tiicra nnd their chil
dren of their herltago In order to in
croaso tha despotic power of capital.
Texas i:iM.'llon-.imo(Tiitlc Victory.
Tho returns Indicate that tho Demo
crats havo carried Toxes by 30,000 ma
Jorlty! All four of tho Democratic can
didates for Congress aro elected by do
cislvo majorities. In tho presont Con
Kress tho delegation stands thrco Re
publicans nnd ono Democrat.
Mr.xtco, September 12, via. Matanio-
ras, .Iiinrox was installed rresUIent
hut night, amid a great excitement.
I'edro Martinez has laauotl a prommcta.
monto, near Clatomi, In Iirrallon, and
another In Osalea. ucncran iuiiniui
l'crra nnd Kicuporn, nml (Motion no-
its n'id D.illl. havo pronounced ngainst
Juarez InHliwIon.
Mr.xico, September "0, via Jtatnmo-
ras. All Is quiet hero. Tho President's
mcs-ago Is conciliatory, but firm. It
recommends material Improvements,
tho building of rallroad-t, nnd tho pro
tection of tho coast, nnd nlio sanctions
tho making of treaties with foreign
Mataxiohah, October 2. Thcro Is
another great revolution In Moxlco.
Tho Stnto of Nuovo Loon tnkos tho
load. Tho famous General Pedro Mar
tinez pronounced In 0.llena against
Juarez. Tho movement wai Immedi
ately seconded by donoralj Joeomlnn
and Trovlno, Governor of Nuovo liOon,
together with nil tho Stnto authorities
nnd sovcral other chieftains. Their
combined forces nro said to bo mnrchltif
on Camargo nnd Malamnras, with tho
vlow of occupying tho Custom-houso
on tho frontier. Tho first stop takon by
tho nuthorltlai of Nuovo Iijon was to
throw Into prison all tho employees of
tho Federal government. It Is expected
thnt this movement will bo seconded by
tho neighboring States, and that tho
rovolutlon will becomo gonoral. uon
oral Porilrlo Diaz Is reported to havo
said that ho would inarch against thoso
who should nronounco ngainst tho Jua
rcz government, but his loyally Is much
doubted. Matnmoras and tho frontier
aro yet quiet : nevertheless, the mer
chants feel very anxious about coming
events. Generals Pfoira nnd Cortina
havo Issued proclamations to tho sol
dlcrs under their respective commands,
nnd to tho citizens on tho frontier In
general, to stand and fight for tho Jua-
rcz government. Qreat preparations
nro being mado In JIatamoras for tho
defenso of tho city, If attacked, and all
tho cavalry has left for tho front. Tho
telegraph Is only working ns far ns
Mere, und no further nowa Is reported
nt this hour. Great excitement Is ro
ported from nil parts of Moxlco on nC'
count of such stirring nowa.
The discrepancies in tho nccounts of
our national debt ns Issued from tho
different departments havo been noted
by tho Democratic press, but our llo-
publican friends, in thelrcxcesjlvo hon
esty, nro too much taken up with Tarn
many frauds to bestow a lino upon tho
Stato or national stealings. Tho 1'ublic
Ledger has examined Into tho figures of
tho administration, nnd tho money nrtl
clo has tho following :
"It Is ono of tho misfortunes nttend
Ing a perfect knowledgo of all public
nuances mat uioy nroniinostinvnriauiy
brought into our political contests, nnd
tho figures ho tangled and confused by
tho contending panics as to most com
pletely conceal tho truth. Thcro Is
nothing supposed to bo so efieetivo in
producing desirablo political results, on
cither side, ns financial sensations. A
caso In point is now before tho country
for consideration. On ono sido a com-
mlttco professing to represent tho ad
ministration has published what is
claimed to bo nn exhibit of tho books of
tho treasury: nnd feel nulto well satis
lipil that what is said In tho
A Washington correspondent, however,
has taken tho troublo to compare this
oxinuic oi mo unnnees, just issued, with
mo montniy. quarterly ana nnniinl
statements of tho secretary of tho treas
ury, nnu no limis tnnt tnero is a tinier
enco in expenditures of S17,209,G0S, nnd
that tho receipts published by tho com
mittee as being $ll!),131,-l.Vi were really
but S101,001,91G. Ho nlso finds that tho
cxccutlvo expenses of 18G'J.0 exceed
thoso of 1807.08 by $101,907,130-niaking
n dlffercnco In tho two statements
amounting to $107,488,031. It is nlso
found that tho claimed reduction of in
ternal taxation of 402.000.000 nor annum
is wholly nn exaggcratIon,such
met, naving never nau nn existence.
J(y comparing tho statements or Secro
tary Doutwcll and Treasurer Snlnuer.
ending July 30, 1S70, tho figures show
mo louowing disparity :
Principal of public ikbt unpaid
July I, 1S70, (lloutwi ll)....:. $5,177,172,157
Pi luclpal of pn bile debt tiup.lld
.liny j, io.v, fpiullbTJ -Vi07,Ml,(ilS
Dlfferenco In statements SlOiUJMSll
"That this is no error, and that Sinn.
030,511 havo been added to tho national
dent, nn nnalyz-Uion of tho monthly re-
uurus snows, inmu met m uisnrnniin.
clcs Ilko thoso who can trust thn truth
of tho old proverb that 'figures can't
Jie.' xney do diner terribly, and como
ui eonciiisions very wiueiy apart."
A Contract.
Tho contrast between tho Democratic
nnd Republican parties was never better
snown man in incir couroo regarding
tho several defalcations that havo been
exposed oi late.
AsFOonns It becamo known tirntiv
positively that the Tammany leaders
mm Kuuiy oi stealing irom tnoclty
treasury thoy wero denounced by tho
wholo Democratic press. Tho Demo
cratic leaders of tho Stnto of New York
took prompt measures toprovothat tho
party organization had no sympathy
.with their crime, nnd no class of mon
nro morosovero In their strictures upon
the dishonest ofucials than tho activo
men of tho Democracy.
Contrast thi3 With tho nltnmnt nf thn
Republicans to shield Kvans, tho de
faulter, with their excuses for and denl
nlsof tho overy-day corruption tit Wash
ington nnd with their nttcmpts hero at
homo tosllenco tho Investigation of our
county finances.
Democrats denounco rascality wher
over It shows its head Republicans
""n niiuuii uiuus piaco among mel'
oppononts. Democrats show no favor
to thieves, oven In their own party
Republicans screen their defaulters and
jJU "'em to uvado tho penalty of tho
Herein is ono of tho main differences
between tho two partlcg.-AVo Observer.
VlCTOUlA'fl Heai,tii.-tIio gp.wo,t
tipprehenslons aro expressed in Km-,
land hi reference to tho health of Quoin
Victoria. '1 hey do not refer so much
to her physical as to her mental condl
tioii. Tho deatli or tlio rolgnlng sover
elgn Is a contingency that sooner or lat
er must como. und tho Prlnen or wau
stands ready to assumo tho scoptre, its
many an heir has succeedod a dying
i.juuuii;ii jiuiuiuiuiu. dui me mental
alienation of tho sovereign is a much
morouiuicuit matter for tlio linvn.
ment to deal with, especially as ifnr
Majesty has always beon Jealous of her
prerogatives, nnd Is now moro so than
uver. i' or many months the Quoon has
lieon fevered and irritnblo, and tho pub
lie are beginning to think of tho ten
dency to Insanity which Is hereditary
... um .utility, nun iu tuur mo worse in
her own caso. Tho latest lottors and
telegrams from England nil point to
In England, and It Is regarded as some
what probablo that. If Victoria' nil.
nt!-. us uit iiustirnmr- rn i rtr i mtauir.,.
lucnts contlnuo and Increase, thn flnv.
eminent may find It necessary to secure
hornbdlcatlon. Therein an universal
fooling of recrot nt tho sad pntuiitirm of
soestiniauio a lauy a feeling shared
nllko on both sides of tho Atlantic but
tho good of tho millions who populuto
tho British Kmnlro. und. ItOASllllir. thn
lutegrlty of tho realm Ilsolf, may soon
require Her Malostv to rotiro from thn
activo labor of n reigning sovereign,
From tlio N, Y, Tribune.
Ono Hundred Thousand Ilomoloss
I'orson ApponllnB 1'or Aid.
Mit.MoNAiur.H nr,Ni) i'KNNn,
in a day ai.Ii the riiiNctPAt.
110121, AND A BfOltn Of CHUni'ltES
CuiCAdo, Oct. I). Tho most terrible
conllngrotlon that ever occurred In tho
United States lias been In progress
lu tills city for nearly 21 hours,
laying tho wholo business portion of
tho city nnd ono Iirih of all tho build'
lugs In nshes.
Tho firo broke out last evening, be
tween 0 nnd 10 o'clock, In a barn In
West Taylor street, and owing to tho
Inflammable nature of Its contents, tho
building was wrapped In ilames before
tho firemen arrived. From this liiBig
ulficaut source sprang this terrlblo ca
Tho portion of tho city wliero tho Ilio
originated was built up nlmojt entirely
of wooden buildings, closely packed to-
golhcr, tenanted by carpenters, cabinet-
makers, coopers, varnish uianuf.icttir
ers, Interspersed with lumber yard nnd
stores of othci equally lnllimmablu
materials. The wind was blowing n
terrlblo galo and tho dovouilng element
spread so rapidly that till uttcmps to
stny Its ravages proved fruitless.
Tho firo soon reached Clark Sired,
upon which tho greater portion of tho
ilno buslucas blocks wero situated, till of
which aro destroyed. Tho Court llou
which was 20 years In building, was
swept nway In 30 minutes. Tho Sher
man House, oppoillu tho Court House,
tho new Pacific Hotel, which was soon
to bo opened, and said to bo tho largest
lu tho world ; nnd, indeed, every hotel
In tho city Is swallowed up In the sea oi
lire. When tho flro reached Stato Street
toward tho lake, an attempt was mado
to stay Its progress by blowing up tho
buildings In the vicinity of Field, Dsb
tcrs & Co.'s m.ignlflceut dry goods cs
tabllsluncnt, but this only teemed to
add to tho fury of tho Ilames. ! rom
Stato Street tho flro advanced With un
abated fury to tho North Division, nnd
scarcely n vcstlgo of tho 8,000 buildings
on that sido of tho river Is left. Taking
a south-easterly direction, the firo swept
through Madison nvonuo and Mouroo
Street, extending n tllstanco of about
ono mllo nnd n quarter, dovourlng In
Itsndvanco The Tribune building, Cros
by's Opera-House, McVlckcr's Thoater,
and hundreds of tho finest business
houses In tho city. West of tho Court
House, embracing Lasallc, Wolls, nnd
South Water Streets, upon which a
very largo portion of tho business was
concentrated, everything Is swept clean.
Tho spaco burnt over covers nn nrca of
moro than fivo square miles, while the
valuo of tho property destroyed Is sim
ply to bo conjectured, somo placing it
at $100,000,000, and others oven more
than this.
It was about 1 o'clock thl3 morning
when tho firo crojsed tho river nt Ad
ams Street brldgo and soon destroyed
tho gas works, and then spread Itself fn
ovcry direction. Moro than one-half
tho population aro now pushing through
tho streets in vehicles which aro obtain-
0vctfy-"6WoP " wttf-'n's iflP file'-A'J'.lJJl
household treasures in their nrms and
on their backs in utter confusion, not
knowing whither to go. Fearful sull'cr-
ing mtist follow, and nlmort Immedi
ately. Full 100,000 pcoplo nro nt this
moment homeless and houseless, not
knowing where to lay their heads or
get anything to satisfy tho cravings of
At noon, tho whole business portion
of the city from Harrison Street north
to Chicago avenue, and cait of tho river
to Lnko avenue, was devastated, em
bracing a district three miles in length
to a mllo or a mllo and n half In width.
Tlio ilames swept through tho city with
the rapidity of n prairio fire, nnd many
persons must havo perished.
At this hour(G p, m.) tho nwful work
of destruction still goes on with relent
less fury. From Harrison Street in tho
south to Division Street in tho north,
and from tho river to tlio lake, nn area
of four miles long by ono mllo wide,
the Ilames havo swept everything be
fore them.
Tho streets In tho districts still tin
burned nro lined for miles with such
household goods as havo been saved
from destruction. Most generous offers
of nsshtnnco lu money, food, or any
thing wanted aro coming in from al
most every city ahd town throughout
tlio country by telegraph. Tho Mayor
has responded to several offers, asking
that cooked food bo provitled ns soon as
possible Firemen aro on their way
hero from Cincinnati, St. Louis, and
other cities. Tho water works nro en
tirely destroyed. Buildings aro now
being blown up on tho lino of tho firo
to nttempt to arrest its progress.
It Is believed that tho spread of tho
flro southward will soon bo stayed at
Harrison Street; but on tho north sido
there Is no diminution of Its fury, nnd
tho cntlro division of tho city Is evi
dently doomed to utter destruction.
There nro gravo fears that thoflamo3
may spread to tho west sido of tho north
branch of tho river, and tlio Inhabitants
of tho streets nearost tho river aro nl-
reatly moving to places, It Is supposed,
of greater safety. Tho Western Union
Telegraph Company havo now six
wires, working cast and south, running
Into n temporarv ofllco nt tho corner of
Gtato and Sixteenth Streets. Tho North
Western Railroad Company nro run
ning trains on both Its branches, which
nro crowded with ilcolng citizens. It
is now positively nssorted by somo that
tho water-works aro still Intact, but tho
water has been tihut off from tho South
and West Divisions, on uccount of tho
quantity being used on tho north sido.
A trustworthy gentleman, Just arrived
from tho North Division, brings tho
Joyful intelligence that tho wator-works
aro uninjured. God grant that It may
provo truo 1
It Is ImposslDlo nowtoglvo ovonan
approximately correct statement of tho
losses, but a faint Idea may bo formed
when It is stated that every bank In tlio
city except two small savings Instltu
Hons, one on Twcnty-sccond street lu
South Division, and ono on Randolph
street In West Division, Is destroyed.
All wholesale stores, nil retail establish
mont, tho Postolllco, tho Court House,
tho Chamber of Commorco, ovory hotel
In South Division except Michlgnn nv
onuo Hotel, which, standing on tho ox
tremo southorn limit, escaped, tlioutrh
It Is badly scorched, cvory nowspaper
oillco (The ilrlbune building which was
supposed to ho ilro-proof luwlng finally
succumbed), ovcry theatre, tho slxlnrg-j
est clovator , the Immense depots of the
MichlgaM Southern nnd of the Illinois
Central Railroads (both tho passenger
nnd freight depots of Mm Utter), more
than n score of churches, aim much or
tho shipping In tho rlvcr-all nro de
Mon who wero mlllloii iircayestortiay
morning, nro nearly penniless lo-tlayi
but moro terrlblo than nil Is tho nwful
certainty that many human beings hnve
perished In tho Ilames how ninny, no
ono can loll. Perhaps no ono will over
boabloto tell) but It is known tint
somo havo perished, and there is only
n hoart-slckenlng fear that tho victim
ofthu fiery monster nny bo counted by
Hundreds of horses nnd cows have
been burned In stables, nnd on tho north
sido numbers of animals, though re
leased from confinement, wero so be
wildered nnd confused by tho seaof flru
which surrounedlhcm that thoy rushed
wildly to and fro, uttering cries of
flight und pain until scorched nnd
Any attempt at n description of the
scenes of this appalling calamity would
bu Idle. The simplo fact that tho once
great City of Chicago Is nearly destroy
ed, that hundreds of millions of neltvo
capital hero havo vanished, nml that
ncnly ono thlrd of Chicago's Inhabit
ants nro houseles-i, is enough. Any at
tempt to embellish would bo mockery.
As this nwful day draws to n close
thousands of anxious eves watch the
clouds of smoke, which still roll over
tho burned district, with evident dread
that a sudden change of wind may ttini
tho flames upon that portion of tho clly
yet spaad. There seem, however, lit
tlo cause for apprehension, nnd recn
forceinouts of firemen from other cities
tiro conslnutly arriving. Col. F. F.
Wilson, Superintendent of tho Tele
graph, as In riveipt of dispatches from
leading cities announcing that nld will
soou bo provided fjr the sufferers. Col.
Clowry of St. Louis telegraphs that $70,
000 havo been subscribed by tho mer
chants there- Cincinnati promKcs $200,
and Cloveland Is proportionately gen
crous. All this and a great deal moro
will bo needed to relievo tho Innnedl-
nto pressing wants.
Everything Is doing by Gen. Stager
nud his assistants to keep tip comnitiul
cations for tho citizens nnd press witli
the world outside. Col. Geo. T.Will
lams, Superintendent nt Cincinnati
reported promptly for duty this moni'
ing. About thrco-fourlhs of tho United
States mall was saved nud taken charge
of by Col. Wood of tho Postolllco scr
Later. Tho flames of the South DI
vision were finally nrrcstcd by blowing
up nud demolishing sovcral buildings
on Wabashnvcnuo and Congress street,
by Llculenant-Gencrnl Sheridan. Tlio
District burned over In tho South 1)1
vision embraces everything from tho
main branch of tlio Chicago River to
tho Lake, nnd covering nbottt ono hun
drcd blocks. This district contained
all the leading business homes, tho
banks, Insuranco olllces, hotels, &q.
also n largo number of churches, Includ
ing St. Mary's, Trinity, First Presby
terian, Second Presbyterian, St. Paul,
Swedcnborglan, Ac. Tho Methodist
Church, on tho corner of Wabash nv-
of Michigan nveiuioand Congress street,
and tho Congress Hall, directly adjoin
ing, on Congress street, nro saved
MIchigau-lerraco, on Michigan avenue,
embracing tho rcsldenco of Gov. Bross,
tho Hon. John Young Seammon, S. C.
Griggs, Peter L. Ross, and .other lead
ing citizen, is completely destroyed.
All tho newspaper establishments nro
totally wiped out. The Tribune build
ing resisted tho firo for several hours,
but finally yielded, when M'Vlekcr's
Theater, immediately adjoining, which
also withstood tho raging clement,
wholly succumbed. In fact all tho
buildings In tho district which claimed
to bo fire-proof shared tho samo fato of
thoso which could mnkono such claims.
Tho great Central depot nt tho foot of
Lako street, becamo n heap of ruins.
About 9 o'clock this morning most of
tho passenger cars of tho Mishlgan Cen
tral, Burlington and Quincy, and 111!
nols Central Railroad wero moved on
tho breakwater and saved. West of
Clark street, in tho southorn division,
tho flro extended south as lar as Polk
street, sweeping everything bsforo It.
Tho distance burr.ed over hero is somo
thrco blocks wide and uver half a mllo
In length, numbering ab mt 20 blocks.
Tho building!) wuro generally of tho
cheaper character, embraciug i.ilnon
small shops, poor residences, etc. Tho
district burned over on the west Ido
commences nt Taylor street, running
from Da ICnrcn to Jefferson. Tho flro
ran thenco four or 11 vo blocks north, and
then moved diagonally toward tho
river, and, finally, tho wc3t limit was
established on Clinton street, and reach
ing thenco to tho river. It moved In
this lino northward until it reached tho
North Western and West Sido depots,
where It stopped, n tllstanco of nearly
two miles from where it started. Tho
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayno nnd Chicago
and Chicago and St. Louis Railroad,
depots wero In this district, and aro de
stroyed. AImo3ttho entire Noithern Division,
from tho main branch of tho Chicago
River to Lincoln Park, nearly two miles
lu length and ono mllo In width, Is com
pletely destroyed, Including the water
works, u large number of elegant
churches, Ac. This district embraces
almost tho entire business portion or tho
Tho territory south of Harrison street
In tho south division, reaching out
many miles, and covered almost entire
ly with dwolllngs, mostly of tho belter
class, is untouched, nnd may not bo ro
gnrdctl ns safe from Injury.
For miles nnd miles, In every direc
tion, tho sldownlks, lnwns, vacant lots,
and front yards of dwellings, aro filled
with people who havo escaped from
burning houses, taking with thorn only
a scanty amount or furniture nndcloth
Ing. Tho sight Is truly a harrowing ono.
Theso pcoplo must recolvo immedlato
relief, or many will perish from expos
ure and stnrvntlon.
As already stated, It Is utteily Imposs
ible to maku nn approximate cstlmalo
of tho entire loss, but It can scarcely
fall below $150,000,000. Of course, but
a fraction of this amount can bo recov
ered from Insuranco.
Gen. Sheridan has to-day telegraphed
to St. Louis, to tho Missouri depot there
to send at onco 100,000 rations. Ho has
nlso telegraphed to Omaha foa two com
panies of soldiers and 100 tents. Ho will
also order another 100,000 rations.
Mayor Mason hns issued a proclama
tion culling umeotlng lo-nlght In tlio J
West Division to sco what tho cillzcin
can do for tho relief of tho sufferers.
There aro at least 100,000 proplo who
know not wliero they can find enough
provisions towulsfy their hunger.
A later rum:r from tho North Divis
ion siys tho tlovaslul Ion Is less wldo
pprend than heretofore reported, Thcro
are 500 deaths reported.
Ocroiinu 0 11:01 v, M. Theydclo-
graph oillco Improvised In the southern
part of Chicago, ns It was Mipposcd be
yond tho reach of the llanies, has
nbandoncd, nud communication Willi
Ihoelty Is ncaln suspended. It Is ex
tiectcd that another oillco will bo opened
ilurlng Iho night at n point two miles
south of tho last placo of lofugo.
Tho operators, before leaving their
Instruments, reported that tho wind
hid veered around to tlio north nnd
was driving tho flumes luck nnd south
ward. Tlio lire had already reached
tlio neighborhood or tho office, nnd tho
men wero competed to ileo. Their last
words were, "Thcro now tippear.i no
hopo or swing tho southern portion or
Iho city.',
Tho firo has been finally subdued.
GOO soldiers nro on duty. This precati
llou was necessary j for, remarkable ns
It may seem, thcro were fiends who still
sought to extend the disaster. Twt
men, caught In the net of Arcing houses
on tho Woit Side, wero nriosted nnd
Immediately hung to lump-posts.
l'rom tbo Perry County iiomocmt.
Tlio Ilnlv of IK'nioei-at-f.
Fidelity to party eotu-Ms In unwav
ering dovotlou to tho principles nud un
earnest support of Iho candidates of the
political organization to which ono be
longs. Without thorough organization
ami inmost eiiori on tno part tit null
viduut members oi such organization
no titniv can bono to Miccool. Such
fidelity ns was illustrated by tho noblo
Roman trturd who stood nt his post nt
Pompeii when tho molten Hood of Ve
suvius rolled down ami overwhelmed
all who tlid not Ike, before It, and who
after eighteen centuries had elapsed
was taken from the ruins, still standing
in his martial position, u stntuo of de
votion to tlio trust reposed lu him, is
tho Kind of fidelity to bo admired In
tho Democrat who never swerves from
duty but isat all times nnd'under all
circumstances found stnudlng squarely
up for his party's nominees, battling
for tho cause of truth and civil liberty ;
always to bo relied on, nnd never found
nbscnt or wanting when his services nro
But nil parties havo their chronic
crumblers men who nro not satisfied
with any ticket, nnd who seem to tnko
special pleasure in uniting lnuit, wini
county conventions for not having con
sulted them ns to their particular choieo
of candidates. To sallsly them would
bo an litter impossibility.
This class of voters tako dellsht In
annoying candidates and expect to bo
coaxed and flattered by both sides up
to tho day of election, when, if thoy
voto at all. n doubt remains as to which
party they condescended to favor with
their ballot.
Of this class not n few nro standln g
candidates lor onico and wonder why
tltev nro novor Honored with a nomluti
tlon. Thoy seem either not to know, or
lortret. mat "curses, mco cntcKcns. ustt
ally como homo to roost." Wnut of
fidelity to party Is not a good passport
to natty favor, nnd It is passimr strain
tltat somo men nro so long learning this
important met.
There is another significant point
connected with this hiihject. All men
aro prono to placo ton exalted nn esti
mate upon their Inlluenco with and
hW higli nff'ihYrivIiHul statids'Iu'ins
nar v. or what his Inlluenco mnv lm in.
side tho political organization to which
ho is attached, the moment ho stands
convicted of having attempted to stiiko
uowu tiny regular nominee oi mat or
ionization, his Inlluenco with or over
those who attach importance to party
usages, is gone, una ins only reitlgo is
Inildo tho lines of thu political
enemy, where ho usually goes nnd is
not unircqucmiy nattered and pencil
to his hearts's content, and where ho
can do moso with whom no iormerlv
allllatcd less Harm man ho had former
l.v dono by his fretful whliiiuirs and uu
measured discontent when a professed
member oi meir organization, uueh
acquisitions to a party, liowover, set
clom add much to its strength : for. un
less rewarded to thu full extent of their
imagined Importance, their discontent
will coon manifest Itself and discord
and dissension follow In their trail.
Democrats, thcro aro hundreds of
goon, nonest Jieptibiieans mat havo
becomo disgusted with tho corruption
anil extravagance of their party leaders
and wno leel hkq assisting us lu redeem
ing tho Stato from Radical misrule.
There nro, nlso, hundreds of other like
wl-so good, honest Republican within
our county limits, who do not know or
will not believe, tho recent disclosures
of monstrous Radical fraud, which,
did thoy believe, would hasten to join
us iu tho great work of political redemp
tion, nee ttieso men personally, itiriilsh
them with the proofs of Radical rascal
ity, convinco them of tho truth of these
outratreous robberies of tho Stnto ami
National treasuries, nud, (not In tho
spirit or party disputation,) calmly rea
son with them as to what should be
their duty. Appeal to their good senso
as citizens oi a proud out uommou
woaltli that has been disgraced and tlis
honored by tho men now oceunvhi!'
high positions, to assist you in bringing
about a chaniro or public olllclnla to
como to tho re.icuu lu this tho hour of
thu btato's dishonor mid hurl from
power tho party that has forfeited their
respeci ami is no longer worthy or their
confidence or support.
Do not rest satisfied, that there is not
much work to do. Tlio Statu must bo
redeemed. Honest men tiro needed at
Ilnrrisbure to put a stun to the whole
sale robbery of tho pcoplo's money.
Corruption must lis rebuked and tho
liaiuy yeomanry Horn tho hills anil
valleys of ovory part of this broad old
Commonwealth owo It to themselves
nnd to their children, without regard
to party associations, to como to tlio
polls in tlieir nilglit. mid with thunder
tones sweep from power nud niaeo tho
men wno navo iirougiu mis groat re
proach upon tho unmu nud famo of tho
Slato wo aro all so proud to own. Lot
tho grumblers go; they mayseo their
own lony pcioro mey navo departed
beyond tho pales of tlio old party to
which thoy profuss to belong j hut look
well to tho voters who stand waiting
for your hand to bo oxtonded to wel
como them Into our lino where thev can
assist In restoring tho good old times of
Jiconomy nnd nolorm.
It Is announced that a combined of-
fort Is to bo mado upon Congress tills
winter to ituiuco it to pass a "Declara
tory net," afllrmlng thorlirht of woman
to vote, and that this pressure Is to como
from Mrs. Victoria Woodliullaud thoso
who sympathize with tho woman-suffrage
movement. It Is also mysterious
ly hinted that Senators and llcpresen
tatlves nro nlodirctl to tho movement.
lu sufficient numbers to attach somo
importance to thosehemeof tho womnu
sull'raglsts In thelrnttempton Congress,
A lively, hut perhaps not very profita
ble, tlmo may therefore bo expected ut
the coming session among tlio ranks of
uiu iiieutis oi leniaio suuroiro when
Mrs. Woodhull shall establish herself
nero in ner now quartors, Washington
"Tin; public," said President Jur.
I'KIisoN, " will novor bo mado to bo
llevo that un appointment of a rclatlvo
Is mado on tlio ground of merit alone,
uninfluenced by r.uully views ; nor can
thoy ever seo with approbation olllces,
tho disposal of which they Intrust to
tho President for publlo purposes, ill
vldcd out ns family property.1'
Tho Republican Journals demand
that Thiers shall lako piompt nnd vig
orous action for tho suppression of Do-
naparllst conspiration, Tho continued
ugllntlon In tho Algerian provinces or
I' ranee, causes n feeling of weakness,
lest tho government may not bo exer
cising tho necessary vlgllanco and ener
gy In suppresilng the troubles which It
Is feared may grow to such proportions
ns to causo serious embarrassment nud
expense, or oven ncccssllnlo Iho aban
donment of iho colony.
London, October 8, Tho Observer
gives n lint contradiction to tho reports
of underhand mauicuvrcs or tho Bona1
pnrllsla In Franco for Iho rcslorallon of
Pauis, October ;8. Dombroskl, who
was tho leader of tho mob In tho attacks
on tho German residents in Lyons, has
been arrested, tried, ami sentenced to a
Limlii'ccht, Minister of the Interior,
died suddenly, this morning, at his res
idence, while dressing.
London, October ". A sharp news
paper war Is iu progress hero on tho
subject of literary piracy. Correspond
cuts nro very novcro on American pub
Ushers of British production-', and nn
international copyright law Is unlvcr
cally demanded. Contractu havo been
entered into for tho construction of
btcaincrj forn fortnightly lino boUvccn
Antwerp nnd Now i or!.-, via Dover.
M.uiiup, October 7. Advices rocclv
ed hero from Melllla state that tho ro
volt of tho Knbyles menaces only tho
domln Ions of the Sultan of Turkey, who
has sent (roups to ust'jie order. The
Spanish garrison of Meli'.l.i will tako no
part In tho operations ng tttt-t tho Kab
ylcs, unless omo Insult Is offend to the
Spanish Hag. Tlio catno of tho outbical
was tho establishment of n Moorish
Custom House on the coast.
Madiiid, October 7. Scnor Balag
nor, Acting Minister oT State, has tele
graphed to Vnlmascd.i, Captain-General
of Cuba, that tho necessary reinforce
ments will bo promptly dispatched to
uphold Iho National authority, ami to
pre3crvo tho integrity of tho Spanisl
Bnui.iN, October 8. l'unyer Quor-
tier, tlio French Minister of Finance
accompanied by Councilor Ozsnco nnd
Counts l'eticlon and Alon, arrived to
day at tho Royal Hotel, and, nl noon
visited tlio French F.mbassy. It is ru
morcd that Count Von Ainlm has been
summoned to Berlin.
Br.Utsi:t.s,Octobcr S. Thrco hundred
workmen in Ghent, aro on n stiiko and
demand a i eduction of a day's labor to
ten hours, and wages to bo unchanged
They also demand doublo pay for work
dono over time.
Romi:, October 7. Two convents havo
been occupied by Italian troops, tho in
mutes having (inieklv withdrawn. Tho
luuiau parliament win no opened unotii
mo nilddlo or November.
Consi-antinopli:, October 7. The
progress of tho eliolera has been cheek
ed, and tho alarm which win felt con
corning tho spread of the epidemic is
akui:st ov iikiami.sts no i-m:aiis o
KAI.T l.Aim PlT- nMn1.r.fS- .......
rant for tho arrest ortieorcro o'. Cannon
nilllnr nflhn )o,.,.- r.,a
......... ..., aim uiiu ut
tho Apostles, and chief aspirant for the
succession to Biighain Youns. was
placed in tho hands ortho United Slates
...... . -..-j , -J..., ..ti ,,.fu Jl. IJtV I
served, probably because Mr. Oannoi
was engaged at tho Mormon Conference
J. no euanro ntrniust Luminn u r,n- mv,
la-clvlous cohabitation with several
dill'erent women. Ho will doubtless ho
taueii neioro Jinigo Mclvoan, on Mon
day. It Is expectetl that tlio defenso ii
this case, as In that of Belgium Young
win bo mat theso extra women aro
wives or mo derendanl, whereupon tin
plmrcn nf Mcnmv- will l.n t.rr,r., t .....
r - ..... ..u iv.i i v.ti, mill
proved under tho Congressional law
boaiini? imon IhnwnMnot.
Nothing romurkublo oeeurod Iu tho
MnrmnM t Ion l.rnnnn thlj in'iipntiw. rpi,.
addresses wero moderate, but every
body was expecting uspeeeh from lirlg
ham Young. Ho will preach to-inor
row, ii wen enough. Everything 1-
(mint, liftth no i-nr.,i,-.t.i ..Ittt.l matters. Thu people rldlculi
thu Idea ofa disturbance or outbreak,
iiuii tiro as sa;o nero as in Now York
st.ltl . unpliitj ur,r.,i. Tt
, ,, i"-.,.j ntic-i. J.ld
....,..,.........,.....,,,( .L, iu,. mitu iJllll
IOtI nnd ovor $100,000 iu baso silver
...........,. lltJU mi- ttah.
$150,000 In bullion was sent Kast bv
i L-iis, v ur.iuo o. i no Heaviest mlt
Ing transactions havo been mado her
tills WPPlr Hint rnvn nit.-r .nw. I..
Utah, tho amount htlngover $2,000,000.
oAi.1- jiaivi; uitv, uctoner 7 l:iju 1
M. George Q. Cannon and Henry W
Lawrence, n God-be-Ito " nnd prom
tinnt m.trphilnt nf T.Mrtil.nll t. ...... I...
. . . ... . ........ v u. ...iiitinti! imtu in.
hocn arrested by United Ktiitcs MnrBlir
a tunc w. mill iHMti inr l i innnitinrt n t
tnt'til nf ("Inner- riMin nliuiii
'wwv.iw -mi Willi KVJ HI IJlJUl
("IhIM W mi' "Un Wltia inlni lit I .it Inn till,
... ' J. JS.4 . JUUJ VtlilltlJIWmUit Willi
KnvniMl U'rininn iiinlncUm TTftl. piail.
iimiiKH iiuwKins wasnrraiKMOu to-day
ui'iuru d uugu juuivcan, on mo mi let
Illfnt fnr mlllltnrir orntt'ln mil r ..n
lyKtuny, tho chnrKo having boon mado
Tho United States Attornoy gave notlco
iiiiil uti wfinzii nit rnnnir ii it ti ni r
Monday noxt,
i ncro wo- vehement incendiary talk
III 1 1 in Tilltnvivinln thtj fi r.f rwi,. ...I..
riliully by Mnckunalo, ono of Jlrltflmm
Ir Mr. HouTWEMi woro n Tanner.
nnd managed his business on tho sumo
pniicipiu no eontiucis me unvenimcnt,
ho would bell his horsed, ploughs, har
ness and teed-wiieat, mid apply tho
proceeds lu paying oira mortgago on
his farm which had ten vn.irs tn -,,,,.
nnd nt tho simo time, keep a largo
nmount of cash on deposit In bank on
which ho received no interest. At pros
out hu Is redeeming bonds duo in 1SS1
to savo nix per cent. Interest, with
money which is wortli to tho tipnnln inn
per cent., nud which is wrung from
thorn at u sacrlflco which only tbo exig
ency of n treat national cilninllv wnnCl
Justify; vvhllo one-fourth or tho wholo
receipts over ono hundred millions
lies idle lu tho Treasury, drawing no
interest. Theso bonds nro helil l
rono nnd tho inonov neeo-uarllv imra
ubroad. Washington J'atrlot,
GKOlttlB O. EVAKH was biirremlnrpil
to tho 1'onnsvlvanla nuthorlflns nn Mm
uvo or thu election not In tlmo tomako
nny damaging statements. What ho
will now ilo remains to bn nonn. n la
wild ho will peach unless tho itadlciils
nrrango to (screen him from piiiiWiinoht,
Tlio Iloiinli of Arlillrolloii I'mler llioTrcnly
til Niwiniition. .
Tho four boards of Arbitration under
tho Washington treaty nro now com.
plelctl, although It is possible n fifth
i;oninussit)ii may jit uu i'vu"
ri,n .nml m,nl Imnnrtnut of thew)
is Iho Alabama Commission, coni-Istlng
if 11 vo member.), Which meets soon nv
Geneva. This deals with tho subject m
privateering, nml will imvo in uec no
wnciiier ureal jinimii uAtu, ;"
dlllgcnco to prevent tho esenpoortho
Alabama nnd other cnnfedctalo pirates
from her waters, nnd whelhcrslio evad
ed her obligations In nllowlngthem to
recruit nnd relit nl llrlllsh purls. If tho
Hoard decides thntstich default occurred
on tho part of Ungland, n gross Bum Is
to bo nwarucu lor tiisiriuuiion iiiininit
tho sufferers as compensation for dam
ages! or, ir tho Hoard shall bo unablo
to ngreo upon tho nmount It Is to bo
llxcd by nt!Oincruoiniiii3siuii,i;u,iuivvi
by tho members or tho Gcnov.i Hoard,
who shall ussess tho damages by actual
iiHMtlry nnd proof, Us decision bo ng
final. Should this nllernntlvo Hoard bo
cnnvenled, It will Bit nt Washington,
HOW VOrlCOr J10StOIl,or uuuiui uiuau
places, If necessary. Tho second Oom
mlsdoti convenes nt Washington, nnd
will havo to decido upon nil war claims
of tho citizens or tho United Htntos
ngainst Ureal Hrltain, not within the
consideration or Iho Uenovn arbitrators
nnd thu claims or Hrltlsh sunjecis upon
tho United States. No claims of Hrlt
lsh Biihjecls wim resided In tho South
ern Stales during tho war; no claims ror
slaves, nor or blockndo runnors, are,
however, to havo admission. This
Hoard coinlsts or Ihreo members, und
will nlso hold sessions ut Nework
,in,i liminii. The third Is tho Fishery
Commission, having ono member ror
I.uglnr land out) lor tno uniicu mates,
it v.-lli ,.nvn 1,1 dclcrmtno whether nnv
eonipeusatlonlsduo to tho Dominion of
f lunula from thn United States for ettr-
renderliiL'lLi ll-,herv tirivlleuej, nnd nd-
j udicale t lio nmount should tho qtiOHtlon
bn deelded in tho nlUrmatlve. This
coinuilssimi Is to meet nt Hartford. The
I'ourth Uommls-ilon, or wnlch thu iini
pcrorof Gormany is solo luumber und
arbitrator, will hnvo to cttlo tho oucs-
Hon of our Northwestern boundary,
involving the UlruIUoflluro und Van
ivitivtr'rf 1,'and. with souio territory
about San Juan. Wo notlco thnt, u
rumor has obtained currency t') the
effect that Hnglauit will claim pay for
nil VApturcii niocKnuo runners, upon
thu around that tho narairrniih In Pres
ident Lincoln's proclamation of block
ade, directing that vessels attempting
to enter Southern ports should first bo
warned oil", and only caplurod upon u
becomi attempt, was never rovoKcu, nor
ever observed. Wo do not, however,
nlaeo nnv confldoneo lu this report. A
distinct understanding was reported to
navo neon nnu neiwcen uio meiiiiiur.i oi
tho Commission that tho Twelfth nrtlclo
of the treaty applied only to proporly
destroyed by our armies, or illegally
Tt Is thn of Grant's ndmlnlstr.v
tlon that tho public debt has been reduc
o,l nhiiiit . twn bunilred millions of tlol-
lnrs. In tho Iwn nnd n hairvears that ho
lias been in offlee. Hut tho Iladlcals
nro tint entitled to nnv credit for tho
iinnnln rpilnnod thn debt bv Having
taxes for that purpose. Tho pcoplo
ought to bo thanlcml, however, thai tno
iladieal thieves did not fcleal nil the
monoy, not leaving n dollar to reduce-
the debt with. During tno timo uraui
has beon in oillco thero havo been paid
Into thn treasury mostly from taxes AdmitUm that saw.
Oiiil.noi) havo been appropriated to wauls
paying tho public (lent, wnai nasgouu
Willi tno oilier ?:iuu,iiuo,iiuu .-
ClIMIS VUUI 1' Mn tho 1th In!-, nt Ih-roil-
(b'licoor tho brl'lon inronUtiy Itov. 11 wlHon
air.J. Illwliiilllosnf IbuleLo'i tiMUiMiry
j, i-'ruu or Jrrsoyiown, r.v
"Uir-JUMT At )hf ri'li'J"'" fr thn brbl
t1 i ' it1 ' "Jr . Uov. (i. II. Uty, Mr.
t. i.iMim i iiitnini i 4L11 1 III l It III, HI 1
of Cnlumbl i county, IM,
Ll'WI'J-KMNn-nn Koptcm'ifr Slh, bv .r.imfH
iviu'iieo, ,i, j-.,ni. un fui'
Mr. .luli'i I,.
i,owjs, r ii Nin;:ni(nr towii'.hlii
Klliu,of rMiInseru'Ic.
, to Mi-i-i Siritt
Uh'OmtflmrK Alnrlif t
Wlicnl iv-r buliPl fl.l'l
Hyo " 1 (0
Coin " so
0. Jtu. " M
Klnnr ivr i .! IU
rinier-xi'U 0 (l
FlnxcfJ l 6)
Kkp '.n
Titllnv to
Polr.n.iH t ui
Drlcii Arpk-K io
lining 17
Sulrs nml Mmuiil, ib
1. ni,l in'.- pound lj
liny i r urn is oo
Tucsr what Timi: has haxitiunrii, Tim
mnxlm Hint Ilio Miko or tin, pronto Istlui volou
or Ilie dhlnlly, mny iu oiuo r.m'j, bo open to
doubt, but tlio tcllmony or honiM uiHUnllrilit.
ouod MU1H SM8 cstcndlllK Uir.jUfc'H HTlrs of
yemv, nnd utl to ilic i.arao puriKiri, li woithyof
orcUiH-o, ndinlU of no fiuiMilon. Itpou huth
Hitlers as nn nnlldoto and ouro rorniany nllmonU
Is linked, 1. lulus Iho lienly )an Hint It lms
been before, llu, w oild, lumitiiernblopupamllons
Intended to cotnpeto with It, linvoEonu up UI:o
rnckots.und eomo down tlio extinguished btlelts,
Mennwhlk, Ilio prouiegs of Hint llicoiurninbh,
tonic hns liocUBuUtnndRkndy nlwnysupnut
nnd ulnuiHl llko the eajle'a lllglit, llu Intiodiir
tlon ptoduceil ft loolutlou In Iher.ipoutles niul
ltpioed lo boouoot tliohohnlutury rcNolullons
tlmtenuuot bi bneUwaulK, To-day Itostiltci'H
llltltiHl.soiio of the inobt populnr uinedhMlu
cliilgtendoni, nnd eoiniunnds n larger mlo thin
any olhcr imdlelpnl prernrntlon, iloinoMIe nr
mil orieil, on this klJonf tho Atlanlle. As n enre
roriljspepsli, bilious dNonlerfc, nervous niN.
lions, tenon, 1 deblllly, nnd ns a pievcullvoof
cpldimlo lovers, It lakes jrtudti.eo of iu Ti
nnier lemeily. -ilils raet khuuld teach Iho atnbl.
Hons counlry dealers who endeavor lo foHt their
local alioitlous r,n Iho public In Us stead, how
lutuo their klnall nllilnpls to eojolo tho eom
munlly must nceessallly bo, Wheio Iho ganio
nsn navo billed tlxro Is uochnucefor tho"uek
New Advertisements.
n a n n 1. 1: w o it k s.
v in sriiFi-T,' MAiu;i:r.
Ill I II iMwIHIIMJ tl '
Mniitiniilu ir,..i ......
neatly ojti'eutod. (lub-rs by in ill will recelvo
fc necfalnttentlou. N, 11. Work dellvcied freonl
llm,.tfn:., T, Ji. OL'JS'l'OM. Proprietor,
"v" '' I", U. 1JUX ')Jt
In Iho District Court of tho United Hiates. I'or
thoW'oslern Dlslrlilof roiinsylvaula,
nuVn".r; li,Vk,pt. ' 1,1 '"
V, ' V.. , V nit'eiio 01
..... n,t, ,,u,i, ,iu llvtil 111. loo
"Hi of M. hltmoyer, at lllooinslauit, IM,, In
wild district, on 111,, 11,1.1, Li y of November, A,
.-,i, in iyi t'loeic, a, .m . 'jui, no j;, iJvellon,
II ' i I , , ,1 kerfiieis in iiiiiKiiipicy iu said
Honor iho llaukrupt net of Msrcir.'i, H17.
,iaii.ui , t.
octlTTI-tf. Assignee,
.i.uiiiui.-iiiuucii IVI4UU11; iii reuio irom busl
ness nowolleis at pilvalo s.ila his enllro t.roper-
LVS IllSteil 111 1 nini,l II n , ) ..
halt Interest in tho well UtioMu
tngothei with Iho Uujlno, I.ithos nnd othor .Ma
c Jiiery heloug ug io tho sumo, also iho on tiro
btiicUupw on hand, together Willi a vahial,!..
pairoi norses.nnil uio wngous. sleds, Harness
.vc.aUo hi. town ots on which Is cioeWl a good
iraiiiodwe ling, also, lueuiy.ilvu acres, known
ns iho nr. liit properly ab.iut ton of w ile h ar"
cleared, tho balanco tlniberuil, ,
i rues it'usniia no. rossesslon g von ot auv
tlmo tosull pureh.l-crs. Applv to or lutdress. J
r. i nti . .....l.n.u SUJlUll.l.ll,
oct,0,'7.f, Ornngoi Ilio, Uoluiiibla eo. i'.i.
1J.TAIE Of IlirillTKII W. IIOWMAN, IlKll'll,
,,l'V"l'r."r aduiliilslrallon on tho eslalo ol
ifighler W. Ilowinau, lulu of uiaugo tiiHiishlp,
t ohllilblneolility, deo'd., havo been graulod by
Iho lliglslor of said counly to Klfcahclh w,
Uowiiiau mid John 1U. Welsh, residing in Or.
nugo township, Columbia county. All persons
nuvluif claims aiialusL tho eslalo of thn . I.......
mo H,Ucsleil lo pii'senl them for seltUiiieiit.
and Ihosu ludebtiil to Iho estatolo uuiku pay.
uieiil lo Iho uuderslgnfd, ail inlu Istraloi-.ullhoiit
delay, V.IA. (I1.TI1 W. 1IUW.MAN.
,1, IM l VlL'tull '
ott U.'71-Ow
ItlODr. FOUNTAIN l'lJNa fur solo cheap nt
11114 UUICO,
I) UllhlO UAL K
o r-
Al, u A n I, II in:
tn puMimnpo of nn nnlr of Iho Orphani' L'uuit
or i.'niuinbln mimty, will l,o nxp,)i-t l,i .tii,iin
f Jin hyiho uii'lonluuc-il nilnilnlst m n.s ,,r s
IIcmm, UccoaiHt, on llioiui-iiilaos un
nt lonVlock A. M. of tnl,l itay, Iho f illowlnsilc
BVl 1UC, l.H.I ll,..-, 1I11V1I1
A rt-tiiiiii iiu-HniinKn, neiuff int, nmninii lKiliq,,
nu,l Uttct of l.uitl, niituto lii tho tnivnuiiltHif k,i
tirln:tr 111 KfUil rounly, liniindoil liy otlii-r
of h ll,t ecocnKdl on 111,- Moutll un, I went, l,y linitU
ofjonnt Hiinr,, niul wllltaiii DnvNon ih nnriii
nnl ny inntpiui tiuoiuu n:ivsuoii iito oikfi, I'tin.
mnTn nr oi. Tho hmmn I rl I'OOil Hotel RtAiid. n
i;ool Well at wnttf cow hy tlio iloor, niul oit thu
irn'i m n pomi iipio urrniiru
AUHOiw-citfihi trncL of land nHuuto In J.irk
mil anil Huji.'irlour townililm In mhl rounty,
tioiindml by uuihof .Mm Kile nml HnmttH Ncv
nrmioniiio Rotuii, ny jniuii oi i r.uji a iinuifii.
nril on tho went, ilio irnct nbovo iloHtTlbcii nn
tlio north. tmd laudjonj.imuot l'rllr. tm iho Cim.
contain lug
mnro or les belua tint bcr In ml,
AtiSO o. rorliiln trnrL nr biml Hltll.lto In llivl-l.
noil township, Hitlllvnn rounty, liouudnj on thn
IIHl lV 111') IHICI 1 1 1Kb II IPOV" Hl-CI IIH'd Mill) lUII'l t
if Cirtltf A. llliLiiolmr on tho north, umih mut
west, cuutrtluiii
V I V a1 Y A 0 It K s
moro or tcii, uctus; timber land,
AI.MO a certain tract or t,m,l Htlnaln In ll(nl,iti
towliHlili, Oalnmlilrt r'Hinly, hiintilnl it,i th.i
north by IhiuIi of Oyer inn weHtl,y
KIHIiaKliiiltzmi'l llannali HniUh,oil IhoHoulli
by 1-ni H of Minuit-I Krk'Uhautn niul on Un- e h(
,y Lilian oi jiij.tu newt, coiuiuiiini;
moro or lor,8, belna Iraproveil laml.
TltllMlor HAt.r.. Tell Her eelll. nf ollo-r,ioitll
of llu, iMiri-buo lnn,.y to b il,l on Hie ,biy or
mW. oiio-r'MUth of thu lutrehiis,) money leii l ho
I, n per eeni. on uiu iiiniii ni-iin.ii in iii.j n:,it-(ii,ui
lliu b.itineo In ,iilu year llieruurier with liilon-nt
n the .itiio Irom eouurmaLloll ihhi,
PiiHHoNlon wilt bo l-lven on tho 11 of Anrll.
liv tho purchaser or iin-ehaoriiHeeiirlni Hits
purcliiHO money. lMri'luser or tmreh is-rti to
ply ui iue-14 un i a lump.
JOHN w. iciiii:,
Aatiiuii .ir.ii'JtM,
Cent nil, Outobar M,
lii inirMinnco ofan oritcmr tbo Ori-hnns t'oui l
tri'dlnmiil.t po ttnty, tbu uiutt'rNtstKd in Tiusico
nnniiliiliM by t no I 'mm 10 mm inc rom omiuo ni
W lllnui Vt as iUrmxtviU will cxiHjHO to imhllu
nilo on tlio ttioiul'.oftn
nt ono o'rlock In Iho nftprnoou of unkl ilny: AH
Iiuii criain naci oi vuiuaoio mini Hiiirno nt
M tU m towniiun, uoiumum coumy, com un
licit niffisnvo, adjoining Innrli of It. Jolitiou
Tlio in w I'unsloi.Iohn A. Kuuston, Kllwi Kil.-lr
J wiuiior, wiuiniii .MMinMMi nnu ouuii wiuuii
whcruoti li eU'ctciUi lumo twohlory
I) V K Ji L I K o nous !:,
nlnvirob.un niul other butttllnKHj Ilio wunowlll
hnhoMon tbo lolloulnu 'iHy tt-niiH, to M: Tliu
U To iMntPt or the lmbiiuilH of ihTeiifi ilniihl
crs of Wlltlnm lVir, iIwciim-iI, ibMtu wltlioiii N
xiioto rein Uu ch!iipl upon tho u-nl t-Hlato r
n.iltl ilomiHctt. tlurl ni (ho imtunil Hvim ot
hiiHlnnits nml tho liiti'iost tlu'ivof to bo nunu
nlly nixl roKUlarly p iM to them by tho i .
HnM InlertM to bu t'oniputrtl fumi Ihu ilrL iliv
of April, A. 1. liT.', nml njitin tht'lror rllhcr .i
their dPiitliH, tho pi lliclpul sum to bo pall to Ihr
parlies legally i-utltletl then-to. Twvnly pei
will, of tbo putPbaio money to bo publ nt thn
strlltlnj? ilownof tbo piopeity ; onotlilnl if (he
b.ilanroof the puichano iiiiiuuy to bop.ill ut tno
contlrinnllou ol tlio Kiile, autl tho b ihuieo of tin
puit'liiso nioiu-y liioiio year IheuMftrr, with lu
icrt'Kt on the unmo from Iho II rut of April A. I.
lT-'j wbcll pnt'ssou ot mid preinNeM will 1n
ulven. ruu-haer to pxy for IK-cd ami Htamp
Landlord buro if thu Kru lii lu tho ground
pasHci to tho ptirebaser.
Tnnteo tn sell tho Utal ULato or Wllllmn
I'oitif, dcfeastd.
lUooiusburg.Det.n, l7i. oet.lV'l-lt
Fresh arrival of
David i,osv'i:Niii;ii
luvltos attention to hW Htoclc of
nl Ida Moro on
MinMtrret, InKblvo'H block, ono iloor Wist o
C. C, .Marr'rt hlou-,
llloomsburs, l'aM
7hero no hns Jiut received trom New York vnt
riilladelphla n full assottiacnt of
11 AND IlOVH'Cr.OTllKVtl,
Includluff tho mot fastitonablo, dura bio ivii.i
wir.y.s guoim,
cjiislnllng of
of all sorts, sires and eolors. llo has also leplt ii.
lihcl hi i already largo slock of
sTiiiri:, i-iuuiii:i), and piuin vm i s
iiAXDi:i;i;ciiu:r,s, uuvis,
llo nas ronstiully on hand a largo rhU woit-te-ccted
asnortiiicut of
which ho Is prepared to makotontdcr Into any
kind of clothing, on very short notice, nn,l In u,n
best manner. All his clothing Is mado loweir.
nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture,
ol every description, lino and chenn. Ills caso oi
Jon dry Is not surpassed In thWplacc. Call and
ux.uuino hlsgeuorat lusortiuent of
ocii-i-71 da vii) i.owr.Niimiu.
H. . .MII.LKIt & feON,
havo Kmoved their Btoro to Iho room forineio
occupied byMciidcnlnll.nii Jlnluslieel, llluiiiu
burg, nearly opposite tho :plscopal cliuiin
wheio they uio determlncltosellonnsiiKKleral,
tcriusnscan bo procured clso where. Thlir sloel:
I.ADI1M' Dlll-H tiOODH
of tho choicest styles nud latest fashions, togciii. .
Willi a largo assortment of Dry UwkIs nud fir,,
cerles, conshtlns of tho fol'.owlHs rtlcliw
Oil Cloths,
Tin tiuols,
1. 1110111,,
Hoop Hklrts,
Ifollnu uiu,,
Qncensirnro, HurdWd
Hoots nnd Hhoes,
II lis and Capl
Ifoop Nots,
In short, everything usually kept la country
tores, to whleh Iboi. I,,uu,l,n n....
publlo generally. Tho highest rrlcowlll bo paid
for counlry produce In oxohaugo for goods.
M. H, jur.I.KIl A HON,
oct IJ-TI :r Dlooinsburg V,
O. M A It It
havojustrccelvcdftom tho easloru inaikcta
largo nnd well selected stock of
, I'est hleachcit A
' Urown Muslins,
Table Linens,
Cotton tb
All wool flannels
AC., Ac,
A' good stock of
Lndles dress goods,
Latest style ,1 pattern",
tiplees of nil kinds,
(Jood stock grocorlcs,
Btono waro,
Wood & willow waro,
riour A Chop,
Also Kitchen Crystal Hoap for cleaning Tin,
llras,,Vc. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro
llo would call tho attention or buyers to his
well nnd cmefully selected assortment which
comprises everything usually kept In tho coun
try, feeling coundent that ho can sell them
goods nt such prices as will eusuro satlsfacll cn.
ixtrj'7i-tr c, UMAitn.