The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 13, 1871, Image 1

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Una, (Uvdvo Hues ur lis .UlvIent in
lluupargll typo) aug at two luulloun, 11.80
thrtu IU83ill.)n,S!.. 1m, Su. , fM. lv.
O.'iolneli JVM e 1,00 t,00 ll'),CO
Twalnchoi 8.W 0,00 7,00 ,! WO
Three Indie. 5,0") 7,'jo 0,00 l,W 18.""
I'our lucliwi 7uo ),'ju 11,00 lr.ixi ai.oo
(Jimrtcr column. .10,00 12,00 11,00 JO.S0 80,0"
Half colunlil .15,00 1,00 5000 ,( 00,00
Onocolumn.....--..SO,00 80,00 I0,W) M,ni lw.Oo
liitcputor'iilor AduilnlMrfttor'ii Notice, MW1
Auditor's or Asslffiioo'ii Notice, IJ.CO.
Local notices, ten ccnM n lino.
Cards liitho"ntlncMllrectory" colnmn.f'MW
per year for tho first two Illicit, ami 4l.Ui fiir (nch
SUIte (iJotumMmt
, l'l'UMMUliD llVUUY MlllAYMOltNllNU
cot iit itoU"i", ntooitsnrjiici, iiv
KiJiTon Ami r-noi'iiir-.roii.
TormJ--T-o Dolbre a Year p ayatlo in advasso.
$3 EO If not paid till end of year. $3 00 if
lcni'or credit to Elver..
Of .illdcserlptlons executed with ncntnei-B and
dispatch nt reasonable rntcB.
i ill 1 fllff flliil lllif llfiill
Columbia County OfUoial Dirootory,
.... ....I..... I 'f ,r.M.
jYctwcm jmigc wioi.tpat -''',"' u
Atvxtatt JlUljO-lBA DKHK, Isaac H.
Knfa,thmtlani. ,tc.-Vri.t.tKOTov It, Tst.
J!, "tK'omlri.Wtt.MAMWISll.jAtOIlY.
Jllitrtrt Altorncu ';. l-Of-int.
,.icr(fr-AAI!ON SMINI.
VSi.rtrior-lHAAr) Dt.WITT.
ti,imlifci'rt-WlM.IA1t U. llUtCK, CY11UI
I'.nnillNH, IIlllAW.I. ltKl.llBtl.
( IV.-r. Wll I.tAJ! KlltCKIlAUM,
A I'lfipr. U. 3. CAMI'llKIX, A. J. AI.1IEU1BOS
1IAN1EI. I.rn.
( jan.T-JoIIHll. Hot'CK.
,n Omminlonm liAAaMrllittnc, Jolts Mu
Umnt'ii SuverlntcnitenlCiAM.TH tl.llAnict.r.Y
1:1mm iter JhrWrf Dlir-ctfirs, H, II. Mit.i.Kn'
WriMAM KiiAMkr., lilootnihuri:, ntnl .Imisii'.if
Iki i.r ii, Uucnwood, ciiAiti.t..s connlu, riic'y.
BloowSuurg Official Directory.
i:it,rmtl,vrii limktng ft.. John A. 1'unston
riBtuciii. II. 11. ditoir, Cuphler.
; Kit Xaltmnl .MiiJl-CllAS. It. l'AXTON,lrcs't.,
J. 1. ti-stin. Coshlcr.
t lviHLtt(btiiyMtttuftl&tvuTtmihntt TsnnAn
t tt ml iimV.. II, I.1TH.K, I'res't., C. W. .Mii.LUt,
i'illt'Ml.trQ HulUUnq ami totUnff ?iml AMorM
I i -John Thomas, i'ren"l., .1. 11. llontso?., Ike,
i.'iu'.Mlf.tirr Mutlinl Ml, fit' tVHd .lMWiliiH
J. J, Hl.oWKK, l'rc .iillUt, M, WHITMolKll.Scc'y.
Bloomsburrj; Directory.
n.M'l ItllAGH Jut uiilvid mid firMilonttl.o
TAf'OIl, dealer In utovca and tlnwma
.J ititlu Btrcet,Hbovo court liuum,
A VIII I.OVr.Nl!i:il(l,MorclmiitTnllor,Mnlii
IJ bt..'Jddior abovo American House.
Writ. JIOUUIH, llcicliant Tailor corner of Cm
) tto and lalu uU, ocr MIUei'H blore.
' l)HUds. OllKMKJALS. (U.
1". I.l'TZ, llriiKi!llandAi.ntlicary..Mnlnt,
, liclun- llio 1'ohi uillce.
ltiowcr'M blocic yimn st.
IIIINltYZLl'IMNOnit, Watcher,
II lewejiy AC.
AianiMircci niar hLHi,
( lI.HAVAtlll.tlealcrln CbicliH, Wulclien nnd
U Juwthy, iliilu St., Juiit below tbu Aintrlcan
I (Hits linitNIIAl'.l), Walch and Clock maker
U near kou I beaHt corner Main alul Iron Mh.
CATIK'AKT, Wntcll and Clock .M:il:er,Mar
, kut it reel, below -Main.
Oranrjavillo Directory.
1 II. lintlltNO ft nilOTlir.U.Cnrrenltrsand
, Ihiilderi, Main Bt,, below rino.
U (Willi A lll'.ltltINd, dialer In Iiry (loodr
(Irncerle.. Lumber and tx-ucral Mcrcliauillsc
)ItlCIC HOTWj and refrohmcnt Halonn, bj
.) Itolir Jl'llenry cor.oIMaln and rinust.
OH. O. A.JIK(lAlt(ir.IrbyBlelnn ondHurgeon
.Main Hi., next door to (Jood'H llolel,
liculorln Eralu.MlltHtrcut.
rA.MKHll,IIAIt:.tAflCablnelMaliur and Un
it dortalter. .Main HI., btlow l'lne,
CICIIItVt.Ktl A CO., lion fonliilern.MaclilliUtii,
O and MaiiuructuicraorptowK, Mill Ht.
JAMUKr.HIIAIll'I.KSrl, Maker of tbollaylnirM
3 Uruln Cradle. .Main lit,
ilfll.WAM nni.Ol.'O i.boeiu.ikcrand mamUac-
tuitr of llrlck, MI!lHI.,uet nfl'mo
1". 1A M.MAN, MciclMUll Tailor, Hecond Ht,
KnbblliN' liliimiug.
lilt.J. K. KOIiniNH, Hurscon aud riiyslclan
1 second ri uciow aiam
ttll.HKUT .4 KUNi:, drvKOodn, croccrlcH.and
I guielul mercbaudl-e, Main Hlrtct
II., "CattawlKka IIiiuhp,'
Coruir Main and Ueccud Kit . cih.
LKI ILl'I!, Ulllrrd Hnlnnn, Oyster, and Ico
. Crcum In Reason MatnMt.
MM. llllonsT. dealer In (Icnuul. Merchandise
. Dry tloodd, UioccUch Ac,
Ol'SllClllIAN.VA or llrlclc Hold, S. Kosten
u baud(r rroprlt'tor.soulli-c'0).t corner Alain and
heronil hired.
r.M. If. AIIIIOTT, Attorney at law. Main HI.
Buck Horn.
ill. Koodn, procci Uh and ccik ral lueicluindlHc.
Klrnt (.tor, lu Houlh end ot town.
Philadelphia Directors.
II M.KNOillt, I'calcr In llools and Shoes latest
lv. ami best Rlj K'H, corner Muln and .Marled
HlrtL'tR, lu tl.o old 1'osl Udlce.
jicirAiiDsoN ii. wmciJiT, Jit.
an. 1'71-ly
M. KlJl'II I'jAHT,
(Abovo I'lfth.)
BunsincBd Carclfl.
llm lllnnm tVrrv rnmimnv lina hml tt Itntn I
niiil bonis tliniouutily ir.nlic(t ami 1b now tn
rtnauuM mho nn xmmi rcrryiiitf nt hiiv rrnunn
nl.ln lioiir. Tho iiiulculuncd will lm in ntlcn
iliinroutiiny time loualt upon ruMnmciR nt call, 1
(Hucccssom to A. Wlnmn,)
ltesptcl fully Infrirm the rublle lhal they aro I
iiii'u lino ui uunuiesN
and plmrt notice.
ii)fn leaKotinhlo lcrini I
But iKfutt loll warrniilcd In all
flUJLK t'.M.lM Ann H.TM UU fUDVlin.
bavj: uum muniiy.
,ln tn
T.'aht ItlooinhbniK. i'H. tor nil kind of llio hewt
liuino nii'i city .
V 11 U tt I T IT It E t
1'rlcrM icneuiiublu ami llio IjihI wt rfe Unun,
jm 1'71-tf
In ronsldrrnltoii nf tcnrlni; tlown nnr wrrk
ii 1 ii L 1 1 lull Idltiu v hh h will In cniniiicliceil wry
mhim wo ntv flli rlK 1ovh, Ntovwi Ac, tit
yuuiiy i t iiiut a i-rice .
It. r.HHAtll'hLPIl A P.H.llAUMAN.
ItloomHijuriE. l'P. rrnprletorn
K V E U T V A It I F. T Y
nnx.277, ltlocmmburc, Ta, 1'7
M" To AziNiis 7n7 i a'kT:k!y
at ti i n nooic SToun oitosite tiii: rou ut iiqusk.
Also nn imnrlmont nf rortfinntm-iloi. 1'unh
Iloolts ftinl At count I!onlE, cnnsiuully on liuntl.
HrtokH not on hand tihlnln 'I on vhnrt not n
Niw Hooks urn (onstnntly bptnu nltlfl tn Urn
" lIloitiiitlMir Olrculnlltut Library," Anions thr
I .il ft I aru "(1 ul It ami Inn tiui," "Motlu rii-sM,"
Hlr Harry," " Hot Sjair of Ilumblotliwail," ami
(Hi ! Uo Not IJic IWsU
Oh t bn not llio flrht lo ill-scovcr
A blot on tho unmu of Irloml,
A ilftW on tho faith of ft lovrr,
WIhho henit may bo lino to tho end.
Wononoof in know ono nnotl.rr,
Atnl ort Into error wo f.ill j
K(j tot uh Hpcntc well of t nch other,
Ornpculc not ul nit.
A Kinllc or n nlgn miy awaken
Nuplc!on, niORt fnNu and undue ;
Anil IhitH our belief may bo HlmUen
lu heurlHlhat nro honost and truo.
How ofUti tho light umllo of sWdnem
In Horn by a friend that wo meet,
To covir a toul full of I'adnehK,
Tik prouil to rtkno- IoiIko defuat.
How oflPii tho Irleudi wo Ion tiilea tent
Their noljl(t emotion conceal
Alul hnsoniH tho p ureal, nlncoteftt,
lhuoscertts they cannot rcAc?t.
llow often the n'nn of deject ton
1h heased from Ihohypncrltu'H bicant,
To paiody tiulh and aiTlctloii,
Or lull n BUpleloii lo rest,
T.envo mltiih lo linibor Kiuph Ion,
Ami Rtnall onm to tm"oour (Icfeclt,
Let our j bo ii noble i ambition,
Tor baco 1m tho mhul that Bii"peet.
Wu nono of in kinw ono auothor,
A ml oft J ii t o t r ror w o 1 1
Ho kt us bpenlc wellof oicliolhd,
Orfpeal: not at nil.
mii:uu:at magical
a si r o a c
i: xi i
below ilartiuuu'HStoio.w cot oi laiktt.
IIKNKV KLKIM.Manuf.ictuicv nnd dealer In
1 1 liootH and huocn, uructru'3,
1-iist Itloomsburif.
, ilaln street,
, street, under Urown's llolel.
1 abovo tho Court lloiibu.
1K. II. C. HOWKIt, KurReouDoulUt.MuIuht.,
1 a
iU. WM, M. Ui:ni:it. Purponn and Physician,
17i;xcnungoiiiocKover eou'iooic siore.
DU. II, V IvINNP.V, Kurgron Dentist. Teeth
cxtinctcd wllliiHit pulu: Main Nt., nearly op
poHito Kplicnpat U'liuich,
"yyAixwmaiiT a co
i:. Coiner Eccoml nml Arch Slrccts,
Dealers la
kick, sru r, ni t'Anu soda, ac., a p.
4s-0rtlcr8 will rectlvo prompt atlcullon.
may 10.07-tf.
Business Cards.
ui.ooMsnunn, va,
(I. HAIIKLHY, Atlorney .it-Lnw. ,f)tllre.2d I oi-'it'Ki-Miut Ilonftn Allov. Io4It,Vi
. llnorlu Kxclianuo Uloel,utiirllio,,i.x.liauyu 1 i.umhiAN i.iti.lhK. !
Will fdieM a benulimi fet of WhMtem or Mui
tacbn, lu 1 na ii tun to thn o mouths, on any jut
st n ovtrtwi lociir4old. ItlHotioof (bo iHt
tn punii loiiH ui mniio iuh winnm-in jimiw uiiii.
vwv hum Known. One bolt lo of U Isnunielent to
tuodiien a mtv Hli'oiiu beard. It dot s not In any
nay stain or tnjuro tho f.Ulu. Tiy Ut It In iu
liuiubmr. rii-'n :ii rcnu utr ixiiiic. soni tv
tn tin pust ptild, to nny tiiirifiK,f on nccipi or
aiiR l','7l-ly. Adams L'nuuly, I'enna.
and (Unlet lu
t'AUI'KT-IlAti., VAIdHlCH,
r.urrAi.o r.oui m,
IIOi:iK-llI.ANKl.rS Ac,
which lu ft'els eonlldcnt ho can sell at lower
laiotiriunnyotticrpeison m itio county, j;jc
Hhop opposite tUo l'O&t Olllcn, illllll Ktrcct, 1
inoonihuurj, ra.
r, xTis t r. y .
What 1 Siiw In n :iic;iiu.
A wreck of a man on tho sidewalk,
Cursing lUo pnsserH by,
A rouo In llio parlor opposite,
Clu-lnuntU'ddcn to tly;
A landlord around Willi a posse,
A tenant In Ktjlns for time,
A thief with an oillccr chattering,
And ncbiipars V0HM;i'chliue.
A t uso.1 Fnldler with oik in,
(IriiWIn for pennies and bread,
A inllllomtlro rollliiKln dlimouds,
A parent Willi mlef-boived heal;
A iioit.bla"krf cry lound tho comer,
A lady lu Jowell r.lle,
A I'l''d child Mweepln? tho crosswalk,
Wilo foil bolli duty and bare.
AJudneelad lusott robes ol ermine,
A criminal palo lu tho dock,
An old mother walllu,: lnauitulsh,
A broker lnie ctliiK his stock;
A vagrant with twins at h;r lioom,
I'll lypo of nilsery'a lot;
A fond wife, wllb anel like nici km ss,
Hevotliifrbcrllfo to a sot.
A poor widow toltins,
"Willi lmiulit butan honest name;
A wanton, In powder and Wets-,
lloldly prod ilmlns her shame; fc
A "Dives" In fllio pe.iple and,
A" I.a.rrus"slck nt the gale;
1 ho one womhlps Uod In a hovel,
Tho other In reive! and M ite.
A pastor and pi lest, cuh mulutolnhis,
Thai tltclrs is tho only truo cued;
A inurdererslayln,. his victim,
With no ono to stay tho dark deed;
A nation arrayed against nnllon,
A million or bayouolsKlcuu;
A baltle-flcld bloo.l, shrieks ami woun led-
I 'wake I and thus ended my dream.
I ono of llio plntcs is criicUcil clmio iicro,
I imvo ppoken lo llio muster ntiout 11 (ill
I'm tlrcil. Ilosaya lio'll fix It wliuii he
can fliul timo."
"Well, Jlpi-y, you know
b very limy, Jlonolilom Jimnnyk'h-
M.iry liiutlctuil KOinothlui! nboltt lis
lioliiu "I,y (o llliil llvo iiilimloH If rtiiy
body Hliutl," which her inlstre-ss pastied
over in rtluiiut', mill then rueointiicnceil
her vl;;oiotw cll'orlsto pofcon litllo heut
out of tho Ilia.
Thu biscuit still presotiteil it ratlur
tloulitful nppenraiia1, wlicii Sir. Atucy'd
well-known htcji m heard in tho lull,
nnd both inliitiuiuid ni.ilil know thcro
must Im no dohiy, for punctuality ut
menU was with him a cardinal virtue.
In n few minute?, therefore, tho family
weip.-catul nt tliu table. Tho children
wtro lnlglil, pleas.iut-looUini; llltlo
fjll'.s.litit on tho wholothey had rather
a neclicled iipiioariincc, for in Jim.
Jrneoj oli.-eivcd, "(hero were m many
ways tn turn, that fho never could tell
where tho day weiil to ; nl;lit always
came la Sore ho had half tlouo her allot
ted tasl;.''
Tho father wa3 a scnilblo cny-tcm-
pored nun, anilseldoin, mU wife often
nald, iimdo uuy trouble in tho house.
Ho saw that some thing, went wrong,
but ciiiifi'.iH'd thai ho did not wonder at
it. There wero so many tlilng.s to bo
ntlctiileil to in a family, and tho days,
especially In tho full nnd winter, were
very hboit. If lila ineaw were ready In
thuomlnoiH sound of it heavy trunk,
as it was deposited upon (ho fltcjH.
"Who can that bo?" oho exclaimed.
"Not a viiltor, I hope, 1 nmtairo I can't
find tlmo to attend to my own family."
Hut now u liu-.Ho Win hoard In llio
halt and tho door bcltij: thrown wido
open by lhe,:lrl wlioniHWered tho ring
of llio hell, a pleasant looking elderly
llltlo woman entered, whoso quick Htep.-i
and nlr of brisk activity gavo ovidenco
lliat tho vigor and I'rtshneici of youth
woro telal ned even in advancing ngo.
In Bpilo of the dl-.conilUuro of Mm.
Macey'tj mind, nnd Iter dread otu visit
or'' slio eould not MiipiirtKfi an exclama
tion of plcasuro lu ho gazed upon thu
Intruder, and hastened to meet her
with warm wonb of welcome
" My dear Miss Jane, I ntn delighted
to teo you and, indeed, j on nro almost
tho only per ion In tliu world to whom I
could tt.iy tliis witli truth ut tliu pre-icnt
time, for, iiti usual uu llnd tn alltoiMy
turvy, You know how It Is in it largo
family. Homo thing, h.ivo to bo ncg
leeted," " No apologlej aro liicumiiry to an old
f.'icnd," replied MUs Jano, with u ho
nevolont mnile, " I am glad that you
havu a welcome for me, lor I liavo como
to claim your hospitality for a few
" Kor motilhs, if you deslro II," ru
turned Mm. Mau.ty, and she wa. qullu
sincere in llii. expression of fvullug; for
MIjb Jane, or ni ."ho should be moio
properly termed, MR. Jano IJootli, wa.i
1 11. McKIILVY.M. Ii.,Kurseoii andl'lijslclau
J . north sldo Main st., below Market,
11. I1VANH, M, 1)., Hurueon nnd lMiyslchm,
i BOllthKldo JIallltiecl.uelow.M.iriiei,
C. UUTTllll, M. 11. HutKCoii and l'liyslclan
, Ilarketstrett,abovo.Maln.
II. UOIIISON, Allorncyal.l.nw, Oillco Hint-
man s uuiiuiui;, .tiHiit s.lw..
II IMHT-llMAN, Millinery and Fancy Hood",
U. oppoi.lto llplscopal cbuieli, Malnst,
R1HH I.IZZir, 1IA11KI.KY, Milliner, lUmscy
bulldlnt: Main strict.
MIHS M. DIlltHH KKlN, Ml. Inery nud Kancy
(loods,. Malnst., below Market.
MUH. 11. KI.INI:. Mllllniry nud 1 uucy Goods
Main slioet below Market.
i.u llir.lA A. .V HAlli: IIAIIKt.KY. I.ndlm'
JU Cloaks and Ui ess l'ullcrnj, soutbt-astcoinir
M.iinand wesisis.
M'lli: MIWHKH IIAUMAN Mllllni ry and fancy
I Hoods, MalllM.,bi low Amtrlean House,
(.lOIIKH UOTllI., by T. lienl. Tnylur, east cud
V ot Matu street,
1'lIYbIfIAX AND HlllttlF.ON,
(HifloEovcr I.iiIz'h liniKSIoie. llesMeno
Mailiet Html, 1st door below Itev. !..!. aller.
rTv. Mii-ucn,
OlllenConrlllouso Alley, below tho Col.UM-
iiian (llllee. llounllcs, llai-lc-l'iiv nnd l ens ons
collected. niooliisuurm.lep.-jjw
Hesppctl'ully oilers his professional serilcosto
the l.nlles and fulltleineli of lllooulsburi; and vl
clulty. Ho ts prepared toallend toalltbo varl
ons operations lu the Ilnoof his pinlesslon, und
Is provided Willi the latest Improved I'ouci.i.ain
Ti.hTll which will bo Inseited on old plalln
silver and rubber baso to look as well astho itnt
attended to.
Kosldoneo and oliw-o n low doors nhnfo the
Court Housp, stirao sldp.
Uloomsbur., Jan,l'71 ly
Q Jj () M U T U A 1.
X a-itoi;ki;y at law,
onieoMnlnKlrtet below tho Court HonBe. 1
uloouiFbiut; rcntra.
ai juii;.l.i .
omco t'ourt-llour.n Allev, below tho CoLUM
IIIAN (Mllco, Uloolnshui I'.l.
l'llny l'recman, rrcsldent, II. c. l'rccmnn.Kec
Cash en plinl over ts.oeu.uuo, an paui.
ClUNKllAI. aui:nt,
Tor Lnzernp, Lycoming and Columbia
as. so.'iiO.
season, ho mado no commenta on the one of thoso good, mi fill persons, whoso
dotmstlc Hrrangcmcnt. This waieer. presence is ahvaysdcelr.ibloin a r.imily,
taluly the wisest course, for, ai some and who seem to have a sort of inaglo
llltlo dutlf!) wiilch eamo within Ills po- power lu overcoming dilliouUies, " scl-
cullar province were olten neglected, Hug thing! to light," and producing or-
rchukeof tho fallings of other., would der out of chaos,
havo eonio from Iilni with an ill grace. l.'ioni Mr... Maeey's earliest recollec-
Occa-Ionally certain unpleasant vis- Hon Miss Jano hud occasionally appear-
ions of dilapidated pants, btittonlos od in her cliiidhood's hoinoand always,
slilits, anil stringier tinderg.uments It would s ;om, at thu lime whoa care.,
would present themselves to hi. mind, pu,sed the heaviest, nud her presence
lu painful contrast to the perfect order was ever uleoinud wttli u gleam of. sun-
in whkh III. wardrobe had furmerly slilno on a rainy day. riluco her mar
been In pt by a (pinker mother j but he liago Willi Mr. Many one or two visits
had Income accustomed lo thco thiiig.4, bad been received from tho good old
and l sides thi-i, theio win no one to lady, bill several year, bad now elapsed
blaiiu. He coul'l not iilTord to keepa since alio had seen bur, tiiid..lio liad sup-
seamsticss in hi. family, and hi. wife, po.icd that llio lueieasing iullriuitiuu of
a.evirybody know, wa. a hard-work- ago conll.ied lior to ouo place. But hero
ing woman and did not willingly lo.tvo slio stood, almoit uuelianged, witli tho
anything undone. It was all owing to same bright eye, tho ti.imo kind smile,
the want of time, and Ihl. was mi evil and u i;top as film as in her younger
which could not ho remedied. day...
Tho evening meal wa. less cheerful Unfinished coats, heavy biscuits, chll-
than u-ttal. The biscuits were decidedly dien'.. 1. .ssons, fallen tables and broken
clammy and Mr. Macoy's relish for erockeryallvanisliodfioui Mrs. Maeey's
tlieni was not improved by being In- mind, as Willi busy ho.iiilallly sno
foriiK'd that tho stove could not bo ex- ministered to tho comlortof her guest
pi clod to bako well until it wa. properly Then came Hut pleasant, cosy hour,
repaired. It was certainly unreasonable I when all tho llltlo ones were bleeping,
to expect him to attend to it for ho I and sho could alt down and havo such u
could hardly llnd tlmo fur tho transae- (julet talk about old times. Even tho
lionof ninro important bU;mes... Jl rug utKrUiA! .y,riiVftisl6Yi lliereuweYt.V-J
It all rh'ht.butfomohowtheday always many tbings to talk about of which ho
slipped by beforo ho knew 11. It was know nothing but luckily ids presonco
easier to talk about a few minute, than wa. urptirtd at tho society meeting
to find them. and with nn apology for Id. impolite-
Tile countenance of Charlie, their nAff w bad taken ill. departure so.m
eldest hoiieful. woro a mnro (INcontent- iifior Miirf Jane s arrival.
ed expression, and hi reply lo hi. fatli- Much iv. said of tho by-gono uys
er's iuiiilrles, ho growled out a disro- and tlieu eamo tho conversation of tho
spectful t.pocch about "old coals, and pjp. ent times.
mother never having any tlmo to do " Ami so you aro very happy in your
anything," which occasioned hi.dlsml.. married life, 3'inny?" remarked
tal from tho table. Jane, addressing Jlr.i. Mu ey liy tho cn
A noto wa. precented totlie father by 1 (leaving name of girlhood. "A good
it should i.o mixta with many nnnrdent prayer, Ono of tho girl., containing a particular I im-inuid nud proml-dng children are a Sorninu Slionhl He.
II should bo brief; If lengthy, It will stoep
Our hearts la apathy, our eyes In steep;
The dull wilt yawu, tho chapel-lounger do.
Attention ll.igs and lucinorj-'ij portals close.
To melt tho Icy heart nnd charm tho soul;
A mipless, dull harausue, however read,
Will never rouso tho soul, or raise tho dead.
I It should be Rlinple, prnctlcal, nnd clear;
No line-spun theory to plenso tho car;
No curious 1 ly to llcklo letti r pride.
And leave tho poor nnd plain unedlllod.
It should bo tender and nirecttouate,
As Ills warm themo who wept lostHalcm's lato;
Tho llery laws, with wordj of lovoalluyed,
Will sweet ly warm aud awmlly persuade.
It should bo manly, Just, and lational,
Wisely conci li cd, aud well c-pressod withal ;
Not stutl'ed with silly notions, apt to stain
A sacied desk, and shown muddy brain.
To reach tho heart, and tlx and fasten thcro;
When God and man aro mutually addressed,
God KnuitK n blemlurc, man Is truly blessoj.
I t should bo closely, ell applied at bul,
To mako tUo moral nail securely fast;
, Tliou art the i-iua, ami lurm, alono, wilt m Uto
A l-'ellx (rcmblo, and a lUvld quako 1
fl C. MAKK, Dry Goods and Notions, south
j wuwt comer Malu ami Iron 8tn.
A, lUH'KI.l.Y, Hoot and Hhoo store, bool.M
, A htatlonety, Main St., below Mailtet.
J ACOHS, Confectioner-, sroccrlc. etc.,
St., below Iron
1JOX .1 Wi:illl, Conf.-rlloncry nnd Ilnkery,
J) wholesale and retail, i:xclialiKQ lllock,
c. iioWi'.lt, 1 lats nnd Cnps, Hoots nnd Shoes,
, Matu St., abuvo Couit House.
r II. MA1ZI1, Mammoth (irorery, lino (iro
.1. eerles. Trulls. Nuts, l'lovlslull, Ac., Main
alul lion Ktrcets.
M'KKIA'Y, N II A I, A- ( ()., dealers In Dry (loods,
(Irocerles, l'h.ur,l'e(d,H.ilt, I'lsh. Iron, Nulls,
oicN, II. cor. Main and Market sis.
. 1 II 1 '1 I IV. t ...
Into tirm (leimany, oilers bis services to thn
public asu eeltbiau-il
1IOBSK Aril) COW i;uuiuii,
and nil oihrr nulmals, forwhlih bis tliiintes nto
meilei-ale. J lo can always uo if.uihm.. -u".
Ueiwl. k load, ileitis. Il.-laeoby's .Murble Yam.
lUoomsburg, May 12, l71-ly.
17 jT TiioitN'roN
IV. wouldnnnouucoiolhocltlrensof Illooms
kiiir nnd vicinity, that he hasjust leceUed a lull
anil comieve asi.oiiukeLi. o.
HXri'llES, lOltliB, TASSEU,
audiill other cooils In his lino of business. All
Iho newest and most nppiovrd patterns or tho
day oto always to bo lound In his establishment.
mum, ........ .... .........
t ihivii t uii: (ik 1 111: Minns
V O N V E 0 T I O N E It Y ,
Ti.n ,,rt.t.Mi..oiil siiTf.iu.orH of Wldmvcr.
would lespe'clTully nnuoiiniu that tin v havo
i... .... ik. tl.l.11.1., .1 klnit.l rei-t litle del u- I
nledbvtbo abovo named, In Wooiii'dair., and
prepared tn continue tho buslncK ol manuinc
lurlni; nnd selling, by
,...r ,.r n..n. ktetp nnd kind. Also'
thev will h.noat all times a comphle supply ot
n...i i...Hi.,k. itt-i.n.l iiml I'akp. rarth-s,' In this lino wlllUudlt lo their
lidvautaso lo cau on us.
Isrddcd to the estnblMimclit, nint lullcs nnd
'Hponi.ciivinBriopcrutientioii ..A"-',";!''1,8 ness of evening warned her must bo "tiioio screws li.vo rt ally given away
May 5. 1571.-1V
11 WM. A. HKlOUUNr.Y.
..... . . .... .
rcouest from lliclr tcacner lliat some oi ,,rwt Ijlo-sings.
their Bltidlc. might bo attended tont Vyry great," w;'.. tho roply; " and
home in order to faclillato tlieir pro- tbeo treasures aioe. rl.dnly mine. And
gecsu. Thl i note was duly po?..od to llio Ket I can hardly s.iy Unit I am happy
inothcr,:uid liad tho emel orileeiiomng ur tii0 Waut of llmo to allend to
llio shadow upon her brow for now thousand llltleiliitiesaieso veryaunoy
wan II po.itible, In Hie multitude ot nor i11;) tlnvt I am often imito lubcrablo on
care., lor Iier to nnd iinio to i-ii. mu i ,t i.ccouiil. ay misii.tmi h incoiuo
little ones In their daily tusk;-. not large, and cf cniiso we can keep but of t!m. Agreeably to Mr. MacoyM res
On the whole, every one n-emed to ono K.vvanl , i.i.d J am called .-o nnny olution, tlio motto was placid whero it
feel uncomfortable, mid tho very lablo ,v.,vrt nmt It sienis diiUciilt to aecom- could lio read and remembered by all,
Il.selfseemed to partake of tho general ,,u,!i anything." and father and mother, children and
uneasiness, and utter uttering tno musi jiissJuno mused in silence, ami mo servants, ?oon united in tno opinion
her doll a treasuro long coveted, lull
which innmniftrotild never iliid timo to to.
The dt'y. seemed lo havo crown long
er, now, however, for oven inumi'ialiad
found lluio In e-implolo in my long no-
glecKtl or unflnishi d undertakings. Ill
fact, overy one laid taken n leof from
Miss Jane's hook, and yet they did not
seem to have tll.toveritl what was writ
ten upon tho leaf, btitascrlhid llio great
er order nnd regularity of tho houaohold
lo tho npsisliiiieo whieli mv. rendered
by tho busy old lady, nnd not to any
Improvement In their own manage
ment. A few cxamphtt will milllco lo exem
plify Mho Jane's pyetem of management.
" Ten minutes beforo hrtakfost," t?hu
exclaimed, as with quick step, nho en
tend tho apartment; " tlmo enough to
accomplish u giual deal, jdy dear little
MnKgle, bilng your book nud read over
your lersoii to me, while I tako a few
stitches in till, prelly dress Hint 1 am
making for you."
A ml iv'lir.t wli.ill lil.i lll.i 1.1 tui""
asked another of tho litllo girl.., n. Mag
glo hastened lo bring her book.
" Hero h n tlato and pencil, dear;
Just try that dllllcult sum which trouti
led you so much last evening. You nre
bright and fresh after n good nlghl'H
rest. Charlie, my good hoy,'1 she con
tinned, addressing thu lad who stood
idly drumming on thn table, "there I.
lime to feed your rabbit, and chickens
beloro breakfast If you wish."
"And Hut will glvo mo moro tlmo
for play in tho park," was the quick re
ply, nnd ho hastened away,
" Anything for u. to do?'' playfully
asked Mr. Mnrey, who with hi. wife
had Just onlored tho room, and stood nn
unobserved spectator of the scene.
That particularly pleasant smllo
spread over Mis. Jane', countenance
hut very readily she answered :
'By all means my good sir. lou
wlllilnd a button upon Hie mantlo piece,
which you have long desired to llnd
lobmrc to place upon tho cellar door.
'ivo niinulo-i will Iki timo enough. As
for you, Funny, just, take this old stock
ing and transform it into a bolder for
Mary's use. Sho tells mo that bIio is
much in need of one."
" You havo certainly discovered tho
truo secret of finding tlmo for tho per
formance of many duties, Ml... Jane,"
icmarkod Mr. Mucey, " mid I nm de
termined to adopt your motto, to "fake
care of tie mlnitlet,' a. tho watchword
of our eslalilisinont. I will havo tho
words pi In tod lu gold, framed and glass
ed, and hung in a conspicuous position,
where they will bo frequently called to
.V good resolution," exclaimed Mrs.
iyrTM w 'hr.ty wnJ ' iimraro?? uro ' jiaVstti
even by indmtriou.s people in thecourfo
of a day time enough to attend to
many little matters."
Vs my renovated wnrdrabo prove?,''
thought Mr. Mncoy : but to his credit
bo it spoken, tho thought wa. not ex
pressed, for thcro aro somo cases whero
praiso implie. former blame, and had
better bo omitted. For somo day., ho
had been exulting in tho good order of
pants, shirts, and namoles. articles,
liilliorto neglected, and had toon dis
covered that Jane's motto had wrought
the change.
And it v.Yo- r illy .uiloislshing what a
change 1' dh' Liiug about in thu whole
dwelling. M!" Jane's vl It wa. ftoon
over, but its etfecl.s remained. Tho truo
dot ret of an orderly household had been
discovered. Thoso few iittlo word)
woiktd like a ehatm, whet, duties wcro
In danger of being neglected from want
And re lv
Willi diaries
.bullion's Unci
Wo iltul in a sotithorn oxchantto tho
following necoutit of u duel fought by
Ocnoral Jackson with Clmiioa Dickin
son. It took pluo.j iiay an, into, nt
Harrison's Mills, on Hod river, in ho-
;;iui county, Kentucky:
Tho placo of combat was a loi.g day's
rldo from Nashville, nnd the duellsU
were, consequently, obliged 1 1 iart
twenty-four liours previous. JJickinon,
beside ids second, wa. accompanied on
the fatal journey by ii ntimbrr of gay
eottipauions, who went out to soo tho
mooting and appeared to havo cherish
ed tho utmost confidence in tho prowess
of their friend, Tradition sUtts that
whenover tliu party stopped for refresh
tnenls, Dlekiuson tlNplaycl his skill
with M. weapon by shooting at a mark
nnd so wonderfully accurato wa. id. aim
that at the word of command lie put
four balls into a spaco covered by a dol
lar, twenly-four feet distant. At tho
mm.' (li.-latieo ho repnaieuiy em, a stiiait
string disponded from u bough, and
left It hunii'.l, with luslru'.tloil to llio
tavern b.epor to show It to General
Jackson If bo came that way. It is also
Bald that ho bet fCOO ho would lilt id.
enemy within a half Inch of a certain
button on Ids But whether theso
stories ire true or false, wo know that
Jackson and Overton were employing
themsclvej much moio sensibly. Both
weio conscious Hint it wa. indeed to bo
a llfo and death affair, nnd they studied
tho situation accordingly. Their delib
eration, resulted in Jackson's deter
mination to lot Dickinson hwolho first
lire and tako hi. chance, for tho second.
Ilo felt perfectly confident that Dick
inson would lilt him, nnd equally con
lldeut that ho would hit Dickinson. " I
should havo lilt him," said till, iron
man long afterward, "if ho had shot
mo in tho brain." Tho two parties
passed tho night at dill'oront cabins on
tho bank of tho river, and Jackson is
reported to havo taken a hearty supper,
smoked his usual plpu und indulged In
cheerful conversi'.iou proviou. to retir
ing. Next morning beforo breakfast
Jackson and id. friend, woro In tho sad
dle, and fording tho shallow Rtieaui
proceeded to tho nppoliueiispoi, a lovoi
piece of river bottom in tlio bosom of a
fotcat of poplar troeu. Dickinson was
equally prompt, and arter exchanging
tlio salutions business went on nt once.
The ground was nieiu'.irod, peg.drlven,
and men placed, llio pistols loaded, and
all was ready but Iho word. Tho glv
luuof'.tlil. had been won by Overton,
and lio shouted it out with tho strong
old country accent-" Firo!" Dickinson
raised Ids pistol quickly una nrcii
on tho instant. Tho dust flew fro-
broasl of tho loose llttlng. fr9-T--."
id. left arm with a tight grip aero-, id.,
chest; but ho neither staggered nor
turned pate. Dickinson, amazed at tlio
sight of his foostlll erect aud apparent
ly untouched, fell back a paco or two
and exclaimed; "Great God! Havo I
missed him?'' "Back to tho mark,
sir I" said Overton, with hU hand on
hi. pistol. Dlckln.on resumed Ills
place, and stood firmly waiting tlio ro
eult. Jackson raised hi. weapon, took
deliberate idm, and pulled tho trigger.
It stonned fit half cock. Ho cocked
. t..i.. . ...
ui.u-ual croati. iiencaiu us usu-.u wuigui. uncaKcr eonunupu-
It Is a mystery to mo whuo tlio of dishes, s-uddenly eamo to tholloor " J wish you eould help about this. I
hours go to," exclaimed Mr... Macey, a. Wlth a loud crash. remember that you u--eil to bo a famou.
witli n sigh bIio mlded up an unfinished "Bits, me!" exclaimed Mr. Macey, llCrson to find out tho catiio of troubles,
garment, which tho approaching dark- sturtltd out of hi. unial composure; and to apply a remedy. Now, if you
will di-eover In what 1 urn deficient,
that thcro was nothing like taking earo
of tho minutes.
OiM rcllows Statistics.
Tho benevolent fraternity who nro
known ns tho Independent Order of ...... ... . . .... ..... i. .... i ....... i . . . i ,-,.1.1 i..i, r... I. .. I,. nn
i ,V .i.l oihei- sivinos. in lama u il ns i e r ono nu toil me,' con- i int i ,nvn ntem led lo IX lull .mi Inm i ii he us smart a. .Mrs. "uu jeenuns, imvu rivii - i-
and suull, -JV-.',? "iirx
... . hi- i.iivsr
ui,.iiv .... i. ..v. ii...
main STiir.nT, uMirn iii:ov?.n's hotel
A lull and complelo ncsoilimnt of icady mndo
bonis and shoes lor ineii, wonn ii and children
i... (...) ,.i,.t t,.i- .ii ..ut i. usoiiablo lnl.-s.
Vailellis to sultull classes of customers. Tlio
TT C. II O V.' E Ii,
lusTipcueda flrst-clius
atihooid standon :ainMiict,liiooinsiairs,afew if x nover got anything done, and yet I
dooisubovo tliul'oiilt House. Ills sloil; Iscom- ,,,,-m
days are so Graves, tho leisou v ill bo invaluable." oration, over tho wholo United State.,
: occupied." " I will trv mv in t," said Mi-sJane, and now number fiSST lodges, with an
md a leisure and her laeii lighted up with pleasure, aggregalo of H,fl37 members. Thl. s
il II. MIId.Kll A- IsON, dialers in lu-yuoous,
n, (Iroiei-les. ijmeiiswaio, Flour, Salt, Hhoes,
riouons, cicjtuiusi.
lllvolilmneall. ii. u ." wiii,ihofollowlliL'i;oods
- ........ 1.- I,.. .1,1.,,1
' ----- huiSu ii.....-, '-.-""-.-i t.i...t
t p tioot k, nu n h neuvy M(a;i ' -
never havo a leisure hour!"
Tlom line irlloeHnna were interrtttiltd
.11 I US II I'll Vy llOUUIUSIMl'UI ... !...
sToiiabools, min'.doiiblo nnd slnulo inp soico uy uiu iiinsiuiiiio uiiii.ini.u u. .u ........
lONHTAUl.IlH 1ILANKH for sale at the I'nll'Jl.
IIIAN uinie.
M. C1IUIS.T.MAN. Saddle, Tllllik A Harness-, Mice's llloi k Main htrccl.
DW. itoilllINH,liiiordenlerseconddoorfrom
noithwest coiner Muln nnd lrousts,
IJ J, THORNTON, Wall I'aper, Window Kbiules
IJ. nud Uxlures, lluperl block. Main st,
Furniture llonms, three story
., I m II.. ......... t..,111... I.m.
in i in liAdr.Nitnril. I ' l'V..V.7V'i. . ii ,..s ,,r nil L-rudes. boy's uieiiuoiieii vii.iiiio.u siu..., ikhihv ."v
Jlllin Mirctl one lioor lino, o I,, .ueutn-on.... I lion....- . ,.,,.. J
H A"iiruo nssortmenl of lltov.s, Heaters nnd ISlu nilss.!;" laslli.i! falters, women's kIovo kid tliofitlllrs, HirOO or four nt 11 time, llll Ml
UuiiKe,, constantly on ha and for sale at me I VJi'VVJ '.. .'. 1V:?,,,.J i-.'r,- ti.w. it i.i cr.ll- Into hi. mother's room, shouting :
I dill sin ii". n " - -. ..... " .. i
U brlcl:, Muln Jittict, west ot Market st,
IlllUl.-l IlltKM.
I TlunlnuinallltH branebesearofullyftltemledto,
and sutlKtiutlon uuarnnlfed.
Tin woik oi an uiuuh wuoieHKie uau remii, a
tnl 1h renufsttid,
Jan 171
I TVf K W O O A h Y A 11 1).
Jl THE undersigned respectfully Inform the
rmzi'iia in iin"iiuijiiii; itiui v-iuiiiinin i ihj
thai they keep nil the illtleient iiuinbem olstoe
fun) nmi fci-h-rlcil lnnin coul lor sinllhlui: MiriH-
I hex, on their whaif, udjolnlna M'Kclvy. Neal &
In short buotunt all desulptlouii both j-pb
eeU?woudTlsocHllfltf-eutlou to hlH flue astort
meut or
which comprlseB all tho new nnd populat varl
elk-M at nrlcts which cannotfalllo suit all. Thes
tinucdtlio pooiI liuly, "thut this Uttlo t:iblo for u uu'nthiutst, tliu ility
coat would not bo finished to nay r slim t and my time i.f.o fully
c.liniil.1 nut Imvn linllpvnil tlinill ! I lirOm- tt I m.ll.. ...n, umilil Iltul
"tiwi.ti. .. .....w. ,-, . , ..t,,-, t ntt ,ui. .ttt.t ... . ...... ..h , , , - , ,r .
Ir.l fllmrlov llmf In. ulinllld havo It to l lln,l In III Ilo I hint's ilbotlt r.i oulir.v i.iomnrv H colled Mrs. M.1COV l!Ot FO UirgO a lllimllCr OS tlio lUlltolln.
....,-(,. .1,,. n. n. .,..,.1.. i,,..,i(.i.t imt it ... , n .l..i no aim i m-.. i:m,.,'t i!ri Mi .l.i w. frutotnit v claim tho statist! w showing
.... . .,. ...... in limisu, .en - ...... . .. ......... ...... .. ..
cannot bo helped. O, dear! it seem, ns m,,r0 discomposed than ever site pro- rh0 believed that she nan aircauy (lis- uiem cio m,,. i.e,a.i..u. ... ....
i. .1 ... .... .1... IV. ..mi oil., (it .,........1 M.r. oi' tif.ert.t " lint I'.0!ll(t. U UllOll Dlllius III J o. uuuiis i.. j"
ltd III until e. ui. u... iiii.i......... v.mi.1. .... 1. . . ,i .
.. . ... ... ........ on iw-rn (lm nnmhnr (if the
the broken dishes. Fanny, wny no v.esu in-ro niiingaway u ....... ............ - -
llowover Ieuitiotbla.iK'Vou.forl our time? Our hands may bo busy nretnreii wno received leiie uum ......
liou ,mi- iiatino. oi a u; u, ,,,, ,.,,. s f.,,t. lodges was 2.-..010, and to theso there
tin etiiuiiiiiuii.v L-.l.e.iv.-i.ei.. , , ;...',.,. .......,..,., ,.. r n, rn.ia 4.-.7S.011.SI'
... r .....i... lm ii von nt n mil .'lit ii munKiTi" in I wilt iiiiiu uut hi ih tu""i "
iiiiuully. i;verytning is ,, ; .""""?. ,. .. ..,,. - in, that two
1 negleeled. merely for wantoftlme. incn.iv niai is gceraiiy my cM-i,.i,g : , ,, nr
, ,...; I,.,,,,, ,.i.ln man. work." iiiemners uiu ui i-m-.a .,,...,-..-,--
i iniiiitji itiui.. .tui o . ...( ,i ,. lm r. received
I..1.... n ...,t,.i. in n.iss. You ti Hid vi.iiiiii.r.itl-'iiednriervour our- "ul -'J "V
'iL lu """.i .....- i.nnonu nmi fin avoracro ueno
i ,.m j T ... il tn son lier .ir.,- nm m. b n. Ir. Alupov. wi 11 no in ...uo."- i . .
l,rolher',lay Iier family 1. huger Lorn . It I. hardly worth while to pro- jUs received by e. icl . " ' ! f ?:"'iuX with, and lu his
:!u,nors,bu5t sho keeps only ono ter- Wl,rlc ,tt , Ids hour.-; . f tx.
"Tako earo of Hie minute., I'.inny. :',-.,.,- . .,.,, .,t,i ,,r nn
musuui in cui.,iww.-t
"Hurrah mother! whole's my coat?
I nm Into homo from school, but our
lessons woro so dllllcult, and Mr. Mar
shall was so cross, that It seemed as if
wo should never get away. Our whole
boo.1, mo olleied at the . l..v..'ft cos 1. ruus b m bounlftor tlio USUllI
aln. again aimed an datlborately a.
befoie, and this time tho ringing crack
followed, and Dickinson, reeling toward
tho ground, was anight by his menu.
md supported ugftmut ti Clump oi un
derbrush. Hi. lower garments redden
ed with blood, and a brief examination
showed that tho ball had pusscd direct
ly through the body below tho hip.,
aud h.dfjul under tho skin on tho oppo
site i.ldo from the point of entrance.
Such a wound could havo but ono ter
mination, and Dickinson, after t-ufler-
Ing terribly all day, died at nlnoo'olocic
the sjiuo evening. As Jackson and hi.
companions went from Iho spot tho sur
geon noticed tho blood oozing irom ins
shoe.. " My God, General Jackson, aro
von hit?" I exclaimed. " Oh, I bellovo
that ho lias prieu d mo a little. Let'.
it it. But fa.v nothing about it here,"
pointing to tho house they wero then
approaching. Why ho was so patticu-
lar to conceal hi' wound irom (luismcm
is explained by a friend to whom Jack
son afterward mid . " I did not waut
him (Dickinson) to have tho grallli"a-
Hon of knowing that ho nail loucucu
me." Drinking a deep draught of but
ter milk, ho had the wound dressed id
was iitilo to rido home without much
dllllcully ; but three months e' .j d
before lio eould movo about corn ir' .
bly, and tho Indirect consequents of tno
injury tilled hi. closing years with pain
and at last laid him in his gravo. The
duelling nlstois u-:cd on this occasion
vant, and nover employ, a seamstro.i, nr.. ..I.....I toi.1,1. Silt lr.llK.Unll.
Is solicited buloro puicliaslm elsewhere as It Is
believed mat oeni-r . .snout". t..v w
IHI'sF.NHTOCK.Vhotosrnpber, over Ilobbinl,
A: Dyer's more, Mnln st.
es, on llltir wintii, ilujuiiiiiis At tttini. ... ... .. . ....... :.,' ,.? u. ,...,,n,v
t'o's Furnnce; wlth n good pair of llullalo scales I than nt any oilier place lu toeeoonly
n, sua.i, tieitier u. .ueiti, .tt.t.... , . ,
berlln's alloy, renr of American lloase.
I H. KUIIN.dealcrInMeat,Tnllnw,(tc.,Cbolii-
1' ne:
II. KINUI.DIl. dealer In olnnos. orenlis
mi lodi ons, nt o, W. Corcll's lurnlture rooms
CJAMUKI JAf'fUlY, Marble nnd Ilrown Btono
OWorks, I'nst lllooinsburtj.llerwlck road.
WM. ItAIIIl, denier In furntlnro, trunks, cedet
w Ulow wuro, near tlio Forks llolel.
OFOHTDlt.Oluo Maker, nud White nnd Fancy
, TuuueWeottown.
11, mni.F.MAN, Apent lor Muusou's Copper
on tho wbail, In vclcli eonl, liny, nnd straw
Likewise n hmso and wngoil, to deliver coal l.i
thoso who di slro It, As they pnrchasoa larei
amount of coal, they Intend tokeep a superior ar
tiiu nmi soil i.i tbu verv lowest nrleos. l'liuse
coll nmi exnmlno ror you-selvcs beforn nurrliwi
."".'1 ina i Isewbert, 'j. W. HllNDKlislloT.
Aliuusiun iti.-vnuet
rpHE uiulerslgnod will tako in ox-
X chauso for and (Irocerles, the following
named urtleh s i-Wheut, llyo. Corn, Oats, l'oln.
toes, I.nrd, Hn!ii,honldir,nnd side meat, nutter
Kami. Hay Ac.nt tho hlBhrst cash prices, at Ids
uroeery isioie, hiuoiuiuu i.i,-i i
lllonmslmrit Mar. IB.'fils-lv.
1.1 ll.llIDI.EMAN, Apeill
l'j.'I'nbular Uisbtulns Hod
VOTF. 1100KH, nnd blank NOTFH.lvllllor Willi
IN out exemption, lor sulu ut llio Coiajmiuan
Light Street.
ir V, OMAN a Co., Wlieelwrliihts, Brst door
Jla noovo iscnooi tiuuse,
JOHN A.OMAN, Manufacturer nnd dealer In
Hoots nud Shoes
1 OHflAI.E WStt-oilll-illillil .ll."l l'i
liniA ..ITS n.l S.'J.II Til H Slllll'lbo 11
ttn. l.r.,...l'.l nt nn nnrtllill klllli or lirl VOlO lirotH'rlV
In New York, nnd had been but n 'lew weeks In
use. It li lu mrcct older nnd In eifryresrort
equal lo anew piano. Terms possmveiycasn ju
.dvnnce. Address for ono wee lc,
c. w. riiisi lai,
may S"'71-lf Miiuch Chunk, I'n.
WILLIAM miTLKIl, Tioprlclor,
This IloiisoUavInsbcen put In tliornusn upair
Is now open lor llm ruipllon id mus s. Mi
pulua will bo spared tn insiiro tho I't in ct eom
lortof tho traveleis. Too 1'ioi.rlitor sol rlls n
sharu or pnbllo putroiioue, Tlio bar win bo
stocki dnt all lllnis Willi tluolhiuors nlldcltars.
W. F. llA3vr, Proprietor,
I ,i...ll lc.if.ntn Ili.ti.r. liitvlntt lit ell lttlt 111
ilioioiiLli n nitlr Is now oneu tor tlio itt-eptlou of
I lsltors. No pains havobicu spand Inenstiro
llio pirftct ennifort of initsts, Tint proprietor
it evuythlng in tlionousii is in peueci A mml portion oi iiniewiiiueeiiiiii.iisu ; . v.. ;A , . t t10
i.imi.y ..ur - r widowed fumlliei
M H. KNT, dealer lu moves and Tin woro In
IV an lis uruuciiiN.
ll.'li:ll l-'NT, Miller, nud dialer In nil kinds oi
1 tiinln, I'lour, Fi(d, Ac. All kinds oiuinlu
rT llllIUll AllD.i IIHO.,deoler In Dry Uoods,
i) (Jioceilcs, nnd 1.1 nei nl Merchandise,
Ii 1 roprieiur.
1 D. WFIIKHKlHKll.UootnndHlioeSlorenud
u manufactory, Hhop ou Malu Hlrcot op
posite tho Hlcalu Mill.
Ml W. KIKIAlt. HliHiuilnimia l'Jauluv Mill
I ntiilllox MuuufatluiliiK,
lly iislnir Ibis nrtlilo Indies nnd (linllcinen
ran htnutily Ibeiustlvts u thousaiitl lohl. This
Is thu only aillcln Hint wllleuil slralllbt hair,
nnd nt tho mine tlluo clve t.i It n beuutlful ap
ptarauie, II nl.ti Invluointis, beautifies und
cleanses, It enn bo so applied us to eauso Hie
hulr 10 curl nny luislh of tlmo desired, hunt
l.v imtll for 0 els. II lult-kaize. Attdress
Mlddlclowli, Adams Co., I'n,
1.111.11 IIl'.ADH,
I'UOll HAM Ml..,
4.1 , AC,
Ncolly and Clirnply 1'riiiictl
Knin lie isllit Htylisof 'ij 1 est e
itlko 11111s aSlaeo from lliullolel lo lIliMiinsburu
alul lliK-rmeiliiiio isiiiiis 011 iiusutiy, .oiiittniy
nud Kalnrduy of each week, IJun I'lbJl
rjiiK f:spy hotel.
Tho undersigned would Inform thotiAvelltng
publlotliat no nas iiib. ii iii "H""s"i iu
llshinintnud ihorouulily ritllled tho snnio for
tho puiri-cfcomonlt 111 oof hlsuucsts. Ills Inrder
will ho stoeked with llio best tho market nllurds.
Tlio cholcisl ll'iuius, wines nuu ciKuisii.wuys ui
bo fouud luhls bar. ,.,. ,-,.,
inul'71 1-Jipy.i'a.
on nnd after oCTOlir.ll lwh. 171. n dividend
,.r a .n't-1, nl. on llm i-ntiltal slock ol the Cata.
wissi, iiriusi' t 0111 pit 0 j in ut. ,iiit. iu mv .1.,.. u ..I t he i.nli.ii 111 1 1 ut Trt'iisuri-r.
lieu, n, uii. in. 111 ,
ncl.(l,'71.) TldisllH-r.
"I supposo you wero all tlilnklng si
much of tlio parly that you could not
fix your attention upon your lessons,"
replied tho mother. "I am very sorry
that yourcoat I. not llnislieil, my son.
I have worked upon It llll It wivs too
dnrk lor mo to sioitny longer, but there
I. still much to be done. Tho days nro
so short, aud thiro nre so many things
to attend to that it l dark beforo I
think of it."
"You begun it a wtek ago last Tues
day, " murmuicd thn disappointed boy.
"I will stay at homo beroro I'll go with
that old bluo one. I told Billy Green
and Tommy Cluiso that I was to havo a
now black coat and I'm not going with
out It."
"As you please," wa. tlio answer, for
lisnleased with tho want of respect in
his manner, hi. mother was lu no mood
to Boollio hi. troubled feelings,
Quietly pulling away her work sho
descended to tho kitchen, to ascertain if
tea was In iirenaratlou
Mary, tho maid of nil worlc, looked
Hushed nud excited, and nu Iier mistress
entered, sho exclaimed:
"It 1. 110 ii.o trying to make H1I1 oven
bake. Tlio biscuit nnd cako will hojust
good for nothing-."
"Why to.Mnry? Thoislovohnu never
ider, and jet slio absolutely has some muh that. 1. Useful
f lm.- (.1 snare, reads a good deal, aim vour.s."
i vui lir.-.cticc.oceasionallyoutho piano, 11 y0u nro still tho same Miss Jane,"
.. . 1 1...... linf l.MirilV'lPI n (11 ..u.,.nrr.l ii.j -iopn- no 1 11 o wfiri; uus
u I.1..A u.i ..s V . .. P" -"" :.:. .,, ,, 431.50 to each family. Tho total
anisic. They have a large ami i e, iu. lit t WM ,jr0UCc,,. . a ,o .u during tho year
tivated garden, a peneet emu oa. minuicf,' souniis as i.uii.u.i. n . .j alldeserlntloinwtM is.VJ,'Jl
our-. Mr. Grave. Like, the whole care M if lt WMo but yesterday that 1 heard nA f , Xe ,11 ro from
,.r it. nlthoueh 1.1. time i. us much oc- Vou reneat tho words to me, a. 1 threw .n n.v"f'" ?L!)C'"" 11T
troubled u. beroro." 1 "'."'":""""",,,.,,, ,nP,mi i,v .. nn.i ,i,r. which was nnetitcd to
"But shtiro tho damper I. broke, and Mrs. iuuny, .. pu...v , -
same year tho widowed families of 3.07C
members wcro rolloved to tho amount
or$I22,olft.0l, or an avorago of about
for benefit, and
cupled a.your own." down my lasi; u e us,. u membcr. Tho nggregato income
"Imtio.--IbIo " interrupted nor mis- iciiiud . im.-f ti,n Onlor f,,r tho vear v.-a.
Llnd: "you must bo mistaken hi this it Is ngood inotliiioro.daud young, -,.., ,. m, overaero contribution fw'
.t statement. Mr. Grave, has no Ids- Fanny. A few minutes wasted several I ,,, ,,,,r ,lf .,,.,.,(- Sii, tillt the
,,1-i.tlmn to attend to 111. iMrilon." times a day. will toon make an hour,' ., ,!,.ri,i f, nther sourco.
I'liisu'irotoldmohorso ftlutho tooic Ver.v true," was.lltn reatiy repiy, Ui,.,. iii.Mvii;, lnoaTini-i of it coming
llioentlrotlurgoof it, nnd had no as- ami their (liigeisllewswlflly whllothelr . tniit.,iino f.-o.s.and ii.ii'tol lt from
slstnnco excepting tho uttlo wmeii sue unigues wvie as niisy as ever, j- i,ltl,rCbton invo.tmenis u. stirpiu. uinus
could givo liim," replied Mi
1 do not know how they ci
in, i i wl.h wo had their fcccrct." congratulated bcrfciuiuil iney were no-. . (ifi.-i.n cenls a
"Mrs. Grave's children aro always left till haturiiay night, as was "lieu f b ut ly.oa to a yoar; ho
tho flrht In their class at school, ro- tilc ease. timt ., i.,r,.0 proportion of tho vast in
marked ono of llio Iirlght'Oyeii nun. a good nigni s lest mauo jii- um com0i lis lll)0VU BtnU,d, must eomo from
trlrl. who wa. an iuu'uuiu unutnit mini uumun ui.iu ue-, .t.t. ...
h . . .. ...III. I .... . ..... . ...I- l ...... , I... I....1
ii'r inlr mother lie lis iiicm wiiaiii delliritU'll nosieni iu'c.are.1 nmi bii
lessons overy ovening." not grown ono day older during tho last
"I guess sho ha. not so noisy a set ns ten years ; an opinion which uiu genu
I have," replied tho mother, "or she indy nvmed le.-olub' to crify for It
would not feel much llko touching In Win uivlly wonderful to sio with what
tlio evening. For my part I aui glad to youthful activity sho lent a helping
un.i.i vw.ii nil tn bed. that 1 may havo a hand lo the various household (lut!en,
quiet moment to bit down and compose nnd with what reniarkftlito tact sho i-ct
niyfcelf after tlio trial, nnd vexation, of tho other people to work. Even llm
tho day.'' youuKOut child wna mado useful, and
i.-.,i,'r,-,.,,nversatIon was Interrupted felt herself amply rewarded by tlio
iiv tlio loud ringing1 of tho door holl.iind pralsis of her now fileud, aud tlio nieo-
" i .. t ....,,1 lm i.. nil.. I .I..HS ...l.tnli iiiriJ tit-i i.'fill4ril 4(1
up ono of tho pistols which lay on tho
mantel. Tlio old mm reniuruuu quiot
ly: " Thl. 1. tho pistol with which I
killed Mr. Dlckm-im." Ho Aaron Burr
would now nnd tii- ti .ay with a smllo :
" My friend Hamilton, whom I shot."
ot hoar sources. Kj:.
Man is dthlgncl for nn active being,
and his spirit, ever restless, if not em
ployed upon worthy and dignified oh
Iolu. will, in rcsnonso to tho prompt
ing. of ilia lower nature, which sptlug.
into activity when tho higher slumber.,
ongiiRo in mean and low pursuits rather
Hum fcufi'er tho tedious and listless feelings-connected
Willi Iiidolencoj and
knowledge. s no Its. necessary In
strengthening tho Judgment than In
preserving tho purity ol tho affections.
"Tin: borne that frets, I. tho hor.o
that nw.'HtV H" "lll fyl of horso
men, ai-'l " is Just a. truo of men as of
horses, 'the man that allows himself
to gi i irritated at every iittlo thing that
gui. amis, in Ida business, or iu the r.
dimuy afiiilta of life", ia a man t.. as
a rulewill accomplish llltlo ami wear
outcarly. Ho Is a man for whnm Inlo
and dyspepsia -havo n particular fmd-
ncas, and for whom children navo it
particular avorslou. Ho Is a man with
a perpetual thorn iu his flesh, which
pricks and wound, at tho allglitost
movement ; a man lor wiiom mo una
iittlo pleasure, and tho future email
S rn ic to Onu Tiiino. livery young
man, after ho has chosen hi. vocation,
should stick to lt. Don't Ieavo lt be
cause hard blow uro to bo struck, or
i disagieeablo woik to be performed.
Those who havo worked their way up
to wealth and iitefulneH do not belong
to tho shiftless end unstablo class, but
may bo reckoned among such as took
off their coats, rolled up their alcoves,
and conqueud their prejudices against
labor, and manfully bore tho licit nnd
burden of the day.