IIATKB.OF ADVEItTISINO. Ono Inch, (twelve, linen or It, equlVAlcnt In Nonpareil typo) ono or two Insertion, (1.B0 thrcolnrrllon,H.OO. t 1 int.i .stlKD liVr.UY 1'HIDAY MOll.NINll I (TiIhcomjmiiian nuitDiNO seArmtn eounr liotian, iitooinnBno, i-a liy APACK. 1U. lu. 3M. 11,0(1 ll.dO 8,0(1 7,00 OK. lr. jn,oo tio.oo 0,14 15,00 12,00 1,00 17,011 39,00 2M) S0.00 S0,(0 OO.Ou tfl.du li,0 One Inch tiM HENRY L DIEFFENBACH RtltTOll AflU l'KOPIleTon, Two Inches .1 vt Tlirco Inches.,.,... S.oo 7,00 O.Oq l-our inches.- Tun 9,00 11,00 Quarter coliinjn10,lfl 12,00 14,00 Hair column. 15,00 If, 00 moo ' ,m:-7nt Dolhts a Year r wablo In AdTises. Onecolumn......30,oo in,i.o tO.oo l liU 11 nci pan uu caa ci year. j w n Usjer crodlt to elves. J013 rxtiiiTina Kxoctttor'i. . nr AdtnlnlKlrAl.... Vfil.r mm Auditor's or Algnco' Notice, ll'A local nollfwi.icnccntAallno. Curds liithe"llulncMl)lrector)'" column, f WO tor year for tho Brut two linen, and ll.on for each additional Hue, BLOOMSBTJItG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER G, 1871. iMlUescrlpllnti-. cc-titul Willi neatness nnd VOLUME V,---NO. in. COL. DKM. - VOL. XXXV NO. 33, llti'Vi:ii III l'H1UIIIIUI IWIVOI Sfhc Cotumtiimt Columbia County Official Dircotory. ', III Jl'tl-JCl-lltAH llKKMi 1"AA1 Mo!'' ir. ,KT .rw lijMAMHux il, JAt'onvT V ( lriif! -I!. 11. Hti:l.t:lt. !, ' lAllDN Hvitii. Kirn ISAAC- 1IKWITT. (,. ,--davip ! 'txnrmi, ( n. i,m Wll.T.IAM U, O.UKK, CHU't otllllNH. Illtlslt.l. urnn.il. 1 ..,i.i. lv.w.-v.'ii.i.iam KittrKnAVM, ,llifl(, I I'. J. CAMl-llKI.t,, A. J. Ai.iiKiuso.f I 1, J.I r. f , , lOHK J). liolCK. ,li ll i,t rtl-iUdoiM la.t.xi; -UMiiuur., juur. .uyi (, .1.7 J.(.7irlCII'll. I. ll.Mili.Vl U. ll.lltlll.l. . U ,i I r J)rt,rf,)-Hlrrrlnr, H. II, Mll.l.tll' i.i a AMMt, hlooiiishurir, and Jintnsji, k 1 1., uumum-l, ciiAUi.isCo.NSi.il, ric'y. Blbowslurg Official Directory. ' mil urrr lltmUmi ft,. John A. 1'UMBIOS' i'i. iiiii nl II. II, (Huns'., 1'nshlor. , a tillnimi Jit i -I has. It, 1'axtos, l'rto't., p.'iia.iN.CnOjIir. (. ,,jifiM,i, '..Vi 'imL-fllitoVii'loiiilVinrtli-. ifllilli n- 1., II. I.11TI.K, 1'ies't., C. W. Mll.LEB, 'ill'' iKurp y.ulhVnn ttntl KtiHnn J-Vllil Awtctrt- f . .I01IN TlIllMAH.rriK'l.. ,1. II, UnlltS-ON, HeC. jir ,,,,) rff ytthitil .vniii Wnl yliToei)im .!. J. llKOWl.lt, 1'ri - Idolll. M. WllITMOVI u, Hic'y. Dloo;asburf Dircctosy. i, . I U 11 Ml. JlUt Ul'lll III IllIU 11T M1IU III, 11IC ti,L. i . ::i ('Hi. AND T1NWAUK. ii'Mj , 11,11. 1 1 lilt i-1 iii ruivi'ii uiiii l ill v ill l' CLOTIIIXO, &v. I v ID J.'JV, I. Mil. 11(1, MirclmntTallor.Maln I -t,, aiiouri.VMNii AiiLcrlcnuIIiiuae. DlttKlf, CIIKMIOAI.H. Ac. r. 1,1'T, l,ni",i;immlAiiotlKcary..Miiliil. L I: ii' 'i r's block Main at. nnd ApoCfcarltii, CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. Hl',Mc Zl l'l'lNdllll, WnlclicH, M,ritiicKH a t.,i. ! i . Miili,Klii,.f. ii, -nr WiwLiil. Oransovillo Directory. I 11. lir.llUIN'M A- llllOTlir.lt.C'arpenlcraami i, inillilcl.i, Main at., In-low I'lno, IlOWHU A Itt'.llHlNtl, dialir In Dry (Inoit I) (Irm orlcB, I.uiiilier uml uncial MLicliandlM' .Mnliiat. plUCIv 1IOTHI. and refrrnhinent Kaloon, bj D Itohr M'llcnry cor.of .Main and riuoat. Dr., (), A,Mi:(IAH(li:i,,l'hyii1elanaiidHurBeoii Mntn rt., next door to (iiind'a Hotel, DAVI1) lir.UKtXU. I'lonrnndUrlstMlll.nm' Dealer In i:raln,.MlllHlreet. TaMHH II. irAHMAN.l'alilneLMakvTiina On i doitnkcr. Main HI,, lielnw I'lue. liC'HttYI.nit A CO., Iron foiiii,ier.Maclilnlit, Ij and Manlilavtltlcrstirplowa, Mill HI, CJAMUi:r.HlIAltrr.r.!JH, Maker of IhoIIaylmrm O uriilu Urndle, Main tit, WILLIAM IIHMIN'd HIinoninltcraiKl manufne turcr cf Ilrlclt, .Mill Bt vri "t of l'mo K, liAI.IiMAN, MereliBiit Tailor, f ccond St. , ltoblilun' lltlllilluit. OH,. I. If, ItOllllINH. Hnrjeon and l'liylrlaii Kocond Ht liclow Main. ("MMlKlir ft KI,INK,dryi:oilii,i!rncrrieii,and VT general nincliai'ilWe, Main HUcil II. KlHTI.IUt, "(Vttawlaat ironic,' , Corner Main nnd Hcn-ml directs. Nnrlli Jj. i:r.I!,!:il, ntLinM Hulron, OyntcrH, ami Ico I tv-iiii In hniKOM Main MM. nitOCHT. donlor ln(tcncriilMcrchniiilNc , Dry JkhI, UrucilUii Ar, nrsQUI'ilANNA or 1 trifle Itolol, y. K'fwtcn Itrttnlt r I'mitrlotor.j Mil li-tnut turner Main nint W M. It, AiiUOTT, Attorney at law, Main M. Buck Horn, 1 (I. A V. It. HIIOKMAKI'.It, iiciilert In dry ill mioiIh, eiimi 1 1( h olid t;eti,-iiil liHluli in-llMi. T'liht Kloru In hinitli in.l i town. linn lir.llN'ltAItn, Wiileh and clock m ilter j neiirRiiiiioeaHii'inner .iiiuuitim 11011 CATIICAUT. Waleli and Clock Maker.Mar- J I. lint Hlri-t I, liidiiiv Main, BOOTS AND BIIOKS. 11 M.KNOUH.Drali'rlil HonN ntid IjliocH, lilli-nl ( . mid 1,1st slylc, comer Mulll and M.tlket Mticcts, 111 tho old I'oitUllllo, UAV1I) lltlrz, Hoot nnd SlioeinnUi r. MaliiHt, below llartliinn'slore,uist or Market. HI'.NItV Ivf.KIM, Jlannficlurer and ileali r In Hnou and Klioei, Urncerles, etc., Main street, list Itlooniibtiit:. ( M. llllOW.V, llliot and SlMielnaUer, J, htrcet, tiudcr lliuwn's Hot, I. Main lMlOl-'KSSlONAIi. nil. H. V. IKlWnit, SurKion DentUt.Malllbt,, above tlio Court tlouisc. Philadelphia Directory. ATTOltNI'.Y AT LAW, NO, lLMBOl'TIl SIXTH KTIir.r.T, I'liii.Anr.r.riitA Ian. i'71-ly ' "jlKfu'IIlJAIlT, ei wnit' IiAltNKH, J!HO. it IIKUKON, 1IATM,C'A1'H,HTUAV (10011S Al'UllH, .No. OIJ Market Street, Abou Firill,) rillLAlifLI'IIIA, "yAlNWIUClUT & CO., WlIlll.liMAi.li liUUUl.iirt, N, 1.'. Corner Second and ArchHIreelB, l'JIIJ.A IiKI.l'J! I A, Dcnlcm In TEAM, HYKUl'H. VOVVKK, HUOA11, MOiaKHKS HICK, 81 ICIJi, lit I'Altn HOII , AC, AC, 42'Urdcis will rcc.lvo prompt utleullon may 10.(17-1 r. MisccllnnconB, jIUV HTOCIC OF OLOTJIINO. Krouli arrival ol HUMMI'.lt (JOOliH. DAVID i.ovi:.sm:itu lavllei atteutlon to lili stock of ClIIiAl'ANDrAHIIIO.VAlll.Kcr.OlllINll, at lilmloro on BusinoHH Cards, jr.oojr FKHRY. llie Hloom IVrrv intntnnv bnu hnd Itn llnln and l,oal Ihnrnttulily ri,air(d nnd la now In HiiillneiH to do all uioial fcrrylnunt any rcimon. nblo bnnr, Tlio und.rtdixtii'd will bo In atten ilanreatany tlmo lu Malt upon i imtonum at call. l r2l;i ly JOHN (1. UUICK. i i.oojianujto makuijU wouks. OUNTON & HTI'.IM, (WnccesHors to A. Wllman,) It. fH.rrtfiillv Inform Ibfl Militle that HieV are now lolly prtjinred to do all klndH of uoik In Ibi-lr linn tif ftiihlrif'hM. nnoti reasoniibbi tirnin ntid sboit notlie, Hutlnfacllun Warranted In all rim. IJ.io.l.l.71-1)' MainSlrcel, Infihlvo'n block, one ilimr Wtftot U, C, Marr'a Ktore, Hloomubnrs, Tit., whrro no hai Just received from New York and Killadclplilit n full assortment or M 1 IN A Nl) 110 YH' Cl.OTI 1 1 N (1, Including thu runt ralilnablo, Untalile, and tnndnomo immsuooiiH, ciiliM'ilIni; of 110X, HACK, ItOCCI, (1 UM, AN 1) OI ! O I.OT1 1 t OATH AND l'ANTM. of all fcorti,Hlx,anudcolorH. Ho liaaalso replen lilied hla already larKoalm-k of 1'Al. I, ANinTINTUlt HHAW1.1, HTK1IT.L', I'lOUItllH, AND 1'I.AIN VITH MlilUTfj.cuAVATH.arocKH, coi,i,aiih QlIAlU'IiKSa it HAKMAN, 'I'M. nr v im I . JAIIOAINS-UAUCIAINO. QUICK A7Tn BMAI.Ij rnoriTn. HAVU OUU MONKVt Knit HlonniKburir. i'a.. for nil itliidn of tl.obt'Ht liunionnilcltvnuiuo v u H 1 1 I r u K, l'rlrcq rononal,la nnd tlio bent work tlnno. Jim 1'71-tf DIt. VM. M. Ui:ili:U, Huno-i uml niyslclnn, lJClmuI((J illuvlJ ti tl WiliiS IhhiU hlul f, tU II, 1. 1CINNKY, Hurfif-vi IV ntUI.-TuPth ioxtnii-'tPil without pnln: il.iinst., nearly up , sito J!Iri)iuil Cliuivlt, ; I (I, 1AKKMY, Atlornos-nt-Unw. onirc.LM i4 tlnnrln Exeh(uint'llloe'.c,ii.-urlho"i;xcn:uitfe 1 otcl." 11. A! ci; K I.V V, M. I., H in K'() n n ml l'hy slclan , uottlibUlu iluln hi., below Mai lift. Tli, IIVANH, M. 1)., KurRt mi nml rhlcl.ui mhiUi HhluMiiln strot't.htlnw Murltit, J J Miukct stu-i-t.iihove Main. Ii, UOlilsON, Attorney-nMjiiw, Olllcollart , m. m's bulkllim, Matn biriet. MUjLIXKHY a fancy goods. M I'lrniUMAN, Millinery nml Fancy Uooits, 11SM JAY.'AV. ItAUKI.nV, Mltlliu-r, Kamhoy iU LilllUUIli; A1A1I1 ntrCi ( Miss M. ltlimtlCKHON', Millinery ami Fancy HL lioous, Giambi., jhmuw jniritui. If HH. K,KMNMllllncry una 1-imcy UooJs IM Main ntu'ci nciuw inrKfi. 1 KM. .1111. 1 A A. A HAIli: AUKLK. LndltV ill rioukH ninl lresn r.ilttiiM, bouilifiiht coimr M 111 null Ihlhl. "t (ill .Missns JlAltMAN Mlllincrv nn-l Fancy j uoitiin, .'viiiiii m in iuw Ainu inin i ioubo, jioti:ls and saloons. M'UKH HOTIJ,, I j T. 1'uit. Tujlor, cubt ciul MKH( HANTS AND OliOUKRIi. 1 M UU, Iry (iuuU uml utiuUH, touth i .ouirntii' ,imn una mm wk. I A, lUX'JiliKY, HtHit nml SI. Ct Mcirc, loiJtB J7, a ttiaiioniiy, iWiini ht.t " hi w ian;t i, P JA'(I.rt, rtmlccltnni'ry.Bi'rles etc, Main ii, ..t UiJiow iron l,'ix . Vi;illl, ('jurortioinry nml Halury l viiau huiQ inui 1 1 mil, i.xciuiiiko uidc. II i1. lloVS'l.lt, HntHfliuiraps.UooLsnnilHl.oe, MM .In s'., aboeCoutt lluuwt'. l, arU. Fnitts MUb, lrili'lon Ac, Matti 'i'i nun c.uti.ii MUi;iA'Y, NKAlt a i u , tUnioiHln 1-ry Omuls, Dim evu f; I'lmir, lv'il,Siill,Fl"ili,Iriiu(NallKl S 11. MlI.I.Klt it M'N, (ll, , ei'. a, lil.i iltlOUk, L-U', ,'MaliiHt. iii!f rs In l)i v (JoinU , i loin, hull, H'.lOtH, Bufiincars Cards. c. 151 nilOCKWAY, ATTOn.M'.Y AT LAW, lU.OOMMlt-HII, I'A. jjj-Ori.-ii i' Coml Honso Alter. In tho Co t.VMiiAN bulldlni:. Junl,'(17, A. f" TURNPUl 1M1YHICIAK AND HUKC1KON, ItLOOMHlUinO, I'A. ni. iMfie nvor r.iilzM llriii Mtnrn. ItrftlJonf) M.ukGt Micct.Istil.iurbylow lltv. D.J. Walkr. llANDIvKUCIUr.FH, OLOVI2, U.'li'lilinKIlH, AM) FAMCY AKIWLVJi H.i nnHnnt.tMitJyoiiuniulRliirj:e nmt vcll-se- y:tcit antoitiiient ir CLOTHU A N D viisns ( m, whh 'i he Ih prfpnrct! to malio loonier Into any Urn. I of rU thlio, on very rhort notice, and In the bet mjuiuir. All liU clol'itnc ii miulo to wear," nnd raoU of 1th of homo juiimir.irtmc COLD VATCini AND JKW'iMSV, filovcrydescriiilkn, flnonnd ilicnp. Illsrnsonl Inwofry U iiotnmt.ast.e.l In tlil-iplacc. Call and uKamlno htMccncint nfr-(irtmrnt of vun i ijno, watch i jhwulu v, ac. J ml'71 DAVID l.OWfi.SMllJICJ. "iijijiiii's" BToiiii " H. JI. MIMXli A M N, have itmovcd their Ktoro to tho room formerly ivaiilod byMtndciilmll.on MntiisUtc1,Illfinmh ImiM, nrarly oiipotlto tho KiilhroMil iMuiiih licro tltcy modi Icrmltud to nil on (ik niodci ulo (crinniis cun bo raocumlcho where, Thltr hUicIe c.mnrlFiw of th9 cholccatutyles And latct frtflhIoni,ti,s(-M-'r with ft larpi luinrttuonl of lr fltHxtH tiu (4n ccrloi,ronnltln2of I ho foMoMlMrMclen Oirpr in, Ol! (.l(.ll.i, otM, OHWUnori-., Hhawln, Flitnm-lH, HIlltH, NS'lilto (iofMlft, l.lllftlH, Hoop KUIrtft, Muhllnn, lIoMowvftro (Ji-diirwaro tiu(iiKv,:irc, llnidwnre It'HiU mid HIiook, JIuLk nnd Oiip-i Umbrel I an, LoolElllt-(JIaKKldr Tobacco, Co ft 1 1, yniirn, Teas, KIcc, i Allkplco, (ilu;cr, Cinnamon NulunpR ani OTlo;H uknuuama. Iu hort, ovcrythlnK unnally kept hi country ton4, tn which they Invito llio attention of the pnhllo scnorally. Tho lilght-Ht prlcowlll bo vMd for country pi'iduco In cxeliunco for eouh. H. Jf. MIMA-'.UAHON, lllodirKburs l a. npr j'71 :r In mm 1 df mllon nf Innrtfiii ilown our rorl;n and nbulldliitf wltldi will to coiiitiH iircd try oon wo nru oiarliitf jdowft. Move. Ac, nt Kruitly roduced prleo. li. F.HiiAitrM-sy ft r.H. uahman. Itloom! tirtr. I'a. rroprlctor ilar.lii.'tiU'lf. en. A T IJ U OOKl N CI, evict V A It I E T Y A T MOST PAVOUA1JLK HATES, JOHN THOMAM, AXU CABl'IlK J. TIIOMAH I'.ox. 177. nioomnliuri:. I'a. J.il.u 17 AGAZIN1H DA IIA'A WKEKIA' lurr.ns of am kinih at Tiirj ni; fcroiti: ori ohi tk tin: uoui.t iiouhc. Aln nti nsrtnrhiiriit nf I'lirtrmminaleH. Tail I llonkH tml A count Honks, constantly on hnud. I!rtnl;u tint mi liiitnl ulilnlni-il ntl kllfirt lifilirn. I Ni-ff UnnkH nro ronstantly lietn nuimi to ino Ulooiiuliurif t'liciiltillm; Mbrarv." Amonifinn latest imi " lu III mid Innnccnci',0 "Motherli-HH "Mir Harry," " licit tsimr of lluniuielliwan,"nna , iriqui'iu," eic, niro. i n rmn: oniCAT jiaqicaIj ti A I ll V O It V V It t Q V. MllililUt, MTOllNl'.Y AT LAW, finlci. Cmirl Ilniiin Allev. belnl llio ClII.l'M' ui.vn Dllli'i'. llouullia. Itiuk.l'ay and IYhkIihih collected. IlliHUilbbuie I'.l. H'l'.Sl Ii7 JOIUOHT F. CTiAKK,. AllUK.Mil .1 JAIV, Ofllro Main Rlreet lielow tlio Court House, lllooniKlinrK I'enuii. II. IjITTIjE, ' ' ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Olllcn C,uirl-ltoui.o Allev. below tho CoLDM IIIANnMUCe, llloomKliurK I'll. p:TKIUNAnY. ' At'dfST l'tlll Nll, Inle fri m (iiii.nii, uPus lilt. HnW'ih lo tlio public an a celebrated lIOIifiK AND COW DOCTOlt, mxl nil .illirr nnimiilw foi-iAitUh lllw rllflllTH lirl modeiute. llr can nlwimi be imimt uii Kldo ni U-rwtck mnil, m nrH.lI..lrtohy'h Marbin lmu, llo(.tiiflnir, May I'i, l7ily. 7 J. TilOUNTON i.'.tiM ti titwiiiiir.il n I hnrlt IZf iiffof HlonTilK" burj,' and vicinity, thai he t hhJui rerlv(l a tail mki compieie iihsuriiuennu W'ALh I'AIMU:, VJ.NDOf- HHAIH, l'lXlUIIRtt, fOUIiJ, TAIiUI., ami till other t:o-dn In IiIh lino of bmdnPKK, All llio newent nml in': approved pattern of tlm ilny mo niwoyt; to 'm ilhuki in nit i huioiiiinii-ui, niar.'j. tvi i ri. i"ii Timlin. JIISCKUiAKKOUS. (lUNSfAIlLIM lILANKHfnrkiiloat Ibu Cul.t'M. J IIIAN Ollllll, l M, CllltlST.MAN, Kiddle, Trunk .1 llarnihs- inukir, MUlvo'u llloek Main Hlnel, W. n)l)llINH,lliioriUalH fieconddoorlrom I' liorlhwiht coiner Main und lion Ma. n J.THOUN'iON, Wall I'mwr, Window hnd(h I j, and tlxtuuH, Hupcrl blut.U. Muln ht. W. roitr.IJ. Furulturo HonniK, thrciiHtoty brliU, Main KtiiLt, wtKt of Market fd, nDHi:N8TOCli,Vhotot,'nipher,uver ItobbliiH I! t H. KiriIN,d(alerln Mi at. Tallow, c lc, I helium iiuoy.reiirof AiUiilcau Itouhc. 1OOTS AND SD()i:S. I.A111C M. UUOWN, MAIN HTKr.KT, L'MUWl HH IWN'J IloTKI. A lull and iniiip;elo nvHorthiuit of liadyrnado boots and (IiucmIoI men. women and elilldien I nu meliiil anil lor kabtlit i iaotaibli labi. VarliLliMto suit nil 'Iiim k nf iukIoiiii ik. 'I ho best of wort: done ulMiort notue, itn beiPtnloie, tihoblm.ieall. Jr.n ni. tkw stovj: and tjn kiiop. Will f.Kn ii braiilirul i-rt of WhUkcrH or Mui iKehc. lu hum two lo thicn iiiouihi.im i.ny i-r- 1 nt'ii nvt r turlvn cart nlil. It Is one nf llin bet 1 I 1 1 pai ai i iiih i i inaao inn wniMiir ymw 111111.1 en ua-s known. Ono boltlo of It iHMitllclcnt to piO"lnee a iry Mronn beard. It ibxs not In any way Main or inline the nit In. Try HI It Is no 1 iiiiniitiitT. 1'iicti .. renin Uti rxituti. iiiil iiv mall Hmt paid, 1m any address, on rewlpt of priet, AtUlllMI WJJ.I.lAI i nrtlli'll.ll, vruiniitMiii , nua.lV"l'l5 AdaniH County, 1'oi.na, QUKSTKH 8. KURMAN, JlAlil-afl, MAlJiJltL., AH IJ illUll MANUKA CTUllKlt, and dealer In CAUl'KT-lIACJS, VALldltt, F1A-NKIH, iiufj'ALo uoiu-s, uoitsi:i:i.AM;i:Ta Ac, which ho foe la rnutUtent he can sell nt lowor rale man nnv 0111 r icion in ino coumy. ks- amluu for j ourselves. iiiinp oiposuu iuo io;i uui'je, .aaui rvin-ui, ninoniKtmri;, i'a. Alia. 6, D K N T IBTBY, It. C. ItOWUlt, D1.NT1HT, c. 0. ir a ii it havojiistrecelved from tho eastern toarkcta larso and well cell eted alock of d it y noons, lleKpcclrully oirera hU tirofi'silonal hervleca to 11, e laillis ana ;iu:tmiii 01 liiooinsnurK ana vi cltillv. Ho N luenareit to alteud loalltbc nrl onaiiperatloim In tho lino of tils profenRlon, and Is provided with the latent ImproMd t'ouc-i:i,AIN Ti KTll m hlcb will bo Inverted on u'old plallOR alii 1 r and rubber Iihro to lnnk na welt an tlio ual tiialtieti. Teel 11 extracted iv an llio new aiu iniiht approved nielliodH, and all npeialliiua on inn leein careuiiiyaiiu propeny imeuiii'ii in. Henldeiieo and olllce u few doom ubovo the Court Honne, HUMo aide. liioomaburi;, jan.t'.t ly Q. L O U E MUTUAL Lira IX.SUIIAXCE COMPANY NEW YOHK. Generally, nn njiproacIiIiiK ruin can bobotlcr Ibrtaccii when tlio sky iro scnU hcvoral ImnUs or Inytw of clouds rostlng ononbovo tho ollitr. Tlio wimU Hint curry with litem tlotaclictl tnrtiscs of clotuU yield but llsht rain?. MollonlciM clouds, lyltig on tho quar ter wheuco tho wind blown, bring only n contlnuanco of that wind ; but If they appear In tho oppoilto quarter they tin liounco Its termination. ClouiN coming up simultaneously, yet Impelled by dllToront winds nil iiotincomi early utorin. Clouds accumulatlnp; on tho Hides ol mountains foretell rain. Tlio following aro tho signs most fa miliar to navigators nnd farmers: A roy bl:y at sunset, lino weather. A red sky in tho morning, had weather nr a great deal of wind. A gray Bl;y In tho morning, flno wonthor. If tho flrdl light of dawn ap pears over abed ofclouilij, wind may bo looked for. If on tho horizon, flno weather. Light clouds with imperfectly defined edges tinuounco fino weather and mod erate Inezes. Thick clouds with well inaiUed edges, wind. A deep, dark bluu sky of bomber tinge indicates wind. A olear and brilliant bluo sky Indicates lino weather. Tho lighter tho eloudt look, tlio less reason Is tl.cro to antici pate wind. Tho rnoro dense, tho moro rolled together, twisted nnd tattered they are, tho stronger tlio wind will be. A brilliant yellow sky at aunnct an noimccs wind ; n palo yellow one, rain. According to tho predomlnnneo of red, yellow or grayish tints, wo can foretell llio condition or llio wcatlier wltlt a very closo approximation to accuracy Small clouds of an Inky color portend rain. Light clouds moving rapidly In the direction opposlto lo dense masses, aiiiiiiuui'o wind aud rain. Illicit clouds passing beloro tho sun, the moon or tho stars, in a direction op pifclto to Hint pursued by tho loweU beds of cloud-', or of tho Wind felt nt the surfaco of tlio soil, ludlcnlo a chango of wind. After lino weather, tho first signs of 11 clmngo arc ordinarily high whlto clouds In belt1?, or in light drappled tufts or locks, which grow larger and kioii form denso and sombro masses, Generally, the moro remote and higher up these clouds appear, tho less abrupt tho chango of weather will bo, but it will bo considerable. Soft, light, dellealo tints, with clouds of decided shade, indicate or accompany flno weather. Extraordinary tints and denso clouds, with hard outline?, indl cato rain, and probably a gale of wind l'cmarl: tho clouds that form on hills and other elevated places, and cling there. If they continue there, augment or descend they Indicate, rain. If they How row 0'ir retunu'l lo their homes tn tho however, ascend nnd disperse, they No'"'! portotul good weather. When sea- v.niio mui.yweie Killed on mocoiu luuue-neiu, ,,,a . ,..,. fr., ,,.,, , ,,, lu Irylnsllieold lias rroin trullora to shield. i "-v mnrnlnr-. thorn will hn (Inn wpolher Tl.,... ft r..,,l.ll..ln ll.nnnl.nln,. " ' And Ion," may It wave, o'er land nnd o'er aeai ...u""."" - .v ........... Aud may iho time conn, soon when iishihu; no ar llio shore, or liy inland, gaiesnnu shall cease, storms mav lio expected. Many other And nation bo Mlappul lu the sllonK bonds of nnnml3 nr0 SUSCCptlblo to nlmospllCrio ' ..l. , ll,A.n l, n,l nna u,nt,t 1.11,1111.?, Il.ll. IIIV.U .111(11.111.11113 lllillll. Poetical. 1'i.r Iho Columbian, .Mlillllftllt. iiv John .. KitAMmi. IJatlli In nn losing through her orl.lt, And the lauon of night la come, While a llmimaiul brilliant planets Sparkle In the slnrry dmiio Sparkle llko (ho rays of glory, Draining on na from n'jovo Wlitro the saints of light am btsklug Inn nit nntiilo blnro of love, lleauly falnls tlio f.icoof Heaven, 1'alnlH It o'er Willi Rcenes sublime, Aud la r gorgeous forms aro llaahlng. Llko the gems that deck tlio mine, And her pencil lias created Won 1 'urns worlds of burning light That faeNcr gloam nnd dar.Klo On the anarlhy brownf nlghl, In thofir.cl! realms of tlhcr Hull a toimtli us throng of apheii-s To tho biirtlun of nil imtluin, Older llinn tho relRU of years. And they send their glory downwnid To mis 11 1 1 lu m or 1,1 of nun, And of light that never f,illith, l'.ali. 11 , down ilulr gol.lui ihmieis. Angels nijhiLc rain ti.lli.joi On tli m mighty oi b nbovn And ii idle ih.-lr sllwr Miiees In an ei.dless song of loc. All t'.e s, ,-iiphimof lfiaien Mlghi on agi r pinions fly, far away In dwell rniever on thus.- tinanlsnf the sky. 1-llciKu dtep, unhroki-n slleneo Such as ii iad on the earth, When lo Hod's dl Itiu appoint mi nt, Uloomy c'nos gave It blnh, Itelgnetli now upon tho mountain, On Iho plain, mid in iho dolt. And weliii-ni uitr veil bieathlng Lest the sound shall bieak the spell. l:nth Is ii oi so still and silent Lulled bi-u-li a inilet rest, That It si, ins as though on tumult Could coiim.i,, her peaceful bie.ist. One might l.itiey that the awuvltut IInpi'lii, s niiht lljurlsh lieie, ind that cheek of mortal never Ncid be taruhlud with a loir. For this lejsou, I conless It, Midnight hours nro dear i me, I-'or no miuI then soalttl. l.lointil, Cll.ldly, 1,-tlerleiiK nnd free. Mind r,ri!'t(elll to li'luember I.'arth iitid slern opprcssl.m'a r,i,l, l-'or ltonlysovH thogloiy. Might aud iiiuji'sly nf U,k1. Yea I love tlio holy midnight With II plnutts sailing high, And Its forms of beauty 11.0,11111'., On tho glorious bluo sky. Willi lis deep unbroken bill ueo Sleeping lu Iho woody dell, l orihe hll-isfollucss ol Ilcaien In mv soul then acems to dwell. rot- tho Colnmblin. '1 lie Starry lias- nv t. a, watfumax, (a lad of 1J years.) I'ilng forth tho loved ll.ig of our Union ,nco mote, And letall IrucpatrloU Its piesenco adoroj ihini: or tho lieiocs who vo gouo to Uielr crave, In trying tho banner from UalUia to save. The Jlig Ihat our Wnhlnglon lined nnd revered Tito ll.ig that Its cueiiileH iihiaj d liavo reared ; Triumphant In war, li uowned and victorious; Its f lino shall lotour aud ever be glorious. Of tho truo hearted men wli i bravely w cut forth At llctldltch and in tho neighbor hood, SOOl) persons, chlctly females, aro employed. Tho wages vry considera bly, ranging from 30 cents to 1-1.20 a week for children, nnd $1.02 lo $3.00 n week fur females, and i2.b8 to JU.C0 a week for men. A nccdlo has lo pass through "0 different pairs of hands bo foro it is fliilihwl and remly for use, aud tho variety of needles mado for the dlf fcrenl trades and professions, it is stat ed, mny bo considered as marvelous. Tho tailor, harness maker, bookbinder, felt worker, sailmaker, saddler, glover, cmbroldcrcv, housowlfo, nnd surgeon nil lequironccdlej of almost Infinitely different sbapto, eIms and lengths. ncutlltch Is tho Important centre of tlio ncedlo trade In Clrcnt Uritnin, nml Aix la Chapollo is tho principal scat of this industry on tho continent of Europe. although tho common qualities nro ex tensively manufactured nt Lyons, and also nt several towns In Normandy. Aallio publication from which tho foregoing description L derived isquilo recent, u may bo regarded ns present ing tho latest Improvements In tho ncedlo mnmifaeturo ol Great Britain If this bo so tho United States far sur usscs tho "old country'1 in this ns lu other improvements in tho production or tisoiul articles, Thcro is a factory In tlio city of Now llnvon whero tho whole pioccssof making tho ncedlo is dono liy singlo machine, without tho Interven tion ofoven one " pair of hands." At ono end of tho machine isu coll of tccl wire, by means of which tho mnchlno fieds Itself tho wlro is first clipped off at llio required lengths, nud thou taken up consecutively by other parts of tho machine, which punch tho oyo holes, "counter sink" tho eyes, grind tho points, nnd do every thing unllll thu needles drop out ut tho opposlto end of tho machine completely formed. They nro then nnnnged in order, " heads nnd points, ' by another slmplo plecoof mo chanlsm ; and placed in .papers by nn other. This Is nearly tho whole process except" tempering,' 'mid" Inspection," for tho purp'i-io of turning out Imper feetly mado needles. Ono of theso ma chines occupies no moro spaco than a small tablo in an ice-cream saloon, nnd ench of them will inako thirty to forty thousand needles a day. Prom this tlio reader will eeo how much simpler nnd moro ell'cctlvo tho American ncedlo mnntifacturo is than tho English, which requires every ncedlo to pass througl seventy pairs of hands. Ledger. .Man ami WlftHotv tol.lte llnjijiy. Thomas Jefferson wrototho following excellent ndvlco. Thcro much human iinttiro mid good tenso In it i "Harmony In tlio married stato is llio very first to bo nlmcd nt. Nothing can proscrvo nficclionu uninterrupted but a firm resolution novcr to differ In will. and a determination iu each to consider tho love of others of moro valuothan any object whntovor on which a wish had been fixed. How light, lu fact, is tho sacrlfico of nny other wish when weighed ngalnst tho affections of ono with whom wo nro to imta our wholo llful Aud though opposition in a eluclo instanco will hardly of Itself produce alienation, yet every ono has thoir pouch into which all theao llttlo opposi Hons nro put; whllo that Is filling tho alienation is insensibly going on, nnd when filled it Is complcto. It would puzzlo cithor to say why i because no ono difference of opinion has been marked enough to product) a serious ect by itsalf. Hut ho finds hlj nffec- tlor.s wi.irifd out by r. constant stream of llttlo checks nnd obstacles. Other sources of discontent, very common In deed, arc tho llttlo cross-purposes of husband nml wife, In common conver sation, n deposition In cither lo crlliclso and question whatever the other says, a dcslro nlwdys to demonstrate' and mnko him feci himself fn tl.e wrong, especially in ojmpany. Nothing is so goading. Much better, thereforo, if our companion views a thing in n light different from what wo do, ltavo him In quiet possession of his views. What is tlio u?o of rectifying him if the thing bo unimportant, and if important, let it pass for tho present, aud wait a softer moment and moro conciliatory occjmou of rehearsing tho subject t .gether. ltls wonderful how many persona aro ren dered unhappy by inattention to tlijso llttlo rules of prudence " 0ONHI8TIKII OF Ctissluiers, Jl.lllS, Hi st bleached A llroii n Muslins, ClllieiKH, Tickings, Table Ltuolia, Cotton .t All wool llatiucW, ,ie., Ae,, A.goodfttock of Ladl.s dress goods, Latest styles A patterns. HpWcs of all kinds, (loud slock griicei Us, titieiusware, rUimo ware, Vi'isnl A 'vlllnw Mare, l'loiir A Chop, Also Kltct.in Crystal Soap for eluAiilug Tin, Illluss.A.-, Alltoiidssoktcheapfiir t.tsli nr pro- dace. He Would call tho f.ttentlou or buyers lo his well and carefully seleelrd assorlinent which coniprisescvirythlng usually kiplln llio enuii- try, fiellb? eonlllent that l,o can sell them goods ut such pi It is as will . UMiro salisltu lion. J.lll 171-lf C. (1 MA Hit. 1'llny I-'reeman, l'rcsldenl, II. (!. Krtimnn.l-ie Cuah eaplUl over 1 AOOU.UXJ, all )mld. J. II. ItOULSON, ULOOMRIlUIta.PA (1KNKHAI. AUll.NT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug.aVO'J. Miscellaneous. Signs of llio Wontlitr. Wo find tho following in that excel lent periodical The Muiwucturcr and llulMcr: Prom tho tlmo Noah anxiously Rcan- ned tho hc-iwens for tho signs of the JjiXClIANGE UAKKItY O O N F K C T I O N E It Y , IILOO.VHIIUIICI, I'A. 'tin n.-iili i Hli-iK'.l. siiccissiira of I. W Idliiver. nil ,1 ii sis illnlly announce nuu uiey nave ti,,i,n n ll.. ,tnl,tslii-il slaml recent v fici-ii- pli,ll the itbiiM- naiiKd, In llliMtiiisbiirg, and l lipalid tmi'litttiiiu Hie lullti.s of Itianurae- Hiring nud selling, ny WHOLl'HALI-1 AND HIITAIL iv.nr.cllniif rv of eerv stllo and kind. AIo il i-ii 111 l,.iii nt nil tliiiL.su enliinlile sunnlv ol Ihn Ix st niel irisiusi iwnii aim i inn', ranieo ilislrlii'iinvlbl, a In tliMluo Mill find It totholr l.tliautago lorallou us, AN ICE CitKAM KALOON Isaddcd lo the establishment, and ladles and pres-lons that peccdo Illld ailllOlHlCO riiniiawin. iiiny is... . ..... . j. " (.I.nn.m (if ii-o.illir 'I'lnw ,i-,. I.nop ,11.. ii ti 1 1 ill hi. I low r iiiii-iiuiMi. 4 riiiviiiiauiii - " ,.i...v... ... , not bo neglected. Thus, when birds Hint usually fiy In fiocks swallows, for Instanco keep near to their nests, flying from ono sido to the other, and skimming tho ground, tho sign Is of rain or wind. When do mestic animals seek sheltered places, when chimneys Emoke, or when in calm weather tho smoke decs not nsccnil coming Hood, no subject has occupied -...i . . a gRiiter place In tho attention of the overhead bad Nveatber may ho expected. i,,.,n ,nn ii,,,,, u,o ii-eniiioe Tim first l-on tho sky is remarkably cld'r at human inco than tho wc-alhcr. Tho first remarks Intel duuicr d 1- tween str.m- gtrs Invniinbly li-lale to this time-honored topic, and it seems to form u stand ing point lor nil conversations. Por the guidance of tl.oo who would be "wriither-wl-o" and nblo to read tho signs in thcshliv, we f;!y- tlio most no- HccaliUi piogiirstlcatlm-.B cf tho coming changes, which wo find In ono of our cotemponiiiis : Animated budlc3 roc-lvo peculiar 1m the horli'.on, and objects usually Invisi ble aro di-l!rigtilhab!ofrom each other, or nppcnr higher up by refraction, there will bo win, find perhaps wind. Extraoidlnuiy brilliancy of tho starj, lack of dl-tliietiiew, nnd apparent mul tiplirnllin nf tho horns of tho moon, halos nnd fragments of r.ilnbows upon detached cloud.-i, indicate that the wind will iiicrc.i-e, nnd that thcro v. Ill bu rain. Sttillti .Milking ilcdditch, a f.iIi'-lodUlng, compact, JOHN O. JACOliY'S 1IAKE11Y AND CONPECTIONEHY! iiiinwa-K, riiN.VA. Iho undersigned iii.uld lrspccUully Inlorni the CHIens of lu-iM-li k, and ili-lully, Ihat ho has opeutd a Cnlifi-cttoneiy itlul llnkcry 111 oiii) ri:i,L()W.s' HAi.t, i!"spi,7r!vl" tnnt h0'J"as l;Pllcr wl,t'n ,llt,r0 13 I'"-'"'"!,', clean country town, encircled and smalt ilial,lllles, "Vi 'fis? l'-'lV" A." V r-jft IT. ' r!l1" ' W0 "'C" K0 r(-'m0, ol)" ''' "'u't cliai'llllllg H'CllCry ill Wor jt'cts muru Distinctly aim nail odors nro co.siernirc, mid siiunied noout, llliocn more otfenslvo than utiial. niilcu from lllrinlngham, is tho great Swallows skim tlio ground In their tentro of tho Engll-h ncedlo trade, and iiigiii ; is it mat uiey may lecd on tlio presents a strllilng contrast to tho black worms that then como out lu tho stir- hardwarosurrouiidlngsof llirmliigham. Mav li. 171.- U O. II O W Elt, has opened a flrst-clnsj HOOT, KIIOl-1, HAT CAl', AMI 1'UH HTOHll, N" ( It. HlN(JM:it, dealer In planoK, nrcaus mid H nielod(oun,ia ti, W, Coun'Mlmnlluro roomn cjAMtJKI. JAConV.Morblo and liiown Htono OWorkB, KaKt 1Uoomiibuii:,llerwlck road, WM. 11AIU1, dealer In furniture, trunks, cede v.-HloM'ware.nc'iir tho Forku Hotel, fl roKTKlt.Oluo Maker, and While nndFuncy J, 'i'aimtr.bcottowii, P II. lUDM'.MAN, Audit for Muukoii'h Coi-per lrTubulur Uuhlnlnu Hod, JHAIAU irAur.Niiucu. MaluHLrcetonodoor ubovo K. .MeiHleubnir.i Stole. . A nrso nRBorimeni or hiovp, iifnieji ami Hanse.eouHtanlly on haml.Ritd for ialu nt the loweht Kit cm. Tinning In at I Hh braneheuraieftilly utt ended t", nnd Katlhtaetlon uuaranteid. Tin work of all UlndK wholeisale aud rMulI. A 'till Ik reqiletded, Jati 171 Nn w c o a iV y a n d. Tnr undeuHtned it hp clfully Inform the cltleiiK ot lllnnnihhuiK and Columbia eounly, that they keep all the. illltt tent mini hi in nfMow coal and k leeied lump coal tor xmliblm; Pitrpt fci-o, on their whai f, luljoliilni: M'KeI y. hialA Co'h 1'uiuate; withauood pair of HnlUlo tseaUu nil tho uliuif, to wei i.'h eoiil, bay. ami Miuw I.lki w Iho a Iioibo and wayon, to I'-lUir toal to tlinr-e who dthlru It. An they puichiihon laruu auiountof toai.iney inienn initcipabiiperior ar tlcle, and r-ell I Iho ery lowest prUeH, 1'Ieate call aud enaiuiuo lor y,'-'il, V.urllH 1 AUUUHTUS MAHON. riMIK untU'Vriluiu1! will tatco In ex- JL chauijo for Coal and (irnciilen, Hie follnwlnu nami dm Helen i-Wlnat, lte,Coin,Oaltt, 1'oia tor, Laid, Jlam.Hhoulder.and hhto metit.Hiittt-r 1'tfCH, Hay, Ac,, at the nigni'M cahu pne' ( i ion Ulocei Store, aaolnlu lUuXr i o il yard, J. W. lU-iM'Ulllui lUooiiihbnrtf Mht. Hi.'ffl-lv "VWVilT liizunlrf liMci cats mnko tliclr Tho flrt mllln oniploycil in tho m-otllo ... t t ..i ....... l.i-.l, r,t f...,l... lt., l.ti.. i it i i . i . ... lunvlck, P.i., whero lo Is rrep.nred to lurnihti ITV1 . . . ..nVv i uiiuitiw, im-tium inmu wltu tirivi'n ny iiorsus, mm wvro .....M. w. Mn,,i!.ilH lh l.UMIUWll ll lOfollOWlniieiHiilH I"11" !. i l MIL1.UH1 .-LTillLII IIIL'IH- llsl'll Ul bL'Dil 1 1 1 1 LT 11 1(1 llOIIUini? 111Q npn tn t vi a vm i Vf v I'A v ni ru ... . ' ,....,.. I i.l.T .... i . . I I ...... I " " i h.i i tt-f i . (U 1 IU lOW'i'Hi iim'f. .n i nuv iiiiiiuiu Mimi FlllI.N'CIl CANDII-M, htnk'ii lnHitu, men' double, aud singlo tap toled fouf.ion ami iiomiwtic Fitui i h iti ' t 1 ir, ' .V'n 1 . . . J.. i punvo im tuivit , . ,. , ..... r.,.. iii.niiiM woo 11 noiiiH lino. Mini's oi iiii kiiiuh. iiiuii m ylovn kid liaimnrili huotN.uiiu . hhiu:i n ami niiMft iiiuui, khihii', TOTi: llOOKH, nnd blank N(iTi:Htltliorwlh. i out i-xiiuptlon,lor balo ul tho Coi.uui.ian Light Street. F. OMAN A Co., WhcelwrlBliU', tlut door uiaiu nuiiuui iitiuui'. II 10UN A.OMAN, Maiiufuclurerond ileoltr ' llootu and hlioji H H, i:N'l dealer lu Hliivin und liu wuro lu iv aii lit ni-tiucufn, niKU KNT. MlUer. ninl iltnlf r In nil klrnln nf i iiiaiu, riLur, run, ae, ah kuhim oiuialn jmiii unii ii, Espy. I) f'. UUljlll Allli.A lino, dealer hi Dry UihkIs, "."-i,,i kmi-.iii iiu-iiaiiuihe, ,'HPVHTr.AMl'I.OUUlNUMlLLH,C'.H.rowlir 11 1'roprUtor. J D. WKUKlIlcmKlt.IloolandHhooKloroaiid posl;7h,Lis,ZlM.,ll'.'0,, 0,1 J""u BU-1 auk cieancj: I mi Hai.e A krrond.hnnd "Arlon" nliino-foito prno :!7.r., i-nht f.V.ii, 'Ibis kupnbu liittument wiih iiniiL'in. ut ti nitri inn kiiutoi orivioii inni in u.e. It U lu pitnt mil r and lu nrj rthptcl t Minn in u in w piano, t r yihnnto, Addit-KH forono may C'71-tf in en mil u iiwmi.i iltr and lu ntrtt npi Tt mis itohhUlvelycuhh niu wtek, i!. W. rosTI II. Munch ClniiiU, I'a. OUANU1-S, U:.!ONB, UAIHINH Ac,, Ac,, Ac, Ac, UV WIIOI.K.SAI.K AMI KtTAIb. AiiiniiL' llui iimkoi I nit ul will bu found Ciraiu JNUIH, i.iikiimi ainuiK, t-rauuiK, AWOOI104, i ic berth. Flux. AtinleK. Coeoa Nlitw. Ji UIih of dllter- fill UlllMN, IlllhllllO. tllU!'. 1 it iiu-n, v,ii''"inn-, I'iiiuo it l-'iult of all uIiuIm. (irii Slaii-h. Mulz IIIh cult, Hodu Crail.tiN, ut.ur CiackeiH, CbteM, roan, iinui: luotr, ahhiiiiiih rtipiia. r.n- M'lupew, rjSH AND OVSTKIIS, Aiol t'lodueo of all kliKlK Fnsh llriad and CakihoNi-iy day. JotCuumlu Kuuon, oiir itronajjo is .)kit4d, JlHlNd. JACOHV. lltrwlck,.Ian Hl-lv i;t-.e kid l'olihli very Ilue,wtimen .moioceo bainioralHaiul calf Khoes, wonien'H very lino r.ux outtoiied Kalt rrn. ju hboii ikmiim oi an iichiripijouu ooiu pes ..(..I nml mcuiiii. . I I ..n 1 1 Hr.itllnn i . l.lu tin-. nLinrl. llOWHUlUMHUi-niini" 'i""" i" moiit or ATH, CATS, FUKH ANU NOTIONH. which eoniprUiRnlUbo new and po m ai vnrl- Wnrk, which ri-mlcrs t (1 Cll t to C 00 c tit nut prlci s which cannot fall to hull all. T1kko I ' UOO.U niu otlcied ut tlio loutht ciikh rales i.ml Uooi'S ItinJo Of HOlt tlllllior, llllil tllO COil I will bo -uiiiunlt't'd to Klvo natlbfacllon, A call tf HOIICIItU UeiOfO 1U11:uuIIIK U.mi'iio .to ll. ia 8 U K A N OK A (1 KNO Y Wvomini;,.., M r.um Kulbnr N. Y Noith America City International js'.y M, Nlugam N, V MiHthunU Hj.ri nyr! old rnnimin uuil villi , 1 ..... Albany City D.mvlllo, Ilorue Tbull Uirmanlfl, N, V,"".'.' (S1I.OK) laii.t)' I 41 (Ml St Villi 4'Jt,iM) I IHltJIIJ I ll hl.l fAl.ftO KMI.lMI Mutual. 1. IN 1(1.1 Ml &4M tIMl0 mnx2i 71 ly, l'ltr.AH I1UUWN, A fit nl. HLouMHimao I n. A O KNTS WANTED. rjUIlLlNfl CItEAM. Uy iisIiil' lids nrlhlp Indleb and (lenllemen eau bililitlly tin inn Ivi h a thousand lld. This Is Iho only iiillelo thai Mllltnrl straight balr. nml nt the .nine llinn ell o to ll a l nut I Oil no. pinriillie, It aim InvluoriitiN, biiitititles and i-ltaus.h. It cell In so iiplillfit as In iiiiiko Die hair In euil apy hntilli ul time dished, bint by mall lor 0 us, u m Itiiue. Aildii-.s AUMiit inwni.r.y, MltUllilowii, AdaniH Co., I'a, stpU'TM.m. Wt Mailt 51100 acllve. enternrlsliie-. IliolntlLll men and M nun-It. In Minim u..i 111 lvoei,iistnnt work mid leood pay, Wo publlhli ibo IIKHT llllllKh, Miuli.iairaiiiulsTlli;illTTi:lt.MH. J no Olht Si-IIIUK UUUU .IUW .M 'I' , '11M1AII. HiiHiuilinnim I'lanliiK Mill Uiiiidllox MamirniliitlnK, TUiyiNKf;H OAIIDS, 1) VIHITIMI CAltPH, ' KTTl'.H 1IKADS, . 11ILI. Hl.'AlW, I'ltOIJItAMMl-W, I'OSJTKKH, il .', AC, Neatly nnd (.'hcnply I'llniftl I tent H, ti I til. 1 1 I'D hsid'l) c ut e tOI.HHUMN Hl'l'lll, A lMf'"J II)' SKIMIR 111,11., liescrlblni; hlswoadeifnl fials nud tricks, Willi liiuteliiiblo lucl.leiiU and ailvinturin, .Aleuts nr. si llllltf 1 1 mil vu in so euiuts u liny, NF.W I A. Ml I.V lillil.i:. eonlaluliiu wouii'K CoMi-ni.ni-.NsivK aids lu Urn study of inn (-(-ripinrci., ami jsi-.vi.i s new aiei imirovisi lliriniNAltv iivrlli: lllltLK. lnuelht-r wlllisiiv- rrsN I'inkHti.!:!. 1'i.a-iks, tour maps In cnlnrs, nnn.mi superior eiiurai inus oil miiuj; i asu.1 Itsrnitn, I'amii.y Ai nt'M, Ae., Ae. A Cnui'i.h-it: l'ttosi-Kt't rant nits iiitiiiiand iieent moiiiiii itirn, Uhed sitku lo all who in.iiii mi.k. nor inn. uri.Minu, i,r NLW IKHiK'H lor Iho I'a t.l. Ineliulea u NKW HHK by JIAIIK 'I WAIN. 4rHiictissliil Acems m III reei-lMi Hist ebolco of letrlliny on MA UK T WAIN'ri luiilieiiuilut; meat uoik. Citeiilitis, Ti una, Ac., Willi full lufoimatlon, ht-lvis and roll in Iho dust, fish leap out dies, hiipf-r-edltig tho primitive method or tin' vuiier, ami aquatic birds llap of wruiipliig up tho miedles in buckram their wings and ilubblo Iu tlio ponds with emory dust nnd ollvooll. und roll .mil brooks. ing them to uuil fro under tho work Nutrly nil tho signs Indicated nn- man's font. Tho curliest needles and tioniice dampncssln thonlr, rnthcr than tho most readily produced, were tho tliei.ppm.icli of rain, for they nro not "tquaru eyed," nnd after many fruit' teen when a blown occurs Hi dry le.,s altc-iiuts. " drilled eyed " needles wcatlier. 'inns llio swelling or wood Were successfully manufactured in 16:10, nud In tho buruUhlng machines which gavo it beautiful finish to tho eye traction and tension of coidngo mado of w'cro Introduced. Iiv tho burnislitntr thanTVUyo'bW ,0,,nJ vcgi table fibres, aro counted among tho muehlno tho needles aro threaded on Jim in Mgns in uiiiiunjiiu-rii; iiuiiiiiuiy. tiuuo steel wires, wiiicii navo ucen roucnen hydrometers have ever been construct- ed by a file, nnd nro then hardened ed of thoio fibers. Tlio ends of theso wires nro then attach Certain (lowers do not open at nil In cd to a steam mnchlno nnd tho needles rainy wcatlier ; oincrs, mo Hiiicrian aro mado to lovolvo nt an enormous William itunxit, Proprietor, ttu-uo particularly, remain open or speed with nn oscillating motion around n 1,1,1 ll,,ii,,livtiii'l,ri.ii mil In thorough unalr S Hit aCCOnllllir OS till! WCnthor is L'ollll? I tin, u-Irr s. Thn nnnllos. iirnvlmia t,i pains wiiib.. spared lo i nsiue ibo pirftct com- to bo rainy or dry. ism, wero hardened In water, and dur- ffiiVo'nM,. Pallor of tho sun nunounccs lain! It Ing this process became crooked ; tho stiak(iii.t all iiioia wiin nue minors aini cicirH. isM,ciiat such t ines oiiK- Ihrniioli nn stra L'hten i)L of t in crooks In conso. ntnio-nhero laden with vnnorH. If tho uuciico becaino nil occupation for larcro B1''" liuu.L. heat be stilling, that, too, Is a sign of numbers of working people. In 1810a . . L..... . r.- I.. .1 ...... ... ....... ..r. .......... ..r T....1.1I...I. . i ., W . PIATT I'riinrli'tor ruin, uu uuu u men surrounded ny an i iiiniiiiuuniiii " isi-i.uut.-ii luviveu too I nttnnsiilinrn uolneolnl tt.lll, n.,,1 tirocMoii fif hnrih-tlltli. I ti nil . selitid, it,u m:.NTON,COI.U.MllIA COUNTV.PA. ' ,.,". '., . " ' " c.sr,,l no,!.,, ' '. mutt) oiiioij inmiui 4jiu iw nn juviv i ,v-. t vuiiriuucmu niu ..r . - W il 1 t I 11 ,..,w,. Hill. ,1,1 m,,, 11 1. ti..iV..tti'iilii.iilrUiiiiwiiiiii lorlboricinllount linuc liwiiuy, ll liu Vll KlfS DU HJI- ou.u,,ivm;m iiuatu ll uiUU ,hV i'icct Vm'fmt ' o? mI, iho Woplie. wl lm nuiaciurer out or ii (mi r ii im a kiiil'B iroin inn jumci 10 a ini Mmm i u 1 1 111111 11 1 uu iiiiii'r iii'iL'iiii'ii iiiu il'iiii lt im ij. o r 11 11 v iiiu a v v 1 iirncR not) i no i 'V'T. 1 ' 1 . nlnro ti 1 in 11 tlmti hot UT111M lmvn ilntin U'lW I'PlinnillV n limit 01 1 ami tsuii n ay 01 lueiiuetii., umiunu j .... - - -r. In iifi fi'dlv rln.ir u-ontlior. Tftlinutin Tho Inti-Ht. lnvnntlnn U tho tinulbi s.1,1. fSillltf ITrill.M I I ...... . . . - , - - - - " ..v ...w I ' ho char nnd brilliant, It foretells u lino pointing machine which, however, Is KSl'V, coi.u-MiiiA fiiu.Mv, i-a. tiny j nut when mo sun Is at its rising not as yet geneinlly tisctl nt Jteihlllch. ti.a ,m.l,.rsl,.ni.l would Inrotlil tho travelllmz precedctl by lcdncss, and his redness A grooved gilndstono rovolvlmr nt moment It decs appear, great speed is employed to grind tho ihi.piiriecteiiiiieiiii neeof hismusu. iiu iard.r tho sign Is of mln. end of ench wlro Into 11 .desired shape. wli ii si. M-kisl u 1I1 llu, In st the market alliirils. ... ... . .. .... ... ... . 1 . . - - - . 'i ii-n i-1 11 , i j nt t t lio clioleesi iioiinn., wiium aim cigar. aiwuy. iu uu I011IIU in m i'..i, .......... ,.,..m.m ......Am rniii , an 171 KPy. l'. Hotels. MONTOUlt noiifii: ItUI'HIiT, I'A. ..i,.' I'.r.i.i. Aniiair.AI', 1'lilll.isitl It, M-pl'.-JIl-lf ill Hiinsoiiifcliisl.l'hllaileli Ida. lieiist twp., AUK. II, Kl Two winds of opposlto qualities fuc- To this grindstone tho wires, cut to tho cccdlng ouch often oilier bring rain, required length, aro supplied from an Hiusncold wliideiiterliignnntmosphero Inclined piano. Uy means of a disk Impregnated with moisture by tho warm eurimiiidul with India rubber and re wind that preceded It. will br in? about volvlntrslowlv in n direction transversa All nersiinsnnd ispiclallj si oilslnen urn hi re- ., ,,rr,,.li,ll,,il,, ,i-o(,, . ...i 1 1. ............. .i. . t.,.i. i.. e in.. by nollllid not lu luspass li i. II the prtlillsisol " v. r., ........ v. ...i.v. , ,m ,,i runiu it, iiiu (laiumiin-, ii eiii.ii.iy in iniuiliy uu uniu i si ant ii i"i .i.. i 'ii ,,",,,,.',,,'', . , ? win uu inn i-iibu wiieio u dump, wnim rovoiving wires is nppncii in succession V'TI". ."-. - t . I I I Ll . I k. . I 11' I .1,1 ,, I . ,1 I . I 1,,, . tin .1 I .. ..1. I I I...1 I.. 1 ... . I. n r...w I .1... .11.1. toiaw, . ";,,,,'i. r,I.I,v.t;. niu,, iiiiiionu ui. nu uiiuviitlliil uy in iiiu oiuiit-, niu. tlio man. iiubcs 1110 ..,..., ,...,.. ii ii.l,, ,1 (im, 1,n,l l,,r.f,lr.l I I ...l.ta in ni,, m ...l.lln l,r.lr. ..nl..l.l .. ... 'I ...... .llllllll ... . ,l..in ll, .ll.w.,1' ,..... I 'l . 1 1 S. 'Will lt.ll. jOTKJE TO TlUai'ABSEUS. lIo-,v ISriislics arc .'lailc. A Worcester, Mass., letter to tho New York Mnr says : llfiish-maklng Is carried on in somo degreo in this city, and furnishes an ex amplo of tho valuo of bristles, an nrti clo apparently uuliuportant when seen upon the back of its producer, tho pig Tho bust of theso (bristles, not pigs,) aro imported from Germany, Russia, nnd other parts of tlio old country, nnd com maud a very high price I was shown by n manufacturer hero ono caso con taining !5.j0 pounds, which cost J-700 in old. These, ol course, nro used in tho finer class of paint nnd whitewash brushes. ti Inferior quality of bristle, crown in this counlry.prlnclpally In tho West, Is worked up into dusters and a cheaper class of goods. Tho manufacture of n brush seems n slmplo operation, though It may havo Its difficulties to tho green hand. To descrlho first tlio common long duster used so much by good housewives; tho wooden portion Is bought reaily-mndo by tho manufac turer at a cost of two cents apiece, heapor than ho could buy tho wood and have thorn tinned, though ho puts tlio llnlshlng touch to tbcm In borln the small holes on tho upper sido of tho Hrond end to hold tlio bustles. 'iho stock Is then taken by tho work men, male or female, sitting beforo a small tablo covered with sheet-iron, to make a smooth surface, and then lilted with a cement-dish in tho centro and reels of thread nt tho side, ono for each person. Prom a largo bunch of bristles in tho left hand tho oneiutor takes small portions, Irons ono, end on tlio iron surface, dips tho sumo end Into tho hot cement, winds it iiiceo of thread around lightly, dips again into tlio com cut, nnd then forces tho llttlo bunch Into oiio of tho holes, nnd lu this way iu a short tlmo fills all tho holes nnd turns tho brush os'or to the culler. After trimming they aro varnished dried and mo then rt-utly far llio mar ket. Certain kinds of long machine brushes aro mado in tho same manner, Oilier brushes, of tho scrubbing-brush class, aro mado by using wlro instead of thread back and forth through tho boles over tho middle of a wisp of bristles. which is doubled up and forced Into tho holes when tho wlro Is tightened. Whltowash brushes of tho best class aro mado from foreign bristles carefully blenched, weighed aud combed to get nil short nieces out. Tho wooden backs, mado elsewhere aro laid on u bench beforo tho workman nt his right sido Is n cement dish, hik near liy tho scales. After combing nnd weighing, tho upper ends of tho bristles aro dipped Into tho cement, then spread over tho lower part of tho wooden back und fastened Into plncu by n strip leather closely tacked urotiml. When tho cement Is hardened by cold the brush Is as n solid muss nnd will proba bly Inst ns long ns the bristles will wear. Tho ordinary brushes of this class aro usually mado of American bristles, un bleached, nflor tho stylo of tho first de scribed dusters. Tho Hist quality pnlnt brushes mado nt tho manufactory I visited dilfer from liny otbtrl linvo over noticed In this respect. IiiMcad of being wound on tho liaiullo with twine, tho ends nru first dipped into tho peculiar cement u soil there, llun placid around tho baso of tlio stick nnd nn Iron ferulo passed over them, which Keeps them lightly lu place. I his ferulo Is mado without a -o.im by n punching process Invented within n fijw yenrs.nud can bear a great strain. Tho prlco of hmdies, such ns described above, runs frum a fraction of a dollar tip to blx dollars, nnd uven maio, according to tho kind ami qunllty of tho bristles mcd, 1 idiould Judge from uppearoncos that business is good, uml, probably, profitable. Ilnrly llhliig. Tho following suits our theory 'and practice) to a fraction : Aud this talk about early rising is moonshine Tho habit of turning out of lied in tho middle oftho night stills somo pcopio ; let them enjoy it. liut it is only folly to lay down n general ru'.o upon tho subject. Borne men aro fit for nothing all day after they havo risen early every morning. Their energies aro deadened, their imaginations aro heavy, their spirits aro depressed. It Is said you can work so well in tiro morning, Somo pcopio can, but others can work best at night; others again, in tho afternoon. Long trial und ex periment forms tho on'.y concluslvo tests upon theso points. As for getting up curly becauso Pro fessor Gammon lias written letters lo the papers proving tho necessity of it, let no ono bo goose enough to do It. Wo all know tho model man, aged eighty: "I invariably arlso at flvo; work threo hours, take n light break fast namely, u cracker mid n pinch of salt ; work flvo hours moro ; never smoko, nover drink anything but bar ley water, eat no dinner, nnd go to bed nt six In tho evening." If anybody finds thnt donkcyflod sort of life suit him, by nil means let hint contlnuo It. But few pcopio would caro to llvo to eighty on theso terms. Ifn man cannot get all withered and cramp ed up on easier conditions than those, It Is almost as well that ho should de part beforo ho is a nuisanco to bimcolf and a boro to everybody cUo. .School boys, and yound people generally, lit to get up early, for it is said nlnc-lcnths of them can stand it, and it docfi them good. Hut let no ono torturo himolf with tho thought that ho could hao been twice as good n man as ho is if ho had risen every morning nt day light. Tho habit would kill half of us In less than flvo years. Eati.no Without Ar-i'ircm; - It Is wrong to cat without cppetHo, for it shows thero Is no gnstilc Juice In tho stomach, and that naturo docs not need food; and thero not being and fluid to rccelvo and act upon lt.lt would remain thero only to piitiify, tho very thoti?ht of which would bo sufficient to iMer any man from eating without nn n po- tlto for tho remainder of his life. If tonic Is taken to whet the appetite, it Is a mistaken cotirrp, for It" only resu' Is to caue ono to eat more, when p.lrr tdy an amou.it lias been eater, beyond w'nt tho gastric Juice supplied Is ablo to ' re- pure. Tho object to lie obtained a larger supply of food, and what vet falls lo accomplish that essential ol.jxi falls to litivoany efficiency toward 'ho euro of dyspeptic diseases; and ns the formation of this ga-trlcjulco Is direct, ly proportioned to tho wear and waste of tho system, which It Is to bo the means of supplying, and this wear ami wasto can only tako placo as tho remill of exercieo, the point Is reached again, that tho elllelent remedy for dysper da Is work out-door work beneficial and successful in direct proportion ns It la agreeable, Interesting mid profitable TllU Herman military administrator! nro preparing a document which is In tended to show, na far ns possible, the cost of the war on tho (Jermifii sido. II appears that tho grants mado by tli different Herman chambers do not rep resent anything llko thorcalexpcn.fi Incurred. Tho material of the artillery Is bo completely ruined that no repairs will over put It In a stato fit for usa again, liut thero wero no losses In horses, tho number captured from ths enemy moro than replacing theso thai perished. Tho uulforms of tho men were worn out, but nf tor tho capitula tion of Met, such enonnoii3 quantities of French cloth fell Into tho hands ol tho (lermana that this luss was alst amply covered. Iai Mans also yielded a vast nmountof wcnrlng material. Tho greatest cxpenso was Incurred through feodlng tho nrniy. A statement which should tako theso matters Into consitl eratloti, and glvo accurately tlio nnl cost to tho (lernian nation of this grcal war, would bo of much Interest to Iho people of till countries. TmiitK Is no law requiring tho Ulblc to bo rend In tho publlcfcchoolaof Peiin. sy lvnnla, yet It is read lu n,:U)d of tlieni. o