The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 29, 1871, Image 2

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    tc (iloiumlvran,
r.LOOxMsnuiio, pa.
Friday September ,20, JS71
Till! rpmlot'H nllpiilloii li tllreoti'il to
I ho llrst iiaco of llio CWiwiifrm tills
wcok, ennluliiliip; rilltorlul uml oilier niriltcriiifnl to tlio second lii(,'0.
On tlio fotirtli imiko nn ttrtlatlc nrtlclo
tloscrlptlvoof tlio U'roasy itadlcnl clem
bro(;uo who sails under prohibition col
ors " Nov." Pennki. Coomiie will
bo found. After-tho election wo will
re.itmio our usual variety of miscellane
ous ami non-political matter.
ltomi McJIunky la not very chari
tably Inclined towards tlioao Kovern
ment ofilelata who persecuted him
whlloho was enttftKOd In distilling ami
thoy woro busy harrasslnfj peoplo Kon
orally I Thoueh tho ofllcors of tho do.
purtuiotit at Washington forced him to
usreo not to prosecuto his persecutors
ho deems dclcrmlucd to hold them up
to tho nioro sorlou3 punishment of pub
lie odium. Matters now look as though
tho olllccrs had " wakod up tho wrong
p.iBsongcr," and they would no doubt
ho glad to-day If thoy had novcr ills
turbM him. Ho writes with a caustic
lieu nml cuts to tho quick. Head his
To tlio Fulls!
Tho election 13 almost at hand. l)em
ocrats, nro you ready for tho BtruggloV
Aro you suro that overy Democrat has
mado up his mind to attend tho polls
Do Buro to got every ono out rain or
ahlno, cold or warm bo euro to poll
overy vote I Tho result depends upon
tho turn out. Every Republican will
bo on hand.
Orffflnlzol Organize!
Wo appeal to Democrats In every tlli
trlct to organlzo in somo form, so as to
lio sura to get out every vote. W 0 firm
ly bollevo that If tho full Democratic
votocan bo polled wo will carry tho
Utato that all dopends on this Blnglo
point. Let tho Democrats of Columbia
county do their wholoduty, then what
over may resultj no blaoio will attach
to them. A good plan of organization
is to hold a meeting (oven If only half
a dozen) and appoint commltteos to. seo
each votor and get his promlsa to at
tend tho eloetlon rain or no rain. If
every voto Is not in by tho mlddlo of
tho nftoruoon send far overy ono whoso
attendance Is at all doubtful. Such ac
tion will command victory. Columbia
county is good for 2,000 majority if n
turn out can bo offectod. It Is hoped
ovory Democrat will mako It his busi
ness to seo that overy ono of his party
will bo at tho election.
lloware of Trickery!
Dowaro of f.Uso tickets on tho day of
election! Arrangements will bo mado
to print tickctsin imitationof tho Dem
ocratic ticket, with tho namo of ono or
moro Republicans or their volunteers
on them. Keep a closo watch for those I
Attempts will bo mado to buy up
Democrats nt certain polls to hand out
bogus tickets as thogonulno Democratic
ticket! Keep a cl030 lookout for theso !
All kinds of falso reports will bo cir
culated on the ovo of tho election, and ,
on that day. Keep a sharp oyo on
theso, and boliovo nothing that has
not been publicly stated In time to
bo discussed. Falso and lying hand
bills, oxtitua, papers, Ac. may bo Issued.
Depend upon It that all such things
coming on tho ovo of tho election aro
intended to dccelvo and aro issued at
that iato period so that there will bo no
tlmo or opportunity to e-xposo their
falsehood I
In short, bo prepared for overy species
of trickery and falsehood ! Every hon
est thing that can bo said about tho
election will' bo beforo tho public In
amplotlmo for examination and dis
cussion, and nothing clso should bo
heeded !
Gen. Cameron ha3 tho thanks of tho
editor of tho Columbian for tho first
olUclal document ho htu received from
a Congressman in somo years. Wheth
er Radical Congressmen deemed tho ed
itor sufficiently enlightened without
documents, or whether thoy had no spo
clal friendship for him, or knew that ho
would manago to All his papor with In
teresting reading nt any rAto, or wheth
er they thought ho already know too
much atiout Radical proceedings, wo
ero not Informed at any rato thoy Bent
him no official documents, to which wo
believe Democrats aro as well entitled
as Radicals, Tho document now re
ceived is a report on Agriculture
Gen. McCandless performed his
military services on tho battlo Held
Dr. Stanton performed his as a tnaJical
director of an Ohio hospital. General
McCandless was promoted because of
lila bravo deeds as a soldlor Doctor
Stanlon becauso howas tho "nophow of
his uncle," tho Secretary of War. Gen
oral McCandlosscamo out of tho sorvlco
with a maimed body and Impaired
hoalth Doctor Stanton with u good
bank account and a wholo skin.
Under tho Radical administration of
affairs in Toxas, tho expenses of an
election for members of Congress will
foot ud S251.120. moro money than
many an cntlro DemocratleadmlnUtra
tlon has cost tho Stato. Tho Governor
Is required, by tho Constitution, to or
dcr an election for members of tho Leg
islature, beforo Decembor. If ho does
,llils, it will, at tholeastcalculation, co5t
ns much as tho Congressional clictlon
which will bo $303,210 Bpent in ono year
for elections.
The accounts of tho Post Olllco De
partment show a dellcloncoy of $10,000,
000. No ono knows anythlngubouttho
missing funds. Thoy havo "gono
where tho woodblno twlneth," along
with tho $2,250,000 of Secretary Bout-
well, and tho $3,000,000 of Treasurer
Bplnncr. How long will our peoplo
submit to boplundercdinthismanner?
VoTEltsSr-Flfteon thousand cap tal
Jstu own Government Ronds, and nro
free, by law, from all Stato and County
tax I You pay what thoy tlo not I ou
aro paying your own taxes, nnd thobo of
tho bondholder I The Radical ilepuu
lican party havo put this burden on
you. Tho Democratic party want to
tako it off!
A vote for Dr. Stanton is saying In
bo many words that you do not care
whether the monoy In tho Htato xreas
ury, or tho monoy that ought to bo
tliero, Is honestly accounted for or not 1
To tho Democratror Columbia. Oiunt)'.
Tho ticket nominated by your con
vention Is composed of men who nro
worthy of tho support of any party,
from top to bottom. All nro honest,
all uro capahlo and nil nro slneero and
faithful Democrats. Kveryonoof them
would support any Democrat who was
fairly nominated as they liavo been, or
courtc, Republicans will cavil, una try
to rolfo prejudices-but whatever they
dolsdonuwlth tho solo purpo-to of In
luring your party. Somo proferrcd
other men for nomination, but If tho
mnjorlty is not to control In party mat
tors, who is? If nominations nro not
respected this year, will they bo noxt
yenr? If overy yoar Is to bring now dl
visions how long will your majority
IastV Finally you mint dwlndlo to n
minority unless tho spirit of faction Is
kept down and tho will of tho majority
is respected.
Who will gain by your loss 1 Tho
Republicans lnovltnbly. It is tlicer
folly to Bay tho conventions do not ex-
press your will. You elect tho dele
gates and tho responsibility thcroforo
rests with you. If you onco elect un
faithful delegates, tako bettor caro next
tlmo, but let tho Judgment of tho con
vention for tho tlmo bolng stand ns tho
unanimous action of tho wholo party.
That Is tho only way to maintain party
unity, and without union thcro Is no
strength. Jf n minority of tho party
combino with tho Republicans ono
year to defeat n nominee, another mi
nority may as properly do It another
year, and so on to tho end of time.
What does your strength thcroforo
avail you, under such circumstances?
Just nothing, but to produco corrupt
combinations with your enemy I Rut
a united majority party will always ndd
to its numbers and gain strength con
stantly. This union, therefore, is to bo
sought by overy man who desires to
strengthen his party.
As wo havo pointed out before, in
other article3, our candidates aro in
nearly all respcctssuperlor to tho-io who
opposo them. Nobody will pretend
that Rovi) RonisoN Is as woll qualified
for Representative In tho Legislature
asCapt. Bp.ocicway. A man who has
worked himself up as tho latter has, Is
not only deserving of high credit, but
proves tho po3so3sion of thoao elements
of character that lead to distinction and
tho greatest usefulness. Hut it would
bo folly in us to point out tho various
distinctive merits of a man so well
known to tho people of tho county ns ho,
and against whoso election no serious
effort is mado.
Ferhapj William Lamon is moro
actlvoly oppo3ed than any other man.
on tho tlckot, nnd simply becauso ho
nau only u small majority In conven
tion. Nobody questions his fitness for
Treasurer, his privatocharactcrisabovo
roproach, his Democracy is undoubted,
and no slnglo objection ngalmt him is
mtula only that his mnjorlty in con
vention was small nud therefor fault
finders may cavil ! Wo do not protend
that any human action is so perfect that
something may not bo said against It,
much less can a largo body of delegates
so act that thosowho want to 11 ml fault
may not conjure up something to peck
at. Rut ho was nominated, and would
havo been nominated under any possi
ble rule that could havo been adopted-
cither by tho instruction of townships
nnd districts, or under tho plan of mi
nority ropresentatlon, or by taking tho
wholo voto at tho delcgato elections.
Under all theso clrcumstancos, wo sub
mit to every Democrat whether ho
should not recclvo tho support of every
ono .
William SiiAWKtt, for Commis
sioner, Is nlso attacked but with less
fierceness. Ho had a majority on tho
first ballot over soveral competitors
Bomo of them strong and worthy men.
His volunteer competitor also nsked for
tho nomination, but had no strength.
Ho had ton or cloven votes but wo bo
liovo only two were really instructed
for 1dm, andperhaps none. Inlflooma.
burg, where ho lives, lid had moro votes
than any other ono candidate, but a
majority voted for other candidates,
although no effort was mado for tho lat
ter. Siiai-feu's election Is sure.
Judgo Deup. will walk over
courso without serious opposition.
has mado an excellent officer and
popularity was fully attested by
largo voto. ho received in convention.
Jame Buyson, tho candldato for
District Attorney, Is a young man of
ability and well deserving tho office.
Ho was unanimously nominated and
will no doubt bo unanimously support
ed by tho Domooracy. Wo supposo his
opponontls n resident of tho county or
somowhero elso, nnd that Is all wo know
about him.
Tho rest of our nominees aro unop
posed. All aro proper men and deserv
ing of unanimous sunnort.
With such candidates, tho Democrat
ic party ought to poll tho largest voto It
over yet polled and roll up tho largest
malorlty tho county over gavo. A
FULIi TURN OUr will accomplish
till j vory doslrablo result, and wo thcro
foro appeal to ovory Djmocrat to bo at
tho polls. Not only that, but to make
overy effort to got ovory body elso to
turn out.
Tli? train Villainy !
Under tho pres-uroof publlcdomnnd,
a warrant for tho arrest of tho swindler
Evans was issued, and n Hnrrlsburg
policeman was sent to New York with
a requisition to arrest him, but alter a
day or two spent in that city tho pollco
man returned with tho Information that
thofugltlvo could not bo found 1 It was
a llltlo curious that no effort was after
wards mado to capture Evans, and It
was qullo curious that no reward was
offered lor ills capture.
It turns out aow that Evans has
mado no effort at concealment but
daily walking tho BtreetHof Now York 1
If tho policeman Bent after him did not
seo him it was becauso ho did not want
to I It Is asserted publicly that Evans
boasts that his party does not daro to
arrest him becauso too many of Its olll
cers and prominent men weroconcerntxl
In his fraudulent transactions!
It Is plain thai if Dr. Stanton is
elected Auditor General no further.ef.
fort to ferret out this villainy or to re
cover tho stolen money will bo mado.
Tho only liopo that Justlco maybodono
In this regard Is in tho election of Gen,
JIcOandlks In that Is tho only hopo
that other monster frauds will bo ex
posed or proventod In It tho only hopo
that tho Stato Treasury will bo protect
ed from future Illegal and corrupt de
pletion I Tho Radicals having all tho
rest of tho State officers, should thoro
. I An TnMAn.. In 1 1 I n 1 1 limn, 9
I fUH I'U UIIU ISUIUUtlUli iu wmi.i ...v.... .
The Itndtrnt Syiiilleftlc-Ofllclat Corruption.
In enumerating millions upon millions
of Radical defalcations, frauds and cor
ruptions, last week, wo by no means in
nlttilml tl.n lul.nln nrflmtn. i1nK nnnurh
were given to show that tho grossest of
rnMw.rli nrn tinlni dnlK' rntnllllltrd b
tho Radical officials, mid that thcro is
no possible hopo of reform except inn
C1IANGK of government officials,
Among tho Important
10 Important Items wo omit,
ted was tho celebrated CltoufKNtNO
ruAUli. engineered through Congress
by John Cessna, a Bhlnlng light of
Rail callsm. by which tho government
would havo been defrauded of FOUR
SAND DOLLARS, except for acci
dental discovery nnd thooxposo mado
bv tho nowspapersl Tho Postmaster
General was Implicated In this attempt
ed robbery, yet Grant keeps him In
offlco 1 Is It nny wonder that tho 1: m.
General, In turn, keeps thiove3 In
offlco ?
Gen. WniTTAKF.n, Postmaster nt
Hartrord, Connecticut, embezzled In
tho neighborhood of OND HUNDRED
continued ns Postmaster by President
Grant, nnd Postmatcr General
Cresswell. All over tho country tho
Radical postmasters nro proving de
faulters, yet they nro retained In posl-
tioirnnd tho facln nro not exposed lest
Injury bo donu to tho Radical parly I
Whllohcro nnd thcro nn occasional
Democratic Collector of rovenuo who
has proven a defaulter Is prosecuted, wo
havo yet to hear of n slnglo 0110 of tho
great number of Radical defaulters in
tho same tcrvlco bains proceeded
against 1
Of courso nil theso robberies havo to
bo mado up by taxes upon tho people.
Will not tho peoplo put a stop to them
and aavo themselves from taxation?
Tho only way to do it is to DEFEAT
AT THE ELECTION. Do that and
an amount of swindling not yet dream
ed of will bo oxpoicl nnd stopped ! Stealing.
Paymaster Iloixit:, U. H. Army, n
Radical favorite, turns up a defaulter to
tho government, has been Imprisoned
in Fort Jlcllcnry, Mil., and will bo
tried by court martial, Tho amount of
ids admitted defalcation Ufour hundred
and fifty thousand dollars nearly half
a million but it may bo much more.
Ho says ho lias been gambling In stocks
in Wall Street, for somo years past, nnd
sunk tho money. Of courso tho people
can mako up this loss by paying taxes
into tho Treasury.
An assistant Postmaster In tho Post
Office of Now York city another prime
Radical also turns up n3 a defaulter to
tho acknowledged nmouut of one hun
dred and ff teen thousand dollars. How
ho sunk this rcspectnhlo amount of pub
lic money does not clearly appear j but
it was probably by speculations, enter
ed upon in order to grow suddenly rich,
in imitation of Grant.
Tho big Evans steal from this Stato
of three hundred thousand dollars, is
another Radical exploit which wo havo
had occasion recently to ventilate and
explain. Evans lias not been arrested
nor is it likely that proper punishment
will ever bo inflicted upun him.
Wo endeavor to keep our readers ad
vised of matters of interest occurring
in tho country and particularly of all
remarkablo es'cnts in tiio administra
tion of government. Rut it 13 impossi
ble to keep up with official abuses under
Grant, and tho task of reciting thorn
Is repulsive. Thcroforo tho peoplo can
only expect to bo Informed by tho press
of occasional cases of mal-ndmlnitstm-
tion which happen to bo exposed by
Judicial Inquiry or by quarrels among
tho Radical rogues themselves.
Woman Kiiirrntjc.
It has b;cn contended by many that
a strict construction of tho 1 Ithnnd 15th
amendments to tho constitution of the
United States actually conferred tho
right ofsufl'rago upon women. If so, of
courso no law of tho Legislature or Con
gross can tako away tho right, if tho
validity of tho amendments bo admit
ted. Wo seo It stated that tho question
lstobotc3led in Philadelphia at this
election, somo women having applied
for registration nnd who will infer to
voto. In this connection wo also seo It
stated that Judgo Underwood, United
States district Judgo for Virginia, has
written a letter In which ho says lie
feels very confident that tho fourteenth
nnd fifteenth amendments of tho United
States Constitution, together with tho
enforcement act of May 01, 1S71, havo
secured tho right to voto to femalo citi
zens as fully as it is now exercised and
enjoyed by malo citizens. Ahem !
won't tlicro bo somo extra Iovo making
when women become voters !
This Is a beautiful exhibition of tho
recklessness of Radical legislation ! It
would not bo surprising if it wcro soon
decided that nobody but negroes had a
right to voto in this country I
The Democratic convention of Dau
phln county passed excellent resolu
tlons. Among them wo find tho threo
following :
Jlcsolved. That tho republican party.
over Binco tney havo ueen 111 power.
navo vioiaieu mo creiu ri'iuioiiean iirm
viiii'AiiS lm)i;i; Till'; coissti
lii'r numburless monopolies nmLirrant
lug special privileges which havo closed
tho avenues of Individual enterprise,
placed the laloriiin chmcs under tho iron
rulo of heartless taskmasters and roUnd
hlorofiU legitimate share in the jnvjiti of
jicsoiceu, xuai uioresum 111011 01 spo
do payments by overy bank In tho
country, can mono restore to tno poopio
a constitutional anusaio currency, cai
ciliated in pnoeic t ha matlnne. .ttirrultthmi
and oppressive mury which now Impede
ii.u uiiiiuuuis 01 H'Kiiiuiuiu iruue, para
lyso tho efforts of individual ontcrprUo
mm east a uiigni over tno general pros
perity of tho country.
Jtesolied, That tho scandalous dona'
lions by congress of millions upon mil
ions Of acres of tho public Ian. Is in mnm
moth railroad corporations' is n bold
robbery or tbo people's inheritance, nnd
tlio very opposllo of the policy of tho
democratic partv whilst In noivor. that
reserved tlio j.ublln domain to procure
cheap homcstmtlt and farms for the Unrdij
euns ui ion ana ino real pmlncmg national
Every voto for tho Radical and vol
unteer ticket will bo claimed as an en
dorsement of tho Radical ring of office
holders In llloomsburg I
A vote In favor of tho Radical and
volunteer ticket In Columbia county Is
on encouragement nnd endorsement of
corruption !
The Republican Stalo Convention of
fliiuneHotuiiecinreii lor ireo inula with
entire unanimity. In a very few years
uiu wnuiu mm win no lor ireo imuo,
County Commissioner.
If tho Democratic convention nnti
nonilnalpd 11 citizen of llliiomshurg for
County Commissioner tho Radical of
fice-holders "ring" uotim navo nnwi
cd with Indignation mm uiu u 11010 u r
leal Mill I) Would liaVobcOll llrcd Up to fll
ver licit I Wo wotdd havo had no end to
yarns nimui nenvy mm.1. .mi...K .....
other appropriations' from tho conn y
treasury for tho noitciu hi 1110 imiinj
ami. As tlm Democrat.", nowover, re
fused to do this very im"g. i"o iiamcui
ring" Induces : citizen of Hlooms-
burg to offer himself ns 11 volunteer!
Now It is nil right, good poopio, thoy
say, and If thoy can havo their way tho
town of IlloomsDiirg win navo a uoiii
mlssloncr, notwithstanding tho fact that
a majority of tho Democrats in iiiooms-
burg ns well ns tno uomocnuiu conven
tion said A'o tho country ought to
havo tho Commissioner. Wo refer to
this fact ns 11 glaring example- of tho
want of prlnclplo as well as consistency
in tho Radical ring. Whatever their
Democratic fellow-cltl.ons do or pro
poso to do Is ail wrong, but whatovor
they opposo Is nil right! That logic
may do amongst pnoplo controlled solo
ly by prejudice but cm novor bo ap
proved by common seiuo people.
Wiiat Is tho anxiety oi .ur.
rjiiivu to ho county Commissioner, that
nduccs him to onduwor to forco him
self upon tho people when thoy bo pal
pably don't want him ? A majority or
tho Democrats in Rlooimburg voted
against him nt tho tlolegato election.
Only eleven delegate) voted ror him in
convention, nnd not ono of theso will
Hitpport him nt tlio election. Tho honor
of holding tbo iifllco Is not suiuclent to
account for ills anxiety and thoro is no
profit In tho salary paid. What hidden
oiject, then, prompts him to endeavor
to force himself upon an unwilling
public? Hu promised tonbi.loby the
decision of tlio convention, yet ho not
only treats that promise ns worthle-s
but Is doing whatever ho can to be
elected himself In direct opposition to
tho almost unanimous decision of the
convention! When a man goes so far
ns till-", It Is fair and prudent to infer
that ho has somo ulterior object to af
fect in obtaining office something that
he Is unwilling to tell tho public some
thing Improper, unfair or unpopular.
William SiiArnn: was fairly nom
inated for Commissioner on tho llrst
ballot, is a worthy man, and is entitled
to tho support of overy Democrat. In
fact ho ought to bo supported by all
those who nro opposed to tho town of
ltloomsburg exercising unduo influence,
about which somo peoplo talk so freely,
nnd which forms tho principal stock iu
trade of tho iladlcal " ring."
The correspondent of tlio Republican
who signs himself " laborer has a hap
py faculty of " mixing " as well as mis
representing. Tho fact Is that beforo
tho Uadlcals camo into power ono dol
lar would buy moro necessaries of 11 fo
than flvo will now. Tho wagc3 of ono
day's labor In each wcok will not pay
all tho direct and indirect taxes which
Iladlcal legislation has imposed upon
each citizen. "Two dollars n day and
roast beef was a motto of tho old
Whig party in 1810, and was 11 pleco of
humbug never resorted to by tho De
mocracy. No great or small "light of
Democracy " aver " preached that ten
cents a day was enough for laboring
men," and tho slander resembling this
was dropped thirty years ago, iu it was
too cH'oclu illy pxposed for even block
heads to bellovo it. To linposo tho
burdens of tho country as far as possl
bio upon tho laboring classes U a lead
ing prlnclplo of Radical legislation.
Thus, tho thousands of millions of gov
ernment bonds held by tho rich aro ex
empted from taxation, while tea, coffee,
sugar, salt and molasses, used us exten
sively by tho poor ns tho rich, aro heav
ily taxed. Coarso fabrics, used by tho
poor, aro'tnrilfod a3 high as 200 percent,
whilo tho flno ones, in reach of tho rich
only, do not nvcrago over 20 to 10 per
cent tariff taxation. Theso aro exam
ples for " laborer " to study. Tho prln
clplo porvades all Radical legislation.
The Jlepullican says that the Demo
crats It personally vllllfies "hato" its
editor. Wo do not supposo that any of
them think enough about him to givo
their opinions ndellnltoshapo, but&omo
peoplo Bay that extreme meanness is tho
uiot fruitful eau-io of hate. It Is not al
together u phaulom that haunts tho ed
itor's bialn it is u compunctious littlo
attendant that over accompanies guilt
which holds up opprobrious terms and
fears buforu tun uyus of misbehaving
peoplo unit whou promptings suggest
unpleasant epithets nud thuuglils of
contempt to his perturbed imagination.
Quit slandering, Jlr. Editor, and you
will feel better, and then hallucinations
will ccaso to bother you. Although
not moro than ordinarily fastidious wo
would not stay in a community where
wo thought as meauly of tho Republi
cans, or any body elso, especially If they
were sustained by tho public, us you
chargo upon Democrats mid tho officers
of tho county, though If you do not
learn to buhavo better It will bo ueees
sary to cut your acquaintance. To con
stantly bedaub honest men with vllo
epithets is not tho business of a respect-
ablo newspaper, or a way of kceplug
good company, but wo beg to bo ex
cusedfrom constantly tutorlngyoUjhav-
ng but slight hopo of tho results. Af
ter all, Democrats uro neither afraid of
malicious abuse or falso accusations nnd
would rather tolerato them from that
source than pralso or commendation
Tlio Philadelphia J'rcss U drivelling
away with its Ivukliix htorlcs with as
much earnestness us though Bomobody
bollovcd them. Every number of tho
papor is full of them nnd nlmost ovory
paragraph has roferenco to them, yet
tho people where tho foundation of its
romances aro laid know nothing about
them. It mustbo refreshlngtoa neigh
borhood to bo Informed by tho J'ress
that n tcrriblo kuklux operation was
porformcd in their midst by porsons
thoy never heard of and upon victims
who never had 1111 oxlstonce, and thoy
all tho tlmo pursuing their respective
avocations without observing tlio least
commotion 1 Kuklux fabrications havo
a parallel In our Fishing Creek robcll
Ion. when an army wasbcnttosubduo
it, its commanders discovered thoy had
been sent to cannonade n myth and that
thcro was nothing to tight but " old
wives tales." Rut tho J'ress froths over
Its Philadelphia manufactured kuklux
horrois with n ludicrous effort to innk
itself appear Bincero that is grave as
Munchausen's oath to tho truth of his
Impossible narratives, and with about
tho samo chanco of bolng bcllevod, Clo
It iVcij (Jo It Kuklux a cutty sark Is
nfler you I
Tlio llepuliltcim's Slmnlcw.
Our reason for insisting that tho lie-
publican nliall namo tho licensed parly
when it inttKcs n ennrgo 01
olhcr wrongful official ncllon, Is, that
it... l.,iH,ronl clmll not bo Improperly .Hint n.n nrciiscd may mako
defence, nnd that tlio gullly (If uny)
mav ho punished, wo nssert umv u n
... 1,.- ..!. ...... ..j r (tin
a gross autiso 01 1110 .nii. -
pro s nnd an outrage upon propriety u
mako Injurious charges against "ofit-
eels," "certain personam-.-.,
no man can iwsumo to nimsen nuu
which may mean anybody nnd raises
suspicions against several or many.
Hut wo will not read tho editor n hom
ily on editorial proprlotlos. Wo say,
plainly, if you know of uny th ng
u-rmiL' on tho part of tho Columbia
county officials namo tho Bpoclflc act or
acts that you think wrong, and namo
tho officer who Is rosponsioio 11 you
havo fraud to charge. In tho easo of
officials and tholr action In olilco nn
editor can not bo convlctod for libel If
0 can provo his charge, ami ineio is 110
Justification In perpetrating slanders In
such terms as may injure huuu nut
cannot bo held to mean nny particular
A.r.iln wo assert tho perfect official
IniPL'rltv of overy man now In olllco in
Columbia county who linu been placed
11 it by tbo Democratic parly, nnd wo
illi'V any political or enemy
to bring n truthful ehntgo of improper
official action against uny ono of them.
It will bo observed that us soon ns wo
tako tho Republican up oil ono falso
statement it immediately drops it and
makes another. It Is nn old trick of
liars whenever caught in ono falsehood
to tell another, and thus constantly at
tract attention to now points nnd Btop
investigation. Is this tho theory upon
which tho J'epublicun proceeds and vo
lies? It's last issuo looks very much
ns though that was Its plan of action
Tin: Republican boasts that "there is
nothing more sati'fuetori than the eomphle
harmony that c.xhts in the J'epulliaati ranks
in this countu." Tho boast we bellovo to
bo well founded. Rut when tlio Demo
crats seo their political enemy united ns
ojicoiroi, will they not unite too? Wo
know there is but littlo division now in
our ranks, but do not tho few who uro
still disposed to support volunteers seo
tho necessity of uniting nud presenting
a SOLID FRONT 1 Can it bo that Dem
ocrats who hear tho boasts of tho Re
publican leaders that they are tho
roughly united nnd therefore hopo to
gain, will not throwaway personal feci
inganduuito too? What would nny
body think of nn army that would per
sist in division when in tho faco of
united enemy? In politics nnd nt elec
tions union is Just as Important and
thoroughly united party rarely sustains
loss and defeat.
Tho boast of tho Republican is a bold
0110 and shows Its confidence in n gain
toils parly becauso of its thoroug
union. L5t Democrats profit by tho lea
(.on 1
The Republican complains that wo
did not dojusticoto tho military record
of Mr. James Rovk Roiiison, but does
littlo if nny better itself. Certainly wo
had 110 design todepreeiato his military
glory and honor wo only spoko of our
own ignoraiico of any extraordinary
military exploits of Jits wo said ho
may have killed more rebels than nil
tho rest of tho army and wo now say ho
may bo entitled to moro glory than
(1 rant himself only wo are ignorant
and Rates' history does not enlighten
us 1 A man may bo properly censured
for culpable ignoraiico but when history
falls to Inform him is it fair to condemn
him for his want of knowledge? Yet,
with all is pretentious fuss, wo siupect
wo know as much about tho matter in
question as tlio Republican. At any
rato Mr. Roiuson Is not going to tho
Legislature this fall.
The attempt of certain Republicans
at their recent convention iu this conn
ty to crowd out tho office-holders'
ring" nnd prevent It from handling
and pocketing the electioneering fund
furnished by government stealinas.was
fuuny but highly successful I Aiihott
triumphed over tho "ring" and suc
ceeded In getting a committee that has
elected Mr. Joseph Shaepless chair
man. Rut tho "ring" will triumph in
tho end they havo tlio insido track
they will get tho money and precious
careful will they bo that Mr. Sharp
less does not get tho handling of It!
Thoy havo so finely feathered their
nests heretofore that thoy wont roudlly
yield now. Look out for them, Mr.
Chairman !
U. S. Senator Wilson, of Massa
chusctts, lias been nt Washington beg-
Ing tho Administration to compel
somo of its office-holders in that State
to ccaso their support of Rutleii for
Governor ! Sumner, Wilson and tho
parlor politicians generally, as well as
tho snob aristocrats, are against tho
great spoonoy, yet they are all tilled
with fear and trembling at tho prospect
of his success 1 Slneerelv IiopIiil' for
tho disgraco of Massachusetts, that tho
harlot may becomo nn eyesore to all
men, and that her insolent and mcddlo
some managing sons may bo thoroughly
politically cursed, wo hopo for Ren's
success! To bo crushed by u filthy
monster alio had nursed would bo ajust
fato for Massachusetts I
How They Da It,
I ho Austin (Texas) Xtatesmun. nub
llshed by namesakes of ours of whom
wo never heard beforo wo saw their
paper, thus tell how Radical Congress
men get rich ! Tlio .Statesman sas's :-
Somo unsophisticated chan up Nortl
uouuiiess living in ono of tho rural dls
trlcts, says it is a very remarkablo fact
that speaker Rlane, who ton years
ago was a member of tho Malno Legls
hituro, on a salary of 5150 per annum
and whoso salary as speaker Is only
ir.niiri 1 .
"'". now u millionaire.
Why, there's nothing remarkablo
about It at all; Us tho simplest thing Iu
tho world. If tho poor, benighted In
dividual who mado tlio remark referred
to, will only como to Toxas. visit Aus
tin nnd consult with tho Governor, tlio
miurnoy uonoriil, tho Adjutant Gener
al and thu Secretary of Stato, thu wholo
mystery willboexplnlncdqulcker than
a nmlu can kick. Tlio mystery consists
simply Iu tho scientific- application of a
beautiful and newly discovered prlncl
pip of government, namely, to tax and
steal, and then to tax and itcal ngaln,
nnd then to tax and btcal again, and so
011 to tho end of tho chapter and then
to tax nnd steal tlio wholo tiling all
over ngaln, becauso it wits not well
dono nt flrstJ
I'LABSt flaws t :
"llang out our II.111110M 011 the Outer
a vine will bo presented to tho Elec
tion District of Columbia county which
shall glvo tho greatest proportional in
crease of voto for tho Democratic Stato
'Ickct over lis Democratic; voto for
Governor In 186U.
Also, n pecoiid Flag to tlio District
which shall glvo tbo best supjiort to tho
Democratic Ticket upon Its parly" voto
oiled, tho latter not to fall below tho
Democratic voto of tho District in 1SC0.
Theso Rauncr Flags to baadjudgod to
tho winning Districts by tho Demo
cratic Standing Commlttoo, upon tho
official returns of tho olojtlon being an
Democratic voto of county for Gov
ernor In 180!), 3711: For Prosldont In
1S0S, 1022.
Now for tho RANNE1131 Who
will WIN?
Tin: Rtdlcal leaders aro 111 uuo.ivrlug
secretly. Democrats, ho on your guard
at all points. Whenover n trick Is ills,
covered oxpoio it.
Tin: Radicals of tho llradf.ird district
havo thrown Col. Mason overboard and
nominated Mr. Fiwit, of Susquehanna,
for Senator.
Ten years of Radical misrule, ton
years of tyranny nnd usurpation, If
nothing more, Bhould mako every Dem
ocrat ''prompt to duty," glvo courago
to tho heart, and ncrvo tho nrm in tlio
coming contest. Now is tlio tlmo to
strlko I
The government having failed to set-
tlo tho accounts of Paymaster IIolxu:
at tho proper time, It Is now contended
that his bondsm-ou aro not responsible
for Ihodefilcallon. This is u fair spec
imen of ho manner in which tho
Grant administration takes care of thu
affairs of tho nation.
Tin: Democracy of California through
local dissensions havo lost that State.
Democrats of 1'oiunylv.iuln, profit by
tlio lesson and strlko as ono mini for
victory iu October. Your success then
will mako itpnud wipooutadozen such
defeats as Wo havo suffered in Call for
Tho Democrats of Columbia county
nro capahlo of giving their Slato ticket
they do It? All that is required Is for
Wo havo tlio voters only got them to
cast their ballots. Let every Democrat
do his best to get out a full vote.
Nov,' 3fp
Tho official returns from New Mexico
foot up as follows, for Congress :
(lALLixios, Democrat, 7070 votes
Chaves, Republican, o2S5 "
iEMA, Independent, 2131 "
Tho "independents" hold the balance
of power In both branches of tho L
The Itclipl I'M',' hi Il.'ilis !
Tho Radical convention of llcrks coun
ty recently elected Thomas D. Fisteii
a rebel navy Lieutenant, a delcgato to
their next national convention. As
Grant appointed Gen. LoxtisriiEET
to n vcrv Iucratlvo office iu New Or
leans, and also appointed a rebel MaJo
Attorney Gonetal of the United Slates
tho llerks Uadlcals claim that their nc
Hon is consistent witli that of thel
chief! So It Is I
l'EL'i'KY. Tho Democrats of Laucas
tor county havo determined to notnl
nato tt full county ticket. Wo regard
this courso as a wiso one. Wherever a
party for temporary success or for tho
sake of " demoralizing " its opponent
resorts to thu support of boilers, It
suro to losu iu thu end. It will luovi
tably demoralize itself moro than its
opponent. Wo congratulate our friend
In Lancaster on this exhibition
stamina. Tho Democrats of Krio htiv
dono likewise and cua'ii desert
honor !
To I lie IVoiit!
The lino of battle Is marked out.
Tho ranks of tho Djmojr.icy nro I
Kvcry man Is expected to do his duty
and contribute his mltu to Insuru
rand and overwhelming victory at tho
polls In October. a spirit ot emulation nnd gener.
ous rivalry bo encouraged between tho
vailous voting divisions, and let each
strivo to outdo tho other in increasing
tho number of Democratic votes
Wo have a cunning and a despernt
foe to deal witii, ono who will serin
at no menus to accomplish desired re
Trickery and bribery,
Corruption In all Its forms,
Money, promises, and lu fact all tho
enginery so suceedsfully practised
tho past, Is to bj used now, lu thu pros
cut campaign, by thu leaders
to got Ituld of tlio public treasury, and
iluudor tho people.
Forewarned let tlio Domojracy
Seo to It that ovory man Is at his post
ami understands his duty.
There Is not a slnglo namo on tho
Stato or County ticket but an honest
man should feel proud to voto for.
Then, let no ouu sailer to too extent
of a sluglu vote, mid shun ns you woul
poison, tlio man who asks you to iluf.ico
your ballot by scratching n namo there
Let every Democrat mako tho trl
timphant success of tho wholo ticket
personal matter.
Hunt up tho young men nud go
mem euusteil lu tho light.
Counsel with tho old men, and let
union, harmony uiul Democratic ma
Jorltics bo synoiiyiuoin terms Iu over
township of tho count v.
Upon thu result lu tills aud a few
other counties siisceptlblu of propor
tlonalo Increase lu their majorities, tho
redemption of tho Coaimouwealth from
Radical taxation nnd oppression from
tho blioal of corrupt politicians and
hangers on, It has fed out of tho public
crib, depends,
United, determined, Individual effort
will accomplish this uml reward thoso
who havo battled for it, with uueli
victory ou tho 10th of October, as w
forever wlpo out tho substaueo and
miadow of Radicalism In tho Conn
and State.
This is no tlmp for laggards,
To tho front, then, ovory Democr,
ana let tlio result not only bo 1111
Overwhelming Democratic vlclorv
but n total and completo rout of Rati!
vMsm,I.!caminj Ntandard.
AuntTon cuttr.iiATi,
MTIlVnYOll flRNT.flAT.,
Columbia County Domocratio Tiokot.
iintAncnrnx township.
N'lUTIt CMNVNdll V -I.
Oil VNOEYl l.I.l".
nuEPNWorm townuM!'.
llloomtUtirR Mnrl.el.
Whr.Lt. I uhhcl m. .
, i to
Ityo "
... Ml
.UH. "
Flour peridural
Clnvi i-kch.1
, 8 (O
. no
, t to
. S3
. 1 IV
r It.T'.ei'u
'ulinw H
Irle.l Apples
. Ill
. IS
. Ill
. til l.l
rittlc nml siiouiaeri
,ti!! prr iK.uit.i
ity per ..hi
New Advertisements.
Tim rommlMloncrrt of tho pronor cnunty,
ami llio Mlpcrvlor-. unit t.vcr'.er-M t llio pemr ...
I ho proper (own.lilp, m tho ruse inuy Ik-, hluill nt
all llmi'1 inula n't.ttt'nu'nt or I'xnu.uuttnu', fur
ulHlulcLH, lmlt!'!tl person-., unfitm-u u!ini.,w,
us It. tl.emM.ull npptvir Just uml r.'.ivmnilp.nml
10 .'ouunlsHK.nt'rsKiiail mr.'ci i.u.r r.t'ric
rill u boolc or bonus, 10 ..j Kopi ii.r mm pur-
p. llio names persons a., iiou or .'
l.'U, 1M-1 ... 'r ill. .lit. . 1' . uj , in.' tii.i'iiii.i.
inl Mhcti l.t.iile. una ulo II. o collector u
-erllflcnli. to tho enmity treasurer, Mat-
Inu the u.tturo ot tho tax uiul tho u'lmuut eM.ii-...-i.leil.
I., oiiler to mako neeiuilln 'lv.
ami tl.o M.'.nio eouiso Nliall l.o putsitcil liy tlioN.i-
iei visors 0M-1 seerso. 1110 poor, w .... .espuct
exonerations oi towns.. in inioi aim ien.s,
(See. ts, Art, April 13. Hit.)
Ill is, i no e.o..en...u..s
ml.l not nlvu s no ln.iuo win. inw eate, as em
.... n.s ii.n lil otlen l.l llio ollleo la a hjilv
on llio llrst ilays of Court, when other business
n lnuell l ntt.osseiiour a.(ei...o..l. ...i-i. pie em
t us from uHlmr thorough caiuiuatlon to cases
losi.t.teil. 1L Is l.iu al.a list eo fur L'olle. tori, to
laltn llual exonerations of tho Commissioners
l ini.ttu ni.vmenl lo mom .uirnii: ino year lor
which they uroappolultsl, Olherwlso nllo.vln
Collector to lay over a year, many poisons
inov o out oi tlio district ntuluro not to bo louml.
Home tako ntlvnutagoof this, nml Mich too wh
are amply able to pay. .Many Collectors focl
tlmhl In enforcing llio tiw upon micl. persons,
an.l allow them to escape rather tli.ui tako tnolr
Kooilsor ..oilios as oy taw ii.yy uiu .enn.ei..
ThlsxhouM not be, as those who do not waul to
1. 1- their n?cs hl.nutd bo rcnt.lrcd 1 1 !UV lust US
wt 11 us thoso who pay willingly.
Collectors nave auuior.iy .o . .no sun. pcrs ms,
If no goo Id or clnltols u iu bo found, and e invey
them to the county Jill, auJ wo especially re-
.pilre theui to do so. ( ....
.V o lit. e nxeii uu ...uiiitiij . . oi j t.i.n u u.t-
nesd .y, November Mh, "II. and stti next, lor Col
lectors to attend, at tho Cotuiuls-douet.s olllce.
and claim their tlual exonerations, nb it emeu Is,
Ac, as uotio w in no m iuo a.iet- ... it u...e, uuu vi
p..yrthe b.iluueoor ihelrduptlc.uos II po.slblo.
iiisli ii-onll heel. Wi'ltLOU lo at. 1 l.ollllcd ot
hnso r.cts and on which of thu above mined
.1 ivs ll.ey ate to l.o here.
llio six new brUUos which are and will ho nut
up this summer, will, r.ud itunnao to be pitd t)
dltlerent persons thiouhoul llio county, will
cost aboul 511,'mw. Now aid to this Ihoe.slof
teeplns In repilr nnoul to oiu ornuoi wuu tno
.mi. nrls.m and elecLlon t'Xillnsos. II I otuer
items too numerous to luculloii ncre.will re idlly
dd atiii.uulot county l..',afler commissions and
voia. i. u i.v . no tuoiicv is iiee.ica. . .... uv.ii.
xoiu raltous aro ou, is aooui
CVIttlH K.llllllN.S,
II. .1. UKEllElt, )
u jnruis rs.
Attest Wm. KuicKiiAUM, Cleric,
tlloot.ubui, Isept. "J, lt-7.--'t.
,ixi-:ju roR'.s xo i'ioi:.
l,iiitiiK lust.ltilCllL.irV till tllO (litlLit (if .I.icob
Ynlie. I.tiool .Mttlltut'iw.Hiiht. LViUimiilti county.
ilocfusuil. Ii ivo I-l'l'U ur.uilivl hy ttu ita-ilster ot
Kilil county to II, It, nn 1 .), W, Vol ii, of
di nn in towns n. uo ii ii ii i.i c Mint v. 4 iikthohh
iu.vitu cliilnH a 4 iliint thuml'iluHiv rctnit-Htiil to
nievctiL tliiMii to Itu Kxt'ftltors in Uoluinhlil
Clillll'y, l .It 1 II I1U Ul.ltMMl'll io UIU ntlUUflllU'l
on no it', in i 't uit'ii i . in iiu mo ur ii. ii Mi ui'L-oiiiiL
will m.ilto ment tj tno Ki'MititM without
uviay. i. u. mm .i,
J. W. YU11K.
or Tim
i'uoi:sr.Y;i' unsiMiwtj ciiimcu
will in; iu;i.n
a ni ii i t 'nnm)p lit. iQTt
and Tin: Tiinin; wi:ui:h.
Ou account of tho verv trrcit interest nttachctl
io i no I'ciJ.utHoi i no j louse 01 i.icnt'.w ami it ty
iieiniiit", i nn uii i iu ii m n win lmuiiu nuriiit
tlio folllLlltloll. a DAILY llUITlUN'. UL llalll-
mort!. ii win L'onia 11 11 nnononr.iiniip rLiiori.
m-batiui. ut tho Ivhatcs. t'ointiilttco UenorW.
Kciinoiis, ctt., inailo by D. K. -Muitritv, L'lnof ot
utticiiii forisoi iieiioriers ot uu u. . bou.iu
uiul lil assistants'.
TlIK L'llUlU II MAN. lUlh IMltloil.wUl IjOllllIl'
Pilcicli nny sulisi'rltn.-r, on n liftynuntut
J I. CI'. Jl, Jl.lVIHAJIVl il 1111010,1.0110,
7IJ Ilro.nlway, Now Ymk. .ojit..;,,'7I-tl,
Tho iiibUtulion hcrcloforc known ivi thu
Wll.I. m) OI'l'NIMi ON
1'HOF. II. 1). WALIClMt, A. M.
of Its classes will toil.o course
..doptod i.y iho iio.ra or tviuilp tis or thu hi uu
.Not m .1 hcliools of IVuiisylvaulii, u lid ni... roved
hy II.Ohlill.iAullwiltles,
1'l.u ui-.ide or i lieu cl.iss will bo dellulluly IUo.1:
and pupils uu vutorliij tciu Hcliool, will bo ex
iiniliieu.iind plucollu llio clisswhasj studies,
Ilicy l.y llielr ublliiy nut ut'uiuiuouu, ure lined
to piirnuo.
ritudeuUBo wishing, nnd lu Ilia Jud-imont or
llio compctint, will ba ullowej lo pur.
hue u helci't CourNu or Ht.uly.
I'Koi-. Walk Ki!,..ud lu repulntlounsiin EJu.
cuter, nro too well knuvvn lo ueu I any eoiumon.
dutlou from II... Ilourd or Truslees; cspoclully 111
l.iuerne County, wliuro lie Ins .pout twclvo
je.irj or Ids proles, loa-il Uiu,
l-..r partlcul.irs icspcctliii! Hoard, Tuition,
llooU.., d.',, Addlusslho ITIuclpal, or
NOItSlAN l'llEI.I'.-l, Esq.,
, , him'tniy ..r Ti u.l.'es,
iiu-rly, t.uzerno ouuty, Mept. aitu, ls7l-tr,
I) U 11 Ii I U S A I4 Ii
VALUAnw:, kstati:.
Tho tuldelilu.KHl lis commltleu id tlio .int'stm
utlil t-ktutu..r l.lliltdUuarti.ll'lnrih.i lowuslllp or
itoiirlncH-eit, 111 1110 cou uiy ur Columbia, uluua
llo w 111 expoiu lo publlo b.Jo uu the pruluUe4 on
TIIUUSD.VY, OOrOHKll l'Jth, 1S71,
nt 10 o'clock In tho foieunou or Htl.l .lav (In pur.
huituco ol uu order r thu Cult or Cummnu
I'leus. ol .Hi I county) thu Mtowln-' ileacllbed
icil c&tale, to wit t
I'llcsr.-l'ilu Iracls of lund IyuS nn.t liehu lu
tho tuwnuhlpntorehuld, colilaluli.i. together
ncnt incnsure, ndjulnlni; lands nf fetor (lenr.
hurl, John KUIer, Uuuii, William an.l Illljah
Viicum, iKUic Wuiii uml olli. r, on which Is
eli-.lldularBoTWOHroUV I'II.VmI! IIOUMII,
liaunburu uud other outbulliliuKs, wlili nuuod
wollc. wilier at I he ili.r i.rtliu dwulllua, ulid
th.-i-u Is good li'iitl .... iho piemlseH.
Hn.uMi. A lot .11 limber laud kltuuto lu tho
uiiio luwui.hl., i-olilulnlng
F O It T Y . T II It E A O It K H,
neat nieasnro, ndjolnluu lauds or l'rlslc & Him.
mull, t ench 1'ox und olliers
TiiiiiD.-A lot ol tliuiier luad stliiuto In tho
.uiuo vuwi.ku.p, eouuiiuiii
neat measure, mljolnlns landi of Jacob Hhumau
lllltl III Ill'lB,
TIMIMH OK LAI.K.-Tin ner cent, of .,..
fourth ot llio puichasu money to hu luitd uttho
sinking down ot thu propcily, lho mo.ourtU
U' thu tun percent, to bo paid nttho oonllrnu.
Iluiiot tho sale, nnd Ihulnlaiicoot iho i.unliaso
nullify lii ono yenr Ihiicalttr wltli luicuklnn
Ihu namo rrom conilniiatlon hil I'urchoser ur
pjiclui'iiru lo
iav lir iIikJu nu. I i.i.iiim.j u. .u
sinsluii or said pninlsea will hoiilveii Anrll 1st.
ino yrum m tno ground Ut userveii.
JA.Mi;4 KKIl-'KU,
Loin in lib. 0,
ii t: ti t w o it u iii i: iv.
KorRfio l niinii'l promptness In filling rs
ll.fl., Is tho plteu lOK.
lllsuDndsnio (.elected Willi earn and Ills Cut
lom Work will coinparu r.ivorably with llrt) last
I'llortsof the fashionable clly Dealer.
ij.TS' rruxBuii'vu noons.
At Astonishingly Eoir l'rlcoi.
llloomshuri!, Hcpt. 20, 1S7I-1I
Legal Hoticca.
Loiters or nil.nlulstratloil on the .-stain nt
Ts.;.c tlrnovpr. of Cenlro two.. Columbia
county dcc'.l., nave been p,ranud l.y tlio Iteaister
or Raid cnun.j, 10 nu.uiie. .seynaru ... sau.u
tduee. All persons t.avlnct claims or demands
imalnst tho decedent nro re'iuesled to m-.k.i
nc m Known, nuu u.usu ... tv.,:,:':.'''.,.,"" "
scpt.s, . l-Uw. .u.uniisira.or.
l,eltcrn uutl.o est.lto or Wll.
Ham Hiultti. I.itu ..r lfuisl luwnshlp. Columbii
county, ucceuseo, ...iiu .u-i-i. mj ...
KeaisU-ror w.dil county to lleiijumlu A.l.ims. ot
Locust township. All persons Innlun el . nns
n.lnsl Iho fsiul.. ot Uiu decedent ..rotcipiu.t I
... i.r..M1.i. ...nm for Met Me.. tent, unit those In.
ilehled lotlieesliitu lo tn.lku payment lo tho mi
.Uisltfued.u.liululslrAti.r, wllliout.lel.iy.
BeptS'71 Ct, " "
iisrATi: or tiiom - w. iturcniNS, nn
Ili.u i.f ii.tlillll llTilt OU Otl llll) UHtltO 'it
Tlimii'iv V. HlltCllllH. lAlO Of Mllllltl tOfflMtll.t.
Coluniltiii county, ilf-o iho 1, Ii ivo lieeii kviwi a
by llio ltitlU'rof ml J o tunty toSiiiiuel Crc.i-v,
(ifMiinn losvnsliln. All lursoiiH luvlti' fl iltii s
orilemuutNajxihitt tlio ilo.Miloiit aro roqact l
to milto llioiil Known, nu i iiidw inicmoi o
taalio payment wltU jut tlfl.ii.
fcOjil3'7l-Ct AilnilnlitrJt')r.
Letters nt ailinlnitiatton nu tho ustato o
GcorcoW. Yoauer, lalo of Locust twp., Columli i
county, decease,!, li.ivo hocn Krantnl hy tn
ivi'tiiMtT ui iHiiiu couiuy i inuinnici ivii-i-i nun
Hcuhcn Kalirlnucr, nt IjHust townsliln, t'nluiii
hla couniy, l'.i. All pcritons huvlni; dahm
aainsi inouHUiluoi in" ui-urtn-Hi. mu irtn-sn-.i
to nicseut them toi' bottlcmeiit, anl tho.o in
ildbtL'tl to tho cstato lo in ilco niiymont tolliu uti-
tloihiyneu, uuuiiuihuaiors, wiluoui uciav.
nop!, 871 3w AilmluUtratnis.
Letters testamentary on Iho rstato ol (i.-nr .
Swank, late or Mttlllu township, Cohmih
coiuity,ilocM.,hivoh'jonRranti'l hy tliuKct:i i.
of K.iiil county to Stephen M. Swank ot Mlillui
township, CoiiiinDia couniy, porsons u.i 114
claims lu-iliist thuchtatouiereqiii'sU'il loprcM ml
them to iho Kxceutor In Columbia County, I' 1
Tliosu Imlebteit to tho cstato clthur nn iioic.ju.u
meut, moi'K-iu or hoolc iiccotint will man
p.iyiiiint to fiio llieculor without ilelav.
tert.S'7l-Cw, Jixccntor
mrAiicoK dhoiuiK M nrt:iw, Dw'h,
lA-iiers oi AiiiuiuiAiraiion, 011 loocsuuuoi u .
MasleiN. l.i'u or tJreenwixi i towushin. ( 0I11111-
bl.i county iIccoihihI, havo liefii guuilcd h
tho UeNter orhAiil county to Win. Masters 01
MlllvtUf. All persons liavinj; claims njjiliM tin
ostato of tho (teeoo'ent nro u-qnestcil topu'sftu
Ihem ror settlement, ntnl IImmo liniehici to uu
cstato to inalto payment to llio inulefsl,;ni,il(
lulutstrator, without dflay.
AilnUuntrai i
loiters li'sttinu'iiLirv on tho ckLlIo of .Iti 1
Merrill, latu or llemloelc t w. t'olnmhla coii'iu
ilecM., hao huen iirautid by tho Uc;flsier ofs -i
county to (Jeorsu Winner, of llemloelc
Ooliinihia county, l'a. All peimius havlnitcl.ittii
against tho cstato nro re'iuesloil lo prcent (m 1
to iho i:ocutnr In llcmlocli, Colutuhli coiim,
l'a. Thoso Indebted to tho chlato either 011 ,
JuiUmcnt, inorlyno or book aeeouul will iiul.u
payment to tho Kxoculor wllhout delay.
bept, 2:,7lCw, llxecutor.
uinaii LKmNasi
Tlio hulhllti? of tha Knnfrtrncttir.i ol a rim 11 K
brldont n point near JUvUl Davis, hi lti.iwr
lownshlp, across thn (UtAwlsHacrcuk, will lu u
at thopietulses, on Wodnosdy, Oct ober Wt.
between Wand - o'clock, )'. M, It is to tm a - n
ere t iircli.W) feet pan, built upon old nbutiui-nu
Tiio bulljltu of 11 now brlli;o in L'ciist tiun
ship, near "iho steam tannery," nenm It nrm -crcekj
will Im let, Thursilay, October 1th, het... a
lOutnl'Jn'cltH'k, p. m. of mid ilav. This is to ie
in' ivere.1 braeo &i Teet span brldifa. Abutini nr
to bo ! leet hl(,'h. Hlone work to ho let M'p u.i'i'
All persons wlshlih; to contract for hulldliu
said btldes will pleasj moot us at tho uiaoan I
placets abovo turned.
1'lans nnd Hnecllleitlons cm ho keen at t 1 1
otlkv, or upon ihopii'iulses tit 1 lio tlmo of letting
Y .il. VI, I
11. .1. ui:
JM lUHlltlNH, Vc
Hi:i:ni;it. J
Attest, Wm. KutuMiv
JivUeneral statnto. n.-L nf llth Anrll. Is'il. '
shill bo lawful for uny porsiu toshojl 01 I;
any do found or known to bo w.u-ryhu or ct
his sheep, or neoustoiuod no to do with mi 1
bihty to llio owner.
Aud tho owner shall ho llihlo for alt d tin 1
donu or caused to bo doughy hucIi door tux "
an ncllon of trenpw vl, et, arnils. hjforu
J list lea.
If 11 do shall l11vobee.11 known to worry sin- 1
nud Infunn itlou thereof be Klveu to his owtv
It Is (ho duty of tho owner to kill him, I
owner do not kill htm hi sli ill mako lull 'om
pens.itlou tor tho dam i';o dono, and auv pernu
seeluifsucltuduruunluatljrj may kill It a
7. llarrld.H'iJ.
i nu is pari or tno uid (ana is not repd
lllorenl nersoiiH h io boen natuuil as rclusnu
to kill their niter kaowlu Hut Ihey kdl I
sheep. Why a portion can re.isoii.ibly think (h
hu would bo ullowod to keep a do known lo I.'1'
sheep, U leally u mystery, lllibith uu i f.isu
uhln and unlawlul.
ir Kiii'Stieeiiitui nro thus potmittol to run i
lare, thuslmep lund must sink,
U Is tor tho Kood ot thu citizens of thu cjuh
that wo kIvo this lufornutloii.
lu several rcKlons or tho county iv law mna
ber of sheep havo lately been clllud by so u
Tlio auditors will please, lu nil cases, reuyr
If they can aH3'rtaln wh'iso do killed ilie slfci'i
Ihey urn called upiu to appralseuid Iflht o n
knew or had notlco ot tho proponslty nt the d
and wo w 111 assist llieiu and thu ownersoi "
sheep destroyoj, to brlnif such perous tojui1
WM. U.tjUll.K.
CVItUS HulllllN8,yCo
if. i i(i'
W. KlUtlCUAUM, t'K'lk
Itloouihhnin.Hept, lJ, hUi
Kept y.V7I.Jw.
PUHMCJ NOTIUK. Whuravs, by llio
J- llth section oflho Act of tho Ouneral As
seinbly ot the Ooiniuouwealtli of l'ciiusylvaiil
approved May A. i. lt7l, enlll ed "An net Mi
Ihu protection of salmon, black basn und otb
food llshcM newly inlioduced, or to bo bit rod tn
cd. Into tho rlveiit Delawaro nud Kuurpjehanu
nnd their tributaries for tho protection nlso
cIom'm iiKalnst unlawlul tlshlug, and to pi eve
tbo Introduction of produtory Usheii Into trot
HtreauiK. und lorothoi'ceriuano purposutt;" U -mado
tlio duty of tho several HhcillU of
counties of said Commonwealth having Juh
diction of tho striainn tbeieot, whenever (In
shall dKcovcr, or bo Informed of tho i-xUlein
of nny contrlvanco for thu catclilnu of llsh. su
nn nro commonly known m lUh Uwketu, t
elrn, kiddles, brush or lascluo nets', oi ati
nlher permanently sel means of taking lUh, In
tlie ualuio of a soiun, to (ilvo ten days notice m
two nuwspnperof their lespettlvo count leu, Unit
tho said conn IvauceH aio known to exhl, an"
nro declared common iiuUanee, nnd to onli
Ihem to bo dismantled by their ovuiorx or b wi
nder therefore. In oonfonully tosaldiul, I
AAUON HMUJl, Hherill of ColuuibU iouni.
heieby ylvo
Notico to All Whom it May Concern,
that tho rout r I van ecu for tho takluti of llth
said net iiu ntlotitsl nro known (o exist In l'
Morlh llrauchiilthohUHiiuehaiiuarlvtiViudotin
stieaiiiK wll bin Ihu county of CoUunbla, th it t'a
samo aru tleilaied lo bo common uuWaueeii, ii
tnai tnoowneuami inauaifer'i w saiu mim"
nueeMuio hereby iciiulred lo dlmnantlo uud rj
imnuthosnuiowllliintcii iluyv niter thu pu
callon hereof, uiukr tho penalty ol huvlnrf l" '
siimudUmaiitlud uud rtinovtHl, us lu wild ; a n
provided, AAUON HMII1 .
Hlicrllfof Columhlu couuty, rn.