Tub Columbian Bloomsburg, Friday, Sopt. 22, 1871 (Iro. l'.ltnwi'.l.t.A('o.,lil Turk llnw.nro our only ninhnrlroil Advc. Using Agents In Now Ynrlt. I"... ll'irs-ll..llr t. . fjn iui".l. ... i tile our only nullmrl'.cd Agc'ltls In I'liltnilollililn (Ml. Muiiriir, ixi, Isourniilhnrlrcil .igcuini ( i ntrnllntn transact nny business pel lalulug lu Hi All ndlCrllscmcilfs fo the farnnlii.. Inn... I. lbs must bo endorsed hy iiicra Agents, ur they Enilroad Timo Tnblo. LACKAWANNA A Hi.nnMHtllJIKl It. It. M..I-MI. Mrsnlb. Ai'l-nltimislnllijii vinA.M. 1. M' I.xplcss CMS l.M. 1II.J A..M I'AT.WVIHHA 11. 11. l'1'.O.M liUl'EUT STATION mil ni; isnru I. lining jsoui il s;i. . . .si. lews Ai.'i! Mill ComiiiisiIoticM' tmtteoof Urlilc Iettlnx4 nml Hlioop ami Dog l.nv, foo L'l.-cwlicro In this paper. Takk Oaui:. Coo! iiiornliiLs and hot hiiih lit mcriilliiii, with oxpiwuru lo It Is Iho ciiroatmcthoil of prep.irtntf tho syg. 1,0111 lo lalsaiiRtio. Avoid exposure. Tin: Wltlliuiisiinrt filmulanl hivm Tim iiiiifininconl now depot of (tin Cutu wpmi H. II., nt tliN plnco, iirApldlyup piiuclilni? completion. It U tlio host ImlliliiiKoftlto kind, oiitslilo of i'lill dolphin find Pittsburg, In (ho Slntu. .linifit: Monuov7 Ii:h instructed the lirmlfurd county Kniiiil Jury that It wni lis duly lo lako cognizance of liorso racmjr. ThoroHastriiiKcntlnwaprHliist lior -o metin?. nn.l vet it Im ..iti,..i ...hi. .s. ' j w mV 1.3 .iniaii.il ,1,111 Iinpnnlly every day. niuu.iiniv(i uecu in ilcmand nim u nvontly, and thoso consistent nnnnln who wont put up ono heforo tho 1st of October, lmvo had ashlverlntr tlmoof It. ISy-the-w.iy, Homo phllojonhors Inform in Hint If a slovo Is put up by a mnlo Mped without swearing thcro will he peaco In thnt family for nt lost a yenr locomoi Try n. 1'uoi'. 17. J). AVAt.Kr.lt. of nionnn lairg, linn been appointed principal of inoiwniai school at Wnvcrly, which win proiiauiy soon bo organized as Htato inslitittlon. Tiio profeswr Is well iimllHed for his now position, and while our people will regret (o loso htm as n citizen they will bo pleased by hi ! pro motion to a position of usefuliios-'. HusiN-Eis JIen.-TIio Doctors; all of mi-Hi, uvuu in uio youngest ot tnu lot, belli),' kept busy dally and nightly clias- uiir up wiu nguu aw!Ma.jKmvllle In tettigeiwer. Wo believe nguo pruvails prettv ecip trally along tho North Ilranch, though In liloouislmig it Is confined to tho lower parts of tho town. Death or an Atir.D Man. On Wednesiliy last John (1. Youiigiimti, 01 rsiinnury, tlR) rounder of tho Sunbiiry "aaiistte," and fathur of thu present editor, (llod nt his roildoiio In that plnco. IIo was tho oldoit man llvin in Sunbury, Ids ngo Mug about S(i years. I to had been onlliied to his room but n few days. U'utsonlown llco itrtl, Sept. 15. In tho proceeding in Kqulty lo ro strain tho Town Council of Centralia, and certain contractors, rrom proceed ing to executo certain contracts fur tlx ing and repairing streets in said bor ough, Jiulgo Elwkll read an opinion in Court on Saturday last, refusing the preliminary injunction u:ed for, and the caso rocs over for llnal hearing hero after on bill and answer. Tim fraternity of printers about the Cor.u.MiiiAN ofllco wero greatly obliged by Jiulgo Kui'intT, last week, who pro i.enled them with a generous supply of Concord grapes, and some wine, for which holms their moil profound ne kiiowli'dgomcnts. Tho grapes wero splendid specimens. Judge It. raised about three tons of them. Wo neglected last week to notice a box of wild grapes tho largest wo over saw present by Jlr. ALliEltT Auiiun n.U'ii, ofOranga township, who nl has our thanks. John Loiiman died suddenly, on .Saturday last, in fJir.Moitu't) saloon, probably of apoplexy. Ksrpiiro llitow--i:iihummoned un inquest, who certify that no marks of violence appeared on his body and that ho "died by tho vis itation of (ioi) in tho natural way." What proof they had of this latter fact (lrit bo a fact) wo aro not informed, but wo d,oubt whether they could substan tiate it in a legal proceeding. No doubt tho jury did not know tho causu of tho death, notwithstanding tholr present ment. In tho matter of somo ten or twelvo petitions presented at tho Into Court for tho appointment of viowers to a'sess damages for right of way against tho Danville, Hazleton und Wilkcsbarro railroad Cjmpany, tho Court appointed viowers under tho provisions of tho general railroad law and fixed tho 3d of October (Tuesday) as tho timo for their meeting, Tho eases aro upon tho lino of tho road In Cntnwlsin, Jlnlu und Heaver townships, and wo suppose tho viowers will meet nt Cntawi.ssn nnd bo engaged nt least two or thrco days In tho performnnco or their duties. Fi.su, &v. In our advertising col umns tho peoplo of this county will Und a notlco from ShcrlfV Smith In forming tho public that ho is called upon to euforco tho llsh law mid thnt nobody will bo permitted to erect llsh baskets In tho river, or other utreums. Wo observo thnt tho papers along tho Juniata unito in declaring that thcro aro now millions of young black Ilass (n very largo nndsuperlor llsh salmon) from ono to thrco Inches in length in that stream. Tills results from a'few grown IHh of tho species having been put into tho river at Huntingdon about ono year ago. From this It will bo seen that tho North Urnuch, Klshlngcrcek and lesser streams In Columbia county can bo spoedlly filled witli this excellent and prolltablo fish, nt a small expense and lu a short timo, if peoplo will nt tend to It and protect tho llsh after they aro placed In tho streams. In four years llass aro said-to havo their full growth and then weigh several pounds each. After that, If no menus of fishing by baskets or other thing that destroys their young Is permitted, tho supply will bo Inexhaustible. Will not somu body sinrt a movement to stock our streams'. Kspeclally should it bo dono In Flshlngcreck, whero tho expense would not oxceed'j. Slierifr Smith prombes protection so far as tho law and tho power of his oillco can glvo It. Wo would suggest tho holding of a mooting nt somo point to rulso the funds itid draw tho attention of tho peoplo Interested. U vl'siKH, A liarlv of (Ivtisl been encamped near lllocmsburg for somo umo past, pursuing their occupa tion of horso-trndlng, begging, telling fortunes when they can find fooli to pay them for It, Ac This singular poo plo aro literally nn anom:il. AHvnv roving, Ihoy havo neither country or homo. Always hanging about tho siurts or civilization and traversing civiiizeu countries, ihey yet nover bo como entirely civilized. Without ordl nary means ol education, ihcu urn nitti nlng, subtle, and havo much of H itnn sort or intelligence. Thev kvi.i In Htincllvcly lo form n fair estimate of tuo cliaracltr of any ono that an 'roaches them or comes In contact with mem, so far at least in their own inter esls or welfaro is concerned. Wo bollcvo them to bo entirely harm less, excepting their dccoiillomi In trades, fortunu telling, Ac. Perhaps thero Is lllllo reliance lo bo placed on any statements they may make. Hut wo regard It a3 a popular fallacy that iney aro tliiovej mid k diiatmeisof dill dren. Certain It Is we h.ivn nnvor Heard of an InMntieo of any of (hctn oeiug legally convicted of either tiKvo olleiieo.-), or any other. As thev move through tho country in tho most open nnd undisguised manner, nnd with tho uttiioU leisure, if they com milted Indictnblo offences) they would bo readily arrested. Without filuids or syinpatlutlc relations with tho ie.it of tho community, It would bo an e.vy manor to convict them If any tlili could ho proved against them. Yet whoever heard of tho conviction ofan v of them? Wo bollcvo tho truth to be that they mo careful not lo do anything inai H in violation of law. If anybody pays them for lolllm? IiIj lonuiiowo think ho Is punished lint about properly by losing the money ho pays, anil when ho ilnds himself thor oughly fooled it may teach him a llltlo common sensa-Jmt a tittle by way of planting the germ of that seed in his stupid brain. Th:Ir profesiid powers oi I'licnaiitiucnt aro so extremely nb Html that whoever fears them ought lo make u straight march for a lunatic as sylum. Dpmicraliu Jlccllni Democratic meeting! will bo held lu Columbia county at tho follow tnir nam cd times and places, viz: Iiocust and Itoarlngcreek lowiishins. utSlabtown, September 127th. l'lshingcreek township, nt Unaiicsfs. oepioniuer -Stli. Sugarloaf, at Kzeklel Cole's. Seldom bcr SUIi. Jlonlour, at Itupert, September 80th. Jiemlock, at IJuckhorn, October ai. Madison, at Jerseytown, October 3d Main, at Maluville, October 3d. lleuton, at Denton, October lth. Heaver, atShuman's, October lth. Centre, at Fowlersvllle, October rail Franklin, at Lawrence School House. uctoncr Din. Numedia, October filii. Greenwood, at loin, October 7th. Mount Pleasant, at Jonestown. OjIo tier "tli. Centralia, October "th. Mllliin, at Minlinvilte, October !)lli. Hohrsburtj, October ilth. Herwlck, October !)th. Tho meetings will bo onenul nt 7 'clock lu tho evening, und will bu ail. drebsed by competent speakers whoso names will bo announced In hand-bills. ay order of tho Democratic Standim Committe. C. 0. Bahklcv, Chairman. IU:coNSTiiuun:i) That (lino hon.'ir 1 institution called "Tho ISlooinslmri' lira's Hand" having In tho natural courso of events become somewhat "di- ipidated" by reason of diminution In number, finally collapsed on llm evening of tho lth of July. 1871. Hut through (ho inlliicnco of several or Iho old members aided by now ones it has ain been reorganized nnd recruited to Iho full complement of 1G mombors.and they havo purchased a hnmUoinosct of new Instruments at a cost of $;!.10,00 irom Win. Serfeldt of Phlladelnhla. They will occupy for practice a room in Iho brick building of l. J. Clark. Tho nnmo will hereafter bo Blooimbur;' Cornet Hand. Tho ofllccrs aro A. W. Monroe, President; Daniel Leacock. Secretary ; and Jacob S. Kvans, Treas- hi el . Jivjioricr. Oliitiiary. OI(l nt Town 1II1I, lliiutliiKtnn tnwnsliln. Lu. zsrno county, on RUlinl.iy nioining, hfplc-inlici-Kill, Itov. Kl'AI'llKAs Waiiswokiii. liL'ed iie.irlv soventy-SL'vcn yp.iri. I In was born lu Nc-w Li'li. nnou, Hlulo or Now Voile, KentombiT H, ITJ1, whoneo liN pnrcnn removi-d In Iluuiiinfimi in tho year 1W0. Ilu was u f.iruur nml nt Ulirercnt uinei a merchant nnd tchool Unclior, nml lllleil various local olllous, In tlio nullum ami l.ur curs of lils Urn lio was frcnuenlly nnuulu led .xucutor or AdmlnMr.ilor. nnd hclllu.l mini- 'States lu his hcctlou. Tho deceased was from boyhood a prominent, nellvu nnd Inlluenlliil member of Iho Methodist l.'pliicop.il Chuicll.nnd for mom than thirty years n loe.il preacher of lliucnurcli, while for mom than hair u century his houso was, whenever occasion reiiulred,a house of honpltallty lo prencher und layman. Endowed by nnlum with u hound umlcr,Mndlni,' und an Huablo temper, ho was well lilted tube, useful and popular Initio community lu which holhed nml when, ho wns fully kuouli. He nervcdly, he enjoyed Iho colnplelo respect and couildeuco of all Ids neighbors mil Iho wurin ullacliment or all Ids Intluialo Irlcndi. On tho occasion of funeral services at Hie Town Hill Church on Hunday last, n sermon was preached by llev. HiumiAi u II, l.hcick, from the text,.; Wm, xzxvll.r. 17 "Murk the perr.ct man, nnd behold tl0 uprljlitj for tlio en 1 or that man Is peace." 1)11. 1 On ! i May, September 15, 1S7I, HimiTmi W. llowsiAN.of Oranijo towiibhlp, this county iitfod 31 years, 1 month, and 5 days. Sir. IIowman ns a um of Wim.y nnd JUnv JIowm , nnd lenve it wire, Iho daiiKhter of A n M.u Wtij.ii, Kn.j., and two chlfaieu. Altlioujli ho wos cut down inily In HfB, bu camr had secured to lilm n lnrue circle of warm friends rrauU, open nnd courleous In all bu relations wltli his fellow men, with a quick perception and an ingenious mind, lie had beeume it useful as well ns marked member of community, Kor seveinl ears he was connected Willi 1), c, Sloan, Km,., lu Iho niereantllo business nt Orungevlllo, but nt tho lima of Ids denlli, win residing on a farm near that ptaco, rorrutly purchased by him, where douhllisi he hopeil to Kiither ubout him Iho comloitsofa luriil homo and Uvo the quiet und Independent life of a farmer, When iho lias of Ids country was fired upon In liOl, Mr, Uowuan than unilor the nuo of ai, i u rolled Ids namo ainoiiB lladi feiidcrsuud bie.uue nn honored member of Co. A., Cth Itcut,,!. Uvs wlthtborunk ofHersoant. Ho participated lu several bard fuusht balllcH nud lecelved a kuu. shot wound through thu leit luuv nt Iho battle of 1 rederlcksburg, Vu liwcmber 13, Isui He was burled on Hunday, (September 17lh. Iho an iilversnry of (bo battle of Antletain, lu which battle ho acted ii gallant part Just nine j ears be. line. Ills comrades, somo of whom were present lo drop ii last teur nt his grave, remember with pleasure tlio manly deportment and Indomlta blocourugoof Kergeiiut JIowman, IlUgoneros. Ity lu ilIvldliiK ratlouH liN genial conversations around tlio campllro-hU alertness on tho picket and hlsslerllng couduct lu thu lleroa morm uf baltlo, will never bo forgotten by thoso who knew him Uurlug iho dark daysnftho Itebtl. lion. They icullo that ho Is dead but eutertaln Hie common hope of Hie soldier Ihut his lent is uowplclhea aiiiODB those of ids comrades whu hnvo gono befum, lu iho pleasint camping THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCIIAT, ICS hasl 8r""J mo other M. of tho lcn( river. I . Tlio cotllltrv owes hutil. ,n i.i. ...'. his wlfo nnd llltlo ones will always nnd frlcmis "" isorviving comrades, AN "IKON (IUAUIV llnndriiliiirLfli A: (Vs. Siltnie. llicsoMcnnirerlos will l.nr,.iM.,i i..m . ,. worthy of Iho ntlenllon of thoso who elclll,t In ...-, vj ,.., ,,iU various pccimeiis or natural hl. lory, Innsmiicli ns Iho number e.r n.i.ir i..,.i. nnd tho cxlcntof tho vnricly of tho species, It Is ... . r uecu eiimicuin this country by any orgaiilznllou ever lined nui. M,...r. ii,,. enburgh .t Co.,hnvo Invesled somo (Ito.o.o In tlio enterprise, nnd claim lo havo'Vhows" which aro R'gaiHic, noiii in dimensions' nnd attractions. Theyjinvo Iwenly.rour dens of living bcnsls nnd blrdj-nbout two huudicil nud ilfly creatures In all, and refpilro ono liundred nnd sixty horses lu transporting Mm Immenso enrnvan. Their cir cuses Invo been pronounced "ilrst-clnss," nnd .. ... mm, emeriainnieni l.n met Willi n llccld cd success, nnd rendered eencr.il ..iii.r,.ii.. Wolnltoplensuroln eommcudlns IblsHhosV to ..iupuoiic,ieeiinnsniisned that nit who patron. I It will bo well cnterlnllusl, highly edlllcd,nnd as It Is plolmblytholastof Iho season, no doubt ..... eiiKuuinu.i uciiiuora will bestow upon It n liberal palronngc. Thondverllscinent nppearj cm Iho 111 pngoof ,....i.-r ems morning, ana 11 Is ntllncllve iimugii 10 cm mo nitonllon of our leaders, Now is (ho timo to Rather worm. Wood.ealnlii, iciiicrmlnt,bor.esel.tiiii soy, flc, for tliu year. Thev nru oflrn wanted, especially where doctors are not handy. l.or.U.ToiH'lN. .Mu tit lino's, iiavo nriyc der bands to sell. Uemcmher Iho sale of Mi'.lIoMinst'sim ii,li ui uio inonins iolu Compniiy's bonidlng house, 'lOMACCO nnd HKOAIUSean bo bought nt Iho .'ii annum uioreiy nr. I, 11, HI.Mxr.ntcllv, Urn.. '(" sciy snpeuor. Try them. piMi,rs.srr r?mny Sew.iig Jlaelilncs-trn io i:ms ecsti ca'aiKc in mom i e iiiittin.,.nt.i. ' li A3CH1, llloomniuig, r.t. nn.1li.tr rr.nioNs iudcblcd iii il. u ni,..sr..i. i,,i.,.,i,,. ns.'.'uii'ivcuisiuTnro rem nded ihut mm m.r cent, per mouth limldol lo nil bills that stand uvcri.uua;s. n31.tr i.usi. Honicwbere In 1 lo i'nb,in t Ml ilunilll'; clso lever WAT.;il, Wo. I l,',H, " !.mlle .sniKcr." 'itioninierwlli be liberally rewarded oy leasinj u m mo "Ojsler II ly," 'J nr. Halcli'.eulsnniloby eli.ilcisln other ma. .i ins, iii.ii ihey sell Mew fihiw M.m-iii' Mi " mis Is not true. Iho Slmicr .Mnuiil nlmv tl'i.i.s no nnen lies ill Cnlutulil.l 0,1111 e, cscn.l to loe railllioi.red f geiil, J. A. DollAK. n .-,.! tf Wo would iioliceommeudlhufieouentiirc slant uso or nny inrilli-liie. It Is Impoit.int to t.iko even n good nrllclo Judiciously, I'aiison'h 1 1 1.11 ri s k 1 1 i.i.s nro saw, prompt, nnd lellal isu 1 ixuiivu or catlnrtlc, U.ISO lull Is undoubtedly L'OoJ cxerclsn nlnl c.ipll it nmuselnelll, but It ortell ncinslons bull ed eyes, broken shins and blistered hnnds. Wo can tell you that In nil such cases If Johnson's anoiivnk Linimi-.nt Is lesotled to, It wlllledlico me sssi iiiugnnu slop tho p.iln. riKNKiiAt. assortment or HCIIoot. miii.-si nnd KT ATION'.VK Y, wholesale and retail at A. u. isi.uus 11001s more, opposite Iho Court House, Miscellaneous books. Iirt.,,,,l,n!..u .1,,,. 'oscoplo pictures, games. nlclure.b,iol. 1.' uuuiisoi uiiuimis, etc., ete, lris-tr. A iirlr.us nn J uiilpuo niaehluo for erln,lni- otlco may boseeu at .Maik's urucrrv. i-i,n,r Ibeimchhio was Invented to grind coll'ce, or colleo wasluvenlisl to bui:roundby Hie liiichlne, Is the problem lo bo solved, various merlin nm nime.l lor It, but Ihu host way Is lo lest II, or nt ...tst. o nun m'U 11, Do not fail lo call nt Um uuw music um, ,.,,., "i 1. . -s 1 i.r", us he n.is Just lecelved a spb-n .no itssniiiiiciii ni sncel music, nnd a "ciiei.il nssoitmcul ol Musical Mcicliaudisn (in mi bear Iho Angelic Oigiin It has sui Ii 11 beaullliil lone, nnd Prof. Nll.ts will bo lumps- to show Iho iK.niiles i.r bis rinnos nnd Oieiiis to nit i., wish. UHehlmuc.iII. ill's S, 71.11 .iiAiinseln lAdlosllOOr B KIltTH r.ir.M CClllS, C. C. MAllll paysli eenls 1 cr docn fur i:(l(l4. nnd 30 1 eulH for llUl'TKIt. (I. (.'. .M.U'.R has lllnck and lirowii vilt.virr. TIIIINS, Ilaluburg Ildglng, Ui imaiilown Wool, cry encap, HASH und nil kinds or 1IIIIB0.VM, chenp. (Jo lo C. C. JlAllli'.s to got lllco ! LO WLll I'OTH. v. c. jiAitit sells CALICO for 8, 10 nnd 15J; HEAD QUAltTEUS IX) It 110 0 P S K 1 UTS AND ri 0 R S E T S, J IS AT M. P. LUTZ'S, II K SKIiUS J'liu J(!-l)ono wovii Cor.-i't for 70o Tlio Skclelou Coivct lor Si I'lie I'unigoii Coit-ut for Si Cl Tlio I'nracnn is n (iliivn.lllllmr. Ilin Kore. till houo Comet. linmKomelv Ihifshed nud is Iho he.st corset (ivcroll'i'i-. ed in this town nt Iho price. P. LUTZ Jkelusivo ttycnl fur U in r.LOOMsnuisG. -:o:- fl SihIii-; Skirt, tl-lnch tapo.p,i) cents. Sprlii SU-irl, .'! inch lapo Ii.", ceiit". You can uho fiiul it full lino of J)JIV GOODS AND NOTIONS AT ilOTTO.M PItlOlCS AT M. P. LUTZ'S, JIUOWHU'S J 5 LOGIC, ,;xT to couht iiousb, UJAKK'S COLUMN. FRUIT JAKS $2 75 PER DOZEN, PORCELAIN UND. MI'S ONE QUART JARS POR CELAIN, $2 00 PER DOZEN, UNION FRUIT JARS, $2 00 Per Doz. A IlEDUOTION IN', soMMit mim GOODS TO JfAKK WOOM roii FALL G00J3S. O)lo.?ito Miown'ri Jfotcl 15 L O O S 11 U 11 G. II. ,T. C L A 11 K. BLOOMSBURG, ' QKNKItAIj KliKOTION 1" H () tl 1, A M A T I O N. f'il1.!.".".1"111""" Arl of lliodenernl Asseniblv "A'a..i ?",",."lttci,lt" "' '' J IvmiKeiii led "All All rfl.iliiw iu mo n,.n. r .i.i. . . .. ' TCmrf.1."1 "1'0'ovi'il Ihu secoml iliy r .1 e. v rt.' ' ?.'.' "'. oilplliousan, I ,.ui,t hniiiliedn,,,! cVu AV' . . too isj'srsS? F' ?';iio.Mvieeio,v;jr !i.. , i,l '.'" v 1 " ""' "i1 '"'.e- "bleu iio elfcli i. ri .'. ,0" 'w" ' t" (Wiliol'i';' ,"-'-''.'.1' A'"'1"!' Ueneriil of Iho il.- ., , ' ui ' innisyiv.iiii.1. r,,;,'iH, ','','! Mirieso, Ocueinl of the, t'.".1.'.".":'. v 'I rennsv tnnls. I ! i' i o s 1 1 1 1 '..i r.' 1 '2 Jt' inber (.r Iho tinnw r III ihl l I ii 1 1 1 1 "' esiine ui, 1 1.111,1 v (il Co. vnnl'i. U"" 1,1 Aiiil,ly of l'oliusyl O.Ni: l'I.I!Mi.7 fr assim laloJudio of I ho shs-. e' n I t oe 1 1 s i Con ii i v ..r i V.Ti.i;, 1 ' kl! v ly m Co 'i im" L""""lrtioner or Iho Cuun Coiuinb'iP'11"'5' rrTr'""rerof tho County ol Cmnlvi'i'iVift' tlor.,Py of th. Co(ulo','a1.""u', ,ur' u''"cr tl tho Couuly of cihmibl' 'MJN for A,"lll"f "Mho County of Cu'v!;!':, t'oiinly Hurveyeir of tbo wTJiW hSf i'u'i'.0, """ vHf dMrW. .1. MmulmC "' Kt l"" hol"'u of Tllr'"' lei- ill I'm",'"1'' nl,",10 lwhll I'OUSO of Wtl .. I.. "'Olottii or Hi num. isi l..io.u,nltho Court House, in liloomi Court House, In lllooms- ml 1; bnrir. , nt tho Court House, In Illiwnis- bo.oiKVi!,);,'1' nt i,,oT"wn """'t '" a! Wt"l'',,V,u!:b''ln'll!''nt (l'r'b" houseol II. iio'iV"'i'!,liiril'sl'll,''lttl'01,l',jllott'1,0'll'OUS1' K,ll K-oi, J?,,.''.'.!'!'''''."'.." I'"1'"0 "'" ' K(lll I I IlllVIIIrlllllll lllylrL.f ..( II. . J ii'feVsl! "XCJ by n " '"" ,,f ",u 1 "' mmi:, ;:V,nrmp- nl I'"Uc house or l'raiiv..ii I.... ...1. i,. ... .1... t . . housi. 1 " X"10' xl low n jlilp, nt the houso of Joseph It. IV J In-Ill i It ) mvni.ll. nl tl I.tt.t H.l.kuuunin he'.;w,diikii;mr',-ua"' 11, nih 1 l, ".,.,.".,.!S.V.r. WS? !! Tl.iele in Niimciii;;. ' """-" Mlillln township nt the public houso of Aaron Hess n the (,; ,',r Mllllllivll'e. .. f! . !" t'"u.1,hl'. at (ho public lioino or Ham ui'l ltlmliy, lu Jersetoun. Melli.'l" '''' 01150 01 ilonl.'.iir township, nl Ihoiubllc houso of W. rubbrt in sutd lOWhstli,!. AllllllU loll llsliln ,,t l'l. ....l.lln I r....n r ..... ur i p umiiiiiiti, ill IloM'UbMoliouvoorCnil ton . in oranirovlllv. l'lUC t(IU IIS hi II. Ill 1 1 It) I 'olilri) Mr.li..n1 II,.,,.,., 1.. ... ly l.Jpc l. u omo( tliucitlciis nlH'itil tnwii.in. MU-iri'Mi lowiHiilit ill n n luitHonf A Minis Hcott trnwuihiiKtUUm iiiihllnl nuui.nr U'im im,. It 111 l.s.. 'J ho ft i-tlnn In tlin ni'il kpinrnl iluii-iiu Li,ti he (( i tii-l H c-v ll tint lintltH uf 0 I' ml H n't-liicii III I he t'tlifili. nnd hlnl I (.on I hi in u nt, (, n i in. turmpll'.ii or.uljniiiniiiciit until 7 Kifk ill Hie tiuiniif, H'i t'll MM' prills MiiUI he cln-cil. -uuii;is iu.iti.li Thllt il is UT'J lill'il b' llll Act. nl Attsioliit.U nn. pnif'l Jllli J, IMJ'J, Thutt;irv licrwon ctcotilin .Tn i ir.nu ..r ti... IViuo uliu hlull Imlil iiiiyDtllco ur iiioIit incut nf piutlt or tiust umUr thu (.ovuriunont or the t llttl'i Stjltis.nrnflhl Kllllo. nt r,l .11. (.(ipiiniltil ilNtri.t, whetht r 11 coniiulsMuiK'tt ir luvr in utlu rwlse, u MihonllimU' oilUvr or nuni or wh'i in ur nlmll ho nnplDinl uiiilcr tint ImKlu llc,ixcfutlt', or Juillcl.iry tlcpiulincnt oi thl wtalr, ot ihu unllfilHtuU-,ororuny city ornfuiiy InroHHiniti-tl ilNtrlct, nml hIm, thut every nn-ii Ikt ol Luiiuu'ssuinl ol thoSttilu I-i'ijMntuiT, ami ol tlu'nUtl oriouinum imiiuil oi any elly; or i-oniiulhsioiur of nny liicoiptir.itetl dKtth-i, U hy l.iw liKMpnhlu of liuldlnit or i'MtcNIiis nt tliu MiiutMinif, mo oiiKo or iippoimun ui ol Ju.lmi or lii-p.-iior,oriii)y ollUti ot any such diction hliuli hu LiUiblu to .my olllcu tt ho thcu otcd ior. Ami tho said Act of A-pmi,k' cufitioii Ait uLitlnit totliu Wiiaiuut In ihls Coiumuu Ufiiltli, ' pusseil July , hvj, fiuthor luuvUt-i uh loltovvH, to wit: " 1 liiil I liu IiiMii(rtorH ninl .imlimsi ci.iii . ... thu iispictlu yUwyn nppointil loi liohlluK tho I'luti.m lu tho Uistrlctlo wlikhtlu-y u-sputlivt'ly lit lulu;, hi foio ulliuiiVloc It In Ihulitoinilli' nt th M'Hinil ruisilny or Uftohir, uinl tucli uf h.ihl lllSIH'l tOIH hi I till tlDIUtlnt Olltl l-1l If. uln. 1.1, ,,11 1... a (pi.itilk'd ottr ol Mich ilKtl'lct, -j 11 niiu mu pfiHuu iiosiitlll IUlu It-if Ivfd till' Hi-coii.t hlHlu'ht uumhfroroiui for Inspector himll not nt li ml 011 ihudavol.in ilwt hm t m 1 1 Hun who hh.tll hnu lect hl thu scruml lilhont nmnhirol oUn lor JiuIku nl thu next t'ttmlliitc oUctl'jii.Hlmll net in iti-ptcior in his pt.uv. Ami inr.iuiiiojiiwiiM,m) Mi.ui linu Itculwd thu hii'llitL lillinhLr of Villi- lur liiviu (! 1.1,. ,11 ..,.( atlt ml, tlio pLihu.i citi-teii Jmij-u htmllnppolut nn lllrpt( lor 111 HIS plillL I1IU1 111 MSU tho liulHOIl ileiti.lJuiluhluilnointH'iui, then thu Iii-ikt-toruho liu'lveil tliu hlixlu-hL nutiitu r oi v.it..u hliall tippolut ti Jiklcu lu hlspl.u-o nml If any vu t'.iiii'y hli.ill coutlntiu lu tho houitt lor thu sp.icu otoiio liour ul lur thu iinio llM-tl ly 1 iw tor tiiu uiiniiiiBiM um 00.111111, uio ijunillUM OltTS Ol Um ioMishlp. unr.i, m UMrUt.for uhkh sui-h ouu-tTB sunn . umo uitn uUctcil, prim nt ut tlio puuu 01 f ii'tiion.Minu elect ono ol their number 'itshull -o tho duty of tho cv rut n.KpHsnr lohpei-tlvely lo ntteml nt tlio tilaeo or liohllnu eery Ki-tit lat, pielal or tounshlp i h-ctlon, .Itit- r 11 (iiin P im j u s nun 11 ui-it opi-n, ,..t uiu r,irvr..i ..i tii. 1 ui: iiiKiiiiiuinjii m 1111 III Kpi(toisnmlJmlt;Mn ilthiroi thtm hliall iruui time to tDllu uqiliie, 'o pi roon hliiill hu pi rinlttcil to olo nt nny lU'ctlun ns iiloiesnt ' oilur tlinn u M'hlle fu t man ot the m;o of 1 u 1 nly-oin' jc.rs, or mote, whn shall haw t"hhil In thH Htatu at least one year, ami In the iU-tion diKtiiit uhoe lie oilers to vote, at lent ten ('n s Jinmeulately pueetlluK fiK-li eli'( lion, ami v. itliln two s eais Iiavo paid a Mate ..ml i uniy tax, which M.nll lime Wen as. Ms,L'd.i! hast ti 11 ila.VM htlore thu elei tlon. Hut a tltlzwi or Ilu UnlUd Malei vho hliall htno I'levhmly la lu iniuallliiil otu- of this Stnte. .out lemoved tlKfeinm nud luttirned, nml who Mian inve it'Mueii in uie eieeiion uistiUL ami paid ta.L" ns uforesntd, himll hu ei.tltled tu vi ti allir 11 siding lu the .Mate tlx inoallis: I'm- Idi'd, that white fieeineu, ettleiiK ol the fulled Ma tee, bftwieu tlio nge.s ot tuuity-onu and tu.nty-lwvj 3i.arh, ami luliw lesiifel in fits Slate one je.ir, and lu tho election dislilet tin days us iimui.tid, Hmll ht) cillltlcd lo ote, id l tuniy 1 1 ihey islialt not have paid t...t, "o person hliall ho luluiuiLd (j adio whose name Is not ennlalncd iu the list .r taxuhio in liablianls lurulMied by the (oiumissiniiersnml ashefcsorH; or If hisiiht tn voh- u la-ther loiiud Iheuiiior hot, Is o)Jtcted to by any qu.illlled eilien, it slmll be the dun ol Iho lnspectoi h to exnmliM'MH h 1 tT-son on oath as to his mialillcu tlonand II lie claims to hao U'Mib-d wllldu tlie stale lor one utr or moiu liisoiili Khali be Mltlh'iniL piuot thcuof; but lie sli.it I tnaitu pi oof by at least mm eomp dent witiu-ss, w lt shall bo a inmtitied electoi, that he lias uisideil wllldu tliudlstilct tor mote iliau ten dnyn next pie- edlim said 1 h-cttou, sliall htmselt swear that his Imiia mli risldinee, In pui-sna.ieo of his lawful aiUhu.', is within Iho IN t let, and that hu did not mnuvo Into said ilKuk't hu tho .airpo-u ot vi tln tlieiciu. i;i-r person (itialifii'd as nrorcsiM, nnd who shall hiaUeduepioot, II iu.iilrtd.of his uMdt m-e and p.ij meiit of tais its ainu'sald, shall ) pe mitt id lo oh'iu the t-iwnsldp, waul or disir d In which he fcli.i!! Uhlde. If any jxrvon t-inli prevent or attempt to Plow nl any 1 lllterot an 4 lift Ion r.nd.T (his net, iioin lioldltiK such oh ction, or uso oi i.itratfii any loh ikiKi i ny sueli o Ulcer, or t-iiall iultr ntpl or J in pi or t ,y Intt rieio with him 1 11 1 he ex eiulipn o his dm v. or f. ml I block 11 1 ot allmipt lo blncit up tin- window or netu:e to au win dow wlit 1 it Die mi 1 no may boholdln.-, or shall iloiously dMiiih 1)10 iiact at mm h 1 U ellnn, or sliall iisu 01 puu Men any hilhtildaitoif, tin eats toieeor lolt jie, with dcdmi i luiiueneo un. duly, or ovtiaiMumy elettoi 01 top i-vciit him lloiil Milli'j.orto ristridn tins- ir.cil..io r -hflr such 1 1 unit, i,u wmM, lion, shall he Hi. ed III any slim not t-xti'idliiK iho humlii-i d illarx, and be 1 liiipiisonul tur any iiinu not Uss (linn one nor meio than twe .i inontlm mid 11 it khitll L. sliowulothe ciaiit, whcio the tii.il td sm h ol li Ui h sliidl lie had, thnt the pi rsoli s otlt ml'ny was not u tisldent or thu elt, ward, district 01 low llsh n. wliL'iti thus il. Intl.. m- u.in i(..iii.. it ti-.l and not enl II lint to vote lit r. 111, then mi eouvle- uoii, no siiiiii hu senieneiM inpiy niinuoruot imt 1111111 imu iiuiiuH ti, nor more uiau ono inous and ilollai-, and hu imprisoned not lefea than sti- moutliH for 111010 tlinn iduuih. 11 any itrii. not hv law oiiniiiir.i. shnii I raudiiltnlly votu nt any iheiluu luthHoin- liioueaiin,or ih-iiii: oiueruisu tiualitkil hhall vole out id Uh pioptnll iriit, or it any niron Unowins the wu'il oismh iiiall(lcaltous shall nui or mocuie sia ii 1.1 rsoii in i.ii. iim iu,i-s.i. , othnJlliK shall, ott mnvli lion, lined iutiMV niin linn xi 11 iiiii iwu iiur.dre.i dollti.M, and be inn ili-omd lor nnv linn not un uiinm inn u inonttiM, JI .iliy ixrsons 111 Iotentnne nioroliirin mm (Ueiiou district or oilurwNo rr.uululentlv vile nioir iiiiiii m.ru mi 1 lie samn u.ty, 01 snail irard uhntly (old ami dcltwr to tliu inspector two lUlstU lolllal. With tho lnl.nl tll..nlli- in Ole or shall OlU Ihu H.1HU nr Uni.tr nurMnti slmh advlsunial piocuiutiuy petsou so lodo, he 01 they mi itlendiiiK, shall, on eoiivletlnn, he fined in anysi'.n not less than tilty, nor nmro than live hiinuieddollais and be ImprUoued for aui term not U than threo no. moro than twelve nioulliM, II nnv nelson not nun 11 ,l to vni.i in Mils. e.iiuiiiouwtallli otrieeahiy to law u-xcept the sons o iiuallthd LltlKL'tiM, shall appear at nny i.m 01 ticdion ior imi ptirposu orissiiim; 11 lit tK. or of luiluenciui' tlin nl 1fiiH is mil iin.l (11 ote, ho shall un ooiilvUon, forfeit and pay an sum not exiiulliiif m ii bundled dollars, lor m iv siuh otUiue, nud ho InipiUontil fyr Ihrco 1110111114 Aumaiily tn tlio piovUIous of iho Mxty-Ilrst el Ion ol i-n Id nt Is eiiri- ti. n 1 nml t.,,..!..! l.hetloli shall hnoiu'nr.l liu.. n i...msii.i six nml eeti lu tho foinnHni, and shall con- uaou riuioui inu i rupiion or mijotirniiient, tin t il si en oVhn 1c in t hit i.v-fnitii 11 ii. n il... is,, 1 in sit ill hu t losed. ltiuasi ttv jav I (dsn elVO nllUllll notlcn In Ilin olfi-lnm uf i',J. umhiaeoiiuty, that, hy nn net entitled "An Ait niiinu MiTiniiniini 10 I no net lelatlve to Ihu ilecllomi of Ids ('ouimntiweallh," nnpinM-d' Ainu 17111. A. 1). lsi.it, u Ispiovldeil ni foliowHi SM'TION I. I!c Uvntut,;lh,ith. k. ,,.. 11 uf ti)uenUitmi 1. tU (hmmttm- i.UU of v 1. hUhuHiu in (it m rut . I incf, and U U htrtbi tiMthtlbitthv ttutliurit of them nr, 'l hat it shall bo the 111 y of eat h ol Iho iisNi-sBnru v.-iihin t . 1 I'tjintnoiiHt dlh, on iho tlist Mond iv lu June of 11 in rm, 10 iuku 11 0 uie iraiK.ci lot ho him m. lelyed or tliu touiily conunlssionen undertlio eju 1 h hratlmi of Iho act of llttcenth of April, eluhleeulh bundled nnd thlrly-tour, nnd inn. lie; Jonti Imi.iidlato reU'on of Ihu name, by KhllEinu' llici. Irom ho name ofeerv lursoii wno m k noun bv ti in tn haw .11... 1 Mni'o ilu laid pre 1mm assessment fnim tho ills. ..... ... ........ ...hu nHM-oKiir, or wihimo ilea 1 or lemmnl I10111 1 hetnnut sbnll i, 1,..." ... tu hlni.and to add lo Ilu same the nai.io or nnv i.nill.led oter whosliall bo kimwn l.y llm ?, ..iw iiniuu inn. um uisinci niueo I 'hi last nte. Mous avrsmeut, or w hot, removal Into Mie Mimu hall bo ur shall Iuimi lirAai(VkimJn imo.l.uni.o.dmlo.ie.iua Vhsii ....v. . Vi,, y"' 1H t't'iiipieied ho shall ..-... milieu "uiiow ui ma uuirut uud COLUMBIA COUNTY ' mnho pArpftit tnqutry Jf nny pcrs-in irluii iiama (oiiIiH MttmmllM or rpmovod frnm tho t it ri, nnuii n9, lo tnko Iho Mtmi tliurefroni, or ..s n.s. 1 mi) 'iii-uiiiau vmer roinioi inerciu whoormtnoMnoton hli Hit. nnd ir no, to add Iho natnol herein I nml In nil eas- where a tiamn lon.Klet tn tlin liH n tax ftlirll foitliwltli lio nMrtPd ncalnit tho perion 1 nnd tlio Mucnior Miqll in n lfnrin"rrl,dn,byinmi!r.y.mn wlmt i.n ix-mi,,, tiett,JU Cllllllll I 'J DUH votrr IJiKiii 1 Iho eornplcttori of this work, It HlihH lm thu ilmy of arh n.seior fm nforM ill t prn;e?d b. miko out n llit.lu nlpluhetloil order, of ib whlln frcomon nbove Iwenty-ono year-4 of Kilning uiiti inniinon voiert 111 1110 wnru, iHiiotmh. townihin or iiutrirt. nr uiiifh imun.n ,n 'friwor, nod opp'Mllo -icli of nild nam on Mnlu vut-uiwr i(i ireeman in or is noi n hotue.Rcen p rj and ir ft h, th number of bin renldenei hi llif'towi.n whero tho r.amo H uumherc'd, with iiiofttr"it,ftiicv orrotirthi trhlou situate l , nnd ir in it town whero there nro no iiumbeM, ihe m uuuoi inoMree,, nitoy or court on whicti nnbi hnnso Irontsj nlso, thooerupnllou of Iho person : and whern ho H not a hmii-kieiier, thu nccnpi 1 1 . 01 omnium nii'i witn wtiotii, and ii work Il t t if n nntti. ir M.n Kn,.. ..r n, and VftHo nppomtn eadi or unt l unmet thci wnnf voter i' wliern nny person elalini to votohy rfnion of iHttirallitljn, ho utiill exhibit Ms t f rtlticnt'i tliereof to tho nsmMtsor, unlesn hn hni been Tor nvo eonecutle yearn n-xt prrerdlnK n voter in said ilhurict, ami lu all cues vhrn the l'-in n ims iiuen nniliriiiir...,thT"iimjiilinII he mnrked with Hi- h (ter "J j" where tho person Iijjn inerelvdnptnrol htn Int'-ntlons lobecamoH ftlren nnd dcKlnn to bo tmtnmllzed beforu lite V m r,fC,l?,, ,nn 'two fhall bo mirknd"l. Id wlirro the elatni is to vote hy reimon of bo- M'K oi-iween inn ace nr twenty-nun nnd iwuntV two. ntnv'lilf, I In- Inn- 1 1, ,st.n ii" t,!le';,,,i 1n1 ,lf ,no Vrn'tn hn moved liito ..... i-.i-. ii, m uinirici in reKinc hinvo inu msi uen einl eh-i-t nn. Dm lrtiM "ii t.is.. ,1 i. P'iftllo liio namu. It dlmll he the rirlher duty or V.i """wwr nn niorenii, iiikhi I lie completion or the duties ppre'ii Imposed, lo niako out ft sen unito list or nil now nssr)rnenls uindo tiv him, find tho amount! rnmsM. a upmi c ich, an 1 lur ninii tlui im mo Inmindlntety totho nmnty com tnlsftionciM, who ninii) ImnudUttly mil tho n.ime'4 to tlio tax duplluito of t ho ward, brouH , town.sh p or district lti t.hii.i thej luvu bucu nns.jnseil, fc.c s. On tho list being coim lfte.J.nn 1 thoni knmuciir mndu cm nrore-.nid, tho S'litio tdrill f'irtbwitii ho reiurned to tl.u county co.nmlas oiKr wlio Bhn.11 cnusn duplicate, copies ol Mild un, wilh iho observation and cxi Inuutlons tc o.iilriatob noted ns nftiiemld, to lu ni.uluout asNonn m prnetleablo and placed In the hands or the ninrfKor, w lio Mm 11 pi lor to tho first of Attaust In r inH s ort", put o ie c ipy thereof on tho 00 r of or on tho (ion o where the flection oft'io respeotlvo dlntriot i urpdied to bo held, and 10 Jnln the oilier tn his 1 ''scfcs.tm, f a-the limnec lion, lr e of rh.irne, of any poison rcitdenttij :!m r,ii 1 ( loci Ion itlslrlct who slmlt den I re to rue the name: and it kImII h? thu duty ofthOHnt.i pflfiess'ir to add from thuo tntlmo, on the per Koiml n pn lie Minn otnuy one el ilmnia Mm tight to vole, Iho name of nucli elalrnaut, ami timrlc oppNjto fie nnmo -v. t;., 11110 imincui niy nHscs 1 him with a tax, noM'i ns hi all other enses, hlHocu nation, rdacmv, whetheru hoar dtr or u lunisiltei 1 er i lfnboirder, with whom ho bonnls; nud wuetlier n.iluralized or deslgn U14 to be, mnrklt g lu nil hucIi uiihvm t.ie lottem ofip Uu the namu or "11. I ns the ease iniy bej it tlio pt isoti claiming to be tmessod be f. uralued, l.u e'inll exhibit to Ihe asnensor his eo tltliMtuof untj aIl74itlon; and It 00 elalnm lh.it -,r. iliiultriiu tfiht. lllltlir.ill.ml hi fori) Uu, imv-t enHiilnileetloii, bu sliall exhibit the eurlllLuto 01 ma ueei iraiiou 01 ii.ifnimu, 111 an cimtn wheiii anv ward. boro'.Uh. lounshinor tlcctton illsirii L In divided Into tw or imau pi telnet s, ihu nMseHsor shall note tn alt hi i nNNcsmnetits the eketlon piecinttlu which tie Ii ileotor itsides and rdt.iI l maku nRcpar.ite retitin tor each to the rotinty eoiiimis-i-jncrH In nil eases in which n I ClUIH IS mi llll LU II Oil IIO" 'J ui" uniiniuin t)l this artj and tlio county tommis-dom rn( jtl bi'ikm duplicalo coplc of all such leturiw, bnll innlte dunll -alo eoniert ol Ihe names ufthi- M)ter lu iiiei precinct, Hipaialely, nn 1 shall lurulsh tho b rim to the aie soi ; and thucopleH rtrpilretl by this net lo bo p'uccil in tliodooirtor wr on election p'neos on or In f.iro tho llrsinf Au ntsT in each vear. shall bu hhe-td on tho door of or on tliu cUctloii placo of dd prteluctH. pi;r, .t. nci ioi) iiASLSsmenis navo oeen com pitted on ihu truth d.ty pruitiillntt Iho secoml I'llesd i in October ot each ear. Ihu hiscnki r fdii'il, on llio Monday Immedl'iteiy loilowhi';, mnl.c n itturn to tho county coiiiiulssloueu of the iuiine4 ol all pewms aiscsol by him sluee tliu return lequlud to bo lmWu hy him hy uio Hccnnn seciiou 01 1111s ati, iioiiiil; opposno .el. namu tho oljHTVdllons nud r.t plan at Inu s n qulicd to bu Holed tu nfji tuald ; und tlio coun ty eominlsti.onera sh.iU ihtreuion e.uisu thu saiiui to boiulded lo thu icttiru ri qui 1 cd by tho m-coihI setthm ol this act, nnd !i lull and correct copy thereof to Lo nude, containing tlio names 01 an nelsons ho reiuruen as requiem lusauius 111 sal 1 w-ird, borough, townshlpor nriclnet,niicl liimlsli Ihn n nun. lojttlier Willi thu iieethHarv oiei tioti blanks to 11 o olllcersof thu election lu said ward, borough, townshl or pieeluct, on or oooro sixocHM-it 111 uie moininoi inu sieona l'ticsday of October j and no in 111 shall Ijj per mitted to votu at (ho a lection 011 that day wIiosj n una Is not 011 said list, unless hu shall m.iko P 001 01 ins Hint 10 vote, ni iioreiniiter ie- (Jill It'.. sic I. Oil tho day or tlio electloa any p -rs-m w hosu name Is mu on thesntd list, nml tl.ilnilmr thuiiuhLlii vote at said t UelUili. bhall in oJiu u at bust 0110 ijualliie I voler or thu disliioLiw a ullm-smo ihe ii sldeneo ol tho claimant In tho dish let In which l.e claims lo 00 11 oter, for Uie peiuM in ni itasiicii o.ijK n-xt pit cctiui! said election, which witness shall lako and stihsi. rlbo awrllttn or p.irlly written nnd partly piii.teil allloi.Jtto ihu idts stateil by him, which nlll divit shall define cleat ly wheio thu resldi-ncu Is fit Iho pel Mm so ilulmlutf to be a oter; und thu ,'cisnu so claiming Ihu ilht tonli) shiill also tak and btihycrlbu 11 wriiun or pailly wiltten and paitly printed nilldavlt, stutlut; totho best of hla kliowledi;o ami belle win 10 ami whin hu viusDoin; iniiii no isatiiien 01 too common wealth ol l'unusytvaula and thu United Hl.ites that hu bus us Mid In tho (mimouwtalthonu year, or iffonmily 11 tltUen therein niht has uioveii ineitiiom, inai no mis iikiiuu inert 111 dx Inonths next pieetedtnK said flection; that 1v11.1t iiul 1110111 iiiui inu nisil 1CL ior uiu pur posu or otlii4 tlieielu; that bu has paid a State, or county tax within two w-im. uhiMi v... as- sessed at least leu daj s bciore said oil ctl on ; and i iiiiiiiiini.tu 11111-11, nnuii also siaiu wneu win i nml hy what court ho was na'uralied nnd shall nlso nrodtleu his ecu tlllcntii nt n itnmi. l.aliou lur txamluatiou; Iho sild rutiiicjtto son 11 niso stiuo wueii aim wueio ino mx ciaiumi lo bu pal.l tiy Ihuntllaut was asfssitl,and when, wheioand b whom paid, ami tho lax receipt less tliu nlllant shall stale in hN ailUavlt that it has lieu n lost or destroyul, o.- Umt Itu nuer re ceived any, but ir iho pe son so etalniln iho r!i;ht tONoto shall take nnu sultscrllio im uill d,iit,iiat ha U n nativ boiu eltUen of iho I'lillid Slates, (or It born elsewhere, shell state tli tact lu his ullUhult.nml shall u oltipm.vi- deneo that helms been: li-iturali.ed, or that ho is entitled lo citlrens.dp tiy uisoii ot his iithir's irmintlir.atlou);u jd shall limbo, stale in hlsnill il'ivit I hat ho W, at the tlruo oi tal:m tlioatU la- it, bid ween thu aicis id Iwenty-oito and twenty twojenrs; thai hu h is n sided lu IbuMtateoiio yi ir,and in the election illst Net ten days pieeul lu, Hiicti 1 lecllou, ho sliall t e entitled to ote nl thou;; lio shall not have pihl taxes: llm said ntll- u o 11. 'i uu pc-ibunt iii.iKinjrsncn I'l.ums, and tint .iilioavlts ol tnu wllut sM in their risUlem'u.Hhall be puwt-ived by the ch 1 1 ion board, and at Ihe clo-ooi thu election I hi'V-hnl! bui'iu I ihod W(u, Inn list ot vuters, tniiy li--t nnu other paptrs re qtiUolby law to be tii d bv tae Jime with tho biothonotnry.nud sluli n main on tliu tlieiewltli lu lliu prothonot.ii y'a oillce, KiihjccL to examina tion, ni other fit ct Ion p.i nine: IT tho election oillcus shall find thai tint applicant or apiiU cants po-,es, a the h .-al qiiallllc.it onsor Vot ers, ho or th"y shall he p-rmittcd to ote, nnd tlm name or n.mn sletll b, added to Urn hitot taxable, by ti1-,.ectt.-i oilier, tho wmd 'fix" U lux i-ddi d win id Iho i Uii.mnt 1 Inlm to vuto on lax, and tin- wonl "nifu" whero heel iims tn oteona;v ; tho friimo woids b-liuinddfd iiv Um cleikbin e.teh ti d lesptetively t,a tin lists of Ituous otlnH nt sucli ulectlon, Kiv. 1. It shall b.. la..lul tor nny umui.lod cill,'i or tho tlistriet, uotw Ithsiamllni: the name of tho proposed voter Is rontaini.l on tin Its) o itsideut laxables. to ehatlen.'.. th.. 1..1.. ,.r such person ; wluiuipo-i iho s mie piool or Hurl-lit .a suiiias.; as Is now injiiiitd by law shall b. publicly made un I nettd on by the theiion board, iinl Iho vote udmlttedoi nji cted, nrcord tntoitiu evidence every ptrsmi clilmlnio bu 11 n it lira lld Cllleu shutl b.i i..,.i,ln .1 ii. .s. tluce his unt uraliat ion tviiliiciio nt tin ileitiou ""' )l"'K. e-M-epi WI C1U Jltl IIJIK IJtM'U J,.' Il'll aiH. UlllSeriltiwdv. a vn ..r In Ilu. . 1 1 . t pii.i i.. which hu filters his vote: nnd on tint v..i.. ... such pel ion 1 nir receive 1, it shall bo thu tint v o Ihu elee'fon n.llee k tn , !lo or Kt-,ui)fin such cerlllle ite thu wonl "ote 1." with tliu month hu 1 tar; nnd If any elertlpn oillcer or oU'ci rs sh ill ricene a second votu on thosamu d ly. by litne of 1 ht sanu 1 ei lll.c ite, except lny w hero sons aio tntltled toyuo by u.uuoi tho 1 ntumlUnlon id their falhi rs, tliey and thu pfrson who shall oiler sucii second ott upon sootleiidhic shall l entity ot a li lull mWdemeauor, nnd on eon letbri tbeleot. bo fllii d or liiiiirkninsl in- l,il, ,.t 11... iliscietlon ef tin court ; but Ihu Him sb'ail not exceed out hiiudud dollars lu each case, nor t' .i;"iii"iin timviii; 1110 iiuu rilUlstl- bienl shall hu intltetu t. on eonvU Hon, on tho otllnrs of election wbosh HI neuleet or retire lo tunUu, or causu to be made, t!m endorsi ment ie Id'lcate 8 alort's'llli 011 hultt atrali.atlou cei- Hir.fi. irnny olecllon otHcoi- shall refiuo or lUMltct to re'iuiro sudi pnsif of tho ilyht or sur hajje ns Is pruse-ihtd by this law, or the laws to which this Isiisnpplcmtnt, from any person f leiiiii; to volo whoso uauiu Is not on thu IM u avMsd voteis.iir wlmsu rltiht to voto Is ehal le iced by any uuaililed voter present, and shall admit such pusou to oto without in lulrlnu sueli proo,eeiyperMni inom.idluu'.sliaiiupon conviction, Im millty of a lilwli misdi inoauor and shall bo sentenced. Tor every such olleiiec to piy u tlnu not exeeedlni' one huudrt d dollars' or to undergo an It iprisoutneiit not inoretimri tSioiit0' K'r Uf Uuiu,ull,lu lwrt'llji!oi 1hl'V'i.', ,l,MH IW'lnit;eery rUvtlnn Tor ebetors or I'reNhh'iit nml 'le I resident ot tlio Jul ed Htates It shall bu (ho duty ol tho hm-h 'S I m'Vieet1,'1 ' 1 lKufiV.V.b;)' !"r ll.ol,hlK nud theio hear itllappllcat Ions oi pusun wl use nanus liavu been omilt, d fnan Ihu llstoint. iess od nteis, und who claim the 1UI1I to votu or win oilKhUl.avuoiijtiii.iledrstm. thesamywas m idu out.uud hhalladd the miim-nof huch i-r-s.ins thereto us shall show Ili.it they nro entitlid to iho ihiht nf MillNKf in such dUtrlct.im tm peisou tl uppllcallon t.f tlie claimant only, nml lorihwilliussiss ihem with the propn tu An r eoiupU tlim the IM, a c..p iheiuof shall bu i.hVo. edon thu door or on iho houso wheio tho cdie. t Ion s lo be hi hi, at le.ut . h;ht Ium befcro iho elecilonj nnd at the 1 ectam thu hiitnu cout"" slmll bupuum-.i m nil respects, as u reouliod by this ad nud thu nits to 'w hleu It ls m meiit.nl the p iieial tdeetions lu OcU.ber. Vim assessor sha!' also lualto thu samo returns to 1. county comtiiUHloners ol all assessment n,iuj by viitHu oi ihU seelloui and thu eouuly "01,1 mlsjloners sl.nll hirnlsh copleH thereof f to 1 llI He.- on olllaiK In inch dlstrlet.lti llko man tier tin: s. Tbo sumo nib's mid riKUlalloiii .bin ....v at jm-ry s,i,.inUl.ctlu..,ii,M . ry snS iiluilty.boioimiii.r vinrdibi i ,.1. 11. .. i. r. us nt Ibuceneral election In DetoliVr Mil'. II. Iho lcsiecllo iikMssors. Inspeitors nud JiuUis t th eiecilons .ball , ach hi, ,V h" . iwu- to iuluilntsKr oaths lo any ..is,,n el iim Iuk Ilu. 1 lulu to bo iississiil or the rluiit or , r. ir'.f.",'." nny other luatl.ror lilutr rc'iutlcd to bo dun., or Imiulrel Into by any n said o ncers under Ihls m l 1 nml m,y uiirul i iilij ss'earlliK by any )a (son 111 1 elal Uni to any . tint. er or ihlng comuiilim wlib h they but tT0 1 ,Vw. L'o'lr.i'n'is'hV.i'a.'i.VijK;:"5 01 " Aiui hliO, 10. Tbo uskcws.iis l-h 111 each reecliu Itin samo com peiis.it 1011 tor iho Un,o nic.ssYirii!' S cut In pei liirmliiJtho dulles hereby enjoluu i us Is provided by law lor llii, ptifoniuuu'i, 01 their . .Il.i-l dlllks, to bo pill 1 by th c, lli y coi l ."..loners us In other cases ; and u .h a 1 not bo laulilloriiuy nuossor Ui us.ess i lai iLiiliiii anv pu.oii shstoier within ten days Tiexi cedhlj! Iho .i .eli.n t , Held ou the M-eoiid luesdsy of October, In nny liar orlthln t,'i days next b. toi., nny i bclk.n for lectors i f I'rellilelit um Vleu Vlesldcnt ol tin, Unit,,,! mut.s i nny slobuion of this pros Won shall hi a iiiUdeiiieuuor, nnd subject llio omccrs soot. Itudluiituii llne.nn comlcllon, not cxcccillng 0110 liunJrnl dollars, nr tn Imprlmniiient no (xpooilln throo montbs, nr liitli.nttlio illitrot tlon or tbo court, Sep. II. On tlio Mltlon ol flvo or inoro rill, rolis or llio (-oiilily. tntln mi.lor Isith lli.il llioy viTlly bclluvii llmt rmii.l mil ba iiriu-l i-c.l nt llid cloctl.iii nliout tn lw hi'l,l 1,1 nny illslrlcl, II sbsll bo llio duty or llio Court of Common rirnsorsil I rounty, ir in session, or ir nol n Indito tlicrooflii vAoilton, In npK(ut two Judl rlous, sober nnd IntoIllKrnt eltlxens or tbo coun ty In net ns overs-crs nt suit! ido-tloii . snldovrr-si't-rssliiitl li, soloi'toil rrom dlfri'rcnl tKillttcnl purtlo. wliori'lbo Insriisstors lielon,; toititr.retr Isirllpsnn l wIitii bol l omnld Insiii rlnrsbcloliii ".' tbosoino oolitic! pnrly, bolli of tlio ovcrsocrs slinll bo inkcii rrom nm oiikisIio polltlr-al pnrty i "'l,'d oversiwrs kIi ll lisve tlio Mull to bo prcscm wllli tiioill, orsorilioiii.i tioii,diirln IIihwii-h,. Ilino llio sntnols In Id, tho votes o mnli'd nnd Ihn rcturiM mud,, nut nml nlnod brllio election olil (trs t tn kropn list ol Voipd, ir lli-y kco proper i 1 t lmllcni!., nny person oirerlliu to vote, nnd In .... wliiims iiiidcrimih. In ro Ksr.l to bis Hglilorn,llrnliooraldclietlon. nnd loexiinllu;. Ills piipers prnlurol, nnd tin, of It - . s..V " ''ll'c"0" p" "'nulled Inntrord tos da vi,,, . . " . , "v "u" "I'pooitod every con. Xo '.i'.1' r- ll'y ,'"r (bo dlsciinrito of their ..,.'! .,?.!. !'" 'fulil election ollleers sfmll rerusi foriil ih' lrilutlei us iiloresnld,. r rtl ey . Iiif lio tb ,"S!f,"''V.","" V,'".' vloleneeVr li, m" rl -t ,,V:i''i llI",v",,"i V ut ""'h clojtlnn ills tri.'tm.iv bj rije'tol hi nny tribunil trilni- n contest under iM tb etto,,' ;v", "- , "fiil n5 oveMeer',1"""'1 '"' VC'IU" ,ldnU lw rr'"o I in Hkii. 12. If.. !..... ...... deputy ore. vr, or'nny oSpSK !.leV.;.o,;cos!;if,vt!,TOreo:ryi,ve,!''r eaiiso or iwnuU ilia sumo I.i ba iilveu out In b a Ilk whetouy It nny bu rr.iudnlJully used, or mrnls'i a iMturaliislioii lerlllleitotoniiy person who fcli ill not li.nii bi ou uxniutind und ssi'ornl i i l.V r i.iui'iuflyin jiii siiiiin or lliutlldues liijrior, iii'cord.ni! to Iho nctor I'.mKross.nrsbiili ... .... . ,r ssuy l-rillll llio Is Vr.".'!J' fi'iiudulfiit niilurnll7.iitlon crl!th'.i'c. lio shall l. Biimyor n hUU iiil.doine.inor! or II' nnv onnnluill riiiuiliileutly uo nny sucti eortlll. 'rati lulcut'y Issn.sl, or shall roti-nr nltcmpt to vole, on nnv i-i I'licn.,, or imim ,h.-iu - m.n;'!,,n?i,il,u1.i::';'i.l.""'i7.v ', Vi,. ";'c,lo',si K"ty 'f o'tber or tho inlsdc luniiors nroresatil, sln'l.on cinvlellon, bo flntsl f f " W.11' "'clime one (lumsinil dollnrs, u l-ibl'i , n;';'?""1.'," i,r"rcn,fiiieiiiiiuyror n period not cxeti'dlurf tl.iue iiurs. iil?,?c'ii,,;..u,yi"rs"nwl'oc" ot nP.lrm-i-11 in, in tr Ihioiu nny emit In Iho MUiic. or out. ctri.utlior l.,'l tuadmlnlstci imths, sh ill, ti pro. e.irou eerlllle.ilooriiatunillitloii,Wl,im,error slm.l bo dceinwl eullty ut la rjurv i nud ,m- eei." iiiieiiionriiiiunalia.ll.nl Issu.-d In pursusiieo or ,"yM i'f i "ill""-'""". irallo" or ninr matlo , slm I bti-uull nnd void i nnd H shall l o (bo duty or tbii isinrllssuluBtbusime, upon proof betna !'?; 0 ' 1 eollation, nnd nny person wuo b'inll ..i.'..r ,ulu,",?r !" v",Ci "" n"y wpcr so obtain. 1. or who shall lu nnysvayuld lii.ounnlveat.ur tllli'.iU', snnll uo Kiillly of 11 lulsdtmcnuor, nud upon eouvl.'l on Ihcr.or. blull nudeiuu T ali Im prisonmcnt lu I In- penitentiary fur not rui tl nn'sii5"ir1ni'i". ft."n.'"t' bio-o than cither , f 1 ,;v, t,.; :,,:".'.' v"'1""'' ur nix. II. Any usseisor, election oillcer or per son appointed ns un overseer, who sb.tll neuus-t -m:.'.",'"1.11 ,--'l-""iL.l--i or liKil eiiuse, shilt be subject t pelinlti' 'or ono hundred dollars, and It :;:!nth,enru,':: x: i '"L?y,.ia, .,e subject to uu ,1131 Imi for d,iuiiil(es liy tlio party itoi'JV',1! I'0"'"' ""a" iniiidiillnt y alter. Odd to. del urn nr ilnti f.w mi.- ii ,.r ...,.J:. Men. IUcd:w 1, , ' ' ..vH .t.n'l;V,r.for."n.Vl'u'r'.'i;c,'l'l,rP'w. tho person so SSS iS,5l 1"" n ,,,r,",li", 'l'"leiiieun'ir. not esceedlnit tlvo hundrisl tlotl us, or liunrlsnn inentnotexci'eillnB twu jinrs, or both ut tho dlselctlou or t.10 conlt. 1' ' r .5 ''Iw H lefrter hold under ..... ... ...iiKlO'lWCllllU. mo 1018 sbnll bo open between tbu hours or six mid .oven " ,."ck.v.11 V.'"." '.'.1 el" '' 111 o'eloclt, p. in. MM'. I., ltsball be tbo duty ot llio Heo'etary "'tbo colnlnoliueiillh (,, prepnrn forms for nil i.i.. ....'- m ixssury liy mis net, mid lurn. Isli copies or the h.iino to um county commit sloliersof tbo several enmit uu i.r ii... ........... weallhi and Ihocornty (oiinnlsstoners of each . '.iiij, nu.iii.i. NIJ.I I HS III I, O necessary nrier 1 uu leeeipb 01 1 lie sal ie, ut the proper expense of tl'Ul olllceis orthoelis tlii,! diMrlels or lliclr res I'cotlyc counlles cojdi s or meh blanks, In sue h . ...... ... . ... ....j w i.-n'ieien iLTiisjiiry ur 1 10 llschamo of Ihclr duil.'s uiuli-1 bi um. J FC. I'l. That Cltt...isnril.lu.l, ,tata. .... in uai serviuo 01 inu tsti.te or tl.u Hutted Htates lioserliiuriitK, on clerical or oilier duly, and who do but votu ss't.ero thus diploid, shall not bo ., . . .... - .: ' - ....... i,,.,7.,,. ......... i.'i'ii.i'i ui 111-1 1-1.;, n, 1 1 vote 111 inelr sevi-ial olecllon disl 1-n Uoibc.ivlio dulyo.ual- HKr. a. Tho net etilllle.1 "A rnnir B,.r.MQ llieiit to tho liet Itlllllliif In the ele.llr,eu ... it.i. eoliiliionwillllh." improved April llio ronrlb. Anno ll.iniliil 1,1.0 thuiiKiiinl I i,i l,iu,.i...i ... .1 "lyyelaht.ulid nil other laws ullered or sup. pe'iieit nuiiieuio uereoy re un amu 1; in Tin;. modi: or' voriNa. An At 1 risiil.itliii! tho inndo of votliu nt nil .... .......n , ,11 inu Misuiai couuiies 01 i ns coin luiinwiMlth. Hl.c. I J!, U tnmttil bu tlit Aennte nml Hume of Ueimu nlulm t 0 Um Owii.umiuultli i,f 1 iiuihvi. 11, 11 """" """'""Il mtt.itnil it tilicrcb 1 mu't ... iK'J'0,".', "hon'U Hfic mini; 'lhat Ihu qualltled oters of tho several eouiilies of this common- ... .. . Ki,euu, loA'usnip onrouitii nud special ileelloiis aie beieby liereafler uutlnir 111111 leijillled to vote, by tickets primed or sevVmils.;l;(;di;vi:;I;os", wruu'u ..rVMr'S1!' "'."!" mUo tl" names ofnlljudses h , V.M.lrs.,.,.U'' "Tl1,""1 !",'.,u '""elled. outside J, . Kl.lr ' V."" lIcUct Khu11 embi-acolhenamcs OIllllHIIltu ollleers vo id lor. an ,1.0 1 MHO ; ' ono ticket shall embrace tbo names of all county ollleers soteil for.lneludluc.mcera of Heivi e, member and members or Asse ..Iii? If voted I'ir. nnd iiiembeis ul UoiiKrets, 11 vntisl tor. ...... u. i.iii-mu -Limiiiy ; ono t c :et shall cm- brace the ll.imi s or nil tow nship ollleers voted ror, and be. labelled, "iimiishlp;" 0110 llekc sh ill ciubiiieell.,- uninosor nil boiniu.li olllceis voted or. ,iii.l bo labelled "llorouah 1'' nnd" ach ela S' lrnd !,.. dep. .le I iiisepir.ltn ballot bues. Ami tbo JuiU.k .lio r-siH-ctlvo Dlsiilcts ? b.Vi'!"', 'IF 'J u" ', '"l"" "'H'lrcd to me t nt "" r",v" '" "lloomsburtr.wi UiVl 1 ' fJ '" n"ldayotel.ctloi,,irei,, ,u, I : ' - "" !.X'.,!My ""'ITOIIKK, then b t i ' l,lu tilings 11 rjnired ol them fcu'i.iT tlir (.niifmiitiiltli, 1 , , , A A hi IN Nl I nt HbcrlfT. f-her.irs l,l'.b-e. IIooiiisIiuik, heit. f,, li). m)AD QUAliTERS roii BOOTS, SHOES Affl GAITERS, IS A'P E.M.KN0.11R'S CJIICAPJCST AXJ) hl-ST Tho Couniv A fiords AT GASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, l.i'foro l'urclmsing Kle-cwliero. E. 3i. KNonn, r.LOOMsnuPiG, va. . Kept r mlKi-s, 1x71-1 f. JIUST ANN VAU K.ill 1UTION l" AsricnllEial &lirial Asscclad'oii ATlt.iV. IL't-SllA-l, WKIINISIUI-IIII I.SIMI IMI Kl ip.IV l.wi lll,- .lll'i,,.''1,l-1l'l51". I""1 "'lb Il. IiISllllLl 'Iho .1 Unlet orilieas.oi'bilnn In. eludes iilliil Schuylkill eouniy.nihiniblacoiililv soullinnd east of Iho MiMiiiehnniia lllv.r and county ""' "J ""1""" lleys in l.us'eruo J,5uO.(tl nll'eted In I'mnline. No ebarea r.se day' o.,,l.!alrlk'''- ','""U M" 011 U'M a h rxcuiff.iii Tu kits will bo lu.ua 1 on nil Hull rrn.is iiaiiiiiitoUiimtown. ' Ali.llrt.sliiA-.-Maoii tickets nno ilnlbn whleb .1,1 ll.s tl,o luuiil er to one se uou ','( tor U.iir.lir, nun Ioi Ins wife, un 1 Inur 1 hiule 1. In t or ,iduiu.loii l.,r , hli,,,',.,, 1)f Iho pi,.. Ai. l ub lleuusr,,, in,, will b sold nl one dollar' hlcbl.l adl.ill live iirsons. is ","11 8 1 ',k1.u,rJ P'y'i'o r" j'Yl'Kir mcU"!!! r ""''tion up- 1 :..! ji 4i ""'t'c.t.,:l.i,liudi.ah. "'P'-''" W.M. (HUNT. I J)H?MJ.UT10N KOTIi i:. i, 0'!"?" 'l0.1,'1' ''''' tlin the rirlershlp , n ? ' lt"I rl'l. i.iansiiel'im blulnes under IheBliii liiimeol MHN1)1:mi.vi.,iuu KUI'l'lir Ins bi.n disniueci uy it i u l un I isiiiken , A 11 pel m lib knowluK ibi m.elv.s Ind.blid lo llionbovo b in, nio i. iiuestedto niiike liiiiiiediiileii.uniVu I bo books ins i n 1, hands of l;. m'k.nDISn: Patent Medicinoa. QNU M 1 1.MONOI-'M Vli-i HAVK1). It isonenftliorcmsrknblofactsof this rcmar kabio ngo, not meroly ihat so many persons aro f.nnii'i'CM'' ''y'VP'1" nr Indiltosllon, but Its wllllnu victims. Now, wo would not be. under, stood to any that nny ono reardsd,vspcpsl with V"? J l";i'"i;l to rank ft among llio luxur csof lire. Kar from it. Thoso who Wo experleneoil Ha torment would scout such nn doi. All ilrend II. nml would nlailly dlspenso will, lis unnlons.nit famlllnrlibs, JlarkTapley. who was Jolly undernll the trylnitclrciimstniicfs 111 which ho was nlieiHl, uovcr had nn nltuck of dyspepsia or his Jollify would h.ivo sp -cllly larsiiiienbim. Jlen 1111 1 women sometimes suirer 1 ... '"! "omplalnltiiily, hut whoever heard ( r ii""!1 w r"J"'''1 1'""" 1 lium.in system I, l.,ble, there i peihaps no ,iuo sntienerally prevulailt its ilyspepslu. Thcro uro VV. rv.. i7. pniiiiiii.iiiiii winch mora f.7i,.tn.,iy ,"",;u r,lln1' ullt '"""-'i tho eilect nr 'in r.UM". '"lif'M'ni U, the ni'iid ami an positively illstroisln' loiho holy, ir thcro Is 1. svreteho.ymliii.- lu tbo world It Is A CONKJllMUU DYHrillTIC. llut II Is not our lulentlon In dlseanlnn tbo linrrors or Dj-spcpsla. To ileeerlbo ili..m trull. fully Is simply 1111 Impossibility, It Is poksIoio In point out n remedy. Wo have suld tout dyspep sia Is perhaps tlio most universal ol human .lu. eases. This Is cmphntlonlly llio cum In tho Uul ted HtntLS. whetner this general previleueoU duo to Ihocliarncter or tliu (,i..il, tin lnethoioi ts preparation, or tho hasty iiiamur In whirl. It Is Usually swallowed, Is nut our pros Inch to ex. Pla 111. Thjj tirvnt Mot with wlilo.. wo nn culled loduills thlai UV.SPIirH.A I'ISEV. ulmost universally. ,iJ;'','Y0!rJr "t.'.cr Person oil meet Is n vlo tlin, nnd nppircutly wllllii't ono; fur worn 1I1M R w,'i' " '"'my suirsrers, when 11 cor i "PJ0 n,"a ""tf remedy Is wllliln tho isisy if ?,?..'.?. w,il." Ut,i 1 "'" Iheiiiselves of Ht llut llio tr.i orlty will nut. UlludoJ by prijadlco, ?,'. ? u?V'? "om! '..r ""Pl itio 'l lutfiience, rnL i "! l,cePt ti "I'' proirjred (hem ,iw.l.r!i!'i',l"'r "J-' l.u 1110 'll'uony or (bo thousands whoseiulIWInjii hnvo Uen nflovlalod nnd will, slrango Infatuation, appear In cllnif Willi ilespornto determination tj tli' lr ruthles. iS.,?;';'Jll ll,t"yndyspi.r,tlol Wuaustnu remedy ? lo tthlcu wo reply 1 Vhls (treat nllovia turnl htlimn sunerlliK la almostit'l widely known ns t'.e l.'iul's:i lalniiuo. It has nllavod the uu'.ii.s .11 1 lousanus. anil is nuiiiv -,.i, 11 inousaims, und Is to-suy c-irrvlui. - - - - .trjiivl IT 9 t-.4JUs44rjjs ()g otbers. Tbb. noUnoivlcdjod l'uciu'ea Is none cotulorl und cncouruKCiuent t-, lUousands of Uu. lioon.ANij-a ouitMAW jjiiteiis. Wonldyou knnw mora of I lie. merits of tills wonderful medicine than un bo learned from the c.sperl..ii.j id i.lbefs? 1 ry u yoursoir. aud whin lllms failed lo lullll tbo iioourani-o ol lu! r!?.?"fy ,!lv',u u' tho pioplolor, thou ubandcu l.::t IT UK .tlSUUUIIBUUI), SCJ.ofl,,llaa IKIon.VNIVS (IKItMAN iiir L hits Is not n rum hoverai-o. They nio not nlcohollo lu any asneo of tho term. Hii v nru conipmid wholly of llio purn Jiilci, or Mlal tirlnclplu or toots. This Is not i. mero assertion. 'Iho uxtracts from which thev aro compouiued nro prepared by oun uf tbo nb est or (icrman cbemlsl.. Unlllto nny nt ier l.ltu rslu tho uinrsct, ihey nro wholly (rio rrom sprlrllHou, Ingredients. Tho ol.Jei'Uius whlcl hold isitheo inueh lore niialnst preiuriploni ol tli scions, namely tlidl a ib-.iro I.ir.ntoxicallni: drinks is btlmulatisl by their ice. uro iiot v.il d hi thoensuof Iho (leriuau llllters. fir from eneoHr.iuiiigorluculeatliiit n tiisro or deslro for lliebrlutliur beicniaes, It nny bo enulldeutly usscrted that their tendency Is in u illauiuncjlly opposlto direction. Their ellccta can bo IlES'Ec'ICIAI. O.VV 111 nil (aw of tho biliary syMom. HooH.llld'n (firman llldeis stand without un eoual, uctliur promptly and vigorously upon tho Liver: they remove lt.s torpidity nnd cause licaUlirul secre t S.11.""' 1"-,l,ier'''byuplyliii;thcBl uu.ichwltli tho most India pensnblo elemeiils of sound di gestion In proper proportions. Tlieyglvu tono tn the, sloniach-Bilinulallng Its fuucllons, and cnabl nclt to perioral Its duties ns nature de signed It should do. They impart vigor and streiiiilli In the. tullro syilem, causing tbu patient to feel llko another belug-lu acbj-lvlug Iiluiiiuowloasoofllfe. THEV rur.IFY THi: U1.00I). cleansing tho vital fluid of nil burirul lmpurl ties nnd supp anting them will, tho elemeiiUol ginulno he.illblulness, In a ord, lliero la scarcely n dlsenso lu which they cjinnot bo sarely und bolietlcbilly employed! but In that most generally picvaleut distressing unit drcndcU dlsoase, llys.upiLi, THEV STAND I'NIUVAI.EI). Now, llurn nro certain' clnssci or persons In whom exl ri nio Hitters nro not only uupalatiiblo but who llli.l It liuposslhlu Intuitu Ihciil wllhuut isislllvo dlscomfoi t. l-'or siieli I)n. lIOOKL.ANiy.S OUIiSlAN TON'IU has been specially prepared. It Is Intended for u.o Mhero n slight nlcol.ollc stimulant is io 'itilred In connection with thou ell-ltnown'1 nub, properties or tbo puro (leninii Illlleis. Tbla Jonlccontnlnsall tbo Ingredlenu of tliu Illlleis but so llayored its to remove tlio extreme hltler ness. Tin preparation Is not only palatable but eombliics.iu modlllod forrn.ull the vlrtuo or tho Oermuti Hltlirs. Tho solid extracts o somo of tsulure'a ebokest icsloratHesan, held 5?,."iV. J"."a bT ""Plrltuous ngentor thu purest qunllty. In eases ol lauguor or cxe. sslvu debility when, tlio system nppuirii to have become ex bautod of 1U energies, HOOI'LAMD'H TOXIC acts wltli almost marvelous etlect. It not nulv stimulates the ilagglng and M.iMIng eiierg Iw but Invigorates and permanently strengthens Its action upon thol.liVrniidMloiiiaeli ihm.Vi peihupslesspipmpttbiin ihe Hitters, when tho saina ituanttty s taken is uoue the less oeilulu ludl?es ou, flllltou.ness, I'byslcul or Nervous r!!o,.r"t "".S IC'I readily to lis potent Inllneuec. ILK lit s' !he "va"'' " uuw "'id stlonger hold up on lire, lemoves depression or spirits, nud In spires chcerlulness. Itmippl.mtatliop.iln of ills, ease with tlio . usont.il comfoi t of pcrlict health. It gives Mrcnglh to Menlt.us, HiriM-s dcsis'ii. ile nev to'lho winds, nud starts the restored In valid upon a neu- and gladsome carter. Hut Ur. lioi.ilaud s boneraeilnns tn tbo human rwouio not ooutlncd to his celebrated OEU.MAN IllTrERS. nr 1.1s Invalnablo Tosic. IIo has prepared ano her midicine, which Is rapidly w iLnlng its merits? This"!" Vor bec-",8 01 lutrluslo HOOFLAND'S rOUOI'IIYI.I.IN PII.IJ, a perfect Mlbslltuto for mercury, without any of mercury's ei II qualities. ' "'",uu"'" n J".','.Y0.',"'e.r,"1 w"k'h nro intended In ro,o,!hVlllu:o.ithor' "rU '"'""y COn,I"w6" of VITAL lUIINCIW.i: Of TIIK MAKUKAUU Now wo dcsll .1 Dm l-eii.li.r In ,11.1 l..nl. jt.i.ul that nils xl r.si l of the Msndmke Is m.iin" i . i J . . . . . ,,M' siuiiuraite ilseir. .1 ''!" y,,"u, ol (Ills heiillb-ulvliig . .'ii'." " "'.''ei-tly l'." nod highly cTiicen. '.'in! 1 leiieo It Is thu lien of ihn l',sl . wi ere, ' ' '"'V!1""8,1 f V," ,''"'.' 'Hie any-- ol Ihu Mauaruke uro uimhed. Tho Voouol v n ACTS DIIIECTI-Y ON THE LIVBIi, stimulating Us functions nnd causlugU to mike ,u ,' ','ry '" r,''"""r "' f Prop-? '. ')'! I1""' . ll,e '"Jnrloos results which luviirl- I i- ibelrZ. l",,l!,fc,u,Vf,",.'!,?"'y ''""relynvol ed b llielr uso. llut It Is not uisiii thol.lveroi.lv unit ineir pollers uro exerted. The extract .it Matidriikcoutaluo.l lu them Is kklllfiTlly "im bln.si win, tour other cxtracts.snuo ol wh ih ilets upon thu stomach. n ,s,n i1B upper isiwel. ouo upon th.. lower luis els, and . no prevenla nny griping eUeet.ihu. proluciugn pill ihut in" lluen.es the entire digestive nud iillmeuiary ,. " si iiuu minium luns manner, nnd Us uu on entirely lieo Irom nausua, vomit ' lis ea Brlp,UB fnln" eoliimou to nil other purg.i. l'os.esslng these much desirable qualltlos. the I'odophylllu booomes luvaiuablo as a luo 1'AMH.V MEDICINE. No hnaschnl I sh"ul.l bo without them. Thev nro perficlly sale, requliu but mo for an ordl. uury dose, are prompt nnd etllclenl In iiellun. nud when used In connection iinh Ur. IliHillan l's Uern.ui Hitters, or Ionic, may bo regarded as certain spcolilca In nil eus.s of l.iver liinplalnl Uyspepsbi, or nny nr the disorders to which, tho system Is ordinarily subject, Tuo 1'ODOVUYI.LIN 1'U.I.s act upon tho slomncli nml bowels, corrvln.- err iiii....;roi;irueilons.wiiiiii,oiiitterIm ".'' I''" I'UlId ..p-ihu InNVill 1 nnew ' " nr. Iloiiilanil.liiniiig pmvldul luurusi renin. i1. i'".fl'LU'."'l"""'' H1V1'" I'" svorld ,me iiuliiiv purnlToukno;Vi'ari,UU,m ""u'"" " I)n, HOOl'LAND'a UltEEIC OIL. This Oil Is u sovcrcl.-u remedy for rains n nchesofull Uliids. ' i.. Ithi umallsiii, Ni uiiil.-l.., 'roolhaclio.rhlllilalns Spnilus, llurn.. I'aln in the Hack und l",i., Ulligworms, ,ie., nil jle. tu Us external applUa-' Ion. Tho nuiubir ..I euris. cUeelesI by it is asloii tshing, und tbeyare Increasing eierv ilav " Taken Int. rually. It is a tun. lor Ilfurt-buru.. Kldnev l) .uui, sl; k HenUae les, Colic. Ill i iii lery, Oic eia .Morbus, (.'lamps, Valus in tho Mloinarh, Coles. Abthlua.Ac. ' me 'ihe .u.ek Oil Is com p os. d entirely nf b.ntliitr gums und . ssenlliil nils', hiM line iwl lY.ui.Vtu I?.! '.'.Zu'," """'. 'i.u"'U in UiJ'i'ou cm pll.toftlle.ee. 1 sttl.cts ns u ileslriiltri I pain are uuly insg.c.,1. '1 l.ousnml. i"?urn t.eue lied by IIS use, sl',1 n Irlul by llioso M ho 111". ax.r,,.i!,,s!u"'i,',y cuuv""u " 'lli.se ll.midbs ulll be tent by cxprets lo 1?Ay. "iiL II'.,!'"'"," rPll".tlou lo (l.o lIllNlli. I'AL III KIi.');, Hi llie ( 1.11MAN MVJ.JL1NI hlOUE, uai Arch lit., I'hllndilphln; llt'1)'UiM- CIIAS. Al. i:VA,S, rrninldor. Ttu.e ntn-tdlimn ur rale ly Divsgslit Hloitkceren., tud Knlldu. Dial s.rywLiii