f!m,ITMTAN. . .. Ti-!.l a.-l 1K 1071 AniTIR 1 I I I' . J.11U.1.VI UU )l 1U1 w ilvu. 1. linwF.i.i.y"..'' it!:.-VCVi. 1 ivVriiinii.t. Co., No. 017 Chestnut Ml red, ' II Muiii'iiv, 1'jki. Innr millmrUeil Animal Tiixnllon of liniro(omonH 1y Ttnniili on THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Legal Notices. opinion or .itmai: Kr.wr.t.t,, Holiert (lorroll mid Clinrlw 1). Norton, vs. 0. (1. Murphy nnd j.j. uiukiiiiii. No. r,, Sept. T., 1S7I.1I1 Kcpilly. Motion for pro llmlnury itijiinc- lion. M'l.n l.ltt f II. n Il....... !..-... iVmiS J SiVnaS ihoy Btnnco cImrKe-i.tlmt tlicy.ni lemmortlio iiimcuono intention, if. J.ociut Mouiitiilii Coal ami Iron Cotiinri- ny, imvo erected upon tlio land leased, illlrcicUonn Itallroacl Tlmo Tnblo. LACKAWANNA & ltl,OOMSIltJ ltU It. It. North. JzU '1. , ' . :;,v;;;;:in,VnMrzr mi a.m. !i r. m. IVlltPIH IBIIHMHI HI I t -. I.TAWIMHA It. It. HIUM KUl'l:llTHTATION. tnii North. ""'"Kr0V" Injury la nbout to ho Inflicted upon tho complainants on tho contrary, If they tiro compelled to pay thli lax, they only hear their sharo of tho public burdens, proportioned according to their Into rest In real estnto not exempt by law from taxation. It would bo contrary to tho wholo cplrlt nnd Intent of tho tax laws, to allow coal breakers, homos, hams, Bhop9, factories, stores and olher Int. Iirovemunts to bo rptrrlnil In (wilmniin.. tho vitluo of lands, on tho ground that they had been erected or mado by a tenant and not by tho owner of tho soil. As between tho tenant nnd tho A1 10.0S A.M. Titu Cttrbon Democrat lina been ro DM INJ.STRATOK'S NO TJ0I3. I 1 ATE OF tlAVl 1 t UK SY. HCO D. ).f 'f 101 ftilm nlfttrnt foil nil theoM.itti nf linv. IK r v. '.n o Minim towrnvdilp, Columbia t .i v il d.t "Vn hrrtietnntetl by tho Hrttllcr n il com. . oS. IT. t'rcy, oi iMiniln twp. A 1 i" oiih unv us f anm n. demands ni?n 1 ti t i.tnte fi-cnP vi ctu ril .o mpko (Hem known ptiil i 101U juUcblcU 10 liMKe n.'vmont, without Oc .tv, H, II. Cltl.VSY, tuiais ;l Cw Ail in i u tiiatur. A 1MI N J HTK ATO 1 I'hTnOT FoeT" r MTATKOP ISAAC (MloOVMt. IjBU'J). T.HIm-h nf inlmlnlalrntlmi nn Itm ..iln nf Isaao Uroovcr, lato of Centre twn Columbl full II Ik ileoM l.nvnbnnll trrnlil n.1 If Id eounly, to Hamuel Neyhard nf same . All Person JiifcVl nil claims nr demand liidiiwiaai . , . , . -, , .... . . . . -- . A DMINISTHATOIS NOTICE. XX F-lTATH WII.UAM NMITIt, Hro'H. Lctlrrn nf AdmlnlMrntlntt on tho rnutn or WIN llnm Hinltli. Into of I.ncint townshln. Colttmhlji rmintv. ilrcnriHPil. havn hnpti (rrnnffxl hv thn HrnKior of nuld county to Kcnjntnlti Ailnntv, of lActnt townhlp. All porxmii havliitt rlaltm iitjrtliiHt tho rutnto of tho ilcrptlcnt nro request oil ti prrHPiit them for Rettlcmont, nut those In (klilrd to tht cstnto (o inako pay men t to lliouu- cii&'abMi&'i P" wxi in i iirii vi'itiiMiiH ii rn iiniti i . r' - . , nnil nuMir.i 1. 1. ii,m,. .iij(i..,.i f,. ,i... wn cn iney liavo Riven tlio lmnressof freeholtl. amf aro nersnii, i,r n,,n,lv- V1 c.l,wto l'i:.nlllxl.nK 1 to tho soil, a r,.,. rmlntnukul talks of a that tho Conitnlss oners nf CnlnmUi "u.r.8 mro01 tuo puwic taxes. 1 ''...... :;.7;.fnV( ff'ni,i.!nmi county havo IlleL'allv nnd Imnronerlv ..". '? . "I'0" t'x'Ui')'itiat counties, cw iiiumj I...- i assessed nnil vnlm il inlil liiii.rfiOi.i.,...iiJ lownsiups auti sciioot ttisincis re y lo Lr.io-nt so.no future period. 5 tho tin ncrvlMM o HEAD QUAUTEHS 11 0 0 1 J SKI UTS AND C 0 R S E T S, township, anil School Directors of tho V.i "J. "P?0"'1 "P? ! has been ro- School Jllstrict of said township, nnd "r.C01 J0?,1" 1110 laxoA 'K'I'useil, tiilKiit .Ii0.ii..itotiii.cititotoinaki, imyineiittoi: 5v.hJI,vKs'09 TOLAS, Ki Its orlRl. tbo paid Co.un. hsioners havo Illegally V ... ,u Vo.V'S, S " " 3; ' V iiraJAM'tN a'i'As m, autl is osaln do.n yeoman.- ser- ' l "TO TT mU vz-t..., .1 i m I'rent riiiise. Il v ... - n- " MM. AdmlnlNtrutor, nil I.liru u'..ouul illlll 1'lllAlIIK llw.r.ir,i.. 1.. n . n nlmi r.i.hi nil .In.. I. I I f STATIC ni.' Tl In M A W. 1 11 JTP 1 1 1 XH. llFf II. Hint mild col cctors mav bo restrained : "V.""' " '" "" vl iUcrn or n,iniiiiiiriiinii , ii tho raino i.r 11 rciiRnn of tho L'rcat Ietictli of tho irom further collection of mid taxes. ;,,,."?.. n.V.i iT.i,T.,..ii V. .'.V.'f." !,'d'inLJ.V'lll;." ''.'l Hherlll's proclamation and our publlen. , l"o actofi Aprl . 1811, 1'tird Ola, 7 " V' " i" rnii; -t r "y '" :j''i .?"'V in iHnnuiii. ... T.. ...... i , ., iiuttsctit laiHi. mm ait oiucr real rs am , i . . . 1 , -, Nn in w m n, .n iiumniH i nvinic f i n i Hull of JlltlKOElAVKI.I.'H OJlltlloil It! tho PvPI, i tit l.vr nv frr i i T tnvi.llm, nr.. of lnxM fr0,n obpylllff tho Iliandato of nrtemali,Hijiln,t llieilrralenlnn, rinioMc.l ii mu iiiirmmnri Iii (l.lo ,,,,,t,nr f,.r ... ' .i' .V.V.l ' t . " "r."' "'t I S Warrant. " l""i 'V ! wi . nn.l inoso limoinou in w.' "," i j iiiuuu miujL'ui 10 lu.Miuon iui ttiaio aim ?...,... i.i i.... i . intiKo myincnt wuuout uemv. IH AT M. V. LUTZ'S. II H SKIjLS telt..rl..l matter Is restrlctul nd wo M0M haa'lu dthS XloonWrS IS y f.lay until ncx week ho treatment of $Q . 1 urO, J 'f ; joKothcrMtanrf, nsluc It to hoWcf. n:r ltiC to tho actual value. tiio net or 181 1 Is comprehensive In us terms, uiiuer it, nitnoiti'ii not nam H.MLKI. CItKASY, Adinlnutratnr. Pltlvcr.il topics to which wo Intend to dill tlio attention of our renters. 'I'm'. MlllniiSnn rnr-klna nj lmtllv nq n 0(1 111 tho act. warehouses, eo.ll hits. itimI Icii that has laid her flrst ess om- tho M maehluo shops, wood yards and . t. ... . ...... t . . r t ... i"v iuu hii.itii.riu nun tm.v tjxj iiiiitii a unu u is ui uo priniea i.ciuaiter i-y , MK!u 1.lU n . . Beam power. Tho Columbian has been U.irr 70. I. Infill liv Rl nnm nnwnr fnr wnvrrnl I It WO 11 1(1 Ct'CIil- hnuPVnr. frnm Hut tfi.irs past, and has a circulation that '"Ictfntioii in tlio comphilnniils bill that 2 Lid not bo promptly supp.lcd by any lcteSli filott Cither means. If our hamlsomo cotciii- land for tho nurnoso of currylmr on tliu Biimrv weio to follow our oxaimilo business of inlnliiL' nnd iirniiarlni' m it piillllially as well as incclianlcally its "dvant iBcously, they nro claimed to bo B,ii,rnv(.meiiHvnnIiIilinprviRtll!ii-iitcr I'trsomil property, not liable to bo taxed ttiprocmuiioii(iuuLreBtiiiKaaitr ,,.,, 1)ccaui(, not mimed in the Mat. IJlllIllt'llUllllUll lord or to tho tenant: but as It has not been excessively valtad In tliu present model am unable to discover unv In jury to tho complainants. Hut oven if tlio tax wero uteritl l eeo noKrotinils ror t Ii it (;i antlu!: of a special Injunction which would not equally Justify such Intel fi'rcnco in any caso ot threatened Invasion of real or persona! property. And now September 11, 1S71, motion overruled andspccial Injunction refused. WJI, UlAVHMi, l'rehldeut Judge, A DJIINISTUATOU'S NOTICE SX. KSTATK nf IIKnlulK W, YKAtlFH ltKO'll. Tho 10-liono wovo Coifot ror 70c U..V. I ATK llr 1 1 Rlll.CI K W. Y.Afiril 1IKU II. . .... a. f .. A. butters nt nilniinlstiattnti tin tho rstnto nfl Tbp SklMl'Inn I lllt-ol, Im SI OmrBoW.YMKer.lato nf Inciisl lwp.,Cluml.la OKI II mil Ivlll. LI, nil Tun rcnnsylvanla School Journal jr Kcplember is on our table. It Is iainly tilled by tho proeeedliiKS of tho A r ii fi'Mi.il iniitli uof M ! Ilnr.l r.D.ti;". No, f.sl, Ml. olO. 1'., lul.l in 1 ".!, r.i.,Momtty evening H.'iiUmlicr llth, Ml, iliu inl'nwlns rusolullous vt In nll'LTt'it mill linulinoU'.ly ujn.rnvcill Will iikh, lllins pirns, il liivlnol'invMcnco tn liillii lliitil nur liliOst i-lll' lulu I'lnllu-r, Jmuii (linvf r, lui wns A liU'inUr of Uils .iilt wIioki. in nit uni iniuiicii wiui liifi .1 int u uur lalnvnl rfiunty. ilocenioil, Imvo Ihth ernntiil liy tho Itoulsti r nt wilil cnuniy tn .Mftrpnrtl YcnBcrauil iiuuiit'll r niirnini.ri in jtiit'imt luwiiinii, uuiuina I.hv cnuiilv. 1'it. All liersons li.ivlnif rlnlms nunlliKl Hip cstftto nl thi tlcrctleill lira i tfill(hlpil In prt'iclit Ihein fur feltlf-meut, ami llinso In- ucbti'il In lliu cslnip in iiinltu nnyinrnt lo mo uu itcrilnlie.l, uUmlnlslrnliirs. witlinul ilolitv. MAIKIAItKT YKAIIKIt. lll.UUUN l'AlllllNdUl, fcrpt. 871 Cw Ailtnlntstratoin. 7i X KCUTOH'fi K0T1 CE. ' 111 K.STATK Ol" IIKOIttlF. KWANK. Iinc'n. l.ptlpra iPHlamcnlnry on tliu pslato ol (Ipnrco Hwnnlt, lato of Mlrllln township, Ciililinliliv CLAEK'S COLUMN. MASON'S FRUIT JAES $2 75 PER DOZEN, PORCELAIN LIND. rminty. ilcc'il.,li:ivol)OPiiRratilpl l.y ilio Itpulsipr i,r until foiilily in Hlpplicn Jl.Hw.tulc of Miillln lnwniiiii,roIiimlil:i county. All persons lnivlni! uto. and nro not to bo taken Into cnnsiil er.itlon In valulii'' tho land, because as between tho landlord ami tenant Ihn . . . ... : . in in i huh iiiiuiii'ii wiiil inn llllllllinejs Ilin.V UO removed UurlllL' tlio liulLi nnilln whom m Iml Ihn Blroiiiro.t nil. term ilplico nf useflllnehs In Iho luuilp, nnil llmt In Ms fril..ii liiitlitlnrru nrn t1l.. f,.,. n1(, I lli'Hin nils iinny iiiivo in nppiiiiii 1110 loss or II uu it'iiumjia ivsui:iuiiuu nun iiiiiui-i i iiiuu ijcuilt fitru ttrc (OlllC.mi 10 the free- lat Inj; thereto, but Is nn Interesting '';,';' and form pint and parcel of it. iinbcr. Tho.oiirwioiiKhl to bo taken , ' , , ',' ,''' w n u 1 read by all Teachers and others hoU3U ... ,. ..... I...... innl.ii,.,,.. nr , ..,., .Cicla!ly connected wllli tho common, assess tho land and houiu heiiarately. mt a.. . .... . r it 11... 1 r l.n H...1 . I I.... l. I iioois, i ricu ?i.i" per year. i. x , "i n uu mmo unit um jiuusuiuis nfun I'K'Kl'.nsilAM it Co., 1'ubllshcrs, Lan- 'V 1 10 K"U, .r 1,10 '10 claliiinn iliisttlioentatffm'njut'stetl to proton I Hum to tho llxtcutor l Columhla County, Pu. 1 hniii lmlcbti'tl tolhut'Htittoolthnr on nottJmlt( nii'tit, niortuntfo or hook nccount will multu linyiia'Ut to tlio j;ccutor without tlMnv. nort. V71 Cv. j:xecutor. The Prti-siam Corwt for Si tH The IMragon is a ( 1 lnvo-11 tllnjr, I lllpiroiT, bono Coivel, band-'oiiiely liiiisiieil mill Is tlio liesl coim.'I overoiiii--ed In this lowii ill lliojiriev. M. V. 17UTZ In lite Kirlu.--!vc aycnl for il hi MASON'S ONE QUART JARS FOR CELAIN, $2 00 PER DOZEN. .' i in. Tliat wo ilor tlv HVinrtntlitn vli tlin f iinlly ntut irlcmN of tlio itccoaKt'il hrotlicr uinl iHiitottcnorrchOcct. will Ompo tliu clmrtcr tor Hlxty ll.tJN. Ji ""tli'tit, That n ropy of tliceo rpsolullnr.H I ( t.i tit to Mm r.unlly ot iho i W cciisol itml l-o imlj. U u'l in tho county p ipor. T. J. Ml 1,1. Fit, "I JI. II. Mitou'N, y Cointnllteo, C. W.'i'itmtr, ) A DAUNlSTIlATOir.S NOTICE. fir TR or O MEIi f. f.KK. PLC'P. 't1 . u ?ltii n s r.it.on oil tno istnto fit 1 . (I .1 , Ten' Moiitoui 'Wp I'nluinhlil i .iii- 'ii . i ' f iii "ii unuiiivi 'iv i iio lli'iilsior i .nn i i i is u w, n ii ns i" Jion- i . m.nv,, ..i,, nit. . nun , am persons X) ShVinLr M kin. o III I'll MP0 W CPMl. r.i.ooMsr.uno. -:o:- oistcr, I'a. illi.ACic Hass. Tho propagation of Ibl.ick bass In tho Juniata river and other streams In tho Stato has been tried with great success. A few of tho Efl-.li wero brought from Maryland a year ago mid placed in tho Juniata above Ijluntiugdon, and now millionsofyoung i:is, from ono to three inches long, ills- kirt in tho waters. This fact should jauiihu an organized elforl to bo mado to yond its market value Itoclc tho riiisiiuchiuina with this palat Ihlu food Hill. A I.AHV asks us for a receipt to clean (lirniturc. An old am) experienced t.ihiuet maker onco gave in the follow ing which ho pronounced tho best prep- ir.illon for cleaning pictuio frames nnd storing furniture, especially that Inincwlint marred or scratched : It Is a mixltiro of three nnrts linseed til and ouo part Rpirlts of turpentine. Jl not only covers tno uiv l.itt nil ores wood to its Sinil leaves a lustro uimu tho surface, rui on wiui o. woolen rag. i;x. assess it at all. liv tlio act of Asseniblv. teimnls nrn required to pay all taxes assessed dur ing incir occupancy. Jr, therefore, tlio land nt its full value, Including all im- lirovemenis upon u weio assessed, va perhaps It should be) lo tho hndlord or owner, tlio tennnls could not bo heard to complain that tho land was valued too high, on tho ground that tho im prevents wero n'sniul nottholnndlord's. JhoiniKiiorileouiii noteomplain becaiiao his land would not m fact bo valued be yond its market value. And if tho In terest of tho landlord and tenant wero separately valued, as was done by tlio taxing olllcers and annroveil bv 1 ho Su premo Court, In Logan vs. Washington county, Ti, Casey !I73, neither parly, nor tho nubile would havo lust ciiusn of complaint. It is worthy of remark that it docs not nniioar that tho luul leased to the complainants Is assessed nt all other wise man uy tno assessment of tho buildings, breaker and improvements of which tho bill makes complaint. in r.iigianu inn question nas tieen 1,0'AI, XOTHJIIS. Movfu lino's, hao ilfly cliter barrels losoll. us tun i ..iiiLifi" lie ilettilenl i nitusliil o p. iili! trim hi hbillemcnl, il "10 e iiii'to nl lo lop ( stulp ,n innkn pay to ,n i .leii.iiU .s.Liieil.ltdinln s.'ainr.wllhnnl :v. j ; I.. s umint, itu:: l;).iv Ailuunwirator. UNION FRUIT JARS, $2 00 Per M t'olrtto 1)11)1? IIoro rower. TiisriMostAt,. Wo the unacrslfiiioil cltlcus or Columbia county, Ph., huvo witnessed tho worlt loj of M. JoidsoN'rf Triumph Potatiiiin J IVtr.ut tlldcr, upon tho fnmm of Calkii ItAuroN, of llloom township, nml .Iamt-s Hoth, of Hemlock township, nml Uo certify tlmt tho above unmet! mnclilno It just tlio thins thit tho farmors of tliiH county ncctl. The sreat mlvaulugo In siv tliU nmclilno U th.it It does not cut or brulso tho potatoeH ami illi them as ctniely ns they cm lo ilu with a fork ami nt mora lapld into, C.ileb llnrton, illnomsburif, I'a. llnon.IiKoliy, Clinton Itoiibin", " " " Harvy (irot, " ' " Jacob l.vans, .In III CH Unit), Win. II. Hlioeinnkcr, Jacob Iliirrl". Wiu.Ohl, I. W. Nll.US, M U I V, V A 11 K 11 ) O M H A neon nil nssoilment of MMI'.rll NIHHI''. HAM'. .M.'.VAVM ON I ONrnill'lHAH, lUick Horn, 1', I'f.AtlOIXI'U. MlssiosMltln-l nml others sojourning In for- tlKn IanJs shoiil.l not f.ill to tnko Willi Ihem n Ifooit Nlipply ol Jutinion't Anniiilyiw Liniment, It U tlio most rcllihto luc.ltcllio lor all purposes there Is 111 Ihu woilit. i'l-Spring Skirl, ll lnch lapo (',.', eenl". You can nUo find a full lino of DRY GOODS AN J) NOTIONS AT V.OTTOM I'UICKS AT iM. P. LUTZ'S, P.IlOWHll'S JlbOOK, N'HXT TO COUNT HOUSE, 1 OlWt A REDUCTION ) It E M 1 U JI Ii I 8 T or Til R SIXTEENTH ANJIUAr. EXIIIIUrlON or Tliu COl.UMIHA COUNIV AUItlCUI.TUItAt,, 1IOIU TlCUI.TUItAr, AND MECllANlt'AI. ASSOCtATION, to nr. im.n at 11 I, OOMSDUBO, PA. OH WKllSI'DAY, TI1UKSDAY AN11 MIHIAY. UKolicr Mill, I JIIi mid l.'llli, Mi, An Mprrlliliirnr MiIh litnil tnimL Imvn ft HVRtelll In rnrrvlLi.t. u-ttli tnlur.ptlnn. pxlillillom nllll (ontrlliiilorn will plfiifto retut thn lollowlnff lli iilriiellon..nn'l como to Iho t'nlr expectlnffto uiililo hy them without luklnK for niiy nllem tlon. J. J. IIUOWKK, Sco'y. CT.ABS I-llOUil:H. Huiierlnlentlcnl, Km MtNiiF.siiALU JrniipsIinnirl MorrU. Nehetnlali tteese. Jno. (1, uiuck nmt John ..mer. llnl lilooiloil Hlnlllon 112 0(1 " hlnlllon lor all work 7 " hinllloncolt(iioiour1yciirK.. 0 mi " 1'iilr ilrimuht liomrii M k oo " pnir enrrliiKo horwcn ii ' lirooil innrH Willi colt nl litr HUte 11 oil M uliiijle enrrliKO horno or mnre fi 01 " lionioorniiiro U'twieii Siiml I jenm. I l " mare or Ki'lilltiR heiHien Jniul Syr. I u ' lleot iiini o or hurso colt liotM een I ami 2 vent n iv llchl hoi mi or murucolt llliiler 111 liloiillm. 3 W pllir lillilell COIW, unuer yiurit un kt'iitniiiirreN 5 w' lienjni'k oOJ I hi i r loiues lonlocoU between 1 inula yo.irn 11 ol " under 1 year U w xhlliltors umler this clns will livo tholr horses on Iho Krouoil hy len o'clock 'lliiirsuiiy inorulni; when they will buex.nnluuii. CLABS 1 1 CATTLC Hit pel iDlClllleilt, CYRCii MtllK.NIlV. I ii on . s TnoiiinR Ueess. I'.cubcu ltouctl. II tram I less nnd Mju.u.iu JUrtiinn. sthulSyes s o'il nml upw.iriN $10(10 ii.r PeiKc -ii - p no -1 iciirs oM lieu 1... i.r, tvr.n I ii nil '2 i.nrM ..'.I IS isl i in-, o s-e.i' s nu,l llpwn-ils Hi) ' he p- liotwfrll 1 and i venr... II I' I h.i cn'luniU' onionilis 2 IM i e i . lielween 2 nml :llenr 4)11 ' hi. c. uailtr II inoullis An, ll, tn 0X v,oi.K. !. , !. '1 'I unit n ii. I itmvnt-il. 10 00 ' Ull I OlllWO. 11 - in . nirs ' " "1 I1 till J IrtrM o i (.J 1 " rulfnmle id tnonilm y,y 1 cocll.ven's lino tipwrtnls (I I'll ' lie . on ween i. noil :l yoAls 1 (' ' In .' nc, wietl 1 p oil J cdr II t-J 1 l.e er uuiltil' 111 nlonlu.s .Aj.ilt. Al.nnr.NEV (rocK, 111 st Im ', 'A rn's nuil miiirils ri(Xl l. ii ou int u . no.. .vcnr-i w ' " I li''i! 2 eiirs 3 I'J 1 . iMiilnr ' it'ontlo AO 1". 1 rov- v ' s r'ld r nw . its ' 1W ' l-t i . ..i. it .1 ii -nl . vnirs 4 C'1 I ptj 2 enis - HI" ' 11 under IJ tiiuu.oli Al.l2i'. op miku ..ro( K. Pi vl hull 3 ( nrs -n.l ilpwimls s (- " i'.i l . run i.sears "Ip id 2 veaiH 2 l.i " miller t'l inoullis Al. ll, eow I, VI i v iiutl lip.MHllS .ll lie e ', ne vieli I nnil 1 .MiirH 2(0 " " . nml ; ei'is 3 '"i " umlci u uiou. ns Ai.y. nativk srock lletlili'l3ye.TSl'lil npwirds 0 I'J " liy.neetl -lilld ;..v(iirs .. i ' ii ! mil 1 .Msirs - 3 ed nmlcr id inoiiib Ji7. li. cowlie:i HAtiil upwiuils he r OHtween 2 nml 3 jears .Ill under Id months Ar,lb, OXIIN AMI blEEP.S. rjesl voke oxen oi jcit.Ttul woi'kclhy ex- llesl J une. MecH hitliieViTnnii'iyMPi. . i 0d l i.n.i i.iru .Lin on v.. iitrtr ktorlc retiilv for tho lud'LcH lo exnmlne hy lo o'clock A. M. on'lliiirs ilii.nud to remain until 3 o'clock v. M. on 1 rl- u.iy. L'l.AS-i Ill-'iWlSi:. Hunerlnlcuiloiii, .1a con IIAl.r.is. Juikii s-.Sainuel lliiceuliuclinnil John ll.Yobo, M cureillinm Ao. ll. " sample hausiiku M " aumplo yeast m fio 11 liardHonp M .Aa.ly. " Kort nonp hi " gallon maplo inolAHaeff,, 3 lu CLA83 Xt-HOUSEItOLU MANUKACTUHEH. Hnpcrlnlciiilonl, I.ixjtii 1'axtoh. Junorn Mm. Blmon Klilvn, Mr. John Znnor MrR. Jeftso Jilcka nnil lira, Handcraou Wooda, test 10 ynrda of flannel II m " S yards woolen cloth - IM .. loyardacnrpet 1 60 ' Dynrili plain linen 1 M , " dlaiwr " l ni " knit Wool alocklnits... 69 lolltcna Jff.lw. " cnlloli atocklnss Ut " liomo-nmrianlilrl '. 1 fto " pair woolen blankola 1 on " jinlr linen ahocta , Aa.lv, 11 liolne.uiado ahlrla M v, CX.AS3 XII-rAi(CY AHTICLKH AND FLOW- Hui crluleoJcnl, J, II, IIarvak. Jitiiok tra. Ilitntol Hnyittr, Mra. Ametln ltutler(Mra.Alary Jleas nod Mlsa l'rank Mlllnnl, Ileal knit quilt II in tidy 1 is) telling; work 1 l.l apccluieu beail work I is) " shell " 1 I'l " burr " I "I " leather" 1 0) " hair " 1 ll wax " 1 li ilrAwtng , 1 i) pnliilluii 1 no Hlllc cuioroldery I Ml cotton embroidery M worsted embroidery ... 1 on ' mat ri cotton mat ..... &d workoil kllppera , 1 ul fancy pin cushion 1 ml licnj urosa 1 on RIHiclmen inosa painting 1(0 collodion of dnhlloa Ml nrllllelatllnwcra 51 speelmcu or house plauta lu bloolilM J Ml " " lined 8riisa.... ryl " llowers fsl " " prnmaushlii...... 1 1,1 variety of Ilowcra.i .. 1 oil class xni-vniiici.r.s. Kupcrlntcndcnt, Dr. I). V. MoXTnoMIlllY, ,IUliuBs-l)r. I II. Itllne, Dr. V, II. Itebcr ami Dr. .Mclleynolds. Host family cnrrlago ' open bungy H " top l)UKK " farmwiigon " pi nig Wiioii lor fjrm uso .. " ' " " pleasurti, " wh(elb,nrow M.. " Kleldh " fcutky 3 Ul . . Ii (II) (SI . Dtp J It) .Aa. in. 1 on 2 Ul tlLAHXtV-AmiK'Ur.TtritALIMW.llMSTS, MAun.Nintv, .S.C. Hupolutcudeut, (Iro. auiN.v. Jennics-llenry Delclitnlllcr, . C.Htiivo, IW si right li.md plc.r. " plow lor Keiurnl uso " left liniitl jtlow ,. ritthtiuul nit hind plow , " corn plow.. " RUllHOil liloA' ' Mjuare ilr.it; " ouo horso ctlltUator .. iwi, .. .. " " " corn plmter. ono ' ihresher nnd acpanln; coiulilneil. ...uer hihi reaper loihoincsl ........ llest hiood .oiv and pl. i-lx or moro... " lot flit hoSS, tMOOr IIK'IU " Hour " brood mis' " lot pics, 3 or more, utuUrS Utks.. o hlockliossoriuoie to ro II Ul 5(0 .I Ol II Ul 3 ID class iv-bin:t:i Kttpeilnlcmleiit. IIikam J. Hkkphi. .llMiors-lItliJjmlu Yoho n:nl Knocli ltllten house, loiswoi.ri. I'lI'MH, IN i li'iiV ', k Virion settleilbyn direct itdjiidleatlon. Iter;. Ac, s ,r Jin il enlor Ollost 7 Adolph .t Kills Ool In which It o.,-, ,n i h Hurf, ire wns 111,1,1 tlmt 1,1 tliuatlnK tho rateable win Contagious illso.iu-s.Michns horso n II, Blander, nioylio plevtlltetl by tho uso of .SVitri'ioo J Oirofiv Oiiidiltvn J'uu'ilcr, l'cl'Mius tiavdln UU liort.es aboutil lako unto of this. IIAIl.MilNICAH, Ac. Br.OOISTiUJlO. 3? A. (Irainl .liny Itcport. To llie Ilonorahio .ludgeaof the Court uf (Jnarler Sctsloim of tho l'eaeo In nnil lor tlio county of Coltinihi.i : The Grand Inquest of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring fur the liody of tho county of Columbia i respectfully report : That wo havo pur Mi.mt to our required duty, calmly and deliberately inve.itiatcd all tho bills of Itiilk'tincnt presented for our consldora tlon at this time, and havo passed upon the m according to their merits, that we liavu examined tho public buildings ami llnd them In ordinary good repair, except tho lock on tho door lending to tlm cell"!, which should bo either repair (d nr replaced by u now one. Tho cells ami beds wero very neat and clean. All of which is respectfully submit- tel. SAMUT.L ltltONK, Foreman. TOHACCO nnd HIHIAIW cm bo buiijht nt the Mammoth Uiocety of, I. II, M,wF,nl clly pi lees. Quality very Mipei lor. Try them. value of property, machinery attached to it ought to bo taken Into tlio account. without considering whether It was rail or pcnoiutl alette, or ichitlar ithclongal to the uimitora or me uiiaiit, ;ji j-.ng. j';, Ji. Hup. IM). 1 hold, thcreforo.thnt thonssesslng of ficers had tho right to ivscss tills prop erty. Jl tllO Valuation WHS CrroneolH. Tim klalemcnlB undo b- ilealers lu olher ma- ino remedy in regard lotiio tux ase.:e(l chines, tiiattiiey sen Now Hinger sewim; Mn- VIDl.lN STIlINdM Of TUP. I'.KST QUALITY. Wantkp, Two Miiart girls as apprenllco.! to tho Tailoring llusiness. Apply to W. .Ilouuis, Main street. ii31-2.i' by tho county commissioners wns bv appeal lo them. Ivlmber vs. Schuyl- uiii coutiiy & Harris iiiis. jiugncj vs. l.'ll.w. nl ..1 1! fl.... OOi, " 1VI1IIU ..1. VI VJ.lU bIJU. If, however, this conclusion is Incor rect, and tho property is not liable to assessment, tho coniplainanls havo n (ull and complete remedy ul law. If compelled to pay against their pro test, nicy may py nctlon recover luck tlio taxes collected. Hospital vs. Phil adelphia county 1 Harris ii:)(l, nnd cases there cited nnd Commonwealth vs. Stinger 11 Casey -lid. Tho distinction reeo.iniy.ed in thct-o eases between erroneous and Illegal lis fCSsnicntH is denied in tho recent eaes ot Whin ton vs. Horoughof liirmlngham i wrigui ;i7i unit uiintonMeiiool Direct orj appeal, (i 1'. F. .Smith 111.1, In tho inner caso it Is mid per Agnew .1. Hint "all of tho ensesiis?ert thoiloctrino chines Is not true, Tho Kluger M.ihilf.ictory supply no machines In Columbia county, except to their authorized agent, J. A. Don vx, no.liMf .Mono)' Lost ! Lost on Mrnday eenlng last, In dossing lliu (.licet fiom Jacobs' Il.ikery.n small potUel-boik (ouialiilng sooio money, Tl,o Under will be llb eially iewarde.1 by rtluriilug It lo Iho owner, n13-3t' JIKS. M. II. l'UI'.MAN. I'INAI. NoriCi:. All 1 crsojis lu.lcblcd lo me, must call at onro an.l selllo Ihelr iiccounls, I liasu walled liom ouo lo tho eais,auil now p.itlelico has ciMse.1 to bo a vlilue, A stalement of account has hicu nut to each lUbtor, ntul if any ( nor exists, it will bo chu i fully ioi it i led, sept.l,'71.3t C. II. ni'.UU IvWA V, TIIH I.ATFST SIIl'.KT MUSIC, AND OIKIAS' STOOLS A I.I. AND l'KICIW. A lll'.T'l Kit ASsOllTJIKM' Ol' OltllANl THAN CAN UK I'Ol.M) l.l.SIIWIIIIUi:. Til II TII.Ml'Li: ANCIF.r.K! OIUIA.'i WHICH HAH Till'. HWLIil'HSI' TONll THAT CAN III! I'OU.ND IN A iii:i:u oiuiAN. H-('all anil eMioilni. beforn i,uielialiu else where. Wan room Main stiiet, h, low Market, o.pi.sllo(loleH's liirnlturo ..irelooill4, Illi.oins liuig, IM. nug.'.VTl.ly TO MAKE UOOJf pit tlVATK SA1.K OK Fun: in DusimjtK. Wo learn from tlm Uiport Democrat that n tiro eaiiaing la loss of about Slli.tlOll occurred lu JJU shore, Sullivtin county, on tho 1st Inst. Tlio clothing storo of O. W. Kdgar, liilllilliig of Iiitcas Stefathcr, Hcacock anil Corcoran's building, shoo shop of judgment ol tiio taxing olllcers." If in Jacob M. Pealer, nnd a now building of ' , ,V,, ft,, 1 . . 3"Z"Km UI' . . . ' " . on tho el aim. tlio oxe in itlon wns ie Joiiii A. .Miner wero entirely destroyed. rusud, a court of equity could not rcviso .l.u'ob btvuvy'ii hotel wns also on llro thojudgmeiit of tho board by injitnc Lut waa nn veil. Tho Democrat adds : tion. Jf on tho other hand exemption Geo. W. Kileiii's stock, clothing Ac., V114 wiintouly anil niiiliclously refused, A curious an I utilimo machino for gilndlng eolleo liny liuseeu at M Mzli's grocery. Whether tho in ichlno was Invcnto'l to grln.l cotl'e.., or coll'eo waslnvenlod to liogrouoil by tho m ichluo, Is thn ori.blei.i lo ho soK.,,1. v.irl.ius iiiio-lts n rn that when tho general power to a-soj.s ei.simo.1 tor it. but tho iwst w.iv is to lest it. or at exists, mo proper remeii v inr llleaal least no and mo it. taxation is ny nnneal lo l ioso lo whom tho appeal Is ruiuircd to ho taken : and If none bo given, neither tho Common J'leas nor tun court can review tho Do nol r.nl to call at (nu now music waieroom ofl. W, Ntl.FS, as ho has j list received u splen did assortment of sheet music, noil n general iissoi Inn nt r 1 Mus.cal Uichaudiso, Ui) and hear tho Angelic Oi gall it t.ns nich u litiuitiful tone, pud rr.if. Ni i.ns will Lo happy lo show ;he lieiiulUs of bis I'lanos ami Otgans to all who wish, Uivo b, m a call, uug llj,71-lt untiling saved, Uim Sa.OllO, Insured SI. imo in tho Franklin of Philadelphia. hooks unu accounts uu lost. tlio remedy is against tho dliecters per sonally. If this vlow of tho law bo correct it Is HlNdEusNcw l-'amlly Hewing Machines ten itollais cash lialuiuo In luontlily Installments' J. A. Poll N, Atictil, nlooiiiburg, t'.i, no.3li-lf it K A I. i: T A T K! Tlio slili.ctilier olliis his well known Itllck T.lt ill, ill the I..U n of Nllliuilhl.l'iilulnbi.leoun IV, I'.i.. wl'h ull ois l.io.l and iiiiplovt uu Ills l lieuoii, lor .ale. On I ho talil piopilly.ls oriel- "h A It C !: 11 11 1 C K HOUSE ni cm. nl ss a Tavein.ii largo Khcil and all Iho lleLt.lly sl.io'liig. Also, o x : i) w ii ii L i is' a n o u s k nnd sliihto closo by tho tavern ntul about 10 Hues of laud ol which Ihtlo U '2 8 AC It i: S C Ii K A It K 1) and under gooil culllvallon nod Iho balance Is well llmberi.l. 'the said ptopeity will bo sold pi .vale, between now ami Iho hill tiny of Deto ur li, V, ami II not sold between now ami then It Will be ollered lit public, saloon TIU K'.DAV, l.lll PAY III-' 0CTO3C11, 1V7I, nl. rensooiililo ltrlos. I'ossisslou w III bo p.ivell lit tiny lluio tho sale is continued between Iho pin will inks nnd iiccounls nil lo,t. , 1 ' Vs vl0v 01 V10 1)0 '.'om'et,i V H I?. A T) () 1 1 A TVl I JJ l.ucas Stef.ither's btiildlng.liouso hold 'IceWvo against tho claim of complain- MiJ I-iii L H U 1 J. JU goods and stock of new furniture; loss fii.iiwunsitrcd s.inii in j ratiklli J'lilla ilcliilila. Dr. J. JI. Heaeoek's building, goods, Ac., loss 7,0k, insured for fl.tnid lu l.y- ,U,,lll II,,.o l,,,r,,,l lllu.ln.l- wtw en llro mid tho building falling in , "ru V ",','y c ""I""""" s when O. 1). J. and Michael Hy..n V!, VourVi'fL,'1"".3l' NlyH, Ir brought It out, saving his bundles of Jui l' y'' in delivering tho "pinion .. . . . . ... .... I nr II... Sin i,,v. nr. f'....l ,.l II... Il.ttlril noii'Sivc. nut ino uoous noineingi n tno iiik wero lost. ants to equlUblo relief. They havo failed to seel: the remedy given by statute. If tho views of tho court tn expressed py Jiuwisj;. .i. in Hospital vs. J'liiiaiiit. county aroacorrectoxposiuonoi uio law ii lies nml ii good llllo Ioi ill tin. will pro .eily ,, 1,IM.1 p, p.o pc.i.k. lor their 111 bo given by LUPVtlll 1IILIL.. ulteiliu, pursuant undo piuvlsluiis Mlliieillu, Aug S, IsTI, llligll,'7l-l. ..Vich, thilor, lo will A MU'VIHII'SIT I" ISHOIiUTlOX NOTICE. rsillIO HlSTOllY OF COLUMUIA a i ...... ii. .,r,.T,,i-jinii in lsn tnlsTi. I i, on, lli.il noil ullleil bv .lolls (I. rur.KZK. Ono volume octavo. m page s, cloth Si.W, h.ill library 4 I,.,! , i.. .,n i. i i'.u nriv hutorv orilmterrl tmy loiuptlseil within tliiilluiltsolColuinoliiand Mm.ir 11,1. vntoni.i ulves tho oriraulalleu bv Its ol Iglnal boundaries, Its subHC'i lieu t legMul Iso l eductions, nnd l ho erect Ion of Montour county, Aihapler on Iho streams and loounlalos tho sftVJiWKS MiESS GOODS lllf llllllU'HOl IllU rU'HlllflH JUllliCS ltlO llllfS, ll.i I'mihoiiotniiis, telltol, hlierltls ninl tho Attoinej- ot uotu uouunuu ttua .moo 'Turns ciapUrs on Ulooiiivlmrtr, Duivl'Ie, V,cx t.-,,.tf I'lllllM l.wii ntul th.a Hlliulltl lOH nv. 'nil t'llll' rational stalNtw. 'Jho ltinovftMiUfhiiou, iniij tnn vote on n uy lnwiihiuin. ... Tim m.iuiu hv inwiishh.x. nrltittlni! Mdiitour. fumi I.oto bio, uio t.ixabk Jnr 11 nml tho i. nt. ii.uf .f ni-rtx. at In ml in i-neli townshfo. A t?i v fOHii'l tn lUt oi ihu inumhtTHof CoiitiicsM, .n'iin tvn.i Ilmifcf. ifniiKeniinn CoUiuiiiIa coun- iv, wlU lu'l mid vmloiis t'ku-tloti ittuui-i lor bitueaiul l'dieraicniie-i uy luwuhinpi. THE WAR ItKCOUO OF COLUM- III A AND MONTOUH couullfv, romprKlns tho munter roll of all Iho (1)111111111" Ull" 1'HllS iuiiiHiuiii iniiiiii'i .In Hut Ni). nf tlm Ufiillilfllt. Hit li.lttU-s they weti't nis.ifctil lu, with iiuiihiou- itcinsor llf.MJU.Ii IlllClt'nit . 1" "l 'i MiKnv ilio nnuii-s i.r ihofoiiKck'iitlniH-.rropIu t xt'iiiiiH lunl tut-uucistiipy nf .'PKihht, ivj-'nihl Juno IM.', heiua u coniok'te uur itroul of tho i in; invaio:; ok coli'muia (.ountv, tho iri ils oTout r!lt7on, thu uto.it nrsunifiil of JllilUO IIUK'K on .Military uiihuinminih, ami urn oplmmi ortlio UultcaHtnU'shiipruiii't-'uiirt.riOf tk-inulim ilit'iii, ToKt-llier with miu-li otliir rur iiuis iim.iiitiiiil. nnd HittTfVtlni' in itlcr. I tl kokuk A. i'l . UK, or i:ioiniihiiuH author iuil tn lui'lvf subhtirlptloiin lor lhnworki to ho pulil lorou ikui-ry, una. lJi-am pitOPOSKD -AMKN'HMKNT TOTIIK CONSTITU TION OF FKNN.SYIjVAN'JA, .IfllNT ltl-.SI)I.lTl'IOS l'roroslufi mi timriulincut to tho Constitution nf I'tiint4 Iviml.i. 2ie it Jl vh nl by the Hemite mul Hume rf 7.V;rc jirnfVin 1 the f vmmunutalth of J't nn. Ivan tit in I Cenirul diti uiMyitut, 'U1.1l I ho luIlowlnjfuiiH 1 1 I - I until ot mo t-onsijiuuoii ni 1 111 v Loiiiiuouwi-iiiiii or 1 iii'ir ni 11 ni 11 11 o piovlslonsor tlu Uiith 1 j 4 UO Vi (0 t t'O I LU fl (0 3 10 lmy Turk , lurtablu cliler prcic , fiover liuller suiiHfltfo urttuler wrLHhiUKinnohluo rloitit'.H wringer Kruhhlntf hou.. , , feet lnlntr'd pk-kti pair or foro ana hlna horse Rune..,. hiiarpciicu uriiu... nip 2. uu lh 2, mi ; Ihn 2 UU Ihjt 2 (1 j mi ; Jl fi no Jhjt Jhp Ihn Jh,t ! 1 UU 1 uu 1 00 1 IU M lff.ll. -If.llA Jhp Jh ,..Jfjaml i lu lkstM.cl: " mvo " lcit of himhft, nut lus than eljht. fOL'THDoWy. Ilrst lilirk " fve " lot ot luiulis not Ik than S common Mtr-Cf. V.Ohl llllfk " I'M!'. .. " lot ol Limlimict less thin S Cr-AKS V-1'0ULTUY. Knrx'rlntendLut, Iiav. I). J. Wallkr, JupfJE'-Kir. v. Urlttnln. Ittv. Hut'.eustluf Kev. A. Kes.ei ana m v. w. iurnes. Itcvt htniiro Imkrv 10 11 is ilotiKhtlo mrlti'y - ' " luahma pooti.i , mi " diU-ki'iit. Ao. u. " fiVhV rt(.ll, " iluctiK A'J. Ijf. " ami l.uijiU Ulsplay of tamo plKeous.lj. I. ' " " poultry H 00 CLASS VI-cmAlN, KEEUrf AND l'LOUU. Kitperlnlenilcnt, John IH.tz, Jumaa Siimuel Kolchaer ami CluulcH Mow-ter. test li:iy poumWwiient llcur iii'i-Kwiicai nour " jeilour om meal lia'l huslic1 elori-r ht'til 1 mothv si'nl luisliel led wheat wlulu whcil! ron von boots, mn amd imm, m at 1'. U. Cori'Oritn'rf liullilliii' nml tmrl nf lili furnltiirt', loss ?2,000, Insured ?l, IU In l-ytoinlntj. .1. JI. I'l'iilcr, slitio slioji, loss f 10O, not lIlsuriMl. .1. Ktrevy'd hotel ilninu(,'o 5-310 not In- hiircd. Hfiiry IR'Isz ofii on liquors f M)0 fully lii'iircd In Bccurltv. of Now York. J. A. Sllllur'a bulldiiii; loss S:10L dot insuruu, Stuto rah-. of tlm Huiircmo Court nl tliu United Matin In tho caso of Dow vn. city of Clilcnuo '! vol. I.ckiiI fiazctto UiS, " will allow lln Injunction to i-stiu, to restrain tneir lino luxiiij; omuurs) action, except wneiu u iiiuy uu iiuces-ary 10 irouvi nit) riKiiisui iiiiieiuzuiid wnosoiiroiiorly is taxed, ntul ho h.n no remedy by the ordinary proccH of tlio law. It mint ninipiir tlmt tlio enforcement of tlio tux would lead to a multiplicity of suiti, or nroduco trmmrable Inlur.v. or whom llie tiroiiunv h real e.stuie. inrow n c om upon tho tltlo of tho complainant, lio- 10 in inu ma oi n court oi iipniy can ixi E.M.KN0RR'S CllKAL'KST AND I5F.ST Tho County AH'onls AT Nnliro Is horiliv lit ell Hint Ilio pnrtrrsliln l.fUliiliiro.'Slslliu' liiluiell II. .MKNIlHN Jl AI.I. ntul I.. II. HUl'l.lir. lliiu.firtliit. buslut'K uu.ler llll'llllll lllltllui.l .Ml'I.MIllMIAI.I.UIUI HUl'l.lir, llllS lift 11 tllsslllMll hy lllUllllll I'UUSl'tlt, All ici sous kuoM lliu Uu lilselvrs llultbUtl to tliu iiImivo 11 1 iii, nru iciiuisti-illii lunlti. lmiiif.tiuleui uumu, 'Ihu htsils mil 111 lliu ll.lll.ls nf II. MKNIIKN. IIAt I., Inr fclltUllHIlt, III S. II. Mlllor A. Hull's stun.', il Ktl eet . near Kruks llotrl, lllisiius. bunr. rn. K. MIINIIIINIIALL, juiiunlir I-. 11. UUl'UKT. TyjOTICE TO TUKril'ASSKHS. All 1,1'rsnusniulcsnccliillysnnrtsiucn ftrohiTP- liy iiollll(il nut lu liesimss u.uii llie prelulsis of lliu uuiitrituiiiisi iur uuy purisisu wiuuusit, .u llt-si.ussi'lH will Ito liruucriU-il licnllist unsirilltii' to law. DANllll. HI'INK, HARIRI. l.l'.llIV, Isicusltwp., Alls, II, 1171. AND UI.OOJ1S- 1 AOKAWANNA li llllllll KAII.llllAl) Tho exhibition of tho Pennsylvania A S TT DRIIlUC .SttitoAirricultlirnlHoelelvwhlilioi'cui'ii " ..Vt"V V.."?...".",4:ll v aa U il K..-..T(.n iii Kr.r.ln,..!,,,- ii il. miil. wu vu llli'lllnmeil riiii, inu puny 111 If , ,1,?! ,' "", ,J''CI,"I',LI l! l1',:"1 'r whom nn illegal tax Is collected, jun ' " . " j'l .....jvu u u H uiniiiiw im I nrdliiiirlU' nnin o rciiH'ilv cltlipr iiLMiiitt 1 t nmr ntTm imi t i -nn i rrn WUk UUT HUii UAKItAIUS IN BOMS'AMD SHOES THIS FAIt Come and ExamiuB on nuilvitor July 17, IS71, Passenger Truluswllt run nn follows Uollllf North, (InltiuHotittl Arrlvo Arrlvo Leuve Leave ii. in. iliu. ii.in. a. ni Hrrmitou u.io 1.11 1.15 D.u', 1'lltsluu O.I5 11,2'. ,.11 1U.I13 Kliujsluu I HI, A w.lunuJriH bM uuiisuiil iiiaLfiilllccncu. lictlon nf uatlvu lllld inmortpil llvn blo;k will bo on exhibition, Includlni; horned cattlo, sheep, bwlne, Ac. Ono of tho proniliicnt features of tlio fair will bo tho (jrand trials of speed, which nro to tuku plain dally for tho largest premiums over ollered by tlio twlpty, anil wo nro assured that In this, us lu ull tliobranchesof homo Industry, competition will bo remarkitbly brisk ntul active. Arrimiromonls havo been concluded for tho finest nnd lanrcst Howl lllsnluv over Bhown nt nnv i.xhlbltliin of tho society, which will Inclmln nil tho rarest and most beautiful vuileiles fi oi nativo nml oxollc plants. i.inerni terms navo neen mado with tho dlll'crcnt Itallroad comnnnlis. bv which excursion tickets good for tho round trip will bo iasucd tit L'rcatly re duced rates nnd till animals nnd articles that havo been i.n c-lillililini nml vn. main utibold will bo returned frco. Tho prospects of tho society for n brlllant lair Imvo never been moro promlslne;, liud ns tills Is tho last (ivlillililnn ii,..! Will occur In this sretinn r.,p .,,,ii., of years wo ho 10 our citizens nnd pcoplo of tho neighborhood will eontrlbmo Ibcrally In tho way of entries, nttond In ii body nnd muUo It both crcditablo unu ouccosstul. lav of . ii. i . . '7..v ' . ' , ' . A i..,1r.,,. 1.1 ,.,,1 I""""" ") UHI 'IU .I ..II...J l lllll-l .IK.HIISl A splendid col- ,i.Q ()nieei- nnikliiL' tho collection or tho body to whom tho tax Is paid. Jlero such remoiiy oxtsieii. u ino lax was llli'L'eil tho plalnllll pi'ulosllni' nlu.st iLsenfovcemeiitmlulit havo had his nctlon, nfter It was paid, against tlio olUccrortho city to recover back Ihn 1'lvmiiutli Khlclisliluiiy... IHTM II IS lllooin U'llivlllu. , S.I1 7.11 1 7,11 ... MS l.lll r.vji ii.ni n.ii n.:o '.'. u II.IS ll.ll II...7 1.V7 11.10 amk.vii.ii:nt. KtrlltKi.nl tho Mil Illhi'Cllnimf llioKUIh Al 11 cli. of tin' I'oustltutlou, mul luscrl in Ik-u Ukiu. .,f ttu, tt.llowluir: . a Miim 'liinsurir shull ho rlinscn l.y tho I .mil tlt-il i-l.f lors ot lliu Hluli', ul siiflitlim-s iili.l lor.ui'li lrul of siiliu us sliull h.i iiresrrllisl hy IIUV JAMINIl, Wl'IIHI, ,tttl Of tl P IlOtlVU til I'L't'lfSOUtlltlVlS. V1I.1.I.VM A. WAI.I.AL'II, tsii..iik.r of ilu.seii.iH'. Aiipk, I Ihn lllKetilli duy of Juue. Anno lloliilin i .) ll.oubuui! uljjlll liuu.lleil mi.l siuii. ly.olu. jisu. w. ur..vifci. Pri'inr.,1 mul rcrtlll..t fur iniullrulloii puisli- II 11 1 lo lliu 1 1 inu rui.u ui nn . tiiiiii...., .... r..l(lllllAN. ScciTtury of tho c'oiuuitimvtiiltti. OlIIcc ht. ,i uuy oi uio uiiuiiiioitw.ini ii, i ll.itr shuii;,Julyliiti, 1S71. J Jnly!i."l-lfc rpHKADWl'M.L HKK1) WIIIOAT lllll MAl.li. 'Ilio unili-rslf;iii',l tins nu Imn.l, illirct from Ml, 1,1-..,, mel lUlll liushtU of '1 ll-llilw.-ll Kl'lll Whuii VlllllMl l.u Will UlSS)St.of Utlpl'l' IllMlll'l. 11 Is II M tills. M lll'Ul lllllt Will lllKUuVtll Itll'ltftll l,.l,,.i. to tin. lilllHlrttt hhoiivus. s. Ull uliout (III. same oiuiullty of struvv lu Iho ncru ns ulher wlu-at, .lot's not full licur so riiullly us ihu l.un cast, r u licnt, unit lias Iho pecultnrlly of liiMrlutl lt.,11. kiiiootlii. nml hcillill.l lleuils. ltdoi'Sllol wllitir kill. I havo Uslcd tlm wheat for two yttirs mul ran ricutuinciul It iroi.i exicri( iii't'. It Is iiiniiiiiii'iiilt'il to ho weevil iinsif aii.l has not l ull uflicti'it hy II m HI. in.'. Hi mis laitsu auall.ll. riVI.VKsTKKPllllHKl,. ltliHiiusbiiru P. O. lluilihoru i-ipt. 1. ISTI.31 FALL GOODS. (.'iiiiiiffl Inn liiaito at Hri.inlnn hv tho 10.10 a.m. trai'i lor Un-at ll.-ml, IHiii'hKiiiluii, Alhany uuJ all polutN ortli, Cait ami Wi-kt, j D.T. HOUND, Hupt, 1: u r c 1ATAWISSA IlAII.ltOAD. raonoy. No Irrepnrablo Injury would linvofllllowoil In lilm frntn llii'nllni'tli.n ior vouui no liavo been compelled to resort to a multiplicity of suits lo do tcrnilno his rights, ills entlro elalni miglil imvo been imibraced In 11 single action. This opinion of tlio learned Judgo fully rofutes tlio claim of com. piainnnis 10 cipiiiauio relief, it Is in lull accoru wiui ino doctrines nml prac tice of tho Courts in tills Kt.itn ivi,ii. havo often held, tlmt a bill lu equity I win nut uu mi i iiiuiu iiespnss, lul vnnry vs. Kcnneuy z uasey ll cur. talnly not, if tlio trespass bo of u fUg,i. tlvuund temporary clmrncter, and niin. ,,,.1., I,., ,.1.1. .!... I . vu,i,,u-iii.,iiu.i uiii uu iiuiiiiiiuil Ul iTJrXTI.'CU f1A 11 1SC1 an nctlon nt law. llrlglitlcy's Uij. Jur. I,"811 ffi 'AH. As n m.iini'nl i nl,. ..,1.1,1. ,r .. JJ VIHiriNU UA11IW, diuimgo which is susceptlblo of com pensntlon In damages, Is not Irrepara ble, itcclmrds Apjieal 7 1. I' Kmltli 105. Ilrowu Appcnl 11 J'. V, Smith 17. Upon a careful consideration of tho facw alleged in tho plalntlirs hill I am unablo to discover that any Irrcparablo ML HU.M.MI.H AllANaiOMUNTH. 187. PussenstT Tn lux on lliU ruiul will run as fo! Ufloro I'lirdiii.'iing HUowliuro. I'l. M. K NO It II, r.I.OOJISl'.UllG, PA. lllWSI JJl.fl .SWA. I.v. H.'JIa.m " V.MI " " ll.lll " ' 10.VII " 1U.1S " 1(1. 1 1 ' ll..rl " li.'il i.iu li.m l.'.n I, mi I. ii II. 1) 7.UI bTATIONH, WllUlllllSlsll t, Muuey. .Milt Imuvlllu, lluiurt, I'UlllWlsSll, Illuiflown, Hutiilllll, nun kale i.. I., Milhouy Junt., litnoTutiiiuiu.i, Iiiuu, Iteuilluir, I'ollsvll io. l'hlUili'lihlu, Mail .YorfA I.v, (l.'p. m 6.-V, " " 6.10 " " iM " " J.I2 " " 4.01 " " 1I.S5 " " I'M " " 2.10 " l.M ' VUt " " lW0a.r&, 8. KcptcmucrH, ls7.tr, i.i:n'KH iii'-Ai'M, UII.I. IIKAIIH, I'ltUUIlAMMKri, POSTKIW, tO., AU, Noatly nnd Choaply J'rlnlod From tlio Jjttcm niyloa of Typo at the t'OLUMIUAtf OKKICK. Va "illlio .Muni li L'nuim, Jim." 1.0,5 ln All I " llitllli'hom, I2.ui ,,,; uin . una. in in iiueuein, " u.n u. Ul " 463 " Klstiiii, " J.33 ., Nuw York, II, Utterly sl " CHI " vlu I., A H. II. It, I. 0.00 " " (l,M " " I.. Valley 11, 11. " 11.00 ' ' 6.50 a.m. llostou, M y.oo p m I'lisscmiers luUlr tr tlio train from winia.,.. sptut, will Imvo tMuhuurslu Now Yo.k,lor sun- per, nun armum iiosiou ut o.isi a.ui,, eleven hour- lu uilvauvo uf till uthei- routes. Now dnv coarliprt areoiiinnnv nil trnlnu i,n- Iweeu Wllllaiuiiurl, New York ami l'ullajil. J.lila. 1 'l'r..lnfl nil. lt,ri,.,li l,v ,inutli., Ol.U WKUU.Hupt, rjMll'-tllUCAT JIAQlOAIi II .i ii. ll ll u Wilt for.'o a liiautlfiil set of Whiskers or Mus lin lie, in f l om (wo tn ttireu iiinnths, nn t.uy per sou oir IWtl' o Jems old. Illsouuof Ilio net nri'isiiiitlous tu lunko Iho Mliiskers urow lli.lt cer Mas knoM u. ouo hottlo of ll lssulllrleul to ntoUuee a viry Strom; lieuril. U does uol lu any wuy sliilu or lujuro iho skin. Try Itl II Is no liuuibut,'. Pilt'o M cents ptr bottto, Hent l.y mail post I'tiiil, tn any address, on rerelpt or pillv, Addrim WllXIAM V. WAU.Ntll, Arelldlsvllle. aiiK.l.'TI'ly. Adums Counly, Pennii. l7inST ANNUVlTlOXiniUTIOxT JL; or tub Artnltol & Industrial Association AT 1UMITOWN, hCUUYMUMj CUU.NTV, l'Ai, lUUiHIV, WBnNMliAV.THL'lLMJAV ANli VI 1HAV, i)LrroiiKHad. Jth.&tii, anj tali, iwi. UlftTitllT. Tlio dUtikt of tlioiiMtuolmlou In-cliHli'iullolKc-UiiyltUU roimty.L'oliMiiliiiinmnty tonih nn. I ciifct nr ihu HiimiUfhiiniiii Kker. mul llluck Cit'tlc aud Couyuiflium !!; In J.utruo ClW,5iRiVi oIIitoiI Iii ITeiiilimm. Xoi'hiu'uo for I'liu-rtiiK uitlcloN, TrlaU of itpeuU on eoumo uicli UlxcurhfonTlcb(U will bo Ubuoa oa nil llatU roiwn ifuuinK ui inuuoiwu., ADMIHSIUN. sHfiifcon tlclteu 0110 ll oil 111 -which I'litlllt'n tliu luemoer loone Ktiuou IkUi-l fur liluiht-'ir, ouo fur hit wife, ami four ulnulo tlclttU of iiunitHlon fr chlUlren of the family, Club tlcUrU for tlvo 111 lo hold at ouo dollar, uiiifhwlll iiiliiilt. lite Dt-rttoiiH. HIuuIb llekctM Vi -t'iiU. Hluulo tUkcU for chlldten uudur U yraru ol aye, la eenueiicn. For Vn mtuin i.uu aud other Information up' .,l.fi..'l I l.'U I'l 'If Uim'v. Mlii.liiiii.li. uli y.riiiiimnaoan. VM ClitAMT, I'fWi, Oppositollirowii'H I fold :t (i i Aft. v. ;l to .". in) 2 (It) :t im) I so a a, i. .A0.ll. " I i ' Dcni " ' uou'.i ued corn tais " jilhnv " " hinkr.l ' lin,rlniMn I ll ix hfdl " I'l'MlCl , " CLS Vir VlTdETA l!MN. f-rppt 'n-rmlt'nf, C u.rii V irtov, .Trixii-i 1 1 r tn i 'ton KMtIc and Jnmcs Mos- et (t - v I 1 Ol 1 ( ) Aff.l V. ) LOO S B U K G. vl 1mvcl potitoon, ilir-rciit vnrlcfoi, Ivi1 hmdicl MVf I nntn.ocs 11 A Oflli'lil lllMlllrt o ha' miliLi o' uiii hnins...., " . n'rir i'(i-t M li 'in;ol WUllol l rt.H " cuintH ' pninii'ps 1 0) " " on'oiw Aa I " I'ta- I m " hiii'rtnTin et;etulilt oyster 1 l) ' jKi-k iiHiiaU 1 M ' .'I ln-flil. of rUii'ia'i- 1 IK) " :tliiiurh'i ol' (lUm 1 Ol " I t'MZ p' HI'" 1 10 " 1 Wil fpllH K l.lll t hl'll11 1 IU " Hi -h qii uts l a l iiM nu he mi A a- I J. " " MHip ' t mn pit In nr tquim1i , " " I'limi'kluH, tior nioiu " CLAS VIIl-FUUIT. Kupt rlnlciKlent, IIi.hky Zuri'iNflJ-it. Juiiiihs John )rchlur, Ai'i'i.rjs. Host diilay. nor rarh 5J in Hinilllit; 'inn. in ni winn'r nppicN . .n liu-nlio: ulnU'i nniiN.tiol I'ach .til I nfllio KwcfKthL v. Iulr nr I ill :tn llivoii'ii yt do, f.ili or wlnlt r. k oinirtHlhoitan ci-ilit, any Kind 3J Iirt(lNpHydwnrf,f.tind.ir.l I ill or u in lor " luiiKioa n hi iiozen any kioh " llnirtil and nioi Juicy half iIohh ltts; Imlr do., awarl or btiuulud lull or ululi-r I'KACUES, P.rvt illoitliv nfanv kind. InU dnen cacti ll.iMiifd mid ninnt lo.cv hall doe j . ft) " aud Illicit liml.lna half doyvu 8i " nnd l.irt-i'hL vailt-ty h ilf doztu 3D UUIMH. tti-st dn.fil 75 (Ut VM. W- dUp'av, lid or rnlllvati'd, (hot hoiuo cvi'lud.'d) 2 (0 hi diiKtiiKol I'diii'tird H K'l " " liid-iwaru K0 (lliUon " " Iwtbellu .') " llHttlurd 1'iulillc 1) " mna ' Adiionduc " " Itehfcoa ' " York, Mudeilti lU'wt dlhpliiy, not c than two varieties, ouo Uotu eacu lUHl'llEUKIES. Hofct dlinlay. any kind, not U-hS than two Miuetlt-B 5) lim quart aa 1UII 1) IK LUT llcvt tiuart nnnlCK. rears. nuinoen. nf nphrs. niv InitS, licctai men, cinrrlen, lnonr or ttweet, pit tid or uiipltltd.i crniWH, rnltlvalod or wiUl hiruw neiruM, any kiuu oi raM'OfrrxH, niacKt'ti- iiiK. iii-uin iiKH. wuorutuerrie CMnUU plUUiH Iho fiult not to be remtmd imill iho closo or the txhihlttou, and articular ran u lo bo ob Ktrcdbvnll OKrhutw that Ilio tuuo In not lu Juuil. CIAKS IX-WINF-S AKU LHiUOUS. Jpiu;La-K.cculive(omuilltte. lltstquaitofiurrcut win, . , , " lilackbt'iiy wluu " " tuij e s Ut " " rteiry wlno " " ij e wnlnltey i cldt-r vlneuar . . .. CLASH X-UOMKKTJC l A N U F A CT U II Krf. buinrluteiidtnt, 'h.son r, John, Jt'Miih Mm. If wry iHlchinllU'r, Mm. An. diiw Jktler, Mm. Dr, Lowa und Mrv. Hi. Clai Wu, llPht loaf ofhriud...... roll ol butter (3 lb, ur over) " pit " I'tuiut'd mill, Ultltriut kludM, (not ItiHiliau 1 ijuartot tach) Iteht 1'iiundi'Hko uxe handle- grain o radio " roller " Uunlme mill " corn Hheller " Ktiaw and fodder cutlor.. " harventer " nam ply of horso shoeing.. Hhould t hero bo ntiv now or mnrltnrloim lnmlc- meuta nud luventluiiH exhlblted.lh.it nro not provided lor lu tho forcKOlng clu"", tho Judaea may irport tho merits ol tliobumofor prumluinu to the i,xecutlvo Committee. CLASS XV-STOVES, TIXWAlllI, UAItTH- KNW'AItK, Ac tiupurlutcndcut, John IIauiman. Juhciuh-S. 1. Ulnard, H. A. Wormon, Uest cooking stovo with flxtureji 4 Ul luiior " a uu hetartlflelal tooth Dip vnrh'iy or tinware a tx) vui lety of oarlhunwurf '2 uu CLAH XVI-CAUINFrr WAHK, huoemak- EltH, TANXE1W, Ac. Hurerintendeut, Danii:i. Mownn. Judolh Johu Kistlcr, James II, llarman, llest iet doublo harucss 1 00 " " twnu " Ihp u double carriage harnciia i w) " BlllKlo " " Ihp " hill b of clothing a w pair calf boot1 1P " " kin Ihp " miner shoes . i il " bureau '2 ix) " ilrus'ilriffBtand !P " display cabinet warn " w ' .et wiiidnor chairs Dip " Kt'ttiprluc seated chatrw iw " rockluatiialr 1 oo " hcttee , M ihp " h ilf ilo.eu brooms An. 1 si. " two sides solo leather.-, 1 ou " two ide kin , Dip " two sldert calf skin. ..,.. I il " bam pie of bricks ... Dip CLASS XVII-ttEEtt AND UKE1IIVUS. Huperlntendent, Vetuu . llKUOLbK, Juuoks 1'ettr H. ltrugler, Tboiiuta Ateu. Uest Rwarm of bees 5 oi live pounds of liouey 1 oi) " beolilve Ihp The honey to bo taken without ilestrovhiR tho bees ; Iho kind of liles lined, and thomaiumo incut of fcamo Hinted. CLAH XVIII-WANOS ANI fiCWIXG MA CIIINE9. Huperlntendent, Iauh IIeunahd. .TrbOKM-j'udali Iloono, Goo. E. Elwell, Mis Alice Carver and Miss Dora Thompson. Uest pl ino WjiandS" 00 21 r, mi Host Ol crt u Dip and 5 I llest tifwiuj; maehlhe Dipmnl-i 01 'M ' " ... !; CLASS XX-TUIALfJ OF Hl'EKD. Hapei inlcndent Daviii Cj.aiik, (HaIelon.) Ji iti.v-H M. AV, JacUion, Daniel Morrls, J, Kit lrr binllti, KAltMKK'H LIST, THUP.iDAY 1 DCW)CK, 1'. M. IU st trotting horo or mare under 0 years In Iho county, that nover was ou any traclt bcliiu Ul 2d bom lu 10 HPOHriXU LIST.TIlUlUSDAYar, M. Host trotting horso or maro IV) w :u uetti ironing Dorso or mure -j w rmriAY, 1 o'clock, v. m, fiiwttkot. 4) 00 10 00 1011 w '25 W 15 (Nl llest double trotting team a boit S1.COND TKOT 2 1. .V. I!t".t trotting horso or mare - U UCBl 4 O'CLOCK , I', M. Pest rniinlrjt; borooormaro Kntranco tee ten per cent, of premium. All trials lo be decided by Uht threo out of tlvo heats. Xoborheor nuuo tiottlug for ouo pre mium to cotnp. t for uiiolher. Hoi lets limn tbreo entries to mako a race. CLASS XXI-FOOT IIACIXQ, Jnnor-s William Kramer, Johnson Iltcler, O. A. Megargle. llttht run onco around the courtfo 1 M 2x1 w 1 to Not less than six entl les to malco a raeo. En tr nice feo lu ct-iits In each cmso. The judges t leeled tiro riiuostcd to notify the Kxecutlvo Cotnmliteo at tho Hecretary's ollleet In every lai-e, wheru thy nro dUlncllniHl oruu ablu lo utteud to iho duties assigned lo them, nui.Es and lucauiTioxs. 1. Every pernon liavlrj; articles for exhibition or competition must become a member of tho AKioclatlou before entering them. '2. Minors can become members or exhibitors when their pareuts nro incmbt-r. 3. The field of competition li onen to nil. lVr- bouH from other couniles and Hlutes can beoomo exhibitors upon Ihu same terms as clllzeusof this counly. 1. Allnrllctts nirercd for competition must bo owned by Iho ompetltor. Fruits, cKonbitn, liowern, AC, must lo Rrnwinoi ine coihiwuh r, uud all manulactured urllclesmiut Iminttde by llie competitor. 5. All Rioric filtered must bo uuai is represent ed or luemlums will be forfeited, 0. All articles ror exhibition or coinpouuou must bo entered by .1 o'clock, p.m. tharpun el neKday.tho llth, and remalnon the ground imiiII FrliUy, at 3 o'clock, r m , when they will bo ul tho dtKjiosalof thoexhlbUors. 7. IVrmlts for Stands for ale of relrrshuionts, Ac, can be obtained by application to tho hec ro tary or 11. F. Ilai tinau ana the money to bo paid lu udvauce, 8. Xollceusfl will Ijofc'rantoltostnuds that soil spirituous or malt liquor. H. ,T. C L A 11 K. tl CO l ui i ui 1 IU 1 11 te.il. t; ui t ui I iu SI'OUUU ' " uuikir " , " suiuiileu of irtst;rvt's(iioi 1m.h iiiuu 1 quart) urn .iiintwii in i run jelly " (iu'iiiiiiH.r i.tcklssi " vurloly nr I'lcUlis " npiiittbuiturduusriur iimrej.. " I'tucU butler " " " itmiie ' " " " .lum " " " Ap.ly, Jmlnfi. npici. iti'l to examine tbe aifTerdnt oIhsm's m ill I'unlcr a favor nn llie Association by I'Hlllnuiit Dm Hrcrutivry'it olllco early ortTnurs uuy inurtilng la obtain llivtr Instructions. On Weilmsilay Ilio crounds will booreueil in tlm imbllo uud continue oieu ttireodiiyw. A MUMUKltHHll' TICKET WITH K1VK WN- OLU TIUKKTS, OSU UOLLAIt. Mcinlirrsliliitlcucls will not wlmlt llie lirliler In Ull) 1'iilr Urouuils. HlDB'.o AUlulsslo.1 'Jllktla, IttUUiy-UYi! IX'UlS. Kortiwu will bo irin!ltcJ to voto at tlio next election or tlio Assnclallim eicept produc ing llietr lutlnbcrslilp llvkcl. iVtiporllnBLlst totioprillieu iniiinio unis. A new anil elegant form of Ulploma luilen procureU l.y llie Assnclatlou una will buMM&rilid ut tlio next uuimiil Mr. v, ii. i:ooN8,rsiiicut, J, J. llllinvi:!!. becrctary. lllooiusbuiB, AuBiut 11, 1871. JOTICK TO TlUCSSl'ASSKUS. tit nfr.nii.nrfl lifrrpbv rnrbliljn U) tressnass uis.n tlio Uniils nf tliu siii.i'ill,'r, netir Hear On p, In Isjcust towiislilp, I'liluinbla county, lor tlio purposu of liuutlnif wiia uuiiie. or ttiuy will U. proitideU uiialnstucisjiilluB to law, HAMUKli I'AUllV. Hcpt.S, U71-3W. . ."WAXTKl). V Wx Kcliool Tenchcra In Union Towushlp, HiiiuylUII county, to leucli lu tlm common m'IhmL of salil 'lOMUshlp. Ouo livelier to Uacli iigluUtasrliool InltuiBtoHli. Teruillvomonllia. To coniuiemo on tUu III. I Monday lu Moviiu ber. Wsgca llu per uioulU ea.b. hxumlnallun wlllboliu.loullioiliiin uuy f Hepieinber. hi u o'clock In liluKtuwii. M. KUI.lia. Bjel'y. 8l'pl.h,'7.3U