The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 15, 1871, Image 2

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    iiLooiSBintd, pa.
Friday September 15, 1S71
CTmrpe of ocsA Corrtiptlon.
Tho JlepuUican lirw fruiiienUy mndo
Insinuations of corruption nitftlnst our
county oniccrs ' nnd Hurt llio county
funds wcro Umironotly mod or oxiiond
rd. Forcalms been Rlvon to thoso In
BltiuaOutw by a resolution of the Into
Itadlctit county convention.
Wo douounuu tho lrraltiuaMons w bo
lug wlckodly recklos tind without n
Hlimlnw nf foundation In fact. In bo
hnlfof thoolUcerfl Itmrilwrted wo dial
lctiso imv rcsnonsllilo ninn to point out
whero Improper uso hns been mndo of
tho county funds. Wo ittfy mo nuinore
of tho calumny lo nnmo a Itomocrntlc
olllccr or tlilu county wira nns ocun
guilty of any improper ofUclal action,
nnd daro tho cnliminlntora to tho Issue.
Hither i cross libel has boon ninllclotia-
ly pcrpctrfttcil upon honest men, or tho
nuthowof theso vllo charccs can show
grounds Air than. Tho lasuo Is thus
dcilantly made, and tlvoso who mako
tho nllcRiUlotw wo rotfalrcd to prwent
proof or probabtllty, or tako their rant
ih Muudercrg of honest men.
Union nnd Yictorj-.
Senator Cameron is regaling his
friends with tho Information that tho
Hcpublicnns will bo successful this full
lu i'onnsylvanla becau90 tlieyaroovory
whoro wilted and harmonious. What
n lesson to tho Democracy 1 With no
other talent than ouuning, Camuuon
well knows tho valuo of union and har
mony in (i political campaign. Without
it success Is next to Imposslblo for
any party. With it success Is assured if
in n majority. To Imluconnd crcato di
vision In tho Democratic rarty, tho
Itadleals well know is tho surest way
for them to triumph. Therefore, It Is
that they aro so extremely anxious to
crcato divisions In Democratic counties
nnd they supply volunteers with money
to carry them on. Democrats of Col
umbia, will you nllow this Radical
Bchemo to succeed? Will yon nllow
tho IladlcalH to crcato division In your
rnnks for tho express purposo or defeat
ing you'f
Fully appreciating tho effects and pur
poses of voluntoer candidates, nnd that
their candidacy Is but a Itndlcnl scheme,
wo spurned their nronoy and their
treachery and refused to print n lino
for them. If all Democrats would ob
servo tho samo prlnciplo of action, tho
efforts of theso men would corao to
naught, nnd Instead of being weakened
by tho Hadlcal trick tho Democratic
party would bo strengthened. Arouso,
Democrats I Unite and conquer 1 Thero
can bo no victory without union, and
remember that tho result this fall will
have an important effect noxt year,
when thero Js a Presklontand Govornor
to elect.
HUT THE TICKET I In union thero
is strength in division nothing but
weakness and dofcat
California Election.
Tho Republicans havo won a decided
triumph In California and great is their
Joy thorr-at. They havo gained n Gov
ornor, ono or two Congressmen and a
majority in tho Legislature, which
secures them a U. 8. Senator In place of
Ooi.e, Radical, whoso term expires.
At tho last rreuMential election tho
State voted for Grant by about COO
majority but at tho succeeding Govern
or's election, Haight, Domocrat, was
elected by 8,000. Tho present result Is
attributed to Democratic divisions, but
whether that bo tho lact or not it Is of
no consequence the Democracy are left
in a minority at the election In Califor
nia, and It docs not mend tho matter to
point out tho causo. What wo want is
majorities, and If wo fall to get them
because wo cannot unite, tho result is
as disastrous as though wo fall for want
of votes for any other causo. But lot
Democrats bo warned I Division brings
purodefeatl In union ulouo is strength I
Democrats of Pennsylvania!!, a victor
ious enemy surrounds you t You alono
can stem tho ttdo of their success!
Nover will this Nation again como un
der tho bonlgn sway of tho Democracy
until Pennsylvania tho most Influen
tial of all tho States takes tho lead I
Democrat arouso to tho importance of
tho occasion. Frown down all attempts
at dlvislon.tho suro prccurser of defeat,
Let every Democrat make It bis bus!'
ness to seo that every other Democrat is
determined to attend tho polls and vote
tho wholo ticket 1 Let not ono Demo
cratic veto bo lost, but turn out ton
man I That will bring victory, and If
Pennsylvania goes Democratic tho
whole nation will follow.
Oorreptlonjn Xew York City,
Tho Republican papers are filled with
charges of corruption ngnlnst tho Now
York city government and affect to hold
tho Democratic party responsible for It
Hash I That thero aro many rascals In
tho city of Now York will not bo dis
putod and that somo may get Into olllco
Is nulto probable In fact tho chances
of a rascal not known uro hotter for get'
ting into oflloo than thoso of an honest
man, for tho former will resort to tricks
and subterfuges to gain his point that
tho latter will spurn. But whatever
may bo true of tho New York officials,
they aro In court, and their actions will
bo fully scrutinized by tho legal trlbun
tils. If guilt Is established they will bo
punlshod and If they havo robbed thoy
will bo compelled todlsgorgo. All that
is right and no good Democrat will at
tern pt to screen them If guilty or exten
uato their fault. Whatever may bo
truo It Is tho business only of tho people
of that city.
With tho Federal government it Is
quite different. Its officers aro respon
sible to tho wholo people Their ac
tion Is defended and sustained by their
party, and this makes their party re
sponsible. In a general way thoy can
not bo brought boforo tho courts, and
tho pooplo at tho elections Is tho only
tribunal that can fully pronounce Judg
ment upon them. Therefore tholr ac
tion Is a legitimate subject of public
discussion and determines tho merits of
their political party.
We do not objoct to other editors
copying our editorials, with or without
credit, nor will fault bo found If thoy
adopt them and publish them as orlgl
nal only this, wo want them to copy
accurately) wo don't Ilko to sco our
articles murdered.
The Itnillcftl Itlng (.'niullilntcs.
An nmatucr reporter, In another col
umn, gives In brlof tho proceedings of
the Iladlcnl convention of Columhla
county. As it was as well known two
weeks ago as it Is now what tho ring
masters had determined to mnko tho
thing do wo did not go to sco tho per
It will bo observed that theso pro
ceedings fully corroborate what wo have
hcrctoforo stated nbout tho perfect union
between tho Radical Illoomsburg ring
nnd tho volunteer candidates. For all
tho ofllcos worth contesting llio Radi
cal ring mndo no nominations for which
volunteers wero out, but for such as no
volunteers offered nominations wcro
made. Between tho two a perfect ticket
is formed, excepting for tho offices os
teemed of no pecuniary valuo. Each
wing of this ticket is of courso to sup'
port tho other, and tho Radical "elec
tlonccrlng fund Is to defray all cxpon-
ses. Tho volunteers aro thercforo as
essentially candidates In tho Interest of
tho Radicals as aro Btanto.v and
Heath. Let them profess what they
may, therefore, they aro all tarred with
tho samo stick and their nags aro groom
ed by tho samo ostlers. Thoy aro all
Republican candidates nnd tho pretenco
that somo of them nro not nominated
as such Is n sheer farce. Tho Radical
ring nominated them two weeks boforo
tho Republican convention was called
and that body submitted to Its dictation
registering such a3 they wcro not
ashamed of and secretly ngrecing to
support all 1
If tho Democracy desiro to win a vie
tory they must defeat tho wholo of this
corrupt combination. Tho trick attempt
cd to bo played Is too shallow to decelvo
nny one. Thero nro but two forces
arrayed on tho field, viz: tho Demo
crntlc ticket vs. tho Radical tlckot.even
though tho latter bo as spotted as a
Winning by tricks is a characteristic
of Yankco land tho plan can find no
favor with tho sturdy yeomanry of Col
umuin county.
Tho Philadelphia Say, In somo lirac
tlcal remarks, severely condemns nnd
ridicules tho sensational prnctlcoof "in
torvlowlng" for purposes of publics'
tlonj doing up for tho public what Is
privately scorned as talc-bearing. The
Interviewer applies hlnuelf to men of
distinction when ho can get at them, or
Is not Indignantly repulsed, to thlovcs,
.murderers, &c, who nro charged with
something sufficiently Infamous to nt
tract attention, nnd to bmall-fry politi
cians who olhcnvlso fall to secure no
tlco, nnd who pay tho publisher for
giving plnco to their twnddlo. Wo nro
glad to sco that ono city paper has tho
courngo nnd sagacity to epeak out
against tho abuse. Tho practice is ono
of thoso reprehensible yankcelsms with
which nowspaperdom Is cursed and
shallow hoads aro freighted consequent
upon tho thrusting of Intellectual men
from power nnd tho filling of their
places by military or gabbling pigmies
who aro nothing but political maggots
except so far as they nro inflated into
larger dimensions by tho nowspapcrs.
Wo hopo it has nbout had its day and
that rospoctablo nowspapcrs will slum
It as a prlvato gentleman shuns the
talcs of ordinary vagabonds.
The (Jrcat Syndicate.
Tho combination of bankers who ef
fected tho United States' II vo per cent.
loan, known as the Syndicate, cleared
FIFTY MILLIONS of dollars in tho
operation, as is shown by a long array
of carefully complied figures I That is,
fifty millions is the sum proven to havo
been cleared by them. How much
uioro theynnd others received, can only
bo told by a statement of tho actual
amount paid into tho Treasury, after do-
ducting all expenses. Tho peoplo, of
course, will sco nothing of tliU until
after tho next Presidential election, If
Whon tho Radicals thus rob tho gov
ernment by thousands and millions
by millions of thousands and thousands
of millions i3 it any wonder tho peo
plo aro oppressed by taxation, and that
theso Radical gentry can afford to pay
Immense Bittns to carry elections in or
der to bo ablo to contlnuo this wholesalo
swindling ! Portions of tho funds thus
abstracted from tho peoplo nro mndo to
reach almost every election poll cer
tainly overy county and by this means
tho Radical party Is kept from destruc
tion. A (iooil Nomination.
Tho Democrats of tho Judicial district
composed of tho counties of Union, Sny
der and Mllllin havo nominated Joseph
0. Blx'heh, Esq., of Lowisburg, for
President Judge. Tho party has hon
ored Itself by this nomination, and al
though tho district is Republican wo
havo little doubt of Mr. Buciieii's
election. His integrity, ability and Ju
dicial learning aro In such striking con
trast and superiority to ids radical op
ponent, Judgo Wood!), that it Is next to
Imposslblo for nny honest mnu, famil
iar with tho characteristics ol tho two
candidates, to voto otherwise than for
Mr. liuciiEK. Many of tho leading and
mo3t lnlluential Republicans of Union
county openly opposo Woons and sup
port Bucueu. It is getting to bo n hnblt
of tho Democracy to nomlnato tho best
men for office.
'Rev." Pennel Coomue, whoso fat
living is In danger from tho Independ
ent Temperance movement, recently
Issued a bombastic challcngo to discuss
tho merits of tho movement with nny
prohibitionist who approved it. Ills
challengo was promptly accopted by
Mr. James Black, of Lancaster, n
gentleman who has spent much of his
tlmo at his own oxpenso to further tho
causo. Tho parties met at a public
meeting In Harrlsburg. Coomiie mado
his speech, but as soon as Blacic com
menced his tho gas was turned olf aud
tho meeting was left to disperse nmldst
total darkness. Mr. Black and thoso
who agree with hlm'aro resolved that
Pennel Coomiie and his faction shall
no longor degrado tho causo of temper
anco to tho selfish uses of radical politi
cians. In this determination sincere pro-'
JilbltlonlsLs will of course uphold them.
THE Radical victories lu California
nnd Maino ought to stimulato overy
Democrat to the utmost effort to obtain
success In Pennsylvania. If tlds Stnto
gives tho Republicans a very decided
triumph It will bo next to Impassible to
Infuso onorgy Into tho Presidential
election of noxt year. Arouso, Demo
crats. and to work I Tho emergency Is
upon you I and wo vorlly bollevo that
I everything depends upon your own
I efforts.
Tun llenubllcan hcrotoforo complain"-
cd that In his rovorlcs, sleeping or
waking, something undefined suggest
ed to tho editor such forms as "liar,"
flatslflcr,'' Ac, and again tho samo
sleepless monitor has suggested 11 per
sonal violence,1' and hasccs "scares"
nnd "calling names " lu tho dim future
Such hallucinations naturally nrlso
under certain circumstances, but edito
rial reform and totnl abstinence from
wrong doing, and especially from mak
ing infamous fiilso charges against ids
follow citizens, Is a perfect roraody. In
other words, ttuJc to the truth, nnd tho
troubles referred to will cease.
That to chargo honorablo men with
infamous net ion, for which thero is not
tho slightest foundation, is reprehended
by this community, will bo seen by rcf
orenco to tho llrst nrtlclo under tho edi
torial head of tho last lssuo of tho lie-
publican, whoroln tho editor denies that
lio meant what ho plainly Insinuated
against certain prominent citizens of
Illoomsburg In n previous number of
his paper. Driven to llio wall on his
charges of " bribery " mado against
Wm. Biiaffeu and tho Contralla men,
tho editor drops thom but docs not net
tho nobler part of directly relractlng
them. Ridiculously onough, ho turns
round and nbuses tho Court fornotcom-
lug up to tho staudard o f editorial ma
lignity In passing sentences. In this
connection wo hnvo only to remark
that it is posslblo that Judgo Kr.wiJM.
and his Associates nro not expected to
consult slanderous editors as to tho
proper dischargo of their duty.
Wolmvcolserved theso things merely
to post tho public 03 to tho kind of mill
that grinds out tho many untrue, un
just nnd malignant statements that find
their way Into circulation, and to put
nil honctt men on their guard against
The Ureal Sniiidlc-.
That tho Radical leaders aro adepts at
swindling tho Evans embezzlement
fully Illustrates. Both tho Radical U.
S. Senators, Cameuon and Scott, must
havo been familiar with tho transaction
from beginning to end, nnd Evanh nl
ledges that ho Is exposed because ho
would not givo $2.1,000 of his stcnllngs
towards a purso being raised to elect J.
D. Cameuon to tho U. H. Scnato ns tho
successor of ids father 1 Gov. Geauy,
Auditor General Haiitkanft, Stato
Treasurer Mackey, Attorney General
Buewsteu, nro all culpablo In not ex
posing tho theft at an early period and
promptly pursuing tho delinquent offi
cer by nil tho power of tho law.
All that Is cloar. But what becamo of
the money? II Is not bolloved that
Evans hlnuelf hns any largo portion of
It. Whero did tho rest go? How
much did tho Radical officials at Wash
iugtouget? How much of it went for
electioneering purposes? Was it used
in tho election of 1SCD? How much of
it did tho Radical ring of Illoomsburg
get? How much of itdid thonforcsaid
ring divido among tho faithful fow of
this county ? Or did tho ring pocket It?
The Treasurer Question.
In tho matter of tho nomination of
county Treasurer
A majority of tho popular voto nt tho
delcgato olcctlons was for Wm. Lamon.
A majority of tho election districts
were for Wm. Lamon.
A majority of tho delegates to the
Convention wcro for Wm. Lamon.
A majority of delegates wero for Wst,
Lamon under tho plau of minority
A majority of delegates would havo
been for Wm. Lamon if tho old plau of
representation had been in operation,
by which a majority voting In each dis
trict Instructed all tho dolegatcs.
Under any possibio rulo that could
havo been adopted Wm. Lamon would
havo been nominated.
Mr. Hi uam F. Evekett, and all tho
other candidates, pledged themselves to
nbidoby the decision of tho Convention.
Now ho refuses to nbldo by this plcdgo
of honor nnd socks to bo elected by com
bining with tho enemies of tho Demo
cratic pnrty. This is tho wholo caso in
a nut shell.
Maine r.lerllon.
The Republicans havo about held
their own nt tho late election in Maine,
nnd they rcjoico ns much as though tho
result was unexpected lo them. But
they nro welcome to tho Yankco Stntes.
Truo reform will never begin there for
it Is not the placo of cither liberal or
gonerous sentiments. When tho yan
kco can not oppress somebody clso ho
would rather suffer in that way himself
than not havo tho performance go on at
all. Maino has only decided to stay
where it naturally bolongs. Walt till
great Pennsylvania votes then thero
will bo a result that will bo worth talk
ing about I
Jiulxc! i:iicll's Opinion.
Tho taxation of coal breakers, and
other fixtures and Improvements upon
leased lands, was tho subject of an in
teresting nnd nblo opinion by Judgo
Elwell in our Court of Common Pleas
tho present wook. At tho request of
counsel on both sides (in tho several
eases covered by tho opinion,) that
opinion is now publlshod nnd will bo
found in another column. The opln
Ion nppoars to us to bo clearly nnd elm
plyjust in holding oporators or lessoes
to tho payment of taxoj in proportion
to tho valuo of their property; lu other
words, lu imposing upon them their
duo share of tho public burdens.
FnoM various aunouncomonls mado
It Is evident that Chief Justlco Chase
has not yet mado up his mind whother
ho wants to bo tho Democratic or RadI
cat nominee for tho Presidency. If tho
former, ho wants a Radical platform, or
Homethiog resembling ltl If tho latter
ho will accept auy platform they nee
proper to muko.
An oxchango thinks a good toxt for
nn nblo mlnlstor to expound boforo
President Giiant would bo tho fourth
verso of the twenty-ninth"" .chapter of
Proverbs :
"The hina hi .Moment cttMuhelh the
luud; but he that rcceiitth uiftt uvcrthroiceth
The latest returns of tho election in
Wyoming Territory confirm tho first
report of a Republican majority In tho
upper Houso of tho Legislature. Lara,
minocounty, where about one-sixth of
tho votes wero cast by women, gavo a
largo Democratlo majority,
Ulysses S. Grant. Wo notlco by
iho dally papers that this gentleman
visited Washington city tho othor any
ixit remained only a fow hours.
ltepotted for tho Columbian.
The ltrpulillcnn Contention.
For scvoral weeks tho publlo atten
tion has been aroused ns to tho probnblo
action of llio Republican Convention In
this county. Tho ravages of tho "Ring"
had been so foarful, and tho nllodgpd
corruption of tho Democracy so patent
that n tremendous outpouring of tho
outraged Republicans nnd damaged
Domocrats was oxpectcd.
On last Saturday tho delcgato elec
tions occurred. Wo watched with so-
llcltudo to seo tho 3-iO Republicans de
posit tholr ballots. But they "mado
no slon " until near 7 o'clock lu tho
ovcnliiir.wlicn Post-master Bcckleycol
lected together U. S. Commissioner J.
B. Roblson, V. U.S. Whiskey Inspect
or Penman, and Hx-CiindldAlo for Sou
ntoM. Whltmoyor: and after a hasty
caucus thoy adjourned to tho rear of
tho Court House, and thoro, wo pro
sump, deposited their ballots. At nny
rato It was soon after reported that Es-
qulro Morris of North Carolina, and Mr,
Sharploss of tho Town Council wcro
unanimously elected delegates. But It
was soon found that thu East Ward had
no representatives, and so Assessor
Knorr was sent for, nnd ho dragged In
Tom. Vnnnta, nnd then tieo elected dele
gates for the vpp cr tcartl.
In no other part of tho county was
thero oven nn attempt mado to hold a
delcgato election. A few self-constllut
ed delegates appeared, and tho balanco
of tho number was mndo up by ringing
In men who came hero to attend Court
or other private Innlnoss. In t ills way
'J, men wcro secured one half the prop
cr number, nnd they protended to rep
resent tho 000 Republican voters of tlm
county. Talk nbout rings I This was
a moro office-holders gathering, from
which tho rcspectnblo members of tho
party kept aloof.
On Monday tho ringing of tho Court
Houso bell announced something units
ual, and tho two dozen delegates man
aged to find scats.
Tho organtzition, under llio super
vision of Becklcy nnd Stowart was soon
perfected. No credentials wcro demand
cd or presented, nor were there any contest
ed seats. Stowart t lion moved "that tli
Legislature bo now opened," and nom
Inated Capt. J. B. Roblson, U. S. Com
missioncr, for Assembly. Abbott,chafing
under tho treachery of Roblson, Knorr
Whitmoyer, anil Becklcy last year,
nominated Capt. II. J. Conner, but that
timid gentleman did not wish to go to
Harrlsburg, William then nominated
Capt. Jackson. Roblson got 2 votes
nnd Jackson 3, ouo of thoso being tho
delcgato from tho East Ward. During
tho call Mr. Stowart, truo to his party
teachings attempted to give two votes
but this Abbott promptly checked
stating that "cumulative voting was
not practlcod in that way."
Harry James was then named for
District Attomoy. At this point sov
oral delegates desired to know if a full
ticket was to bo nominated, stating that
thoy had como to tho Convention for
that purposo, and not to play into tho
hands of bolting Democrats. Stewart
thou roso to explain, and in a musical
voico resembling a cracked fife, Inform'
cd thoso dolegatcs not In tho secret that
It was not policy to nomlnato mon
whero there wcro Independent Demo
cratic candidates; that the Ropubli
cans must Join in with theso bolters, nnd
help to elect thom, In order to break
down tho Democratic organization
Abbott then showed his wounds, lie
had been unanimously nominated for
the Legislature last yoar, yet not ono
Republican In ten voted for him. But
ho W03 voted down.
It was then decided lo havo somo
resolutions. Chief manager Stowart
then wont Into tho jury room and in a
couploof minutes returned with a long
string of resolutions. Not being accus
tomed to read Capt. Whltmoyer's writ
ing ho spelled thom out with somo diffi
culty. iV standing committee of ono from
each township was then appointed with
power to elect their own chairman.
This was a drivo at tho "Bloom ring,"
ns tho Republican editors havo gener
ally held that position, and tho election
funds stuck to their fingers.
Tho Convention then adjourned with
out a cheer.
Sullivan Dpnin.-fati.- Tli-lit.
Tho Democrats of Sullivan munly
havo nominated thu following excellent
llepresentatieeJ&me Ueegnn .
I'rotionotary-C. C. Finch.
Associate Judyes John Jlullan, Wm.
,Sheriff-V. P. Dunn.
Commissioner Christina Mosler.
Treasurer Robert Storinon t.
Auditor Lymnn B. Speaker.
County Surveyor Job 1,, King.
AVhv slioulil workliiKincti support
tho Radical patty '.' What lmi that or-
Uniilzatlon ilotiofor thom savo increas
ed their burdens? At tho present ti!ll0
ono day'rf worlc Is taken from each la
boring man to pay his taxes, to feed tho
Treasury, in order that Kailleal olllco-
holders may grow ricli upon lil.s toll.
Taxes aro enormous under tho Radical
administration. Tho necessaries of llfo
uro taxed tho liifihest, and It will inva
riably prove truo, If tho matter is look
ed into, that tho monoy comes out of
thoso who can least alford to pay it.
Tin: Asiatic Cholera lias mado Its ap
pearand) In many portions of Kuropo.
In orao parts of Prussia it lias spread
In an alarming manner, nnd i.s making
rapid progress through tho wholo coun
try. A fow casos havo been reported In
Now York, nnd great exertions nro now
being mado to clean nnd purify tho
filthy places In tho city. Persons lu
overy part of tho country should boo
that collars, cess pools, Ac. nro properly
cared for, ns prevention Is much better
than euro.
I'EitHEvErtANCK U not a good thing
in lUolf, Its goodness depends on tho
causo in which It is engaged. Tho per
sistent swindler nnd liar nnd tho man
who Is habitually honest both havo
persovorancc, but thero Is n vast differ
ouco botweon tho two.
Tiik man who lost his oycslght hy
remllng a.oorroxced paper, has recover
cd It slnco ho becaico n subscriber.
The cholera Is appearing In nil parts
ui uunnnny, xwi moruitiseriiiru report
ed in England,
Court Proceeding,
lileporlcd for tho Columbian,
fViiipf convened nereeablv to nil mum-
mem of last week. Ills Honor Judgo
Kt.wrt.t.. nnd 1 11 AM DEItll nnd ISAAO
S. Moniioe, Ksqulrcs,hls Associates, on
tho Bencli.
In tho matter of tho School Directors
of Cotiytutham township, Court grant a
ruin on Lawrcuco Cttrrau nnd Peter
Mullonticy lo show causa wny n writ or
quo warranto should not lssuo ngalnst
thom to show by what authority thoy
exercise tho offtco of School Directors.
Charles U. mrKioy, ivsq., oil motion
nf sir (Mark, was nmioliitcd auditor to
mako distribution in ino ostnio 01
George Kline, deceased.
Petition for n road In Mndlson town
ship, near tho Montour county lino,
YIU. 11. OHV'UWiiii , win. ilia
and John Appiemnn nppoimcu viow-
Petition of Abriim Wltnnr, guardian
of minor children 01 .i. J. xnomns, do
ppoaeii. fur tun b-.ho in rcai estnto. warn
iiM Knorr. E-fl.. appointed auditor to
tako testimony nun report wuu ins
opinion. . ,
. ! -. i T ..1. .. (',...
nnd N. Slngley. rulo granted to Bhow
causo why John Shunian should not bo
suhrogaleii to mo riguisoi mo piainiiu.
Petition or minor cniiuren or jnnn
Mnslcl cr. decciweii, ror guanllnn. Mo
ses Jimennouso np lointcii.
A. R. Ilullcnstcln vs. Clara Hullcn
stein, Petition In divorce. Publication
Charles Clowell vs. Kato S. Clowcll
petition 111 divorce. Hulinccnn ordered
and unirios u. Hartley, Esq., appoint
cu commissioner to lauo depositions.
On motion of Mr. Freeze. O. B
Broclcwav was unpointed auditor, to
mnko distribution of thu balanco In tho
hands of tho administrator of James
clears, deceased.
in tho ostato of John Richards, de
ceased, on motion of Mr. Bucknlow,
counsel for petitioner. W. II. Abbott,
iviq., was nppoimeti nitdiior to report
whether tho talo of tho real estnto at
tho valuation by tho Inquest, will bo
for tho Interest of tho minor owners
On motion of Mr. Clark. E. R. Ike
ler. Emi.. was unpointed auditor to
mako distribution of tho balanco In tho
hands of tho administrator of Henry
Yost, deceased.
Petition for tho snlo of tho real estato
of William Smith, deceased, for tho
payment oi ueiits. aaio ordered.
On motion of C. 11. Brockwav. Esm
W. 11. Abbott, Exit., was appointed
auditor to dlslrihuto among thu heirs
and creditors of C. G. Ricketts, do-
Return of Inquest In tho estnto o:
jonn Miner, deceased, confirmed nisi.
On motion of W. II. Abbott. C. B
Brockway, Esq., was appointed auditor
to maKn iiistriuutlon ot tno Dalanco it
hands of administrator of John Traub
On motion of W. II. Abbott. C. B,
Brockway was appointed auditor to
mako distribution of tho balanco In Iho
hands of tho administratrix of Georgo
ittipp, deceased.
A. 0. and F. Hagermnu against Sam
ucl Schwoppcnhoiser. On motion of
Samuel Knorr. Wesley Wirt was nn
pointed nudltor to distribute tho pro
cecus oi mo sucriu s snic.
sunvDYon ar,fr:nAL,
Columbia Comity Democratic- Tickot
ron nnritiMENTATivi:,
Noisrn uo.wNiitUM.
ItKnRll-M'KINXtiY III'. on Tuoh.
day oveiilnj; Ia.t, at Iho rcKldenod of t jio brblo'H
crandfather. Wm. M'Kelvv, in., by I Imv. I).
.1. Waller, Dr. Win. M, Uuhor to JllshU.lo
jrKlnney, both of thU placo,
lIKS-COrX-On Krptcmber Ulh, by I. K,
Krlckbaum.l'Hi. nt hU oilleo In llunloit, Mr. H.
ll.IloH4,rOrunuo,to MlssOjulrn Cole, of 8u
uarloaf, Columbia county.
Wr.UTr.KV-MINKlt-At Numodla, on tho loth
liiht,, tiy l'eter Hwnnlc.Ksfi., Mr. Divld Wortloy
nnd Miss Charity Mluer, both of l.oeiwt town
fchlp, Columbia county, I'a,
IIKNnin-SirANNON-AuKUst.!lht, by Hev. H.
WIKnti Mr, Kdwttrd Ilenrlo and Mrn Hannah
F. tihannoii, both of Kyur (Jrovo, Columbia
county, l'n.
MKUICIX Inliuckhorn, HepUmber Olh, John
Mcrlclo, nued (.1 years, I mouths and 1 days.
Iii;iX)NO In OratiKo townshtp, Ausenst 'JsHh,
Mr. Hamuel 13eloui,iigc-dlll yeuis, I month nod
$t days.
UlooiiiBburg Market
Wheat per bushel SI. 10
Itvo " - 1 10
Corn " h W)
OntH. " (.0
Fbmr ner barrel - 8 00
Cloverkoed (1 W)
FlaxHced 1 GO
Mutter w ia
Kan -U
Tullow 1U
rotatoen m 1 ui
Dried Apple .. 10
llaniH 17
Hides mul hhoulderii - - Ii
I4rd mr nouud 10
Hay per ton M Hi U)
IlxuitKUANr IIkaltii is a blosalug vouclntafod
to few, Kven tUoso win have bceu favored by
naluiowlth htrong couttltutlona and YlgorouH
Irainetare apt to uoKlcct tho precautious neces
sary to preserve theso precious endowments.
ludeed.ftsaruk', tho iume healthy and robust a
man Is, tho moro liberties ho Is inclined to take
with hU own physique. It Is komo consolation
to tho naturally weak and feeble to know that
they can be so invigorated nnd built up, by a
proper uso or tho means which science has plac
ed at their disposal, ns to havo a much better
chance or long llfo, and exemptions from Uls
eaKo and palu, than tho moht athletic of their
fellows who are Joollsh enough tosuppojo them
Kelvcs invulnerable, and act accordingly,
It Is nottoo much to hay that moro than half
the people of the clvllUed world need an occa
bloual tonic, to euablo them to support the strain
upon their bodies nml minds, which tho fast life
of this restless age occasions. In lact, u pure,
wholesome, unexcltlug Urn to Is tho grand desld
erutumof tho busy mtlllons, nnd Uiey havo the
article lu Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, It Is
Ktamlnal medlclue, 1, o, H Imparts permanent
strength to weak .systems aud Invigorates dell
catu constitutions. Its reputation and Its Hales
have steadily 1 ner caked, Compctlttvo prepara
tions havo been Introduced 1 libitum, and, us
far as tho public Is concerned, tul nauseum, In the
hopo of rlvallna itj but they havo nil tlther rel
ished In the atttmpt, or IVeuUrtfur Juthorear
It hns been tho great medical kuccess of the pres
ent century, mid it H ijulte certain that no pro
prietary medlcliio In this country is as widely
known, or as utneruliy ustd.
Ten lightning presses, rutin lus luccssantly
(Huudays excepted tho wholo year through,
barely supply the do maud for tho Illustrated AY
mauac, lu which the nuturo nnd uses ol tho
preparation aro sot forth, tho circulation now
being over eight millions a year,
W'o now havo tho finest ojuwvrtment nf ULANIf
DKKDH on hand nnd fur salu that wero ever kept
In illoomsburg, Iurgu size on mui turchmeut
ralors iJeods-Mnall bUe good iaier (cheap)
Common lXxxls, Ac. '
Now Advortisomonts.
li i A Ii
L u a n l e
K H T A T 1! ,
T.i itirftnn1ir-A nf fln nnlr-r nf llift Omlinnh'
Court of Colnmlilfl polltlly, ulll lio rxpinrtl lo
mm IP Ham oil I nn iirrniini'a. ,m m i uiiim iiiu
lilt ilny ol ourtillHll, A, II., I7l,nt ono o'clock
it Iho nflcrnoon, tiy lunnc Lelliy nnil Mow,
tcrucr, fulmltmirnlorH ol uiucau niccucr iniu
f Hemlock township, ileccmcil, tho following
n.nrlltnil l-Pnn.Hv olitlntn 111 lfftlllrrk InWIl-
lll 111 HItKl Kill III j tlllllU I Mil Mini mil llipu-o ii
rcuilcnl, nnd bomul liy liuuH of Zrlulon llnlj.
ins. imniei wnnnor u ui isanu j.cmy. cuuiuiu-
lllg libotlt
T W E N T Y -S I X AO R E S .
ii-n nprn nf Mm ttnitlft licliii lot tnln nf I'otOf
Mlutfiiitit tlrnriPi1. Hvn.Mflti nf Wiilrll nillV lio
InnH tOKiMUltlooti Htcctar. Tho lumlH to be
HoUl for tho imyment or iieuis.
nntl outlmlltlliies noma fruit niul cnmi water t
TnttMtfi Ton itor rent, nt onoronrth of tho
imichitHo money M ho uUl nl tho fttrlldng down
i ino properly ; ino ono imiiin it"n iuu iru yvi
i-nf. nt ilin (-niiilmuitloii tif Kiito! niul tho ro-
nmliihitf thrro.f.iurtliH tit mm thrrenfter,
jVJin iniorom until uio coiuinimt inn hiai,
lty ortlcr nf Dm Court.
w i-aiijium ii i,.i,
nopl. I-1), '"I'tt. I'rollionntnry
) ini h i o s A h H
-o I'
ll i: a i.
v a l it A II l i:
to iinrkii.iiiriiiir nn nrilcr nftlio OiiilmnH'Cnnrt
of Ciilninlihi County, will 1m -imt-il to imlillo
miio oy inu uiKicmiKnou funniniiiiniintiiii uuiucn
its, nccciixL-tiitm ino lucinisct, m
next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of kiiKI il.iy, tlio follow
Inn ilcKt-rlbcd rial estate, to wit t
A certain mcmiiiane. belli llio mntmlnn liono
niul trnclof lanil, Alttialo lu tho townihtii cifHu
Kfirloar, In fiaiil count), liotiniltil Py oilier liuuli
ui Mini uiM-uii-t-ti on iii mini ii iiuii w eii, liy iniiii
of JonnH Hnnco iiml William Davis tin tliu nnrtl
and by lauds of Jtmhua Havagooti tho i-u&t,cou
more or less.
also u certntn tract of Imitl slhmtn In .Tnek
son ntu Hugarlonf township In county.
nuuiuii'u ity jinui n .jmm Jtiiu linn minim
Nclnrtl on tho ftouth, hy ImhU at Ctitli' A
llliincti.artl nn tlm wi'tt. ttm irnoL iilmvtt ili'scrllioil
on tliu north, nml JuiuU or Kiuuiel l-'ilUon thu
t'Ukt, coutiiiulny
moro or Ickh, beliitf tlmher lnml,
AI.SOiK-eitaln tract nf laiiit nltu Uo tn D.ivM
son township, HiUIivnn co.mty, bouniltM on tho
ciwt liy llio tmrt It rt uuovo ''cscilhcit ntitt lumW
nf L'rultf Jc Itluucluul on tho north, houth uuJ
wusi, t'omuiuiug
F I FT Y AO 11 E S
moro or less bolus Umber lain).
A1U u eft tain tract ot l.uut o hi lien ton
township, Columbia county, on tho
norm oy tanas ni ncr iWiM-t, on ino wt'M ny
KIIhIih Khulltt niul ltiiuiiah Hniilh. niithOKuulh
unil nst hy liuuW otH.iimul KtieUb.tum, coii-
moro or less, being Improved luiul.
TnitMs ok HATiK. Tt'ii nor cent, of ono-fourlh
ot thu purdio-.o money to bo paid on tin il.iyof
halo,oiio-fnurth of tliu purclm-to money U-ss tho
III! per ci'ii it u 11 iuu 1'uiiiiriii.iiiini tiiti n;ui-, nun
tho hulaticu In ono ear thereafter wltli latcrot
mi tins mi tno Imm cnntlrinutlmi nlsL
rosHi'Hskm or tho nnpiovni promise" win no
iMvimi on thu 1st of Amll. UT.'.hv tho mirctmser
or piirrni.surs mtuiiiik iuu uuimiu uicimtu
mont-v. l'ossi'Sfslon of iho timber tiaeiH v,lll bo
(rlvon on tho continuation ol tho Halo by tho
pin I'lintcr or pimrniiM.'iM mtuiiuj; iuu mii'iim
puroluiHo inonoy, l'urchaser or.puiehascni lo
l'iiy lor ueeus ana mamrm,
CoIu'h Creek, Sept. IS, 1S71-U
V It O 0 L A M A T I O X.
I'lirsuatit to an Act of tho General Assembly
of tho Commonwealth of l'ennsylvanl.i, entitled
"An Act relating to tho elections of thli Com
monwealth, npproved the second day of July
Anno liomlnL ono thousand elulit hundred and
Ihlrty-nlno, l.AAKUN HMITII, Shcrlil of tho
(Tnnntv of I'nltimhlii . I'nnvtviitiln.. tin bprtbv
mako known and glvo notlco to tho electors of
mo couniy aioresaiu- mat a general ejccuon wm
bo held lu said county of Columbia, on tho HKC
ONliTUKSDAYU") OP Od'OIlLIlt. lS71,nt Which
tlmo Htato and County olllceis, as follows, aiu to
no viecieui 10 win
ONI! TKIisON for Auditor General of tho
Lominouweaiin ni I'enusyivauiu.
UNK 1'KItMJN for hurveyor Ucueial of tho
(1(iniiiiitiiwiiitth nf l'.iniKivlvimln.
UiN'i; l'UUsOX for Jlemher of tho Houso of
Hcpreseniatives, lo rcpiehent tho Count v or Co
lumbia lu Iho Ueiierul Assembly of lVuusyl
van la,
uNk IT.USON for AMOilato Judgo of tho sov
ernl Courts of tho County of Columbia,
ONII l'KltON for CommUilonur or tho Couu
t,r Knlnnil.ln
ONK PKltoON for Treasurer of tho County of
ONK PGIISON for District Attorney of tho
ItinnLf nf t '..1 n 1 .1 I.I n
OnB rKltfeOW lor Coionor of tho County of
ONJ; l'i;nS0N for Auditor of tho Couutyof
uoiuinuin, . ,
onk l'CiLsox for countv Kurvevor oi ino
(jouiuy 01 loiuiiiuut.
Tho fclectlous In tho buveral votlua dUtrlcw
will hn hold nt faUawx
I leaver lownsiiin. at ino nuu le uousooi inot.
.1. Khiiinnn.
llentou lownshln. nt tho nubile houo of Les
ley Plat t in tho low n of lU-utoii,
'JiHt Hum. m. fit. tliu t'liurt IlousO. Ill IIlo0mH
West Illoom, at tho Court House, In lllooms'
itorougu ot nerwieic at ino lowu jiousp, in ino
i)ortiin in litrwit'ic,
Jtoiough of tVnlralla.ut tho public houso ot 11,
A. Wtvhlt liMilil.
llrlurcreclc township, at tho public schtHd houso
ni'fir iniu ilti
Cntawissa township, nt tho jmbllo houso of
S.uiuii.1 Kostenbaiidcr, In llm tou u of Catawissa.
Centre township, at tho st luud house near Ui
fayetto Creusey'w.
North Conyngham District at tho school house
mar tho i-ollleiy of John Audiews A Co.
Mouth CoiiyiiKhaiu Uistilet at tho houso of
Thomas Kllker, lately fixed by a votool tho citi
zens of that township.
rishlngcrtck township, at tho public house of
Iiiuaudurt Unaiiust.
rrunkllu township at tho Lnwrciit'o school
Utecnwood township, at (ho hujso of Juscph
It. l'utton.
Hemlock township, nt tho publlchousoof Chas.
II. HietteiKh In thu lowiiri!ui k Horn.
.lailcsou township at Iho hotihtt nf IVeklel Cote,
Locust township, at the publlchousuolLudwlg
Thlelnln Nuuu-dla.
Mlltllu towuohlp, nt tho public hoiuo of Aaron
Hess, In tho town o .Mll1hnllk
Mnilisou township, at tho public lion so of Sam
uel HlmUy, In JeiHcytown.
Alt, IMeusuut township, at tho houso of II,
Montour township, nt tho public houso of W,
Tubbs lu said lowiishln,
Maino township, at tho public houso of Abra
ham K. Hhuman,
lburlugeieek township, at tho houso formerly
occupied by tlco. V, liu'Isbach.
Oiung township, nt tho public houso of Clin
ton W. Yuple In Oiangevllle.
rjnotow ushlp.nt tho CVuliu School House late
ly tUud by a oto of thocltlunn ot said lownslilp.
Kugarloat towiishln at tho houso of AUu is Colo
Hcol t townslilp.ut tho public house ot Wm. rut
it In JNpy.
Tho election In tho ns-Id several districts, shall
baopeuod between thu bonis ot 0 nnd 8 o'clock
lu tho lorcnoou, and shall continue without lu
tvrrupllou or adjournment until 7 o'clock In tho
evening, when tho polU shall bo rlnsi'd.
noticij is iu;m:iiv hvi:n
That It Is provided by uu Act oi Assembly, ap
proved July '2, IttlU,
"That every person excepting Justices of tho
IVaco who shall hold any olllco or appointment
of profit or lrutt under tho Uovcrumeut or tho
United State-, or ot this State, or of any city or
corMirated district, whether a commissioned of
ficer or otherwise, u subordinate oillcer or agent,
or who is or shall bo employed under tholt-tosla-tlve,
executive, or Judiciary depaituunt ot this
State, of tho United States, or of any city or ot nny
Incorporated district, nnd also, that mcry mem
ber of Cougrcxs iiiul of tho Htato lA-gUlaturc, uud
of tho seleit or common council ol nny city, or
commissioner of any lucorHrulcd district, Is
by law luca)nblo of holding or exercising at tho
same time, tho otllco or appointment of Judgo
or Inspectoi.oruny ottlcwrofuuy such election
shall bo ellilulo to auy olllco to bo then voted
And tho said Act of Assembly, Gntltod "Au
Act relating to tho elections lu this Common
wealth," pnssod July 1', lija, further provides ns
fuliowM, to wit:
"That tho Inspectors and .Tudeos shall meet nt
tho lespectlvo places appointed lor holding tho
election lu tho district to which they respect h uly
belong, bcfoiu uluoo'clock lu tho morning of the
second Tuesday of October, and each of said
Inspectors shall appoint ono clerk, who shall bo
a uuulUlcd voter ot such district.
'in case tho person u ho shall havo received tho
second highest numkrof voles rorlnspeetorshall
uotatteudon theday ofnu election, tlien the per
son who shall havo received tho second highest
number oi voict iur juut;u in mo nttxi iirecuumg
election, shall net as Inspector lu Ills pUcv, And
in eoso tlio person who shall havo received tho
highest number of votes fur Inspector shall not
InsiK-clor lu his placo and lu eoso tho person
elected Judge shall not ntteinl. then the fnspec
tnxihn rei-i-lvutl the hi ir host number nt il.tnu
shall uppolut u Judge In hlsnliu-e-andif nny vu
eaney shall continue In tho board for thu space
nfnn.t hour lifter thO time ilXed bv law fnr tlm
opening ot tho election, the fjualllled otors of
oilleerssbnll have been elected, piesent at tho
place of election, shall elect ouo ol their number
i no iowusuii, wan', ur uisirui, ior wmcn sue i
lo uu buen vueuuey.
'It shall bo tno duty of tho several assessors
respectively iu mienu at ino piaco or noiuuig
f-verv ueneral. sneclal or towiubln eluetion. lur.
lug tlio wholo tlmo suld election Is kept open,
iur ino uii"u in bi 4ut iiiiui uiutiuu n uiw iu
sireciorsnud Judge or either of them bhall J ruin
tliiia in tiniH ieiulre.
No person shall bo perm It led to voto at any
election us uloioKat-J other than a white fieemuu
or tho ngo of tueuty-ouo years, or inort', who
snail na o rrHiutn, m unit nmiu ui ieini one year,
nntl lu tho election district whero lie otitis to
vote, at leant ten days liutnedlauly preceding
such election, and within Iwo years hao paid u
State and county lux , w hlch hhatl havo been as
bcssetl nt leaxt ten da n bt foro tho election. Hut
ncltUen of the Hulled states Un shall have
pielously beeiiniiualltled voter of this hute,
and removed thcrutrom nnd returned, aud wlio
shall have resided In tho election district nnd
I in Id taxes as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to voto
alter residing In tho Stato six munthsi Pro
vided, that uhlto freemen, cltlous or tho United
States, between tho nges or twenty-one uud
twenty-two years, aud having resided In this
State ouo year, and lu tho election district ten
days as nforesald. shall bo entitled to vote, ui
(hough they shall not havo paid taxes.
"Wo pvrsuu shall bo admitted tu oto whoso
bahltnntu fiirnWietl by tho enmm Jm I' "J"
tlirrolnor not, H oh cot M l t'V n iy ,!!fi.V,,
cithXii ummu bo tho iUtiviirilio in;
cxnmlnoMich pcronn on oath ni to h oual lea
tlou.iiiul If ho claims to Imvo rcMpa wpniu
tho Ktnto for ouo i ar or moro nn " '"r
Milt ctrut pnwr tboroor iui no mmii r
by nt IcaU ono compplcnt wl noun, who yhn o
n tmnllilotl elector,' that bo has .ronldo.1 wllhtn
tin illMrlct for mciro than ten day next . wo
t'c Uur wild clcellon, nhall hlmiclf wonr that .hi-.
(ona tldo leHldcnco, in P "uanc ui mn "! :
imt ninoo nlo naut uisinci mr mo
qtln therein. n- . . ulfl
i.cry iernn nuiiiiui-ii ni"ito , :
hhall maVesluoilroor, if rcnulre. t...fli s res Menco
n mi payini'iii ni ,;; .iitrici.
inllleil to voipui ino iimusiiii'i i -
lu which ho shall rulilo.
' If any person nlmll prevent or atlorapt to
prevent any oillccr of nn eleclionumlcr thli i nc 1,
root linlillns mtcll olecllrai, or nso iir I reaton
any violence? to any icl'omcer,,,rpliall Inter
rupt or improperly Interfere with Mm In ho cx
It utlon of lis ilaty. or mall block up at n"mil
t,i block uplhowfnaow or nvonno t nny wli i
ilowwheii the mtino may bo hoi, Una. "f in '
' OT"'?"'" ,VSTO .,l,l nns.tlirent.
foreoor violence, Willi .loslan lo lnil' '
inly, or overawe nny elector, or to proven t him
bA, norai.n nn antiv Ctlrin. Kha I bO 11110,1 111 Oily
mm not exeecllnir live hiiinlro.l tlollnrj. fj'v
Imprlsoneil for nny lime not ".VW'Vbiu m
more limn iwcn" m, hum. , ... ,,-, ",:..
Hiowntoiho court, whero Iho trial of unci of
rencodiallhohaa, that Iho persnn no nllei ,1 In
was not n les uent in urn c,iy, iy,..-.i '-,,", ,
townslilp, whf rethoH ililoirenco was enmnillloil
nml nntl otltleil lovolo tliercln. thru on eo nvlc-
nml ilollan, nml bo Iniprlsonoil not loss limn
Bl 111,111111- ll'll lllw,.' " ' J iiH, l.nll
"Iinuy person, inn ny mw ,'ii,in - i i.-..-fraililulenlly
volo nt nny- election In 111" com
inonwealth,nr belni ntlierwise iinalllleil iilia
nlil nr piocuro micll pemiu to ynlo. Hip lro
Sllendlnu Umll, on, ivlcllon, bo nc,l 1 any
mil nntcxrenllnic two Inin.lro I ili.llnrs, nn bo
Imprlsoucil lor uuy term not exceeding unco
"'"j'f'i'ny person shall voloal nny moro llim nnj
elcetlou illstricl or otherwise framln en It voto
. i... n,i 1 1. a untitn ii W. Itf fttiall trilllU
uleully MM nml deliver In llio lnl'Mt0' ' w
tickets tiwtuer, with tho Intent lllcKally to,or slmll voto tho same, or It nny person
shall nilvlse nnd prncuio any person ho to do, no
or Ihcy so olMidlni:, shall, im mnyict bo
lined 111 nny sum not less than tllty, nnr mnro
than II vo nnd bo linpilsniieil for
nny term not less than tlirco nor moro lli.ui
twtlvo months, , ,.,,,.
rnminouw'nllli nureealily I" law loxccpt llio
nils orquaillieu ciuyeii-.i miiiii m-i-v... ... ......
laeo or election lor llio purpose nf Issulliii
,Airla .... nf Imliieiinliiff lhni-ltl7ellS tlUalllled 111
vole, ho uliall on coin lotion, forli-lt nnd pay nny
mini not cicecdlnn ono IniuilK-d dolliirs. for
ccrvKiich olfunce, nnd bo Imprisoned lor thrco
lUOIHIIS, , ., nrtt
Alireeaniy to ino provisions in in""o-., r
.'..? r l nnl. ... r.v llatinrnl llllll Slll'Cllll
I'.lecltnu fchall boopened belwieu tho hours oi
tlx nnd (.even In llio fori noon, anil siiniicon-
I nl Int. i.P iiill.illl-lltiletlt. nn
111 kcvil o'clock lu Iho ovcitliM. whou tho iolls
-r.ii.iu iv u.w I . I
-7:tsTh.Y i-.vw
I alo sK.. 'iHalal notlco lo tho c re ims ni col-
t t.ti ih itttfhnritti nt the l( wl' . i uut n-
" V V, 'V, ,uV.r irauscrlia bo has re-
celvedor tho county cnnnilHsloneii nmter thi
reed Man lmmodlato rovlslon or the ; J
strut nir i here rom mo namu ".,. i
who is known by him to hao died le o ed
since tho last prevlom nseHsincnt r f? w VJii n
to him, nnd tondd to tho same the name of nny
qualIliedotcr who shall bo known by him to
haomoved Into tno uistuct nuk-u ii ..jvi -v
lou8 assessment, or whoso . removal into in.
to him, nnd also tho names or nir wl hall
make claim to htm toboqualinM voters therein,
Ah soon as tills rovlslon is comnletod ho shall
visit cvciy dwelling houso In hH district nnd
mako careful lunulry If nny person wh'jso uame
Is on his list has dlod or removed from tho dis
trict, nnd If so, to tako tho samo thcreirom, or
whether nny nunllilod voter rosldos therein
whoennmoptnoton liU list, nnd If ho, to ndd
.1 - . I .. 1l nnuno tx'll.ll-fl II lialllO
isndded to tho list n tax shall foithwtth bo
assessed ngalnst tno person; unu mu
final i in niicftsei iietri uini, uj iii'iuw(i -
uroiinil llio nprson so assessed claims
voter. Upon tho completion of this woiie.
proceed to mako out n list, In alphabetical ordei
: t ,i. ...i.n r-.t.xnti nimun t vt,.n t v.i inn voars r
age, ilalmlng to ho qualtllod voter-; lu tho ward
boiouiih, township or district of which ho 1 the
whetliffrsaid freeman is or H not ft lioi v so-ki wn
er: ami it no is. mo uumw - v-...... .
tho towns whtro tho samo Is numbered, with
. nt. .niirt in wlileb HitimteJ t and
If in n town whero thero nro no number), tho
namoor ino street, nuey or couit uu wmn o.
houso rrouis; niso.tuo occupuuumn no rci-
.i.n.n i,A H n linnui.lrnenPl. IHO llCelll
lion ninrrt ni itnnrtiiiiii nun wiin imn. ...
work n 3 for another, tho naino or tho employer,
n.,in nani, ,r uni.i iiniiuot thti wort
"voter;" wheie nny person claims lJ iT?tiVK
reiiHtiii in iwuiiiiiii'-iii"'!! .: a
certnicam inereoi u mu HinMini,iimn
ueen for uvo ponsccuiivo yviut uuai iiei-ui.
voter in said district, and lu nil cases whwo tli
person nas neen imiuriiumi, mo tmiimnirm.
marked with tho lettor"T.;" whero tho perso mnrnK ,1oflnroil liU IlltcIlHollS I( bCCOIUO
citizen nnd designs to bo naturnllzed before tli
..,. Ainn.inn tlm tin tn rt ulinll i.n itiarlfOl'!
I,;' whero tho claim is to vdo by reason of bo
Ing botween tlio nges of twenty-one nnd twenty
two, ns provided by law, tho word "ago' shall
bo enteredt nnd If Iho penon has moved into
the election district lo reside slnco tho last gen
eral election, tho letlor "H." shall bo placed op
posite tho namo. It shall bo tho further duty or
each nssciRoriiH nroresald, upon the tioinpleliou
of tho duties herein imposed, to milso out n scp.
nrntollstof nil now nssfssments made by him,
nnd tho nmounts ussessed upm each, and lur-
ulali tlintasiin liiitiin.lldti-H- In llm PillllltV CO 111
missloners, wlio shall liniuodliti'lv add tlio
naincH totiio taxdiipllc.itooi ttioward, borough,
towmditp or district in which they tuvo bteu
assessed. . ,
Keo.S. On Iho list belngcomplptPd, and thons
scssmruts mado ns nrbresald, tho same shall
rorlliwlth ho relumed to tho county commiss
ioners wlio shall cause duiillcato copies ot said
listH, with tho observation ami explanations ro-
nnlr.-il In hrt lmtoil w ftfnrnhtiilil. til bo midooill
im miviii n nriictifdhln mul iil.iceil In the hinds
of the assessor, who shilt prior to tho first of
August in eacn year, put ono copy moreoi du mu
dotr of or on tht limiso whero tho election ot the
respective district Isieijuiud to bo held, nnd re
tain tho other tu liU ptssesslon, for tho lnspec
t imi- rreo of charge, of anv ners.-n resident In
tho nald election dKlrlct who shall desire to soa
the same; nun it sum no mo uniy oiuiois'iui
nsKCMSor to add liom tlmo to time, on tlio ner- application of any ono claiming Iho right
to voto, tho namo of such claimant, and mark
opposite the namo MV. C," nud tmmctllitely
assess him with u tax, noting as lu all other
ensos, ms occupation, resiuonos, wjieuiern Hoar
der or u houstkeei'er ifnboaider, with wiiotn
ho boards; aud whether naturalized or design
lmrtobe. markUic In nil such enses tho letters
opjKislto tho name or "D, I,'as tho caso
may uo; nine person cunning to ue assumed no
naturalized, ho shall exhibit to the assessor his
eertlitcato of naturalization; and if ho claims
thai no ucHigns touo natulan? eo: beroio the next
ensuing election, ho shall exhibit tho certltlcate
of his declaration of Intention; in nil eases
whero any ward, borough, township or ilection
illsliictls divided Into two or nioio pieclncts,
the assessor shall note Inull his assignments the
eltctloii precinct in which tath elector le&ldes.
nud shall mako n separate return for each to the
couniy commissioners In nil cases lu which a
ic turn Is reijutrid from him by tho pun Ulonsoi
this act; and thu county (ommUsloucrs, lu
making duplicate copies of all such icturiu,
shall mako duplicate copies of the names orthe
voters lu each precinct, sepiutely, and shall
lnruish tho suns totho asicasori and tho rutnl.M
required by this act lo bo p'aced oil tho dootsor
or on i lection places on oi Lefjio tho llrst of Au
gust lu each year, shall bo pl.vcd on the dour ol
or on mo eiceuuu oi s.uu prociucis,
Hfcf. U. After tho assessments hao been com.
bitted on the tenth d.iv ureceedlu' thesecoml
i'ueKday in Oclobcr of each vear.tho assessor
suaii, on tno Mouu.iy immeaiateiy roiiowing,
make a return lo the uouuty commissioners
of tlio names of all persons ussessol by him
slnco the return required to bw made by him by
tho second section of this net, noting opposite
eiieii lutmu tiiv iiustiivtiiioust iiiki i iiiauailous
required to bo noted ns aforesaid; and tho coun
ty commlss'oncrs shall thereupon caiuo the
samo to bo added to the roiarn remilrnd by thu
second section of thli net. ami n full nud correct
copy thereof to bo made, containing the names
oi uu pcisons so reiurueuas rdsiuent taxaules
tu sail ward, borouyh, township ur precinct, and
furnish the samo. tozetlitr with tho oecesmirv
election blanks to thu ntlicers ot thu oluatlon in
said ward, borough, township or precinct, on or
ne lore sixociocg mine moiuiug oi tue soeouil
Tuesdav or October: uud Wi man shall be iter.
milted lo voto at the election on that day whoso
nam is not on sau list, uuiess no snail make
prooi oi ms riui to vote, us ucreiuaiicr re
quired. SLC. I. On thod.ivof tho election anv narnn
uhoso namo Is not on tho said list, and claiming
the right to otout said (lection, shall pioduco
atleiuttouo quallilod voter ui tt;o istrlctas n
witness to tho residence ol tho claimant In the
district lu which ho claims to bo a voter, for tho
Il-iiij( if i tit ii'hai icii uiiyn iu'ai prei'uuiiig
election, which witness shall take and subHCtiho
nwrmeu or parity wrmen ana partly prinma
nllldavlt to tho facts stated by him, winch aill
davit shatl detlno clearly whoto the tesUence Is
of the person so ilalmlug to bo u voter; niul the
poison so clnlmlug tho light to voto shall also
lauo uuu sunscriuo a wrmuu or putty written
nnd narttv nrluted ullMavlt. sbitlinr tu thw hit
of hlskuuwledoand ballet where and when ho
wu uoru i i nut n i u ciiiauu oj ino common
wealth of Pennsylvania and tho Unltud stute
that ha has resided la tho coromonwoallh ouo
year, or ii lormuriy u ciiixeu merein ana nas
moved therefrom, that ho has resided therein
six mouths next proceeding said eloctlou; that
ho has notmoea: into the dlstrlot for tho pur
pose of voting therein: that he has paid a state
or county tax within two yoars, which was us
sessed at least teudays before suldelecllon t nud
If a naturallod cltlen, shall nlsj state when,
whero and by what couit ho was ii.uurallzoti,
aud Bhall also produce IiU cortlllcuto of natural
l.atlon for examination; Iho said eertlilcate
shall also stato whou uud when) thu tax claimed
to bo paid hy thealllant wasassessej,aud when,
where and to whom paid, aud the tax receipt
Ihcrelor shall bo produced Jur examination, un
less the nlllant shall state in Ills nllldavlt that It
has been lost or destroyed, or that ho nover re
ceived uuy, but If the person so claiming the
right to oto shall tako aud subscribe uu nill
dult, that ho 1 a native born cltUau of the
Uiittetl States, (or If born elsuwhero, shall statu
Ihafutit In his nllldavlt, nud shall produce evi
dence that hblias heen naturalUeJ, or that ho Is
entitled to cltlicuidilp by reason or Ids father's
unturallzullounud shall further stato lu his alll
davit thai ho Is, at the tlmo of taking the al?) Ja
vlt.betaecn tho aes of twenty-oiie and twenty
twuyeiirs; that bo has resided In tho State onu
lear.and lu tho election district ten ilays preceil
liiK such election, ho shall bo entitled to vote, a U
thiuig he shall not hnvo paldtuxes; the uild alll
Uavli or nil persons making such claims, nud Iho
allluaylts pf tho witnesses to their reldtuco,shall
ho preserved by the elcetlou board, and at tlio
rhino of the election they shall be enclosed with
tho list ol voters, tally lUt nud other papers re
qulied by law to bo llled by tho Judgo with Iho
pruthouuUry.und hliullrvmuluou Ulu therewith
umbift coUny, that, i,v nn net fiitllU-tl 'An A rt
lurlhJrsnpp'nu'Utnrto tho net ic Mlvo to tho
ilortiniK of thli CommonwUh," nupioved
AprI nth, A. IMW, it P. provided ns fo.lojvi;
In I ho prnthonotary'rt onlco, suhjecl in nxntnlnn
linn, ns other election papers nro l iflhoolectlon
ntlicers Khali find Hint tho nppllcunt or nppll
cauls ponPHH nil tho legal iualltlcatlons of vol
t,-, nuiM iin-y HUIIII lilt p:i HIM If'i nr iiii'i
tluiiiamo or names shall bo nddettntho list of
laxnblos by llm election ofllcers, llio word "lax"
being added whero tho claimant italms to volo
on tax, aim uio worti "ago" whero ho nanus m
voto on ago the sunn wordi being nddo 1 by tlio
clerks In each caso respectively uu IhollslHof
persons voting at such election,
HkC. 8. It shall ne lawful for nnv nualllled
cltlea nr Iho district, notwithstanding ttm
namooi tno propoioo vmur in rmuniniHi on not
I1SI OI resiiieill llinmiiu't MF timiiniKH Ulti "
right or Ktillrngo m Is now required by law nlmll
bo publicly mado nnd nctei on by tho election
.ucii ncrsoii i wnereupon uiuhiuihi iirotu oi nut
rngtotho ovidencoi every person claiming to
lio n naturnllred citizen shall bo required to pro
duco his naturalization cerllllcato nt tho elect on
boforo voting, except whero ho has bcrm for ton
years, consecutively, n voter Hi tho district In
which ho ofrers his voto t nud on the voto of
such person being received, It shall bo tho duty
of thu otoctlon nlllcors to write nr stamp on such
crillicatotne worn "voiou, - wuu ino iiioiiiii hhh
receive u second voto on tho samo day. by lrtuo
oari unil u any cicctinn oiucur or ouicern huii
oi iuu n.unu rei inn iiu-. ' n. 'ini ui-in "''",
entltlod tnvoto by vlrluoof tho tmturallzatlnn
or their falhers, tliey nnd Iho person who shall
olfer such second voto upon sooiteinllng shall bo
guilty or n lilgu misnenioiiuor, nun on convien""
lllPreoi, no linen or inii ts.MiiM, nt imn , in tr tlm enurl! but tho flno shall not
excoed ono hundred dollars In earli enso, nor
tho Imprisonment onoyoari iho Ilko puiilh
meiil nliall bo InlllcloJ.ou convlcllon. on tlio
olllccrsor filoctlnn who sliill neglect nr refuso to
in ike, or causo in no niaoe, mo huium'si'iiihiii iu
lulred ns nroresald on said naturall.atlon eer
urn rt tr nnv nlfipltnti nfliefif hlull refusn nr
neglect to requiro such proof nf tho right of sur-
IiaaO r IS prenci HM'ii ij inn mw,"i mu !.. i"
which this Is n supplement, from nny person of-
r.,.i.,i vnin ti-luwi. tin tn it Ih lint 1111 llinlUtof
assessed otcrs, or whoso right to voto Is chal
lenged by nny qualified voter present, nnd shall
admit such person lo oto without requiring
such proor, every person ho ouemunK, hoiui iijimi
conviction, bo guilty or n HUH mlsdemonnor,
and shall bo nentcncod. fir every such ollcncc,
tu pay u lino not exceeding ono hundred dollars,
or to undergo nn Imprisonment not moro than
ono year, or elthor or both, at tho discretion of
tho court. , , . .
HKC, 7, Ten days preceding every- election for
electors of President aud Vice-President of tho
United Htntos.u sunn no motility oi ino usscHor
tho election In each election district, nnd then
nnd thero hoar nil applications or persons whoso
names havo been omitted from tlio llstof ntisess
cd voters, and who claim tho right to vote or
iiltctlil at tno niaca nxeu oy inw ior nuiuiiu;
whoso r mil is nave oi iKiusimu Ninco i no samo win
mado out, nud shall mid tho names or mirh per
sons then tons shall show that they nto entltlid
totho light nfsulli'jgn In such dlstilct,on the
peiHonal application of tho claimant only, nml
foi tli with nssi "s them with tho proper tax After
completing tho list, n copy thereof slmll l-o plac
et Oil 1110 ooor ii r tin i iiu iimisu wnem i mi eiee
Ion Is to be held, at least eight days before tho
election; nnd nl tho t lection tho same cnurno
shall bo pursued, In nil respects, ni Is rcqulicd
by mis net mm mo ncis iu which ii is u Mijpiu
inent . nt iho irencral elections in October. Tho
assessor shall also mnko tho samo returns to tho
county commissioners of nil assessment mado
by vlriuo or tins section; nnu inn county coin-
miNSiiiiUT Minn iiiiinsii jiun meieiii in iuu
f lerllon otllccrs In each district, in llko manner.
In all respects, us Is required nt tho general elec
tion In October.
Mi-r. S. Tho samo rules nud regulations shall
apply at eery special elect ion. nnd every srpar-
Hie cuv, itorougii or wntu eieeuun, in uu icsiiucin
as nt Iho general election In October,
Hit, it. The lespectlvo assessors, Inspectors
nud Judges nf tho elections shall each hnvo tho
powt r io ntiniinisier osuiis m any person cmnn
ing tho right to bo assessctl or tho right or sur
rrige, or lu regard to any other matter or thing
required lo bo done or Inquired Into by any or
said olllccrs under this net: uud nnr wilful false
swearing by nny person in relation let nny mnl
ter or thfug concerning which they s tall bo law
fully lnU-irogatcd by any or said otllccrs shall
bo punished as perjury.
samo compensation ror tho tlmo necessarily
spent lu pcrrormlng tho dutlos hereby enjoined
nf-L, if, ino mneHiurs miiu imcii receive iuu
lis is jirovitieu iy inw iur ino )erioriiiiiiico mi
their other duties, tu bo pild by tho county com
mlsslouersiiis lu other ewes; and It shall not bo
luwfil lor liny assessor to assess a tax against
any person whatever within ten days next pre
ceding tho election to bo held on tho second
Tuesday of October, lu any year orwllhln ten
uuy. nt'xi ileum' any election ior i-iociorH oi
President and Vic a President of the United
States; any violation of this provision shall tie
a misdemeanor, and subject tho oillccrs no of
fending ton tine, on conviction, not exceeding
ouo huudrol dollars, or to Imprisonment no-
exceeding wtreo months, or uoiti,nitho discrei
lion of the court.
HKC. 11, On tho petition ol flvo or moro citi
zens or tho county, stating under oath that
they verily bellevo that fraud will bo practiced
nt tho election nbout to bo held in nny district,
It shall bo tho duty of tho Court or Common
l'leasof sild county, ir In session, or if not n
ludgo thereof In vaiutloti, to appoint two Judi
cious, sober nud Intelligent citizens or the coun
ty to act ns overseers nt Naldelectlou , snld over
seers shall bo Kclocted from dl Heron t politic il
parties where tho Inspectors belong to tilth-rent
iur ties and whero botu or said Inspoctois belong
to tho samo political pirty, both or tho overseers
shall bo taken from tho opposlto political paily ;
snltl overseers shall havo tho light to bo present
with tho oillcersorthoelectlou, during tho wholo
tlmo tlio samo Is held, tho votes cnuntodnnd Iho
returns mado out and slguod by the election oill
ccrs; to keep n list ot voteri, ir thoy soo proper;
to challenge auy person ollorlng bo vote, an 1 In
tel rogato him nnd his witnoq under oath. In io
gard to his right of sutlragu of said election, nn I
loexamlno his papers puUucad; and tho o'll
cursor said election aro require I tonir.ird to slid
overseers so selected and appointed overy non
vculcncouiid racility for tho discharge of their
duties; nndirsald election otllccrs nliall refuso
to permit Hald overseers to bo present and pel
loriu their duties as aloresald, or irthoy shall ho
driven away trom the pills by vloteuco or Intim
idation, nil tho voles polled at such election dis
trict mty ho rejoetodby nny tribunal trying u
contest under said election: J'rovuteil, 'I hat no
i-eisuti hihuiu- mo peuu'jusu in uoappoiuto4an
Skc. 12. If nny prothonotary, cleik, or tho
deputy or cither, or auy other person, shall ailU
tho suil or olllco In any uaturalUillon paper, or
permit Iho samo lo boalllxed, or glvou out, or
cauo or pormlt tho to bo given out, lu
blank, whereby it may bo fraudulently used, or
tarnish a naturall.atlon cert llle ite tunny pemou
ho shall not hivo been examined nntl swurnlu
open court, in thopreseneo ofHomo or tho luth'es
thereof, according to tho net of Cougross,tirhall
nld In, connive nt. or lu any way permit tho is
suo orauy rraudulent nAturnlUalliui eertlilcate,
ho shall bo guilty or n high mUdumoinor; or lr
any one shall fiauilulently uso any such cortlll
cato of naturallallon, knowing tint It was
fraudulently Issued, or shall vote or attempt to
vote, on any eertlitcato of naturalization not Is-
sueu to nun, no shall Ijo guilty of n hiu nilsdo-
alders or abettors, guilty or either of tho mlsdu
meanors aforesaid, nliall, on conviction, bj tlnM
lu n sum not exceeding ouo thousand dollars,
iiitautti ; iiiui euiier or uuy oi ino poisons
nimiitijuiimiiiioiitiu uio proper penitentiary lor
a period not exceeding three yoais
Hnc. 11, Any person who on oath or uillrm i
lion, lu or betoru nny court lu tho Htato, or oill
eer aulliorl.e,l to administer oaths, shall, to nro
curoftcerllllc.Ue ornaturalUatlon, rorhlmseiror
any other person, willfully depose, deelaio or
alllrm nny m itter to bo fact, knou In: tho samo
to ho taUo. or shall Ju lllto manner deuy auy
matter to he fact knowing tho saina to Im true,
shall ho deemed guilty of perjury; uud nny eei
tttlcato ornaiurallzatlou Issued lu imrsu inco (.r
any such deposition, declination or atllrmatiou,
shall be null and void ; aud It shall bo tlio duty
or tho court Issuing tho same, upon proof being
made befuro It that it wnslrauduteully obtained
to tako lmrncdlato measures for rueulllng tho
smio tor cancellation, and nny portion v ho shall
vote, or attempt to vote, on nny paper so obtain
ed. or who shall in nny way aid lu.coiiulvont.or
have nny agency whatever in tho issue, circula
tion or use or imv irnudulent naturall.,illon cer
tltlcate, hall bo BUllty of n misdemeanor, nnd
upon conviction thereof, shall undergo nn Im
prisonment In tho penitentiary ror not moiu
than two yeais nnd pay n lino, not moro than
one, thousand dollais lor eery such oUenco,,i
either or tho discretion ofthooomt,
Hkc, II. Any nsscssor, election oillcer or per
son appointed as an overseer, who shall neiriect
IVMreimttl'.,.,,eilormi,.l,iy tl.llll enj-inod by this
act, without leasouablo or legil luuso, shall Ui
subject Ps) penalty ot ouo hunured doliats, and II
any assessor shall ns-icss any person as a vou-r
yiVinHi'f VtxtUU' "r,fc!mI1 rt'"1 t
peison who Is qualined, hu inll ho guilty or a
inn tit5'ln?.or '"JPrbjcmtnonl.cud nlvi l.u
subject to an actlou fur dun lies by tlic ii.irty
alter, add lo, detaco or destroy nny list or voters
mado out ns dltected by this net, ur tear down o.
emove i the samo Irom tho placo whero It has
been attlxed, with Iraudulent or mischievous In
lent, or lor unv improper purposo, tho periou so
ohVndiugsball bo guilty ornlilglunUdemea or
and on ejnvlctlou, shall ha puulshal hy a llinS
I1.001'111- 'In0 'mtulrod dollars, or Imprison,
i neut note-xceeJlus t.oyoi;rs, or both at tho
discretion ot tho court, f ' 1
Hica IC. At all eluetlumthoroarier held under
tho laws ot this coiuHiouwoalth, thu polls h i ui
bo opeu between tlm hours ot' six and sove
" Sl.V41 V.1",1111:,1 fI,HOli o'clock, p. ni,
Httc.17. Itshalt bo tho duty ot tho Sec'tkaiy
or tho corumou wcalth tu pretiro forms for ull
tho blanks itiUu necessary by thlsact.uudluru.
Ishcoplesof tho suuo lo tho county co nmU
sloneruot the several counties of llio cominm.
wealth; au tho couuly commissioners ot each
county sh ill, ns siounsmiy bo ilecos-Jary altul
the receipt ot tho same, at tho proper oxpeuso oi
the eouuty. proctuo and lurulsh to all llio eleo
lion oltlcerso the election districts or tholr res.
pectiyo counties copies of such blanks, tu such
quantities as may bo rendered noeossary i jr tho
dischargo of their duties under IhisuH.
Rec, 19. ThatcltUensofthUfttatotomporarllv
In the service of lUu Mtato or tl.o Uullod HtVit es
governmenU.ou clerical qr other duty, i nd who
do not volo whero thuemployed, shall not I J
theroby deprive 1 ol iho rlght'm'voto In tliu 1?
IHel" JllrlJti Ifoihorwlio duly qual-
Hkc, 2J. Tho act ontltlod u further supplo.
monl to tho act relating to tlio elections ot this
eominmiwealih," -inproved Apill tho lourlb,
Anuu iMnilul ouo thousand eight liundiodnud
K'ty elght.aud all olnor laws altered or sup
plied by this act, bo uud tho samo aro horeby re
elections lu ttjo several counties, ot this ootn!
inonwealtli. '
Hko. I Jlo it enacted t! tho innate and Jfouie tJ
Jitretcntattvet uf the Ojumonwmtth tJ iVmytvn-
in lipiirml AnsemWil met. and It iaherelni
rtlli! the tiuOiorltiof the win1. That Iho quallilod
voters of tho Noveral ciuulles of this common
wealth, at all general, township, borough uud
ptJClUl mwnum, uiu iiutuuy ntJlUHULT auttior
ztl and l'tioulred to votB. bv tlekulii nrlnti. I nr
severally cbtsslllod us follows
Ono ticket shall eucloso tho namesofnll Jud'fu
or courts voted for, and to bo labelled, oittsldo
-juniciary t" ouo ticket shall embrace the. names
ntall Stale ntlicers voted for, und bo labelled
"(state;" ouo ticket shall ombrace tho name or
ull eouuty oilicers voted for.lucludlugollloursor
Senati momber uud members or Assembly If
voted for, and memhors or Congress, it voted lor,
uud bo labelled "County ,'' "h ticket shall em
brace thu lumen of ull township o Ulcers voted
for, nnd bt) labelled, 'Township;' uno ticket
shall emhruco tho names of ull borough oilicers
Voted Inr. und hti inbeltiul 'lltirnutfli nml ..,wi.
class shall boileposlted lu separate ballot boxes,
nruieald,nr6 by thq said net required to meet at
llio Court House in the Town ol Illoomsburg, on
Iho third day utter tho said day of election, being
Kill HAY, theTHiiiTKKNTHday ofOcTouicu, then
and thero lo perOrm the things required of them
(jQtltaat the Commonwealth.
, AAltON HMITII, KberUr,
Hhcrlirs OUlce, lilooiusburg, Htqd, l IbVV,