The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 08, 1871, Image 4

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Tlio l'olhr.Tlng VorntM
suiouui iihtwicm nctu to in ArrnitciATEr.
Thoro nro provorbs of old
Which have oflim boon told, ,
That n Rtllchlii tlmo savonns mncl "''li'!
That n word lo the wise
Was. enough lo miillco.
Without n whole lecture de l'n.
Now if such Is tho case,
An no doubt you'll prolw
Keep thu following "in "'I"'' i
Although nothing r",
Never! hclCM It Ipiriio,
An cacti tucrrrr on trial will Il.iJ.
If yon wlili lo proloet,
Without lusl ctToct,
Vour sjslem from all Uludt of Ms,
Do net bo moroso
Only two tor a doiio,
Dr. lloofland's Pudoplivlllu Pills.
I f yon sutler from sprains,
Or rrom rheumatlo pains,
Or nchos from overtasked loll,
To get rid or such 1114,
Uso (Dr. lloofland's) Miters and Pills,
And bntuo with lloofland's Orcclt Oil.
If ynu'vo infrared for years,
You need have no learn,
Tliey(Or,lIuolUud'4Uorm.inMc!dlclnu) will
euro, acuto or chronic I
lfyou clean (your liowclsjwlth the rills,
uso the (Ireek Oil for pain.
And strengthen with Hitters and Toole,
Units for Kallroatl Travelers.
1st. Purchase through tickets pros'
loujly to entering Iho cars. Uy obacrv
ini! thU rulo tlio traveler will savo
trouble, anil expense.
2d. Attend to clieckliiBJ'our baRffago
In person bufora Inking your seat hi tho
3d. 11a polito to your follow pnsscn
1th, Whon you lcuvoyour scat, plnco
n parcel, coat, or Bomotlilng belonging
to you on it, which Is nn evldcnco of
tho scat being engaged.
6th. llavo tho exact change to pay
your faro on tho caw, or you nro sub
Jcclcd to bo ejected from tho cars It
hits been decided by law that ft con
ductor Is not obliged to mako change
for a passenger.
Cth. llallroad ChkcIm aro good only
for tho train for which they nro used ;
passongem cannot lay over for another
train without making arrangements
with tho conductor.
7lh. Ladies without ojcort In travel
lug should bo very particular with
whom they becomo acquainted.
"If your lips would savo from Blips,
l'lvo things obsorvo with oaro t
Of whom yon spenk to whom you speak,
And how and when and whore."
When you see a fellow over-anxious
for your comfort, and pushing himself
forward mid Baying, "Aroyou traveling
alono? Allow mo to," etc., eta, Just say
to him "Thank you, sir, I rcquiro no
assistance." By observing this rule,
ladles will oft-tlmcs savo there-solves
and others trouble.
8th. If you soo a lady unaccompa
nied, do not obtrudo yourself upon her
9th. If b!io noods your sorvlcos, ten
der thorn as though thoy woro duo to
her, without unnecessary forwardncsj,
or unduo EMrrtusaMENT.
10th. Such services do not cntlllo you
to after recognition, unless by permis
sion of tho lady.
11 th. Ladies traveling with children
should invariably havo a basket of eat
ables, a tumbler or a goblot for tho
clllUlrou Ux .Itlnlt fram.iiiuLkeep tho
children in their scats.
12th. Keep your head and arms in
sldo tho car windows. j
13th. Ladles without 03cort should
not stop over night beforo reaching
their placo of destination remembor
11th. Nover talk on politics in tho
cars it is usually disagrocablo to some
of your fellow-travelers.
10th. Never talk loudly whllo tho
train is in motion ; It may not annoy
any one, but it will injure your lungs.
ICtli. A gentleman should not occupy
mora than ono scat at a time.
17th. Gentlemen should not spit to
baccojulcoln tho cars whero thoro aro
ladles ; It soils their skirts and drosses.
18th. Children who aro bIx or seven
years old, aud who aro In tho habit of
crying for ovcrythlng they see, should
bo taught differently.
19lh. Always show your ticket (with
out getting into a bad humor,) when
ever tho conductor asks forft. Obscrvo
this rulo nnd it will nav.
HOlli. Nover Binoko in a car wlicro
thoro aro ladles. No gentleman would
bo guilty of such an act.
21st. Nover uso profane languago In a
railroad car.
22d. If you cannot Bleep yourself,
don't provent others from doing so, by
whistling or loud talking.
23d. Jlako n bargain with tho hack,
man beforo getting Into his carriago.
21th. Look out for pickpockets.
2olh. Never ctvo Information with
out being nsked-then you will not bo
2Cth. Remember, that unices you pay
for two seats you nro entitled to but
one, and overy gentleman and lady too,
will respect tho rights of others, and bo
mindful especially of tbo weak, the
aged and tho Infirm.
27lh. Trovldo yourself with sleeping
berths beforo starting you may then
havo n choice tlio doublo lower birth
is preferable
28th. Always ho nt tho railroad sta
tion In good tlmo to tako tho train,
Hotter bo an hour too early than a mln
uto too late.
A SIat) Juikie. AJudgo in Western
Pennsylvania went to tho river to batho
tho other morning, and whio ho was
swimming about, somo abandoned
scoundrel stolo all ids clothes, except
ids high hat and umbrella. Wo won't
try to toll how mad the Judge was, bo.
caqso, although tho English languago
Is copious enough, its moat efficient
nnd vigorous adjectives aro entirely un.
equal to tho exnreaslon of certain do.
grccs of emotion, Iiut lie stayed In tho
wator about four hours, experimenting
with tho dltreront kinds of Impreca
tions, and endeavoring to select two or
threo of tho sturdiest objurgations for
application to the. thief. At last ho
came out, and after Mounting tho high
hat, ho opened tho umbrella and tried
to cover his retreat up tho street toward
his own house. It appeared to tho
Judgo that all tho femalo pupils of the
boarding schools and ono Woman's
Rights Convention, woro out prome
nading that day j and the Judgo had an
awful tlmo going through tho Zouavs
drill with tho umbrella. Whon ho
reached homo he heard that the thief
had been captured; and tho Judgo Is
now engaged In writing out his chargo
to tho Jury In advance of tho trial.
Thoso who havo neon tho rough draft
say It Is tho most plctureequo law paper
ever drawn up in that country.
Illili AVntlilnff Machine
'no object of thU invention 1 to lro
ildo convenient moans for cleansing
dishes by machinery, thus caving much
time nnd labor, A box I olovaieaso
as to bo of convenient height, prefera
bly with n circular or Inclined bottom,
to conduct tho water to ono point ; but
this is not nu IndNpeiisablo fealuro, ns
tho machine will wotk with ft Hat or
lovel bottom. A washing wheel rovolves
transversely In tho vessel, formed of a
shaft and arms morn or less in number,
to which nro nttached wings. This
washing wheel is revolved by moans of
it crank, on ono end of tho wheel shaft,
and is placed so that tho wings will
sweep a short dlslanco from tho bottom,
Uemovablo racks, which fit Into the
box on either sldo of tho washing whcol
aro provided with vertical slides for
separating tho plates or dlshos which
aro placed In tho machine. Above tho
racks and the washing whcol arorcraov
nblo trays, ono or more, with lattlco bot
toms, nnd with slides constructed and
"arranged bo as to admit nnd support nny
kind of dishes which It may bo desired
to nut into tho machine.
Tho inventor does not conftno herself
to nny particular construction or ar.
rangcuicnt of tho racks or trays ; but
constructs them In such a manner that
tho space oach sldo nnd abovo tho whcol
shall bo utilized and tho wholo made
convenient for placing In tho mnchlno
and removing therefrom ordinary table
dishes, nnd so that when placed in tlio
machine they shall be exposed sopanuo
ly to tho action of tho water or suds
employed In tho washing process.
When sufficient quantity of hot water
and soap has been placed in thomachlno
nnd has been fastened down, tho wheel
is turned six or eight revolutions in
cither or both directions, when the
water Is drawn off through tho orifice,
and clcnn hot water is introduced and
tho wheel Is again revolved. This com
plctes tho washing. Tho water is drawn
off nnd tho cover is raised, which allows
tho steam or vapor to escape. This soon
dries tho dishes nnd they nro again
ready for uso. Harriot 0. Robertson,
of East Saginaw, Mich., Is tho Inventor
of this machine Scientific American.
MiND'Youit Own Business. To tell
a man to his faco to mind his own bust
noss would bo considered about equal
to knocking him down. Yet It Is ono
of tho simplest rules of conduct, and' tho
most usoful that mankind can adopt In
tliclr Intercourse with each other,
There is a great deal of wonderful in.
qulsllivoncss in regard to tho personal
nnd private nfl.ilrs of friends and neigh
bora. Tills spirit makes moro mischief
In tho community than almost any
oilier cause, aii'l creates moro malice,
envy and Jealousy than can bo overcome
In a century, Let every man mind Ills
own business, and tberowlll not bo half
tho trouble In tlio world that thero Is at
An amatf.uii poet wIioeo heart Is In Iho rlcut
place, and whoso head Is pretty level, gets olT Iho
Never slip around IhnoiuA to drink,
or If you do, you soon will think
lou'ro on tho very devil's brink
That's so.
Jo you hear, young man, what I'm saying?
iou must do loss drinking and do moro pray
ing. Or else you'll soon bo lyf og
In tho gutter.
llo lompernte, bo Rood, li my advice,
Drink no liquor, play no dice,
Ho moral, that's what Is nice
Thk Cloveland Herald says: Tho
other day a woman postmaster was
married wo will call her maiden namo
Smith aud her marrlago namo Jones.
Now who was tho postmaster after that
ceremony? Certainly not Miss Smith.
And certainly not Mrs. Jones, for no
such postmaster was known to tho de
partment. Thero's tho bother. And
woman must givo up matrimony or
must wnivo somo of her " rights."
" I weeded my friends," said an
eccentric old man, " by hanging a pieco
of stair carpot out of my first floor win
dow with a constable's announcement
afllxed. It had Iho desired effect. I
soon saw who wero ray friends. It was
iiko uring a gun at n pigeon house,
Thoy forsook tho building at tho first
A Western paper thu3 sings tho re
quiem of n departed contemporary,
which lately went tho way of nearly all
mushroon papers:
Leaf by lenr the roses fall,
Dlrau by dime the purho runs dry.
One l,y one. lieynod recall,
Mushroon papers droop and die.
An up country printer recently went
Into tho rural districts after somo 'help.'
Going up to Mr. Ilenpeck, ho said :
"Good morning, sir; havo you any
boys that would mako good typo set
ters?" No; but I havo a wifo that
would mako n first-class devil I"
An Irishman having Jumped Into
tho water to pave a man from drowning,
upon receiving a quarter from tho per
son ns a reward for his service, looked
nt tho money nnd then at him, and nt
last exclaimed : " I'm overpaid for tho
Dr. Iliran thinks tho reason tho Ger
mans ilio so rarely of consumption is
that thpy nro in tho habit of singing
from their earliest childhood, and tho
habit expands their lungs in tho nwt
healthful manner.
Tun world isa looking glass nnd gives
back to overy man tho reflection of his
own faco. Frown tit It, and It will in
turn look tou'ly upon you ; laugh nt It
nnd with it and it is a Jolly, kind com
panion. Here aro somo newspaper verses be
ginning: " Last night I drew from off
my slcovo a llttlo golden hair." Lucky
for you that your wife didn't find It
boforo you did.
"KoN'T8hIvcrforla8t year's snow,"
a saying of Archbishop Whntely's, is
peculiarly nppllcnblo to thoso who nro
miserable over troubles that aro past,
Thk Loulsvlllo Courier Journal lias
n now plan for proventing tho explo
fllon of boilers. It. Is to fill them with
Ico water nnd set them In a cool place,
The bloom of youth will fado away,
tho brightness of the eyo will grow dim
with age, but a mlsciablo llttlo corn
will nover pass away.
A white boy asked a young negro
What ho had bucii h short noso for ? "I
'spoct bo It won't poko itsolf Into other
people's business."
No pooplo undor heaven can excel
tho Americans in tho manly art of sit
ting on a bench' and seeing eighteen
men play ball.
Indiana husbands always buy tho
"non exploalvo" kind of burning fluid.
ThoyHndlt so much cheaper tbandl-,
Fatont Medicines.
knblo rro, not merely that so many persons nro
uiu victims in uysiiepsin or inuigesuon, um ii'
willing victims. Now, wo would not bo under
stood m Nav thnl nnv minrnvnr.l ilvnonalii with
favor, or feels disposed to rank ft nmouu tho
luxuries of life, 1-ur from It. T hoso who navo
experienced Us tormcnU would scout such nn
Ulna, Alt dread It, aud would Kladly dlspcnso
with Its unpleasant familiarities. MiirkTaptcy,
who was Jolly under nil tho trying circumstances
In which ho was pUced, nover had nu attack of
dyspepsia, or Ids Jollity would havo speedily
litrnilKCll mill, .titmiimi wuiuvii nuiiicwinon miner
Its tortures uncoinplalnluuly, but whoever heard
of it tinrsnn who enlovotl them?
Of nil the multifarious diseases to which tho
human system Is llnblo, thero Is perhaps no one
so Renerally prevalent as dyspepsia. Thoro are
intense mom acuto nnd lialnful.andwhtcti more
fiequently prove fatnli but none, tho clloct of
which nro nil iieirunniu u 1110 minii nmi so
positively distressing to tho body, If thero Is a
wrcicucu UOIIM in uiu wuriu nu
a ixm'iiiMEu uvHi'iiivrm
Hut It Is not onr Intention to dlscanton tho
horrors of llvsnensla. To dnscrllio Hipm truth.
fully Is simply an Impossibility, it Is possible to
point uiu h ruiiieuy rv o nave sain mat iiyspep
sla Is perhaps tho most universal ot human ills.
tAes. This Is emtihntlcallv Dig ensQ In the lint
tedHtateH, Wliotiier this tteneral prevalence Is
duo to Iho character of the food, Iho method 01
Its prepn ration, or the hasty manner In which It
is iiMimuv swhiiiiwiii, is ii'ibiiur proviueo in ex
plain. Tim great fact with which wo nro called
mucai is mist
almost universally.
Nearly overy other norsnn von meet Is a vie.
Urn, and apparently willing ono; for wero this
not tho easo why so many stiirerers, when a cer
tain, speedy nnd safe remedy Is wltulu thu ensy
resch of all who doslro to avail themselves of UT
nut tuo mn.onty will not. llllnilea by prejudice,
ordelerred bysoraeolhcrunoxplalnod Intluence,
thoy refuse to accept the relief prollered them,
They turn a deaf ear to the testimony of the
thousands whoso sud'cilngs have been alleviated
and with striino Infatuation, appear to cling
wiui ucperuiu iieierniiuHiitiii 10 lueir rilliness
tormentor. Hut says u dyspeptic t What Is this
rcmedv? to which wo renlvl This Great nlluvla-
torn! human sutlering Is almost as widely known
ns the thmltsh lauauai'o. It has nltavnl the
nzonles uf thousands, and Is to-dav carrvtmr
comfort nnd inconrut'Oment tu thousnuds of
oiuers. lias acknowledged panacea Is uono
oilier man
JJll. HOOl'LAND a UtltMAN uiTruits.
Would you know more of Iho merits of thl
tvumuTiui iiiciucine man can ne iearucil irom
tho exoerleneo of others? Trv It voni-self. ntiil
when ll has filled to rultll tho nccurnuco ol its
cjlleney Riven by tho proplelor, then nbaudou
first of all, that HOOFLANIVH UEItMAN HIT
TKIW Is not a mm beverage.
They nre not ulcoholle In nnv senco of tho
term. They mo composed wholly or tho puro
Julco or vital principle of roots. This Is not n
inero assertion. Tho extracts from which they
nre compounded nre prepared by one of Hie
nblest of German chemists. Unlike nny other
Hitters In the market, they aro wholly free from
sprlrltuous Ingredients. The objections which
hold wlthsomueli foreo against preparations ol
Ibis class, namely that a destro lor intoxicating
drinks Is stimulated by their use, nro notvnlld
In tho case of tho Herman Hitters. Ho far from
encouraging or luculcntlug n tasto or dcslro for
Inebriating bovernges, It may bo confidently
nsserted Hint their tendency Is In a dlnmerlcally
opposito direct Ion. Their cllcctscuu bo
In nil cases of tho biliary system. Ilootlnnd's
ueriuau jmtcrs siauu wiiuoul nn equal, acting
ptomplly nnd vigorously uon tho Liver; they
remuvo Its torpldityniul cuuso healthful secre
tion of bile thereby supplying the stomach with
tho mostlndls pensnblo elements of sound di
gestion In proper proportions. Theyglvo tone
to the stomach-simulating Its functions, nnd
ennbllngltto norform lis duties tut nntnrn iln.
signed it should do. They impart vigor and
strength to tlio entire system, causing the
patient to feel like another being In fact, giving
rloaiislriK the vital fluitlnf nil hurtful Impiirl-
ui'M nun Bui'i'iHiiuiiK mem wuu me eiomciiU) ol
gcuuliio aaltl)fulueNS la n word, there Is
henrcoly a tlisonso in which thevrjiiinotlm
and ben cllcl ally employed; but in tlmt most
tilscase, Dyspepsia.
iifriiiiv iiruYiiiuui. uiKLrrKgii" mm tirnimi'ii
Now. thero nrn certain cLmspi of tiprnoni in
whom Hitters nro not only unpal.Uublo
uui, hiiu nun it lunius-viuiu ill lUltU mem WllHOlH
IkjaIIIvo discomfort. 1'orhuch
lift 4 UVku ufs.Vi.MV . ...
11 HO Whero n Hlhlit nlnntiniln .MniMlniit la en.
n til red In connection with ilmn'cl l.lrnnwn 'i ni.
properties or tlio pure (Jorruim Jmtertt. This
Toijln contains nil tlio Juri edlenU of tho lilt tern,
but no flavored ft to remove the oxlremo bitter
nous, TliU prejmmtlou Is not only palatable
but COmblDitt. In lilddifidl form nil fta vIi-Iha
of the Uermau Ultterti. Tho solid extrucU o
Kuniu oi aiuro s rnoiccKt resiornuveuro held
lu solution by a fcplrltuotiH of tbo pureht
rjuallty. lu catesoi languor or excessive debility
where tho system appears lo have becomo cx-
nuuica ui lis cnuruieH,
nets with almost marvelous effect. It not only
Htimulates the Jlalus nnd wnstlnt; euertilca
but Invljjorntes aud permanently Mrenntlienn
Its action upon the Mver and Stomach thorough,
perhapHlesH prompt than the Hitters, when the
name quantity Is taken Is none the less certain.
Indigestion, llllllousneas, I'hyslcal or Nervous
1'rostratlon, yield readily tolls potent lnflnence.
It glvss the Invalid n new nnd stronger hold up
on life, removes depression of bplrlts, nnd lu
spires cheerluluess. It supplants the pain of dls
euse with tho comfort of perfect health.
It Klves Mtenuth to wealmehs, throws ihspon
dency to tho winds, nnd starU the restored In
valid upon n new and uladtomo career. Hut lr,
lloolliud'M beuefaetlnns to thu rmnnrn
not ton 11 ned to his celebrated
or hU Invaluable Tonic. He hna prepaid
another medicine, Mhlch Is rapidly w Inning Its
muj tu pomimr iavor occnu&e 01 lis liuriiihic
merits. This U
HooriAND's rouornvi.LiN pills,
a perfect snbstltuto for mercury, without any of
mercury's evil nullities.
Theso wonderful l'llls. whleh nro in
act upin Iho Uver, aro inilnly composed of
NowwodrMird thn remlir tnilUtlriftU iin.iai--
Mand that thU extractor tho Mnndraltois many
.....vouii.iu .ii;iiiii limit s.uu Ji inuiilliO llSI'll.
It l-i a medlcliwi virtues of thl limiHii-iviiK,
jdaut lu n perfectly pure anil highly rouccn
trutedform. Hence It Nth it two or iho l'odo
phyllln rill constitute a full dose, whllo any
where Mx to elRht or a haudrul of preparations
ofthoMaudralioare required. The I'oJ jphyllpi
fctlmnlatlns Its functions and causing it to make
Its binary ftcretlous In legulur and pioper
ramutltles. Tho injurious results which Invari
ably follow the iifco of mercury Is entirely avoldt d
l'jr i nit i uw, uui inn miv upuii uiu jaeroniy
that their iMvers nro exerted, Tho extract ol
Maudrulco contulnoi In them Is Mtillmlly com
bined with four other extiacts, one of which nets
unon tho btotnaeh. one nnon thu mmer Iiu'mIm.
t)no upon the lower bowels, nnd one prevents
ny Kilphitf eiroet.thusproduclugiv pill that lu
lluences tlio entire dletlvo aud nlimentnry
system, lu nu iqual and harmonious manner,
and its action tmlrely lreo from naiihea, vomit
nu in uriiuni; ihdh loniiitoii ii inner purua
tlvus. losKesm(; tlieso much desirable qualities, tho
I'odophylltu becomes luvalu ible as a
No household Khould bo without them. They
aro perfectly safe, require but two for an ordi
nary dose, uro prompt and elllclent lu action,
and when ut.ed In connection with Dr. lloohand's
Uermau Hitters, or Tonic, may bo retiardetl as
certain t-peelllcs in nil cases of Liver Complaint,
i.jilrriiim.iH uui m mo utuiuer Wi WU1CU IU6
kj-ktem Is ordinarily subject, Tho
nctiipou the stomach and bowels, earryliid ofT
f xiiwr uiwiruciions, wiuio uiu iniiersor toll 10
purifthe blootl, strengthen and tuvlKorale the
rrume, KtVe toue find apitltu to the utoiuach.
a,Y 1 ilu l'ulhl lln to invalid anew. '
Dr. liootiaml, havinic piovlded Internal reme
u tes Tor dlK&K , hiu idvt u tho world one mainly
lor external application, lu thowonderrul pre
paration known om
This Oil U n hoverelim remedy for imlns a
arhtHofallkluds, 1
Hnralns, Uurns, lalu In u,e liuelc und Loins
lllniiworms, Ac., all y led to lu external applica
tion. Tho number of cures enacted by It is aston
ishing, and they are lncreastnu every day,
Tukeu Internally. U is a cure fur Heartburns
Kidney Diseases, Hick Headaches, Colic, Dysen
tery, Cholera Morbus, Cramps, Vtliut lu the
Htoiuach, Coles. Asthma, Ac.
The Ureek Oil Is eomioHed entirely of healing
Kuim and (bseutlal oils. The principal ingredi
ent Is uti oily substuuee, procured In the houth
eru part of Ureece, JtsetTects as a destroyer oi
tialu are truly magical, Thoukunds have been
euellted by Its use, and a trial by those who are
skeptical wilt thoroughly couvluco them ot Its
lnentliiiabte value.
These Itemed! will be fcent by express to
any locality. uion application to the Pit I NCI
HTOltls, oat Arcu oi,, rmiaueipnuu
CIIAS. 91 EVANS, Proprietor.
These JlemtHlicsiare Sot (ale by DroggUU
HtorekQpen, and Medicine Deal verywhere
11Y J. II. H0I1ENCK, M. I).
tniitf n I in m nn bAlntr has nasftotl fiwav. for
wlimo iienth thero was no other reason than tho
hejilect or known nnd Indhnutably proven
means of euro. Thoso nar nnd deir lo family
nnd friends nro slceplnu tho droninteis Blumber
uiu wniciit niui inoy vuiuiiy uunj'tni
nnd nvnllM Ihomsolvci of his wonderful tnie.i
clous medicines, they would not havo f.illeii.
Dr. Hchenclt has In his own roso preser oil tlmt
uhnrovpr stitltrliMtL vltnlltv remains. Hint vitali
ty, by tits medicines nnd his directions for their
mo, miuu'ui'iii'u iui jiivtinuui K"i
in ttiiM Rtntpn.nnL thero is nnlhlmz trestimntn
oils. To tho faith of tlio Invntld la madn no ro
presentAtlon that Is not a thousand times nub
nlAUtlatod by llvliiK nnd visible works. The
theory or tno euro uy nr. wenenca s meuicines is
nsRlmplo ns It Is unfailing. Its philosophy i.
quires no argument, It Is KelMusurlnit, botf
TlinNfiiiwnnit Tnnlfl nnd MfllKlralcnPllls nrn llm
first two wentHins with which tho (ItadeJ ol thn
malady is assailed. Two-thirds of tho cases of
consumption origmatea in uysnepsin nnii n
functionally disordered liver, with lids con-
union, ino uroueniui uuhii nymimini.u Willi
Iho stomnch, They respond to tho morhlda
action of tho liver. Hera thru comes tho culmi
nating result, nnd tho netting lu, with nil Us
uiuruSiutf uympioms, oi
Tho Mnudrnko Villa nro composed of ouo of
Naturo'H noblest Rtrts the l'ouophllhnn lVltn
turn. They possess nil tho b!oKl searching,
nucrauve properiits oi c.uouiei, uui ununo ciiu
nitl, they
Tho work of euro Is now beginning. Tho
Vitiated nnd mucous dopo-dt.s in tho brwels aud
In thu alimentary c.iuul aro ijected. Iho liver,
liko n clock, Is wound up. It n routes rrom its
tirnlilltv. 'iho Mtomic i nets lestHnsivelV. and
the patient begins lo ta.1 hols (cttlnif ut
Tho Heaweed Tonic. In eonluuctlon with tho
Pills, permeates nnd ussimtl.Ues with tho loij,
Chyllhcntion Is now progressing without Its
pievlous tortures. Digestion becomes pa!ulss,
utid tho euro Is fteen to be at hand, Thuio Is nu
nioieliaiuieuco, no ex iceru.itlou oi tno sioiuacli,
An nppctltu sots lu.
Now comes tho greatest lllood Purifier ever
yet given by nn Indulgent lather to sulTorlng
mm. Hchcnclt's Pulmoiilo Hyrup comes In to
perform Its functions and to hasten and com
nlelo the euro. It enters at nnce upon lis work.
Nature cannot bo cheat cJ. It collects nnd ripens
tho Impaired and dheavrd portions of tho lungs,
lu tho form of g.ilheilns, it prepares them lor
expectoration, aud lo in a try short tlmo tho
malady Is vanquished, the rotten throne that It
occupied Is renovated and made new, nud tho
patient, In nil the dignity of regained vlor, steps
lorth to enjoy the manhood or the wo mm hood
that was,
The second thing Is, tho patients must slay lu
a warm room until they get well; It Is almost Im
possible to preent taking cold when tho lungs
uro diseased, but It must no prevented or a cm e
cannot be etlected. Fresh nir and riding out, es
pecially In this section ot tbo country lu the fall
and winter season, are all wroug. Physicians
who lecommcnd that eourso loso their patients,
If their luugs nro badly disease I, nnd yet, be
cause they nie lu the homo they must not Kit
dou u quiet; they must walkabout the room as
much nud as fist as the streugth will bear, to
get up a good circulation of blood. Tho p itients
must keep lu good spirits bo determined to get
well. Tins has n great deal to do with tho nppe
tlte, nnd Is tho great point togilu.
'lo despair ol cine alter bucli evldcnco of its
pos-jiblltty in tho worst cases, and moral ccrtatn
ly in nil others, is slntul. Dr. Hchcnclt's personal
statement to the Faculty of his owu emu was lu
theso modest words:
"Many years ago I was la the last stages of con
sumption; confined to my bed, niu nt onetime
my physicians thought that 1 could not liven
week; then, like t drowning man catching at
straws, 1 heard ofnnd obtained the preparations
Which 1 uow otler lo the public, aud they maden
perfect cure oline. It seemed to mo that I could
leel them pcuelrate my whole system. They
soon ripen I'd the malttr In my luugs, ntidl
would spit up more than n pint of otleuslve yel
low matter every morning lor a long lime.
As soon as that began to bubslde my rough,
fever, pain and night sweats all began to leave
me, and my appetite became ko great that It was
wltu dllllculty that I could keep irom eating too
much. I koou gained my Bliungth, and navo
grown in ilesh ever since.'
MI was weighed shortly nrter my recovery."
added tho Doctor,'theulooklugllkenmereskel
eton ; my weight was only ninety-seven pounds;
my pieseut wtlghtls tuo hundred nnd twenty
tlvo pounds, nnd lur years I hae enjoyed
uninterrupted health."
Dr.Hcheuck has discontinued his professional
visits to Now York and ltjstou. lie. or Ms sou
Dr. J.H. Hcbcuck, Jr., still continues lo seo pa
tients at their olllce. No. 15 North Hlxth fctreet,
Phlladelnhln. eery Haturday from u a. m.. to J
p.m. 'lhoso who wish a thorough examination
with tho llesplromeler will be charged Si. The
llemilmmatpr ilfolnrcw tho tnr( nnniiiMitti nt Mm
luugs, and patients can readily learn whether
they uro curable or not.
'lue directions for taklm? tho medicines nro
adapted to tne intelligence oven of a child. Fol
low inesuuirecuous, nuuKiuu attire win uo tno
rest, excepting that m some cases tho ilandrako
i-iiis are m uo inuen m increaseu uoscs; tno
threo medicines need no other accompaniments
than tho umplo Instructions that accompany
them: First cieato appetite. Of returning health
huimerlsthemost v clcomo uvmntoni. Whun tt
comes, ns it wlllcomo, let, tho dopalrlng ut onco
boot good cheer. Uood blood nt onco loliows, tho
cough loosens, tho night hweat Is nbated. Inn
bhoil time both of these morbid symptoms aro
teus of thousands ol lamlTles. As riTiMSiIffw! nr
purg'itlve, tho laudrnke Fills aro a standard
I'teoaratluu : while the Pulmonic Hvritn. ni w
euier ol coughs nnd colds, may be regain ttl as n
prophylucteile ngaiubtcoutiunintlon in nnv of Its
l'rleo of tlio Pnlmont' Mrrnn nnii WMtfi.,l
Toulc, f 1,50 u bottle, or 7o u hull dozen. Jdau-
uuiito i-iiis, eenis a lox. i or fcaiony all drug
gists uuduenlers.
Johnson, lloltawnv .fc ffirtlfti rvi? Anl ti t
Philadelphia, wholesale agents. may HT7My'
putilislied on cerypacKage,tlicro
foroitisnoia secret prciaration,
rursiciA.vs presckibr it
It is a certain euro for Scrofula.
Syplulij in all its forms. lUicunia
lisin, Skin Dilates, Liver Coin
plaint and all dideasta of tho
ot:s roTTis or 203adali3
will do moro good than ten lot tics
of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla.
have used Rosadalis in their practico
lor tho past three years onu mcij
endorso it nsa rchaUo Allcratlin
and lllood Purifier.
DR. T. C. VVOII. cf Baltimore.
llll. II. W.UAHH. '
Dlt. P.O. PANN1 LLV, "
Ull, J, S. SPAUKS, of NhlifchsUk(
nn.KjVl.. McCARTHA, CyhimMi,
P l.
Dll. A. U. NOBLES, rdgecornl), N. C.
F, W. SMITH, JicLion. Mich,
A. V, WHKF.LEIt, Lima, Ulila.
HAM., J.1BM, Ohio.
t'UAVKN tic rO-.onlflnsiille, Va.
Our space vlll r.t allow of any ev
tenJcd rcmrks in relation to tlio
iltuc30f UosaJallJ. Totlio MeJlctJ
lrofis!loiivr,guarantroa Fluid Kx
tractSUl ClloMo anvthv Into pk-r
iied la the treatment of difeascj
Ulooilj mat to tlieatillcted te say try
lloiatlatl. aiU you Mill lo rcstorod
to htaltli.
UosalaliUs noU ly all Driiffcistl,
price SJ-'i'Jpfrljottle, Aiklrcu
Manufacturing CHtmltt,
,Vo rCSnOCtrilllv cnll thn nllrollr.,. nf tl.nhn
Icslrluir lo juirclinso our mnko or l'lanos. Wo
uro sallmkJ that wo Klvo HiUlsliictlon In
uvcry casu. Our workinouskllirul mul uziwrien
cod una nro under iho personal sutiiiitcudi'ni'o
of Iho members or our llnu, Wouwo only tho
best soaHonod tlmlwr, and the material In gene
ral la first class. Our l'lanos without exception
have Ilia patent oeraires arrangement through,
out, which lu the opinion of the most compe
tent Judges Is pronounced valuable. Uy this tin.
Erovement n Vlano I, made more durable and
eeps the loio longer. We claim for our Instru
ments that they aro seeund to nouo, and they
combine all the essential elements that couslf
Into superior workmanship. Wo will give a
written guarantee for five years.
Mr. CoNitAi) J'kkiman, member of our nrm,
will visit liloomsburg four times a year to ro
pair and atteud to tuning of all l'lanos. In the
ubseueool Mr. Kbmmak, Mr. 1, 1C.Mih.kk will
attend lo our business In liloomsburg and Is
aulhorlied to receive and solicit orders.
We can give the very bust references,
. ,, , . , Ualtliuore, M. J).
Melodeons live octave and live stop organs of
. . ... ..iw.vuijr, JUUO il
J.1 All those Indsblcd to tho umlersluuod on
JudaomcHt, Note, IJoud or Jlook Account are
hereby notliled lu make paymeutof siiuoiuo"
before tho first of October noxt.
liloomsburg, All'
We now Iiavy on hand n largo neally prliii!
luw oUlocrS, WB v ' 0 "llel"lu" t
Rail Roads,
tiititil ItAll.ltnAli
Un nmlfltjr July 17, 1871,rAssensor TrAlntwlll
UolunHotlb, (lolneBouth
Atrlvo Arrive Inve hm
n. m. i m,
I'lllsinn .....
I). II)
Kltmslnn I HI. u.j.
& .ll.irrot"rs "
I'lymnulll 8.11
Hhlcksliluny..., 7.:w
llrrwlck 7..U
llloom ... 8.1)3
l!,itiiicAllnn nnule fiLKcrtintnit liv llm 10.411 A.m.
trAlu lor Urrnl llcml, lllnaliAmtou, AlUunynuii
All romis ioriu, luisi niui vesi.
Uu siiil alter August 01b 1871, Trains will
loavo MUNiiunv ns rollowa
ll'l A, :c. Dally (oxrcpl Hun lnyto WIlllAiusporl,
Tor UlnilrA OittiiinilalKttit, Hoclx-slcr,
UuUVIo, MusVouslou 111 UI jo, nlitl N, 1'ull.
!.W v.M., D.illv, (cicoi.I Humlnys)for Wllllnm.
sport nuil llrlu.
4, 55 p. M,, Uilly, (oxcopl HuuJAys) for Klmlrs,
lluir.iln Ami Niagara Knit', via. llrlo ratlroiul
from JUiulrj,
4.10 A.M.t)ally(oireit.Monilny'srirllnlllmort
Wlt.MtNUTUN ANU l'l 1 1 1.A 1) KI.l'l 1 1 A.
10.M A. M. Dallytoicprt.Siinilny'sJfiir Ualtlmort
NViishluiitoti &ul PulUJclpfila.
Ucnernl russiugor Aeul.
Ai.ntKi) It. Km , Gen'l. Hup't.
ra-jscnger Trt ItH on thli nud will run nsfol
lowm Jiill itituih,
I.v. SXi a. in
" U.l
" U.W "
" 10.31 "
" HUM "
" '
" 11.5.1 "
" p.m
" 1J..II
.1uil .Yoi'fA
l.v, (1.21 p. m
Hanvlllo, '
ltlugtowu, 1
0. 10 "
4.1 "
4.12 "
4.(11 "
a.Vi "
2.10 '
1.IJ "
12.5J "
10.10 n.ra.
8.15 '
1. ui p. m.
IZ00 noon
11.15 a. m
M. Mahony .Tunc.
Dluo Tnuiarina. Viae. '
Headline, '
1 l'ottsMilo, '
dlno Maucll ClillUiL, Uluc1
lletblehem, "
l'hlla, via l.ethlchem, '
" 1..1I
" 11.15
' 7.11
" 1.S3
' an
" 5 Hi
New York. II. Liberty St..
' 6.M " MnU.tR. H. It. 9.00 "
' (..M " " U Valley 11. 1!. " li.oo "
" 6.V1 a.m. llostou, " y.oo p.m
I'assonnrrstaklrg tlio 8.21 train from William
sport, will havo two houisln New York, lor sup
per, nnd nrrloln Iloston nt 6,:i0 a.m.. eleven
hour- Inndvancoof alt other routes
New dny coaches accompany all trains be
tween Wllllainsporl, Now York nud l'hlhidel
phla, Tiiilus run through by daylight.
iii;ij. winiii.Hupi.
JIondav, May 15, 1871.
Oront Trunlc I.tne from tho North ntij Noith
West lor l'hlhi'U'lnhla.New York, Ueiuilni?, Tot U
vlllp, Tiiiiuuiua, AmIh.iiuI, Hh.imokln 1 Aim non
Allentown, Iiston, KiUirutii, Lille, Iimautur
Trultis leuvo HurrlsbuTg for Now York, ns loU
lowdi At '2.V), k,IU, 11, in., ami I'JJ . in., ron
nccliii with Nliullnr truliif uu IVnn-iylVrt-ul.v
lluilrond, una arriving ut New York nt
hi.iO, , in., 3,50, nmi y,:jo p. in. rt'Hit'ctltly,
Bk'vpins earn iiccoiui'nuy tuo u. m, Imfii
without clianae,
Hbttiriilutft Lonvo New York nt 9,00a.m. and
12.UJ noon and 5,00 p. ui. Philadelphia nt 7.J0, S.3U
u in, nud il.lWp. m, Hlceplng curs nccompauy
tho 5,00 p.m., train irom N. Y without change,
Lcuvo liurrlshurglor Head lug, l'ottsvllie, in
maqun, MluerHVlllc. Ashland, Hhamokln AN
leutowu aud ruila'd. nt B, l0i) nud
1,05 p.m., stopping at Lebanon nud principal way
Btnllons: tho4.J5 p.m. train couuectlngfor l'hll'a
rottavlllo nnd Columbia only, t or rottsvllle
BchuylltlU Haveu nnd Auburn, via BchuylklU
and busquctuiuua ltuilroud, leave IlarrUbur nt
4,40 p.m.
Knl rcnnsylvanla Railroad trains leave Head
lug lor Alleulown Kaslou nnd New York at 4.32.
a. m., nud -l.oj p. m, Keturnlug, leave
New York at V.W) n. m., liuo noon and 5.W p. ro.
nud Allcntowu nt 7.'Jun. m. 12.25 uoou, 2.15, 4.V5
urn p. m.
Way lanenger Train leuves Philadelphia al
7,'JOa.m., connecting with tdmllar trulu ou Haul
l(u. railroad returning from HeadlugattiJiJp.ui.
if topping nt all stations.
Luau l'otuvllle at 9.00 a.m.. ami 5..H) n.m.
llerudou ullo.Wa. m.,hamokln ut 5. 10 und 11, li
n. in,, Axuiauu uw.uo a.m. aim i uoou Aiou
nuov Ultv ut 7.15n. m. aud l.'i) n. in. Tarn ami a at
K,:i a. in., aud2.ljp.rn. lor rniladulphln, New
York, Iteading, liarrlsburg, Ac.
hniiua llallroad at 8,15 a.m. tor Uarrifiburg, aud
11,13 ii. mlor I'luuUrovoaudTremout,
Uoudlug Accommodation Trnlu leaven rolls-
Mllo at 5.10 a. m., pabses Heading at 7,30 n. ia ar
FiVm .iPJi'i111 ,.20 u. m. Heturulng
lug nt 7,55 p.m., nrrivlngat 1'otiHVirio nt'prm.
l'uttsiown AccomuioaationTralu.lpavt'Mi'otU
town at 0,lWa,m., returning, icavea rhlladtiphia
at ,') p.m.
Columbia Kail road Trains leave Rending at
(,.v u.ui,, uuu u.w i.ui. iui i,puruiu, ituiz, juauuu
tcr, Columbia, Ac.,
l'erklomeu Itall Road Trains leave l'erkiomeu
Junction at 7.17 u.ojn. m.,3.ou AO.wp. m. return
lug: leavo bchwcukhlllo atu.'W, 8.1J a.m., 12.50
noon Jc 4A p.m. i connecting with similar tralub
on Reading ltnllioad,
Colebiookdate Ihillroad trains leave TotUtown
ntu.Wa.m, leave ilounl
rU'UMintnt 7.oo and 11.25 a. m., 3.00 p.m, connect
In witn Blmllar tialnson Reading ltall road.
Chesttr Valley Jtallroad Trains leavo lindge
port nt cS,y0a,m. aud 210 nud fl.i2 n. m. returning,
leave Dowulngtou at 6A0 a. in., 12.45 noon and
5.25 n, m.t connecting Mlth blmllar trains on
lteadlug Rallioad,
On Sundays, leave New York at 5,00 p.m.. Phil
phla at b,W a.m.aud3,15p.m., (the 8,00 a.m. trait
ruunlugonly toReadlugDleavel'ottsvllleB.ooa.m
llanlubur,: at 2.0 a. in. and 2.00 p. m, ami
loao Allen town at -1.2-3 nnd p. m., aud leae
ittadlng ut 7.15 n.m, and l'.5op, m.ior llarrl1
burg, at 5,00 n. in. lor New York, nt ..20 ti, m for
Allentowu and mu.w n. m. nud 4.15 p. in loi
l'hlladelpiil.i. 1
Commutation, Mlknge, Kcnson, School -ui-
j.scnrbion iicueu toauu Hum nil points, at ie
duced rates.
luggage checked lUrough; loo pounds allow t
Asst. Suiit. St Kug. Much'iy.
RoftAllug, r.u, April 3, 1j71.
Tiolye Years
The remarkable adventures of tho famous
iwvuoiwiis, 1 uriiiiiig uecouuis 01 ureutJtunis,
ilatrt readth .ttucnneuaud'lYrrlble tlonteulH with
thu big game and ho&tllo tribes. Mplrlted descrip
tions ol the habits and Bupemltlouit of that
nuuijo injure, invir cjMjrin. j,ei;euu!it iruui
tlous. Uow they Woo aud wed. ttcnlu. Doctor.
Womhlp, Ac. New, l-'rokU nud Popular, I'rlco
Low, Uis belling by thu thousands with won
derful rapidity. Agents aru making from &u to
ghju per teek, Choice Held yet vacant, Heud at
ouco tor buxupij cuapiers, iiiubiraiious and par-
UIUIU4B tu .rv ii, iiuuiiAuti, x'uuiisner,
JauI'71-tf. JW t'Uestuut Bt Phlla.
Ht iffT;. nJ for "rculare. Tbeyw ill t you
noUilnB, aoj uiajr lw of ereat bcncllt to you.
A S11W HOOK of lha crronlrst lnlAr,..f on.l lm
Tirtnnre. Wrll Ipn trnm n lilr.l, tnnml nn.i hi...i.
olpplcill itniidpolnt. by nu eminent physicist!
aud laeJlral profssnr, It shows how Katun is
worklns out his subtlo and dangerous designs
throuuli iir luost sncred domc&tlu and social ro
lallons. ruro-nilndcil, hut outspolren and fig
lirosslvc, tne author bundles tuo dellcutosutijccls
treuted of without gloxei, butla such a inauuerns
.,.. ... iiiiuii,u..ri(i uprurieiu curiosuy. Tnci'hyt.
tcai IlfQeticrutlon oj the Jiace.U a subject lilsllv
enilstliiK the Interest and sympathy of all true
I-.. ,1,111, irupisis, una mis oooa, 11 is believed,
,,, mmnuuie 10 uiai enu jusi in propoitlon a
" '"s riaJi rs. A circular sent free, uinlalnlni
a run dcscrlptlou and synopsis or the work will
liberal . oilmen. C. V. VENT, l'ublisher,
e,t3';o-ly 6 Collciie I'loca, N, V
Mr. Jbcou Trlvleplece having purohaaed the
Interest of Charles W. Low In tlie above namSd
works, the Luslness will bo continued under the
nria iiaiuo oi William ScuuyLiu 4 Co. Having
discovered levcral Iraperlectlons In the plows
m iBiu, mey nave strengthened
aud lluprovtd them, aud adde.1 some eutlre new
ralteriis. riiey will open the Bprlng trade of IS7I
lur luBdvuoco of auyllilng ever oltercd to the
publlo, beln both practical mechanics, and hav
ing tbelr wwk all done under their owu auper
vision luoy guurantee their work superior In
Ueulers sliiuld iininpl.,it,.r .nvnii.0.
turul ImpUiuenls until bey have eiamlued our
Munufactme. Kariners should try our plows
mw,B M,uguy uiuvr, iueyuiso mauufacturo
A 1.1. KlfiDi Of CAHTINUS,
USUUllV mmlA In flr.t 'nl.L. U,.i.....l rtt.t,
grist mill castings, mado and titled up to ordor
'IHTTll.HJTrTXT1 if A nr.m.,
..Al..ASU illiVUXlin Ji
aro made a specialty, und some very decided 1m.
ordLTSlVn0",! oM Jrn taken in exango
Order direct from the manufacture m.i ...,,.
cies supplied during the wlaU)r.
Addrvss all orders to
Jan V
lUHTICJJS 11LANKH, Huuimous, Executions
J Hubieuas,WurranU14a,coiiKUnK
ud for balo at the wlumuiam omS y aU
Drugo and Ohcmicala,
Dr. WAUCXT.'S O L ' . ''
d.'i Hnndrccls of Tlion3atJ3
i '- Com testimony ti their IVomlcr- ii I'. rf
luiuantiTO Liricls. Ilbo;
TOEY Alffi NOT A YILI3 T 5 t
Ihvloof Poor Itnm, Whlnkert Proof Hptrtta
unit Itcfnso lilumtrn doctored, fplcod andnwrct
ened to pletuotbo taste, called "Toalc,',,Arpctl2
cm," 'Itcfltorcri, AC, that lend tho tirrlcr cn U
drnnkcuccss and rtlb, tmt nro a trno Jlcdiclnc, mudo
froa tho NftUvo UooUiind lltrbacf CallfoiUa,firo
from nil Alcohollo Bllrnnlants, Tboyoro tlio
(IlVlNd PIUNCIPIiUtt perfect KcDOTfttor nnd
lnrlcorator ef tboEfEtcm.carrylcg off all polaotons
matter nnd rcttorlng tlio Uood to n healthy confiltlon.
i;o person can tako thcao Elttcra tccoriUcg to dlrc
tloo and remain long unwell.
S1UU nulbo given for nn lacarablaraio.rroTldcd
tho Voces aro not doetroyed by mineral polion or
other tnaanB.ciidUia vital crgani i attcd beyond tlio
point of repair.
I'nf Inilnmni.torj' nnd Chrnnto Illicnraa
tUni nud (lout Dyspcpnin, nr ludlctllon,
Rtttoiifl, lti'inlltrr.t nmi tntrrtnltltut Feveia
lllPcnnrs of the lllood, ),lcv Klflnryn, mid
UluiMcr, tncpo llllltr Lavo been moit tnccccc
ful. Buch Diseases tro catECd I7 Vitiated
lllood, which la coocrally prodaccd by (Icracgcuctt
cf tho Dlcenttvu Urgnun
ache. Pain la tho Shoulder, Coni:h8, Tlghtocis of tU
Chcit, Dlxiincss, foor tmctatlors cf tl.o Etomach,
Pad taito la lha Mouth, Plllotis Attacks, ralpltatlca
cf the Heart, iDSauixatloncf thoLucga, Pain In tho
Kglona cf tho Kidneys, ncd a hundred other ralnfcl
, l liws, ar j tho offEr-rlccscf Djfpcpola.
Vlt yhnlgorat. the Stomach and ttlraalato llm ter
I'.dhTcr Rd bowels, which render theincfuocaoallcd
(hlcccyta itcansiE tbo blood cf all Impurities, and next UCs ami Igor to tho wholo eyttcu.
l'OIt H 1-1 1 N 1) mr. ASr.H, Emptlons, Tetter, Celt
1 lii lu, Welches, pote, 1 lmplcc, I uttulcs, Boild, Car
lunc!(.j,i:iEnsV.ctiuo, t'cflld-lIcad.Eoro Pyco,Er)tIr
iH,lch, f cur fa, Mjcoloratlomi cf thofcUn.Ihimori
nn si tHjcaucoof tho bkln, of whatorcr namo or nature,
tro literally dug up and carried oat of the system In a
chorttlinoby thctiiocf thcao Blttcri. Ono bottlo l-i
ruch cases will conrloco the cioet Incrcdnloos of UilIt
ci-r.itivo effect.
CIcar.10 tho Vitiated Ulood whenever yon find Its
I .r. parities burst leg through tho t Un la Pimples, Ercp
tlouJ or Seres; clcacso It when jon Cnd It obstructed
and doggish la tho veins t clcnnso It when U Is fool,
and yonr feelings illtoll yoawhos. Eocp tho blood
pure and tho health of tho ryitcm will follow.
PIN, TAPKand other WORMS, lorUnglntbo
tyctcm of so many thousands, aro effectually destroy
ed and removed. For fall direction, read carcfally
tho circular around each bottle, printed In four lan
snagcs-BogUsl, German, Trench and Spanish.
J. STALKER, Proprietor. n.H.McDONALD & CO.,
Druggist and Gen. AgcnU. fan Francisco, Cal
and 83 and W Commerce Etrjet, New York.
Tuo not wisn to Inform you. reader, tint Dr.
Wonderful, or any other man. has discovered a
rumedv that cures Consumption, when tho luugs
nro nan con an men, 111 Euori, win euro nn uiicns
ci whether of mind, body or estate, mako men
live forever, and leavo death to play for want ol
work, and is designed to mako our buhlunary
dphero i blissful Paradise, lo which Heave 11 iUell
Khali ho hut ft tddo thow. You have hcartl enough
of that kind or humbuggory. But when 1 tell
you that Dr. Sago's Uatan 11 Hcmedy will jiosltUe
ty cure tho worbl enses of Catiiuh In tho Head, I
only assert that which thousands can testify to
I will pay 8500 Howard lor 11 caso that I cannot
cuie. A pamphlet giving HyiuploniH and other
edy Is
Price M cents. Hent by mall, postpaid, on rrrolpl
of sixty cents, or four package lor twuihilhirx,
Bevrato of cuitnterfeils nnd ivorthtrti iimtalimxs.
Bee that my prlvato Stamp, which is a jmuUu-c
ffuaranlce of (fenuinenesi, li upon the imtslde
wjiicpur. iifiiii-inni-r iiuib 1111s privaio niamp,
Issued bytheUultedhtatCHOoverninentxiirest.
ly for .stamping my medicines, has my portrait,
name aud addrc&s, and tho words 'U. 8, CVrtlil
cato of fJeiiulnenehs" engraved upon it, nnd
need not he mistaken. Don't ho swindled by
travelers and others representing themselves us
lr, Hngo; lam the only man uow living that
Iirk thu knowledgonnd rlghttn mauutactuiothe
Gtnuinc Dr. Bage'sCatnrih Hemudy, nud I never
h.v. riKiini, m. d.
octSi'TO-lj-. Ui Seneca street, Buffalo, N, Y.
U the Heat Liniment in the World
First. It ii composed of the most rowniFUL
mm i ks ktkatiij jiouuh Kiiowuin uiieintRtrr.
heconik combined with tho abovo is a Medi
cinal oil, mado expressly for thH Liniment,
aud mixed hv nu ontti-fdc now nnifimu
Tumi). Thoubeof the jmwerulau penetrating
iiil.iniii.uiiini I IUUH1U HUM UUHUllIUl
Medicinal Oil, which lubricates the Joints and
muscles, nud immediately throttles tho disease,
and compels it to loosen 1U deathly, slekeulug
and poUouou? lanes.
Fouiiti!. This Medicinal Oil Is used for Iho
Bamo reason that a good mechanle always uses
oil to make his machinery work with easo aud
precision. Ho lu tho same wnv the muheles nnd
lolnts of our animals should be lubricated If wo
wUh to havo them travel with rapidity nnd cane,
Fifth. It is very sooth iug in lu action, will
not bum or hinder the animal HUo most of the
"ltd hot" liniments of tho day.
HiXTir. Not ono drop of tlneturo of cnyenno
or red pepper can bo found lu Its coinpoHltlou :
for we hold that no liniment can be eUt-ctlvu
which bums and blisters the nnlmnl until tho
muscles nie hard nud dried nlmoit to n crlip,
HKVE.vrn. Kvery bottle Is wauhantkd to give
good nit U faction, or your money will bo refund
ml. This shows conclusively that the proprie
tory have full conildenco in this preparation,
nud proves lor the seventh time that U. F.. H B
Is the best Liniment in the world for hortiofi.
tfDon't aiopw your Merchant to palm off Tina
turcoj Jletl iVjjitvH(f Jlartehorn, or other trmh
on iou, butaik or O. A. M. iS. tor Horses, ana take
nootlicr. Bold by nil druggists.
u ,Df A lU, Sdo Proprietors,
ept270.1yl iw UeadHtreut. New York.
To any person prmliiclns nny llcdlclno show.
Inj; hulfns many llvlnij, peimnnrut rmra as Int.
l'III.CH'g VuikMUlli IlllKUMAIIll I1KM:IV.
tiril fatmnlln on. A i lcasunt .Medlrlnp. lieu
Iloill llllllllons ilmra. Vrrn,it...l ,i...i.... V
to hiivu permanently ru rod Itiln every lm iMtli-nts
Ireiiled In Iho past len yeais. (Hio lisllmuniM
is Ihe srlcntlllo puscrlpllon of l'roressor Jus.
r HUT. M. 1) . II l. nn I lint A if tlm ir,ili...rLH.. ...
reuusylvanhi A. 1. 1n1J,-iiow ono of l'hlla'dcl.
Phla s nidest iruular physicians, nnd rrnressiir of
(heniUlry nud Tuxlcoloisv. who bus made
Neuralgia, Chronic and lullaiiimalory llheinna.
tljui tbo spulallly or his eiillie prorisslonal
llfo Jl l.ict nlli-hfd for iiv llw, Ll.,,inl.i...u n ..
panylngwirh boulc, iiimauy piomiueni renown.
j'd physicians, cli igymeu.nuilollier testimonials
ioprolect sullerels Irom poisonous nuuck nos
iriiius nnii useless expenditure uf money, u h aul
signed liUilriiulee.slatiugeinct number of botlTis
tvuiniiiieu tu cure, win bo lorvvfinlod urulls lo
any sullerer sendlm. liv leit.r n 0,11 .i..!...,....
of aUllctlon. lu casoot failure to euro, amount
r,Aln nnnlllvolv ml.tmlaii 1,.11.1...
.w.huuvu. .ciiuiue sent nnv.
whero by express, collect on delivery. Afflicted
Invited to wrlta ror rulvlra, nil i,ir.,.fl.'. V."'!
imiJi1. HV, i?.!iy f 1'rlnclnal
Importers aud Dealers In Foreign aud Domestic
OUNB, UUTllillY, do.,
Jan P7I-Iy
KM il U
Tho undersigned would hrroby clvo notlco
that ho Ims just complcled A KIIWT CliAHU
llllAltHIl.nnd Hint ho fins iho lap miles for curry
ing nn tho business of UNDLUTAKINU In nil
in brnuclKS
IN UIT1 H I VI, li,
Ho has tnitnireil riTporlenrod persons who will
tako cbnrco of IIioImhIUs of tho drccasod ns soon
as they "shnllloof this morlnl coll' and ntlcml
lo washing Ihcm.slinvlUB, dlesslne, Ac. Hhrouds
rtirnlshcd nlso lo order, At much oxpenso lie
lias nlso procured nn
In which bodies can bo preserved In n cleanly
nnd dry condlllon, IJariliiKOs furnished for fu
ncrnt occasions, in shorl, ho Is prepared lo Inlto
chnrtto of n nrpsn Iminedlalfly ntler death, and
savo irlenilsnudiclatlvcsollliirlhcr tioubloln
roeard to It,
Ho also carries on tho VmsluMS of
Upholslerlne In all Its lirnnches. rrpnlrlna rurnl.
lure, resenting enno bottnmtd chairs, Ac, Ac
Tlacoof business on Iron HUeel, helnw Main.
UOllllUT ltOAN,
liloomsburg, July 2.', IKO-tl,
Tlionnlvfnref Inslrmnenl In tho World. It
Is unrqunllid In Klchness, Tower, llrllllnnry and
Ihllnblllty, Hpi-clnl II I ms In 'loiirhers. .Marked
pivors toflcigymcu. l-cnd lor lllustr.ited Arlou
c. f. ro&TKIt. (Icticrnl Accnl.
mar lO'H-lf.) JUcni Ciil'HK, I'A,
Bloomshnrg, 1
Havo on hind nnd for s.ilo nt the nitM rcnonv
bloratos n splendid stock or
CAltltIAUr.8, HUGUIEfl,
aud overy descilpllon or Wnsons both
warranted lo bo mado of tho best nnd most dor.
nblo materials, and by the most cxpcilcnei'd
workmen. All work lent out from inn cliih'
Usbmelit will bo found to boof thu highest
and suro lo rjlvo perfect sallsfnctlon. They have
nlso a lino assortment of
of nil tho newest nnd moU lashlouiiilo styles
well und carefully nindo nud of tho bet mater
ials. Anlnspecllon orihelrwoilt Is nslted ns It I
believed tbnt none superior can bo found InlLe
country. Jnn 1'71
Kin&T Kaw Hone I'liosniATK Made
All others nro Imitation,
ThU Manure U mado of llaw or Unburnrd
BonciH.rlch in Nltrojjonoun matter, dluwilvod In
Ull of Vitriol, presenting thu llouo Phosphate In
n highly Holubioand quickly nvnllnhlo hum, nud
tho Ammonli in wucli proportion ih tn Insuro a
prompt and vffioiiM nctlmi upon tlio riops.
Wliero ltauli'K PiiiiHjdiulo wan nppihtl the
pnht Minion, tho lndicullons, without i-xcfptlo,-
in u iiiiiiK uiii jii iii 11 lii 111 11 h wfi 1 I'nrnt'd ri'Hiun
hum. iiou'iiirjai JlllJU HCUIUH U I VI Llll CV 1
give thlHnrtlcle atrial.
II A U Q 11 A SON H(
Officic-No 20 s. Dolnwaro Avcnne
15 70-tf.
dUGLnj A. DASA, Editor.
A Newspaper ol iho Present Times,
Intruded for Teoplo Now on Etirtli.
Inclndlns rsrmcrs, Mcclianlo, Mcrclimts, Pro
fessional Men, Workers. Tlilnkcrs, ml all 5Un.
ccr of Honest Foils, aat H13 wjvci, syal, aad
Daautcrs of alliuca.
or less than Ons Cent a Copy, Let tlicro lit a
830 Ciab at every Post Omce.
of ilia ssmo size ana general character as
Tim WEEKLr, but with a jrroati'r variety ol
inlsccllancoas rcaJlnc, and furnbhlntf tlio uewi
to Its entwerlbcii with Krcalcr froslmcss. hecau'o
It conns tvtlec a week InstcaJ ofooco only.
rrpfssiIncntlT rcaJalilo newspaper, wltli tlio
Urei-st cireuKUon in tlio ivorl'l. hrpp. Inao"
I'cnilent, onit ftarlc-sln polltlci. All tliu news
'yrhcro. lu-f. ccnls u copy 1 by uiall.
30 cci-u a uionm, or 80 a rear. ' '
Tiro copies, ono year, separately addrsM,
Vour llollara.
Ten roplos. cno rear, sensratclr ntl.lresseil (and
ancuracop) toUiccclterupntclutii.
Elulit Hollars.
T,?CPf TL,5!,r'!c51- en !"Mr' rpratclr addressed
land aa cilra copy to tno fcttir np of elnhi,
, , Fifteen llulliirs,
KT,c5r'T,'""! 10 0,10 aldrcss land tlio cikly one er to teller u p of club).
TUIrls-ilireo Dollnro.
the biml NUckljouc year to tctltr 111, on nil,),
Tblrlr.llvo Dollars.
nnd tho Dally for ono year in ihoiStnTr i n ut
I'litv Dollars,
One tiundred eoplps, ono year, separably n.!.
I'lro copies, one year, f piratclv nldtrpd.
Ten conies, one lenr. irparalelr addr.'
un extra top. to Keller u nir iiJai.
d (aud
MMeeu Dullars.
1 w. i:vnr,wi, pt,Mi.itpr,
bun oUlc,.Si)w otk City,
Tatsntbd Dbcpsipbb ,tii, lira.
It rirmbln g al J. Al Lin
try I Will ugt -urrudr. Ulj HuturllifM f
milu om.v m u;i:m, i.a r-r tuu
Su"!'1 mtrgfUo pirnoii run rvnlU
U(JUpvri.tuiiib. I'runtutrrsfOUiirrt.iil.l
1 UOUIIiplei'tHI, ItlMNKI lHullUJU,bU
VV.oUAdJ lou, Utlt Uu
ManufAClurcra Ajentf, riusWcti. V.
h 1 1
S riKTli TliKBrput hoi.larllorilif.e i kJ
Vj 1 rtiiahua ltd tit muity Imfiullonduf mi 1 41 ft. 1
S'Wi's.'i Tluifuiily'lM N. Q
1 IIS li:StM,iaWlhUtW,ui,y, Innrl.
lluir tor I'tiji til ur.NMUi4v'luH m, f'wunl), mm,
pUI m lj MrlUi,ut on 4 orUcr will imu ullU
Jail tarn y
Wo now have the finest nssoihneni r.rnr avi
IIKI; DH on Hand nud for 8u, "I Kft
lu liloomsburg. largo sUo " , hell mitumiui
Oommonl BOOJ W ("!)
Pntout Medicinoo.
J.JKN11Y T. lIKLJIllOLD'fc-.
U U M I- O U N I) I I. U I II
0 It A V li V I h L li.
Oimptmcnl lirh-tl,ua Kttrnct lihulmrb mul
Huhl tract (XilnuM llmpc
iihai)auiu;,co.stivi:nkhh, v.m ruiti:r,v
Tlieso mis nro tlio most itcllulilfntly nlcnunt
purgative, snrcrsoillns castor oil, MtlW, mm?.
nosia, cw, 'inero Is iiotliliifi moro ncccplnblo to
Iho slomaeli. They elvo lone, niut cniuo neltlior
unison, nor Btliilns tmlns. They nro coninoseil
of tho flnctl Ingredients, After n fow ilnys' "so
them, such nn InvlRomllon of U10 ontlro system
Inkes rlno"" tnnppenr lnlrarulous to tlio tvoak
nnd cncrvnteil, whether nrlslng from Inipru.
ilenco or dlscnso, II, T, Itolmbnld'H Conipoiiinl
KI11I1I Kxlrnctt'atnwlindrnpo l'llls nro not r
contoil, from tlio fact that suar-coalcil l'liisilo
noldlsolvo, bill pass through Ihostonincliwlthoui
illssolvlnif, conswinonlly iln not proiluco Ihoilo
sired eircct. Tllll CATAWUA (lltAI'i: ril.I.H
bclnKplensnntlntasloaiul odor, iln not nccrssl.
lalo llulr bclnn misnr-conte.1. l'UIL'li I'OTV
jui.vjir t. nuhimours.
llllllll.V CONCr.NTltATltll C'OMI'OtlNIl
Will radically o.ttermliialo Irom II10 syslem
Hcroftil.i.Hyplillls, I'overWoios, Ulcers, tjorollios
Boro Legs, H010 Moulli, llcnd, ltronchllts,
Hkln Iilsenies, Halt UIicuia, nnkcrs, ltiinnlnns
from tho Knr, Whtto Bwoltlngs, Tumors, Uin
rcrousAirocllons.Nodcs, Ulcltcts.UlniularSwoU.
Ings, Night Hnenls, ltasli, Teller, Humors ol n
Kinds, Chronic filiciiuiattsiu, liyspcpsta, nnd nl
dlscnso UintlKi.i been tstiibllshtd In tho system
for ycarj.
llcltig propnrcl I IX Pill iMI,Y for llic nbovo com
plalnls, lis lil.OOlM'UltlKYlNO pruiirlclles im
Krealer linn nny oilier preparation ol Harsapi
rlll.i. It Rlvos Iho COMl'J.llXION ft clear nnd
henllhy color and rcslores Iho patient to n slain
ol IIIIAI.TII nnd ruitlTV. For l'uriryln:; Iho
IllooJ, removing nil Chronic Constltntloual li
inscs nrlsliit; fiont an Impure stnlo of tlio Mood,
And I ho only reliable nnd ciroctml known hmho
dy lor tho euro of l'.uni and Hwelllngs ol thn
Itnnes, Ulcerations of tlio (thd I.ep-s
lllnlclies, l'llnples on 1110 Unco, Kryslpulas nud
nlUcnly nrllptlousortlioHkln.nud llenullfylni!
Ilicl'omplcxlon. l'rlre, SlCOper Dottle,
J'J. VI U r.XTUA CTJl veil 0,
has cuu-d every case of Dlabctis In svlilch it has
been Klvcu,lriltaunti of tho neck of'tliollladdir
nud InUatiinintlon of the Kidneys, Ulceration of
tho Kllncys nnd r.laddcr, lteteullon or Urluo
DNenscsof tlio l'lostatolllnud.Htono Intholllad
der, Cnlculs, Oiavtd, Urlckdusl Depuslt, nud
Mucous or Milky Dlschnraes, nnd for Knfecbled
aud Iiellcato Cuustlllltlons of both Hexes, nlleii
ded with tlio followJns Hyniptnms: Indlsposl.
lion to Uxcrtlou, loss ol Vow er, loss of Memory,
Dllllculty of Ilrcathlng, Weak Nerves, Trem
bling, Horror of Ulseasc, Wnkelulness, Dimness
of Vision, 1'alu lu tho Uncle, Hot Hands, l'lusli.
Ins of tho llody, Diyncss ot tho Hkln, Krupllou
011 Iho Face, l'allld Couulcuaucc, Uulvcrsul
Lnssltudo of Iho Muscular System, etc,
Used by persons Irom tno nes of eighteen lo
twenty.Ile, nnd from thlrty-Ilvo lo Ully-flvo m
lu tho decllno or chniiKO of life; after coullno
mentor libor pnlusj bed-Htttlns In chlldnn.
llelmbold's Jlatract lluchu Is Dlmollc nnd
Illood-l'uiilylni;, nnd cuios all diseases ullslni;
fioin llnhlls of DKsilliin, and Kxcissrs and
Impiudences In Lift', I liiiun I lies or thu llloud,
tic, supeisedlni! Copnbla in nileellons for which
It Is used, mid Mypblllllo Allccllons-ln Ihesn
disenses nsi.l In couiicctlou wllh HKLMHOI.Irs
itom: wash.
In many nllecl Ions lo ladles, iho V.x
tract lSiuhu Is inufiunllnd liyunyolherreniedy
ns Is Chlorosis or llctenllon, IneBularlly, rln.
fillncks or Suppression of Cuslomnry Kvueu-i.
Hons, Ulcoralnlor Hdilrrus Hlaloof tho Ulcrna
Loncoriho'a or Whltes,atorlllly,iind for all com
plnlnls lncldiiit lo Iho sot, Miclher nrlsliiB fumi
Indlscrcllon or Habits of Dissipation. It is pro
scribed extensively by Iho most eminent phj-il-lans
nnd .Mldwlves Tor Kulccbltd nnd Dellculo
Conslltullons.of botli sexes nnd nil ages (niton
ded with nny of tho nbovo diseases or symptoms,
H. T. llO.MIlUMVtf HXTltAtT I1UC11U
crjitia DisiiAHiis AiiiaiNti l-nost uii'iii'
Di:fi:, HAiirw or dissipation,,
In nu iholr singes, nt lillloeviienso, lllllo or no
change, In diet, no lnconumleneu, und 110 ex
posure. It causes n freauent deslie, nnd ylveH
fclieaia to, thereby lemovlni! Obsiiuc
tlons, rroenllug nud Cluing Hlrlclurcs of Iho
Uielhn, Allaying lum nnd Inil.immnllon, n
fre'ineutln this clau of diseases, and txpilling
all PoUouous matter.
Tl.ousamls who been iho vlctlnn or in
competent persons, nud who havo paid lunvy
foes to bo ruled lu a shoi t tlmo, hnvo found n.y
havo been iltcelved, nmi Hint Iho "Poison" has,
by tbo uso of "powerful astringents," been dried
up lu tbo tytem, to bicalc out In n moro nggra
vateit fm 111, aud peiliaps nller Uarilago.
UsoJIKl.Mr.OI.D'SIlXTlt.VLT iim:mt r,, n
Alleellousniid Diseases of iho Uiluary Oigiins
whetlu r oxlsllng In M.ilo or Kemnlu, Mom wluit
ovcr cuuso origliinllng, and mi inaitei- f how
long stuiilln?, pitlci: ONI! DOI.I.Alt vnii
riiTY ci:nt.s pi:u norn.i:.
IIKVIsv m irT.r
-....I.V. Jl 1.1 . ,11 11,11 11'
i'i:ovi:o nasi: wash
cannot bo surpassed ns n FACE WAHII.nnd will
u iuuu.i 1110 only sneelila romodi- h,
in LUT-l:OL'H ArniCTION. It spee-
. y..!.'?!lllc!'10'' ''"irLIJS.HPliTH.HCOItllllTIli
11 , i-, al,peu "'''f l'.ss nnd IN-
MOI'll I-ATCIIKH. lllivmis , i . ... , .
2 v w m'Sil """ "" '-r's ro,:;
slM , . "I" 0,N?n"N """ll restores 11,0
skin lo 11 shite of puilly nnd sofiness, nnd In.
sures continued heulihy ttcU,m , t,0 Kskuoo
Its iels, on whUh depend tho ngiee.iblo cknr.
ness nnd Mvacllyol .oiiiploxlon so i ., sought
and ndmhed. lint howoter valuable, ns
rimcdy for txltllng dcfocls of tho (.km, H t
llclliibold's Koso Wash has lomi susliilii,,! 11J
irlnclj.lo claim lu unhomidm j,aiion.i"o i,y
sississingiiualltus tihleli render II n TOl'l.l'T'
U'pi:nd.ii: or iho m,,si w,..,,,.. . . .
Contenlal ehaiailer, eomblnlng in ,.,-,,
fulllIU .11 10SUIllrilillli,,t rr, u.. ....... .
l.I I ICACY-tlio Invnrlnbln nc., ...
suse-ns n Prescrvallvo und Kefiesherol tho
loinplcjion, uis un excellent Lollon fur dis
eases of liHyphlllllo Nature, nodi is ii..,,..
or dNenscsoftho Uilnary Organs, uilslng Irom
habits of dlsslpallun, used d, coniiecllim wllh
CATAWUA tlllAPi: PJLl.H,ln such discuses us
ecoiniiuujed, cannot bo suriiassod. I'llli'li
Full nnd explicit dlrecilons accompany llio
llvldencooriliomostrcFponslblo nnd rcllahlo
cliurncter furuUhtd on nppllcatlon, wllli huii
dnds orihousunds of Ilvlnti witnesses, nud up
wnrd of so.ujo tiniollclied certificates and recom.
mendutory loiters, many of which nro from tho
highest sources, Including tuilneut 1'hyHclans
Llergymon, HlaUsmeu, clc. The proprietor Ii
never resorted to their publication lu tho news,
pnpers j lie docs not do this fioni tho fact Ilia
hi urllcles runic as Htuiiduid l'ropurutious, and
do not ueod to Lo propped lip by coitlflcutes.
Henry T. HcIiiiIiuIiVm Ociuiliir
Hcllverod to any address. Hecure from ohsei
tslnbllslicd upwards of twenty years. Bold by
Druggists overywhere. Address letters for In.
formullou, lu conildenco to HENKY T, 1IFLM.
HOLD, Druggist and Chemist
Only DepoUi If, T, IIIIMIIIOLD'H Drug and
Chemical Wurehouse, No. 681 liroadwuy, New
Yorlr.orto 1I.T. HKLMIIOLIPH Jledlcul Depot
101 Houth Tenth btrtel, Philadelphia, I'a.
',VhI$1!F 0P "lUNTUIlFKITEItH. Ask for