The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 08, 1871, Image 3
THE COLXJMB AN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUBG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, The OoiiPgiiN: loomsburg, Friday, Sept. 0, 1871. lK.r.ltowi't.t.Al.'o.,))l,iulc tow,nnimiroiily ntttlinrlrril Advertising Aeent. In New lorK, iVK, WcTititmi.t. ft L'n., Nil (7 UliMlmu nirtf I, nniiiirniiiy mitlinrlicd .cnl In l'hl ndeliililii. (!.(!, MtmriiY, i. Isnnr niithnrlrcil Audit in (Vnlmllii In trniiKiirinny bu.limi puilalnlns to tlio I'lll.l'MIIIAN OHlco. ,. mr All lulvertlscments for Iho fornoInK lofiill. ll(KimitlH'n(lnr-itliytlifo Agents, or tncy wlllrecctvo no nllentlon. llaUroad Timo Tnblo. LACKAWANNA ft nUMWUIKl It. lt. Hall 11:11A.M. SiiTI'.M.' AiToimiuiihiilDii i'' '' Ilxiiriss (il'Jl'.M. ilWil A..M tlA TAWISHA It. It. rOM HUlT.ltf BTATION. (l.ilnn North. I" ' Soillll. 1:12 1. M. IU:IU...M. Court. On account of tho indisposition of Jiul(,'o KfiWELTi, who hat nolyetoiitiro ly icuovoral from n recent sovcro Illness, tho incmberd of tho bar unanimously uijrenl to contlnno tho entire civil list, nnd no Court nt nil will bo held no.vt week. This graceful action by tho bar vun deserved by Jndgo Kr.wuLr,, who None of tho ".blest nnd most respected Jiulgw now on tho bench, though wo nro Informed ho was willing to go on with tho Irlnl of causes notwithstanding his probation lestiltlng from sovoro illness. That his health and strength may bo speedily restored is tho Hlncero duslro of nil our peoplo nnd thoy will qui to cheerfully forego a term of court to conduce to that end. Tim criminal business was all of n petty nature but it nnd tho othor necessary business of thotennwero promptly attended to and disposed of. Tho ntlendanco nt Court on Monday was largo but tho crowd was noon thinned off after it was announced that no civil cases would bo tried. Wi: nro indebted to llr. Gi:oi'.of. 1 1 Azznr.T for a very Una lot of Concord drupes. Ills vines nro loaded with this delicious fruit. At the proper timo wo will print tick els in fiwor of n Constitutional conven tlon nnd circulate them with tho Dem ocratle ticket. If any body wants tick ets against tho convention wo will print them upon application. Wc nro Informed that Mr. W. 1 Koonh has sold tho Kxchango hotel lota to Mr. John S. Btkkkek, for 0,000, on condition that lto creels a hotel on tho same. If this condition is not complied with, or other building is erected, then Mr. S. is to pay $10,000. Court I'rot'cnllnss. tKeporlcil for tho Columbian, Tho general September term of tho Columbia county Courts convened Inst Monday, ith Inst. His Honor Wii.r,. iam Et.wr.M,, l'rcstdcnt Judce. and make distribution In tho estnto of Do. 1 1'" mtigomitit ud imiit up, by n bornh Dcatt, deccastd. Oeorgo Craig vs. Mary A. Craig. Di vorce uccrccii from tho bonds of matrimony. In tho cslnlo of John ltlchnrd, do- tiso of tho moutu which science Ita-i plno lit nt lliclr disposal, M to havo n mttcH tetter iliA,icoofloit(f life, uud exemptions from ills turn nml palii, than Iho most tithlcllo of their fellow who nro loollsh enough to attppoao them selves Invulncrnblcand net nccorillngly. ll is noiioo mncii in sny mat moro man nun his Assoclnto Hon. Iham Di:uu. on tho " i T, ., .. . ,. , U . ' 11 " tl "" l" tllilt mor "" 11,11 Itnnrli tfrni taiin u ir " iiiuuy cuiuinucil ns Alt- tho peoplo of tho clvlllua world nccil nn occ' ,i . a- i i i unor to maiio distribution. ?lZ m i C' bc,nB n,lbCnl 0,1 no NcllI Koblnson vs. Harry 1'. count of illness. ui,ion. ni,., .i 1 r.... .i. fPI. it ii ... '.u.iii.;uiii i'MUiVW WliUtAl liUlll 11IU Iho respcctlvoconstnblcsof tho conn- )omU of millrimony. ty wero sworn nnd mndo their returns, Wm. 1. Kycrly vs. M. K Kyerlv. returning tho roads and brhhrcs in t..i 1 ,' . f.T ! ,m ...T good condition throughout tho county appointed Commissioner to tnko depo- John 1C. Olrton. Saml. Hlettlnr nnd ri ni. ... ,r... r Joseph Ikclcr wero appointed tipstaves s0, cinr(?0 malicious mischief. A truo in curt urn juries. imU jry sworn nml n ver(ct of .Samuel ithono, li'.n., of Hcnlon, was I'tilltv 1,l...n.nn.. .r,l.n (1. I T..-.. .. . i.'Iu.iiii.-i. .'U11.-1111111 ui iiiu uiauii uill. upon tho suggestion of tho members of tho Bar, tho Civil List of Causes for trial nt this term was continued on ac count of tho Into sovcro Illness of his Honor Judge Kr.WKM,, thoy not think lug It prudent to weary him with tho tediousness of such trials as might bo Lf llloomsburg, mndo by Samuel Ney delayed. J udgo hi.wr.u, suggested hnr,, Jr. j.- t.u.kson. T,,.,. ,,. that ho would call upon another Judgo C(l commissioner to report tho evidence to try the causes that wero ready, but (), ,,v cUi.(!nu n,,ni.t nn.i in fnvnr Hoturn of tho salo of tho real cslnto Tur. Jleimbllcan thinks it very hard that tho Democratic rules nro so coiv structed that men who support Kcptib lleau candidates cannot aid in making Democratic nominations I Perhaps those who support nominations nro tho proper persons to mako them. Cnuncif KAW-NDAn. This neat little monthly for September isnn In teresting number. Although tho special organ of tho rrutcstnut Kplscopal Church of llloomsburg, tho articles it contains nro mostly interesting to all intelligent peoplo nnd It deserves tho favor of our citizens. Prieo $1 per year. it. O. liuowx, Ksi., of Lock Haven, ono of tho victims of tho recent disaster on tho 1'. it K. it. it., near "Wotport, was Worshipful Master of Iiafayctto l.odL'e. No. 1!)0. A. Y. M. Ho was burled with Masonic honors. Wo nro informed that ho was formerly a much respected citizen of 1. 1 gh I street, in this county. Mostouu County. Tho Republi cans have made tho following nomina tlcnsin this county: Hcnracntatiiv Dennis llrlght. CumniMiuiifr l'eter Mowrer. .lsso-i(! Jmlif J cssco Con wny. Ittnklcr and IteconhrW. W. Hughes. i i- r.t,lj .lmn'lur Stephen Johnson. Tkm l'l'.lt ATUltK of August, 1871, at llloomsburg, observed dally at 7 a. in., at 2 p. m. nnd at f p. nt. Maximum 0'J1 on tho ICtli, at 2 p. m.; Minimum fij' on tho 20th, at 7 a.m., Average of tho month 71. Tho liotest day this summer was on tho Kith, viz., W, ono degree beyond blood heal. to this tho liar positively objected, uud tho list was thcreforo continued. In tho cslnlo of Henry Mollck, dee'd, upon petition citation awarded, In tho e.stato of Qcorgo V. Smith, dee'd. Petition for ealo presented, which was ordered. Iteport of nrond In Greenwood town ship, near dcorgo 11. Thomas' con- iirmed nisi. Tho appraisement of Iho real estate of Abraham Hess, dee'd, l.itoof Mlfllln township, confirmed nisi. Iteport of viewers of a road in Pino township, ncarS. Dvcs',connrmed nisi. In tho matter of tho confirmation of Iho map of tho town of llloomsburg, exceptions wero filed by a number of tho citizens of tho town. An inquisition on tho body of Thom as Murphy, was approved, as a proper ciso for an Inquest. David Whltmoyer was appointed guardian for Wm. Trembly. Samuel Dower vs. llolanduslllank, ot al. Itulo to show cause why J.O.Jacoby and Wm. Klinctob should not ho sub rogated as plaintiffs. llebecca Kccfor vs. James A. Keefer, alias subpeena in dlvorco was granted. In tho eslato of Daniel digger, dee'd, lalo of Montour township, an Inquest was awarded. Com. vs. Joseph It. Kvans, charge, Assault and llattcry. Dili ignored and tho prosecutor to pay costs. In tho cstalo of llenjamlu Camp, decd'd, tho order for salo of realty was continued. Order of salo in tho estntoof James Hess, Into of ftugjrloaf township, dee'd, was continued. Keport of salo of real estate, In tho eslato of Martin Illllmycr, dee'd, con firmed. Petition for tho salo of tho real eslato of Daniel Lclhy, dee'd. Bale ordered. Samuel Neyhard, administrator of nlotial toulc, to cnnhlo them to support tho strain upon their bodies noil minds, which tho fast llfo ofthlH restless into ooonslons. In lact, n pure, wholesome, unexciting toulo Is tho grdiitl dosltl crntumofthobuy millions, nnd they linvo tho nrtlelo In Hosteller's Klom.icli Hitters, It Is n stamlimlmodlrlne.l. o. It tmptrts permanent strength to went: systoms nud Invltfomlos doll cnlocouslllullous. Its reputnllou nnd Its sales hnvo slcndlly Incronsed, Cnmpctltlvo prepara tions hnvo been Inlrmluccd ml UtAtum, nml, ns fnr ns tho pulillo Is concerned, ml naitieuifi. In Iho lioi'O if llvallux It; but they hnvnnll either rei lslml In tho attempt, or been left far In tho rear It has been lliotjrent medical success nf the prcH int century, nnd It Is tiullo ccitnln thntiiiipro- ipllnir mcflnlnn Iti llil. rriiintrv Is ns widely ui iiuun iiicnnrus, ucccaseil, COIllirmed. liiiown.ornsgenernllyiucil, llclurn of Inquest ill tho eslato of Tc" P'"' pnwes, rminlni! mcossnni y r ., r.,M,. i (.MlinunyM oxcrpieu,; 1110 wnoiu year uiruuH". .101111 L. hinilll, COIUlrmeil. barely supply Ihe.lemnnd for lljo Illustrated Al- Kettirn Of partition ill tho cslnlo of mnnac, In which tho natnro nnd uses ol tho Pclcr Dlltlcr, deceased, confirmed. preparation nro set forth, till clrculntlun now In II... .,,ii- r n, n ...m, rn, i, belns over elsht millions a year. - ' ...u ... i, ui;. ui iiiu ...ill' w. lllu VWIV11 Itftehits for Siilior hit ton tn tho "Coliiin i.t.... .1 r.... I .1 li mill,-' mi .luKinii i.iiii (leorso 1'. 1'rlU 1 WHIoscph Itreoeh Wm. MutKcss U O 't.'yrus lliimott .Tom. It. Vundersllco 2 () ,Utn. Ilinnpshlro John O. Jacohy 2 ur Augustus Wilson Alirnham It. Jneohy 75 llllruiii V. Kverltt .lounthiiu Ijoremail a w I'eler Heller llnn.Mm.prnlL 4llnvM T. Ilnvls .lobli lllllhellil 1 3 !IV. II. eller ('isi'tr Haven lui lohu Kietier Nuihan Miller 'J ikj .loliu i). Wcuner I'wls Kekrolh " O' 'n. r, Dielsbirih -ltLUbcn liogart lit Michael Tray HEAD QUA.UTELIS von HOOP S KNITS CLAEK'S COliUMN. AND C 0 R S E T S. H AT M. P. LUTZS, in-: SKfii.s llebecca Nagle, dee'd, vs. John Cain, llulo to show eauso why tho execution Wntt3i connrmca lll3l oiiuiiui nut uu out .laiuu. Order of falo of tho property of Dan iel (Jearhart continued. Petition of citizens of Conyngham to remove John Curran, Peter I.uby, and Patrick McDermott, school Directors of tho township. Hulo granted to show cause. Iteport of talo of realty, In Iho eslato of Samuel Dyer, dee'd, confirmed nisi. of tho correctness of tho map, together with his opinion In regard to any mat tcr complained of in referenco thereto. sni'TKMllIill (i, 1871. Iteport of O. W. Miller, Auditor to mnko distribution In tho estate of Mat thias llhone, deceased, confirmed nisi. Petition for a road In Ilrlarcrock township, near Kvansvllls, Charles Leo, Itobcrt S. Knt nnd William Whlto ap pointed vieweis. Petition for a rc-roview to vacate a road In Hemlock township, near I.ovl Wright's, Dowls Schuyler, Sheppard Itunyauuiul Uolhuel Whlpplo appoint ed ro-revlewers. Petition for a road In Pino township, from I.eggotl's to Kills' farm, Nicholas Kindt, Isaac A. Dowltt and James Preston, appointed viewers. Petition to vacato a road In Jackson township, Alinas Cole, Christian Moore and John Lowls appointed viewers. Petition for a road in Centre township, near tho house of II. A. Sehwepponhel-f-t-r; Jcrcminh Smith, Adam Suit and David Shaffer appointed viewers. Petition for a county brldgo near tho Centrovlllo Kerry, Jeremiah Smith, Adam Suit and David Shaffer appoint ed viewers. Petition for a road in Sugarloaf town ship, near James M. Shultzs'; William 1 feline, John Dlldluo nnd Jeremiah Stiles appointed viewers. Petition of tho supervisors of Sugar loaf township, asking to bo allowed to levy an additional tax for road purpos es. Authority granted to levy an addi tional tax of ono per cent, on tho dol lar of tho valuation of said township for tho purposo prayed for. In tho estnto of Jacob Kostenbauiler, deceased, a return of salo wasmadoand a petition presented to sell additional MUSK lands. Tho salo returned confirmed nisi, and n salo of tho other lauds des cribed In tho petition ordered. Iteport of salo In tho estato of John 15. I Ui 1 IV '.' IK) 2 HO 1 2 INI a!" Tim IG-bono wove CWcl lor 70i 1 IN) 1 2 0) 2 10 MARRIAGES. Tho RhcK'lon Cowl ibr $1 Tito L'anion lot- 6 1 COUNl:T,U'H-N()Ti:HTi:iS'-On IhoSd lnst.,by Itcv. win. J. i;ver, .Mr. jeremiali .1. uorneiiui, nml JIlis Busio Milesleiu, bolll or uimwissn, KM NI! ItTTTIMt On tho Illll ilavnf AUSUSt. 1 1.7 1, ill the 11 Mlilciirn ol thn's parents. In C.ltnwISHt, hy llui llev. V.J. Mohr, Mr, Marllll V. II. Kline, to Mm Jenulo 1-'. Ulller. DEATHS. SintlKl:lt-In .Minllnburi?, nn tho 23d Instant, I.I7.I0H., wllo of Charles II. Hhrlner, In her ;t tin ytai-, VIlAIIKn-On thn lOlh nil., nt H'nbtowii. Wash- Inuiuu VeiiLjer, uaid 14 years, 1 month nnd 23 unys. JACOI1V tn Mieliaildnnheitv. Kehlll 11:111 conn- ty. 011 tho Ultluil., Miss Anna .Mnilft .lucoby. only unuiililcr 01 Jcreintaii jucony, lormoiiy ot Loiuiubia county, ai;ea nuout i yenis. Legal Notices, Thn Is a (llove-nilin''. 11 n tmo. HO bone ( or-el. linnil-oinelv finishi-d and is t lto licit coi-el ever offer ed In this town at tho price. M. V. LUTZ fa the JCxcliibiro (iiicnl far II in JiLOOJISnUJICl. HASOU'S FRUIT PER DOZEN, PORCELAIN LIND. MASON'S ONE QUART JARS POR CELAIN, $2 00 PER DOZEN. DM I tTi:.'l OI'.'S NOTICE. t f 1 It F S .. 1)1 L I. '11 'i 1 nil . ii(ii t u o" 1 ti 'il t nivin 1, to'i'itinfl ( ,i , 1 sf tj. r I ' 1 .1 'IV .1' 'I' .1 . o M, M. ('.. r ill 1 ,u t j-Stil'iii'i Skirt, Skirt, -:o: l-lneli tapo -1." conti. Inch tape O) cents. UNION FRUIT JARS, $2 00 Per Boz i ui. . II ,11 r ri te, ii t r.L Au i' .1 DM I. MS I IIA'IOIIS KOTICH. r iii ni- iii-i i' . f i . r. Lr n. i . -n's o in ii ii 1 mi i' i i e- .iio ol p 'f (. -e-, lion Miii .. i n .iiiili n ...iti e itn ii.. ti. i e nepil i i ei' u, 10 I.t1 Ol SKUl I'Olllll V ,11 I'.' IS K i , , I .Mllll- toui- lull lihiiiit, t-i)liiiniii.i cim . A ' tie .Oils linvlnt' eliilius ns-nhlit IliiM'-l.iiun .tie Or t ilen ni , . i-niiekti ,1 I,. mekeiiL llieln for heti leiiien. i.ii.l tltiihi, ln,li.l,ti.,l tiilli.i i-tiito In imilloniV' inent to llieuiiileisleneil.nilliiliiKtlntor.wilhout .1.,!.... I.-I.I AU flllll. ll lius'll.'71-(iw You can also find a full lino of fill V GOODS AND NOTIONS AT 1J01TOM PIUCKS AT ir. r. lu'J'Z'S, lllm 7 VI II (in 8 U) 5 10 ID Ol) 6 oj 1 1ll I IV ki.ias uiiii.i:. AiliulnUii-Htor. I OI'TEIl A IIKDUOTION I.w- NILICS, w a it : i: o o m h A t,eneinl nssotltiirnt or jikucii NHisi: ai.waw om KAMI, Tho accounts of Adminiotrators, Kx ecutor.s and Quardlaiis which wero ad vertised by tho lteglstcr, wero confirmed nisi. The account of 11. P. Porlncr, commit too of Wright Hughes, confirmed nisi. In tho matter of tho application for tlio IiiLuiiiollAn nf (Vini'tirillii T.nd,'P. No. fit), of tho Independent Order of Odd follows, of Pennsylvania. Order- VIOLINS, ( ONOTIITIHA'I JiROWlClVS P.LOCK, NKXT TO COURT I10USH THIS MKUALL10N Is j!f IN ri.Aom.iviv, Iteport of salo of realty, on tho estato L,i .,mt ,,,,1,11,. ,lnii(.n i,0 iVcn In one of Samuel Pilkington, dee'd, couflrincd n0WSI,apcr in tiio county, at least three weeks beforo tho first day of next term that a charter will bo granted if no canto to tho contrary boshown. rSomootlicr trivial causes wero dispos ed of which wo do not deem of sufll- elent public Interest for publication.! Judicious advertising always pays. If you havo a good thing, advertise It Ifyou haven't, don't. If you don't mean to mind your own luisIr.ChS. it will not pay to ailvertise, Never run down your opponent's goods in public. Let him do his own nil veriUlnir. It is as truo of advertising ns of any thing clno In this world-if It Is worth doing at all, It Is worth doing well. Wo don't recommend advertising as the be.-.t way to get a wife; but wo know that it Is tho best way to get a good trade. Why Not. There is an lullclo going tho rounds headed, "Don't sit on tho Doorstep." Why not'.' Tho writer says that you will suiely ealch cold and toon ti, gin lo talk honr-e. Wo don't liellevo a word of it. Wo liellevo any person In tho evening, can bit with impunity on tho door step, provided the sit does not extend to tho lato hours of tho night when tho damp becomes too great or tho fog too thick. Of course we do not Kay persons should sit In (1 draught That is decidedly unhialthy ; but to sit whero tho nlr has 1111 etpial pressure over tho whole system, has no moro to do with catching cold than It lias with e.tlelilug lllcs, and not half ns much ns It has with getting mo-qulto bites. Individual editors havo been fro iiiimillv lionnioil liv iinnnintment Ol election to positions ot honor, but It does not occur often lu tho course of lliiiiisanil vrnrs. un'll bet. that such wholesale appointment of editors Is made to responsible and honorable 110 hltlons us has lust been mado by tho Agricultural Society which will soon hold a fair in Kunuurv. All the iilllors of XorthumbcrluHtl count u havo ban crculid 11 board at Judge to decide afoot ruie.AortliutiiiH'ruiiui lo, jjemoeral, nisi. In tho estnto of Wm. Hess, upon pe tition inn. ucst was awarded. Iteport of a road in riahingcreck township, near Still Water Church, continued nisi. Com. vs. Silas Towels, charge Firing Woods. Bill Ignorednnd county to pay costs. Com. vs. Catliarino Womor, chargo fsaull with Intent to kill. Atiuoblll. Entered into recognizance for her up- pearanco at next session. Com. vs. John Curran, Charles Jiur- phy and others, chargo Conspiracy. A truo bill, ilei-egnlztinco eutoretl for their appearanco at next term. SlIl'TKMllKIt r, 1871. Auditor's report in tho estnto of Eliz abeth Dolong, deceased, making tllstii- bution, eonflimed nisi. Petition for a review of a road In Mount Pleasant township, near the houso of Thomas Jones. Appointment of viewers suspended until exceptions aro dNpocd of. Petition for u rovlow of a private road in l-'islilngcreek township, near William Ikcler's. Appointment of re viewers suspended until exceptions nro tli-ipo-ed of. iteport of viewers of a road in Miulin township, reporting Bgain-it a road, con firmed nisi. iteport of viewers of a road in l-Vank- liu township, near lteuhen P.elgle's, continued ids. Auditor's report lit tho estafo of lien- Janiln I'owler, deceased, confirmed nM. Koport of viewers of a load In I.oi-ust township, near llenjamln Wagner's, continued nUI. Petition to vacato a road in l-'iaukllii tnwiiihlp, near Viilentluo Voughl's. Stephen Daldy, (ieorgo Il.Willlts nnd J. V, Pfuhlcr appointed viewers. lllttlM-t, iiai:miinica, if, VIOLIN STI1INI1S OK Till: 1IKST O.UAL1I V. I.OC.M, NUTICCS. 'lOllACtOnnil HKOAllH ean lu lioucht at Iho MniniiKtli Omcory of. I. II. Maizf.M ellyrru-u. (iunllly veiy Mipetlor. Try lliein. Wanti.p. Twopiiinrtitlrls nn arpicntleea to I the Tnllorlni; lluslniks. Apply to si. Jlointu, Main street. nfl-2r f iNdcns New I'niillly Sewing "I.ielilnes-ti 111 iliillni'r. liulanee In monthly Inntalltin nlii. J. A. Do KAN, Auilll, niooniKliuTtr, I'.i. no.a.'-ir TltK MntuncntK iiinilo liy ilenlem In oilier ma elilum. Unit they sell Now Kinder Mowlm M i- ehlnes In not line. Tlin Knitter Malm Ticliiry Mimily no innehlnes In Colniiihla eomily, exi-epl In llulr nnllioil.eilngeut, J. A. jioiia.n. TIIH IiATICST SIIi:i-,T MUSIC. A Nil OIKIAN ALL HTYLKS ANDl'IilCIIS. I'KIl AS-OIII-JIIIN I' III' HIKiA.N'. TIIA.V t'A. III-. I-OIMI I TF.Ml'l.i: ANOKLIC OltOAN WHICH iiastiii: MWi;r.ri:ur toni: hi t CAN HI'. 1'OIINH IN A llllKl) OIIOAN. p U K MiUM IiIH'P ormic k HlXlHENni ANN U Ah tXIIIHITloN or tub COJ.UMHTA COUNXY AdIMLthTlIlSAh, TICULlDIIAh AND II ECU AN1CAL AoorATroN,) to ni) nt.o at ' IJ U O O M H DUItU, 1' A . nf wurDAV, TnunsnAY and hiihay, Oi tohn ltUi, I'iUiniiil VUU, IS I, Anr.rt tUln-t nf klmt mtlU llUVOft BTfltPln to riuy it. mi wa trti laincl Ion. cthlbllors Pint ciiiiii mi. (ni will n'rnsfi rfiil ttio ml low 1111 111 nuitio uy ilium wnuoui rmint; inr nuy iuiciiv lion. J, J, iiiiUvin,ofci OhABS I-nUItStH. FnpcTlntcnUent, I'.Lt ilENiicNif all, I t'lif ii.-, IlAti ol Mm 1 KVhfnil.ih Ilpfsc. Jilo, vtt tl IH Ililll 1(11111 lk-sllj'ortletl H.nlHon , " h .11 uu .' nil Wu.u " 1 hi cnli , inn over 4 j catf " ytn'i HriiiiiftrKiH.) " I .1 . . -.I'linirttH , " o.ocHt uifltti wild co! Lot Iter sul M. " t- n ts cm , Uo.ko ur Jiiato I101 taor in hi vcexi ii mul I yvnt-, " MB in n,olUUiKi'tnvceii 2 nijU3)tii. Ill'Ht llIlOOs'lltihOoiLlilU'pnn I utiil 2cffM 310 lout nouu in ma. p toll iiiitivr iu muriLli.. a UJ " jinTmilPii coliH, under 4 years Ijto- tvl J IU l)ElLUCh.H Ti (HI rMt.lttrlt ., ft (H i'lltf milk- Ij IKI ''oco'i heuvtoa i nuU2 jonri 3 in " " uutiLi' t icai' a W tlxhibllorfi uiitlcr tiili class will Imvo their uith k n tuo R'otuil ly ten o'o'ock Tiuiraany jtiuruing wncu lavy v. m uouAiiuiiueu. ULASi II CATThK. Kitlierlutetuloot, Cvr.Ufl McIIkxhy. .liMifiifS TJininn Kfiibcii JlmiPh. Hiram I tet rtitl Mnuhmi ilflriiima, nUilllAM. tient Im 1 1 i joniii oM nml upwnnW ..... i iii f i nuwei'ii . n-m . ycnn rim ' hn'i ittlveen I ytPMulJ " row ivi yc. 4 nml tipwnriln " lie rei- bo.wt'tn I and I ycirs " bit" r."lf Hi)' i Hi ni wm lit , " lip orhHvrrt n S nml ft j tun. ,....., " hii.ur UJiIcv U aiou.iii... IfE'.f.N MOCK. IVttimM lyciM rn't t"vnul " ho I Lt.uuu i nait J years , I a .11 -ieiMH clf ontlci-WiDondm " pr w 3wv n ml upwuuls " lit 'r hui wtttn a nml 3 yt'AiH... ..... " lip ur hciwuon 1 nud 2 year , " iwimt limit' i Jj muntbFj ALIIRHSKY STOCHT, lirthnll 3yp.nianil tipwniilx " bull butUctui - mul Syu.ira. , " I null Sypnri " " iimlcriu ij)uuitH " coiv" jt-.irs nml iimh i.iU " bt-l or boiween pod 3yr.iri " ' " 1 naJ '2 jc.uh " " under 10 hion.iM ar.MiBD HTOCK. i'.ehl bnll 3 i tniH n-ul I'.pwnulrt " " between 'J end ycnr " " ' I nail 2 yenis............... " " umlcr 10 DiouiuH 11 row u j en it ami njiwautu , " ltpt.rer, bciwct'ii I mul '1 wiri " M 2nnd3yeaM " " utulcr 10 inoaLu "ATIVI1 bTOCK Host bull 3 yp.v-4 nnd . " " bo iv. ton UnnaiiytaiH " " I nud 2 eurs " umler l"i niomlis , " row :i eai tnml upw.ird- " bj. nv buivvcvii - nml 3 c:i. " nmlei,lt)montii ttXKN AND bTKEK-4, l'..l tnVo iivon nu unit workcilliv ox . blbllor V M Vc-stofc.u bitois beiweea 'J nud Syt-atH-... 4 00 IlxiUblloLS ill hno lUrir Hlocic rcnuy for ino il.iy.nud tou'iimtu i.tud Jo'clocltr, H,oul'rl ChAHS III-SWINK. Supcrlulomleut. Jacou lUnnis, JunnrA-'.Snmuelllaiieiibuplinud JolmlLYobc, Host biood Miwmul pls, hi or more f1 r0 " ioi lac nom. iwo or iiiwd.- uair '0 M bnmd fow 5 V) ' 1ol ii c.3tir nioin. uiuliT S wcollH H (0 ' &tuc-!i twzt, 3 or mot u 3 CO ch.vHiv-sunrci. Sitpcrlntendeiit. Hiram J. Ui:eiii. JrnciKSlljniaraln Yi.ho nml Enoch IUltcu- HOUSU. coTswoi.n. Brut illicit ? " SnUif TnViVbsV'no't k'i's'th'ftu ! i (X) bOUTItDoWN. I'.prI buo'r 51 " rwo I " lot of tnialm uol loss than S I common surrr. T.pvt bud: 61 " vwo 3 " lot or l.imbsuot lesH than K 3 ChAS.4 V-POULTKY. Supcrlntcnilont, Uf.y. 1). J. Walixu. JrrnF- Ucr. A. l'.ritlnin. Kcv. llullcufctluo, Hlv, a.js, jveMernnu liov, jjarnes. ,r domost c tut iiey. '2 ti " brm i tun noolrn - IU " rti cKuas " cumllinm Ao.llt, " ftnrnplo gnusnge fio hBrdhodp M ly win fcoap """;""r... w " Brtllou tuapio motasnen 3 io ChASS XI-IIOUHKIIOLI) MANUFALTUliEH. Burcrlutondont, Lloyd Vaxtqs, Mu. Jeo Illclti end Alts, Hauderson Woodi, l'fV0yariiiofflrmnl ,. m l( 0 rdi woolen cloth,..,.... , 1 m 1;,7iilirnrpel... , .. , 1 &o 11 ''y-lliplHlullnen 1 &o dlipor ' 1 M " kV,ui"incki"g...V..V.'.rZ m .-niton .s:::r:::::r::::::::,,'-,; ' li'inie-tnaji,ti 1 ni imirwuoienblnukvii. Z...Z."..'.'.'. it) j,.i,r lini-ii Micst. .ZZZZZJa. t il. itomo'iuido tiiit. J; i ,,, CLAHl XII-FAia-Y AIltlcLUS AND FLOW- Hiiiicrlulcii.lcnt, .1, if, lUnitAN. . JrnoM-JlM. Innld Htiy,ir. Mm. Amflln nutter, sir..Mnry jicm una iins Finnic Mllinnl. - tl 1 to 1 mi - I ui 1 to I Hi 1 1 1 ID 1 ti 1 (! 1 m 1 ii f.i 1 Ml ui , 60 1 11) 1 UU I II) 1 10 w A) 1 II) tn) liO I III .. tlOl!) . B 1 0 II I") II il 3 OH 2 IW I l .JSf. lil. .. 510 fO Ii (JO 3 IO ...Aa.'.v. 0 10 4 IW .... 3 Ml ...,A'j. Ii. .. Slow ... n i ... 3 11 .....1(7. 1.', (1 IW I I'll . 3 1) ...Ay. 1 y. .... ti CO .... no ....An. lit. .... S l" 8 00 S 0) Ac i'J. 0 00 i i 3 11 An. Ml. i HO .'I III ....Aa.iv. llmtlttllt quilt, liny telling wor ....., .'. .lierlmcll boml woril " " nholl " loirr " " Ipatlirr" " " linlr ' wax " ilrAwliift pnlntlUK mite emuroldcry rutlou PinOroliTery wor.Uil embroidery,......,. lual collnn mat.... .... worked. .Uppers fancy pin cunlilon luad urirtfi hluctuien mobs paiutliiK t-iilleollon orualilla. nrlillclAiiInwcrii upectineu of holme pianu lu bloom. " " ilrletl Braui.MM....,..... flowers " " penmanalilri varlu-y of fluwer. 100 CLASS XIII-VEI1ICI.US.' Kiipcrlnteudcut, lJr. I). Y. Moxtcomkiiv. JtJ!il)iH-.I)r. I,. II. lvlltie. 1)r. V. M. Ifulu.r att.l I)r. .MolicynDldi. Iliwt family cai-ilngo i-puii uu iiy , liiP-bUKK fal in M-tijton fjuiuj M.ion lor faltn u.o .. luoasurtf. CL VH XI V-AOniCUr.TlntAI, nil'I.EilENIM, Huperhitenilent, (Jeo, (Jitisn. JcnoEH-lIunry Delclimlller. 8. L'.Hhlve. Ilest rlRht limil plow iii-iw inr ijcner.ll use left hand pji.w nslit nud iclt hand plow curu plow , rt KUbu:I plow , FijuareilraR... duo liorfco cultivator twn " M ' cora planter. ono " and i-eparator coiiitilutU.!!'.!! liioi-er and rcaptr combined.... SUMIRtt J)RKiSS GOODS a1 ULIAS Jloitcy ! I.tkl on Mrndny I'M-nlns List, In c-oilns Hi" hllr-et until .I'k-oIih' lliikity, ni-ninll poi 1,-i-i-I.m ,k cuii aiiiinj hfiiuu inimiy. Tl'.o lluitei- w II lu lib ellillv iKnaiUuil by letlillilli!i It In thoi.ulivi, i;.-;i. Ml'.l. M. H. FUllMAN. .ill and i-.mi'.iii b I ni' liine'ia.Ui; rUo. Will Ill Minn -ill-l, hi I iw .uum-i, in.iiti.ilnl.'oiuL-K tlliuliiu-o 1. 1 in- bill!.-. I'll. ''-' ''' Wl.- ITAT.ITIKS OV TIIK liuwi; Hiiwirsu .i.uiiii.i.! It iliaws uu n slllt-li ni you do by liimi, nitii-r-i do not. It ulvi'i tor men hiiic-u iii-eniuiii-! ... II... II.I..II,,.'.. r lublli Kewi-il. fittlelK iln nut. II a Kirniism nfiiiio aim ",'ll'"i,,,,M." alllto on both sl'des. It luw lu addition to iiicmi nil ndvaiilnireu l lalllleil by oilier llliellllHI. It illliaiou ni-ieniiiG in iiiii i "i i. .'", . . .V I M:vlnaiiiulilno men tuo ainlniii n olitnln tho uu-eui-y ol IbH niili-lilne H i-iiu.-iiiiii- i viu, ni ...... .r. ....I. ti.. Lit-.... v in I iiir of thhi liia i-lllne, Mblcli liui not n.itn!.-1 lt I rlnelpio klui-o Its rnrinitlou- I'll Dmivlnun ktltcll iw j-ull iln by lintiil. Hold on easy ternu ai Cnt. il-2 1 AMI .103 IiACKAWAKXA Julyini-3m. ' f,'rio A'f.l!. ' chicks j y, ' mid lai,u!t dl-nLiy of in mo nlsco h.Aj. v, ' ' I'oultiy 3 00 CLASS VI OUAlN.BF.KDfi AND FLOUR. Mupcrlntendcnt, John Bctz. JuDfira Samuel Kclclmcr nnd Charlci Jlow- rcr. rt nriv pound'iwhPTl flnnr W uni-i.wiit-ui, unur i " rju i " pom ,t.7. ii.Ti uusihu riover n'f-u llmolhv seed butu1! It'll wut.iL witiio hp;ii TO MAKTi noor fOlt 'inn: i in Hon. Jnhtpii l-'alowi-lt, .Major ol llncliland, Jle., lsaao.M. Hunts, Kwi , lianitor, and IIu-mk, liimi, limn.. '.MnrliliH. M'.. luinhei' lnerilianls, fullv euduro tlio Mi.lM.iil fowlrj CBindliol 7liiiiJ,au.l liavimlNcli Ilia pml rlctnrs liberty to US.O their lianu-s lu lee iminendlliii lliein. 1'inai. Nonti:.-All 1 1 rioiiH Inlcbltil to nn-, mustiMllat oneo nml kelllo tln-lr nmiuiils I h-ivo walled ruin mm In 11 vn .M-n,nnd now pal it m o liai cc.init to ben viilae. A htatomenl ornceount lias been lint loiiuli ilebloi-, Mid ir liny will bo i heel lully t ie ipi .ed. sipl.l.-TI I1 c. ii. i.i;i)L). Al, A t iirlous nu 1 uiilp-j-i maaliluo for urlu llui; eiitteo may bo si en at Mai.i. urnccry, Whether tbu in u-lilno w.n Invinilul to Kiln I inline, or eotieo wnsluventoiUoboiirouudby tho machine. Til 11 U tho problem tn bo mlvo I, v.irl nn merits nro il timed lor II, but tho best way ii to test It, or at leli.t ;o and beo It. HISTORY OK COI.UMl'.lA in lit v ll om Its nit; in l it lmt lu I'd I lo li, i t o in ii 1 1 1 1 nml e, I it t il be .lull N ( I. I ItUl ,'f. oil. vi,iiiinoiii'"i n. f"0 P-iiies, (.'loth $ '.0 1, hall Itbl.irj . n. Mill llhi.liv II..M). p. n.nn.r lib ma larlv b toi v nflhdtilii in v Mini ii iseiluiiiduiii,, 1 1 in its of l.'oiu tn nl.i an I .MmiUiiiii-, .in-, volume tfliu ilia oi iriinir. men u II soi 'iinlliullliillil i. s, l.s silli.tiiuelll leuiilllve lidui-rio s.aml the i net Ion oi .Miiituui-i-ouul . A i-n.iiiier on iho inn and niouulaius in -iliieol Iheeiteliousol llil township! and bin i.ii'-lis, ami tlio ten no iv o-il-ol whti-ii 11,,-v Wet, I'm iui'lllio-i-rstiiiiii-l of Ilia conns, eoniptlslpu llioliilinesol thel'leMiili'lll.ltl.Uesthii ASK,,elnti), tl.e I'inllliiiiiit-llies, Ite.-lslels. MiotiUs aniltli-ii-siileiit AtlormiH ot both Columbia and Mmi '"it'iinsennplcrson III inni.liurj, DauvPle, Hei U .eli. K I lie h-ii ih.r towns. 1 till edit ealtru'il stalls, n i., '1 ho ttMiliivat lillestlou, and Inn lemiiil li by lonslilis. , ' Ttioi'eiiMis bv liiwn.tilfs. tticlodliiT Jloi-li.if. f .nil H.o in Is. II, tnl- lax li.!i;.s tor ls;L alultl number oi aeios in unu in t-acji lowns iiiii. i , 1 . lOrnple'e Ii t o1" the mettllitll s ot tloiij; i - hens lo n II. I llnu.i,, li'ineMMltlil-c I'oblllilil i r ,.i iv, won ml linn elielnlu ului'ns .i is,.nu.ind r i dotal old 1 1 y tuwiifctnps. Tho ini.t iiktonlshluBcuroor e'.irnnlo illartlin a mii evir heard oflslbat of Win. Unilr, FmnU InrtMIII.. Waldo L'o.Malnoj tho faoU mo nt. Allilltni'rt rcnort in tliu citutu (il Wil- tested by IIraTiett. Upton Treat, mi.l M. A. Tim Boston VoU Fny.s tlmt mini tloga n iiBCiintloii, linvii b. on nlmukt u total fitlluro tills suiumur. Wo can say. tlio Kimo in tills city. Tlio usual effort wus inuilo by 80IUO of our contemporaries. They excited ono or two policemen to IickIii tlio old practlcoof llrlnu oil" their revolvers In tlio public streets, at feiw nectcil curs. Hut ussoonns tlio sounil reached tho quick ears of tho Women's nriincn oi ino nocieiy lor inn nuvun tlon of Cruelty, Ac., they hud tlio no llci'inen nrreteil. Nn mad doK lu9 slnco been seen hero. Thonnentsnf tlio Bocloty arrest every stray tlojj, Klvohlm timo to write to Ills friends, uud, if not called for, ho is (julcuiy sent " to an other ami ft better world. This i-i a U'reht Improvement on tlio old sybtcni. Aye. In Detroit a club of bachelors has been formed, tho cardinal principle? of which Is tlmt no lady shall bo married by any member unless Bho can bring her husband 120,000 and n briclc house, Ham Meuslner, deceased, cuiilirimd nl, I. Petition for tho sale of tho real olutn of Kllzabetli Moypr, deceased, Into of lilooiiisburtf, v;vi presented to tho court. Sdlo ordered. In tho (Httito of Clolwortliy 1'lsher, deceased, on petition citation awarded ordering thn niluiinii-tinfor to iiloan account. Keport of viewers to vlow a elto for it county bridge in Slain township was acted mum, tho (Iraiul Jury riconi' mciidliig it hildge. Commonwealtli vs. John McDonald, not a truo bill, ltlchnrd l-'iniiell, pros ecutor, to pny costs. Iu tho estato of Daniel .Montgomery, deceased, ivtltlcn of executor to mr clinrgo himself allowed. lu tho estate of John Ycnger, deceas ed. Inquisition confirmed nM. Petitions of August, llobert and Os car Friend for tho appointment of guar dian, David Jowenborg appointed, Metilll, iltber of wboni mUlit bo adJUhKud lor parlli'iilais. Mr. Clinic was Ulluil by JuAiuui'i Anotlyitv l.iniuunt. Ho not fail in call at tlm now mii-lo w.m room of I. W. Nn.Fi, us Im Ii is Just luelieil a .pleu. ill. I asMiiliiient of .heel iniisle, and a m-soiliuiut el Musieal Sleieliandlo. (In l-nil bear Iho An:.elloOi 51111 n. has mkIi it laauinul lone, nnd I'i -I- Nll.n will I happy I" .!" bfiiulles of Ills Hallos nud Oisans In I'll who wish, (live him a call, 1 VAI' UKCOUD OV COLiUM 1!IA AM) MONTOUK n-iinln s, eiiinprlsinu Iln li.n-ler rill of all ll. I'unii .uies tin, I 1' of loiiipaniis tieitii id tbiiilli, llio Hn, orilio r.ejjluillil. the b.u.1. ' tin y wi-10 cna-i d In, wild liiimcioiis lliinsi.. l.eiioiial Ill.eiesl. A list of u1! thodiafted men. uu, nanus ot tho c'oncieuiioiis.i.ciuphi 1 xemii.s I. ml Lie 1 111, 1,1 ue m, ll 01 M I'lclill 1 1', 1 ,1 1 11. 1 tsi. 1, he.n-j a tumiile.o war rieout of tin u-o.ll.ou. jui: inv.wo:; ov cui.umoia countv. 1 1 m irhiUi.rmir rllSf ni-, tho cicit nramnnit i J 11. lti lUnrk on Mil it. 11 v rimiilsil(ni, and Uu M l u I011 of 1 h l'inio.1 si.iti'supn'iUdl'ourt,piii- llPlUUilia IliPIU. iiiKi'tlllT Willi IllUOll litllpl 1 ill- urns iitinniiiuit, nn. I iiiU'icfcthm nmttir, (JmitiiK ,, 1 i.AiiK, ot ISIi!tii.hurK, UaultH'i ld to urflvn hUhM-ilplloni lr Ihn wurlt ; to -1'iil.t lor 011 Utitviiy. mva;. iht71oiti 'OUOl'OSKD AMKNHMENT TO TIIK CONSTAT V TION OK PKNNSVliVANrA. iiiimt i!t s.ii.i'rmv 1'ior-uiilL.i; &u umtmluunt tn tbu ConstiluUmi i.t l'..iiiit. U'liiiltl. 7.V It lit 10.V -il hj Ihc .SV ,mle unit Jlume ft I!t)ro i. HtiitUil i'f the tuimnunucuUh t( JU Hittjtuutot in t.uuitU .UwmWv m,tt ' tli toloniii4iii'iid ni. ni .l 11... I'mivllliitlun nl Mil CiUllUloUUi'rilth a- tni used to ihu jn-iiiilo ior llioir uito-lhm or II ItPIIOII, pUIKllrllll UIHIU IItVtU'll"t I" ' 11MIH IU lU'lt-i vi.ll ui. i n . AMTNIiMKNT. kfr.U, nnl tin. stvth SCI lion of thn SlXtll Artl rniiriliH fntixllUlllou.M.d lUSPltlll Ulu Ihfie- ut thu iollown.K; " hiniM 'l 1. Hum r kli.i l lm i-liiPll bv tho citt.iL iit-tl i-lit'ioM ot tho Miil id s-.i-iilhut-H ind iii tuch It 1111 ul H.ivk'd im shiiM I"' i'!i'-.p'lhi.-d by hi.." JAMI ll- Wl-.llll, KM vUi l ui tl o Iloum ol IU Pit litlits, WiLU.VM A. WAl.l.Vfi:, Ai,i.n..d U.u t'.mt mii d.iy ! Juue. Anno liMlii ni . liv ll.onM.nd v uhl luiudml uud m-mu- I 1 1 U'. (il' AU . 1'Ui't.ntl i.nd cciUlUd i ut-hi athni iiuimi- 1. lit 10 iiiu 1 -niii .vi ucic im ' ,1,;,. V? Htprtt.iiy ofthe I'oiuiuouwtultli. ullUu Kpciitniy ofthe,! Jliurifcbuii.'.J.ilyflt.'.16'1' ) julj U. TV UKA DWKIili SKKD WII MAT I i 1 ur Mtil! . 1 i..l...,...l l.iu nn li-l tit' llirffit ft mil I Mi.IiIl-tm. fivti .'UU biululi nl In uUwll Htud H1....7 t I .1. I... will iUk, ..himiI ill J ! l' lilUlH'l. It 1 m Ahl'o I 11 1 1 but v HI Ii M' wm tofhiia 1 ,.iMd tho huudrid Kin u.'-, Mi'h uLout tho .tn.. nlmlitltV Hi fctrilW til IhO l.r ' US OtlltT . 1 . j i.mI i .11 unlit- to rt nth v ioi I lio I .nil t-nHir hint, nud Ihih iho milinrliy or UnirhiK . ,1. Iximl.t lltlldrt. It f hltlS 1 14 it l .IH 1.11(1 UUl UIIIIHI fll'MH in fnt) 11 I K t Iiiii ntli-ctttl bv tt with mo. llvl hllKO nj mil. hYI.ViTJrinwft 1 ' lUcwnuburtfr.o. bin Uhoin. Hti't. 1. 11-:U' ! A LL GOODS. niuvATU sai.i: 71-11 Tin: new illsliifietant, t'iii.ottAi;tiM meet, tho gnat wl Himnhll'l! uilnpUillii nil eouillllons Mlu-le 1-lclupt iliiulurllDK nml dUlnrectlou aro tueeimry. It Is tutlrtly odcr less, nonoliomiu ami liarmlets, ami U Inn larscly illluted Mlicn used, lis ii-onoiny bilm;" It within tlio reach of nil vhowlili loimnioy this slinplo men 11. for Iho r'"i'11"'n "' iliirlui; tlio vnrm Kcaion As loan as pconlo who riinuot niaUo them llulnkel-.LH lintkl wear llOOIS or RIIOl'H liny l.ail belti l- buy lliein wheio they ean uol tholusl at tlm hiMist prlocs. Thoailvc-ilUcineulsIn tlio L'liLvaniAN will fcliow whtrothalls. Wlliim 1110 iiiiiRo or our nliservalioti lluro is no belli r, ibeaper or moro iieui-rai assnruntnt.eouiso nun 11 no ami ol various Intermediate di itrces, suh- siantlul and beautiful, for men, women a, id 11111- lll tlio Cbtttto of Cleorgo lllinn, dc-i'ias. Jim, downy jouur (tot. or liliwhluu missis, ... . . 1 I , ........ ,.!,. .,.. nl IV r I.'Mniin'i, Tn cd. Sulo ordered l.iivlna Cloldcr vs. Ilcnjainln (lolder, Kubi'icnn In divorce decrend from tlio bonds of matrimony. In tlio I'btnto of William Vi'uu, do censed, John A. I'liiiston nppolnttd Trustee, to pell tlio unity. On motion oi 10. II. Little, Usq., O. W. Sillier wan appointed Auditor to nml ovcryhody t-Uo, than at 11, M, KnonnV. To .... ....... nil I Ida .in I.llf Mff.' le.i IIIU I.M.UW. f. V- -II llXUllKHANTllKAbTIt l ft blOKsillB VOllchsnfeil Inlaw, I-lvou IbokO who have been flu-oust by natuiowltli Uroiig coiiklitiillonB nml vluornua Iraineslirouiittiilieijla-t tho i.reeaullons noics. kurir tu uiutrvu timo precious endowments. Indeed, ns alule, tho inoio healthy and lohtikt a man t, tho moio liberllcs liu ts Inclined lo tulco with 111. own physique. It Is kotno censolallon to tho iintnially wcsilc ami fciblo tn Uuow that it i: a i. r. s t a t i-:i 1 Im Hih'pi il'or otti 1 . )-. ui II luiowu l!m I. 'l'.ii'i ii, Ml Ihu lo. ii oi S ihiu ili.i.l'iililliiljl u on ii iv, I'.i.. wi h till I i I mil iid hiipiuM-im mi H( i ton, lur mh; tin inc .ml immiy, W t-m t id il ij a n cj k U n i o k n o u s k nicun (d us aTAVcrii.n I aino Blinl nnd nil tlio OKU DWKLLINO IIOUSH nnd tvlublo floio by ih tuvoru mul uluut HI limit oilaud ol winch Ihvio 1h 1 S AO M K S O Ii E A It li 1) nnd uniJer uod rulllvnlloti nml tho U veil llnibiH'd, 'JlioMtil ipfriy UU bo hold i.i ivnln IifIui Pll lttttf ll nil I lit) 1 Ll 1 1 iluV Oi 111 I'tl'IU'X .llllll II 1141 Willi hlVt4H4 j1()W mul thcu It Will IIC IMIVlt It III J'.IKIl" Kil IV till rm'Jtsi3AV,r-rii uav oi'ot:ioni:it,is7i( nl iiuMtin.bltt IflliiM. 1'oKhi'i.iitoA u-lll lm ii I veil HtHiiyllmo llio aio U i-tPuilrniHd bfiwieu tho 1 'll I I ll n It IOI 11 KUIIll tltlu jut f I II In Ml II I IHUIH'ltJ will bo fiUeu by I.UiAVIU '11IK1I.IL I All iitThfuii oud (fcju dally fcjuu Umcn mo hey o by not I lied not to litMi" upon the iirtuiKft of tho uiidoifcltfttPd tor uuy ouriou ubutoir. All 1 rt'H ) u bbv j:m will bo piuccidtd nyuliikt uccniilluif 10 1HW, IIA.NJUI4 NIINr., DAK1K1 M.U1V. bociut lui'.. Ai;c. 11.U7I. I UKl'lCCH lir.ANKH. hmmuoUH, KxeculloiiH tl Huhj'U ii nn, WitrruuU. Ac, c-oitKtaiitly ou band uud for bait ut the CoumuiAN uillw. MIKCJUIiATJlACIICAlj LIU V O It C i: it i ii tt ill force a binnlirul n t of WhUln-rs or Mu tin In-, 111 Until tMiitiilblio niiinllis.ou any ln-1-. ... . - ...... i. .. ..n...u ,.i.l ll Is .me ot thn best piii.niatllliBtn iiialin thn, uliUlt. Is iirow lliiit in! was known. Hue bolllonf II Uaullli'li'llt In pimluen ll eiy kllonu lieaiii. ' , ,lu ""' u kialiiorinjurolho kUln. Try Iti It I; m .i.,... iiri,... :i ....His n.r tH.tllii. Kent by I mall post laid, In any address on iis-ilpt of pihe. AUdllkS iVIl.l.lAPi J. ..... 1 Aleliiltsvllle,,'71.1y, Adams County, reiin.i. i-issoluti6n notici:. jsollro Is betiby uWcn WK.WS.mMffl'l and I J ll. ltlirr.ltl'. nou-ai-liiiic. hukn.-s uii.ler lliellli.uiiiiuoofNllNlilNilAi. ; "li. I 'll; ,, know nn iii.nik'euik iii.uo.i.r Vi!,',-,0 linn, uie iciii..uillo imikolmme.linlep.mi lit, ."? '" '.'.'.':s W ; ei1; ll.n.l,. Ill- .eu.v... . T,-"., -;r lll.-Los. ktiire,.., ,MKS iKSAI....- June i ll it ii'. " . VT II ni I it l.'. . IN The iindetli;iie.l bavliiff piirclm.isl tho !!:i"0:Vi!"!! KtS'Sil, Will V. '.V and Mallllilavs. l-iivu iieiiton at ilii'ilialc A. m,. arrlvo at IHoomsburK it ll o'eloclc A. M.. h-avo lllisililkliumoll Iho ',.l .,r iln, I blliiilelplila mall. Tho ilrlvereau isikieunt lliiin's Hotel on each slnito duv bo. ...7?.:.".,...... I,-. . nml lii'i'lnr.-M. II I'ass. mueis will bomlely I'ouvejisl to iitnl Irniil all lliierniiiiiuii, ,oiii,. .... eulo M ill bo piiimptly ilellvtlut. KUN,: IlKNTiiM, August l,l71-ll3l-3t, OppiViilo Hi'owh'h Hold V, b 0 O M S V, U ll G. w hi dlh ifror.-. (tb)Ull hulky 5 111 :t ml 5 i 4 N lnp 'A if) iff.lV. 4 tn) 2 00 Dip 2 ml Dip 2 u) Ihp 1 hp 2 UU Dtp 2 D 2 UI 7i;i Ihp b ul Dp Ihp Dip D,p Jhp Ihp Ihp Dip 1 WJ 1 m 1 WJ 01 -47. Ij. -4.7. l v. " hay fork ' jiortublocUleri-rcsti " ciovtr liuller ' biutfcaRo KrlndtT " wahhiDg machine " clothf s wriuijer , " t;rubbaiK boo " kct iulntra pkki j'ftlr of lorontid hiud hornoshoti... " hharpened dillU " nso handle urnlu cradle toiler fdunliu mill corn fcholler ihp htraw und foddur cutter Dip " harvester ihp " sainploor uuruo Bhot-Iun Dip&otX I wi bbould there bo auy now or meritorious imnle- mcuts nnd Inventions exhlblttd, that aro not provided Tor lu the foreBoiiiJiclaHs, tlio Judges may roiort the merltnof inosumo for premiums to tiio Executive Committee. CLASrf XV-STOVIX, TIWAnC. U.VHTII Huperlutcudoat, John IIauiman, JUHGiw H. 1). UIuard.H. A.Wormon, Ccit cooking stovo with flxturoa 4 00 purior " , a uu net artificial teeth., , Dip vurloty of tluwuro a oo variety of earthenware .. 2 w CLAfcS XVI-CAI1INLT WAlti:, SIIOEMAK- Su porta ten dent, Daniel MownK. JUDGci John Klstler, James II. ilarmau. Uest hd double liar new " tfiim " double carriago harnesu HltlKlu M " suli of clothing pair calf boots lttn " miner shoes buieau dressing Ktaud dNplay cabinet waru set Windsor chalrH bet. bpilnt.ealedcti.ilrH lockiocciinlr WV-ftroirnrriomHr. M twohklci boJo leather-., two bides kip twoMdifi caif Mciu , sample of brlcUs...M.... 4 00 Dip 4 WJ . Dip li .) , Dip , D.p Jl UJ a wi . Dtp 2 lO . Dip 1 w) 1 i) ihp . 1 uu . Dip , 1 WJ Dtp :t iu oi 2 C't :i n 1 'V) a a. l w. l j 1 50 ' " but k iM'at ' " t 1 i' d n.ed (.i-i n tar!.... " ill.nv ' " tifkfd 1 " blllf bfKlHl lllXHi'l'tt ' lu1uei 4UtM " CLAfcS VlI-VKCJQTAllMN. f-iipf'ilntemlcnt, Cr,ni II i: ton, ll'lifil S llaiullloli !. (i.nlc nnd .I.unoq Mni. lora. JJosI lulioI pololnci, illllVrml vailel'M, II IOI ' iiiiii nusiit i i puiaiocs ii 1 ' hmh.d ot ih-ld liiinlp' 1 0' hull luishfl nl nit a ha-ran 1 ll) " " Kiij, ir I c ct Ag. ly. " " ininiKel w urlrid " " " btets t ' " ' CrflinlH ' parsnlprt .. 1 0) " ' onion Aa.Xj. ' " peas M 1 to " hnHifu?in fmtabluuyhlerb 1 wl " p 1 1: tniiiatutu , 1 wi " :i brails of crtbiinct 1 tn " II 4f icleiy 1 0-1 " 4 4'Utf phinlH I 10 " two iiuitK 11 mi hcaiiK 1 0J " limn quarls Carolina Ihiih Ay. I ;. " ' MUlp " " i nm -k In or K(jtiusl) " " pumpkiuH, t or inoie - ' CLASH VIU-HIUIT. SuptiliiteuiKnt, llic:iit 'Avvvihtimi. JL'bfii:- John Drodier. I',t dlndnv, 'lof each lonuinu 1 .ho, mii or uiuier iipi"L'- ltccplinj whiter nppiei. n of chcii lit if tbu Kwii-tcKi wiidi-r or fall 1Unred 1 j iiiv, f.itl or winter iiiait Sibuilau tiabvi, any bind i't:. r.s. r.osti'Utd.-ivdw jii-r.nndardfiMor wltil r lonK'iiyiill iiOKcn iuiv kiiiu ibiMHtit I'lid moil Juli'V bill irt.cii .. lnHt hitr dor., dwiit or ktatKNi'd l.di or niter lT.Ultl-S lied d'M'l.u ofnnv kind, h iiribin eirU CI ' 11 ikhhI l-Hd liwtKt .Ulii-V lintl iliti-lli... nml ilm-kt, tuoKhiff (nib duy.HU nud l.irnebt vuueiy Iiiiruiwan I'nt tldX-'ii U IM I'KS. ru ,t d'wp'ny, wl'd or dd v.detl, h't ho.tko CLASH XVlI-UKEa AND 13UEUtV123. Huperlntcndcnt, I'kteuH. Judges l'eter 9. DrugJer. Thomas Ateu. Uest warm of bees fl on uve pounus or nuuey..M... l wi beo hlvo w Dit Tho honey to bo taken without dentroyhn; tho bei-H j tho kind ol hlcs UM'd.nua tlio niauuKc mem of fsatno stated. chHi xvni-riAxo-f axd acwixo ma- Huperlutendpnt, Louts A. Deknahd. .lurnFS-Judali llonne, (Jeo. 1'. Klwell, iliss Abeo Carver aud Ilss Dora Thompson, V.fvt piano A'jmnd $S (ni -'I ' " . wi licet .... . ...V.innd r in He-d yc, line mptUlhc. .Dm andtt wi id lUp UfASS XX-TIUALS OK SPHKD. feiiju'iSjiKndent D.wm, (llazleton.) Jl ltop-s M. V. Jiukton. DanlLd ilnrrli. .1. Kiottr hmlth. KAHMUl' l.IhT, THUUhDAY 1 O'CLOCK, l iS, (ht tU'ltini; horso or mare under ii years iu im- rnuiiiy, mat never wai on ivuy truck hultiiu mi 2d bunt jo io H POUTING I.IrtT, THUItMDAY 3 1. M, liet t roll In i: liorsn ur mara fJI wi 'M btht trotting tnM or nuie oil l It t DAY, I O'CLOf K, I'. M, FIHSTTKOT. .J. 40 00 10 00 M) :io Mi ;;u CJ i n .Ml m at) M, 100 00 U 00 of r rem him. All threo out of flvo to It tit IJ ni " " M'.-W' V i im o i no tt t' K iln i lil S 1 n 11 .luia iiolir)c,. 81 louu S' AtHinmlur t lb bti'a . Yo,MUwli J rr.tiMs, T.o'-t illhplny, lint U linn two vRrlous lliiit tit.WH UlOi . I'ASlMiKltlill-. I Vi.) U.i.tiiv. nnv bind. lioL les tll'in two vauitiiLH Ci I'llbbTNUTS. llevt ( hi, nl H "f ui. it.1) i uu ns, Prvt iji-pt I npplcj. T en"-, iiitncc, ptichri, nr I'iii.H, nt 1 1 ii .iu , eiu 1 1 a k( l.(iu" or .frt, I u li'd oi- iiu dud,) uM-pe. cultivated or w"u ki 1 i.n i it i, ioy b nm oi iftKpiiri ie. , , iUK.('i-wbeuU, whoiiltbeirleb. pluiuf. t h and ihiiui h M i ii ti huh mil. in nu i t'lutit ii nn".""- . - -thtMxhlblitoii.aud rartlcnlnr ai Is to bo ib- nTtdbvult nerhuus that the bdiiw i not m- Juicd, CLASS IX-WIXIM AD MQUOllS, .Ironic Pxicutlvi'CoiniiiltUe, I cfciijiiartofcuruiii wl'; - l JJ bbtiui-tiiy win' . J t 0 wine..... I on ti t m. i-i rv u ltiH.. i. n v whlnkcy. . I to tt i. ildir vluttar. ...a., CLAhn N-DOMtsTIC MANUKA CTUUK, Siiptrlulendent, Nm-son T. John, Jiinifi-Mi- Jlmr DelchmUldr, Mn iluu ll.i ui. Mi. lr, lAiMu uud Uu, Di l'H'. , . . llitdloarolbrtu I - It'll urbutlel t 1m tit over) " I'iunVd'ViuiVrdTtVvnia Ui-k thun 1 ijuurl ul tuohj.,. .......... )lft nundeJiUe " hyonu nmrtl Ileal kuiuplu ol mill Jelly vueuiiiuer iii-mi-B Ilest double troltniK team.. ..) oei , StCONDTKOril' Iloht troltlnt; horsu or mare,......., oebi 4 u'u.oe:. j. Best runtilnii 1 oreor mure... llntrancu leo ten per u-nt, trills to tu deehlid bv Ust iienui, .no iiornu 4r m-iie irouinn wr one pre iiihuu to I'ttinprtH lor another. Not less than tliiuo entries to make a race. CLASS XXI-roOT KACXXU. Ji-nm.-i Willliim Kramer, Johnson Ikclcr, U, A. MriMitiU'. Itext tun luicoaroutid the coure 6i oo 'M . I (4) Not lew than blx entries to mako a race. Ku trance leu ti) centh tu iueh a-tiso. Tho Jih'kch Nclecteil nu- jejiici.ted to notify tho r.xecuilvti Coiniultteo at, the ecrelar'Htiillf, In eiry aKe, w licro they urn dlilnclliuil or uu ublu lo i.t lend to the duties atlUdA to them. HULKS AND UKGULATiONS. I. livery person having articles for exhibition or enmptftuton iiiiiht beemi'e a member uf tho Abboohttlon betoru entering them. Minors can l-eeomo members or exhibitors when their patents aro memtn-rH. !I. Th Hold of enmpetltlnn W open to all. l'er hohh linn eoiiu'lfM and btaies can been mo exhibitors upmi tho Mime- terms as cltlzeusof this cuuui)'. J, Allarilclts ollVrt d tur competition mut bo owned by l'ie (mnpeiltor ruilbt, vcro abb-H, Unwell, Ac,, innvi t W'h -. tho competitor, and nil innnuUtUiii d a in tstnunt bo made by uio lompeiuoi. a. A tt Muck i nil ti tl must no uliat is reDresent- Cd or piemuim.1 w Ul be toricitcd, n. ah nnii m for i in 'ltion or cxmiDtitttioii nnibt be ott-rt'd l) V ock,i. M. Mhirpon Wed" llth.and rcinahi m ihotruiinil umll I' i idny, m J o'i nif'rt, r m . uneu inoy wm uo ai IhO tii-pns i of IniM'ihibllor, 7. IVi mlitj tor stands for &loof rclrcshments, p .n ot o otifd bi niiiillCiitton to the Kecre- laiy or ft. K. Hariiuau una tho money to bo paid IU IllUHlHl'i n. Vo l i'lm. will bo icrniitol to &t&nds that sell splrliuout or malt lhiuors. II. ,T. C L A It K. An Clin- (J ml variety uf idcktu. ..- np,iu buiu ril cjusrl ur niorJ... IH'uoli butler ' ki ' ,, -' (lIUlU " .,nt.M.M .U W 60 U 51 l M J &0 Judvtts appointed to eiamlno tho dltrercnt t.iKM'it willtonlern favor nn tlio At.Kficlntlnii hv c.illlim at the Kecruinry's olllcu curly onTluut uuy imfuiuji uoiain ineir imiiruciiouM. On WtdnpKilnv thn urnumlu urtll lm i)irtiied tn the public uud continue open three das. A MEMIlEUHUII TICICITr WITH KIV13 HIN- GLK TICKETH, ON1J DOLLAU. M f mberbhlp tickets u III not admit the holder to tho Kalr aroundh. Hliia'e AdmUsloa Tickets, Tweuly-IWo cents, Nupersou will Imj iriiillled to vote at tho licit election of the AfcMclatluu except produc ing their lueiul't-rHhtp ticket, ff-Brortliitf LUt to be p lted In large bills. A new end decant form of diploma lias U-en piocuretl by Ihu AM'tatlonaud will beawardt-d ut the next filuiual lair, W, il. KCON&.VrobUcuU j, J. liUOWlin, Secretary, lilooimbuig; Auyubt 11, 1WI. 'i bo uiideihluiird fcohas hand abupply of tho celebi al,e4 uucumhku wood rijAirs. whl h he Jh jeiuly loUunHh and rut In wells or rl kin ns M lowx t pricislliHiilhey Ine bfn bobl iir bertiofuio ini wpiiauled tmial lo the hot, ThfV (.He. no unto io Vf water, 1'cibons lu waut oi pumps will do well lo tall on or write to iho huUcutbtr and ihty wiJl be JurnUbcd promptly on nccoiiiodatlbK "rjJi bxHOV Oie f ii wood r, t)., Columbia' couuly,!.! I