The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 08, 1871, Image 2

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    t ($0lttmMaw.
Friday September S, lSfl
Pblilo anil CoiKiior )
Ono of tho main iloponuclw of tl10
Radical Slnto Committor fr success nt
tho onsulnjr election 1' to croato divis
ions In tho stronglv Democratic coun
ties nnd thus dlml'fah their majorities.
Thoy lmvo ral InrBo corruption
fund for this .surposo nnd nro using It
to luduco vnuntcor candidates to como
out ngalmt tho regular nominees of tho
party, Aoplng by Buch divisions nnd
consequent 111-fecllng to keep Demo
crate nwny from tho election. Wlion so
fully warned of tho purposes of theso
movements, nnd that they aro Instigat
ed by tho Radical leadors, will not
every Democrat guard against tholr
effect 1 Will not ovory ono turn out to
tho polls? Will not ovory ono dla
courago disorganization ? Will not
ovory Democrat rally around tho good
old standard and uphold It with his
very best endoavors? Romombor that
every man who asks you to dlvldo your
strength asks you to weaken youreol vesl
Jsvery ono who attempts to crcato III
feeling does so with tho dollberato in
tcntlon of weakening tho party I Ho Is
doing that which disheartens Its friends
and destroys Its hopos of success. Every
body knows that n united party Is
(stronger than a divided ono, and every
Republican rejoices at Democratic dl
vision. They encourago It and then
laugh In their sleeves at their success,
nnd whenover thoy can nngor a Demo
crat at his party thoy count It n gain 1
Democrats, let your motto bo UNION
nnd VICTORY I Stato nnd National
success nro nt stake 1 Tho question Is
whether tho Democrats or Republicans
Mian gain this Important victory. Lot
us unlto ns ono man and put forth nil
our strength, ns n groat nnd well organ
ized army, to gain a Democratic tri
umph. Columbia is ono of tho most
Important counties In tho State nnd her
example In doing her whole duty will
lmvo a most Important Influence Rally
together for tho causo and lot no cun
ning machinations or tricks of your
enemy drlvo you from your patriotic
purpose Remember that tboso nro
most successful whoso united efforts
most deserve success 1
Life of Dr. Stanton.
Tho proud boast of tho sanguinary
hero, Dr. Stanton, that ho never led
any body Into danger, may bo supple
mented by his Kadical supporters with
tho additional boast that he never got
any body out of it! A hero without a
battlo or oven a military command a
Colonel without appointment, election
or commission, his valor is attested
only by tho descretion with which ho
retreated Into Ohio and took shelter
within tho walls of a hospital well filled
wun tno luxuries tho government had
paid him for providing. Hero, amidst
nurses anu waltors and wondering lac
qulcs.tho Surgeon displayed his rich reg
imentals to wondorlng eyes and demon
strated how loyalty paid bost when it
kept out of danger but in close proxim
ity to Undo Sam's purso strings 1 In
fact, tho gallant Colonol nlwAjm pre
ferred handling pills and cash to bi.
lets nnd swords, and ho was firmly of
tho opinion that tho proximity ornurses
was preferablo to that of Rebels I To
have his bowels swelled with plum
puddings was to his mind farpreferable
to having them rlppod up with hostile
swords or riddled with bullets, and he
therefore preferred his downy bed to
tented danger In the Held. His candi
dacy now for the Auditor Generalship
Is a fulfillment of thoso patriotic impuls
es over actuating him which led him to
servo his country in thoso positions
which paid well and -wore freo from
danger. Tho Incidents and experiences
of army contracting peculiarly qualify
him for covering up and obscuring tho
pecadllloes and rascalities of tho con
federates who gavo him tho nomina
tion for Auditor General. No Evanb
steals will bo permitted to seo tho light
after his election, and all other loyal
frauds will be securoly covered up from
tho prying oyes of meddlcsomo tax
payers who want to know what be
comes of their money. Rut so complex
Is the history, of Dr. Stanton that wo
must glvo it by piece meal. Moro
Geo. 0. Evans, a Stato war claim
agent, defrauded tho Stato out of moro
than $300,000. Neither tho Governor,
Auditor General, Btato Treasurer, or
Attorney General, Radical officials
whoso business it was to boo that tho
money was paid Into thoStato treasury,
took any notlcoof tho fraud.
Finally a Deputy in tho Attorney
General's offlco discovered It. Ho at
onco exposed tho villainy. Notwith
standing tho fact that no effort wcro
mado to punish tho villain who stolo
tho money of tho Stafe or to compel
him to pay back that which he stole,
until public opinion compelled such
action, the humble Deputy Is removed
from offlco for tolling tho public about
the theft 1 1 Tho thief who stolo Is left
scott-freo for years, but tho man who
told on him is promptly punished 1
Such is tho conduct of Radical ofllco-
holders 1
Both Radical TJ. S. Senators wcro
cognizant of this groat steal both
know all about It. Rut not n word had
thoy to say about It I Did thoy got
part of the proceeds ? Did tho money
go into tho Radical electioneering fund?
now much of it did tho offlco-holders'
ring of Bloomsburg got): Does tho
money still Jingle In their pockots or
am mey uivmo with tho volunteers?
Whore Is tho money?
Thk Pamphlet Laws of tho last ses
sion of tho Legislature nro now pub
lished In a hugo volumo of 1070 pages!
Tho total number of acts public and
private, la one thousand four hundred
and flftocn, besides twenty-two Joint
This book and tho contents of this
book furnish a conclusive argument in
favor of a Constitutional Convention,
by means of which alone can tills enor
mous flood of legislation, partly usoloss
and partly pernicious, be stopped.
Democrats I the time for action has
arrived. You are called upon to do
your duty, and your wholo duty, Tho
campaign has fairly Joponcd, and tho
day of battle la approaching. If you
would achlevo victory, to work at onco.
What is wanted is comploto organiza
tion. See to It that this is effected.
wun it the aay is our own. Without it I
comoattoitat J
The Contention (notion.
5110 rascals lmvo got ahead of tlio old
unto Constitution and It Is necessary to
raako amendments to It which shall
check them and securo tho rights of tho
Corporations must ho roformcd, regu
lated nnd curbed, so that they shall not
nbsorb popular power, control legisla
tion, becoino hot-bens or nuuso anu no
mornllzo society.
Prlvatonnd Bpcclal legislation must
bo cut off and nil tho mutters with
which It Is concerned bo regulated by
general laws.
Tho proposition should bo submitted
to tho peopto that tho sessions of tho
Leglslaturo shall bo biennial, except
only when tho two Housos shall bo
convened by tho Governor. A slnglo
legislative session cutoff or saved undor
such an nmondmont would much moro
than cover tho wholo cost of n Conven
The election of Stato Treasurer should
bo taken from tho Legislature, whero
It Is an occasion nnd causo of lntrlguo
end corruption, leading lnovltahly to
maladministration nnd mlsuso of tho
public funds.
Tho purity nnd fairness of popular
olectlons Btiould bo further socurcd by
uniform regulations which tho Lcglsla
turo cannot disturb or destroy In tho
Interest of party after the fashion of
tho existing evil statuto for tho consti
tution of election boards In Philadel
phia. Of constitutional right each party
should lmvo Its share of election ofllccrs
throughout tho Stato, electable by its
own vote).
Provisions for tho moro comploto nnd
Just representation of tho pooplo In
Government, and authorizing lcglsla
tlvo action to that end, should bo sub.
mlttcd for popular consideration and
Thcsonrosomoof tho important sub
Jccts to bo had In viow by tho citizens
when thoy como to voto upon tho ques
Hon of a Convention at tho approaching
election. That their decision will bo in
favor of n Convention U reasonably
certain, nnd In our opinion such dccls
Ion will bo wlso and timely. No doubt,
if a Convention shall bo authorized, It
will bo called undor tho main provls
Ions of tho bill proposed nt tho last scs
sion in tho Sonato, which secured fair
representation to tho pcoplo In Con von
tion, limited tlio sitting of tho Convcn
tion to ono hundred days, fixed tho pay
of members at a modcrato sum and pro
vided that one-third of the members of
the Convention might require theseparate
submission to the people of an; amend'
ment proposed by the Convention. This
last provision will protect tho people
from bad nniendmciits, If such shall bo
proposed by n Convention majority.
Thoy will not bo compelled to tako bad
amendments In order to got good ones,
but can dlscrlralnato between them in
casting their votes.
More Radical i-'rjud !
It is a palpable fraud for tho Radicals
to palm Dr. David Stanton upon tho
publio as a Colonel. Ho nover served
in tho nrmy ns such, nor in any other
military capacity, nnd nover oven hold
a Colonel's commission, cither In poaco
or war. burgeons, It Is true, hold nom
inal rank, which Axes their nay but
gives no command. If Stanton's his
tory is rlr-htlv ?lvnn ho was Tint nvmi n
UUI(,WU ...
tho army. So far ns ho served at all ho
was merely a loplolly nbout hospitals
situated at a very safo distnnco from
rebeldom, and was employed In sup
plying theso with medicines and not In
attending to tho sick. Such nro tho
ropresentntlons mado. They remain
uncontradicted. No history of his mil
itary services Is given by his support
ers. If ho had a worthy military ro
cord they would be glad and in a hurry
to glvo it In tho most highly ombollish
ed form. As none is given, it Is fair to
infer that lie has none, and that such
pretenco by giving him a title ho never
held is n fraud.
Beath Is in llttio hotter plight. It
is claimed for him that ho held n com
mission In n negro company, but no uc-
count Is given of his military history.
Como, Messrs. Radicals, if your candi
dates aro roally military men they must
havo u hlstory.and if they havo a history
the public Is entitled to tho bencllt of it.
It is high tlmo It Is brought out, for tho
truth of n history given only on tho
ovo of tho election, when tliero is no
tlmo for examination, may well be
doubtod. Tho public want to know
what your candidates havo dono for
their country, if any thing.
Tlio Urcat Evans Steal.
The queerest thing out Is tho removal
of J. M. M'Ci.uitE, Deputy Attorney
General, for ferreting out tho great
Evanb theft ! Ordinarily a public ofll cor
would bo thanked for such action, as It
Is plainly a simple performance of duty
to tho Stato. To watch tho interests of
tho State and to oxposo any villainy
that may bo dotceted, all honost men
will hold is a duty of thoso entrusted
with tho caro of Its affairs, but for dis
charging tills very duty tho Radical
Attorney General, at tho avowed dicta
tion of tho Radical Governor, removes
tho officer who ferreted out ono of tho
most nefarious pieces of rascality over
perpetrated upon tho State, and which
is also a swlndlo of tho Federal govern
ment 1 This act can bo looked upon In
no other light than n dellboroto assump
tion of tho crime by Oov. GEAnYnnd
Attornoy General Dhewster. Tlio
Philadelphia Ledger, a non-partisan
paper, thus sum3 up tho enso:
Tho Deputy Attorney General "had
dono nn Important and valuable servleo
to tho people of tho Commonwealth ;
ho ltad exposed nn enormous public
wrong hu deserved high praho and
hearty encouragement from hisstiDur
iorsj but Instead of that ho Is rowaid.
edby a demand for his removal by thu
Govornor, nnd his actual expulsion by
tho Attorney General. Why? Every
honorable man must ask this question s
why ? And tho Governor and tho At
tornoy Genoral, by their oxtraordlnary
course through tho whole proceedings
in tho matter. toruiInutlnL'liithfinxniii.
slon of tho officer who exposed tho
gigantic fraud, Justify tho public in
looking to them for tho answer."
Driven to tho wall on Its falso charges
the Jtepubltcan throws thorn ovorboard
and goes back to last year to trump up
slanders against tho Contralla and Con.
yngham delegates. As wo wore not In
tho county then wo nro not familiar
with what was dono at that tlmo. but
wo know that the abused delegates
vindicated thomsolves by atlldavltaafter
me eiocuon, wmcli wo publlshod. Will
tho Jlepubllcan havo tho fairness tn rn.
publish thoso affidavits? 8urolv anv
man who has regard for truth will pub
llsh a sworn dofonco in any caso wham
ho makes nn Infamous charge, '
ltnillcnl Corruption I'mitl.
To tho robbory of tho Kcdoral nnd
Stato Treasuries, tho lmmcnuo sums
furnished by government Contractors
nnd by tho Rankers who distribute tho
government loans, and oilier stealings,
tho Radicals proposo to ndd a heavy
collection from their olllco-holdors nnd
partisans, ns will ho seen by tho circular
attached, which has been exposed by
ono of tho victims. Ry biicIi means n
popular majority Is to bo ROUGHT
UP in Pennsylvania and tho will of tho
pcoplo Is to bo defeated 1
Tills nefarious gamo Is commencod
by attempts to dlvldo nnd distract tho
Democratic party In Its various stroug
holds. Already this grand sclictno Is
In motion In Luzerne, Schuylkill, York,
Northumberland, Columbia mid other
strongly Democratic counties nnd (lis
trlcts nnd endeavors will bo mndo to
extend It to ovory democratic county In
tho Stato I Volunteer candidates nro
tho moro Instruments to carry out tho
Radical purposes, nnd whero they aro
not directly bought tip, brought out,
and supplied from tho Radical corrup
tion fund, their candidacy Is upheld
and supported by tho lUdlcat lenders
who furnish tho main part of tho money
to pay expenses. Democrats of Colum
bia, Luzerne, Schuylkill, York, Nor
thumberland Douiocrnts every whero
these mercenaries that you cannot bo
corrupted, Inveigled, or defeated by
their cunning tricks or their corruption
funds 1 Rally round your lug, sustain
every nominee, nnd poll every voto for
tho Democratic causal
Hero Is tho Radical circular, read It
attentively, and go to work with tho
moro energy to sustain your principles
Now to tho circular :
I'll II.AtlKI.lMIIA, 1X71,
Sin: Tho croat Republican Party
which has so successfully administered
tho affairs of tho National Government
nnd u minority of tho Stato Govern
mcnts during tlio past ten years, enters
upon tho present campaign in thu Stato
or Pennsylvania with the conlldenco
that Its glorious work in tho past has
neon endorsed and approved by ovory
sincere lover of his Stnto mid country.
Our party must, In tho present strugglo
lor political supremacy tnrougiiotit tno
Stato. ndd another victory to thn many
already won, nnd placo Pennsylvania
as unquanucuiy republican in tno com
Ing Presidential contest in 1872.
Every effort will bo mndo by tho
Democratic party to gain control of tho
Houso of Representatives, which, under
tho apportionment bill passed by tho
Leglslaturo of '71, gives tho Republican
party a majority of six members. This
majority must bo maintained A Dem
ocratic ascendancy in both Houses of
tlio Leglslaturo may causo defeat in tho
campaign of 1871!.
Wo ask your aid, support nnd actlvo
uu-upuruiion in tno labors nnd movo
mcnts which tho Stnto Committee nro.
poses to Inaugurate during tho present
canvass. Wo, therefore, respectfully
solicit from you One.humlml Dollars, and
percent, oil the iicarhl comDcnsutioii of uour
employees, ns n contribution for tho uso of
1110 committee. All rutins win ho JuiII
ciously expended for organization, doc.
utnents and meetings. Tho rcniittnnco
should bo mado by check, money order,
or registered letter, nnd addressed to
Gen. Henry II. Rlngham, Treasurer,
U. R. S. C. 0., Philadelphia.
I.f coming Comity.
Tho Democratic Convention
of Ly
MU 11.1
coming county tiuiiiuimuu nu. m.-
oxcoptionablo nnd worthy ticket last
week, nnd wo hopo thoy will seo to It
that every man on it is elected. by n full
voto of tho party. Huston Hephuiin,
Esq., is ono of tho nominees for Asso
ciate Judge. Wo congratulate our old
frlond that ho Is thus placed In n fair
way to a&sumo tho title legally ho has
so long hold by courtesy nnd that ho is
no longer to bo soparnted even officially
from his inevitable companion, tho
Prcsidont Judge The Standard speaks
in glowing terras of tho cxcellcuco of
tho ticket and tho satisfaction with
which it Is received by tlio wholo party.
Tho convention unanimously declared
for Gon. Hancock for President.
Moro Corruption! .
A commlttco of Radical politicians
nro now nt Washington levying a contri
bution to tho corruption fund from tho
various Government employees I All
tho Secretaries lmvo given their Penn
sylvania clerks leavo of absenco to at
tend tho election, notwithstanding tho
fact that thoy all voted at tho Washing
ton city election I Lot Democrats bo
prepared for this fraud I Whero these
clerks appear to voto thoy ought to bo
required to swear that thoy havo no
other resldcnco nnd lmvo not voted in
any other Stato or Territory within six
months. In nil cases whero election
officers wrongfully rccoivo their votes,
tho culpablo olllcers nnd fraudulent
voter ought to bo promptly nrrested.
If Dr. Stanton was over hrovettod
for "distinguished services" It will bo
very easy to tell what thoso services
wcro. What battlo-ileld did ho over
seo? That ho was connected with tho
bravo Pennsylvania Reserves before
thoy left tho Stato may bo true, but
about tho tlmo or shortly nftcr they
entered the Held of hostilities, Dr.
Stanton had himself transferred to
another servleo by Ills uncle, nnd It is
allcdged spent tho balance of his tlmo
out of sight or hoarlng of battle. If
this statement is not true, why don't
his frleuds glvo his history ?
Thu Radicals or Rradford county
havo nominated Col. Goitno.v V. Ma
son for Senator. Goiidon was onco a
star in tho Democratic galaxy but n
3000 county majority on tho other sldo
mado mm seo n now light. Wo nro,
howover, glad of his nomination, for
ho Is 11 much better man than tho Rad
icals of Jiradford usually Bend to tho
Leglslaturo much less nddlctcd to
general corruption.
dux. jrcOANDLESs Is traversing tho
Stato, speaking with groat offect wher
over ho goes. When ho Is elected Au
ditor General thcro will bo no moro
Evans nw!ndtos or tho llko.
Gon. M'Candi.ess will maltoa spooch
In Rloomsburg upon tho closo of tho
Tub entire National flvo per cent,
geld Intorostlonn has been talion. 4200.
000,000 woro offered. It would bo curl
oua to know how much tho National
Treasury will reallzo from this loan,
hut our Radical rulers do not glvo thu
pilbllosuch Information.
Hoiiacb GitEELV Is a candidato for
president and his friends nro beginning
.o marshal their forces. It Is doubtful
.whether thoy will yield to Granv'm
nomination undcrany circumstance.
The people of Ccntralla and tho two !
Conytigliatn districts, ns a general thing,
nronn humble, hardworking nnd In
dustrious pcoplo, having llttio business
connection with tho rest of tho county,
for tho most part pttrsuonii altogether
different occupation from tlio rest, nro
of n different nationality, having few
acquaintances nnd no rolattvcs In the
other parts of tlio county nnd n very
largo majority of thcni, having lied
from oppression nnd tyranny in other
lauds, voto with tlio Democratic parly.
Por tho last reason they nro grossly
slandered, and for tho preceding rea
sons It may ho entirely safe to do so.
whether it is cither respoctablo or man
ly, or in tho least degree honorable, for
any man (much less n nowspaper) to do
so, wo Icavo to tho good senso of an civ
lighted nnd generous pcoplo to deter
mine. Wo doubt whether tliero Is n
worso pest In society than n reckless or
loosc tongucd calumniator, and If ho
happens to havo a press at his command
tho caso is aggravated. Wo do not
know that tho pcoplo referred to caro
any thing about their vllllflr-i'd or llielr
foul slanders, and wo Inclino to tho
opinion that tho Injury dono to tho rest
of tho community Is sreatcr than to
them, but a political party Hint has no
belter stock in trade ought to blush
to present Its caso to tho public ought
to rctlro to tho rahblo of viperous tat
tiers and common scolds. Tho defanu
Hon of prlvnto citizens, nnd of public
officers or candidates, is base, low nnd
unworthy, nnd tho venom that gives
riso to It Is Justly tlo'plscd by nil right
thinking people, Tho party or com
munlly that tolerates it will soon ceaso
to command report, nnd although wo
havo lelt compelled to notlco soiuo 0
this sort of thing lately wo despiso It
too much even to malio n practlco of
contradicting its falsehood) and slang
Tlio Orruiitlon Slander.
Tho Jlepubllcan gavo currency to thu
slander that Sir. SltAi'i'Htt had pur
chased delegates and Intimated that It
could prove tlio charge. When con
fronted with n flat denial It began to
higgle that somebody had told some,
body clso that ho had heard, Ac, Ac.
Hut wo hold tho promulgator nqiinroly
to tho point : prove your charge if you
can as you know you can not, with
draw It llko n man if you do neither.
then stand beforo tho public a convict'
ed nnd confessed calumniator. Tliero
Is no esenpo 0110 or tho other horn of
tho dilemma must bo taken 1
With nil fair men it is enough, when
a chargo Is made, for tho defenco to en
ter a simplo denial nnd chnllengo proof.
If thonccuscr can not produco proof, ho
must tnko tho consequences of making
a falso charge. In tho caso of all alio-
gatlons o( bribery In referonco to nny
dolcgato In tho Into Democratic cottnty
convention, or nny candidato beforo It
not only Is tho chargo denied but tho
accuser Is defied to produco cither proof
or rcasonablo scmblanco of proof I The
chargo has not tlio least foundation in
Tin: Radicals hold their delegate
elections to-morrow nnd their county
convention on Monday. All this
sheer farce tho offlco-holders ring hnv
ing sold tho thing out two weeks ago
Tho convention was not oven called
until after nil tho nrraiigcmonts woro
completed. Tho corrupt ring who
64i.D -,,( of (1D i.ooiiie'
who so grossly persecuted atouu M
Heni'.y and others, (nnd eseapod tho
consequences by inducing tho rovonuo
ofllclnls nt Washington to unlawfully
exact a promlso that they should not bo
prosecuted) have manipulated tho
wholo affair nnd tho Republican masses
havo no moro to do with it than their
brethren in Ethiopia. Tho bargain Is
concluded, tho contract issigued, sealed
and delivered, tho convention has noth
ing to do but to meet, pass soino stale
resolutions, nnd then adjourn and go
homo. It is just as easy to tell them
now what thoy will do as it will bo for
them to toll It nfter tho convention ad
journsonly tho official ring will not
mnko report till uflor that datol'K sometimes will prevent
pcoplo from sleeping soundly, It is said,
and if under such circumstances tho
aniiablo editor of tho Jlepubllcan imag
ined himself called n " liar," wo assuro
him it wasonly a natural result of men
tal and physical condition j nnd when
ho was called n " flalsltlor " his muddy
brain was only n llttio mixed n real
and natural word wis Intended by tho
"silent prompter," lint tlio oblivious
ness of ulecp or other or tem
porary causo got tho xyli.ihies of tho
wordjuiiibled. Tho lads remain nil tho
same something was excogitating n
protest against fibbing, and tho monitor
in question may not always suggest
pollto terms. Always tell tho truth nnd
then you will not bo troubled lu that
A UEroiiT has got out that 100 sub
scribers to this paper havo discontinued
their subscriptions because of our de
termined nnd unyielding support of tho
nominees of tho party and opposition
to disorganizes. Wo beg to say thnt
thero havo been but threo dleoutln
uancos sinco tho county convention, and
only ono of thoso lor tho cause assigned.
Tho now subscriptions far outnumber
these, mid wo do not think tho volun
teers combined havo "100 Democratic
supporters, or tho half of that number,
in tho county. 100 indignant subscrib
ers would inakoqiiltoarespcctnblomass
meeting of the kind, nnd unanimous
discontinuance of tholr papers would
1111 up an editorial pocket that Is rather
dilapidated Just now.
HuitOEON Stanton Is justly termed
a " paper Colonel."
Poiin'ey's J'ress has another nttncl: of
ICu-Klux fever, nnd Its ravings uro ns
virulent as over.
A vote for McCanw-hss mid Cooper
is u voto to purgo two Important
branches of tho Stato aovornment of
thlovcs llko Evans nnd his backers.
Tlio Crawford Comity System.
Acraln lias tho Crawford Countv Svs
tern been tested by tho Republicans of
Lancaster county, und again lias it biiou
proven n most fruitful parent of cor
ruption nnd fraud, Tho names of tho
candidates who woro returnol ns high
est on tho list will bo found elswhuru.
Tlio men who camo out uhoad lu tho
count will constituluthu Radical tlckot,
inougn tliero uro very gravo doubts ns
to whether a nuinbur of thorn ovor re
ceived n majority of the votes nctunlly
east. Tho nlr Is llllod with rumors of
frnud and rascality, and very many
honest Republicans uro completely dis
gusted at tho result. Tho ticket, taken
throughout, is the worst nud tho weak
est ever offored to tho voters of tho
county, JMncattcr Jntttllgencer,
now Tin: jio.nkv oi:s i
Something for Tax-payers to Consider.
',000,000 STOLKN-$20,000,000 UNA I'
ciiuntki) von yauu,uuu,umi "iiuj.
wiiEitr.Titi: wounniNii twinetii."
at.wvi noil of Mm neniilo's money stol
en from thosloamcr Golden Rule I
32.SS.000 missing wliilo Hccroinry
lloutwell was Commissioner ol Intern
nl Uo von 110. missing inrougu u. a.
reasurer Spinner.
SI0.000.000 missing In tho P0.1l Oluco
Depaitnicnt. , mission on account of salo
of nrms, vessels nnd iimiilllons of war.
8l.000.uuu missing on account 01 h.iiu
ofiron-clads to Peru,
-20.003.(100 mlssum on account 01 col
lectors of Internal Revenue.
During tho past two years 1110 receipts
fmm riutiinis. Internal rovonuo and
other source) aggregated $300,000,000.
Of this sum about $200,000,00 ) hns been
niii.rntir ntnil Id 1 11(1 iviv no It OI 1110 nil-
onal debt, WIUIO tno " expenses oi uiu
government' wero esuinaiou nt balanco of $100,000,
OHO unaccounted for. Is It any Wonder
i lint, iidiin ill Mil n lord
to keep oxpenslvii carriages, dozim of
nvnonslviilinr.so3. liveried servants, nnd
houses worth hundreds of thousand of
dollars? Isltnny wonder ttnitnn 1110
leading men or tho iiepubiican pany
aro living inn stylo far beyond tholr
Incomo from their salaries, nnd yet
making money? li It tiny wonder that
in mil res in civil n o ucconio uamw
runt In endeavoring to llvo In tho 8.11110
stylo ns government otllclals who nro
supposed to receive salaries of i8,000 to
$2.1,000 n year? Is It any wonder that
lloiitib lean " siato vechis," who imvu
failed In trlft enterprises, can tunas
$200,000 to $300,(100 in four years in
"doing business lor inoBtaie, er uuu
Republican Stato olllcers nro cfrald to
prosecuio such agents ior uuiuumiu'
ineni v
M00.000.000 111 SSI112 in two years I
$20,000,000 known tohavobeeiihtolen,
nnd 20,uw,uuu more, 01 inicrnsw ruvi.-
nue, unsung unucr very suspicious w
mmhinpp t
Is t nnv wonder t hathiis I1C3S1S mm,
nnd that fax-payers nro complaining?
is it any woniier mat nonusi men mo
leaviii' tlio Jlenubiieaii pany mm rai
caving tlio Republican parly
ylng under thu h inner of tin
vim: i
io Democ
racy "Heading O'aullc
Tn! T.i!t Ta!l!
Thu rnllowlmr table compiled by llio
( iw nnal KnmUfce. II uslraloHlio USO'
fulness radicalism in piling up, nigiier
nnd li cher. tho load ol taxation beneatl
which tho people nru groaning, oppress
ed by n burden loo heavy for them to
near. Tlio csumaio is coiupiiieu upimu
few leadlngailicies:
Tim pnfm -.r iv n TArn
On his salt IIS per rent,
nit iiis liopiicr .-iv
(in Ills 1 Ice.. s", "
On Ills unap 70 "
On his stnirli Ol '
(in lila rniutle. i i
(M 1114 fcllCPtH fll lllS lldl. -V 11
On tlio blanket Hint cencrx lilnl .-10 "
(In tlio rnrpct ho buy HI "
On IiIh window cnrliilim in "
(in IiIn knives nnil lotks "
(in IiIh wln.loiv ijlni. M "
On Ills wuter iltclicr M '
On tho lint lie wenrs I "
On 111 htocUlnus 75 "
On n ilressof illl: for his ulle ft) "
On n tlre of woolen 1 "
On n mniwl .Oil '
On n hauillterclilc' Si M
On his bonJs NOTHING,
On htshoo Atul Hpaile, ench Oper cent,
un ins nnrKO Hnutii hi
On Ills plow (. "
on his thaliis 11)0 "
(in his h'trncHs :li "
(In n Imnil hhw 7i "
On iv pen Uiuru M "
On n illnner 3 "
On mi lion Uj "
It will bo observed that tho ncccssar
ics of 1 fo aro 1 ho nrtlc cs which ur
taxed tho highest. Lycoming Standard,
Why SliouM a Man ho a Dcinurrnl !
lionano. 'j-. oowta orn in favor of all
uuuusi, luwiiiguni lUllillniotrnUonoril
lleeauso tho Democratic party Is tho
Jlilll.V Ul UIU JlUUjlil.
Jlecauso tho nation owes all itJias in
greatness to tlio early nnd Judicious up
plication of Democratic Ideas and theo
ries to tho administration of its affairs
Reeonso tho Democratic party is lu
favor of a Government of tho people.
lleeauso it is In favor of a plain system
of government, "void of pomp, pro.
tectillir all. and cranllnr f.ivnr.s to nrmn.
dispensing its blessings aliko upon tho
ingit nnu tno khv.uiu rieli ami tlio poor."
lleeauso tho Democratic party is In
favor of n aoverumeut not of forco but
of principle.
Because it is not a sensational nnrtv.
but ono whoso nrinclnlus aro nllku
sacred to tho people i
East nntl West.
lu of tno Xorth.South,
tioeaiisoit is a patty oiinoicd to "anv
kind of tyranny over tlio minds of
Jlecauso tho Democratic party l.siu
l.ivoroi maintaining tho General Oov
eminent in tho oxereiso of its Consti
tutional powers, and of perpetuating to
tlio States all the liberty commensurate
with tho maintenance of n sound civil
An exchange publishes tlio following
li-t of double-salaried ofllclnls under
Grant. Doubtless tliero nro others of
tho samo sort yet unearthed:
Gen. Rabcock, Aid-do Camp to tho
President, receives two salaries, ono as
Colonel In tho nrmy, nud another as
u rant's J leal Estnto Agent In Sail Do
mlngo, for which ho is paid coin mis
sion and mlleiiL'o bv thn Government.
Gen. l'orter. of tho President's stnff.
reeeivos two salaries, ono as Jirlgndier
ucnerai in ino army, nnu ono ns Pri
vate Secretary to tho President both
from tho Government.
Gen. Dent, tjio President's brother-
in-law, receives two salaries, ono ns n
lirigadler General lu thourmy, mid ono
ns liuioi usner nt tno winto Jloiiso.
lln draws both from tho Government.
lTcil. Grant, son of tlio President, is
now receiving fico salaries, ono ns Lieu
tenant of Cavalry from tho Govern
ment, and ono ns Civil Engineer from
Pacific Railroad Company.
General I.oxmTr.nnT, who was a
gradu.itoof West Point, and n regular
army olUccr at tho opening of tho war,
enjoys ono or tlio lucrnllvo offices
lu tho gift of tho administration, ills
good fortuuo is duo to his relationship
witli Grant, nnd his treatment Is a re
markable illustration of tho capricious
favoritism of tho ndminlstratlon. No
man Inlllcted deeper Injury on the
Union causo than Longstreot. At Get
tysburg ills corps sent Itnvoo into tlio
union ranks. Rut ho is now honored,
petted and rownrded, wliilo tho base
inlnlonsof tlio administration strlkont
Gcii.MeCandless, n Pennsylvania hero,
who led his hrlgndo Into tho thickest of
tho h.Utlo nt Gottysburg, and by his
H-allnutry contributed no mean share to
that r;roat victory. This contrast affords
a lino illustration or tho nature of Hid
lcalism, Gettysburg Compiler.
TiiEWashington correspondent of tho
Chicago VWiuiiesays: " Secretary Rout
well, tho rlngloador against civil Bervlco
reform, has Ju3t reported, per Ills Comp
troller. Taylor, ,sl,7.ri0,l!0 stolon by sov
oral collectors, and S12I.112 or 'unad
justed balances,' othorwiso. monoy lost
Dciwixi uguriiig nnu stealing; in an,
moro than two millions or taxes collect
ed from tho people, ami thou purloined
by a gang ol camp followers." If tlio
people hupo fur u reduction of taxation,
they must drlvo tho Radicals from
power. This is the only remedy.
The effort of Scott nnd Cameron to
sot tho ICu-Klux machinery in motion
on thu ovo of an election lu Pennsylva
nia, ought to bo watched narrowly.
Last year tho Stato was Insolently In
vatlod, and the polls seized, nud tho
men who nromntod It then havo now
a far higher stimulus to renew tho nt I
lloir tlio Itiullcals lini 0 PaM tlio Stnto Held.
$115,000,000 Incronso hi Ten Years.
The Pittsburgh. Vost most effectually
dlsiio303 of tho pretentious claim mauo
by tho Chairman of tho Radical Stnto
Committee. It says !
"Tho public debt was not iu,uuu.uuo
In round numbers In 18(11, Tho And tor
General's leport to Governor racitor
for that year pills It at $:17,I)81.8 17.60.
Against this was a sinking fund of $10,
0M.000, leaving tho actual Indebtedness
of tho Stnto on tho 1st of.Iami.iry, 1831.
$2(1,088,817.00, or 801110 $11,000,000 loss
than Mr. Erettallogoj, mid soino $3,000,
000 less than it Is now, after ten years
f Ilnilieai rule. ,
"Rut our Ilnnnclcr stops Bovcrnl
leagues short or tho truth lu tho cxpom
(Ion. If ho will call upon our nliablo
friend, tho Hon. R. W. MaeUey, Stale
Treasurer, ho will llnd that at U10 closo
r tho last 11sc.11 year mo onuu um j;
ennsvlvanla win $11,1 10,0 lO.HO.lnslond
of $20,000,0 10, nnd this, too, alter do-
llH'tlligd" sinning mum. jiu nm m
llnd out siveral other things worth
"Among other thlug3 ho will find
that In tho matter or sinking funds
nlnno tho pcoplo of Pennsylvania havo
been robbe 1 during tho past ten years
to tho timo or $1 1,811.702,20. Wo pro
pose to demonstrate tills ftict. During
the past (mi years tho Stato Govern
ment lias imposed 01 mo puuiii; uiii,
worth to tho Stato $13,000,01.111, for
which It realised tho sum of $11,2.31.021-
nmi ii. if 1 was carried to 10 suiii-
tig fund fir tho evident purpose of
snowing a reduction 01 uiu num.
" Hut even that amount, added to tho
ten millions of linking fund of ten
years ngo, and abstracted from the
Stnto debt, leaves it lluvo millions
.runter limn It was under thu 1:1 .t Dem
ocratic ndmlnlstr.illuii; or, in other
word', tho Stnto debt has Increased
nbout ilftccn millions or dollars In tho
lsl ten yeari-jor nt morale oin minion
mid n liair per year, wnien is mo neiuii
ill-rent:' or tho Stato debt ur tno nasi
.rar. nn will nnnatr hv Inflection of
tlio booitfl 01 i no Miaio Treasurer mm
tho Auditor General.
I.v Ohio tho nssnitllsor tho democratic
neakers on tho nresotit BVstem or nn-
tlounl lniiklmr uro nroilitcln" their or-
reels, it lias ceased to bo a tr.'a-o naiuo
crime or ovou a mlideiiieanor to glvo
frtn I'vnresslon or (minion concerning
the-o institutions. Onthocontrnry, the
conviction Is becoming general that
hev nro an oiim moiH nubile evil, l no
nllltinln (ifllinso IniiikH towards tho new
oan has dono much to eonvinco llio
nnlilte nT Iholr titter woithles-iiess to
tho L'ovcrniiient. Jt was tho duty iff
theso favored institutions of tho gov.
eminent to support with nil meir pow
or tho scheme to redtico tno raio oi in
tereston tho bonds In return for tho lm
mnnso nrlvilcrro of einUttti!' Chroo him
tired and firiv millions of their notes
for bonds deposited In tno national
treasury on which they draw an annual
llilcrestoi upwards oi twenty minimis.
int. nniw t iitt.mii ntr inooxiraon nia
rv favors extended them theso national
hanks wcro extromelv shvnf tho now
loan, nnd not until llio ivst uour, wiieu
menaced with extremo measures by
lioiiTWEr.i,. could thev bo driven to
tako tho iKIy millions of tho flvo per
cents, which wero assigned them. This
was quito as much ns they could do per
sunned to mice, ami in con-equeueo u
their default onlv two hundred mill
Ions nftho llvo ner cents, havo reachoi
the market, making tho schemu or ro
runillii!? nn almost total failure.
Tho cxncrinieiit of Secretary IIout.
wni.i.Avlth tho national hanks proves
them utterly worthless to llio govern
ment and tho nubile. Their wholo iilm
Is to enrich themselves nt tho cost of tho
country. Tho wholo system should I
swept nwny forever. Hut tho worst of
nil is that they have obtained so pow
erml nn liillucnco in congress mat tin
can successfully resist overy effort nt r
form. Tho nL'ltatlnn must comment'
Willi llin unnnlf . Tliorc is no bnnn from
tho radical politicians who occupy scats
in eongioss. Jiarnsoury iunoi.
Kvani, tlio Stato Ajrcnt, In Xeiv York.
i'.eijuisitiox ron m.i Ar.r.r.sT nr.
Jlr. ICvnns, tho Stato Acont of I'onn
Bylvnnla, for procurliiR tlio inymcnt hy
1110 i'Cderai covernment 01 tno warder
of that fjtalo, is now in this city, Tho
recent Investigation of lite ease, by ord
of tho Governor, results in chursinK
Kvans with emhezzl'menl. (loveruor
tlcnry has m.ulo n ivcnitsltion on (lo
eruor Iloffmau for tho surrender of
hvnis to tho authorities of 1'enn.syl
vnul.i for trial. Kw.ns has enu'.i'd
counsel, and It was repirted h III
friends ycstcid.iv. wr-ulit lay tho fact
heforo (loveruor Jlolfiuan, and rifjuesl
1111 examination hero lo show c.iu-o
why ho nhotild ho conveyed out of the
.statu, it is nsiirteu Dy 1110 irlonil.) o
l.vans that the fuiidin;; in IVmisylvanla
is a eonsiuracy oi certain politic .ins
who demanded Sij.OOU of l-Ivun?. which
was to ho appropriated, lu parr, to tho
eieeuon oi ono u.iineron to tlio
United Stales Senate, mid in part ton
j-iiiiiuieipuin 1tu11c.11 nowspiper. it 18
hellovcd hy thoso who profess to Know
that tho ntmrrcl crowfnc out of tills
llnrrishur' Irregularity will dlstuihtho
" nappy lamliy " or iicimlillc.iiiisin in
Pennsylvania. Tho e.tso may reach
Governor Iloll'man to-day,as thuolllec-r,
with (loveruor ((eary'a wnrraut.s, nrrlv-
en in mis city last ovcniutr. aviw l or:
it orta, sepiemoer l.
A I'i'iv Jlllllons Marc.
Ithmjust been discovered that (ho
accounts oi tlio rest Ulllco Department
bhow.s the deficiency for tho past jear
oi ?w,uuu,uuo, ro uuacneo oi uiu do
partiiieut, of, can explain whero
tho money has koiic. it has evidently
traveled away In tho samo manner that
ino ss.uuii.iiuii or Secretary lloutwell and
tho $3,(UU,(JU0 of Trea-urer Siiluner
navo Bono. TnthO Srl,uuo,W) will soon
bo mado up from llio taxes L-atliered
lrom the poor men ol tho country. Of
course boiuo people do not llko to havo
uieir money mi tno pockets or thlovcs,
hut ns tlio President und tho Repub
llcan leaders Keuerally look smilingly
on at tho robbery, tliero is no u-o to
complain. Thero Is onu remedy left to
ino peo no, unwovei voienjialnstovery
mnn whosympathi".cs with tho corrupt
administration or President (irniit.
Down wllh tho candidates nominated
by tho officeholder!) convention. Voto
nirnlust Stnntou nnil Heath, tlio friends
or corruption, und elect to tho responsi
ble positions or Auditor nnd Surveyor, M'C'andlcss nud Cooper, men
who havo proved their honesty and
capability of tnl:lnr caroot'tho people's
money, lly elecIlnjThiii-h irood nud pure
men is thu only hopo thu people have
or an honest ii.niuitrcuioiituf tlio State's
Tun President of tho Tniled states
has been nwny from the iuhImi r,i.
over threo mouths nud coutomplntes
.......... .. ..w .... Mi.niwviunur. uur-
IniT ills nlteonco lio has drawn from tho
treasury f 0,'.50, nnd has passed part of
threo days lu Washington, ()r 'nt tho
rate of ono day per mouth, for which
hwha3 "'tlved Iho compensation of
S-2,0SJudiiy. In other words, General
Uhant, for fiiTiiliiK Ills naino durliiR
tlieso rare visits, hns nnfkrlnil Ihn wnrri.,1
of fourteen hundred Inborliii; men, who
work ten hours nnd rccoivo $1.C0 each.
So that It issoiiicthln;; to bo President
In a practical point oi view, when tho
Incumbent itcih $i"),fiOf) u year for uinus.
Ing hlmsclf.iiud U presented with bonds,
liouses, nud horses to tho extent of imll
a million. No wonder ho seeks ro
election, Jlarrisburg J'alrlot.
Tiir, Grand Duko Alexis la nnw r...
his way from Rus.sia to this, country.
Ho will meet with n irruiid national
reccntloil. Ill token or American unm-n.
I'lallnll flfthl. ulnnili. frlnmljl.l.. ..r .
sla towards tho United Stales on nil oc'
Tun cholera Is appearing In nil parts
of tlerninny. No more cases nro report
ed In England.
. --.. -
A Raiiicai. paper calls Hvans's i em
bezzlement "nseflom caso of official
presumption," very serious.
A with for n ltniiilhllcnil ticket Is n
oto for Oinlralltation ror n change of
Is (.lovcrnnicnt to n JJcspotism.
Titnui; Is n rcnorlod deficit, mine-
mill lm l r.ii-. in i lm Post OMleo Dentin
incut, of nineteen millions of dollars I
Titi'. I'n.l fllllm Tlennrliiioiit has Just
ciphered out a deficit in its nceotints or
$10,000,000. Don't tho pcojilci pny
though, lor mis ivauieai wnnuu .
a BtMMitATB ticket lias been put lu
thouoldin Schuylkill county, by tho
Labor Jlcrorm pany. mnnim inuu
incuts havo been mndo In other counties
of tho Stnto.
With enormous frauds arc committed In
vcni department of thn Slate and Na
tional Governments, and with a J resi
dent who is using bayonets to slijk '.the
expression oi iie people s win, hyiui. hvji
is therefor the Jlepublic i
A ...wiirii nmnnalv- Ilir-oHtl! liaS bCCIl
held' in Dublin, mid another riot follow
ed. Tho pollco and people camo In col
iiui..i, nmi iw..i. il. -Ill innk nlacc. dur
ing WHICH DOlli sitieii, ... .i"b"
tiniberoiaircsis wivu niuue.
Tim rtidle.iHariffls so adluslod Hint
of every hundred dollars Impoicd upon
tlio people, nuoui live uouars i;o into
tho lieasiiry, nlnety-flvo into tho pock
ets or wealthy monopolists. It Is n
.system iff fraud and exertion upon the
masses of tho pooplo Hint no other coun
try would tolcrato for u day.
cr.its should seo to it tit onco that their
nnnies nro registered. Tito registry list
vill boluiiiHl posted up at ino usual
places or voting m an tno norougnsniid
townshiiis in tlio countv. Mako a per
sonal oxaminntlon nt once land if your
imiiiQ li not on it ioao no uiiioin apply
ing to tho nsie.ssur.
Or.N'.'unnr. who was educa
ted nt West J'olnt nt the oxpenso or tho
country, was in llio army wnon 1110
war broku out. hotraved llio irovern
ment nnd fought ngnlnst it during tho
wr.r. now Holds a onieo uiiiier 1110 ad
ministration iiccauso 110 is 11 cousin 01
(Irant. To bo a cousin to tho President
eovei.s up nil other ills.
TlinnceoiuifJ of tho 1' Ofllen Da.
nartuienl show u (letletencev of stl!).oio
000. is'ti 0110 knows anything nbout tho
missing funds. They havo "gone
wheru llio woodiilno twlnelli," along
with thu Si.'jriO.OOl) of Secretiirv Rout.
well, and tho l,(iun,nno of Treasurer
Knlnner. How lonir will our neonln
submit to be plundered in this manner?
f!i:ortnn W. Rit'irAnnsoN". tho Rail!
cal solicitor or Coosa countv. blindfold
cd,gaggcd,ntid whiiped two llttio negro
1:1ns, nun iiireaicneii iiicm wun dean
11 tlioy should over tell who commute!
tho outrage. I lo was trvimr to maim
f.iettno a iCii-klux outrago to servo ns
tho basis for further persecution ol
Southern Democrats. Rut, foituuatoly
for us, ho was detected, nnd his design
expo-eii by a negro. Montgomery Ad
l.ooic at Tiir. Kiounrs ! One or the
most unanswerable nri'itiucuts or thn
l.ito Demoeratiu add rend to tho voters or
I'enu.sylviinla, is tho statement that tho
ordinary aoverumeut pxpondlturcu for
tho year ending Juno 1, 1S70, ex
eluslvo of Indian aiiiniitlos. neuslons.
nnd Interest on tho public debt, wero
SI IWC0.W2. 13 ; for tho year endlnc
Juno 1, 1800, tho expeiidltiuos lor the
samo purpose wero only is.i.i,'JlH,lbS.7i;.
ineso liHureti are sigmucani. is somo dissitisfnctlnn in
Xortliuniberlaud county, hut it will bo
mermen in me uasiro lo poll a
solid Democratic voto this fall In nil
pans oi tno stale. If this spirit pro.
vails, tho Slnto ticket will ho elected hv
a lino majority. Tho Senate Is pare in
our nantls, ami a ir.iln or four members
will irlvo us tho Iioui3. This jraln
should certainly ho mndo. Wowngaln
at le.lil ono in tlio eltv. nerhnns tliree.
nnd our friends in tho country must do
ino rem. wo ueiievo tlioy will do It.
U1-' l'lllLADHU'lIlA.
of j,.uviii:.VL.'i: cou.viv.
Ooluuibia, County Democratic Ticket,
roit i!i:i'i:i-si3NTATivn,
ciiauli:s G. .MURPHY,
llloouiubiiifr .sinikct,
r t"i-li(l
Wlic.l i
31. n
i in
irti "
rials, "
b.mir .i r l..irrt I
C!nvi--o d
, K Id
w i; mi
. 1 Ni
, 1 ii
. 11
. 1!
, 10 U)
1 In .I
I'lleJ Aili-
Hlilt-H iiml MiMiMi'rs""
li.iy ii.r tim
New Advertisements,
All ii.ii.ons nro liercliy r.ulil.Meii lo trrupiiu
JU'iiil thu lamls nriliui.uli-.(-rllH r, lu-nr lltiir Uiip,
....... i... i, i .jitiiiiiu.i i-.iuiiiy, jnr tno nf UUIlilllK Willi uilliu'. or ih.-v will i,
I'.V-.V.'. ...., uvjviuiiiu III ihw.
NOTIOL Is hereby Riven that ow nj
tn the llliini or llio lloti. William Klwc-ll!
l-rtf Uent JmlKonf this Joillclal lilttrlct. liirre uo ,i.i i-ouri ucia tor mo irmi or riiist-s In
llio oiiiuy or ColumUlii iliirlim Iho uvoiul wli!
nl!jilH.r iiit.,nuu tno jirrsoiiK niiiimoiu-a
S?J!'"r", '"J,"'? 'ccoiia'ui-1: ol Wei'iolXr
mo lnvrt-by UUcliarb-inl ii.mi nilcinliuipo. """""
, , wiaLi.s'dioN ii, i:nt.
lnooiutburg.Beplumlifril 1S7I. I'roili'V.
H Hclionl Taicbers In Union Tawiibhlp,
Ki'liuylkll count)-, lu icai-h In tho cominoii
MliouUnfMld 'iouu.hlp. one loudier lo toitoll
u.Kraili-il.choollnlllui!lovii. ToiinlUoinontlu.
lui-uiiiinmcfon tho llr.l JlouUny In Novtni
ft . "'KWiWlier nioulli null. Kxumlnmlon
will l.o lull mi ilio'.'Gtli iiuy of Hoiitoiniior, ul u
o i-lotk In unblown. M. Klllllia, Htc't'y,
I IHrAlKOli' IHAAailliOOVI.ll, lIKC'll.
Ldlcm of lulniliiUtratloii on llio c.iato of
.aim (Jroovcr. lalo of t'outio tu-n.. rniiimi.i.
counly ilco'il., iiuubcon griiium! hy tho llfuutcr
of .alii couiil. to Haiiiuil Ni-ylmiil of huino
riii.c, ..i nn L4iiiiiin or utnianiu
wuiiliiht tho duitU-iii nro rcijumutl io mnko
iimi'i uuuii,iiuu VM.II.U iiiiieuicii intimlio puy-
rnrATia tip tiiomas w, iioti-iiin, , '.
raiers nf n.lmliilslrnlloii on I ho i',,.Ki'-D; ,
Tlinmni W. llnlflilii". Into of Muni", iow,,2hiV.f
tjoliimiiln rmmty, ilei-enso.l, lmvo boon Sr., i, I
by llio llrnterir mtlil t-onniy loHmmiel t-r,!,
of Bitino township. All permins having
oriloinniiilsiiitaliist tlio iloenleni urn rroiie.i!!,
lo liinlio litem known, nn, thoso Inlolilnl !,'.
malio paymcul without ilelny, " l"
VV., rilKAqv.
A'lmllilstrr.1 .
DM1 N 1 8TI IATO 1 Vti Nop ici:
K4TATK ()C flF.mtflK W.Vllmi .!
U-llcrfl nl lulnilnMrntlon on
oVutcrf tf llio ("Unto to niiiku payment lu llio ui'i.
ncpU ,'71-flw
Lottcm titnmcntnry on tho oMalo l (it ir,i
Hwnnk, Into of MUUln township. Joliimi7i
county, (U'o i.(navii nocn fcrnnu-ii uy llio IU a iirr
orffiiiil counly to Hlcphou M.mvnuk or Minim
lownihlp.CoIumhln county. All perfume h ivhij
IIIL'IIl Ml UIU liAlTUIOI 111 ullllllllUI.I VjIMHUJ , I'll,
'1 11010 Imlcbtt'tl to tlio entnto clllicr on noto, Jii'li;.
incut, iiiortKKo or huott ncconnt will niuito
pay incut to llio Kxccutor without ilrhty.
wept. 871-Cw. Uxivniur.
l...letH Of ILllllltlltKlrilllOll till I III. ..Htlll.i nf tl'll.
llatnNlnt!h,l!llo or 1icust township, t'olninl.ln
piinnly, ilocenseil, havo boon uranleit hy n,,,
Itrxlnlvrnr milil eonlily to llciijauiln Ailams, or
Ih'imI towii'lilp. All persons havliii! ci.iIhh
nalnsl tho estnto of llio iltncilellt 11 10 li-ipie,l il
lo pifKelil tlicin lor nellleinetit, nmi llmso In
iltlileil Intliet'slalo lo mnko p.iyinenl ti lliotin
ilcrli:iicd,uilnilnUlrator, wlnmntileliiy,
BeptSTl Ct. Atltiiinisirulnr.
1, of -run
& mus na Association
in i iruijiii .hi, 11 li, ui ii, in in out, j-, i,
UltilHIL'T, Tlio tlltlnct of tlm n-ssocutiou in
.itnii.-tullol Si- huvlUi II count v. Coliitnlilririm-iiv
Houlh uiul oust of Ilia Hiisrpielinnn i Ulvtr, runt
lliaCit LTCCu nnu s.uujiiyujini Miut'i a mijii in
county. , , ,
tl&rW) oir.TCtl In Premium.. Nochii-to ir
entering ntlU-l-, Til.Ui or speed ou uourhv. t itu
V"Lr'l!'r,M., 1 1 1 ,.
J.SCIirlll l tH MW s.i lt.ll IW VII
roit'lH lift'llm; to Itlnstuwn.
a mm imior).-Sl':ihoii ticket h ono iIoIiai
which i'iitltlt!H tho mt'inlicr to ono mm to it tn uvi
tot lilinnii, ono lor ma ivud,hii'i iuor ur -hi
i iMrii4 nf mliiilHHloii for chttdri'ii of thu fimuv.
t'htli tk-lu'ts Pir llvo will ho sold at ono dollar,
uhlchwill ndiiitt llvo persons, HH14I0 tu'-cott
ceiitH. Klimlo tickets f jr children und r 12
yo-UHof ;", Ijconuoioh,
ply to T. 1. ruil'lltt.fteo'yiK'nmdimh. i
hCptn Jl'llt M UKUIl , I IV-H
19 AT
Tlio County Affords
ljclbrc L'ui'cliiising IilsowlitTi1,
31. K N 0
Hcilcmbcr8, l"l-n.
noodoiicr ami lIsliir.clanl.
i;Nnui;L,Y jiaumi.ksh and svrK,
INoil In prlvnto ilwelllnji, lioteH, roitfiuian .
public (M'lionN, lio-pltih, liHiino itsyltuiH. ill
poiiKiirlcH, J.UIs, itIhous, pnurlinusut. on hi)
htL-am-lmiis, nmi in tuticmt'tit-honsoH, nuiuti .
for Wsitcr-rlmcts, urinals, slnUf, newer,
pools, htrtlili'H, Ac.
A tyeeijlc in utl antajlam ami wiUcnl-ui l
r(t. i, an I'liolrnt, typlnn.l rover, amp rover, mii hi
POY, K'.ll-lut U'Vor, 111 CISC I -i, lllfiUilStS oi Ullllll iu
Ac. lrep:irtl only Uy
'VIUMRS A, CO., Ill AVUUnm rcef. X. .
Hoi a liy nil ilruvuPiN.
i,ooij VLi,rrs.
U rami Q If t I'miwrmnrt DUtrlbiiitou for llio (1.
tilt of tho Fouiuillus; Asylum ot New orl:
uiul SulJivrH' und lot ' 1 1 rphim s' J limu
Wiishliialon, 1), o.
To ha hold In WushiuuLun, (tu noun n nil
TUketn ii lu holilt oFwlilch tun iliiyu' Aoll t
wlll iwBliii0aiut not Ulvr than Novi-iun
1-iTI, Knilio nu in her ot tiekttH, r2,iy ,
e.ich. l.OJI tlllt-i, nmnuutlns; urSJjMWj, hi t
iiwmilcil, Hcml lor Ulrciilar, glvlus Ut uriJlii
ill)'! Kt-'k-lcnutH, Tic If In can hu h;ia ot
ejruer Thlrtyliut ami Market m itch,
Or, 1 L UllVMN, General AiWt,
.. -fl Mu-t't, New Yoilr.
lliu-li ('nsoroiilaliiliiono llnitiaor
O I.II KVK WIIISKI.V, 01.11 I'AI.KMIIl-.ltlh.
MM: (ii.ii ruiir. I ih.h ihiimiiihv
IJuariiutet-il 1'iini uiul nr iho very llel ouulHy.
I'llll-l-l MIA'KM lllir.l.MU ' '
Sclilliy llxpro.s o. o. li., in-l'oil-nllloi. iiiil, r.
IIIK.NIIKIIHON, 15 llrnml HI., Now York.
ull.V'i-s, U'AM'UIICiir Hie
Counskls ns 'lllK NAruui-: an-ii IIViut.M in
TIIK.M.IS11-I.INB KUM'riOH. lly llll. NAl'll 1 s
Illllhnr nf "I'llo 1' I.Uo of W'liliuiN .' ill
i ilalcs tolic inula is lull nl now tm-l-i iIi-Uimio
but iiutspnlceii; prucllLMl iiml popuhu; highly i n
ilnrseil: -ills ruplilly. Snlil liy hiilihcrllHlnii i.nh .
I.xcluhlvo tcriitory, Ti-nns lliiernl. I'ru-n 8.'
Aihlrtss lar i-nlltouls. Ac, .1, U, I-'KUUL'fS X I o
I'lililUliurs, rnlliulelplu.i, I'a.
":" coiraiiBss arctic.
Hio.Iin.'IT 11 Inter oviiitsiior.t
.10 iiii;Mii;si(iiircaiii
M) Tlii)llll,Ktoiiitnn!
ask yoriisiioi: duailu i on in
ll'IMl'.l'1. f"""!'!. UUNlll 10AI.I. WHO ASK I OH
1 I I I J I J IT! 7 ill. In .III II I in l v 1 1.7 J .1 rji
U'.l'n5-n Jiimiary, 1-.7J. Tiu-j miit'iio.
HIST. l!vit-v in. r i. I.i.tiir.. il.... ..ii. ....
llpochor! Ki.i mini or Attli'lii l.t'l'iii ,.......r,
mill I" livelier In )ii.jn.l.(r(.i), J i s. WlllfiiL'.s imil
mlatumru i-xr'nmi! (-i-rel Morkluiis of llijimii-
n ii .i , i i ,1"" ".""VJ "lner i0O IU.UIH ..
II. Jlulilctt, III Ant ill f AYw I url;,
I! A T I) I, V. A VTuTi
Sioniui'iiirfi ati sri.iVii'v:'1'1'1 1
:.. Wll H'Jl.i. I'll' s:io
At;tn!st 9 hi nnr wunl t. unit mm .-.. I ....... .
biu ii ... ii. v" . xs?,i?"':,vr
oiiibliiunil iiloiuaut hoi It, apply lor purllciilurH.
AilJii-ss . CO., Jiickkou, MlclA -oh. '
J?i:.MALH COi;i7HOK,"ilordontowii,
. , N.J., furnUhoii Iho lio.t, LJucntional ii.l!
tiintaccs. toifotlior wltlianloauantiininn n.,...i
nnil Tuition, ijJi'S per year. j;'or
Ureks Hey. J. II, llHAKt.i.KV, VliA).
i'i:it iviHTiC
ran ho mailo by any :n.irt man ho can ltccii
liisbu.liii'.s to liliniioll. Hoiiil ntftuip for pu-ili-.
ulam lullOWAIIllil: UO.,J"llllainburih, N. V.
V01ll'II-l-;Ai,T"'.MIs5iiDltl Parius aiuF tTiiliu
lirli'''Mo 1110 by J10Nl"'-' 4l"",i
'tiiiTcrtaFn r"aT5ETT.
iten- i. f.done' "lul 'ltm Alt-mi
i.vv.Arr .a'WB,.s"rBOou'l-?.ui,tr,"tt wiiih-iu,
lio.itious, Ac. hi-nt by mull, boouiely soalo.1. lor
ill ycililii. annul Ulrculiir, trie. '
AilUrimi WUl.AKlililt uahIj.
una iikhaiiwav. New V ork,
Agents I Head .Thisl
111.' JU lUill W1CKK., IJ,,?.".,.",,,
allow u iiu-iio coiiuiiiiMiou lu .oil our ni.w ami
enmity, clmftwil, hno l.crn KrnniV.l ,V u j
HctfUicr rrM counly to Mnrnurct Ymi'. rn .i
Heuhcu ralitlntior, of lwust IowuhIiIh, i ol u in
ula county, 1 hi All ic.hoih huvluji ciuitn-
nrrfllMftl. I IIP I'HLlllll Ul LI II) I K'fPil nil I. n mi
Wo now liavo on liaml n largo no-tlly prlnli ii
!!uo onirl W ,V 10 ulU!""u"