The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 08, 1871, Image 1
1 to (iMumlrinn i-unMsnisu i:vi:itv ritiDAY moiinino IN TUB COtdJMtltAH nlTlI.TIIKa KltAHTIIK couiiT itounitf iuoomsiiuhh, l'A., nr HENRY L DIEFFENBACH, xniTuii And i-noi-ittr.Toii, rms--Two Collars a Yc&r payftoio In odvinec, job rniwTiNO Mlldoacrlpllonn executed Willi neatness nud dispatch nt reasonable rates. Oolumbia Oountv Official Directory. i limuientiivttirr willii. i...-r.m.. AHOCiate ,UfCI IHAM JIKIlll, JKAAU U, .HON- Ji-olhm.clmi, .(p.-WFi.i.iNnTON n. kkt. Jictjwrvtf lifcvruer ,v ii.i.iniun ii.jAe.-onr, WifrM Allvmrv-V.. It. lKlXKIl. ?7iT((r-AAllON HMIT1I. Xlltt-rmir-IBAAdPinWirT. JVraniKr DAvm LowitxiiEnn. OimmfMfmorJ Wlt.T.tAM U, llrjICIC, CVillM li I 1I1I..1. II I1W." H IWll.l'r.ll. Amtllorl-). J. tAMniELI., A-. J. AUlhllTKo'v, (ITOIIO-Jnll" II. Iinl'rK, Jvri Cbmmi tomi'J Isaac McDmnE.JoiisMo- Anii.n 111 imnlu W'limnlrtlelrnf-lJllAIlI.lM O. JlAttKLKV, i:h- m V'nr yiMtvlw Directors, H. JI.Mii.i.nn, M- I.IK, Ull I'll WOIHI, 11IA11I.1.H tUNM.ll, riec'y, BlocuiBburg Official Directory. Iltwmilvrrr JlanUnn Oi. .TnllN A. I'UNUTON. j'tesiiieni, 11. 11. iinoiz, cashier. UllAS, II. P.VXTON.PlcVt., r. I. 'I ns-rtN. t 'ashler. 1 if iimri 1 ill Mill .11 luiitii imi1'iii II 7. oidroiilyimi. Ii 't., '. W. .Mlt.l.KM, Tf.iriW- I.. II. liITTI.E, ITCH ,' iiiMirn rtitltVnrt nml M11 fit7 Vm! ,t..miri fi ii- -JnltX YllnwAH ,1'lcst., .1.11. Konisnx.Hec. Iltoirwtljvrfj .Viiiml Ktnln-J Mind Anvrlattmi J, J. lilloWIUt. I'lttliiCIll, iM, WlllTMOYIU, Hoo'y, Slocmnbnrg Directoiy. IA.1'P1, ItAflU li.ul ..I .11... I' .. ..ui.jt.i-j., III It. IUI MUU III UIO CUia'Siuiah onlco. STOVES AND TI NWAltE. TACOIl MI.T7., donlcr in stoves niul tlnvnro 1 1 Ma In nt 1 o il , nbovo coutl house. CLOTHING, Ac. M DAVID I,oVi:.NIli:ilO, Merchant Tnllor.Malu bt., 1M Uoor above American limine. l'M. MOb IllH, Merchnn t Tailor corner or I'c 11 H Hound Main si over Miller's sloro. DituasfciiEMiOALS, &c. K. &.TO'iaRrfltiaaAp,'t''cat,y- MoVr.U I.UOS., Druggists niul Apothecaries, 1. towel h block MtUtl fit. CLOCKS, "SVATOHKf, AC. UhNIlYSU'lTINflKK, Watchc. Hprctiub'i lc..clry Ac,, Main Hired nciir West fit. ) K.HAV Vi:f denier In Clocks, Watches nml U Jewelry, Jlalnst., Just btlow llio Aincilcau I iH Irt Iir.ItNII.VUl), Vn1rhiuiiH'l-rlc maker. I J near mum cast corner Mulnnud J ion Mh, OATIICA11T, Wnlch niul Clock .Malicr.Mnr hot hlii'i't, btlow Mn.11, iJOOTrf AND S1IOKS. n M. K'NOIUE, Drnlcr In IIooIm niul .Slmet. Lit est Ij. nml bfHt btylcH, corner ilulu aul Mnrktl Mtti'ClM, lit llio okl l'ost OUlce. lAVI1) IlKTZ.Koot riinlHhoemiltcr, Mnhiht. I) IjoIow llartmau'sBtorp, west of Miirkct. Ur.NUV KI.KIM, Manufacturer nml ilcnltr lu Itoouniul hIkkjs, Urocerlts.cic., Malu bUett. i:uHt liioomsijure. M. JiUOWN, Hoot nml Rlioemaker, Mulu , btrcct, under Iliov.-u'u Hotel, I'KOFKSSIONAL. nit. H. C. HOWl'.U, Hurseon ivntlat, Mala Bt., 1 aliovo the Court House, Du. war. m. ui:ni:u, HurM'noi. i:.cli:iiiEulIlockoer WeltbVlj and l'hjslchin, uk Hloie. Olt. 11, V, KINNKY, Hurnion Dentist. Teeth tracted without palu: Main M.t luurly 011 k situ i:ilscopat Chinch, n (1. UAKKhllY, Attorney-.u-rw. (nico,2d U, lloorlu KxchangolllocU,iii. ;rlho"j:3cchaut'o Hotel." 1 U. SU KIMA'Y,5I. I).,Hun;wn and I'liyblclan J , noithmldu Main bt,, below Market. r It. IlVANft, M. 1)., Hurcinii and I'liyslclan, 0 smith fildu Main hticet, below Market, 1 (. KUTTKlt, M. 1). Hurt;em and I'J.yblclnn 1 1 , Market street, abovo Main. 11. UOllIKON, Atlorney-aHaw, Ollleollart , man'H bulIdluKi Main btutt. MILLINUHY & FANCY GOODS. 11 l'lnT.HMAN, Millinery mill Kuucy Ooods, ll. orroilto riilbcopal Clan ch, Mulu rt, MISH T.IZZin DAllKIiUV, Mllllutr, Itarusoy ImlUllncMnlli street. MISH M. m.UUICKftON, Millinery Hint Kuncy (looLlti, Main it., below Miukct. Mlt. U. KIiINi:, Millinery anil luncy aoo'li Main btreet lielow Murlict. MI1H. JULIA A. .t HADI5 IIAItivI.IlK, laullck' L'loaks and Dretia l.ateru., buulhcubt corner Mulu and Wcfatsts, ll'ill! MISSKH IIAltMAK Millinery and 1'iincy (Jooils, Mainht., lielow Ameilcuu houko, JIOTKLS AND SAJ.OONS. liOIilCS IIOT1.I., by T. lknt. Taylor, cant end x ui .Main Mice., Jl KUOHANTU AND OltOOKUS. t 1 c. MAUU, Dry Coodi and Motions, Eoulh' W MCht comer Malu nud Iron fats. A. UIX'KW.Y, Hoot and Khoo Ktoio, hooki n .lACOHH.Contectlonery, U, St., below Don roceiies etc., Main l.'OX .t WiniH, Confectionery and Itakcry, l VJlOll'biUU 3 mid utiiU, Kxeluince lilock, ( HOi:it, HatHond Caps, Hoots audHhoo , Main nt., above Coutt House. I H. MA1ZK. Mnuiinolli (iroiery, Uno (ito iK ecrlcu. 1'iuum, uta, 1'rovUlou, Ac, Mntn uiu noil niiivin Jl (liorcrleN.Klour, l''ecil,Hilt,l''Nh.Iron,NaiNl t1Mi:iiVY. NUAhA I o. .'aleiHin Dry (loodi utc.,N, H, cov. Main and Maikct fcts. H H. MIU.KU MN. dealers In Dry lo O, tlrnci rles, cjucenbv, air, I lour, halt, Hboen( roiions, eic,,jiaiust, jriSOKLLANKOUiS. 0' lONKTAUI.IM DLANKSforfaalonl IheC'uM'Jt ni vn uuice. n m. ciiuiht: J. maker, Hhl ve's liloeic MaliiKtrttl, nW. IlOllHINM.IIiiuoi dralersi cond door ri iinrlhwekl eoiuer Main mid lioiifals, 1,1 .1. THOUNTON, WallPiiper, Window Mi. lit uud ttxtures, lluptrl block, Main st. n W. COllKI.Ii, Furniture. Itoonin, three ol..i VI' muck, Ainin nueei, webt oi iniiiitci hi. 1 1 llOHKNHTOClC.Photogrnplur, over ltoliblus i f Kiifi'tH punt', giaui he. H. KUIIN.dciilcrlnMeat,Tullow,rleCheni l ueriui a uuey, j carol Aliierican imum. H. UINOLKlt. denier In olnnos. nmans ntii iuelodconi,ni u, W.Coieli'fafiirnlltiio rooms rjAMllllI. JACOIiy.Marblo nnd llrown Htono liworus, Jiasi jiioombourclterwlck road, WM, ItAIIll, elcaler In furniture, trunks, coeler willow win e, near the Forks Hotel. CI FOSTHIt, (lino Maker, nnd WhttcTnuj rawy I, Taiiner,8eottoui. Ell. niDI.KMAN, Au-ent fur Munsou's Copper Tubular l.luhtuir.!; ltod. TOTi: HOOKS, and blank NOTlM.wltliorwlth w nui exemption, lor sale ni inu lvi.uuuia wiin, Light Street. UV. OMAN A Co.,WhcelwrlfihtM, llrftt door , ubovoUcliool House, 1011N A.OMAN, Mnntifactureraud dealerlu J Hoots und Hhoeji, It H. 1INT, dealer Hi Blovcs nnd Tiu waro lu ull tu blanches. nirrKlt F.NT, Miller, and duller lu all kind, or l iirnin, f lour, reeu. ac, ah uiiius oiuiant purelmud. Espy,' .1 1 a 1 F.ltK'ltlllAltD,4liuo..deaierrnD'ryUoodH, J)' Uroctrlcs.auducucralMcrcliaudUei, 1,'HPY HTKA M FI.0 U ItIN uTuLLHOH, Fowler, l!i Proprietor. ,1 D. WKltKIIUISFlt.IlootandHhoeHtoreiind inanurueioiy, HLop on Malu Htreet op- posiiu iuu nieuiu mm. W. KDCIAIt, Ha.qmhnuua Piauliiii Mill VOLUME V. NO. 3B. Oronfjovillo Dirootory, A n.';lH..,1l0.T'If;.c"l,t!ntcr.lld . Miiu ni() UUJUW i JU, U,i'KK ,A I'niiniNO, dealtr In Dry 'inlii f C ''"mu" anil etneral Mercl (Iood. Ti'i.".K J.'!.,.n't' rerreMmient Haloon, by JJ ltohr M'llenry cor.of Main and l'lncni. ' Dlt. ;'.A.:(IAU(ini,,riiyi,ielnnnn(lSnrgeon, Main licit door to Oood'd Hotel, DA VI I) IIHUUINII. Flour and Orlst Mill, nml Dealer In Krnln.MlllHtreel. ' taMimii iiaiimam ..i i" 7T. 7 J'deVlXr.' Sill 'in hi.V below l'lno?1"" " Vn' GCHUYMIU A CO..IronrouA7f:i, U nndM.mufacttiieinorplown.MlllHt, ' triLMAMli:r,ONO HhonnnlaTnti tiiviuur.ic- 1 1 iurt:roi iiriCK, AMtl Ml., WCHl of 1'uiO Cp.tnwisfln. I) If. DA I.I.MAN, Merrliiiiit Tailor, HI J J. Iti.ljliluw llulldllii;. IV'"1' '' ItOliniNH. Hiirucon nnd Physician l) Hecolul St., below Mnln. ptlillDUT A KMNII.drv Roods, croccrlcn, nnd m ceiii'iiu incrcnniiuiio, iluln Bliccl T 11., "CattftwlBui House," North f corner .Mniunna Meeomi mrreis. t Ki:il.i:il, Hlllnrd Haloon, OyHeru, nud lee . villi in ftt.lllll illlllll oi. M, 11UOI1HT, dealer hi Uencral Merchandise Dry (Joods, Groceries ftc, OUHQlTr.HANXA or Drtck Hotel, y. Kosten- n hailder Pmnrlittor Kimlh.i :ikt mini f Mnln nti1 Hecoml Street. WM... . Alino'lT, Atlonny at law, Main bt. Buck Horn. 1 O.A W. II. HlODMAK'Ut, dealers In dry lll.KOinlH, uioeerles nnd general lucrchaintlv . I Irnt ntoro In f.outiicnd ol town. Philadelphia Directory. JItJIIAllD.SON l;. WJUOIIY, J It. ATTOKNHY AT LAW, NO. IIS KOUTII SIXTH BTItnill', rmr.Aiini.i'iiiA an. l'71-ly 51. ICElMlKAltT, ij with 15AHNKH, IIIIO. it HKIUION, HATH, CAPrf, hTUAW OOOPS A FUIUI, No. Wl Market Hlrcet, (Abovo Fifth,) Pnir.AriEi.rmA. YAINWKIGllT & CO., wiiuixpam: okoci:h.s, N. i:. Comer Hccond and Arch btuets, PlItbADELlllIA, Dealers in Tl:AH, HVltUPH, COMTU, HUOAlt, SIOf.AS3tH uicr, bi'ices, r.i CAini boda, ac, dc. 40rders will receive prompt attention. may Business Cards. c. J1- IIUOCKWAY, . ATTOltXBY AT LAW, liLooMsniinn, i-a. 4IT'Ol-'rH'K Court Houso Alley. In the Co- U3IIU.IN IllllUlltl. IJlllll. UI. li. TUKNEll PHYSICIAK AND BUItOKON, m.OOMHllUUO, PA. Cli'itMri! over r.iitT.'s Ilrnf? Rlnrp. lleldono ai km Mleet. 1st door below liuv. D.J. Waller. ilicl'j'70. ATTUUliV AT 1 , lN()(lke. lloillltlis, llaile-l'jiy and Pensions collected. ltlooulhbilli; I'll, Hep.'JU'OT pOHKItT F. ULAHK, A1TOHNKY AT LAW, OlIlcoMalnKIreet below llio Court House, lihmiiihuuiK l'eim a. II. LITTLE, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Olllen rourt-Hnuin Allev. below lb" I'oI.IlM I N Olllco, Illooliisnurt! I'll, yKTKUINAHY. Into fit m (Jeimanv. olllrs his utrvlccs to tho puuiic an a ccituiuitM.i HOUSE AND COW DOOTOH, and nil olhcr aulinalK, forvhlch hN (harKen nm iiuiiurait'. no can niwavH vo lounueast moo ui Hi rwlck road, nearH. H.-iacouya Maruio iaru. iiiooinsouitf, Jiay i-, ia.iiy. 1' Us I I1V7I111 JUll J would nmioimco tn thcfltl7cnsof I'looms- and t-'oiunielo ahaortment of ii nr nml u in it v. ltmL tin hat utit luceiveu a mi Vi'AI.L rAVHlt, WINDOW HHADKH. ilXTCUIUS, COKDS, TASSELS, mul.iU other j;ood3iu Ills Hue of luiKlneRi. All tlio newest and most npCfved vntlrrns nl" the nay nio always 10 uo lounn in iim enaoiunmem. ma r.5,'ty-t MalnHt.UlowMarltct, Til US1NKSS GAUDS, JL J YlhlTINU CAHDH, LLTTCIt Hi:AD, dilIj iii;adm, n:oui:AMMi, l'OHTKKM, AC, ,ti . NVally uud Cliotiply Printcl from tho Utlent Hlylcs of Type at th COMJMllIAN OKKICh. JOOTS AND SHOES. CIjAKK M, JIKOW.N, MAIN STUEET, VNUtlt UUOWN'ii llOTi;!.. A lull and comnietn nssoitineut nf readv nnde boots Hint shiHstor Iupii. unnwu nml ehlMren j list liulMd and for saluat reasoiiablo tales. vniieiusio suiiaii ciasves or (iislonieis. 'Jin- tfStoi wo K 11010 iil short nctlr.' fii iictfto urn. uive mm acau. inn 171. JEW BTOVK AND TIN SHOP. SAIAH HAOENIHJCH, MaluHtrcctouodoor above H. ftil,ir-nhi.nL Sloie, A inro nssorimeni or Ktnves, Heaters and KauKC'i cousiaiiuy on nulla, anu for saio at the io esL iiiu'M. tnd saii(.racllou iruarnulcid. Tinnini; innii us nrancnescarcnniyaitendiidto, Tin work of all kinds wholesale, and retail, A iai is rcnuesuu, Jan 171 TVT K W GOAD Y A It D. i.- Tin: 1 iiudcrslLMHd rcNpocttully Inform the cttlrrns of lthKimsburi! and Columbia count v. that they J: ten all the uiiieriiiinunihers nl stove coal and selected lump coal tor smithing nurpn sis, on their wharf, adjoluluu M'Kclvy. Neat A Cos rurnncc; with 11 food alr of ItMttJlo scales on the wharf, to weljjh tiul, buy, nml sttaw I Ill;owlsfi a hotso and wagon, to ilellvor coal lo 1 innso who uesiro 11. as iney purcuasen large 1 amount orcoal.they Inteml tokcep a superior ur- I tlcle, and sell ut tho very lowest prices, l'lease can nnu examine ior yoursuiv neiore rnreuiu,' inif eisewhcie, J. w. HKNDKIUsHiiT. AIKHTHTIIH MASON. TIIE untloraltrnotl will tako In ox- Xchnutfo for Coal and Uroccrles, the followliu: oeTi ar'aVlTOoffiSr I'-Klin. ILy. (VI!.. tllA III0IIP1II. Ilkll 111 MU U, III. I T w iri.'UTii..iiuTtn.r JAllK CIIANOE. pneo 11174, cost , I.V.O. This sUpc,i,a ,llllrllm(,( rim rA i.t. Ki'ciiiiuoiinniit. & r...t In New York, nml had been bnipu "ow week."!. i.', iv i ii jfujri. nun iu event resiH'et Miual 10 n new piano. Terms posshKnivcukii in '.elviince. AddicssIor,onewcelt, """'"'" II. W. V(CIT1.I may 20'71-tr Munch Chuuk, l'a, pURLINO CIIEAH. lly usluir nils nrtl.lo tadles and (lentleinou fan Uuuiliy themselves u thousand fold. This '!...' "'"i'11 U'i will cull Miiuisui niiir. nnd at the same tlino ulvo lo It n beaullfnl npl luiaheo. It alio immolates, beaullrles aiid I' Causes. It eoll tin si, 1.1.1.II0.I n. In pniim Ih., hair lo curl any lenml, !,ms desired, rlent " "'"Al.i5KUTOWNHr.EY. Mlddlciowu. Admus CO.. Pa. septni-ciri, Miscollanoous. JTKW STOCK OK OLOTIIINQ. Kro3luurivul or HUMMHIt UOODH. IIAVII) JiOWKNlinwi Invlteii nttcntlnn to Ills ntock of cunAP and KABiiioNAiir.n AlbloKtaroou MniliMrecl, In HIiIvo'h l.loelt.nno eloor Wttti.' U. C, .Mnir'rt Htori', iiiooinniirt;, i'ii., wli""' no Inu Ju-.t received rrorn Now Vmk nml m,Mh fu 'Tl"ienl or ' " ,WIW,MW,B 'uursu, "icimiina llio most f.ifihlonaMo, durabln. Mid iiuiMisonio ikix.iuci;, iioc(.i,(ntM.ANi)oii..iii.oTii CHATHAM I l'ANTM. or nil notls,R?esandeolorii. Ho bnsnlsii reiden. iimi iim itiri'aiiy larto siiicie or f.M.I. AND WINTKUKHAW1X, hTUU'IIll, riUUItKD, AND I'l.AIN VM4TH HIIlltTH,CltAVATtl,HT()CKH. CUI.IiAltH IIA NllKl-.ItCHIHl'H, atwvix, BUSI'lINIlKlW, AND FANCY AUTIC1.1S1 lo conitnntly on hand n Inreii nnd wc11-bc. teici n-jsaruncni or CLOTIlil AND VlaTINOH, which bo U prepared to nlako to order lulonnv klud "f tlotblnif, on cry nbort notice, nnd In ll.e -best manner. All his cicthln In made to wear, mm .mint ui uinoi noino iiianiu.ictnre. tlOUH WA10IIE.S AND JUWCUY, oi every description, fluo and cheap. Ills enso ot Jewelry Is not surpassed lu th!s;plaee. Call and examine hlspcncral aeorlincnt of CLOTniNO, WATCHUS JKWPUIY, AC. J-1"1'71 DAVID UnVKNIiKUO. . ii. MiLi.r.n a bON, havo rcmovodlhclrBlorolotho room fonnerl -viuuu uj.ivimeniiaii.on jiain Btreel. It iuiiin. buitf, marly opposite tho nnkcoiial rimtn, whrio they uio dctci mined ti.eMonainHMlrniif U nns r.s can ho h ocuicd cl:.o w he re. Thlt r slock (ii'iitrlbti hADlli' DliHKM (JOODH o! thocholcoRt MyIeiniMl latest f:uhloim,f.;t r with nlaryo UAKounient nf Diy (hhlH and lint, ccrlos.conslstlnnof tho nllowtnjr i rth'lin t aipeti, Oil Cloths, CtthB, Canli K-rr-i, HIiiwIh, Klatnit-'H, SllllH, Vlillo h,i,dh, l.tueiis, H(wp BkirtH, M iisUijs, UolloWWKlO Cedars are tjucenswaro, UnidwaiP Hoots and BhocH, liats and dps Hoop Notfi, UmhrellAfi, XiOoklng-dla'JHo, Tobacco, VotKo, WU;arn, Trip, ltlcn, Allspico, Ulncor, Cinnamon, Nutme;: and 'ooK (ihnkuaui.y. in unoii, cvcryinicK ntnaliy keit In rvmntru wincn thoy i,.vtt tm fti tentltoi oftho public generally. Tho highest price will lo paid ror country rroJ'ice m exchange for rooxIh. H. if, Mlf.LKH.VKO.V. 1tlM.ll.i.t.1ll ! npr571-:f q c. m a n n Iiavojustrccclved from tho eastern markeU n larRo and well selected stock of D It Y 0 O O D H , 00N8IHTIN0 UK Cni-sliin-rs, JeaiiK, Heft blenched A llrown MusllnH, CllcOt)H, Thklniis, Tahlo Linens, Cotton .t AH wool flamicN, AC,, AC,, A; good stock of lAdlcH dress Knf'N, liUtiwt slylcH a patterns. Hplcesi ornll klnda, (lood stock Krorerks, liucensware, Slono ware, Wood A willow ware, l-'lour A Chop, AKoKltchfti Crystal Bonp for cKanltij; 'I in llrafi.Ae, All goods sold cheaji for cash or pro duce. Ho would call tho attention of buyers to his well and ou utility selected assortment which comprise everything usually kept In the couu try, fecllhu confident that ho can sell them goods nt Mich pilceR s will f-usurc satlsfticllon, Jau I 71 If CO MAHU. JOHN 0, JACOHY'S HAKKHY AND CO N KECT ION K H Y ! HKHWICK', 1'KNN'A. Tho imdeikieiu il would n siirrl full v liffoini tho Ciil7i'us ol Ueiwlek, and lelulty, that ho nas opeueu u luimctiuncry nnu lianery in ODD riXLOWri' JIAL1., IMwhk.r.i, whero ho Is prepared to furnish all kluds 01 1'IiAlN AND FANCY CANDICH, FUUNCH CANDII-S, l'OHKHlN AND DOMCHTIO KUUITM OHANOHH, I,1:M0NH, KAIHINH Ac., Ac, Ac, Ac, BY WHOLESALE AND II ETA 1 1- Afiinii" thn nssoitincnt will ho found Crcnn: beilN. nits, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, JellleH of ilillcr- ent lilhtlrt. AtiiKluid. Cat sun. ritk es. t.'hoeo ale Cnuntd Km It of all kinds. Corn Stiiuh, JVC Ills cult, Hoda Cinclteis, Ulster Crackers, Chu'sc, Hoap, WillUiu l'a per, Agutnuul I'apus, ten EISII AND OYSTEHS, And m-oduco of all kinds. Knsh llrcad an Cakis every day. liu Cuamlu iSeasou, Voui patrouao is boiic-iteu. JUIItl II, '11 I . Ilorwlclc, Jan 171-tv QONFK G T IONKHY, Tho nnilcrslKUCM would respectfully autiotu.t 10 inu puuiiu iiiui on iihn openeu a riltST-CLAHS CONriXTIONKUY HTOItl-:, in thahulIdlnelAtelr occupied by Vox A Wet wuuiu ne is prepared lo luuitui uti kinds of I PLAIN A KANOY CANDIlH, WIUNCII OANDIF.S, FOUKION & DOMI'.STIU FltUITH, NUXU,1U1SINH,AC.,40.,AU. BY Wl OZ.BS A L R On IlKTAIL. 111, niiiiii. n 11111 lunioriineni oi ull ifuoos his lino or business, a ureal variety or DOIiI.B, royfl, e If1" 11,8 "0lWay'- VMUmUit "nM" 11HKAD AMD UAKKH, I or nil kinds, fresh every day. lOHllIHTMAB CANDIKH, U1IIHTHAU TOYU, A rail Is solicited, and .atbmictlon w lEtluranlcee). Jttll Pil-ly KCK11AHT JACOIIH JN BUltANOE AGENOY WynmlntE itttna h Fulton N. Y - North America ... 1211.000 1,11110,0110 1'io.uu miy.. 4W,(H10 I KSSnv I Merchants International N.Y... l.OH.uo NhiearuN. Y..... J.HXi.U) Merchant iki.ln) I MrlnDt1a.l ?tVmK$ IwnOTii" n"y S A?l,LnJi'liv V ' ' " """ Xl I 1Ua"X t.liy...... : .OO.0tW I Atlautlo N Y Vwm ". V UW I rEAH UUUWN, Aatnt. 1 mr3l'71-ly, iiloohbbuiiQ J' BL00MSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER BuBiucrjfj Card. JIiOOJI FEltHY. llio Illoom Ferry cnmiinny linn bail It flail anil boats tbnroiihly reriilreil nml h now In nblo lionr. Tim timlerHluni'il will bo In nllcn elanenatany tllno to wait uimn cmliincr at rail. 'nilinevs in no nil lixnnl frrrvlm. nl nnv vr.nntt. lirl'lTl-ly JOHN O, (JUIflC. A Hl'LE N I) 1 1) 1: i, 1: s t 1: o u fs x with two suit itni:iis ATiintii: moi-h, n be bought for 41 Ml) nt i. w. Nir.i, IMntm W'llfl.l'ru.lrtu tinnf- l.'..rl.u I f rnnyI77l-Cin. 3 i-oojisiiima MAitm.K woukh. (HJN'ION A HTKKM, (Sueeesfcors to A. Wltninn,) ltinbrdliilly liifiitin Ibo Mil.llo Hint thev nrn ow fully Miimieil In .In nil kinds of woik In iilr lino of liimlneiis, upon teiiKonublii lenns l shot l nolle e. Hutliriiclliiii Miirrnnled In nil Uan,lX'71.y A1KIAINS 1IAIIUAIN8. qtllC'lv MAI.m A Nil KMAI.l. fKOriTS. HAVK votm moni:v. (lo In !:H ninomsburi!, Pa , ror nil kinds of Ibo best houio and city iniulo r II 11 M I T II H 13 . Prices lensol:ab!o niul tin. l,it u-n.L .lr.n Jaul'71-tf gUAltPLESS A 1IAUMAN, in consideration or tearing down our woiks Id rcbUlhlmff Which Will hit rnininrnreil virv soon wo nro, olh-rliiE; plown, sloven, du.. nt greatly reduced prices. 11. K. HHAlll'LKfiS A 1. H. IIAUMAN, doonisbUrir. l'a. I'mnrlAlnm nr.Itf.'o'Mf. s ATE 11 O O F I N G, evmr V A It I E T Y MOST EAVOlluil.E HATES, OI1N THOMAH. An CAHPKU J. THOMAS IOH.1T77. TUnnmBliiifi.. 1'il MAUAZINKS, DAI LYA WKEICliY l'An:HS Ol'ALD KINDS tiii: 11001; stoiii: ori'osiTETiiK cout.T nousK. A No an amorlment of Porteinonnalci, Dasn toiis fiiiii Ateount hooks, consmntiy on hand. hLh not on hand ohlilnrd on kIhh t iinllcn. New Hooks aro ronslantly bcln addeil to tho loomsimri; i;ireuialliHi jahraiy." A1H01114 tho t ant "(Inllt nml 1 niMH-f licit " "MiJ in., Hlr Harry," " Hot Hpur of Huinblelhwall," nod jiennum," ric. apr 'Jf,'7l li J-KW OUQAN AND PIANO W AIlliHUUMHi oltAs a I'IAnos rou sai.k on inhtallmknts. Inn r.S from nil first. rlnvH mnlcnra frnm fT'Jltn tltux). OrKnns from f 50 to A splendid Oruan "(lave, z set rtcus, nnti iiemlo Willi paneled Hack Walnut Case, onlv ClS.U). KImpIo reid. same ease as above, S10). I havo made arrange ments to huvo the latest music on hand as soon as published. Ten hers supplied atreuior dis count. Warcrooms, Main street, near Corks lotol. tf. I. W.NIMX. pilKSTKK S. KUItJIAN, HAUNI'-SS, BA1)DI,B, AND THUNK MANUKA CTUUrit, I dealer In cauw:t-ijaoh, valihkh, kly-nitih, 1!LFt'AI.O KOIirS, JlOKaiC-lil.ANKKTS Ac, ilch ho feels confident ho ran srllaL lowrr rato than any other person in the i-muty, Kx- Shop opposllo tho Post Olllco, Main f-tnet, oonisimru, l'a. iVHJT. 0, IWO. D E N T I X T It Y . 11 u, iioWi:u, di;ni j.-)i. Hexpcet fully oilers his professional services lo tlin ladles and gentlemen of HIoomOiuiHand vl ully. Ho is prepared tnaltend to all tho varl ousoperallouu in tho line or bis pron-sslon, nnd pioviueu Willi uioinifHWiuproveu i'okcki.ain ktii w uicii win lo niherieu 011 koiu pi.iiing ver ft ml rubber baso to look as well as tho 11 at al teeth. Teeth extracted by alUhoncwanif st approved methods, and all operations on teeth rnrelnllvniiil tironoilv nttcudeil to. Residence, nnd olllcy a few doors ahove the Court House, same side. juoomtuurc jan.i'71 ly fl h O 11 E MUTUAL MPK INSUIIANCE COJII'ANY o jr NEW YOH1C. Iny Fieeinan, President, II, c. Ficeninn,l-eo Casli capllal over J,ooo,ii,all paid. II. ItOr.ISON, 1U.005IRUU110, l'A UF.NKUAr, Afll'NT, For I.urcruc, Lycoming and t'olunibla rouutlcs. AUK.SO.'tiD. JiXCUIANCiE IJAKEltY A N 11 0 ONKECTION E It Y , 11I.OOMH11U1UI, PA. Tho unileihli'ned. succcssois of I-'. Wldmer onld lesneetlullv nunoiinco Hint thev liaie akeu Ihn wclbestabllshctl slaml recently oceu- tut liy I lie) nbovo luinieu, in lUooniKiiurtr, nml it.iifiii'ii lo i-niitfntio Uio liu.lnos or 111 11 nu fun. mini' ami kclllns;, by Vi'iiolehaia: and kctah., mfiellonerv or eifrv otllo nnd kind. Also. bey will liavont all tlinesft complclo sunplvol In. best nml liesbeht lllllldliud I'llke. l'arlle'S di slrlne; itiothiiii; in llilsllno will liud it toll.elr iivauiau 10 cuuon 111. AN ICE CItEAJI SALOON s added tn tho establishment, mid ladles and tin is w ho mnv naiionie in. m;iv re v noon tinii t (I'pli hur rtui 1 1 nf tf nt loll. A rr ii,nimliln linro ofruhii't liatronat'oisnspeeiiuiiysoiKiti llaspbeiry. Lemon, nnd either Hymns, In larj lid small tnianiuits, eoiiMnuuy on nanu. IUAJKI.K A bTKC KCKI.L. May 5. 1S7I. xv jj g. ii 0 w 1: it, is.openeun nrr.i-e.un DOOT, BUOK, HAT CAP, AND FUK HTOHU at tho old stand on Main Street, lUoomsburg.aruw ItllKaOOVO IUULUUO limiH', 11 IN M.IH U let COII1' iMseitoflho very laiesinnu nesisiyies ever oihn I'comniodato tho public with tho followlnccoods ai inuiowebi luii'H, juph u ur.ivy iiouuiu soieu sti.ya boots, lnetriiuouuio anu single tap soled kin boots, men's heavy stoga shoes ofntl klmls. men's lino boots and shoes ol all grades, boy's IIOUUIU NOK'U UUU1H llIHI,UIH- UI Ull U.1IU1K, lUPU I glove Kill uaimorai siioeM,uitn's, women's, uoys'i nml iuUki-h' IukLIiil! milters, women's ulovo ki. polish veiy Uno,w omen's moroeeo llaliuoialsani! calfshoes, women's veiy lino kid buttoned gall ers. in snori ooota oi an uesiiipnous ikjiii ptg ged nml sewed. 111 ent or ATH, CAPtJ.FUKM AND NOTIONS, which cnmnrtseii all tlio new nnd roimini vuri. e ties nt prlees whle h e-anuot bill to suit all. These goiMii 1110 ouerea ai uio lowtsi euMi raieri aim will bn gumautued toghe tatisfiicllou, A call Is solleltid hefoio tunchaHlug elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains are to be found liiaiiai nny muer piuco iu mo couiuy. Hotels. Montoui; nousi: ltUPKUT, PA. WILLIAM IlUTLKIt, Pioprletor, ThlsUousoh.ivlnghcen put In thorough icpnlr Is now open for Ibo leceptlou of guests. N pains win uo upaicuin ensuro inttpiireci com itri en viio iraeii'is. j no rronrietor solicits share of mihllo mitioiiiiL'p. 'ihu bar win I stock Oil at all times with line liquors uud clears. Jlllll n JJENTON HOTEL. W. P. PIATT, Proprietor, IIOTON, COI.UMUIA COUNTY', PA, This will known House having been put li ,ii..iuuii ,1-,'ui, in .I... (,,ivii mi mo reeepiiiui vlsltois. Nu pains havobeeu spare'elluensu tho periect eeimrort or em sis, The propiletor lilsollllisuBtaue fiuiu tbuJIotel to lllisiinsburif and tlileruieilliite ihiIiiIs on Tuisday, Thursday uud Haturday of melt week, jau Plsfl rjTIlE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMIUA COUNTY, PA. The undersliinoit would Inform Dm irnwillttt riUbllo that ho bos taken the above named eslnb Ishmeiitaml thorouutily rctltled llio same 101 tho perfcci;conenle-ncuof hlsitucsts. Ills larder will bo stocked Willi Hie best tlio market atlords. The choicest liquors, wines aud cigars always lo uu luuuu IU ins oar, WILLIAM PKTT1T. .n P7I Kspy, Pa, Poetical. l-'or tho Columbian, Hnpjitltosx. I1V LAUHACII. Hapmsi i-nrth's Joys aro llctllnu, Poknii'im aro her fn In test llowcr.1, All her .Tulles nro clnmed hy nndnoss, Fraught with cloudd her miiinlcst hours t Trantentnll her wealth and nr lendor, Rnon ljf r palaces decay. And her hopes, nh ( Klrycmtl m, At her feit, In lulnslay. I r a I'i'i hmH-nouuht but thy sha tow Hhhiison this Urrestlal sphere, lint th n art radio it In tho he.ivens, Unalloyed by pnlu,or Tont Aye, llii.u'rtsonrliu; hldi lu nlory, Wrltlin nu enth aiiKet facoj (JlorloiH I in press of Jehovah, Kssdirnof tho (JavIouiN nraen, Hai'i im 11 thnn'rt hero thn Imp rs Join in nnn lmrmoulous lone, Where tlm lUhur.cryNlat waters llublio irotn .Tl1io ah's throiiot Whole tho hloivl washel throiia ate slncln;: Hoff tut lowlltetrcidcnco hwm t, Ami In roben of spotless Rlory, Ho.r 'rinind thoHavlour's feet. HAriiNrs-I know I'll find Iheo, Whui my Havlour bids mo come, Thoiisn I'v i.trthlv tleo to hlud me, Yit I'm ltiugluB for my home. LohkIiij; for that bliss Immortal, Whero tlio w tnrled are at reit, And like f.t.orod John reclluliu, Happy va tho Saviour's breast, Inilhis-'iniic. IIY (IE0KUK COOPKIl. When st 1. tows lengthen on tho plain And leave avo scarlet tu tho sun ; Wluneoivs au lowlnsln tho line, An J eoailns liomowardono by one When mlts aro tangled lu tho trees That thorlvers hank ; And farmers chat and tako their ease, And shin hit; palls go "clink and elnnkj" That's mllklus.tlmo. When puss and I'ldo linger round, And run beslilo tho tlalry.matds ; When cite Hn-i swallows skim tho r round, And ou thocave;! makosuddiu rAlds ; Win n r.jsy girls u ditty shin, Aiidsfj'ilrrels hide lu leafy honioj And cto-swlsojets go l'plii;j nnd pint ' And pnlU nio heaped with creamy hum : That's mllklng-llmu. When llltlu ouos nro tired with play, And In Ihu corners blink and nod ; When katydids aic loud nud gay, And wetted grows tho chilly sod ; When stars aro fow nnd faintly glow, And .uikiug ilrctlles gather fast, I.lko drifted ilakea ol golden snow ies hey for homo; tho hour U past 1 For mlll;lng-tlmo t Miscellaneous. Till: 'i:W IIKECIIKU CHL'KCII. 11Y MAP.K TWAIN. Ifthollov. Jlr. Smith, or tlio Itnv Mr. Joiips, or tlio Hcv. Jlr. llrown wcro nlioitt to Imild a now churched! lice, It would lio projected on thosamo old pntlcrn, nnd bo lil;o pretty much nil tho other churches in tho country, find ?o I would naturally mention It as a new rrcsuyieri.m cnurcii,or a new Methodist church, or a new JJ,nH! oi.nroi, .i -ti 1'iini: ol1 calfiiif? It y tho iiastorM namo; hut when a lleecher projects a church, that edifice ucMWftrlly Koiiit,' to Lo soniotliliifT entirely fie.ih ami oricinal : It la not colntr to Lo Ilko any other church In tho world ; it Is Koinr to ho as varlcsa ted, eccentric and marked with as po uliar mid hlrlklnj; nn Individuality as a lleecher himself ; ItisKoln; lo havo a leal moro lleecher iu it than nny ono narrow creed can flt into without rat tllnc, or any ono arbitrary order of architecture can symmetrically enclose tnd cover. Consequently, to call It mply a ConsreKtiUonal church would not glvo half an idea of tho thlni,'. There is only ono word hroad enough and wldo enough and deep cnouf-h to tako in tho whole nil'.tlr and express It clearly, luminously and concisely and that is Jlccelicr. Tho projected edifice) I nm about to speak of is, therefore, prop erly named iu my caption as a new llecclicr Church." Tho projector is tlio Uov. Thomas K lleecher brother of tho other ono of course I never knew hut ono needier that wncn't, and he was a nephew. The new church is to bo built in Elmlra, N. Y., whero Jlr. 11, 1ms been preaching to ono and tho taino congregation for tlio last rlxlccn years, and Is thoroughly Cbteomcd and beloved by his people. I huvo had opportunity to hear all nbotit the new church, for I havo lately been vlsiling in Elmlrn. Now, when olio has that disease which gives Its possessor tho titlo of humorist," ho must mako with lo his statement?, or else tho public will not Iji llt'vo him. Therefore I makcsolcnm oath that what I am going to tell about the new church is tho strict truth. The main building fur Micro nro to be three, massed together Iu a l.irgo gr.i- y squato oruaiiienleil Willi quuo ti foi'ist ofsliatlo trees will bo theehureli proper. It will bo lolly, In order to se cure good ulr and ventilation, Thenud- itorum will bo c treuUir an amphithea tre, a fler llio orellnary pattern of an oinra house, without galleries. It is to nit a thousand persons, On ono sldo iv ono end If you clioos-e), will bo nn ample, rnlsid platform for tlio minis ter, tlio learhalf of which will bo occu pied by tho organ and tho choir, llo ftiro tho minister, will bo tho circling amphitheatre of pews,tlio llrt thirty or furly on tho level floor, and llio noxt rlilng In graduated tiers lo tho walls. Tho bents on tho levol floor will bo oc cupied by tho nged nnd inflrin, whoc.ui enter tho church through n hall under tlio Hpenkcr's platform without climb lug nny stairs. Tho peoplo occupying tho raised tiers will enter by a dozen doors opening Into tho church from it lobby llko an opera houso lobby, and descend tho various alios to their places. Incasoofflro or earthquakes, these numerous exists will bo convent cut and useful, No spaco Is to bo wasted, Under tho raised tiers of pews nro to bo stnlU for horses and carriages, so that theso may bo sheltered from sun mid rain. Tlioro will bo tVciily-fuur.of thcao stalls, each stall to bo entered by an urcliof ormv mental masonry no doors to open or shut. Consequently tho butsldo base oftho church will havo n formidable port-holed look, llko a man-of-wor. Tlio stalls nro to bo so mailed with "dcadonetv'uml so thoroughly plastor. cil, that neither bound nor smell can ascend to tho church and olfend tho worshippers. Tho horses will bo lu at tcmlauco nt tho church but an hour or 8, 1871. UOIj. two nt rt tlmo, of course, and can defilo tho stalls but llttlo; an Immcdlato cleansing nftcr tliry Icavo la to set nil right again. Tiicro la to bonoslieploon tliochurch merely becanso no practical uo can lio mado of II. Thcro is lo bo no bell, becaiisonny ig noramus knows what Umo church scr vlco begins without that exasperating nuisance. In explanatl6u of this ro mark, I will stalo that at homo I stirrer In tho vicinity and under tho distract- ng clangor or thirteen church bells, nil of whom (Is thai right?) clamor al once, nml no two in accord, A largo pait of my most valuable tlmo is tniten up In lovi.;!g cruel nnd unusual sufferings and In fancy Inflicting them on thoso bell-ringers and having n good tlmo. Tho second building Is to bo less lofty that tlio church: Is to ho built right tlio rear ofll, mid cotnmunieato with It by a door. It Is lo havo two stories. On tlio first floor will bo tlirco listinct Sunday school looms all large, but ono considerably larger than tlio other two. Tlio Sunday e ehool connect ed with Mr. liecclier's church hns al ways been a "graded" one, and each department singularly thorough In its grade of instruction j tho pupil wins his advancement to tlio higher grades by linrd-won proficiency, not by mero ad ded years. Tho largest of tho Ihrco coinpattmenls will bo used as tlio main Sunday school room, nnd for tho week day evening lecture. Tlio wiiolo upper story or this largo building will bo well lighted and ven tilated, nnd occupied wholly as a play room for tho children of tho church, and it will stand open nml welcomo to them through all tlio week-days. They can 1111 it with their playthings If they choose, nnd besides it will bo furnished wlthdiimb-belis.mvliigv'oeklnglior.scs and all such matters ns children delight in. Tho Idea Is to mako n chi d look upon u church as only another home. nnd a sunny one, rather than as a dis mal cxlloov a prison. Tlio third building will bo less lofly than tho second ; it will adjoin tho rear of the second, and communicate with It by a door, or doors. It will consist of Ihrco stories. Llko tliu other two buildings, it will cover considerable ground. On tho first floor will bo the "church parlors," wiicro tho usual so cial gatherings or modem congregations aro held. On tho same floor, and open ing into tho parlors, will bo n reception room, nud also a circulating library afrce library not simply rrco to Un church membership, but to everybody, Just as is tho present libraiy of Jlr. Ueeciiei's church (and fow libraries are most extensively nud moro diligently and gratefully used than this one.) AltQ on tile first flnnr niwl!.,t tflg Willi Uio parlors, will bo tell It not lu Oath, publish It not inAsknlonl six Lath rooms hot and cold water fteo tickets issued lo nny applicant amoug Ibo unclean or tho congregntioul Tlio idea Is sound and sensible ror this reason : Many members of all congre gations havo no good bathing facilities, and nro not ablo to pay for them nt tho barber- shops without feeling tho ox- petite j nnd yet a luxurious bath Is n thing that all civilized beings greatly enjoy and derlvo healthful bcnclltrrom. Tliochurch buildings aro to bo heated with steam, nnd consequently tho wnsto steam can bo very Judiciously utilized In tho proposed bath-rooms. In speak ing of this bath-room project, I havo re vealed a stalo secret but I never couhl keep ono of any kind, stnto or other wise. Even tho cnngiegallou wero not to know of this mailer; tho building cominitteo wero to leavo it iinmcntlon ed In their report ; but I got hold of It and from a member of that committee, too and I lind rnllier part with ono of my hind legs than to keep still about it. Tho bath rooms aio unquestionably to bo built, and to why not tell It? In thn second story of tills third building will bo tho permanent re-i-denco of tho "church missionary," a lady who constantly looks nfler tho poor nnd sick or tlio i hurcli ; nlso a set f lodging nnd living rooms for tlio Jan itors (or Janilresses?) -for thoy will bo women, Mr. lleecher holding that wo men nro tidier and more efficient in such a position than men, nnd that they ought to dwell upon tho picmiscs nnd gh'o them their undivided care; also on (his second floor nro to bo six rooms o do duly as a church infirmary for tlio Ick poor of tlio congregation, this littrch having always supported nnd aketi cam of Us own unfortunates in stead of leaving tlieni to tho public charily. In tho Infirmary will bo kept ono or two water-beds (for invalids whoso pains will not allow them to lie on a less yielding substance,) and half dozen reclining Invalid-chairs on wheels. The water-beds and Invalid chairs at present belonging to tho church nro always In demand and nover out of service. Part of tlio nppttrtcnan ces of thu now church will boa horse and nn easy vehicle, to bo kept and driven by n Janitor, nnd used wholly for giving tho church's Indigent Inval ids nlr and exercise. It Is found that such nu establishment is dully needed so much bo, indeed, as to almost amount to n church necessity. Tlio third story of this third building Is to bo occupied ns tho chinch kitchen. nnd It Is sensibly placed aloft, bo that tho ascending nosonnd boardlng-houso smells shi.K go up and nggravnto tho birds Instead of tho saints oxcopt such of tho latter as nro nbovo tho clouds, and thoy can easily keep out of tho way or It, no doubt. Dumb-waiters will carry tlio food cfottvi to Uio church par lors Instead of up. Why Is It that nobody has thought of tho simple, wis dom of this nrrniigoiiient beforo? Is it for a church to step forward nnd tull us how to get rid of kltchon smolls and noises? irit bo nskod why the now church will need a kitchen, I remind tho reader of tho Infirmary occupants, etc. They must eat; and besides, social gatherings oi members of this congro gallon meet nt tho church parlors ns often as tlirco mid fourovrnlngsu week, nnd sow, drink ten, ond g . G It commences with tf, I think, but somehow I cannot thluk of tho word, Tho now "church parlors will bo largo, DEM. - VOL.:XXXV NO. 2P. and It Is Intended that Ihosodoclal gath erings shall bo promoted ami encourag ed, and that thoy shall tako nn added phasa, viz: when sovemir.unllicswnnt lo indulgo in a llttloro-unlon, nndhnve not room In their (mall houses at home, thoy can havo it lu tho church parlors. You will iiotlco in every foaturo of thl now church ono predominant Idea and purpose always dsecrn)blo!-tlio band ing togother of tlio congregation as n fumlly, and tho making of the church it. hnmc. You sec it In tlio playroom, Urn library, tho parlors, thj lullu, Uio In firmary It Is everywhere. It is thn great centra). To entirely consummato nucha tiling would bo Impossible with nearly nny other congrpjiaUoii in the Union; but nfter sixteen years of moulding and leaching, Mr. lleecher lias made it wholly posilblo and practi cable with tills one. It is not Btrclch Ing metaphor too far to say that ho is tho father of his pcopl", and his church their mother, ir tho now church project Is a curios ity, It is still but an inferior curiosity compared to tlio plan of raising the money for it. Ono could havo told, with ills eyes shut and or.o hand tleti behind him, that it oiiginated from n lleecher I was going to soy wltii n lunatic, but tlio eucccss of tho plan robs mo of the opportunity. When It was decided to build a now church cdlfico at a cost of not less than 510,000, nor moro than 550,000 (for tho membership Is not tlirco hundred nnd fifty strong, aud thoro aro not six men In It who can sliictly bo called rich,), Mr. lleecher gnvo to ench member a' priutcd circular enclosed In nticnvclopo prepaid and ntldrosscd to himself, to bo returned through tho post office: (CONl'IPKNTIAl.. It Is proposed to build n mectlns-honso and niber lfioms for tho uso oftho church. To do thin worlc hnnc-lly and veil, It is proposed Ui rpenil one year In raUlm r. part or Iho liioncyfn niirniiee, nml in gclllnc; plans nud making con tracts. 1 year plain and mntrncN, Apr. 1, 1171 lo 173 ii'iiiu nun r iver m iiua u is.-l nlasler. Ilnlsli A furnish lR7.1tols7l pay ror in full ft dedtmlo " 1871 tn 1S71 - It Is proposed to expend not less than lia.nol nor moro Ihnn J.iO.COft according to tho ability shown by the returns of tboo cards of confiden tial subscription Any member of tho church and congregation, or any irlend of Iho church Is nlloweel nnd Invlteii to subscribe, llut no one is urfc-cd. T. 1C. IirxCHEK, Tastor. To help build our incctlnrj-homc, I think that I shall be able to give Not less than 3 and not moro than f llucli jonr for four years, brulnhlng Apill 1 Or I can mako In ono payment 3 Trusting In tho Lord to help me, I hereby sub scribe tho snmo as noted nbovc. Name Ucsldonce Tho subscriptions wcro to bo wholly voluntary nnd strictly confidential; no ono was to know the amount of a man's RllbsprJnllnn evnont hillljolf ,npi! Ibo minister; nobody was urged to glvo anything at all ; nil wero simply lnvit ed to givo whatever sum they felt was right nndjtist, from ten cents upward, and no questions asked, no criticisms mado, no rcvcalmcnts uttered. There was no possible chanco for glory, for oven though n man gave his wholo for tuno nobody would over know It. I do not know when anything lias struck mo as being so Utopian, so absurdly ro mantic, so ignorant, on its face, of hu man nature. And so anybody would havo thought. Partlrs said that Mr. Beccher had "educ-ited" his' people, and I bat oach wovld glvo as ho private ly felt able, and not bother nliont tho glory. I believed human nnltiro to bo a moro polont educator than nny min ister, and that tho rrailt would show II. llut I was wrong. At tho ond of n month or two, soma two-thirds of tho circulars had wended back, ono by ono, to tho pastor, silently nnd secretly, through tho post office, niul then, with out mentioning tho namo nf any glvor or the amount of his gift, Mr. Bcechor announced from tho pulpit that all tho money ncetlcel was pledged tho certain amount being over $45,000, and tho posslblo amount over $.'iH,000I When tho remainder of tho circulars havo como In, It Is confidently expected and bolloved that thoy will r.dd to these amounts a sum of not les3 than $10,000. A great many subscriptions from chli dren nnd worklngmen consisted or cash enclosures ranging from n ten cent cur rency stamp up to flvo, ten una fifteen dollars. As I raid before, tho plan of levying tho building tax, and the suc cess of tho plan, nro much moro curious and surprising than tho exceedingly curious cdlfico tho money is to create. Tho reason the moueys aro lo bo paid In four annual Installments for that fs tho plan is, partly lo mako tho pay ments easy, but chiefly becauso tho church is to bo substantially built, mid its several parts allowed timo to settlo and season, each in Its turn. For in stance, thosubstructuros will bo allowed a good part of tho first year to settlo and compact themselves, nfter complo lion ; tlio walls tho second year, and so fortli and so on. There is to bo no work dono by contract, nnd no uuseas onod wood usod. Tho materials nro to bo sounil and good ; and honest, compe tent, conscientious workmen (Beecher says thcro aro such, tho opinion or tho world to tho contrary notwithstanding,) hired at full wages, hy tho day, to put them together. Tlio nbovo statements nro all truonnd gcnulno, according to tho oath I havo nlreudy mndo thereto, nud which I nm now about to repeal beforo a notary, in legal form, with my hand upon tho Book. Consequently wo nro. going to havo at least ono scuslblo, but very, very curious church in America. I am nwaro that I had no business to toll all those mattors, but tho roporter Instinct was strong upon mo and I could not holp. And licsldos they wore In everybody's moulh In Elmlra, nny wuy. llui'PAl.0, June, 1871. Two or three wcoks ogo wo published a notlco to tho effect that ronstod on ions nppllcd to tho pulso would rollovo tho toothacha : and .requwstcd any nno trying it to make report. Yesterday morning wo rccolvod u noto from lady, stating that sho implied tuo rem edy to tho wrist of her s on on Thursday night, and in ten mlnu les tho pain ceased. ITho remedy lsjcertalnly worth Urying, aTantuclxt Iw lrtr. KATR8 OP ADVEIITISINH. One Inch, (Iwclvo line, or lit equivalent In Noiifarcll typo) one or Iwo Insertion., 81.60 llircoinrtlon,J.oo. urArn, OnoncJi..... lu. ...12.60 .... 3,'ii) .... 0,00 2u. 6.0U 7,00 8m. il.Ml 7,00 9,00 11,00 11,00 aioo 10,1)0 OH. IT. ,C0 (10,00 9,1X1 15,00 13,00 18,00 17,00 SS.00 VO.TO 80,00 30.11 00,00 00,00 100,00 "yo IneliuN, rourin(.).eR jfrt ftftrt (iaarlcolnniii..lo,00 12,00 llnlfcolfh,,, ,3M 18W) Ono colninn, mm , , ., Jlxociitxir'H Admlnlittiator'fl ttiittce, tvo Auditors or Anlw,., Notice, t2,5(,. i-ocni notiecd, len-y;,,,, ,., Card lntlie"Iliilne)M,trr,01.yM(J0limilwo per ytnr for tlio firm twoSinen.aml Jl.oo for each additional line. Marly ItlslngX Tl'o London Spectator denies that early rising Is really bcnouelal. Tho truth is, that Into rising In civilized countries Is not tho rosultclther of Idfo ness or fashion, or contempt for hygi enic laws, but of ft linhlt based partly upon tho social system of division of labor. It is very inconvenient for any society which Is In any way luter-do-pendent to vary Its tlmo of rising with tho sun, nnd It thoreforo selects a rough moan tlmo nt which for tho greater part nt tho year thoro will bo n decent ineasuroordnyllght. In England that tlmo is not live, or anything ilko flvo, but between eight nnd nlno; and, ac cordingly, tho majority of peoplo who can do ns they llko polect Hint tlmo for rising, nml so enable thcmelvis to act wllli Komothlng llko concert. Thoy can nil go to business nt once, lnttrnd nf wasting hours In waiting for oach oth er, nn 1 nil llnlslt nt once, Instead of mrdonlng tho wholo class of assistants, cleric, fcc, with different nnd vnriablo hours. Moreover, thoy cau all go coin fortobly t work, that Is, can econo mize) their stroogth to tlio utmost, .and avoid acute discomfort utinecOiSdrlly Incurred Involving loss of mental power. Iu England, for eight months in tho year, curly hours lnvolvo discomfort great enough to bo positively Injurious if not to health, nt all events to men tal seronlty. Chillis not healthy, nnd early hours In that citmato nro chilly and damp, unmitigated by fire, nnd tin- soothed by food nnd coll'ec, uons of these nllovlnllons being procurable ex cept nt tho cost of '.diminished sleep for tho whole caste of servants, who, as It Is, need fomowhat moro tlmo for rest than their imp-tors, and obtain snmo what loss. This might bo corrected, no doubt, by everybody retiring much earlier lo bed ; but the only cll'ect of that change would bo to shorten tho tlmo for rc3t nud recreation, which Is much loo short nlroady. Uudcrthoox lstlng system, tho professional classes can, If they llko, work stendily eight hours n day under tho circumstances best calculated to ccouomlzo effort, and yet retain eight hours for food, society and rending, and eight hours for eleop. The Date, or the Crutillctlon, Ilcrr Kalb, Iho German savant, In a work recently published, shows that thero was a total ccllpso of the moon concomitantly with tho earthquake that occurreil when Julius Cto;ar was assas sinated, on tho 15th of March, B. C. H. Ho has also calculated tho Jewish cal endar to A. D. 41, and thu result or his researches fully confirms thu facts ro corded by tho Evangelist of llio won ilerrul physical ovonls that accompanied itQ Cruclllction. Astronomical calcula tions prove, wlUioutn shadow of doubt, that on tho Mlh day oftho Jewish month, Xisati (April 0,) thcro was a total ccllp-so or tho sun, which was ac companied, .in all probability, by,tho earthquake when "tho vol of thoTem- pio was rent in twain from tho top to tho bottom, nnd tho earth did quako and tho rocks rent" Matt, xxvil., 51; while St. Luko describes tho eclipse in theso words : "And it was about tho sixth hour (12 noon), and thcro was dai kness over all tho land Ull tho ninth hour (3 o'clock p. m.,) and tho sun was darkened." (Luko xxll., 11.) This mode of reckoning corresponds perfect ly with tho result ofnnothcr calculation our nuthor by reckoning back wards from tho great total eclipse of April 10, 1818, allowing for tho dlllcr oncts between tho old and now styles, which also gives April flth as tho dato or tho new moon Iu tho year A. D. 31. As tho vernal equinox or that year fell on March 25, and tho Jews nto their Easter Lamb ami celebrated their Jirlb Pasah, or Feast of tlio lVssovcr, on tho following now moon, It was clear April Cth was identical with NImn 14 of the Jewish calendar, which, moreover, was on Friday, tho lirasl;eeec or day of preparation for Iho Sabbath, and tills agrees with tlio Hebrew Talmud, Thus by tho united testimony of astronomy, archieology, tradition, anil Illbllenl his tory, thcro can bo but llttlo doubt that tlio dato of tho Crucifixion was April ti, A. D.31. 'flint Woman Jury. AN l.VJUP.EI) HUSHAND'S 1'ltOTKST. An outraged husband nt Cheyenno, Wyoming Tenitory, where femalo suf frage! und tho political and social ap purtenances thereto appertaining nro recognlzeel, denounces tho fomalo Jury business through the Cheyenne Ixader, and in Justification offers n pertinent scrap from his domestic life. His wlfo was summoned nnd empanelled as a Juror in nn Important case. When night came, llio caso not being conclud ed, tho husband applied to tiio court to hnvo his wlfo sent home, ns thcro wero sovernl small children thcro requiring hor attention tho smallest, In fact, bolng In n slat ving condition, owing to tlio fact that It Intel not been habited to tho uso of tho bottlo. Hut tho husband's request was denied. Tho Judgo said tho Jury could not bo separatod. Tho bus band then requested permission toscud tho infant to tho mother. This was also rciusctl, on uio ground that tho law docs not permit a thirteenth person In Jury room, and therois'nobtatuto to show that an infant in arms is not a person within tho Intent nml meaning of tho law. Tho desperate husband then attempt- ed to induco tho court to tend all tho Jurors to his houso for tho night; but tho effort was a failure, nnd 'tho hus band was Informed that quarters had bcoii provided for his Wlfo' at tho hotel, and that If l,q, wished- to speak 'to her for n nioment he would havu ia. tufco tho plueo of tho cook, Tho husband went homo. How ho got through tho night is not tbld j but when ho learned tho next day that Uio trial was likely to last it week, ho straightway proceed ed to employ Uio nest looking nouso keeper and coot in tho country. At last Recounts his wlfo was still on tno a jury. A man was recently Informed, Just before his marriage that bib brUlo.liiul fallen heir to 1300,000, but ho let Uio ceremony go on Just tho samo. had