THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUBG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 5ttc flfffitimWim. lU.OOMSnUUfl, PA. Friday September I, 1871 TitH Democratic conferee! of Nor thumberland nntl Montour unanimous ly nomluntod Ehen a. Scott, of Han bury, for President Judgo of Hint Judi cial district. Mr. Scott la n young mnn of lino legal nblllty nnd gencrnl attain ments, and ofsound and discriminating Judgment, unblemished reputation nnd of moro than common natural ability. Objection Is inado to hint that ho Is too young. Thoso making It do not seem to rellect that In nil countries havlog a history, tho lawyers who wero callod to the bench whon still young becatno tho must distinguished, most profound nud boat Judges. In our national history wo need only refer to Judgo Srouv ns ltu example, nnd In tho recent history of our Stato to tho two Woodwards, Judgos Black, Thompson, GiutSR.nnd uiaiiy others. Of tho Judges now on tho bench who nro acquitting thorn solves with mostcrcdlt wo can confident ly point to tho young men amongst them, or whom Mayer of Clinton, Boss of Bucks, Williams of Tioga, und others, aro bright examples, Blpa and maturo JudguionWmd nbun- daut expericueo nro to bo respected, but for hard nnd constant work tho vigor of youth Is demanded. Young men havo' a reputation to acquire, thoir na tural and proper ambition leads them to mako ovory effjrt to acquit them selves with proflcloncy and honor to excel in discharging particular duties, or at least to rank with tho bost of their cjtemporarlcs or predecessors nnd if men of ordinary advantages they usually succeed. In tho selection of Judges It Is therefore peculiarly proper that young men should bo taken. They seldom err materially as to tho law, and when thoy do thcro Is little difficulty in correcting them by appeal to tho Su premo Court. Thoir energy leads thorn to disposo of tho ordinary business of tho Courts with much moro rapidity than old stagers can bo got to do It, and altogether thoy aro tho most proQtablo and satisfactory Judges. Thoy have moro humanity, uro less givon to old saws and old absurdities, and to worn out nud useless theories, than old inon, nud moro thoroughly partako of tho spirit of tho ago they aro called on to Judgo than old stags just ready to shuf lio off tho mortal coll- Youth,vlgor and energy, combined with learning and in tegrity, aro tho elements that mako up intellectual powcr,and aro the very forco necessary to mako a good Judgo. Mr, Scott Alls tho" requirement and wo liopo to seo him elected. The I'rolilullloiilsls. Tho loading spirits ot thu Prohibition canto nro much divided and exercised Just now becamo of tho iiniiiluitlnn or strnlghmit candidates by their p iny ior Stato ollVcrs. Heretofore whatever lius been dona by them In a political way was Intended directly to bcncllt tho op ponents of tho Democracy. Their lead ers seem to think that such will not bo tho result now. A portion of them never had nny other purposo than to mako n diversion that would abstract votes from Democratic candidates. Among theso aro men Hkb "llov.'1 Pennel Coomde, who to other motives add tho lnccnllvo of fat nnd easy living at tho expense of their moro sincere brethren. Coomhe Is n bitter Badical and can seo no virtue In nny schcrao of Prohibition or other form of organized tomporanco movement that docs not tond directly to glvo aid to tho llndlcal party, nnd thcro Is n consldorablo class of which ho Is a typo. nut lucre aro sincere ami earnest pro hibitionists. That legislation attempt ing to control men's nppotltcs will re ceivo no favor at tho hands of tho Dem ocratic party Is vory sure, for that party holds all such legislation ns being for eign to tho lcgttlmato purposes of gov ernment, nnd tho cxperlenco of two thousand years has proved It vain. That tho Bopubllcaus uso It only nsa political foot-ball Is rendered clear by tho fact that although that party has controlled all our legislation for tho last ten years, It ha douo nothing In tho way of prohibitory liquor legislation, and It does not daro to do bo, oven if it had such desires, which It has not. If men want prohibition, therefore, and are In earnest in attempts to establish It, thoy havo no other rccourso than to form a party of their own and noun nato and voto for their own candidates. This Is so clear that neither argument or Illustration is required to demon strate Its exact truth. Tho present movement, then, is n touchstone to bo applied to all professors of prohibition to test their slncorlty. Truo, advocates of tho doctrlno may esteem other Issues of superior Importnnco and therefore support candidates with referenco to thoso issues, to tho exclusion and con tempt of prohibition. Hut thoso who profess to think that prohibition is most important of nil Issues now pending havo no other course to tako than to support tho candidates nominated by that party. Not to do this will prove Insincerity and hypocrlcy in them. Tlio Democratic Stato Executive- Committee. Tho complaint is general that tho DotnocratlcState Executive Committoo is inefflciont. Of courso tho direct re sponsibility rests upon tho chairman ( but wherever it rests, moro efficient ac tion is domanded. Information should bo laid before tho public of tho immonso quantities of public lands that aro voted to railroad companies by tho Badical Congresses, o'f thoir division afterwards among the members who voto for tho schemes; of tho immenso fortunes ac quired in brief periods by Badical Con gressmen and offlco-noiuers j 01 tne amount of oxtravagant and injustlfla blo appropriations made by Congress ; of tho amount of Federal defalcations and extravagant fees and salaries that aro paid; tho amount of money annu ally received by tho government that is unaccounted for or squandered ; an ox position of tho number and cost of use less offlco-holders ; of tho amounts ab- ' etracted from the people through the National Banks; tho amounts paid ttnanclal agents for negotiating loans, bo entirely unnecessary ; of tho value of presents received publicly by tho President and tho valuo of tho favors ho bestowed upon tho donatory there for; and numerous other abuses perpe trated by tho Federal administration uot necessary for us to enumerate. Nor should tho corruptions of tho Federal courts bo loft to ba only talked of occasionally by acountry nowspapor, but their doings should be carefully looked Into and fully exposed. State affalrsshould also bo thoroughly sifted nnd exposed to public view, even if an occasional Democrat got a bloody noso in tho operation. Fact3 susceptlblo of proof in regard to theso things and other enormities is what is wanted. Neither editors or political speakers can obtain them short of an cxponso thoy cannot afford, but a State committee can. Nervous appeals and spasmodic ox posurcsof single frauds, woll enough in their way, aro not efficient. Tho Dona ocrutic party is a party of reason and tobcr rcflection,and it is only from such people that It can obtain converts and theso need facts. Tho fanatical, or per tons moved by sudden oxcltemcnt naturally belong to tho other sldo, and will generally remain there. We appeal to the committco to goto work nt substantial facts. Tho com plaint wo mako lias been repeated to us by prominent men from different parts of tho Stato, nnd must bo hcedod if wi would obtain certain victory. Tho fate of tho Nation is at stako and no stone should bo left unturned nud especially the huge rock that would arrest tho Bndlcal career. The l'lnlge. Tho following persDns havo becu named for nomination by tho noxt Democratic County Convention. All who are announced In this list aro pledg ed to abido by the decision of the Dem ocratic Convention. ,4 This pledge was subscribed to by C. B. Brockway, 13. J. M'Honry, Stephen Polio, Jacob S. Evans, Wm. Shaffer, S. C. Shlve, John K. Grotz, James Lake, David Demott, Irani Derr, William Lamon, Illram F. Evcrltt nnd James Brysou, all of whom wero candidates for nomination before tho lato Demo cratic county convention. In giving publicity to this plcdgo nnd presenting It to tho Democracy of Columbia county as a genulnoand rellablo document, tho editor of tho Columbian becamo a par The Hi an IlniboM-lrmont. Tho Evans embezzlement Is not n thing to bo charged only to tho Blnglo KPoiiudrel who Is directly responsible for tho theft. It was Gov. Geary's duty totseo that ho.mndo.lils reports ns required by tho agreement; it was mo duty of Auditor Goncinl IIAUtiiani't and Treasurer Maukk to hnvo tho money promptly paid Into tho Treasury when collected, nnd of Attorney Gen eral Brewster to prosecute if this was not done. Tho wholo fratornity of Stale officials aro therefore culpablo and leave themselves open to tho suspicion of be ing concerned In tho frnud, . And further, It Is believed that tho wholo claim of thrco millions, or very nearly tho wholo, against tho Federal Government was groundless or fraudu lent, and was allowed only becauso of n resort todlrectandunmltlgated bribery. Tho Badical officers nt Washington, tlierefore,nronlsocrlmlnally Implicated. Tho claim could not bo nllowed thcro without tho knowlcdgo or Senators Cameron and Scott, and by their direct approbation. Everybody familiar with tho filching propensities of tho former well knows that ho could uot permit such a hugo robbery to go on without cither himself or his tools hav ing n hand In It and sharing tho profits. Tho wholo batch of Badical officials In this Stnto, therefore, nro as directly re sponsible and culpablo as Evans him self. It Is by such means as this that tho Badlcals ralso such Immenso sums to carry elections, to mako converts by bribery, nnd to create divisions and dis tractions In tho Democratic party by purchasing apostates to opposo nomina tions. Wo do not-sny that all tho lead ers who nro caught lu this trap are so purchased, but slitfply that It is n com mon trick for Badical leadors to do that thing. This Evans embezzlement, and similar transactions, show how they obtain tho money to do It. The pletho ric rogues do not supply tho money from their own pockets but they steal It from thopcoio, nnd it is dono lu order to enablo them to steal moro. Will not tho people nrouso and put n stop to this wholesalo robbery '.' Tho way to do It Is to voto tho Democratic ticket, and especially to elect n Demo cratic Auditor General to watch tho Badical Treasurer. Tho facts of tho caso show that all tho prominent Badical offlco-holders in tho Stato nro directly or indirectly responsible for tho theft. And this caso Is only one of many cases. County Commissioner. William Siiai-'fer enjoys tho dis tinction of being thocandldato that is to bo libelled. Lamon is objected to bceauso ho had but a small majority of delegates but In Shaffer's caso tho tables aro turned and ho is to bo con demned for having n largo majority 1 Llko tho school-master that Hogged every pupil In 1:1s school so as to bo sure to punlh tho right one, our radical friends object to ono candldnto becauso ho had a small majority, to nnothor bo causo ho had a largo ono, and to nil for being successful, nnd thoy therefore ex pect to lilt upon some objection that will aid them. Ono defeated candidato (and now a volunteer) says Mr. Shaffer takes schnapps too often, but does not glvo tho standard of what is "Just about enough." whilo another Is ob Wo ty to and endorser of tho pledge. In taking part In tho delegato elections jectcd to becauso ho don't " treat." nnd in tho convention afterwards, those never inmilred of Mr. S. whether ho Democrats who participated also becamo I took schnapps or not, nor do wo know parties to tho pledge. It was an uncon- how many cither ho or his opponent dltlonal and voluntary plodgo of honor esteems tho healthy aud moral quanti each man gavo to his party brethren ty, ns it Is no part of tho duty of a coun that ho wouldabldo by tho action of the ty Commissioner to swallow schnapps Convention, whatever that might be. or to tako special cognizanco or thoso Now can any party to thl3 voluntary who do attend to that business. That and proper promise violate it without gross treachery to tho friends who accepted his word and therefore entered into n frlondly contest for tho prefer ence or their fellow-citizens . Can a man who violates such a plodgo bo be lieved, now or hereafter, in anything ho may promise or utter motto is in point: "If a thee onco, it is his fault ; if ho deceive ing, placed himself in comfortablo clr theo twice, it is thino own fault ." cumstnnces yet not so rich as to cna Tho Convention has acted. Its do- able him to buy delegates for an offico cision has eono forth and is irreversible that scarcely nays expenses, which is except by a defeat of tho party itself, absurdly charged against him. Theso If a nomination Is not binding now it two charges constituto tho present slang will not bo hereafter. Bepeated oppo- about him, but what moro may bo coin- sitlon to nominees will finally produce cd wo do not know. It Is evident that so many factions that tho cntlro Dem- Mr. Shaffer is tobo bespattered nndlt ocratic majority of the county may bo is well to bo prepared for that result, dwindled away, or at least so divided whatever shape it may como in. Mr, up that tho united Badical party will Shaffer is a sturdy specimen of liu constantly triumph over it by coalescing mnulty and has merit enough to stand with somo of its wings. Thcro is no it philosophically. is emphatically a matter of taste, aud wo aro disposed to regard it as ono of thoso trilling refuges taken by slander ers who can Invent no formldablo ob jection. That Mr. Shaffer Is a fru gal and careful man Is cslablislied by tho fact that, commencing tho world Tho Quaker poor, ho has by Industry, hard work man deceive and .Intelligent, management at iarm Tlio Itcpiilillonii's Itrllicry Slander. In Its Hist Issuo after tho Dcmocrntlc convention, tho Bloomsburg llepubll can gavo currency to an absurd false hood to tho effect that Mr. Shaffer, tho Domocrnllc nomlnco for Commis sioner, had bribed dolegatcs to voto for him, nnd 11 Insinuated tiiai it linn proof oftho chargo. Upon authority of Mr. Shaffer himself wo promptly denied tho nssortion nnd called for tho proof. Now tho llepubilcan attempts to escapo from Its libel by saying that No. 1 had told No. 2, who told the editor that somebody hnd said that such an offer had been mado or would bo accepted I Verily, on old wives talol Tho matter now plainly stands thus s tho llepubilcan gavo currency to tho libel! It Is branded as false; tlio editor said ho could glvo proof; ho Is chal lenged to produce it. Then ho must cither substantiate tho chargo, retract tho slander upon an honest man, or stand before tho public n branded cal- umnlalor. Knowing tho chargo to bo false, wo look to him to sustain tho dig nity of tlio press and an honornblo man hood and frankly retract it. Wo tnko this occasion to say that any such charge, usalnst any candidate or delegate, is falsi:. Jf any man makes such assertion, wo chnllcngo him to tho proof, with tho nssuranco that if any candidato can bo proven guiny ms namo will bo promptly taken from tho ticket. Of lato years It has becomo so common to utter this libel with Impu nity that It Is high tlmo n stop was put to It, or Its authors bo hold to both mor al and legal responsibility. Wo aro rather fond of honorablo po litical warfare, but spurn tho low and dirty practlco of giving currency to per sonal libels or falsehoods, and wo always feel humiliated to bo compelled to an swer them. Wo shall therefore meet, them In a very peremptory manner. Tin: European powers aro playing an Immenso game, to preserve an equilib rium of power. An alliance between Franco and Bussla is said to bo on tho carpet, if nny authority lu I rauco could bo depended upon. In any caso it would resemblo an nlllanco between nn clciihant and n vanquished tiger. An nlllanco between united Germany and Austria nnd Italy is formally announc ed. Tho latter could probably hold all Europo nt bay. Franco Is yet a slumbering volcano. Thiers and tho Assembly will cither fall through their own divisions and excltablo factiousness or will eooii ba flying for their lives. Tho former now wants to bo mado President for thrco years by the Assembly, but Its power Is dcnlod. When loo lato his wishes will probably bo ' complied with. Tho friends of tho Empire demand a popu lar election. The cholera prevails In many parts of Europe. Secretary Boutwell's " Syndicato " of European Bankers havo nt length, and after enormous expense, suc ceeded in placing about $70,000,000 of tho United States flvo per cent. loan. Tho lour nnd four nnd n half per cent, loans were with drawn, there being no takers. Nearly nil tho European coun tries borrow any amount of money they want at from threo to four per cent., without extra expenditure, nnd even tho loan of revolutionary nnd crushed Franco is readily taken at six per ccntj Tho Immenso cost of negotiating our loan exceeds tho annual interest pnld by England on a similar amount. Tho Badical bunglers at Washington pay the bankers a largo bonus for taking tlio loan at the rates named, after feather ing their own nests atn princely rato. The Democrats or Montour and Northumberland counties havo nomi nated Thomas Chalfant of tho for mer, nnd A. J. Gallagher, of tho latter for Assembly. Tho district is strongly Democratic and will' no doubt elect tho nominees by largo majorities, notwithstanding somo local disaffection that is spoken of as to tho latter. If there over was a timo when all Demo crats should unlto upon their nominees and present a tolid wall to their politi cal foes it is now. Tho struggle for su premacy nover wa3 so important aud every division weakens us. Union, harmouy and victory every thing for the cause should bo tho motto of every Democrat. safety but in union and a firm deter mination to support tho wholo ticket. Evans, tlio Defaulter. Tho war claim agent of Gov. Geary still retains over $800,000 of tho Stato's Comity Treasurer. No paity over presented a moro fit man for an office than tho Democrats of Columbia when they named William Lamon for Treasurer. Ho enjoys tho money In his hands. That this fact lespetu w un..uu.0 stamps him as a Badical scoundrel or acquaintances, is upright, moral, and tim nr nno.1 i.n ...i ii over read v to dischargo ids duty ns a aro Gov. Geauv. Auditor n'nnornl neighbor and citizen, a good farmer, iiaiitiuipt nn.i Ktotr. rprw-- industrious and frugal, a correct and intelligent business man, and a iirm Tlio Importance of tlio 'oxt Election, .Nover was an election held that was moro important than that which is ap preaching. Tho result In Pcnnsylvn nla this fall will go far towards dotcr milling tho Presidential election of noxt year. Then Jet overy Democrat mako his utmost effort to gain a victory this fall. Columbia ought to glvo tho Dcm ocratlo Stnto candidates 2000 majority, as thcro ore fully that many moro Dem ocrats than Bepubllcans In tho county. But tho candidacy of volunteers will probably considerably reduco this ma jority, as tiiat Is always tho effect of di vision, but this should servo ns nn ad ditional incentive to effort, Thcro is no possibility of making tho majority too large but thcro Is great danger of Its being too small. Then, Democrats, shoulders to tho wheel I Heal up divisions, If possiblo discourage volunteers remember that your true interests nro to maintain uni ty of action mako all honorablo effort to increaso your voto, and mako euro ttnt overy Democratic voto is polled. Seo that all your neighbors aro nllvo to tholmportanco of tho result aud that none are misled by falsehood und de ception, Eucrgetlo action always wins. Mackev, all loyal Badlcals, any bet ter? Tho monoy was collected sovcral years ago, and Evans ha3 retained this balanco over sluc-j. That ho held it could not but bo known to the officials named. His bond required him to re port annually. If ho reported, thoy had official information if ho did not report, it was their duty to seo that ho did. In either caso thoy are culpable. Nor Is this all! Tho fact that tho wholoail'ilr has bocn oxposod by tho newspapers for several weeks past nnd no bult or prosecution lias yet been commenced, looks strong. ly as though our Stato officials did not dare to proceed 1 It creates tho suspi cion that thoy nro parties to tho fraud. And from this suspicion thoy can only vindlcato themselves by pursuing Ev, Democrat- Ho served tho public for ono term as County CommUsIoner to tho satisfaction or all was an obliging, correct, careful and uttentlvo officer, In all tlio relations of life ho discharges his duties as Is becoming a proper nwn, Although modest nnd courteous ho Is a firm and rellablo man under nil elrcum stances. Kind hearted and generous, few men enjoy tho esteem and confi dence of their neighbors moro highly. Under theso circumstances it is some what surprising that ho should bo at tacked with so much vlrulonc3. But as tho best applo trco Is tho most clubbed, 40 It is with men. Tho best are most virulently nttneked becauso most In tlio way of tho depraved.and most disliked by tho envious. But notwithstanding A Badical paper says " President Grant has appointed only forty-ono of his relations to office 1" "Only forty ono " i3 cool ! How many has he, who can Improve their fortunes by dropping their ordinary means of livelihood to nssuino offico '.' Wo can well remember tho timo when tho appointment of oven ono relative was looked upon as a gross indelicacy that could not bo justified but now to bo a relativo of Grant or wife insures an office, whether malo or female, rebel or loyalist, or whatever may stand In tho way 1 ans by all tho means and vigor left I tho bitterness with which hols nssalled, opon to them by the law. not a word Is uttered against his up- xuat omciais nt Wellington most rlsihtncss as a. man. his business duallll. noble Badlcals I) were bribed, there Is cations, his faithfulness as n Democrat, no reasonnblo doubt. But if Evans or his unexceptionable moral character, spent tho money in that way ho must His cunning opponents know better, bo forced to tell who received It. for such attacks would onlv recoil unon Wo don't want to bcliovo, and ex- themselves with damau-lnir effect. Thov trcmely regret to bo compelled to bo llovo, that our Stato authorities aro guilty parties to tills fraud. But how can such belief bo warded off when they therefore impugn tho fairness of his nomination, about which thoy can hig- glo tlmply becauso ho had but n small majority oi ueicgaies. isut wncro a aro so slow and apparently so unwilling pcoplo aro governed by majorities thoy luiiiuKuusooimo menus niiowcu tuem must yield to thorn whether largo or by law to oxposo tho tliiovesnnd lr nos- umall. A llttlo moro effort on his nart biuio compel tnem todlsgorgothOBtoleu would havo mado his majority In con motic-y ventlon overwhelming, but tho mod iliis wiioio matter forcibly illustrates n9i(i,,.t ,irrnfn,i i,t,,, trnm mnldnn. uiu imperious necessity of electing a jt l3 rntlior to bo commended . than The Badlcals put Mr. Hiram F. Ev uritt into Fort Milllln during tho war becauso (in their ostlmatlon) ho was not sufficiently patriotic and loyal. How changed tho scene I Now Mr. E. pro poses to servo theso vory men by becom Ing a candidato for them and thoy, In turn, aro to voto for him notwlthstnud Ing his want of Lincoln loyalty I oven though his treason was so palpable that Imprisonment was necessary! Pretty bed-fellows, Indeod loyalist and cop per.iead 1 Tlio Treasurer Nomination. To tiik Editor or the Colum iiians Your energetic support of the Democratic; candidates in this county deserves a hearty approval from overy slncoro member of our party, without regard to what Ills preferenco wero among candidates before tlio nomina tions wero mndo. Although my sym pathies wore In favor of somo of tho candidates who wero not nominated, I acknowledge tho duty of supporting nominations nnd bcliovo It to bo wrong in prlnclplo for n man who has submit ted Ids namo to n convention to run against tho ticket, Tiio caso must bo very extraordinary Indeed, which will Justify or exctiso such conduct. In this frame of mind I do notrecolvo with any favor tt circular which has been sent to mo .by a volunteer candi dato for tho olllco of County Treasurer, in which ho complains that ho was not nominated instead of Mr. Lamon, nnd says that ho will run against tho ticket, which means that ho will beat It If ho can with tlio help of Bcpubllcan votes. And what Is his excuse for taking this courso? His namo was published as n candldnto for nomination under n plcdgo that he would nbldo by tho do clslon of the convention, nnd his friends supported him nt tlio delegato elections In view of that plcdgo and without nny expectation that ho would break It. They may well bo surprised If not In dignant that ho puts them ns well as himself Into a falso position in tills matter, aud certainly fair play to all parties concerned requires that ho should keep his word. But ho says in his circular that cer tain delegates in Convention ought to havo voted for him and did not do it, which would bo bad enough if it wore truo but still would not Justify him In breaking his word. But It Is not true, and In order that all fair, honest citizens may understand how falso It Is, I shall stato tho facts. I bellos'o firmly in tho disposition of tlio great mass of tho pcoplo to do right, that is to act Justly, and In tho policy of full und careful explanation of tho truth to them In times or contest. Tho following was tho result of tho delegato elections, so far as districts, considered as such, wero concerned : For Lamon: Borwlck, Brlarceeok, Centre, Scott, East Bloomsburg, West Uloomsburg, Mt. Pleasant, Madison, Montour, Franklin, Boaringcrcek, N' Conyngham, S. Conyngliam and Con trnlia-11. For Everitt: Sugarloaf, Benton, Jackson, Greenwood, Pino, Hemlock, Orange, Milllln, Beaver, Main, Cain wlssa and Locust 12. Fishing Creek was tt tic, each candi dato receiving 103 votcson instructions Thcro can bo no question as to a sin glo ono of tho nbovo districts unless It bo Mndi&on nnd there on Instructions voted, Lamon had 10 nud Everitt 0. In any caso it is undcniablo that La mon carried tho county by districts. It is nlso truo that ho had a clear ma jority upon tho popular voto in tho county taking all tho instructions ro ported and tho voto for delegates in Berwick nud soveral other districts from which instructions woro not ro ported. Lastly, In Convention ho had tho votes of 3"i delegates to 32 for his opponent so that in fact he hail majority of delegates, a majority ojmlis tricts and a majority of the popular vote, and his nomination stands sanctioned by overy test that can bo applied to It. But besides this, on looking nt tho Everitt circular it will bo seen that by his own showing wo inu3t como to tho samo conclusion ns to tho nomination. Ho claims that ho should havo received tho votes of thrco unlnstructed dele gates from Locust and ono from Pino becauso ho had tho most votes in thoso districts, But this plan of correcting tho Convention voto will not answer his purposo. For if it is used to glvo urn four delegato votes In Locust and Bine it must nlso bo used to tnko away from him thrco votes In Madison and Centre, and ho is still left in a minority on tho Convention voto. Lamon had CI votes in Centre, and Everitt but 20, yet ono of tho Centre delegates vot ed for Everitt. In Madison also La mon had tho mo3t votes on instructions yet two of tlio Madison delegates voted for Everitt, a3 thoy had a right to do because they were not Instructed by a majority of the voters icho elected them On exactly that very samo ground tho Locust nnd Pino lelegato3 nbovo mon tioncd had a right to voto for Lamon, whilo tho McIIenry delegato from Centro also voted right becauso a ma jority oi tho voters who elected ifi wero for Everitt, though a mroorlty of tho township was tho other way. All tho dolegatcs from thoso four town ships had a perfect right to voto as they did In Convention, under tlio fifteenth rulo of nomination, nud nono of them should bo cansurod, but if their votes nro to bo up30t or changed about, It will mako no dlfforenco In tho gener al result. Lamon would still havo a majority, to wit, 31 votes In Conven tion. , , Mr. Lamon was therefore regularly and fairly nominated under any prln clplo that may bo applied, and Is en titled to tho support of overy Demo crat. Contests about nominations should bo fought out before tho Con vention Is hold and Its decision should necessarily bo final. That is tho only doctrlno which conduces tosnfotyund peace. J, M. O, a The clap-trap saying that EvEiirrr had a mnjorlty of tho wholu popular voto at tho lato delegato election has no foundation In fact, nnd is arrived nt by omitting Lamon's voto lu such dls tricts as Berwick and others where tho Democrats wero unanimously for him and no formal voto was reported. A correspondent discusses this subject fill ly lu another column. llnlogy on Surgeon Stanton. Tho cclobrnlcd wit, Hon. J. Proctor Knott, of Kentucky, has been making speech descrlptlvo of n Badical can didato in Hint State, which was surely Intended for our Dr. Stanton tho hero who nover saw Hcrvlco who Is now tho Badical candidato for Auditor Clcnornl of Pennsylvania. Wo there fore correct somo extracts from the speech to suit tho caso of Dr. Stanton, ns will bo found below. Our reason for being so particular In giving tho public somo lnformatloii In regard to tho his tory of tho Badical candidate, Is that his supporters rofu30 to do it. Tho public want light, and light thoy shall havo: What deeds ot nrowess Dr. Stanton might hnvo won upon tho gory field, wnnt neeatomus oi s hue lierou reuuis might havo cono down beneath tho biting edgo of his trenchant blado, had hn ever suerccdod In mcclinir his coun try's foes "upon tlio perilous ridgo of uattio," tlio pon oi History win nover Inll. for nrn tin bad nn onnnrtunltv to quench his blazing brain In tho blood of traitors, no wascaueu irom mo pain oi mnrtin !?iorv to tno moro arduous uu- ties of n contract Surgeon. Now wo much needed his services in tho hospit al. I om willing Jo ndmlt that thoro was not nnothor doctor In nil the length and breadth of tlio Commonwealth, from Point Breezo to Erlo who was ca- pablo or discharging tlio distinguished functions or contract Surceon. yet 1 can not but denloro tho inexorable necessi ty which compelled nun to quit mo tented Held nnd bid farewell forever to " all tho pomp and circumstances of glo rious war.'' In fact I consider thonb- senco of Dr. Stanton from tho nrmy as tlio direst calamity mat couiu havo ho- fallen our beloved couutry under tho circumstances, for I nm satisfied that had tho Confederate leaders been con vinced that there was no other moans of escaping a direct conflict with Dr. Stanton upon thoopen field, they would Mavo laid down their arms nt once. Hut when Leo, Johnson, and Boauro card ascertained that ho was not with tho Federal forces they plucked up ircsh courago nnd ucieruuneu to proso cuto tho war to tho bitter end. It can. however, bo said of Dr. Stan ton, as it can of but fuw military heroes of equal prowcs-satid renown, that when his tcar-dlmmcd oyo rested upon tho war-worn forms oi our soldiers, no nan tho proud satisfaction or knowing that ho never led them Into danger In his life. But whilo I could dwell forever with Increaslnir ranturos unon this do- llgiittul theme, I could not withhold n fitting tribute to his equally brilliant mul extraordinary caroor ns a poiui clan. Endowed by nature with a so nius capablo of embracing In a slnglo grasp every theory oi governmental wiener!. Ids nubile life has been a per fect political Kaleidoscope, exninmng every conccivnblo variety or comblna- I nn. cverv nn ncimo anu tenet oi every nartv that has had an cxistenco on tho continent, except tho Democratic party, from tho hourot his mrtn to mo prosem moment. Far back In tho days or his collego youth ho was a moro brilliant exemplification or tho old. lino Whig party that cither tho godliko Webster or tho immortal Clay. In 1850 tlio in strument revolved, and behold all tho resplendent glories or Know-Nothing-Ism In nil tho gorgeous sheen of a thous and glittering spangles. In 1800 It re volved again ; and lo I the simple but comprehensive creed of the Abolition disunionlsts found in him n noisy friend. In 1 SCO tho machlno turned again, and tho dim outimo ot tho liiuncai party fell feoblv unon his vision. In 180S oc curred another revolution of tlio pro- tean table, and thoro wero all tho mul tiplied horrors or Jtauicailsm in nil tno intrlcato mazes of chaotic confusion. What shall mincar when it shall mako another revolution is boyond tho pow er oi my feebloimaglnatlon to conceive remaps tno instrument win expiouo llkon tremendous meteoric corruscatlon, when millions of many colored sparks will llnser a moment on tho midnight sky, nnd thou leavo tho unlverso in to tal anu eierntu uarimcss. That Dr. Stanton over meant to kill oven n rebel, nobody nssqrts, and It would bo difficult to provo that ho ever cured anv body. Ills main business was that of a contractor and loplolly. Tho tltlo of Colonel which tho Bcpubll can papers bestow on him, wa3 derived merely from tho fact that ho draw tho pay of a Colonel as compensation for his services as medical contractor. Quakers need not fear to voto for him on account of his military tltlo for ho never performed military services I Whilo McCandles was battering away in all tho severe engagements of tlio Pennsylvania Bosorves, Stanton moro wisely kept at a safe distanco in an Ohio hospital. Though there wero no dan ceroid rebels there good living was plenty, and shouting loyalty there was a much lovelier business than lighting rebels at Gettysburg. But tho rest of tho history of Dr. Stanton must bo re served for a future occasion. To Honest Itepiilillenns. I Wo elln tho following curliest nppcnl from tlio Koutllnt (latctlc. His worthy llioefticfnl thought of overy ruAiU-rt Party fealty Is n powerful agent, rum in no party that over existed uro tho cords restraining thoso who show n tendency to "bolt" moro tightly drawn than lu tho so-called "Bepubllcaii" par ty of thu present day. Honest itciiuu Means who bcliovo their party to hnvo been In tho right lu tho past, but who do not llko to follow lis prosont loaders Into tho dark ahyss or crimo ami cor ruption, Into which tho party Is dally Plunging deeper, nro neturreu irom abandoning their support of n dolcstod policy tliroiign icnr oi neing uonouncru iw "traitors" to tho tmrtv. But tho discipline must bo indeed strict which ran keen Biicniiiiononesi. masses oi mo Benubllcan party to-day. Tho dread of political ostracism must Indeed bo great u'lilrh will rvttmn nn honest man to con tinue his support of tho candidates of mat party now. wosayiu uu u nnd right-minded Bepubllcans-men who wish well to their country nnd her cltlzons-how can you any longer sup lilntra of tho Badical liar- ty ? Aro thoy not undeniably guilty or tho most outrageous rounery oi inupuu 11c treasury? Is not Secretary Bout well, tho man for whoso sake Presi dent Grant removed tlio honest official, fleneml Pleasontou a defaulter to tho amount of two and n hnlf millions or dollars? Is not Treasurer Spinnor re sponsible for threo nnd u quarter mil lions, ot which thoro Is no record savo tlio backs ol destroyed ledgers nnd nc count books? Is not tho prosont Bcpub llcan Stnto Government responsible for the "loss" or hundreds of thousands of dollars or your money tho money or tho pcoplo? Has not President Grant the man for whom you must voto if you ndlicro to tho Bcpubllcan party becomo rich by receiving presents of houses, horses and other valuable gifts, In return for which ho has bestowed upon tho donors offices with Immenso salaries, paid with your money. In other words, has ho not sold offices to unworthy men for presents, knowing at tho samo timo that In receiving such gifts ho was violating tho laws of tho land, his own oath of offico, nnd all pre cedent? Has not Detectlvo Wood, nn official who stood high In thoconlldonco of tho government, declared, over his own signature, that threo million dol lars of government treasure wero stolen, with the co.mlvanee of the Grant admin istration, fromavossol purposely wreck ed, nnd that tho principal In this crime was rewarded by receiving n nomina tion for n high position from President Grant? Is there not an unexplained deficiency or nineteen millions In tho Post Olllco Department ntono? Has not thoincomoor tlio government, slnco tho war, averaged moro than four hundred millions a year, out of which Immonso sum only about ono hundred millions a year has been applied to tho payment hundred and threo hundred millions a year unaccounted for? Every ono who rends tho papers knows that such is tho lact i Jloncst Bepubllcans, will you not aid tho Domocracy to cast out theso treas ury robbers, who aro growing rich, bloated nnd insolent on tho money they steal from you. Simon Cameron who nover worked for anything but his own advantage Is tho Master ot tlio Stanton- lleatli party, xnoy mi woric logeiuer, rrom Grant aud Cameron down toStan- ton and Bcath. to Dimmer tho people to rob you. Will you lend your aid to retain such mon in oiuco v Answer nt tlio polls! Itndlcal Mornllly. Tho correspondent of tho Chicago Tribune, In n recent loiter, commenting upon tho exposure of tho frnltd and embezzlement connected with tho war claim, says t Tho probabilities aro that sovcral of tho leading Htntn functionaries hnvo been using this money for purposes of speculation. Tho- discovery will ser iously Impair tho probabilities of a Bcpubllcan victory In tho October elec tion, and It Is said to bo tho precursor of two othor gigantic frauds soon lo bo mado knowtHn tho Tariff Stnto. Tho Bcpubllcan ticket nominated In Phila delphia is one of tho most corrupt nnd mendacious over put forward by cllhor party; yet It Is supported by two-thirds or tho presses which began by denounc ing it. The Oameron Bino. Tho slruglo nt tho coming election, In this State, Is betweon tho Cameron ring on tho ono hand and tho pcoplo on tho othor. Tho ring hns now full possession of tho Statu Treasury. To got it thoy havo Bpent many thousands of dollars. They now mean to relmburso thomsolvos, nnd In order to do this without detection thoy have forcod upon tho Bcpubllcan party tho nomination of a tool of theirs In tho norson of Dr. David Stanton, oriJoaver. (or rather, wo might say of Ohio.) ror tho offico of Auditor Goncral. With Stanton In that offico thoy expect to cover up thoir tracks so that thoy will never uo lounit out. uot tno pcopio no on their guard. Carlisle Volunteer. After Grant's'soldlcrs pureed tho Convention nt Now Orleans or all his opponents, tho business or tho body was opened with prayor, in which tho col ored chaplain prayed fervently for a biosslug upon tho Convention and " tho success of tho Bcpubllcan party In Lou isiana," nnd tno ro-oieciion oi Grant. Tho connection botweon bayo. nets and piety. In this c.isa. was closj and edifying. It is galling to tho Bidical papers to say that their ior Auditor General is only "a paper Colonel," but it is truo, novortneiess, nnu tno truiii must bo told though tho Hoavons fall. Syndicate ! Secretary Boutweli. has established a combination of Bankers In Europo, to tnko chargo of tho U. S. loan, which Is called Syndicato. Tho terra is applied In Franco to a sort or officer who takes charco or tho affairs or bankrupts. Put that and that together 1 Democratic Auditor General, If tho peo plo dcslro to protect thoir Treasury from robbery. As If Is, tho wholo mon etary affairs of tlioStatoarelnthohands of a political ring, Put In n Democrat. so as to break that ring, and all steal ing will necessarily stop. Tho pcoplo will gain thousands annually by such action. condemned. Ho Is nn honest and com petent man und faithful Democrat, nnd therefore deserves tho unanimous sup port or his party. Demociiath or Pennsylvania, re member Hint u full voto at tho October election will Insurous u glorious victory, and remember how much Is to bo gain ed by such n victory, Tin: Democratic county ticket is composod of good men nnd truo: men who nro known as oxcollent cltlzons, amply competent to transact tlio busi ness of tho sovernl offices for which thoy ore candidates, with honor to themselvos and profit to their constitu ents. As such thoy doscrvo tho support of all thoso who desire to seo efficiency nnu honesty in olllco. Ankiohuorino oxclmugcsays that ono of tho fashions or this season is to read overall tho advortlsomonts In tho paper, nnd see If nil the stores nro hoop ing up wltli tho season and stylos. If you miss any familiar nama from tho list of buslnosi mon, you can know thnt thoy nro not koaplng up with thu times, und are keeplngout of sight on this account. A largo number of Democratic county conventions in this Stato havo already declared for Gen. Hancock for tho Presidency noarly oil that elected del egates. Thoro ore so many that it is quito unnecessary to contlnuo to namo them. Tho galianiuonernii.soviiicnuy tho noarly utianimous cholco of tho Democracy of this State. The Honorable C. O. Bowen, ti Bad teal M. C. from South Carolina, lately convicted In Washington city of having more wives than tho lnw ollows to ono man, nnd who was pardoned by i'rosi lent Grant. Is n candidato for Govcr nor of South Carolina nnd expects to bo successful, as " tho administration nnu all tho negroes ore for him 1" THE fellow who got au offico In tho rovenuo service in Illinois, undor tho supposition that Ills iinmo was Deut, when it was Bent, luw been removed as nn impostor, tJ:i(i:i,52.S5. In ISO" a ring of officials obtained au thority from tho legislature for tho ap pointment of a special agent to collect DISALLOWED AND BUSl'ENDED Claims duo tho Stato from tho General Govern- mcut. Governor Geary at once appointed (1. O. Evans lo do tho work. Within rortv i in vs no received i.iw;i.- 000 that belonged to tho State. If ho oould accomplish this so easily, why could not tlio Stato Treasurer do tho feamo? At subsequent dales ho received other bums, unlit tno wuoio amounted lo nearly w.uuiyiou. This money was paid mainly ny drafts, paynbto to the order of John W. Qeauv, Governor. Of this vast bum wU3.u23.S, has nover reached tho treasury of tho State, nnd is now lu tho possession of Geouoi: O. Evans nnd tho corrupt ring of Stato officials who run tlio Government and administer tho finances of tho Stato, nnd other prominent Bepubllcm poli ticians. Tho nro ect was framoJ by tho men who control tlio Bcpubllcan party of Pennsylvania. Thoy nro tho men who havo robbed tho treasury and tho pcoplo. wny urn moy notexnoio tins cmucz- zlcmoiit Iodl' siuco? Why did tho treasury officials fail to collect mis money ior neariy-iour years: wny no tney neglect now to proso- cuto tho offenders If they are not their accomplices? Whv no tney seei; to romovo irom his offico tlio man who has exposed tlio lraud r Why aro thoy so anxious to elect an auditor irenoral who will bo their own creature? Ktehungt, Jefferson died poor, and Monroo was Indebted to charity for the stono that bore his cnltniih. To think of our President dying poor I Let tho admirers of (i runt rust n-simul that no huell cal- nmllywails his final exit, if it can bo overtoil by tho laying in o: a largo sup ply of lands, tenement houses, bonds, utnr-l.-j nintn. hnr-iiM. carriages, anil other valuables, thu gifts of gratoful nnw.n.linlilnr.. mill of lHIIILTV UXhCCtalltS who nwoit his re-olcctlon to thrust thoir vllo hands Into tno treasury, Tim Phlladeliilila fiinulrcr. a Bopub llcan imnor. shvb: "There Is reason to dine a lame tier cent, of thu tax Im posed upon thu manufacture nnd fculo of cigars will fall in reaching tho United States Troasury." " Thoro Is reason to fnnr " that tho samo rulo applies to all the taxos Imposed upon thu Industry of tho country, tiio goou om unys wncii Federal offico holders retired poor are out of fashion slnco tho Bopubllcau party caino lino power, Opinions of nomocracy. Tho following opinions of thostrcngth of tho Democratic party are from high Badical authority. They show that tho opposition are gelling ready for a con test with a party over which they do not expect to obtain an easy victory. Let Democrats closo up tho column and movo forward unitedly to the conflict : Tlio Democratic party to-day is stronger than it over was in Its history. It means now to win, and I do not say that it cannot win. Horace Greely in Vicksburg. You mako lightof thoDomncracy.but to-day In tho Stato ot New York, there Is a clean Democratic mnjorlty of ninety thousand. Wo nover did have the Ir ish, and now wo nro losing nil the Ger mans. Kew York Times, (lladiad.) Grant with his Ku-Klux bill thinks liocau kill tho Democracy. It will tako more men by n million than ho had at Appoinatox. Xcia York fiun,(Jladical.) A great doal has boon said nbout tho dead Democracy. Thoso who think It is dead surely nover road tho story of tho resurrection. Thoro will boslgns in tho heavens and on tho oartli in lb7i:, when this Democratic party gots its soldiers In tho field. SprinyJield(.Vass.) llepubilcan, ( lladical.) Ho is a fool or a traitor who expects to win an easy victory over tho Demo cratic party in 1S72. arant cm nover do It with tho bayonet. Xcw York Keening 1'ost, Kailical.) They may say what thoy pleaso, but those who aro tho most confident do not know thoso Democrats. They aro tho most dangerous when thoy beom tho most whipped. Do not put nny faith In them aud do not trust them. In retreat they aro treacherous and often fatal. Louisville Commercial, Radical. ) IHWOCUWTIO STATU NOMINATIONS. AUDITOn OKNr.UAI,, GEN. WILLIAM M'OANDLESS. OF l'HILADELl'lIIA. suitvKYou araniAL, OAPT. JAMES H, COOPER, OF LAWRENCE COUNT!'. Columbia Couuty Democratic Ticket FOR RKl'lt EH ENTATI VK, CIIABLES 11. BBOCKWAY, m.ooMsnui:u. ASSOCIATE JUDOi: IBAM DIIilB, JACKSON TOWNSHIP. DISTRICT ATTORNnV, JAM 153 BltYSON, Jr. CKS TllAMA. TREASURER, WILLIAM LAMON, HltlAKC-RKKK TOWNSUM. COUNTV COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM SHAFFER, CKNTItK TOWNSUM', CORONER CUABLRS O. MUBP11Y, .NOKUt CONVNCI1IAM. AUDITOR CHABLE3 CONNER, op.ANOKVii.r-n. New Advertisements. QUBLING CBEAM. lty using this nrllrlo Liulies ami Oontleiiit-u ran hi-nutlfy tlieniHPtvri a thousand Told. ThN Is the only nrllcle thai will curl Htralxtit hair, nnU at tho samo tlmo glvo to It. a boaiitirul np pparauco. It also lnvlgorata, beaullflos nml rlcaiiKCfi. It can ho ao iipulloa ns to rauso Uir hair to curl nny length ol tlmo tlcHlrcil. Hcnt by mall for W eta, n iwckago. Aridrfwx AI1NER TOWNHLKV. MUUlclowii. Ailnms Co,, I'a. Keial71-Gm, A I'lio hi ilic Hear! Tho Democrats of Northampton coun ty, at a lato mooting, passed tho fol lowing : llcsotccd. That whilo tho indefatiga ble attention of tho President of tho United Status to horses, dogs, brother-ln-lnws. cousins, and to his domestic nnlumls and family In troncrnl. is wor thy of tho warmest gratlttuio irom meso lucicy recipients oi nis uouuiy, yei ma gross neglect of all public busines,mer- its at mo samo nine, mo snarpesi rep robation of tho masses who committed the control of tho government Into his hands, uot for tho bouellt of his family and live stock, but as n trust for tho whole people, and that an Exeeutlvo who oniv visits tno seal oi coveriimeut. when called there by sickness In his stnblo is not nccueu at tno scat oi gov ernment at all. Ami so we mean to put him out. Evans savs ho wanted to settle. nidn't hn setllo V He settled that his compensation which "nhall not exceed ten per centum," snouiii no oxacuy tun por centum, Ho settled that ho might as well ns uot havo ten por contum on ono million, nlno hundred nud ten thousand dollars that had been poiu liefnrn ho whs ntinolntcd ncout. Ho settled about ono hundred and ninety, ono thousand dollars, besides another hundred thousand aim iniuresi, m u pocket whonco the Stato Is not likely to get it. llo settled that tno Htato m gut havo his ten thousand dollars ba 1 for satisfaction. And ho has settled down to enjoy lire wuu wiu mil " u consciousness that loyalty, rationally porsovcrcd in, is a cnpiiai lump jus next settlement should bo in that old and settled Institution nt Philadelphia, known as the Eastern Penitentiary, llo owes thoStatosomo 6orvlco. 1'otts ville standard. TREADWELL SKKI) WHEAT FOR HALE. Tho uudurKlguod has on liana, direct fiom Michigan, ovei yiW htlHhcls of 'lreadwcll Hei'd Wheal, which ho wilt dlKpo.oof at 1 per husht I. It 1h a whltn wheat that will yield Mivon to eight bushelH to Iho hundred Hhcavoi. with nbout tho tmuio quantity of straw lo tho ncro ns other wheat, does not fait nenr ko readily ns tho Ijiin-c-LsUjr wheat, aud has tlio peculiarity of hearing holh smoothn nuil hoarded hoads. It does not winterkill, I have tested tho wheat for two years and can recommend itlrora experience. It is recommoudo I to 1,3 weevil proof nud has not been directed by It with me. Heads lar;:o aud full. SYLVESTER l'URSEL. Bloomsuurc 1. O, liucltliorn, Kept, 1. is.i-3t Evuiikkan r IlKAi.Tit 1-i n blessing vouchsafed to few. Even those who havo been favored by nature with f-trong constitutions nud vigorous Iramesnre apt to neglect tho precautious noces sary to preservo these precious endowment. Indeed, as n rule, tho moro healthy and robust a man is, tho mom llbeltlcs ho is Inclined to tnko with hi, own physique. It Is some consolation to tho nnturnlly weak nnd feoblo to know that they can bo so Invigorated and built up, lty a proper uso of tho means which science has plac ed nt their disposal, ns to havo n much better chance of long llfo, nnd oxemptlons ftom dls easn nnd pain, than tho most nlhlctlc of their fellows who nro loollsu enough tosuppoao them belves Invulnerable, nnd net nccordlngly, It Is nottoo much to saytlinl moro than luilf tho people of tho civilized world need nu oica slonal tonle, to enablo them lo support tho Hi rata upon their bodies nnd minds, which the fast life of this restless ngo occasions. In lact, n putc, wholesome, unexciting Ionic Is tho grand desUl crntumoftho busy mllllous. nud they liao Iho nrtlclo lu Hosteller's IStoinacli lllttors. It Is n stnmlunl modlclne, 1. e, It Imparts permanent strength to weak systems nud Invigorate, Jell c.iteeonstltullons. its reputation nnd ltssiles havo stendity Increased. Competitive prepara tions havo becu Introduced act libitum, nud, ns far ns tho public Is concerned, (id nauteum, In tho liopo ofilvJllug It; but they havo all either ut Ished In tho attempt, or been left far In tho real It has been tho great medical success oftho pus cut century, nnd It Is qulto ccrtnln that nu pro prietary medlclno In this country Is as widely known, or as generally used. Ten lightning presses, ruuulcg Incessantly (Sundays excepted,) tho wholo yoar thruugh, barely supply tho demand ror the Illustrated Al manac, lu wlilth tho nnluro and uses ol Iho pieparatlou aro set forth, tho circulation now being over eight millions a year. T 1ST OF OBAND .TUROlti FO 1 1 J J HEl'TEMIlERTERM, 1WI. llKN-roN-Siimuel Rhone, Emiuuol Liub.uh. IIkhwick John Eekort. , m, IlujoM-Wllllam OirrUjn, Caspar J. Tlnmi. Hamuel Johnson. ni itl n I'nillNnl'iiKEK-ltichard 11, Jlrlght, J. I). JdJ Henry, Nathan Drlesbach, Josi ih lie". OiiKKNWOon-U. 11. Thomas, John Kilter in, Win. 1', uouuins. .... Locimr-EIIJaliYocum, Isaiah ois)r, Mt. 1'i.KAsANr l'hlllp MUltr. MoNlouil Ellas llolger, hiu- lloni-v f lonlner . HuaAiu-oAv-Androw Larlsh. , Sioi-r-Abraliain Snyder, Hainael It, h llus, t'li i ti. i- owier. Wi: bellovo every Bopubllcau In tho country not in n government olllco heartily despises Grant, is nsliamcd of his Administration and would ruthor not havo hi in as a candidato for another term. Let them remomber that ho despises them nnd looks onlv to tho olllco holders and tho military for his nomination. Tho only way to drlvo him from tho hold is to dofeat tho Bad ical candidates this fall. If Stanton and lleatli aro oloctod It will bo taken as nn endorsoraont of Grant, the thieving lobs.mllltnryintorferonco with elections, selling oillcos for money, hriLorv. iimnnstv to thlovcs. double salaries to olllco holders, stock gumbllng by tho President's family, subsidies to rnliroutlH. iiurfiu jui-iuu, nu fuur yoars' Jolly Juukoting, Jersey Shore Herald, T 1ST OF J J l-'ORHEITEMUERTKUM, IS71 rUAVEUSH JURORS IU.OOU Joliu M. llartou, Mlchaol Casey, It int. Mtlir.Chas. J'oslor. llnuwicK-Johu W. Coipcr, RlolnrJ Thunp sou. IIKAVKU-Chas. .Mlchatl, Tllluim Rlttouu mo, Thos, J.Khutnau, Uknton William Mlllor,Htepheu I'oho, Henry Ilt-Hs Knito l-'ru-ln. Ci:.NTuti.iA-o. II. Millard, Wm.rolrrdr, rislllNdruKEK-Jlonry i.ycr. (luei.NWoon-J.O. O rlou, Joseph Uedlln. IIKMUK K-Johu Appleinnn, Win. Applounll, II W. M'Hevnolds, Geo. U Hhoomakor. JAi-KKoN-lohn II. Kriu. Jacob l.uuger. UifmyiPoHiu is. MoNiouii-Airredlrvln. MAiusoN John II. Johnson. Mit-n.iN Haml. Hnydcr, Jacob Nuss. OltANUK Wesley llowmnu. jloAlllNuem.fcK rcier .uvau, HECONI) WEEK. IU.00M John Hnydor, Aaron llondcr-iholt. 11EAVKU Nathau lliedbeuder, IIicnton Oeo. It. lies. IhllAllCKEEK Albert ismltu. Catawisma-Walter Lashell, William C'ro.ny, J , li. llulck, Hamuel liuu, Jr. FislllNfJCliKKK Ooorgo ealer. (InicitNWooii-Honry Mnlher. Ilflnj. Eves, llKMi.oc-K-Johu llaitmun, U, 1'. Moure, , " jABrKSUoN--Joiin I1. Hess, John F. Uorr, Theodore W.Hinlth.Johultanti. Mni'i.iK-W, It. Hiullti, Daniel Hetlcr.Abiah uu M ai)Iho'n ' Ernstus llcuderahott, D. A. Walsou. MainJ. R. Jamison. Mr. I'msahant Milllp Kline, Ohanuk Jacob 11. Ilurman. I'lNB-John Itlchurd, Jaenli Christian. ROAlllNncntEK Daulal Rntlir, Havld LmrV,, Biorr-llusiou ltoblsou, U, J. Millard, UM" l-'ulriuaii. , i, BvaAiiw.U'-EioUlel HliuUJi, Ucorgo 1' rlt I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers