The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 01, 1871, Image 1
xi cipolumb inn IH I'Unt.tSllKD EVEHY l'MDAY MOllNINU W TIIB C.MJMMAS nUILDIKn NUAHTIIK counT house, litoojununo, w ny HENRY L DIEFFENBACH, KHITOn AND IMIOI'IUKTOH. Terms-Two Dollars a Yar payaMo In advaneo. JOB PRINTING Of.illilcscrlptlons executed Willi neatness nml dl.patcli ntreasounblo rates, Columbia Oounty Official Directory. JYcWrfCFll.llriV-Wt 1,1.1AM lil.WtCU.. Anxlnle Jmlgca llcAM llKlilt, Isaau H. Mon- ";'ruMinonrw,itt.-VKM.llflTON 11. Est. Jlriittlmt llccorder WILLIAMSON ILJACOIIY, JHitrirt AltornryVit 11., Rhirlff AAKON HMITII. mmciinr Ihaao Dkwitt. lYemurtr DAVlli liOWrNllFna, COmmlMloncr Wll.MAM 11. (1UICK, CYItl'8 HnllhlMt, lllltAM .1. IlKKliKll. OiriiMt.ifonm' Clerk Wll.MAM KmCKItAtTM, lll(lsiri U, J. CAMl'llLLt., A, J, AI.UkltTSUX. D1N1KI. J.KF. twoiirr John D, ITorcK. Jui u OnnmUslauL r Isaau McllitlDE, John Mc- ANA 1.1., Cnmlg Hiiji erfniYmlenl ClIAtit.ES 0, 11AUKI.KV, l:lim yfr lihtrict Directors, H. II,, WiM.iAM Kuamh:, llloomshurt;, and Johnson IKI.I.M1, Ulicmvood, UHAlll.l.HLuNNl.u, Dio'y, Bloomsuurg Official Directory. llUminburn llavlinif On John A, I-'i'n.hton, l'n sldctit, 11,11, (limr, Cashier. JYr( Xiitltmnt Jlrmk ClIAH. It. PAXToN, Prcs't., J. 1. TnsriN. Cashier. (Wuliibl,t(ilt)ttyMtiturtlSavinfl Vmlnntt sums!.-iW(iMo,i-E, II. Ltrrt.E, Prcs't., I', W. Mll.t.uil, Hoi-',. JUm.mhwa Jliilhltnft anil Savlnj Vuwl Avin' f(m-JllMN THOMAS Prcs't., J. 11, ltnlllHON, Sec', Jfatmiyliiiiti Mutual Saving fluid l,oeoimii J, J, HmnvKit, Pusldcul, M, i.n, scc'y. Bloomfiburg Directory. l).l'i:ul!A0a Jnt recctud und forsaloattho I Cnl.UMllIAX uillcc. STOVES AND TIN WA HE, TACOII METZ, dealer In stoves and tlmvnio . J Malu street, abovo cuurt house. CLOTHING, Ac. DAVID LOWEN1115IU1, MerehantTallor.Mnln st :M door above Amerlcnu House. WJI. MOItlUS, Merchant Tnllor corner or Cell Iro mid Main st over Miller's store, UHUas7CHEMICALS, AC. 1.1 1'. 1.UT7., Drusclst nnd Apolhccnry. Mnlu St. J'j. below tlio 1'osl Oillco. MoVKIl IlllOH., IiniKRlBU mid Apothecaries, llrower'a block Mnlu st. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. HTwUlYSUII'l'INHKIl, Watches, Spectacles A -lewoliy Ac,, MuluSlrcct near West 8t. n i:.HAVA(li:,dealerln Clnrki Wntrhen and l Jewelry, Main St., Just 1 low tho Aloetleau OIHH llCltNIIAIU), Watch and Clock mnkcr. 1 J near southeast comer Main and I run sts, l) CATIICArtT, Watch and Clock Maker.Mnr- H. ket stitel, Ixlow Main. HOOTS AND SIIOKS. I. 1 M, KNOltlt, Dealer 111 lloula and Hhoen, latest lU anil best tdylcH, enrlier Main and Hlieem, lu tho old l'ust Olllcc, DAVID IlETZ, Hoot and Hhoemaltcr, Malust., below llurtmau'8 store, west of Market. HKNUY KMUM, Manufacturer anl dealer In JUhiIh nnd Hhoes, Orocerles, etc., Main street, luiKt llloomsbuii;. n M. nitOWN, Hoot and Hlioemnker, Main J. street, under Urown'a Hotel, I'llOFESSIONAL. 1lt. II. C., Suriteon Dtnllsl, Main si., abovo tho Court House. DU. WM. M. ltl' Sumeou and I'hyslclan, KchanKol!lockocr WLboNbonk stole. Dll. 11, P. KINNEY, rlursenu Dentist, Teeth extrncled wllhoutpnln: Alain si., nearly op posite Episcopal chuivh, 0, O, DAItKLIlY, Allnrney-nl-l.riw. Olllce.Jd lloor lu Kxclian:u lllock. lu :ir Hie "Kxrhmu'n Hole." II. M( Kl'.I.VY.M. l).,Suriicnn and I'hjslclan uiirlhsldo Main St., below Malket, I It. EV ANS, M. I)., Hurufon nnd Physician, tl south side Main street, beltiwMarket. T (!, liUTTElt, JI. D. Surireou and I'liyslcian tj . Mai ket street, abovo Main. 1 II. ItOIlISON,, Oillco llart- t. man's bulldlut;, Mnlu sluet. iMILLINKHY st i'ANOY GOODS. 1.1 I'ETEUMAN, Millinery and I'uney Ooixls, IJ, opposltu Eplseopnl Church, Mnlu st, MIHH TJZ.IE llAUKI.EY, bulhllii!,' Main street. Milliner, Jtamsey MIfS JI. DEllllICKSO.V, Millinery and Fancy Uoods.Mninst., below Mnrket. 11 KH. 11. KI.INE, Millinery nnd Fancy Uoods 111 L Main stleet below Mnrket. mil Jll Cloaks nnd Dress l'atternj, southenst corner Main nnd Weststs. mill! MISSES HAHMAN .Millinery and Fancy 1 (londs, Mnlusl. , below Amcrlcnullouso. HOTELS AND SALOONS. POIIKH HOTEL ICS HOTEL. by T. Hint. Taylor, east end J. "f Mnlu Slice t. jrEHCIIANTS AND ailOCEUS. (1 0. MAltlt, Dry Ooods and Notions, south- west corner Malu and Iron sU, DA. 11ECICI.EY, Hoot nnd Shoe store, books . ,. slallouery, Main St., below Market, i JACOlls, Confectionery, croecrlea etc., Malu J J. st below Iron l.iOX a WF.1IH, Confectionery nnd llnkery, T wholesale and retail, Exchaut'e lliock, II. C.HOWEU, llalsnnd Caps, Hoots andShoes, Mnlu St., nbouCouit House. 1 II. MAIZE, Mnuimoth Grocery, tlno Oio .1. eerles, Fruits, Nuts, Provision, Ac., Main und Iron Stleets. KE1,VY, NEAI, A Ll dealers In Dry llo(sl, ill Orocerles, Flour, Feed, Sail, Flsh.lron, Nails etc.N. E. cor. Main and Market Us. y II. MII.I.EIt A S-O.V, dealers in Dry Ooods, 11. Orocerles, ljueeusware, Flour, Hall, shots, Notions, etc., Mulnst, MISCELLANEOUS. iMONHTAHI.EH HLANICK for kale at I ho, U IllAN Oillco, n M. CllltltTMAN. Saddle, Trunk ,t IlarnisT. maker, Hhive's llloelt Main Htreet, ) W, ItOHIl riuordtnlersecoud door from ntit inwess corns r .Mum ana lion sis, n J. TIIOHNTON, Wall Paper, Window shades 11. nud llxtiiits, Itupcrt block, Malu st. (3 WtCOfW'I', Furnlluro Ilooms, thieoslory brick, MaluBUeet.wcbtofMarkctsI, U. 'i'Vy'TOL'IC.Pholc.sraphcr.over lUibblus A Eyer's Htore. Main st. I . FiiSSi'iKl ,le1erln Meal, Tallow, etc., CheliT V berllu's alley, rear uf Amerlcnu House. lUMVi?w?sor WM. ltAllll, dealcrln furnlturctrunks coder willow waro, near tho Forks Hotel. OroHTElt.Oluo Mnkcr, and WuTts)Tnd yTur . Tuuuer,tieottowu. li" IimLKMAN. Agent lor Muuson's Copper fi Tubular Lllitu( Hod, 1 WOTE HOOKS, and blnuk NOTI'.s,w Ills or wllh. ,.,ii "llt "emi'tloii.lur sale nl tho Coi.umuian Light Street. 11 F. OMAN it; Co., WllC0lwrlllls, first door abovo School House, JOHN A.OMAN, Manufacturer aud dealer lu Jtoolsand Shoes, METElt In Dry Uoods Orocerles, Street'1 '' ''l!,ll'lrolli etc., Main RrVENT-, dealer lu Btoves nnd Tin wnre lu nil lis In uuclics. Espy. H. K llEIflHAItl), llHO..denler in Dry Uoods, Uruceiies.iiudueuerallilerchaudUe; EKPioprTerJ.' l'"L0UlllNU MlLLH.CH.Fowler, J II. WEUUMIElHint.IlootajiTmioeiTtopBaud rVsKWeMirr0" " T & M,n!,AlLlc.r"ClmUU'4 ,'r"r',, VOLUME V.-.. NO. 3fi. Orangevillo Directory, H'IK.i KN. ''ml" I" Dry (louT, Main M l'"'iilr and eoncrnl Merchandise; lVi!C,K J.,!!7KI' nml refreshment Haloon. by J) Hohr M'JIenry cor.or Main And l'ltiost. 0 DH, a A.MK(IAUai3li,rhyleUn and Hurceou, Main t next door to Oood's Hotel, TAMr.H ll.llAltMAN,Unblnet.Mnlter and Vn J dcrtnkcr, Main nt below I'luo. SCIIIlYLIIIt A CO., Iron founders, MachlnlisU. and Manuractuieis orplows, Mill Ht. CAMUKI.HlIAHI'f.I.'.Ma.Mnlier.ifthellayhnTHt IJ Oralu Cradle. Main Ht. WIM.IAM IlKr,ON(l Hhnemakernti'l lilanufne turcr of Ilrlck, Mill Ht., west of l'mo Catawissa. BK.1IAM.MAN, Merchant Tnllor, Hceond Ht. . Hobblns' llulldlug. IMS. J I10I1I11N8, Hurgoou and l'Uyhlclan V HccondSt below Alain. nlMinitT A KI.IN1'!. drv irnods. EFinrerli.M. mill general lnctcliaudlse, Alain Htreet T II. KIHTI.KH, "Cattawlissn House," North w Corner Main and Hecoud Htrects. LKKIf.Klt, lllllanl Saloon, Oybters, an.l lee . Cream in hcasou Main HI. MM. HltonsT, dealer In tlencralMerchnmlliie . Dry Uoods, Urocerles Ac, SIlKQUnitANNA or llrlek Hotel, 8, Knsleif bander l'roprlctor,?oulh-inbt lorutr Mnlu and Hecoml Htreet. M. It. AIIDOTT, Attol uey ntTaw, Main St, Buck Horn. O.A W. II. HIIOKMAKDItrdealers In dry .Koods, croecrles and cenerat ineicliaudKH, b lrst store In south end ot (own. Philadelphia Directory. JIOirAltaSON J j. WltlGIIT, JH. ATTOKNKY AT LAW, NO. 128 HOUTH SIXTH HTItKUT, l'lllLAOKLrllfA Jan. l'-l-ly JM, KHl'HUAHT, with UAltNJ'.H, )UO. A 1IKUUON, HATS, OAPS.STItAW (1001W A KUIW, No. 50J Market Street, (Abovo l'lltb,) I'llIbAllEU'IItA, V 1 1 Ul,l .HA I.l , u l.UCl'.llo, N, K, Corner Htcoud and Arch .Slictts, I'm r.A OKr.i'iiIA, Dealers In THAS, HYUUrS, COl'TEi:, HUUAIt, MOLAHHr-S Illti:, bl'ICKI, lit TAllll fcOBA, AC, AC. Orders will rccelvo prompt attention, may 10,07-tf. Business Cards. c. lUtOCICWAY, ATTOItNEY AT LAW, ui.ooMsnunn, i'A, OKflf'E Court House Atlev. In the CO I.UMUIAN I Jll I Id Imi,'. Jnnt,'b7, i. ii. TUUNEH PHYSICIAN AND SlIUOEON, III.OOMH11UUO, PA. Oi'KU r. over f.nlz's Driif? Sliire. lEeslilenn Market stieel, 1st door below llev. D..I. Waller. llecio ,u. ATTUlIM'iY AT JiAW, OlllPoPnurt 1ouro,A11pv. liotnw llio Cni.tiM- I1IAN Ollk't". lldimllcs. Itiuk.P.iv nml IV.ixliiiiN collected. llluomsburu ru.seiVJJV; jOIJKHT F. CLA.HK, A'lTOUNKV AT LAW, OHlco XInlii HIrret liolnw llio CTonrt Ho ItlooniKburt: lVnn'n, JjJ II. IilTTLE, ATTOitNIlY AT UAV, Otllm Court-IIoUHO Allfv. hclow Lite CoT.L'M IiIAN UtUre, lllnntnshurt; Pa, "rKTEIUNARY. Into frt.m Oermmiv. oilL-ra IiIh ktrvIrcB In Iho puuiic as n t-cituitUL'U IIOItSK AND COW DOCTOU. nntl nit othfr nulmuN, for wlilch hN rliniprH nro mntu'rnie, jio rnu uiwnyH tin louim chni mkio oi tier wick roiui, neaiH. ll..lncoby'n Marble Vuiu, T? J. T1IC Xj. would nn bins; nnd vielnll TIIOItNTON unounco to UiocUirensof ItlooiriH lcinltv. that hu lnn hiht roctHod a lull PIXTUIilJj, COKDH, TASSKIJ, nnd nit other irooiN In liN line tf liuhlnrisH. Al uio nwweKt aim niOKi appiovtti nuiernKii! um uiiy inn ii i way h ui uu luiinu in im i-hinuinnineui. 11USINKS.S CAItDS, JJ VIHITINO CAltDH, LE'l-IEIl HEADS, 11II.L HEADS, I'KOUKAMMKM, POHTEItS, AC, AO, Ni'ftll y nntl Cheaply I'rlntoil From the I.nlest Ht les or Type at the COLUMHIAN OKFlCh TjOOTS AND SHOES. CLAHIv JI, 11IIOWN, MAIN H1H1.ET, UNPKll IIUOWN'M I., A lull and eomnlela nsknrimetit ,,r n n.u. ,,tn lllllllS llllll M ill's lor 111, U. Uiiln, ll 11,1.1,i j iiss. isiensti iinu jor salt-iit reasonablo rales, Mllltllcsin suilall classes nl euslonieis. The ness i i iiiini ,1 111 suurt nonce, as neieloioi Ulvo him .senll. Jaul'71, JTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOI i.-5.irtii liAUjr.r jjulji, Main Street one door above MPiuiMitmii'D Btore, A largo nsKorimcnl or Htoveit, HphIcin nml Hansen i-niistuully on liuud.and for salo at tho Kiwi-Hi. ritiffi. TlnnlUK In nil it.s brnncliencarGfullyattondeUtn, uiwl butUlHeLlon uuanmtced. Tin work of nil klnab wliolesale and retail, A "ini ih rffiuenieu. AT E W OOAIi Y A U D XI Tiik nnderhlnned respect fully Inform ihe ctiiEt'UH ui itiooiuisnurK mm uoimunu eouuiy, that they keen nil tho dltUrent iuiiiiImti. outnve coal unu kuiecieit uiiiipcoui lor htnlthlnt; puipiw ncs.on their wharl, adjoining M'Kelvv, Ncnt A Co'h Fiuiiaco, with HKiHid pair of llnlUlo hnUta nu the v lull f. tu welch coal. liav. and kin.w UkcwlfctMi, Jmri-o and wucon. to deliver tim tn IhoHo who deiilro It. Atfthey puielinscn latiio amonnt of coil.they Intend tnkct p akuperlor nr. Vf'P.niJilfcellattlio very loweit prlctn. l'Kaso I.. . , ,u t-1"Huo jor you-Kcivei neiorn tmreli lUiEclKgwhero. 'j, V. II IlN'lJJUUSllOT, T5S3Ml9rH!BnwJ will tako In qx Oroctry Store, adjoining "their coal yard lllooinsburt- liar. .a,,. IIENDEUSHOT. QIUCICNWOOD SEMINAltY. The. FallTerm of this IloardlnBnndRolecl School will commence on Monday, July aist, Iliipenkes lor ouo ciuortei or eleven wooksi Hoard, Washlni'. I.luhts, ic . . i hi 'Jiiitluu, tier ((mirier, . . . IT (M to is to " Juveullo class, - 13 to iu Jul For iiadlculars nddiesii, '"sl" mini,, , WM.lllIlKII'KI, Pilnclpal., l'a., June, Isfl. Vm JA.ltE CHANGE. " Foil SAI.K-A second-hand "Arlon" plnnn-forle, price. I.n.'i, cost IMiii. -jhls supiibo Wrunicui waj bouulit atnn nucllonfcaleul prlvaio piopeily tlllsew Jink, and had bseii but a lowweeksln n, ,, j,,n. iniu-r uuu iu turiresp iiiual to a new piano. Teiins posslllielyeusli ance. Addl ess lor ono week O. W, FOSTEll may aw-ir Maucli Chunk, l'a, Miscellaneous, JHW STOCK OK CLOTHING. Frcnh arrival of HUMMKH OOODH. IUVII) LOWr.NIIKIKI Invites nllentlon lo hu dtock of CIIi:AI,ANI)l)'AHniONAllLi:ciJ()TniN(l1 nl liU (.tore on MttLt. HtrM-t. In mhUVa l,)nr nun w., ..I U, C, iMair'i Rtore, IHoomslmrg, I'a., whero no tins just reecUed fiom New York ami jiuaucipnin a inn assortiucnt of MHN AND IlOVH CUrriltNd, Incluillm: thn mnnl rjishlmml.Ie, durahlp mhI liatuUoino tlltl'UU flflllU cmisNtlnij of ' ' IK'.V.HACK, UOt'O.OWM.ANIMUIMIMvni CHATHAM) I'A NTH. f all sortR.Htcsniul colors. Ho has alRo renlen- Mip.I hln atremly large Klock of A1J AND WINTUU HHAWM. HTUU'in), K1UUHKIJ, AND PLAIN Vi:.S'Ji KIIIUTa,CUAVATH,HTOCKH, COLLAlIH lANDICKItCIIir.L'H, (ILOVIN, HU.Sl'LNDIUW, AND FANCY AKTICLIH In naMcunstantly on hand alariro anil ull-c- ecled assortment of CLOT1IH AND VU'iTINOH, which ho li prepnred to mnko to order Inlonny kind ofclotlilmr, on very Miort notice, nnd In tho best manner. All hh clothing H made tnwear, nnd most of It Is of homo inannfacture, GOLD WATCI!I:H AND JTAVjCUIY, ol evtry descrhitlon, fine and ch(an. His caio ol Jewelry Is not surpassed In Ihlstiiace. Call nnd xnmino his general nshortineut of CLOTHING, VATCHUH JLWKLHY, AC. JiHl'71 DAVID i.owr.Niunui. lLLEH'S STOKE. H. H, MILI.I.U A RON, have icmocd their Htoro to tho room forim ilv cctupicdhyMendcnlmll.on MnIiihticet.llIo.njtK. Inuir. nearly opposite tho Hnlsconal CMmn I. tthno they nro determined totcllonnsmoth rale terms nsenn tie pocurdUJse where. Thler stoik omprlfes LADIKH" DlllWH OOOD-'S of tho choicest styles and latent fashions, toRotlif j wiin a largo Rsortnient or Dry Uo(1h and (Jrn. cerlcis, consist lug of tho followlug-i rtlcles ear pets, Oil I'tntlis oths, ''iissltnrreM, HhawU, KlannelH, Hllks, Vhitt (lufdKt Lint ns, Hoop Hklrts, M usllns, llollovwnro t'ed.irwnro (J.ueunswaro, Kurd ware loots nnd HhocH, llatK and Caps Hoop Nets, Umhrellart, IioklngUar.KO.t, Tobacco, Coirro, I tiro, AlKpico, (linger, Clnnnmon, Nutmegs AND NOTIOH (IKNI'.UALLY. in stinri, ovcrythlng nsualiy kept In country lores, to which they lnvilo tho attention ol tho public generally. Tho highest pi leo will m i.nld mr country prod tit o in exchango for goods. Ht IL MtLLHIl A HON, . . ltlooiiihbnrg l'n. apr5 71-tf vi c. jr a it n havoJuM rccelveil from tho cnslern markets n large and well isclccled Modi of I) XX Y G O ODS, CONSIHTINfl OK ("nsslmers, Jeans, Host hlcarhed A Drown Muslins, Calleoe-S, Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton A Alt wool Il.inucls( AC., AC, A good stock ol Ladles diess goods, Iitebt slj les .i patttilis. Spleen of nil kludu, CJond stock ginct rles, (iuctnsware, Hlouo ware, Wood A willow ware, Flour A Chop, AlsoKitdien Crystal Hoap for cl.anlug Tin, IJr.isu.Ac, AH goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce, He would call the attention or hujern to his well nnd carefully select ed assortment which comprises ever) thing usually kept la tho eoun. try, leellbg contldenl that he can sell them goodf. at urh prtcesns will emuie intlsfnctloii, Jun 171-lf C, (J MAUU. JOHN O. JACOJJY'B UAKKUY AND CONFECTIONERY! UEHWICK, PE.NN'A, llio uudrislsiiiril would nspceluilly lulorni 11, o CHIsiis m lb i whk, nud vicinity, tlint ho hasoi ui d n Colilesllolitly and Hultery lu OIIU FEM.OWS' HAM,, Ilernlek, P.i., where ho Is picpiredto ruruMi all kinds ol PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, 1'llli.NX'II CANDIES, rOIlEKIN AND DOMESTIC FllIIITS OHANUES, EIl.MONS, KAISINS Ac,, Ac, ilc., itc, UV W1I0I.1'JSAI.F. AND 1IKTAIL. Anioui; Iho assorlnieut will bo lound Cream Nuls, Euiillsll Wulllllls, Pi'iinuls. Almonds, I'll bills. I'Iks, Apples, Cocn.l Nuts,.csaordlllir cut kinds, MuslnnLI'utsup, Pickles, Clioeolnle, Ciiumd I-'iult ol nil kinds. Corn Slaieh. He Ills. cull, Siida I'rnil.ers, ussier Clackers, lliuse, oiuiji, ,, iiiii, i.ijis-1, .iiiissiiiens lupus, i.n Velopes, EJSII ANDOYSTEHS, And produce of all kinds. Frssh Hriad and Cnki'stvely dnv, leeClinlulu Sinsnu, Your pulioiiaiiolssollclled, IS SOllS'lll'll, JOHN O, JACOI1Y, Herwlclr, Inn 171 lY QON K E 0 T'Tb N E It yT Tno ninlcrsl"iil would lespecthilly anuoiinr to tile publlo tual tie lias opened a FIRST-CLASH CONFECTIONKUY STOHE, In tlioliulldlnelntclvocciipleil by Fox Webb sviiuis uu is prspurssi to inruisu uu uinns o 1'liAIN it FANCY CANDIES, FltENCIICANDir.S, FOltEIUN A DOMESTIC FHUITS, NUTS, HAISINH, .1-0., AC., AC. 11 Y WH01.K8AI.Ii OK 1IKTAII.. In short, n mil nssorlment of nil t;osls In Ulslluuol business, AcreatMirlelynf 1) O LLB, T O Y H, A o., . snltntile for tho Holidays, Particular nlleullon Kiveii in UIIKAll AND OAK ES, of nil kinds, fresh every day, UHUIHTMAH UANDJEH, OH1HTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satlsructlon villi b nuainuleed, Jail ly Kl'KIIAHT JACOI.S r Wyon BUIIANOE AQENOY. nmlue 1211.11(1 Atna... Kullon N. Y Norm America City International N,Y .... Nlasaru N. Y MerchaulH HiirliiBlleM I; annua' Dauvllle.N.Y,-..,..., . Albany Clly I "," Dauvlilo, Horse Thelt ......, Al antic. N. Y ............ 4.m.i.i)ir 4 SI.IMI ai,i,tl 1W.IKKJ l.lui.oo JhlO.UI aw.oo n70.lH(J 6ue,um .mi.iNKi Mutuat. l.lilU.I.U 6n0.UM Ueriuunla, N, Y rssiuuj iiiiuwh, Alitnt, marsj 71 Jjr, jiloombijuuq r JflF I If BLOOMS13UIIG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER BusiucsH Cards. JT-OOM FEKUY. lbe Illonin Ferrs' rmtinniiv 1m. liml II. Unix nnd boats Ihorouuhly repafrnl nnd Is now In liadlness to do all usiinl rerrylnirat any tenson aldo hour, Tho liuilerslsined will bo III alien, dance atnny time lo wait upon customers nl call. nirai';i-iy JOHN u.ijuicK. HPI.TfN DrD 15 1. 1! S T Ii U It X WITH TWO SETT IlEHIHATHUEEhlOl'S, can bobonght for Sltfu nt J. M , .SII.1.S, Piano W'niciocms nenr Forks Hotel. iii.iyl27l.liiu, JI.OOMHIIUJIO IMAltllliE WOltKH, OUNION A HrKES, (Successon to A. Wlliuan,) Ucin irnlly Inforni Iho tmblle thai they nre now lully iitsliaitd lo do ail kinds of woilc tn llielr lino of fiusinssN, uimui leasnnnblo ts-rius nud shoitimliri.. Hjllsuullon Mairnulcd In nil cases, Jnll.l.l.7My .VKOAlNS-HAnClAlNS. QUICK HAI.KS ANI1 HMAT.l. I'ltorlTU. n-vvii luuit aiiwEY. (lolo ltKNHY YOST, Ea.t Illoomsbuiu. I'll., lor nil khi,l nf the lit si home nnd clly umno' F II It N I T U It E. Prices rennouablo and the best work done. Jan 171 tf gllAltl'liESS st HAKJIAN, In cnnnideralinn of lentlni ilnwM our seoi-lr. and rebulldlni; which will bo commenced vsry soon wo nio olleilu.; plows, sloves, Ac., nt giently leduced jirlees. II. F. SUA 1U'I,ESS A V. H. HAltMAN, IllOOlllStlUrLf. I'a. llrnnrlnti.r. Mar,19,'o'J-tf. g Ij A T E 11 O O F I N a, EVERY VARIETY MOST EAVOKAIUiE RATES, IIIIIN THOMAS, AND CAHrKlt J, THOMAS llox.'.T7. llloomsburg, l'a. J.l'.ll 17 MA(i A ZIN J, DAILY st WEEKLY l'Al'i:iiSOI'Al,IiKIND-i AT Till; HOOK ilOKUOl'l'OSITKTllE COOI1T HOUSE, Also nn assortment of Portcmonnate, Pass nooks nud Af count Hooks, eonslnnlly on hand. Hunks not on baud obtained on short notice. New Hooks aio constantly beln addeil to Iho llloonisbniij Clieulatltu; l.lbiaiv." Amonittbo latest aro "fluilt and Inuoeence," "Motlierliss," 'Sir Harry," " Hot Spur or Humblelliwnlt," nnd 'Meniuem." etc. npriW,',! tf jq"EW OIK1AN AND PIANO H'Alt EHOOMS. OKUANS ,1 1'IANOS l'OIt 3AI.U o:j IXSTAI.r.MKNTS. Plnnns from all llr-it-elnRs mnkers, rrom siwto Orsiuns liom SiUlo JTui, A spltndld orenn .liKlnve,:: set luds, nnd Iri m.lo wltli paneled Hlnck Walnut Case, ntilv fl-r,.lxl. Sinelo lent. s.imoensn ns above, slu). I h.ivo mnUo urranue. iiiculs lo havo the Inlest musloon band ns soon ns published. Teai lieis slmnlled nL reLTiilnr ills- count. Wareioouif, Main sired, near Forks i"iei. II. J . . liiui.'i, Q1IESTEU S. FUU.MAN, IIAIiNUK, SADDLE, AND THUNK MAN UFA CJ UHEH, nnd dmler In CAHPET-IIAOH, VAI.IHI.S, FI.Y-NI7IS, llUrKAT.O KOlllS, 1IOUSI.UI.AKKK1H ,tl'., which ho lecls eonlidcnt Im enn sdlnt lower raiu inan nuy oilier psisou lu tho county. Ex amine lor youisclvis. Shop opposllo 1 liu Post Ollieo, Mnlu Slliel r.liiiiiusourt;, l'n. Aui;. 5, ISTo. QE NTISTliY, H. C. HOWEK, DENTIST, Itespeclfully olfers his professional services li Hie ladles and kwiiIIciiicu of Hloonisliursr and 1 clnlly. llo Is pispared loaltend toulltho nr. ousopclutlous in Ihnlinoof Ids prolesslnn, nnd Is pun Ided with tho latest inipiovsd Poucki.ain i 1.1.1 u r.nieu sviu no insericu on umu piallns; silver and lubber to loolr ns u-i-ll nn) l,n unl. uraltcith. Teeth exlrncted l,v nil llio new nn most approved methods, and all operations on tho tetlh c.iitlullynnd piopeily nltended tn. Hesiileuce and oflleu u lew doors above the louri itouse. samo si,ic. llloomsbur. Jan. 171 ly (. "i. O 15 E MU T U A Ij UI'T. IN.SUHANCE COMPANY O V NEW YOItK. Pliny Fiecman, Piesitlenl, H, C. Freemin.r'tc Cash enplLiI over CJ,oin,"i,nll paid. J. II. IiOIJISON, BI.OOMSIiUltO, I'A UENEHAI, AOENT, For I,U7.erne, Lycoming and Columbia counties. Aug, 20,'U). JjlXC'llANCiE IIAKKRY A X U ' CON F K C T I O N E H Y , I1LOO.VHUU1U1, I'A, The undersigned, successors of !. VhImer. would lesi iTlfullv annrmnro that thev huvo taken thn well'Cstablhlud t-tand Kccntly occu pied by tho abovo named, lu Itloomsburg, nnd iutuii'u nifoiiimuu iiiu lu'iiiucb ui jiianuiuc urfng nnd H'llinj:, by WHOLK4ALH AND III TAIL, I'onftelloiurv of e(iv stlo and hind. AUo. they will haeat nil tlmcsa (oinnU'io huplvcti tliu Ik .st and lu-hhtht lht-nd and Cake, l'artles lUhtilng nnj thing In tbMlno will 11 nd it lu their tiilvantagu to cnlt on us. AX ICE CliEAM HAI.OOX Isnddcd to Ihe establishment, and lndlrs nnd othiiMvho may intionio vn, may rely upon upon ie Ivlng i toi t r at! ml Ion. A rtasonaljlu shaio of pubtl" pationngo tsiespeririillyMillcliid. it.l-'IltU, l.l'llllHI, IUIU IJI111T IiUJph, ill laigt) nnd small imantltus, ronstautly on hand. JM-l, JVl.lfc M hl l.VJvJ lit 5Inv5.1S7l.-lV TT a II O W E II, has oponed a first-class HOOP, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUH bTOHK. it the old stand on Ifnln Street, ltlnntn. .,,, nr.n dorirsubovu Hie Court House, lllsslosklseoui poaedof tho very Inlestnnd biststyles ever olhr, ed lu tho citizens ol Columbia Connlv. II.,,.-.,, nceoinmodato tho publlowllhthorolliivlni,'i;ooils nt tho lowest lutes. Men's heavy double solid sioja ooois, men s iiouiiiu nun single lap soled Kip oooi-i, men s nenvy sioga siloes oral! kinds. men's 1 no buols aud shoes ol all grades. iu'. double soled boots nnd.i hoes or nil kinds, men's ulnvo kid Hauoorai snots,meu s, women's, boi's's aud misses' Inslluit nailers, women's utovo kid j-oiiMi very iius'.wiiiiii irsinoi-iieco itainiornlsnixl call shoes, women's 1 1 Hue kid buttoned unit, els, lu short boots ot ull di scrlptlons both pee Kid and sewed. list ivoiuu uisu sail an, nijuu so ills sine nssorl lueutof ats, caps, n;ns and notions. which cotuplises all llio new and populnt vari eties at nrlees wlilch etiiuiot t.illlo soil ,,ir 'ei,,.u t'ooifs aiu olleicd at tho lowssl snsii rnls-u nud w ii ,e etna anieeii in, us m a -nt mi a .-t issolldls-dbeliilupiiiehaslnii eUewhero as It is oi-iiesi-ii mm oeuer i-nrenins aro 10 be round iiiaii as any oiuer place lu ineeouniy, HotolH, tuontouh irousu -i-'J- lUri'EItT, PA, WILLIAM IlirrLElt, Troprlclor, Tills House havlnit been ptil In Ihniouuh Is noiv iiiii-ii n.r (In, , , n-,,1 l,,i, ,,r .r,,..L, jialus will bo spared to snsuio Iho ps rlscl 'ei iiirtoflho Iravehis. Too Pioprlclor snliell ilirl, li.Ii.IIu ,, eons Mtiuu in iMiniin iiHironaue, -mo nar will be sbsjkeil nt ull tliustt wllh tlno liquors and clnru, "I5ENTON HOTEL. V. F. 1'IATT, I'j oprletor, 11ENTON, COLU.MI1IA COUNTY, PA, Hils well known Ileum hnvlni; bciuputin Ihniouuh 1 1 pklr is now upi n Mr llio iiiipliounf vlsllois, Nu inlns hnvobeiu spnrul loensure llio pcrfid souiioit or sioisis, Tho piopiielor ulsiiiuiisaRlni;o liniii Iho Hotel to Itlnomsburst nud luleimssllule isilnls nu Tuisday, Thursday and Snluiday ol suchwsik, Jan 1'lkTl rjHE ESI'yTioTEIi. ESl'V, COI.UMIIIA COUNTY, TA. The undersigned would Inform Iho Unveiling publiothut ho hiss tuken tho above unnu-d ssluli llhhmeniand Ihiiiouiihly relltled Iho same lor Ihe pcirs'Ct.'coUM-nleneoof hlsuuests. His Inrder will ho stocked wllh Iho best Iho market nllords, 1 lie choicest Illinois, wines uud cluarsalwilks to be found lu his bar, WILLIAM J'KTTIT. an 171 Kspy, J'. Poetical. For Tho Columbian, 'llio I'liIIcn SI nr. nvTii.T.n: r,AL'ii.nt. Onn evening ns I gned upon Tho Blttlcrlug arch above, I saw lint one, among tho train, To outshine tho others strove. It was a WntiUrul star imked, In yellow gallv dressed, And 'laong tho modest orbs of light, It room ontshono tho rent. And tn my fanciful view It teemed A iiueeii, so darztlng bright!,-ah I fancy wlial ulll not I- It lent tho others light, llut fsoon It from Its glory Ml, Like lightning down It shed, It Vanished, neath tho humblest star, Nor dared to ralso IU head. Ah I jo w ho boast of w ralth and tmo UnlshlnliifC otto nnd nil ; Talio hcpil, risu Ilko tlint haughty slar, You too, may quickly f.ill. For the Columbian, l'rldo. iiy John w, Ki.urr.i:, '1 houah (Hide may thow some noble nex", When honor's lis nlly, Yi t there Is such n thlngon e.irlh As holding heads loo hjgh. The sueclest bird builds near the ground, Tuelovllcsl Doner splines low, And mo mustntoop for h ipplness, If we Its worth would know. Like untpr that eucrlstH the rosp, HUll hardened to Its coie, Ha i-ndo human hearts I'ntll they feci no more, Hhut up within themselves they live, And selllshly they end, A lire that ne cr klnduoos did To kindred or to friend. WtuNt virtue, llko the dow of Hu.iven, Upon tho henrt descends And dr.iws its hidden sweetuess out, 'iho moions morolt boiuli, loi tlicru'sastrLUight in lowllne-s, Which nerves us to endure, A heiolsm In distress, Which renders victory sure. Iho humblest being born Is great II truo to hU degleo; IIU virtuo illustrates hU f.ito, Whutcver that may be. Then let ns dally learn to lovo Simplicity nud worth, For not tho englo hut tho dove, J bought penca unto the earth. Miscellaneous. Silent lUII. I li.tvo htcii for nearly a year roam ; over tlio West. In llio course of my wiimlcrliiK I camo upon ft wagon Irnln which wns Just sttirtliitf from "tlio StBtf'," niiiljoliicil it. iiiu novelty boon woro oil, mil I founil the days f.illjjuinK, thoniKhU and hlccp only bolus desirable. I hail been conscious for daya of it rover In my veins, but hail hcornctl to comiilaln.atul look a sort of fcavago delight In seeking to do an extra amount of toll. It was my turn to prepare supper for our mess, butonco ready I went off tu as I could crawl from Iho nolsu of tho camp ami tliooilor or tho cooking. The last I remember of that day was my drop plug down hesldo Fomo shrubs. Two weeks afterward 1 openoJ my eyes on a different team than tho ono I slatted with, nml tho driver was tho largest, most uncouth looking man I over saw. I laid on a straw bed, mado upon ono sido of the wagon, and In an swer to my call, tho strango man bent over mo. I asked all tho questions my strength allowed, and then waited for tho answers. Ho told mo In tho fewest posslblo words that I was missed from tho train, and ho went back to look for me. That I had "been a dead beat for two weeks, and hail better kecpstill and go to sleep If I could." I obeyed, becauso I could not help It. I received my food and nicdiclno from tho hands of my strange-looking friend, but it teemed impossible lo get any fur ther Information from him." my recovery was rapid, ami as boon as I mado my appearance in camp I was warmly greeted by our company and treated to many a n extra dish by tno Klnil-lieartcil people. I learned that I had not been mls.-cd till nearly noon of the day I was left, and then they halted, and ".Silent 15111" volunteered to look mo up, and found me.aiid took upon himself locaro for mo during my bIcIciich. I could nnd out but very llttlo about tho man who had thus brought mo luck to life. Ho had joined the comp.iny, llko myself, at tho last moment, had given only tho ono name, to which tho boys added another, until ho was c.tlled all over tho camp, "Silent lilll." Ills tram was good, and ho wits well supplied with provisions, which ho generally handed out to any one who had need. Willi my returning strength, I felt a strong Interest In everything ho did, and would gladly havo been compan ionable and useful, dut ho never called on tno lo do anything, unless somo onu ni'i did help, then ho would leavo tho cnio Id mo for n lime, Ho was always icaily to walk that others might rido ; fatigue seemed unknown to him. Fore most when danger Ihre.ttened was his gaunt form, and It was always his rlllo which brought in the earliest g.imo. It c.uiie about that ho held thu gr.itltudo of almost every ono in tho train, but loiiil thanks seemed toolfend him great l.v. I nover saw him htsllato but unco: then somo children, two little glrls.had been running along with their mother. and bho asked him to lift (hem Into thu wagon and glvo them a rluo, as their own loam was far behind. Ho wont up lo ono oi mom, lain his hand on Us arm, started back, rubbed his hands together anil linally cnlled to mo: "Put them In. will von'.'" 1 lifted them up nnd gavoeach a kiss ns I sealed them upon tho straw, llo was still looking nt his hands, "What's tlio matter? I inked. Ho said nothing, but held his bands open heforo me. They wero brown and hard, "Aro they dirty'."' I asked. "Yes," tnld ho emphatically, and shot thfiu out at arms length. Then hohlnrled his tcmn mid did not i-pcnk again lor Hours, All hearts bceamo lighter ns wons cendcil tho Sierras and began to think or uniting an abiding place. When It enmo to leavo-taklng "I1III was missing; Tho others (started oil" Willi their tennis, but I staid by his un in llio enn wtnt down. Any number of good. byes and kindly messages wcro left wllh moforhlm. And ono woman giivo mo it llttlo pnekngo sayings "Ho whs so mini to Wllllowhcn howasslck nml his hands mado Unit precious llttlo I, 1871. COL. gravo In tho mountains." I thought, to know tho full vnluo of the gift, 1(111 should havo received It as I did, wet wllh tho mother's tears. Vviioii ho catnu back, wo wero nlono upon the hill. side. j 10 nsKcti! -wiiy don't you go on With tho others'.'" And I nnswcridi "llccauso I did not chooso to leavo you olone, after all you havo dono for mo. 1 shall go with you, If you will let me, It docs not mako much dllfercnco to mo where.'' Ho looked id mo keenly, nnd said: "You hud better not; you will wish you liadii t somo day." w o nnd siarieil it lire, nnd I could sco his faco by tho light of tho ulnae. I felt drawn to him, not from nny sympathy of feeling, but becauso I was convinced thcro would como a time when I could In a measure repay htm for his kindness to me. I reached out my hand and said: "Wo'il stick together a while, old fol low." Hu would not tako It, but said : "Tho kettle boll", wo inlghtabout ns well eat our grub as to waste tlmo a talking." I delivered to him tho messiges, which ho received In silence, and when I handed him the package ho only said, "by It down." Alter Having mado ready for nn early start In tho morning, I wrapped myself In my blanket, and with my feet to tho firo lay down to sleep. When I woko till tho blnzo had died out, but I could sco Hill nt n distance, bending over what proved to bo a holo In tho ground. After a whllo bo brolto olT somo green boughs, threw them Into tho hole, and then hastily throw in the earth. Ho then came and sat down by tho tire. I watched htm for nn hour or two, but ho never moved, and when I woko In tho morning, he had not changed his posi tion. o started on, but I mado an excuso to return, and hurriedly opened tho ground where I had seen him working in tlio night. I do not know what I expected to see, but I ccrlnlnly was sur prised when 1 round under tho cover ing of earth and green, tho llttlo pack age, which had tearfully been intrusted to my care. 1 broko tho string and found a small copy nf " liunyan'rf Pilgrim's Pro gress." " I will keep it," I said, " and when ho needs mo most ho will need this." When wo reached the first miner's camp, 11111 waked up and was eager enough until ho had scanned tho faco of every man. That day ho looked weary, and It was tho first tlmo ho laid down when I did for tho night. In tho morning ho sold his team, all but two horses ; thoso ho packed with blankets nnd provisions, and wo struck off down the canon, stopping wherever any ono was at work, and going out of tho way If we heard of a solitary miner. After awhile ho left oir lolling mo to leavo him, and I think tho companion ship mado Ii i in reel moro human. Onco io stopped a week when I seemed tired out, hut was restless nnd uneasy and leclared " an other day would kill him." 'Tell me," said I ono day, "why you will not rest ; this life is wearing upon you ; you cannot cmluro half tho fa- tlguo you could upon tho Plains. Let's tako up a claim and settle down, or If you will go on let mo help you j couldn't 1 '."' "No," ho answered, and I bellevo you nro holding mo back. I havo felt it over sinco I first looked upon your laco when I found you half dead by theso bu,hes that day. I wish I had left you die." ue sprang up anil confronted mo, ' I will havo no moro of this, I shall go on alone, and don't you daro to get be tween mo and my work or I'll " Ills eyes fell before mine "Ho vou think I am afraid of you '.' you, who wouldn't harm even nn Insect. Haven't seen you go out of tho way, rather than tread the life out of a crawling worm ? Shall all theso months or un- selfish caro for other.-, bo for nothing, ami your hasty words mako mo leavo you." llesldcs said I, "I havo a work a3 you." Ho looked ii.iiilringly nt me. 'Shall I tell you wlint it IsV Ho sat down by the tiro which ho had lighted. "Keep still," s.ilil he, "for a month more, and then juu may have your H!1V ." In tho morning when wo started out, tho air was heavy with smoko. When wo reached San Francisco, nftor n day or two, wo found thero had been nn ex- toii'Ivo lire. Hill was unwearied In helping build tents for tho homeless. and money wont ftcely to reed the starving hundreds, who wero likely to Und only a gravo In tho land wjilch had promised them so much. I folt that I had nover known half of his genuine oodness of heart until thoso days; and I left oir watching him ns I had done. Wo wcro stopping at ono of tho places uigniueii ny tno namo oi "Hotel," nml In thoso "early times" considered mag iilllcent In tlio way of accommodations, iillo worth tlio fabulous prices which wero demanded lor mem. Jlut our parior was uio bar-room, and our "room" n hunk, ono of a dozen or bo In tho samo npaitmcnt. Wo had been staying there perhaps threo weeks when ono night I was nwakened from a sound sleep by tho fall of somo liea.y iiouy. i listened, but thero was no ro petition, then I groped my way to Dili's bunk. Ho was not thero, though I had seen him "turn lu" when I did. I took my hat nnd passed out through tho bar-room Into tho darkness and night. Drunken men or nil nations nnd tribes wcro to bo met on tho mud dy sidewalks, their horrid oaths nnd obsceno Jests, inulteied or shouted lu half-broken languago, reminded mo of n terrlblo description I listened to when a child, of tho abode or tho lost. Tho gleaming lights from tho dilnk. Ing taloons and gambling hells only added another touch to tho picture 1 hurried on, peering Into every phtco whero was light or sound, nnd 1 kept up tho search until tho first rosy tints In tho east told of the coming day. When I enmo round to our hotel, I found I had been tent for threo times, and was to remain thero until tho mes senger camo again, I waited two hours, nml then saw tho bartender pointing DEM. - VOL.XYXV NO. 28. mo out lo n Spaniard. Ho beckoned to me, nnd I followed him without a word. Wo went through lanes nnd by paths, until 1 lost nil idea of locality. Finally wc enmo to n cabin, when ho motioned mo to como round by thoBldo, then ho pointed mo to loo't through a slight npcrlute. Two men lay on thu lloor, which was covered with blood. I saw at n glnnco that ono was mil, and tho other boro tho samo faco I had often scon In my dreams. I thought nt first that they wcro both dead, but n low groan enmo from Hill, and I rushed to the door. I knelt down by him nnd spoke. " I did not do it," said he, " but 1 meant to." I asked him no question, only If he was ablo to bo moved, " Yes, but never mind." Wo mndo n litter of a door, ami by the help or somo men tho Spaniard brought, wo carried him to our board ing 1 Bumnioned n physician, who pro nounced tho wound dangerous but not necessarily mortnl. I watched over him and saved him In splto or his own desire. Ho choso to die, but by caro ho camo slowly back and took up his burden ngaln. Ona day I sat by his bed, I took from my pocket the llttlo book I had round buried under tho green boughs. I rend two or threo chapters aloud, then put It up without a word. Ho became In terested, and I rend on from day to day as ho could bear It, until tho book was finished. Then he nsked, " whero did you get it?" "I dug It from tho ground,'' said I, laconically. Ho held out bis hand for It, anil so it passed Into bis keeping. When ho becamo strong enough wo took walks together, which gradually Increased In length until wo would spend wholcfd.iys down by tho bay. I knew ho would tell mo his story when he could bring himself to It. Ho was two weeks going over It, some times giving mo a slnglo picture, and nt another tlmo unrolling whole years, llko a panorama before me. Jits nrst remembrance nan been n hovel whero rum had left nothing but ruin. Ho never heard nklnd word, or had a kiss left upon his childish race, but ho hated tho meanness nnd filth which surrounded him and ran away to sea when only fourteen years of age. When ho came back, grown to man hood, his old homo had been swept away by tho tldo of improvements, and his relations wcro all gone, save ono fair-headed sister, who might havo boon his idol, but sho vanished out of- his lifo without a word of rarowcll, and for years ho never heard or her or tho man who lured her away. Tho year that I met him ho had been through tho West; ho couldn't tell what for, except that ho had mado mon ey and wanted to spend it. VIco and luxury wcro strangers to him, so his wants wcro rew and simple. Ho enmo to a cabin, ono night, and ns it was late, nsked to bo nllowed to stay; the man consented, nnd bado tho woman prnvldo somo supper for tho traveler. His hoit went out, and his voice could bo heard nt somo dlstnnco from tho front of Iho house. Tho woman eyed him closely from a window, then mo tioning to 111II, led him to a slido win dow at the roar of tho cabin, whispered to him that it was only a mllo to tho next house, slipped a picco or paper In to his hand nnd bado him run for his life. Ho said ho could not tell how it hap pencil, but for Iho first and only tlmo ho ran from danger. Ho aroused tho people, and was given a place on tho lloor to sleep. baying nothing about his adventure ho managed to read by tho light of tho coals tho paper which tho woman had given him. Imagino his surprise when ho found that ho had seen his long lost slilcr, and that sho had sought to savo his life by getting him away from her husband, who mistrusted that ho had money, and would not hesltnto to mur der him In order to obtain It. Shosald sho had witnessed dreadful things, but begged mm not to try to meet her, as his llfo would bo Imperiled. Tho next morning ho determined to return nnd havo nn Interview with her, and If posslblo persuado her to accom pany him, Tho houso was closed, boards wcro nailed up boforo tho win dows, nnd no sign or Iifo about tho premises. Ho was about leaving when ho heard moans. Agnln ho listened and traced tho sound to tho window out or which ho escaped tho previous night. Ho tore oir thobnards nnd soon found tho sister ho sought, but sho was In a dying condition. Sho had been terribly beaten by her brutal husbnnd upon her had fallen tho mil brunt c his disappointment whon ho discovered his victim had left. Sho told him or terrlblo sufferings nnd crime, but death hastily closed her recital, and poor lllll held a lifeless form In his arms. Ho called in tho only neighbors, who wcro tho people with whom ho had spent tho provlous night. Together they burled tho .bruised nnd mangled body, and over tho gravo tho brother vowed toro vengo tho llfo which had been saeilllced for him. I lo hoard of " his man " crossing tho plains, nnd so had followed, nursing nil tho timo tho deepest hatred In his heart, novor doubting that ho should find him, mid then tho end was plain, Ho hold up his hands, " I havo seen his blood upon them all tho way," said he. "That night," ho continued, "I could not sleep, nnd something whis pered that ho was not far from mo. So I went out and continued my search. I heard his voice on tho street. I follow ed him to Ids cabin and entered eloso behind him. I had something to say to him, ittul you know I couldn't shoot him down without giving him a chance;' It wasn't In mo to do that. Hut ho turned upon mo quicker than thought, and gave mo this shot through my shoulder, My right arm dropped pow erless to my side, but I sprang upon HATES OP ADVKKTISINfi. One Inch, (twelve linen or ltd equivalent In Nonpareil type) ono or two Insertion, 11.80 three, Insertions, JJ.oo, sr-Aci, Ik, 2m, Sm. 6h. It. Ono Inch....... U.M 11,00 f l.uu Jfl.oo 110,00 Two Inches ,8,K) 6,00 T.00 0,00 1.1,00 Threo Inchos S.OO 7,00 0,00 IS.00 IR.oo Kour Inches 7 00 0,00 11,00 17,00 Sl.oo (luartcr column,. 10,00 12,00 11,00 ,lu Sti.m Ilalfcolnmn 13,00 18,00 2000 81,00 WW Onocollimil.....-..30,00 30,00 10,00 00,00 1WI.0H Kjecntor' or Administrator's Notice, tl.00 Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, 12.20. luteal notices, ten cents n tne. Cards lnthe"lliislncs1)lrectory" column, 11.(0 per year Tor the llrst two Hues, and 11.00 for each additlonalllnc. him, und as wo closed ho gave mo n stab In my side; his own pistol, point ed toward himself, went oir, either by accident or design, I shall nover know which, nml wo fell together oh tho floor. "That Spaniard camo in, attracted by tho firing. I had helped his family to food nnd shelter, so I easily prevail' cd upon him to go for you, not because I thought you could do anything for me, but I did not want you to spend your tlmo hunting mo up. 'Tho wretch died; although I didn't kill him, I meant to, so lam n murder er to you. My work on earth Is done, nnd you had better leavo now. I inn nfruld I shall get to earo for you IT you slay, and that would ho foolish, as I hero hasn't been any love In my Ilk1. I shan't trouble you with nny more talk. I guess I hnvo lost my rljht now on tho tltlo tho boys uavo me" As soon ns ho was able, wo went back Into the country and pitched our tout um jag the grand old tree. There camo days when tho hushed stillness brought thoughts of rest, pcaco nnd almost bo Moving. Under the branches whero tho stray sunbeams touched us with light nnd healing, I told tho story of Him whoso blood can wash tho deepest stain from human hearts and hands, nnd into na ture's templo camo tho great, invisible, loving presenco which stands human as ever, though unseen In your very midst, nnd whoso coming Into any llfo will lift It from Its mlro nnd defilement Into tho lost Paradise wlilch lies about us everywhere. As I dwelt upon tho wondrous lovo and compassion, ho asked earnestly, " Why has my lift! been so dark and loveless?" Ah, how mnny aching hearts havo asked that, as they look back over dwarfed and thwarted lives. Hut there camo n timo when his ques tionings ceased, and he changed his life long burden for a cross. And for years, "Silent Hill" was known nil through tho mines and camps as "Tho Big Elder." The "Confessions or a Vng.iboii . ' Tho London Dai!; Xcics prints a sin gular autobiography tho confessions of a vagabond. A parliamentary report on vagrancy, presented In 38 IS, noticed at somo length tho case of Ocorgo At kins Hrlnc, a famous vagabond. A charity society or Loudon lately discov ered thnt tho man was still living and continuing a course- or llfo which he had followed for nearly half a century. This man has always kept up a corres pondence with his family, nnd his let ters nro described as written in nn ml mlrnblo hand, with scarcely a single fault In tho spelling, and generally end with a fow IInc3 or poetry cither of his own composition or a quotation from somo unhackneyed author llko Qunr. rles. When ho desired to get to n par ticular place without walking or pay ing for n rido, ir that place happened to bo tho county seat, ho would break win dows along tho road, nnd thus nccom plish his object. Iu his own nccount or himself ho says that ho adopted vagran cy becauso ho " discovered that mmo monoy could bo got without work than with it." As to tho means ho has adopted, wc had best let him speak for himself. Tho "trade" which ho says ho had worked at was that of n butch er : "Now, I mean to mako a clean breast of It, I will candidly declarothnt I havo stuck nt nothing. I havo worked (hut very little), nt my trade ; I have been n caltlo drover; I havo been salesman wlththrcodiirorentcheapJaeks; I havu been n pot-hawker ; I havo been a ven der of peas, paper, razors (Peter Pin dar'), spectacles, laces, Ac. : I havo been it distributor of religious tracts; I havo been In tho employ (for two years together) of man slaughtering qunck- doctors four different ones (I am moro ashamed of this than of any otherof my follies, for tho majority or them nro not robbers only, but homicides) ; I havo sold cards at all tho principal races in England ; I also attended for many years nil tho principal prizefights; I havo been a 'shallow covo' (f. c, a member of tho land navy), also a 1 big llbyer ' (f. e, n bcpglng-lelter impostor), a ' lurkcr,' ono who has forty different trades anl mastcr of none My favorite lurk' was butcher, tallow-chandler or currier, and to crown all, I havol con n preacher ! This gamo pays well In re- moto vlllago streets on Sunday even ings, provided you nro well stocked with tracts; but I was not fit for It ; my risibility Is too easy tickled, nnd onco when I wns Invited to ' hold forth ' Inn Bmnll chapel 1 wns in no llttlo dangerof grinning In tho pulpit nt my own ro. gucry. This was at Itothbury, North umberland. I must also tell yon, lu short, I havo been a rogue, impostor and vagabond oreach and ovory dcnnm. Illation, 1 say this becauso It Is true, and because I am now heartily ashamed of It." What ho has to say In regard to tho casual wards ho has visited, Is of lilllu consequence further thnu that he gives It as his opinion that thoynll tend to foster vngrnncy, nnd that of every ten tramps nlnonro Imposlorsor profession al tramps. Ho was nsked how many Jails ho had been Imprisoned in, and hero Is his answer: "And now, fourthly, how ninny gaols y This is a postr. Will, hiro goes. I havo been In gaol moro than ono hundred different times I Thero nre but two counties In England that I havo escaped ' limbo.' I havo also been In several In Scotland and Wales. In tho great majority or cases diunken ncss has been Ihticouso ; I linvonol bun convicted of felony or Inrecny, but I havo for obtaining money under faL-o pretences, and several IIuicb for hnwk. Ing without u llicnso, many times fur vagrancy, t-mnshliig windows, nnd oth er offences, for tho wholo or which I richly deserved hanging. To this I presume, sir, you will say nmen." I'rolffslonid vagabondism. Ih, wo ic sumo, less common in this country than In Europe, but wo havo other classes of habitual offn.diis v,hcto dues pmutt it not less Inteubthig pjcblou to il.u ' students of Boclal science.