THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Scenes In ACrlcn, AN A UAH I'Ain A WONI)K!lFUM!0tUK MYSTEHtEa OP KAIIVI.E I.Il'U AFRICAN AMUSEMKNTrS. In rovlowltign recent volumu from tlio pen of Iilculeimnt-Coloiiel 0. 8. Vorekor, tho London Hcamlner says: "After rcmnlulue for n tlmo In Al Rlfrs, visiting llio palaces, tlio tnoiirw lories, tlio ruins mid tlio chief show places of tlio city and Its vlciulty, Colo nel Verokcr set off for tlio Interior. On lils way ho was fortunato enough to wltnoss (hocolobratcd Fnlr ntlJoulfarlk Which Is frequented by tlio wild Ber ber and Arab tribes from tlio moun tains. There- ho saw Kabylos In great numbers selling ollvo-oll out of wild boar skins. Arabs with their sheep and herd, and Jloabltcs and Jews offering for sulo all description of merchandise, At Ulld.i, beautifully situated at tho foot of tlio Atlas range, tho nconery bo gins to bo romantic and picturesque Tho lofty mountains In tho background nro covered with lmincnso forosts,whllo hero anil thcro Kabylo corn-fields peep thro' tho vistas; from thoholghts pour down sparkling streams, "which feed tho fountains and Irrlg.ito tho groves of orangesimd lemons for which Hilda Is celebrated." From this charming placo ournuthor rattled off In tho diligence, drawn by elght-ln-haud, audsoon reach' od tho steep ascents of the Chltta l'ass. This wonderful gorgo, cutting the Atlas rango In two, deserves Its name of "ouo of tho wonders of Africa." Tho pass Is twenty-Ovo uillos In length, and tlio precipices nro covered with luxuriant malden-halr fern, lichens, and lontr weeping grasses. "Itock swallows skim sportlvoly about tho crags,whlIo eagles kites, falcons, buzzardsnnd ravens soar aloft In tho azuro sky, and tho tamo black and blue thrushes dip along from spray to spray, m if to keep tho travel er company." But It Is not until tho llulsscnu des Singes is passed that the flncstsconcry commences "truly grand and moro Alpino than Pyronneau," ns Tristram enthusiastically describes it. "Soon after passing tho heights of Mouzala, tho traveler reaches Boghar,n town perched on an eminence abovo tho valley of tho Clicllf, nud commanding tho northern portion of tho Sahara. It Is situated In tho territory of tho Oulad Autcur, who, although mountaineers, disclaim tho appellation of Berber's dcotulians or Kabyles, and boa3t that their ancestors camo from tho Kast with Autar, n renowned chieftain whoso heroic deeds oro perpetuated In Arabic poems. It Is a curious fact, too, as Gen eral Daumas has pointed out, that tho more tho mysteries of Kabylo llfo nnd society nro explained, tho moro traces do wo find of tho ancient Christianity of tho Roman era among tho descend ants of tho Berbers. Thus, In mauy or their usages and customs, they differ materially from tho precepts of tho Koran, moro especially In tho laws re lating to thoft and murder. Tho Ka byles, unllko other Mussulmans, do not regard tho Koran as tho only complcto arid universal code, but observe, besides, cortaln particular statutes, called can ons, which they trace to a pro-Saraconlc period, beforo tho religion of Mahomet was forced upon them. After wandering for a tlmo on tho Atlas Mountains, Indulging in boar huntingand other African amusements, Colonel Veroker found his way to Con stantino, tho ancient Cirta, n city Inter esting both for Its ancient associations and for Its extraordinary situation. Founded by tho Phoenicians, somo tlmo tho capital of Syphax, tho blrthplaco of Masslnlssa and Jugurtlm, afterwards tho residenco of Juba, destroyed In tho year 311, and rebuilt by tho Emperor Constantino, it Is perhaps historically tho most Important of all tho cities of Africa. It stands on a rocky promon tory surrounded by tremendous precip ices, except nt tho dorsal brldgo whero tho MHa gates stand. It is said to have undergono forty-eight sieges, nnd it was beforo tho Invention of nrtlllory, probably tho strongest city In tho world. Tho city itself, howover, is Intcrsectod by narrow streets, and tho houses aro low and fllthy. Ono Arab writer do scribes it as "tho city In tho air," while another compares It to "a beautiful wo man reclining, clothed In rags." Tho lloman ruins in tho neighborhood aro very remarkable, moro especially tlio lofty arches of tho aqueduct built by tho Emporor Justinian. Colonel Vereker visited Tunis and tlio ruins of Carthago on his way back to Europe. Although bo allows that tho country generally looks civilized and well-cultivated, ho protests against tho disgraceful way In which it is govern ed. Even In tho city of Tunis it U dnn gorous to go abroad at night. Nearly overy ono carries a lantern and n rovol vor, though It Is sometimes dangerous to show a pistol, as a stranger may bo murdered by a natlvo in order to obtain possession of tho weapon. Amoug tho curiosities which our traveler saw at Tunis wcro tho camel-butcher's shops and tho Courts of Justice Tho Boy has at present ono wlfo, and thirty or forty beautiful Circassians In his harem. Ills wife wears a hugo diamond ring on her thumb, and has her hair hanging strait down, and cut off across her cheeks. Sho and all tho other Inmates of tho harem aro enormously stout ; in deed, It is considered dlsgracoful for a married woman to bo thin in Tunis. As soon as n young girl Is engaged to bo married, oven at ton years of age, tho fattening process begins, nnd sho Is btuffeu, oven through tho night, with "ltouskoussou" and water. Cromwell'-l Kcull. rPhn cnnll rr r.AM..rll 1 n 1 1 1 nl.n..n (jrouud, In tho possession of a citizen of jjuuuuu, ouverui yeuia HUICO 11 WU3 CX hlblted publicly. Tho history of tlio ncau is as joiiows: uromwell was bur Ictl In preat stato at Westminster Ab bey. At tho Restoration, however, hU body nnd thoso of somo of his associates wcro dug up, suspended on Tyburn gal lows for h wholo day, and then burled under It. Tho head of Cromwell, how over, was taken oil', carried to West minster llall and fixed thcro, whero It remained notno tlmo; but tho great tempest nt tho commencement ol this century blow It down, whero It was picked up by tho t-reat-grandrather cf lis presout possessor. rl ll!.-l Ifl ft Hlirnlflnnnf intnmnnlnr nn earthly greatness. Tho popular Idol of ono generation may become tho scorn and loathing of another. Tho body of uromweu, carricu 10 jus nurial in royal state, only n fow years after his inter mcnt is rudely torn from Its last resting placo and thohalf decayed carcass, drag, getl by tho heels through tho mud and mlrfi nf Tinilnn. In humrml nmi ip. burn trco, tlio head afterwards torn olf uiiu piuuuu bo uiui in grinning norror u ever looks towards thospot whero King Charles, was executed. Every wrong has Its Nemesis. Court Advortisomonts. QOUltT PROCLAMATION. WnitnitAfl.lliolton. Wllllnm Klwoll, President Jndgunr tho Court of oyer nnd Terminer mitt Uoncrnl Jnll Delivery, Court nt t'nnrtor Hcssinn, nt tlio l'cncnnnd Court of 11)111111011 l'lens unit Or phan' Court In tho tth Juillelnl District, com. posed of the counties of Columhin, Hulllvnn unit Wyoming, nnil tlio Hon. lruin Iierr unit IsnncM. Monroe. A.soelnlo .ludires or Columhln county Imve Issued ihclr precept, benrlng ilnto tho 4th tiny nf August, In the senr or our l,nrd, nno llioiistind, eight huiutretl nnil ovchtyoiie,nnd to meillrccteil tor holdlugnCniirlot Ojer nnil Ter miner nnil ilenernl (lunrler Hesslons of I ho l'eneo Court or Common pleiisnnd Orphntr Court, 111 tiloom.burg, In tliu county or Columbia, on the tint .Monthly, being tho M tiny ol September next, tfictintlnuo two week. Nntlca Is hereby Riven, to tho Coroner, In tho Juitlcci of tho Pence, nnil tho Conilnblei of tho nlilcountyoft'olumbln, Hint they bo tbenmut therein their proper person nt ID o'clock In the. forenoon of miliUlh any nt Kept., with their rec ords. Inquisition ami other remembrances, to ilothosoililngs which to their olllces appertain to bo done. Atul those that nro bound by recostiilianco, to prosecuto ngninsl tho prli oners Hint nro or may bo In tho Jnll of the unlil comity of Columbia, to bo then nml thcro to prosceuto them an idinll bo Just, Ju rors nro requested to be punctunl In Ihclrnltcud nneo, agreeably totlielruoltccs. Dated ntlJIooins 1 burg, tho lllidny of August, In tho j cur u s. i or uur Lord, 0110 thontuuil eight bun -v-' dred nnd Kt'venty-ono nnil 111 the ninety fourth year or tho ludepcndenco nf tha United Diin-B ui .uiicncn, ,.(iui r.Mim, Hloomsburg, August j. Hherlir. "Vy I UOYV 'd Al'PJl A IS EMUS TS. The following npprnlsc merits of real nnil per sonal pioperty net apart to widows of decedents, have been filed III tho olllco or tho luglMerm L umbln eounty.uiiiler tho ltulos nf Court, nml will bo presented ror nlmoluto eotlllrliiallon, to llio Orplinns' Court to nn held 111 Hloomsburg, In and for said rmmty.nn Wednesdny, the (ithdaynf HcnfeOilier IhTl.nt 'J,i' r..-,.l ...... ..... less exretillitiii. 111 ,nni. .....,!...'.'.. ......... 1 oiMly hied, of which nil persons lntelosted In " . 1 "i"oiinucoi 1 ,V Vi ,Jow.uf Tobias Hlulth, Into of Jlrlnrcrcek '. Widow or Daniel Lelby, Into or Locust town shin, dcconied. jl. Widow or JtosesCoirmnn, Into of tho town nf 4'-,Wi''ilmvi of 1,,vl KikonJ.ill, l.ilo of .Minilu S. Widow or Ueorgo V, Hmllli, l.ito of O Ken wSw,1..t..w"sl,ln' dounsed. 0. Widow of ThomnsC. Keslcr.lntoof risking, creek, deceaseil. 7. Widow or s irauel Dyer, Into of ltoarlug creek township, deceased. K. Wow of Jncob Kostenbader, lalo of FrAtik lln township, ilecvaiied, V. Widow of w. A, J. llrltlaln, Into ol llrlar. creek townshln. tlpnu...,! ru w.',ll"w 01 Al'cl "aiby. Into of tho lluroush lk Widow ol is.1.10 Hclgrrlcd, Into of llloami' burg, tlecensed. 11. Widow of Dnld ltouck, Into of Locust tuLuaiup, necensLil, ., . . W. ir.JAC01!Y,lieBNtcr. , , Iteglslcr's onlce. 1 Jllooinsburi!, Aug. 1, 1S71.I EEaiSTKIVS NOTICK. Nonci: l hcri'by ulcu to nil leirntet'H. frc.lllorH nml Ulllvr I'CrsOllS illtlTliktl-tl III thn iktnti nf Mm t-n. ftpcctUo UiceiU'titHuna mluorn.llint tho ft.llt)w- liiKnuituuiitrauun ntnl uunUnn accoutilH Imvo UlaCOUIltV. flUlt Will lit nl-iHiili.,l n.-.tifl rii- ttou .and inliowauco iutiio Orplinns't'ourt, In bo ui-iu in uHMimsuurB.oii w cuiiettiiiy, llio Mil u:iy ofBci.tember, ls;j, ul 2 o'cluck In tiiu nfturuoou I. TtlO nCfntltlt nf Him lint IMnl torlnli nnM(n of JU'ury l)kttcrlcli,latocflJrlarcrL'cltowmhlit im7 r ;?w,ount of Joltn Tooty, ntlminMr.Uor of censcil, ' 3. Tue nrcountof Jncnb Urnwji, mlmlnlRlrntor ceaicil, l. 'Iho Account ofRllai Wclllvcr, rxocutorof Jolm Uemott, lato orMutltsou lownUli. ilei't-as- Q. The second find final nccmnt of Jacob Mel- lCk. ona if thn I'vufiitntu .r ttntij t nri.ti latu of Hcott towatnlp, ilecoaseil, u. Thu ucrouut of lvtcr Knt, mlmlnistr.Uor or Jainuii tlrlmw, lato of Mount rituwiiH towiiihln dccen'ittl, 7. Tliobocoml account of Kntmicl Crcany nml Hteplieu ilohu, aitmlnlstratorj of Jucob Golto, . 'Iho ill-count of (Who M. JUm, nOmlnls. tnitor or Jacob ohc, Uto of CVntio towiiHliin. If. illll nfUOUUt nT lIpiil'fTA H (lltl.nrt nii.l 1!. crt h Cleric, executor- or John Hhnrnifn int.. .if Utitaulssa tow nshlp. deceased. lu, 'ilionccouut of ThomaH Crevellnti, Jr., ml mlulstnitor uf Hamuol t'leveUut', lalo of bcott towujfliip, deceased. 11. Tho Itei!OUllL Of It. IV Tinrtmnn ori:minaM,Appleman,ii minor cnila ot Ualtls iviMiivmnu, miuwi jieimocu lownsmp, tiecensed, li. lhe nccountof MnrKimit it. k-imum- dtan or tho eHtalo or linitim McUowell. u lftr.deo under tho wlllor Matthew alclMwellHto ot Hcott towushtp. deceased. 13. The account of Marshall O. Kinney. Guar dian of tho estnto of Charles McDowell, n U-eaUo uuder tho will of Matthew McDowell, laio ol Hcott township, deceived, II. 'Iho uccuuut of Marshall (J. Kluncy, cuar dljnortho tbtato of John Mciiowcll, u leiratco under the will of Matthew McDowell, Uto of , Hcott towuhhlp, deceaHcd. 15. Tho account of Marshall O. Kinney, guar dian ofthe estate ol Alice McDowell, u lexutio under tho will of Matthew McDowell, luu of 1. l'lnal nccount or Montgomery Colo ono of the executors ot William Colo, lato or Dunlun township, deceased. 17. Final uccouut of Thomas 11. Colo, nnoof theexeciuora or William Cole, lato or Denton township, deceased. J?;mTuo,Sccoi1iU r William 11. Vctlcr nnd WlUinrn i. ahtimau, admlulstiators, etc., of Daniel letter, lato or Main township, deceased. llf, Tho tlnul account or Oscar I', J-.nt, admin istrator of Abraham Mus&elman, lulu of Hcott townshln. deceased. 'JO. Tho nual accouut of William H. Abbott, administrator of John Wnmnolu, latu of Cata wlssa, deceased, 21. Tho rtrt and final account or Uolandua Herheln, administrator of leter K, Ilcrbeln.lalo of Locust township, decea-sed. 'ZL Tho account of DoierK, Hcrbeln, mmrdlau of JonasH. Fahringer, minor child ot Jonn l-"uiir-luer, lato or Citnwlssa township, deceased, as filed by his administrator, Itolandus llerbelu. -i Tho account of 1'eler K. llerbelu, yuardUn wfAlonzo l-'ahrlncer, minor of John 1-iturinyer, late of Catawlsha township, deceased, as filtu by his Administrator, ltohmuus Jltrbein. 21. The nccount of 1'eter K, llerbelu, guardian of Nathan Fahrtnger, minor child of John Fan rlnger, lato of Catuwiss.1 towuthtp, deceased, as tiled by his Administrator Itolanuus ilerbeln. 5. The account ofFeter K. Jleibelu, guirdLm or Lucas Fahrlnger, ft minor child of Joint Fuh rlnser, lateofCatawlssa township, deceased, ns nled by bis Administrator, Uoluudus llerbelu. 1W. Tlio accouut or Feter K. ilerbeln, nuardlan minor child of Oeoigo htlntf, late of Locust township, deceased, as filed ly his Administrator, ltolnudus Jleibelu. 'J7. Tho account or Feter K, JKrbeln.KuardUu ot Hannah Btlne, a minor child of Ut-oryii Htlue, lato or Locust townfchlp, deceased, ns filed by his Administrator, Itolanuus Heroelu. iM. Tho account of Feter K, iierbelu, guardian or Charles Htlue, a minor child of Ueorao HUne, late of Locust township, deceased, as Hied by his Administrator, Itolandus lleibeiu. W. The first nud tlufti nccount of Iteuben bit lor, guardian or tho persons and estates of Hom uel. Mary, John, J amen nud Anna Ffiel, minor c dldreu of Oeorgo Ffiel, lato of 0 rango town, bhlp, deceased, , , m W. II. JACOUV, Iteylskr. Ileglster'sOfflco, Illoonisburg, Aug 4, 1871. j LIST OF OAUSKS l'OH THIAh AT SElTEMUEn TEHM, 1STI. riKST WEEK, IMwaril HcCall ct. nt, vs. John Hweeney, Win. I.onKeuberKer, ct. al. vs. Hush W. ilcl'.ey- nolds, et. nl. H. Hcrdlp'n use ys, It.ll, Crcvdlns cU nl. 1'clerHcllllgvs. Charles Lee. 1), J. Waller vs. John M, wiaeklionse. A; fj'ewtrt use vs. James N. Jones. ;! h1!18 et "' vs Abraham Jlooro et. nl. Michael f.rovcr's use vs. Haae ft ".right. Michael Oroicr'8 use vs. Bavago & UUuht, Joieph Miller vs. N.H. Campbell, O, B. I-'om ler vs. Jcsso D. ltlce. l'eter ilayiuan's uso vs. Jacob Shaffer ct, al. Ilrambttir Co. vs. McNincli & Miuman. Harvey C. Hess vs. Bamucl Creasy ndm'r, Kliultz 4-1; illiston vs. Alrred Irwlne. Wm. A. Kllno vs. James V, (llllnspy, James V. (llllaspy vs. Wm. A. Kline. Clemuel O. Itleketts administrator, vs. ll.ivld Hweenv t. nl 1 Joseph i B. Kllno vs. chailes Howard. John Gray vs. Haudeison Hagcnhnch. Lcwin J, Adams v s. IThiuKCreck Hcliool DWrh I. seconii week. Hlmon Welsh vs. John Hoffman. j cier r.cKiouivs, Ained irwlne. travels J. Kllno vs. Jacob Herring. (). J. Alellick vs. John Ycnecrmlin'r. 1'.. boiuherwalt vs. Kred. FrMeici roll. ?"'"'. ludy vs. Jacob Hehuvler. '"ti'Mr v' i'SialW'ir., ucndlng 1'tttilaroad'cS''an V '''""e'P'"' Iteoillns UoaVcXu?y1'hl,,l'Je!l,,im lt 1!raJ"' ,la"- Wr"taliar7a,VK;V Vhn,n A HcnUliig FhaX nrowu VV-i,JllllP Apploman . t. al Holomon Hlney vs. Wiin,!, '.'wJi,', J'eph Ery vs BtmbVK J N "itaVlfir CoUaCkUWnK' Blootuvlurt ltanlel Bnyder'a uso v! McCnltma fct nl ;; 9: 5 1-W" J"1U "y et. m. Ueorgo I. Hess vs. Jox nh Wi.o li ui J.Hmltli iV Bon vs. UK "less fi' nia'i'S!Vi.n.",!.1 Uvl Hiedbender tt. al. nArVl Cr" & L"-"- William llnrik. .M,,,,1M.WIlllBlil llarber. Michael Mc.lahon vs. Nicholas Klndl, V W. H nx. VS. John I,. Ho-ler. a, IV, t-aiou tl ux, vs. 11. r. VVnrner t-l liv Columbia Insurance 0o.&i: M. Kreelt A, U. Blew art et,al.s. I runtls 11. Jolly ct al. Ocorge A. l;rlck vs. John Jujcox et, al. Jacob l.yer s adm'r vs. Bamiielllogiirtct nl, Trunk li llrockway vs. Hanlel 1'. aeiberi. Henry Fry vs. Jacob pli iieubacli. rjUE OKEAT -MAGICAL 11 a i it r u it v 1: it ; Will forco a beautiful bet of WhlikorB nr Mus. tacho.ln from two to thrio months, on liny per son over twelvo years old. II la nnoof iho best preparations to make tho whiskers irrow that eyerwuii kuown. Ono bottlo of It lssulllclcnt to 'i.J vcry strong beard. It does uot In any SS.""'""1 Injure tho skin. Try III It Is hi. I"1'' lHt paid, in any address, on receliit of price. Address' WII.OAM O. WAONKH, ,,.,,. wreiiui.vine, aug.w.', Adams County, I'onnn, K OTICE TO TIliai'AKSEItS. All nerKnnfc nnd r uncf itrt,.. nKa i,nrn. by "nt to trepnwi uimi the jiremUt-H nf tri-j.pabt.eni will be nrocttata aunlnut ucconllnu' Locust twp.,Aug.n.l71..1JAN,lL'LE1UV;; J1UHTIC1M ULANKH.-Huinmons.Kxecutlonii t) Hubjxruaii, Warrants, Ac, conhtanlly un lianj Patent Medicines. 0 NK2ittIitilONOFIjtVK3SAVKI)( 11 I. nn A of 111 A rcnifirlrnliln f.M. nt Hit. Mimip. kfthlo iio, not merely that no tunny pernotH aro the lcliiu of d)nicpla or IndlKeHllon, but Its willing victim.. Now, wo would not bo under Mood to nay thatnny ono regard. dVRpcpnln with favor, or reel dl.poActl to rank It ntiiolitf Iho InxurleHof life, l'nr from It, 'I lima who linvo cxpcncnceil im lornicllln would rcoui mien nil Idea. All dread II, and would glfidly dl-pmmo with lln tiiitilcn.aiii famlllnrltle.. Mnrk'J'apley, who was lollv ntiilcrnll Iho trvluuclrt'lluistnlieeM lnwhirh ho wa. piaeed, neer had nn attack nf oj .pep.ia, or in. jtiiiny wouiu niivo nieeuu turMlkeuhlni, Aleuaudwonien Rolili llluei Hllller 1M torture, uueoniplalulnslj', hut whoever hcaid of n poison who enjoyed tliein7 Uf all tlio nulllllarlou. disease, lo which tho human M.lcm 1. II iblc, there I. perhaps no nuo so Kenernlly prevalent ns dyspepsia. Thcro nro diseases moro nculo and pnlnrtil, unit which moro fieqiicntly prove lalnli nut none, tho cllVct of which aio no depressing to tho muni nud so positively distressing to tho body, lr llieio Is n wretched belim lu tho world It Is a troNi'iitMiU) nysrupi'if. ltul It Is not our lntcnt:?u to dlscant on tho horiorHof Dyspepsia. To devcrlbo Ihem truth tally Is simply uu Impossibility, It Is posslblo lo point out a remedy, Wohavosald Hint dyspep sia Is perhaps tho most universal n! huniiiu ill. eases. This Is emphatically Iho case In tlio tlnl teitMtales. Whellur this Kcnernl prevalence is duo to tho character of tho food, Iho method m Its preparation, or tho hasty muiilicr III which It Is usually Nwaltowed, Is not our province to ex plain, Tho great fact Willi wlilcn wo nro culled to ilea! Is llilst jiYsriipsiA ritr.v.ur.s nlmoit universally. Nearly every otner perwtniyou inert Is nvle 1 1 m, mi. I npiuirililly willing oniij lor were Ibis not tlio ease, why so many sulteivrs, when u cer tain, speedy nnd saru remedy Is within Iho easy reach of all who deslrotoaall Ihemselves or If Hut tho !i:n.orlty will not. Illlnded liv pnjlnllce, or deterred by 1,01110 other unexplained Inlluencc, llieyrefuso to nccept tho relief prollcied tiicni, They turn n deaf ear to tlio testimony ol Hie inousnius whosuMilicllugslinvoljt'cn nlloviaicd and witli rdrango Infatuation, appear to cling with desperate determination to ilu-ir ruthless tormentor. Hut says 11 dyspeptic I What Is this 1 emeu v 7 10 which wo reply l Tins uieat. allevia tor ol human siillerlngls almnstas widely known ns the Knsllsh lansungo, H has ntl.iyed the ngonies of thousands, anil Is to-day carrying comfort nml incouraiicnieiiL to tllousnntis nt ntheis. This uuknoM leUoi panacea Is nuiio UlllCl 111.111 Ult. IIOOKLANUU allltMAN DITrUW. Would you know mora of tho ineills of this "uuucniii jueilieilio uiau can ou le.iroeu irotll tho cxpcilcnco ol others? 'I ry 11 j outself, and when It has failed lo 111IIII thu nccilralico ol lis elllcacy jlvcu by the piopletor, Mien ubaudou fcllhlii P. let it in; iti;.!KMiit:itt:i), nrRtofnll.tlnt UOim. VN1K.S UE.UMA: II IT- i i.u li noi n linn bCM-ruo, They mo lnt ulcohollc In unv scncr nf tlio I or m. They mo coimtoscil wholly or tlio mini Julco or vlhil irinclIu nf voot-t. MiH Is not n iiieio nH(nmn, iuo oxiracin mmi which inej iuu ci)inimnilc(l mo repurnl by ono nf ( he nhlest fr (Icrinaii clienilstN. UnlUto any other Hitlers lu tho nmrlret, they nro wholly frco Ironi HlirlrltunuH lnrellcnts. Tho )bJcctlouH which hold wllh (sft in itch forco ncnlust prcimnitlonH ol thin cla"i, nninely tlmtn fleslro lor in toxical I tug ilrlnks 1h Htlninhited by their u-o, nio not valid In tho ca.o of tho (liMtunn llltlcrs. Molar from encourimint; nr Inculcating a tnsio or de-tlro for Inrbrlntliit' beernne's. It liny bo miiililf'ntli tcrleil their tendency U lu n dlatucrlcilly 'lrofiitodiieetlon. Thcli ellcctscau bo In nil raifl nf thn lilllnri' nvtJnn. irnndnnil'ii (lerinau Jltttern Ktnml without nu equal, act Ins pfoniptly and vigorously upon tho Mverj they remoso its tnrpltllty nntl rauso he.ilthlul seeit- imii oi om iitureoyMippiviiig uio HUllliaCIl WHU tho liio-tt llldls lienvnliUt fli-infiild nr .nmul ill. KLhllou In ptuper propoitloim, ThcynU'u tono to tho htoiuach srimuIatlniLt IU Junction, nml ennbllmiltto perlortn 1U ilutlvM tin natnro Ut- Uliriieil It Nhnnld do. Tlinv liiinnrl vdmi' tin.) Micngth to thn entlro syMem, causing Iho patient tnicel like iuiotherbUiis-iu lact.BHlntf nlui a now Icaso of life, THHY rUUIFY THU 1U.001), eleanslns tho vital rtuldof alt hurtrul lmpuri tloi nud Mipplaittlus Ihem with tho elements nl Ketiulno hiMlthiuhiens, In a woul, tlu-ro Is Hcarcely a dlicnsu In m Ideh thnvc.-iimnl In. t.!if,.K ami benellelally employi-d: but In that must Keiieiauy previueni lU.iCNSlng and Uieadcd UKoasc, Dynpipsjl.i, tiii:y stand unuivaliih. Now. thcro nrn rertnlti nr i.rwrttw in I whom exlremo Hitters nio not only unpalalablo i hut who llud It lmpOH-dblo lo tulio them without Im.suio uiscomioii. l or fcuca un. nooFL.VNirrf a human tonic hnsbefMi specially prepared. It Is Intended for mo whero a slight alcoholic Miniulant la re quired In connection with thowell-knnwu'Jnnlo properties of tho imiu (Jermaii Ititteis. Tills Tnnio contains nil thu JngruulenUot tho Hitlers, hut ho flavored iw tniemnvo tlio extu-mo bitter lie. This pieparatlnn 1 not only nalatahlo hut eomhlues, in nuhlHicd forui.titl tho vlrtuo or tho (lerinau HIIUtm. Tho woiM eMracts n Homo of Naturo'n choicest lestoiatlven ntu held In Milutlnn by nhplrltuous nj:eutoi tho imreist tjuallty. In eases ot languor or eeesslo Uthlllly whero tho HyMein nppuirs to hnvo bcuomo ex haustea oflU unerglcH, IIOOl'LAND'H TONIU nctn with almost marvelous eilcct. It not only stimulates tho tlas(lus and wnstlnu cnerfilci hut Invigorates and permanently strenKthens 1U nctlou upon thoMM'rnndHtoniach thmoiuh, perhapM less prompt, than tho Hitters, when tii0 sameiniautltv Is tnl;en Isnoiiolho lys coitaln. jnuiyu-auun, jmnuusiiesi, I'liyisieai or rcrvou I'j-ostratlon.yleld icadlly to Its potent Inllnencc, It lilvss tho Invalid a new nnd ktmmn-r iw.M m.. on life, removes depression of HpliitH, and In spires elieeriulne.s. It feupplnuts tho pain ordls easowlth thotasenMl conuort ofperiect htallh. ii BOfN Mit-uKui i" eiiKiiesK, iiunwN ucxpon dency to the winds, nud starls tho uslnrtd In valid upon a now ami Kladsouio caieei. Hut Dr. Iloollaiid'H bi uelactlons to tho lii-umn not con Until to liU celebrated omiMAN IilTfUUS, or his Invalunblo Toxic. II La iircparcd nnoihcr medicine, which M lapldly wlnntntt lis uy to popular invor uccuuiu 01 uh lnniusic nut Us. 'lhh U IIOOriND'S 1'ODOriIVI.LIN a peifcct sulMltntn for mercury, without any or mercury evil qualities. These wnnilcrfull'JUsi. whlcli nro intended hi net upon tho Liver, aio ninlnly comp.oi.ud of j-ouupnyiuu, or IHO VITAL X'UIXCiri.U OF TIIR MANDKAKK Now u-o drslro tho rrndrr lnilli.tiMiH muini. slaiid that this extract of tho Mandrake Is many Milieu moro powetiill lliau Iho .MandraKo Use If, It Is n imdlclno vIUuch ot this health.Klvins plant In u perteetly puro nnd hlfhlv eoneen hated lorni. lleneu It U thnt. lu'n i thn i,..i... phyllln JMII eonstlluto a full itose, whllo any- M hero Six lo plaht or it lintnllnl i.r irfi.nritlr.a ot Iho llandraUo aro required, Tho l'odophj llpi ACTS DIUI'CTLY ON TIIU LIVHU, Mlmnlatlni! Hs functions nnd causing it to makn 1U blltnry neretlons In regular and pinpor qunntltleH. 'iho Injurious resulu which iilily lollow tlio mo of mercury lsuitirely avoided j nun iw-, umiiniiot upon mo javeroniy that their powers aro excited. Tho extract ol MandiHltorontalno'l In them Is islillliully com bined with four other extracts, ono of which acts Upon tliu stomach, otio unon thu minor liowi-N. ono upon tho lower bowels, and ono prevents nnyKiipint;tlIect.thuspro'lucluaapill thnt In fluences tho entire illyestlvo and nllintnilary system, In nn equal nud harmonious manner, and Mb action entirely lreo Ironi nausea, omlt io or uiipinj; pains common to all other purira lles. lohhes.ltiK thesomuch dclrahle qualities, tho rotlophylliu becomes luvaluaMoiwa FAMILY MLDIUl.NJi. NO hoilSthoUl Should bo without, llirm. TIipw flro pirfcctlysafe, uqiilro but two Jor an ordi nary dote, aro ptompt nml iinelcnt lu nctlon, and whin used liuonnecllon with Dr. Iloollaud's (Jerinail Hitters, or Tunic m,iv l.n nu certain specltlcs In nil cases of Liver Complaint, ..jsi'iji-m, .. hiij 'i nif umunieis 10 WHICH II.O sjslein U ordinarily huujoct, ihu rODOl'HYLLlN TILLS net upon tho stomnch and bowels, carrying off ioiiuii-t tiunii uLtunis, viu.j uiu lit iters r junto rum uiu uioou, hueuKineii alia tnvJaornto thu Jrame, ylvo tono and nppetllo to thu htomach, .... tljl LUU .11 .UIIU HIIUW Jr. liooilaml, havlnif provided Internal remos )X . uf ulnMHihaKlVf!i tho world one mainly thewondiiful pro. piuauon known ns Un. IIOOrLAND'H aUUEK OIL. Kpralns, HiirtiK, lain In tho ltik and Loins Itlimworms, Ac., all yu-l to lis exttTnnl np.l cu- lon. 'iho number of cures elicited by it li iuio . MiliiB, and they aio lncreaslnu o erv day, '1 akeii liiternully. It u a mre lor Heart burns Kidney Disiiues Hlik lleadaehis, Oil " lYSK": em Is an oily subslanee, rioeuica In tlio sou . irn rartof (Irieee. lis ill, els us u uestrnier oi i.ulu uro tiulyiiiaiflial. llioiiianils Imvo Ui n Itl liefltltl l,v Its use. and a tilnll.v thr.bu...i...W.. (.Iteptlial will llioiouiilily eouvlnii) Hum of n, luestlmaliliivului'. Tlii-so Remedies will Ijo sent by cinress to any locality, uism aiinlleallnu to tho i'iiini'i. i',,',' ',1' V' L,,"",',, (.'.1-!tV AN MUUIWNK H.iS, ISVAA'S, I'roiulctor. ThCho KciiKdiiFnio for n!o by DrueuUti iiioiiuii-rK, nml Mcdlclno Inal very litre. (PO.VSIMirTKfeV, na cum: and m imu;vi;ntivi:, BYJ.1I.S01IKNOK, M. 1). Many n linmnii bclnir has parsed nwfly( for Whoio death thero was no other reason than tho Hewlett of known nnd Indisputably proen means of euro. Thoso near nml dear to ramlly nnd friends nro uleeplna thn drcnmleM slumber Into which, had thoy calmly ndoptetl 1)11, JOSIU'H 11, HCIH.NtMv'fl HtMW.K thi:ataii;nt( nndnvnlloiUhcmctvcsnf his wnndcrful cGlcii' rlnii mnillfltins. tliev Wlllllil tint. Init-n f.-iL.n. Dr. Hchenek has lu his own caso preserved I lint whenersuniclent Vltatllv reinnlua. ilmt vltnlU ty, by his medicines and his directions for their u, Is quickened Into hentthful vigor. In tldsMtatemeut thero Is tiothlns preRumptu "in, luuiu i.iiiii .iiuiuiiuuiiii ii inmio mi ni' nrescnlntlou tint Is not a thousand times mull Klantlalcd by llvln nnd vlsiblo works, Tho theory of tho euro by Dr. Hchenck'n medicines Is nstdmplo as It Is uufallln. Jin philosophy io Uiui I" nu iiiyuiui.i.i, it. in KClIaSSUIIlly, null1 ciiivlntltii. ThoHcawonilTouloatul Slandrnlio PHIs aro tho first two weapons with which iho ellwdcl ol tlio malady Is nssalled, Twothlrds of tho ca'cn of consumption originated in iiyrpepsin nuo ll functionally disordered liver, with this con dition, tho bronchial tubes "sympathize" with tho stomach. They lespoml to the morblMo action of tho liver, ihcu comes iho ctilnil natlns result, nnd tho betting lu, with nil Its CONHUillTlON, Tho Maudrako nils nro composed of onn of i-siiuui- imuicni ' u-jopniiium fcna" turn. They imsness nil thu hlmwi H.ntiri-liiinr. alteratlvo prupcrltes of calomel, but unllko calo uiui, they li:avi; no htino huimniv' Thn Wort of euro Is hour Imt-ltitilniy. Thn vll I'll ed and mucous (IcikhIih In iho bowt Is nml lu tho niimeniary eauai inn tjeclinl, Thu liver, llltenclotrk, Is wound up. ll arouses from lis torpidity, 'J ho stoiu-u ii ucls r. vttomlvcly, mid thopatli-nt begins to K-el that hots jjcUImk at ma., A HUPi'LY OK OOOD I1L0OD. Tho Heawred Tonic, In conjunction with tho TlllH, petmeates and MHRlnillates with tho fol. Chyliilcatlon Is now proKtessltHr without Its previous tortures. lUm -ttion becomes paltiless, and tlio euro Is seen to ho at hand, Theio Is no moro flatulence, no ex u et ballon of Iho htomaeh, AiiappcllloHelsIn, Now eoincs tlio Kirntcst lltood lurlflcr ever yet given by nn indulgent tathcr to stiiMins man. Hchenek s l'ulnioiilo Syrup comes In to perrorm Its Junctions nnd to hasleti nnd com plcto tho cure. Hentersatniico upon llswork. Nature cannot ho ehealed. It collects and rip ns tho impaired and dls-und portions or tho luiis. In tho hunt nl mdlierlmis, it pirpnros them tor uspectoiathin.niid hi! in a very hort tlmo the lual.nly is MiiiiiuiHliud, tho rotten thrnno that It occupied Is renovated nud tuado now, and tho patient, lu nil thu dignity or revalued vljor.Kteps lorth lociijoy tho iniuliooil or tho womanhuud that was, oivi:n Ui' A3 LOST. Ti.o second Millar Is. tho tiatlents unttl utnv in a wai in room until they cum ell; ltlsnlmost Im possible to movent taking eold when tho hunts aiodlscaseii, hut It must bo prevented or a cute cannot ho i Heeled, I'resh ulr and i Idhuj out, es pecially lu this scetlon ortho country lu tho fall and winter Reason, are nil wrong. I'njslclaiis woo recoiuniL'iiu iiium,uiiiu it;so iiteir pailelUH, Ifihclr iiui"s nro hadlv illseavn i. ninf i-t. . emsa they aro lu tho houso they intuit not hit down quit t; they must wall: about iho room us much ami as fist as tho k I length wilt hear, to Ket up a iiootl elrculatlon of blood. Tho p itlcnts musL ltivp hplrllsbodi'tcrmlueil to net well. This has a Bleat deal to do with Ihonppo tlte, aud Is tho (rival p: hit lo jjalu. To despair ot cuio tiller such evldenco of Its pnsslbllliy tntho worst cacs, nnd moral certain lv in nil others. Is sinhll. Dr. Ki-hfncl's ii.s.r.i.-il statement to tho Taculiy of hw own cuio was in theso modest words. ".Mauy years ago I was In tholastslajios of con sumption; cuuiliied to my bed, uuu at ouo tlmo my physicians thought thil I could notlloa neck; then, llko a drowning man catching nt stiaws, 1 hiard of aud obtained tho prcpaialious which I now otter lo tho public, and they madoa pcrtectcuro oliue. It seemed luino that I could ice I thum ncnetmto my wholo mvsipiii. Thev soon ripened, tho nutter in my lung", nnd I wuuui i-piv up iiiniu in. in ii pim oi oneuMvo yel low nnitierovery niorniug tor a long time. As soon as that began to subside my cough, fever, pain aud nlglit swcatsall began to me, and my nppcllte bocnnio so great that It was with dllllcutly that I could keep Horn eating too mili'll. 1 SOOil tiailU'it stleUL'th. nml imvn grown In ilesh ever since.' "1 was weighed shortly arter my recovery," added tho Doctor, "then looklug llko n mere skel eton ; my weight was only ninety-seven pounds; HIV nresent Wel 'lit Is two hundred mid i until v. lio (220 pounds, nud lor juus I havo liiJos ed uninterrupted hoalth." Dr.jseheuck has discontinued his profession1.! visits to New York nnd Hstou. Jiuorhlssou jir.j.Jt.iscuencic.jr., suit continues to see pa tients nl their olllce. No. 1j North sixth t,tt.'t. riiiladelphla, cery H.iturday Jrom u a.m., to; r. in. iiuMj wiiu wihii ii uioiougii oxnmiuution wltli tho ltcsplionuter will bo charged 'Iho Utsulromeler declaiestho exncteomiitlnn of tho lunys.nnd patients can readily learn whtther uii',) uiu euiuuiu ui uui. TUO dtlectious lor tnkiin tlio nipdlrlnet nrn adapted to the Intelllgeneo eviu or n child. I'ol low thoso directions, ami kind Naturu will do tho jest, excepting that in bouio cases tho .Maudrako l'llls aio to oo taken lu Increased Hoses; tho thuo medicines need no other necomp.miments Hum tho amplu Instructions that accompany them; nrstcicalu appetite. Of returning health hunger Islhtj moil welcome symptom. When It eonies, as it wllleomo, let tlio despairing at onco uu ui k'oi ineur. vioou uioou at unco loiiows, llie cough loosens, tho night suiat ts alated. In a shoiltlmo both of theso uioibld uyiupLoms mu gono loroer. jir, weuenca smcuicinesaro constantly Kept in tens ol tluAisriuds ol lamllhs. Asa laxatlo or purgative, the .Maudiako l'llls aro a fctaudard pit partition; Ulo tho l'ulmonlo rup, ns a iiuer ot coughsamt eohh, may bo legudid as a prophylaciLjiuii; consumption m any ot Its jorms. 1'ilco of tho rulmotilc Hyiup nnd Ken weed Tuule, SlyJa bottle, or i7.5)a hall doen. ,Mim diaku l'JIls, i'i eeuts a box, l'or bale by all diug Ulstsand tiealeis, Johnson, Hollawny it Cowden, a2 Aich sheet I'hlludclphl i, Avholcsalo iients. may Vj 7l-Jy 'i m: ixoiii:dii:.ts that COMI'OS!: IIOSADALIS aro jmUisluil on every package, Iherc iforclttsn&fa secret preparation, consequently 'l'livsit'i.vxs I'linscium; n H3 a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphih in all its forms, Kiicuina li-in, Slun Diseases, l.ivcr Com .''.unt anil all dn-cascs cf tho J! bod. vill ilo moro good than ten bottles 0f iho H)'riiin of tjarsapanlla. THC UNSEnSIQNCO PHYSICIANS Iiavo UMid Ilopadalis in their practic. jfur tho past threo yearn and frielj icndurro it as a rcliaUo Allcratha and lilood Purifier. rn Inn t. c. i-rr,Tt.,,f Eiitiracio. nu. T.J i. n I. IV, I). i. 11. V. ' uu r o. inwmv, " r;i..l S. SI'AUltS, ol Nir!ir,l3m., n.t. "iVl.. MvCAKTIIA, ColumMa, I s. c. : li ?; imlwowI,. v. n. J. B. lT.ILNClli.SONS, Tall Slier, V.a. 1'. W. NMlTII.Jielwn, ,VIh. V. 1'. Will. I l.l'.lt. I.lnu. Uhio. It 1IM.I., I.llill.llhlu. It WI.N & I'll., tinnlonn Ilk, Vs. A.MT.. O. Jld'APUKN, .Murfrntx i liiini, Telia. Our rp.ico vlllnnt nllow ornny ex ' n Idt leln-itKn in itbtlutl tu Ihi. -rtui'.oi TolIioJliMica l'nifi'siim we.'ualantro a Klulil JU trar'Fiipcrlnrto aaytliey eicr u-icil in tho tieatliu-nt (l illM'scl I 111"...!, nud to tlienilllrleil Meaiy try llu,--M.iii,, un.l sun will Lo rusiun l ta liilllli. toiil.ll la - UI l,y all PniRHUtJ, 1'rkc Cl.SUpcrbjttlu. AUJRaJ ,1fan rc turing VhtmUtt IUtTiiioai;, Mn wrn jALTXMOUI-: PIAXOS. Wo rctpeetfully call Iho attention of tlinso iK.lrlnu in imrelituo mir tiinko ur IMiiliui. Wi' uru hutl.ileil that no ean nivc. hiitlhinetlou lu nvery eahe. Oiil-M'nrltliiciiKltllllulnlKl exi'iTlin eej nnil nru lunler llio iiersuiiulKUnerluliuileiiiu ot tlio nieiuiieiH ol our linn. Wo uso inily the best he.iHoneil limlicr, nml tlio materia! lu tjeno. rnl Is llrnt cI.ih. our 1'lanoii wltliout cieeptlon liavollieiiiiieni nuinlles nrrain-enii-nt tlirouuli nut, wlileli lu llio opinion or thu mint oniio lent Jiulum l liruncjuiieeiUnlualile, lly llils lui niowiiaiii a Vlano lu niailo inoie iluinlilo nml keeps llio loio luuuer, NVoeliiliiirorour liislru nu Unit they nro Keiiiul in none, nnil lliey eoinlilno all tlio (monllnl I'liluenlH Hint eoiutf. tutu mipeilor woikiniiusUlp, Wo will ulvo n willlin uiinranteo lur ilvo 1 1 urn. .Mr. I'omiaii I'm.iMAK, ineiulier of nurnrni, will visit liloniu.hiirK lour iiihik n yinr to iu palrnnilnlleuiltiituiiiiiitor nil IMnuoH. In the aUoniotil .Mr, Km iman. Mr. 1, K, .Miu.kk will iittenil tn our liU4likj-H In lllooini.burn unit 1. nut tiorUtit to reeelvo nml kollclt onler.. Wo can ulvo tho very hest lefi-reneeM. (i.i:iii,i:co. Il.iltluioie, M. D. I. K. Mii.i.Fit, liealcr In rhinos. Oruans nml Aliloaeou. Ilvo oe!uo ami Ilvo Mop oiuhiu ot tho U.t nialie, boKl at 1110. Tennii iiuy. Juuo ilrl TVrOTK'K. Allllioo luiUhtei. lo tho tiniler.luueil oil Juillti'liiout, Nolo, lloinl or Hook AiTouul nio heriiiy noiitltil to innko payment of kauioouor befoio tliollr.t of th'toher next. WM. Ml KI.I.VV& CO. MtKlli.VV.NUAI. & to, llloointnuti, Auj. 11, Itiii.i'm, Jl.ANK J)Ki:i)3. Wo How ImvnllinnnKil nLBit.hnni., nniT ivir 1IK11IM on liauil nml lor halo Hint uero ovor kept lu iilooiin.liuri'. Lariso HUe on heni pnrrhmtut piipi-r, toinuiou niu, l:icillor'aiul AilmluU Jrulor'n luiUn-nnall blue uoixl paper (cueun) Uoinmou l)tou8, 4e, 11 ROSAMLIS 57 I Miscollnnooun. THIS MliDiUiLION IS ,u VfiTTfTMfiif tMTtUM QUAUTIKS OF TIIK KLIA9 HOWJJ MIIWINO MAUIUNIl: It draws tipiifttltcli ns you do by hand, others donot. II 8lves tlircad for arh siltch nccordlmi lo tho thickness of fabric wowed, oilier do hot, It uses a fdrnlifht nrcdlo nnd finer for omo thicadthnii unv oilier michlno, 'Iho nlllch Is nlllcc on both nldes. II has In addition to these nlliohantascs elalmeil by other machines, It has been tesled nnd Is Known to bo tho most dtiiablo in ichlno in tho market, Tho fact thnt wewlmr maehlno men aro anxious toobialu Iho nuency of this mnrhluo Is eonclusKo evldenco thnt tlioitubiioaro laracly lu fivor of this ma elilne, which has tint ehaiiiod lis prlnclpto hIiicc Its rormattoit Umwliu ft fitileli ai you do by hand. Hold outnsy termini m M2t AND AIM IjAOIvAWAXNA AVI2NUI3, H011ANTOX, l'A. July irri-sm. t It. , -.1 mi. -re --.lid " -T. Mt.irlt( ,i.i t '!)!, IN ftiiutui'nded hv Ir ll.W, .loliiii'i ttiiltnnis tilltft i ,C2, 172"EIT5 CJ.( Jojton, Mi.-s, bidtl b all dru:;i3'Ut-J. TUSGAllOIlxV AUADIiJIV, ACUDKMIA, PA. Tho .Villi Kehoil-jear boKtm Heptfmbfr Ct li. Location hcalthiul.attraetlvonnd well adapted to physio il developnuut. 1'roo Irom loalltm places and fuloons, tho lnfluenctH nro moral. Moio than .'l.oio jouhk men hau Lero bieii prepared lor Oolliyoor business. Tcthis modcrnle. Apply lor circular, lo 1.I). KTONIL A.M. .T.J.l'ATTKItSON.AI. ULlTiaiLvTKlunI COMMKUCIAfj INHTIl'tTTi:. Now Haven Conn, rreimra- tory t'olleo. llnstness.Hi'h'iitltlc KelioMs, II, S, Mllllarj and NaVat Academies. I'nll korsIou, (hhtysKtii year, begins Heplemtier 1J. 1 or eat nloRues, Ac, addiths tho l'rinclpal. HJOlltriTOWX CJiAbSICAfj IN HTITirii:. A crood nml ifo lloatdtnir hcltool for younu men aud boys. Terms moder ate, iscuu tor a rni'uiar, in-, -i, in unit, Principal, IHshtstown, N, .1. J7KMAW0 COIjIjKOK, JJorifonlown", X U. J., furnishes Iho best educational nd vantflixes, together with a pleasant homo, lloaid nml Tuit ion. lJt S ner vear. l'nr falaloirucs. nl- drebH llov. .1. II. Ui:aki:i.kv, l'h. 1'. CUOOIjKY'S MOUNTAIN SKMI- perlor Hchool In all its appolntmoots. l.itli opens HepI.Tjill. I It v. Ij. I.SrOtlTKNHUIKUt, l'rhulpal, achoolcy'H Mountain Hprlngs, Kvw Jerhcy, LKISAKON VAIjLKY COLLlXiK Annvlllo, Ta. For catalonuej, address 11, HAMMOND, a M., I'lCSlUCUI. VIRGINIA FARMS, &c. 170H SATjN. l'ivo flno Vartna, wltli ; MHU nud Koutulry. AddleiHnivner.lllrll Ann Iiiiiv, Nu. l.WIL'niy Ktreet, ltkliuioud, Vlr Blnl.i. II. HKMIinhON'S FAMILY L1QU011 OASES, Knch Caso eontnlulntrOno lint tie or OMi I'Al.n IIItANDY, I HOl.LAXn (UN. OI.UUYK WIIISKUV, Old I'AI.KHIir.IIUY, funk tiM roitr, I ui.n i.uuur.u.N, IJuaruutetd l'nro and of tho very llcst (iuallty, 1'itiuK hi:vi:n dollaum. Kcntby Kxpre's i. t). I.(or 1'ost-oillco ordf r. it. iii-;iiii. uujs, u uroau i-i .ow lone. Agents ! lioiul This ! II AVllil. PAY AiK.T A NAIjAIIY hp n:io ii:tt and i:neuHfki. or nllow a inre comniisslon to sell our new and wonderful Inventions. AddrcfcsM. WAUXi:iL,& CO., MHinhall, Mich. .u). wis "Vvai.i, imv iVcentH S.T.) ncr weel; to bell our crcat nnd valua- ablo dNcoverles, It you want permanent lion orahlo and iileasant wnilt, apply lor particulars. a Million dollars" Welti ewd but quiet men can mnlto a fortuuo by rovcalhi'4 tho ticietof tho business tti no one, SrAitdreM, K1XIAU H1MW. 'tiS lluudwiiy, Now orl:. pitOl'OSKD AJIKXD3IKXT TO THE CONSTI'Itf TJOX OF J'KNXSYJiVANIA. JOINT nnsOlU'TION 1'ronoslns nn umendmcnt to tho Constitution ot i vi in si i vii ma, Jltf it Hesohcit Lu the Senate and J fame of AVni'c- ncntatli'it of the Commonwealth cf Jnnsylvttitut in tivnrrm sisscmviii mu, i nai inu iimuwinanieim nu nt ot l lu Const It utloii of tnls Commonwealth bo proposed to tho pconlo lor their adoption or njectlon, puuuant tolhopiuvUlousot tlu tenth nuicio uiieoi, to wn; AMKNDMUNT. Str'Ico out tho hIMli .Si-ctlon of tho Sixth Aill clo or tho Constitution, and Insert in lieu thcro' nf t lui fiillnwitiif I "A htato licasurcr shall bo chosen by tho qualified electors ol thobl.ite, at snout lines and lur such term ot buivlco as shall bo prescribed by law." JAMLS 11. wuim. Mealier ol tho llouso of llcnuKc ntatlvii, WILLIAM A. WAI.LACi;, M.eaUtr ot thu heuaic. ApproMd tl.o fifteenth day ot June. Anno Domini ouo thousand eight huudieu and suen ly-one, ju. vy.ucaui. 1'iepircdnml ccrtllled for publication pursu- nui lo iuu iijuu A ui cio oi ino unikiiiuinm, 1', JOItlAN, Kccietaiy of tho Common wealth. OlleoKccictaiy of tho Commonwealth,) Itamsburs.July otti, IsTL j JulySI,71-tf. Bookrj. Twd17D Years CTild IuliansKaiDS, Tho lemarhahlo nlventuifs or tho lamous Will HI CUIia'nnd llKl WAHUIUU amonj; tho lted hlslns, Thrllllnsaccemnts ot lit eat Hunts, llnii breadth KhcaptsamriVrrlble CoutoitM with thu big Kiunonudho'dllo tilbes, hpltlled descrip tions oi tho habits and supciitltloiiti ot tliat stiaiiyu people, Their Hporl, J.eKeuds, Tiatll lloiis. Low thev Wo and Wed, hcatp, Doctor; Worthlp, Ae. Now, l'uh and 1'opuiur, 1'ilco Low. It is selllut; by thu thousauds w lth won derlul rapidity, Agents nro making liom SV) to situ per will;. Choico Held jet Micant, bend at ouco lor samplo chnpteis, IllUhltatloiis and p.u tlculaiti to A, Jl. millllAltli, i'ubllsher. Jau'.TTI-tf. itw Chistnut ht 1'hll.i. 'A Ititrrlj si.( ;S " . It I' ih.-.v wnn t lln niitr.1 (Hipti1 iiilM-rlpMnn lw.(ii( pui.iMi trultrniu Hrid fureirriiliiis tiothluv.Miid iimvtHM.rurt- m i lublI7Qly. A SVAV I'.OOIC of Iho Kicntosl Interest and Im pni tancc, Wilt ten fioin a hlh moial ami physl olocical standpoint, by nn eminent physician and medical piolcst.or, It idiows how batan la working out his subtle nml daueiousiU slus throiiiili our must saeieil domestic ami sitclal re lations, I'uro-mludud, but outspoken and an ure-sslve.tno nulhor hand lest ho ihllcato subjects treated of tvitliuutuloiet, but lu such a manner ns hot to minister ton prurient euiloslty, Thel'hys teat Jicgviicratton of the Jitter, Is a subject Justly fiillbtlm; tho interest nnd sympathy ol nil tiuo philanthropists, nnd this book. It Is believed, will contrlliuto to that end Just In pioporttou ns It has lenders, A circular si nt lreo, containing a full description nml synopsis or tho work with liberal extracts, 0. 1 VKN'T, Publisher, septTTy ly 0 Col lego i'laco, N, Y, JKW FIHJr AT OUANQKVILIjK IHOX FOUNDHY AND AOUICUL- TUHATj WOUKS. OIUUT JMI'IIOVLMLNTH IN PLOWS AND TIHtl-WIUNO MAC1II.VIW, Mr. Jacob Trlvlenleoo having purchased the luteiest oi Charles W, Low lu tho abovo named worke, tho business will bo continued under thu llrm munoof Wimiam Hciiuylku a Co. Having discovered several Imperfections In tho plows manufactured In lS7o, they havo strenaluened nnd luipioved them, nnd added somoentlro new patterns. They will open thoHpiing tra lo o ls71 lar luadvaneo nf auylhlutr over otleied to tho public, being both pi act leal mechnulcM, and hav IiiK their work nil dono under their own super vImIou they guaranteo their work superior In material nud finish to nuy herelofoiu ollered, Dealers should not accept of any oilier ngrlcuN tuial liiiplenuiUs until they liaoexumiuedoiir Manuli'ituio. raunerv shouUt try our plows beforo bu lug nuy other, They also manufacture ALL KI.ND tn-' CAWlJUW, usunlly inndo In first olnn Foundries, snw nud grist mill enstlugs, inado uud tilted up to order, Tlini-SIIIXa MAUIUXEa nro mnrto a Bpeclnlty, und somo very deeldod lni prnvemeuts navo bieu lntioduced fiilothelr ma. ehlueH, 1'rlceH lower than ever; nil kinds ot country pioducouud old Iron taken lu oxchaugo Order tllieetlrom the manutactury, Old ngeu cle.s supplied during tho winter, Addles all order to AVIiVljIAM KOHUYIjKU tt co AUUICULTUHAL WOUKB, OIlANUKVILIiK C0LUM11IA COUNTY, PA. Jan V Drugs and Chomicals. A GREAT MEDIC1 .iSlv... . Dr. WALKEXl- r VINEG-AR LiXTBIia Huntlrcda of ThoaraatlJ Ucnr tontlniftny ta their Wonrtar m lUlL'urniiTO j-.nicin. UA WHAT ARE THEV? IfnS O H o J O Ttmr Ann kot A VILR n a m n r n n I M K B f uu r n n w i v r 4 v Jtadaof Poor Itum, WhUItcrt Proof Hplrltn nml I teHi no'lcod orulewctl encd to plcasotho toeto, rnllc(lMTonlcP,",,ArrctIr crs," " KcBtorcnf," &c, thnt lend tlio tlprlcr cn U (Irunkcnncsa and rnlu,buttiroft trui Jlcdlclnc, tnatlo from tlio Katko Jlogtaiind Ilcrbaof California, lreo fnon nil Alcolndlo htlmnlntita. TLcynto tlio (HM.AT 11LOOI) l'lfltll li:it mat A LIl i: IVI.N(1 PKlNCIPLEapcrrcct Itcnovator nnd Ir.vlsorator cf tlio B j-ftcm, corr j-la- off Dltrolflonoua l l.itar &td rcttoi Ing tho tluod to n kcaltliy condition, opiruoa caatai:3 tucea 15Utcrj tccorclijg todircc lion ccd remain lone unwell. U1UD 7lllbo glrcDfortn IncnraUocaio,rmldcd t.m bones aro net dettroyed by mineral poluon or ether moans, &l4 tlio vUMorganawiictcd bcyoLdtiio I'olnt of repair, l'or Iiidninmnt cry nnd Cbrmilo I'.lirtimn t : f in aud ttout, Drppcppln, nr Indlseitloiit Llllouti lietiilttcnt und Intermittent PvcrM DlrcnscyofiUolllooilf LUrt Kldneyc, antt r.Iadttcr, tnceo lilt t era lavo been moft ftccctc fjl y licit DIsinncH era cautcd Vy Vltlntcd lilood, i l.lcli Is Generally jrotitictdty dcrasccncnt rt.u Dlcetlvo Orcnti'T. lUKPLPHIA Oil INIUfiLSTJON, Head i li,.', l'.;lu la tli j bl ouUcrr, Coughs, Tlghtr-cei cf tho ( i.Lt, DhslncE, Cour Kructatlocs cf tho Etomacti, 1 iat. -tolat!.a Juoulh, JJ.lions Attacks, P&lrltatlcn ii Vir Uatt, tho Lungs, Tain In tho i 1 1 i. Lf tl.o LUncye, find a hundred other talnful ; . . , r r tho ci.iprlcr;B of DyrpcpEln. . i , , thsbtciaacliandttlmalats thu tor ; . ,rr.Ld luwcls.whlcli render Hi cm of unequalled i o tyl. tlcrtlnj tho Hood of nil Impurillee, and : ; a. V.wz rt w l.u and Vlcor lo tho t.holo Byutcw. 1 o:tli:i DI&KASLS, Emrtlons.Tcttrr.Balt . ' .1'. i-l.t-r, L; ota.rimplco, 1 nitulci-.rtoild.Cnr ! i. . , , I... ,.ioiLifl, Ccnld'lIcad.Eoro I!ye8,nryEl?-e'.-,:.J, Uctf.t, Dipcoloratlonacf tho EUn, Humors f i iortlioL!:ln, of whatever, li - l.urally i'.u.t t.p and carried out of tl.o pystcm In a liicrtt.aiohy tliQuaoof IhcsoBUtcra, Ouo bottlo li i rih ca 'Co w 111 couvuictj tho mott lacrcdnloca of HCr curr-tlvo cHect, Ckfleu tho Vltlstcd Elood whenever you find Itn It parlllca bcrr ting thronsh tho skin In Tlmr-lcs, I'rup' Uvzi orScrcSt youmdltobatrnctcd and fclcgglsh la tho veins t clcaaso Itwhcaltldfoul, and your foellnjis will tell you when. Keep tho blood puro and tho health of tho system will follow, PIN TA P12 and other WO Kit IS InrUnaintho Frtcm of so many thouaands, aro effectually destroy elandrcmoved. Tor full directions, read carefully tho circular around cadi bottle, printed In four Ian.-puasca-EnGllEli.ticrman, Trench, and Spanish. J.T7ALKCR, Proprietor, K. U. McDO.VALD ft CO., DroggUH and Gen. Agents, Can rranclnco, Cal &nd and 31 Commcrco Etrvit, l-ew York. cxteold ur all d::iggist3 and un.u:n3. oct?3 70-tf. I on not wish to Inform you. lender, lint Dr. WondcrtuI, or any other man, has discovered a icmedv that cm oh Consumption, when tho lutis aro half consumed, lu shot I, will euro nil diseas es whether of mind, body etr estate, ni.iko men Ilvo fm over, and leavo eleath tn jdny lor want ol work, and is dCRlned to molto our sublunary spheuta bllsMul l'.uadlsc,to w hlch HeaMii ItsilJ snail bo but a bldo show. You have heard eiiouli ot that kind or humhusitcry, lltil when I tell you that Dr. Sato's Catarih ltemetly u-itl jumtivv 0 cure tho worst cases of Catarrh In tho llend, I only nsscrt that which thousands can testily to 1 will pay VW llownrd tor n caso that 1 oanvnl cure, A pamphlet kIvIiik symptoms ntidnthcr Information sent lu-c to any address. This rem edy 1 i SOLD I1Y MOT DIlUfKIIMTM IN ALL PAUTS UK TllL WOULD. I'lIcoMcenli, Hentby mall, postpaid, nn receipt of sixty ceutM, or lour packages- tor two ilolhus, Ilewam of taunt erf ctta and u-ojthltii imitattnni, Meothat my ptlvnto Stamp, which Is a pontile (flt(trct)ttcc uf ilenulnencki, Is upon tho miisldo wrapper. Hcmcmber Unit this prlvato Htanip. Issued byllioUulleilKlalesCiovcrnmentexpresH ly lor Mamphia my niedicincs, has my port i alt, nnino and addiess, and tho woids 'U, S. Corlin calo ot tlenulueness," ensraved upon It, and need not bo mistaken, Don't bo swindled by travelers and others leprcsenllHH themselves as Dr,h!ao;lam tho only man now llvlnii that has tho knowledge ami lluht to mnnu fact ntu tho Ucnuuxc Dt hnuo'KCalanli Itemuly, nud 1 nover trael to sell this medicine. n. v. n, m. i. oct2S'T0-lr. 1 1 Seucci ..treet, lluHalo, N. V, lH TIIH llEST LlNIMHNT IN TUB WCI.I.t ron iionsi:s. I'lnsT. Itlscomposeilot tho most towkiui. and I'knrti'.xtinu iiouLiis Known in ChemlHtry, Ht t'ONii. Combined with llio abovo is a Mi:m nx.L On-, mndo expressly lor this Ltultuent, and mixed by an enthely new process. Til i hp. Tho use or tiio jifiicf'iff nud pemtmUnri Inicdlents Is to dtlvoor loreo lu this beaulttul Mi.mciNAL Oil, which lubricates tho Joints nnd muscles, uiul luimedl'iti ly thtotttes tho disease, uiui eunipeis it k inuscu us iieamiy, sicuenin nud nolionous tancs. roL'HTii. This Medicinal On, Is used for tho samo reason that tigooil lnechanlo nlwayn nsefi mi ui iiuiiiu ins jiiiiruiitL'ry wont wiiu eaKuauti picclslon. Ho lu tho same way tlio mtiKClesiuid (olnts of ouranlmaH should bo luhilcated If wo wish to havo them tiaol with inpldlty and tnso. Fifth. Itls very snolhln; In Its action, will not burn or blister tho unlmal llko most ofthe "lid hot" liniments of tho day. HiMH, Not ono (imp ol tlnctuto ofcayeuno or red pepper can bo found In Its compodtlou; lor wo hold thnt no liniment enn bo eih-ctlvo which burns nud blfstei h tlio nulmal until tho muscles aio iiniti ami oiled almost tun erisn. Ki.VENni.Kvety bottlo Is WAHHAN TKH to kIvo Koim sausiacuou, or your money wm uu iciuuu ed. This shows conclusively that thn lirnnriG tois havo lull confldenco In this prenaiailon, uiiu 1'iiivft ii iuu mj L'inii limit iiiKi u, i. r n. Is tho best Liniment in tho world lor horses. Don't tit fiuo vour Merchttntto DalmarT 'fine. tuvcof Jlut J'cppiTtuitt Jlaitbhorntor othir traJi on juu, but ttk jor (J.K for una take noothir. Hold bvall iliu;ists. i. u, v.uiLv a i u.,hoio rropnctorfl, scptr73'lyl Ibj llc.idbtrecl, New Voitr, To nay person pvoluclnK any Modlcluo bhnw ln lnilrai many living, in-rinauciit cureHns luu I'rjI.H.'d Vl.lH.TAULK JtllUlMtATU ItKui:nv, I'si-it tmittnlli vntu, A Wcnt-ant Meilleliie, li'i'o liom Injtuluui iliii'i. wariuutcil, iimter oatti, luli.ivx itei'inaiii'iit ly iuu oilui In every tt-nts trt'jvlcil lu tlio p:ut ten yi-ar. ('t'. testimony.) It Is tlio 8flcntitli! picscilptlun ir 1'tottfi.sor Jul, l1. Kitlcr, M. li ,u Ki-ailuato (it tlio Unlvculty nr rennsylvanli. A. 1. Jsa.t, now nno nt I'lillaik-l plila'H nMt'bt if uttlar .iliyhlcl.uw.anil l'rnlL8.or or t'lu'mUtry ami 'loxtoolojiv, who has inado X(Mirnliia, Chronic ami Iniliinimatory iciieum.i t tho bptTliillty nr liU enllru pioiclonal llio a lact oiifliml ror tiy tho .lnatmci iiconin panylnoficli hottlo, nt many prominent renown elphyHlelans,eleri;yiiicli,iiiiilolher testliuonlaN. Inprolect MilltMiu Irom iioKouniiH (juaiU noi. truiii. anil iiielehM expundltuio nrnioney, 11 lewil kli;neiliiii,iriintio,slalii'ovuet niiinlierolliollToH wiiiianidl to onio, will ho torwanleil KratH lo any siiiiiierbfiallni! by I. Her n lull deKi-ilptlon nt iifiikilon. In eio-onl lulluio to cine, ainouiit paid poHlllvely lelunded. Medlclno lent any uhero hy espless, eollei t on ikllvery. Alllleted Invited to wrlto lor advlcoi all Inloinintlon and medlral iidvleo vent hy Idler matlii. 1'rlndpat o llee.ll) N.ulli I'nuilh Mm I, Philadelphia, l'a. 'Iho lleinedy U sold ur obtained by Drlitrglati. mar L'l 71 ly JACOH li. hmitii, j, it, HELTZER g M I T U ,t S 1C i, r 7. U 11, JiopoilmnuJ Di'aJsr. luKoicIcnandltouHbllc HA11DWARE, OUNS, 0UTL13UY, AC, NO. 09 . TIIIKD BTItEET, All OALL0W1III.L, rim.Auisu'juA. Jaa 171-ly OllOlii: l OUm'AIN VMM lur mlo clitap nt thin Uillie, ' " :t SB gEVKN UKASOXN WHY CESS MisccllanoouQ. gOJIHTIIINO NKWI Tho imdernleoed wnnld hereby Rlvo notleo llint lio ban jn.t rntnnlotnt A PIltMT CI.AKH,and that liolin.tbnrnollltloNrorearry nK nntlm buslncsi of UNDKUTAICINU In nil lln branches IN OITV MTV Mi. Holms ciiRnftnd nxpprleneed pcrnons who will talro charge, oft ho linit len nt thn deceased nsnonn ns they ''idinmo or till, mortal coll," nnd nltend to washing l.helil,Khavlnir, ilrunnllitr. Ac, Hlnoiids rtirnlshed also to order, At much oxpeuso ho hns also procured nn IJtON I01J BOX, In which bodies can bo preserved In n cleanly and dry condition. Cnrrlngni fnrnlsheil ror ru neral oecaslons, in borl. hols prepared to take chnrijoor n corpso linnieiilaleiy arier death, and snvo frli ioH and relnllMs all further truublolu reirnril to It, llo also carries on tho business of 0 A 11 1 N U T JIAJCINa t'pliolsterlint In nil Its brnnebe s.repalrlim rnrnl lure, rcsentlni cano bottotned ehalrn,Ac ,vc rincoor business on Jiou Ktreet, below Main. ItUlllMlT ltOAN, Illoomsbiirir, July IS, 1670-tl, ' ARION PIANO. i.T,',','1,K,','Tr''...,'.,"lr"n,''nl' 1,1 llio World. It n rnTC V "'J" ' ' ' f. I'rllllancy nnd i, i.J.1 J",:, "iwlnl Iff""' to'Jenehers. MArlted l'ninphiti ,cii"'11". t-iiid ror Illustrated Arlon mar 10 .1 tr.t itAlrnr l'ni'.,f. p.i QA1UIIAGE lANUFACTOKY, llloomsburg, Pr. M, C. BLOAN & BllOTllUU Havo on lmnd nnd for unlo nt tho most reasona ble raie-i u splendid stocic or CAiiuiAOKfi, nuaan, and every doscrlpllon of Wagons both PLAIN AND l-'ANCV warranted to bo inndo of Iho best nnd most ilur- nmo maieruus, nun ny ino nmsi xi.erlence woilEinen. Allu-mlr hinL tint, rini.t tbn nutnli. Ushment will bo louud to bo of tlio highest etass it i in ouii) i u ui u piTifci. Mtutii iciioii, iney unv also u lino assortment of H L ll I O II H ofall tho newest and most lashlonnblo fdylcs n fii uuu taiuiiiuy Jii.uio mm oi ino m.iiei lals. All ItiHt.r-it Inn nf Itinlr Wctr la nulrnl na 11 I believed that none superior cull bo found In tho euuniry, jau 171 lAUMLlt.-)! IIXAMINK ANUllUV" r T IIK O 11 IOINAL, UAUaiPH 1IKINU Titr. KtrfcT haw PoNn PiiosrnATK M.Uje AH otheis are Imitation. 15 A U G II J S It W KONK BUPKH rilOSrHATK OF LIME, FATjIj, SftfiWr 1S70. This Manure Is modo of Itaw nr Unbitriied 1'ones, i ich lu Nitrogenous inntter, dissolved lu OU of Vitriol, present Ins tho llono Phnsphnto In ii hUthly hotuliloiind iiileltly uvullablo hirm.and tho Ammonia In such pioportlon ns to Insuro a nromntand lcorous netboi unon iimcrnns. Wheio llaimh's PhoNphato was applied the hum, hmviiii 1 1 m iiiuiniuoiiN, w 1 1 1 1 )ii i excepiioi nro thnt It 111 in ii 1 ii t ii t it Its 7oll enrtifil lion, Worenuest till lu need of a I'ertlllzir to give iius nriiciu u iriai, r. a u a it & sons, MANUi'AcrL'nnna, OrriOK NnWH. l'elnwnro Avenuo I'UILAllKt.lMIIA. 1VT0 tr. niAItLli, A. DANA, LJltor. She goHitv 'Wc f lily un. Ncs;iaperr.I llio Present TIinrn, lnterd.-d for Peo:L Nuiv on r.urtli, Iiicltiillrj: ratmerc, Mcrlift'itcJ, Mi-rrlunts., I'ro r-i3loiial Men, Woilicr, TliluUcrs, mil nil Man nor of IlonuH roUt, an I tlio Wlvu, Soun, mil linal:crof alliticli. ONLY ONE DOLLAIt A YUA It I fix:; iir.NDitr.i) copiin for bmu ( r !.- than C)n Cent a Cory. Let tlicra bo a 83 0 cia'j at every 1'oat OHlce. tinII.WLr.KLY SUN, SJ A YKIK, of t'ic nmo tlto ml General clnractor a Till'. WI:kKI.Y. but wiiu a i;rc.itcrvarUty ol mltrcl!aiu'0U9rcal!ii?,niid fjrnhlilns ttio newa to ill sun-icrlbeis w Itti ui cater froJlincRi, liocaugo u coiiici tw ice a Ti ucU lastci i of oacu only. THE DAILY Bl'X, Q(l A YPAIE. A I'rcPmlnciilr imwipni er, witn tlio lu-'(t.i circul.uiJii in Uu wiiml tree, lint p. lonant, and h.ul'i In iiohtle. All tbu iiowh i-y. r wrtuiw I v . rem a copy i by wall, ZO cluij u luuntli.oi g(i a )ar. Ti:nMS TO CLUD3. nu: dollaii weekly m.. I'.vo copica, oaa yoir, Bo;.arate;v addreiiit. l'ojr Dullfirt. Ten i'orio, one ycir, f em ratcly aiMrefscJ cutf i.j tfiracoj- to llie setter u,nn Iud). Elulit Dolhirw. Twentr ropic. ono voir, separately adihme.1 ( i .a an imra cojiy iy tiic iicitfr up or cmio, I'll! ceu Dollnm. PKty corl". enc ycir. to ono ft'l-lres' innd tlio b'.'imu taU!) ouu j im r to ceitcr u i uf lulu, Thinylliro Dull.n-i. fifty ropiM, rear, cparatelv nUrcsi-cil (aiul tiio biuit Wccntyoaejo irroeiiicr ut ofrmt), Ttilrt)-Ho Dolliiiu. Ono Jinnilro.1 r-rlcp, ono jcir. tn ono n.Uresn m 1 tho bully for ouu jcar lothoci'ttor naof C"L I'Hty DnllaiK. One liiimlre t cipii. ono year, n-par.itely ml. Orce 1 (an t tbolijlly toroaoioir tu mo icttir WoicUb), Mxty llollurs, THE SEMI-UEUKLY SUN, riro rotili-t. oco j car, Beparatclv n1lrop'l. i:iulit Dollars, Ten coMf r, oro rear fcnaratrly ofidreBicd (ami uairsti atopy u teller up or it ii.j, lB 1 MMeeu Dollar!. SEN'D YfJUir MONEY w!TLrmpJ rrt. cheeks, or han on NVw iiri,,i.Ii!',c.r ridcnt. h'liot. tneu rcjrluir liiuliUurictuitalulniuioipy. AiMrcw 1. V7. i:.-ni,vn. p.iiill.licr, bua olllcu. Now otk City, Pa t b n t r p lULtMmn ;in, 1869. OUU LT.LIXUATI D GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. rcitMMi uiiy vuirs M h run iuu mill Jii0 per iiKiiilli. I'm 111 u t r a 00 iwr "! 'i u minplo I'tim, lo ti 11 1 1 Ihouuihi fid ti'iilxl lit buicw, t.00 litiltv bukin, 'J.oo, tMnh Westeun Vun-isiiiNO Co. M iifat-turcis' Agcnti", rituljiirgh, Ta, 13 tHrTIii.-TlicBM-iil i.opulurllroftli(o tlMllllsUU IJ IIIIHIT IMIII1IIIUIIBU1 I llillwiia uf mi Inlf. i s rl.r ,11,1(111, 1r liiiitUU, I lur uiily Hm nt-iiulii r i s ii:Nsoiaijy iiii.i'oijijninj lit-11 ti iuu r wi . j ' TUN ri:1.l41iyltiuruiijniiij, laurl. t!,iif fvr I'd,. ultK.ur .Nitiuf. 'I on 11, 1'uuiili, ii.l Mul( iilitluly wrllttu. mij urdir. Mill luivt ulllt pruuifi uuiuuuu. JlHI W71 ly UK IULI.S. jimt printed nn coml pnner nnil In llionontest njiu,JUMTlui;,HiiiiiiL''i'Aiii,i:'Kri;i:iiii.i.s nml iiirnfito nt tlio CiiMTMiiiAN iillUe, Tlio law ii'unlreH Justleetiiil tlio Teueoto liuion Ktulllll put up In their cilices, muler tt penally of tl() tuiU Uoublu tlio iimouut ul lUu leeb cliuugoU' If at i ) W or THE W AGEI Patent Mcdicinoa. II UN11Y T. nKIiJUlOl.U'hf I) O II 1' O UN 1) K I, U Mi l:.XTBACT I'AIAWtlA a 11 a ! 12 i iiit.H tomponc nl rurti-Flukl lUtracl Itlmbarl , t 1'tttUl tract OiUmta Urtmt Jutcr. Toil COMPLAINTS, JAUNDll i.. , I0UH AITIIOTIONH. Htfit OU Svl ?- iti;Ai)Auni;,tjosTivi:,Ni:HH, ihv r vi:oi:taiii,k, containinu no .nrffl' MINintALH Oil DUM5Tr.Iltot! , '"Jl "us. TIlCSO l'llls nrn llintnn.f. ,,,.. . . purgative, niiporeillnS enstor nil, mlV' nesh, etc, Thcro is ni.lhlnj, moro ncecpi,' tho Rtnmneh. Thow .... . 1 . ,..u uiui', uud eau,o rii nnnseii uor grlplni pulns. They nro con i)f Iho final Ingredient). Artcr ft few diy 1 Ihem, such nit Invlnomtlon of tho entiro s tnkes plnco ns tonppenr miraculous to Hi., nnd cmrvntcil, whether nrlslng from I, ilouco or dlsenso. lI.T.lIcliiihold'8Ci)in riulili:xlrnctUiiUHb.iUrnpo l'llls nro no.' cuntod, from llio ruct thnt Mi!iarcuilul pi iiijtillsotvo.lnitpnsstlirouahtliostoiimclnt illMolvlns.cniiscquenlly do not prmlncoii klred eirecl. Till) CAT.VWIIA tlltAl'l pi liclnsplensnnlln tiwtonnd odor, do nut n Into their lielnj ntignrconti4. l'l'.ln 1 CliNTH I'1'.UIIOX. 1 JiiMiir t. Jiuuinoi.b'n. Htnilt.V (OXCKNTnATICIl I'OMI'OPSII I'l.UlU UXTllACT HAllSAl'AUIMA Will rndlcnlly oxtcrmtiinto from tho r. Bcrufiiln.Hyphllls, I'ovcrHorcs, Ulcers, Hrot Boru Less, Koro Mouth, llend, Uiunc Hklu DUcnses, H.ilt Ithcui.i, nlikcrx, Uuu. from Iho liir, Whlto Hwellluss, Tiiinon, 1 ccrous Allecl Ions, Nodes, nickels, t ll.ind it Ins, Nljilit Mwents, Hush, Tetter, Humor. , Kinds, Cliroule rilieuiuntlNm, iy;pep .i(in illssnso thnt bus been tslnblbhtd In 1,1 ' for 5 card. l!cli)gprepntedi:XI'UIHI,Yf.rllicii 11 plaints, llHlllJOII-l'UlllrVl.Nd prepiu 1, greater llinu any other piepnrnlloii ol Hm rlll.l. It glles tho COMl'I.I.XION ft ck 4 licnltliy color nud UHloKH llio pntkiit In ol lin.Ul'lt nnd 1'UltITV. l'or 1'iinijn, lltood, icinovlng nil Chronic Coiislitullui enses nrlHlug fiom nn lmpurot.tato m Uio And tlioonlyrill.ililonudcirectunl tu D dy lor Mm euro of l'nlns nnd Hwtii . Hones, Ulcernllotis of tho Throat mid ( Illotehes, I'lmplcs on tno l'nco, i:rj ip nllhealy llruptlous of tho Skin, nud Himih llio Completion, l'rlce, SIM per liotIK IIKXIIY T. llELJUiOl.D's i'oscr.Ti:,vri;n i'l uii) j:xtjia cj'ji can, tiii: uui:at lucitiiTii, lins cured overy enso of Diabetes In Willi been given, Irritation of tho neck of the nud ililtammntloii of tlio Kidneys, I'ku tho Kldnoys nnd lll.idder, itctentlou in lilscasesof tho riostatoUliiiid.Ktono jut der. Cnltuls, (linvil, Ihlckdusi. l)ep k, Mucous or Milky DUchnrges, nud for 1 .. und llelicntoColislltlltlonsof both Sen 1, ded with tho following Hymptomsi IikIi Hon to Kxorlli'll, loss ol l'ower, lossnr M Dlillcully of llreatlilng, Weak Ncno, , bllng, lloirorof Disease, Wnkclulnc s, Pi of Vision, I'aln In llio l!oclc, Hot llnml , I liijof thu llody, Dryness ot Iho tikni, I.i on tho l'ace, PnUld Countenance, Ui t.nssitudo of tho Mitscul ir System, V . Used by portions Irom mo nges orcein Iwenty-lHc, nnd trom thirty. Ilvo to llllj ., lu tho decline or eliango or life; nfh r cn mentor labor pains; bcd-weltllig lu iilr Helmhold's Kxtr.icl ltucliu Is Diur .1 lllood-l'urllylng, nnd cures all dlsc.c . llom Hnbltl or Dissipation, nnd 1 n Iliipiudcnces lu l.lfc, luipuiltlcs or In etc., MipcrscdluixCopabla in nlkcilons f r It is used, nnd Hyphllltlc Atrectlmi' 111 diseases usetl lu connection with HI I.Mlli ItOSIl WAHII. l.ADIT.-l. Ill ninny nllectlons peculiar to 1 .,' tract llucliu isuueiiii.illedbynuyot . r .l 11s Is Chlorosis or Iteteullon, Irrc ;u).irlt 1 luliicss or Htippicsslon of Custom ,y I HoiiH, Ulcerated or ischirrus Htato or tlio I l.eucortliu'a or Whlles.Hterillly.niid for till jilaliits Incident tn tho hex, uhetlier rl' . IndiscrelloiinrlI.ibltsofDNsl)iatloii. ) 1 scribed exleuslveiy by llio most eniineul inns and Mldwlves lor rufcebled ami 1) Constitutions, of both heses nud nil a;ci did with nuy of tho ubovodlsoas( lor f in, 11. T. IIIll.MliOI.D'S KXTltACTl'.l W CUU1N DIHIiAHKS AllHINO l'UU.M IM i' di:nci:, jiAitiTrt or dihsipation, i lu nil their ftnges, nt lltllo expense t It II eliango lu diet, 110 Inconvenience, and posurc, It cnuseH n frefiucnt dcMie, mil fctrengtli lo Urinate, thcreliy rcinov Uu l Hons, Picvcntlng nnd Curing Hlrlctiire Uretha, Allnylng l'.ilu nnd Inllaiiiia ' frequent 111 tills classof disci ,ninl(Ai all 1'olsonous matter. Thousands who havo been llio l 'L comitclent persons, nud win iiavo paid fees to ba curtd in n short time, have fouin) iiavo been deceived, nud Hint tlio "Pol 'in by Iho uso of "powerful astringents, bicn-i up iu tho Kyctem, to brink out lu 11 1.101c vatod form, nud perhaps nlttr Mnnla :e. Uso HIU.MUOr.D'H IIXTUAIT I'd fill 1' AllVctlonsnnd Dlsenscs of tlio Urlsi iry t whether existing lu Maloor I'YnuiIe, (mm ' ever cnuso oiiglnntlng, nnd 110 m 1 r 01 I0113 stnudlng. 1'ltlCli ONIi Dun Ml .1 I'llTY CKNTUl'int i;oiTt.i:. iikxuy t. iiHr.Jinoi.D's ni- I'jioviii) jioan wash cannot bo Biirpnsscd ns 11 1'.U'I.' ' bo fouml Iho only speclilo icmcdy 111 t r species of CUTANIIOUS AITKCTION. It " dlly erndlcales I'IMI't.ns, Kl'oT.S, WOI.lll DIlYNl'.'jM.INUUltA'noN-IoftlloCl T.N1 Mi:.MIUtA.N'i:, etc, dispell ItUINIM n I CI1'I1:NT l.NI'l.AMATIO.V, 11IV1.-I, I!" .MO I'll l'ATCIIKM, DltVNlISS 111' W U' ' HKIX.ritOSTIIlTlN.nndnll purpoei r SAI.VJiS or01N'l'.Mr.NTSniousudir I sklu to n stato of purity nud softni' 1, ami i- sines couiiuued lienllliy nitlon to 1110 11 " Its vessels, on which depend llio ngie ab'-i uesa uud vlvacityol complexion so mu n : 1 aud admired, Hut liowovor vnlu u.o w leuiedy lor existing dereets of tlio :t'n H 1 HeluiboM'd lloso Wash lias long su fi a 1 piluclplo claim lo unbounded pat nu possessing qualltUs which render H a 'H" Al'l'I.NDAOi: or the most Hupt r Congenial character, comblnlug In an c ' ru!!uu!:it!iosopromlucntrcrjtilsltft,HVl'l-T. 1 J liri'lUACV tlio luvurlnlilo uccoiiinaiiniicii' 'i lis uso ns a l'rcservallvo nnd Itclu .licroi Complexion, His an excellent Lotion lor l easts ofn Hyphllltlc Nature, und us nil H'J"' lor diseases ortho Urinary Oigans.nil'.uig m 1 habits or illsslpailon, used In coiiucclloli IlioHXTKACl'HIIUCIlU.HAUAI'Ailll.I.A, ' CATAWBA (JUAl'i: I'il.I.S.ili sucii dlscas rocoiiimen.tcd, cannot bo suipussed. i'liltli ONE DUI.I.AIl VIM DUTl'Li:, I'ull nnd explicit directions accompany II ' medicines. j;viuencioiiuoinnsircsponsitiio nuu ri thninoler liirnlshed rm nppllcullou, with h""- drills or thousands or living witnesses, nnd u," wnut or S0,io unsolicited ceriincntcsniid meuuatory letleis, ninny of which aioliom 1 highest bomccN, Including emlueut l'hjsli Clcigymeii, Htalesnicu, etc, Tlio pioprlelor 1 uevcriesorted to their publlcatlou lu Iho 11 " pnpeis; lio docs not do this Mom tho l.m 1 ills articles rank iu Htnndmd 1'rcpnintloun, i'1! do not m oil to bo propped up by certlllciiti ". Ilt'inj T. IIilliiliolil's ttciiillin' I'lt'iiiiiadiiti,. Dillvcrid to any nihil cm, Hecuro front olsii" vntion. Istnlillshcd urwnrds of twenty ycnis. hoiu u; 1, i.'Ak, lor 1W formation, In coulldenco lo HUNltV ' I, I), Druggist mid Chemist , n.,i ir p uri.Mnnr.D'H Drug owJ Chemical Wnichouso, No. C3I llroudnny, Nf or In II 1 1 TI M f fll l 1'H llldlCUl 1('I,OT 101 Koutli Tenth blreit, I'hllndelplilu, l'a. HKWAiii: or couNTi:uri:i'i'i.iiH. aj j ll.Nltvr, HKMIUOD'sr. ATKB NO orilr"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers